Newspaper Page Text
New Secured Debts Tax Law The teat o? the New York law and a summary of the essential detail* of the tai and tax exemp? tion Statute*? which tfcrettly ?f feet bond? and ?uniler securities owned bv resident? o? New York State, will be furmthed oo retrae?'.. Send for Booklet 63 Harris, Forbes & Co Pitt? Stroot. Ctavvvar WHUant NEW YORK W. N. Goler & Go. 43 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK CITY INVESTMENTS High Grade Municipals Legal for New York Savings Banks To Yield 4.20% WAR STOCKS Standard Motor Cons. Electric Boat Car Lighting & Power The tr. -t possibilities of ?It to realize. ons seem m he in s.iz'i t. Ask for Circular No. 103. C.W. HARRIS & CO. Mrrol.rra of N. V. ( tirl, Murket Ana's. 50BR0IDST., H.?.??:;:r?;:5.,. ?jLtia:rwi;i'i.i'i?-i?3aa? STANDARD WE WILL BUY? WJE. WILL SELL 25 Pralrla Oil 1 Cu I 25 Continental Oil 25 Prairie Plr* Line I 25 Galena Slfnal Pfd. ?5 South Penn Oll I 25 Galana Sl?nal Cam. 25 ti. 0. of California ^,?15 Ne* Yerk. CARLH.PFORZHEIMER&CO. , :s aaoAD st., m. y. NIJeh-Mement-I'ond Alla? ranadas Anua I tplonlvea Hrrcule? Powder OuPont Powder FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. Plume i;r..*il MIO. ?.ii lirciad St.. New York. Priva ? - '?> Peat?n and Philadelphia. Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Niii?u & Cedar Streeta, New York Hi Vasa Mull ? atas London $16,500,000 REPUBLIC OF CUBA I mir ?ml One-Half Per Cent. Gold Bonds Due l'Ui? mal Loan) rons du? Augruat 1. 1911, of the abova ? i on presentation at our effice on and after that data. SPEYER & CO. New Tor* 1911. .INANCIAL. TO THE HOLDERS OF BOISE-PAYETTE RIVER ELECTRIC POWER CO. 1st Mortgage 6% Bonds DUE 1921 A di ? tiens et rh? treat i? ha? heel ? inkin?; fund Of th? bond?. ? taken ata ? il ' Immedl atal: ? ' - crgar -?? protect I va com? ?a too lata to ?ave the - FREDERIC BURNHAM, 111 West Monroe St., Chicago COUPONS. _ Winslow, Lanier & Co. 59 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK ?nu. roixovi iNo i ? Dm ill ? ' ? m It I'ASKlNii Hill St M HIM. Till, M'.Mi ? 1, 1*15. M ??! -1 I, 1915. The *n??.r.a" ' ?" ? OU Oa 4', t>?h?- .'urao. ?. Ml**. 4a. Cl?vr!a.'id ? Plttahurfh R. R Co. Orai. Mtfe.. Ii '? Oa? CMS, lad ' ? ?as, nme? Ponda. ??. & 4'le.elaJirt It! Os ,: .t.-"r!? d'.vl le- l -Tret Imprnt-meit H? mal R.T. Co. lat mu?. 4a. DIVIDEND NOTI( ES. _ The Dome Mines Company, Limited : . D1V1HKND N< fl : The ! - ' named Com I i the I'ompany cio ? ., y i.n th? tlrst day and Dec? mbrr - ? p.ild i.n i.ra of guat, 191S, a dividend of fifty and thai ih? led fmni Au. i 1st, 1911, >e F ASK EN, Secretary. July , I M KM I III WICAL 4 IIMP1M ^ oik. July SO. 1915. . 1 one . ?nt I 1 '-. -ptem immon Stock hoMera of " M Au ?ruai ?S, : i a. , i.CAN. Treaauror. TBU81 IND SURETY COMPANIES. lak. ? ? aw T *. i no U5 IOS Mo, Aator . . lit . " . < I ' " M i ?? I , Pul?, n ? ?:i ?v ...Ml ? M *. , ti i? ,- ,.? . - lut like Cor, l'?j ' Wi ?in Ki'it? ' 'i.?2 - wts'iawiio is? l?v.wjra?a- ... ITS IT? WEEK IN FINANCE HERE AND ABROAD Public Drawn Into War Stock Speculation in Wild Markets. ADVANCE HALTED BEFORE WEEK ENDS Steel Corporation's Earnings Show Trade Recovery Progress Elsewhere. In the wild speculation in war ?tocks : the outside public took greater part j i last week, purchasing at high prices Stock that had been advance?! by Wall Street operators. Business enlarged to include two 1,000,000-share days, Thurs? day's total of nearly 1.400,000 shares being exceeded only once in the ex I cited trading of the spring. The list of | issues dealt in broadened, and there , was some discriminating purchasing of ' proved dividend paying issues. In the main, however, those stocks advertised ' by spectacular