?. ijjtL ITS YOUTJt? WITH EACE WEEK Racing' Revives Past Glories of Sar&ttog'a Society Leaders, Superb Gowns and Dazzling Jewels Make Race Hall Brilliant Function?William K. Van derbilt .Among the Entertainern. I I l'nion Hotel, SarHfor-B Spring! N. Y . Am: \ . I \ .? any b) hundred? ot y lav the riicmi ed here. It wa? ? eoi mop. which included ?o ? te York doctors, sp? ? In ? ..1 the exeit?m?n - the ? ? the widi animate? <.!ii elmi irt abou1 the ilr.J time eould no1 be compared with th? brill...- in m '. ?'iill commenced. Th? number of di ne< i -< ? r ballroom? *? ei ? r grill, the per pela and 'atform built n . v hich durini: the:: look. of th< ? h : s ! ? ?o many box?. advance ? ? b before the . K \ derl ?It, who ? in Sai dinner ? ?rand Union trar ludinsj F. i'. Beach and W. S. Hoyt. "dr. Vanderbilt ?. ?? informality of dining under the starlight i ? i nion orchestra ..nierons o during the ?ea 1 follow ? t, w'. - ? veil an rieht in the Colt? brought their ( ? . htful automobile tion of th? I . ridinv? in the grill I.. M. Hi ming* Sunday * rtained I Jockey f'lub. . ?-. who is rh.e Grand box at the at numerous ?n rnintr her ? ral at by her par and Mrs. William Force, she ?rill hero. ?day prom ? ? . o) able ? i-on, fui a great many I people hav?* derided to mterlnin in the lawn, where, under the ? huir? umbrellas, irm-st'' me seated at table. Among the prominent person? who . .i r..\. i i he 1.1 ; day of I he ?re? : W. K Vanderbllt. l'r?-?l ? ?. Beach, ? ho moten .1 from Newport to attend the race?; C. K. (?. Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick John? son, Colonel George Hanrey, Kthrl nd Mrs. Payne Whil ? and Mr? Pern Bi liront, Mr. : \\ ?lson, Sam Bei runl. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanford,Mr?, ('. Gra) e, Andrew Miller, Cup *:. i:. Cassatt, Mr. i ? i Mr?. Chauncey Olcott, Frank MeKee, Paul le? A. - ane, Thoma - l-. Hitcl Hitchcock, John E. Maddei Mis. Samuel E. Il ildreth, H illiam A. I Thoma i Richard C. I1 . . Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lewisohn, Schuyler L Parson i, Herbert Baj Jame.- .-.- i . i . l rederick il. von Stade arifl many other prominent persons, Carnival Nig'Ms Open Bar Mar?bor Wee?i Guests to Appear in Pierrot and Pierrette Costumes? Rattle of Mowers on August 17 and Fashion lete on August 24. '? .- ti ? i e wcc-k wa ? er ni Mr5. E. M. Padel Tuxed - ' lape will take place i ; .'I-low . . :' dresi was H'inm irrimini . :.' ry ami w a- a Bpecta i-.ilony of 1 he seaaoi .? of Mrs. W . ? ? .if the Si she en the .-ame a? term Palmer tea ?n tin ?'.ci. Mrs. Rober Abb? ibout one I 1 rd Hinkli day af Ah- ? undfed membe Clul? iloune. Mi ' ' ?-. Gouv ? ,i dance at .1er ? ? day, iin.l the first ?he summer wai - - i?? .1 event? of th? "au claire de la lune" to be given at the Swimming Cluh ?>n Tuesday ? ? n the gueal will appear in Pierrot and P Ir ?s the firsl of .-. ?ii i val nights, to be followed by -: ? ? AU| : ." mmei colony will i \ . -?? who hav? ? ? ? | to v ar gown? are Mi i, John Jacob Astor. Mr-;. Gouverneur Morrir* and Hannah Wright The pi 'ill go to th. American Ambulance < orps In France ? >n Tuesday ;il-?