Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF THE DAY IN WALL STREET Heeded Warnings Bring More Sober Pace to the Stock Market. COPPER SHARES SHOW STRENGTH REGAINED Railroad ?Stocks Develop Fresh Activity as Gross Earnings Begin Improvement. There w?? a curious change in the her? around the stock market M?'.rrd?y. H looked as though the mmSOiSSfS against the war Mocks were kgriag effect There were ?till deal I the war atocki on a large ?calf- There wai ?till talk about ?r.ortnotii pr.' rs scented arid to come. put I??1 *?? ment was miss r-rt? greatly reduced. [ | ??,. ?10 most active stork? .?'?. war issues nurabersui only ftre. ?rruiru. th? Street few persons were laftruin? ?nough to helievp that the . wa? over. There were the market that it wl< ? rtheless, for the time ,.,,-(? || ' i-sterday's market was ? . ? ruously orderly as its {,, ??? Kxchnnge authorities r?d il srhsl they doing publicly. Their wish ii a* powerful as a court's prohibit'.-.. 1 esi on? do they erratic thunder ? ? 'Ware the Camp Folio*ers. In the wake of an army travel the In the train of legit? imar.,' ? ? is always a horde cf i? : ggei the oppor T rded by the former the lent are the pretensions of . with a respect* ic anywhere from week, ;t doe? rot ? ' to prediet as much other ted on the Stock Ex* I not har 11 fol bcen so ?. ' 11 t'e 1'bo.dy mown. argument, ff-w month? ago? Or mers, Yet look where they - have been recently. So (uppers Turn Strong. locks are recreat lion by the old ay the coppers cime Ir turn. They have .? the ninrket back, aceor ". There was all the thi i. v, hi n they de t'oncurn i'.'ly there domestic copper eck in the metal i nd of the rge in rebases were re ? ' are no ?sing it .-.'.? market. Anaconda 2% and Rail? Again Looking Up. . . they a re? fresh were rrday's rails, . ?t ad looked ?n the Ir.?t 101 - ?. rop in! nocuous : s are In Southern I'a for June snd ?n the ' the New York ylvania lines the n that their - aa welI i, have begun to :. it al? ready ? the glamour of the war ?r.ick speculation has passed, I probably have their South Hit Hard by War. report for it? \ed plainly how ar did to hurt industry in the South. And yet Southern's control over . much stronger than that of many of its compel In th' | :,c<i |8,5&1,397 and r ,-. hi the first part of thi year cotton was ?eil han its cost to raise. That er, but w.ith farmers fertilizer than Ild in 191 natent evi ... r * the South. It is not possible yet to compute with SCCUK. . D]t of tie -, but ra.l ro?lfi . eloquent of its devastator.. The second year in -, much damage *? ?hi -the Allies place cot ?aband list. In that reduction of the cotton crop t0 '-'? ?, and possibly less, (rftil much. liut, as been r""nted out, the Allies seek any and every ' a dilemma that is as try t is for us. If in t, thev will not band. War's Mushroom (irowths. StO If market there has I . culation arising lid divert funds away ?I to the loss of In I'enmark the war has Mushroom enter ng to cable despatch?, s, s premium on eaj I ll loan for II.., ubscribed by the ? ting banks had r.iteil Stut.s de few rig-term secun ,. at least, the ! In part . ompetition w ir loans, m p..rt to the tstanding i ? ?. The bed to sales of from abroad and fear of ! to tue speculative ? me has seized ?pon investors. A better market for is looked ;,0r ?I it will do ! - .? . ?;.. thing *">lovv the blue ky has always been "?e limit for speculative risen. Ilond Market Stava Dull. ?n the bond market dulness COB? ?ifiuis. The total of business done yes ***?<???.>. tbout WMtftOQi was relatively 1 ?mall, If anything, but even at that wa? miileadingly large. A? wa? the case throughout lust week, the W*Mtlt\gttO*aes convertible le, when leeued, made up a contiderable proportion of the total dealing?. With the aid of the Inspira. ation Consolidated Copper r>?. in facl they accounted for a lull thud of the face value of the transactions. "Seller 30" contracts .vere prcM> thickly scat? tered through the remainder of the list, a superficial indication, at least. that Furope has completed its current liquidation. Not all delayed deliveries represent foreign selling, hut that i? apt t.? constitute the hulk of them. SHIP COMBINATION REORGANIZATION Fixed Charges To Be Cut Within Average Net Earnings. W. W. Miller, of counsel f?r the reorganization committee of the Inter? national Mercantile Marine Company, in announcing yesterdav that the plan of reorganization woul.l he made pub ' lie tomorrow, indicated that the Axed charges will be cut to an amount well within the avernge net earnings of the properties tor the la-' ?is years and ' that the proposed reduction in total cap 1 italisation is from 1176,591,246 to |89, S71.39S, a diff?rend of *,m'.,uoo,000. i The improvement in the earnings of ? the International Mercantile Marine properties since the first of the year, Mr. Miller said, had maile it possible , t?