gams were most favored. The peril of German aggression was not wholly forgotten. Monday's sudden ' break on incomplete news of the sink of the Leelnnaw showed that, but de? sire to share in the benefits of our im? mense trade balance outweighed cau? tion. The war stocks recovered im? pressively from Monday'? scare; they had not paused in their ascent on re i ceipt of the grave warning sent by this countrv to Germany. So the pub? lic for a while bought eagerly. Bonds I on the exchange were dealt in on a ? larger scale, but this was mainly through activity in industrial obliga ! tions. In part there wa? some basis for this accession of public purchasing. The i Steel Corporation, which had directly received no orders for munition? of War, reported a remarkable growth in learnings for the quarter. Statistics of S business activity have been generally ; favorable. Money is abundant, provid . ing cheap means for financing market i operations and accumulating against ! needs of expanding trade. Even build , ing operations, quiet so long, seem ! ready to develop greater activity. Enthusiasm Misdirected. That this confidence should express j itself in purchase of uncertain issues : is to be deplored. The country has | been economizing, and its savings i should be utilized wisely, not risked j in speculative ventures. We are prac i tically the only important nation pros- j pering in unhappy time of war.: ! We will need all our resources for our ! own development and to aid in restor? ing the world when peace brings need of rehabilitation. Stocks of concerns that have taken contracts to supply the warring powers are dangerous mediums of speculation. Those intimately connected with the i management of these companies regard ? the prospective profits as still uncer? tain. Deliveries in most instances have j not yet begun, and will not begin in any great volume for a month yet. Specification? call for Instalments to . be ready on set day?, an'' delay may \ imperil contracts. Shell orders, thai did so much to ; start the great markets of the spring, ? | are not easy to fill. Canadian con- j cerns are already reporting difficulty in getting shell cases out on time, and ! j chances for delay are manifold. Fuses j j must be accurately timed, shells must ' be perfectly balanced. Proving grounds I have to be provided on which one out : j of each hundred finished projectiles i I must he tested if the lot is to pass '? ; muster. As tho?e concerned in the ? i business put it, the time to count ; profits will be when money is paid over. Unbridled Speculation. Last week's securities markets not only counted profits as already made, but acted as if such receipts were to be indefinitely continued. Each day ? brought new high prices in the war ] group. Maximum gains of 5, 10, 15 and even 20 points were of almost daily ' occurrence. Toward the end of the | week it appeare?! that ?listribution by insiders was making the market vul- I le, and outside purchasing showed | j reme rigns of slackening. An abrupt ?setback late Thursday , brought aome sense of proportion to I the market. In addition, the over ' I swift pace of the upward movement I le?1 bankers to discriminate war stocks as collateral for loans. In? dustrial? that fluctuate so wildly have i i no established price level to make them ! Welcomed in loan envelopes. Fiiilay . lieter. with considerable selling, to take profits, and Saturday was de- , : cidedly dull. Such dealings as we saw last week 1 are not unfamiliar on the Stock Ex- ! I change and elsewhere. They mark the I culmination of real estate booms, when j land is purchased regardless of any possible future use, the buyer simply ? expecting to sell to some