> will be the fan? ball of Mr. an?! Mi - i their daughter, Miss Theresa Fabbri. in and Mi E. K. Dunham, of Seal Harbor, have car.is out for a dinner dance on the evening of August 19. After an absence ?if tw? Newport Mr. and Mrs. Edward McLean have returned to Bar Harbor for the nder of I i i *li all ?lay vaudeville performance with .immer colony will he held ?1 the Building of *irt ? '.'ii for tin benefit of the Bar Hai bor Hospif .!. M ? Suaette Sturgis and Miss Frances Mean have charge of the programme. Lui and tea w I] be served for those who wiah to remain for the futir? bill. ? of ? seriei of Beethoven rg? of Howard St urge? will f?c heard at the Building of Arts on Saturday afternoon. Erne?! Schc! ling and i i ?? 1er will giv? the .inri'?'. Mr?. Samuel Price Wetherill will in a dinner part** of fifty to i b? given at the Kebo Valley club on evening. rw London Foi Hud lain ? -. Yacht < lui'. th? :ti the Ion ' : ' er?ley und i lone? jr. had ? ? ? - 1 I Badger, ??,. \ '1 il??in.) I ? ??i at the hotel. W s Prankard nie New York. much entertaii ' ' ?I, ??till Vl IS. ? i . . '.:. ' M... (ran Brooklyn und on Sal of l-'tli Knapp ? l?r . .- Bal ? 'I'lie Griswold. in ? u ?in- of ? ?t : Mr. sod Urs. (? ? i ?? : ltd Ml I ? ' . Mr ?s'il M Charles Cooke. Mr. Robinson Co I ird; Mr. and Mrs. K. H, Mu ? of Cin? M ' -. I.ama Allen and ?Hen of Walnut Hills, Cincinnati; 1 Mrs. Carl II. de S Iver of Brooklyn; i Mi G? 011-.- M Moi i J, B Durham an?! Durham of Philadelphia. The for ile Hospitale at Men ? ? ? ? P? - - no on Saturday evening was the largest social on <>t the season at Pequot, at . ly the ? ut ire i .mil many New London ?ociety people w? I I ? half of th? ' - wa? given on tlj? where *-; ar :.?? the audience. The walls of ere hung with the tri-eolor lero?! ayed small . 1 . rened 'He on tertainment wit] rna* ng ad- j of the In un'line of I.'?- H pitale by ? 'och- | Schall hospital in Fi ?1rs. M 1rs. Schall'i t only in a financial ut\. hur of he? arduoui i r?? at ti.- hospital until her subs?quent ' ? B A poem of appreciation, written by I.awrison ?..i- read by Mrs. : and ?"..v.'ii -i musical programma. I bj .'..i. 1. Ti .et y .Sheffield, sang chat mina, ]y. Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Bacon played ev? en] banjo selections, Messrs. Donald end Frank Cbeppell played guitai snd m a a ? i,. Rey burn was heard to advantage in tome In''i:.'i songs n to the of the Home f? ildri n i tournam? ? ? Avon : Iiuj court? wai brought to s close this i week snd Miss E. van Nuyse ; the winner of the ladies' .??ni,-b';. A Spring ISoaro Dive et Allenhurst tSwiMM/M? Pool. . 7>tu>to buor jea^i*.? Many Yac Sitting Parti s ?Bife Na^rag'aiiTaSe?t?t Pier ? !' ' ?. R I . \ i::. 7. With their white et and oui ' ? panorama a.? they pa-;..| by Narra ?? i.:.- week over tl \? ? ! di . through Narri . port New York > aeVi 1 Club rn in "? ? . ,i :i '.' < ? || make their way around Poii and mit? the waten of the bay. From Ocean Road the ? ? the craft a? ? the Ca in?? meml i of the i umm? r colon; ew th?- ii 'ins of the summer in " ! . -t i ? the R? olute snd V . ' and with their before 1 he br ?? .??? t hibitii . .?? through the old < aaino ted a pictui ? que N'umi rou ing the past week with yachting board, bound 01 - .1 - ? Sea Gull v I Mi 'in!,? i< liopking on ;? parted from thi Pier for Newport is now 1 ? ilong the ?. and 1? ? i-, route for Bar Harb? ? 