> avoidjhe heavy aaaesament on the 1101,598,700 common and preferred j stock, at first thought necessary. The : assessment now proposed is $2.60 a share, whi.-h will bring to the new company approximately $2,540,000. For this levy the preferred share ; holders will receive $1,21?:.,157 in new I 6 per cent convertible bonds, from an issue of 139,638,240. and $10,345,2t.O in [ new common stock. The common stock? holders will get $1,246,810 of the new bonds and $2,4.-3,620 in new common ; stock, of which there will be outstand? ing $18,870,920. Inder the plan the 44 per cent , bonds of the International Mercantile ? Marine Company and the 6 per cent I bonds of the International Navigation i Company, amounting to approximately $74.i>o(i.000. are funded into new securi? ties, (if the new bonds the 44 per cent holder? will get $27,776,200 and the holders of the 5s $9,220,0??6. The former will also receive $27,770,206 of new preferre.-i stock and the latter 18, 688,026 of th.s issue, which will make , the total outst \r.ding $81,464,283. The r.ew preferred stock is to be 6 I per cent cumulative and will receive ! dividends at the same rate as the eom , mon after payment of dividends on that issue of 6 per cent. The author sue of the new convertible bonds will be $50,000,000 and the $10,600,000 balance after providing for the re? quirements of the stock and bondhold I ers will be reserved to augment the ! fund for the building or acquisition of additional ships by the reorganised : company and its subsidiaries. In this connection it was suggested vesterduy that negotiation? may ?oon be ?tart?d whereby the fleet of the i Pacific Mail Corrpany may be pur . by t*-e International Mercantile Marine Company. The former com? pany ha? decided to liquidate because of the hardships imposed by the Sea? men's and the Panama Canal act.-. BLACK RUST REPORT BALKS WHEAT BEARS Market, Steady, Gains l"8c at the Close?Corn Also Picks Up. Chicago, Aug. 2. Frost, bluck rust and wet weather left no chance to-day ' for the bears in wheat The market closed strong nt a net advance of 1 % ?' to l7-c to 2c. Corn wound up with a gain of 'ic to a?c, and oats of ?c to '-2C to 'jc to Nc. Provisions tinishe?! unchanged to 12'-ac higher. Despite occasional moderate reac? tions, wheat bulls had the advantage throughout the day. At the start, re of wet weather damage and of delay to the movement of the winter cr..|i formed the chief influence that caused the market to advance. Sub? sequently news of sharp frosts in the .an wheat belt stimulated the buying here. Still later, a despatch from a leading crop expert telling of black rust on ever*/ s'ulk in fields of velvet chaff around Fargo, N. I?., I? d to the strongest advance of the session. For awhile considerable selling of wheat resulted from a liberal increase of the domestic visible supply total. ? At another time, the bears were some- i what aggressive because of en estimate credited to high authority that the ? v..Id in the United States this season would amount to a billion bushels, a ; sum never before equaled. On the down turns du\ers came back with such force, however, that the close was at the topmost point reached. Higher prices for hogs helped to lift Trade, though, was un USUall?1 quiet. CHICAGO PRICES 0|?n High Low wh??' ?i|.'ii iiitn ?.o-. ?.?"-' ., --?; ,i 8U>?*4 ?107V? I1.8SH >>??jj?}?i? l..',,mr.?r 1.07-2 1.88?J 1 Wa ????* ? 0,j6? i a??!a.b?s .??? m* -\ m . ' .?3,4 .?3*? .8344 ???'''? ??? ix? as 'Sl? 88 UM 5?ii-'tnii?r .. 8.15 ... I 23 Peptrmbar .. ? 50 . . . 9.35 II ?ns 8,13 8.18 SI SIT S HO 8 1? 13 7-, GRAIN IN OTHER CITIES. nt'iuth. Aug ?.?wirei ?? \ ' "* He 1 NV'nrtn. 114 .14. N-r-l. il 88?*; ' SUS- -' W.IKAT- No 1 N"t.t,?r.i ?i 4 an ? \ ? m**i lar. ?1 11*H 15 s.,.t. }1 0.. D. ruriN s? 3 ??nf???, KArUK. A0| . VVH1 ai -So 1 i.-1. t , . ? ? Northern, ?1 . ! I ? \ V ? . ? ? . ' -,.''"" ? * ',' s." ?I.,-,. 44V I ? ' ? K un. lian???! 'a,. WH1 8? . a, ?l [IH; *':?< H. ?: IS ? ? l'i II ., ! D 1- ? M.-lhl V II . I.M.ri IIV rritii? ??li KM m. J . -, Aug .' W1I..AT- N? ? I?' 1 II 14. S II.IT. ? ' mlie? '? ? ' ' ,,a.i - \ : ??.'Ulf. M . N '. .,?. aug j-wi.KAT N? - I 81 ' ' I.,. ? 11 ? 