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Profits Gained Through Evil Really Belong irv the Loss Column? lawn Tennis Players Defy the Elements f,o Through Ihe Doubles Matches While Storm (hases Gallery. 0STENDORF AND BAOGS REACH FINALS yan_ Hall and TaUant Win ii Slices at l dgemere l aun Tennis Tournament. B, } RED M W rilORNE La?' ' i ? da? tern? tour ? r? biting "rom - "- ?* : the j 1 I up la*t pi ' I with ? ..?me. i the i n the heat. ?t, and racket ? ? prove- ! ? him acing ? won ? nur ? n?ton ' ? . won man on an ? 8?6 .? t the ' bv a I ? ? : '. h ?i the Hall I ? the ? ? when ? I - ? ? od by . ? ? where ? ' i: at ower a? the lobusi-l MADISON SQ. GARDEN g, AtagU?! 3i rj DUNDEE vs. BR?TT0N EMISSION. Sim Seats n Sale W. .ii 1,1 .Mini M.,,| Ho. M, l.\ I.). Y I H ISO Um Bowling B Prices and Terms to Suit. ?ttHAIRS BY EXPERT MECHANICS. . ' llruiis??,, L Ii ilk? ? I .... ?n -i i.. It ni?, \,>? Vara. Swi 5a' ???.??* inUO DIVING HI m I il-/ ' ' erlwi.1, N I .. II..11. v, ,, , ?on Swimming; (??chool, 19 W. 44 St. T?-yi ?? i Tall? affix Rspslra - _m Hiil>|?lM. .?^?r? HrosV JS*\ I ? ?>? . *"37 ** i r attack al tha nal thai swrrp* 'he op*M ?? Oi tendorf tirn >d his smeahaawith t thun while Bun:- wa no? him t Tin' limousined gal ? : it all hugely, and the auti led the swan song of Hi n. who lu ! control of Uli ? s, with Cragin the chief offendi Burt, who wai ncting ump re in thi forts . ? ih<. eieiti I i ad, bot the 01 him ti> ?in but . nlm, kei p . T younj : to feel ci.i al home ii m and remained u til Baggs and Oatendorf I al 6 i, 8 l, .m.i t! match. summaries follow: 4' ... ^ . .. XV. 4 :<-a> I A 1. I . A ?. Mi 4 ted Ilu . I . i Hal i Raa ? ? 4 FORTY YACRTS RAC1 IN LIGHT WIND! Large Fleet Takes Part ?i Annual Regatta of Ber? ten Beach Yacht Club. One of the largest fleets that ovr part In a regatta on Jamaica Ba the annual race of the B? i Beach Yacht ( lub yesterday. Fort wer., timed. Owing to the hgr dozen other yachts di arrive in time to take part in th regatta. T that raced did nc have tue wind wa .irhout. This caused the n committee to cut the course i ? of the division Among the cal the winne ? ? ng late, tin- di was divided. The regular clas was Ann by 'he Ciz and 'he specia rla?-- was "iik"!; by the ?"unco. Th .' bo ;' .' >me wa scored a sail ? " won among the smal ' Turtle was the first of *h ng the boat end Hay th Maxixe took oni winner in the othe ' ? ? In the cabin powe ? May !!. The S led the w.v al and thi the an all opei times ma; ? al of the di pi ? : ? - ited each Yacht ''lub on Augu? 11. :?<? wai Merritt, F. C. lluab. jr., F I E. E .>.- * : ( Al 1 N -I..... ?t'RSl M M H II M S i '? ? hM.i K.4i:ni , v W A Wli .- . ? . 4 I ill 14 1 ?T:I l'AHl.\ i VTIU'A 1- ?TAKT. 12 04 COI 0.1 .. l:3S.?l 1 24 .'. ? I .: .. Mli.i ? 0 1 2" V .. ? ? - ?' IIJ - HTAIIT, 11 IS ' ..i i:?k. 8 Mll.l.S .1 1 17 1 : n : 11 I MILK-' 1 4 ' 1 4* 4i I 4 4 1 Mil 12 14 I ..l . ?.II'. I ? 1 1 44 H ? 11'. iKNIl I 4,1 ' l AS? MTAKT 11 14? III.!..? ! 1 .1 I 17 ?J ? ? Mli.l S !.. 1.14.4 11? ? 1 m ? . ni IISI. i i . . ! ? I -? i r ...... I-.'* 4.1 I **: 4 i i I : MAI BTAH '4 4 1 Il I . ; ' ? I ? M ! \i:ol Ni) POOR ( OMPANY. ?| .,,. u, j lins in ns tha? in Ten ? . .