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Matty Lifts Giants Into First Division Old Master Once Again Shows His Cunning and the Reds Suffer. ONLY FOUR GAMES FROM TOP NOTCH Schneider Driven from Box, and Renton Also Fails to Check McGraw's Men. 1U 1>'??rar>i to Tht TV Cincinnati, Aug. 6. Some tune or other, when Matty gets ready to pitch hi? last gamr, he ?rill wort afaiaat the Cincinnati Red? and bring n:s to a glorious finish. No matvr what kappen?, it would iftm, the Old Master can beat tiie Reds. He beat then, to-d.-iy, ai just a lit more than achieve a mere v.etory. V.c lifted the Giant? mtu th? ?rat division. They ore now half a game behind the Brooklyn Suprrtas for third place, and only '"our games ?.eparate them from the rhilliee. .he ?core was ? to 4. So far an the Reds are concerned, he ?s a ??aman of baaeball. Age may have overcome the cunning of the arm, lut O.? ?inning of the bra.n has in? creased with the ftighl of timp. He Ua?d his gray n.-.tter tr? rrcat advan? tage to-da;,, and with h'? arm at his best he set about subduing the Reds as he used to iio in the days when Mathewson was a name to con iure with. It is true that he had a trying ex? perience in the firal frame, but it also II ;rU(. '.[ ..'ed to support h m ?? they should. With icifect luppotl Only a s.r.gie tally might have ?!. In the ninth ? ghastly en or by Pre : paved the waj ? riati run. Matty allow? d ? ?? hita. On? of Charle] Her tOf. D car-ie in 'lie first inning and ?hove horn? Groh 'rom Another wai .i non-productiv? triple by Williams in the thud innini'. On y rne man was out at ' o, but Pletcher turned in a seriar? nn! ca'ch of Bill Killifei liner, and Burns stool when Grifi I drive i earth. Wagner got two hits made by hit team and yet Bill of Avon I nothing in a name. The a ' t? wer,' to work created the impr? that a good old bee was about to be indulged in. They wenl out like qua foon se*r!(.l to n safe, I ! con? servative ! .ice. After disposing of one Pete Schneidei in a couple of inning*. they had a chance to glimpse . sou'thside nffering* of Rube Penton. Three n ? n fac? i him walked. Meyer? was hit by a ] ball. Many was safe when !'? booted h-.s intended Then K ire ' ? :<-d. Truly might the Kr.-r have sai?'.: "Behold ?: me p. man more sinned ? . he was more -inned usual. But I.tar is not a man to blanch when the clo;. r.dven I ??own to i- ??-irk. h.r.d not a ? Georgt - forced Brainfrd at the play. Groh se '.eaih.-i Nor particular '-. me H? - the i i-l..'.e remained well ? d throughout. Whatevei the <; ? :\ :n this ?:? 'r, ?hi ? ? ? ere were f(,ur . other hand. I r o\rr S ? ' ' I'roh's v i >,. , gra the I . fence, ? ? oi Killifer't - mai h, Ham Robert m the s? a nifty at r of a grounder bj V. ng an embry? onic threi Pletcht ;. busy as a bud dog. He ???' ? to attract the ball, soni' '? ? ' ' Merkle ' ' -zog of atrii' pulled ? tre, but Fred w? played ? almo ? ' into left ? ? moment *??? gol I ending Burns ovi r lb? plate the far turn. ' arrj ' ? as far as second on the throw in. Si galloped home when Fletch? - from short to first. Doyle moved down to third, ai d he, t? -;nike.s in the ruidie- whei Id? ,i a Cincinnati fan !om I r, hys? completed, foi I the lines uni'l the Rut error? h? | i no ?mall degree. Matty lo-t l tion with Groh at the plate, and the little fellow walked t.. first. H? walking at all a few ?erond? lai Herzog ?lammed th? I? for two hases Crol Williams int ?he hall .iowrr, but ?ndmn, gial.hed the hors-chide and threw third, Tl? Fletcher r ad to r mry to at first. 'I he;,, the tarn Wl all over again. In the third inning'grass ag'iin drew a pis.