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T? VU ILS OF HUT BROWN MAIDS AND LAUGHING WATERS Entertaining' at Height In Thousand Islands Commodore and Mrs. Wheeler Give Dance ?it \\ au-vvinet _"Queen of the Movies," with Social Leaders Act? ing on Films. 1 o Be Given at Yacht Club. Alexandria Pay. ?Aug. T, The w? yu been an unusually brilliant f ?anally ?* ' ind Islands. 1 tirn'.f toon ?'-'it at the Thouss ]5*a1,d N. ? gSB Monday, a _,H f'.. | There were ah? the cntiy list One of 1 jrost r 'he seas . ei last Monday evi . by Commodore and M Sew York, home, on the Liarer.oc R There w a supper a' ? breakfi ?j.fforo lui ?.? d t?. th? ? re Mr. and M Fir. r f New York ; > and Mr Ortv.ft. V ?' . Mr an? Mr ? ? v (??- .all hou eelers; Mr. ami Mi Bons: Edmund S. Bur? w. 1!. MeCawle igj ? ,- \\r. ..rid Mrs. C. All? B?yder., "' >? Langdi n.ajdtn Mrs. .1. 11. Hammon ? il. I.amson .Toi riir.c- 4 '""? Mr V:rf T. Peachey Spei f,r- I. Mil? tiibhor, ? . . Mr. ar Mrs. H. 1 e, J P. Gillespi yr ?- ; ? Havemeyer, M ? i .?.? ? Elbridge P. Wi nd Mr I??f,c Wi?< Mr and Mr Thomas J W ims, Robert O ?born ' Seave jom F O. Lowdei , Lowden, Mr. an \ ilrahai 3d, Mr. an Isabel Mc P Ros. Mr Fitch, M's h?n? S Reei ? ?i Mr? ' ...vlor. Mn I harle Pass, M n , I, Gran :. ;:??brrt Pow ?. M isa Hei en Y. . 'V Hammond. Ml LI !'? ' - Hele: Wilbur, , M il Mr. and Mrs. E B. Y. B Rubsamen A* - ??? the Thousand Islar? tur ev? ning. in th' ehrr, i t, Miss S ..rah Thr? e m, Miss., and Sydne4 Bilvi rk, wo' cups. Mrs. Harold DeW ti e, won the pi the Iuck?, ??r contest. Saturday evening then v re a cotillon at the Thou?,.: and F Fee entertained la?.? Si- . od of a ?. : the Thousand Island.? lb, her guests numbering re Mrs. ? ? . ? ? ? . rge II, I'u - sell, Mrs. I. H. Jennry and Mr- H. II Havemey? r, an?: ' irle? H. Stearn**, J. H. Snow A Hayden, Mrs, W. ? K Trent, '.v. w. Aufferraai J M. I'el , Ewi : -y. who ?v;,.s the gUC"t b irg, v- V.. . ? Tu?-?:. ? '. ?Il and aunt, Mi Bonny ? Mr and Mrs Harold, of Svri : housand Fland Hou?.-. y the guests of Colonel and Mrs. O. G. ; Staples. The motirn picture play, "The Queen j of the Movies," which Miss Kathetiii' Bleecker, the gui "?' Helen Eg I gleston, at IdTewild, wrote and which i [a b?'i!?r put on the rilni this week, is ? divertissement of an unusual ordei foi i the cottagers, because it deals with the I tociety set houi and I and will be shown at the Yacht Club on August 23. It has Furnished n numh.'r in the taking, as there ?a daredevil horseback riding, in A Graham Miles is thrown from bis polo poi :-. and I'.u.i" Wiaer is forcibly ? men." The ad\ i eis played by Ml Th" heroine is M i si Helen Wilbur, the pi'tite, blond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wilbur, of Bethlehem, I'cnn. ? Tenrr Mrs. George C. Roldt, jr.'.-. Ii land, Mon? day afternoon. The cast includ? Pashi? II, Henry Un Hayden, Miss Helen Eggleston, Miss Margaret Nichols, William Cutler, . c? Hammond. Jack I Earl Hayden an?! Stephen Bonsai, jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Rabcock. W. C 1 Crawford and E. F. Devil | burgh, are ' esta of Mr. and Mrs. J. S !: Pitt burgh, whose 'summer home is on Dewey Island, at ndria Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Win r Fitch, of N?