Newspaper Page Text
FEDERAL RESERVE TO MOVE CROPS Board Acts to Forestal! Recurrente of Financial Stringency. KING COTTON GETS SPECIAL ATTENTION Hope to End Sudden and Violent Fluctuations That Invite Speculator. Washington. Aug. 2 Preliminary plan? design? d to make available the reeo of the Federal Reserve sys? tem la the annual fall movement of crop? h?.v>- raed oui by the Federal Reserve ! I ard and sent out to? day to the ?elv? regional banks of the hoard's action wa? taken, the . possibility fall or lack in to move the-i and * ? :? tier of the which in the past has ? ? ? ' "In view <>t the larci surplus re? serves no?? held by the Federal F?e t-erve bank?, by member banks and by cher banks throughout the country." R| SORTS. is the Ideal Way to the Most Famous Resorts of America A THOUSAND MILES THROUGH NEW ENCaLAND S SCENIC WONDERLAND A FIRST CLASS HOTEL. AT THE END OF EACH DAYS RUN. Illustrated Knute Book or Large Map in Colors Free at 1.180 Broadway or by Mail from ALMON C. JUDD. HOTEL ELTON. Waterbury, Conn. The Cats-kill Mountains a r. K . ROMANTIC SCFNERY ALTITUDE 2000 TO 400? FEET ATTRACTIVE HOTELS AND DOARDING HOUSES MANY TRCUT STREAMS POPULAR WALKS AND DRIVES MOUNTAIN CLIMBING?CAMPING A WONDERFUL COUNTRY CF WILDWOOD CHARM8 THE LISTER & DELAWARE R. R. in connection with V. ?^-. Shore R. ft.. operate- to and from New York, r Th< B i nedule is i.ow In ? Stearoera ol the Hudaon River Pay Lin?, i? . ? : ons at K noon trains lor all [O'l.ta in the mountains. The annual illustrated Look with re? vi t-ed mapol iheCatakltl Mountain sec? tion, and corrected list of over 1,'iflO hotels and boarding ho>is?s. will be sent free on recall t of ? ? ente postage. N. a. SOIS, (Senara] Paasenger Agent. Kingatoo, N. Y. The THOMPSON HOTEL I.XKI MAHOFAC, V V. lent ae? r?rn modatinn? Unaui - Slate ? niir?i.n <T l.irU I talion? in i ? r.? ii rile? that Sbr -H?iiirntin??i "New York's Ideal Suburban Hotel" AT GREENWICH. C Fine mito run ol 88 mues irom town. ThcAl.f RI DS.AMI RIO Owners & Prop THE NEW MONMOUTH Spring Lake Beach, N. J. An Unes? elled Hotel on the Ocean Front '? - - n tor lb? Bummer vi?itor ? ? -a Pain. - .?-rlojklriB lie- . Priva- ourt? Golf. Motoring, l lahlnar, Itidin?. FKANK K .-KITE Manager. GALEN HALL nul II Wli BXANATORItTM, M I \M li CITY, X. J. Always open ?...<?? Always hu?y. Can: ' ' ..." table aim ?? ? ? for a long or ? baaltia with 1 1 TNt HADING RfSUKT HOTfl of lllf WORLB ??arIborou?5b - Blcnbeim ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. o??i?iiir ?taamaiMT JOSIAH WHITE 4 SONS COMPANY i?S CROYDEN gSSK ?.? ? V\ (.KOVF. .\. J. 6tri li . W LTMAN. hl a ?.PRUCE CA?IN INN. H .t.? ?i ?una. wltb - in room?, l'a a' - Car*? H 1 ?* *????> ' ' s'? ? ?'?. u ? A M n mi? 1 i a . : - 1 . state; N.T. 8MPIRE AUTOMOBILE TOURS N. V. ST I IN HAIN. Near uni. INSTRUCTION. Mil 'illlh ?? ?I ii.liatian. FRIENDS SEMINARY FRIENDS SCHOOL - klvn KIMU U?. Uli I **? \M> I'KH'ARMOHY -.< lluol N Ulli (.1 I.I N \M> Hili IHK HI Kill/ M Muni ul I .M.I Mi] -, v.? lit 88-84 ???I Klili Mrret. Between tilth "?venue and I.AW >? 111X11* New York Univerartj Law School JHKTS iSwtMme ?lana? ?fleruoi?.. rerclac, a? ?it ??i??nl?wna. vt ?(???a.l ?f 1LB, LL eClU. r ' ? ?-' y***d ernem Sept M. [ sJOemmLJ.lmmseSB?.a^WeMmsmm**o*, NT. -.< KOOL AGENCObV Amrrii tan mu? I. ii-ik" Teachers' A|rn.>.? ?upplle? I Tutors?, Goveiii.-??,?, ?'. . i,, Colla**?, School? and '??????a. Apply to Aira. >L J. ?Ol'.NU rULTON. 8) Lnlon Sauar?. ! says th? board's letter, "there shoul be no difficulty in affording the pn ducers the assistance necessary to ei able them to market their products i volume correaponding to the power ( ; the trade to absorb them. In ord? to accomplish this end, it is suggest? that Federal Reserve banks adopt definite policy with reference to redii I counting paper secured by documenl in satisfactory form evidencing th ownership of stored agricultural pro< ucts. Through such a policy, togothl with proper methods of warehousini ? Federal Reserve banks can be a poter ! factor in assisting the normal mov? , ment of staple agricultural product i from the tied to the factory or to th i consumer. It is recommended thi ! regulations governing the rediscour i of notes covering advances on sue ; products be issued by such of thes Federal Reserve banks whose membet 1 are actively engaged in financing th movement of such crops to the market, The board calls special attention t the marketing of the cotton crop be cause it is "clearly to the common ir terest that credits bnsed upon this cro . be protected as far as possible froi i the danger of demoralization." It show that no staple commodity is subject t greater variations in prices than col ton and quotes figures showing a ? average annual fluctuation on the Met ; York Cotton Exchange of 8J8 cent pir pound. Alms to Check Simulation. "Sudden and violent fluctuations. it continues, Mar? clearly to the ad vantage of neither the loaning bank? the producer, the manufacturer, nor th consumer. They offer, on the contrai > . an inviting field for the speculator, an should the Federal Reserve System, il maki' . the more normal move I ment of th< crop, be a contributing fac j tor in reducing these fluctuations, i j would have accomplished a great pub ', II? good." ? il Reserve banks." says thi letter, "should particularly point ou i to their members thai they are pre pared to ?? "'es