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IB? High Grade Investments 33 Pine St., New York WOTHIHGTOSELLBUTSERVICE "_ Stocks of the Hour Car Lighting & Power International Motors Standard Motors Electric Boat Complete detailed report sent free 0:1 requeit. Ask for 43-D. D. JONES & BAKEB erptKrK nateywKsvs 50 Broad Street, New York. 1 . - Bread aajasf-ssasj l?*i??n?*pl aha?? nn?tnn li|.rl prrvatt trv ?J re el JfiW.1eMMMM;mim*M United Cigar Stores, Ltd. ?it CaAMADA.) A pr?.f?iT?il ?Inrk ?luit lut? during th? pa?t vrnr paid 1 nuil a M% common otiick dividend. Mor? b'i"firii aaaur?d by ?la?ea ? - are r?ff?rinr it ?? per?St. It hae ,. ? Our -|t" iiil ? irciilar No. SOS g!v?a 1 ntalna mu'h ? Marconi Wireless Stocks lake Torpede Standard Motor Car Lighting & Power Klectric Boat and many r?tli?r market ?peclaltlee Copy sent upon request Harvey A. Willis & Co. 1 -t il.llahed 1901) H linnv. N. 1. Pboaea 1?.-S? Breed Municipal Bond? 4''.*. Public Utility Bond? T*l and Note* 7' i 4H Bickmore 8. To 1 ill BROADWAY. NY. I :.i!i -. urll . - Am, ri. 111 1..1- a I In ( ..nun 'li A I'fil. .m I lah? a ( III?? Service 1 ommon A Pfd. WliamsfuunbarSCofejiKm fin Wall -t. I'lionr jyKU llnuuter. N. T. A Word to the Wise? Lackawanna Steel Ad it I I' \li I i?t.; union Trust Co. of New fork 60 BROADWAY I 88th St, Acts-*: Lxe'.?tor, Uuardian. Truster, etc. All,.?? lutarcal uo I>?l?o?ita Auctlonetr, iAI. K OF -UK KM \M> HoNIi BI MU.l \\ II. Mi I I LU ,v son, ? i\ I liNI.-l> W M (.1 -I II H im;,, ItKKT, Pon J ?h ? el.? ? - - i'o. : * 3 ' [ ... / 8 ?hi let pi "fii ? ,1 k ' ? : Weetera rtwy. I f. 1 If 1 ?ti i 1 Trust Co : MAT CON ' I nde, du? 1 - " ?? ? ?? >ri ''o. lat .Tun. . ? ra R. K Bqulte r of Dep Mei 1 itei rrtwa-r ? I -, le? Uta ' .. " ?' - ' ' I i\ \\< IAI Mil I INGS M.t? K UrO. VI ION lili CKU'II ? o -it 11 o'clock ' . - -I foi r r ? 1 J a DIVIDENDS DK< I ?RED. Clr-.e .* Pitt? K?d ? ! . Auk I ' ' . - .-? pi : .? Int Ni kl I '.' ' - Au? I? Cl?v c Ceolral I 4e i/?cl?ir?aj .lut ?ve. FINANCIAL RECORD HERE AND ABROAD War Stocks Quieter, with the Trading Better Distributed. Munition stock* were dealt in ye? terday in 1rs?, sensational faablon than for the |TMtet part of last wnk. The ch.-ck applied to dealings in thi? sec? tion served to turn speculation into j other channel?. Active trading broad- i er.ei? to include, as well a? equipment ? concerns and the ?.mailer steel com , panics, coppers and railroads. Uedue- i tion of the day's total to under 600,000 ?bares indicated less outside interest, as well a? ?mallei scale of professional operations. I- the afternoon Westinghouse, Can and 4'rueihle advanced, but not one of these issues made a ?rain of as much as 4 points. Can, which made the most improvement, was less than 3 points higher at the close. Crucible -nd West Inghonse went under Saturday's close, but recovered to end With i Si gain-. Allis-Chalmers, which is benefited by the demand for machinery an well aa bv reported war ordei?., wa? again rather heavily dealt in, and made a net gain of over 2 points. The copper stocks, in spit? of recent reports of production catching up with ? demand, were at their b: ?t up B point or two. American Smelting and Re? fining held nearly 2 points of its pain at the close, pnd Anaconda whs up over 2. In the equipment group gains of 2 and 3 points were fairly general. The railroads in the tarif afternoon were decidedly firm, but fell back generally to a close with fractional gains. St. i Paul recovered more than a point of it? recent loss, and and Cana? dian Pacific made similar advances. ? United Prates Steel, the mon active d the day ?round M - up over a point, but did not get quite to (W. The government'? report of the cot? ton crop's condition on