\v York, are the ?r. and Mrs. Hudson F. Rose, of New Yo?k. a' their Thousand I Frank 0. Lowden, of l Louden are ' Pullman Low? den. have arrived at Alexandria Bay and have opened their cottage, Castle Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, of Chicago, are guests of Commodon : Mrs. Thomaa H. Wheeler. Misa Dolly Quackenbuah, of New Yorl ? -, Mr. and Mrs. James Lester Quackenbus'n. at the Thousand ?.-?and- House, will have as her i_'ue>t I New York. Mr. and ': ! bons have a i I heir I ? lordon , of New York, and Edmund C, Paul Headingtoi Mi \ Gral spent ? ? ek in New York with her father. She will return ro Alexandria Baj for the golf tourna? ment, which begins M? CairEiival Moim?lhi Mow Rules at Asbeiry Ps-Fli Large Number of Entries for Baby Parade?Second Maid for Royal Court Selected?Angler Lands Six Foot Shark with Rod and Reel. -ry Park. V .1 , Aug 7. Carnival I ha? arri? ? th it thou- ? ?ar.ds of vaca! are inter eit? rnival the next eludes the , the court ball, lal ? celebrated I>aby parade, im twenty-five ! ounder ? ? '"or the pr? ? ? I mor.:! ? m, isanda i I ? ? ? -this period of the prepared month? i ?so snd an -..cular pag ? in the ' ? \\ ?1! be particularly | e number | ? ry large. I I ? in display, repre jesl thousand? of dollar.- an.I vary ttou a .?m?!! drinking cup to a pony <-?' ?1 car' During the week there has been much pleasura I on in the colony ? ? . incemenl of the nembtl court and n.uch ? dentity of 1er royal highness, whose name will .... The nd tnaid of j .'? ?...i announced t? . . ? ? Mildred : ?home, the ? ear-old daughter' ?*?' Mi and M Alt,er- Dei ??"-' He?, thorne i.? a brunette and is one of the the South Side High School rk. Her father i? i J-h?* pri the Lehigh w ???rre ( oal Company of New Jersey and j g the summer at the I ?w Niehola? Hotel, Asbary Bark. An i ' ,,| unusual feature of *M carnival fetei will take place Augu I ion of Queen Titania jH n the beautiful Arcade Pier when ! V'Jren Titai:,., ?IV, Miss Vir| "ope Ki ' ipanied by Her p'nc? Louise Roebling and ?r, will t urn over her ' frown and sceptre to her suce? ?'ter one year's charming and **rou- reign over the sprites and fair he of her magic kingdom. The largest fish ever caught from the Aibury Bark beach with a rod and reel *?? landed this week by Frank (>. ???t, a member of the ?ocal fishing It was a blue nose .shark which ?ni?, ??as t> feet 11 and 2 feet 10 inches As excursion numbering 3,000 people ? "?U increase the great, crowds here ' Lahm I' ,. I- ?g (g he held by th ? ? . the Unite ? '? .!-?! sey. Th.- i . sixth to ? In- this fraternitj ia called the lucky excursion, a only once ?mt of the twenty--ix time i* baa come here has the pleasure <> ? ' 'i marred by liiclemen weather. Plans are hoirie; perfected by the Nei argeat hotel tor ai. elaborate ball which wil. he giv ? ? ?'? in the month m hoi the Cuiri!' Par? The lucky i umber t I th?-r< evening ?as largely att? Fully - (?anii- held ? ? -i i i . \ meri can Red Cl? muaical, held in tin spacie room Thursday evening was j from the hotel and ..itta?;.' coloi i ? of the mi able lunch of i he aeaaon ? a- given t h ;.t the New Metropol tan H? Mrs. Evan? Sharp? in honor of Mrs Townsend Jones Underbill. The I were French enamel bonnet basket? Among the guest- invited to meet Mr? I'nderhill were Mr? George Bui Mr?, John C. Palmateer, Mrs. Rosa, Mi '? end. Mrs. Henry ? Wii or, Mrs. Leon K. Will man. Mrs, J. E. Jackson and Mrs. How .! d Pa ii hall 1 I Vork -. Mil Brooklyn, and Miaa Emily I, nf New York,were the winnera New Mel tan'i annual *en iii.