-ti keep er, remarks The 11, ?. ? ! n t Pri .pof! of the rigors of the dry rtlandt, th? Chat? . d m a gar? now in the ? ?? >}-, : a rich pi ... .'II B I ? ?? ?'] hank you, fi iend,' said th. "'Well, came around anyw? the p] naturedly. _ 'I can offei you, a! Ii ..-?. a good cigar.' .. -| ,... Parson Black, i "?in you eat grass, parson. he ?? ???'.,. Black, haughtily. 'Of course 1 di , "'Well, then, you re u queer one ?You 'loi t don't 1 vim ?loi '' . U h .. r ? ? e THE MU MB BELL." Thimbles wer? ftrst known as "thumb ? be a more convenient place, and with the Iiish nt Oi4ir position th? name mas ?otufied ??? "thiinbit." I Getting Back on His Garne Walter Merrill Hall, who defeated Arthur Lovibond In the singles and later with Arthur C. Cragin was beaten by Albert J. Ostendorl and Ralph Ba??i in trie doubles, at Edgemere ?"tub's lawn tennis tourney. Saratoga Springs Ready For a Month of Racing Thoroughbreds of the East and West to Meet in Stakes at Opening of Meeting To-day. H I i '?. ig, 1. Th? tag? i.? all s? t here to day for I ning of the month Ion;: r;n'?- mi now. With the arrival of the omera by tl I ad, the old town ? holiday ap usual, and Broadway thronged with intcr !???'?? .-??n i d bedtime, Th? more tti . and, with the add??d influa of touriat? kepi away from .he holiday il i not unlikely l will make many new frier i ow *'id tl ' end of ti e month. Mo.-, of th? the.ighbred? thai marched from tl trarkwaid, sleek and blanketed, in an imposing array, were those of Weatern own and th? r? leema to be th' general impression that Western own ers will i- n a much mor? important figure a- Sarato) i ? In to-day's rae? i -.ture* on the flat will bo divided between . United States Hotel Stukes, nt rlongs, for 1 bring An even dozen i .n ?.. : ? ? itart, ??> ith Mr. Waterboy Colonial, carrying lln pounds, .. n r-robable favorite, but the W Bulsi Methersol?, which i.? a.?ked to carry 130, is nound ? on. Mars? Henry, another good Western colt, by ' oth, will not be iUt ii"" a '? their .. I S. Thomp "ii- I ion . '. by De .> uphold the Andrew Mil lei with top ? ? Saratoga l!:.\.i rap. i row, from th?' I ' a . will be heavily rtfd. '?'. rell's last i... i... Wa? be without n contin? gent. YACHTS ARRIVE IN MORRIS COVE Seavvanhaka-Corinthian Squad ron Makes Good Time in Cruise on Sound. r ' mi la Th? New Haven, Aug. ' i"h< of the Seawanhaka-Corintl '.'!ub arriv? d Cove l ? ? I, and ? ? ?ri itward in B fairly fri 1. ? Ih? retta, v J Ii in i? 1 Ba? . et, 'i. V,. yachl M ircva. The I.oidor., to mon. ?? ? In th.- aftei ?quadn ? that ?' 'i '.uik,'!''' and remain with th? squadron for th?' cruisi end? - T In- Seas < lorinthian Yacht ? !?il>' ? club? aloii?; the Sound to join in their ?hi' invita ? on \\!> THE I?*. \N AS BAD. \ ? : e? neern ? ? It v egg that open, i had b? en Iropped by I ?he had dt ? ekj to marvelling ? t ita pe< iiliai From ? MAKING ISING1 ASS. ? .? ;:ir bl line 8 ?- : where i ? ? membrane ??parata? from th?. Inner; then the latui ia waahttd and dried in , - HAUPT A WINNER AT MOHAWK GAMES Outsprints Skea in Special 6U0 Yard Run Biddle Victor from Scratch. V strong I rried Kd i ie Haupt, of the Bron: ? rch House, to .. ?? ? II earned i . irames of ? eld a- M.i t ? t'.l le->s econd Hi i of the -, third ? ? Seven .; ' and ?21 o yards dux Church , who t ried vs him. other in : : 09 ? imme . Club, ?i m ?n ? r . ?. i ? 