of farm ei? ?nd merchants secured by prope Member banks, the letter says, whicl ?ron and ac companied by evidence of insurance.' offer these notes to Federal Reserv? banks for rediscount should be rcadj . to state the grade and market value o: the cotton and the notes should be ir the customary collateral form, pro viding the right to call for additional security in event of material decline in market value. The amount to be I advanced should be left primarily tc the judgment of the member bank. Similar means r.iay he taker, to aid in financing other agricultural prod? ucts, the letter savs. wherever there is available s system of warehouses, ?levai thet approved me storing and certifying. POLICE De'pARTMENT. Ptnilonad.?Pt'.mn 1 W Watts, Sill, "n own {?'" a i?.ir ??i-Mnrril May 1?. Temporary Aisltei menta.?Meut C H Wiahburr. I. I) tyt, 4 p ii.. Air ; ? . .. a -hi ? tus. : i ia Ki . i, ,. - .-, ? ? ic. Aug 'i during abtanea of ptlnai : '-. Sco4t, 2Sd. m II day?. 4 P n?, Juli 31, J. M CuUey, 4M, and 1. II ?i d . to ' n . -,.!?? ? ?? - ? . i??( in . ? a m. Auf 2. June., Mtlotvry, Slit. t/> :?? r. ... ? ?jo, ? ? i; VI y Kir ir , to i 0., d It] n >i>- lal Squad I, ? ? m. Aug. 1 , .1. K. Tliier. I" Ii. .1 d?yi. 4 p ra. Am 1; 1'raocla Kira, !a>i. 9 a in. .' | Byrna, T H to Training StaMe, ? L" i ibtMM I ' Frank : da?, 4 p. m.. Aug. $; Freil l i, 11 Dl a m . Aug : w. i|i i ormlck. ISd Pi I 1 da>. 4 p m . Aui . " Hi I ' i day, 4 r>. na . ltw l I'd.. 1 day. Sam, ? ->icK liavo? Serai ?' "?' Otsttmsm, 141*9 I day?. 8 a. ru . ? D?4 ser?". Il < lea . m San. Auf 11 I'tlrnn J J I M day? Cam, Aug 4: < day. S a. m . ? Application! for full pay ( apprwrd)- r?mn W. j i mi I Pel 4 40 p ni . Juna 1, to 9 11 1 p. to.. Jui e 2S. ?hit under auapenai.'i. While nr. ?l.-k ri-i-.r: J F She?, SIM Pel . fmm nry>n. .Tune \ r W. S ? l ? ret., 1? <v. p. ra.. 'uiv 25, to 12 p rn . "uly 2?: ?. J r Lait-m Sti Pet., .' 55 a in . July 15, to I 12 p r P M Kl: t. Ml P ' ... 11! r, n. ? U> m? Oan , dm. I ? ?> '?? April il. ' , Ma] 19; H* rj P Rade i Pel '? in p m . .lu!? /am. Tra?. Pif . ? toi l.'rn. 14n'l-, T I . i FIRE DEPARTMENT. Fined.- Fl-*-ri Hein F.ngeriau'eri, lio?* 1: I rha.-i:?. balai m der Iha InSuanot of an lotoxleat ordarad fli? nvi > l?r leme? of al ?? nee, be aril I Dltmlsisd. - - liroiiv. LtUlt Z*lg?r. F.':g H? baff? brtni under iha Irflu - i l| '.r i OfBpoui t\ St S I R-vocttlon of Detall ? a m , Aug 1).?Fireman Otear i Surtan ol Fire . ?? ', ' Change of Detail :- a m. A'lg 1).- Flramtr the. Bureau *r I ina Tale Leave? ot Abience muhrut p?y) I Iramai H T A L 12 ?. -4 i oui ? a. r, i u Clauaei ? I ourt, s ? rr. ' i , 4 liniir?. ? t ni . Aug I, l ilneei ..r Btaamer P S Bow > . Any 1 . Mi-ut B I'urrrll II A I- ? 12 houra. I ?. ra.. Aug 4. Mur. .1 .' ? i ? Soi ? i i" lay, i.i-g :4j. '.'4 boon, - a i Aug. 4 LEHIGH VALLEY" SURPLUS SMALL1 Operating Revenues G; ?Other Income Soura Not So Productive. The Lehia? Valley Railruail earni net Incoase of J6.322.44B for the B yeur ended June 30 last, whieh, all ing f?>r the dividends paid on the sr preferred stock issue, was equal 10.15 per cent on the $?.0,5,01.700 <? , mon stock outstanding. In 1914 company enrned 11.65 per cent, and previous year 14.46 per cent on ' ; issue. The nnuunl report shows opera! , revenues of $42,526.iii?'.:, ?n increase ? 1366,315, A decrease in operating ; penses of $140,500 left net operat | revenues of $12.5?K,?74. a pain of $41 . 882. This increase, however, was m I than offset hy a loss of 11,074,478 j other income. In this connection ! report calls attention to the divid? ' of $6S5,0RO or, Temple Iron ?'ompi ! stork owned hy the I.ehigh Valley l'.'l 4 1 \ order of the Inter- I merce Commission. The fact that t dividend ?'ac not declared last year ; ?counted for more than half the to ! decrease m other income. After paving four quarterly di dends of 2^? per cent each on th.- CO 'mon ami preferred >tocks, amnunti to 86,060,800, and making o'her adju i ments totalling 81.049.2.W),. there was : debit earned to profit and 'ops aCCOU of- 8787,605. The year's surplus aft ?payment .?! dividends w-ns $7261,645. 'I.. reimburse the eompan: f ?r expenditures in ? . m freight and at Buffalo, the report . d at a later date to make specific issue of bond? Capital o ligations, consisting of collateral tru bond? and equipment trusts to tl amount of $2,800,000 were retired du ing the vear. In the last ten yea Lehigh Valley's operating revenu? have increased 2?.60 per cent, whi taxes have increased 184.21 per cent. The annual report of the I.ehigh Va ley Coal Company shows a total Jietji ? ..' 11,022,611, nn increase of $457 The production of anthracite cm 'In- mini ws groi an increase of :'l 1.611 tons, I the bituminous mini ? irro> tons were mined, an increase of 6,41 'ons. The sum of $617,612 s pended for additions and betterment during the year. U. S. INEFFICIENT, SCIENTIST INSISTS Dr. Campbell Says Entry lnt< World Affairs Will Reveal Weakness. San Francisco, Aug. 2. Costly weak Cesses will he revealed when the Unite. States enters world affairs, said Dr \v. \v. Campbell, director of Lick Ob? servatory, today in an address or "Science and Civilization" before the American Association for the Advance? ment of Science, of which he is presi? dent, lie predicted that our entry into world affairs could not long be avoided. "The human race," he said, "need above everything el.