- tournament on the hotel court-. One rrikiiie; function? of the IOW ball held ? ?-ening in the ?pacioua ba of the Lafayette Hotel. It wa tended by nearly BOO people, ?ho not only danted in the ballroom I the rose salon and upon the broad '??'? The d'-p!ay of go? :'- ?ri beautiful an?l a;-: ? alwayi enjoy? th? entertain host ery. Ocean Grove ..r drove, N. J.. Aug. 7. Tl big musical event of thi ? of 1915 ill Ocean GrOVC took place to-night when John Met celebrated Irisa t< noi In con?oit before 10,000 people 1 ? ? Mor? gan announced t?i friend.- afterward that the great musical features o? other j By the Sea " August Belmonts Newport Home. Cof^rc^kl by International A/cms Service. .-ears will in all probability be resumed ' . ? ,i ? ment of ? he b? sch f past ten fach even? ing ha? caused considerable ?I: ilony. People de? , remain <>n the boardwalk until ck .Tu?! when 'in'? go t,-> the theatre they do not like to "go home in the dark." The I c ?' OS will un- ' "ie?! the ,. of the each light.? burnii . ght. In i ty Mme. Ernestine ink, the famous con- . tralto, '?'."ti: Oc? \ ori :::i Labor Pay night. SI ? ?.I way. ? ? ? ' ? ? llar grand opi it . ?irove ??un be ?it ! ? ver -lie appi Grea] - mad?' for ti:- '??- ??ii'n." the en in ? Auditorium Saturdaj evening, August 21. There will beov*i F ' teenth annual convention of the ?!(?,::?: Grove branch of 'he Inter wa? held during ? eek in the ??Tiple. Rev. Dewitt C. Cobb of Trenton presided. Allenhiirst Allenhurst, N. J., Aug. 7. The ex- . treme heat early in the week made bathing in the orean and pool the most attractive diversion for visitors. Ten ? ?I an important nart in the entertainment programme, tour ayed si the Casino cour!-- on the oci ?>ml on the eourts "?' the Al ? ib, A1 ? ? ! . I , ? ? V. ? , ?, ? ' ? . \ by defeating F. Cumnrr. ami Cls I B coiilest was won by Will Davis, who de Tom Davi rheodore S. ?'art ? ? . Vllenhumt Club title. . il masquerade an?l fancy dress ball \? ill be held at the Allen-' hurst Club next Wednesday evening. AH the danc?is niu-t appeal The (?(iiiini ' irge of the e-.? ? composed o mes A Maguire, Will .am F. Selby, William B?. Delehanty, r Leahy, Donald McAleenan and ? h B v m ray. 'I :,?? ? bod) of ? termined that the practice of res-? iden's who gut. themselves in bathing. ? alk * t ?mi tl eii home? to ? an ordil 't ce again.?! this for years, bin any nal ? made to ?'op the practice. V calling attention to the ordinance have ? beach front snd ? ?T'li instructed In h? eir daught?'r Mad? day anniversary, Mr. ??lit1 Mrs. W with s dinner party this we? Bridg? ? Pleasure B iy, *ii ? der, Miss Helen Stem. Mil Evelyn Kirkpatrick, Harding, Miss Mari issell. Manhattan Beach The beginning of the first we? ? t found the ( iriental Rotel "full up and evary room oeeapied. One of ? ? -. was the Mm?. Pauline Donalds, of Paris, who ?a? here for i, on the evening of A m The birth?:. Gordon Byron, who has spent many .. with h i s n : Mis. G. G. Bryon,and hi? four brothers, ..? N. .1.. was Cele .y by a family dinner I upper parly. Mr a- I Mr 1 homes P. O'Brien gave i ! pal tj at their home m ' ir the hotel, on Mon Mrs Harry ?". Morse ga?e ' ? her privai ??'