11 tart? i ro ni andicap ? irted i rom n t by Bid? the finish, \. hen he a : rinted quar ti r mile ?..'i the irnpt ? in the in of ? ? mda, while won -.hi- t'.'.n mile run. . irdi . i . i .?? i ? ? i i . . J Sat i t. \ ? ' N 4 HOY, FLIES BREA. Ill . ? eye? an- made up al l.i'o" faC?tS Plie* carry from tiO to 70 timr? g i 'STARS MAY NOT COMPETE' Entry List for Western Lawn Tennis Tourney in Doubt. Chicago, Am- i Hoch doubl ???? ? here to dnj concerning the entry Hat for the Western lawn t.-ji ? oui nament, ?rh eh a ill b< re umed .row an th?- Oawtntaia Club it I I'.ii' ' !.. ?,.. ?? Infor ? : tin- probable atU ?dance ol ..ut of tow. plaver? wn ; larkn,;. 'I he ? :..i "i -i,, Northwestern t..m na ' ni. ii? ni Lake M nnetonka yesterday re ? t ni star i, and to Borrow the I new Nortkwoal champion, George M i Church, of Iiri.ifly, N J.; Jog Arm-1 of St. Paul, runner-up. .nul . ? ni i ii. the ? .-i o ??..:? .? i' La ??? I'm eat. I ??? ? .ru ; concerning the Califor? nia entrie? eneoun ? >i the official? to W M ?olinaton, of Sun ??.. ".'..ild be on hand t., play ral ... ind mat? rith II- ath By? ford, lliinoi tal ?''a .. .'.'in won the We I - ?ad wa defeated by Ali\ Skuair, of Chieago, in tue chul ted a.? ? ? from Long? ? . II v not Forest m ' . iday red liminary match? ? a : '? I be kept for him. SEATS FOR ALL? COMERS' TOURNEY ON SALE TO-DAY West Side Tennis Club Allots 2,000 Tickets for Non-Members. I', i ; >nl demand for niions from lawn lover ' club rep ? ?ii ri the United Sate- National I IVnni .'-. "...:'i.,:. a change has ; ide in the t? for the national championship, beginning; on August 30, on the courta of the Tennia Club, Becau the vi.i.;,m of criticiam following the announcement that the lubaeription , no! be .pen to the general pub lic unti Augu 20 it wi decided by Roheit !?. WTrenn, the chairman of the national coi I ? open the .- u h - scriptiori of ?eat? for the entire tour? nament to the pii!/!:!1 to-day and in ';,. i. ipeel place the lovers of the came and the member? of the club? upon the game basis without anv par? tial, ty. It was pointed out by Julian S. My rick, preaident of the Weit Side Ten? nis Club, ami a member of the national committee, that at the time Karl Hehr argued ae forcefully for tran?ierrin,; the <-reat champion -hip from Newport to New York he had dwelt upon it* placing the higheat type of lawn tenni? in the world within easy access of the players and the followers of the coun? try. The restriction of giving member? of ?dubs in the national association preference ovi i non-members in the securing of the sea h had raided a ?torra of protoat which had immediate? ly brought about the change deaired. Ilarr;, f'arker, who had charge of the Davis Cun ?eating reservations, has been notified to open the general sub day at hi- otVice in the Fcrty-second Street Building. In the two weeks that 'he *ub?cription has been ope:: two thousand of the seat? have been taken. Entries for To-day at Saratoga Springs i in r BJUt - . , ' ind up Wl. ? .. . : i.'irn? . 11'.' I'onnlng To???r It- ?. impllon ?> .?. i. ? II? Atini Joel? .. . . r. ?... m Nul " M '. tu. f nu: Kim i.n..wi mvri.r. I'llAMI ? ????.? ifaj i a Kill? ' . I Hi ? 1. ? . ."17 r niK i '.in .? - rair? ?nun. . . a I.; i. . , : i ' ii 11? Il nlnanl .loi 110 Jol :. u . KMi I ? Hula? . ?a ?'Ol Kill Ha? I I'. ? ..A BAXUl? ?I*. ? . ' ? ? I ?r . .... I'M 143 .... : .., ' ii I'll Til I'.?.' RrUln?; ( r ilirr? > n It: ai nthal.I8J :?: ?SI i??? .. ? 