Newspaper Page Text
GARMENT STRIKE MENACES 300,000 IF PARLEY FAILS Sixty Thousand Workers Ready to Quit To-mor? row. Vote Shows. -ACT. WEEKLY WAGE LOSS OF SI.000.001 rJ?tt?on Council, in 1 ist E?orl i ?'." ? Will Seek di Thwart Clash. -, .s " Mitel el's council of le to brin*: ? betwoaa cm. ?vc to-day, tient shops will up. " ? on the ke staoald th. to accent thi ? the arbitration Bt fonif It wi'.l mean Monday of approxi ir. all allied - to the ? t lasts through the teka, which la . | ? aorta of buai ? was eosapleted the strike ,1 DO not ' ??.?men j their :lared to a . that the ?Ivan here could be no the pres ? ? to Ko?chha iceen weeks to .-.. be ?uires ex-? out Vom ' ?, fow. i nt of . said last cd concil -?cnuso h .arpe . ???,-- v I, not only du ' . ? | recede them. thai ' '. ? ? ? ?'. ayor's ? to-morrow. ou.d We ? -oncili hour I ? ' '?'? ? re, G? ? ? man, I .? ? ?? a ? it ion of the Employers, ?.11 have to Riegelman, who ohen, ?? i pi station rhen a ant to ind to ? a manu inen uld be . i impos? ai for the the emploj j get in a i Mr. ? trifled long faith when nncil thought the ?t the right but the hemmed and ttle the best the r? all of the ?? esterday tuation pardise it by ? ??OVE, DROWNS HERSELF kr^y Oirl, 14, Rebuked by r for First Romance. Bed at , mti arrity, into t: i Pa? ? her undo and I .-??? Grey, of 225 ? thirteen received B ene." This ca? mother her dam-liter. Elisabeth, waiting left her home. IS aturda* , oliee and a reault Mr. Gre? was notified had beer, found, at the Morgue. hi l?l to-morrow. ?o Hop?* for General Tracy. ?-? ?Miterai Benjamin in hi? home, 14 East . was such last nipht ian said he might die or live for 1 Dr, William B. Tritchard, J i two years, said there ** 08 lor hi- recovery. G.ARMENT MAKERS B.ALLOTING FOB A STRIKE. J. Rubinbaum, secretary of Local 23, Internatio;,al Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, in charge of ballot box at 113 East Tenth Street. POOLROOM RAIDE TRAP COMMUTE Thirty - two Westches Men Scramble to Get C ?Freed in Court. Detectives on Inspector Morris's proved ? nee of a poolroorr men from N? w P.orh<?: skill. Yorkers and nearby points now and thei a rani Avenue, near Fc first Street, yesterday. But Ms trate Corrigan, when thirty-two j oners were arraigned in Night Ct discharged ail tor lack of evidence For sine time, Lieutenant Mc> and D< Connor, Butler, (1 . h ive known thi certain First Avenue handbookmi [ht 'he h pher gambling I? >m On Satur gel a man into two n the dei rat floor o? 640 Tl Avenue. Yesterday afternoon they retun In the room when they brok? men, onp, physician. Th ? e, but ? ? Sl : patrol automol iles there were ir.urm n ter? ??. ? tell the folks at home. Thej N:trht Court. He admitted to Mag ? ? ?? ? not s? ? . ? lace. "The ? - said, "is illee I solely ??,u>e you have ri ispeet o er.-' ?." broke in O'Conn ? ere there for tl ? if gambling; of making bel Th ' was ?i gambling hou.