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K?THEDAY IN WALL STREET ?pture of Warsaw Is Not Allowed to Act as a Damper on Trading. ALUS-CHALMERS IS ' a DISAPPOINTMENT 0 rarnin^ Aro I RTger than First Quarter's, but WttCl Below What Was Expected. market WOS COB? s bj Um la it happened, the *jt?t; ne*? ? "?ade pul) _ ?r, .v. 5ti ?1 obool the time trsd'T* ??er? one 8 if enrn ir'rs f** : With a al ?t, a rfW bU> ' ' m **? " l tnd with ' -iking in the war . not large >' on h to h.? unset? rwasi ' er, even though id Fnrnnf up a might, af terall. holdout. Kejnilar Announcement. ?ethlehetn Steel advanced 17 points ?aore yes-;. ? of its customary ?SMStSad tl ? its top price. Allis-Chalnier? In 1915. In the quarter snded with June tho i/iis-a..' -? irini Com ?tsy's re* ''m 8a'es show ice of war orders. . three months mwasU ? ? ?r or\\y $05,062 . ?vhen there tin? no war going ca Bu* 'rom these ?ale.? was realized nst a pi *. last Tt?r of oi partial off k: to '] 8 In tit fir?" quarter -ales ?.-?led i '' $2,017,712 At the e?i of ' :nt ?t un" t $:., t?4,795 at the end of the March quar Traders Disappointed. ?ublica tjoa of A rs* earnings whs it ?:op :r. I ? about 5 joints, though there was a recovery after*" ? ft the Btoel Mints ' 7he close than it was os W- The day'": loss in the prt??7 ?rae about I Other ' tot ks were weak for a with the disappoint ? ? ?-. ?rs. The UasMs -4 ?is not that the cornpit ? re not good, but ? -i; ?- ir less than -anguine expec'u' t to be. The eoi pref? rred stock r,?vfr : since the reor Bjatel 7,ow 18 per cent h?? OKOioulated upon it, or 1, 1913, it was cumulative it tht per cent per annum, frota 1I1S I ? 1917 at the ra'e of cent, sod ? ?arill b? cumu Last retr, its o com p.i-U'd ? ? . the ? of income . ..during showed - The net profits for .tide public yes Urdav in 1.2 per ce- :,referred share.-, on not? d, there is ow ccr.t. The Triumph of Hope. fltl -'fits tn the firnt and 16 p?r eent in divi? dends on the pi. n-k to ac camuli.-- jf I?ecemi>< r I doe? not take much figuring to ?how '?'&? ' | any 'loes ten times M well in th. last half of 1915 an it the first half it will ??till be NMrOti ron a common dvi derj. A if the rccumulated nirplus o: $73U,05? shown at the <md of 10M a; piled to take up '?b? Mt ?ro il i still ba i ? ?a the preferred there woul.l he left ?f it for common dividends $20,986 ?ess than 1 per eent in tho face of ?ach a showing the rise of the co*n B.03 itoek fn n us Ion p: \es 11 ?rly :.- the year to tho $8 of Wednes? day W ? mg ideas ibout sol - of the other non-divider.d Frail of the War Plants. Facts about war contracts are as tsree as rumors are numerous. It o?y be ?oi 'hen, when so B?ny statements without real founda? tion are seeing thi ifht of day, to T-Ota Okat ' ? ' Mstntl) c iron u . d to Lo There hr' ko said, 130 ?rm? ia tha Doi M a?ada en? raged in t; ? work of \ ? and ?????hi ? and 217 iuctories ?mp.oyed in the manufacture of com ionent part? Altogether .M.uuO arti 5f>s ? ' ? Canada, ?hat the prod iction of shells is in J-18 cout.'.ty, no1 to -in iik of the out? 's, cannon, ?replane-,, blanketa, --hoes, etc., there ?no way of finding out nor what the ?nmber of ? red in making ?applies for the Allies. Hut ??re ?re plenty of rei.sons for be "**'*'.?? that it far exceeds the busi? es m ! atada. The Bethlehem Steel ,.a r?tl0n alone ?""Plovs BO.000 men, :.nd' v -? of that ? .- war materials. 2 " ,t" ? I to be. The .?7n'.', tr i or large cor Then the fold that has . the credits arranged, the exports avo alroodj oc ;" 1 the fact that the high tide nowhere nearly <e point to a pro? be vaiued in the ?ai of dollars. As , '?:at II a different Thomas'? C<>rnmis?i<in j^. nuavncie near.y ??neu yet all these point to a pro ?ctio'-i rJ,,t m?gt be vaiUt.d in the ??reds of millions of dollars. As -?"-* ew v ?will till ??Bit III. e%\XXV'Xt t0 a cornI,,-ain- f*"0,n Can SaTktaii J' ^ ! ??*? t0 *>* ^riiu, ;-,,. ?n tne ?]i,,ing uf war -rs In ravor of American middle .*? and Barainai Can.?11.?, m,.,,?fOPt. f?reat Britain's Copper. ,i i? cunou? in those time?, when ?? '???nnaris are r< ported to be melt ,J?*n church bous and baying cop ??!?.-/" l4en?i!i> *?? supply their TOUni'i?,,, faetones, to rind th.: W ' ?*' ? in Eoflond n?.t only re "*?? to bay eoppor, but soiling it? ?|*P*r ?crnp for want of u place to jj*T? Us huge supplies. And yesterday "?? report?d that the Britisn gov ""??t hid sent ?-00 tons o? llumi' AVritAUK OF TMK TMIll NE*4 LIST or nrri-.KN kaii b, A tig 11 ?t ft. yr?terd.?>-? aJSBS). I0?.S?2 A>J?ll?t 4.I in. II4;' 4>nr week ago.iniSK.I 4>ne m.iiuli ago.lOl.tV'3 Jut) :4<i. mu.loi.iitft lllxll fur .lull.111". SMI I?'? for .inly.. 101 <m Hilth 'or ?lune.lus Ml lu? i,i June. lii.V'iin High fur Mi?t.111..?.83 I <?? fur Mai.IIII..Y'0 HiEh f??r April .Mil .Y.)* low fur'?;*. Illuli for lYhrimrjr.lfM.*.*.? aVara for Pe**e*aear*".W1.1M lligli fur March.10H.10H I"? for M.irih.lOf.ftSS IIlud fur January.HM4U?S l.uv? fur .lanuar.v.ItiS.M" 7 Hint?, ful -rear, ion.ixn.isi lo?. full >enr. 1D14. III'.'unit ITXBA01 ni Till TKlIll NK'M I.IST III I? ELI I INIH ?..RIAIS. Align?! .%. |?el?l6?J*a close . . . ? A-.igiisi i. ??.?an Une .??????. uno.8?.0440 4>nc month ngo.88.118 .Inly 30. Kill.61.42. High for .Inly.??.000 Ion for .Inly .80.21? High for .lime. ?ft.iiSH I ,.? for .lune..?.SIS High for Muy .?5.41.MI low fur May.74.419 for April.B6.1SS I..? fur April.?.?MM High fur Mur.h.IS.lft? i ,.? fee Mm.h.eOMt HiKh lor I'l-liriiary.JSatM low tor r.l.rnarjr. II irli f"T .)iinu?ry. 15.614 1,.? for iliimisry.1M19 High, lull 7*0?, 1?H4.S1.RB4 low full -rear, ion.?..427 den ?nd 200 tons of Rio Tinto metal la country to be refined. Trade Price? Rising;. Among the many evidf-neea of bet? terment In general businer-? in the United States "Dun's" Index Number is not the least important. On Aug? ust 1 it rose to $125.071?, a-jainst $124.958 the month before and $120.740 a \eur ago. Two years ago the Ai?ur? wa? $118.515. The number on August 1 of thi? year i? the highest ever re? ported for the period, except In Civil War days. The number ie divided into ?even items, and only two of these, breadstuff? and meat?, ?row