Newspaper Page Text
LOAN ENLIVENS LONDON EXCHANGE Bank of England Holds Market ? High Rates (heck Speculation. COTTON QUESTION IS HANDLED WITH CARE Doubling ol Income Tax and Heavy Toll on Luxuries Pre? dicted for Autumn. Bjj IRAM'IS W. HIRST. Fchtor of "The Economist." i i July 31.?The activity in ajpj v. as given more life ? the Hank of Kn?r mandi the money et, and the high money rates ;..Tulation. Mr. Hobaoil, the well known econ ?ates that about orc I 1*200,000,000 of the I ???aft paid up. This naturally dis -ho. ?-. whose will be held over until ? The r- Id r? ? m being suongi subscription notes The of army and muni- ' I portends a further rise In prices, but coal production has leer. rs| ' lly increased since the min -.ce. The situation continues serif . For- ' 'eplies indicate that the cott n question is being eau? handled. It is significant tliat The Tribune's editorial on cot- t ted in "The Morning ! ? in the de I ?. For there is at present no easy so? il A doubling i f the ii as here i? freely ] for the autumn, ? '.ixuries. taking FORECLOSURE SALES. --vlng? ; i Ulla C Koan? a iro and ? duly ; ? '?> of I h? Kafai *? ? puh . ' th day eer, th? .... io le ? In tue ? ? ? . north eat, distant ? eastwardly ? re- - ? - ?rardly i part .... -, - nth Street. ! th? north- ; ? arenty- . ? of be r ?ol?' aubjert ; fere? - prop- | * ? is 07 Cet ?-? fi? ' Of th? It? ? ? . ?.n i - ' ? nf ' .i ? 'ii In ?fer?* 1 Mime interest in your war stool llation, lai* nuM nvinlal.l, rt.oney is now lorkcd up in the wa At the Spie* petroleum meet in > Annan Hryce, a bn-tiVr of I.on Hryce, estimated the loas in bringinj money from Russia owing to ox chaaatgea at S3H por tent. Authorities here declare that tin German government only prevent: the depreciation of the mark iron further by restricting tradi end by exporting Austrinn gold. FIGURES SHOW LACK OF NATIONAL DEFENCE The Artillery and Cavalry Neglected. [Pr.-am Trie Tribune I4ur??u 1 Washington. An?:. I. Statistics com piled bv the War Department show -.lie weakness of tlie national defence i>articularly a? regards the artillen avairy branches. Out of a total ,000 men in the national guard are la the infantry arm alona. Only thirteen itatei have coast ar? tillen- companies, and of the men in this yen-ice more than half are in the National Guard of New York. Twenty three states have no field artillery at nd twenty-four have no cavalrv. It is significant that among the states that have no cavalry are Montana. New Mexico, Kentucky anil Kansas, lamous lor horsemanship. The War Department's fleure? shon that out of 16,! :.t for mili? tary service in the United State* hardly more than a Quarter of a mill? ion, including tthe regular army, have 1 ml any military training, 11 York Stat-> alone, it is computed, then. ore than 1,(00,000 men i.f proper hite and physical fitni .ice. ACTS TO ENFORCE PEACE IN WORLD League Here, Guided by Taft, Will Establish Branches to Forestall War. The League to Enforce Peace, or? ganized June 17, in Independence Hall, l'hiladelphia. by forrrjer President Tafi and others, announced yesterday that branches are to be formed in all Euro countries, both neutral and at war. A committee on foreign organi 7Btfon ha? been formed, with Theodore Marburg, former Ambassador to Bel? gium, as chairman. Negotiation! already have been be? gun with a group of men in Great Britain, headed by Lord Bryce. An effort also will he m..dp to interest influential men in Germany in the movement. It is planned to invite as men.hers of these foreign committees political leaders, statesmen and men of ar?airs. rather than those professionally to the pacifist movement. The present war, the statment of the league says, is not within the scope of its w - cern being only with the future, looking to th> the war is over when the United States and other great powers will enter into an alliance to lessen the probability of war. The executive committee has been enlarged by the addition of Myron T. Herrick. David R. Francis, .lohn Greer Ilibben and Dr. Frederick Lynch. -a-? BUILDERS AT MALVERNE Sales in Popular Long Island Home Community Large. M?lveme, long Island, which has been attracting considerable attention on account of its rapid and substan? tial development by the Amsterdam Development and Sales Company, New York City, s st;!! breaking sales rec? ords. During the last few weeks sev? eral well known players have located there, including (ieorge Haaaell and Wilfred rhi-ie. of the High <" Lovinc" company; Arthur and Agnes Cappelen, Eddie and Edythl Adair, II..we!!, of the well known com ? .m of Ward and Howell; Lowell B. Drew and Thorn,*? McCool, playing as Nip and Tuck, Mrs. McCool being *" the famous Melnotte '* Beri Wheeler, of the Bert Wheeler company, and K?idie Adair arc build? ing attractive California bungalows in the new bungalow section. Several other plaveis ar>- planning to build this fall. O'her recent buyers include John L. Bradley, of the Bradley Auto Sum.!'