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PAN-AMERICA TRIP TO PROMOTE TRADE McAdoo Supports Plan to Study Financial Conditions. The return visit of repreaeatetive business men of the Uoited States to the countr 4- ?rica will be made by separate groupa to the r.'tin tries repr Financial Conf? at Washington. This was decided yeaterday by the committee appointed by Secretary Mc? Adoo to arrange th. ? Jame.? A. rorroll, chairman of the committi i. ? he members ' luncheon ;.t tin Ir.iii? Hoaso. Tbis WOO followed by lh< ting of organisa? tion. The plan for a single trip to all of the countries woo ? Imprac? ticable, as WOB the idea of chartering special steamei- 11 - ;. transport for the trip. The parties \4 11 b, bolll up around the member? of the permo r.ent groe: tee? appointed to carry on the work of the conference. A saflcient length .-!" time will be spent in each of the rn?''r;i< visited to permit a ?in, ' financial and commercial conditions. The members will rot transact indi? vidual business. The best i> ulti con be obtained, it i.? believed, by one visit to the coun ?t.n?! ot' ?'entrai Amer? ica, .moth. ; !?> th.- rep?blica of the West hui < ? :,- .i the s uth An countri? s bordering on th? Caribbean, a third to the i'.,-.' tries "ii the 4? < of Smith America, and one or mor? separate trip to the countries on the CM-* i Secretory MeAooo senl a tele-graph mes.?B .' the tnembers of his ?nteres* ni d SO] | Those priser* at the meeting ?Aero Jame.? A. FoiTi II, ; of the Cnited States Steel Corporation and chairman cf the National Foreign Trade Council. New York; John Barrett, di? rector general of the Pnn-American Union, Washington; D. P. Black, presi? dent of the Chr.mber of Commerce, Pittsburgh; D. Y. Cooper, Henderson. N. C.; Duncan V. Fletcher, president ot the Southern Commercial Coi Jacksonville. Fla.; Elliott 11. Goodwin, seeretary of the Chamber of Com? merce of the United States, Washing? ton; W. s. Kies, City National Bank, New York: Robert II. Patchin, secre? tary of the National Foreign Trade Council. New York; Walter Parker, manager of the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce. Neo Orleans; James J. Shirley, T. A. Gillespie Company, New York, and ?'. T. Williams, representing Edwin Warfield. president of the Fi? delity Ti'i?; Company, Baltimore. -?a. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Leave? tl Ahience 4.1 1 '-r. i; I' I Rulinrd. I . . 111". ?am. > . '? .?am. AU| I Lea??? ef Abienr? In ij?1?Krmr T J Tra/-y. I! A 1. ? :. W. J Ki ,. I. .? houra ? ? m . Ant 7: k L. t. is . Ai;? ', I. :' 14 ! 25 13 .. ' II ? ? m . ? . Fran A J. Brli-, a. l.i ?? . 4 ?j ? RESORTS. Tour New England A lEW I HI -< i:\l.KA ?il l Ml MOI MAIN??. FOLLOW I III K?i? K iiiii M? Mimti i in?.i.u in mi ? ATERS ?>1 ?mil DARK Hill, i \hi;. i ii \\ ir i mou ?.M \ hi i - I itE-iii 1. I U.I.I.?. ?ill KOLLING I AKMIM. (Ill'VIKl A? Uli WILL. A ' ? ? th!? Va, ..ti-1. I.>.:. I, ?her?, ami Itti H SamO lot ?>??? Illustrai??! i "NEW laNftLANI? TOI - M-.44 ENGLAND HOT! '. ???? : 4"I"N ai.d rt'3'irlt. 4\M M. KlMl.AM. Bt mur?. Priper lintel. ; Us?e. } Why Not Try This One-Day Holiday at BriarcWf Codgc? GOLF SWIMMING POOL DINNER? day and Batui >??? *i?.rl. ?itti... loi Madiaou avenue, HOTELASPINWALL Lenox, Mass. Thr<-? golf n,u:?>" ? raaa t?n ni?. dancln?, . , Acconi. f, : circular. Hf. \\. III??*., V Aha ?BANUtilN HOTEL. Lata Sunapr?. N.rl. METROPOLITAN !\-l.l 1.4 I'AHI? \ .1 OFEN IHKlH l.lllil I III!. YEAR N??4. M ,;, I Central ?i? S;i'.i??a. pr|. ? ,?t.' l< . ? I - ??hit?' .*??T\ ice. Uli.u- I.?nul? ? nur!?. .?. V lim.?, Huffi.ei Hum ?a ! 4! A Jr.I ?111 KM \\ ?> IIIVM? M.,,?,, Ul irj 1115 GALEN HALL HOTEL \m? *? ?'' M<?.ni M \l LAN I II ' I I \. V .1 Al??u>? op? ri A!. ..- Iwaya busv Cannot I ? ? tab!? ainl I.' : .?hurt .?'...-. "? F i. yorso . ITHf ItADING RIS0K? HOIft 01 Hit WORLD| OBarIl>orou?tI>=^icnbc?m ATI.AMIC CIT**. . N. J. I- ? ? ? ???CIMIIT JOSIAH WHITE 4 SONS COMPANY ITTAT?NNM ? rdnl ?<uit ii.? . ? -I 4 1,1 . ? I! H FORT LOWRY HOTEL \Mi ? ?ill \?.l - BATH HIAI II, I.. 1. 40 minute? trot,, Cltjf Hall Manhattan, euo feet ocean front Tabli mat clans Setni for b? ,. ? ? mi Ri? bardaoa HOTEL GPAMATAN ? L/.WRENCE.PAKK.HKONXN'ILLF. N Y 1 J^eCJaJMates /'u,.-;*' ? Wy ?nj AujjJ*t VERMONT FM VAGA??UNS ' . But. ?lib ran - I HOTEL BRUNSWICK. ?HOI 11V I'liil. 1)1111 ITI.i ,i tCH ?4 | |'H ORIENTAL Ml..i.\V,!lN J I? ITKL M ?? M On N _T?1 l?.f. ?' ..,?! it??? Law? Mtwtt. Cataa.Hi NY - i _oaui??i?l?ll.,i,? Mr- I llu.a.l tS?i?e' AUToitoniLt tours, n. v. ?tau ????kl?;l 4 Ma?a ?te?. ?T. M. HAIN. N.??bur|li. N.Y. FIND CROOKS ASLEEP IN BEST BEE Policeman, Descending Scuttle Discovers House Looted and Burglars Taking f.noozo. Isaac Finger, a drygoods merchant and his wife motored to town yesterda; from their summer home. The engin' stalled in 110th Street. The mercban and his wife went to their city honu while the chauffeur tinkered with th? engine. The house had been ransacked an? most of the silverware was missing Patrolman Maroney found the scuttl? opened So was the scuttle of th? bouse next door, whose family is awaj at the beach. Pown through the Flnkelstein hous? weal Maroney. The trail led into tin largest bedroom. There, sleeping peace fully, were two men. By their sid< were several packages. Maronej roused the pair, who stared into th? muzzle of his revolver. At th?