? ph i; luncheon ;> bridge party on Wednesday. ' Block Island Hlock Island, Aul'. T. The week-ends at the new clubhouse of the Atlantic 'I una i !uh are bu j* on? . foi man) member? come to try their skill with the wily tuna. Those having tin luck this week were T. Dana Chapman and F. W. Manafleld, of He-tun. C. B. K rkland, of New York City, and hia daughter M une! are registered at thi View, ??ii Thursday they caught not shark, which tipped the cali at i"11 pou It has been a ?rala week at the Ocean Yit-w. with dancing and concerts each evening. Among those registered here from Neu York are Mra. John A. Weber, New fork City; Mr. and Mrs. C. Bra) and ?' i Bi ay, of Vine land, N. J.. and Dr. A. M. Knowlaon, of Troy. N. Y. Judge and Mrs. Morrow, i ' k msai City, .n?? booked for I of the season. At the Manille? one evening th ni- court wai decorated with Jap.n.. ?? lantern? and the patrons danced till a late hour to the music of a hurilv gurdy. On Wednesday melt a dancing - i- won by Miss Sylvia Fish, of Worcester, Mass, On Friday even? ing a .'.I by M i and Mi-. II. L. Fritz, of Fast Orange. N. -I. ?nt to 1'e'nlilv Keuch to toast m." hmallowa, ?lag and plav games. Mi . "?!.. Ranaberg, of New York City; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hopper, of Butler. N. J.; the R?v. Charlea Penny, of Philadelphia, and F. Zabriskie. of New York City, are regiatered at the Ma for Auguat. Senator Homan. of New Haven, is also there. The many guests at the Eureka en ?iyed a masquerade on Saturday nicht. A Seach party at Pebbly Beach alao ? d fun for the young folk.-. R. P. . Misa Hilda Ferner, of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hofflminc and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dwyer, ?. ' Newark, are registered at the Eureka this week. Some riifferent form of pleasure i plunned for every evening of the week at the ilyge-a Hotel, A dancing con? test ?n Wednesday evening wai watched with inter?s', when a dozen for a hui;e box of candy K\r. and Mrs. Gustaf Davidson .? . ? ? ?he winners of the prize. Un Thu'-day evenini: a mock marriage was performed, ar.?l on Friday a birthdav a a- given for Jo eph Hi ad-haw. of Providence, On Friday afternoon Mr?, Harry Baruch, of New York City, entertained the children of the hotel at a birthday party in honor of her son Joseph A J pie held a ? each gueat On Saturday even? ing thi r? waa a ehildren'a dancing car? nival. The first ?croup of Danish, lier man and Russian dances were danced by Miss Beryl Davidson, Joseph Baruch and Robert Beihoff, of New York ('it',; . Faith and Madeleine Struck and I' I? .s. jr., of Prov'.' The polka Brasilien? waa danced by r. n young people in Spanish costume. 0 dance?, a sailor's horn? pipe, by Misa Genevi?ve Bradshaw, of i.-nce, an?! a French butrerfiv .lance by Mrss Sophie Baruch, <<i New ? Ity, were a dehcht to all. Masquerade? are mm-h in rogne. At the Spring House on Fridav evening ? ftv were in costume, and clever impersonations were (riven. Tha' Ig James T?te, of New York (?it] Mr and Mrs. R. Schloaa and their son Herbert are ..? B House for Auguat. Haines Falls Haines Falls, V V. Aug 7. While there are more than the usual number of musicals, fairs, danc? and other en tertainmenta being planned for next ?reek ami th.