decline?. The former has fallen for three con? secutive months and now stands at 826.999, Bfainsl 92AA81 on July 1. The is $11.388, against $12.134 a month airo. LONDON MARKET DOES NOT EXPAND New War Loan Closes a Trifle lower?Americans Steady ?Discounts Easier. London, Aug. 5.?The atork market generally did not expana. The new ' war loan fluctuated in narrow limits f.r.d closed Slightly lower. Home rails were weak, owing to the impending :.?sue of ?1,500,000 London ? North rn Railway 4*4 per cent pre ferred stock. Brazilian tractions were , eeppera hardened, ind Cana? dian Car and Foundry made a fur .iv.ince of 4'-s points. securities */cre firm, espe? cially ' o.Ted States Steel. The close Th? Bank of England sold ?200,000 in bar gold. Money was in ample sup? ply and discount rates were easier. Money loaned at 4 to 4ts per cent. Discount rates for short bills were 47s per cent; for three months, 474 to 5 per cent. Gold premium at Lisbon was 49.00. Paris, Aug. 6.?Trading was dull on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent closed unchanged at 69 francs. !..-change on London, 26 francs 83Mi C4 ntimes. LONDON CLOSING PRICES. London ? '. ii-?. Auk ?*>? mon?sy.... fi .105*4 Ball a.- Ohio. 8? ? aiia.lian Pacific. 16114 I i ? ? M -M * Bt P... '*? Denver. 6 . - . 43'? t.-ral... 101 114*4 ?S S Y Centn]. 93', no :??'?<? . .. n ? ? m R?. 14*44, '??'?i ? ilfli .... IX ? i. 74 N. V. eyulva lent. Aug. 4 Chngs. IM?, 144 41S 1H4 U 4-4 ?T t '. 1!?>\ . *??S in:. --?H iw, HS' 14 nu ?mi 101*4 4. ??I $1?. 27*4 - ', tt-g - H m% -i -M - V? ?'4 M ?H 14"?, 14S RU - ?*. -S? -1 - M -W - ', - S ^~% + H ON THE CONSOLIDATED. United States Steel on the Consoli? dated Exchange closed at 72*s, virtual? ly at the top. In its early reaction it did not go below 701,. Allis-Chal mers's low was 33 and Crucible Steel's 72'.. STOCKS. 4 Mill ?'!.?liner?._ Ii?*?, Kiigar... 1.780 Amer Can. \: . tar it F'flry- ? 1" Am < lion Dll_ ? ?" -?I ?Hi... 4 -?' Am I.". ' in.,'it?. seu 4 a 11.10)... T1J? .101H M lla'.i 4 Ohio . ?o? )yn R?p Tr . ? . I? ira_ IT'.? ,'. Pacific .144'? ? U ?-hi-r.. 4.1'? 4" Cbaa *">, < j .' ,\ Bt T - . ! ' . ll I 4 Tac. IT 4? A. -? [la 'a'n Loco ?'Ich. tin ? 6.1? law ?i 86*4 11TS 441-? BT? 11% Lut. 84 % MM IS? 54? ??? ? ??? 1*1 ? n% i . Kb? 17 143% 4.' 41*4 ? , ?hillO POPP?! . . 4'i*4 Col. Kucl ?. It... 41V4 ' ?? i I ? ?.' ? I.: IT? '.,, lit prff. 41 *?* lOOo-lrlcr, Co Sonhern <>rr.. 4: lo lluKKcnholm. t'j ' ; * ?i rouan SO Maxwell Motor. ? ?? 4."' Mi - ' pear.... Wi 1(8 Mi??'.iiirl r? ISC., . , I UMl. ?. . 14 10 N?t I^?(l. til \ V i ?? :ral. 90 I i ? 1 "-\ I?Pi Be Mall ,..., 34*4 in Pom ?v!v?nt? ... .10? Pa?, .16?. il" l: - ?i ring.. 4j"4 i'i u.% Carjoaol. 23?4 a i.l" 14. i. Ir 4 BtwI. 44 '?? ? . .0 itlifm I'aclf. Ita.l??y . 14*. 1'. Sin \abaJUt >H?i 'l ? 4 1?': i ' . ll."4 ? h Can ?iii-io I? Wm i . Tl 4? i ?- ,11318 sa.tas tout ??u? MINIM. I '? 4?ii ? . * '. : H ? 4 . ?4 ? ? 3 S Nil 9044 i*rK H% i"? 5? % l.'.os 44 4 .S ?7H ISM 8444 4. 130 H 41"h . 11144 IT U% 4. ? M t'ns M.'li, T? N? 111 M lo7H 34?, 188 lu?? 11?S, 40 4? ! . n :n'4 ? 110*4 ?'''::* I'll 4 II IT 4: ? . 1-J4 4 41', IT IT? I I i. U% ? I ?:4*4 6.'. ? . I?' S Il ? . 44?, - - 1 ?. . 41 S t,TK, TI'-? 111?, 1.100 Allanta .1144 .4T . li .11 < i -i Mm?, ,2t I-. twill 1H irabo l"ir??i . . .1.?,*. .ir.06V4 \l.-ilc?ii .4S '..-.? .34 Kirrii . .1.88 t.T''.li Mcti? '?' ?anula . .4: . ?ale. 3144 4 .11 1 4 Ai .34 2.10 a: 31'. 4. 11 '.U 1 88 n. i, .45 I - .11 II 1 4 ? .MM .41 34 ? '.o '. S U. S. Treasury Finances. ISa.lil: ItOO, Aiif I Th? Cfindltici, of th* l'tilt?! Statt?. Ti'.Min ?i ihr rlaM of hiuliir? lo lay ?ai . ?-?! feu l. MT.1M.8T4; ?? ul r.-.-i;..? fl.2S3.8S8; total parin." -a, 1. ? Tt? il-fl It thi? n*-?! >??r i. I ? ?uriilin of }i ., >- ;,,. eemt, ?L.. l'ai..!-.? ai.J iiubllc debt iraaiaitlou?. PRICE MOVEMENTS IN COMMODITIES Wheat Market Feverish Close at Loss of \3/E Cents?Corn Drops. TOTAL llOMKSTK MM 'EII'TS. N ?? iTi? Aiiau?! .',. llll Putter. tube ... 8.12? Oilcake, sk? .... 6,.'J4 Cheei e, bxa ? ? Straw, ton? ... i ?jr? , ..-?? . n Ml v. i ...i, buati Dr p'Ki ?. pkft I.S17I t'opi l.i?.- i In?. ? Cotton, ! al? ?... riieh. . hbli . I.',. ? Rosin. I,l?l? .. tpplea, pka? p| Iti tun . i I I Apple?, bx? .. . i?:? ' ,-:tiiti, I ! re? Im beans, ?k?.. "60 c*ui m? nt?. pka? Cal fl-ape?, cris 1,71 MS ion?, baa l 1res ...... 14? Onions, ?ks .... M0 llama, pkf? ? ingea, baa 3.1?'- Lard, tr?? . >?'? ria oranRi'.?. 1 x? MO Lard, kegs . ?? " "' Col i-... baa, bx? 1 < . IS" - ? ., ? tr, tree ria pineapple?, Vlrohol, ?lenat , rnt,?s . - ?- ured, hhl? .. 7M .'.il pluma, cits. f, ? ?? ? .? ?a, bbl?.. ? ' iaphalt, ?k?. S7? Rica, pi.oket?... MO Hide?, Ipiles .... ?, Barley, buah ... 17.800. Hideo Ml? . ?' ' ?"<>rii. buah . 7,0 ? balee ... <V?rnm?H!. ?ks. 4.l'?r> Cot'ssed oil. bbl? 1.4'". '?1 1? .... 11.117 l.wi. .?!!. b!?l?. ?>7 tka . 17 ?s?,> Spirits, l.bla _ 7" "?>?.). Ion? . Hi stiit-nr. bbl? . "'? ' ? ?n.-. . 1 IM Tobacco, ti'i'1?.. Malt, bush . l.?fl< ;??. ?eco, i kt? < ?la, buah n I bl? ... OS i.atineal. bbl?., MO EXPORTS. Corn, buah . I.0M :'< ????. buah . TOS Flour, sl;s . ; ? ?:? i.iiiis. bush . Hay, bale? _ i % oilcake, lb ., Mn,-on. IT. . l?.l , Lard, lb ..... illow, n? . 40.000 .... ? ? Butter, tl? ... Lull ?11, sala...228,937 l'otton, lulos CASH QUOTATIONS. Iron. N No 1 Ml Iron, N No I f. 14 7.'. ? , tton, n Id ??? 140 Iron, s No i f n 0 ' C?tlee, So " Bio Steel rails .. .. 1 N Sugar, BM Bra? ? copper. i?\ M.,in????, ?'is. p 45 Tin . S4.7f. Href, famllv Exrhans-s lead 4 *l : Tallow, ?p?rlal Stf Wheat. No I r. 1 :;' Pork. meus ,...18.71 Corn. No 7 \?s!. 90 1!.??-?, dr, l?"'11 tb H'i Oat?, atandard ?4*4, Kir?!, Mil West 8 08 GENERAL MARKET REPORT. n ?, ftffc, Aaaaei s, IMI ? GRAIN. WFTEAT-?Th? wheat Barks? waa a??!?? ant! f??er lih. prlaet declining IH&l'te early under actifs liquidation, rallie - again att?, Will th? ?lluatloii was l*??rlsh. as II.I weather ?at cm, h more fatorabie for barrelling and tiurl-r'tn? Int new crop, but ICtuall) liiere ?a? ' iimpatiili' ????>-?? i btsli ibis foi trby thlpl pr.