-e wh .n t'r.cie." "It does not make any differerci 'l reply. "Y . . and y? deprived them >?:" the lib*ity guara ture and t tution. I discharge you," sa the court, turning to the much reliev ? commuter gamblers. BRIDE AND GUESTS POISONED BY SALAI Thirty-six Stricken After Wed ding Feast?Bridegroom Too Nervous to Eat. Ttlata-?] ' la Th? Wl Winsti d, C? '? Thlrty-fiv of the guests at the wedding of Mis of Mr. an Mrs. Bentley Pratt, cf North Mai t, and Burton Hawley, which too ; lace at the summer home of th bride's parents in Tollai d, Mass., Sat urday afternoon, are ill with ptomain ning as a result of eating chickei ?alad. Two of those who escaped wer Miss Jennie Wheeler, daughter o ? h ef of Poliee S. C. Wheeler, and wh. had .. for the dish, and th. bridegroom, who, according to hi mother, "was too nervous to eat.' Even the hrule did not escape. Aniciii' the Winsted people made il were V. is Mat LarkJn, Miaa Rut! (rthur Dutch? r. Mis I inter and Miss r lorenci ny, all of M re. Dutcher'i Sunda> Mr. *?nd Mrs Lev! Haw lurent? of the bridegroom, an? Elton Hawley, Mr? Gobett A H Mr. and Mr?.. Fred Halatead, Mr?. Har Pratt and Mra. John Winn. All .id to be out of danger. BUFFALO GORES COWBOY "Buster" Attacked in Circus After Bronco Throws Him. i. Btidl nn., Aug. 2. Thrown from the back of a bronco he was ex? ercising in a corral of the 101 Ranch circus here to-day, Howard l.ani'ilon, IwetBtV years old, "bustei" <-f the show, wa< near!., killed by a huge buffalo. Buffeted from one end of the corral other by the buff?!.', Langdon was nnabl? t.. rise. Before the animal Irlven off it had punctured the cowboy's left fide with its horns, smashed two of hi? ribs, injured his left leg and bruised his body. Circus employes subdued the buffalo with stakes and clubs. Langdon'? condition is dangerou?, but surgeons hope to save him. NOVEL'S PLOT HER DEA Girl So Absorbed She Falls l Window, Crushing Skull Teres? Rabino, fifteen year.? eld, I a novel on the windows il h?r homi', which is on the fifth t oi 132 East Houston St root, yestei afternoon. As the- light K-rew ilir,. th? rfirl leaned further forward a sh? lost hi r balance and fell out treet. landed on Miss Molly Gain r" Ml Norfolk Street Ten fractured. She will die. V' bruis? : -, the ihoulder OUST ZEALOUS NEWSB Crew P?sent "Panic" Exl Yells at Yonkers. Arnold Schwar'z, ? newsboy, ' drives from the Yonkers dock on Hudson River yesterday for shout about the panic aboard the Grand fublic Sunday night, as pa.- n?J . for Rockav Tue crew complained to Captain 1 ward farmen of the steamer t Schwartz, advertising the panic to i ? ? fered with the cc patronage. - . ?-. SCUDDER REFUSES GROUT A HEARIN Cropsey Objects, and Justi Agrees to Refer the Case to Another. .Justice Scudder refused to hear a Rument in the Saprem? Court. Broo lyn, vi terday on un order to sh( cuuse ivhi a certificate of reasonab ihould not be grant? d M. Grout, under sen' for peru in connection with I oi tl .r.k. The jusl ? I an ob (District A , ' i ...n ? v-, tvh ? h" u Justici udder to hi i ? ? i to anoth? Mr. Cropsey's stan 1 in the matt. is the result of a controversy betwei him rir,<; members of the bench ilurir minary motions in thi ? iiout tun!. in a publie speech i time Mr. Cropsey referred to ce tain is "hand-picked" and i "lio: oi d " of Mr. Grout, .lu ier was amonir these Wh? the Grout order vas for are/i ?i ? peeial Term Mr. pee] omit arose and r=aid : "The District Attorney is ready, bu respectfully asks thai