- station they ?aid they wen Thomas Sl.iter. of 1 |s,'i Parker Avenue The Bronx, and William Pay, of 221 Fast 123d Street. The contents of tin packages ivere identified partly a; Finger's, nnd the rest property of i neighbor. ? - GETS THREE YEARS FOR HOLE IN PANTS Youth. Trying Holdup. Leaves Sample of Cloth in His Victim's Hand. Joseph Berger, eighteen years old, wore on the ?lay he decidid to assume tile role of hold-up man, n pair of trousers that were not very strong. His victim grabbed the leg of the ?trousers. A large piece rippeu out; and as a result Berger will spend not lesa than three and not more than five years in Sing S:ng. On May S two men attacked Albert E. ' Hiltpold, cashier of the Cupplts Fn | ve'.ope Company, 7 Laight Street, as ' he entered the company's ouilding with 11,370 in a bag. They grabbed the bag and ran, but Hiltpold caught one of the men by the leg. His tr- users gave way and the man dropped the bag. A few minutes later Berger was ar ; rested hiding behind some drygoods crimes. Part of the trouser** leg was missing. Assistant District Attorney Smith convince?! the jury of Berger's guilt by producing the piece held by the-cashier and fitting it in to Berber's trouser?. WANTED--POLITE, BEERLESS FERRY Great Neck Objects to Proposed Line?Residents Fear Inva? sion by Rowdies. The question of ho4v polite a ferry ought to be came before the corn oners of the sinking fund at a meeting yesterday. The reconsidera? tion of an authorization of a ferry franchise from City Island to firent Neck was under way. John M. Eden, spokesman for a dele? gation from Great Neck, objected to the franchise, fearing it would bring undesirable crowds to (Ireat Neck and that beer gardens would be established there. "The charge has been mnde that we are all millionaires in (Ireat Neck." ?aid Mr. Enten, "Well, if we are mil? lionaires, it should be remembered that even millionaire? have some rights." "I thought it was to be a very polite ferry." said President McAneny. who presided. "Cannot there be beet and a polite fen y too*" ask.'d Controller Pr? mlei gaM. The matter was r? ferre?! to the Pock Commissioner an?! the Deputy Con? troller to report at the meeting to be held next. Thursday. $22,000 "ROBBERY" MAY PROVE HOLDUP - Booth & Flinn Office Manager Believes "Model Employe" Was Thugs' Victim. Edward <". Kindred, assistant rn her of the ?nbway contracting firm. Booth & Flinn Company, LttL, who disap? peared with the payroll of 122,119, may i nave been the victim of a robbery plot. | This theory is held by many of the missing young man's associates. They ?ay Kindred could have bad no motive' for the theft. He had regular habits,1 nn income independent of his own ?alary more than sufficient for hi? needs, never drank and had no women acquaintances. George P. ?'aldirott. office manager of the firm, who knew the assistant cnshier better than any one in the of fice, is sure Kindred is not the robber. "Kindred coubln't have taken that money." he said. "He was to? good a fellow, too honest, too faithful. I ', won't believe he is the thief until he ? teps into this office and tells me so with his own lip?." No bond was ever placed upon the missing man, for his employers were certain of his integrity. He was popu? lar with other men in the office, often lending thena money from the large sums he was accustomed to carry. His salary was $150 a month. It was not uncommon for him to display $3,000 when responding to a "touch." Kindred lived alone in a four room apartment, at 560 West lMd Street. Hi, home was well stocked with liquor and tobacco, neither of which he used, but dispensed to his friends. He did . all his own cooking. REAR ADMIRAL BADGER RETIRES FOR AGE TO-DAY Will Continue to Help the Navy Board on Defence. Washington, Aug. 6. Rear Admiral Charles J. Badger will retire to-morrow on account of age. but because of his special qualifications will continue on ; duty indefinitely in the Army and Navy Joint Bonrd and the Navy (?enera! j Board, which are working out national j defence problems. Rear Admiral Badger was horn in ' Rockville, Md.. and was appointed to the Naval Academy by President Grant. He was Commander-in-chief of the At- j lantic fleet from January 4, 1913, un? til its return from the Mexican Gulf coast after the American occupation of Vera Cruz. 500 BACK QUEENS AGAINST MOSQUIT Muslim^ Civic Associalion Pia Spring Drive on Jersey Invaders. "heath to mosquitos'" WOS the ??' gan borne l?y the I'nited Civic Ah.? ciation of Flashing on a banner as th marched through Richmond Hill !k night on their wny to the Forest Hi Inn. The marchito; Flushingitos, wi their defiance to the Jersey joy-kill flaunted in the evening breeze, swell the number of eitlsooa at the hotel fion. It was n regular SIOSS mertin with 8, at, Krkmnti presiding a? ska? man. Besides ordaining that the meoqol had bec.une a noiaonce and must i hi- Bray, the Objed of the meeting WI to make a pint, t Slapping m nquito? as a means ot' extermin?t ing them, method still resorted t?. m some par1 of New Jersey, is not fast enough f< the citizens of Queins County. Th? would exterminate the mosquito b? fore he is old enough to bore or othei ivise become ohnoxious. There would be fewer gallons of ci ronella sold at Queens drug stores thi summer, one of the speakers declare? if the President of Queens had obeye the instructions of the Dopoi ttnent S Health. Mauri?-.? K. Connolly, the ma referred to, the speaker added, ha been ordered by the Health Departmen to dmin the 8,600 acres of salt moral land bordering on Jamaica Pay. A meeting of a few represen*''? ? of'the civic societies represented las night will lake place next week. A Organised executive committee 'vill a once proceed to brine preeaure to b -,i up?.! Borough Preaidenl Connolly. While the 500 citizens -at scratchin, their ankles moving pictures wer shown of some of 'he mosquito extern ination work being done in New Jersey Dr. Haven Emerson, ? Deputy Healtl Commissioner; Howard Bennett, a mo.? quito extermination expert; Congress man Chirle? Pope Caldwell, and Pari Commissioner John E. Weirer addrease? the men from Querns and promise* their support in an effort to have th? marshes drained. STAGGERS TO HOTEL WITH SHOT IN LUNG Dying of s build wound in his ri^ht lunir, Ferdinand E. Schneider, of 20 Lott Avenue, Qoeena, last night told the police he believed his assailant was ? man who has been threatening to t.reak op his home if he did not desert his wife. Schneider la fifty-nine year? old and a machinist Uo reached Queens at 9 o'clock from Coney Island, where he had been working. He took a short cut through Rocky Hill Road, poorly light? ed and lonely, running along Cypress