- jr0 wen< to third on Doyles doi : red ?.-,! and Larry occupied thud on Fletcher's out at first, and then Doyle came hoi Merkle's faeritioe fly. In the frame the Wingo arid ? r's sing!,-. The ?cor. ? -t.w tona v?. , ?MIW.S.TI \ i ' I : : . ? ? i - 4 Martelo, et a -4011?. 1/sl.on. Ra t?? I 4 1 0 4 C 0 Bratnar.l. lh t ft 0 11 ft 0 44 ,s- . , _?>, 4 ,, ] M vera, e .1 ? 1 4 1 1 Mo Iwiu. 11. i Oil] Oft Mathewaoo. p.Oi: p n .. .1 0 1 ft 1 > 11 0 n ,, 0 n ? I'larup If? Mali . s: 11 ita?| 4 ?llat'?^ tnr Mollwltl :n n:.'i"i for larar l'i r II V?? V ft ?i 0 g g - ? ' 1 m.imiau .. a -." ? M >lork??. Mall e* I ?Ma, I>r' ? -<?4T Matrnmson. 1 - 1 , off latar. V Ill?? . ?fl off lata.-, J la ? lilt 1 oral fir.c. out?? Of Mat)..-.-. I, b? Laaj. Z. l'L.i?lr?a?Rl?!ti an.; Email*. Hum? ' i tt. I r TIP TOPS GET AN EVEN BREAK WITH WHALES Don Marion Displays His Best Wares on Mound in First Contest. HOME RUN SENDS SEATON TO DEFEAT Harry Smith. Former Giant. ?Mso Makes Circuit Clout, with Man on Base. The Brooklyn Tip Tops had to be content with an even break with the Chicago Whales in a rapidly played double header at Washington I'srk. Brooklyn, yeeterday. ?Lee Mageo'i men took the first game by a score of 6 to 2, chiefly through :he brilliant pitching ?>f l'on Marion. Chicago won the closing contest by a score of 4 to 2, bunching hits off Tom Seaton. who, alter a long rest due to a tore arm. returned to the mound. Bilk's home run drive over the right fence, with two runners on the . spelled the defeal of Seaton. In this game the Tip Tons faced several ? ? tin:tiis to score, but were un? to make the nicessary hit. .?. ?ton iplaj ed poor form In the earlier innings, bul toward the end the fflcultj in solving his offerings. Two hita in : with a base on balls. gave Chicago three runs, but three singles in the sixth failed to bring a ring 1 i pel throw by *e \uiierson to Holt, at third base. ? Prendergast hel.l the Tin Tons to seven hits, two doubles and a ?ini;!e _ in the sixth inning, and giving runs. The ? trol at the ?. bul he curbed his wildn? order. He proved especially ef? fective ?vith men on bl ?? n men I,? ins, led. In thi ing Brooklyn filled the i ?th two out, bul Tex Weaterzil. a former Tip Ton. mad? ml play in stopping Holt'.- hard drive for the third out. Mage? and Holt each found Prendergast for a pair of hits. The visitors were completely at the mercy of Dun Mai ?on ?n the firat game, a? the four hits they gathered were ?? firat and .?ixth innings for their only runs. Dave Black, Ad Brennen and George McConnell were used on the mound in turn by Joe Tink? r, ai ere 1 luched up for a total of ti The . ? IW! I I!. BROOKLTN l l ? UK ?GO I 1. I ?I? r Ii i?" ? ? ' ! n i ft ' . ' ?:!,,, '? , S i 1 i : . : ' ? 4 i? n i ?i ?i i, ! i ft ,' :?i o o ??l, 1 ft o 11 I P.;?.-? p. ion n mo : ,, ii .? r? n 0 | 0 '. ! n /. I I I I ell, p ?0 0 I ? 0 - i i n.'-ti 1 - " o 1 i??; : I. loi ? s Horn? ?s ' 7: ?. Mil?? and Mj-en i I . IT M Bin rr n ?* v ? Marlon i '.???,? 1 ? . A ' IV. I. >. a4 r I . 10 2 :i" < f I 0 1 ? l 1 4 ft ft 10 ? ? " ' ? ?? 4 ft ! 4M 4 '. 1 is 4 ?i ? ; 10 0 0 3 0 ?100 00" II 27 II ? ? r , , < . ,.,.,. ., ,. tlat , |, |tj Iftft'Oftftftftl i ,00000201 0? i' lu KKtuff Ron ' ii, me run ? ? ? ' ? ?? : ' I ! I. Jall-l ? SKEETERS GET AN EVEN BREAK Rochester Takes First Game, bul I oses Second- Both Teams Pound Ball. ?n? ; mi Roi ' *iug, 7 N'early peraoni saw Rochei t? r and Jei ? ?? ? ?tj break even in double head? r th ifternoon. The team won the firal game by a score ol 0 to 8 and the visit?n the second by a score of l?i to .. Both coi replete with heavy hitting. In t1-? t Clemen? made four clean out Br?ck wa.? driven .'rom the FIRS1 -AME n? rHES"] eh - i. r cm a' r! air i i i 10 1 (' ? ' 10 . 