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REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL. IXem ?tor?i JMiwne REAL ESTATR AND FINANCIAL. r?.RT x vi\ PAGES. SUNDAY, ?TUNE la. 1015. P\RT V. SIX PAGO. O?fand **-> [Bimm^ims fslSlSSlS^ Al I hirri and Ovinpton .Avenues. All Aboard for Brooklyn By Way of 4th Ave. Subway Operation Arranged to Begin Saturday Next with New All-Steel Cara Purchased for Dual System Use? One Foot Wider and Sixteen Feet Longer Than Those on the Interborough Line ?Cost of Construction. ici?-. :ated ? i eom not n ef [e at sattl ? ? ? ? ? '? ? Y ' i - for du??! ar? They an i *?n *? he ru.-h h? ti-ru-h hours, ely, m the ? n p???r- <-. MV can It hours tl an in ? ? ? - ? >????7."* -. or . ? ? load : , gainst ?J ?<?* ?-,? -. and a half ears. , tei Manhat l**?p ml tendii through ? BrojC'. ' ?? ? ' ? -t. north under M. i re appro?' ' i ? ' ' ? Flntbu-h av. Th? Fo irth at - ubway trunl road, i s h m ? ???hland Place. ? .. ?bout the four ti *. ???, the Sea I -1 - ? Hamilton. ? face eai - running to ! be exchanged. In . Beach connr? \?hen COB? ? Itttu '.? ? .? fW) ? ?\ and (?ravmend no? under eon ? ill connect ?? il I rhe other up be a connect ?? Brighton fran? ? ?BtSioo t?l the sabwsy from i'ulton, it., near A .--.**? Brigh -? ? ? ? ted over th' *:- i Beach line. Fourth av. ?ubv ;th st.. Non Utrecht . . York and operated undei leaae ? i ompany a-. ; ? in ar av, subway nn<! Model apartments at Seventy-first Street and Ridge Boulevard. State Loan Associations Report Gain of $4,000,000 League for Home Savings Never So Strong or Pros? perous, the Total Assets of Its Members Aggre? gating $68.500.000?Many New Mort? gages Written and Withdrawals in Year Promptly Met. , "Our league registers the hich water mark of prosperity. Notwithstanding the unsettled conditions, our institu? tion show an increase of $4.000,000." These remarks were made in the ' eour-ae of an address by Martin S. Cohen, retiring president of the New York State League of Savings and Loan Associations, at it? twenty-eighth annual convention at the Young Men's Christian Association Hall at Port I Jenis, N. Y., on Thursday. Frank Ljrbolt, Mayor of Port Jervis, i delivered an addrer-s of welcome, which 1 ,.-4 side of Fourth Avenue, from Ninth to Tenth Street. In Fifth Avenue. Looking South from Forty-fifth Street. Upper centre picture?In Seventv-hfth Street, near Ridee Boulevard. Lower centre picture?At Sunset Park at Forty-first Street and Seventh Avenue. Big building u new Public School 169. bo operated ?n connection with it. The Ion Reach R ? milarl) operated in com Ml the city ? . 'mm the ! m i - - May, If08, I ? ? -.ihr i . I I'll,' begu 1909, i I ? raet pries ? am B ? and the Tidewat? r Bu I and Thomaa B. Mr lion ut tho subway from 4'...-. I were ? : s;on it. Septembei Ifi, 1912, to ,;' Deg non < ? work o/ot lei it. two a? running froi ..? . and tin ? ? '?' ion fi oi ? l "-'.-' "5 i decorating I ??' the ? ? id m i- Fourth A i have a coioi scheint of ita owi ?" dif- . . The - and ? -o, and ? ' in a <i > pa rat? b) the i 'ions ' to foe The Fourth A ? a'ed with the Bohrd of Ra| Railroad 'or-imi* I Its was the Board of Estimate and ! tionntent .' ? rized Continue ?1 on vf s PRENDERGAST WILL SPEAK AT MEET1N? Will Talk on Port an< Terminal Facilities at Queens Chamber. i ,,? ? Hei Prendergasl will ? e Chamber of Comme ? . ' i ' ,. . ? "1'i.rt and Terminal Facilities." Th? stand ? th?- Board of Estim?t? waterfroi ? i.t tlie rit?,. 1 lock ? ommii \. i Smith and Borough oil) ?ill also i ? he chamber at this me< ? ill be in charge ? h ich F. I '. Thorn? .nan. This committee ; t.. be very active in the com i ng ng e x t e n s i ? '? mile- of ?rater? ?? ens, \mong the In ; '. urged are th? folio? three barge terminal? in Queeni bj 'he con receiving and ng facilities tor the grea' \-ill b<" handled ?? foi the manufacturer? ? gh. ? un of the marginal freight Long I ind Cit? ? ! . similar io that I ooklyn. The dredging ol t'reek to a .its of he brougl I I I the <i -ones situated on this stream, thus saving the grm pence of lightering freight To have the city of New York ac title to the land between the es-? tabi.ibed bulkhead lit Flushing Creek, SUBWAY CELEBRATION PROGRAMME JUNE 19. Marathon rare will start from the Brooklyn side of the Manhattan Bridge alone ibe subway route to Sixtieth Street, morning. Free athletic meet for aehoolbojra, at Second Naval Battalion Armory, foot "I Fiftj ?i'i'in-1 Mreet. 