7 V. I iiUN \ . T* . v 4 S .-1? Asked $5,000; Got 4 Years. Judge Platt sent Gisaeppe lannelli, Of Ferry, to Sing Sing yesterday for not leaa than four -rears nor mote than .-? OH one count and for tw.i yean on another, lie was indicted for demanding $6,000 from John Mon? tagonoli, superintendent for Felix M. Warburg, under threat of death. The shorter sentence was for slashing "Joe" Napoli, of Pi-bbs Ferry. DAILY IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Dailv imports and exports of general merchandise at the Port of New York were: limit!'- I M'.it?. Monda v I . it ? Salurdar. Julv 31. t I FlMitt 7 ? J '????H", aaon.lay. July .?. 1.8*0.1?? I PRICE MOVEMENTS IN COMMODITIES Market Steady?Closes at Gain of 13'4C?Corn Advances. TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. \>*t York. Aiig'nt .. 191S Putter, tabs.... U.StSIStra? mm. M Cheese, hoxea i,2n? Wheat, bu?h ' BaTga, rasa??., .. lt.IM copper, im? ., 11,171 I' poultrjr, pug? I.74A Ij-.i1. plgi . n U Mu. poultrj. .r? Mil Spa I lar, alaba ? ' 'otton, l?ela?.. 6.7W lio In bbli lat?a, balea.. .. 3'*> Spirits turp, bbl? Mohair, pkga .. 10 11..-r (canned), e? 4. H i.. 1, bal?? I.n in?.?-?, t.H 1 - u?ii, seeks ... n .:.'. Cut meats, i-Vi?? l-'i ! Apples. L.hl?.... SM < irrnar. bbll. 7J 1 Apple-?, pkga .. I OTO llama. pkfc-s. W di i. ?k? 4'?" Ijh.i. 1rs . M i fu. ...mull?, ak?. J.TS" l.ii.l, ko?.?. MM i-i fr ill pkgs 11.1 - ird. pka. I? ."n'i Ptl 1 ' ?. M La?mon?(-r*al),bM 1rs. 1*0 aark?.. o.:*.'. Alroholidenl.hbts 7|.'> i'im K,a.i".-ili.|.%? i,,?M \fi TSii l>i,, i,.?, i i.haa 130 i'.i ,..-n corn. I*les 414 Petra (Cal), bxa U ? Hides, balea..... I.OeO Peanut?, sacks l.OOO Hides i'.n?. 715 MneappUaiPlai.c 4M Hopa, bales IM Plneappla?(PH).c l.faSO MoUsmsiI?a).bbls atS? Plums fCtU) PR).I Lis 11? Potai' es i ' u h : oll, bbl? : M Rice pkt? li i" i. ,i. oll, bl II .. i iah ... 10.?OO 3i l'uni, bush., stock, bl ? Flour. bUs i MH r4|nin?ei bal* ? Flour, ?ark.? 10? s Sugar (ta*?), b ,. n il' lO, sk? 15."'''. Hay, loni . . . 121 Toi aceo, hhds... 1 ISO ; Malt, i ' tr?. r, 1 Oats, bush. sr.,87: Tobaron, pkga.. 7.??.' Mtllfeed, tnna.. SI Whiskey, bbl?. ' ? i. bbls.. H? Wlna n'a'., 1.440 . (Mlrskp. ?a. k? . '.4' EXPORTS. Flnvr, ?nek.? . .' *:3 Rai 0 as, n r ISO ljir?!. Ib.. Whiski y. a ....??> Olli ak' H . " I? '" Pork, bbl?.... :o Cot'seed oil. Ib i>?f, bi.u.? Lui lu. ?als ? i ? i ? Lleer\ t. s. f i EXPORTS LAST WEEK. ?Wheat, bnah.. 214.71? rieof, trs. 1"4 I Corn. bush.... if.904H.icon, Ib.... I ?_" ?. " 'Oats, bush.... 148.101 Ha-r.s. n-. 171.011 Peaa, buah.... Suso I-ard. lb. 3.611 '-3 Peana, lush.. 11.8J4 St?arln?. Ib.... 1M.SM Flour, bbls.... 1M7? TallOW, tt>. Flour, sack?,. S7.404 'irea?.?., 7b. Bl.CM I'ommeal, bbls l.*60| ilutter, rb. l-'eod. rt>. 11.400 Cheaaa, rb. Kran, rb. ll.l-o i"bcc.1 oil, lb : ? ira?.? UM. bags 300 f.ub oil, gaJ?...2,221.271 ! (Hay. bales.... 1,045 Turpentine, ta'? Heps, bale?... too Rosin, bb!a. Alcohol, ?ii!?. I,ltd Pitch, ht-ls. "S I Whiskey, gals 4.I** ? Tar. hhl?. 4 Cseed nrai. lb 180,000 Ret pet, ?al?. S.SM.4H ? . rt. ... 1I7,*)C-, Naphtha, . . lb. . 6.11'?" ? 0 l'.nzlne. sals 1'ork, bbls.... l ; ene, gals. 2M.44I Beef, bbl?. l.SUi CASH QUOTATIONS. Iron. N. No 1 f ?14 Ti I Flour, Mi.I? pal ?7 r?i Iron, N, No i l H H Cotton, mldill.i.g Iron, S. No l f 14.:. Coffes, No ! Rio 7'? 8teel ml!? .... 1.8 Bugai : ??? gran 5.7s j;i*c copper_ 18'4 Molasses, OK, p 4;> .3." :"? Beef, family.... : ir. ?earl ' :>.'? TlloW, o", ?. It! ? ? v. eat. No 2 rad 1.14 i i.rk. mess. 17.I2H Com, No : vel "0\, Hogs, dr. 140 tb 11! standard 64? mil West 1.30 (.ENERA!. MARKET REPORT. Now York. Aug. 2, 191J GRAIN. 4M1I AT Th? wl.??t lr?de 1? spp?rentl? not dlapoa . lo press ll.? selling aide ui lha -. ?- . ii| i Is s ;? ?-. .-.' .?i ? ga to lbs ai.n a a until liiere la ?cciiinu . tiie market ....? gentrall) Una .!i-.l:.s al '. gains of 1 a ro . ... |u earl] i slid sprins whr?! a .--.. ,i. Ui nigh then aa ricial u tr-..-.. i . i ?i. .? a', to is trads ?a? : Ilia situa ' . ii ?n-: , . Europe ? i' ? a, or less a . are tit ... . . ipoi ll, I. v. .?,, .. .-. | i-, i :, with ai. Indlcaffd l buahel ? . ' mili a n isooable in. , ? . - . from Mr. 4i K. 1 . i: ?-.->? i ?: ? . i for | ? I .. ...Ici at 1. .4 sud No i bai i al 11.?S. . lt. Sei : fia I. N -ni..-n. iniiutli. Il 11 \. c ? r. U iffalo i int\ Tbs oorn ?tartrl a.-nr? . .?-. aestliei i ausi I soma ? ?aid thai Ih? ? a* causing ??iy , u I tin 'unir ear? iban Mr ll IV. I << omparr I ?.ih a dei-n-a la - >r?r ? corn w ia quoted a' . ? .?? ofti ?? I ?' UATl . is the lug at '. i . an 1. . ?