July 26 showed depreciation of 6 points, which was about twice as bad us had been ex? pected. There is still much time he fore the crop is made, however, and rices for the staple were not raised ?y the estimate. Railroads that de? pend for much of their traffic on the prosperity of the cotton belt made practically no recession on the Yesterday's figures point to a crop of around L2,0O0,(KK) bales, against over 16,000,000 last year. Kxcitement over profits to be derived from filling needs of war is not con? fined to our own markets. The latest proof is presented in the reason asenbrd for the failure of a $12,000,000 E per cent loan by the Danish govern? ment. The underwriting bank? had to take up half the amount, because, ac? cording to cable dispatches ready money is being attracted by the mush? room Tentures which spring up as a consequence of the war. Here, too, we ters, more or less of the get-rich-quick variety, emboldened by the flamboyant course of stocks in ? eompany. So they are emerging with propositions calculated to enable them to acquire part of the public's idle *"unds. The money market opened the week a trifle firmer for collateral loans. Call wat renewed at 2 per ent, one- j fourth of 1 per cent higher than the ?r Friday, and time accommoda ?.lffened" a little. Sterling ex? change made some recovery and then weak, but did not get down as low aa 4.76 in the pound. Since the end of the week more than $3,000,000 m gold bins and coin has come from Canada. I AVERAGE Of THF. TKIIll NK> l m 4ii I llTEEN RAH 6. Ancust 2. jreaterdajr'a clone . io.*..!>'?.". July ;ti . IM IS I 4!iic wrrk nu?.1SS.SS8 line nii.nlIi .mu.IOS.SS3 .lnl> .in 1!<I 1.1114 .fir, Iln.ii for July. 10 ??".'? Lo? f.,r .lnl> .101.918 M it h f.,r .Inn?.IHK. .17 l.i.i? Inr .lune. IOS MS fur Muy.111..-.?.* In? for Mil .1U4..T*Q High f'ir \pril.114 .0? I...? fur Iprll .1II..2S7 !l?sh fur Frbraarj.11M.7M I iiv? fur I rlirii.irj.10119. lligli for Mure'i.108.108 l.i.? for Mart-fa.I0S.SBS High for January.108.9:3 I i>\\ for January.IOS.687 Htfk, lull ?rar, 1914.lili. 191 l.i.?. full year, MM.?ojinm AVERAG1 4i* I'll I : TKIIH M/s UM 111 1IVI.I.VK INDISTKIAI.? AumiHt '', >e*tenlay'? cloae.8V?81 ,li,l, 1,1.814.8H8 4>ne week aso.84flu line month a|o.8'.' SSI July SS, 1914.?7.4?7 nigh for July.sesee 1 i? f ir July.80.'18 High for June.8'..(188 I ew for June.7K.:< 1.1 High for May.85.05? low for M..?.74.479 lligli for April.?.'. 1*,.?, 1 ow for April.7.V344 for Manh.75.15? ion fur March.70.094 High for Frliruarv.7.3.3?? I . ? f. r I rl.ruary.c,'i M?; Hig'i for Jaauary..73.9|fl la?? fur Junu.iry .70.77S High, full ?ear, 11)14.S1.8?4 low full ?rar, 1914.?7.417 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. RA? Hi 81 l.i ' DISCOUM1 ll-T la;a M Ira, I ?.rr ic-.l. up ' ? CALL 1 1 IffcMt, ? TIM' . itcidi n?". . '\ni.i: ?'Al'l.44 r.? | -air?. I I \. w \ irk i.i ?. leal ? 1 1- DISi OI s, RATES ? 1 '!. . 4 ? 1 - ? ? I ?', IV? 1*1 go. I a-i.l ? ? : ? ? . 4 ? . 4-? : ? ? I . ? - . 1.1 ARI.NUI . .. r 1 1 4 1 ..'..on ?aa ' ,.. . ? . . ?!? -?. - . ' 1 man.I. . - ? ? ? Steam Pump War Order. Al oil i'inl of li -ream I'nmji Company statt-.: the coi pleted an ? ? will includi facture of tiuns for um- t'v tin- Allies. This eon earn, he ?aid, m working on ;?' similai contract which if .signed ?ill 1 be for a much larger turn. I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY. AUGUST 2. 1911. Total ?ale? of almlia M.nul.iv. HMM, aninst 2SMM Saturday. rW..I00 a week acn; Stork Ktrhan?;e doted a >eai airo. I rum January I to date, 7?.,*'.: 1,600, a-rain-t Ki.Its,100 a year ago. roto Alaska <.nli| M?. ? lAllia-Chalraera Co.... halasen < o. pr Ain. Agr. Chemical. . Am. Beet Bagar. ion Range. ?old. Open High Low. Final 34% 82% 34 H SB . 