10 a. m Special train bearing cltj officials and member-? of the Public Service Conmieaioi ?ill lea\<- the Municipal Build'ns. Manhattan, over the Fourth Avenue subway to ( oney l-lainl. 1 p. m. Luncheon at the Kidge ( luh to official? of the city, Public Sen ice f'om ni!"-->ion and Brooklyn Rapid Tranait. At the luncheon, moving pictures ?ill be sh?i?n of the progress in building the Fourth Avenue subway from the time it ?as first launched. Prominent speakers, among them Bird S. ( oler, ?ill address the gathering. < hildren's parade and exorcises, in ?hich 10,000 voungsters are expected to take'part, will start in front of the Bay Ridge High School, at .1 p. m. There will be a parade of Boy ?-?outs, high Bekool hoys and girls and hands, drum and tife corps. The parade will he followed by the singing of patri? otic song?.?the raiding of the American fing and a ?alute by the entire as? semblage of ? hildren. \ddre->?e-> will he made by citi/ens and officials. The prire es-say on "Ra\ Ridge, the Fourth \?."nue Subway and It? Future," will he recited hy mean* of twenty-fne phonograph-), ?el in motion ?imultane ously by an electric battery. ??"d al?r> to s"c-ire an appropriation fr-i?i the Tnited State? government for' ?Iredcmg n channel further inland to accommodate the growing cor-1 at that pon' To woi,, with the Brnokh n SSSOcis in obtaining improvements in Ja maics ; Th- chamber ha- recently become affliated tnrough member-hip in th?* Chamber of lommerre of I and I G ">. Tho-r-a?. president, has ben ippoi I ted national councillor to repi' ? ? Queen? Borough At the meeting a refeiendum of the na ??'.?iil chamber on the subject ?-if "The nng of the Merrhsr' Marine"! ?rill be considered. New Tenants for Dwellings. The Houghton Comp?n> leased for Ella W. Jackson, through J. Metcslie ' Thomas, the dwelling 1*7 West 91st it. t,i Anna Rogers. The Daroai Company leased dwell . ' Mary Wal-h a' Id Van Neat !" re jreare; \'\\ West n-n ?t to ? Hof mann; M Barrow it. to Mr? De Voy. and 128 and 121 Wttt Hth st. to Stephen i I ' eased the dwell? ing? at 620 and f-12 West IMtl i ? .-e & Rlliman have rented for J->hn T Terry to a client for occu the four story and basement : ?on av. and the four ?vnd ba?ement house a' \~ :?i\ it. b? ? .loseph T Low. Joseph. P Day has been appointed the exclusive sales agent of ?he I'nited Piece Pve Works plant at Nyack. N Y The plant has 100,00?) ?quare feet of floor space. SEEK HOME RULE FOR WESTCHESTER High Official Favors Uni? form Laws and Local Legislation. The Westehester County Plan Com-1 n fubmitted a report to the Board of Supervisor.? last week, in which suggestions are made for a home ' ? ? lot: and which ?rill be tub- ! ? to the Constitutional Conven? tion. The repoi ' led b] Henry R, . Barn- in; F'an irl P. Have?. Edwii '?'? h ?ke of Mount ? ? I non, Ma m '" St ' K'l. I fonner Senator ?' Mayhew Wain* ' lin. The report makes ?uggirstion frtr a measure ?hirh will Stop st" and advoc Hoption of uniform law? to permit a larger de? gr?? of separate and local legislation for Weetchester ?'ounty. Senator Wainvenght told the super - that there ?as a broad interest throughout the state on the que*tion re efficient county government, to increase the economy and also for more concentration in county laws. The supervis?? ? s and direc'ed that the leg-sla issist the comir. in urging the Constitutional Conven? tion to arrange for the change in the las * Long Island Leases. John F Seotl lublel for H. Hobart! Fcrter the Winant cottage at Lawrence F?-arh. Long Island, to Miss F.ulalie Van ? Ltr.nep. L'Ecluse. Was!.burn ?I- Co. leased for 0. vT Anthony his residence at Plan-1 deme, Long Island, to W. G Demarest. was responded to by Walter Rriggs, of Sehenectadjr. John J. Hopper, Register of No., York I ounty, rond a paper, on "The Torren.