^e the conviction that the principles of science rule everywhere, and that the problem- of personal and national life are not so long a.- any important forces are ignored. The need is espeeiallj great in our own country, where the isolation from other countries and the exiatence of immense natural resource? have let us seem to have kept D] international progress in spite of our wasteful and inefficient rnetho.i . a U. S. Mail Speeder Pined $50. For recklessly driving ? I'nit-d States mail truck across Manhattan Rridge at a speed which a patrolman said was forty miles an hour, Frank Marcocci was fined 860 -. ? iterday by Magistrate Cohb. in Ess? ? Market court. Motorcycle Patrolman Kearney testified that a number of other vehi? cles were imperilled by the speed of the truck. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS I The Tribun? Bureau ; Washington, August 2 AKMY I Col WILLIAM II ARTHUR. Mrd Corp? rrlle.M I aa auri ' Wa?hinfton u . v mj Medli ai s. I.?>' ; prior in Oet 1 lice Col ' HABLES RIl I1ARH Med . i ' Ii ai eurge.'n. \\..'?i l"apl HAV11) 1. STONa?, ?Stal lut , detailed In g \i tti ' SepJ 1 report to ?ira ii.ami.'ig gilierai. Hawaiian Ui-par'ment. for duly .aale: RALPH II I.IMTIK. y M r . Irorc n? wa'.l i?. I ?'WARD S MAC?N, retired icaiicd pro reetoi ??! iniiliary ei-ieaee. Caatlc ilelghli School, ? ti ? effi . Stpl 1 I . ? .j M 4' Pidered Ctpl. OEORQ1 |) FREEMAN Jr tflar ?rrtial ?I , 1 San Fraacleoo, abouf Hap4 IS, ai..l on expire- I ' l.ati? i if aba. i lo Fort H. < as quarininaali r coat, defence? of lama lMtnd - lap' WALTER B. M.iASKEY. lo JefTe:s : rillt, 1 ?>?. a ...?laiil lo drput quarter n.a?t?r .a.- i.I IS K BDOERTON, Corpt cf Etigintom. lealsi .?.??. Engineer! to '?.? if fid ?, 4 itloo of >are of abat? il ? -.inaiidlng ?. i . ? ? f ur duly. Caw 1 KAM is \\ HONEYCI !'i d field Art.). i pied -d Field 4 . ??"?? I Od '. .??: Franela? Oel Manila 1' i Mr.- Lleui HENK1 W HAIKU Mili i?? . from ...... . n expiration pteaaai l'ire of abaetti r tc I . !::? l'eut JOHN II RKAI' .Ir . la?, ??ngiied ? ?d la?. I'apt. WILLIAM S. WOOD M? d Art attached 8th Held An ; Flm Meut 1II1I.I1' \4 BOOKER ! <? i A-' a". I leid Ar- . Ca|.! HmVARI? I. LAI llAi'll In! ?silgn-d 30th Inf. rffccUtt Au? S, lirai Luui. MAR BLNliFL. In: ???lined 1:0, Ii.f i n*ai Uaul JOSEPH i mk.?ai'F?.v Corpa of'.nrer? detalle 1 nerol>er Hoard of Road 4'omml?6loner? for Alaaeia. effeitlre sept 14, fits * ?i OLEN ED?ERTON i'ort>? of Easlntart: CAsplain JOttEFH C KENNEDY, frvrr, Till lo ISth i H L?..?. of ???.- ????.?'. 1 !? r HTXPHXN II Ar-. . one -. . ; met l Irai Ueui JOHN ML PRITN :Tih I ' ind '.' ia>-. I'.ng l?en i AI.liKRT L MILLS General Btaf. on? raonth; I Major ntANCIS C MARSHALL 11th Ca?? Aug l to Sei -.'. a: El Paec NAVV Lieut r.-rn r \V FdiiTT deiarhed worki Orn? er?! 1 beoertadj N T.. eon r.e.?Jii. SUlni i.'.it Nn. 1. and duly on board ?1..4 BU . Lieut.*-!? II MICHAEL Sad Atlantic reaerre flee? m ?. as ? Brutua Mr:' 1) A WEAVES le'.a.riei ?avj ?Sid, Waal: Inglin 4 C P1CKEN8 detached Arkan.u to ' !?? 0 v. DENSMORI de4Jached Rancoek toi ' ; '.la ! grade) T. I KIRKA1D deiached nary , vard Steel S..UI:. I Pi ? trail \ 1 KIRKMAN rnmmlaainrird, I ? I. RIN'iiLHAKliiHK to ? ? ?? , . Attl Paj Clert E A MORROW t.. .?-ntieetinn ' r.'ilug out Iluahnell u:d duty on board ?hen I MOVEMENTS. ARRIV1 1> July HO Bi-nhun ?? Rmebai.k; Mar? a- I I ? at New l.rk N?rd. ?.:? ..-r at Ml II j V, ? ur.ra. ? a: Tll'urod. I ...rila. I la' Ml ... South Caro ? i New llaini , i Vuglnia at Newport. TeJI? ... : ..:.ha?ru i Hay . Aniiapi Hi ?? i Aug 1 ?I ILial?. a>... ? , ?J..1 Aivuma. a' N, * Y.Tk laid. CtaU? ,t |., ,,. ?uPtlma, Mlasoun. Oblo aud Wlavonaln ?l Han VraDuiaco, UopeOna at Santa Barbara; I>ol??tua at rr<-?id'!-.! Roads: JnpttaM ?t Bataptan Unvi*. NailiTlll? Si ' ?P? H ?TAILED July 31? Cnrnectii-ut 1'hllaalalplil?. f r H?njw,.n Road?; II? '? B.?an*. N Y . fa? Si ? . ?? ?ar.l N?p?uil?. .\..rf..|l. f"r N'cwporl ?.:?.-l*r. Ban irai..;.?., foi Mara laland: .s? Ortn ? -a li?!..isi-(i fui Tilmroii. New Orle?fl Bremerton; P?ul J PrcMe ?nil a iUrber ?? . . n r. l.a l'?z 1.1 M ? A? : Hampton hi a.I. lor I ?. .?,,.. Newport lor N? |>olph el - .1 II.,?-?. II ipki - Dir? - fin San 1'raJ-.. i*. ". C? I tor 1 lasen, Part-?? Pi ? i I ?i-.- Hai? ti? Aur ??Supply, lion? Kc..f I ? Manila Iiul.uiu? ?ulsned to Mut) with Mlntn? ?ni Min? Bwcaplo? l'mn'.r.. Atlantic Seal asolare, i."* al Newport, ?filtrad la pnx-oed to P?t-au ? CAFE BOULEVARD 4Uts * st. i iriiw?: n,n BUSINESS CARDS. CARES*! I. ? Alil'I.T ?'I.IIAMM. I . u i r -*e.i ?lr, Menu. Ii?l t Kttt 4SI i "I A liltANl'T , HULTI?HAPH TTPSWR1TT?N I.I TI jiK'. J. .? ' l. 88. ?,,., l; u i Al,i un i.mi. KO B - . - i M.W HUIiv ' Alli'l I ?IJ.AM.N?, ?... it, Larcctt, M??' M nsi mi..- ?oves rnoM ouu ? ai.pkts. Price? Reason?!).?, seod for Cll 7- i I < Bryant ?JT-4W West ?? _Pl'BLIC NOTICES. INVITATION ro CONTRACTORS i i ?iir. si i ri.t ??! Rrtrui Wo?a, i'?r>?? Ko 4, ro? t'as ix xas Cos r Harm T?is-.'T I'.a : ? . ? - ..!? for th? of thirteen 1'..: t:..n.- ,-f 8p< I? Wot?: (Prof? ami Switches) for UM in Hie ? ? .-;-...? ComnilMlon f-..- the " I N.. I ! i N? Borough of Manhattan, Nt-w Y..r?? <'.ty. until th? Uth day of Aucuat, 1818, at twelr? flftaan r. P M . ?'. whl? n lira? * ; . -a later data to mmlasioa, Ifa? i'i?>p"*ai? ?111 be pu!? The .-ip* ?i?l Work I? to t>^ - Irer at leaal Work ..a th? expiration i : after th.