Newspaper Page Text
100 Years A Commercial Bank THE CHATHAl4! ?HENiv a***^A?HA?C\ 102 Broadway Cor. John St. Capita! and Surplus. $3,500,000 Resources. - - 35.000,000 Oiur'cr Member N. Y. Clearing Home Member Federal Reserve Bank H f h iu ) ur A Partial Payment] Buying Of St.?:i? Divide ?1 !' BasaBaassaas? ataasTsaassasu Inculcates Habits of Saving ! _ _i ?aoooosaosB That lead to ???????????? Financial Independence Harris, WhiTWr-wp^ C9 >i.ioi,,r? Ken lork >i,?ik Exebaase. 1 m ROOK] K\, 15 WALI ST., ? lili \?.?i. SEW Yollli. Amer. Lt. & Tract. Warrants Bought & Sold H.F.AkCONNELL&CO. ?-, l-iii?- St.. Tel. SSM .loin?. \,w lurk. STANDARD WE WILL H]?Y*r^ WE WILL SELL 75 Atlantic R-flnlng B IS S. 0. at Indiana 75 &tl?n? Slrjntl -Com. | IS New York 25 Northern PIP? Lin? irle Pipe Line H South Penn Oil 1^7', S. 0. of New Jemy CARLH.PFORZHEi.V.ER&CO. ?nal 25 BROAD ST.. N. Y. Garbon Steel 2nd Preferred FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. riione Bread 5140, T?o Bream M., Sew Vork. mm W.N.COLER?&Co. M.I.IMli'I. 1879. Investment Bankers f? tKIMK ST.. NI.H V?KK ORT, New York ?'?y B-jnaa. All issues Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Natiau ?St Cedar Streets, New York !, : m HAVK 17.-' m I\4 | ST 44II4T K1XT? OF PROP ALUS-CHALMERS DROPS Stock Sells Off on Publication of Company's Earnings. Publient urn of lie report of the Allis < halmers Manufui-'urmi'- Company for the quarter ended Jane SO, y? was followed by a drop in th? which OPODOd ?hit? company ii suppoi I to be receiving important contracts from the Bethle hem Steel Corporation .: 44ar order.?. On reports thai th? reached larjie proportion?, the ?liai' within a few months from under I'd to a hi|*h price for tl.. ?reell ol The earnings f.'t the .1 while considerably ahead of those for the previous three months ?vero con t-idered disappointing. The total Sales hilled daring April, May and June ?mounted II 181. N? I profits for this quartet a !.. IIS for the iii ? t three the year. Unfilled orders on hand on June 80 .1-.", V tlie en?! of the Mareh quoi BEQUESTSOUTWEIGH HOWARD ESTATE Playwright's Widow Left $202. 745 Fifty six Lega tees Named. I he e-t.i'e of V r- 4 Hum ard, widow of Bronaon li - ? ird, play >vriKht, was inauffici? ? I ' ill the ade by bei I i on the estate is the report - fer tos ap| in the Suit?,'.-at? ?' Court. II prorate the I" '. the : .onate an.? . Howard was f Sir Charle?. W ? the Eng ill actor, to whom Mr?. May Wal ?iion eeived ! a life ' nteresl in $10,000 Tl ' Vi< ; 81,960 let Homo A Society ' Dramatists and Composers Mra. How? ard left :everal plays, valu? , She on tun plays im?! copyrights worth i I18J76. Some of the well known Howard playa and th?- values placed upoi are': "Th. H< I ?" ' $10,000; "Shen andoah," 81.000; "Aristocracy." $1,000; "One of Oui O?rlo," t?oo; "The Bank or'a Oaushter." $750, and "Kate." $250. FINANCIAL RECORD HERE AND ABROAD Profit Taking in the War Stocks?U. S. Ste?l Up ?Railroads Firm \ further advance in United States Steel arid a period of str?>n?:th in the railroad itocki yeaterday served to facilitate a large amount of profil tak Ing in industrials. A (rood deal of accumulate?! on the recent rise mus: distributed, but the war group was irregular rather than w.-.ik. Trading, particularly la the i:i! las! hours, was on a lar^e scale :in?l rather feverish, around MO,? oui1 iharea changed hands during the The market heran at hif*her prices, ?oil carrying on its rise il \Y, Inesdsy'a close in excited trad ?111,-. llaitis from a food fraction to a point or more were common amonp the industrials. Allis-Chalmer?, however, - mted a report for the sec? ond quarter of the year that failed to Justifj ' tea of immense earnings from war orders, fell back nearly 5 points from its best. The reaction be? came general, with declines of 1, " and :> points from the best in the war ' croup. Tart of the loss was made up bul moveni n( wns irrepular in the late tr. Railroada suffered little in the set luck. The supply available in stand aid issues proved small and around a good advance here was atarted that carried leading issuis up a point ? r two. Moat of tin.? improvement. however, was lost before the end of Reporta that the decision in ? item rate case would itive lit ?!ie roads was ignored. Canadian Pacific kepi 2 points of its ?fain to thfj close ar.d St. Paul made up the ground I 1" r'ore. United State? Steel' was leader of the market in volume of business and in popular interest. Dealings in this issue approached 200,000 shares. It WS : above TO all day and in the last hour went to 721*?, up 2 points. Beth- ' b hem Steel mnde another picturesque i advance that carried it 1" points high- I er to 307. It closed a point above 300. The supply of this stock is so limited i i .