71 >? 70 ?' N.-t ch-fc. | 82% I 71 ; e Mi Am. Am. Am. A m. Am. B. Sb. ft l'y. pr. ?'an . Can 4,200 36.700 2,100 6,200 100 168 i ?" 37.7(1(1 ;.:'-, 6H 100 1064 106' 8,200 51 100 1 i?% 1 19 ion us 118 1,700 6iM 1,400 71-? . 21 ?an pr. Car ft Founilry Co. Coal Product Am. Coal Products pr. Am. Cotton Oil. Am. Hule ft Leather,. Am. Ice Securities... Am. Linseed .! 1,700 12K Am. Linseed r?r.' 600 31 Am. Locomotive .j 8,600 64% Am. Smelting .' 10,400 7'.? Am. Smelting pr. Am. Snuff .: Am. Stiel Foundry.... Am. Tel. ft Tel.I Am. Tobacco pr new...1 Anaconda . 13,400 6?Mi 71Mi 69 A'chison., 4,600 100% 101% Id?' '.".?'. im? 107 . l".' inn 180 160 !.::.?.' 12% 121% 122 100 106% 106M I 6 8 ?' ;. Atlantic Coast Line. Baldwin Locomotive Co. 7,700 70 R Baltimore ft Ohio. 6,40?) 79 i Baltimore * Ohio pr... 800 70% 70 lothuhem Steel .; 8,800 261 8 Hrooklvn Rapid Transit 800 B6% 86 80 Hutte ft Superior. 1300 68% 70 Cal. Petroleum . 2,900 11 '- 14 7 Cal. Petroleum pr.I -Inn 32 35 1" Canada Pacific .' 4,6 10 144 1 16 8 Central Leather . 1,400 11% 42 7 Central Leather pr_ 100 103% 103 I iiesapeake ft Ohio_ 2,800 1" hi. (.rent Westen._ 1. ?? ? 12 12 ? Chi. tirent Western pr 14100 29% 3 l i ?'hi., Mil. ft st. P. 2,61 7 t hi., Mil. ft St. P. pr... 300 125 125 7 Chi. ft North Western. 300 124 124 ? !chi., R. I. ft Pacifie.... 12,100 13 141 60 Chino Con. Copper. 4,700 45' I oL Fuel ft Iro",!. 6,200 39 10 ntincntnl Can. 8,700 7: 7 Can pr_ MO Ki0-\ I'M Comstock Tunnel . 1?'?' .11 .11 Corn Product.? . fioii 15% 151 fi Corn Product?? pr. 800 80% H": ? |Crucilile Steel . 81,000 67% 7i> 7 Crucible Steel pr. 100 103 Dban-Am. Supar . 200 no 7 Heere Co. pr. 100 " Denver ft R. (>. pr.. ? - Distilling Securitiea I tome Mines .! ? Frie . ? Prie 1st pr. Krie 2d pr. 8 General Electrical Co. General Motors . 1 roodrieh, B. F. 7 Great Northern pr. 's Gt Northern Ore subs. 16 Guggenheim Kxpl. 7%iHomestakc . 6 Illinois Central ., Inter, Con. lo?;% 106% 71% I'll 16% 1-1.")% r. ?L on. pr. ?Inspiration copper .... Inter.-Metropolitan 2, Mu 83,400 1,400 ?tit. Harv. of X. .1.| 2,000 100 1,10 I Int. Harr. Corp. Inter. Paper pr. Kan. City Southern.... Kan. City Southern pr. Lackawanna Steel 200. 8 900 2t.*i 27 ' ? , 27% 3,800 41?% 42% i 34 2,1"" 172% 173% 1-1 1 - ! 800 51% 62% 1,400 U- II'1', 13,200 11 6,800 61% B? 117' i 118 100 103% . 1,400 2\\ 74% ' 33% ?Jl1, 211 98 i 104% 60 60 . 38*4 :'",T 55% 57 50 50*? 69%I 70 12% 84% 17.1 "?v IM 'v 61 v, 63 i llT'i 118 Lehicrh Valley . 3,:'"" 143% mi - 143% 141 - Louis ft Nashville. 10 7 Manhattan El. 166 2 May Department Stores Maxwell Motor . 2,900 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr.. ?O0 Maxwell Motor 2d pr.. 8,400 Mexican Petroleum ... 4,200 60 .Miami ?'on. Cop. ex div.! 1,600 7 M., St P. ft S. S. M... 7 M., St P. ft S. 8. M. pr Mo., Kan. & Texas. ... Missouri Pacific . 2,lo" Nat Enameling ft Stpg. 2,100 3 National Lead . 1,100 Nat R. R. of Mix 2d pr 100 30 Nevada Con. Copper ... 1,200 Nat ?'?oak ft Suit pr. N. Y. Air H rake. 1"" 105% 105% I":.'-- 105% . 7, S.i. IK'C 112 New York Central. 6,700 16 \. Y , N. II. ft II. X. Y., Ont. ft Western. Norfolk ft Western... North American . Northern Pacific . Pacific Mail . Penn. R. R. ex div. Pittsburgh < oal . nrgh Steel pr. . .. ? i Steel Car. Pullman Palace Car.... ilver pr . Ry, Steel Spring. Ray Cm. Copper. 8 Reading . Rep. Iron ft Steel. Rep. Iron ft Steel pr... Rumely . Rumely pr . Seaboard Air Line. Seaboard Air Line pr.. ft S. F. ' v S. F. 2d pr... . 7 s si Roebuck . Sheff. Steel ft I... outhern Pacific . n R. R.. .. Southern R. R pr M Studebaker . 12 Tennessee Copper. Texas ft Pacific 3,1" - 2,200 106% 107 2,200 25% 26 in.? :?i -i ? - 161 161* 3*4 3' 12.- ... 3fl II 148% II.'' 10,600 1 28 *-* 105 1 7" T? 107' 2% 321 ? . 