'I I ,- Arcad* with \i thur Meeki . nee H. \- m.".. ' thi :.Mihting part) railed to 'he Pier from Newport recently and anchored in 'he hay. Othei craft al anchor off < r ? an R? ni wiie the Wakiva, owned by II ? Harknea?, of New York; thr Owera, with former ('or. i loelet Gerry and Mr?. Gerry on hoard; the wk and the Taro. Misi I.ucia ? and Lincoln Vaughn swam out the be) ? ? (together of i mile. Ml l led Ihe .. . ; r' unding the T?'i... She wimm ? . ? i . ' her young companion? when iwimmii Summer - i i co tinue in favor at the Pin"! -i i lith ' ivhi re nd tennis hold ? Poinl Judith Countrj ? ? elimin i ary round? at the court?, ich have ????ne of numero games ? immer. Il ere were I thirty . it and ? Ward Dawson, of I. '?. ' :i!.; Rowland H ??:' Peasedali . b. I.; F. ? . (nman, of j Xeu York; Crait, Bid lie, of Ph phi ,. and Wal so ' ?urn, winn? r Mr. and Mr?. \. .1. "? reux, ' of Philadelphia, are gueata r?( Mr. and ;?'? ! Wildfleld Lodge, n;i Ocean Road. When Saratoga was the Social Summer Capital of the U. b. N. Y. Yacht Club Fleet at Newport Mrs. Richard Stevens and Miss Elsie Stevens Entertain? Mrs. Wysong Gives Musical?Marble House Dansant Nets $3,000 for War Sufferers. N'ewport, Aug. 7. While the adul' tentils <'nth?i!iin?its of the summer col ony have unrestricted possession ol tin- eourtS at the Calino ?-ach morn? ing whea th<- weather l? fiir, the chil? dren o? the summer colonists have their innings during the afternoon, and almost any afternoon there can be found a do/en or more tf the young boys and girls enjoying them? selves in contests across the nets. Among the younger players who are continually using the courts are Craig Biddle, jr., McLean Harriman. H. ?. Kidlon, (iarrick Mnllery, Theodore Mayer, jr., I'rexel Riddle, I.any Tall? er, James Henry Van Alen William de Rahm, K. S. Reynal, jr.. ?'ameron Mri:. Winilow, jr., Henry Clewa, M, Maurice Avery, Miss Hetty r Mis? Luci Florence I.oew, Karbara Loew, Dorothea Willard, Alice Astor, Natalie Winslow, F.isie Parsons, Muriel Vanderbilt, Helen Moran and Consuelo Vanderbilt. j James Henry Van Alen thi? week i ? ?m a eup offered by M ri. Henry - Florence Loew is one of ? etter of the girl players and i.ohls the liltincl about the best all-round ?th!?-*? ?rr.r,?. ,?, firli She i? Rfteen years ??7 J the daughter of Mr. and Mr? ? Ce*dhl ?? >? ?t enthasisdS i'.r wimming a? lb? :- for t?a_Bi? Recently ?he swam between Hm??" Reach and Bailey ? B< .. rror? tl?_ than did I ,'V;!arP?i * Coaatesa Cuy d< ?M, _ ago. }nTl Mrs. John Jacob Autor, who hu iW here as the (tun?: of Mr?. Joseph 1 H'ldener, mad" hfr appears?*?? on tk courts one morning, pUftog 'witj Charle? E. Sai natch against Ml ? G Coih ing. of Roston, and Gary Morgin ? New York. With 'he Now fort Yacht CI?J ?re for a eoupl? of days, thin were more informal par usual, fine of tl dancing, given by Mrs. ki chard St* veas and her daughter, Miss EIom St?. vena, at Hill Top Inn. Then -, another similar affair, though ?irrtr given at the same puce in a ihort time Maurice Koche '. Bight of August lH for this p?rty, asi he is to have a compa-iy of lio # dinner, and probably ,., m?ny non for dancing. Mrs. John J. Wysong, following let custom, gave another ? home, Greystone, late in the week. Mrs. Frederick W. Goodman, form?r. ly Mrs. .1. Mitchell Clark, has been hit? this we? - inersl uii Mr?. J. Prod Pi? has tine? returned to New York, hut befor? ths went she gave orders ,.ny Crii? Park, to the public. While the f!ow?ti of the gardens were in full bloom, Mr?. Goodman silo ? public to roaa about the place at will, sad hun>' Tt in to the board ol - eraen ?t the Casino for snother term of four ?rears, he, Lew - Edwia I?. Morgan and Milton B. Httgtt ill being rrwhW Phil? delphia, are arriving on Monday to