- week following, more in? terest i? being shown in the fan for ..-netit of the North Mountain for Fresh Air Children, which will ie held here on Au?ru-* 19 under itronaga of the leading member? .,?'th?- iloniea at Onteora Club, Elka Park. Twilight Park, Sunset Park and Santa i ri Park Th? fair will be n the lawn al th.- Se*' dence, near the ?quart from th? interest thai . - ? ,r ?rill be one of the mo?t of the season. Begins Wediniesday Automobile Hill Climb, Baby and Coaching Parade. Crown? ing of Goddess of Liberty. Baseball, Firemen's Pageant and Dancing Some of the Features. Liberty, S. Y . Aug. 7. Al! arrang ments are completed for the two ca riva! day- which are to be hebt he on Wiib.? ?iiny and Thursday of th week The Business Men'- AlSOciatic aril the Civic Club have been ai WOl all the week on the different parad? | and attraction?, with the result th; there will be plenty <.:" time left fc anything which may arise between no and the celebration ?lays. A bat ? |0 o'clock Wedne ? day morning will open the festivitic .?!' the day. At ?1 will ?i,-, ir ? i.?i . il ? climb, Uve ? ? nil the club trophy cor ' '. which will ? .: der the aui ?if the Su Automc bil? A ociation. No entry fee will b charged. At 2 in the ?fi i be ? I e p.ii ade "! . ,'omr I ? . three elasses, with twelv The baby parade and th roaching parade and the crowning o the "Godd berty," previous! i'ar vote, will be othe ires of the ftrsl da] ! In the evening there will b? it ii . ? dance in the Liberty House bul. : room. A baseball name will be played a the new athletic field a* 10 o'cl th.? morning of the firs! .lay. A' I will occur the annual ii j the Liberty F;re Departm? 2 in 1 il begin the gran? : tiren.' which over forl? ? umpanie? from ?? . illagei 1 near by will compete. A* :? in the ? ing there will be I ? !r... : ew . ? ? field. This i.? to he followed by a car nival in the 1 1-, gg? il ci ?i'.'. I of th? attend an?i prep a rat ion? ? tit :?> ?,, accom? modate 30,00j0 !" ? <?n Wednesday evening a big crowd i was out for the euchre pinochle and 1 dance for the benefit of St ". ? atholic Church. Th? hfl?! at the Lib? rty House. Many hundred sojourn?-: - ? ! ? , t the 1 Hou si Square and ..' the corner of Main and .lohn it rests. Hill Alice Sullivan, of M . ? si Washington'.-. Mill 1 I i belle W i g| t, of New York, is ?topping at the Nichols for the ?'.immer. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Down? , rtru.le Downey. Misi Alma Downey ai',: I.nine Hegelman, of Mew York, ar< ? Hal i House. Mr. and of New YorK. were -.lined lost Mr. and Mrs. Waiter I.amerattv. Jame- A. Roach. ; o\ New York City, is summering at the Gilder?., eve Homestead. Mr. and I have been en , tertairing Mr. W:!l:am 11. Clark, of ' New York. Rev. ?b-orge Tamblyn, of | Harbor. L L, is I II at the ? : ".dale '? road. Mr?. M I. Pe Wh\i: -. of Man ? hattan, i? summering at the Fitch Cot- I tage, on Wawonda Hill. F. Gibocoa, Mr-. Gibocoa, Roberto Salas, Mariano Iiiimas, >!r-. Irene P. de Carrillo, and Misa Carrillo, of New York, and F. Li of Havana, are at Ye Lancashire Inn for the summer. Monticello Monticelio, N. Y., Aur. 7. -A big : was out for the Boosters' Club night of horror last evening. The af? fair Has a masquerade ball, and there .were fifty prise? awarded, on rue? ening the annual masque charity ?a- held at