147% .,:. 10 Texas Company .! 8,i 138% 133% I Third Avenue R. R., on Hair & Paper. 8 Union Pacific . Union Pacific pr.I United Ry. Investment. E U. s. Ind. Alcohol U. S. Ind. Alcohol pr. C. S. Rubber. U. S. Rubber 1st pr.. U. S. Steel. U. S. Stei 1 pr ex dir. Ctah Cupper . r. Chemical.... Va -Car. Chemical pr. Va. Iron c. & C. 6 Well? Fargo P.xnress.. Wi " ? and pr. 4 Western Union Tel. Mfg. ??>.. 7 Woolworth . 7 W. . - . W. ?v L. E. lat pr. e, IWillya-Overland . Ron ?; , 10,90 12 ? 130 80*4 1O0 17% 17% 67 K 4"" 45% 16% I"'.'1? 102 V. 48,3011 ? 40.1 111% II!'', 8,:?"" i-::\ 68 5,10" ?? 200 100 70" '? 400 103M 1"" 122% 122% Km 2 2 4"" 136 136 1% 4% 1371 :-, 51 \ 10' P? 67 1% 112% 112% 1"! 104% BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS' Martin, formerlj e of the Corn Exchange Hunk, and Ed? il ..'. formerly r. \i.\e been appointed vice- I i r. d< ?nd caal ei respect [rely. Albert A. Tilney, retiring nr. vey Fiske * Son?, hi ? to the - - - ,! V Krank C. Wadaa i beei i dealers in unlisl The i"i" edition of the Mano Stat.- * ..m on ?fOTernmi eurities, mining stocks, cram a:. I ton statistics and change? in c- I tionr- . .id.?. Gold Imports Continue. the w ( a k n ? foreign exchange through the irr. tion of ?cold 'u N'ev. Y have bei n resumed, ll sri I coin reasury on Saturds an at \ iy Offici V signmi ? ? - from Ca?ad i ? Prices Irregular in Paris. Pari?, Aue. -? i'iice? were irregular "ll th? Bo: ' ' ! unehange 1 at ; l ondon, 21 .. centime?. PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES General News and Earnings of Various Corporations. The annr menl ,,. earning? '"or thi - by the American Light and Power ? irnings in 1915 m ? 415,610.6*. ? end..! June 30, from the 1914 figure of $4,276,144.90 to ting of th* r?, on Julj ? erly easl deelai . l'1'-.. lend ? ? ? ? iek and ? the cornrru ? ? hare? of i .ck on ? I pa ?ugust 2, to ? i July 16, : ' Laelada 'ias Light. x month i ? the Laden. ? ? 148,171. Net earnings for th? - d 11,215,256 in 1911 with $1 1914. Illinois Iraition. The monthly report of ? [] earn ? ;?!i of ? ' Montreal Tram? m pan*/ 2 ??31, . .red I lor the year before. STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. ?INI.VU. 8,'?< llpfli. i ' 'n?ek . ?7 I !?????> . .14? U A... II?! ... ' l 1 m Aiiirrli an ElIM ? Uli Ar!/ i'..iniii-r, lal, 7 S M Hulla. A Hal 4'? I.HI Hnltr * Sup?rl-.r ?7 i al'ilnet A Arl- H Il i aiiuoii a. Mr :,:o 10 i ?Man? la! M I?? Cafnt ruas? '??'?? if? Eau II'"'- . 12% i .tiklln - . 74'? Uranbi M 410 Han ? k . . 1??4 i H--i.'i . MH |.i ?reel pf . ?H1? .ii 1.1? >4..).l? . 17? 4"'. K?rr I.ak? . . . :tH I .1 I.ak? 14 I i . salta 1*4 Wavin Vtllay ... 1 -fi Man i ..nsol I. K". MMilian . ?H alona?*! ., TI ? .-. Ne-.? Ar- iillan lu4 lui) N?.? 1 Ira . . . ?H Ht ni. Butta 1" OU llonilnlnn .. 54 ?? ?>.? . t: 11', 1' i.l l'inl . . KH 47 gnu., y 77.0 H?nl? Y* . 2H Shannon . S ?. il.?Ou. k .. Mi l.?fc? M 100 M-ii?-r .?- BMtaa. 3 II .?-.[r ri .r Kommst . 1614 I.TSI Tunara, k . 44"-? 3711 Trinity . 4 . i ilumn?' R Sn.iltlng.. 41 \* 1? .|.i ptW . 4? SM l'tat. .I|?l .... 3H r Victoria . IV -.n? 101 VVolr.-rln? HAM..'."? M. : S a ?.i*l S? Boimn E!<-t?'ed || . |i. ,? n A Majii? Ml M i . !.;?? tri '?I1? 21 nil Colony .... 14. 141 ! W. t gad t-? ?7 10 du Pr?t . 40 *0 MISl'I-:i.f.ANI*ol'(4 Ml 1 O A vv I 12H m J0O .1,1 prti . 37 v, J.J Il J M.? dm . 01V* Slv l ?a ?rat -.7?, SfV , --i-uaUr .. . .170?? lTIVl i l'. l pf. 4 4 lu N E Cat Yam vt r, U i: N 17 IVIeplinne . 131 Vf? 1S1H ' ... i ? Ill 114V) '. T-irrlnclon ... 31 Il Mi.? Muh. 20 do prsf . BONDS. 11.00? 104 "71 Si . 71 71 ri 1.000 ? B ?t 41 Joint 4. MU ?H 94 l.lli.O YY-t TAT,? M? I r? ??'** j. MfiOM CURB CUMUrO Ktk aa ISSU ni] 12H B 17', I.'?1! ? IM'? lit ri3 1?3 r.o 2AV? le.