Hills Cemetery, The machinist was within three hun? dred yard? of Jamaica Avenue when a shot was tired. He fell, but got to his feet, an?!, fearing another attack, stag? gered to Knutty's Hotel, on Jamaica Avenue, ?her. h" become unconscious. Dr. May??, of Bradford Street Hospital, took the man to King? County Hospital, where it WOS said he could not live. ?ORECLOSIRF SALES. ? ? OUNTY OF NI.W rORK.?CHARLES N. LEE, as Kxecu? ' ?or of th- last Will an I Testament of taOttlM M Lie. deceased, Plaintiff, against Th? Twenty-elshth Street and Seventh I Avenue Healty Company and others, lie? , fendant In pursuance of I Judgment of fore ? and sali, iluiv r-iade and entered In the BbOV??eatltled action and tearing I date the ind day of June, lilt. 1. the an ? fer?? ii, aatd Judgm? lit , will sei. at pul,lie auction, at the Exchange Salesroom, No. M-H Vesey ? Bo:o igh f Manhatl in, City ,,f Ne? York, on tin- 2nd day of July, lili, ] .,? 1. o'cl k nooB on that day, by HER? BER1 A. SHERMAN, Auctioneer, the, ? ? : ?aid judgment to be ' ?old and therein described as follows: ALL thai certain plot of ground, with the buildings and Impr overrents th.reon lylns and Dcing In the liorounh of Manhattan, In the City ,,t New Toril, and known as and by th? street " ? B4 ^ "nth Avenue, and and deacrlbed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on '.he Easterly r Seventh Avenue, distant ?evenly? ?nd on?-half (H4) leal southerly from the corner of Seventh Avenue ?ellhth Street, which point i? (nue of a parly wall. dUid uild'.ng erected on the :t ef the premise.? hereby In? - rlbsd from the building im? on the North and known as Number 311 Seventh Avenue; i asterly and purt of th? ,ugh the centre of said party ,,! nearly ?o. w Ith Tu ? n Street, seventy-six- < T ? > ft. i .:? ?.. s. mora or Uns. to the west? ? ?! tin- westerly wall of the huiid iipen the tear of the northerly f said plot "f ground hereby In? rib? d thsne? Northerly '..:??:. or nearly so, with Seventh Avenue, and 'long the westerly face of wall, m\ no fe, t. eleven on a er less, to the northwest rnei of said rear building, thence r.d parallel, or n-arly so. with Twenty-elshth street and along the north? erly .., irtharU wall of ??id rear ? ven (J7) feet, mure or les?, lo the ???terly lacs of the easterly v.a! "f ?aid building, thence Southerly and parallel, or nearly ho, with Seventh Avenue, and al"t,g the easterly fax- of the Il of the two rear building? on ' u id hereby Intended to 1.crl ? I. titty-five (It) fe,!. two (?) Inch'?, mor? or less, to the southerly face of i'.' southerly wall of the rear building on th? southerly part ?t ?uid plot of 'ground; thetiee Westerly and parallel, or nearlv so, i\ith Twcnty?elghth street and nions th? ? utherly face of th? ?aid ?outh ?slx (21) feet. MT?n and one-qusrtei i7', > liehe?, innre er less, ti> drawn parallel with and distant ?e\ etitv -M\. (7?) feet, eleven and three quarters ' 11 \ i Inchea eaaterly from th? of 8? vent h A venae; than? s N.,1 th" ; wltn and illstan' nine end one-half northerly from th? northerly if Twenty-seventh Street; thence m Ith T? ? nt) -seventh und for part of the distan, thereof ? nry-six lli i feet, sloven and three-quarters (ll\i ?? ? |y sidi 'f Bt v? nth Av?. North? rl> and ?long ' l.e ,-..?! ie forty-on? ? II i feet the and ihre? 'i'. -?. to tin- point or plBO? ? ning. l'.iied. N' W York. .I-ine :?th. lilt. HENRY C, QUINBT. Ref.-e? WILLIAM C ORE i. , Utorn? ,? for )? ? ? ?-. No ri Chamber? stteet. Manhattan, New- York City. Ins I? a diagram of the prop is stnet Number Is 307 ? nth Avenue UTH ST. * r. ? IC _76 ? 16 7 4. The spproxtmste smount of the lien or ? htcfa the above-de P'i'perty is to .-e ?old. I? J w ith : '???.. day of May, ? ? 4 ? l.ta, ? lih in from .June ?nd, lilt, together with f th? The approximate ol tin taxe?, assessments an I i!i,r lien?, which are to pur, h iser out ol ? pud by the Keferie. rs i and Interest -.. June ?th. ttlf HENRY ;* QUINBY, liefere?. d action Is in July Uta , , .I'l ) -Md. Ulk, ? I II R< f.-ree. , n: itled ?, t ? i.louined to Tl ?it the same h .. : I Ith, 191 :. HENRY C QUINBY, Referee The sale in the abovs entitled action Is hereby further adjourned to Thur?da>.| August 11th, lili, at ihe sume hour .nil 9 L>at,d, N< ?? *i"tk, July Und, 11M&. HENRY C QUINBT, Rsieree. _FORECLOSURE SALES. NRW TORK sri'KKMi: COURT, NEW York County.?The New York . Hank. Plaintiff, ?gain?t Attllla C. Keene and others, I>a-f> nilant?. In pursuance ot a Judgm? nt f f-ireelusure Hnd sale. ? I u 1 y i in the atx action, Hint bearing ?late the -nal .lay of I. the undersigned, the Ri - ?i, .-H..1 judgment named, ?rill s M at pub lie auction, at th? Exchange Salesroom?, Nos 14-18 Veaaj Street, B.ujth of Man hattan, City Of New York, on th? 18th ,! y of August, 1815, ;.t 12 o'clock do :. on that ,i .v. i,j Joseph V. Day, auctioneer, the premlaea directed by ?aid Judgment to be an therein dee? rlbed ? fol Iowa: ALL that certain lot of land, with the iiuil.iii.K thereon erected, ?Huat? in the Borough of Manhattan. City of New fork, ,?i-,,i? ?i and described as follows, t?. ?il BEGINNING at a point on the north* erly aide ot Blxty-elgbtb street, distant un? hundred and six il?.;) feet aaatwardly from the corner formed by the Intersec? tion of th? northerly side of Slaty-eighth Ht reel with Ihe easterly side of Columbu? Avenue, and running thenc? northwardly parallel ??it!. Columbu? A\?nue am of th?- way t.'iroucii party wall one hun ?lred (180) feel and tl?e Inche? to th? ten? tre line of th? block; thenc? aaatwardly alona ??.i?! centre line ?>f the block uventy (S?) feet: thence southwardly apain parallel with I'olumhus Avenue and part of th?- way through another party wall on. hundred (100) feel and Sea (6) Inrhea to , the northerl] ?Id? ol Sixty-eighth Street. ,,.n?! thence itwardly alone th? north? erly aid? ?>f Sixty-eighth Street twenty. ?I) fc-t to the point or place of be ginnlna The Mid pri misc? will be ?old subject t.. any Mute of fact? whl'h an accurate turvey may ?how. Dated, Neu i'ork, Julv 7. 