-itiil so little treni-ral trading la con 1 . ducted in it that its advances are be- ? | coming rather a matter of curiosity , than of any particular market interest. About the tine of the morning re-' ' action word came to Wall Street of the | fall of Warsaw. Any direct influence from this newa on security prices may I be questioned. Profita from war or-! rather than the outcome of the war and financial adjustments after-! wf.rds now occupy the mind of the ' trading public. In London there was hesitation thai migh4 indicate ?t'a uncertainty ac to the ef? fect of the German successes at Rua sia's expense. The Hank of England*! weekly re- ! turn ah owed its reserve position mak- j , ing ?some of the recovery predicted as I ; a result of the government financing, i j Loan a were reduced, deposits, govern- ' iiu-nt and privat***, ?"???re much lower j old holdings increased more than' ,000. The reserve proportion at ' J over 20 'h per cent, was more than JPfc above that of the week before. Dis- | ! count rates in London were a little , , easier as a result of the favorable re- i port of the bank's condition. Cable advices told of sale hv the ' Hank of England of about $1,000,0001 n bar gold, but no further import? to eity wire made known during' business hours. Sterlingi-xchange here i little firmer and closed with a I recovery. The Hank of France, j which two weeks ago was exchanging for gold at the rate of about -" ' '.,000 a ?lay and last Thursday re-; ported a gain of about $15,000,. showed '.Million holdings Si?..1,000 ?ter yesterday. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bid and asked prices for stocks which are listed but whien were not dealt in ' on the Stock Kxchange Thursday: Bid Auk. I Bid " ? !? s,- rtf. 100 Am ' ? ? - I Am i n ?? -. I \m Mall ' : A Sin. ?t P?..107 Wl - 101 ins All' '!' ,\ i ?." tl \ Tob if n.Kit; Am V. A? M Is' ? f im-i r r?8n..2<* Itrunswl k a B i: .-. do : ? Ask. I 107 ?'**? i. i: S VI". , do i ". f .1 I MM Tob pf 11 , laona Inland -"? i. w in? ... i: I do 1?t | :??' ? \ . "f a . ? M a SI la I'f M N m atP .'. H8M i.i, ... ti. :i Cloak * s :i ::i 1.. 106% it IM' I? Saab & f*h Blacult pf.ia K N En A ? ?.f 81 Mt of M 1 pill NI CStSL l i'f 65 pen . 4" 71 NTL1 Will ? v. ?? a \v i'f W i x Aim rl I On! Silver .. I Var T ft T... ?n ' I if 70 INI 250 All ? do ; '-.\1\S-1- i ? 12S l-'O , ?'A N W pi ? ?Vrl'M .? O.lll 120 do pi' f . l ' ' a * i'"''i - ?'-A S '?r i '. : ' : I . i 146 . I) 1, A W..41' DMA KtD i!r> | ' ? - A At 2 et.... 4 1> I' Cu? pf ' ' c. \v i; ? ? II BR ' i lilt ' l n if v J 117 I II 4*' ? I . '? ? v M pf '?-? laftP 121 ? M pf "' 1*0 ISO ' 121 a 1M 42? I'.'. 4 in ? * 11 i 190 ? M til ' ? H do pre* ?? B of.. Peor?a * K . t Peo Q a '' 111 - PCV*8tIa I'f '? ?? Mull ... M lo lit pref 'M '?? Pitta PS4- ..f S J..10 ? : ' . I liutl'il RR ;?' ? .- 1. > W .. - 14 do pre! r ? Ro , : 1! ". l .'. . H 1! ; f 47 ?.?'?, do MA? i cfa I T ft P Ld 'i ' 1 St L A \V. 1 3 do pre! Twin '" R 1 I ? p.? 70 ? f. , M I P.. '? ? ? f a I fill!,. ! - I i'ii Itv '-. pf M ' 8 Exi ll' 8 R A 1 ,\ I' V I ?Hlnnlnf. n 1 lo !??? ? ? w.'Vtiiiin r. :? ? f ll? M 12 il \ M ? ? 110 .... . W O UK.. iln ist prel S I i'i.-f \ NEW YORK CITY BONDS. * ' ? . . ? . Bid. l". , 101*4 ? . 4 . 4 ... Ask. 1 - ? ? - ? . 4 in ? ti.ll? r?il?t?rn1 nr ?Upon trnupon. Bank of England Return. London. Au**. B. The weekly return of the Bank of England .?hows the fol? ?? ? - . . ! - ! .... ? Util i.? . ? ?m Ihn ?if? U -' ???lint I? 77 l .? ' Meek 1'tic r?t? of ?ltcoiaiit tiiu?iu? 44 i per ?sai I'll! Ht NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Till IBSDAT, kVOV??t 5. If IS. Total aale? of ?lock? Thursday, 916,100, a-ralnst (.79,200 Wednesday. U97.700 S **ork ago; Itsei Exchange closed a year aso. From January 1 to dale, 79, i:t.t..*?f>0, against 46.188,100 a year ago. Share? Quotation Range. Net ?n. High.l Low. Final/ chge. ! Bid. I / rate sold. Oper A.?k Alaska Cold Mine?_ 1 JmOC Allis-Chalmera . 41.5001 Ml ? I baissera pr. 2,u?o Am. Akt. Chemical. 188 Am. Art. Chemical pr. XI 4 Am. Kret Sugar.I 6,1 "0 Con . 28,800 Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. \ m. Am. Am. Am. A m. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. ? an pr.! Cur ? Foundry... <"oril Products.I Cotton Oil.i Hide & Leather. . . Hide & Leather pr Ire Securities. L.nseeii . Linseed pr. I ?? "motive . Locomotive pr. MM fil ?*?? 81-a MM 800 7% TVs T% 800 81%I 3.SV4' 34V? 100 24 ; 24 24 100 12'? 172 ???i I 12 100 28% 28% 29?4 $,$00 58 % 66% M', 100 i?7 8*J 'iT Smelting.... (,200 81% 81% 79*4 SiiutT . '00 150 150 ; 150 Steel Foundry. 3.000, 4.14 II7?.; 42% Sugar Sugar pr. Tel. ? Tel. 2o Am. Tob?ceo . Am. Woolen . 7 Am. Woolen pr. Am, Wt iting Taper pr s ? 8 5 5 Atlantic 100 350 200 27 87 7 Anaconda . 7,600 71 Atchiaon . 2.4001101-th 1017k Atchiaon pr.? loo: $8% 88% lOlH-2 100 106H 106% 1064 1064 62'? 145 : 5041 7 4 $1 24 | 12 I 28% 51'? 97 ! 78% 150 I 44 % I 00 108% 108?? lO'.i I 188 100 118% 118% 113 V 118% 100 12'.! 122 122 122 160 227 |227 1227 ?227 27 27 i 27 ! 88 I 87 I 88 7% 7 s 74! I 71'% I 70 i T0% ? l\ Pr. Coast Line. 200 100 Baldwin Locomotive_ 8,700 SO 80' 7 Baldwin Locomotive pr. 20,1 108 108 6 Baltimore A Ohio. 8,400 80%i 81" 4 Baltimore 1 Ohio pr...? 400| 704' 71 Bethlehem Sfrcl. 7.800 286 $07 : Bethlehem Steel pr_! 700 182% 188 6 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 1,208 88 $8, 30 'Butte ?v Superior Cop... 4,90-1 704 71' Col. Petroleum. 2J600 IT7? IT7 4 Cal. Petroleum pr.| 1,200 38-\ 881 Canadian Pacific.! 7,400 144 ^t 148 - 148% 13,900 43% BOO KM ?IOO: 424 8,400 114 8,100 294 4,'Jim 81% 200 123% 123% 37,600 ino 8 Central Leather 7 Control Leather pr. . . . Chesapeake <v Ohio. . . . Chi, (?rent Western. . . . Chi. Groat Western pr. 4 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul... 7 Chi. & North Western.. Chi., R. I. <??: Pacific_ ( .. C. C. & St. I. 60 Chino Con. Copper.! 2,800 - - Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 6 Consolidated (?as.... Continental Can.... 7 Con tir en tal Can pr. Corn Products. l.fioo1 15*?, r> 1 orn Products pr.' 100 Mi7? Crucible Steel. 59,81)0 75 7 Crucible Steel pr. 1,100 102 < aban-Am. Sugar.i 2,200 108% Denvor & Rio Grande.. 4rto ."> Denver fl R. Grande pr 400 $ Distilling Securities... 2,3 01), 27% Dome Mines. 300 21 Erie .? 11,400 Km 1st pr. Krie 2d pr. 8 General Klectric .. I lanera] Motors .. 7 General Motors pr. Goodrich, B. F. 7 G t. Northern pr.... 4 (?t -North. Ore subs 16 Guggenheim Kxpl. 2,600 Int. As;ricul.! 1,400 1014 104 424 41*4' Hi'4? 194 15% l4?7? . n:i :is OS .",:i 46-4 464 45% 46% 8,200 11% ll7- 10% 41% ? 300| 128 12K-4, 128 128 , 6,000 .'-J1, 91 88% - ? - 300' 101V 1014 iocs, 1014 1 i 16 15% ? 804' 804 4 71% 78 i 102 103 *i + 108 HI %? 41% 4 128 3 8f>4 4! 102 16% % $0% 44 77 4 Int. Agricul. pi. Inspiration Copper.... Inter.-Con. Inter.-Con. pr. Inter.-Metropolitan ... Inter. Hurv. of N. J..., 'Inter. Harv. Corp. Inter. Paper . 500 7,200 600 200 1,000 14.300 106% 100 84% 2,400 $ Inter. Paper pr.j 1,000' 38 2,100 400 2,200 1 2,800 1 ?? I '4 191 7? 300 10.-, 108 6,200 $2% $$ 900 119 119 30,900 424 43 68% i'?! 11 14 28 ' 291 84% 84 ? 21 21 74 74 20% 20' 174% 172% 1814 105 1106 I + $2 . II 118% 1184'? 118 V 119 % Kansas City Southern. Kansas City South, pr. Lackawanna Steel. Laclede Gas. 10 iLehigh Valley. 2,400' 24% 400! 66%' 7,700 54% 900' 102 I l,9n0 143 I 66 224 155,110 ! 12 Liggett ? Myers Tob. 6 Louisville & Nashville Maxwell Motor .I 1,100 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr.. I 611O 84 t Maxwell Motor 2d nr.. 700' 34 Mexican Petroleum_ 6,800 80% Mexican Petroleum pr. 200 79% 60 Miami Con. Copper_' 2,100 26% Minn. & St. Louis.I 100 16 Mo.. Kan. & Texas.' 1,800 8% Mo.. Kan. & Texas pr. J 1,100 18 Missouri Pacific.I 6,400 24 7 Montana Power pr.| 10?) 102 National En. A Stp. 2,000 24-% 3 National Lead .' 1,400 66 -2 1094 110 62 $6 9 4 81 $8% .38 ? 24 41 25 66% ?7> $6% 65?) 102 10:i 143 4 144 21t; 221 110 112 $8% 37 85 s.V 34 341 784 7*1: National Lead pr. Nat. R. R. of If. 2d pr. ?Nevada Con. Copper... New York Air Brake... 6 New York Central.., N. Y.. Chi. & St. Louis. N. Y., N. H. & II. N. Y., Ont. & Western. Norfolk <*?? Western. Northern Pacific. 8,200 107 Pacific Mail. 4"" 34 Pennsylvania R. R. 1,900 108 Philadelphia Co.I ?800 71 P., ?'.. ('. & St. L.' 100 68 Pittsburgh Coal. 1,100 21 20 110 '110 200' 4%l 4*/*! 300 144, 144 8,700 118% 1164 2,100' 90% $0%I 400; 31 32 600 63 63 4 200 2*4 ?-- - 1,300 106 106% Pittsburgh Steel pr. Pre ed St? el Cor... Pullman Palace Car. (Juicksilver inn 92 12,800 66 200 160 ion 3 1% By. St.el Spring. 5,300 7 Ry. Steel Spring pr. 300 16 Ray. Con. Copper. 1,400 i Rending .' 19,400 4 Beading 2d pr. loo Hep. Iron & Steel. 16.400! Rep. Iron & Steel pr. . 