-. System of Land and T.tlo Registration." Charlea O'C.Hen "?' Nef ?- oik; Webb I', ( uoper. . . Walter Seott, of <lr Thoma? F. Larkin and Thomas J. Skuae, " Brooklyn, diacuaaed "Shall Premiumi He Aboliahed bj < hn-topher Gr ?poke a- a <'ontrolling Factor in th? of Loan?," and Arthur M. Hani, of the Sage FotM ? r ,. v?; r.. on "Cri dit ' Ilioil.l and Their Relation to Savinfl and Loan Assoi itioi On 'he question of "The Land Bitrk of the State o?' New York; ft- Organization and Progn Edwin F. How ell. of New York; *' I Duraek, of Brooklyn: R- <<. Pi iverneur, and John J. Hillon were the speakers. "The N'l inffl and L' . plained bj ?' w Fincu-, of the first F rmei \ ? rev i lie. Archibald 9T. Mc? Ewen, secretary. A (tinner was held on the ever the leeond day a' the Hotel Mitchell. Klmer E, Stan ton, of the ! I napi r OB "Some Kle mei ? * ? '. ? ' ocia tion," and < harle- ? Zol'.er. of Rochei Man ami ? and I."an Association.? The commit? tee* on resfilutions anr finance and the treasurer'? reporta wet. Hi i peeeh, In part, follows: "Since oui- lait convention at Hu' falo American monied institution? have been put to the test, and the success with vrhich they have withstood trtaa and -tram marks a turning ?? financial i lie na? tion. Purmg this penod of : nancial '?anco the ?avin?s and loa-i s ? continued in the even tenor of their way. When other Inst ifii-o,| m ?oan monev our aoi ' . mort caces on homes Withdrawal? wer? prompt!-, me' without delay or obier tion. There wttt no run-? on saving? and loan associa'ioni. ana our member! showed their abiding faith in us by I depositing their savings in our c?-.rTers. "The total assets of the associations in New York State aggregi.: 000, a better jho?vin(r than ever in our history, the local SSI with but few exceptions, show; creases. "It is not an idle prophecv to sav that within the nex' Kmnire .State ??ill assume the p< in the buildinsr and loan ?r? in other' en? deavor. The mistakes and misfortunes of the pa?t teach us a leaf Tho abuse- that o rions have been chare- h d ?? appeared; : tions tha* ?till H -eins comnoUed by stal the nei'-' order of co id I "The Sew York laws governing ?av? in?s and loan associations ara modelj .??h;ch are beintr copied by n'her states, a? th?- ? the b?s* thou rhts of the active men in the movement The necessary re ? inrarentlv ?ur'ail .?err.?- of I .?eeni an at > I Most of th.' mied them "Ambas ?ador 'i dent ..[" la- ? ??hen ? - .i*- S tat ren . Bank of the ganizcil with a pa I" t>, '.? 'V. ?1 .? one ?avine? and loan i field t'narieo then ? . what might be called p i ami defln it the low? est interest rate pr?t ling in ?he. money market. T ? f .tsf bunds has been floa-e.i o: basis a? tho?e of th-' Cil Votk. "At *he outbreak ol I pean war in August the financial situation ? be ?'hole world .rbed, ?a? difficult f?i ' i ' . ?:b!e dnnger of a sudden ?-all for funis, 1 appointed n COI Rg of former : Judge l '.i ? ark, ? no, with myself, advised ?trinton? dei * R The beratiom of this eom v? ?. mad? ?vhich the - B inks ? and loan .. ciatio:. -'.ne that ???ilow, if they deenn sary, the example of the savings hsnks bv taking advantage of the >:.vy day I :le thi? letter was Ii nature of ? ? that a situai I -?rise which would require prompt ietion. ? a bulletin to I I 'her affiliated ?vith the league or ,not, ap '.ns. and .< some time c,i;le.l fur .. ' any association might requ appeal for . :ous ?ate. However, no contingency aro?e which lem? as withdrawals were normal. enforce iif our asacN si take ? .ige of the - ..?.-. indent of Bank ? All w ithd ? ' of our iii memb?-' that no other financial orf During the yei ?.mg rd npo:> to ad Rgie asso . .?har?? of building rind loan as ' ? OSS ts pro v.-nip tion ??? i *<>cia While w.' ?tideav -'. procure omplete exem] from all :<?\ation in th? ' was felt that, a? tie ?nreal '" the la? expires by ! M he cur* rear, tne burden could be easily ?ii I have *ent to eighty-two a? oc affiliated with the league. 1' e to these letter?, rtgt M have joined." In his address Reglet? ?he advgr Ti>r* Und i, and the New York l