-mluru!.. In n,m? ? ?fiilift rorerut ?va? for continued clear, all lempert'ur.v a- : t preftil I ??rk a! least there ? remenl from the fl alt nation materlilly. It Is thought, Ibers hit? heel a ?r?a! mat y contract? i - ? I from don? amount of ? etideuca tnd lorn? ?utnorttl - -?>.<? of . ' ? it? wat I ? . l'y etporli-r? who lia ! told ll.? whttl ?>,mf ?line at?. ? tltui'lon wii th? ?aixket, bul Issding luih - differ on Hi- qu???!?? i of tin i ?pread of rest In tin- Morthi j ? t?, gi?e mur? ? iprp-g wh?it oui i Lift I mi firm and ? fortii that Europt will requlrt a em in frasa America thll year la Int ttent "7 t ? Btraltg oi th.- Dardanelles remaining do ? i i local cash market No 2 rod winter whl ..- $1 !*2, , I f New 1 irk; No .' hard tl ' i I f No?? York to ?? . Si t?. and No ?. 11.18. ? i f CORN- Tht ?alt i-tuied Increas? 1 ? | prcstui rotrket tr I prie? ? I o'.oili.g with ? ptrtltl ra.iy. a" - It tltbOUfb ?-'ii??.' largei that, a weel .?,? ? ?:. 1 , lib ? ? - ? ?' II I '? ?.re ?tealy. altl.oiith thipnvi.'? ' 4 . Uta ? larger, tho ?til I I 5,1 i inspired with i ,- OjUOtSd a! 00? lake tnd lall. A . thlpment. ?..VI - mort liberal in th? West Ol I weather, wbirh, it w?u ?aid. bsd lawrottd Hun? ?? ?ere still small. SJ.'I th?r? tu !1":? : cuh position, and lb? local cub mirk? ? ?bite, ''? "I . . '? 4, > ? all elctttor K?i > Ma rt 1 .: Western, 11.10 <? i f New Tort etpotl BAI? !.: v Mtrkel arm; f?? lias 80? ?ltd BatlU ? , i f Hulla.o. NEW YORK PRICES. 1 ? ? Wheat : ripen. High. laow. Tlo??. da?, ?r . .. ? ? INTERIOR RECEIPTS. S Cum. Oatl To-day . i47",?tl 4?: Laat week .1,155,008 871,00? Lait year ... 1.77 1,0 11 | . SEABOARD CLEARANCES. 1 l :' 44','., ai To-day . T.a.t ?eok . 188 ? ? 27 ??? 0 Last yeas ? < , FLOUR AND MEAL. T"-? flour market was again quiet, with trading of tuki-d t ? make contract! tbti I 1 the ?lluat.on ?er>- unr.rtaj:. , of a conaerfttirt policy. Th? following i i ?? wood are rali I i 1 Spring patent? ! . stralghl?. |3 J5 !1 ! | lira -., ' hi Isis, J? -, straights. ! I palei hing lois. '?' *?. 25 111 K I mm , t , 11', "j. , b< lee ? ? i <? ,., I COBNMEALr Statdy. Klin drlad, II :, BA?1 MEAL Stead] 1 arte, $1.70011.1 FKEIl ? : ink. 1114.4'?. ?on 1 lacks. 12? ? ? 14 j Ih It ?. ? . ka<-ks. 125.25; ittndai 13; n i k tt'.ur. IM lb 4 otlmeal, } .?? {?7.50. COFFEE. T!i('?? who t . . ;ilem!ia?r , .-off?* durlnt U been shown.? I ae.,iunt of um eoaparaUfely .mai; -, lioie not heen ielllng t'r.ely ai,.l a ra ! technical posltkNl ha? ?r ?n in Kepi ?has ?dianied U> a premlnin rfer It. up to a. lerdty'i ? sal? n im i this auinuni . . "?'Ti.Vr at a ?I .count nt 1 to ? 1'i-c.uiuro? "! 11 Is 1. i ?inti I'm, the day wer? ralh.-r nail"-.? and ?i tit? clou . In Hraxll win ?? . ciihangi' on Us primary and frtlgb? off? ri ?, rt mit? I CHllinut'd desire DB the part <>! I'.ia/.l ? sale? bar? ??. ? ?mir. .-into? .- ... ?- ?t ? . ? ' - II Tho loial ?pr.l BUrk?! was Uiactltt lud Itsadjr wlih Ilio 7l ?njoted at . , llpen Ingh. Iaow. I August. ? ? ? .. ???1 limber. 147 Ml 6 4o I ?.? label. ? ? ? !? > i . ? | ?r . 8 45 6 49 t.45 .: ? ?, II January. ? ? ? ?, , , I . l'?-!.ruary. ? ? ? ? . ?tin 8.81 6 9 ? alprll. ? ? ? I May . ? 70 t, 71 6 70 - June. ? ? ? ( July. ? ? ? , SUGAR. Ko new defe!' . ?J mir l. : f..r reflnad nag ir. and ? ? l?l contract were in.'.i a . fnllDWlnt arc .:.- ?. ruling ?'? I I - luna, bill or , ?. ? ut loaf, ? '?',, , iT'i-ii. ,|. ?; is ? its. graiiu,?t, :. ml- sad l ? ? ntalntit 15 lb ' alk 5-lb hags, p? liT.-1, i p?a,,.-r, 1 an! ? ? ih-red. and han..- ootrie |i. . i . destino grai.u??t? i , ? ??? ;. SH tnd ?. ; ? . 7(i| and .'.-lb carton?. : baga, do S.I hat?, d ' ra, do and uindard granula!. I. .'? 7?>. . On? grtliulltcd and ?liai. 4 i? I, S.? \ . So 4. N i 7. I 1".. No 8, s N ? Se ; ? 4 ? In market f,?r raw tugar, bul ??> - qulMarnll ?.: ' ' half Auaiu?! jlnpiii. nt lo ? local r.ri-.iT at m 1 fnlght, f?;ii?i lo 4 . "n il.s j ?i ' ? ? " fll.T? W, ling demand I ? Cei.trlf Igal I , ?;. i .' ibat. ?"si and frslgbL SUGAR FUTURES. Omamtat mits . ul latlim ?< i in .?'? u Iba the divlln? stop orxlen In .-?:?'? tnl-er ???re rsui lilt niark I total ?ales S.OuO ; ?!..? I .? l ? - open High I-n? August. S.'p'1-mber. ? M * ?n " -' 11, II III 3U - 4 ?. Notcmbtr. ? - . 3 20 S 20 January . S.o? S ol 2.94 : ? n . ? ? ?2? March . ? ? ? ? . ? -- - .' ' . ? ? ? '? ' a ? . - P10VISI0NS. Pija jr ??- n nurket w?> weak ?? I , ; ?? n-r-tr | bj nth lied h. at. ??,?-.' -, ? -. at the y?r?l? Ti. !?? ? I ? M . Igalllsl in.llr .'loo to ?uj'ivrt ti.? marael on tht ?la? .u.c. ?n*. Ui? In tl? ,lt? ? ?t??,lier loti? pretalle.1 fU oelpU .f Im?, ?t Clil,-??.. w?r? .'?.I'OO. ?.tiin?ie.l r.'t I'll.Uv. I'inim. K?i. ?? < It? I.Ii.-d 4.100, ?ml omnlia T I'uliK Boa? Mea? II? -.?i?f 17. Uinllr I ' ir. ii" ? I.? il I4F.II Ulead? HI '..til!, 11" .-.?"? ??:>< '?" |.?.ket, |l? '.(I i Mil. et!; ? 1 ; luiKssr.n in?. i ? uad? Bacon?, HV. IM lb, n v ? ii.ii Ik, ny . lio id. il Le; iilg?. ITT Ml ATr? n.-Klel lielll?. quiet: 10 Th. II, II iii !.>,,. 14 li.. 1214c ri'k.'.l lia-n? -t.-?.K. qiinti'l ?I 1114014c I4ll'i4\ Hull. ?,?? Ftal.??? ?Ill, 4'v. ' "Til .:..,..,', I.AI4D - " III? 4V,. i ; ? lg ?V ? r, lar.l ?,.?. ?ill"!?.! I l,r.| (..rely ?teil?, I'oirl ?i'li Am?''.?. 1.2* llrwll. In-?-?. ' ".nil ?lemur quiit.-i| ?t 7?7i??\ NTI MUM: HUlil?; ?le. ?-. rit? Ur.l ?te?nne, . COTTONSEED OIL. There ?r?? mil? a ?.null ?nlume of h'nlneaa In Hi.- market tot "II. and price rhatigea .luring ll?- 'Ui wi-te narrow, . I"?lng ?t 1 point nor Kurller t?lk of r J ? <?? .and li?.l ? ?t i mu! ki In : liifliiiii.? on th? .tuly pa>?11 Iimi ?ml the lat? i '?' com v llltla pnaeur? trwlni t" ?mall offering?. ' ,.( h.? ,r"p cni'le. Tl.e .?rl? da llti" In l?rl i-?ll*rd ?onie ,1-,. ??Ine-,? on Ilia I?rt "f lung?, ?"'I the aetlon "f the lar.l mirkH I darin? a ?er? pmnoui - mi ?I- t, lu RM ?I ? ir mi .1?? u. I?.' Itanae of price?: open Iltih lev?. rio,?. da, . _ ?4 VAO Sp,,t Augu?! .?.?S 5 "?*' t.ti ?'-' ' '" September .5 T4 5 77 I. 7.. 7 . . 77 5.71 Ni.rrmher .... ? ? ? 5 .TV?!? 78 5 73 r . ? 40 As? r,.?0 r,.?|,.. . Si 6 <o 5 !?i r. \.? :. siifj'i no 5 it? ? ? Alar, li .?01 6 01 6 01 ? 03(?li.05 6 01 ( OINTKY PROnrCF? MARKET. Nrw Tirk. Auguit 6. 