1811 MAURICE B1MMON8. Referee. JOHN A DOTTON, Attorney for I'Ulntiff. Oftlie a l\,?l Offlc? A.1.1res?, is Maiden Lane, iv.r ? a'imli of Manhattan, City of New fork Th? followln? h diagram of ?he prop eity t.. be .?<iM. its ?treet number i-. ?,7 \se?t 18th Btr? at ???>(. Th? approximate amount of the lien or charge, t,, satisfy which 'he al,..?e de? scribed pi,,|, ? ?? sold, i? ISS.884.0I, with Interest thereon from jum is. 1818, an,i allowanc? 1341 .'7. \? Ith Interest there . .lui? 7. 11 ! ',. together ? 1th th? 11..- ?ale i ' . ,t. amounl of th? - nient? am' v ,,. othei II? ni i hlcl re to purchaser "?:! of th. purchaa. paid !? th Refere? is |! :4S.4S, ?.un In tlea thei eon Dat? ?;. New '? -?.. Julj 7 1811 M A f i: l< -i: 8IMMON.H l:.fp,ee CITATIONS. THE PEOPLE OF THE SI VTE OP NEW i'-'i i. ' . liod, Free .n,i In 7 ? ' Bth? ; Woo Bnowdon, Preabyterlan ?'>,-. Peni Metho? dist Church ',f Alt Pel ? !?arna; FT?? Mem?,rial Llbl || ' Pennaylvanla. Fr? derlei n Minan P Tilge, Mary P Byer, Anna 4' Woolverton, Th? Board of Conference nt? of th? M?thodl?( i.'i h, Th? Preabyterlan K,'..r,' of Relief for Disabled Minister? and th v Orphan? "f Deceased Minuter?, Ti ?i The NorthOel.l \. ?? Y,,tk ?tlon for the Wir:,! and M'.iint H-r mon School, and to ail pen >n? Int. Iltora, legatee?, ne?t ?,f kin or other. of WILLIAM HENDER .?-. ,\' vl*? " 'l.\ BRI ? >N ileceaa? d, -.? n tune ?'f hi? d< ath resld? 18 W? ?t Borough ? f Manhattan, \< w York City, SEND GREETING Upon the l>e';t:,,|i ol Edith 11' a ?er W,.,,| ? No i?" Central l'..rk ' Manhattan N? ?? Y..rk , m H. ."'1> r.?'.n VV m . ? ?? t in, .lr . 18 Central Park E Borough of M inhatl in, 4 ?tv! ?. 'ompai '? ? i rp ?tin? undei ? N< -? V??: a. havl ? ; I No IS S PI ft h , , .uai i? >>f Manhattan, Se? Vork City ; .?ho?? ? lua. befoi our Surrogat? of the of N'.-?? Y"ik. it '.),? ? tald County, h. Id ?.t the I ?I i?. on ' ihe 341 Ht. ai half 1 ten o'clock I I f ? hat jay, why th int of llth B.,.??r VV? olverton, 1 Hender? ? i ' ? ? . ? !\ TESTIMONY WHEREOF. *V? ... . . Of tl - '?? I ?? II. 8.1 !?> !"' !?? ri unto Vi ITNE88 HONORABLE IOHR 1' COHALAN, .? Bui ro? .t ? t ou a t 11 ? " - 4 l'ith Jay of July. In th. year of our Lord fifteen. !> INIEL i '" IWDSBT, Clerk of (he Su ?rt. WHITE a CASE. Attorney? foi iecu-1 tora and Tru?"-ea. No. 11 Wall Street, Me? gorfe Cltj/. 1. C.TATIO.NS. I I AIisiiV ISAAC ?'? -TIIK PEOPLE <>K 1*111* State "( Ne? ?ork, by the pace "f Uod free *nd William Psuldlng, ?ertruds K. M?rv II I'jiikllir. , |. ElUsbrth P Grietea. Wfflluii I Orlfte?, 1/r-n Lin ?ter (irletr?. Jr. Kll-a 1- Hal.he,.-.\ 1' Mil: 1 ch J?lli,-- P Mur dock, Uel?e.? ?I, l:. Mai-, P. MuixtuC?. Id. lie..'Ii, Kinn,,: H.a. h. \??i?ii? i ; l'auiding. Katharine ?i I'rlee. ?nd to a;, : ? , .'.'.ii-":- benefl iartcs or wnaludan ii.en I:, -in Hi: ; .- . in .. I I -, il," -Iv: igri lasse ?; P< srton, ?> ? I t the Ui : le i In I he ' ' V.'lK. -? i u Psuldla?, redd k ?t ?-??? \v. ? *?rd K Vsn Winkle, residing si . " 4'" t ?2d 84reel ' the n rough ? ' Msi ' I Ou Yur. m I of <;. ..-' P, .? | st No. 31 UTtng Hairougb of Hrooklyn, ?nd i>f Al., i r Ililil. I st ? Putnam County, S Y . si J ol 1 r*iu I- S - une ?t Ne i Borough of ? :? irk W? ?-, in iiu Cttj ol V ..:.. : i, \ I You and ?a. h el you are hereby i au?e be) . . . fork, at Hie i i i County, larld at tin- Mail ol 11",M-, In 11? Cou I) ?? N?rs Tork, .'4tli ? !?* "! S< . ?' at lh?l ,l?v. i ... ling, Kdwsrd K Van Wink!, George ? under the m f lasse (j Pi ii ? Halda e, i- ? i.1M i ul W. lai II n : Hsldsnc i ?a'-l l<a?' U. P '?? I'r? 'I N. Sal,born, <?.."r?e I1 .-., Urrk-k II. Ban I iHirn. ss eii'iit"! "t Noel II. Saiibom, a , , tinder under lb J lui 11 IVai . ,lee, .-,',l. Should IIOl ?' Jildl Uli. .tiled. In leeUBtMl? i:., i 'if I !.. ll Of ! tl. ??In ?.'.unity ' Sen I Y.irk t" i..- I. 'I V - II' n. Jol !' Cohslsn, Sum , il ? ? ?' si tn? V? 171 Isr of lulv, in tli? i l lira hundred and II. H.] DANIEL i DOWDNI Y 1 . ' THE I" -II.. OF Tin: BTATE > >K NEW' York, by the grac? "f Uod, Free and In? -.. tii.- Ti i ;:?: si.. I -.H. Anns Boot.*, B< ltl< Booton i:d wlna Tuple! llm..'. Booton. Klrtlev ' llooton, Robert K Bool? .\ llllam H Boulon, Mer. a i:-ies. i'eurge B Ward, Hob'rt Ward, William Ward, Mary H ? i. Dors l'ii" '"i. th? Ii ..f kin of BLIZARKTH H POWELL .'. i BEND HKKKTINU: WHEREAS Lui PI pi ecutor, mu.i In I III and testa? in. n- of Kllzaba tli S P wall I it No ?'??? i;.,?t Eight] -??-, .nd Borough "f Manhattan In th? i I of \. v. Vmk. has lately applied lo the ' ,,uii of our County -.f Neu , ? ? i lain Instrument In prop? rtv. ,lu|\ ; ? ? he last ? who was nt the tlm? of h?r ?,f New T? i k, d.e, i?.- ! THBREF? iRI ou and es h "f ?. .? I" f.,re tu . ? ..f our Ci uni "f N- ?? Yoi k Mali ,.f Records f Ni v. York, on the lOil ' ; l . . half p ..f ?., ?!.? ni should ? ., will ? IN TESTIMONY WHBREOP We have Court of th? i [L.8.1 ??( X? * York ? i WITNESS iloi J dm P. in a Surrogate of out f N ? I Y, ? , ? of July In tl ne hundred DANIEL I I" IIVDNEY, ?'lerk I tin Burrog itei Co irl SURROGATES' NOTICES. .N PUR8UANI i: OP AN ORDI I: OP H?HT. oralle John R. ?'ohalaii, a Surrogats Of the Co ,,f New York, not.' la hereby given to all person? having lalma .i?.a'ii?t ? Albert r I'; immer, d? ? ,.r ti,? f New Y 1 with vouchers thereof to ih< subscribers : at their placa of tra ?acting business No ? r N >? Yoi k' on '?: ' ? fors th? ' ember next.' Pated N? a Tori < \?Xi\ lili ??' |{ ' J"!1N \V SIMI'.sun itor?. SIMPSON THACHER * BARTLETT At! rt:?- .? fOI Ex? Utors ?.. i> la? str?' ? Nets Yoi k N l 1 i\ PURS1 ANCE OK AN ORDER OP Hoi : ' ' '?'???' York, nitiee 1? here? ? all person? having (launa - - ? 1 Yoik. ?:? present the ' 10 'tie sub llng busl ti"??. N 111 Pourth Aw m Tas ?'ity of New I irk IB ui before the K:\i d ,y of Nn-,fn,l"r '-? ,t 14 : ' I rk, the tlth dir of April lili ?PRAGUE S ROCKWi I _ \ Il IN PURS1 ER OF a of the , 'OUI ? la here l,v given lo all | . vlng rlaim? lat? of the of New ? ? .??,i, : i pre. ? ? . ? .? - ?? th? sul ;?.???? of transacting business al the oftlee of her attoi a *. . II ' Pulton Btn et. .' New York, -ii M i :o:e the 13rJ Jay vt Au? gust next. Datad New York, the :-;th day of Janu sry. 1111 ANNA M BCHMEELK, Exeeotrts WILSON ? WILSON. Attorneys for Execo? inx. Jai) Fulton Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. MIMATI Illa Al.MANAi Hunrli?. I:80j ?'iniM. "II. m??