1101 ?Val? . ** ?at. '??' ? SIXTH RACK r.r n..: am two-jeai ? 111 John W Kl?ln. IM - ? ? 111? ..i ? .in 111 kii . May. . '?' ? '?'.ni".l". - lia? .Mil- ... HI . ? .11? Moon Horn .HI ? \. ? I >'!"W?n ? .-!.i' ! AMERICAN LEAGUE PITCHING RECORDS .? .i i. (;r?u Boato ? a I . '. I i . . .'. It I H i ' : ? - a I ? - I - - ' - ? ? ? M ? ' > A . I" | - ' I Dili >ir: Ml ?N IT THAI W IY? A ? - ? a woman .-elected a copy i . ever I I 1er, to ? lust hi: GOULLET BEATS ' KRAMER FOR A CYCLING PRIZE Wins Two Out of Three Heats in the Criterion Revenge Race. CUTRIDF.S AMERICAN IN TWO FAST BRUSHES firenda Defeats Moretti in the Brassard Match at the Newark Velodrome. Alfn-il Goullet, the Australian ? ? If rank L Kramer, the American champion, in the Criterion Et.?v?agc race >r or.;- mile at the N"?-w r.rk VeloorOBU yesterday nfterin on. Gotille' won two out of the three heats at on" mil-, rhere -ould he no charge .if teaming made against him, a he did not have the least bit of outaide help, ?rinning absol itelj on his rr.erit?. < jr ar Moretti, the Hal.a:.. filso was in th<- rae, but did ii"- Bg? 'if' n- the Anal sprint?. ?l'ni?e* had the speed and Kramer d d nor.. Tin? win -hown in the time .?'?il. Kramer'? b^ ?? in th heat, which he won, was 12 1-! cads from the eighth poli-, while his . <ioul ? the second and third, woe II I onda, and did it from second piuco ? ach timi. Krai ? Goullet napping in ,: through on the pole after Moretti, while Goullet . OB 'he hacks; retch. Kr..iii r had taken the lead fioiiller came around Moretti, but lost the heal by a fool In the lecond heat, with Kramer leading, (ioullet be^an a lo::g sprint, and a.? the Yankee went off into th?> Hal in the homestretch Goullet passed him and won by a half length. The third heat saw Kramer leading at the start of the last lap, with Moretti second and Goullet third. Goullet's quick jump carried him pa<* Muret*.:, and then he and Kramer b .ttled side by ?nie for half a lap. Kramer broke under the pace on the backstretch, and then Goullet went on to victory. Alfred Grenda, the Tacmanian, won the Brassard from Moretti by a long ?print, his early advantage enabling I..m to win by an inch. Rain eut short the programme: The summary follows: Half-mil? i a?Wan ??? rrank Be-artuto Kew tfk: 4411.lam 14? K \?wark. ??? ml Trae. 1 mi-', Kelf-mll. . ol ??> .4.... bjr llarrj kr-.-- i i arrlal; It'?' a 1 MirN'amai-a Auatralla . .rat.hi .?????? Ma - Dir**!? Frasee . ;-.. ihlrdi n..: liai.??n, Denmark (JO \V' lia.'.'?-). Sau 1 ra?i.i??i> 114 ; yartlai, Sit II T. . ?. n M 1 4 ?".?i reim?- i ? mile profeaelenal) rtrv heal -.loi. bj Au?tr.ula, Frank I,. 1 K-atr.rr. Raal "'an?? M ' '..-j- \t..r?"l. l'a'.i. IhtnL Tima, 14 - I heal wan bj (Joui let . ? - Mor"".. "iH Tl-r.?. : 4.1. Thlrl heat ? Kramer, McMd; Mureiil, . M! liai .i ? hanrllrap isiMtmrl Wim bj ? ?ar>to): A -t .<-. Lan?, l?alas ami; Fr? ti? ? r ?..