the Frank Leslie. ticello firemen are to hold a clam bake in 'he near future, and it is probable that it will be in connection with the Saturday afternoon matinee at the Driving Park. Sojourner? here are lo? ?" ird to the Sul hich is held here during I four days of August. in, of New York, is hen- for l?verai weeks. Miss Vera Nilan and Father Edward Nilan, of New York, are being ?I I ed by Mr?, M Toohe) Mr. ami Mr- William .V Doyle and family, of Brooklyn. i?re irning ?t the Park View. William Dougherty is here from New York ? BeSmair. R? ?mar. N. J.. Aug. 7, Summei Belmar have been varying their life at the shore this week by chartering fishing boats and entertain? ing friends with a day's sport at the On Wednesday five craft made trips of this sort. Mr and Mrs. Harold s Brackett. of New York, in excursion down the coast to Bay Head yesterday. \ . . ta they had Mica Hort Flor Varney and Arthur W. Dudley, o? Brooklyn. Other sojourners enter taii mg friends with ? ? I rshing ? this wee?, were Ir. and Mi. L. Franklin Aldridge, i ii. Ales ander and Thomas L. Northrup team? d:vi?ie their time be? tween the Inlet Terrace court.? and 1 arleton Hotel, where I ...hur Day tournaments will be a feature. On the latter courts Thurs? day afternoon Miaa Doroth] 1er ai I I. Iiraham defeated Helen Christopher and < i?r 1 Humphry?, .?:' Ne? York, in an excit? ing match. 0 ?*>, 0 ? and * 1. In ? ?infles Henry Cartwright ?on Truman P. Morris, of New York. bj t - ,4 1 i Mis? C) r.thia Haaaler ?atari. with a card party Thursday at the Inlet Terrace Club, in honor of Miss Clair Adams, of Lynchburg, Va. Water Sports MaRe Fun at LaRe Placid umbrich to Give Concert in Forest Theatre for Polish War Victims?Adirondack Camps ajid Hotels Teem with Summer Colonists. Lake Placid. N. Y.. Aug. 7. This afternoon member?1 of the summer colony will assemble at the clubhoti-e of the Lake Placid Yacht ?Tub for the water rts, n which .1 number of the young people are to take part. There will he swimmii ?r men and women, boy? and gir'?; tub icle race and diving. On ? !0, in the open ail ?f Arden TI al Placid Club, Marcella Sembrich, the , former grand opera star, will give a 'concert, the hich will go ? *.. -h.? reli? Mme. Sembrich, who I nt of the American Poli ih Relief ? on n ? will o?- assisted bj Prank La For.,... of New York. Theodore A. Marburg, Minister to Belgium during the latter par- a ation and now a member of the Hague Fence Commis? sion and identified with the peace move? ment, 8 arrival? of the ! week at Whiteface Inn. II?- w? - i i panied by his brother, William A. Mar? burg, of Baltimore; his daughter. Miss ?'hiistine Marburg; the laib Lee van Sti h, of the Holland diplon ? ce, and hi? brother, William A. Marburg, of Baltimore. Mr. and Mr , R. M. Littlejol Flushing, Long Island, who ha cenfly arrived at Wh?eface Ir.r.. leased Camp Hoi i Their party includes ' Chi 1 ?? dohn and Misi Margare! H ? more. Camp Colburn, si W been les u ! foi by Mr. and Mr?. Loin- ?. are accompanied by the Misses Stirn and I R. Stirn. Dr. T. D'Arcy Lacas, of New York, who has arrived at Whiteface Inn for 1 the balance of th nterest in sports and is having ( his power boat sent up for u?e during his stay. Dr. Lucas :? SCCOmpani ??! by Mrs. Lucas and his mother, Mrs. Will? iam Hogan, of New York. Mr. and Mi- Joseph F. Simmons, of New York, who have arrived at White fsee In.'