- Mr ? i ? 4 I ? - - . ? . :;' . Nil . i ? ? elf, Ni-i> x HAUI.CY llarki ' loi r. Buffalo iiai Mar Brime, Il 4 '. ? i } : < 1 ! ? ? , . I NEW YORK PRICES. Salur 4Vh?at <)r?ri II f h I/w I ' INTERIOR RECEIPTS. VMieal i - ii?-a T" dar ! Last srssk Last .,.-ar i SEABOAKU l Ll ARAM I ? I H heal To <1av 10 - "i . IS,?M Laut >?'"K 14?.. ..i SI MM I,OK! " .'i FLOUR ANO MEAL. Durer? In lbs IVur inarlil a-? eaen , c . ?? character, ?a the Irada ?head of requlrementa Ti.? I . . Uif li '.j ge ?prim . s Mliilrr patei ' |lit?, 1 ? ui S',1 l ?i lei ?n li-r? 14 :m a r- K > fan.i ipil I pal . ? I 1 Lui II S'?j i ; fair lu | ? ! ? t.. fa . ?. I i 10. I liltNMI AI. I In 44 1.1 ?AI! Ml AI. I | ' ' ! lacks. I I ilng flour. 140-11 ? ?. J ' bran bulk 124 40; i . in- . | flour. Hu il. lack?, 137 nil.Ml M. 1 J COFFEE. II I . lo 2 | I 'Ii? ! i? Bl ipatl -i i- , ? Ri ?i--- ..? Hi ? ?. I .?: i ill) . n lstIon?, Un mil mum i ; .-? , i Ii, 4?. ?V for 4 Rio Th? ? ? ? - raipta si - Irsderi rr? f??r further pi a?i re l- km a psrti) ?' ? TI,? .- - ?i '?- -t msrl : ?aa Inactiva ?? 1 a I Ii ?a?lT with ill" 7- quoted si i '. - . i .at icar I'lrsrsiices si " ? ' ; ? follow? U . . ap Uli r 1' v i v ? ... : ? - ? .. reek ?<-rr 1 IN - . ? ? ? ' .. ??? ? Open High I ? ' ' .. r 6 '7 6 '.7 ft ' ?' N,.rrii.'*r . ' ? r .. . ? MO 4 '.0 4 40 i ? ' ' - ? ? - ' April Mas .....? ? ? ' _ _ ? , i .if i ? . I M'.l.l R ?-' ?'? ? ; ? 1 ? N . ! ??? ?? . . ag?i' ?t , . .: ?, a. . ?S.0M l?u )??!? a? >-.. Peala ha.I ?n non ?Sattel M ?mn mil '.1,1.0o m.l . IftlntM I? . a;..I lit,. la? rr ara tlnel? ria?t.-,| Sania?, Jul) 21 th? H? 41allf"rtit?n. ( mu? I ' 888 1 v fot \.? Yin? luiA/.it.l i\ ? .?i Ki y. r'TisTics I |a| Un trees , I N ? i rt .1. ih.rt.a Km nrl. ti drllterlr 1" ?II ? Tkttal d.'ll??rlet . II -.-.i s.? >, rt -',- tt . si', tal I NY? Orttana ?ter? ,184.131 ir.iaa ..... 11 1?: l.T al all port? . . LO-.? nun 1 t>? 41? An?.al . IMI.UiHI Vltlhl. aiipplt . tu.. 1 44" ?4? r'i i .,, ?; i *:n n\r\ Uli,, li.'!|.|av SUOAR. Ti,- , -i '..r raAned Migar ? ?. un litera ?? ni Irrale with . ilrax.i ... Ilclil ? 1,1 mil . i ? a 'II, il t . ?". Til.ii i ara Hat pr,,. . ?,( Ih? Ali-, . l- ?Il Su?? . .i., |n i, ' ? ? ? ?? in. In '?, ? ? . .. jr. .. ?,|. r?.| ? . ,.,i,f?, t \ ' \\ i.'., ? I ' ','. ?? |l ' l k-, fruit |,ulatf.l. ! ?,..'. domti a i ? , . i ind I Ib i-artona .-?roma Si.? gr?i i li. b?p .1 ?.. ' IS?; US lb a?? do. . , .. Ib bas? L ??' -I Ittndii : , la', , . 1 an-l .Man . A , | i -. i i.i ??,. -. -, Me; v., . N't i :?.. V, n ?? "-,. . \ . i ? . . ?- i n Mid 1 ? '?'.' Tu- i-.-.I f.?- ia?t ?ngar ??.?, dull market ?? d ?) ;".,- I t. w - ?.?r- I ?lie fi -ti- I. r DM I ? SUGAR IUTURES. ?? ? .lull .In In .u?ar rail ..n th? .'? llprr? i ?kttlrtf i itaa .Iran?, th? BUI ? ? lew? ? Th,- r.ti.g? ..f pria . t..ll..?f Sattir- ! Iltith Align?! Re? : mher . -- ? . ? ? \',.?rli,l,,- ? - - ' ' M I/)W. I'lmr ,|a. 4 ? i , I? : : PROVISION*?. T ., ling In 'li? i.i?- ,taa In- ' ? lit Ugh :l?. ? ? hog. ?t 1*1,1 '??a ? llillK Rteidj II . ; i. l.'n .. ' I'.il 1 S'flli, mrt?. $is?.|ts .n r?n ! "? lis. i ?tr? I? ' ' : I'lirssi.n IKM.H - ?- . 11'.. . fil lb, 11 V. 1'" lb, li",-'. 14,- lb, 11V. i>ig,. Iliac. ? 1 r MEATS l?r. 1. n I . ? ? ' . . ? TA1.1.? It*. ?Jill, t ?i? 1,.. . ,'.!. I.Allli Finn. Mill "', . , Ml l?rd flitn, ,, . ?? I l?| 1 ati a 1? . 1 , ? -I itnl V '".. ?otltfa A-. nra/.li. Va-g?. l":u<-, r-nnpound cjnlri. igu n 4him. it . ?tr?rlne. ?V OILS. leur? ??? , 1 > I ? 1 tt 1 ? IXSKI li ?ill. Al rt? . ., NAVAL STORES. I ? ? ? ? ?ii.l ? SPIRIT* Tl Ill'I.N TIM!, inaihln? bbla, 4.', TAU 1 Il l'.n-IN . U t I- V. Q tnd II. 1 ? m. 4 te?. x, -,.7 ? . wo, I ;-,-. ?a . ww, COTTONSEED OIL. A flrmrr tont in Um '.?? I t.arkft. tnd t! ? g, rem- ' meet r?ror: mi cotton, which recetwd a . : ? , l'i.-i t lu i 111* day I rtcreloped ttnn'.-as. . ? . Ii.g a' ?1 id ?ib a ' II gt h on re? r? or leo buying ex Ih? :., ar niootlu. &g !? II ' . Sr?t. A'igtut. Srpterrber. , Januar;. iVbruarj Mai ;. 5 18 ?'[??-i High. I.< - ' ? r, 1 l ,. ? 1 , COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKET. ' I "i ?*. A'.igiitt .' BEANS ANO PEAS. 1: ? , ?- ? |?y, bac? beam M.i-ii?t ,r-v 1 ?lib?n! n. . r ? ' lili? ?a J l :? . ? i v 1," 4i,"i: -?-, .. ? ?Il S?, ,11 a 1 a . 14 ? H ?- .- ?-. i , . 14 *l BUTTLR. r - -i - ? ? Ipta ai? .i".. 1 . . im?i lo I . .. 1 . . 1 - uilke. a, 11 - ? . ?un, .: 1 ?.a,I?., 17 ' CHEESE. Baetlp? I m?rlc?t oprn? trifgula; arer?ge ? ring? . 1 ?u, :. at : . ? c.!or?il ... . ?I 'a. ?nidrig!.. mu ? I, Ha'--. . lia'. 