- dellv? i t th? , -, more portion? durln tn.-if i tlit- ren .... with ' contra th? form ' , ... , a full?! dei ? A 'k - lation for Conl ?peclflcatlon? . ioi .? Proposal >?? hi? h - ? - at a? ? of bids wl t t,,i Contra KVICK COMMIS? Till. 1 IHM DISTRICT By E?W'ARl) L. M. ?All- I'hilrrntn TI?AVIS H. WHiTNEr, beireUty NOTICE OF SALE. NOTICE OF SALE. In Hie Matter of the Halo of I m?t Prop? er I y un.Irr llre.l ni Truel of THF. I MTU) WATKR AMI 114,111 4 4IM PAM1 to THF. 1 ?I.MKKH- LOAM AM? I HI ST HlMIV.N.. Trutlrr, ilaleil \prll las, I'.ll Sil hiring lakrn pl?e? ein Arrtl lit. 15M In the payitii-nl nt th? principal aiimi due ami payable i ?, - i ,>li?t?ral Truit Oold ? ?1.1 Light 4'ompuiy. datad April let, Mil, iec4W*4 as I'ecrt of Truit of i.p?m to the undr'.lgiir.t Ttuit?e, ?alad April lit, 1*11 i ? i.,l: harm? c.ntli.U"l f..i a iH-ri,.,i j ateta ihaa ihm HI mobUm af'er laid principal ItUM l".'?mc due and paral'.'' M l uni after the purui-nt of aald default i 1 prtti pal tarai ta taw M i?td ?asta h?d t?*aa St and ?till r.inllnuliig I'll th' ; auni? of til the MM lmie.1 and i-itatirullig under ? aid Deod .f Trust hiring b??"n heretofore duly ? Inlare-I due and pa\?!<> Ir. t.-.-ordanre ?tl"' UM ?t of nid Dead of Trtut. USA lb? whole amount of the prln.-lp?! of raid ..utatandlnc noir?. :.. ?p 4 ..,, -, , ,,,.,? thereof, together erllli laieiaal ih...?.n ai tfee rale af ?t? pet earn i"r tl i. .in In ? rery large an,, r I l.elt.g In ?? d unpaid although paynv?. ' hat aeon ? led. sow Till. FARMERS' LOAM AM? TRI ST COMPANY, ?? TUMI?*) under aald Deed St Tru?; and piinuai.t t.. 'ne terni, lad I i adras una -tirre' dui? . ..f mor.- than Staat] ?, ? - In amount of all ?aid n"'n I, her"!.? glrm not! e that it Util, on Um at tero o'clock In the afternoon ?f 'hat da-, tell ..' Id?',.?' and bail , 1 1 1-r Air,an ii M?ller ? Son, AmrtUmmmn. ?' ' - Bs ? ? v.* 11 a 1 In Vaaay S'reet. In . Rj and I'niintr of New ? Sea Y rk, all and alngnlir UM W rpeeu h?id k* It as 1 und?- ?aid Deed of Tn..t. an? an the ??-.ate. right. lilla and ? "flt and : i ? 1 Water A U?tt ? tatlsm of. la i the tana . ? Par-rl i : Fi rtj foea th m and 144 f Arkaiea? Water Company ?f Lu-:? Rock. Arkanaa? ? Blnklruj r m d Mortgage 41 I . irg by h. i< ? i | SS8 thM ' ' " Pa'rrl 2 fire 'hoii.?nd ' 1er I'm Hold ii Pir.rl : F i- n.;: l$4S?. ' r ham n I I'onipi ',,-?? Forij ? s .1 IS?! due Fel liar) 1 191 . Ptreel 4 R1I4 ' I Rood! ' .' ? 1 .luv 1 ISIS lue ,? ?iih til unpaid .? ..?i? ? ? ? Parral V Btxt) I? I M4.SMI dollar? , - Bul 1er w?'cr rom per cen? " I iv ?-Iih ?11 un . Parrel S: n W4 ? i| dol?an principal fice amour.i of Clinton \\a'?r VVi . . -il". Morluae B ? . Vi,' MI ! l'".l. - Parcel 7: Tiro bundred "iah'-, thre? II I fa.e amont t f 4*14 .. .I ll" per rent I rage Bo di datad May I, lili due Ma) I. IS . - : Ptrrrl I: SU I l Mi ; ' rVater < I'enutyln Bee p. i i Boi i- I--. : l-''1 ? '. win, all unpaid ' ? Per. rl 1. i f <? hundred ($20. I a amount of "h? I Oold Mortgage \.-'i l. IS 1. mtb : Ptrcel I": I ??? ihoutaad (S5.0M1 sol?an ml . f fit) IV it) - i -mpa. . A .- Fund ll . Ptrcel II : 0 - I (SIM. , race ? ' Water i ..un and Granite (Mt) ?. | ... , . rar < :.'.-! Ji u "? ': i. ' ill uni pom then P?r'?l I] - i pal fare amount of i fir.- p?r t dated Man li 1 ISS1, duo Mi' por.t I Parr.i il: Ont hundred la i ?:. ?aaand faoo amount ol ton Wal r rompe lee pe? eut Gold Mr-gag* Parr.l 14: . f.-? amount ? ? ' " .'?? M ?? rii.. i? : rnl Fort) i ear Gold I Pi- April 1, ? P?r,rl 13: - .1 I ??, Water Work? l?e | ?? i Farcil 16: One hui Ired lilt) Ierren -h UMI 1 Watei W '? l M .rtgag?' ? i.her lj. Ptrcel 17: Seren? 117.000) dollin Workt Thirty ?? I ? P?rcel IS: N Wl dol r . Water Workt I llim B?e r? r hat July 1. Parrrl II Wnrka Ptratl 20: ti loll ara i . pal fee? amount of t r Mai dit) ! M all -it. pal I Pirrel 21 : i M \' uei \\ - . Si .. i ted I ' . P?rr?l 22: II uaand ItH.OM .?? |. dpa! t. i ti ? sepi. rn'.er 1 ??02, du? Sep Parcel . I.I Ian pi ll ' i", i ' New l'i?llf ? Fort y-Year < . Parcel :?' One ? 'our thousand 1 ? < - . F rtj V'jr Gold M rt|?|e Bond dated Jur.e i ... .lu.? 1, ISS.', with ill unpaid ? Parrel 25: ' fire IhiWUIlil ' mouth. Ilcrklei ml Sufto v. au ?. .. ' ?04. du? No? ll P?r,el 2?: Sli rru Ipa . ...... th, , I Forty-* ? . ? i ?ember 1, .'44. with all unpe . Parrel 27 : i ' I ?pal face amount or I'ortim Water 4'ornpui) of 1 rgtnta, Hr.- i ?r ... I ... unp.Id . Parcel 21: Fifty-nine thouaa:. t (SH OoOl dollar? ? , \S tte I)..- p?r - p:eml*r uiipal I Par. el .'' i 4- dolar? " il ... . v ' IM ... I dt i . Pareil 30: "? . ? ' ?? . Ptrcel SI: Two . iV*mand ice i ? ./ Tin -cph Wa'-rr Ci :i : any of SI I ?'' III I I Mortal da'ej ? ? * ?lth i Parcel 32: Twttity-thre? thoniand '123.coo) dol . Water ' " lated V Parssl . : i$i5?. Water i M r'?-?,-' 11 .?. di'e.1 Januar .? Jaj,u P?rc?l 34: I ? , , pr1n. ? irreal Wa-cr (', mpai y tared July 1 ? - '? . ? 4-, ?lth a_l ULpaid ? P?rctl 35: T-a-i l.u: bad Bre Ihlliaaain] ($20.'. 000) l'aiei ? if rlni -icr an . . I is an j i ? . .:.rll a? ' ? ..arc n . ' ?aid levurtUet | ' ' * ' ? ? ? .. a rpt th! hllhe?' * large?! ugrectr? pr<>. ; I \ . i| ... I ? ? ? a check ceruSol ty a national . r ttata tank or trtut company a;:u?i? In u.? Borouib at ?anhat NOTICE OF RALE. ._i. City of New Y..rt?. ?lid no bid ?liall I?? P? (?eiTf-t resal ?ai I kt? fof 'ti- ?mir? wni>?nr who ?hall i.i.l l?ate llipertUd ?Uli "i* un.l?r?l?n?a| sttM to th? tlm* O?.il fol ?mil a?l? a? ? pl?'l?' thai **? ?III nil?? ?"