., are a'??? among the lovi | power-boating and ?pend much time on I the lake. Many of the hotel people a- ! ? amp ers have planned to give partit honor of friends in connection with the 1 ? ge Night t Stevem House grill to-night. Oi v ? -e nighi will be ob tevena House night on Au? gust 21 and Black and W'hi'e night on August 'Jh. These are under the direc? tion of R. B. Scott. The winner of a handicap golf event hich the best player? House were entered wsi u ; Mulqueen, i? of J : queen, of New York. G. B. Ra; K. tier tu d for Arsl pli , r of the principal golf ? :' hotel. The '!' re r"it in the ?econd Mr. K l?1 All of the best players are among ??i ui .??', ? i he conte M foi ' I '?! II. II Tread'.'. New York. John J. Gartland. Clerk of ? S lute?! a?: ? ks of the golfers at the ? 'Justice White is enthu j over the ?port and daily makei aboard the Tea/.' r, which h ' for th? Among tho?e from New Yoi Whiteface Inn arc Mr. and Mr?. A. B. ngton, Mr. .-'.'ni Mr?. <;. Piel, Mr. !.. M. M. P. Ely, im G. M?ller. 0 .Mrs. Charle? Or?.:'. Mr- Malcolm h' Orvii, I?r and Mrs. L. ?'. Waraei. ??'? i iherty and th? M - ? - ? P P. Hap- the 1 :nner I of first prit? nar". of the -?? i -on at th.- I Hotel. A. J, Wein ig of 4??w York, who is a tor of .mong early ; in the w. si !!? M W ? .n. Mr. and Mr-, . ' among the Nev. ? i rand t nother, Mi A. M MeKi Early in the week M B " ? propr ? he '.ran,! \ | taired. \ i f4 Gall ip, J W I! .' I J. W. PI t new ? I Sarai ' Mr?. Lo her father, John F. Yawger, of Nan York, r.a.e Joined Mr-, Yawger and Mrs. F. L. Kenny at the Grand View. Mr. and Mr?. J. Kennedy Tod. who are among the recen' New York ar ivals at the Stevens House, are using nobile to advantage upon _-:on. Others from New ? ? include Mr. and Mrs F J. VU? lanyi, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Sin Misa Elsi? Main Sinnott, M. P. Flack. H. B. Co ' i? Roche, H Corinna Roch*. Mi?s Mabel Moore, J. F. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. P H. Ral ston, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lawrence, Lawrence, Mr E H. Brown, W. w Haven, John F. Collins, Joseph W. Keller. Mr. and Mr.. B. R. Ambrose. M is Elisabeth M Higgin?. Mi?? Mary O'Meara, William Morn Tilden. F. A. Hunter and Mr. and Mr-. T. P.. H irns. Among tho.-e from New York recent? ly arrived at Northwoods Inri are John B. B. Fiske, Mr ar.?l Mrs. o. Harrold, Mrs. M. McKeon. Miss A. McKeon, Clemen? F Schmidt, jr.. Andrew Bar? rett. W. B. Simpson, Miss Kram? Dela porte, C. Delaporte and E. Delaporte. Westport Westport-on-Lake Charr.olsin, N. Y, Aug. 7. That deer will be plenty throughout the Adirondack region is the belief of a number of veteran sportsmen making their h.'.idquarters at Westport Inn. I'pon and automobile expeditions that have taken them into the interior ? I Viiron .lacks traces of deer have beer, found, and in several instances the animals themselves have been encountered. The ? for deer one"? October 1, and a number of ta? th? -port plan to remain here until *hen. A period ot* wet weir ' :ought joy to the hearrs of the ri nenn. the sport was never better than now. Rig catches of pike at being made. F. R Picon, of New York, who sding th.. season with his family ? rtewood, is high hook of the His catch of pike was twenty, and in addition he '.?ok ten I A large number of pike were taken by a party Including port Inn and memb? i colon;.. Mr-. W. I. Brad ? Bg ex? pedition aboard Mr. Bradley'? cruiser, th.