1 ?' . ? ? ' ? ? Il 2111 1 ?Bal .... 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 ? a?I : ? ? I I ! rir.t ? ? ? I 1 ind II I r ?1.I..1 R? ?CHE? ri:r. tl. i.i. Trsi? ?1ale.'7!? 121 14ft'". men.?, . ' I Pies, rf. I 74 ? I'm in, If. 4 i i i" I I Maniiini if 3 " 1 OOO I ?ally, lb. . 4 ; a ' - t ' ke, p 000 I I 11110 0 0 0 0 7 ... T ? ? ne ii. - " ' r ire : I* ? . m?i ntaj da_ Doubla plays N "i anon Ro n??t?r. . . Jar??) t ?. i l^fi .? tu??-Hn<-h?st??. I; i ? > lli',l i r-h?. Hrr? tie -' A'"'i1ai,.f 2.04M. luip.rr?? lliuli Ixi? and liirt Tinta?i 00. SNYDER RETAINS LEADERSHIP IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Closely Pressed. However, Doyle, of Giants, One Point Away. by Mcrkle Has Poor Week and Drops from Third to Seventh Cuhs lead in Club Batting. Several shifts of positions in ?he Aght for the hutting leadership of lhe National League occurred during lhe last week, Snyder, the St Louis ' ardi> nal catcher, reigns supreme for the , second week, with a percentage of ..'!l'.t, bul onb. on? point behind i? the on ng Larry Doyle, (if the Giants. During th? loal week the Giants' second baseman overtook three rivals and added five pom'? m In.? total Snyder ??ill have to look to his laine!? during the enauing week, a? Doyle is hitting eonaii t? Jake Daubert, last year's rhnmpmn batsman, had 10 make way for Doyle. but he is well intrenched in third place, with an average of .321. Luderua, of the Phillies, suffered a l>??s of nine p..;nt? and is m fourth place, with .310, with Killifer, of Cincinnati, close ha? .. ,'i. 306 '.' he Reds' catcher, from fourteenth place, with a record of .290, sixteen points during the ?reek. Collins, ?he Pittsburgh outfielder, ilso become a contender, entering the select circle with .305, with Fred Merkte, the Giant player, foil? The latter*! average suffered greatly during trie last week. From second po? sition, with a percentage of .825, Merkle has hud such difficulty in driv? ing the ball to safe cum"!.? that he il now seventh, with .303. Groh and Davey Robertson have fallen down in their ?tick work, while Schultz, of the Superbas; Tyler, the Braves' pitcher, , .uni Long, of St. I out?, have made rapid advancea. ? average.? are compiled from official -con-? n? published in the vari of the league bj the More land News Bureau and include the plaj el s who have !:ik. : teen or more games up to and in? cluding August ?"?? Plater ami, l a n it " It St. 1 , I 1 1"1 lluilf. Sett Y? " ? II ???? i ... i ? ... 4 ? 210 ?1 7" ? ? ?; ? H i I. ? 4 1? 14 ?? . . ' ZiTmufrinsi,. I lili a*,? - ' ?? . I? 100 Philadelphia I Connolly. Boil " w -? La il i ? hlriso ..... ? Zimmrr?an. Bi kijn Plttabunli " I? ? for? M Ml I'? : 4 Griffith ' .i ?i i ? ' K ve i ?. Host I ?m ; i : -? 1., . - 4 I ? a Dnlan. St. i ? I ,,, . ,, ? ? . .. Mara, H ?'es? York . :?<> ?2 7 IP ?tt, ?? ' ?7 -.'nu 14 ! er, .New To ' : . ?s : Chlriso II 112 . 9:? '.77 4 m i:i n ? K M lili Itl...... Hi "i <? i. 11 : ! n ursl 'I ' 17 4 Bos i ? i i . ,,ti ? . ,. s? l.i ?i t? ?tu 7 "4 1? :.'i 24 ? > ? Yorli. Il 312 4-, ? ? 'i ... 41 :? .212 - 14 ..'41 ' : ??? 217 .1 ? 21 ? I ? riii'innail ??? ? i . M Lu r ?- , 4 .', Ill 12 I 1 : ?? It ?. \l Her, Brook 17 173 17. ? n ? ' i ? ? . ! ? 15 127 ' P Irlphla .. ? II ? '? I . II W II ... Ri < i- ? ' , 74 77 7 'i 771 ....72 21 4 - : hi* SI 117 il . 2I ?. tin :?i l'?: 1-, < i iilelphla....' 41 7?i 211 iBresmlii '7 n/' !, i 11.212 : ? , 3? 52 1 11 .212 l. I S S i,-"? i i . . 15 12 ? 7 i . , ?.