this ma referred to another justice. This r< is based upon certain statement made bv your honor concerning th defendant, the District Attorn the pi t ?ement of the I .Instile Scudder interrupted: "1 do not think it necessary to j* further into those matters at thi time," he said. "Perhaps some ar rangement can be made as to goinp be fore another justice. If 1 understani the practice, there is- power in thi court to send the case to some othe nie other judge." Stephen C. Raldwin, counsel for Mr Grout, objected at once to the sendini of the matter nefore another justici and ?' some further colloquy Justii Scudder then declared that hi would try to find ano ln-r justice whe would hear the srgun Grout is In the city prison under l stay Of sentence. The stay expires or Frida;. HOLE TORN IN ROOF NEW BOMB MYSTERY Poiice Believe Explosion in 147th Street, Sunday, Was Set Off in flat. An explosion rocked thi? apartment the neighborhood of West 147th Si r, ' Frightened tenants ran to the ?idawalk attire, Dumerous t^iephone Vtd at '.he We ' Street police station s d il BS1 was begun, but the ineidenl rems ? :. -ht four women entered the station and told the lieutenant ? oof ei th? apartment bouse at I ?2 West liT-ii Street. A patrolman Sent tO H.'-' md a ?artfe hole ? . : ti.. .ipart mi-nt occupied bj Charles Di Relia and his two brothers. The three men ssid they were out when the explosion oc? curred. , he open i - overed with ruiT" et?. th? I ? i Relia apart? ment, in addition to the regulation lock, was a padiock. The hole in the roof, : the police said, indicated that the force ' of the explosion came from below. No explosive? wer? found in the Di Bella apartment, but Inspector Owen j Kaf*an was ?ummoi.eil cany this morn-, ir.g to make an invc>ti>;ation. I ? WITH GUN. HOLDS F I BESIEGED O. L. Roehr, Believed In? sane, Captured at Rock away After Fight. Otto I Roehr, of Eaa. Rockaway, I ..? ?. 'vr,?. went suddenly ?nsune ppoi edlj over war tond. .tening a neighboring > with d? ath and later giving Sheriff Pettil ind som i hind tight, is now in the Kings Park In?ane Asylum. He wa? .rem there on the recommendation of Dr. Arthur D. Jacques, of Lynbrook. and Dr A. L. Higgins, ? ?' Ro? kville Centre. Roehr, who h a son of the late .' dward Roehr. has ee? eupied :i bungalow ir. Eaal Rockaway for about a year. I also Place, Brooklyn. I it? irday nighl Roehr ? 1 th?- lawn to the home o: his neighbor, George L Smi'h. ad him of "saying things ibou' him." Mr. Smith tried to riutet the man, believing the heal had af? fecte?! him. but his a ..ward peace re ilted only Roehr away with ? ' ? ?! threat to re? turn and "fix ' ? ?? I ole bunch. The Smith famili had retreated into the h? Mrs Smith on the . when Roehr returned with ?' He poked the muzzle an?! remarked, calmly: "No 'ids I'm going to killing you. Which of you want to ?" I I Alarmed for their lives, some one of mily turned out the light. Roehr v. indo?, Smith ,'? -, during which s 1 from the room. position on the ? he would me out. ? >ne of the famil) ndovt, itifl? d i-h.-i itr Pettit. The Sher I after a coun? cil of war, is tricked into an proa? ' . ? i? thp Sheriff ?'