-'. N?wark il? jar.M. leurttl I ' ! - - ? ' .ar Mo i -?im ?i? r, r Slfrad Ola .a. Afutra la Won b? Oreifda Tim? 14 , i-no .ml ? i ?italien hanrlleap (profeulonal)? " ?I .1" . . fourth. Time, profeealoni Wo-1 h? Rr(t|t?. .... . . ? i ' ? -a-? BRITTON READY FOR BOUT Dundee Also Out to Show He's Best in Bout To morrow. Jack Britton, of Chicago, one of the beat lightweight.4 in the ring to-day, and Johnny Dundee, in whom many see a possible champion of the class, will meet in ten rounds at Madison Gardon to-morrow night. This match will be i i? best of the year unies.? all signs fail. H ?th boys are at their best, and have heen fighting in sensational ityks in all their ???? i4?:.? A match with Welsh is th?- priza fur which thay are contend? ing, and action is sssuied. AUTO RECORDS SHATTERED Oldfield Breaks Four in Trial Over a Dirt Track. ? Ii velanda Aoi 1 Vont world'? automobil? records for a dirt track were red by Barney Oldfield in an ex-j h i hi t ion, here, to-day. Th? new records are: On? mile, 4im, seconds; thre? miles, 1:25 2-6; four! miles, 3: IS 8-1, and live mile?,*?4V The former mil? mark held by OldftolsJl ???a ?;?'? t-G second d the Othi r records in 2:27 M-lOn. 74:17 J-1"0, and 4:(M5o-luO respectively. FRASER BEATS NICHOLLS Pros in Keen Golf Match on Great Neck Club Links. Gilbert Nicholls, the m open chnmpiot-,, was dcfeatetl ve?ter day bj lame F-., er at 1 I Neck Golf Hub by 1 up. r'raser hrul the "advantage of ola-, mr on his own links, ( and :' was rVieholls'i ii r ? t time over1 'he r< 1 a 75 and Nich- j Nicholls, by going out in .'If. was 1 ] ?ip at the turn. He icit this advantage ?.t the thirteenth hoi- by getting into trouble on h;s drive. The match \.-i? 1 to the very last green, where ? putt for a Th" card foMow: I I I I I I M l-H Mebolll IU4 ?55314.'.-.* Fr??* 4 4 H ?. 4 ? 4 ?? M.i...I a '? IS4SSSSSI TREAT FOR POLO FANS THIS WEEK Junior Championships on Card in Tourney at Narragansett Pier. I By Te>?rauli -q TL? Tribune , N'arragansett Tier, Aug. 1. The junior championship will b? the prin? cipal feature of the week, with that linai game for tue Rathborne Memorial cups and th for the Atlantic cups also to be decided. The Polo Associa? tion tournament at the Point Judith Polo Club has been attracting mora and more interest each week, and the remaining games will afford a fitting clima:. a on. On account of a quarantine against Long Island and Westchester County ?k the polo players have taken the precaution to take out special cards that have enabled them to b-mg their Bags into Newport and the Pier. There is a master of mounts here now which . runs up to 300 or 400 ?nd which could ? not be bought for leas than an average price of $1,000. The Whitney mounts used on Satur? day by the four comprising Raymond Belmont, Steven?..n, Waterbury and Milhurn include several of the inter? national match horses that cost Mr. Whitney from $3,000 to $ri,0OO. The Great N'eck men hud their own mounts. and Rumsey, Webb, Headleston and Steddard have as tine a bunch of polo horse? as the country can bosst of. Robert E. Stra-vhridge brought five English ponies with him when he re? turned to this country last month. All are now at the Pier. Cinder?, TofTey and Wanton are the best liked, and the two former are branded, which would indicate they were sent original? ly from the United States. He Is still playing the chestnut mare Dorothy, noticeable by a black face and a white hind foot. She was used in the last international match. Alex Brown is playing a big bay led Slow and Easy s I bay gelding Kippo, bred al "1 Baldwin'.? ranch. Silver Brook, Mel? low Blossom, Crey Wolf, houirhf from