1 . v lai.l.-a. 1 >?,ii 14. ? - . HAY ANU &TRAW. Mari.' '? enma? llen? ral -a It UM hay I? anitlng ' . 'Uli Hill? d' ? ? I , *. .-.. eptlMill ? l.'T Hy? >tr??t lil.ll IIA1 I , . ! ? I Xo .. '? I . ? . ... I ? I 1 HOPS. al Callfnrnl? - - '.ulk "? th? rtmainlna ' > ? I. I ? ? ? )'.'.., - t grade?, I EGGS. Re? i-lpt?. tt lat. 1", 4',. . a?ra. Tli? ir?r :. trade du . IM an I libera ? ? Im? .4 to 1 ? V . Kiin 1.1. il POULTRY. A1.1 \ I it? on t I ' ? mo:n 1'lll.ssl.l' Receipt ? .... 1 broil . r?, ?lid wtlh ? af? i 1 a t la'g ? ? ' : 1 ,;. ' . I II 1 ,.. t ? 4 . ? 1 \ ?' < . 4 ?? ?'. ? , 1 "\\ I.- ' 1.1 to 4 1 ' ; \? II I a I "I. in 1 :,i 1x1.? ? . . ?. I.. . sqi M - t I 'j? M ... ; , , ? ill?l.\S. - ' li Ilk KYI" . fed. ft ? ? ? . ? Ill' I.i N - ' I I 13 lo lb 1 li.lil.? 12 I < \? a . ? I III |. 11'"' OCEAN FREIGHTS. ?. - 1 - ? . H M.: ' "?- I'r .te?m : I .. a IT'rai? Irrin.. rarratipt H11 SSW I III |SM ona?, " |" ' ?? ' rlial ii .:i|.i N..r Irnii ?n bark, Ml ion?, th I ? liulf I llu< '?a. 2I?S IJ f nu. ins, '?? r ?hip. 14 Ian i-ri prleati a,,?. \,,r i,, coal, I'hiia.' l| i . Ill- ". prttai? i.riu. LIVESTOCK MABKIT. Nr? Yi.rk, Au| I, 1115, WlfKLY RICEIP7S. ? p ?nd ,. , Horre?, l'aire, I.aiul... nig?. >"? i'?rV ,.., 1 ?42 I ..; J.T.oT .-,,. , .... , m . ,,, ? cuirai I i Ion II |$,l|| 4ii uTATKiss run nn I '.'.???t '" ' i""- ?? natifs ?????.? | - ? i'.to lUen ; . . ' I .... II , -.?,,??,.,.. I . " I* !"w.r ,|. fit ? ' I . . , ? i -, i per 1,11! ? |, '"ra. I- .- ... ,.,., , ,,?' a',.I I,,?- ai iiatlre stdea l'i ? ?., p?i ? liaa l:i. irai ? an.I .klm ml HI ??!' i. i -? <l .. J'. rulla 1 . I Hj Iambi Arm In . i.igl,?. t-v . , J< ?41 l!i<? Iim.i t.. medium weight!, >6 .i. I . M S llr.??ip-, rirt ?n ltl, f.i bulls ales Ii . bologna ? -. ???- ?? Steer? a.>l.| al 14 ?..<?--. pei ' 14 71i 4 heail eil '?-1 ?o ..-i i f.-.. v lo. i: M ' : or ||i Sal?a f San Irr. .1 VV.-u \ ,. ? ... r??o. |-. ... ,?.r |og i . _?? v'a li.i - I i ' i I ? ' - ' .' 1 145 ' ' 4 ?anon, )? Mi 4 MO ? ...wa. i|?. 1; 1 - ' I l A ? '" ?'?' Va ?tr.-a. I.IS" lbs 13 Mi I 1 .1.117. I '4 1',) -' 7 in I ?',' I ai.'l row-, ?arloiia wrtglii?. |1.254S|5.23 Il Va ?-?et? ! . a I 10 ante bull?. 1 "".'. , * ' I. MM; I .? ? U 4.i I-3;?,, 4 tarlou? welgtii?, I M Va ateora. I :or, |? ?? ;?? ! ?lili i .p; i< ;-. 1 bul - l ??-. I 10; I raw, 1 .".0 }. j,' 1 nr,' ??ill. 1. . , ? 7.V?. ? I W Vi 01 ?' ? S.? 14 R .-?or, I 414 lb, ; " ?' U. 1 ? 1 nr,. I ? ? <-- 7-, : ! ; ' 1,411, | , 1 |fr] 11 Ml, F. ??! ; 174 f t". row?, IMS |4 ?? 710 |. IS II ? ? : 15; 1 721. 14 mi. ! ' ? H. ?0". II. I, 'In 13 73 I. 1 11, ; 11 1.-'iff-, Wright A Co I hull?. All ih. 1.17.-,. 1 ' HJS. I I, 14 4 l bulla oil on?. v?r4'..|? ??Igl.i? 14 lo I *?-rllng,. ll'O ft. Il II IlolUa 10 hull?. ?.74. T. M r 77". 16 W, I Ii 1 irtU at Son 1 bill!. 1.5M 1? If; 14. ?11 1.1.1 I?, 1--1 f"i. * ? ? |j| 13 ; .-ow,. 1.'>?'?". i: ? .1. '.. MS, }-. 40; I 14.10; S. TM. I rsi m?o CALVES. II- itpt? 4 IOS hr?<!. I.JS? on aale Teals ?c t'V at -r 100 lb. a few Hlei ' . IS; ?ra <?n ami ?klm ml . ? ?r II ? . '! od .1". ll.-1: ? .. 1. 1 Util I ???? ' I ?. 113; 7H. 147. ... 1.,; f|j, 1 . . fright a. To 4 < 5. Ill I 172 17. i'4 14.1, tu '.0. 10 -carlinga, .1"". l It II IP Ilia ! I -, milk. 1":. ?r 7 S. 111. IV \ ? Mu I toiH. MO lb. $13 7'.; II, 14?. I 4 IIS, ll?.'.?; 2 nails, ir-'.. lu. IK ?kim .- I. $7 Kewton A ''.' 211 reala. l',7 ih. Ill; .'.. 151, ?in $1: .',0 ? 124, $10. 1 ' culls. 74. ','7, IV 15, 172. $7 -.0; 9 -earllnp, 471. $4 73 ,V Shminiai 17 real., 174 Ih, $12 '.0. II. < < $9: in Va eaal?, 17?. 112. in. M, 171 $:o ro 10. a $10 S Jiild i, Co 21 real, K9 lb. $1", 19. 211. 1 }i. -0, 1 ,-ii:.. m $? 1 lb, 114 B: 147. 132, i 1 m, 112.10; -3. HO. 1112'.. 2 ?esrllnss. ? ?terna iv.mmK.len l'o 21 Va Mals. Ii? Ib. 1 ? 4M, IS: 7 !4* ' i.on A. Co 4 real?. Ill lb, 111; 2 Va. IM HI ?.. ?. 1 1 .?' irsiiers A Boa I Va Mals, 152, $11 25. SHEEP ANO LAMBS. Berslnta IS.SSS hrad; 474 oar? on sal? ?hasp .-? 11 . < : - Iba rulla S-- ' lamb? ????.! 7' Dreaaod mutton Una a! 4441 Se I4#17c 151 h\ ! 11 1 Hi. ?. - ' "'?J'-, || \' \a ... !? ' i I . .1 13. I ;? \ C ? I 1- " M Kv ,hoop, 1ST, J . 77 \a 111 y u Tul.ln k Shannon II! Kr lam'. ? II ., ? 74'.. 71. t" 25: ?SO N r . . s . 12? \a 4-1, 19.25; IS2, IS. I ?? ;-, ?1 M ' ' - 10?. I ? -. i Va il, $ 11. 24 S C, Mu $'. imberi A R. n !M h? lambs 74. $."? ?o. .11 W V, 71 II SO 121 K? 7 1. < . ? 105 l'a 54, I \ . Il < | W Va. 117. $5-7 ?? f-, .1 | . - ? . . - .ami.?. 90. M: : \\ Va abeep. 1 31 ' ?V l'.