? tl "as going on a deput* shotgun. Roehr was handc ul up a lively fight, ? iwn toiling .veil in the marks upon his adver sarie.i ; Roehr's family are the principal the Roehr Publishing Company, oi Bro klyn, which publishes Brooklyn'? only i ily. ? ? THE WEATHER REPORT Torecasts and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. Waal Aug. : ?Tl,? rtnt'iriitni ? mar If night I.a. morrrl to South . II ? - a t~. tl rah - 'if.'rgla ?nd north ?aal I !..- ,.,.., th? ?" ?rr Bnite 1 ima ?i'-ii. .-.-'?? i ?rr? t,, ?.!,? aonatrard ?ad Mral ih-wer . .iiitrl.'t? sen . In the 11 - Koutrmr.i ta 1 eurem? -.- Ivr It .trt u.-.per tf1t?l?tlt??i,rtll?7l ? uptfr iak? rig-nn. ?r.d geri.-ra?t- warmer ?t r We?tern Idaho ? ' nr?gi,n ?nd Waaliiiig i .in temrvrttur?? ri-:c?,l fr,,ru ?l I? , ? frees T, mp-r?tntrs ?re ?1?, lo.??r in the Atlantic ?: it?a ??though entrai!? -, ? ?-rru i'ri.myltanlt wuthwirrj I'n ??:>: thowrri nn' ??.a ceii In upper a>. "f ? A' ft'? S?a< Lntlaiid It ?> ,1 U ' Ohl? Vi..rr, V. ? ? ttaia? and will ...-.- ih? .--, Sterna ??an,Inga ?r? a.t fron mi. ? i - I'.raia) tnd Wedneid?jr North ?nil '? - ?dml? ti' -I. ?:.,! north???!. . .. \ i moat;? gaud Tii't ilav. illmlnlal-.lng Wrd ? r??t ?n I >?<-.t i . F?r?cail for 8?;olal l?c?lltlaa.?ftiter? Htm Yara, th? Dlitrl.t ?t Columbia kUryl???. Virginia. 0. tata ara. E?ttern Peniuylt-inl? an? N?? l?r?ey. uti?:-ttled t? d?> ?nd It-morra?, with ?c.-ailanal t'io?rri. ? t? to-,i?r ?n 1 p.-ob?bl? to 'li'in !>r i!..-.urr? ?' ' ,a\ fa r >\ Local Offlclil Rerord. The r,,i: ,??aig?trrVl?l rtcrrd Vet r Xarrau ahi-w? tti? .-Hange? In th? I . - ? ' . . t d?te of la*t ).-ar lull I8U a-i ? ;? r.i ? ? m .ira : 111 .m [8 n 88 ? ? , m -4 liighe-- ? >',t'.?i -4 degr.--. a- t II ? Baromattr Ht?d!??a. i ? m t$ .'I 1 ;? n; 88.88) | a a. ? - ? Humidity. S ? m ?1 : 1 i' m T.4 I p ra 83 L??tl F?r???*t.?rna*ttl*'! t..-.l?r ?ni v ? :>. 1. ?'. t. ?arta tai-dt). Blud ai?*? --.._..?.. ? n.'.a ONFFROY CHILDREN BACK WITH FATHER Judge Not Impressed with Counsel's Statement That Mother Had Sworn Off. i ? HUSBAND BEAT HER OFTEN, WIFE SAYS Asserts Nurse. Promising Allegi ?ace, Betrayed Her When SIk' Became Penniless. Mrs. Kathleen L. OnlTroy has again lost the custody of her children. This time they wore not spirited away by their father, Roland D. Onffroy. Th? j change ?>f was made by : Justice Weeks. Having lost this most important point in her litigation with her hus? band because ei her addiction to drink, the suffering of th? mother who is now deprived ef thi comfort a-id compan ionship of her little ones U to be as? suaged by the payment of ?25 a woek alimony until the court has finally pr.srted on the merits of Ontfroy's suit for .separation and his wife's counter claim. I< is about two weeks since Mrs ' Onffroy, driven to desperstion by the of her children, Roland T., four years old, and Paul D., a year and a half, took the youngsters from the hiding place selected for them at Cos Conn. Onffroy, vice-president of th? United Five and Ten Cent Store? Company, had taken them away from Onffroy home, at 725 Riverside Drive. Mrs. Onffroy obtained a writ' of habeas corpus to compel her hus ba'ik to produce the children in court, but the machinery of the law pround altogethet too slowly for the anguish'-d mothei, so she took the children away ii, '.ri auto. Drinking Cost Her Suit. While Mrs. Onffroy was in the House of the Good Shepherd, under a commit raent made on the request of her hus bmid, he began hi.? suit for separation The wife was released by Justice, Shears, who held the woman was ille-^ gaily committed. Roland and Faul. f"i whose sake their mother said she had long endu the cruel treatment of their father, .... t J.J., , i,a.