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Conning Tower Proves Himself No Last Liner by Galloping to Victory at Saratoga Roamer Wins the I Saratoga Handicap gig Opening Day Crowd Cheers Victory of Popular Horse Over Field of Good Ones?Sets New Record for Track By HERBERT. ^aratvea Springs N? Y.. A ig, It will he hard to convince O00 men ami women who cheered and shouted here to-day that Roamer ? :ho best racehorse in the country. The four year-old son of Knight Errant Kose Tree II galloped to T v c Sal ".000 and once more established hmself as the) wonder horse of the time. Roamer picked tip 128 pounds top weipht. set his own pace?a pace ?h'fh had his opponenta reeling and dizzy behind him at the end of seven and came away in the stretch to win galloping in the fast time for the mile and a quarter of 2:04 2-6. Rarely if ever has he run ruch a brilliant. Btrikil g race and rarely if ever was he greeted with such an outburst of fttei uine enthusiasm. Everybody loves a pood horse. It was av.? fastest trie ever hung up for the Saratoga Handicap in its thirteen n, and within two-tifths of a second of the track record established August 8, last yc.r. Andrew Miller could hardly repress his enthusiasm. His faith in the tittle go'. ling is unbounded n*>? i never shaken I y the occasional bad race which comea from time to time to prove that he is not a machine. Burner met a atrom I to-day.? - ever in doubt attr .. had been covered. H? isotn. the three-ycir ' he Finn a head in ro the b:' nd shook her or? S six 1 -' ''?' v Jury " ? ? -. r.gest of the otl ? the ? cond, which ?v Jury a hesd for third -.noter were In? ?merit?. ? ar.d ? rite, which both avoided, but m I ...... ? last Quarter to ? . - irts to reacn a eon on._ Saratoga SpiilUrs, lone, lor.g a vil lire '?? th a s.mpl? villa?*? air aid gov i.e year to r.-.e der.'? ?nd importance of a city, .?arr.e beauteous and attractive ???ce. ch&r-ged onlv in its form of gov ?mmer.t. Dot .n its atmosphere or" quiet restfulne?s ?nd holiday spirit. Of couru, there is more life and a: I tun s week aeo. Lovers of racing as ar'. ?? f spring- water tuen full co-session for a mont! ?rest ti the |oy of the shopke. Out st the track this afternoon < errrh-.r.?? recalled the most pr?. j| d? turf davs when the ? tee ?as the mecca fur r rr*n from near and far. H il cam? up from New Yhtk to =re the ? of the Saratoga Handicap; th?! hundreds came from the sur and ham!? ? ? grandstand ar ere ammed and - :av was not made to 'he rr.eas earefullv planned. ruin s hier., ? more thi Everv now and the "iterating air blowing over the the Adirondac) ?n of an othei ? e day. and the crowd, ouite ? of everything. ? ran true to the i ? um ?v 1.ich gave h.rn race. He ght to the 1 up. arid the i . load of at least one : ? After the race he changed r 1800, Frank J. ?verwvck Si , * Mrs. J. Shillil . i jockey, ' arroll ?o part with her ? I 0. Ur- ran at ?ere i, ; for this ?ei W. p. Burch ha? had the Golden ;','" " ? track here for three - ? the . and ?!'' " ? riu'" s :*rfect race on J. !.. the Shillelah ? ; hit horse well - a miie .- ? ? ? ? ih Onlv three f"nced well over I Merci will for a minant galloped .'.- J. w Parrish's rst race of the H oti The fine look ? romped in proi ? of iicinc n?*sters of the ISO pounds, was tryinf ?' -*e poui I to the srs i ? vond even IK- is a big, power ? by Disrraise Vether LION-ROLL Thi mw[it iioN ciratior? * buMMta HULL COlLAN a?.,t"-DfST ?HANU?