-i lajDbe, 4S ? J l'i t. $9.25; 217, 1 I $'', 4', S McPherao?i a. Co 132 ?. .1 laaab?. 17. $''. IM U -, . . Il va-? ill .1 -.7 $4 M. lelllffs, Wright A Co. IT ah?ep. 101 !'? ! H00S. R rip'?. 7.9M 4 .-ara on ?alo Mar?-' rig) u S' ' ' $? ' ? . ' -? .?al?? '1 1I11 A .?'.urn. 1 9 Va hi?j.. 154 II?. ' ? - ?au besa. IIS. $? 21; J'.. 223, $7 70 ? ?- Ci 11 Pen? hogs, Ml S ? I..n Co 17 ,t?'? h"g? us H iii urtli .' Co II - 151 f%3 7i,i?v f - |< m - . ii'Mi.? 11... :[.?? in.nno, IS) .irrrafe; hulk. 1 I ? -. ?? l 1 ? 1 .\ rn 1. Kr, 1 ipi ?. i j .i Heer?. $? III '$? 1.1 1 ?? an.I helfei $ ? 71 -I'll.! ! - ? '. it!.! ttri-elpi : ""0. I I ihm; 1. prims hoaiir?. 1: ;',i..i: ... uli 474.1a ? ' . 4111 1.1' ? . I IMP.? , If ? . M.l I.? II. 'T 1 ?Oil; I I l-ilirhinatl. Aug. 2 I . . ?I l-ATTI ? ' t . ; - - Kiin i- r >ea.I] ? I ' VI ?. ' ? : 4 . 1 ? ....,! < ? ?. 'lui:?- u . ? 1 ? l... , ? . I? ... r. a ... J- >?? -?'. -'?a- 51 ?' KHKKP .AMI'? ll- ? .. ? I < ? U ? ' $? . -. ! ' i ll...,? Ba. ? Igata I.5SS; > j 1 t- - : ; sa?. < ? [rung 1 . 1 . 1 ?? I. .. V.; : IIIM'.H ?. I 1. II---I and l : IT.I - I |in 1 .? ?1 . II ..1. 1. Hin SltKKP He. . , u ,$ i: r graph to Tna I. 1 . FRENCH MAY GET TUCKERT0N PLANT German Company's Pica t<> Defer Suit Over Wireless Station Denied. ron. N. J., Aug. 2. V . rellor Stevens, in the I'oart ol ' eery, to-day denied the appiieaton of . Hoch Frequense-Maeehinen Aktien e Telegr ?rhich the Tuckei I 1 ? n' until sfter '.ho ?rsi of the ? ? ? csinal it by the French ? de T?l?graphie Fil to eompel it to carry out it? contract to sell it the Th? Ciernan company rlemei knowl ed|T? of claims \?as enured ltd 81 ?'es j?overn ? :on of the pi-in' time ac? to ma; In thiir srs*ument the Germans i tamed that if the plant pa??. ! I French company it would shut off ?n efficient means of communication be? tween Germany and thii country. In denying the application for a de? ferment of the suit the court said a French cituen may still au? an Amen Hr.d therefore he CO ll rmsn in a ca>e which could te heard here in time? of peace. I COTTON MAKES MODERATE DECLINE Market Unsteady and Loses 4 Points at Close of Trading. The government condition report proved to be the biggest surprise the cotton trade has experienced in a long' time. It was only 75.5, compared with SO.'I last month, 7'.'.?, last year and a , ten-year average of 7,-.."?. Lower than any of the ?even private condition re- ! ports thus far received, the average i of which wa? 77.7, the government ! figures attracted ? good dea! of atten? tion and created the impression ?hat i traders had been nialcd by the appar-, ciit|y uniformlv favorable character of the weekly official weather bulletins ? into "believing thot the crop was in iet*tr Bhape lHan was actually the case. Pri?es, which early in the ses-I ?ion had declined PI to IS points und..>r the close of Saturday beeauae of rain? at many points in the Centra! and K?stern belts at.d indications for pre* Cipltation in Texas, immediately jumped on 'lie report and advanead about 20 points within a few minutes. Heavy celling pressure was .-nrountered , on the rise, however, from spot houses. , the South, uptown Interests and Wall .Street, and gradually during the after? noon the improvement was lost until at the close the list was 2 to 4 po'rits net lower, although the undertone was called steady. In seeking reasons for the surprisingly bullish government re? port traders assumed that either the; led m <? m' .,r an ;m mature 'up rool .?- the result of heavy May raim liad resulted m detei I '...n. which private reports appai failed fully to reflect. That pricei ?lui not hold all the advance which followed the report testified t<> the small short interest in the market and lighi OUtalde business. The rains which v ere scattered over Central an?! Fastern states, together with a promise of cooler weather in the West, induced a! lot of profit taking on the idea that ' conditions represented by the report had been pretty well discounted. Ad? vices received by a local house from Atlanta were to the etTect that cotton in that section looks good and show4 rractically no damage from high tem? peratures. Stands are good and fields! clean. From Texas word was reel red that cotton would deteriorate rapidly unless rain comes within a week or i >:i days, and thai owing to M-.r grain crops the farmers would probably be financially able to market then- cotton slowly this year. Meantime the -Je rr-i'.l from New England mills fur raw' cotton is small, and some of the ?arr? est mills, which usually have bought a considerable amount of the new crop by the end of July, have bought almost ', nothing, it is said, so far this year. At the close of the ?lay private re? port; said it was ruining hard at Palestine, in Central Texas, and ?he! trade was expecting a more favornble ' weather map in the morning. To miet the decline in American markets since Friday. Liverpool should come 7 to 7 4 point-, lower to-day. No exports ?rere reporte?! for the first day of the new crop ye?.r, and Southern spot markets ?ere unchanged except for ^c advance at St. Louis. Hange of Prices: Bttur- . Open. High AilfUH -0 0-,' 1 ??..; - - '? ?' ti i.i; ? 