-ih ?jra?, wiii-ii' ..I . i? livinc, at the home of a friend The mother will be permitted to see them at certain intervals. JflsHee Weeks considered ?eriou?.',y the charge made against Mrs. Onffroy that she drank to excess. It was be? cause he believed these allegations that he decided as he did. Sarly in the day Mrs Onffroy was in court, ready to pour her woei into the ear of the jui- I tice, but the lattT did not think it was : ?o amplify the statement? if her lawyer. Shu was not in eourt later m the day when Justice Weeks ordered that she surrender the children to bei hu.ibund. Hugo Wintner, for Mrs. Onffroy, told the court that it was the practice ul Onffroy to Seat in? v.'.'e ivary month, ? nd r hat st such timi - to h'jr room and remain under the influence of alcohol for five or six hour?. But she was not a confirmed drunkard, the lawyer said, nor had .?he drar.k since being released from the House of the Good Shepherd. ttej Maid Betrayed Her. In reply to the urging of the iawyer that he sec- and talk with Mrs Onffroy, in prov? 'bar he was not now ?. infj. Justice Weeks remarked, "I seen the mo?t delieious looking fruil which was rotten at the core." The court would not entertain thf request of counsel that Mrs. 0 be permitted to taki- her children to the White Mountains. They may not go out of the State except, with their father. It ?*ae explained that Mr?. ? Onffroy had the lads at the East Side bouse, because Onffroy, S man wealth, had quit supporting h.s wife. It .leveioped during the hearing that Anna Kobb, a nurse in thu Onffroy ,old, had been taken along when Onffroy took the children away. Ac? cording to 'he statements in court Robb promised to advise Mrs. Onffroy of the whereabouts of the boys. She never did, b'lt she wrote, it was el? leged, that fhe "would stick to the boss, as he had the most money." Mrs. Onffroy applied for $100 a week alimony and ll.Ouu counsel fee. Ju I Week? award"! her |SS a week and $'?'50 fees. FIRE RECORD. ? M I S*)?TM iMl i'l. v' : Jiwph A'?xinrl?Ti trtfli; g lth D i'"'T issaesm-, ?'.tgiu. I e IlSth v . r (M CWo: 'rifling M | 4i,rfi at. Ann* noa*?". ?SM. I , h?i ?? Vas Drrt <" trifling ., ', I- .| ,' HttSDOMksi trifling . . , .- ? .?-, ? ri? * Bom: non?. | ; n ? ? Mm Shipl 'rlfltng i ?. . | ?, Imi ? .apiro, trifling. . |4r?n<l..'? ? 1 einbaut",. tri? fling . ||| Hill ; no rlaroai? U) Il S P rihanlt 'r<fl'n.r 'iin ii ); IS3d ?? . VUtorla Wuhlnitna; tri ain< ll nn?1?4 i-ntarnbiu ?? . A Sllrormi.i *r :! n? . la Du.nnar. triflmi Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. M1MATIRE ALMANAC n?". 11 1" Ki'.n ?Anu? 4 m r M i. ? ii" ; 4, Wind l ",? . ? Hell I,." 14 4 a-. INCOMING STEAMEB& r?. Dal Ve?,<el 1 ? - llavaj I, Ju'?