-'.. Bay ut ')?? '?" lunirham ... ?S? ll-K"l"i . "?,r; |i..?t. n I'It.. 1?. Cala vara? .. i?. ix m Maleetl. \-.- Douelaav "X i 'tilo i -oi'DAr. -X U Verde. K?.. ?'* Kid. A'k. ?lie ?T? Ml PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. s?>i Obi . Il Brlll . 7li |M raw Ml a Steel .. MH : Electrt. ?<tor?ga. ? 5' i i-,.,.* W?ia-heaaa. st I...: .?..i?r...r ', U3 larblgh S?? . . .73 10 Nevada ' obi ... itV? :??! I-iiila KL', irn- I ?4 . . I . . Belmoot ' \ '?:? Ti ... MH ? . 1... 1 nlon 1 - . -I 1 iittad lia? Imp 4H1? . Wi ?'ii: irtl'd i'ral 41 1 . v\ tramp k ?ai ? ": BONDS. 12.000 Am Ou * r. iia. S? ?? .?H ?.O'io )>j Iilum Oaa 5? I05V4 1.00 Lajh Xai l'i? "<:. I- ?-i?? 1,004 l'Iii'a El? '?? . 1?! nigh 37 4 ?M\ MU 34 1> k IH u< 83?? II T*1? .'.! ?1 ?'? 7.". 14'-, KUH I,??t 17 ?A . I . ' - '? 14', * II - U4* SI rsv. T?i4 ?4 1 or. ?4 M -, ?r.?, 101 M MU lu'.?? ?-'? 101 M t* 1"". loi CHICAGO BTOCKS Sal,., 0:?-n < > Ipbulldlni 19 . 4.47" ' ' Pi ?? .-n 1 4 . - 11.. !t?i.a?i Il i'I'.ii- Tltl? A TV 307 ? 1 . m r?Uaoti r>44 20 i Brick... S4 71. Moi 1 w.r : pf .111 ;.... sv 1 u m IMH .- I": ll S.Ttl.?? lion l',i,.i.v\ 149 ?i-.-aari \S irnaf - Hwlfl A ' 104) l'i n l'ai Ida ,-,-,4 ?! - rlgliU ... S talsnd sir?; BONDS, j 1.i-.n. i-M, agr. M Si ?M'a loo1? loov? loi??. -. 4*? , .1, 11444 IM', ?S W7 lllgli Iyw 707 114 ?, ?4 111 IMU 4?. '. 114', '4 111 ' 13?', , MH 11 4 'a 1SI ? BALTIMORE STOCKS. Hair? nt*n High. Ixiw I.ast . . .p. p<.??r i'1 n : IM lor 17;. limulon <nl 11?? 11'? 10 lo 10 Maryland Ca?'ll ?. ? ?? I '. ( ni'ral. S'J?? S3?. &?\ -??, in 'v 14.000 B B PI A C 4Vja ?3 93 S3 ?3 ? -??, <?'.', i'--1-, 94?4j It] Bait ta.... loi loi loi loi ? lot U! 1"1 III .... Ml \ v 1 Ii la n'. ?'. - -. -'V? r A P l'ra- ' ? " "' 71 1 lli. A f M 4? M M " 10 < 1? ? ?Ha ?1L? ?l'a -l'i . s ?P, SI?, ?14 MH IMTTSHl RM? STOCKS. 4: I.SS4 . '. rim. A I M Ind Brearlas -. . 11- 4.1? Nat |.i oiii. n.? .' . - 1111? 10 ? ? pu ?. a a l'uro DU ... 14 ?at Oaa k ?la ? . iv A H 1 .'?', High Lan 14?* n?, 4C't 17 4?? 1 ?. 104H 4'?. 11 -'. M l??H !0|?, SHORT TERM NOTES. 1 aka B A M La?? S .v M S Y Ont Is, N Y, N II & H ? ? ? ', ?'. I MH Aak. 101,. ? ?,???>.. MM 100 11 I 1 10 Nam? uni raatUl ' l'.d Am 1 t, 1 k il. s. Apr, IS1I Am ..' ?n IHa. Kov, : U 17.. 100H lui; ? ? 'Mo 4V. Juna, l?l 1 liali & ' uno 4',?, J11 - Bklyn Rap rr Sa. July, ISIS iti??a a Ohio 6?. June, lull Chic * W I nil b? Sal T'ai Ii- I! el 4?. Jim Kr> Ral Kri? Railroad 6?. Apr. ISI fcrle Ral oad ???',-?. A| Cmb'I R?bbt* la, Doe, ? - . ?. la. Nov. ?or, )nt Ilar\*.? la, Keb 15. 1911 ta, Sept. 1-1'. ? Ma?, 1917. Sept It, ? ' M rann i .< , ? ,!' - stair, 191*. lei*? i Lnreign (.overnment Issue*. Antantlna s 1 m IE, IS] Arnair ? , Amen I! m ?'?: Mec ' Can am. m I, Sa. A -1 * -. A g . German .':t. Janujr., ? ? aril v ? and i-, March, ll I ? altzei 7,' or h ,1 .,-?"?'? Norn ai Sa. Orl er 1 ? - 1 la, D? ember, ' ?' Last. 14H lo'? IT 1"\ 41? ? 11 ion" Yield a.?.3 2.71 4 4 .;3 - '.' iw, - ? . 1 I0.ii, 100H ! ''? - ? 3 i? too 4.00 i 1.3 f. 4' . ' I.M I.?2 - 2.00 2 Oil i 19 1 ? 10 4 '4 101A ? - . . 175 1 S ?3 ? 4 ;i 1 - 5.7? 5 ?7 5 "i RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS. n ' ? ? . " UM ? ' 1 -, Pltt?.1914-30 - 4 ? I . ,1 ? ? ? 1 Chic. Ind ? . . I 1 I " ? I : . - : I ' ? ? I - ?Ml-'.. ?ral . N '1 N II a I . ' .1?. Ir III ...- Si 1 'll-'.i ? . . ? r 1 Vlr.1lnl.111 Railway ...1 NEW YORK CITY ktal ?'',- J .:.? IMS. ._' " " _ . -i:.' ? * . . . ?4a ? MH.. 1 if, BONOS, A.-* 4 4.1 4 4. I I 4.'?1 1 - . I 1 I 4 4 3-. I . . 1.1? ? 4 77. 4 ? ' . ' . ' . ' ?I I ? Auk -. 1 nHft ism. tS-auiact*'1'4"'* ,,*"U:"J *x -?