. Company; Louis Link, William C. Page, Pauline J. Habbitts and Michael Swart/, of New York City; Helen F. Richard? son and Ethel W. Wmtp, of Passaic, N. J.; Chester A. Abrams. of M?lveme, and Michael Krieg, of Brooklyn. Paul E. Kolodowitz, of long Island City, purchased last week from the "ie Building Company a brick business block at M?lveme. CONSTANTINOPLE'S MOSQUES. Thru' are nearly 800 mosques in ? the most mag ? of Sul? tan Ahmed I, in the Hippodrome, dis ? thout by its six minarets and within by the four gigantic col? umns lift yards around, remarks an ex If it's just your luck When you buy from Tribune advertisements there arr two lines of defence between you and dis -faction. One is that the very existence of our guarantee ts only the honest advertisers. We have to do jrss and less excluding every day. because fewer crooks seek admission to our columns now that our lion is thoroughly understood. The other is that if by any chance an untrust? worthy concern should manage to deceive us and get ' ?.tory into our columns, we stand ready to take the Name?and pay for it. Buy from Tribune advertisers with confidence. If it happens to be just your luck to buy from the one rtiser who proves to be unworthy, you won t iose. The Tribune guarantee means what it says. Head it again?at the head of our editorials, lest it First to Last?the Truth: News?Editorials- Advertisements Our Bureau of Investigations is at your service. OCEAN FRONT SAL? AT BELLE HARBOl To Continue on Premise To-day?Auction Room Offerings. The auction ?ale of Hell?- Barb? Iota wln.-ii began on Saturday' aftr noun will continue on the premi?' ?L'?:n to ?lay. That there la a ?1 1 rr.and foi property ?lone the aeasho ?rai apparent ir?.m the huiro trewd attendance nn?l the quiet manner which th,. parcela were purchase The offering? In the Veaejr at ami tl Bronx ?alisrooms for the week fo low : Th !>AT. I At 14 Veaey (I 11? lea??* P !>aa OUane ST, 4; ? w rat Ufaren? lili ill i!?.S: a m - . I k ci? ? I ' Ar ' ?? Kea I ' I ' I I 1ST AV, i ? em lih ?l. ll.lilM. i : ?' I'rlrr |l.-l?f ??' l Mar?ha -.- ,-t a: .: t n ???I ? H ? i |,. i?n s BHOOVl II . ,,.,.... ' ' - - le Mhfeld a A ?.. tllyt; II Hl??,iCt, ref; due, J .? Si, I H> Si 73TH ST. ". W, n ?. 11] ? I -, a. l'Ii'OC 4 -: l?l? IVInilhain neallMtlon Co, lue. ?a- J "V ' ' - *" ?' *le> u 1" A i, ?in, K.lmui Hurley, rr(, cine. 125.70*. 11; taxa M I. 4ty M. Ilonttoth??. Jr . Co. PRINCE ST. 158, a ? I ? K-ra.twiy. 26,? Man O .'i at ?1 a F A 41, ?It] Sai ?on !.?. ',ii in, ref ; .lue s ?? "I i I ?a? n. |1 TH MORROW, \- i \ I BBOAOWAY, I ? ?? IM 'it '. ?I a?1 I. I. Ma aril I \ i l'i l, ir(. due. I ? | ?1ST ST. 7 We?? ? 14- ? ? i > Irai rark IV? ' ? I 4 a',', ill??; ? on l.v ?lift Hank ?, M II 1 ||; Ilk,?, i. i s, ?un; M? '?'"'? ref; due. 191,184.M; mai. et l 7TH *. ? ,. M n 144H. M. 81 10,;? fl*t add atoren, tirrenwlch H?t Har.k a| i ? 'y l'a n a;. H ?V Banda, atti ?l E Drral f, rat; dua. I ?.?75.?3; taiea. al S IST AV, 888. w ? 69 ? Ktli ?t 18x188, 4 ?ty 1? te-ml a-.t v ?a? Cil? K'al F>tate Co a|l .! Ha?ti " it al, a. ?m M Clark, ra?. Jija, $13.662.67; la?,?, a!,-. 1700 SO 3*TH ST. 110 w. ? ?, i-.o ? l"ii a?. ?Sil Bathoua?; Uu?r?iity Trusi !.. ait H s Tahai a liai 1 Rwali . ?:?. B 11 F??- i lll.?ll 18; tau? i ' | By Bryaa i. KtotMOy, I?3D ST. 111 \Ve?t. n ?. 888.1 i* Unta ar, $$.! : !. P - truite?, un u llmi.-k ?I ... I test, M A w. etty?; lt ?' M< i | 84 fi.'. Ulf?, e(. . $61? '. By Henry Hr?ly G RE EN C ST. IIS, w a. 1121 n 1,! ?i L'O .1,?: P I . ..'?, I' ?? r Bow? :. A B, a"-.- : A Lynch, rri du? f '" ' . 11 018.75. 2D AV. 2118, ? t. 10.1? u 10SU, ?t. 25*75. 4 ?I - My? ?' ??'. Blka u. ? it i \'. . n ?tu ni ??? ? ? - 5)4 ol? ;? laata, tie, $272 13. i a?. By Bry?a I. Rrnnclly. CLINTON AV. ? a IS1 t. 1 * 1 ?t ?'. 65x150. Annl a? '. ..a.'.anl et ?1. A R ?ttyi W I M K? ?H?, T''. . . Si ? By < '! ?ne. A !!errl?n. PROSPECT AV. L44?i. i a. 480 B 187 th ? . -'t ;k ' i ? : c. Fannti Keei i ?jti Minnie Zum \ ttty lt F QerdltK, re! .lue. 86,1 ? -i ?I 1114 v lly J. Il S!?yen 2I7.TH ST. n a. L'0?, ? Barnaa ?t. l?Oxl i ! M ?M ?gt A A ??.ni! et .,. i, i Mine?, ?'.') A v- ; OS B'EDNEBDAl AI 14 Ve?ey ?t B) Sanaa] Marx. 3D AV. 2188, ? * .t I1SII ' M W r K . ?? a: u?'. I II UefflITlui ?I ai Mit- S G. a l] i Mo??, r". .1 n B) sm CANAL ST. . ? : A m -. SPi54 ? twa ' .--?? 6JTH ST. ITI W ? ? al m 12? e Am a?. '.': :. i> ?..? . DO ?f. S A krtllewltch e; ?. , L II L ,.