/ M. I ' " . - Sa I- ". . . Ill '? Jl ' I) !? K ? . .1 II 11 Am 'Hitan? lla.j: a Julj 1 ? a I .4 B .'..I A::. ? - . Rotli .in!) 13.Wilton Mr?lhi?t.-ti.IL... .li-, IJ . Italy 1 . - . . ' I imbua ..Hat? Mohawk r. July 31 ? iv' WKUM..-1'W .\l '.I HT 4 ?Plint Wlllrm ! Haj : i : I; I. W I ?M. I. .... i "A - - . . lr.?i i..'.1 BO? llul lu -1 . AH Tra.i? 1 a i -i Ubi liait Till RaP AT A I'll' ?Lap.? i.i- , ?...WM? i Marl i, l'i i 87 t 1 i o -. Jlill lUl] 11 ; J i ktonfi ? .>...'it' t ?!?: . g- mall. OUTGOING STEAMERS. I ' !'AY Main \.?... Vet?-I f r ? Uli? O.iiagi rWdetui I. ? Uni. M llA:i. ? - atu t . ? I. - . . tl -it WED.M . Hi r a ?. - 1.-. pool. Whlti Mar? a ? . MD IHta I Santa Mtrtt. Colo II f I I 38 IH " . i ? a , . - 1 SO vn . - u 'j n. THURSDAY, AVOI ( h .-?go. l'-r:;h ?.?"m 3 ''0 Pm M.i-r. i a- ? H.? a a ' ird A !?a . ? _?l -t lui '?grai g?. Sai'..? I' 1. ?t ? ,. U "" m ? - 1 " px - II > , i a , Sa? - TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. , ? s i Dea'ir.aii?i:; a: i -'.??hit ? 3i) ?. la. Jn ?r, ? in? l'hlru an' ' 'Mitpptn? 1*1 ? I ?ml 4 Mat'l A'Ig .'? J.i] in, ? .i .. l' i i?i? Il :. A'i? 1 1 a - I ? Z?t ?oitraUl (ri? ??an Franoivo)? M?ir?l Aag- 14 AKll-.VKh m < ?roerotil? (Un. liliago" July '.3 a".<1 ... th luall? aivl Uli!? Ha. ?i 4 M . ' U ajra. Mwifuci snd l'on? J'Jiy -V \ i . , ?!.? N?w .im nul'? nul mJio. b?r ; .. m dl ni.-?,.. ? n i. Baraeot Juijr !S, lo I llar ?' ' Ml IS. ; Karl.?do? Ju . . . ?>? I.I. liai?..a 1 . a i ... . ... . ; rla 1: ; lo n ' k i i . ? V: ?rill? e. N r rt Man? July ??I'll fmll liar at 1:1 ? ai " - ?:.'!. a 1 I i .1 ami Si . .. till ll 1 |.?r a- 1 I B -.. l> T Sal a- 1 ' i. I' ll . IMtl). hagiu ... .' to -l. s . . ' . [lar ?I : p u '..-.. IT . .1 . !. ..:.,- I?f- I.' . .r |l . m ??..-ri) Oenai rr Max ll. in. I ?..-i, ? V I . ' i ' . . ! ? .-. mm? ? iu ? . i ? liar .i l'.r. Harre Jul] 1 ? I? I liar at T jf) . St,.jci-- 11) Iford lir\ Blltlinor? Jui) 11, to Lrfl . : 40 * m ? ? . 1 '.. ? i ni. i .-??r i i. Ha !.. . ? MI i Align < ? Co. ? , .. e U 30 ? m. H a Bar u 1 p ? ? ?"?" SAILED ?. ir!. THmlltiin, Nor BTEAMER8 AT FOEEIGN PORTS. [VED lus 1?0 '?? ' Tort for It '. .: '. ? Vxrdi Hin N?* i il 1 | ?. Kl'l I N- > V^rk ? Br). S'.'* Ter? ."."???r York i.i?.- ; I ' ? I SAILED ' York 1: , . '? ^ ? I li . ? 1 I A ? 1 . . ? ." '.;i>. No \ '.:??.la (Xorl N ? . rk . N? . V r A ..i . -- ? York. HAJHU l' ? | ,- . * . t. i :? w -. I Sir. "HIGHlAHOErt"?:^;. I l.r, Salt*-) -' SX. S ? ?oi.?*ra i A M DANCING REGULAR DINNER SO* W.rldayi I . N ISM . : .i a M (?und?? ?nd Hsllday.. STR. -r, r ?i BURC H' > II, i. . I ... . ? . 1. .'. !? .-Ir..'.. S4K McALLlSTE? 1'TBT CO.. T.-. i . A Mary Poatrll Slot Co. T?. BBIta? ?111 Str. "MARY POWELL" Worc-lrr ??,..i Proildrnrr .'Irrt. II.M. Mttt'l-nni?. kl. SUS A Sa Dully, lacladla? Piinila). 5:3l) p. m. ?rc? I ?r ll 1. K I" ? r>'0? He-kma.-. Oly T.iart ll*.?. ??0 rir..?ii*a>. N If I'. ... a I . I at Writ.- '.,r i ?-.-. S. S. "MANDAIAY ' ?i.!n!'\> IMP fsTXDAYS To ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 25 CtS. t il II 14 \ 4 Ji>r.r. I ..?i.| Knx.rt?. -' - ?. ?( \ " . I. ? P.M. 4 l . ' ir??t. B?il.. at Sown K r Pi?" Hi.-a. ?? * '? ? *ii*at?. IAKAIA? A.g l.l'IKl.Alil.Ll'llli i.