1915. BEANS ANO PEAS. llerelpu to -?la?. ?72 hag? b?e.iia Bec?l,ee? ?r'. ?h?i!lng falur? ?till furthei to ila? In th? rfT'.rt M r. .1 ?n Belial r. r dutaeatlc ?hit? h??r>? ned m? .??'??,,] t?, h ?t I?: 10 toil??, with ? ii'ii? an far ?'?I. lima doling ?! atn.r.ger S"' pea? dull ?ltd eaa? III \*. - ?? IM lb. I 4 > . pea, rhi.l.e ' ?rldta ui' <-v. ii,. i.,-. |7 40 . <; M: i?'l Jh 10 vill, ? efe, i bola n. 14 T-,. ... ? Jl ? i ; .. li I I ll 15 BUTTEB. Itcii(iti to day. ?v'.'H pig? Trailing waa fairly ? ? ..? reaterdi in gr?d<-a of rimtamats, irfeal qulelef to d?\. m.l ?hile Uta ? offctod I? llgli'ir Hun earli.-r In rue ???ft?, lining ll noi ?ufTlrlrni lo rlOMty clear ban i ll*a<lj M i'- ? eta ? . . ? ?? onda, Il$i ? ? good ? ? lowfi irada?. . ? ?? .\< . Imitation cream r?, fit?*?. - ,-ntrent mak?, tlr?-.. ?? ?', I l lower grail... 1- 111? . pa? Ml i llcck, June m.ike, fie. ?<<c. camel make. Kg -. !*'/.<*'!?<'. lover grade?. ItaSlta. CHEESE. Becelpu U-d??, ?59 hoie? The highea? gradea of ?-.are i ??! .rr.1 flau are prett? ?ell rlearid. an1 on ?urli ItM market ll ?U-ady Slat?, ?ih.'lc milk, frtih. fut? and t?rlm. ro.ored. iparlil?. 13V?J 14??; v:.ii?. ?pedal? I'". '14-: c? ,r? 1, ? f?ii'-5. U?e; white, arrrage tames. ll?e; dalile?. it'oclali. 1501*Vlr; all ?jlag, undergradea. UV?4? 13r, r?!in, ?hola mlk. whit?, ?ala. lldJl'Ve; Mich, vtaola i. k. entered, tata, H-en.-. Wi?. ?h'.ie mlik, ?nab, t?ltu. 13*?.i?, lie; dal?,??. 14 r I???; ?t?te. ?klDia. fr-ah. ?uc-iala. Hill1,?., rli'l-a. 10ii'.0i,c, lair lo good. Ih&S'rtc. <"H? niMi. 3^. fl lift, Kecelpu to da?. 11 94*1 caaea The gei.eral ?ft URtlnn la without ma'eTi-il mange. Nearb? whlU rtt? In light aupplj. a,,d Hier- la a ?mall propor i.ew laid qualities ihowlng g.ol ?. 1 chaik whit? i !?r, Ibaaa ar? "?id:ng In ?eilet?' fan.r, while th? it?iag? ofTerii g? ara ; at t'rt Ineguiar pr!'-.? I'reali II i?r i earn, 23i#25c; eitra lit..-?, 11 .-?'.. \0tl IT1,.' thli ? . ' . No 1 814 rliolrc. do. 1 I? * ? to .- I, l '; ? ! -, ?rolla and Inferior. itati i i.. ana neartq : wliltej a? to il.e a:.d qualil?, . Vn. IVlill and neariiv hennerr Stem ...-?, galbarwl ! "h-ti and I ? ? .i k egg?, ?tata .:l nearly. li:.nan Hunner, -4 HAY AND STRAW. Market la falr:v ?, :Ue and ?er> firm N>w h?y ,? iba balk ol r. at n.?it In" and truatnaai la ? r ? ?lug aji\thing Ilk? fr?rd^m -, ?; a', I DoUtur? ilefe.-ta rangra l::AJ?6 Old rye Uraw ?. ?rve and tlnn, ?,?? ?trae w .rth about }i. >}14. a? to lualltj li 4V oid. largf b? I. pe- ton, tlOMIth?, prime, I'l. v., 1. }..' ? j N I to Ko -'. I.Hiol'J? .-,.; , 5 fani-i light .-I'ner. mlX'?l. r-THA4\'. r? : ?14 6UI . . fl lower. LIVES-TOCI MAKKKT. K ??' Vork. Auguit 5, 1?15. BEEVES. lie. e:p-a. 8M bead; Balnt? eonilgned dlrert tc < ' ? on life weight: feel angad ?' quirt at ll#19a per CALVES. . tl :.-:l for th? Pealing ?trady ?'..mmnti to falrl? prime .. ?. J" ' J- ? ?'. ft? drneed w . i . ? i -. : . ? ' 28 ?-a!?. 14.' lh atetaaT?. . 14 111 cull?. !?9. 1?. 4 Co 1 i?a'.. 1 "i lb, 113 '.0; 3 . I teals. 160 in. Ill: S ?rulla. I Ki-r: * Oommlaaloa ('< mtany 2 Md ?eaii. 140 lh. 11J. SHEEP ANO LAMBS. rer-eij,!? B.5S7 head, tarituflng 144 ran for th? m?4.,.T pr, ing 5-e?:., ?'.'mi??n v< fair alieep i : .' 'i. ' : ? IM ' cu':... ' . ? . 18 II -rill l)rr?,-d mutton acilfo a imba, 14 ... i..',.-. ? . ? ?-. \ ' Ml lamha. S8 li ?Trrage. I . 'j cu?n. io. 1" io: '.. Mi. i 171 Md lamhi, iii* lb. Il'i .'.: 4\ V?. !!". li') \a. 18. 13.73; I lh. S9 fS; 112. ? -1- Kj lamtn. ?7 lb. |10; 4 ? ; ? 11 Va ?heep. HOfiS. llf.-elp:-. 1.1-,.4 heid. Including onl? a few head f. t the mi ? ca?i.-r Hobln A - 1-: ? ! .-, U0 lb a?er?4- lb; 1 nugh. 288, $6 5?. ?'hi. a. 10, weak; 17.61; mix? I. M 25 ' I rough, I t.l. ? | .??<;., r ?I'l. IT I ? ''?. 18 1 . liniiS Itecelptl '.-.nnO; *? I 4'.:. I AM I.- II I ' 18. I'ALM.S . 8 !!?" elnta. 2,?00; : '. .111 14 .-?If.-? ?? ? l HHEEP lie. ? ?! ?.. I i" ?. a. Uto; I - lam?? higher, I 1 .. . I. t : I.K "... ?,;,'?, ;00 bead; -. i.? ,.- pu .'.o bra I: i '?? . . I ' I ? . ' - ,..- '?! BIIKEP 4M? 1.44111? . la ida, ' . Ba ? a.ftoo. ? ? J i IT .0 I'ATTIaE K'-' .... BI10.15; vearllng a:."?? and helfi-ra. r . ' ' ..?r? and fecdara, !?? * ? ' ? r? ?10 ,V BIIKEP . ?,. lamba. }? j <? I ? - i ROOH RareJpu. 5.T.10; It); hi-aiy. |? I; pack. ? : ? I'ATTLI Ra I; dr??.?ed herf . ?: ,'., l.eifer?, I . :? ?nd ? BIIKEP H - ? Uaba, ?I I ? TttkajMi] - A i (.?8HECP AM) I.4T4IW S> i prlOM itaad) ? . . run?, ? ? ...... , BRIEF WALL STREET MEWS iholden of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Compat.y, st ?? ipceisl meetini,'yesti-rili-.y, authorized ; nn increase in the capital stock from | ?*?"?".m'0.000 to |7fi,0f]?0,000. L W. Knowles, former credit man has heen elected to the newly crested position of assistant cashier be the directors of the Liberty Na? tional Har.k. J. P. Majruire sutci-eils him. The world's wheat prospects and ' new fsctora iiearnur on its DSrketiDg are discussed in a circular issued by Ri-nskorf, Lyon & Co. Russian Loan Paid. The |25,000,(KK) loaned to Russia last y t.y a jtroup of Nt-w York banks : by J. P. Morcan & Co.. which *ed through the medium of ucci-plario ?, ?Oka paid ?'if yesterday. It ? ii?-.! thnt sa vet no arrangements hare bees mad? loi a sets i?.?ue of, bills, but steps in this direction are ex- ? pected to be taken soon. The loan just' up, a banker in the len?l:nK group Mid, was met with funds fur rent acceptors of the billa by the Russian Kovernment. $55,000 for Seat. Thr? ? EzehSBM sears were sold jreaterda) a: tbafiOO each, un-, (hanped fri>ni ttie lnst preriona sale. - involved wen- posted for transfer a^ follow-. U in Ras-, uva to Benjamin I?. Bartlett. ('eor?;e G, Kusti?, deceased, to J. Ford John?on, I jr., and Henry V. Hackney to C Ked-1 ner Kichaida. ' RAIN BRINGS GAIN IN COTTON PRICE On Strength of Liverpool Quot? tions Market Closes Steady. The undertone of the cotton murk i reflected a More bullish loatissoat thi has been BOOB in sonn ?lay?', and trar j was marked by quite a notable laotfOOi ! in outside speculative .ntercst as r j ported by commission houaes. At or time price? were 9 to 10 points n? hijrhor and at tho best point of tl i week, but late realizing destroyed