600' Island. 100 Rock Island pr.( 300 - IRumelv. 1,900' Rumely pr. 900: St L?t S. F.' 1,600 St. L. <v S. F. 1st pr. . . 200 St. !.. & S. F. 2d pr....| 1,800 Seaboard Air Line.| 700 Seahoord Air Line pr T Sears Roebuck. SI,?ss Shef?. Steel & I..I 4,900 46% 6 Southern Pacific . 4,900 87 Southern Railwav . 4,50n i? , 8 Standard Milling.I 100 554 .'? Standard Milling pr....! 100 72 6 Studebaker .I 6,400 8$% 7 Studebakir pr. 100 102 12 Tennessee Copper. 14,900 404 Texas A Facile. 800 10% Texas Co., full paid...I 100 lo? 1 <? Texas Company.j 400 138 Tl ird Avenue R. R....J 1,300 51 7 Tobacco Products pr...! ?800 98 900' 14741 1484 1474 148% - + 1 1, ! - V % 102% 103 Cnion Pacific . 18,200 1294 130% 128 4 Union Pacific pr. 5o0 81 7 United Cigar Mfg. pr.. 100 104% 1044 1044 104% United Rv. Inveet. 2?io 17 174 17 174 United Rv. Invest, pr.. 400 84% 84% 84% 84% C. S. Coat Iron P. ?fc F. 9,900 16 20 l?, 1*4 I". S. Cast 1. P. & F. pr 600 40 44 39 39 I". S. Ind. Alcohol. 1,400 61% 61% 60 60 7 1" S. fad. Alcohol pr.. 100 944 944 944 944 I' S. Rubber . 2.000 494 494 48*? 49 U. S. Steel . 206,inn 70% 724 704 72', 7 1'. S. Steel pr.I 1,900 112% 1124 112 1124 40 Ctah Copper.-.I 8,200 674 674 664; 67 Ya.-Car. Chemical. 1,200 M ?.?i 85% $5% ? Ya. (ai Chemical pr...1 100 101 | 101 101 101 Virginia Iron, C. * C.I 2,so0 494 614 494' 60% Wabash pr. 700 %| 4 4 4 6 Wella-Forgo Express...1 300 101 1044 101 104% Western Maryland.! 1,600 244 254 244 24% Western Maryland pr..l 100 38 ' 38 38 ' $$ 1 Western Union Tel....I 2,700 70%! 71 704 704 4 Westinghouao Mfg. 32.800 112 7 W( OI44 Ol th . 8 Willys-? iverlnnd ?, Wisconsin Central. 200 100 104% 1.400 135% .'04 PUBUC l TII.ITY BICUSlTIBt. Bid Aah Bil. a?i. r.-i I? & T 14 ll : ? ? 110 lo prel '4 E P1414 ' -? '? ?- S E Bim K 7:. ? I , ? lo i'i<-f . .. 7" ^n ?Am a ? i: ?''. i''i l.lti 'l A I. 1" 20 ?do ; ? ' ??'. N O I? & T 10 IS Alu 1' i? 1? '-'J M ?!?' p:?f 47 ?? prit... 7-.. ?_' Nur BtetM **l ? Am 1' l UI a 5. " prel '!.. pn ' ...r?. i- .fc \V li .-" Am W A E .ITc Q A E H 4 ,i.. pan pf i? it t !.. pr?| Rep ft] A l.t i ? i il 47 ,'..? prr? I . I s oal r. llaon IS w II 1? i de prel M .in ?'i- ? 'i ?.-? ind ; ,<. i: 4 ? C I' K A I- M &0 ? ?do prat.... A W IT llv !.t A P .1 II '4 I do prif. '.'3 a do I?'? : ? i In L, A- Ri? 3> 4: I ' io 1st pr?f. 17 7o El |4| !? 1 f ??" ??, I do 2d pr. f.. ti TO B Bd A O pt Si M ' l tah S-, ur 1. 14 i: &? 70 7& *A'??t Pew?r. 14 1? do pii-f . ?O 70 1 tdo prtf.... 00 ?4 ?l'a? ??lue. ir? tti dl-ldaad RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS. ?Quoted on a percentage r-a?l? i M. Rate. turllv. I- C. I'll.A-?.. Atlantic Coeet Un- lSH-.j i-i"v 4-a 4.4.1 Baltlmor? A oi.i,>.ism? .3 <?, .?.-., 4 r liuflAio. Hot h a- I'ltl?.ltl4-'J0 4 Tj. 4 B3 4 4 - Canadian Pa in. in tl .1 Clin A Ohl M ? . ? 4 ?? ? - ?l'iak?' ?. Oblo....l?14?*M 4',... 4>1 4"' 4'hlc A- Ni'ttli?? ?"-ni lilt- I 41 , . 1.. ChlC, 111! A l?4WUvll.?.lM4- .3 v] 1: , ? - ?,1 -, ... ?Iih- HI I. A N?? ' If I SI 1 1 ? ' n.. 'in. ?in ?, st ut?! . ? *. 1? i.ta I ?elawara .? Hu '-?? ? < ? Brie Railroad . '. -l 1 3 l< II. kin? Vallei IMS? a I I Iilinol? Central .1 11- .3 4'?".. ? 1 I ouUvlll? A Saal? ' ' 14 4 ?'? 4.X Mi-?.. .:; K.iii a. Tl X l>14 Ml-? n;r: I'n. Ifl . ! -14- __' I ? I ' N Y ivniral l-nm l'.'l'.- .4 r ? .1 l', 4 m N V. N 11 A Hat f. .' ... 4.7? I . :in ??eneral Kreis ? t 1.4 M laou:?. Ir Mt A So l?14 -i : .. LU I.M Koaboard ah Kin? I.-14- .3 <?. "-? I?. ,- ?::: Railwai .P'M-.I 4S-?. . .' Qfi 1?G Southern Pacific .1 '14- J 4?,.... 4 40 4.4". Vlmnlan Railway .... lill-'lt 6.1.1? 4.7t I 1 Executor Trustoe (bartered 1822 : The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 16 Oookaptir St., R W.? 26 Old Brosd Strwt, E. 0. PABI8, 41 Bonlevai-d Han.ssm-.nii BERLIN. 58 Unto dun Linden, I. W. 7 Traveler?' Lettern of Credit. Foreign Exohange. Administrator Guardian ?bSbSbSbSbSbSbSsbSbSbSbSbSbSsbVb^bSsIi?^^ CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Specialties Irregular Further Gains by Some War Stock. ?Oil List Active. Df-alinf*.? on the Broad Street Curb yesterday were active at times, with erratic movement? in hi|*h-priced specialties. Interest in oil ?tocks con? tinued to be manifested. ('anadian Cur and Fournir;,, which is iiei;otiatini* for a new war order, Knitted -. Klec tric Boat common BUM? B rise of 11 peints, the preferred gained l*. and the new, after heavy ilealilli'.s, closed at 41 -, a net gain of t%. Standard Mo? tors lost a fraction. Pierce 'Oil was heavily traded in, gamin?; 1'? points. Ohio Oil rose I point, and Prairie Oil and (?as 2. KctMMCOtt Copper made a fractional pain. Pierce Oil 6? rose I point, and Kennecott Copper lis, on heavy trading, went -I1,.. INDUSTRIALS. Total ?abarea. l.v? Aillai* e i'-iiin. l ' ?" Am /.m. . I H? ??