*-***7n AMEHICA S\l m,,,,:.,,. AND DIVING ?>> im m i n Vr? ?*h** ******* ft To But h M-.r? ""*?-?? Swimminf School, 19 W. 44 St. ?owl In a; Allay, Billiard ?a fool Takl? Mfra Rapalrs J eu ? plisa. Ufara Broa,/ JF\ M SUtMMS, SliiaaUf?. Ve-?P"V?* .ole. of a rich chestnut color, and no ? d ? - to his elas? .:,! quality. He fought on gamely in ' furlong but ju-t failed to ??et tip in t n i to earn third money. He will win nces at the meeting. Airman probably was second host at the weights but Buffered from hein,; shut off sharply in the run up the tretch. McCahcy pulled to the i an.l w??s running on at the He is the colt which beat D< m a head when the latter started - first time at Helmont Park on ,',1'? li. Lindenthal beat Amalfi a head in the ! ace, bul it coal John W. Schorr to keep his Star Shoot three-vear old. Frederick Johnson took a fancy to him ar.d bid him up that amount over his entered selling price of $700. Perry R. considering the ' purchase of George Smith, the un? beaten two-year-old owned by E. Mc-' Bride. W. K. Yanderbilt acted as one of the steward- for the fifth race. He has not been seen in the stand since the early days at Sheepahead Bay. Jere Carroll, trainer for the Sho shone Stable, seemed to think that Hackle. ?' ? .??en's good two year-old, would be in hi? hands within a few hours. Mr. Madden said the deal for the -ale of the colt was not definitely settled but rather ex ? d it would be. He put a price of Win*.- Hackle at Helmont Park ten days ago and said nothing ? thinks highly of ?:.r-old and believes he ha: a to win the Futurity. Suffolk Horse Show Plans. : .grip!; M ! Southampton, X. Y., Aug. 2. The Suffolk Hi:.\t Club annual horse show is announced for Saturday, August 21. It will be held in the paddock adjoin? ing the clubhouse ar.d will comprise .lowing ell Farm team-; children's ponies; har .:id saddle division; pony hacki; harness horse; best horse to a lawn mower; harneaa horses, pairs; open jumping class; ladies' hunters; saddle horses. The Tribune Racing Chart SARATOGA, MONDAY, AUGUST 2. wi:athi:r maint track coon. nnST RACE BelUnt; fot Ihtet y??r o'.da at.l op**rd, su tui:e:.g? 1410 tddedl ??hi? to wlnn?r. I? '< a- ;? ? -, - I ? Wnn tullj . p'?,r ??I.- Tltllf. 1 II, - .? 'Hi'?, ? Mrt J Shllllnt. Tr?lnrr. .1 Potrera. Win ?? I tarrr - ??j 4 I .--i?t Open i T M-Taf .1 McTi*r*rl I Gtrntl .'? . Turnti * M. -At?? V n it t \V 11'Brian I! Martin 111-: ? lata: ailgh 9? It". '. g lllgli. ('"??. K 7 ? 7 1? It 7 - 3 7 I ?0 25 12 10 P a - t 2 I : : ? ? I ; ?Old te y 3 fir Jl.tlO" I'cnr.lnt Towar h?d til the tpafd ?r-.d at? :? a? r?*dUj tifld the ttbetl ufe ]"a:?:..juln r?n lili rae? lli?ti.--u i anil i an A<> better. MII.I.I.I.AIt BTT?EPLKCH*BB; ??Hing; for fmir tur n!dt ?: .1 iir???rd At*?ut tar? end > hall I ' giarai.t.i-d. rtlut to ?ilnii?r, |e?5 At i.'.tt 1 mlnut?; off ?r ? 18. St?rt g!,.<l. Won ?a-lly; ,.'a<-? mine. Tin?, ^ 27. Winner, ch. g.. agi-d, lijr l'.th?rle?s??twork. ()w J. E Wldantr Trait,rr, J. II. Ivrwl? ?' Merci Str Fin ?.? !? Tuet?? 1' .'? |Joll?T Tier ''. I I'-'-r ? High. ? .- Plie? t 7 in 1 ? :< S * '? 1 ? 7 a,.. I Flat, ratet to tlie lit' hilf mil?, gilnrd on Swlih In th? flnti . ??at at th? end. Knight of M .-r.-l ?truck tlie ttfenlMiitb In 11Ilici> n? i THE UNITED STATES ROTKI. BTAKX8 for two-retr-old? : $5.088 futnntred: ??lu? ? f-.r.' : g, At IK.-.1 ' ?t 8:53, Star- good W? ?