I part of this, so that closing tigun , showed a net advance of but 1 to I point?. Liverpool was perhaps th ? best buyer of the session, and showc positive Strength, with a renewal ? the big spot baalaoOO, New Orleans all bought here, and commission hous? generally operated on that side of tli market. The selling, especially thr of the lute afternoon, was mostly i tho way of profit takln?:. ?So much co ton has been taken out of the markt by Liverpool in the last few days th? rhorts have found much difficulty i covering, and as weather condition have contnined enough unfuvoi able influences to check any af grcsH?ve selling the market has bet at times almost bare of soppliei Toxns is still without moisture, and th central belt has had only scatter? raina, but the Kastern belt during th laut two days has been amply suppli" with moisture, particularly Georgia an [ the ?anilinas, which yesterday h.i general, and, in placea, very henv rains. It was the Opinion among tra : ers that the drouth ?itiestion has b?K settled in the Booten belt for the titn being, but if is .?till very acute west ?. the Mississippi Uivi-r, with no inline .hat?' proapeet of relief, according t the government forecoat and the ha rOOBOtor lines on the map. ? report on Georgia said the crop WS good from one end of the state to U. ! other, and that conditions in th.? Car, i linas were uniform and exceptional! good. Regarding the Atlantic.? a.? , whole, he was of the opinion that th? average condition will equal last yea 1 on August 1, minus the decrease ii acreage and use of fertiliser, whatevr it may be. An Alabama authority sa:? ' since July 16, at which time the ero] : in Alabama was excellent, cool nigh" 1 and hot days have injured the crop ii ! spots. Open cotton is in evidence it muny localities, and picking will bi? corne more or less general in abou three weeks. They mentioned e-pecial ly good reports from Mississippi, Soutl Alabama Hnd South Georgia, but san there was absolutely nothing doing t'<>. export. The opening of the market was stead4? at a net advance of ". to 3 points, fol lowing Liverpool, and Immediately ad? vanced to around 9.Abe for 0 where it held u good part of the day except for occasional reactions during one of which it sold about :; points under the previous night, du to the good rains in the Kastern belt A Southern export?>r 00 '?hange y.? Uro?*' said the export situation wa? extremely .serious, and he feared cot? ton would be declared contraband. Th> South Texas movement, he said, is a! ready large, with very little outlet. Total exports for the day were 7,789 bales, and Southern spot markets closed unchanged to 10 points igher. Range of prices: YeBter Opeti. ni|h Low Clots. day. August. I !'? I 5 !? 1', ? 07 > 17 !> 17 9.201* 8.5 . t. IS 1 I? 0 M '< l??w 9.44 9 .1? n Timber . ? ' Ml ?r.. ??S ?76 8.81 I fltS 3 72 ?67 . February... ? ? * Mar'h .. . 10.07 10 10 l? 0! ?l 1" 04 April. - ? - 10 14 \la? . 11-10 10.37 10 20 10.:?.??? 1? .11 10.?7 loi ? .... 18 M 1" M !" '? M" M ' ?1 ; ? I , ' ? Hp,-* goal ,| mand: ?aie?. 14.".m iule?, ?. 4 An.? r? an. ill Ml! upland, 7, 4??l I'litur.-s e? '.-. 4 !0 S [?,,-. , . . - i | ,;i||.-t It I .,?.(... n ? ir.,.-r ? '?i, .la: T?r>-F t-nury. S.M*4d; May lune I ' .1 Mancheater?Ytrn? ?lui!. ? low. !'. i ? at ?ho ports and Interior po'nti wl'h romiatrilont folio? Pr???? t To-rI?y. La?t ?r'k. Lut y'r i-oa-k. l!al?e?ton .1 17? MS 127 Ve?- ?irleaji?. I.IOI H IM ! '? It? Il ?12.1*1 Batatuiab MO M I 11? ?I 121 177 ? I , W II gtoo ..... I '? > 7: ira 47 M. IM 1 ire . ? ? ? I Ml 4-k .... ? ? ? -i i ? ? ? i . :pht. ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? I | Total* . 1,591 1.485 591 ? I 1 Int.rl-r AagMU. 20!? H?, 2 6.1 ?CI . 73 ?1 IM I . IM 4'? - r, (Il Il i? : 811 47 :??? TI.? '.'?-il mirket for ipot eotten was st,.?,|? u ! pointa 1.1?! -r at 'i ' t uplan !. sale? - I lit? 819 l'ai, - at ?Se; ?a . :.. un? baligcd .?? ? I _'-,.i t a! . <!ier I' ? , hanged a? s a,'.- ..,!???? C .?. l.a.1?? Mobile Ul ri al.g?'l ?' - 4\ ? . i mniiial. Hallimort nomlnil, titK-liai.gail ?' ?V; ??les i,!l A .ri-'? ? an . IM ht!?-- Bt Lsalt Tllet. gbat al I',?', ?a!-a ". laies. Iai'tlt Ko. k ,'ilet. ni:??hange?! ai S.u.-, ?ai.? nil. BETHLEHEM STEEL SOARS Ooes to 307, Closes at 301_ 51-Point Advance. Selling st 30 on July 30, 1914, th? d?y preceding; the closing; of the Stock Exchange because of the flood of for eign seliing orders, Bethlehem Steel yesterday passed the 300-mark, soar? ing to 307 ?luring; the day'? trading; and closing- at 301. At this figure the stock shows an advanc? of 61 points over the low price touched on Monday of this wei'k. The nmall floating supply of Bethle? hem shares for speculative purposes during; the lust, few months is declared , to be the main reason for advances ranging from 5 to 25 points in a day's trading. Because of its wide fluctua i tions, the majority of the more con? servative Stock Exchange houses will not deal in the stock for customers on margin. Thus on Monday $1,000 would have pun-hased four snares which if sold yesterday could have netted a profit of $200. Th-j samo $1,000 would have bought 100 shares of many other ac? tive issuc.s, which on an advance of 10 points, would have returned a profit of ?1,000, or 100 per cent on the original iri\'.-.-t ment. The high price at which Bethlehem sold yesterday was more than 100 per cent a|o?/e the price at which a non dividind paying stock has ever sold on the exchange. The nearest, parallel was the International Power 4'ompany, which touched 199 in April, 1912. Charles II. Schwab has staled that dis? bursements to th-! common stock holders of his company will not be made whi!" the funds of the company are still needed for its development. SPRING CROP NEW WHEAT PROSPECT Moderate Decline Causes Market to Close Unsettled?Corn Fails to Gain. Chicago, Aug. 6.?Conditions that allowed thrashing to be resumed hroughout important sections, espe? cially in Nebraska, did a good deal o-?lay to pull down the price of wheat. The market closed unsettled, Tsc to ' ' \^7 l *-?jc under last night. Other lead rig staples, too, all sutfered ? net d?? cline corn, a4<3%e to *??c; oat?, '4c lo l'i lVsc, and provisions, ?'