-"M* .4.0^ J CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Oil Securities Continue in Favor ?War Group Not So Active ?Mines Steady. An Irregular market, marked by a iooxOOSO in speculative activity, wss seoti on the Broad Street curb yester? day. Interest was centred in oils, to ? the comparative neglect of the war stocks. Pierce Oil was most in de? mand, advancing half a point to close at 10. Prairie Oil and (ias gnined 5, Standard of New York 4, Standard of New Jersey 12 and Standard of CaL fornia 5. Kloctric Hoat new, among the war stock?, was active, with a fractional loss. Standard Motor" and Cramp Shipbuilding were considerably dealt in, the latter making a net advance of n. Mining stocka arare steady and quiet Kennecott Copper ?is gained 1 ?-? points. 1NIX SI RIALS. Total H.'iur'?. ' <: ?n. High I-*??* I-"*-' .'?' Arn /"trie. bj\ Hit US? '.'an Nat <; C., l\ 1*4 l**i I, NW ?Car I.t ft I'otv. i\ 8% ' ? ?Central I-Mty.. 13 12 W? l'?H H Mo ir<-f .... M 24 :4 .'4 ?,6'ai ?Cramp Bhlpl 1? 8844 '?' ?*H :'' 888 ?Klectrtc Boal IN K7 1 -? ? u. [.r?f.ico ?78 a ' 8*7 ? lo ne? w 1 . u% IS ; ? ? -, 1 li I ? 1 i*i 4i?i ?UeJI Signal. .11 li 11 n ? Bdee Ml*?;... si at U 31 100 ?Houston OU... U U II I 4") ?lot M.r Mur.. t% :\ ?'?";???' .. . , , , M ?liu Motnre. In', 1? I*"?, l? .? ?do 1'r.if.. ?8 M 3- 40 1,000 ?In. Sieara P.. 1.A4 I7A<? 4 ??lo laref. U 1 . l. " ?Int r?trol?um ?14 ;.*, IOS K?ily Bn'neld T18I 188 KM 181 ? 'Uiii? Locom... 31 m 3. l.tM Marconi of Am. 4', 4't 4>h < . I.888 ?Nat bil C o? O 4., 58 4, 4. ? .. y Traae. u.:4 i'.'i 1*14 ?i'rr?n.' M fg.... i.V. 13*4 I.V. ? Rlk * II ?orp.. ., , ', , ? ?) Oll. 04 : ' ?totora.. I37t UH UVj 1 . erllng ''. im... i\ ? > Joeeph Lead 1314 12V4j l-'t , . Ig .- I. t, v p\ t . ?'? ?'. 1 - i. i . ? r Hl .. .. r? ., . -, 1.8M ?World i-'iltti ... 1\ 1% l\ 3\a 8TANDARD OU sl'BSIliIAKIES. 4? Atlantic Ref.... ?va RM 600 ' 1 Buckeye I' la... ? W ?'' s . .,, tinenta] OU. - 231 3 <*i?Bc?nt p L... - ?S'a 3''1* alette si?; "11. - 14s M? 14? 6? llllnol? 1* t?.... ? m M 13' M Odio OH. 141 13S 141 (M il. roe "? ' ? a '"a 10 lY-Ur!? OU A O ' | I MO i ? Pralrl? P : ' ? South r?nn OU. ? 3??i tKl II ..f - HO ..i Z"i <, Soin Oil of Ind - 4.;o 4.3 ' in ? Il nf Kv. t:. stau ' HI ..f N J IU ? - IH 1.', Stn "I! of N Y - 188 190 1 -i mon Tank I... ? M m Vacuum 1 il.... - 21?? au Kl RAILROADS. 3<yi ?tV*b??h w 1... 10 I?!?*, m tOi-4 10?. ?<lo pr?f (a)... 43 43 11 43 ?oo Mo pref (t?.. n :i n n MINING. :.3<W ?? Arizona D'iq 2S 2S M t7 t.?OO ?Alatka -lui.- . . . 7.100 ?Alta-i on MU I 3.:..?. ?t ,m t'om 11?* 13 i"4 12 -a 1,000 ?1 III? ' '"?'?? .'? ?'??; .'.'-I ? ' 1 1.100 Big Laedge ix v :', 244 Ht 1 908 ?1 Hootb il 44 II 1 ,, n ,,at ?a. 3.'??' Caledonia ...... 88 108 9*1 ?T . 4.."?' * . \ ', % 1,000 tCaahi "? 4 4 4 4 180 | jti jn 30 2 " ? '.nie . 'op| <?? II 11 1." n AMz tfm?lt ?4 *4 **? on Nev-Ciah.. rV A ?*? A I MO I':.,1110,1 I Ulk B 1^, ?i 2% 2:t 9,0. t.:?.. L*oneol. o 11 '? 10 , 11,00 . ? 40V, 4: 4114 41 j MS tnorenee . 44 M 4i 4. 1.000 ?:.,' Meld '-on .. l-t 1A IH 1A ?l-r B I 40'v 40 4o1-, 1.400 H vi Bo ind. ??. 4 ? teOffl . 71 74 71 lumbo Km ....!* 1?? lA 13 ??-. K ', 144 33'. Latk?. ... 314 Ifc 280 Magma ?Topper i;\ 13 13%, l" IMrKin-Dar -I Minee 71 71 88 1,10 ?Montana Con.. lA 1A IA lA I Nevada Hillt . II II 1? 1? ?? I'lah Hin?; 34 ',*. 31? 3 I.? . ?f? 'i.- --77 ??.-Un.l?t..rm K. -, t S ?tSella . :: 22 1,300 ?tSlIt r l'i .- ? I ' !> : ? .,.- : - I. 1 ?.. ?-, IVj IS ;-s iA re? Mir l 1-83 1>? 1 1 1.800 IS ipei til on '?! 33"?j 24 :?? ?"I T'.l.. I'll. Ki' .;, 2?4 2% M. :< "i M 34 SS ? 1, 14 A . ne ?'op . i?. i? lu 1 ?? ? :, .... lA r-. 1 . |\Ve?l Knd ?'on ?0 82 c ? ?Wh K ''"p pf. % 2'? 3<4 BOND8. M8.MI K?nn Top 6?.. 11? 111 11? IC4 ? lH*'la r?nt? p?r ?h?ro. INACTIVE YESTERDAY. IND?ISTK1AW. Bid Ks B I ' Allian. ? K. S '? War 0 ,v - ? . Mut r su . 