- : plai-e ??m? ,.; |,r < . !,? l'r.1.1 Domin?te. Otroer. I. S. Tli Dip? u. Trainer. J?:n>? - ? I. -. M?r> . J ICT 110 lit i? ?'?> Str. I? a 1. 1 .Imker Opel f M.TM'rt ??? ? m Ttrrt ?.a.-./ Mi? ?hfj Hml .n !.? - . -Brttln?-k lilgh. i lot?. Pitea. 3 5 3 5 I 2 1 1 ' I with ?trljr Flf'd - ? .' ? ? ?? Ivor? tiutig ? e nr. ?> .?. . - ??? pi ?-! oB In ?'?? I Ing atrld? rn RACl SARATOGA HANDICAP; for the-mt n.ri, a 1 upward Ont ?all? ?ad ? ?oarter. J I - I . -'.:.'-" il . | ,' | . 4. b] Knlglit Krrti.t R-*- Tree II ? ??.-? ugh. fttnrr - |l ? I ! ?a 1 a I: Pru W? ? 4W : ?i .n -? ? I? 1 J.. k?r. - I M Trg'rl M, < alter ' - 5 1 : Until g lllgn ?loar I' a ? 1 2 1 1 ? M 1 : 1 1 .' ! .' I ? t .1 Konri raring to l.n I ' ? f?-'- Par? I .?..-? ? In hand ni I , , : r long d riw ?tai J?*? i ? a-. 1 . . up t.- ! i. II ' ? | It I ? i . rt i 11. Win St I . . ' % I' 5tf - ? ! ? a 1 Jockrr - t i I 1 . |lit In for I ?In. for i .m? with ? ?trlil? .- ?>?> .i -i "ff bj '-iif ?inner lt. Um a?retela, iiilt'lilil. Kit? I'll I laf f'lt; " |V H88 a : lr I trJtM It? ? 141? At post I - - Mart ? .? Hint'. I OS \? . .-,..,..- - i i ? .:. Train? m r- ? . : I M Ttg'rt Wat? ?? ? . - 1 ?Oui im? ??mi * ruth thr.auih tn? ?rrrtrh and ?uu lulnf g*t> tl Uli ?lid ZtiaaU/aliM Suadaiu ntelUUlJ UtlaMaTabrtlM? BUDI ktatlll Haul at Hit taO. I ROAMER. Williams Gets Revenge In Match with Griffin National Lawn Tennis Champion Turns Tables Against Pacific Coast Star. lit TV' !" Ihi? T-ll . ? Boston, Aug. 2. Rici.ard Norris Will? iams, 2d, national champion, took his revenge to-day on Clarence J. (irithn, of Fan Francisco, by defeating th? i Coast star in straight sets at :' 7, 7 ."., 6 1, in the fifth round of the an? nual Longwoo.I Cricket Club lawn ten? nis tournament. In the same round Wallace F. John? son, of Philadelphia, *ook the measure of Watson M. Washburn, of New York, at J .'i, 6 1, 6 4. Johnson and Wil iams will meet to-morrow for the final bracket and the winner will , lay Na? thaniel W. Niles for the honor of i 7 Maurice K. Mcl.oughhn. cup holder, in the challenge round on Thursday. Niles gained the final round by de? feating Craig Biddle, of Philadelphia, st 6 .. I 6, 6 i, >> l. Griffin, who defeated Williams on tho Coust recently, gave his opponent plen? ty of trouble in the tir?t two si day, but he tired badly on the wet turf in the third set, and Williams, playing > I with gTent spoivd, overwhelmed the Califomian. The work of Johnson all through has been impi ar.d in every c.-i e he has defeated his oppoi ? ? . Wa ihburn could ? -Ive *he mystery of Johnsoi and chop strokes, and proved an easy victim. Nile? had his own troubles in win vi ' "nui liiii.ilr, who drove with beautiful precision for the unes. The younger man was n bit his court, how? ever, and his overhead plsy was severe. 1 set Biddle was on the point of exhaustion and could only win a ?ingle Th" summaries follow: ? . . a N. Williams, M. ilefeated I J Grid ?7. T?S. 4 W. 1 : IV \l Waahbum, ? i Srmi ?'.?! round S W Nile? .Mea-*.: I . . i . I. at?1 JOHNSTON, OFF HIS GAME, BOWS IN THREE SETS Byford Springs Surprise at Western Lawn Ten? nis Tournament. Chicago, Aug. 1. The out tending { day of rnial Western championship tenni i tour of 'i'' < inwent ?ia Club, at La -, was the d?fi il of William M. John run, of San Francisco, l>> Heath Byford, of thi? city, in the first round of the singles. Hyford, who is the Illinois State , chain; eardsd favorably befori ' ? ' his fr end eom iniiterated with him because he iiad lira's ' .' formidable an oppom ton on the firs! day. After Byford ' had defeated the man from th ? Coast by ..i 3 6, 7 .'