>n ISBOV ciiHii'. ?i?. :', III?,Il WATKB. A M I' m Sai?l? H...V . 4M I'M Goreraor'l Iilind . 4 4? t?f Hall ???i?.*- M ' "* INCOMING STEAMERS. TU HAT V'?'i rom -Vl", . ?Marat?l Oren.d?. J?')' -,n ? Trlnld?d ?Ptnaata, Prlsti !??!. .lui? ?I r?n?ni? Anien.-aii.R.'it.'r.Uiii. July 1?. W i mm Kg i ,. Hurt Air . Jul) S II hr!?iUt,l?fjor.| Bergen. July 37.Nut? <??> ?ii 4 , l.i.n.i- J'll? 31 " ? 11,,,-j T a , ' ;"il,?t'-" J"!/ -'1 ? ? - H sici? .. tltliealon, July 81.8" i'??-in< . si, ?i. eai.>i. A-'c I SaeaaaBO SATI BOAT, A! ??? HT 7. 'UatmmA . IherpmM. lab; 88 Sau Mat ?HI |',?| Uierpnol. Jul? 11... Ani.-rl.-?i. ?1',-ruti? I'l i??' lull 7 1 At.? ?Tiiea??i..iilk?.... Pstras. July -1...*-*, ?Uulaot Hi H"M" . Au ? 1. . 4U'.'1" lI'lfTa.,. ..noil. "H> -4. 44I1..1. st rltrphsn.I..n..|,?i. Jul? 14. Halber.H?m, Jim -?'? . - ?'almlilll Hair?. July H. - Him l.urkrtihi. h rrldteliii. July .10.Z~Z~~ El Valla .Oil ill loe. Au? 1. ?o l lit BMat.?lal?r?i,,ij. Au?. 1. Be Pa? .-I M.AY, AI OUST ? ?I',tria.1,1.1" u, July II .... Tabre ?San l.lergio. . GlbfsMaV. Julv IT . Italian Im Paleta?, lull 27 .Italian ?,?-,,|??,.hI II?rr?. July .'I. -? Newton Ahbotl Manelllr?. Julv 3?. Nnni.tii . Tairpl.-ii. Aug. 1. TT7T llrllliai.l Taajftko, Aug. 1. soto I'll? .I Sdvatmal...Savannah, Aug. 1 8a?aimali ?Un ,|, mm! OlTGOINf.' STEAMERS. IO-DAT. llalli? I. ? 11 I '>" ?"? ' Mrtapan. Cr!?t',b?l. I f Ce !? no aiu 13:88 ? I. ogtlnti. I r C?. . 0 .?'i ?in I-' 00 m m,HI, i,I Urtnge, III,.. -.11 Co ?ra 1:88 te. :? -. . n ?.II "0 lu I 00 cm la-lap?. Ja? k.nnrll.r. I'ljde. - ! ".I l.?ui|>asa?. Tin,|... .Mill?.r>.- ' "" I "' Aiitllif?. New Hrlraii?. Bn i't.' .. ?? 13 '"' m ?o? of s? Laoult. Batuiaah. Bat. - '.? I ; .? ?: Gi .. ?' - I'm ?? - Btnlllg. H ? 4|.,i;,,ry...- 3 >0 |UU MONDAY, AI 0C8T I N'.-rf?.la.. HM I'"n. -'? ?''a TRANSI 'ACIFIC MAILS. CSOtt NT. Paatluatton ?"?I ?t.-..m it. ? 80 p. a. >u Franrlaee) Mtltwela.T>. ?lay Cook IlltBda. Sea Sea land. Au-'ralla ivla San l'nn?-i?co) ? Miittl . All 11 AlllllVI!' Oil?dll? IB?, PltWUdl An 3. 10 'he ?Qu?en .-. I. . , taalli and ajd?t Bar at ?', 38 a m. Canraa, I.* Ouayra Jul) 24, Puerta Catielln IT, Curaran J'. ?? l s?-, Juan II, lo Bll??. luiiitt A ?'.,. with ii.all? and nul?.-, llar ?t 8:43 p m. 4th i'i.?hl.ig. I'?iiii.i," Jul] -I ?ml Tiupan 3T, 10 II T Warden, with oll Bar a' 11 |. in. lib. Dea ??< (?III Un, l.ii.ri'.il Juli -? to (he Cunar?! s. Co, I. d liar tl ml-bilght. ?Hi hXgl SI Nasaire .buy II, to Item Mill liar tl ? I.I li.Mtli.,- |Br), Till ? ' "? N F, July M, !u ihe V.? Vnrt ??? I-, .:?? Hi? ?? s. i ?. ?m, ,-.,i.r.-r en liar at S a in i Rail Huelt? Jab IS. U) H.-nbtm A !? ultli pyrite?. ll?r a? 11 p m. 4tb Calrnlllll IBM, H?T7f* Jut, 13. to Ibe Cnnipagnl? . i latliiitlque, with mda?-. lltr at 18:43 I Almirante. Carteara I Jul? SS, l'n?rt?> Lolombl? '77 Santa Mart? -'?. ? n-'-.hal J'.i and I? . II i,, Un i idled FruH Co, wl h Bulb tad rod??. I!?r at 1 83 !> in ? ?al Jurara Jul? 18, lo the Maaaaa 8a Uaa, H llll lUgar. liar at 13 M p ? Ityi.ilain Hi. un July 34 to 'be with Batik ?ad ni-l'C. Btr at 13 '-'" l> m llaiiitl' ?I, Norfolk tnd Newport N>-??. le the Old Dnralnli -? Co wtth Bklst Sandy Hook at 1 33 p m Merit) ? lira? ) Iti" !? Janeiro June J". Vl.'nrla :'?.. Hal,la Julv 1. Ma ? , ?. l'-n.aiiib-.n" 7. ?Vara r tad Para '--. t? i t Whitney a Ce. with mill? at .1 mi-, I!.- ' ,. m El Sigln. (i?l?r?tf)ii July .'10. to the Southern SURROGATE'S NOTICES._ IN PUR8UANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON? nrab. John P. Co ha Ian, a Surrogat? of the County of New York, NOTICE Is here? by given to "Il person? having .lain.? ?gainai Samuel H Kleeem. late ?,f the ,f N? ?v York, nee?aaed, to present the- same with voucher? thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at tlie office of Whltiidge. Hut lei & Mee, No. ?I Wall Street, in Tue City of Ne* Torfe, on or before the tlr?t day of Deeembei next. Dated. New Y'ork. the sixth day of May. 181S LOUISE VANDERBILT KI7KR, SARAH J. KISS AM, WILLIAM ADA3M KIMAM, Ex?cutera, WHITRIDGE. BUTLER * RI?CE, Attor n?ya for Executor?, ?j Wall Street, New York Cltv_ BERHT. MARCELLUS F.?IN PURSU of ?n ?t ni of Hoiioi.ible John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of 7\'. ?. York, liotl- ? I? hereby given to all persona having claims against Mar.. llua ,'- I ry. late of th? ?'ounty of New York. .! t?. preaenl the j.nne with ?..u,h era thereof to tii. ?ubectiber, at tu place of iranaactlna bualiieaa, No. 477 Wall street. -.n The Ott, of Ne? York, on or before th? Itth doi "f October next. Dated, New York, th? :ith day of Mai, h 181 UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY i IF NEW Y? ?UK. Ex ' utor. CARTER. LEDYARD i- MILBURN, Attorn, y.? fol Executor, 5? Wall street, lloroiiKh of M it.bailar.. N,v. Y.?t k t'lty. IN PUR8UANCE <iK AN ORDER OF HON orabl? John P. Cohalan, a Surrogat? of the County of Nee Fork, NOTICE is here 1,4 ui\en t.. all pertaon? ??aviiif; i ?aim? a?aln?t Del??? <) \4 Icfebam, let? of the ?'..nut. "f N? i York, deceased, i.? present lb? ?ii.lliC with vou Of to the sub -. at her place ?,f iranaactlna buel Mi? "Ihr of Root, ?'lark. Huckiier i H ????.and. N< 31 Naaeau Btreet, in th? !'.,r,u?;!i of M?? nh.illaii. ?'lty of N??i York, un or before the i T t h day >.f November. 1915 MAKY ft WICKHAM, Executi it. Iiated. N'en York, the ?th day of May ' OT CLARK, BUCKNER ,t MOW? LAM?. Attorney? for Executrix. 31 i. i fork. IN PURSUANCE OF .\.\ ORDER OK H'.n John P. ?'?.halan, a Surrogate of ?Unty >.f New \,,rk. n?.tl.. is t.^re'.v glv. n t.. al! pereone having clalma against Hrnr) ''. T.nker. i.?te ?| th? Count) of V '.. ?c? led. to present th? aama with voucher? ti.eieof t.? th- subscriber? at tl.. ? plac? if transa, ting buelaeae at lb? ,,!!:-,? of ' 'h,,ate, Larocqut ,v Ml!.