- IKS 14 ' ? nail ? 97, 10 I I York ..72 2. ? I I I .21? Hal I'lttsltuii Utuli ' l i l.l B HAITIS?; in.? ??l:l>s IBB r. H. K R. K M A? i '4 ? '? ? : ? t ? I 17 752 1 I . .... , phi? .?I 2.MS 131 721 ? i. ten su (.cms ! a ?'? B Botet T'i B Estr? c.r',1 ? rntitti. Thl'i II IS 151 'i !'?? ?- ,15? I!roh. I 7 2 154 ?.*. .1 4 i !? I', I .411 i I? 46 .411 < i ?01 i ii r. t ii.i mm; itl-:? 'iinn's I'll S I IMS ? ii . i ? ; | . : : i ? | 1.202 144 ?? I ill m ' .. 9 7 Mft 1 !?1 ! '??.!.' ? ?fork 17 MIS 1.34? l?4 l.l mini; T_M bask ?ihii.u, I'iai.r || ?! Gam-, .? II A?- ? P m irajti 17 ''0 ??'i . II I .77 IS a ' II 21 ! s? Vor?. 9.? ' -ft I !? I* 1? i i; !? ? ? !', 17 i.i api x?; iKv ru s ??i m HS PUfff a ! ?,aii,??. guns, A??' . ? rasat' . . '? ' '? Sew 1 "1 ?> ..,? ? - | a |i I ill . ? '? ,SI ??.-.? Y?<ik . . 41 (I'Mari l: 4? .43 LARRY DOYLE, WHO IS HITTING WITH IHK BEST. TIGERS METE OUT DOUBLE DEFEAT TO ATHLETICS Pitching of Coveleskie Factor in First Game; Second Won in Tenth. Philadelphia, Aug. 7. The !>etroii team won :? from the Ath here t?' da; I y a ?cor? of 4 to 1 and the second by a scoie uf :i to l! in ten inning?. The visitors secured their victory in the opening contest I?;, hard bitting and Covelt?kie'i good twirling. In the second garni Dubuc and Wyeofl had a I lattle until the tenth inning. Then, with one out, Dubue singled at .1 \ itl doub ed, th? former being ? i un out on !'? . -'- giounder, l?ut Vitt ng '.bird and 1 ? oi i. On the ?q ? Cobb beat ou- a bunt and Vitt cored 1 ? :?'? The . corea foll?n ; r-msT '-? ?:..'. .v I., ... ? - 4 ' 1 100 , ? ,, . i 4 0 ! 3 Z n Hun. lb.. I? 0 II '.' I. Mi Innl?, lb 4 11 :> l I I . I .' , ? o i ? : ? . ; i : 4 ; - : 'i " ! i ? -. i i.. . > h -, *i . , i. ? mm? , !.. < . . Ha ? ? ? ? II Ofl - . I 1 I ... Ll - ? : 10 1 4"O1 i lb. 4 11 k 1 ?! 4 11 I ii l ' ?0121 Raker, I 0 1 : 11 luiMi , p... i ? : : ?Kavanaugl i 0 0 - ? * I ? ? ? 1?* I . i. , \ .?? . ?? ? a . I ? a : I.. ? ? : i ? . ? . . i i Montreal Wins Two Games. v M Il II K Montreal ? ? ? ? ? J I l?? 0 " . i a i lad Howl ; ? . . Bcckla aft oND ?.ami: n n e I Mi.nlrfal ... I 3 S 1 ? ? ? t ??I ??????????SSI c American Association Results. ?i i Standing of Clubs in the International i.ami ? ro-DAi llarri?I>?irc at Setmej lit. I(i. linniiiil ,ti In,i ?ilrm e, linn,iln at Montreal. RBM I Ti Or GAMK8 i **? i i kh \ ?. Km lie.l.r '?. I. . ? ? .1 > . ,1. r?r> I It?, I?? Kinliestrr. 7. I'rnll.lelli .-. ?.; tt.ll.,)... ' me. is; lliinaln, 4. Knhmond. ft; I ?tron?o, I. Kn ' : l,r..iit.i. I. MoBtn ni, R; ll irrikbura, I. Montreal, 14. ||.irri?l.ur/j, 3. il whim, m i ii n>. \\. I . I* 4 . W. |.. P.C. rr.'Tid'e 59 3 I '?'??' 14... liter. II ;(0 4..I llnrTnln S3 :l "'i' I. ronto .11 .*..' .4il Hoalrealftl 13 ?IS Klrh-n'rl, ll S3 .?a?'-liK .*? ?8 ??'????'? -let'.s I ils. S I :,H ..Jill COBB IN SLUMP, BUT IS LEADER AMONG BAUERS Detroit Star Lost Hieven Points During Week and Stands at .389. RUTH, OF RED SOX, STILL RUNNER-UP Kirke and Jackson, of Cleveland, Are Contending for Honors in American League. Tv lohb, the Detroit outlielder. hau evidently found trouble in solving the offerings of the pitchers of the East? ?in teams, as during the ?mat week he lutfered a loa? of 'leven points, easily maintaining, however, the lead in the American League batting race. In 100 games played to date Cobb has driven out im' hit?, making eight ?luring the ??ven ?lay?, for an average of ?889. Habe Ruth, the Rod Sox piti'her, la following, with Mil), but both Kirke j and doe Jaekaon, of the Cleveland Ind? iana, have jump??! forward to threaten him and to contend for the lending honors with Cobb. Kirke has B mark i of ?852, while Jackson la fourth, with r? 10. Mainel succeeded in stealing two lases during the week In his effort to cvertake Cobb, aha failed to *nere?se his mark of t*2 bases. Detroit has improved in club tielding, while Jack gon has passed Crawford and la now second to Cobb as the leading heavy hitter oi the organization. The-?