at the guest.? of Mr. Berwind, sod he hit snned to give a *eri?i if dinner partiei and l?verai inform?l er dances before the end of th? I summer. July To^uiFmg Record BroReir? im BerfisSiires The Austrian Ambassador and Mme. Dumba Entertain for Prince von Hatzfeldt?Lenox Dog Show in September?Century Club Reunion. Lenox. Aug. 7. In July touring b' automobile In the Berkahire? wa? th heaviest ever known, and the beginnin ot" August look, like another recori breaker. Air.vint thi? week wire ma:r wel known person? who are being enter tamed by cottager? and at hotela. Pi and Mrs. William Holland Wilmer an? Mis? Rein-kali Wilmer arrived iron ington to visit Thatcher M Adam? at Sundrum House. Holier Shaw Rarlow arrived from Huston t? hi? mother. Mrs. Francia C. Bar? low. " Uic? M. Davidaon, of Ne? York, came up to Pittafteld to he with Mrs. Thomas Kenny. Mr and Mr? William B, 0?gOoii Field are et it? ing his mother anrl sister. Mr?. William Hazard Field, ami Misa Man 0?| Field, and al.-o Gerald de Witt and Sumner Hal laid, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Francia Rowell and Maud Miner arrived at Cold Brook ? Mia? Charlotte K. Harne-, Mr and Mr.-. Thoma? W. Strong ha i ?rlth them ? - ' her mother. Mr? ('. W. Bonsils. Mi ? I-ubel Shutter is entertaining her sister, Mrs, Ah Lawton, of Savannah, lia. Mr. and Mrs. Huntting Worth, of Foreat Hills, Long Island, are th? gttCSt? of Mr. and Mr?. Mark T. Robin?, in Lee. I>r. and Mme. Constantin T. Dumba gave a number of eatartainmenta foi their gueatl .'' 'he Austrian Erab . Prince von HaUfeldt, the com the (ierman Embassy' Captain Frans von Papen, of the (ierman Em and the Austrian Conaul Genera] m New York, Alexander von Nnber de Hereked. Mi-s Clementina riupi>.? entertained for her truest. Mme. Emma Eamea. In Stnckbrid/e a -cries of nld Testa? ment '? tlie children of the eottagera on the lawn at the home of Mr. an?! Mrs Graham E. Parsons, th? being dran by l?r. Georg? Greavill? Merrill and 'he plays arranged b\ Mi-. Pal On Tues.lav afternoon twei I dren appeared in "Rebekah at the W. .'..'' and another nlav is m prepara? tion. I ii.- date of the annual Lenox Pof Shew has been set for Tin-.?.lav. Sep? tember 14, and it will be held on the proper'v of Mrs. Anson l'i in Cliffwood Street. rh? -ih>!-; s of the week a' the hotel? have been clock golf and putting, and fishing in the lakes for black b? tt Meaton Hall, in Stockbridge, the clock golf tournament was won b] M il Charlotte Moray, of Troy. Mrs. (liarles R. Gay. of New York, won the patting match there. The Hotel Aapinwall putting contests were played in the early part ot* the week, W. ('.. ('llbert, of Washington, winning th? men's event and Miss Hope Palmer, of I ike wood, N. J., and Miss Grac? I.a'.uir, ?f New York, being tied in the women'? r.ai riiiK'" I anu i . i? will fol open * - and aeason men ' ? atT . _i? ?here -rta"""11, i rttii*ni Berk-?W rington ..' their R |? ,-. ?nd Mr? S. * 7-rt? T. ? ' ? " ?* ' ??-.???? 'juin .n.l Mr- .:- .. ?.. Whit honor "r> * r.ey Monroe. v ,l th? M,,s Edna Hilton, m ??? *?*-3 daughter of Mi . ' ,rt exhibit..! -JJi? exhib ' ? " .- i.h, ' a .L.n?e *?" Lydia I Enen ?? " %??* ?am Mara ?h VW inahield, narre. ,10*, as s . |?l? ?r A. Nett . . ,_.? tt* Dr. Henry P Jaqu? ."?-* b'v"*iif* construction o? \t, o* 'ka.un ? frot? Mr* propertv h? laUly purchased tro ? Phelp? - ? . 4 ? ?if n?,ui- ,?rp .it? W Folaom an ' lAtfit* plans for o gardens.