ore else at a profit. While the craze is on every one engaged seems to be making money. Then the boom collapses and the last purchaser holds the bag. In stocks ? ihe outsider is generally the last pur i chaser. Intelligent speculation, based ' ? on insight and knowledge of eonili- j 1 tions underlying price movements, has its uses. Blind purchasing to unload on the next man brings onlv trouble. Steel (Tut of Famine Time. Statement of the Steel Corporation for the second quarter of the year i : made good accounts of recovery of? i the steel industry since winter. Each i month gave additional improvement I and earnings at the end of the half year were the best since good times of i two years ago. I.H?t week the eorpora iras said to he employing 93 per cent of its steel plant facilities. With continued reports of good orders and large total of unfilled tonnage at the j end of June, the industry seems well , out of famine into t.nie of feast. According to one authority, from one quarter to one-fifth of the business of ? I large steel producers comes directly or i : indirectly from foreign order? placed I here because of the war. Export pros- ? I pects in the ?tee! trade, however seem I on a less ephcrmeral basis than in most 1 other 1 n?s benefited by needs of the belligerent powers. The grea' exporting nations across the water are ! the ones now turning their energies i to war and to supplying the need? of war. A large industrial section il 1 devastated by battle. Even after peace comes Mme will bo necessary to restore damaged plants and to reassemble and train working forces. Steel and steel proilucts will be needed in the reconstruction that must follow the ending of hostilities. , Much material is now being used up ' that must ne replaced whether war I or peace prevails. Railroad equipment, steel rails and track material are worn i out whether in transportation of good? or of troop?. The rest of the world, too, needs steel, and for a time, at least, we rr,u-t BUppl] Elsewhere business is coming back trongly, but st'll perceptibly, A year ago the tide of tra?le had been evidently slackening; now it is rising. In few iines has improvement gone BO to bring out much enthusiasm, i but full employment in tilling war' orders means purchasing power that, tells throughout trade, should no ! trouble from without come to inter? rupt our progiess broad expansion of1 trade and industry is looked for. Money Rale? Sustained. In anticipation of greater needs of ? the business world for funds lending institution? hero are refusing to lower I STOCK EXCHANGE FOR THE WEEK (Reprinted from The Sunday Tribune.) Following || the tmual table giving tha number of ?hares of all storks It in last week, together with the highest, lowe.t snd final ?*??< ">? >k. the net change? of the week, and the high and low prices of the year K. with the high and low price? of the year I'JIJ. Tol.l ?ale? for the week. MN.7M, against ....,..?.700 a week ago and MJV a >ear ago. From January 1 to .late. 7S.27:?.sOO, ?gainst 46.1HM.100 in UM. dea week 191 4 00 PIvllHv Mm.. ?._ 4 I 4 Adam* Kipreaa . ,.\la?ka li.'l.l Minea ? ? lAllla Clialiiiera i u. ? i ? ( do preferred. I.I | 4 .Amalgamated Copper .. t 4 4 An. Agr t hetnl. al ,.., ? I ? Am U?et Basal T ? 7 Am lirake. I A P i'tft. 5.S I , du preferred ctf? _ ? ? ]American l'an . 4.7 I * do preferred. .1 I i : |Am Car a r-t.uiidrv 4 t Am I 1'roli. '.a S.S I I i <lo? preferred. ? - Am i-iHion on. 6 4 4 Am trotten ou pref_ 4.4 4 laraartcan Kipreaa . Am Hi,I? A leather. ? ? do preferred. ? 1 ? A . I ?? Mlea . ? Aaeertran Unaaad . ? :?? pn frne 1. 4 I '? . T.I 7 . no pr?fet red. ? o i lABNtean Ma I mtm\ 5.1 4 [I??arlian sn.c.ting ... ? f .i., i lafatiad. do prcterre.1 B.... ... . lift . Am Steal foundry ? 