| ?5 MAKA. AI in i A.? llXtXIA A.g la .- - | 0*n?iai Mtnitti_,1 Will ?trraa. TO CALIFORNIA tXPOSITIONS-IW? JiniH.? Hit?.- a l'a. ..'.,- - '. fa* i/ook 1 . -y 1 .??o CUt i 1..?.: uJ?>. ..?? ii:v*i??}, .V ?. American Line A!Y.ER.CA.N SI ?AMERS Under the Atierican Flag N.Y.?Liverpool?Pier 62, N.R.,Noo t I ? ni?. Aug. : St. run!. An?. I White Star Lint N. Y.?Liverpool?Pier (50. N. R., Noo \,,ri.i.i An?. 4 I.a.iluuil Aug. 1 Azore??Gibraltar?Naplet?Genoa i \si in \.-<?i?t 14. 10 A. M. ol I I? I.. J B'HAI, V V. Tel. Siuu i.t-r.oi FRENCH LINE ( ut.!|.a, Oeaeral? Tiaaeatlaattaae rn.-1 ai. ?BRI ici. Seminga lor BORDEAUX CHICAGO, .... Aug. 5, 3 P. M ESPAGNE. .... Aug. 7, 3P.M ROCHAMiiEAU, - - Au?. 1-1, 3 P. M LA TOL'RAINE. - Aug. II, 3 P. M l?? i:?K.!|4XIA i Kl.". A?*r*L.i' company's Crr::?, WZi'ue" : ! S. S. "MANDALaAY" Mi."i.liant Hall I ,1-tii?-lliiii?nii l.t.-r? timing. Broadway Star? and Cel.tb.itie? ' ? . tht ?rii|\l. I ii.-.l ? tea 8. Mi-? ira., I.a llur Mgltt. I muh i? Mutleal 4 unirait ?tAr .-' .-I Wrat Ilia? ? ? Dai . ? : ? ? CON^Y ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH -r: i ??.'-? . \ i? ,,. w .? ? - ; . :? I? f El _ 'Travel' Frsfi lltalWI I ??*W1.;AHiTiK,, 124? B ??,, N. 1. Take^biir Guests No better way to entertain your out-of town guests than with a trip up the Hudson on one of the luxurious Day Line Flyers. I here's a wonderful variety of one-day outings at i your command. ^^^_^^^_^^^^^^^^mmmmmmmmmmm \l.i. i? \ii.i rvriTT ?CMiAI M un. ? '?h rail III ? M?rw Y.,rk ?rrvl A Iban) I.?UV? l).?lir.,?-r? M . I 40 ' 11 Wl-Ht 4.. ? -' ?"''> 1 a \f lamlln? at w-?- Point. N? itjaammp \X ?id. Kit ???;?.-. I'olr.' CaUklli an.I All.any ?* Also 11. -:.i- ?-? ? -t . .. ll . 1 1 W :. 1 M for ??- ir M.,ui.t?ln. Wmmt Toin'. Cornwall. N??urgb ana 1'? ~ a? ? In '"i.. -liuy (?mini,-? U) l'oiiclik-epalr. V-wt>u ih, W?-?l Point ar ' Afternoon for P ir Mountain, wm ira v?.? U*(tTi>iuie?J ?^^?000000000000000000^ Klnaaton ? ?/?r t?ndln-.?, le? i'? I" , l- ' -, B 1 M*raa)talii and '.Vent F 'UOHKKT 11 I.IDN. Daily ? r. tur Hudson River Day Line A^j l?r?hr(ia?,r? M. l'ir?r. ALBANY DAY LINT) Tei 4'. ?1 .spring; To Boston and New England Points Fall River Line Steamers COMMOmVEALTH and PRISCILLA Lodv? Now York, Piwr 14, North River, foot of Fulton St., 5 30 P. M Daily. Due Boston 8.24 A. M. Returning, leave Bort?n, South Station, 6.00 P. M. Due New Yorlt 7.00 A. M. Afternoon and Evening Concert!. Providence Line Steamera PROVIDENCE and PLYMOUTH Leave New York, Pir-r 14, North River, foot of Fulton St., Daily, except Sunday, 6.00 P. M. Due Boiton 7.15 A. M. Returning, leave Boaton, South Station, Daily, except Saturday, 6-06 P. M. On Sunday? touchei at Newport, leaving 9.15 P. M. Due New York 7.00 A. M. $1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Inside Staterooms have outside ventilation and are always cool and comfortable. Tickets, Staterooms and Information at City Ticket Office, 171 Broadway. General Office, Pier 14, North River The New England Steamship Company Eastern Steamship Lines All the- Way by- Water To BOSTON Finest Equipped Steamship? in the Coattwite Service. MKI K4.rol.ITAN LINK . M.i.-.ii un-.'. i ? lliinki-r Hill, i . toot Murray .