/lir.lT'iic. Better weather had taken the edge otT the bullish sentiment on wheat long before trading began. Clearing skies over the entire belt brought a rash of si-Hintr orders to nearly every firm on '?-hange. The most conspicu? ous unloading that ensued was done i?y recent buyers 4vho were anxious to secar? profit?. Not only was there 'n.itly improved activity reported as 'n thrashing and -hipping the winter crop, but the outlook in the spring wheat states was presented in a much more hopeful spirit than was the case on the previous day. At the same time, however, the uncertainty expressed as to black rust was sufficient to make traders cautious about pressing the bear side on extreme hreaks. Sign? of somewhat enlarged export buying brought about a rally in the wheat market after midday, but the effect failed to last. Italy, Switzerland, France and Portugal were said to need liln-ral quantities. The actual amounts that were admitted to have been '.?ought, however, were too small to afford much, if any, encouragement to ? the bulls. Corn went lower with wheat. The ! cool temperatures prevailing though acted as a check on the bears. In the oats crowd country offerings were more 1 plentiful. Values tended downward ! almost from the start. Big receipts of hogs sent provisions ! down grade. Many etop loss order? wire brought into play. Support from ! packers later caused only an incom i plete rally. CHICAGO PBICES. Teiler " Open. High Low Ciega. da?. 'Sen-. 1 0S44 10?', ! "*'? l.?TJ( . 1.01 1 08V4 1 n":? ' "?"'-? 1 '" ? Mi)' . l.U'a 1 14 Ell 1 13S 1.1?% - .T5\ .78*4 .75*. .75% .7? I.?. .84*1 M Mai 4 " i ??" 0?tj 41? 4*', 4P, 41?, 4?*i 1. .? i-', 4J , 4P, 41 v, . . Mai .... 4.-.', M% it-. 41 . i . a b, ; ??; : ?j r n r n ; M un .... : O'. 7 35 7 7", 7.S5 S 02 Ulla ?.,- . SS? ??2 ??57 ??S 9?W u: . I ."i I M v*') I -7 - ?: Farm: IS.S8J Pi? 11 ? II.H n -, . U.?U II 51 H 30 IS.? EXPECTS BIG WAR ORDER Canadian Car and Foundry Co. Negotiating with Russia. N.ithanii-l Currv, president of the Canadian ?ar snd Foundry Company, .lay confirmed reports that hia company la negotiating a new war or? der ?rit?, trie Rassis*) government in addition to the tSSfiOO,OW contract re? ceived early this year. Senator Currv stated that the new order may run as ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS - [From The Tribun? Oatsata.] Washington. August ! AHM Y Mi' ?EtasNS k ?miTMoaa, im cr.rr?. H. ? : a.- , ti..' r a . ? 4|. - 4 ' I ? - ' ? . ? , . ' i IIAMI-I. M.? , 1.1.?.? !l, Jr. Ued Corpt. dcslgnsled a 41 - ?111 M .."!:'.UI S V. INN 4' : ?-. .?>,. from d . a' PI I . Strati n ie .1 ?. 'I alt. BATMOND 1 MET? ill Med c,?rpt. it arrisa! al lit) WI.NN. ?i I Portar, -. fa I'ny fat teniporiry Maj THOMAS j. K1BKPATBJCK. Med. Con fr.m It. Adams to Tiia? I Its f,,r duty 2d I Mi y. ?nil ilttlon ?i rt, t y Kl'44AiiD r OEDDINOS, Mi : ? ?p?, to I 4 Cap? GEOBGB K TT!?ill\K Q M C. now leaie ? indi < l?T't fer du | 1. ihen.-c 1 i H.i.laiiili. llarr - foi ahtei.c on leat? of Maj llnllKKT M 8MIT1 ki M r , gnd thence la '.? ? assista l?r TBOMAS C AUSTIN, Me,i r?.rr?j. fn a . dot} it 1: Man---? k tn?l t'irtJier du ti R, J?y. to tike effeit upon arrti?! of ?'a; NKLSO.N GAPEN, Mad Crr?. at K-, I!? ?n?! ? ? net t" 11 m ?n I.I.V.'i i I'll.!.sill UV, Med I ? ? ? l, I ?4 , He<?il ?len^ral H.spiial. D C, Capt. HOWARD If JOHNSON M?d I'?rp?, fm Ui -,. ];,, I ?, Hospital, I?. C., to tai iirttal -f Ma- PKOCI M 181. 1.1 UN, 4lr,|. Corpt, an I u:-.1 eipira'hn .eat Blits <a..t LEV! M IIAT1IAWAY. Med Corpa, upo armai ut : ? ' I '.?pi r HK1'Kill' .? Md.I.AM Jr 4| i i . rp?. to Ihiug:?. Arts ? ?? (-??AKLE8 4| (MTRDON ,'r Inf.. fron Mo . i i?a. -- ? Ii 4i u, ? ?.,-.. duties ?- ..?p.- tm-liatinjc-i.r ? ' I -..'. , , !,,f . from dutj ? la 1st 1 Mili i ? ' .. ? il?, ??ept 11. ', - CAUL oMAU **'. PLNLBTO.N Med tor?*., t.-m Port ?>? ? ' ? . ? . it < , ?>. ? ne ?t ? im >.! "I ?..- Ii I.A.'? c .rp?. rotl I - 4! THORNBI .?'111. a . Division, with - ?,,?!? . .. 44:1 B i ?il -?"N M-i ?'??-: t ?a?- ? " ' ?!? arrlt?. at 'hat post f Cap? I At !. ? GUISOS Mi I ? otpe, and Cap? JAMES C MAGU M??l C ? I a- U 11 HANSON Med ?-"rp*. to Ten, ? , . ti, . 1 tor lempa'iir? ??tut. POANK W SXtXD Med Corps, froro Presid?,,. Sa.-. Prandaeo. t?. Ut- - llo?pl-*l ?ie Cat?, SAMVUL J .M?iltm.-i 41, : ! ? Bui . , .lulu, I II 11 HIJA4. Med Coi-pa- flora I 4 ' |i hill 4M IIS Mod. ? . ? luir. "I'h ?' il ? Boot? ?'?pi. CI1ABI B8 0. OATI ? !'? partas? ? ? Isa A t ? . ! r-t,.>rt ?etl ot j tur,?.- ? I leat a- i 1. a- ?. Pai uaa A -.1... ' ? ??- '???.': BaU-UataJOa ?A NIX. ortlair.-? Dtparts-esk I Pina [atau4 tXMKI s TTANKY ,\le.f i;., I : 1. : '.|?,ii arrivai .il rapt KIIKI EBII'K C A KKLI.A''. J .41 ??! Corpa, ttieiu to y, rt llarrv !.. 1 UAMv THORP, Jr . :.ri Klei A:- , | Hi. r ;.. ;- - mm Uni?, I * Sept. 1 rand ; aju" r FI Lleul BENJAMIN M H 41! I r. Field A H ?11 '.?'?'rg'.a. lo t., Il KU?' I.i ut FRANK ?? ORIFFIS, MM Ri r ? 4i,.h. ta ? min ' ... IOHN S CO il inca to 1* Munir m i ???? i.i.i.- nioMi II.? ' 'iu ?It? and report to 2. Fini Lleut CH.WtI.KB M O'CONNOR, jr. Mail i -? ? H r Reed I i " t v.,- . a., i r?ii "p ' ?for ilul?. DAVID 1? H4JGA.N Mad Corpa, frot ld l'ut...H ?? t-'- Sam H'. i.ti. . foi dut? wf-1 4 \o 7. Flr?t Lient hi'IlKUT I> HARDEN, Mad. Crpa frota ? if .*'. i ...? ' First Lleul LLOYD I' TEFFT Mad Con 4i . r Raed l'encrai I 4 . i So i H 4.uu?.i H i rUCHARDS. 4tt i'??. attactaad to Aflatiaa ejection nt Bigna i'.up? a., ?i. ?llalli t? ?Mgnal Cirp.? Arlatl"-. Iik-g'.. I'.l ??! 1. B PATTERSON. IIU C.v lu-y with Yellowstone Na lloiial I'.rk ileta hraaiii ipt URO I> FREEMAN. Jr - ? rp?. two taontha mi arrival In I'nlted Btatea; MaJ PALMXR ft, FUR? I I and tan dai? upon rell .- J i .UN g LAJ1BIE, ;r . Me'lt.-al Corpa, two niontli?. geeond Lieut J'llfN T flllKTT ftifv . i? , ru.inrlia upon ar i.vil lu t!ie I nlteil - MATT. 1 U i f. SMITH, to N???! Ar?,I<ray. Sept.. 3 ? . 44 | rUCIIARDBON, Jr.. 4a tacbad T. lOeaaaa, r? leaf? of abaence. ftl te) < I 4t.i. .HI. ? i Ha'rh 1- A ?arg il A. CAKiil?O.N. to .Naval Hospital. . IH PRAZKB la retired Hit. An. 11 I'aymai'er s f., .l?ra?