5.5 i 7 Amerlean Braga?. ? I 7 preferred S.S * Am Tri A lei . S.I -?' American Tobacco - ; K . ; referr. : new. ... -- ] ? lAmarli an Woo ao . , S.4 I I | da preferred ? 1 ? Am ..rllli.? I'aper pref 5.1 1 8 ... ? I ? ,Ai.ieta Realltatlim I'o a a ' 5.2 7.1 4.7 4 1 i: t 4 4 ? ID Ml I.I I H -.1 | S tit - ?I ? lAti l.laoii . d i refirrrd. Atlant:, Coat*. Une. Baldwin 1/? min -tire _ errad l?aitlruirc A Ohio. do i referred . Hatopliaa MmHUI . . do preferred. illr.iuklvn liai Id Brooklyn Colon l?a. llliitlr A Superior t opper , Petroleum .... , referred. [Canadian I'aclSc . i ?aa J 1. pref. H'rnlral of S J . leather . ?'?rr? 1. ?Central I ' in ta ike A Ohio. IS ir.i'. fjreal '?'? do pr> Ian* , ciiic Mu a. ut p? . . ? ,v Si -? ,.e?:ern I * Pa . -? r \t a h pfgf. .I'hlno l'on Copper .. ? ?Colorado r uel * Ir.-n - j ? [ComatiN-k Tunnel ... 4.7 I I iCooaolidatod tiaa .. - | ? IConllnemal Can . " do preferred. ?Corn l'ri?linta . I do preferred. ?Crucible Steel . | do preferred 10 0 , 4 i : Cuban Aineriian Sugar. . a- Uudaon .. A Kl ? irrt lidian.. I altad n B . : i >:?.t uitntc Sacuritlaa ... . I k All. .Krle . i do 1st preferred. i preferred. . \[ 4c 8. I preterrr 1 . lie:.era. Chemical . ,(.eneral Elect rio . i,.:.eral Motora . i do preferred. Quotation Hr.'oid. Battu lay, JuW II. mil. i i?? ; ?? S.7 i..o i : t >? ll i i I 4 I 0 7.5 4.7 S.I S.l 11.1 1.5 Qoodrlcb, H P ,1 , preferred. Oreal .Nottbarn pref. : . Or? ?uiM . (?uggenlielru KiploT. liai l. ec Ity I. at P. ; \ Homeetake . ? rral . i temat Agricultural.. .. ? do prafarrad . . . pel . ? later-Melropolltaii . ? r-e.l. I ? . WM. I , do preferred. 5 ?lr.t IUm of S J. ? lut liar? Corporation.... I: -irr.atlonal I'aper . .. preferred. ? iKanaaa City southern? 4 prafi ? . . t> Kltktf? 1 'J . La kawanna Bteal . 7 La. ede lia? . ? Lake i.rl? A: Weatern... 10 I-elilgh Valley. 7 Ug * My**? Tob pf. Long l.laj.l. _ |]..? ? Co. 7 do lilt pref. i A N??h. M?'??i Co?. 4 . prafarrad. Manhattan Shirt. Maxwell Motof. do '.?l ?re?. . May Hep Store?. Meilcar. Petrol. Miami Cor c.pper. Ml-. A ?' 1-oul?. ? , ? do prefi rre . U .?? I- A S M M . Mo Kan A Te?aa. do preferred. Mlaaourl Parti?. Moi '. ? Power. . .National BUcult. Nat CloaS A suit. . | do preferred Nal 1 Bam A stpd. . l.i-a.l . ; do prefern I n a i; .? Mei | n. rada C( l ipper. t, N i \ : Brak. . j New York i entrai. | N il A 11 . n \ uni A \. . ., Norfolk A R'MtsfB. Ni r-n Atnerl au . ; Northern IV in. . l'i S< Ma. . .. I'-: . II II . adell . i ? ???? Mull i . l?t S' ? I',"- i >a . pt*f< ?.? '. ? |.|| l.ief... Preeaod Bteel car. ; .i.. preferred. k irullnian Palace Cal. U kaUwi . _ do preferred . Ki Bteel Bprtni . 7 do preferred . 11 Ha? i -n < opper. h fie?-Hi | . 4 lO 1*1 pref. 4 ..i Um . .. Inn k steel. kg preferred. lllirne > . ? St I. A S K. ? ! Il . . . I ??n. ',?,..'. ?i i Air I.lne. preferred. Roebuck . SliefT Steel k Iroi... prel.'r . l'a. Itlc. ? . Southern 14 H. I d,. preferred. I. n 'erred. ft . ?ferrad. - ? i ". ? ii I Pi . r i? I imi ai l Third A?" I i K ?. pref. T st I, W pl I .1 Ti rewriting.. ..... i dn preferred . Bai * l'apai 6 2 * ' > ' - . :,0 4 * do prefem l . 4 Cnlted i isai l r Ited I-'. >??? -: i _ _ United H> Inveatineut. .. _ ? ,io preferred. _ ! * F . _ ? . _ . - Eipreea . _ ? i ' hol . T S I 7 <io preferred _ I ? r S Kea.iv A Imp _ _ I S 11? i A lief. _ [ _ m g b ibhei . : s s de i-t t? l . _ ? I S Bteel . "1. ? 0 40 Plan Copper . \ . car . 1.1 I AS : ?' 1 . ? ? Va Iron C A C. 6 1 6 Welll lar? l ? ? ? Weeten M.rylai 1 5 j 4 \\. rtef l'i r-legraph , -? M'| A - .?'?'?' a wortta ? ' . | - ? :.r:r ! ? ?I 1 111 11.1 ,60 5.9 6.4 | 4 6.S 5.g , 7 S 0 7 10.7 ,.10 5.7 t> 5.7 I 5 5.7 S.l 5.? 