-.:? ' .1 S I'. . 1"'. . t ?do prel .117 n. um i ?m N ?'.as Cor i?i i.caa ?' '.in i-in. 8t? ? i 17.i?.i ?Car l.t a i'"? 11% TOO ?'"titrai Pdl ... 12% 1,701 ??'riiini. Sli!; :i?i i:i.. irle lioai i i . f . i." ? In I? IV ? I... I.'1;, nu Emeraon I'rmno 14% (i|. n High, larm K7 11' 111 - 11% 12% I." 'a M IK. > . |?laj 12% 17% 14 4. 14% It :?? i 1 ?Hall Slanal SIS ?lim!..' MfK I ?Im M'T 1 i- prat . e% ?'?*? ?? I.S08 Mm Motor? ... ? "l l> 3". in. Rubber . . ; "'?. I 7'?' ?lut ??tin I'urnii 18 '.'?'-, ' . isaa ?im p. trqf? im i"1? io% to1? i" Kell) rope Tit*. I7n 171 171 MO ?Lai.? for Hoai l* i^ 1? 1,508 Marconi of Am. 1% 4>7 ". I0O N V '1' ; Ol 15% .&% 14% l ?- v\ Btl C "f ''m l^ 4? 4. .?''':, ..f l: I 11 f% - '? I ?.set "Stand Motora.. U IM? 14% -*?? I,?00 ?Si J".?. i.ii Lea? v:\ w. I , 7..' lu Clf st n? a . in 1" ' - n Profll 8bar ? ", :'?, . '',.n n 14 14% H'*, HO ?World l'Uni .. r,*, I , 1% STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. Ian ? 7. 5* lu.; IIS r. w% 10% i:% 7? ?a 4*V 'i l?% :??:??, 1 1% "?? 10'* 10% 171 10 1% 1 . Il >; n . -\ 171 17 101 IS 14'. :? 12% M US SIT ?I 17% W MS H-. N B% 11-'. IS% |R lai Mi 74.1 Ui an 41? >l 417 l,7i?*> Anslo-Arn (?il .. - 17% r |:i, k. -.. p la .. - i". M Oeli ?-. ? Sis "'i -? MS 1 I lull...i? p L..... ? n? 77. In.llana P I. ... ? 3'.' 4'?l Nat Transit .... ? B% ? 1:1.. OU . ? II 1,101 Pleree ? ? 11 . - 11% Bl Prelric O ? ?;. - 37:. I- !.. - 171 '. Situ Reflalns : I.'. Booth l'i-nn ' ?II. ? 3:;i 1 M W Peno P I. - -? ind " ni '"al. - ri"7 H stand ' ? ff Ind. - it? 18 Stand ' ' "' Kan - Stand O of N J. '." ?[..ii : i ' of N V ? SU . ? i tu.m Tank !.. :"i \ aetnini "i? RAILROADS. -' ?Wabaab ?? I , M% l?% ?Wsl ?ah pf (a) i ? ' ' minim; ... ? ?Ala km Juneau 12% 8M ?Alta ?'on Mm vi ? Ira i'nmmaii') lie ? wlanta . .'ll'^c 1,888 ?Bl? Cott'woo<J .'.-?-,.? l ,18 Bl? Leda? De ? ? aden i*4oppei nia .... ? 'Of I' i . '.. 00 Bli ?'on . E MS ?I'.iinn-i ? 'iirT"-r 71.1 J I .t .-Tl. ?.- . ?enea? .i Ooldtleld ron.. O'Held Mergel i Howe Bound 7'?? ?Iron Bio?om ! I 74 i ? - Jumbo r-.: I l IS?81 14.' ?i Kennecott ? 'op. K 3 ? . ;r hake .. . .-!', ??" .? . l.i.i 12 1"' M.IHII..1 Coppei 1.:, l - tot 'Mi I '?'? a, Con : . I -, |i>" Sew Itali Btng ' , .'*, ?DO NIplMlng Mine. I L'OO ?' H" lorm K let 's-ii? . r ? ?Stiver ri<-k . 7 508 -41. ,..,:? . !.??, i-, I , ' ' 4.100 Buperatitloa M 24k Nc ITS Tonopah Bat . jt :'\, 2.888 TH-B illlon . . '?? % ??'? aaal h . I?, 1% ! ?Wei End Coi ? -V, Kn ?-op pf 4U 4-. ' 1% ". p ? 13c 2% 7% 1% ' 41c (Be 4", 1% I ?tC 30e 12% 12% ?.i ?I lt.- ISc Tile Me 2% -'? 1? 11. I 40e 1A Lie 1.'. 38c i K". Hi 41? 40e ?. ' IfV IrV S%c a%c ? 88c ??v :'S 2% I ?' 7 INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDI STRIAL8. Bid ' HI.I A?k ?I'etn ]v pi ? ?In- Mot if I I'vrene Mf- ! . ?i .-.IM.S I HI ? RAILROADS. ?Mo }? iv i . w*. 11% ?Was pf lb), a j: ?In pf 4? I M minim;. Caabl ' ' hTe? ada Hill? 17? Con Sev?l ?? ? U 1% 1% 'I'lnniii. .'"i BONDS. ?Cala? ?. IM i'io ?l ni SHORT TKR.M NOTES. Nama and maturity. Bid. Am fl r .? ib ? -. Apr, Itl Am i'ot ? 'il 4',? N Anaconda i 'op M : . Itl lult Sc Ohio 4',?. Jona, ??17., :?:'???, l>alt .v ' ?hlo 4'.?. lune. Itl! l.klMi Rap I .'? J ily. ? ?'?.. lu" ??, f ??ill. a.- w ii : :- .-? ; i, !:?: : " I v llu'l I?. June IS, l-'l'i.. 100', ;..,. l: Brl? Railroad "?. Apr. I?l Erie Rallru id 5%?. A| l?17 i;. t. ! liui''. ? . -, i ? ? lr;t n..r.".- Sa h'eb l.ak. H S M b Sa, - I Laki ? ? M - N',? 1-;: . N Y ' ? - X V ' ? ? X Y. X H * H ia. May. :' - '?"*? United i-mit le, M iy, lili , Foreign Covernmenr larmea ?"a. t?ec li. I?: Pec I.-cc 1?. ' M.iv 11 s?, au?, itia.. i'?> - Amentin Arger.tmt ?>? ArsrantlM '*? I'm a%t. w i. - .- r- r. m i. *??. ans Preneb t.<- >i ! - '??ri?an ?<?. Januar;. IM':.. Mat S Will ..ii ? .*>r. M?r h. :'.'.? . ? ? Sorwai X+e'.eu ? ? '? Itl? . i ? 101 - I 10% ta 18% I0t% '.'! ' ? . 1 ? . i or, 180,1, . ?i*. 18*? . 102% IMA 101% Held. 3 37 100 ? 1001? 4.7-0 ? ? ' . 7! 5.J7 ? ? ? i '.."4 I -4 5.0*. I u.r. 4.41 4 '-3 ' ?.10 Bank of France Return. Paris, Augr. 5. The weekly return of the Bank of France shows the follow? ing eh.. i ? .. S2.T1-9 >.;nr In band N"'?, i . r--a,-.