-r ai ...os ;.j ?t.. By lixrt? I - I07TH BT. 458-60 1 - - 150 t !'?rk a? i ? ?r ut 1 i ? ?i tttyi I I ??? j ? By J. Il Mit ARENADA PL. a w i ? ? - - t : :xl00x25x<i? ' .\l?r ? U f?? ???>. L H Harns re?; ?lue. $4.811 r'? . '?.r?. Me. $1,1 II hy Chirle? A Ban CROMWELL AV. a ? 108.1 i. lUtta ?t, 113 ?11 1x116 :. ?a ?ni; s W 1" Ou lin, ina a?! i ?????. of 1 il; ? l'l?l I" ... i ittyi; I. Hall, lef, ?lue. $3,32: 17; '.ie? ? UN Till Il.iI.AY A! 14 Ve-ey ?? i:-. .I. ? pn P Lai I78TH ST. >.'.'' B a w ..r SI N'teheta? ??. M 111 ' I Man a; i . i ? - a ? attyi; I Il I. r ??..-. S ST. NICHOLAS AV. 4 g I45?J ?? . I \| \. ? .. a". K S lliTH M i ..- . ? li. .??Il .. C. atl . M .1 I'? ref I 1230 ST. 4SI K. ?< I ? I. s llaniard ri ?1; Il * r. .1 ?ni I - .i 3D AV. 1654, ? - - I m? 8?! B C I . ; ?i a?. M . i il lu., a i, nrl 5414 10 B) IVI . .-. P K.. 75TH ST. 148 ? " i. 22? e \\. ? . ? ,. i lf.2 i, 3 i . 0 -.1 Mir?, et I ?I - ?.. I II Ju r?l ? 1 . I 27TH ST. 112 114 \l ..... ? a." lanero?-: I : lUyi K M ||i i |] 188.71 ??- $154.51 A' ? -A. Il] l? nry Brady MARMION AI I 11811? I ?ty flat; ? E l'un aM e? a ai i ?te, i: MARMION AV 1884. e a. 18.1 * ITSth ? 15 j -. ? m ..- ??? - lime ???> ? i r,'. .lue. III-.017 i:. I?i ? ?' " $71 S7 OS IllII.AT Al 14 ViKT S'tri". H? llri.ry 1!r?(l>. V-TH ST. 7 B, n - 1.1 I MI *' ?l '1*1 I: ,.- S . l'Bi j a i..,;. ? i? \ ; i M lain ?I ' ' Al 11 >ue l'.v Henry Hr?'lt ? I42D ST. i-i Y. n i IM ? Um .-.k a? 4 ' e. i f u i lied? . mi.l lO'I $1" f 1,1 ' ?'47 '.4 New Building Plans. Manhattan. AMSTERDAM AV. ? f .???'?' I I a i ? r ? i'.,' 1 , . , ? . U?,'<r COOl H II Alteration. Manhattan. 3D AV. ? ? Ith I If ' ' and . a \'. a ? ..<rt 104 B ? ?1-P8S8B?. STOK \<?K NOTH ES. mu? 1 m 1 m METROPOLIS STORAGE WAREHOUSE. ?S WKSl 1 I8rd ? 1 i: 1 1 1 - Ta Mr? 1' ton Mr?. ? - Mis? A laundara, " Clark. Mra. Katl el ?n. Ml ? Mr B li?tes. Mr? Barah ? ? - Laing, Mr* Mr? 11 Wvaaon Mr? Sarah ! ?'irr ill?? J,'?r|'i'i ? John? n , M.rv m ?a W. II Mr? ]....-.,. I. Brow? Mi JoMph r?rker *r\A \Vi..k'-r Ounaway V . a e?i'h of y.^u ?re hi " ' - ' I ? . . -i upon ' In? e\l'.re.l, Bftt I 1>" '? ?*"'?? tl ?r. ' - . 11> to wit, hou ol I ?:??> .J? 1 .ffeet?. mriie'?. e- . ?? red In th? Ma? te i.nlla .^torag? WareB 1 a? m? ? '.1 J "'- ' ,11 inter?.??. L h? ?Old ^: publi-- ^ ?cording to the ?tatuti -?" >? ? ? ... - . Ne? Tors ?' ,11 EMDA1 M 111 T 24TII l?IS \r ,? ? \ M IM' ??> ?KI?M ?DAI M 4.1'KT ?III. Iwl5. AT iO::m A. M.. and ? - vale th're.'f Ii B I eom| ?t? I On I ... e i ontlnoed at - - plae? or. ea . ' - * ' -- ?* ? ?finning at 1 IB? I fc_.i,vlwU. OI ( INSTRUCTION. M H VORM Mi.iiliallaii. TIIK IIF.RI.H7. N4 11114)1,111 LANOOAOn, Now nl 11-30 lli?l Ulli Street. Between llflli \ ?rune unit llniuilnay. LAW SCH00?''?EZf 140 N \?.s\| i-TKKrr Ni .n i "?!? i?. ..i .i roan t y c ?arts Brooklyn Bridie, Subway, UuUaon Tunnel. Afternoon Claatet 4:15 to 6:15 Evening Clasaae 7:45 to 9:45 Tmn llrerln? Ken I. 13. 4 \S|. MSTIM . Ilti ral, ami Ten Dallara tie ten) on application 10 Registrar. ! - SCHOOL AGENCIES. _ j AnierlcHii ami Foreign Teacher?' Ageney.?' i i Ti ?' h'-r v Tut'.r?, ????a ate, i . Cet lege?, Srhoole and' Familien. Apply le Mra M. J YuUNO-i M l.'l'i IN. II Union Square _ HELP WANTED. _ Male. 11.14 V rtT. well bred young man le a'art at bet I Iran the ?ti?nrl 1 usina?. 1 It'al ealary ?oderaU Ihllll I Xe patltnc? ' ? . . i u i Tribunal - WORK WANTED. Male MAN. ?II ?round met?anle, want? poaltleri with -1 I In? . cuspan? . referei ? n i .ii.niiAM ?. i lu i lu . WTC DOMESTIC MITVUONS WANTED. Male. (in I'll' Swedlafe ?T-. c ..m?. ' n'lar-valet. ?M , ful. ?rifa . t. ? I manasen r?*,i refer ? or?? I . ? I TT.pi sr.M \ . ii. ... , '< roan . ?1 Irtali- ' :. . i. . ?..: ..- Fhania llriaJit raflt. Fen,lie A a i I'll ii s mum y .?>?? I ? 'iWitm: < . . W., Ill liuimi ? r . a. 4 i ?? l r. ??- !' . i none ? >4I M irrav III . _. | A \ nu m ? ' eeated ai 10 , i ?? ' ilia lielp. _. ill AMI .... ripe rl. . ? . ?a|.?. 4.< at I? ?g A ii." harai Co A?.' i M C1IAM1IK?IMA1D m lull!, M T i . J.' S I A . Ml?! llofmayer's Agn..'T. lfi ili.t 4 .4: Mur- ; _ i IIAMII1 UM All ? 44 AITlira??-Torop?'. . I ?.- r?f ? Igea 1. ' ? l'ail at - ' t, Aj'-., j 1 ?taut; el - ''renoee. J I M ., |i.'ini4ii ? Affin .. 10 I... I 1 Jurraj Hilt COOK Oettnan; ?r.i rlaaa; Hit country. l?-?t ref ..... . !4 J ' Call at Lai.? k n.?- 1 r. 4i Vins r 1 . is'.irf?,, ?mili stpertenoad; ? ?-. ti' or separate 1 ? ?' 1 I- r>. Industrial igej 1. ir \\i ? 4: it__j i 'unk - itns baa ei ? .? ? ? SO ai iwl rra Misa Shea's I ' I 11141k AM> LA I XIHtES.H or lauiidi itrj |.r? -?? ?. i ? laiiuri ?. ?:??-.".: 1 1.1 1 '1.1 H ,.