1.0 ? 1.1 5.0 7.7 S.l 4 S * ? . i:6 ' L ??i * - ISSI 4 6.4 Ollj ? . 57 lai 4k^ .'00. li' . Il I | lrlO ?95 IM I (S* |.i..', 1..4'. < . i -, 14 too lia 1(4 le 1IMI in ?? I ?4 14'. 10U 14.'. 14.7(111 . I19*4j :.'. n;-. 1 ?... 4 ' ." ?S l SS.49S 10.' , ? ? 199,941 50.'' 4 143 11.. . I>.'.'?, M.J* ' ? - I . 160 12? S.TI I.?"" 1 ? 1.4 ' 14'? . -4 j i.uof 4 I ?t.roOt_ H.9S4 1,41 I 960.104) - 166 ' lo:1 "y ? ? I .. 114 | Hange Uli. I High Low 1 ?>, 144', 41>? ? . 14: 54.7011, 4 . ' . 66 , ? - 139VJ ? ' rp ::mi li 164 47 < 1,666 ?' ? ? ? . 14'. I..?*! . 4 . 11.4WH ? ?14 . -' . _ ? - . ? 3.'.4..i . 9?H 4 ****?_ I A ' ?*? 4 41 4.'. - 1 4 1 1 ? : 4- -l4 . , 1?1 351 46 701 67 \ mil 1131 l.'-.l !71 . . + 11? + 71 301 11". 4UV. ? . ?4 ? I ? S-1 111 !61 90 . uo\ 115 ; I lui ? I 13? 40 1.1 111 -S"! ? }w ?1 115 ? 11-1 IMS g .-i ti mi isa ?71 ??? 1091 . ? . 1051 IS ?9 l HI 891 1021 ?1 -1 ? '. 1971 ? 1041 ?:<? _?************? 24 1861 m money rates in spite of a great sur plus and comparatively I if Commercial paper of the best qualit} is unusually scarce, but is not beim purchased under I per cent. Increase. ?emcnts of the security aasisted to stiffen rate? on col loans. At the end of the week the re newal rale on call money had advance,! from 1% per cent to 2 per cent, and time loans were made at 'J'; per cent for sixty day- and '??'?'i to SH pi r cent ? During the week report? of some progress ?n ci.ti\ ei ers with London looking '?"'ward the establ B large British credit rung checks around i in the pi though toward the end of ?e weakened. To be effective in view of the great shipment and cotton almost at hand and trie coming delivery of munition?, such ?c ; eommodstion is expected to reach at 00,000. The tentative sug ? thut a ?pedal tax free bond be put out here at 5 per cent hud the objection in Great Britain that it might seem unduly to favor lenders compared with those nt horn?. Here, having ?n mind the un Ctory result of 'he French bond ? i-, our financiera felt that t!i?> public '?? ould take only a comparatively proportion of such obligations. Since the bankers would have to carry the loan, the proposition that it be on collateral of ot.r own securities, readily salable in our market, st-emed Our banker? are ready, it is understood, to offer al ? anlimited accommodation? upon such terms. The problem, however. Il ? Britain's, and it is for the Brit? ish government to determine how much U securities it can collect and to , make the offer to this ?id?. _ Executor Trustee Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York, LONDON, 16 Cookatmr 8t., & W.j 26 Old Broad 8trwt, R (X PARIS, 41 Boulevard Hanaamaon BERLIN, 56 Unter dan Linden, N. W. 7 Trayelen' Lotten of Credit, Foreign Exchange, Administrator Guardian RUSSIANS WEAK ON PARISBOURSE Brokers Offer Plan for General Liquidation to Stimulate Business. [Br fab!? to Th? Trtbuna.l Pari?, Aug. 1.? Busines? on the Bourse is still exceedingly quiet, with continually fewer transaction?. The week just ended has brought no marked modification in the tendency of the market, except in a decline in Mines du Xord coal share? and in the Rus? sian group, in which industrial? lost ?till more pround with the announce? ment of the imminent fall of Warsaw. Russian government bonds were heavy, but firmness wa? shown at other points, notably in Argentina, Spanish Exterior and Egyptian bonds, as well as in the new amortissable rentes ?e.,( in most French and American rwilroad shares. A slight advance was reg? istered in the copper section. French rentes were firm, the 3 per cents continuing at 69. A brokers' syndicate met last week to offer plans to the Minister of Fi? nance for a general Bourse liquidation