7s s RAILROADS. ?Mo i' ? t k -, 184 ?Me r w 1 pf 34 11 BONDS. ?r-alav It IH :??) ?Cnll ? ' INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the clnaing bid and as?.? ?i prieea Tor .-.tockf whico are listed but whicn trur? iui dealt in on the Stock Exchange Monday: Bid A?k. Adam? r \.. *> ? i !. .-. M Am A 33 Am B S pf ??? H i I. '? . AB ST A. C ft K pf . : Uorillard ? I?0 Am C 0 pf. M v: ;? . 1 All. It. ? .'? H ,v 1. lit 3?S 1 - Mai :? - pl .?:n !/? ?? ? f ? . ? Hex Pet pl Am Mall .. f MA Bi 1. .. : 1 . Alll S ,'f 14 I??.! -i I MM'.t >.-.\|IaIa - ? A .-1. Iff pf.. 103 ! - Mi : ? .<- r*e 163 1"? Am - - . .lo ;.r- ' . t lit..Ill Am T * C. ? N 1: .\ B pf tl Am W 1 - ? ? ? 1 110 as M : 1 t . 1 ? '. :. B R ft V.... . -, do pref....101 - 3i'j 94 . . -..-??? J 1 : ' . li I' ? - , '? of N - ? . St L ?'hut ,v . . C si r ??: ? !' l'i W ,>. - '?1 ,v - 1 ?1 - 4 i.'-A Bug ? del a r ? 18 1.4 I R . 1 ;. m v FtD ? do prel i ij ?: '? - lo pref ,1 73 t ? ? p Ld :' ..,', ? .; ? W 1 1 . ? 91 I'll' ? I 11 i:i;-.' : - i. ? I H N J ?f 140 1 Int II !? i. !:it 1'... . || , 1 r. ? ? ... ? ?, Pf ' - . i > M 1 . . ^,. Mfg : ? ? Ii?MtujA M?l-Wta ?.?ut.... ^?g, u An with a strong Bank adds to the Account crec-it standing of the depositor. If you contemplate opening a new account, we invite you to consult us. Commercial ac? counts are our specialty. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OK THI: CITY OF NEW YOkK SO .NASSAU 8TKKKT Capital, Surplus and Profits $14,000,000 Deposits $112,000,000 BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1915. T radin? In bonds on the New Tork Stork Fxrhani-e Monday .nvoante? u 451 000 ag-ainat $1,56-1.000 Saturday. $1,481,000 a we*k aso and st?. Ex. ??g? closed a year a?o. Total from January 1 to date $153,863.000, ?nia,. $2,4? change S421.665.000 In 1914 GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL Sale? in $1,000. H?(*h. Low. Close. 10 I Jap 2d ser 4%s German stamped. 71% 71V 71*4 1 NYC t'-s'5T Nov.101 % 101% 1 do 4%s lit?. ...102 102 102 ?> d'. I%i '??". repts.101% 101% i": 5* 2 do 44 s I960.... 9*4 08 9s 18 do 4%? 1964. 4 do 4.< 1959. ? M% STATE. 11 N Y Canal 4%s..M94 1094 109% 10 Va df?a BrBro ei 58 68 68 RAILWAY AND MISI ELLANEOl S. 86 Am Cot Oil 4%S.100% 1004 1004 2 Am Su & Ref 6s.105 4 106% 106% L'An. T & T col 4?. 88 88 88 11 do C*/t 44s.101 101 101 3 Armour i l 4?-.?. 01% 01% ?1% 29A T?SF -en 4s. 904 M 00 5 do adj 4s ?tpd.. 02 ?2 82 2 do evt l" 1066..101% 101% 101% 6 do cvt 4s I960.. 102 1014 102 1 do 4s E OkU div 92 92 92 1 A (' I. 1st com 4s. N 89 89 3 B 4 O pr li 34s. 904 904 ?0% 34 do froid 4?. 86% s? 4 86 "'? 15 do ert 4 4s .... 66% 864 66% 5 Beth St 1st ex 6s.l01% 1014 101% 67 do ref 5s. 90 4 99 1BKT com 5s. . 102 4 102% : - 2 do 6 pc notes '18 994 09% ? Leath gn 6s. 994 994 99% I'm' ! -? Is. . 86% 66 86% ll Chi .t Alt 8%s.. . 434 43% i ? 17 C B 4 Q joint 4s. 06% 96% 23 do '" is reff_ 964 964 96% 4Chi Great W 4s.. 664 664 66% 10 ( MftStP ten 4s A. 864 8ri 4 do crt 6a sit B.102% 102% 102% 5 do rron 44s _ 994 994 994 en do c-.t 44s .... 04% 94% 944 ICft N W db 5s'33.101 101 Ml 1 .i., i t 5s.1034 103% 1 Chi Rv Co .'?... 98 93 93 5CRIftPRy ref 4s. 614 61% 61% 78Chil? Topper 7s.. 113% 113 113 4 lOCStPMAO dh 6s.. 100 100 100 DI CCAStL ufen 4s. TO 69% ?94 n Das cvt 6b. .116% 116% 116% 2 Pel 4 H 4s 1916.1004 1004 100% 4 I) ft R G con 4s.. 704 70% 1 Pet City Gas 5s.1004 100% M04 6 DetAM ick lit 4s. 87 87 87 0 Del In Rvs 44s. 70 69 69 SODuPont Tow 14?. 954 954 954 1 Erie pr lien 4s... 60 60 HO 4 do gen lien 4s... 65 65 68 24 do evt is ser A. 61% 61 61 4 7 do 4s ser B. 6s ?,74 ?is en Elee deb. 5s.. 101 4 mi % Ml-\ 2 H 4 T (' i -? E 1054 106% 106% 20 III Cen 4s 1982?. 81% ?1 ?1 15 do 4s 1968 . . . B0% 80% 80% G d" CStLANO 4s. 99 99 M 3 lii St -ill 44s_ ? 