1 is ?? , ? 1 1 ?;-:,.,::?? 1 ruir? ? -- 1.71 Hi.l '? :?? Maren . .9-1 10 On 'J <?1 '.. ?- j ?> 19 1" "1 M .. .10 0". 10 I* 10 o-, in li,,. i? u 1" 1 ?ui ?? i" ."i Hid lo '.'j , ?I n:?r!et f"r , I ld> a ' r middling uplat- I. .., dcllrrrrd ni -i?.t markett ?err telegraphed a? follow? Nrw I quiet, uni-hangrd .it ? ?'% ill?, '?i hate, Mobil? , .:???! a: - 1? - : . nominal. - ? a,- ill. Autu-'a ct -?I?-, in bal? . . .? ? ; ; n M?;-. I at N ? . -' Mtmphl? iletdy, iinrhangtd ?t ? : .... ?at?, 4?. li.' tlMi at th? pora ?nd laltrtot t>.in'? with I.i-t I.aat Tre?nt GalfMton .... 1 383 '.' 1 ?? IIS 111 1.'? I ..... i i . M '.' I t . Hi? :.t ?i i . N 1! '4 4.1 itaXl . '4 14 ? I.""1' ? ? .1 . .'.:? Var: ?it . Totale ..... 3.131 188 Intrrlor. Angna'a . 14 XI, m-ilitt ..0 |X3 1 .' -? I . . I? SIS IM 1 TI 4 ? 4' l House and Apartment Leases. Ilongla.t I. I. :r u A i a" ? ? Md i . |t > ..,,.? , rt,.-r l'i ?? ? ', B II.alg : I. i-t :?", ?t man ' Itn I' . . a ' ' I'tlM .? I: unan hare 1 ,t-?l for Ml I. A Pa,I |,. - ??. , Hellt ?i While ? Ml ?; i.i i Heal Knd ?' th? li t ?trtnl ip*r? I? Hi ? . i ? i.i,] i ? 'I I'tull it - Thicker tl '.?,--? i 1. i: ?-? t ?? ids? ?' ... . , I . | ? ?- be U 1 a- a ; ,,?'? , , ,v ?" hat? lea-.-l f. . tv to Lent W'i i >l? In n I Hi ??? Sales in Brooklyn. ! H? .v |r for Un Ing hou?? 11? at 10 II l> ' 11 ? I ratu to Dr. E. K. H Banker Buys L. I. Estate. , , * Ui ?-?, In . -. :?. lie . ? Uli i ?",?'! P ? 1' il llar '1*1. \? alter T i ? ? Realty Notes. I amp?' ?. I:.. i. it? r? ? .' I. i im? *.<:?-? . M ' RIAL ESTATE AT AKTION. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. ?SPrC.Al MMOMCtlVILa?,!.' <J At the request of several buyers at our ?S?0CMCTI auction, who bought at our advice "for a turn" and wish their property handled by our "live wire" meth? ods, we have opened an office right on the property at Edgemere. CJ Those who were timid or unable to attend the sale will still be able to pick up aome choice bargains. Building and permanent loans can be arranged for builders and home seekers. Cj This property was sold at ridiculously low prices. You can offer to pay a reasonable profit arid STILL MAKE BIG MONEY. Office at Edgemere, cor. Lincoln & Dickerson Aves. Open Afternoon and Evening or bv special appointment. 'PHONE?FAR ROCKAWAY 3070. NOVEL HOTEL FOR WEST END AVENUE Plans Show That It Will Have Bedrooms on All Floors. P.ART Or SITE OWNED BY MAXINE ELLIOTT Belle Harbor Sale Increases Fame of Joseph P. Day as Auctioneer. The group of five house? 322 to 830 West End Avenue, has been sold to Lilliar. Soiesi, who has had plans filed for the improvement of the property with a hotel. Robert If. Fnrrington, I architect, drew the plans, which pro vide for a hostelry with bedrooms on all floors. On the ground floor is to ? be a large restaurant. One of the five ' hou.t-s sold is owned bv Maxine El- ! liott. The hoatelry li to est $147,000, ae- ' conlmtr to -architect t^rrington. The ? site to be improved is on the eust nide of the avenue and adjoins the property at the northeast corner of Seventy-fifth Street. It has a front? age of Ho feet On the north is the j Lombard apartment house. It wan reported yesterday that Camp- ' hell, Met7,ger & Jacobson, makers of I embroideries, who have been for years i at 446 Broadway, have leased the ? building at the southeast corner of ' Broadway and Twenty-second Street, formerly occupied by Brooks Bros. The former occupants of the property paid a rental of $57,000 a year. The new lease is for a long term of years. The premises front 102 feet on Broadway and \22 feet on the street. At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Belle Harbor aale of 679 lots ended, ever) lot having been disposed of by i Auctioneer Joseph P. Day. Just before he stepped down from his stand under [ a tent on the premises Auctioneer Day . said to a crowd of about l,UU?i persons, most of whom had been numbered among the buyer-;: "I cori^r;. you. You have been able to buy at this ' -ale. which will long be remembered ' for the wonderful opportunities pre sented to get oi-.