and to emphasize its importance to the renewal of business confidence and to future national loans. They sucgest that each house make a deposit to form an intermediary pool for liquida? tion, but many judge this scheme to be Impracticable until the Germans an driven from French soil. The deposit of gold in the Bank o France already pleases even the opti mists. Railway stations are now t. be opened as banking auxiliaries. Th? appeal for the metal is made in th? name of national defence, and ha; caused patriotic rivalry among al towns, including even those undei bombardment. Even school childrer are bringing their Louis d'or to theii instructors. The total gold deposil from May 27 in the Bank of Franc? alone is now $222,000,000. PRINTOOTH SALES SHOW BIG INCREASE Demand Better, and Urgent Needs Bring Full Prices at Fall River. Fall River, Aug. 1. There was in? creased business in the cotton goods markets last week, in spite of disin? clination by manufacturers to sell at ; terms offered. Persistence in bidding by buyer? brought' out goods and the I total sales last week were the largest in more than two months. The demand was largely for contracts to run in the late months of 1915 and this, coupled with dissatisfaction by manufacturers with prices, kept the total down. Buyers tried to obtain goods at a t sixteenth of a cent a yard below cur? rent quotations and this had the ef i feet of keeping sales down. When goods were urgently needed, buyers pai?l full asking prices. The demand was for wide goods, chiefly 38'4 goods in odd counts. There was moderate selling of medium wide goods. Nar? row goods in printers' styles continue dull. Repirts from mills manufactur? ing fancies of high count yarns are that business is stood and profits satis? factory in a measure. Some fine good? mills have contracts on their books | which will keep their looms engaged ! for several weeks into the new year; these mills have all they can do to turn off goods which have been ordered a long time ago, hence they are not in a position to take on new business which requires deliveries this year. Medium count mills making fancies state they are doing a fairly good busi? ness although they admit their profits are not as large as those of tine goods mills. Cotton yarns are relatively qitiet. The quotations for last week: i 28 inch, 64-64, 3 H nom.; 28 inch, 04-60, i 3 nom.; 27 inch, 64-60, 2T? nom.; 27 inch, 56-56, 21V, 27 inch, 56-52, 2V, : U% inch, f4-64, 4; 39 inch, 68-72, 4%. Long Island's Safety Record. J. A. McCrea, general manager of the I Long Island Railroad, issued a state? ment yesterday calling attention to I the fact that sixty days of the heaviest 1 summer automobile traffic on Long Isl ! and have passed without a serious I grade crossing accident. He attributed this to the company's campaign to cut down this kind of disaster. Only one I broken arm is the score so far. WEEKLY SUMMARY OF BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE The following table show? the sale?, hifhesl, lowest, final price? and net changes of all bonds traded In on the New York Stock Exchange for the week end?8*J Saturday, July 31. Also the highest and lowest prices for the years 1914 and 191'.. Total sales fur the week, $17,791,000, against $9,1*6,000 a week ago and $14,719,000 a year ago. Total sales from January 1 to date. $451,412,000, against $424,665,000 in 1914. ST?TT i j FUT? Hanse'U 1?;I"i"kVtTI. .Sales FTtT Hanse'1.' Ran?e'l4. In I |HI'b|Low|July Net i- HI'h|Low|July Net-:,? ~ i: ?? 31. chf Mil-, uw Hi l. If.? lima). _ 31 chK? Hl'h Low HI tl Low . GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL. 4 Imp Jap 1st -,er 4w,.? IBM ?8H rail-81% 18% M% H ? : do . : ?? 14?.