-,.. ,-. mall lar.i iilotia tldeU'e \r I 11 i?,' lOo," COI 11 1 lenersl -1 -.1 nfi-r ?. ? , Ageney, 1; u ? . 1 cut II . i-ninr?trnt. I refer? } go a -> At I ! M 4-1 lt. M ir _ H .i.i'.MU i milan American ?tpi..? .<iu 1: I eltj at, ?ii-ellerit r?f'rr:i<r? term', ? i ;.-.n. .1 i'i .,.? ? ?.MS Rarlaea I.AI'V- ' . > 1 ? ? ' ans lasas; best X 1. referei rea MU? s . . A?. .1 hut t. ' -? m . raj II I ' i?A|ilf'..s MAM' 1.-rn,an. ? iraetree, -. >.|-v t ' 11.' l'a ?' 1aal 4 k lin? lierrr Co Afesey, 41 ni KSI North lirrman; etpei mint-?, ? . < ' ' . Call ai Lai g k - .".. 4 SI RROG '.TKS- NOTICES. w 'Tl.. \ Rl ?? IN PURSUANCE ' or.1er of H lohn P. l' a w fork, no- , tir? in hereby given 'o all parsons having rlalm? f th? ' '.rk, d?-. ea??il, to pr?..?. nt ?:, nu, hers thereof to the rab? ? p mem ? t tranaactlng bual? '[' .v ombly *. Put? ' Man? hattan, Clt) ol Non York, on 01 before the . ? IK-Xt. Datad, New Y.Tk. the 7th day of May,, ' imn a MENDEL WEIL, Executrix. PUTNEY. TWOM1?LT I PUTNEY At- ' ten' . . foi Exi i utnx, 2 Rectoi - _ IN PURSUANCE OF AN OltDKK OF" -rogat? of rhii Count) i.f New York, not le? in h'-re by give*. person? bavins elalnu Auauata A. Ket ? of th?. of New York. .!? c? ! 0 present ?' Mi-: sol t. ? as ?uberrlher, ..1 it? principal p a ? ..f trena ? , Stre? t, in the Borough ot Manhattan, Clt) ?if New Turk. OH ..1 t.'foie the 1 ?>* 1 a day of October 1 ? ' Dated Neiv Tork, the 6th aav of April. THE FARMERS' LOAN AND Tltl'ST COMP v NT i:<?rutor. til.l.I.ii: .? KORAN, Atror ney? f??r ?:\. har.?e Place, '. v [N PURSUaisTCE nr AN oltPF.n OP Honorable John P Cohalan, a r?'iriogate ity uf New Tork, NOT] h- reb) given to all 1 claim? Kb har ! R \ si m n lata of th? Count) ??? ?? present the nan.- wilt, vouchers Hereof to I * ? aet 1 b lalai aa, n th. It"!..uali of Man battan, In lh? City of New Ynrk. nn or !.. f'.rr the I Of ui-tobi-r next. li?t-! New v..ik. th? Ird day uf April. UNION Tlfsr COMPANY of NEW YOKK. KIMi. LANE * TRAP A- ...... I . r m? ? n__4**itj R OP HON? John P Cohalan, ?? ?urrogat? of . ICE is h?re ... - peraon? ii , ? ? i an B Hr ? ^ ? nt tii? hM. to preaenl ? ? ? ( ?'. if? ,u'. ictlni f Au?,ue-iia S .Map??. No 4s Broadway, In Th? City .f No? York, .n . 01 befi da] of November n'?t. Dated Ni -. y 01 !.. th? lth .1 1) of M l?lfj. v.'it.l.twt P. TIMtaOWjp am: ? ? -., ?ton AUOUSTUS B .MAi'i - for F.x r<. Nn 46 lin . !>e.. liorough ?f IN !" OP AN ORDBR OF Honorabl? Joim r 1 ?halan, a .--.irroga'.,. of til. Count) of Ne-* Tnrk, BOtlce is li?r? t> giM-n 10 all person? lia ? aKf m?' lull? ' - rl? ? - ? .-r I lie? Ol New Tork, daCOMOd, In pre ? - . Wltb in. !i?i? 'h?r?of to rabeerlber, ai piar? of traiiHaiiing a'.neai No II Broa ! ?treei. In 'I'he ..'ity ol '.?is York, nn or nefme the lth day ef September nr\t Dated, New Tork. the : ml day ol Mar-h. IS1?. Ni:\V YORK TRUST COMPANT 1 Aar'itor NAHM A JONES Attorney? f"r llxeoufo-, ..igh of New Vor? city IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER "K Iloiinrwl.l? John P. Cohalan. a Surmgat? ot -, t.? t New York ? ? - .? here by giv? . ... t having ? ma . Palmer iira(i?.r late of luntj of N--?r Ynrk. leeeaaod 1 pro hers 1 hi n of t.. the ? ? IhOll p Of '.ran??, ting .... Nn in n.ii Street ?- lh? Bor ?ttai City uf N?a York, on for? th? 14th day of August next. liai V rk. the Iltk illy of Ja;iu 1 II .1. W \vi rKERSHAM ' ,. i ,.I. ' Hi \'.'y j E"* "'"r? (VALAPER vi'ICTCERSHAM J I f .r?ire?i. City IN PI ' ORDER OF ? ? . ? .eat? ' Ne? v rk, NOTICE is lona having e'alrna ?, . it? ol the ! 1 > - . iucI ? thereof to lh? rani '.ta ? r ? of New 1 lay of nber noxt New Tori th? :0th day of May. HIS. UEOROE in'API.T \ M HCAHBOROl'GH rilllH' .1 Mi COOK, tora Alt 1? Hors, ii, wniian? ,su, ?? \, . York City IN PURSUANCE Ol SN ORDER OP ..'ol'.n T. Coba an. a .-?arrogar? of me ' runty of Ne* Tork, given to all persona ? 1 .airna against llraytnn Iva late I) 1 '. N- w Yori?. .lereased. to ? ?-::i? with iO'j^-hera ilTreof to ? ? ? :na a: r OtH 1494 on t ' ? " ?ed 14th at No f,.' Wllltar Str?OI lr. -ough of Manhattan, ir. The Clt) of fork, on or before the 1. * t h ?'. iy of 1 'O'. I .-. I Now Tork. the l?th day of April. . ?: RE MAYNAI ..i-s um r ta>S b?tat? ol , a?iaU Iwu ili.iu.a. IBAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. I REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. YOU W at 2 P. M., RAIN OR SHINE. GO DOWN TO THE AUCTION SALE AT BELLE HARBOR (A beautiful residential section in N. Y. on the Rockawty ''oast. 12 miles from City Mill.) I said the lots Must be Sold for wliateyei-_price they will bring They are being sold but not bringing enough to pay what the sidewalks, sewers "?