-lied V.rr. !..v? ?a PA! 4 ?; HKAR.VB. der?, he.1 nv? >afl I' v -p* IS. t > Bafel O.' n??p. . v:? ?. 1- A I ivniav'ef ?-. M A DEE. .|?ia.-h''! - U Oi Ma b ?. ?) l.Ii :'! **J i; .I.D. ?? in :.. 'lllil. Chief Tar ?' -rk T A IIKMIY p?i i . rk ' . ? \\ ni-rir.. wait? M"4i:4!K'. n A11 ill4 til Aug. ?.?W'MrpIe. at HlrU, Piu' Jonea Preole. l'?rr. . ?1 Duta-h Uariaor; ?'l??e ?? 4l?7?::au. Aug 4 ? Kuppj, at illimgapu. Ranger, at Ar.-iapolla. 44 a i el* a;..i Ta iahaawe. at Norfolk: Bar- rj, tt, ? .. . ax, a*. Tai.? ? llanip'oii Real? 4Vilrolng*ot., at Hong Kong. > .- -......?-':?. I i niiri'tieui, at I' nil!?. runjB ? i t ? t? ,? i Matatlan for L? Pa?. Ii?:.v?t Matatiaii faf ?inai'i a Aug I- H.r.?? '? -t 44 kauf 44 aaim gum, f.-r W'aaMi.g'en Tard Pi r> a Prtl ? Bl .-.-ipruii H/iaJ? fog Taiiglar rV^ . . r . UM h' ? !, Tnurua plaa-ed la ie??rv? at baa Ftuxriioa. high as 1100,000,000, and probably will not be lower than $?3,000,000. The order now under negotiation | call? for the delivery of high explosive shell? in much' the same manner as Ballad for by the tirst order. Contracts will be sublet to the companies who are ' sharing in the original contract. These number about fifty American and ten I Canadian concerns. Deliveries under the original order i , will begin in about two weeks, and are ' i expected to be finished by next Feb? ruary. The company in handling the | Russian war orders has already re- ? fceived large sums of money through I the fiscal agents of the Russian kov i err.ment in this city. The cash ad? vances have been made to enable the I contractors to make necessary lmprove , ment? or extension? to their plants to expedite tho delivery of the shells. I The profit on the new order is esti ! mated at $2 a shell. Senator Turry would not discuss re | ports current in Wall Street that ; negotiations arc under way for the ac? quisition of the Canadian Car and Foundry Company by Standard Oil in? terests. He said he knew nothing of such negtliations. From banking quar? ters usually connected with the Stand? ard Oil similar information was ob? tained. Other reports current in Wall Street, but not confirmed, were that negotia? tions are in progress between agents of tho Russian government and Standard Oil interests whereby the hulk of the purchases of supplies in this country may be placed in the hands of Standard Oil men. PUBLIC UTIUTY NOTES General News and Earnings of Various Corporations. The report for the month of June of' the Tampa Electric Company shows gros? earnings of $77,004, B deer, i $4.!.Hl from the 1911 figura of ?4?i rtgfi ' wty'V>*t earnings were $.'55,10*., against' 137,674, For the twelve months ?m lii ; crease in gross earnings of ?..3.'JM9, to $9m.,7!19 is indicated. Net earnings advanced from M18.7SS in 1914 to I ; $179.433 in 1915. Surplus after charges i for the year was $120,597, an increaso I , over that of the year before of $03,517. Northern States Power. H. If. Byllesby & Co., Inc., are offer i ing 7 per cent cumulative preferred 1 stock of the Northern States Power ! 1 Company, of which $16.000,000 is au ! I thorized and tSJSSO/lOO outstanding, i I The stock is preferred both as to assets! 1 and earnings. Shares are $100 par, and j are redeemable at the option of the ' i company, on sixty days' notice, at 110 1 plus any accrued interest. The North? ern States Power Company ami its sub? sidiaries in the report for June show gross earnings of ?369.S79, againr-t $921,311 m 1914. and net of $197,784, compared with $164.275. Middle West I'tilitie?,. William P. Bonbright & Co. are offering ten-year 6 per cent collateral gold bonds of the Middle West Utili? ties, dateil January 1, 1916. Interest is payable semi-annually, and the bonds are redeemable as a whole or in part at 102'-> and interest, on any interest date on or before April, l'.?22, and at 101 >?-, ami interest thereafter upon sixty days' published notice. The au? thorization for certification is $2,000,-' 000, the issue being limited to 75 per cool of the outstanding capital stock of the company. -a LEASES 26TH ST. SPACE Suites of Offices in Masonic Building Also Rented. Th? (!?- I \ -e? Ci?mp?!.v tu? lea-v.l spa.-? in the Midlu) Bsuat :>?'h it,, for the J ' ? ;- ' r?-erierirk Bau ? Blaratr; . arge tulle of oll Mu ti ? " - t? tbe \r"i A ' ?as other j b Salta ?Ca , na*. Hi. .-rill A lliil'.-r-li . K.,?- -?? ? -I'? ll?? Spei , Ht?1 H?o?,!?>ay u? F. \4 4\ . v Bi ?- in Hall '? WlUlai, !? B ? I-, r 4|?,rr-? Giunps! > ? H?"i 'an.!'. Ilablno I tot a- till Third a?. House and Apartment Rentals. ThP ]? ? ? ?'?? lfon Fa. Hill brat ?-.?-iry md ? '''' I tii?! s ? urrb In America tbe a ? . ara Ira?. ! fot C i . -t. ai l Ihn ? IMS l'a. I ? \ ? a Urne .?i . ?? t. a;; ,,,,,- |tb s- to Lathini II ? , , -ep.," 'h? f Ol? li" II.- n t-, ? East -M M, to ,. . ? I Pi i-.- . ' - M 4 -,, Mrs M irgarel Brail '!.?? fout ?tor? an l ha - - Il ? ? 4 the I) Il I ?!??.- ? 41- J C Rebuy the Brendan. T I. lu I ?Il r ? ' . i , ;.'l P l'sv f ?? 11X7.Ml TV . ? - ?7 F ? Thai/er ot Norwich. Conn . an! A.iiert L. P 1. Mari h r?n ? Buyer of Holly Arms. ' a? i M Dear SI Mel ;?? a? lb? ill? of t*h|,-li ' .1 ?.is held .- ?. ? Ural 1.1 New Home for J. S. Morgan, Jr i. ra ''"114 i t. fa - ? | , ?4 tan-Stuart ? I al 135 Eael I . -i I i term ?if Plan Long Beach Hotel. Iltrmtii A Sl.a'r !<as ?old to t??niT' , !. fits** t IjIumL fronting lie tnd l>e:nt 158 nlnt tbl alwajt Mr. Kleber contsst ? ?He. In the Auction Rooms. The sales lie. 1 v?? erla? In the .oral ?uetl-m room? re?u led ,.? fuil.iwt AI 11 Ve?e>- it.: H> Joiapll P. Di? I7DTH ST, ?00 W. t w ?or Si NlfOaJaa I?. !)4 lit 188, 1 I ?: 1 Itotai The I'.- -. ?1 ti? Kealtj- I'??. I part? in Interest, 1. - |l?7 ST. NICHOLAS AV. 7JU. e I. 182.4 n UVh It. . Uli 1x81 T -h? plalatUT for II IIITn ST. 188-110 I H I - 1'arK af. 5: ?I 100, i> ?t? flat tnd i'oiu. To th? plaintiff bai ?*. I23? ST. IT1 Ft,-. 14.8 a '.-? ?i Iit8ilt8.ll. 1 ?tl dwlg. To the plllntlff for 14.000. 30 AV. :-??. ? i. llW. 8 It? flat tnd itorat. To lb? plaintiff f??r |<0,?100. Ht 44'.!,lam 1?. lite. 75TH ST. .1 ?4 , ?. ESS ? W?st Fill If. Z"t i 181 1. I ?'