* averages aro compiled from box scores published in the various citiei of 'lie league by the irtoreland News Bureau, and includ? cord-t of players who have take.i more games up to and inclu .; A H h II tea |M | 99 | i in ,*a n ii. i ? | -is IS ? , . . ...... I ! - ? i :?. .: t: .-ii it . is ? ,4 I-. 13' \4 Dai I ' , M IW ' 1IJ . I M I I . . .... v|. . . I . : ! i s I ? i, . II ? ? ? l ' l.'l ? ?. i m ?*; i I ........ T? "I -'4 II I -I 14 ? I,,| | \ . . . I : ..M?'.? il . :'4 : ? >? ?: Krliaoc. .4-!, --i.? ... to 14)9 21 I ' ? .<1 ru .?-'*" Milan. V i :?" ."? i . . Ill -.- ?' II 4 rook, ,n.w vork ?a ?i 4^ High. Nr? Vnrk ... Ml ?'? ??* "1 II 4 11 M.-Ktc, I.II 4. ? ' PIPP. St* I I 4 1 ? U . (tOI ? . ' .-?'?. I 43 4 1 ?, 1 . i ? 14 I ?ta1? v Unila I I Washing? II -l I : I. I: ,1 i . , ,.-., . i i. Ml ?. . - la ?all I...... ?? ? I . 4' Ml 14 I . ?S .4' 44 ?. . * II if it || V ? TOI* . . -4 VA ? I ? 14 ' s ? 1 ... 51 193 M 4*> : I i . i. : ... i; J4 I 5 -, ft M 44 l: ? ? ... I ? : i. ?i i ? .244 : i , ? ??Ian I 4s v i j 4! Ml JO 71 11 K? hen. I'l*i : md . 1.1 43 11 I \ .: i .? ? i ' : a 4 m n Wi hlngtoo. M 1"" I ? ? - . I M |] !? I : i : Il s < \ ??? ?. .? ;.: un i 1 ' Honpj ? I I 44 i i - ? ,( ? - . ? IT s WaMi. A I ?4 Walsh. St. 1 rOfrrnlil 7 M Jl , I 14 ?15 ! ? M 7s ,212 19 1 i ] I 111 ? rela I ? .-? i i liPtri.ii I 4 v. ? ? I -.'?) jn, ?-.,.. - 1 .soi ? ? s ? .- l? H? !? < ? ? V rk ... ?>!, \ < ;l .'fill ? I.i B riEI.DING RK? -'Kl's ?. F h A l. Tolal . v, ?ii. I l ? ? . ll -.i I I . ? i : i ; I CAOIXO TEN BASE sTl. \ Plai i- ' . ?. .- R A, IM ? : ? ? i I l| ?? '?I l gTotl .... ?I ? . IM !7 : _ it M I . '?! I . . pvttand . M I I . . | .21 I EADISa II.N ill v ?,;.mils '? R Ar . i ? i ? . ??: :i : . '.l ... ri l< '. 9| . M . M f,: i : ? i ? ? ?.i ! . 1? -,1 ?il IM ? I.? Ii BATTlN'a RKcoKlis TIMM fi a- a? Il B II I H | H \, 4 ??. m i.i? ? ; .i... ? . ? ? -,: I : III? -? I i I . , I | i.i ai?in?; ri.s sLi OUEB? I la H IM I.I--. ? ? !??? I 1? I 11 I ?21 ? , !1 1? l : 4 ,-? 9 1 1*1 4'. 4 '.?4 I ; ??? *? 4 1', 4 n II 14 : i?. u? I Results of Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams NATIONAL I.EAGIE. (. \MI> TO-DAY, at Chte_M (two). Philadelphia at ? mi innati. Mi.?I..n al ?.t. I em?. Kl>l I l?> HI' I.IMI? lIMIIillll. Ni.? Y ... I. '.. < "fini!.ill, 4. Kt. I oui?. '? Brooklyn, I. ? lu. ut;... ,i Bouton. .' I'n i-iiin ?-ii. :?. Philadelphia, o. Pltlaburgh, S; Philadelphia, ??. NATION \l 1 1 11,11. ?IAMHM.. W.I P.C. IV I r? Thil? M 41 Ms Bo?l..n Ml 4!) ..Mr, C liieatc? M? I". '.:? I'm.I.'mh ,.i it ,t.. Hroi.klsnM IH ?M : *?t. I ?.ills I? | l.l -Nets I ' 47 .?1U ? in. Innati ? : .,.. ASS AMERICAN LEAG1 E. (. IMF4? TO-DAY. No g.nut's ?i In ?liilni. 1.1 ??! I I -I I OF ? Mil N?.? \..r!.. - -.1-11 l?l>\\ I Sew Vori . i I I" in ?. dka? i II...I.?n :: ? level .n.?. n It -l.l, ?.. I I, ?. ?II.I lia-ir.iii i ; Philadelphl i I Brl roil, I; Philadelphia, .'. ? in. age, t>, \\ ?? .'. AMI.KI? \N I I \(,l I. >l \N|i| Si.. \\. i. r ? . t. L. p.r. Bo.tnn ?.1 ?I All N?s? York 11 M IM llrir.iit. . i..' (H .t. .'n m I . ? hit ..?? ?? I" ? '"? < lr?a-l,H.?; : If ?. Uj-ii uni. .., ; r. ..,,> liiiU. . ..S3 ?!<? MS FEDERAL LEAGUE. ?. \mi: TO-DAY. hin-i, < il) at Newark. It IM II? OF ?.