~~"???" ancj aU the other improvements have cost to put in. EVCrV OnC?Any OnC?who knows anything about Belle Harbor will tell you the lots are being thrown away. The balance, about 200 Lots, including 80 Ocean-front Lots with Riparian Rights, must be closed out TO-DAY"-^ matter what price they bring? This is the Simple Troth?, Easy Terms: 10% on Day of Sale and 36 Monthly Payments may be Arranged, or 70% Can Remain on First Mortgage. Titles Insured Free. To reach the Property: Take train from Flatbush Avenue Station, Brooklyn, to Rockaway Park, time about 34 minutes; or from Penn. Terminal, 42 minutuesu to Rockaway Park; from Rockaway Park Station 3 minutes by trolley to Belle \ larbor. For maps apply to JOSEPH P. DAY, Auctioneer, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. City. SURkUC.V S NOTICES? MICHELS, WlI.liKLMINB.--IN l'? ai.f an i.1er of Honor?l.i.t John P. ? ' halan, u Surrogat? of tl.e i'ounty of New York, nolle? la hereby given t., ?Il per? aun? having claim? ?gu'.t,?t Wllh?lmln? Mich?le, lat? of the county <.f New York. laceaeed, '.'> present the -.?me arlth vouch? er? thereof to th? subscriber, at it? placa of transacting bualni i, 7... m?i Bro Borough "f Manhattan, in Th? City of SOW fork, on or before th? 20th day of ? :i e \ t Dated. New York, the 17th illy of April. 1818. illTAP.ANTT TRI IT COMPANT OF Ni:w TORK, Executor. KI1ANK M PATTERSON, Attorne-, for Executor, $( Libert) Street, New York _ IN PURSUANCE OF AM ORDER OF Honorable .lohn P. Cohalan, a .Stirror:a.t* of the i'eunty of 7?''.?, T'.rll, notl. ? ;? hereby gi?en to all per?on? having claim? *?e!n?t Llanta ii. Holm?, lata of the County of N?w Y.iik, .le. ease.'., to present ?ha sume with w.u.'hera thereof to the .!??, at hi? place of tranaa ting I'udneN?. at th? olfli a of his attorney?, Merrill A lloajer?. No 188 Broadway, Bor? ough of Manhattan, in The city of New Vik ..ii o? i f ora ?he 18th .lay of Sep D?ted. New York, the 9ih day of March. 111 ?>. KDWIN C HALL, Bxeeutor. MFi'.IMLL * ROQERS, Attorney? for l"x erutor. No. lOi Broadway, Manhattan. Ne ? T-.rk .'"v_ IN PURSUANCE Or AN ORDEB "K Honorabl? John I' i'ohaian, - Surrogat? of the County of New Y'.rk, NOTICE is hereby glvtn to all person? hating agwln?! Thomas I!. Brown, late of the County of New York, decwaaed, to present the ?am? with voucher? ther-of to the '.er, at |r? pi?. - of transacting husl nes?, No. *o Broadway, la th? Hiioueh of Manhattan, in the <';?>? of New fork, on <>r before lha ninth ?lay of Oct..her next. Dated, Saw Y'.rk. the 3rd Ii*y of Ap II, UNION TRCBT COMPANY OF NEW VOHK 11??, utor. MILLER, KIN.;, LANE A TRAFFORD ?attorney? for Executor, 11 Rroadwa) i Uorough of Manhattan, Net? York IN 1-1 KSUANCE OF AN ORDEB 'iF Honorabl? John P Cohalan, a .Suirogat? of the ' ounty of New York, not! e Is hera? by given to all peraona having claim? ? ? Juliette t\. Raymond, late of the County of New York deceased, to present the ame \?ith vou. hers thereof lo the tub acribar, ?t his ?.la.' ..f ir*-.*.? ling bu - ? at the ofh.-e Of K'.eretl, ?lark- A Benedict. ' hut attorn? treat, In th? ' No* Tirk. "ti ir befor? the lJth ,1., (,t Si ptOmbOl next. Dated. New York, the Dnd day of March. 1811. HENRY W, RAYMOND. Exeeut? FA'ERETT CLARKE * BENEDICT, Attar? n '.'. all Bl, Manhattan, New IN PI'HS of an order of Honorabl? John p. Co? .. Surrogat? of th? ''uiinry ,->r >.'?w York. NOTICE I? herebj ???en -o all por? ig? ? ?? Thema? w. Ih. late of ' Now York. ?. ? t. to prenant ? i? .?m ,? with vou-h I. at place of I Blch : *r?! Kelly, Boom ?Jv. a). Borough f Manhattan 'n The , ??, ? \% York, in or befor? the Ifth la? ?f No vembei I>are).i. New York May 8, 1115 I H? ?MA 3 H. HMi I'll I. to vor. I'li'll ? for live.- .tor. No -JJ Broadway, '???? V>rk (Tlty 1181 AS'- II OF AN ORDER OF HON Dg a ' e of the Count) of N.-w York. NOTICE I? here. b] given to ? ? '.' ?' ?on? h? ? ? te of th? County of New Fork, deceased, to present, th? mm* ?t'h voucher? ih? ?of I i? ?ub a- h r p:?' e ut tranaacllng buel? n."=s-, at (he orfl.'e.? of h?r Attorney?, ran non .?.- Cannon, Bonn ?07, No l.i. Broad '!anhalt?n Borough, In The i",ty of New Y'uk. on or bifor* the 19th day of No? em ? : nest luted Jfen 1 ork. the ?th diy of M?v. 1*11. HARRIET M DICKINSON, Flxerntrlx r.\: SON A CANS *>' tttorneyi for Execn ?ni. i i y Tot CHARLES H IEWELL.. PURSUANT -" ,- order "7 M r. i m p Cohalan, ?me of the Surroiia'e? or New York ?.'nun-.,, n? Ice ? ? given ihm ?ii per??n? having claiiii? against the estate of i'h^ H. Jewell, tat? af th? County of New vork. de. eaied. ate re<iulre<| to exhibit the aim? with the ?onch?r? thereof to the under e e .',-,1 Of Mid ??'?'