| 71 ', ? .. . M do German ?tpd. Tl 70;v 70% % :.,% ;.i 30 Rep of .-uLa. ?- 1-j04 '">% 96% 96% ? - ?'."% M'ai 101% ?6i 3 do ia 1814. '? -. _'?., m% 18 -- | ? II N V ? 14? 1867 Ma. 181* 181% l'.l% % 106 % 101% 107S 103' i < . 1861 Nov.. 101% 101% 1011. ? ?106% . : IVi 103 ?I" ! . 1883 . 10! 101% I'M1! ? ', 106% 101% 107% MB1 ? do IV?? 1883 w I.... 101% 101% 181% 'i 181% 101% - 171 do 4% j . , ?7% 10:4, 971 ? . 1881 ?- , 4 88% - '? '""'-? ''~'i ' ? 1 ?10 4s 1887. :?? '?? M , . '.'4 1004 He ?'??i ?- !?? . . ?!%.-% 97 94% 100% ?f. i. do 4s ir?;,r? . 94% :?!', 94% - '? '.'7% M 180% tt STATE. 23 N T BUt? ?4? 188% 108% 108%|? % 109%, 101 110% 1?M? ! S V I inal 4'.- 109 . 109% 108% ? '? 1." 101% 110% KV 1 do <- I8H 181% 101% 181% - % 101% 89% 1?K% ?71 3 do l%? I8CI . 104% 104% 104% - % 104% 104% - I Va 'if ? B n- - if? ;? ?7% . ?% - 1% 71 U 0 m RAILWAY AND MIS( ELLANEOIS. ? Adam? El eol tr 4? 7-: 78% :>; ? nj 10% 70 S Alb .:?.... Mi? *3\ 13% ? %, is n% ? 7 Am Ac 1 hem la.. .. ?8 -, ? % 88% :?. ? 1 'lo eonvl is. 99% .... ?'?', 103 ?7* 1 Am II * I. ?ih. ?n.% L0C% 102% - | , |0|% 100 : Am Ice deb 8?. ?4 ?4 S4 1 -., 79% ?? IS Am ,<m S Ret ?a.. 10"..a 106% 10 %?%!-? 1 '. ' I 3 A?. Si'irlts 6?. 180 : . .. .4 :7 Am T a- r ?-o? 4?. ti% -'.-???. 114 do eonvl 4%a .|101% 100% 101%-1103% I I ?m Tobacco ?a 119% 119% 119% ? 3% 121% 115% 121 117V IV Paper '?- ? 1 10 . I IS A 8 l*o I II ?at 4'-,? T, 91 j H%-M 90% 241 A '1 ,\ S 1 ?? 11 4 , , ? ??, I I 1 do res...... ? ? 1? ? . 1 , ? ? , ??il I ? ? ? . % j; <i ?? . ? I ?;?. iot% - ', 101% ?' '-? !?-.>, 1 I ' : ? ??-, 114 . 82% II.'. 131 do ...nvt 4s 1988 IOS 100% 181 ? 1 I'M 3 AI '- I. 1st .-on 4 -, . ? % 91 . I. .'.- S . "! ir 1- v! n H ? 17%I I 96 l?*j >%l-f %l ?2% to 1 4 1 80%; I - 14% 9H 17?? ; -,. . ...... ? 14% 1 a 0 la I'l.K*:M V ||v ? - >i ?4 il II do l%a S W dlv.. ?7'. 17% ?7% %| 91 I 11 EK ? . 11% 101 101% . 100% a ral ^ , 11?, 18 f> S rth Avi ...ii Sa. 97% ?7% 97% - 101 97% 103 I1 l ,1: ' on :? I Q i" 1.1102% . . 104 .- , 11. da I . noli 1811 108 99% ?", 31 IH.lyn I'n Kl III 18%: 89% . % 1181% I 99 . , 3 l.khn I'n liai Sa .I'M 103 IM .1 11 1 ?1 ?111 ?? R .'.- N CO . 89 102% 100% ! Hush Terminal 4? .. 3S IS IS ? 1 17% ?4 ?? ? J 3 ?'al 'ia.s .'. ? ?,-, ... , ..-, I ? , W 1 Canada Southern ??? I ? . : . \ 104% 101% 10 ? 1 ;.i Hv . ii ? ? I9%I4- %!10 18 1"' :??? ? ? '.. ??11 Sa...... . . . 1188 I 98 11? 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T ? ? ,' A R 6? U dl : 1"1% 100% 'n 99% 1 T R A ol SI I.- ' '?' 1 do 36 -;v^a? Co cvl 6,. ' . - ," ? , |0? M 6 Tex A Pac lit . . 184 I 84 7 Third ?ve adj ,1 83 | 79% 10 do ref la I I ?2% I 78 14% 72 3'T P A W let 4 ? lo 4a 1968 I I , 42% | I 40 . Trl-C H" y S . . ..'.". 93 I'nlon Pa -' > I *. . . ? 91% I ?t i'' '? . - 13 I' Ry of 8 F 4a 11%' 40% 40%i % . *?? ?ii% 4? I 'r ? f 6?.. 101% 101% 101%- 103% 101% : . 104 I' S Sue, S...... ? Ut' N J R A C 4a %! ir .-hern ' ... . 98 ?0 IV? I C A C 6a I I - ' ? 14% 80 ? Vleg-inlan R?i S?.. . ? ,11? 12 Wa do 1st ref 1 I I 18 1 ? 33? lo re' ?s ET .fa ?t 15% IS : - % 30 17. 57?, 27 IOO ?., re' 4< K | r 1 tl? 17% 17% ... 3 do '"en Tr tfs . . i: 17 1" - 4 Jl% 17 r 1st 4 . - i 12 7% l'.l do 1st 4s ?* Tr elf? !? % %l?? '?% % 14% ? c t f a 1 . > ','.??? . ? ? '. Id 1"! 18! 181 188 103% 34 IVeat K|e,; S?. 100?, 100% 1"% - % 1 100% |?2% 'e.?i 7 Mes' M ! 4? .1.1,4 1 W N' Y .4. I" l?t r.? 10 % 101% loi H t fn col tr U 11! On real eat 4% 91% .3 HU ?\e?' K'.e. Mf| . ?9%. 9? 76 W Mf? of .1108% I W l....;114% . . . 108 . . ? . . ? . ?9% !(-.% ? ? . k? reg -'--i ?? % ? . ? . ? a ? , -? y, Wh A I. li con la.. 51% 81 ! SI 1--s n , 10 1 il IOIV.1? Ont ??n U....I U III |U 1-1. 181 (U | ??