.. ii I, hot*evei, he wa? the lion of the hour und received many congratulations. Johnston was fearfully erratic to-day, hi? tremendous forehand drives per? sisting in landing outside the court, and he grew worse as the match pro opening let h? man? aged to pi.?? Byford cleverly by shoot? ing the ball do? le lines, but rol and thi tal ?? champion, going to the net for his points, took thi ets at 7 5, ? ge Myers Church, of Princeton University, now looms up as the mo?t dangerous ontender for the title. He ? .1 J. D. Bowen, of Chicago, at 6 1, 6 1, In th.. seeond round. J. J. Armstrong, of St. Paul, Minn., former ? western champion, from whom Church took the title last Saturday, also had nn easy time in defeating; F. H Logan, at 0 2, 6 2. The draw lost much of its strength by wholesale defaults on the part of the strongest players. Maurice Mc I.oughlin, K. N'orris Williams, 2d, na iion ; Ciar* .<? J. (iriffin and Dean Wathuy ?ere om? of those tvho ?i nl word they could tournament ?1 1 ingwood, i.ear Boston, is holding them. -? Entries for To-day at Saratoga Springs nii?r it A- i n !?.-?. i . wt ? ?!.i .iNli RACI Sellliif, for | i i?i ? ? THIRD Bail 1 .: ' I ? S....MS ? a. . . rniHi' ii i ?rar ' ' . IM a fit? ! 1 -) ?? ? ? . KuStl? i .-? "A,, .u. ..? a.. SI ..e Si MAN AND MAJOR WIN ANOTHER DOUBLES PRIZE Outplay Ostendorf anc; Baggs in Final Round at iidgcmere Tourney. TEAM WORK TELLS IN BOTH MATCHES Players Bear Up Well Under the Scorching Sun, Thanks ti) Vari Colored Drinks. M? FRED HAWTHORNE. Alrick H Van, jr., and Cedric A. Major, who hr. my trophies ?a ..', th? court?, came through with another victory f< day in th? final round of the invita? tion lawn tennis 'nurnament of the Kdgemere Club, al Edgemer?, Long II and, by defeating Albert J. Ostendorf and Ralph !.. B?| ga, at <i 1. ?> 2, 8 I. 'i'lie winning pan outplayed their ou? tage?, and tiie match w.i ? soon di cid? d. Bi toi >? ? posing of Baggs and 0 tendorf, Major und Man il d Arthur M. Loi ibo id and Wy li? C. G rai t in Anal round by a eor? of ?' . . 7 5. No .' ere played ye -? ? but t) ? ils will be r day t1 ? alter Merrill Hall and " ipper semi id Vandei bill B. w ara and Hugh Tallant ? eing each other in the lower rhe I rial will In- played at Kdge rnere oi Sui dai Tallan' ai d W -ft for Xor | t>nn., ye tei da . to ranc pai t in the m?".ta ;.' off their D ? rs in the Edgemere namei.t have run the gamut of cli l>n 'Ihm -day, the opening day. rain drenched the c in the morning, and ? cool ig blew in fro the when play was in progrei .. On Friday . ?? ' t actually with the sun playing peek-a-boo be? the clouds. Saturday everybody ? ? Sunday thunder, lightning and half a gale of ? nd ei I ivened thii Ye?;, i day it wa - just n plsin es too mui-i. heat, and when 'he pli left ii.- completing matches tl not the men were when tliej began not by several pounds' worth. Mr. G ill man of the tour namei I ??-. who has p and appn . the rigor: of :t, ant personnlly before the mal : ar.d asked him to name be ver . be it. There v. ei different players in .he two mi ; ? ilored drinkl , rand? ing beside the i i n play be? We are not at libei I close who d but Osl adorfs .. i The team work of Man and Major .ved sboUt his cour' s 'he whole thing had i *'?' 