? d?!g To the plaintiff for 115,000. I Ii. Heir? Brad?. 27TH ST. :i 44. , . 1ST.? ?? ?'h s?. ST.?I flat To the plaintiff for |41.:.i5 i ?. aw B] Hei.r? Brid? MAHMION AV. 1808. ? B. 81 ? ITM0 i I ?? Sau To the plali.tUT for IH.000. MARMI0*? AV ' 184 ? ?. . , i IMh -? ft It i an il?t. Bettsa ?. To tl.e plaln?ff for ) New Building Plans. Tb? folio? , wer? fl'.ed yeaterla? at the Man? a . 69TH ST, 3 B. f?r t ? Ml dwla; E C Ja.?-.-.. J?. M lid .- I r U Attel llj 70 4V ? .1 a- ' MfM ST ? I ' " a?. f r a M f? 'il!. \ court md ile'ei.tlon Ii? me fot as-ajasa, 101 ??M 3. . ?? f M 1 owner. ?.- I ? ???. 34 , Church ?t. arcbltecta: co?t. lo.S3.0v0. The Bront. SP1FF0RD AV. n m cot Fllit Bt, 1 it? brt I t. ? ? .*t. TM | : ms ? II I! . . 1 tf nd ll?'h it. e. ', |t 'MW VYSE AV. e I, I!?'.' I F-e?m?n ?t I i>, n-t ill; W I ' ?'? - ?4 a Alterations. Manhattan. :B0MT ST. ? ? -v.? ! * 4 ?t> ?II? W | ? . ? It. osa?. A U K?ur>. ? iMd it. u?h:te<;t, H,***. COURT FOR WOMEN TO BE 16 STORIES Sunny Cells Above the Third Floor for Offenders. ARCHITECTS PLACE COST AT $365,00(1 First Structure of Its Kind To Be Erected in the Old Tenderloin. The proposed alxteen ?tory buildin?, to be used as a court, jail and honaa of detention for women will occupy the former aite of the Tenderloin po? lice station, on the north aide of 30th st., 250 feet east of Seventh av. Grif? fin & Wynkoop, srchitecta, eatimate that this novel buildin?' will cost $366, 000. Diagonally opposite the premiaea is the new Tenderloin police station. The architectural drawings show that this will be a mo?.: i:npoiing structura in the Fr"nch Renni??ance style. Its fn?ade will be of brick, limestone and terra cotta. The cells for prisoner? will all be above the ground floor, and will be larjre, airy an?f attractive, thus typifying the present penal spirit as to how offenders should be incarcer? ated. The courts where only women law? breaker.? will be tried will be on the second and third floor?. A distinctive feature of the building will be open air lotfE-ins on each Hr.or from the sixth to the fourteenth floor. There will also be two spacious dining rooms on each floor from the sixth to the fifteenth floor. On the fifteenth floor will be a chapel and on the sixteenth floor ?nil be a kitchen and a hospital. The building will have a frontage of 101 feet and a depth of 98.9 feet. Plans have been filed with the Man? hattan Bureau of Buildings for the construction of a six s'ory fireproof dwelling house for Edward C. Jameaon, at 9 East i>9th at. It will have a front? age of 28 feet and a depth of 99.2 feet, with a fa<*ade of brick and limeston?. It will contain an entrance hall and lobby on the first floor, a circular din? ing room and hall on the second floor. Guests' rooms and library will be on <he third floor, bedrooms on the fourth floor, a play room and nursery on the fifth floor ?mil servants' quarters on the sixth floor. Grosver.or Atterbury, the architect, has placed the cost at 190,000. The 511 Fifth Avenue Corporation has been incorporated at Albany to take over the R. T. Wilson property, at 43d st. and Fifth av. The company was formed by Stoddard & Mark, as at? torneys, acting for a client. The Wilson property, which is one of the choicest sites in the new retail sec? tion along Fifth av., fronts 63 feet on Fifth av. and 123 feet on 43d st. Some weeks ago Harry Fischel ivas reported to have secured the property under contract, and planned to improve it with a aizteen story building, the lower part .of which whs to be occupied by the Guaranty Trust Company for a Fifth av. branch. That deal fell through, however. According to re? ports the prospective buyer has some whst similar plans for the improve? ment of the site, and also is .?aid to uranged 4vith the Guaranty Trust Company for space in the new building. The sales reported yer?t'-r.l.iy were: ? D it Tii-D'iif!?- It | Iiro-n I for Dr. ? ? -.' Drag**; Ma re?l .tei,,,. at .. Korj ?nd catad at^viit firm ml Ttiird en. The i,?? am i? -ip? It Tue foui I It III la ?70 ed'ointng. i'ti The it :?o ?a? pun-haaad b? ? L.- A I ST.?The I i let . . M '?) faa-'T? at 331 i 44 Ki ,.?., baa? e<>'i. Ti> li held h4 A I?.:?'! I Aller a !i Tha fmlMlng II i ? I StiMl fe-t. Eighth and Ninth av, rh? Au?rhaehi ?re . ??i in their 'dg farter? at Eaaaanth av. an ! tr III v years ago. 4 t iwri-r . '?! 'lie i . ' ? . . ,ii tr'aet f IIKADHI RSI 4 ? - purehaaed t iin * ,1 a r?vf -i,?rr fiat, on plot ? . . near UM it I'Nil 4 ' and Ka? Lee HSf ",' ar i ?i- . . " I V : II LYMAN PLAC? i ? I A I'-iali Bi trams fompan; ' lie? Real'v ? ? 8 l-an payment .:. I lid ?I ! Brooklyn Houses in a Trade. I Salatera ?oM f l Hm N s Riii-? Cegeswee ? apanmet ? i Th* a ; ? *?ll**l feet. IT,? K.'rt lire?.? flea.ty ? . . II ? in l'ar* DageMOl a plot of ? ' ' UNFURNISHED APARTMEXT8TO LET ?TEST ?.un-.. r MODERN APARTMENTS *< Richmond Hill 27 Washington Square North FACING THE PARK i ',,r . . ? r> t' f 14'jlMinf 6 & 7 Rooms, $ 1,1OO to $ 1,400 Portsmohhc?Hampshire 38-50 WEST 9TH ST. 7 6. I R< >M APARTMENTS Rents $900 to $1,500 ELEVATOR. ELECTRIC LIGHT. INVERNESS 200-210 WEST 57TH ST. Southwest Corner 7th Ave. EXCEPTIONALLY I.Ai.'il*. LIO HT APARTMENTS (5,7&8Rooms,$l,200to$2,000 CRU1KSHANK COMPANY \? Ml Broadway ^#J REAL ESTATE KOK SALE OK TO LET BOKOlOll 4)!' MANHATTAN. 45 WEST 76TH ST. fi m f-Al.K OB To I.KT Four ?tory ?nd t)???m*nl Dwelllne. with tv?o at'iry ext>n?lon. S ?e ?llshlllOl 2 Fifteen rflfisa? a..'! tvio bath?. ? rae. IKIIKSH.M? ?OMPANT, HI llrog?dwey. M.ll TaUUeaXt $1/100 REDUCTION. ?ah bin? ? 15 SOI hora? at RuiherWI. -, i n?. raaaa pea-ea, r?.-rpi!o?i ha'.l u I ? ? . I If ?> ga, ?vun. I:i pr.-fert \>.r --ailoii a . ? 'nxn lliadaua it h i : i Hi 4' MVVooIi ? r??t K LOTS HKall AM? I?KY -n ? . m t - SSSmX J ?.. Ro? HI. ,t IllNIi l-l ?Ml. lir\TlN?'T"N L I -r.f? loU for ?ale. S*tlC-t. alaara to R, H? ?union. 1 R. Leonard. Ill S ? . '?"an __________ I ?Il MKY. Country H??i? Invermatles free ta ??^????elhra mee. en I. Pall. N ?at?, u. Bar. - tvl.e *? W lift at. T. i ?.">?! Mai. TO LET KOK BUSINESS PURPOSES. Sucrier Burnt??? Lacatlaa. 2? Wit* lit* St. WM. t. HAY A CO.. ?H ?t? Ave., ar. J?tti St.