\.ll- Yl-i'I.HHAY. Ilr l.?.n ?:, ? hlt-fe, : ( lut B(o, I . lin?.?kl? n. Nt-ii ?rit, i . Kin- i- I it ? l ! in ?, PiU??ur_h. ".i Buffalu I. Plllahurah. 15; Buffalo, I. ILiitiniora , ?, *t. I , m.. ; I I HIK\I Ir.A?.l t -IANIilN?. \\. I P < . YV. !.. P.C. Kasn Hts. 5? Il >71 M. I oui? U 17 7?4ii i In, i.n .7 4? >t.l I?! 77 417 riti-i.reh 7. 1.4 st,l ltr..nkl?n in M 141 Newark. M II Mt la-.iiii.'ir :i, .,t; .?i: MIKE GIBBONS. PACKBY M KARL AND. Appleton So Obliging That Superbas Lose St. Louis Manager Entio Brooklyn Pitcher into Prize "Boiiehead." TOSSES BALL AWAY AND RUNNER SCORE Robbie Uses Three Twirlei and Might Have Won but foi Unusual "li?oomer." I,. Tl Wrtptl t. T I Trll.ii:,? | St. Louis, Aug. 7. "Hey, you, Ja Keet'e, shake hands with Ed Applet?. You fellows ?ought to be good friend neither of you will ever have a hea ache." So said Miller Huggioa, manager the Cardinals, this afternoon, as crowned the Brooklyn pitcher with diadem of bu?h leaves. "Busher th? art, an?! hushed thou shalt be throug out all time," said Muggins. "Nev was there such a head in major leag1 ill." Apple'on earned his crown, for moon's fame, which he lite ally forced on the Cardinals by score of 6 to 4, he made a play whit will live long in the annals of baaeba He will rank with John Anderson, wl stole second the bases full. I. will be classed with Clyde Kngle, wl propose?! a lacriflce fly with the bas? full and two out. In fact, he will tal precedence. Nevei was such a bor pulled, search the anniill as you will. The score was tied, three men wei on base, and Miller Huggini called oui "Hey, Appleton, lemme see that ball, think it's a 'rabbit' they rung in o you." The guilable Appleton threw th ball, and Huggini side-stepped. Jock Miller, on third base, ran home, ami th other runners advanced a base. An ii tielil out produced the sixth and lai run. Great wai the glee of Huggins. H almost ha?l convulsions. Robbie boi de ? d on ?pa m . When he recoi ere he gurgled: "Take hini out of ther before I kill him. Never was ther such a play. Il was wonderful. Bu get him out of there," and his vote died into throaty, inarticulate gurgle as he waggled his hands feebly in th general direction of the pitcher's bo* 1'hil Dougla? finished the game. Wheezer Dell ard Ed Appleton ar beginning to pitch ?iuets, much afte the fashion of Schauer and Schupp, th illustrious sibil,int.? of the Gianti Doi Appleton itart a game, it', mor than an even bel thai Dell will b long, and vice verai To da) a i ? ersa. Dell ??i knocked out of the box ii one inning, and Appleton graced th game with his presence, hd II charge? with the loai ol I too, for th' Superbai tied tl md he ma?l his blunder and Douglas finished. There was plenty ol free hitting ?i the gam , and ai ii quite usual in caac like this, the free hitting produce? -?une spectacular fielding. Many a han hu ball found its grave In the greed* mitt of a waiting fielder. Cardinala daahed off into tl.? lead ' '. piling up ihr.' . onl] to have Brooklyn rally an' up even. Again the Mound Citj drew away, and stayed there unt. . . '.?.i- over. Hamilton Hyatt h.\- jo::ie,i ;?,. of the "longest hitter*." In the fi] il inning he caught one of Dell'i curve? and knocked it out of the lot. awaj over the right field fence. The expert! declare,I that this wallop compared ii vorably with any ever leen on thi gro imis. It was a terrific drive, pro ? rnvr lumberman'i giant body. The t>;.