%| UH Corn Exchange Bank August 2nd, 191.5 Capital and Surplus ? $10,384,804.41 Net Deposit - - - $92,451,893.99 Thirty-five Branches in Greater New York WILLIAM A. HASH, Cfc?,r-? WALTER E. FREW Pr.^ At Prosperity Return? Some kinds ijf buairtess which arc now inaertive will otctimt prosperrous. Until then, inactive enter? prises will contribute to the general good m well a? thotr own 4kdvtu.tage by depc-jittna. their funds in banking >r.fti. tutions to help supply capital to 4*nt4*Tprii?es which are two active. "Its Servi? To You," a book? let which will be sent on rt> quest, dtracrib? the many services this trust co?pany can render. M?tropolite Trust Corap*uiy Ceeoffs C. Van Tn**l >.. *rV-*M-*Sl 49 Wall Street WEEKLY CURB TABLE. 1NDISTRIVIS. sal-?. ??fi 3 ? o U,1M :? ? ? :.:.'D 13.600 7.:.s ? 2,OSO l.l.'O 142 7,900 ?.OSO 1,100 SO 1.1*1 i," i :: < ?.lor 610 137? l.C'l 42.900 l.C.'.O i, a: ?00 2.100 M ? ? T.1S6 10.400 Big Alliance Film C '. Am Zinc . 5I1? Burns broa .' Can Steel . - . Ca? car .t Fiy 1U do pr . :. Can Nat tia? C *H Car I.t & i'wr . :: . Cent K'lry .. do pr . Cramp shipbid? :i\!o boat ...4JS do pr. do now w 1 4 Emerson Ph.M ? liendre Mf* ... ? Hull SUfl : Int M Mar ctf? .-, do pr etfS_? 4 Int Motor? .. . :?; do or . 41 Int Petroleur. Int Rub Tt etfi Int Srm Pump , 11 i do pr . K?;i>-.?rn?r Tire:-> do new lat pr ?" do new 2.1 ; Lav.*? Tor ,; Marconi of A: Nat St Car 4"ar; 4r N Y Ttanap ?'\T?n? Mfg . P.eo Truck . K.ker-Hee Corp ? ? ?astray i Stand Motor? Sterl G'lm ? St Jo??; Las I'n t-.f Bto - V Pr.iflt .-' bow. 1% Ventura CO . World Film i ?at C?sgt ?. H - ?t ? ? - S "' t-*i . ..?? -I I -I 1-4 ;;: ? is i?i - \ ? *% - i ? i-i - i ?a fl 3*5 ->l W ??? 14S - S 34?, -4, 14 - H - - ?a fl II -! 41 -1 ?? r 34-, 13 14 m ?'s i U 17 ? 1 - \ -1 -. - 1 140 141 n . H 4>l : . 4. ? '-'-I . . - ? > " I U :. ITU ? H ? I ? ir* -i :S - IN ? >'? - . :* -I 11; - STANDARD OIL 200 Angrlo-Am ' ''.1. It Is . ?i ? ? ]? L, Inotj P la W ! P L, 13" Ohio Oil : new. II" Praln? p I... . 3>". I rain? ? ' ? ,hier,-i I- 1. . .th Pa P L ? 121 Stai I In 1 ? N J. 2S4 Stan O of N V i . in M BSIDIARIES. 41 ? I' : I* - ? - | -44 41 141 M - ? NI m - <. 1124 !** 34 3' I " ? 6.4-. . ?? li. m 100 ? 3.400 TOO 1.600 ?.*(?) 52.909 ? Ul ?,79* 4 ? 1 Kfl ? 27.100 1.791 ? 14,011 709 II 60S 16 44? 3 SM 6.141 2ft 4M ? ? ao minim;. ? ? ? -. i M Alaska J'.ia w f. :.'?? Arlx Duqueen?. . < Arn ' oui m i ; i 'Mg Lodge I i BrS l?:i ? ?Hoot h i'aledor.ia ''op .. 9* ''an Coppsr .... "o ?i'ariho'1 Cotait Caehbov p w I. Cons Ariz Smelt Cona N?v-t'tah. *, I'lam Blk Hutte 3 ?Emma ? opp?r.. 41 ? 11 ?Goldflold Mori ? Juniho Fxt?n K?rr L?ska i Kowanaa P ? 33' I?. P te ? >ns . I."n. .?'? ? Magma i npper.. Majei-ttc Mine?.. 7.. ? '' r ?Mother I/-I? ?Nevada Hill? Ne v.- C .- vt ? ? ?S?|1.H ?Silv?r Pick Ilv-Leod .???? iri ? *8up?rsttt M ? 6 .4 Ton? Mergei Tono Fx'?n sf !*?*? Trl 14 illlofl n no Cop ? A '.' i ii ?Weal W Kn.ih Cop 1 4 4 1 ?; 1 ? '?a TV 6 4' ? a* ?? $: ? i ? i^H"~"~ u ? !,.. ft n ?? ?a??? i -? ?IS -?' \ I if, m -, a ??? 40 ? \ ' s -: n 47 .'. M 3 ? - : i * 1% IA ?3 ? \ - . - a l RAI!.ROADS. IS - w I._ do pr A ?? ?S ??J I ... BONDS. II ReY.001 g ?? * S ... ?i?nt.? i Am?r!.-aa|_ 17 i A | i Park 129 lli.w?ry 4 | Bryant Park IM 14 ,4.- l>iov?r? l-'> ?'?nturv ' ??h .* Pttenl? Il - Bach US 4 Citlirn?' Cen lu ? Coal a I s. i:. (*omm?rca . !*?" Colonial ' ? Columbia < ' Excl >?' lia..' HI' ?r . IM Mat., KlfMi Ave . Fifth Nat l?arfi?M i l?i m.m-Am. ?!?rrr.. nsi m?ala Greenwich Cottia? Nat ft.WK STIK K>. Bid ^?^ ....Bl? irriman >? *fi i P rr. S 144 too** iaa "? is a 5? a n i .'ounty.. jj ' ' lia S-?M'ark S ni peopi?-? ,*; ? ' a ? m?n ?? Q0 . ?. a '1 . ^ _ J0O State ??? ??- B) ? , .; , naah ?ia-iat?**?* ?^ ?70 21*1 V% eat KM?---' a_ ?ii _|Yorl.?iUa -.-*"