16% 68% iConCop 6s '19.137% 186 137% 236 do 6s 1922.137% 1344 137 2 Interh R T ref 5s. 87% 97% ?"4 4Intei*b-Me. 44s... 744 74% 74% 27 [nt M M ro! 44s. 60 20 do ir?? . 60 58 60 39 Ii ter Na* 61. 54 62 64 4 Lack S< 5s 1950.. 74 71 74 1 LSftMS db 4s '28. 914 81% G do deb 4s '.931 ..90 5 Liggett 4 M 6s Ml 4 100% 10] 1 Long 1st ret" 4s. . S3 68 33 I Sale? in $1,000. ? Low. CW 2 I, & N unified 4? ? . 814 ?il 1 M K K- U Os jl H Mont P? ? oa . ,'< ?HP. db?a fp | isji 3?) do db 6i lat pd . lo?? 25 d 1 NTGaaELHI i' , i?? 5 do pur ml . 20 N* Y Kys a<i ^u 40 N Y Tel gn 4 4= | ?^ r. N Y W ft B AH 75 6 Xiag F IM f. NorfftW can ?i . -- -. g| 6 de ? ? * 416a..... 1 um fil Nor Pac pr 11 4= ( pat M do gen 3s. I Ore RyftN eon 4a f 1 Par of Mo lit ex4a S g5 | 8 Pac T & T 5a . . 171? 97?. 4 PRR c? 12 do gen -S4i rr; **% $?? 2 do itts 1915.. 1 do :,'?. H iPeoGft? 27 Raj Coi .111 1? Reading 1 4 R 1 ? ? col 5?*4 ML ZStLIMJ Mit K1? 4 8tL A 10? ISt L A S 1 r Tr Co ctfs stpd.. 42 42 4* 1 S*. I. ; " 1 St P ?v D . : 101 IStPMAM eon 4 4? : '.- ion?? 100?, l SAL ? IJ " 1 ?' M W 1 So Be r ft 1 . 9:1 12 So Pac col tr 4a.. SI 13 do cvt 4a. ?lili I 14 do c* 5a. 31 do re? 4i - -. 1 20 .. 1 So Ry eon ' . . 17 do gen 4s. 594 12 Texas Co ev1 10?i ' 20 Third Av adj Kl 7 Tri-Cy P.v ? L Si 13 I'nion Pac 1-- ; 10 do CTt 4 =. 19 111' S Stee! -, i lOJl? 1 do 5s reg . ?? \Yaba=h 1st 5S...1 . 101S 2 do 2d ?"- 91 1 do 1st 1 do n'IsF.ql- . : . 17 do Btpd . 15 144 IS 29WPT IsUsC T ef 2 Western Fi- - ? . W-, 5 Western Md ? : W1! 1.'. West Un r e ' - - :M4 91S 4 Weatingh Elea s f?i Is 4 do Mfg c( of de: 571 do cv* 5l a 1 Weat Shore 4?. .. - 1 Wie Cen gen 4- - ? . - -. GOVERNMENT BONDS. ^aturd??. Bid Ask?? 2s reg SO. <?; 2 ? '-, - 2i cup '.'10.... 97 - Ss re| 18......1 a :. - ip 'l?. ...10014 14 - - ; ...11 o 4 m ? 2a Pan "?> ? 2s Pan *8fl r> . .'7 ? ? '61 reg : *? - 3s Pan V.l >?? .. 1 ? ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Market interest on the Consolid?t- ? ed Exchange turned more toward the railroad? and the coppers. Anaconda failed tn fret below 70, and advanced to 71%. Th? raihoad shares freneral'y were for 'he most part firm from the opening, hut the close was fren era 11 y a* reactioi ? from the best. ? STOCKS. - I > . . ll?a ' 4 i . 9 ? ; ? , I ($64 ? lllgli - . . ?.O1, 1J4 ris ? 4 n ii ? lit W.-?t . mi ? r . Kli P . -it-rvi r ? - rti Or? ? : Eipl H I I.", II I' ? ? < ? 4 - 4 I ugh i ' ? N V I.Vinri S ? S'UI II .'.( - ? Ma ? I . ll-S ft Suai 41 - :. i MIM\i, ' - ? ? 144?, ' I'. . ? 1 - ? . so?, 14 ?? 41'a ' ' - 4' . ? ?(. - US 144'a < ?'-'a. ' ? 11 ' ' : i?? 14? ?4 I I . -, if* I ?t ? . a I '-?!' rs - . i.i 1.43 IS . I PUBLIC CTII.1TY >K< I RITIES. Bid Aak Am I. I - ? I? 41 Am P ft I I ' '. '. ' ? i; 4T i t > ef.... SI ? I <; PR? i 4 : . i; i... - ? : ica ill:.; D ? I ?P-* fal?a. ?H. t-U cUiicUod. Md. Pad f. * t.. i; 'las i I. . K . . || ? ? i I- .: ft W Ii ' I..-; R) . ' _ ' i So Cal Rd ?Si?in O? ' .? P .lo pr<-t ' I. 1, .v 14.?. 2i . i?r. 14 Auk 11 7-, ? 13 -? ' JULY FAILURE RECORD EXPANDS Though ?ome increase m I try's business m u?ual i? ? lements, commercial lailur. in Jes* rere only ? a reported to R G. Dun i ..-?tiesi ?t" gainst 1,71. n June i?r .118 and 1,707 for $21 May, the low pou.: tf in dub bei of defaults. The decrease a.4 compared with Jan? uary was 1,109, or almo--. 40 per cent - aiown u compar: .. .1, but : :ncr*??? thi a the |20,' - RAILROAD EARNINGS. The following reporta for June ?? comparative railroad earnings h?r* been made public: r?nn- . -I >.? I ? I , ?? : . 1 ' I . , :. .r?a-r i ? iT-af I ? <-r? M I . 1 ? $14. , ? ': ! - I 1 ? ? ?. :? _. _DIVIDEND 5fOTICES; i mu.iti.itin m? Yi " IK1(1!\1Vi"i.?* ? ' . ? ? i?....i ii ?- *>...?> ?ib.?. ? ?' neon *-* ?t..?k of a auattst ',l1* i?ii ? ? ??r?ttt?Maaj