-? ? i m Sam? ? i bout 8 A '! '?n .-? IttlOUl handling ? '. V: light Mum I'ril? Uni nn BoetBtS. EieeMeal Service To PORTLAND M VIM. ?i KAM?!!!!* I ISM - ?,?.. N..rili I.nuil n . Ni.rtli Warren St . "?in. 5. ?? - hoar lEACTlFUla Tlirniish tleketa le all |i?ilnt?. KiiKKug.' < linked 1 lirougb. in at Pi?r.?. . re nefor Co i ?me- i r TratTJ I ?t ? .:.-?: I ilron ?Steamboat ?o 1.1 1.1' >i '. H-1IIM. RTB "TUKI'v" - 1 \ M f- m r ?r I S it ONLY. SPECIAL NOTICE NO LAND1N? AT W. 23D ST. I atrou? art ' itlon id thai th? oma II.?in M 1. IM.KlAT t i? al \\ I >T i.'iatli -t. la on th? imtt.N IlllVN KID h CONEY ISLAND i y\\ :: hi?i i -n n s i BEBT. 9 00, I || M A M : 12 in. 11'., : M 8 40 P. M. II \\ . Ill K 1. .NOHTH K!\ KK, I : ? , ? ., y m i.\ E. -IT-.i-.ri . . .? \-l . i ONB? 1SI \M? ?' ? , . . , .1 111|> n, n ,1 ? ??-? net ?-n t., ?.util st. R?CKAWAY BEACH "GRAND REPUBLIC" :... re? - - I?. M ; W. 180th -t.8 4, a M ? Pier i.V. u.. . . \ M :. rkawa? M.-ii, li. : 10 P M ?Transfer le Mr. "Grand Keaobllr." a .ti^r . ? CUNARD Established iS^4) EUROPE v?a UVERPOOL .Saxonia, . . Thurs., Aug. 5, 10 A. M Orduna, . Sat. Aug. 21. 10 A. M * Tuscan;??., . . Fn., Aug. 27. 3 P. M Saxor.ia. . . -sat , Stpi. 4. 10 A. M. *Carn"ronia,. . Fli. Scpl. 10. 5 P. M Orduna. . . Sai. Sept 18, 10 A. M. Tuscama . . Fn.. S<pt. 24, 3 P. M ?l.N BUI II. Ik ?.1 MtH?*" ROUND THE WO:?.LD TOLHi ILllalga, UIMlklllg? to ?II (TIP. :-l|iai 1'rX, et ih? H arliL CuMI'.IV?'S'lHil BJBJ MaTI ITK'T N T BRAZIL W iPFR :^r S.S.RIO D? JANEIRO. Aug. 6 ?& S.S. MN?S GERAE3 Aug. 23 UJW BRAZIltlkd ? - - ULu? K l-i.A.Mi. OBI1 S I. GBESXPuKT, ??lilil?;, iti ami ?ND - \?. II U.BOB 8tr I .mortal I Y I'.or ft ?41U St B. h. Tae? ?i.d Tuura. ? ?, P ii . nai. . . a' iL ?E/3RaiL?6f?i'i,G?T? Hat*"' UJili its? ?O? I ' ? il T ? KutXl? Capital dit i.tiit- l'iaw SS s. k . fiot ? ?i,.i ?ri . BiS? i?. >l.. u ?l 1'. H. 1 '?"? r . 0:01) |'. 41.. Al I ? S U)0 1?. M. K*?? Niah4 Kiirti? l'l?r ?2 V 1t. t>:04> 1?. M.. >-" ' '? st ? I4I.4HI P. M. Liavv ? v-.tio l". M.. Al.ian', ?ill! I ???? P.M. F?r?. H ? ?/. I* M r.1,11.1 tri?, Prot?"?.'. llar '??" S H K ?:W? I". H.. vr- mad ?t . ?isn P. N Si?>C P. M. fsis P <A o"* " rootirl trip BaaSaaf ir.orolns "?-??t f- r N?wbur|li, Pvug'i????|.?ir, King? l'i.lul ?n.l A'. b?ur lea*?? ('1er 12, V U.. ?.30 A, M.. W. 1T?M it 10r4K> A. M. T.??*?? AI MU*. 10:00 A. M. l?l. aprla? 9400 ?1?' or nlglit l -arflat lllirr S trama h tat) In th? World. ?*SV*mM$$i---?-a iJ?aif|l..'-???P ?I' F I C jnilortaM", Soiady, Ei*{jani V'?v lo I NORTH JERSEY COAST RESORTS . n, I .no H ancii. ??lu'? Pu?, Occia Brjvr, Ile.iTir, P rtPlraiiil il:., i t ?ii "kl taris Screw [lygri ?I Ik! SANDY HOOK ROUTE NEW JCrVSEY CCNTRAL An Idael way lo sa? New York Harbor -? da i, ' . ' p.m. K. I ? . ? ? . St.. ??"?? i 4?, ?I I'. > . ?.u j 1J3, a.vv. ? . . - ??/.' j KEANSBUHck I.t ir." -. ' . ? i ,. t , ? . . 01 H lillMIMil". I INK To ?n P .'? -? -i" ? -* n?j .- . n ii r i . . ?i mio. ? i. n .? m ?? ? m.| ? i- ????? _EXCURSIONS. _ Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Steamer "Albany" Str. "Robert Fulton" . M i- M i I TRIP ?UK ?ATLHDAY A'TlH?.., s IM.l.PO??.!.* Notice to German Shipowners ' i : CHARLES H \v. sdicate Trual. Saint :