?I III? l.lil ..r M.I?. SI ?'??? of I'? ?<" ?I>fan.-.-, ili? .'im .f tttftii? flre tl,..u??tid (t?S.OOOl d.illar?. ei'h'r !?, .aali t.r lu a ? h?rJt .?iUfl-l ?? lirr?li.b?fi>r? pruddel Anv 8884(1 d?p>.?Utii? Ol? usa of tiaeniv n?. il., ua.-i (128.888) dallan ? ? ahall t.? ?iilllle.l lo bid on ?nr P?r.'I et natlilii allas et peteeis ??panteiy. sad on ?a the ???-iirltlia a? ?n I Any ri-.-elietl from any uil?uci-e?-f'll Md Set .?,11 m muststei to him when ?h? seafertf ?hall l>? tlrurk off Ob tcctftaa?? of tar 888. th? ?m?r???fui hi-i'iT ?lull f.nliwlth enter Into ?n ?are'ment In writ,ft? with the iiiideralgned In appropriate form. whereby lilmarir to pay th? b?l?n.-? old at the ?IT,.? of lb? un.|?raHne<l, No li WilllaiB Str??t, New Terk (tlly. within tw?nty ?20? day? i ?after ?iich arc???len. ?. or ?u?h addlllmal 'ime u Uta iiiid'Mfi.ed. upon reqttrtt. m?J >u writing ?How Aii) ?unf?eful bidder upon payment In full of ih? par l,..a- pn.- h. th? ?saMM and wlihln th? ' parted aanda inui:?d. ?hail be ?atttled to r??i?? ,|?llt?iy ..r tlir- ?.-. nrlile? which lie Shall h?? ?? ami an inatniment of conieyan. ? thereof III a. , . dance ?Uli UM proTlalona "f Mtd Tria; . which refer?., r I? h?re*'r mad. In caae ?Jiy lUllffal bid 1er ?h?ll fall P an.i fanij ?., ?fffani ai:> ?f Um obttatttan? p?o ' Tl.l.'1 in till? noUr? to b? performed by him. OM ?urn i!rp,.alted by ?urb bidder whether pail I" . aali ir r?pre??i?*d by .liria ?lull ft-rihwll*. I? and be? tan'?l> He ptaptlt] ?I Htl P?1 er?' latNB tad Tnut r.?mp?nv. ** Tru?te? I I I ' till aaJ.l Ii??d of Tnut. n* ?a ? paiitlU >' up..'i auel. hidd?r. bal a? wmjetStMSU d?ru??'*- safa fer?il hy am h Tniate*. It being ?ipreaaly ?gre'.l by I ??eh tad seisi t'll'-r thai In ?nrli ?wit ISM -lam . ??at aufhned b? ?neb Truate? would b? tuht'! I bul Inrapahl? .rf i..- a?ur?meiit. ! Th? pufcJiwr i r purrliaaera ?hill b? eritltled to ' tur i In. nt? and apply, l.-i ina/.lng p?jrm?i:l of th? pur h?a? ?aaaajf Li "r fr-'in i-.Ini or tb?tn tilddaai - li tal?, any nf 'h? note? ?/id ?ny of 'h? tecurwd hy ?aid Iicl of Trutt tad ?t th? tin.I ?aid ?tl? ma: ir-.| a: d unpaid n SM or ma'ure-l i-oupui.? for ?ueh pur|?a?a t al 1 a ?am ?qual to ?ad | that ?I * . : b? paylbl? .-U? .' 'li' I'' pr'- M It "f WttS a?l? I? >r et httdiri .,f Mck nota? tad cam ? ' I hi? or th?lr Ja-.? In thai ,|i?raater tf Mch >." pr, ..?.la ei ?ale in. it du? ?H?r'|, ?I and 1 a -...until ? eonctmlas au h i.?i pr'.er.l?. *ft?r pro , natoa ah.ill Lite Pear inad,' fr,r Hi" ; a-, :u?nt in j rath of - ?? I i ? 'i ' rcaai.ii I rii? r.ght I? re?er??d t., r..-,i Um prop? ' ? . , . ? ,)- ?tth lite ??nit Ilia? ? ' ? . . ' . required r! ?rmeal Tl,? uiider?l/n'd r-4'rte? lb? ?ueh ??1? ?iiJit ?a .) all ?aid property or a? to an? panel <?r pa;,.-.-. ih.-r*. ' -. tl..', an I to i-l! upon mi.Ji tdj ,r..?d lai ?urh noUc? a? It raav In lia dhv r?tioo deem ?ufjl eltnt. Th? ?aid ?ale will t? mad? ?abject to ?11 lb? twrr? ?nd ?ondltlont eo?italr.?d In Uli? r.o'le? r>?t?d July ?th. 1815. THK fAKMERS' I "IN ANH TRfST COMI'ANT. A? TV?!?"- BBdkH I >??? i nf Tnut of Cnlle.' ? i'?r A Light i'-impan? Jaiel April lat. 1911 It. i. s MAP.STON. I':?-' : CELLES. ROLSiTOS A BORAS', AtlMtMB? for ??Id Tmaie?. XI Kiehai ?e l-la?. New Y.rk. N. I NOTICE OF SAI E. in ih? Matter <>f la? **ai? >?f Traat Pmp ert) l ii(l?r Hi.'' of Tru-at nf TIIK, I NITKU >? \II.K AM? I I?.HT COM PAN? ta IHK FABMEB8V LOAM AMI iiu-i COMPANT, Tituktee, ?luted April 1st. 1910. l.. ? a. ? 11 ? bating tak,' : . kprtl l?'. l r? i a. e-, th? pay ??ant of Um principal tust? du? ai I r?> idm on th?t day on - Ml '? I i .iupai.>. latad Ar i. la? Deed of Tl ? ff ?aid l "irpu, ) '. lb? .. , ?-t-v > I '?Vu. i ? all . .' t ''?I a poriod of more llian - ?? i ?aid pt'lnetp?! ?aatl retiime due tnd payabU aa h' rwtald and af'. r il; ?..'.in'1.- -r ,j,l pn .lpt1 ?uio? on ?or..? -t -t:d i ?a? had | m?nd?.|. ?nd lUU eon'J . , utd i ; auin? of ail of tl ? note? iMIMd ? lid I'-l "' I..,-' .'.at.hg l.eii bei " - : . . . Um pr,,-. ? ? pal ' ; laid - ','?-i din? til wit. ! ? ? (?tiafl with ? - ? ? ?? - i at UM ra'e ??! ?.? ? In * r?r> larr? atr""i:.' I?lig In I-?.'. payabla and uapi .... th? tiru* 0? ihl. rARMEKS' ?? \- ?. mi ' COMPANY, a. Tratte? under .a:.t t.j Hi- tel . '.. dab ? . . i dder? "f n." ? ? ? i 'all ?aid Bate? it.ued tl . - ?.at It will, ..n ih. itttnlta is) of US, ?i ij s'eleek i?-". "t thai day, ??: ?t public ?a , tbe hif > . I "a., If M?ller A Mon. Auru -i.eer. t I and li Vi -?-. 84 ?. stau i . . ' . n ? . . . ?., . ? i ?| : , ' ? r . ild Deed ., . a " ? . , ? , d.. d tiiA.'.d a-i I b- ? | of re .. o: aal.l I ri 1 r??.i \', a'T . : , ? . g .'. - ?a . I ..- Ifoj , .. 1 to the P?rtel I : Pitt hundred ?nd one thou??r I 5 I ? ? ' w .-?r ,,,.. tit pel ? ? '. , i '?: . . ?- I. dated June 1 ? . ? i . i red ?nd . ? ?j US ?aler . D - ; . ' ? M . ? ? 18, du? lei I Itry 1. I ui.paid Ptrcel 3: Pll ,-. I i . II ? M .'. . . i P?rrrl 4: l.igrit-. tara? IhouM i . ? : Si.ptrir.i -r I. It m I i ..<?-. *;'.-, ? P?rcal i . i indred ? ... ? ... Pain. .|.al (I ' " ??? ? ? ' I ?. . ?-?