| ,,i ?!???: ? . leclared that the lisitc ."i victor] the Superba . left hand ? I pitcher against them. Miller Huggi-is read thi? in a newspaper once and ii inclined to believe it. To be more exact, he wai inelined to believe it He put Lefty Robinson into thj box thia afternoon to make certain of vic? tory. And Robinson was knocked out o? the box in a couple of innings. Then ! ? Meadows was .?ent in to ?tern ".ho tide. Meadows ?a worthy of consideration. the only pitcher who insists that m aring glasses in acti?.n ii his prerog? ative. Once m plate . o ?! lv that il loomi . bay window. IK worked along nicely to-day, but hid a lut'.?' weak ?pell, and Slim ! was ruahed into action. Slim stopped the advance of the Superbas. St. Louis started the scoring \vi*h the game. With two out Jack Miller and Leng singled, and Hyatt hit tne ball out of th.- lot. This mortgage on victory waa soon taken up, however. In ?.'?in! inning Cutah-w. Stengel and ? the le, a tn an error . g ,*?,_ doubled, but the Cardinal? ad in the : l the same frame. Dolan ???' Hying for third . n Snyder'a single. Betzel sacrifice Snv ?'er to uecond, and he scored on a bit L\ Mea : This iseaaw business was popular, for the -uperbas got up again in th? 'sixth on Stengel's single and a triple by Otto Miller. Then came the ninth and the crown? ing of Appleton. The score follows; B?i i,i,i is s l, BROOKLYN IN L) ab r hi ?h r Butler, aa * ? 1 1 ? " ?yen ef I " ? -' <['? B ? r, If. '.0 1 2 ?0,ii Mar?, at. ? ;' J J? I Mi.1er. 2b 4 J 1 ? 4 1 J ' * * * ? ? .,.,., 1] | | . I lb 4 J 1 4 4 ft : 4 t . ?? ? 4 . . i ?/ <l. 4 n .' 0 . ?1 .. 30 i o 11 wo.llllr.e 3? ll.^li son pin ? 'i ?OU*?. i> ... ?0 I ,. p. 20 I I * : I? ? . ;r?. i ., ,i ?? ...i 4 ? 11 tl 10 1 TOUla 4 i ' lor I??': III II ? ? '-nj I'.i.lng ? I ?40919020 x?f, I . 0 2 0 1 '1 1 '? ! ? ! a-- KtOl?! . li--/.-!. Da r. Doubt? play? : Ml " ind Hyatl Butl? I M Ih.i-I. I.--I' ? I; I ' lulls??irT II f API - 'i I 11- Off P ? I: |S? I off App ? 1 -'?'? ? ? ' ' '. . . lui II ?a; off !'? ., -, --. 0 In 1-3 inning Strn.-k oui- H* * by Haadows, -. ny l><?ui:a?a. I. I .upitf.? K'.rnj and Cocktfl Tim?2 01. PHILLIES GET SEVERE SETBACK FROM PIRATES League Leaders Unable to Score in Either Game of Double-Header. Pittsburgh, Aug. 7. -The Phillies suf? fered a retback to-day, being shut out by Pitt-I.urgh in both game? of a doubleheader. The scores were 9 to 0 iir.'! 0 ' Mamaux pitched the first game and . was never in danger of being scored upon, svhile .''ayer and Baunigartner proved easy marks. In the second game Harmon kept ?he ? rs K Ottered. Rixoy and Tincup w? re hit hard and timely by the home team. The scores follow: i [wrr game. nrnsBCROH *-? i. - Philadelphia in li A'.i r h p.. j. e ?brbpa tl rarer. ?' 12 1: ? - 101 ? 1 ? - ?? . 4 I . i 4 ? : i .m ? rf 4? 1 2.ra?aih, rf. . 101 1 I I .. 4 11-1" l.ii?? . It? I - . ??:'. o i o .i ,? i 0 ?' Kllllfer, i 1 n o .1 o 1 ' Mamaui. p.. 4 o o I Bumi . -.? ft ft 4 o i o i. n .. g Mr, p -' i i o II T'a . < . - I ft I 2l 12 1 ?> .' ? 0 I 1 0 , h o o o o o ft .i ' H ? ii** n.i i nig I i Inning lili ' Raii:n v' I ... ? ? SECOND GAME \ rrrraBL'BQB in. l.i Philadelphia in li ah r h po ? ?? 4 ft I : 4 0 1 o 1 ft f 4 1 1 :< i i i : 1 ft 1 . : : t 41 1 2 ? ? ' 'i . li. 31 1 3 ? . . 1 ft 0 ? Wlilll I. H I .. 1 4 ft ft 4 12 11 ' .'.11 2 114 4 . ft ft i ?_? .s 111! Rll p 10013 ft - I : T? tall .'? ? I? it 13 IT- i - Iliicy In Um Plltabursta o ; ft ft j i o o i?>i ft ft i. ?) ft o il ,i n .) u ,.? - I ? i Harmon -a , ? Ulli Bancroft 411 1 I.-. !? "i , Han a . Earned runa l.urfh. 4 Lei I. ; ? " Pill >uri i l Pli ? , ? i. 1: I'i'i irsh, 1 r'li ' OH liar I' . rT Tin 4 . i . v. . . H.iimrn. -,\ cup. I. mein ? . i I alan? p. Tlrnr?1 :'.i. WHITE SOX WIM AT LAST Rowland's Men Take Game from Senators. Washington, Aug. 7. Chicago won from Washington to-day by a store of ?'