^ ?.?..?r?' ????I .101 ? . in.i? dlacoutitad. Uirrcucd. ^4-il? """ | Adfance?. decrf-jvd . i.oon ?00 I STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. ? Adventure . ?4 . -I m . ? Am /m . > Ai lions ' ? m ... . Honansa . Huit- ? Bol... i nun? a --"i ?r icaiumei av Arts > ? 'alum? t a ?I" ?i'?.|.|.a?r Range.. I I ...I? 4'. , I ? Baal Huit? .... i Kranklln . . Uranby . ? Hancock ... ? . I i.n, I . r? i-k . ? i K? rr I..!? MININO ?.,.... i ....... ri* Hu-h 1/ 4! i'unaol .... Maytlowei Ml 1rs m . Mohuwk ........ L'onsol Nem Ari adlan. . Ne? Idrta . North Utltta ... <l?'.olrt . Pond ? iffk _ -'..iii.i !?'. . Shannon Hbattui k . South [oka ??i i '? ! and. riuper .v Boston. Super Copper ... Tamarack. Trlnlt? . Tuolumne ..... I S S n. Itln*. ?,. IT . it,!, Apea ..... Utah Com ,.i . .. Victoria . Wtnona . Wolverine i>> i sW% -IS ? ? 3 I] '?''a HaVi 17 |',l; nt i.1? 12 a , !>.'?. 3A I 71 ? |? . ' 4 34 ?'? M4 Sri a Wc 4 7,71 'j 17 I',!-, IK it i: i 18% IS v.. 1?,'-. 3 :\ 7'H '.!'. .".71 ? ?44 17 ?-'. 1'? Un 17 II . !"?, ts% ... 18% 1 ? .', -'?4 17*0 I ||o (14 ?8*4 I','., I'l'-i 41'-. I'.1. ? . 17% i% 3". N Boston * Alt, .. ?Boa ton Kiev . n?,.?t,m ,\ Mains RAILROADS 17tl 111 I r H H?,- ?v Wore pr. 4?; i'i.i, .1 .v .- V pr.l03*4 Old Colony . ...141 Weal Kiel Ht lly t>% I'M it: ? ? i ? 12% ? ?04 i ?? ii: MISCELLANEOUS. Ml All O 0 w I pr. 17% I" EdlWMI .-.'31 .. Ualvei lions Kl. M i" McElwaln or ... S? I 7 M lata ',.,- . M 18 do pr ... . l" l:. But'bole.. !?? 3 Bwlft .?.- ?'?..114% ?7'. ii,i-, i prult... Uiu ?SX lint .?'hoe Mach SO M >!'. or . 284 .? m i', 114' : -i ?i'. ? . 1144 lTtl ? ?"'? MONDS I Hi.""" m c a \v i M n% ,'"'. ''j'. 7"'? 00 M ?-- Oka f ? *28 K% 'f'1-, '.?4 K% 1.888 N B Tel ?at 1SC.108 lOl? 100 1"' 1 - N. .? Hi?, r ...- . 7? 7S 7? l.iaai Weat T & T la. M :*; '?"'< *> BOSTON CCRB CLOSING. Bid. AaS Bid .Ask. , Bar St <.a.?. 10c lie Majestic ..... 0 I Hlncliam . ?'? ?'-jiN.-v I'ouKlas. 7 7? i Bes?le . 77., 1 ? ihio ?'"!>i -i lie .1 ' Boston Ely.. !0c 1er. I'n Verd? Kx 1*4 8% era?.... 1*4 l%| ?Kx dl.l'ien.i. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. Open MB Huff \. Snaq pr. 40 188 Butt? S Super.. 70 3,"''? ? '..mi,rla Bteel tor Bal SO In- Co M A ... '_j:, 45 Keyst.'iie T. I !>r M 4.170 l-iki- Superior Lchlati N,i? ? .'. Lath val Tran pe u 1 IVtin Sail .Mil,- ?4 3"j I'.'iin Bteel pr B Phlla Kl? 7i 108 Phlla It Tr ?tk. t. ?I ? -io ctfs . '?' ? Phlla Trac . 71 ?.n Tono Belmonl ? -7. i." Union Tra. H4 ?:i" l'ait <;.i? Imp ? \4' .1? r- v A S S 47 n M ? -tu,,,,, t 'oal.. .3 >a. ? i amp .v Bon? HiKh I..??? Lait 18 |i.:, ?3% e% 71 3', ? ? 71 " 31 U *'.. 23 ?. H4 sa% 47 BONDS !"'. ?I ?? ?14 .1 m 71 ? ?4 17 |-.*.O0?. El ??? Peo I- ? ' Harwi ? i 17! 1,888 l..k> - 1.888 Phila i:i>-<- ?? ? !.. '??, . BALTIMORE STOCKS. Baie? 8 Bail pi -43 M X"! Central ? ?-'? M l'.-nn Wal a ?'? '?' '? MO S,i|",il|..i ou .... ! IS State nk ot Md 30 3X0 Tlllt KVS & Klaa S 13 44 a? land <? .'c 'i 14 BONDS Op<-rt Hlth !.. r l : '7', , . 34 A C Iain? ?.n 4? ?. . ' ?::, ,t? Il ?s ?1 I? l, I'.". 2,006 ,|,, I- I'-. i" i Ml V'-W C D le. M i"1? n R .4. i: lat la M ?o ?.'-.? '!?> in, 4s... 108 d?. Id? Oa. n*4 ?14 M ? ? I" M. .*," ::i 3'2 '.'?S I . PITTSBURGH STOCKS. open liiRh 1 88 Am \\ Ind '?Ii-- I '. S '!?> pr.M% '7 IS8 ? -, Iukq .;,,- O Kl H*. I" Nal !-'lr?|ir.."iint>; '?', 1" lo pi ..... i'?? Ohio Pik i Su| SS I"-- . 1.', i ?? . Pure Oil ? 18% : .7'?. San To? . 17c ? i.l.-ii Nat Oa? .? i? i'n su .?.. til(ftall04% I? 44, th*? An B 1354 I3'l 'j?4 17', i'.'.I, 1-4 17 17. !.. im?, I3'l 17.4 ?'? 144 >'1? 17', i:4 16% I?, 04* -i-"4 Laa? . 14 ? 17*4 174 17 !.'? K.ono .'"??> CHICAGO STOCKS. Open High Low La?? Am 11. j 7 ; ?'I 3.',7'-j Am Shipbuilding '??4 MH, '.! U neu Tool ?? Chi? H- - ? 1 ! i8 M M ?'i ? !,. ?er 2 . 9 -J M 7:1 Chit; Till?- A Tl.-"? Com Edlaon ....I? IM IS I ?I .i.? Match 81 81 '.-7 :>7 Uriel? Mont \V..r.l pr.. Ill 111 1!1 III Nal ? irbon ? 15 11". Stewart Warner >'?.'. Bwlfl ( Co. \'i\ 114?? ?lo rinnt? ,.. t , BONDS tl - l-t :? M*4 MU ? ? 71 , ? .m 1: Ilsen la i">', 108 . ' ?ad? II ?. .a - l 34 Bwlft ,?. i Biti '.,", 1884 . ; ' ?'? '?'4'. 1 ? \ 1734 in ? IV. . '.I . 1 ? '. DAILY IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Daily imports and exports of general merchandi.?e at the Port of New York were: Tbursda) Ausust 8... Wednaada] Auaust 4. Tucedai Auaual J linpr.r' -. l..f>."i| ? . Monday. ? _ 1.671.015 K rida 4 Juli 3f> . 1.9 Thnraalav Juli 28...... 3,0 \\., lna ?!.--. Julv '7*.. . .! iv. July 27....... ? Moi la .... i.Mt IM M. 121, 7? 371. ? I DIVIDENDS T?rm l'a" a. W till pr... g ? m -Pond pr, ?Uta ?pea Mm Buttertrk Stand "il of t'allf. ?I? t, I'll. KM.. M- ?. Mi ' Nat .