'orehand and eRch km part lie was to play and Heffner Still Under the Ban ia ..'.. ta? Tr:Vn.? I Btwatosra H a* ?as?. K. V. Ana. 2.?Kd ll?ITner. triiiner of Ihe II. I . Ilallrn I'l-. I? beret?, la still under the imn. in? mi?jm-iihIii|| lit ?lie strttiiril? of ?h? Kinpirr ? It) Hm mir \-"-,,. ni ion for 111? inmr running; of '?'lie Hun In u r?re nt llf lit!, nt 1'nrlt it?-, eontlniiril l>> the ?tttaiird? of Hi? Juilr) I lull In ? in?.? Inn lien- tuilu? . II ?t.i. tliiil Mr. II, fTuer would ?ret illi.'llia-r liiiirin-; ?iitliin u few lint?. OttVlal? iiik) iatea foe the full saeet? ina* lu Mur? iini'i alee were aaasrotNd iiml n ntiniliiT ot I.ri ii??? grunted. played it. Major's ground strokes were deep and forceful and opened up the way for Man's crushing "kills," and the pair rarely encroached on each ?tit. . ? eepl w hi n occasion demanded, and then they switched . and smoothly. (irutit. town iiij; over the tall Man and Major, was mon effective than Lovibond yei terdajr, ai ?: b ?r ? the brunt of Ihe n'tacK in the semi-final match. .1 1 In- wa , particular? ly in the second set. md when h" ?cot a fair ' a lob the point was earned by powerful smashing. Lovibond waa erral:? .?r.ti in the opening set he and Gr Basal] n nblanca <>f concerted team . leaving openings in their court and Major were not slow to take advantage of. They l.rac.'d in the last sr ? .mi Mini brought the games up to "i all, hut it was their dying etfort, ?ml Man and his partner, bombarding from ' ? net, ? tok the li?t two games and tin- match. A i i.1 all too short fol - lowed, an?l Major and Man foi a while and enjoyed quantities of cool water, taken externally, end then went back to finish ?? ,' their day's work, with Baggs ami Ostendorf i victims. The gallery had been largely ,iug mented when the final match with half a hund obilea, rang? ing from the imported cabriolet mod?! .i be -.?le the ? es on the hrond verun da ot ? ?? clubhouse and un .^at nil chairs ? ay. ? i tei . oi nt!' leas re ind L ?' :bond. and it took rat two un work in ?I Major starte i forcing tacl it once and took the ?.i,, ning let with flu- 1..-- of onl . come up* to the rare inter-., Sevi ral times, ,:- Uag| i and hi? part? opportunity tu move up from theii .: forehand drives squarely or placement aces and coi ed with ihi ng. Os :' himself was brilliant overhead ver he could get ins racquet squarely on 'ho ball and his smashes were terr C Hag;,-s also shone brilliantly in his lual play, ?? ma like opera! other t ; m-1 disadvantage, and the large hi.les m tin- r defence spell? defeat ? te hard-hitting team m the oppo i ;rt. Utica Chess Tourney Begins. i. . . ... Utiea, X. V.. Auf, _'. ihe summer meeting of the New York I fternoon Hotel 1 tica, m t ni - city, with a .. ' team matches for pos trophy. Morgans Grayling ? Wins Heckscher Cup Paltry Breeze Enables Only Thirteen of the Yachts to Finish. By CAPTAIN JAMES C. BUMMERS. New London, Conn., Aug. 2. Only thirteen of the twenty-three yachts that started in the race of the Seawan haka Corinthian Yacht (Tub from Mor r. Cove this morning were able to fin? ish before 9 o'clock to-night. The win? ner of the prize in the 50-foot class was the Carolina, owned by 1'embrok? Jone?, but as he ia not a member of the th? Hcckscher prize goes to J. P. Morgan's Grayling, The Carolina's finish timo wa i 6:00:26, the Grayling's 6:22:24. The Carolina won in her class by 21 min? utes 69 seconds. Commodore Ceorge F. Baker, jr.'