J. B. Thomas, and Mike, bouirht from Charles E. Wheeler complete the Bl 04? it string. Joshua Crane is playing the black gelding Satin: the bay gelding Steve, bough' from Maldini Stevenson; Gray Houlette, Fleet, [smay and Zephyr, used by Lord wimberne's four in the la?' international. Among the minor strings Jay Coogan make? a good show ng with Cray Eagle, Bonny Doone, King and Shorts. Among Ray? mond and Morgan llelmont's lot are the br. m. Lady Christopher; eh. g. Traveller; b. m. Ella; h. g. Paie Face; ch. g. Critic, thr?e-q ri rs bred; eh. m. Jessamin?, a thoroughbred, and b. m. Countess, both raised by Belmont, sr.; br m. Regay; b. m. Annabelle; ch. g. Mosey; b. g. Jonquil; ch. m. , Golden Plover and b, g. Corona. Columbia Athletics j i Mirrored for Alumni Students Blamed for Lac of Interest and the Failure of Teams. Columbia is brought face to far with ils athletic conditiona in an ed tonal in the summer number of "Th Alumni New-," which was pub?she terday. "The Newa" disse I ""il on Morningfid Heigl waa brought to a cli max by the defeat of *he 'varsity eigh ? !'. ... I ? and lay? th rely on 'he failure to inter the entir- student bodv in ath letic-; and the freshman and 'varsit? In the ne -h wll . . '. the reaumpt , n the autumn "The v- ? hop? for athletie - ?cress in th? ? ? re, but for the i aaaerti t the ? ntal need of ? '? to gel "- inter hletUa. In part this i? what "1 he N "V. ?howi ne made at ? a vear was due chiefly ack of iudir ? . . ? ? ml n..w to Inquire thai (?? t? not n and that ?mall in, in the lone run. ?mall itt? mpt mad', al Co? i.tirage r? . half a ich'? inatruction throuirh ?. Al '?'.'. rr re, occa re, row fur and th? n are dropped. The students ?s a whole do all. "1 I ? nvenien' and a< it the foot of ll^tli .- ' - i i s i I ? ? - About that .with mora in en n th it iblc or trip i ?? imbei ? ? ? ? : ! be worth ? them could be naed to advantatv . ? - ? ? ? ' lerve? u .:v Jt'i j . I? - i.!?- candiilates wore continuall being developed and watched "This alone would win no races, bu the plan would help to put a ?nun foundation under Columbia rowin, Now we are expecting the coach ? build year after yeai land ?o tha the story of our hopes must necea tarily, now and then, end with 'an ara? 'he fa "Tha crew will he affected least 0 all of the three existing major sport 1.. ? he ' '? ?? ligibi Ii .y r lie -. for the? have long been observed in rowing But ition h crew and in other -port? i? p? i I we have been looking to Coach Hie? ,rk miracle? withou* sufTici. ni R 1 II rial we !..??.c i>lio I pi on? to regard a s?ar pei former iron ??? .- illega ? . x machina ir K Columbia team whether baseball, oi awlraming, or wreatling or some other .-????i truer th.u crew thai l foundations are weak. Aside from th? to th" to an other m.-titution, there is draw? back, 'hut 'he eas? with which an .?<?? .i be si.pp. . plaee on a te:.:n is much too likely to retard or prevent the develop, ment of the undergraduate candi.late f..r tha lame poaitton The sacrifice of trength which the?? gradu?t? ath bring to the teams may result in ? hut in the long run it makes possible a ??ent and ( upbuilding The ry point of view, ? diatinetly benetidal to ( o 1 : ni i "Tie hit? fundamental need II to cet . in athletic-. Th? ? 