>..., ilorlgaf .?la> 1. lilll, due Ma) I. Panel ?. " - ? i'er ? . t? Veti ? Ptrc?l 7: 1 pr,; , ipal 'a .. ? - . i (iold Mortgage I , . tu? .May 1. li'lj, with ?., ., upon? ' ? P?rcel t: BtxUen ttiousar.d (818.8M1 dollari pr. it ? '? . In it ?ter Worl ? ? -' .1 ? i ? Parcel 8: El? ?' ? ... d?a. Ire p. p? nd i, dated ? > Parcel lu: lar? prim .... t E . ' Thirty , . uVold Uortaae? V nd . August ; due Auguat 1. . P?r<?l II: Tun -, |] dollatt prin ,-ipal lac? UtOUnt of H - .- W.u., i ,.,?. pmy of Ko??icm. li. Uta?, ai- uvt cant Gold -i ?. tage ll^tiii?. Ja-^1 .lu.) 1. It I?, dun Ju.y 1. lKOg, with til anpal ? Parcel I?: .. ui I ($85.000) . . ... .- ?tat.r w 1 I ' ? . gage Bond?, .lai-d ii ..'4'. Wll Parcel IJ: Oil? . . In I ? i . ?? .: . ? : . ? .. . ? 111 Ull| Pare?l 14: - utd J.,, ,.? ,,, H Mat? I ,1 ?It V'emtm, li.l.aj.a. a?e per -.- '. . M .... ? I. . . ? .;. wr.t, al| U11. '.. rt-ui. P?rc?l IS: Thlrty-teeta laeaitnd .$j7?uo) do! '.?r? principal .'? i tnou . it ?it., i\ ??rii? L'ompa '1 I r cent 1 1 .?lar, n 1, l.,.,;. Jue March I, 1?31. ?Itn ?11 . , Parcel It ...... l>- j .jh ?in. ?u uni Paren ,. ? - Il ? - . iniou \itg:nii i ..",> i-a.- . li ".i? i? ? ? 1804. du? NoretuUi i . ti ?lib - ... Parcel II. Thirteen thouea | pr.:., lpt1 '< - . Vl?-,.r , ?ur?a Coatpaaj . i - ? f.te ;*r ?ted Sei ? : \ i-'. ' ? ? ? ? ? Uttiaeti . P?rcel l?: One t.u:..'.r?l and ?fte?n I . . Ian . . . ... ? a .-. ?a:.-r ?? . . . 1 Ptrcel 20: " , - . ? 'lirlr.,n Parcel II: I . . . , ? 111 J ?epb Ml?. Bond?/ dat?.l ? ? ?88 wi-.h til un . , Ptrctl 22. lu Ir:: d.-e I leeen 'hruaand (8407. ' - '? ;.'.-. f The Wichita kan???. Si? ? 1 M"r'?age i ? ? P?rc?l 21 Porty-a -?. : li . i , . - ? .un- I ??? dated J? tnutry 1. I ... . |. . ? .etM.. P?rc?l 24: Tw?n'y two Uiouaar.d (888.888 i lau? ariaclaatl fat? aoitMUat et The ?aireo ?tur NOTICE OF SALE. Company Ort per .ent Gold Wsyo^tUO?O.JoUs? luir I IBS?, du? July 1. )?4?. ?lili til unpaid , "U[?.m thereon. Th? ?aid SStl '.?III h* mide In the 'olloirlng min? io r and the f"ll'?*ltig t?rtn? ni'l MudlaMM All of Mid Macttttai M t" be ?-Id ?III flrit he ?tart I m no lot and i? m en'lrety aid there- | i".r ihould any bidder who hat guallfled In Uit i manlier fierelnifler pn.rldi-l 10 rcpic.t. tho MM , a..iirltlei aliall be offerr.l sepain'ely l.i parce.? ti i ai-oe !me.| Thereafter any bidder who Shall ,de ? Md either for ill of MM MBMltMS u ?:> mttHtf M tut any parti.-ular parcel, llull hare the right M Ir.rreaie the an MMI M Ml '"'I . and Ibl nndrrtlgtie-l ?HI fi'*!* UM MS"?* 1.1.1a w r,t. Ii ?had prodii'? 'he lirgeet aggrcg? reed? of lilt. No hi I ?hall be receleed from irir 11 lier for II ? t'.n.i- rnr.el who ahall not hare do*M llod * "' "?' UliloTalglied prior to the time Ul?>I f." MtO ?ah ?? t pledge that he ?III mak? gond U? bid I I'? i.. o:itance an ?mount ?<jii?l to fl?e p?r eeol ??' ?I.? principal f?.-c amo'iiit of lb? bonds In. lud. I In laid parcel, cither In .-uh or In a eh.. I lertlflrd t.r a national or itate bank or trutt a mp.-ini aliu Ife In the BorHigh of Minhttfin. < ?y of Ne? York, and no bid thai! ha lUMlted from inv bidder for the ?mir? properly ?ho llull Ml lure .>|?.?',te-l ?lit, ih? undrralgnetl prior la IM Um? fl -.i. h ?ai? aa ? ple-lgo that he will make go '. Ii, ? . ? : ? :? . twtnt) flie thoutand ($2 .''Oil dol?an rlthei In caah or la ? Mmc? cerno, i . ? r.d.?j Any bidder rlepealUn? the ?uni "f twenty flre Hioutarid (ftt.SOO) do,?an aj ifCMMld ?hall be entitled 10 bid mi any parcel or cOMMnattoa "f par. ei? a?|?irat.iy. tod on ?11 Ih? ?eruriue? a? au entirety Aiy de-yalt recrlre.1 from tny unturecaifiil bidder will he returned to him ?hen th" property thili be ttruck off On acceptance of tny hid "i- MMMf/al bidder ?hill forthwith enter Into an agreetn.r.' In wrt": g mu? IM ? .. tpproprlate form, ?hereby M ihall ' nd i .n.?. if lo pay the btline? of at tiie nrt..e ?f the unfMtlsni l Va it William Kru rork City ?HMi l? i aft...- M*R ?.cp-tii.c, or ?mil IddlUonaJ Unie a? the uiideralgtied ni?.ii i?.,...?', may In writing ?Ho? \ ?iiiceaaful hldd'-r utin pm merit 1 'h" p'lrchaio prie? in the minner ind within the ; ?? I .? delivery of UM ?- i.rule, will h he ? lure M P'ir'h??e.| ?nd an lnitnim?n' "f MttMTSI *? IhoMof ?ir-i ?M raycrrtohm? i f MM Tru?'. I'eed. to which rcferenc, I? hereby m? I" In .-jf am lui-ceaeful bidder ?Mall fall prompt'v ..otI 1 .1 4M d . -. | re- ,. . 1 ? T ? Farm I i ?? ?i .i penall hut aa liquidai d ilamagri lUffered b) ?u h I . ? 1 o\ ? -.|. n - 'hat In . 1| ,.? lainage-. ?uf* ? itabatantlal but IneipsMi ifnnu ur?mciit The pur<ha?er or purchater? ?hall be entitled tn ? u?e ?nd ipplv. ir making payment of the purchase money b> or from him or them upon lueh aale, an-, of the SMM and my of tiie coupont lecured by itld Deed of Tnu?. ?nd at 'he -n.11 sale mitur?d and unpaid, reckoning ?n S note? or matured coupon? for iuch purpoaei a' a ?u.-ii equal to and not eicee line, thu whl.-h ?hall he payihle mit of th? net iic?cI, ..' ? ?lie to o? polder or hrldrr? of ?uch BOtM ?nd . r-MpoM for hi? or their juat ihir? In that . i. . - pyiattedt of aal? under due app-r'ton ? ?riiti g ?u.-h ihall hi \. .ii? and Iht reatonable compsasst "rust?. - aits or ?ny I ? - fl default in ptyrnenl .'i ? a., the ; undenlgrned m?v determine t? mSleltnl .r without notice, m -lie '-Tent thai am purehatei .ili?ll fail or i omir prompU) ar. I fully to perform any of the ob > n th? agre, Ml I - ? ! Ii him as aforesaid, by hlin required to T'.e nndenlsnad imiiiii Um rtghl to ?d;oum weh Ml? flthei a.? U ill ?aid p-<.p.