?, prize goes to the schoon lita, owned by E. Walter Car'.;, ?he defeated Harold 8. V'tnderbil'.'? Vagrant by 30 minute? 24 seconds. The eher prize for the thirties goes to J. W. Alker's Alerion II. Ogden M. Re?d'? Lena was second in this class, 6 minute? and 12 ?eeonds after the Allier yacht. The Silhouette was third. (lenrge P. Granbery'i Anita won in her trom the A Nearly one hundred vessels, flying the burgee of the New York Yacht Club, ly? ing at anrhor in this harbor, salu'ed the flagship Viking when she arrived this oon at ?he rendezvous, wth Com? modore George F. Baker, jr., and his itaff on board. Steam and power yachts from Newport and New York had been arriving all day to swell the fleet. Many of the sailing craft came into the harbor on Sunday. Those of the Seawanhaka Corinthian fleet whose owners are also members of the New York Yacht Club hauled down the Sea wanhijka burgee as they anchored and mastheaded the New York ?lag. Unfortunately, by reason of the thick weather and paltry breeze on the Sound to-day, together with a head fleet twenty three ' that raced from Morris Cove to this ; s cruising squadron of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club were nor able to participate in the eeremoniea at the rendezvous, for many of them did not finish until after dark. There was a meeting of the captains on board the flagship Viking at 9 ck this evening, and half an hour later Commodore Baker entertained the lins and their guests. The New York Yacht Club's cruising squadron is ?o star! Irst run of forty miles buoy to Hrcnton ghtship to-morrow morning, the prizes being the navy challenge cups. Test to Come To?Day. The cup defenee ?loup? Resolute and ? in this raci. and they will ;.!?-.i compete on the following day oft* Newport in the As or Cup ra offered by ? apt? [ ? r. Thev wil aid, in the following iq ia I? 1 of which Etuzzard's Bay; 'he third from Prov th? fourth and thi ami i Gloucester to M irble The yachts composing the New York Yacht Club's cruising squadron at an ... ? - : ?. yacht? Viking, Georgs F. Ba r, J. P. Morgan; Na? iad;. Ilenr. Walter; Kanawha, M. F. 1'. ?',. Houine; Aloha, A C Jam?s; Guincv.e. Edgar Palmer; Aleyone, Henry W. Putnam, jr.; Aga ?va, ('. W. Harkr.ess; Paragon, Charles J. Dawol: Lady Betty, Walter Lippin? cott; Kehfoh. R. Eldridgo; Usrwellyn, H. il Hogins; Mirantar, r. j. y lohr; Mohican, Robert 1?. Perkins; - ynthia III, M. B. Mill?; Ira!;*, w D. Hoxie; Zipalong, E. W. Clark; Ever? glade?, R, M. Thompson; Ertariax, Hen? ry Gilsey; Led?, W. c. Hubbard; Alela houseboat i, A. IL Dl il, W. IL Judson; Marva. 0. Y. Weber; Flo? rette, J. W. Alker; Lodona i houseboat), J. G. Wilson; Virginia, I?. W. Smith; t towaSUL A. V. Arm >ur; Tarantula, W. K. Vanderhilt, jr.; Alle^r", James Elveraon, jr.; Lana:, Mr?. A. C Jam. ?; Oneida, L. C. Benedict; Remhk. Willis Sharp? Kilmer: Porpoise, 0. W. Re. , Schooners Katoura. Robert E. Todd; ? m, H M S. "t, c. R. Hendricks; Katrina, J B. Fort; El? lena. M. F. Plant: Pr.?c::ia. G. H. Worthington; Intrepid, Lloyd Ph.enix; i E, Raymoi Ahmakola, II C Smith; Miladi. George W. Scott; '?ne?.] Mab, Hendon Chubb, Irolita. sa. W. Clark; Windward, IL I). Whiton; Vagrant, Harold S. Vanderbilt; Queen, K. W. Clark; Corona, Cleveland H. Dodge. Sloops and yawls Resolute, N. G. G. C; Vanitie, A. S. Cochran; Spartan, J. M. Macdonough; Grayling, J. P. Mor? gan; (roquoil II, R. N. Ellis; Ventura, George F. Baker, jr.; Barbara, II. P. Whitney; Samuri, W. K. Dodge; Acuahla, H Steinbrugg*; Carolina, P. Jone?: S?lita, Daniel Bacon; Alerion II. J. W. and R. P. Alker: Lena. Ogden M. Re?d; Alera. .1. L. Cutler; <.'