-?n >ui> Su?. Ltd. is Minina .. ?Initial dividend. DECLAKKD. SaOeaH ??' >'? P? ?ble, .?at*. ? 10. M AU| " '. ? Alts. I*- Ana. ? Bast ?') Sept. 1 Ait '??? Sa |.|. !j Au?. 15 I2.M Ana. Auk. # Au?. 3 Auk Auk. Ajk. .1) Aug. IS Capable in every banking detail is as Service sured the customers of this insti? tution. The service which we render is characteristic of a mod? ern bank; our methods are pro? gressive; our facilities complete. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OP THI- CITY OF NEW YORK 20 N,-.*\l sTKKKT Capital, Surplus and Profits, $14,000,000 Deposits, $112,000,000 ll'il.HKliS ? .?' Bl i.NDfl IHHI'KD HT Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Company And" Affiliated Companie? The Humille A (.nii>r I reek K. K In.. Kv!in?\il|e. Ierre Hunte ft lili?! ?o K>. In.,\llle a Terre Hunte K. K. lu., and K.jn?illle K>. Ce. The undersifned Committee announces that 2 nu or ? oi the tots' amount of Bonds of th?.' various issues represented bv th? nmKtet fcaj been deposited with the United States Mort ease <*i TruSl Js | g posiUrv, under the l?ep<>s?t Agreements dated March 2*?. i "irch 15 I'M 5. and that THIS MAJORITY INCLUDES OVER 50 Or THE OUT. STANDING CHICAGO &. EASTERN ILLINOIS GENERAL CONSOLIDATED & FIRST MORTGAGE 5 BONDS. The Committee further announces that application ha ? ?>iadi? t? list on the New York Stock Rxchantre the liep?.sit CtttifH ?! by the United States Mortfsfe ft Trust Co., the Committee's Depo ; 'vsentin* ChictfO <*? Lastern Illinois PefundiiiK & Improvement ?'? Chicago & Eastern Illinois I'.onsiilidated & first Mortgife Notice is hereby given that the time f??r deposit o4 I '"fen n tended to and including SEPTEMBER 15TH, 1915, liter ?iepuiit, will be accepted only with the consent of the Committe ..-i ?O? terms as it may approve. bated. New York. August 5th. I9IS .Hinn ?r. PLATTBN, < ? >i ram, I4IHN \\ All IM, .IOH\ E. Bl I NT, .Ir . KMII.i: K. I40I-OT. I.YMAN 11. IIK..INI III). IK \NKI.|N Q. BROW V < II \KI K> K. HI I I ? U<KI>1 KI4 h H. M h IK. HOI4KHT M IMIM, HON Ml? 4.. dUlDK?. \\ II IHK v "OMXBOM III Tl) H. K VII N JOHN .1. TI 111 4 V KKKDKKH K H. ?TIII'M IV 1 "mmltt-?\ BPOONER a COTTON. Courts?!, CAIaVBRT BREWER, Secretary. No 7.0 ?'.ilar St.. Ne? York UNITED ST ATI'S KORTUAOE ft TRUST COMPAN1 No ;,., 1 ' .si . Mtw York IT P.ST TRUST a SAVINGS Rank. Chicase a Me??r? ?il.VN. MILLS, ?THRU* a CO., UondO? Acenl fot BOND SALES OX THE STOCK EXCHANGE THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. ItlS. Trading in bonds on Ihe New York Stock Exchange Thursrli? .mounted to ?3,2?I,000, against $2,311,000 Wednesday, ??:i.tS89,000 a ?eek airo and Stink Exchange closed a year ago. Total from Janunr> 1 to date S ?62.2S1.0.W. aeainst SI2I.66?.000 in 1911. GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL Sales in 51.000. High. Low. Close. 1 I Jap 2d ser !4 s Germ?n stumped. 71 4 714 714 H NYC 4 4? *67Nov.l01% 101% 101 % it do 4 4s 19?....101% 1014 101 "?. ? 82 do 14s 'ri? rcpts.1014 1014 1014 11 ?lo 44? 1964 ... 88% '.??'. 9s4 3 do 4s ISM . '.'4 4 '.'14 94 4 STATE. 6N T State 4%S... 109% 1094 1094 RAILWAY AND MIS( KLI.WEDIS. 2 Am Af Ch cvt 5s. 924 32% 924 1 Am Cot Oil 4 4s. 1004 1004 7 Am T & T col Is. 884 88 11 do evt 44s.1014 1014 11 Am Writ I'aper 5s M M 7 Armour r r 4 4s.. 91 4 914 22 A T <?? S F i*n 4s. 90 89% S do i'ilj 4s . 814 M 4 ; .'{5 do tvt 4s I960.. .102 lt)14 1014 19 B & O pr li 34s. 90 90 90 8 do gold 4?. 864 864 864 20 ?lo cvt 44s. 845% 86% 864 i Beth Bi 1st ex ls.192% 102% 102'? 217 do ref 5a.1014 loo4 ll l , 13 HKT 5pc notes'18.1004 100 100 2 Bkn Un Kl 1st Is. 99l? 99 4 994 SCal Cas & Elec 5s 82% 92% 924 UCcn Leuth ?*n 5s. 89% -..?', '.".?1. 82Cea Pac 1st 4s... 86% 854 854 BC B R of X J Is.112 112 112 1 Ches ?fc O con Is.102% 102% 102% 46 do cvt 4 4s. 72% 72 4 724 1 C B * I) gen 4s.. 90 90 M 1 do 4s 111 div.. . . 92 92 92 22 do joint 4s. 964 98% 96-4 ?i Chi ?S- K 111 con 6s 59 M 2 Chi Croat W 4s.. 664 86% M : 47CM48P cria fpB.102% 102 102 24 do cvt 4 4s. 94 4 94 94 21 do deb 4s 1984. . 864 84% 76CRIAPR*/ deb 5s. 47 M% 164 4 do tren 4-. 81 81 81 48 do ref 4s . 63 4 634 63% 76 Chile Copper 7s..113% 113 113 If. Con Cas cvt 6s.. 115 4 116% 116% 2 1) 4: H equip 14s.1004 1004 1004 l do ref 4a . 924 '.'24 82% 1 Der Ellison 1st te.102% 102% 102% lODuPont Pow 4%S. 84% '.?l ? 944 11 Erie i/t-n lu-n 4.?.. 66% 86% 66% 11 do la ?er A. 61% 61 4 81 ! . 19 do cvt 4a wr B 88 68 88 U Gen Ele? deb 8s.. 102% 102 102 5 Creat Nor 4%S.. 86% 96 4 96 4 1 H & M ine 5- . . 