-an front sites at un- ? usually low prices, what I call nnd many others will likewise do, war time bargains." According to some people who keep comple'e realty record?, Auctioneer j Day yesterday added more lustre to I his fame as an auctioneer by sellini* j the remaining 2(?0 unsold lo*s in two hours. He began \ester,lay's --ale at 3 o'clock sharp, and on the stroke of ' .") he found a buyer for the 1h;* The total sum realised for th? lots was $314,175, or an average of ? l'.ii a lot. Thf average price paid for the last batch of 200 lots was ?5(>7 a lot. Among the principal buyers yester? day were William Sohmer, rx ? Her; Commodore'. ? Belle Harbor Yacht Club, and William Scher, one of the largest property ere .1 itrict of the Roekawi ya. :!?? is a manufacturing ? r. His purchases totaled $2!, 71?), other bit l)'i>.-r- yesterday were A. E chorn, K. II. richinger and Albert EL Jenninga. Among other salas reported yester? day wer-?: 1 "Ti? -1 IV I It WVwH W II ? ? . u ril ? ? ? Uathgttt at. ' ? I'Mtl? V? ?, : ' I , ' 3g- ? ' - Sdl TMKIIN Ilitlt.KVAItn -S filman ? > ? \U \v 1 A? ?.I ' - ? ?il!, a Til."'K T A? I I | l 1! it ? , ? pn i ? , ' 11 ? I Hth St I A ?' .', ? ' I ? ' I Ml RX1SH ED APARTMENTS TO ! II M K>T HDati B-THI: MAJESTIC-5 1 M, At.. S. f.. dig-. ll.Mb Ml. 7&8 Rooms & Bath Ren.als$660to$I.OOO Large, !it*ht rooms, complete, elevator and telephone service. All modern conveniences. Close i wa? and elevated Ui J.R??WfuT?lk?wCo. N. t. 'lor. Vtadison Av. & 41st. Tel. Mir:.... HUI?Uli n- r ?,"ir \ac r t a Premiosa r*m REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 room?, $660 ? $720 6 room?, $720 ? $900 7 room?, $900-$1200 I*?rt?rt f?rrvlr?. OWNKK <IN I'lil ?l?H liKAL KSTATE FOU S '.IK OK TO LET ? 01 NTKV Country Mo?i? Informatl?? lr?? to ?r?toaKt??r la, rrt Uti - ?.-? ?:? ! ?'al. ?rit? S agei.t?. 8?.-. Coui.try II nia S . i I W LaC at. TW ?-' 1 Mai TO I.FT POR Bl ??IN ESS PURPOSES. Superior Buslni&i Uxttlon. 2b Weit S?th 81. WM. B. MAY 8 CO.. 717 5tii Ay?., nr. 8t EDGEMERE CREST SALE Total Realized for the Offer? ings, $219,674. Th? agaagagaj , t;e ?[ IMgcairr? fr??t. FMg?rnrr?. L. !.. va? br,..:g:.i to a ? : ?? on Satu.-J?y ?rentng. T.i? ?ai? wa? ivu.l'i.-?-.! ia:.ier th? ample?? of th? M M HaillHII. Jr ?''Bll>ai.y ay AucUuo?w fits Janttt K. tirant n?. 1. - "i :,&.".T*.l a gr?:.,l -,.-.i. of I318.8TI : ?: '.? Btt Itjn' Hlltoi ? ol for ll?S.<74, ai. ?< t (or I ' i ? - iw?n ? : ir lot? Hid t?" !,."i?.? fir util.-h aa ..' . ten nn In ???'txl'-g ' ? Mr Mr?rg. :.'.' ii ?all "\V.. a-- ? .? w? kam r?.?it,.i ? ? Irat bit n?. ??If In o:.a u-? a I . ?r ?... 1 ?ho ?ii.-tloi. U-iil fur ? Catia pmii nt tt'ie, l/i'l pr fl't .-oui'it larg? tt?r? n-rii?.-! in <>lh?r ln?'?n?-?? " r.,- Ilorgenl tu St. i>ii:;.?:t will okii ?j. .-(Tl. ? . WINS SUIT OVER ISLANDS Judge Lynn Declared Owner of Jamaica Bay Parcels. lude? w?,|t | .-, t,?? tttM l'i ll'lga':. R ?H Jaioai. ? 1 It . IB ?a 0 Mana a ? ' i I a ? ra-g-s-. -..| II. -' ? - I :-:ir !?,-? a-iri r>'r-?r !? h at n*?u* ... I PLAN A $200,000 CHURCH Edifice To Be in Amsterdam Avenue. ' .? ? , ? ? i ? Th.? It ' ? ' - ? Sales in Auction Rooms. Th? . a At :i 1 1 . Joaarll I' lia. nUANE ST. 13. t ? ' ? HHST AV. ? Il BROOME ST i II Ht BaaMMl 7STH ST ?, r?g > . ? ? : . I Dl Hi M '? . Ce PRINCr' st .. " ? I - John Street Rental. llllllar.! A $100,000 Brooklyn Project. h ? i APARTMENT HOUSE D?RECTORY EAST AND WEST SIDE. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SUNDAYS. N \?1 I \M? \l?l?Kr >-. RIVIERA Kl?or?li|o llrivo, i-,.,!h i- i-.rni -4. BUCKINGHAM COURT un i.'u \\ r?r SMh St. _ lli?rr?i.lo Im,? ~THE PRINCETON S? rv.s WEHT B7TM -ikikt, 1 III h U from llrn.iilwa). ROMAINE & LOYaAL lilver?Ule llrlie. lrjotl, lo |i,l,t >t., an.I i.'i.) W .?t liiolli ?.t 308-310W3stl5thSt. Ml. HIMlM?. 5 4<i in I Inr,' I..,11.? Kiglil large K....II.?. I IMI ll.llll? H I urge, I - - . Lilly Well Vrrans K. ,..-. 4. 5, 6. 7. S Usases ami Two Hath?. KIM Mi.II.inn .?.liira ?it moderate rental. ?.I -''Ml lu 11,see 1-4141 H ll ??;?. - llTl.l'lr Kenia. ?1.320 Yearly, ? !-slor> liroprnnf bulhllng O'iiai'l? _B ? _ I Im ' ? I Sauting Ai--; ' Slag itjii ? . ? i i IV, |*9 U'waj I October 1st. ' Attractive ba.-helur ap?r' ?nia, !'?? -a - CBtlOB THE ROCKFALL >. E. tDKNKK llltll VIlV, A. AM? 111111 ST. 7 anil S RSBBMB I I.. 4 llalli?. It.iee ^^?^^^?^^^^?^^?sr 11- porfartly raneas: ?naatry.