!<ee, J. A. Mahlstedt; Silhouette, E. H. Pren eona, George Bullock. Fog He?v> at Start. When the signal for the, harbor start of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club fl from Morris I at 7:30 this morning the fog wa? so thick that one could not distinguish objects more than :i/ty yurds E. Y. Weber's steam yacht Maiwa, however, steamed out a?? i established the line southwest of the southwest iight on the breakwater, and by 9 o'clock the fog had. '. ' ently to warrant starting the fleet. The li:ties four of them racing for the prizes presented by former Com? modore August H mi-- a pr?t? itart si 9:26 Luffing ih i sround the stern of the Mareva, ' Comm.i'dore J. P. Morgan, who v. the wheel of h is with Pem? broke Jones's Carolina under her le?, captur ..'her berth. Mr. ' gan put the Grayling I fter the '"arolina tacked ?nd eroaaed her wak? and both then stood t.i the sout ? Th< V< i.' na, iteered snwhils had forced the A about; then tai'k.n;:. ihe stood the other three, the A .. being in? shore by herself. The schooners made ?i good start si 6:30, led by Hendon Chubb's Queen Mab, the lrolita, the tola, the Vagrant, th? M ladi, the Meen and another, followed p. that a The Vagrant and the Windward, by manoeuvring to the ??? tu u I, made an excellent start under . All the yachts ??ere lo?* in th? fag soon after. Ogdeu M Reid's Lena, : by h r owner, and Red, Mi?? Thnyer and Pousrla? <Th bons on board, split the ?d went for the "onneeticut shore. She crossed th? ban of the ? Ther a aboul two mile* west oi Faulkner 7inner In the Race for Fine-Car Leadership The greatest race that Motordom ever knew has been run in the past two years. And HUDSON is the winner. It started with the era o? light cars, of new refinements in designing. It started with (his new-type HUDSON Six, a conception of Howard E. Coffin. This became the pattern car which dozens of makers followed. It estab? lished new fine-car standards. It started a new form of rivalry for leadership in cars of distinction. Last year this new-type HUDSON became the most popular quality car. Both in dollars and cars it outsold any other with a price above $1200. This Mason ihe new model has doubled last year's demand And an output of 100 HUDSONS per day fails to keep up with orders. This new-type HUDSON made its appearance about 21 months ago. The price was th<en $1750. It is now only $1350. Despite all its attractions, HUDSON designers have made 51 distinct im? provements. This season it brings out the Yacht Line body. It introduces Lustrous Finish, for which the equipment cost $100,000. It is wider and roomier. Its upholstery is enameled leather. There is no car this year to compare with this HUDSON. It gives?a value which no nnallef maker can give. It dominates among high-grade Light Sixes. Won't you come and prove that? 7-P??ieng<?r Phaeton. $1350, f. o. b. Detroit 3 Fancier Koadtter, $1350-Cabriolet, $1050 HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO. of N. Y., Inc. Broadway at 61st Street, Circle Building, New York 1184 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.