-hell their attorney?. No ?0 Wall Street, in the I York, on "r beforo the ^oth day of September ? t EDWARD I.. TINKER. ANNIE II. TINKER LOUISE 1^ TINKER CHOATE. LAROCQUE A MlT.7Hb.LL Attorne) s for i:-.e. utor?, tl Wall Street Manhattan. Ne?? Y'.rk citv IN FVHSIAMK "K AS i.'HiKH '?r nn\'ni|. able J I.,. P. I'liaian. a Surr, gut ni th? Cnui.ty of New Yerk. nntl,-? 1? herd.) gi,rn t0 ah le-r^ ii? !,a?'.nt rliim? ?|?ln?t Ai,n7.n Ci?iid!-i, Wl.ltrllir ii'- et lb? ?ounty of N?w Tork de c*?*td. !?? prtttal ?he ??me. with ?. .u-her. thert ' - - ?? !?? .:?,-. ? rr. . , ? Wall Street, B?r?'U|!i of JU: t?i i ih? ? it? ,f N>w Y?,rk. on ur befure Um Mi, ... ' ? . ?'? ? ? r neit 1??'. I. N, > York, tli? 4th dtj nt M.rrh 1915 UNITED .?I.4 1K.? TRUST COMPANY "!' Sl'lV i""* Fitntii STEWART .<< ?HaUIIKn Attorney? ; r Eieculot 4 4\? : .? rr,?' Manhattan. s>.i Turk. SI MMONS. 8CPREME l'i'l'll? "K IHK Si ATE~?F N. ? Tork?Pauline Blauateln, p , ; the t'nit?,| Sta-a-i In I? p n .- ..' - vi.-:- Fret S ?ru of larael and Mi.r? Blauateln, del ;r:,,i deal red :t. th? County of ,\> i Ynrk. To th? ai,,??? named defendant? ?Y?>u tummoned t plaint In II , . >.. tertre a oe the !\ut tur? attorney ??lthm twenty day? aft. : th> ?er ' thla ?ummoni ? ? . ?.... ,?av ? ' ? . and In ease of n.ur failure t., appear or ans.??r. Judgment Will !? taken for th- r- lief de? in th? romp luted New Y ,rk. 'April 7th ah? ?!.;?n '?, ?HEN PUinttff'i Attorney. Office ano f .. .\,1. ? <h nt Manhattan. New York ' ??> To Mary Blauateln, th? ?i.o?? named ' ?erie.i upon you, !?? publication, pur ' '"? " ig' ne lui - ie Court of .- ? ' Tork !??-.. ... ? n.! with the com. ? :'-- em? t ol tl.. Clerk of the rfe .t the ?',,unty '-..-i-t ' " attaa. Clt) ..f Sett up!..Int hav ? "th day of May. 1?1$ ? ! ?> ! ; ADOLPH COHEN, PlalntlBTa Atl i im? a and p o a.i Broedwai. Bun u?U of Manhattan, Ne* ?oik City. , I. roam OU ??h rndar li'iarauM"' ?' ' J ' *?"??,? Tssi. I'-.t Arthur v.. Clay*.'? I", * '?, mur Kar). ??-?':???,?""*?; .",;Jr fur .? M la UM Muli-'?' ? l',,lr' "'"' " "V ,;,-;?-V'VT.'.-.' *... * 1** nsntss ,,'. t?%??*.? ? SAIl.Kf Sle.mer. Moh.wk. 'harie.lo,, ?nd i?***3*1|5.i jHfwson. Sorfol? snd., ;w?r;i'?;^"'?'.'.?r? mn. Adfsnre, <'ri?t?'.al. Mono i a?tl?. ?jstana. &f.lT Id..,' ' B?LR??;? ??.5* ',>r ?o, !,0, lier S.'I'l'li '. ??Slid i'ir h-J"h Hook "' h m STEAMERS AT FOKKI..N PORTS. AIIIIIYKI" Maus. Au? I A-iii"?i tOtwmi. Kam Y?f> I* ''mT';.--!.. Au? i h"?? u*?. -nv** v"ri' ,o' Au? 4 S?.,f Ann? (Frl. Kam Y'.rk ?, e Am " lord Uownshlr? iBr), N?** Ttwk. , -ij.rgAuf< I PI?.Dsrni. Kam tat. -i. A,r fee A?'!'"-i- ..___ ... ||.r.|.?u.. Juli ?n I-a I'?"''', Hrl.N.7 v,,,? ,i? .m?, il i.iii.iui: (Br). Kam lata ?i? IlStrs Aue I- Atlirr-'one Ulf!. Na* Y??*. .. A,'., iMoiVtl. ?Hg I 1'ollraH? IBr>, N**" *???* ?*? IleVi?i'.' A'iV I l!erget,?fj.-rd iNorL NW Vorl. Calcutta. Au? I Sani.?'? IBr), N?-? Y??B ?l? , ho, et''. SADaED UlllBBOl, Au? 4 II?!"' IB?), Kam York; Do mlnlon (Br). rhiudeiphu Hull. Aux 4 OkSM 'Mr.. s.-? Y?T? PASSED l'iard. Auf I? las Oml'lie (Md.), N"?? York ',.r |(i,.|er.|?m. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. ?yMMagtsn. Aug I Pit Mar? dl trlbetlsa k wn ajinan t., nicht, alrlxxi'li Uten ??s ? general MS 111" lerate fall III tlie .?'olltll. S'iU?.:?".'t and 4'en'ral 44>.t. and a moderar? rlv llsiwksf?. Rain? ">"? ilnu. .I In Ibt upper lake region and shower? In the Atlantic state-., hut elsewhere the -.leather ?a? ?en ?rally fair rsetpl M *? ??>*?* aysmauas region aad '?treme We.t, m Texas, ?here there ?ere la Si il.'inder Mst-Sira It M "'"-r I? "'e upper '""n V?lley, th? l"*er l?ke reffen sud portion? of the ajftTfr AOaaUa St-MSS. lbs middle pl?te?u ?nd tri? rstrrme Soutli?.-?l, and ,ener?Ily ?t?rmer el?'"l.-r<-. rt.-ept In th- P?. Ire- ItaMsa <rener?lly ?pesklne. tempera-ure? are .?n.l'WaMjr ,"'l'm ** '-"n"tl amage In the 'Mil.. Vail" an I the upper lake ??? ttom. and ?hnte the ???tage In Ike Ni.rtliv.e?t With the eieeptlm, .,? loeal rikiweri K.-id.y. ?nd prol' .???urday. In the lake ?atea SBd the ?out? Atlsntle ?Ute*, the ?rather ?III I? g.nerall? fair esst of the yri-?.?-liil Kl,er duriiif me n.-it t?o days, with ?ini'?li?t higher l?*S|l?ISt?r?l In U'irhrrn Interior districts. Wind? for Friday and Sarurdav: North Atlanta*. nv l-r.t,. n.,rthe?.?t to e?,i. middle Allan'!,'. Brad grata ntl?M?. mo<riy wast: ?saa AUsatic, mo-i rraie ?outliw-?t. tseaat ?srUhle off tli- l''U eaa, - ea?t 4'ulf. gentie t, mo?StsS* Mrtfe f ?'? ?i-i,,'?,?: we.t '?ulf. noderstcessl to SBath; wer Ukr?. genii, to n..?l>r?'r. ?hirtli.g. k?? Ukag. gentle 1" ni,"|era'. ISflsl ? BWStl? -"Uthweat on \Vr-'cn, Erie F?r?e?iti for Special Locslltl??.?Esttern New Y?rk. D?l?w?rf. No* J??ey. P?nniyl??nla and Southern New England, un.ettl'd t?-day. with local ?r.owtM; partly cloudy .?-morrow. in.irle- ul r.ilutiii. a. Msrylsnd. Mrglnu. nuiiii er.i N-? KngUiid "i?l Wrsteii. New York. . 1" dai ?I, 1 t,,-morrow. _ Local Official Record. Th. followltif offlel?! rec ard from thr 4Veather Iluregu ?li.?! the eliange? In the tei.,i...?''ire for Us ISM \mwto -four hour?. In romparison ?I'h 11? e.,r.e??H ndh.g date of Ia?l >e?r 1114 i-I- ?M '"l''. ?: ? m. ** Hi r- ? ???? H S , , ?, ..., ?I :? v ru. '" "'' :? a ni ... fl S" "? ?. fi '" 1 ? ni. "- IljU p. ?. ?"' 4 1 m I -; Il lllglie.t t. mperaiiire rcsUrday, IT degree? (St : m n m i. ? ? -: - ?' " 4" * ?V' ? aierage y.?ter.|a>. fO; average for e".-rr?l'Oil. Ing dat.- la^t jeai. TO. aterage lof .'orri-.?|K?idli:g date laut thirty time yean. "I Oarometer Readlngi. ? a m "? n.i 1 p ? B.i' >n -* W Humidity. ? a m II 1 r m . "1 1 p m Iy Local Fon?ait.?1 :iitttl?.i to-day. ui-morruw. par;l> .?!? udv. uimlerale east wliel? POLICE DEPARTMENT. Trantfrr? ?nd Assignment!. I P in. Aug 1 Sergta t H Ksfsky, 81b In iti; John C??.-y. Md ;,, .?hi John y li?r. '?Ill '" "?!'. I'lhun. S.?. jagel 2d m Iflat; -t. 11. Hsiilon, nh to tSth; Charles Holsmschcr, rtti to ItOlU: John J. !MpP, irti, to :i:>ili. I). V, I'ailiiiian. :'l-t t" I4:i.l. I' II Kiidrni 2*1 lo 14 d; -l V. Wals. ?4h to r.'tl.. I. V ?Veil. .:jd lo ?".th. aastgiiaienl ?.ierlcsl duty :? ueil; Matin K ' " ?