?. It hi* Kg? .f QoohOn, < II anj? ? ? or before the Hit d?! ef October, 1 ? I S. pate.i Hi? 11 t ,i ,i of April. HI?. JOSEPH M ER RITT, l-7ve. u'.or. H ? ' ' T RAKKEtt Atl ' ? .? ,r 4 Marke] Si Poughkeepsl? N Y IN PURSUANCE OF %N ORDER OF HOJL e jolm P Cohalai ?? Surrogate of th? County 'f New York. NtiTI I' Il h?re ' c person? ha < ? ?g?ln*t Mar] I! ! of 7 ?n York 'I' :. to present 'he ?am? n lib von ?' ? ' bor? I to the n <? ? I ' i . '.ir.g bu?inesa. at til- offlra i ten Vo '. HUd?' n S're. t. In The '|iy of New York, on or before th? Ittb rt< I M em h. r ne .t Patfi Ne* 1 jrk th? ?tb d?y of M?y. 1515 ROBERT a PCrWaTJtS, Kxecutor a ...,,. settlor, No ?!. Mroadwa? Borong'i of Al.'I'I'i HI PAULINE - ti rur?i?nea 0f t Htm 1 ?nal? ? Sur ' ' ? i . ?. it* ' of Floret ? la pre?ent the ??me. ? 1th vou h.r? thereof ti th* sub ilng biialn???. a- ?>,? riffli-e? of M S Traf - ? . ? ? . ? the ii" of < let? b?f noil - : ' ?? lb? I It b day of April. 181 41LLER Eaeeutor. Mil inn K l r$ t..rn?)? for K?e? .- r < i II r ougt- ' Sew i I ? , I aa Trier ?-* Honorabl? lohn P, .'"halan, a f New Tor* . ? .at? or t. - County r. Ne? Voik I ?aaod ' - . ? the i ?r? ??? their place of transacting \\a. l?tre?t. la th? i'!t\ of N?w York, on or ' ' - - -\t p?t?d Ne?. Y rk 'ne S'h .lav of J un?. ? ? INSTANCE 1-1 P. o.rt. ' IN It LARKIN. , .?a II III ?... ? ?? - ai. i. SURROGATE'S NOTICES. SMITH, EMMA LOUISE.?IN PURSU? """ <-t an order of Honorable John P. COha an. a Surrogate of the County of Net? York, notice Is hereby given to all person? having claims against F.itimi LoulM Smith, late of the County of New Tora daceaaad, to prei.-nt the ?am? with vouch?! thereof t., the > ubscribers, at their place of tranaaetlng business, at the office of Aahbel P. Pitch, Mott * Orant, No 3? ? Street, in ?he Horougli of Manhat? tan City of New York, on or bef.ire th? .'5th day of August next Dated. New York, the t?th day of Feb nun, 191:, CHARLES HOYT SMITH. 1 .? ASiini;t, p PITCH | ?'-t*'""'-0? ASHBEL P. PITCH, MOTT A ORANT, Attorne>? for Executor?. S! Nassau treat, Ilorough of Manhattan. New _York City._ MARLOR, HARRIET j. ? IN PURSU an. i of an order of Honorable John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notlee Is hereby given to all peraon? having claims against Harriet J. Mar. or lot? of Brooklyn County <.f wind ham. Mato of Connecticut, deceased, to present th? si::ie with \ ou. herd thereof to th? snbocrlbera, at their plao? of transact? ing bualneaa at th? office? of Roosevelt A Kohh.V No. 44-4? Wall Street. In The Bor? ough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the 30th day of September. 1915. Dated, New York, the loth day of March, lDlS. FHANK n VAN HRl.'NT, WILLIS D, VAN BRUNT, Administrators. C T. A. ROOSEVELT A KOBBE, Attorn?/? foi Administrator?, r. t. a, 4 1-4? Wail Street. Manhattan. New York. IN PURSUANCE OK AN ORDER <'F Honorable John P. rohalan. a Surrogat? of th? County of New York, notice I? her?- , by given to all persons having ? latme against Marie Louise Sto.-kwell (?ISO is Marie LoulM Stokwell Keith?, ?ate of th? County of New York, de- j ? eased, to present th? ?am? with vouch? er? thereof to the aubscrtber, at hi? place of transacting business, at th? office of . hi? attorney. Coleridge A. Hart. Eao, . No. lasan street, B.rough of Manhattan, In The Clt) of New York, on or before th? : if Sep'.-mher next. Dated, New Totk, th? 10'b day ot Maren. 1'ir. .'FMltlRS F HARMAN, Executor COLERirx'.E A HART, Attorney for Ex e .?? i K Naasau Street. Manhat'an, New York City._ r. PURSUANCE OF AN-ORDKR OF HON oral.le John P Cohalan a Surrogate of th? county of N> a Tork, notice ia hereby given to all persona having claims .giltst Henry Adama Hlyth, Lite of the County of New York, deceased, to present th? ??lite with voucher? there f to the eub |.'rii.?r.4 at their place of transacting buet nesa, at the oflU ? of Kenneth IJ. Hal Stsad, Ne fl Itioadivay. In th? City of New Tork, on or before the let day of Noi ember Dated, No? Y.rk. the 2*th day of April. 19:1 HENRT MAM? BT.YTH. :NtV FREI' HA MITE AX) fEsMUtoro. UM.i.lAM H CARET ill B. HAI.sTEAD, Att< ..tornay for Executor?, Tl Broadway, Borough of tttai New Tork City. IN It RSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF ? P Cohalan. a Surrogate of ti.e County ut N--? Tork, ne - i given to all p- rsons hn ing claims il Robert Waller, la'? of the County of New York. d?c*aSfd, to p.??e"t th? ?am? With vouchers m-'reof to the eib ecrlbera, at their plae? of transa, tin,' bual? i,. .? th? offl o of Stewart A Shearer, No ? Wall Street Boroush of Manhattan. In The Clt) ..f Now Yoik, en or befor-j th? '?1st da- of September next. Dated, Now Tork. th? 12th day of Ma KMII.Y STEWART WAT.I.FR, , STEWART ?TALLER and VExeoutora EDWARD ?T. ?JUKI nos j ". II It HEARER. Attorney? for . ?? e..t, Matinattan. New Tors City. PLURSCHEIM, HERMANN A.?IN PUR? ?mn.? of en order of Honorai!? John ! P. Cohalan, a Surrogate, of the .'oun:) of , New Tork, )? hereby given to all . persons hmir.g ..