- Benamy. Miss Edna MacMartin of New Yor*. who has been successful in inter, members of the summer colony in a series of afternoon teaa for the i of th. Air fun : |t the Shelly cottage bj " i Guild, Mrs. 'Mary F. Guild Helen tt, of Ne ?r \ Walker B. Beale, on? of the atosl prominent of the tenni- and golf play <-rs, ha- returned to Weatport Inn for His mother, Mrs. H. B . and Blair Lee an also among i he recent arrivals. J. P. Blair, of New York, winner last year of the Patureau trophy in the golf contest- on 'he W? I returned to Westport ;i n, aecomi by Mr-;. Blair and will take part in the Augu-t tourna' Jame? Lenox Banks, jr.. who has ta, Mr and Mr?. James I..-no:. Bai ks, of 1 den cottage, Wi - nip from New York by automobile. Mr. Bank.- :s accompanied New York. Onrille Harrold, a well known tenor -inger, ..- among tho.-e from Neu who h 'port head? quarters during the week Mr Har? rold. ii leeking a favorable site on which ' ner Ironie si impressed with the advantages of Westport. ' .rrip-on and Miss Ger? trude Sampson, or' I uxedq l'ark, reeent lv reached Weatport Inn. ? returned foi tal visit at V Inn. In a a? -. earriag* . ? he various routes centring here. Elizabethtown Flizabethtown, N. Y., Aug. 7 The owners of automobiles arriving here in numbers over the Quebec-Miam. Highway are well pleased over a noti? fication received by William S. Kellogg, manager of the Windsor Hotel, to the effect that the Immigration Department of the Canadian Government h?s authorised the announcement that it r: no way interferes with bons ? - and tha' all dc?irO*M ot rout? to other point- or visiting in lanada will be ac trentment ii : that pa The annual tournament of the Cobble Hill Golf Club, which opens to-day, has brought to this resort a Itarger number of good golt players than any previous The principal events of the tournament, which will continue until Labor Day. are the contests for . by Frman .1. Ridgeway, publisher of "Everybody'!,' who I -mer home her? i y S ? *or of the Windsor Hotel; th? Deer' Head Ina cup, pre pro ?I ..r' thai ho'ei: the club pionship and thi ship, i Qaiondah cup on n \ ig, il'. Th.- ,\ indsor cup u , ,1 ;',,r in a miniature tournament on Monday, Aug. tS, and ' .<?! n a similar >*? l || . -day, AUf .ub champ. i the worn ? from * : 'i to 21. In the former there are i. r, the runner-up and 'he winner of the second eight, and in ? ips for the winner and run? ner-up only. Neil i i.e-day t! er. b? a miniatura tournament for a cup ' : by Henry S. Duncan, who also a cup for a mixed foursome to be Mm;.lay, Aug. 1?'.. lyera have been prepar ? i the tournament to 'pen or. Monday. Two cups have been - I? mean, proprietor mmittee in ?hatge include? Misi Stege. \ '?n R. Phelps, who are ..pending fhe season at thi m ndaor One of th? ? i : ? recruits to the tanks of ti William M ?.??? H .-?. . al th .? ? >r Berner- , ... an active ? horseback ruling and walk Ben Franklin, wno is at Deer's Head Inn with Mrs. Franklin and their son for th? r. ranging for f he r ii ? on th? ? I golf j links of '. ? *nd be given by I the Ben Greet players, i T. B. McGuir?. _. ?i 'W