>-'!. ? '? 154th; M II o'llrle: .,.*,tl. lo iMth. ii-?i?iif,| iii.'ui.i-l duty; V i Uaney. *?tk le Hi.. ?-?Igiiineiii mounted duly .11?. "UlliiUid ? Il J. Hit? ?erty Wtli ..--Ig . d blcye:? duty: ll Derlcth. 14.i>l . li. II, Va.i Colt, I4?d la '.".M. IlirhaH Iinl.riale. 14ii:li lo flh: Kdruund Power?, I.'.oth 10 -.ii, a v '.,!," ? I'i'.i io z'atli : P. II. Mu-n<r. ?.-.4 ?'. to 17th: Patrirk McOraue l""iii lo .'-''I. I. j I Joan, [ji?i -,, W; w. a lin, ?au, .TmIi to i Daly. "lath i" Ii3d; I rmik Loi . lo l'.eili. I p. in . Auk l M 44 Murphy, l?et. Ilur. t" :?i:h, dnlgnstliMi ?el detcvtli.rgt. Temporary Assignment,.?lu-i?,-,?r J. J K?rrell. Mb I l> In i,,iii.i,. 1Mb I 1>.. :i. a.idiilon to lays. I a ni. Aug. 9; ?'?iiUIn I. A. I'.m hojr. 2?d. I.miiiatid 3,1 I. 1).. 4 day-. ? ?. In. All? ?I. PtlB '. J 44 I - ? 14- I. to 11. 14. II. riqusd. duty In rl. ? '? 10 ilays. * ?< m- Aug. .i k. ii ? ? 44 n it'.-?., r./.i. f i it ii I Ii 4 p m. Aug 7. to ? a m. Ailg I?; S. .1. it-iis. r.'.il.. lo H. H n Squsd i'i'y la I * I, - i ? Aug I Assignments Olscontlnund.??. rgi Joeepb Hagan. 1-,::,.. iiiou'i',',1 ihlty. I u m. Ana 4: I'tlmn Jam. .. .. . . ?|, luty, 4 p in. Am " Lr??es of Absrnte lallli full pay ' Inipavtor I .1 Mnrri- I I n I I..,- ? i i. An.- 11 . Cap tain V A Tlernej omnsndli -? 1Mb I. I> . ?4 ?lay?. s a ne Aug I 44.; , ,. I'tlmn V A Timme?. I.-.2.I. 1 dsy. - a ta, Aug I; H K Tullv. 1 ?Ui. I V in. Aug - ?. I, iMiin- UTlli. 4'ig - I'. -, r Kur.-w Mler. ;- ;d, I .!?! ? p ';,. A Susp'ndfd. ? I'll.::i Hart > Han,,-- I ?? ?i m. Aug. 4. FIRE RECORD. : i A M -II ' ' '? ' ?'? H"tel, a: Irish g H l. i at. I), liraii'ler. trifling. ' -t lild ii, ,1 .-,':i ?i . i> riainian . trifling. i i Kj.i ?"'.li. ,! . I ? ? .!? 'i 'rifling. i ? ani?n -i . !' Malta; ?light 194 I't n ll Ore? reit; illghl < i ; Thiid ?l. II Adamkln -'gin 1 1.1 I'. i| 270 \4"-r Kourtli ? i Ksutae; ?ligl.t i i ? 44', ? ..ii, i . ? o? rkln; $.'" ! |I ir." 41, il. ,, |, .44 i i. : , ?light, l -.. ? i ?r K. M Btroa '-? - Irlfll , 1.2.1 .'i; 4\. ? , ? . .? Mrs 111.?,le i ? r .-? ?. i ? Ktelyn Cohen . I ?'??. ?. 4\ : 141H H Hob man. iT.rStng. i ? , j. V MrWallrr; IM? ni Ka?i l-'iii. ii Jewel ? and] Manufactur? ing C.I 'III . HI!.' ? . ?T "1 Ka-i 1":,| ll . > '4 , ?<- irlfllng ? , , ? < ? ? . ?. Mlla, trlflli.f. . .. i; , ' M. 'rifllni i - . . ! ,r C. Elch 'ut . a ?? Ann'i as . Y Ki led a, d. r. 123 . i- III -? ,. d Leal ?' st., fiai lleglinent ; I rising -.., II - I . : ai . Mar. l.ari fl" IX8TRUCT10.V M;W YIIKK ? ilHiiliullan. IHK BKKI.IT/. SCHOOL UK LANGUAGE??, Now ut ?*S-3l) \le?t :illh Mreet, Hetneeii lifth \nnne und I4r.,ild\i ay. iAw *?#~?& IIS N \*.?.\l HTRKCT Ne., r Pad? ,. ' 'ounty . -ourts Brooklyn Bridge Subway, Hi Afternoon Claaaea 4:15 to 6:15 Evening Claa*e? 7:45 to 9:45 Tern llegin? >e|>t M I \?-K SYKTWi. Tuition I-'"- ' IB? M . T. n In..Urs. ?'atal' i atl"n to'rar. Ill SIN??. ??( HIIOI.S. PACKARD ?? COMMERCIAL SCHOOL I '-u:- .ii.'i Ave. und :'..1tli ??Ireei. Se. : : : 1' : ? tu? N'.i Soil II 1rs BUSINESS CARDS. 'AllKrll. ?Alll'IT ?I.KASISi, ??..??lean? h? i'.uil re-?e,| a:r. ?tefJB. hand Of < l. fl,?tr 1V.4 Broad?u. 4.-I Kaat 4vn .i mt k HliAMir Ml I.TllillAI'll Tl IK4VKITTKV I.KTThliS ? II 71. in ?no. 13. ?iK'l ll 44I.ATHHCI"llli HO B'y iKn'iilalir Hi if I, Ra? ui 1.1 'I Hee-tor 4J41. nCW Y'-l?h ?'Alin-.T ?l.KAMNti 4N?JltK? ?ilde?:. 1.arar,i M*t Modem fina HI'.- 44?.\t.\ Hlu4! OfJ) ? AIIPKTS. : !r rir.ular. TeL I'a^: IM3 Hull.. 4JT-4J? Vital titii St. CUNARD Established tSji EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Orduna, . ?Sat. Aug. 21. 10 A. M ?Tuscan.?. . . Fr... Aug. 27. 5 P. M. Saxonia. . . Sat.. Sept. 4, 10 A. M. 'Cam-ronia. . . fr..,Scpt. 10. 5 P. M Orduna. . . Sal., Sept. 18, 10 A. M ' Tuscan.a . . Fn.. Srpt. 24. 5 P. M Saxonia. . . . Sat., Oct 2. 10 A. M* ?KN KOITK TO GLASGOW. ROUND THE WO.<L.D TOU H> l'laiougi? (.<>?,king? to ?II principal t'urlt of (be World. (?i.Vir.VNa'MOf 111 t.U-i* St VTE'iT.N.Y. FRENCH LINE ? ?iiniuigiile (ienernle Transa?lantl?|ue postai, swsni? i Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE, .--. Aug. 7. 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU, - - Aug. 14, 3 P. M. LA TOURAINE, - Aug. 21, 3 P.M. CHICAGO, --- - Aug. 28, 3 P. M FOR INFORMATION APPLY COMPANY'S OFFICE, nsn\m%tlna%im% Go Ti? For Your Vacation? BEHMUDA 9-Day Tour?All Expense? $45.50 up I - in,:?. I Attr?, tl"-? f r I ?-an? ?Ut?. ? -it t..?n MU I e Allante- Cut?! H Send 7'.r Loo R?-< i .-!>'? It ?' ' lie?? Twin Screw "Bermudian" S?l?ty?Speed?Comlort?Sail? Altrrmle Wed?.4 Sat?. ??liebe?- S. N <'... II Bi-oadway, N T.: ?'"Ok A Ben, :r. A 1.801 B',<??. 181 a ?I ttb A? : Rirtantld A Whit, ?mb. 333 Mh Av . (? K. Mii?ter? 1.741 B'?av. Krank Tourist CTO 108 li'.-a 1 I! Law. 11.t B'way; McCaaa'? T'.un?. I 138 II?? a-, Ren un" imp *na il *?>?<* Montag?? nCU U LlnC street. Bklyn. it Soon Tor Porn ?nee < ?rartO .% Venez'iel?^ CASACAS Aug M ri!II,AI>Mal'IIIA Aug 13 /I MA Aug II MAItA? AlH" Kept. 1 .Superior Ai'-onini"l?ti"n? f,,r 1'a.iieiigerl BUBS DALLSTT A CO. Onera! Manager? ? Will Btreet BDA TH and the 17a?t Cn??t af rtAa.IL Battth Aawttr? ?U lurhad?-?. ?sillas? -?-r? 't. ?eeka. LLOYD BRAZILEIRO. 17 State St.. N. V. CHy. ?SEABCmiGHTBOUTt NEW YORK? ALBANY?TstOl and the NOKl. ? l>e!lv, '.r.?-lnd?-# IBBO?; ? ?pliai <7ltT l,l?e I'le: 83 .1. R. tnet < cn.ii f?.. Oi'.'o r. IL. 'v. is??! at. ?too I?, tl. Utte Troy diOO P. M? Albany SrtlO P. M. Kire |'..?0. New NlSht Kxr?re???-Pler 82 N B. ?iOO P. M.. We?r 1321 St., 10.00 P. ?f, I.e?Te Tr?,v le^rept l.ttndt/i OiOO 1*. W? Al"e*nr, drill*-, lne'wding Sanday. HUM? P.M. rtre 82 on? "?y. 83.,',0 round rrip.'. Lltie i ?r ;.; N.R . ?100 P. Vf., W. '712.3 St.. ?l-llO P. **j. '?"?'