'hin^ ? ? ? i urpose to keep themselvel el: gible. It meana the enli-tment and .1 training of the lai^e number ? ? men m ? It mea: ' Ithlel to b? . The departn i ? ' oi>, has m... I '?r reach . . ?.??v toward furthering th-, pi ../ramme. l'umii bringe football, and that opens a new chanter." GOLFERS RALLY FOR TO?RNEY AT PHILADELPHIA Formidable Entry Expect? ed for Open Champion? ships This Week. NEW YORK PLAYERS RESPOND TO CALL Nicholls and McDermntt Plan to Take Part- One-Day Clash for Women. ft la no* unlikely th".* a formidable enrry will be r> ei rd for I Phila delphia open golf championship tourna? ment, to be held over the llnkj of the '.gdon Valley LooBtry Club on Thiri.lay and Friday of tail week. In all ?notability p-omincnt professional? fiom the mi r- ?o guy ir of a number from Massaehu .; hand. Among those from thii i their intention to ??rapeta are Tom Anderson, of Mon'ciair; Louis T?i.ier, the French "pro" from Canoe Brook; Herbar* Strong, of rn wood; Aiec , Smith, of Wvkagyl, and Macdonald 1 Smith. Gil Nicholls. the Wilmington man, I WOO WOO 'he Metropolitan ope airo, after : play-off with Koh Mr'. | be at Huntingdon Valley, an.! it ?a like , wig? loba J". Met)* i? preparing himaelf for another a'tempt to come back. Judging b,- h;s form at Fox Hi,i>, ail ' |?a| to show in eral ? ? get in a few re At Fox Hill? he gave oat ? day. ? WcDeratott la making hit home in Philadelphia at pre-ent. he will b? Mied by friend-, who will wish him well. Re will probab y have to be ? 1er to lake the meas? ure of Nicho!.? and J:m Barnes, the tall Briton, wh? irge of the ?rre?n -*t f?iitemarsh ' ???I for leventj play. > - - kern foe .rolf ..crean. . < sea ? de? rided to take par* in ? one dai tourna . i try Club on lugual 13. Tile pro :frarnnie Call? for medal play handicap i th ??.?:i a pr./.e for the beat >rr?s< and t ? iras. In the aftei appro I? have bem offered for thi .: r for a driv eg cm test. VV, i-ij effeer ?hat considerable ear? has be.'n d in th? phiea, which are gj at 1 tractiva. I'nles-i the off' .?nee Country ?lub decide differently, that organi'-ation will conduct 3n autumn tournament - n October h?s been mentioned a? a likely time, and th? .re that if ? ? ron ? . ? in th- wh ?in? of 'he under consideration eall f,<v simulta? m.i*.-h roondi throitirhou' the I There tond, match pi?;, . imboi of holes up Would be l ? Concerning Shawn, e, a m f wealthy men from this city, Phi ton, Bethlehem, U I Serantoi ?? ?ho . ' club along . the purchase wool I include about two hun? dred .i ..if cviiri? nml th? ? . ? o?, converted 'nt?> an idea! clubhouse It would afford an ?pport inlt) for m?m .? club life with th? C. Worth ington, owner of 'he property, aleo pos ' acr.'s on th.- I I ,-i Mountain, acroaa the Delaware Hiver. NATIONAL LEAGUE PITCHING RECORDS - i. 1 . ft ".ai ?a N i I--' A?? ?a V" 1 '?si fork 1 ? 1 ?a? ?I? a 17 ? 17 11 4 i * m: ? n i i . .. ... i |i??ii H ' 18 1 ? ...-'? ? ' I* Ma II ie I ? I II ? ::* ' * ' i ?: i. ? i -ai. ' I ? 1 ' 4?! 4 4 : ! I II ? ' ? I ' ' - 1 a. a a ?n* la .. 8 8 I ' ' * ut BOONi iMFi.K ?T.i ns. ir on iceording t.. a v. . In the ? . rgan? ? i am irernmens. S ? with ??ay m popular know ' 1 ? *?i? '? ' i ? - ? . ?I ** imperial pay- U? ??-*? lrit. b '?? tha war wUh ?..-.?? ihan 1,???.?).?)00 men to whom the rulo was familiar In comparison tha ' Lulled State? mia'i4? a aroor ?Uow.