26 26 26 15 111 Steel ?lb 14s. 88 874 * . 2 Indiana Steel 5s.. 1004 100% 100% 2 Ins* onCop 6, 18 137 li** 137 36 ?lo 6s 1922.13? 138 136 i Interb R T ref 5s. 87% 87% 18 Interb-Met 44s.. 744 ?44 Tl ? IDInt M M col 44?. 60 594 60 26 ?lo ctl's . 60 59 4 60 lint Paper 1st 6e.. 994 994 994 4 do cvt 5s. 81 81 81 8 Int St P 5s ctfs.. 60 60 60 2 Iowa ('en ref 4s.. 50 60 80 314 Lack St 6a 1950.. 774 76% 1 LS&MS db 4a 11. 894 894 894 SLifa-ett ?t M Is..100% 100% 10114 3LorTllard Co -r?.. 89% ?9-\ ?? - 2L & N unified 4:,. 914 914 9!4 8 Mo Pac con 6s. .. 86 96 96 37 do cvi 5s . 35 34% 86 2?) do Is . 35 4 354 31% solos in $1,000. Hurh 1 Mont Power 5s. . 90% 1 Not Tube ?is . 204 NYCAHR ?5s f p. 103% 25 do ?is 1st pd 4 do iff 1% 7 do LS col ti'.'. 2 do ctfs . 77 l NYGnaELHAP 4 NYNHAH evoV48.110 1 do c ? Sa '48 ri .-. NYOAW is* rf 4s 77 4 N Y Rjrs adj 6 1 N Y Tel gen 4% 11 NorfftW con is. $$ ?lo cvt 4 4^ 11 Nor Pac pr li 4 15 do gen $a. ? - i 2 Ore ?4- Cal 1st ."? Ore KvivN cor. I? it i Ore Slit L re? I 2 Pac ofMo2d es 1 Pac T ?V I i 5 PRR eon4%8 rep 102 i 36 do fen I ' : PCI ftStL . L 98% 1 P 8 of N J 6a 2 Roodioi fen I 12 i: I ?k s eo 1 Rio C W 1?: ; 1 ,'.? I-,I? t. , 1 StLIMAS rff ; 3 do ?s RAG di' 2 Stl. ?s. S I 5StPMAM4aM< n s- P .-, N P ? , A 1. ?uii .'' i - Boll T 6? T ' 15 So Pac c? ? 5- '- ? 2 do reg . 40 do cvt 4s ... . 30 do ref i 13 do col 4s . *'. So Ry con 5s. 21 do gin 4.? . . 17 Texas Co i-.'t ? '.' Third Av adj ?' i Tri-Cy RyALl 4.x Union Poe lai I 5 do cvt i 2 ?lo ref i 47 I'n RR- of SP4 n u s st< 10 Vo-I i.t.i (?. 5 l ?Vafa iah lal ? - I do 2d $s . . 11 do ref 4? Eq I r etfs ?tpd . 18 78 WIT Ist4? CT 8 do l-tl ?'?.?T ?? W itingh El i :' $0 do ctfs ot ,'.-. 7?i?l do i u ..? Cen fen 4 Low. 90% ?? 10.34 103 ' Cto?. ??4 ? \Ws m -, 103 105 77 M 95% -? IM $0% 100% -? ?? 07% ??i ?'.4 4 I LOOK Vl?j ? ? 84% ? . - . I'M] 7? ? - I').'4 101% l4?o ? 112% ?14 103 lift . 50 95% ?? m 894 1004 St) ?9 it" 4 L9tt 9.S 9t\ ? -. 91 ??94 .19". W?* " i)7 ?*. 100*? ?2 ir% 80% ? ? ,;.r-i 100 Tri W4 - . M ?3?i l<tt% N 1<)1% If "i 108? 104% 111 liOVRRNMENI RONDI Yesten.-,. Hid A . 97 ' reg $0. coup *$0 reg '18.. coup '18_100 . reg '25.10$ coup '2?. ... 1 in % I'.ui *$$ reg. 01 Pan **M reg Wednes'l?) B:d.A?k?4 ran ,ii reg. :?? Pan '61 ref 101% Pan'?il coup.100% 97% 97 100% ? 110% 9 - MONEY AND EXCHANGE. liAI. BKSEBVK DlHCOt'XT IIAl'K Tot p?p..r Dltturlng In i.'i. ?an hi I.-.. J i*r iriit. up I lo i:luct> .ta> , 4 per ,e:it. CALL ?lOXKV ni>" >?'. a- i , ;*r .?'. htekMt, J .-i. lit per cent. ? !.?-in, . . I TOUS Mi'SKY ..?- -'?.i) lia'.-i :S iwr MM r. r ilxtj ?:?>.. -'-??' ? i>?r .-.'iii foi in ??> day? , per mil i.T t'"i- iin?.tli.. j'??aiS vat eint t'.r Bit ?. i -ii MM Mili' ANTII.i: I'Al'KB ???? ?lulet. Rulliif rat??, per rent for t*-.t uamei: l>?r.k a.o p< ?:..<?-. . 1 ? IT.AHIN?. HOCSS TKANSAlTluVS I i |37?.1 I li'Jji.r-. 128.517.232 The ? siii, Treaaury ??? creditor to th? ?lumji.t .f M71, Sill Till 4SI *lt\ Kam faim bank? gained from ,r, l.iO.1,000. ?tul lo?t ?Un-? Krt.lay 4' - RK8KBVS Diacotrsn RATKs nrp , IVMKH ?'?? I mat gal , i >?. i i tui.ety il?r?. 41?. PMU llelpbl?. S, I ami 4'i l>er lent, ?'let' UM, 4 a ! 1 4?, |m - ? IS I? i a . 4 mm) 4S vet rent ; llil.ago. 4 and ! 4S I-*' "?' * L'"ii' . I at"! 14? per Mat; Mil. i-1 1? ? - 4 per .ti.t f..r ninety .1?.-. .,.,.. t a . 4 ?. r" ?? Dalla?. I ! |i, t?r ?. S? I -? ? r- ". fo? Up I?n.. S vat .?i't. : - UttrtJ *? . 'S. for thirty t) ?Ut? da?. I. f.-r .-ll-? li> iliifr .!?)?? IS Doaassnc nctikuoaj >??>? p?r, h?b Fr? . 4'.' premium BANK ? 'LIU KIM'S & ?tflt?. ?I<-h?n|e? $20. ? 1 faaVaSS, bum.? il.2S1.1M, B?ltl?oor?. (Bcharui<*? I4.S44.94 a a ill ' . ., ?i . j ? . II '*"? SIf.VKIt 4IAKIM.T ? ?llv.r ???rajjBTaa^BBBaiTj KlKKIi.N KXI'liAMil - ' t '"?ISS** tod clo?e<l hlth* ' '. . *????? ? a ;"'i? Bat ? ? la'. ? banasrt' M ?!??? < ' '. ... ? ? . e-? Railroad Earnings. The following reports of *-*??-'.,lltf tive earnings for the month ot ?"? have been ma?le public: Ml. lilt?.. (>,,tril-r.i>*?. I8.I18.SU; *?** , .. j i ajsa? i A ?.:,',? ?? I ? M '**?? ' ?9?. ti?t I - ?" ' ' ' aw-fift?. naillBBBll. N>? "'??i? * r'*" " . Bttaaaja, $135.83? BBS, ????*???? ''"?**'? ? tit? "? *? Alaban,? ?.r??t - j?jjS?? '?'?**? ?i<se? cresas. M*.?4l; net I?' ?? Mt I,ml? Mallltliwrfi ' <?'?*? ' ?^?raV'^ViSr-j?? ' '*.. * < S?i.,i!>. I'h.tia,.'?.',. a SI 1 SS] lllialll 114.1 ?7?. Dft. ?180.5-M. ???* tit? 797 - ttc ... lail?n? Norfolk * Waiun.- 4aa? ???'*t?a itf IMt.Oli. att. ?l.iS?.?laln*?;*??*?- lU-*-U