. to 2, opportun? hitting at the expense of l'allia accounting for five Chicago runs. Scott did not allow a Washing? ton man to reach first until the fifth. In the ??trenth ^ingles by Candil, Johnson. Henry and Williams drove in two run:-. The score folio*?* : CHICAGO (A la . IA l.i S , i ? ? ' 4 ft 0 1 0 0 4 ft ! 4 3 0 K.i.'olllni.-b 3 ?i ft :! 4 Ulla ? 4 ? 3 0 1 U OOJSrank?. ft.. 4 ?0 1 I ? t.. 4 0 1 301 l?andll, li> . 4 I Ml ft o .If 4 11 .? ' ? ' '? .1 i noon. rf.. 3 11 0 00 t?chala, <? 3 i i : " I H. nr\ c. * ft : n i l 110 JO? McBrld?. ?a. 10? :4i S ott, ?'. 100 03 i 1 " ft 1 . 0 ' Shaw. i'.... ft " - . ? ? ?Wlliiami ? : ? ? i , I 1 a, a.? . . a 'I ? . 14 a- ? - I ? Wl Il r :? I Dig 4|. 1. . I ? I ? .1 . I ' , . ala ?iff ! off .- ... " -1 II.'. (MI bailla. 7 In 4 I 1 I > liinlnga: ? r? i-- ? I v . ? tt Harp? ti .m g? - . '.,... by Ha-:?- a I Uaplrat,-.Nal .in Dilaten. Tiuie?1 M, DECISIONS iiN BOUTS MAY REST WITH RING FANS Question Interests All ?n View of Gibbons-Mc Farland Match. COMMISSION READY TO HEAR OPIMOS Outcome of Clash at Brighton Beach Seems to Rest on Packe?/*! Condition. Boxing fa ?' is the Gibb?. CB' wi*? will I.. tr.- Brightoi "- a\ September 11, nnlesa the ur.for?'?aaa happens, and I ? *purgJ ever offered for i I : ?o-deciioi contest. Of rrtl gr. .'er gener?/ ?'_'. portance is the ma" I hand down decisions in eon. ir. this ?t?te. '1 he ?t?te A Commission is aux.?,.- te have th? opinion of boxing si N ,n\. matter before l gated. II you have an opinion ?i to the Mute Atl ... ?)0 yoi' ? J The id. la -11 Park . Vork. The present agil , by the third man ?n the r.rjr .-. coming match be'ween those matur ? rs from thf Middle W'e?t ii pert., nent. Tl ? has been asked "Will Lackey McFarland coi bons t?. ,i decision .-'.-ed ti box a no-decision coi I .-on?, thing for the fans to ponder. Then i no question of the i 'Icr'ir. land as an expoi '?.?fence. To he more exact, :*. * on." but Pack? >"-t for two ' ? '.enita of his carer, ha g :o |_j front ?n that line, in by the box? ing solon , it is 1 , 'oxing enthu.-ia?t? that . .,- ? rfer? with this match. I lin?a G i ti com? parative ol)?cur . ?or?n the pug?! s ??,T? compared his rr.- af Mc? Farland and have del ri hable outcome o*' a match between the two. Rei ,;? in r.e of them. Paekey would - :e in ounce to I bom wiselj . ?eight which would w? -rev?nt him, showing :-.- '-... h?g gled over thy pound lock was evi r Although neith'T '. nor Gibbons has ever he! they ha I tie toe big to compel ??undi, and the men wh he was in his h . to meet him r than 133 pounds ringi Packey to rr..-. oo h ? .je. ><: with iJ.?.bon IIe outgr? - m, and wa? too small to me? ' , midd Later, of course. Hill l-pound i ' i ? contests, and never had ar.y gr?*. trouble. For several bave : men. . ? en. If both -, New York or > ? ill b< teen. In making an -c?reh , of memo; ? them - which mi-hl ^ th* either, There was the inimitable GritTo, J .1. th? . *. the might! J ?? bu* .y be, perhaps, thai p'.?i? ging may . meet. . but it muat lysr* almo ' ? -tek. Th. self: "Can Mel . 'mm a protr.i ted ! M? his own with such a ma-fr workmsl ?.bbon? ?" RED SOX TAKE TWO GAMES FROM LOWLY INDIANS joe Wood Deprived of No Hit Game by Lone Scratch Hit. . Aag 7 : ' i*y 4h* Red ? .- 2 to " and ?> t? ? : waft ? !, elding. After thi ' thi ^oti game I.i ird . " Kt? ? i runs in both g -':1' *Bf O'Neill retired injuri?e. li.e 1 II BOI ? '? 1 < ? ' (? ? ?K I ? 111 i? II* : Totali 1 ' ? Iif-? ' ? a S ? ? ill ??? 111** Hor.1 . a a ? 1 1??,, , - ? ? 'f 1 ' ' '?'?.' 1 ii.i.e.-. -f llai-rnia . ?.ii * ?.,- i . I , liar-'" u US ? ?-4-~U1U' , . ? r fiai?*?1 H.