-rtv or a? ? ut] i I Mil? notice, . ? mad day, upon -u. h "ion di-cm nlfT I I ?11 the I terina and rondlttoni contained hi ihn notice. li?".l Jttl) ? th, l.'l .. Tin: FARMERS' LOAN AMi TRt ST COMPANY. a- Tniatea . 1er Deed of Trual f fnltad Water ?I 'i :?? Ills B I - MARSTON. Pi ??>: l'-nr Qr.IJ.ER ROLSTON 4 HORAN. Attomeyi f..r-.eld T lee . lii. |e F',.,-?. New Y< rk. N. T. NOTICE OF SALE. In the Mjtter of the Sale of Trii?t Prop? erty under Heed of Trust of IHK' I NITF.D 14 ATKK AND 1.14.Ill' COM? PAN. loTMK K.KMKKS' MIAN ?ND tki'st iomi'WV, TriMSfe, dated Oc? tober 1st, IfJi'M. D 'aull harlng liken pi? e en O.-oher 1st, 1114. In the payment -'. the prl- eipal mum due md payablt .i '..i' lay -n .-?r-. ? Collateral T .,?' Qol 1 V '?< of Iht I : lie I Water II . October !?', IMI ?earured by the ' lie..i .( Tru?t of v, algr.e.i Trna-ec dated 0 ? -ie I f r a parted of t.. thre? .ii menthe and I'JII continuing, and the' ? ?um? of ill of 'he notej ?-s.iel aid MM landing ? Ii'?d of Trus- harini h?.n irad due and payable In ic I ?nth the provisions of s.\i 1 |.?...| ,-' T- . ?hole imount if rhe prln.-lpal of taut OUtltindlns note? to wit Kl?!.- hu -i || ?-? ra e i? ue Um - ?' ' .-? ISU per real pe- annum la a tan large hmimi ild. ? ViW THE FARMERS' LOAN 4M) Tin s r COMPANY, ii ? the t?r- - - aul.-unt ? - : < : -andlng. hereby I ?II MMI) day of Si-pi?niher. ISIS, at ten n\-\n-\ In IM f->rer.o..n of thi' day. tell it public auction to Iht hlghett and 'er. through Adrian II Mullet A ?on. i imota, Not 14 - H i ugb - f Manhattan, f New Y'ork. MUPOM II .??? 'Ptll-'.- U-lde a. 1 ? ? ' . ' - . . Ptll , of Light I 'a M v\l Parrel I : v . Arkanta? Wa i - Parcel I I UtoUM I) I'ollan prl . . Gold M r'i.ige ?Ire ; . lue 1 : .i ??.? i ... mpal I coui ?u ? ? Ptrcel I: FlM . ? Irtr. clpti f?.-e am-unt of i ?? Butlei Water ? fit" per . Bondi 1. 1 ?: , -liereiHi. Parcel . . , pri? . . ??- i, ild Kite lugual unpaid i Parcel I: n - I (|| ? Iir llari prln . ITlllt W| I rtj Teal let per cent : lue ? im - urn ail unpaid ceagnoni 'l.ereon. Pircel I: .??reniy-sli ttiouni.d UTti 000) dol? lar? principal :.. e amount of City Water Company of Kelt St Lmu and Granite City Ka.i Bl IlllnoU. Forty Year Gold Mortgage Fire ;? lue January I, -i I a,, unpaid r-iu puiia t!... Par. el ; Flfttei tliounn.l ($1S.?M) Iioltara : : ' . gton Water M rtgage lire per cent bondi due ? Ptr el H ? - . ' Gol I I'l'.e x- ? ?''40. ?HI, ?.I . Pircel 9: and IS1T.0M Joplln IVatei Gold Mi .-'gage Fin M rltb all i.i paid - "Up..:.? Parcel 10: Ttilrly-iilr.o th uta...! .}"1'i00) dol- ' Inra pr. \\'?-er Workt c.rr.piny. of Kokom... Indiana. Thirty-Year ? ' tysodi, due Augui: : With a., unpaid .'. ItfWOg 'Gereon. Parcel II: Three tliouaar.d (fl.OOOl dollar? rria Kokom. Water w-rk? Com rtgait Flu per luly 1, 1 ?Ufa .;? unpa . Parcel 12: 1 $^0 *.00i ? lli'.i . .i Gold M r ? . .? n - . , . reon Parcel 13: Feairtean thoutand 114,???) doiitn of City Water Wi.rk? Com .a I Mrrrl WU i rafia, Pi 'r-, \,.?r ? lent lue Mar.-h I, ISU. with ill unpaid . Parcel 14: Light -housand (|*..000i dollar? pnn- ? dpal ra * amount of The City .: N-? i aatb \Vater ntylrania, lorty-Year : I'e.euiner ?nd. I'.'ll. ?Utj 41j Pircel is; Tuentj ,ii ihowand fSM,?M ?uiitn . .-?ley A r, of Portimouth, Virginia. i !.. ' ' ? ???.- ' i.'reiin Parcel I?: O Ihouai ;. Ipal fac ? - <? ; i. ?? ? Parcel 17: m.e hundred and Of-.y-rlr? ? . ?Ml \4 *' r U'rk. Company, of niir??ep..rt ? Hod Forty Uir i. i Mortgago . er.' boadl due June 1, l..|i, ?un ?a .jeKi? thereon. Ptreel II: >.i-y two thoutand il?ii.000) dollart ? ? loaaph \v.'er i- Iw Apcil 1 IMI ettb . . . Parcel ! . - , < iv i. 1,'ia Hater Ci m ' . ? ,.d Klre - . pal 1 M4M Ptrcei 20: Three ttviiuend lfl.S?1 dollart j>rtn clpi? faca amouni of TM Wichita Water Company, NOTICE OF SALE. ?I ?I, lilt? Kan.?? r..ii..,lld?t?d rt'tV M-.rt??g? I)'? p?r cent l-on I?, d'l- So.?n.'i?r J. 1??>. ( with ?Il unpaid c<iu|xiiia tber*oii P?rrel 21: T?n 1118.888 Seilen etS ? ip.n r?,? ?mou/il uf fort) ye?r (old Morts**? fl?? P" ''*?"' head?, due nil unpal.. P?eeel 22: Twenty ""? tboutend 'I:-"..?001 italM? . ta-- ?moun? of Tl..- ?arr?n W?l I . I.I Mortgage fir? per '-?-rat b? . ; c,,,[-,.,a U '" P?re?l 21: ? ??nd fit? hundred ftHI.SOO) ttoilan prtii p?l fa.-? ; l W.i?r ?nd Lit pan, a li,-- Mort??r nolltteral T I rit* ?h 'ii.p?id Thl -ml ??!? win >*? ?aadt it. lb? foil twin? rn?n . ?ad ?. All et ?.id > . .. raafUr, ' ?l.ould any I,Id.It tritt lia, .|iijlltl?d l-i ' ? ? tier hereinafter proeided to I n.rltie? tliad ta "fT?r?.| a?p?ra'ely in pa ' ai...?? n-'?.i ?"bereifte? tay 4 m?de ? III ?tUMf '? ' all "f ??Id SStpMat ?' ?0, or for ?ny paUlnlar par- ??., ?ball hare , f hit Md. ?nd .|gti?d Will i ? .? ??rg?.l aga' ... ? So Md ?had ,?? received fr'.ra an> ill no) hat? la th? tlm* Bud ta ?u*b | i?l? at a piada? lh?t ta '?III maar food Ida bid | . ?" fltc pet ? a:.,.ur.' l.f I.-,. Pil-I In 1(1 I par.-.-l. ?I'her In caah .,r U, . .?r' ?y a i nioaal ?e ????? bead p?ny ?:? 11 Bwieasa tl Man hallt "f N?-a Y'.rk. ?II.I I... bid ?ball le? received fr'IO ' ?ny bldd.r fof UM ?ritlr? pr i*:'/ WtM ISktll nul '?- .-.I-?', .-Ith th? und. .-.:,->.?I priog ttiuo fUed f..r web ??;?? .?.-." ?' '<? "dU ? make food hi? ? ' a? ? . ? . - '. ? dollar-, ?I'.hcr in ?I ,.r In a dtttS .?rMV-d M I rrelnl ??' Any bidder < ihall ? ? nil. ' : i my pal ... ,? ,i ,-rl?a a? an ? . . d.-r ?in ta ?? ?a wtaa tba . i | ?truck ,!T ?In ?crep-an .? , f a-.y bid ??'