-latins against Hermann A. ? helm, late of -h? County of New Tork de. eas?d, lo preeent th? s?T.e wi'h vouchers 'Hereof, m ihe subscribers, at their pu.e of tranaaetlng business, at the off., e of Rtrauea, Reloh .(? Boy?r. th?ir at? torneys, No. 14! Rma,!?.*?. In th? City ot N?s Torn, en or before the :'7th day of ?ept?ml ?r next lia ed New York, the l?th day of March. 1111 FRANKLIN SIMON I F?cutnf. BERNARD FLl'RSCHEIM. I STRAUSS REICH * BOYaCR, A'tomeys .: .?.??..t..r? No 141 Broadway, gh ?f Manhattan New Tort City ?jj PCR8? \ ' OF AN' l IRD?R OF HoN orable John P,. a Surrogat? of the count) of New York KOTI s here? by given to a.l persona having claim? .,. ii [ULI ?. M ' ?I in lata of ? . of '??? - y * deceased, to pre? sent th? ?am? ?ul.?crr;>?r at :he offlc? of Messrs. 4.-Her. '?' . Nl II Exchange Pis -. igta if Manhattan, City ol Tork jo ?r before th? :7th day of No-, em ? x*. ? New York, the 14tb day of May, ROE R. D SCI IN. 1 t- toi I Oh 1.1.KR. ROLBTON A HORAN. Attorneys for l.v. itor, * New >ork N . . . . , ?.|e- f Honorable John V. Cohalan. a Surrogat? of tl.? c.,ur.ty of New y ?'?.. ? ?ng i lalm? ?t< n?i Sara b M th? i '.on,' . ..; n ? y r?, .1? aent 'he some with voucher? thereof ta 1 - tin? b..?uie??, th? one? of Putney T? : - ? ?-r?. f Itor. ugh of - I T ?. l| .lav of October iim' Dated New York, th? 14th da;, of April. : WILBCR D1XON EM.I?, i? It r MBLT A PUTNEY At 4 ? I Street. _ EH OF HON ihn P cohalan. a s ,-r,r, , f - ? ? here ? : pe- ana ha i ag a.:- ? Jv. i William Ii uglas Sloan?. . anty of Net? Y r* doceaaed ; - : aent th? a?m? with vou here the?. ? ? ? . a' their pll * tl . aas. No li Hroaii Street, la th? ? York. )n or before the !>? ' i>?> ?n.v er n?xl New T-irk, th? Sth lay -!Mn IS1I EMILY r ' , . MAI. OLM O SI/.A -i ' - itera, ?? u.oai e.;?*-?, >?.?/ ?at .?- laitu -SPECIAl ANNOUNCEMENT!!! C| At the request of several buyers at our Qrogcnurf | auction, who bought at our advice "for a turn" and wish their property handled by our "live wire" meth? ods, we have opened an office right on the property at Edgemere. ?f Those who were timid or unable to attend the sale will still be able to pick up some choice bargains. Building and permanent loans can be arranged for builders and home seekers. CJ This property was sold at ridiculously low prices. You can offer to pay a reasonable profit and STILL MAKE BIG MONEY. Office at Edgemere, cor. Lincoln & Dickerson Aves. Open Afternoon and Evening or by ?pecial appointment. 'PHONE?FAR ROCKAWAY 3070. SURROGATE'S NOTICES. BOYNTO? SARAH L?IN PURSUANCE of an or.1er of the Hon. John P. Cohalan, Surrogat* of the County of New York. notice .? hereby given to all person? hav- . lng claims agilnst Sarah L, Boynton. lat? f the city, County ?nd S'.ate of New Tork, to exhibit the ?ame with the vouch era therefor r ? the underalgned Ex'cutors of th? Laat ?'111 and Testament of ?aid Sarah L B lynton, deceased, at 52 William Street, In the cffl.e of hobert Leslie Mof fett. their attorney, on or befor? the 20th .Uy >'t Novaml ?I 1? I . Dated, New York May ."th. 1?1S. 9AHAI1 ELI I s, Exoeutrls. LEWIS W. BOYNTON Executor ROBERT LESLIE MOFFETT, Attorney for Executor?, 11 William street, Bor-' ough of Manhattan, N?-v York. N. Y IN PI RSUANCE Of an ORDER OF RON orsble John P. Cohalan, a Surrogat? of th? County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all p-nom ha?'.:.g claim? aru'.i.?' Marie A. Heye, late of the County of New York, decease.1. to present the ,im< with voucher? thereof to tue ?ubacrlbora, at their pla-e of transacting business at th* offl.-e of F Klngabury Cnrtla No. 30 iiroad Str-et. in The li.rough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or before the 27th d?y of September next. Dated, N'w York, 'he tth Ja> of M?reh. MARIE H CLEMENS.) ?..?u,nr. IROE C HEYE | r.xerMlore. F KINOSBURY CI RT.? A-'otney for th? Executor?, 1* Bro*1 Btroet, New York ?nty DE RAIMBOUVILLE, EUGENE".?IN PUR ?u.inre of an ord-r of the Honorable John p. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of Ne?y fork notice I? hereby given to all iit<i.'.i having claims against Eugen? d* RalmbOUVlIlO, I?'? of the City of Paris, Fran ??. di ?aaed to present the ?am? with voucher? thereof to th.- ?ubscrtbor, ?t her plaie of transacting business, the ofTle? f Lloyd i Maddox, No $2 William s-r-at (Manhattan), in the city of New York. on or bef .i? 'he 23d da) of O toi er next. Dated, New York, the I'aih day of April. 