<? *"biny. SiOo P. at. rare I-"0 ea? wi -. tz 30 reend tri?. Bur.dar morning laoat 1er Newburirli, Fought-??. ?1?. him. ron I'.'i.t and A! biny leur?? Pier 32. X. it ??SO A. 4M.. W. 182,1 Ht.. lOi?M? A. M. ?.ear?? Al? bany, IOiOO A. M. Tel. Spring P400 SO] or night l.?r,r?i,t Hiver I Steamship? In th? World. SUNDAY SAIL Up the Hudson This is a delightful day'? outing: ISO mile sail through the most beau? tiful i>',tt:?.ti ??'. th? i.i ? r, Newburgh, Pough keepsie & Return $1 on the big handsome steamer BENJ.B.ODELL Lear? ? Franklin St . Boarder, 1:00 A M . Weal l-luth St., 'J:HU A. M . for IV.,; i on, Newburgh ?nd Pough K< ?, I? Muale. Restaurant l-unoh R r., ROUI d Trip J! ?"? CENTRAL HUDSON LINE FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 fn? !.. Pier 14. N K. ft- Ku.-.on St. ,' i 11 1' Bt. M"-: Protldenee line: str?. Iv. Pier 14 M lt.. ft. Fulton Street, week daj P.M. Neu London Line, >ti Iv. l'ur 10, N. R., ft. Houston St., week dais only. 5 in P M.. Pl.r 70 I H ft 17 ??d St.. ?00 P M New It.-'lford I Joe I Btra I? l'i r 10, N R. ft Houston St., ?ae. k days only, ?t >, p. M Ne? II.urn Line, s" j-,. | .. i; |t n Catherin? St., ???eu ,u,a. : 47, P lt.. Sun.!..??-. I 18 .\ M 1*1' r 7?. ft. K ltd St. week da?..?. 1:88 r?. M ; Sun.l..>?. 10:00 \. M Itriilgeiiort line. areoB .!..?? 'illy ?tr. |v Pier 2? 17 It . 3 88 P. M.. Pier 70. ft. i: ltd st . week dej i, IS P M ; Sundays, ? :.:. p M mwm and Trolley. Worcter. $2.ISO. .drect. }I.J?J. SI. >>l.5i) A ?J l?aily. in.-liidlng Sun.lay. S:S0 p m. rrroi I'?r III. I It I'hen. -.'-?/ Baaelaiar ?'ItJ Tlrle? Of?.? :-90 Brad?i?y. N ? I >'<"??>, TIckM O-t-e It ?met n ! M ?L _Write for i'lu>ir?i?,l lei?i?r enci YACHT CLIFTON |7ec ??Jw SIGHT SEEING # O M.r.M,, 10 III ,?? M .. lllnurlnil, !ll:.rMf?:i| AROUND Li I ?i w 134 Mi ! B MANHATTAN ISLE ?Ix? 2k ?dll I OR SALE. I ^-^-j? hmy-Navy Auction Barcslns ? . Il^r- -.?' , Si.?! ' ??? a" -i ?! ? ? . . ? .y? ' / ?4 rtUI "All,!? . . ? -m 1- ? ? r.|? .,1a, ? ' ' kiJi . n?it<i?rl>ii.r? . t: Cj'ftUl -' ? V'j5o ' ' "?* ? '*"** ''?t.'y ArmT Trn"1 '" H,T*' r""' <-',r????l?, ?^?5. FrancisBanii8.rman,501B'way(N.Y. MUSICAL INSTRrCTItiN. INSTITUTE OF MbSICAL ART. _B??^27?5. 17 ^ChrinortAv,., Nat. York City. 3CKOOL 1?.ENCIES, Anaerlraa and Foreign Tenrbera' Ageni-y.?? rutero. ? M J YOUNO 1-1 l.T< '"_j HELP WANTKI). Male FIOST iT.A.-'.- 4!.\.?!.I!>? ? d ?II 4 . J . ? liABJJK.V .:?t .- ... ? rinn i.mi i I _ Wllltk \\ WTKJ). Mat?. CKRMAN 14 ?>????. -I 1" in:?' txperii M.-4! . -I.'It Ot . . . ?pr?k Si.aiiltli and I <:.-!. Silently: !.?? ?t| III !. i ', Ii,?- i ?? . . HOUtfe . r I f fa AS "'?? a A !\ I ll. ,' Ii ?rr . llr ? ii POMF.STK SITUATIONS WANTED Female? ROI BKWOtVatn -rtunim Amert.-tn ?trong. eOB In?. elly o? countiy . tli-ellent r-ferein-e? Latuii'i ?VMiaiy. TI ?. ;:?uj ,l 'I'liou? 3311 U*ri?aa. ? 0 t\ mm ,r.-namil'WI; rM ??, 4?,,M??????S?1-S'??*?I?',S?*?' ? mswssamtmmmr.^mnsmr''' '?? Up the Hudson By Daylight AH .Servir? llaily B????*i ""indar Dire? ti-?: . ? ? ? lo ?: ? i . a, Serai ? \ma%m\ the w . ?t j '..i North i AH throug'i rsil IlelK 11 .. tor? I and AIL.U1-, H- ? ? pte,| l>e?liri?.?e? M. ? i, ,. M , , ,j St 9 A M , W |2lth Hi ? 4.'. a M bandins ?? ??? ? ,. 1 burgh Pirugh keeps i. , k.. Mudaon land A Alea iie.iirii?^? ?i ' '-* st_ 10; IV IXItk S' . '. ? 1 SO A M?, f'.r Mear M , rs. ' wsll. Newhurgh anl k'uughk? ? tine liny Hilling? to I- ,'uliU e,,.M, \C4,, hurgh l,r?t l'oint. <>r Moaataa*, ? Afternoon Boat for Hear Mountain. V\>. ggj? Pougl , leave? Deabreaae? St. I 4', I' -? ,v 4;?) j St.. 2 i' m . m :::"?. . ?- ?. ; Yonk- ; - ?; I . !? M i' , I Ideal outings to Hear Mounts : Wast I ? returning by Sir "KolllKl |*| L Tl?." D Hudson ?|-*? ay L River i n e iinmJtcamboatCa DKBT >b\ UMIIV4. -?IK IUKIH? Oallj al h \. M. ?? ? Pier I s li n\|y SPECIAL NOTICE NO LAMJlNti VI W. 2.1? ST. Patrons ?, ??vir n. kel ?. ? : IIHin - , t \\||4?iit CO. a' Ht..?T ISStfa hi. II4I.VV. Til? N -Mil. CONEY ISLAND I.KWi: W?aVt IMTH STBEKT, '.? on. I I" 1" .? M 1 ?- ??? 1:15, n. 4:15. 51.1, I \[ I.KAVK I'lKK I. MIX I II 1.14 IK I ... .4 ' l]| :i::i0. 4:1.'.. :,. 1. ', li J 15, 4 III? STKEPI.KCHASK. CONKl l-l AND, II r 4t Iri|i niirked ? ?loe? not ???, 1 ; : it It ?4. ROCKAWAY BEACH "GRAND REPUBLIC I.v. fonkara 1:15 A " 44 1 xfa at, I M a m ?! ; . P m : Pier ink 1 IS P M K"?'k'in:i. I'- irk, 3'iPII. Transfer 1.. ?tr, ???.r.,i,.i tc?-i?.ii?ii?-.** ci Telei lone I . - - ?: UP THE CEAUTIFU. HUDSON Str. "HIGHLAND v: L?> '.:??? :, I rV(M . : ?t . 1 U l*?l? A M DANCING. REGULAR DINNth i*?. Str. "MARY POWELL" K st ; ? . 4 . a m lounda,, and Hoiiday,. S>TR. "NEW Bw, RGM'l Sundays A H < McALLISrER STDT CO. Tl Bnsad 914. I Mary Powell St D t Co. I" -.- . 1.4'. Atlantic Highlands ?cf/TLHuVFAREiOCts AUTOMOBILES CAhtlEO: Capacity j? Cri. T .? Ko it? for A Li-, l'l :? Wh lei . 1 ? S- V \- .?? .-.. I , rr : . 4 .4 .? A M . : I' M . l'a DAYLICHT TRIPS Lorn, island Sound NEW LONDON LINE 1' I N R ft lieu ..' ?' I A. ! Norwich. M.iid'.gt, 1, 44 111 : 4 II) I 1. kel .?rent I" 1 |tr,. ? Im If, M I KEANsbuh^ I.t llaitery In ? ? ? .lia? p ni ins 4 M t> m I a Sight-Seeing Yachts Lve. BJtrry Pier. 10 N * ' H- ? TO SANDY HOOK AND TH?. OLLAS id*. P. ?? ?All.? \M? M M> W II If? T? INTERSTATE PARK LANDINGS :.\ mi. 1 \i 1? im ?i Mit. KINOSTON U at it 10 A M . I mm ? 1 T*1? ni.m k island, omi ST. I'RKKM'ul.l, ?HI I M I l-I.AND AMI SAU II 1KBOR Str ainbosl c-n ? : ?in si-. K i< . Tu?? ?ad Thai... 1:1 1 M ? an? I - i- H CONEY ISLAND , ROCKAWAY BEACH ?Tl:- !.. ' - ... v , !" 4 ' BTBAMSBir Ml Mr- 1*0 ?NI ?,'iRT liriii-ial 4k-i nl? all I'"" ?_ Kn.iuoii.l O IVIllteul 1 1 ? I?.?*.* EXCURSIONS. Lake Hopatcong S1.00 5Vf?** ????lir.H?r-w ?Isa mOOtf Sun riCAI OUriQcy djye:tiMoli(l?? Lt. ?T. ;}\ It. S JO; 1 ** Jackion Ave.. Jers?y I . I i- ,< ??,??. ?? Atlantic City $2.50 Next Sunday ?"-?-";? "'?-?? L?. U . i Ull'O - via New Jersey Cekt?WLJ I'll ires ? ?ass???*?ar?s?^i-^*arta??. -am e.+wm wm wm ?I -? %*wm'W0*Z, Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Steamer "Aibany Str. "Robert Fultcn ? BEIT TRIP 10? 8ATUR3AY AfT?MH00?._ CLOCK ISLAND, ?Vcn U KVIKY SUNDAY, f I lJU )) s>tur?l?l ??.ft ll ].??>e fl.-.l ...? >t K?l 1| \\ ? I. S. I- M I' M 4 I- M ?1 ? >t lleai ' lal dri ," . I - ' *? * .. .nun Kaluri!.