?II f'.rthwl'h enter inn ?n ?gre?m?iit In wrlUi.? with th? anderdsned ? he aha:. lud ?t Um ..fTl.? of Hi? underalsned, So lam a-rc- Kern i ? .1 II . ? . - ? ? r the tecui p..: ?based, ?ad ta Int'.ni trlth I Wd Trual j ? i .,.- m i perforroeal i -, -. ?um deposited by t? ?'?id I., ????li .r repreae. I ?hall f riiwlth b? tnd Dec?? tbtolut . -"> of T.'i? Farm?-? lj in ant Trti-- ? . t:.;ians ?a TniaCe? Bad ta: I 1. tf Truat. not a? a pei.ti'y ,tnp II a? .,iu: a-cd damage? aufl-r?-! HU ?ipreavy ?gr.-ad by et.n . tnd erren- bidder li Ntch (irt.t th? dam???? lUBfoNd ,-, si- T.i-?- would ta ?ut?ta h , ?p? ?tent Th? p.irrht..'- UMn ihall be ?i.Utled ' -. m?Kirg pay th? pur -, Inin or thai . . ! . ? ? at a ?um >"?i . ' ' ? . dug tucb for tHa? payment In - luch ?tie I I ruatce Th? - - . , ii da-fault in payment . pur : i? -r - ' ? th? obllstttong m Ihli ? ..--ct'mtnt .? a , t pe.-f. rii-l Th? ti . - i ???? i l tuen ??i? elthei *t t.. ?.; said pr.'p?rt> .r ??.. try pat tl lie? ti it may in lia dl Th? .aid Ml? will ? ? all the ? -..? contained Datad J.. ?tb Till! l'AKMKKs LOAM AND TRIST COMPAST, - I'ee-i of Tnit' * 1 Mtod Watar A Uttbi Cocapany, datad O? tai : By E I ttAJaOTOK. IT. - ' ' GELLER. R0L8T0N <v ?ORAN. A" . -, I Tni?t??. M Piare. New Vork. N Y. NOTICE OF BaMel In Uta Mutter ?if til? S:ile of Tru?.| Prop ert? I niler l>.1 of Trii-.| ?,f AMI.KI? AN i\ VII.K WOBK8 ami Gl'AKANTEE COMPANY te THF. FABMEK8' 1?)AN AND Tin >T COMPANY, tki-iki.. Ilutad Ortuocr I. 1810. Ii?f?i? U'ed October 1 181 ? ? Ptl '? 1 ? ? ..IT: .-? I igt? i I> i >'N. U a. Tr'.-'. - .pal of ?aid bond? harto? lare 1 . '? . bating : ?eu t - SI it? , fot th? S r ? .... .-re? at publie tuition on Mar. h Y. ? I.' I : - - ,; I AMI.!: I . SN WATER WoRKX i (it ARANTE! I'liM I'AN V haelng . ' SOW, IHK PARMERS' LOAN AND TRV8T , . ' nude BJ . ?a-.a-r Work? 4 Company i ',, rh? U 1 it: writing ? ' ? ' ? .'. - ? un Room ' : I .--i- ? . ? ' Iran Wal i . , . Par. el No. I: ".,? million Hr.- bundled tl:r?M??iid 1 tlM capital itock ?t lllrmliifhain Water Works Coaip? Paro, I No. .' <, par ?al1. Parcel N?. I: I ? Parcel N?. 4 lollara pi :.. ajth. Berklt) P?ecrl No. S: Tin..- ? , donan par rain f Penn l'r?,-'lon I P?ec?l N?. S: On? rent? ???en rJaou IIS U t?lu? of ta! itoe? tf Twin : :.. i a a Parcel N?. 7: TWO bundrtd llf:y-r.?e : -.. -? . . Parcel N?. 8: Beeen I -ti..! Parcel No. 9: 1 Ul Hid (tl ?talar? par rilue of ?'??? ap.-a. itoch - , In? ?? U?r < Parcel Ne. 10: Pit? l.ut.dr. . | ?ar ? ? iti-r i ?fapaoi P?ro?l Ne. il: Ntaety-St? thoutaod dollar? par a? Un ??ter ? I ?? mad? la the following; man? ner ?ltd >l"g tenu? a. All of ?aid ?eaurlt:-- 1 ??;.. rlrat bei h?a ?tulla? i : tareUiaf? . a > a . a ?pt the blatual ?l.a.. pr-alu, e Uie larg?st ?ggrt-gat? p i ?hall be re.-eire-l from ?ny bldCMI I iliig.e p?rc?l who n.aJl not h?rc drp.?it,,| a . - ?a ? pie-lge that ta ?HI n.aae peod of itt acceptance, ?n tmount tqual t.> ;??., ;. I lr,| n', ?11 p?r,el. either In ?ail. or In a m ?,, aal -r --at? i ik a? iruti B r .?.. I Of M?nb? of New York, ?a . I prior I ? tltlard a ? . ? entitled to bid on so) paj.a-l ,?r oomblnttlon or,' .-P?r?tely. aiid on ?11 the aecurm?? u an I entirety t ' rm-etred from tny WsWeaeseet der win b? r?turned la Iltu ?r.. u ti.? pt,i|? be it ruck off ? ? of li,| bid. the tinveaafu; ? I o, 1,1,1 -? William ' Saw \ork ci afu-r .u.l, ?cteptan ?. or luch ?-Iditb.nal ? the undereigr.ed. upon r?uueat. may pi writ:. ?^r ?UCOewful DWdM Ufa? PAk'UMQ*. la luU of I NOTICE Of HAI I ?le f? - tua O.? purihtae rariet In the m. .... ,.,? _ ~ - perl.el herel , -"? tat '?*???* M ibi.l h?,? ?v ' * ?e-k pmprlata Inatr imei ? ."?"?? In 'aie tnv .,. ._ y ' . perform *****??? In 'ida notice ' ?'"?"??M '??a**" repre?. **? "r -?.?r **' ai r] Trutt *?**? Ii. d .f l'n ?U ? / . ^ ; le* la', rai Tn?? Qui . : ? - ' T *? tny and lan." ' "?* dam " ' *4 Shall t>? par? ZT* ai d <??? v. ?** ? ? ? Tlw> : ? l?r?..i.e ? he ?ir.ed >.y . . -:ned parce! or : - to aeli J.J"* u R I ' ^^ 1ms ?gj j. . Datad, '. TIIK FABM1 ''PAMT te 1 i.i.i.i i t T-?, SI MMON> firPRF.MK ' '"' I ' ? ' J ? - ? ? ? answer .'?n *he p?a i < " ? nsoni ,. ?'?j In eue? of your ' ?wer judgrmant a ,t yoi ' a tas complaint bated, Brooklyn, N :?-i EI ? W v ? ' ' ? irei - ; '. v?? York ta an ord r ..f I! i ' 'ho S-ipr. Ne-.v i ? July ..Tire ..f th? ' ? ?. ' ? - Y"rk, ? 14 ? N V SURROGATE'S V< INI' '.ribli j. bn P. County of N' ? erlne A. B ? f N?? Tork. deceaaed to mt ?:t| ? * : I tdlct, So '?' Wal M ,r ? Datad. New 1 : AarfL 4** Al .. . EVERETT, CLARKE ? pht? n.. w ' p. r v-? phyfi lato .-r - er i ih?i eof to tho . ? ..r ti? ra Ici 1. t h ? . . .- i. FREDERICK S " -r Bor ' IN PI ?? HO.V. oral i ?'? of : ?' ' ? - at ? ? ? i ' ' . ISth d . ALEX . :? WILLIAM M .1 DSTH ' r Ep ? Ml l P WANTED Male. I ' UM .... i I I 4\ WI'Kli \> pa| ? DOMESTH SITUATION*! .VANTED Mai?. cul PL _??-? lloI'MKMAN I ? . Fern.-.!*. t?A?4 ' I -A -I'HA! ? ' I IIAMltl I'.M ? ?igca ? CHAMIlkKMAIri V MT . ? l m ik i. . ige? f i < ? . ii'iiK AM' I AI M-I-.I..-.? ? Mr* CiiuK \i . ? -. 1 i m I'M. " ' i. ? I -. . .- - . A ? ill I'M. ? ? -::-tre . huge ,1. I__?? in 4 ?? ' , Ing : *"^ Agency fl ?.' l.'5Ui i'.--?*.?? LAD) B MAI X. V. reference! ? MAID .. ? Call at Ung A I _i . MOTHKK DAI HIITI it ' M KMI : "a < ..." I . ? ? <f BHERIFPfl Al < Tins SAI I'.Wll I i,Hi i N'WAI I' " * *,. ..-11 ? . . ONE BAY HORSE, Of? -??' V? gUAg t II. __? M V\ . HXKUA.N t.Ncil-1?. I?*????! ?***m