1515. CARRIE H. DK RAlMBOtTVILLB, Executrix. I.I.OYP A MADDOX, At'.ornes? for Exec? utrix ' . 81 h -'reel CO! ?NT, CHARLES A ?IN PPI'SI lai of Honorabl? ' . an. a Surrogate of the County of New 1 York, notice I? h ? . having Claim? ?gal. ?' charles \ Conanr, lat? ' th- County of New York, d? to pr?*ent the ?ime, with voucher? thereof, ? subscriber? a- theli p a. e ,f a-ting bualneoa at the offlce of Hawkins, DelalWd A Longfellow, No 20 Exchang? Place .n 'h? Cltj of New York, on or he - 15th day of February. HI?. Dated. Now York, th- Ktl day of July, 1?16 FREDERICK II PAGE, ROMAINE H ? R? 'SHY Kxecutor?. HAWKINS, DBLAFIELD * LONQFEL? LOWJ Attorney? for E??CUtor? .-.1" I IUANCEOF AN ORDER OF HON. orabl? John p ... ? Surrogat? ' of the County of Now York. NOTICE ? hereby g'.?*n to ?II person? having claim? i ?gain-1 I?? ? . ?rlata, i?t? of the ?' 'Ul t) ?f New Yo:a ??-??? to pre ? -h* >?m* wi'h vol. her* thereof t* the ?libecrlber, at p.*>? of Iranaaoting bust -... i or 1,888, No 12 Liberty Street. In I he i it, of New York or. or before th* >'h .la-, ' January n?ii Dated, New York, the 21th day of July, 1 '. 1.. HERBERT CLAYTON ?H aMBERLaIN. Administrator. . -' !' v HOWARD Ally_ .'NO JUDITH CARTER.?IN PUR ?u?r.c* of ?r. o:der of Hon. John P C . h?lan. a Surrog?'- ' ' - ? mty of N*w Yik, not' ? ?s herei y given to all per?ons having <-lalm? agalnat Judt'h Carter ?.'u' ' tlr.g. l?te of ih? ' "? of New York ?nd of fat!.. - . - ut the, v reof. to th? ?ub ' ?.-rlber. it hi? Big hu?l a York City, -r? r ? ? i ? ' laauary, 19! 5 Usted. July 12. 1*1? JAMES D W CUTTINO, Executor CKARLI S s ARON8TAM, A:tori?y fer Ex?, cor. 100 I. H ?F Honorabl? John P ? ol'.al?n. a Surrogat? of th* county of Mew York, notice l? hare by g.?*n to all pe.-?on? having claima against Mich? Be I ?to of th* Count) of N*w York. d*c*aa?d. t* pr??*nc the ?ame with ? ?of to the :.?r, at pi?.-e of tranaacting bust -??-'? Tha d'y of I .rk o? or before 'he l.'h d?y of beule | Dated. New York, the 1th day ?f Mar h. THE FARTsTERI I ?AM. ANC TRUST COMPANY Administrator. JroWLtK 'i:?A. K BUCBafAKTSB IN I , - ? a ,:l <*ur f New 1 ?aim to i Igilinl ?.ra ? ' ? < . . ? ? - ? ? '? U ? ill). I ai.hi- itr kiiwi ? i .Us*. kiorou?u ? 1 ?Uiiiirii. ,\?a 1*1 a ClU. UNTURMSHEO APARTMENTS TO LET ?F.ST ral DE. REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 room?, $660 - $720 6 room?, $720 ? $900 7 room?, $900 - $1200 Terfeet Hervrlce. OWNER 4)\ PHKMI-i ? I ? '_? ? REAL ESTATE FOR SU.E OR TO LET COUNTRY. Ceuntry Hesie Infarmatlan fr?a te ?r????rtl?? Sap. en lJ?t ?>v?n field. C?I1 ?" - .i Country Beta? Sarvfc? I a 11*1 M M s^j n?rf In LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. Su??rt?r >ailae?i L*.-atlas N w>?4 iV* M WM. I. MAY k CO.. 717 5t*> Ay?., sr. Sotti St. ! RESORTS. _ WHY NOT COMMUTE FROM Briarclilf Codge? HrlarrlltT M.inor. N. Y. 30 Mile? up the Albany Pea* Hoad. 60 Minute Electric Train teretes to Scarsboro. <*?? feet Elevation. All the advantages of i "intry life and the comfort? of the boat .ity hotel. i New Tork Offlc?. 402 Madia n Avenu?. HOTELASPINWALL Lenox, Mass. Three golf courses, aaddle ?oree?, ten? nis, dancing, motorlner. fin? drive?, ?to. A'.commoilatea ?1* Write for ?.irculer. M W. BK4>n.V. Aha ?SANLI0E?) HOTEL, La I a SS**eTe*aaTe U.U. VERMONT FOR VACATIONS *<?? d le lump fer Illustrated bookie? glrtr.g in f"rrrn' ? la ? rtrmr.ouae?. rottagaa and .'aaioa. ?l-.h rate? ral roa ! 'ar-i ate Addreee Uenera. Saetero Paeecnger Agei.t. Hutland K. a. I ?> N . nil _ GALEN HALL HOTKL AM? t4AH4T4)Rll?J, ATLANTIC < M r, N. J Always open Alwav? ready A.way? btjay (,-annot t.e ex. ?i.e.i for comfort or tab!? ; and ?ervlce An Ideal pla.-e fur a long Or ! ahort a'ay Tonlo an.l curatlv? bath? with trained epera-er? r" I. Tul"?'??. f;?neral Manager. ,Hf LCA0IH0 RtS0?T ilOltl Of TUT WOtl? O?arlborouab- Blcnbefm ATLANTIC CITY. M. ?T. JOtlAH WHITC A SONS COMPANY KITTATINNXJ \ l>en?.?re Haler i i, la \ i spa- it; 100 sujwriov hi Its a?(o4i>t \ MUa. enaflaa and ?*?**aaa Sp?. la; ?ua 1 mm sad famllj ratea Write It booSlal % > '. a ufo mai. M tartaja? a i ? a? itaaS aaoie ? laatta? a? orlMr fuea'< i IIARLE* H wii:tk rtmt ?Mf>ir<?~ALiTOMiJBILE TOURS. N. V. STATE. Bookie' A VItoa ?rae > M SAIN, "???b.jfg?j. M T. BUSINESS CARDS. CAKKPt'L caRI-TT rij-AMsn i o-^?iesane ?? ? . ? ? le? i I ?a lit.? i 1 ?.i ??t? al ut. a BK?_VDT. ' ir i niiruru TTPKwaiTT?? Lirmaa. Hi?. Il J? 1 ?04 || l| 14 ?>. |S. mo it w ? a ni no niin. IjSB'y tr^uhabUavi?.) Kot?*? 1.111 Sawue ?M? Sk,vv tori? CARrr.T i-tj-'AMNO ?orina I ai?'4i M ?t M <i?rn T\St R' 01 vMivk... raual .iLH rakl-?ta. PltaSja lleaa... tl * 'il ul?f I ist IN1M4 huta*? Oil Ht VSatA 4?U SS?