DEFENDS RESERVE BANKS' PRACTICE Increase in Reserve Notes, w?th Gold Security, Is Warranted, Tis Said. in tesis * r<'ccnt criti<,,,im br "Th* r___oeretol and Financial Chronicle" ^Sa?olky.Bo?ia?ta-ti?_*jT Lrnot of ?ho Foderd Reserve Bank f N?w York, in the last lasue of 'The Chronicir" explains the process by h tnf different Federal heserve ?_iik? *T* ynlt*sm ont additional ?iur.ts of PodoPol Booorao note? each Lek without increasing the discount Tc 'tics ol the reserve banks?. Mr mttont aad?wrtokoo to ?how that ?kin'is ?8*'rant in the law ?or the | ?a pur?i.' ?I. and also that the pol- ? cour.*; ? M B? ft.rl,ntv fi Se note? ?? s?4?"?!. The claim | r)eh\ "The Chronicle" was that the w*" . tace of reserve ' ?T-T- sad siatPiT to provide y, ?fir.? for eamria? on the redis ^fm^nc fonction? ol the institutions. aays Mr. St.-one. -thit the porpos? of Dio statute in-, "?I| limitation. i?uch a j ?*? have had the affect of ?32 . ? serve act simplv ; an emcratericv currency measure, as it j *ou'i?: a ?*? usinc of. Fed" ! er.l K e? to the amounts -ra? ba the member banks in the f rediscounts. "This theory ol the law is incor- 1 reetlv held by many people. Thev be- I i-tV-hat F< reo ?otes should | Ke u?'ed SOU as emercency currency , ar.d merely to assist the bankers iB tissa 0' itTOSi. The opposite and cor . -heory is ' 'I Reserve rotes should he and should become part", ? ? rn\ currency of the cour,.,, fro? hand to hand in : ,j.e _| the people, and ,hev"'i? largely replace na- ? , v. a _? _ i?*f__ ? clearly been adopted by the Federal Reserve Board, and has , ,|g0 },,. by all the officers of ? ?j,e F, inks. It has ap- | pajtai no criticism on the rtr. , ? the low. There i? no indication that the purpose and Beth -Otic currency a?a_ ? any way bv the i of 'affording nita: oantinit commercial ' .: I be borne in mind that the taking place is a : atural process, and is reed or encouraced bv anv thi? country xhibi .: became necessary for the Fedf ? h commit? tee ' n urce from over eight l that j mea- - mijrh. I ble for the citi- ! to pay maturinc J ?; exchance j hibition of the r banking situation ' U? I I do not think that ' the pur: "Anti" To B Villag Clerk. Murphy, villace clerk of Hudson w -mor- , ci p< lition on his ? n yeurs. siotf, ' aevieve Murphy, Ity clerk. She i.- ? ; .m anti-saf? : iflted from the ; ? ? ' itholic ? cial act will be I and checks for vil More Yonkers Sugar for Allies .? Re ;. that has received a ? 10.000 tons of ? e English and . . he company recently ': ?nppl;' ? the aam? ? INSTRU? T10N. mm YORK?Ma-bettaa. Friends S^min^ry 220 to 228 East 16th St., New York Friends School 110 to lib Sthermerhorn SI., BrooMyn, N. Y. Kindergarten and Preparatory Schools for Girls and Boys 81C AKT, . I ,11ml.?. _CA TA I 11(. f ,\ T ON REQUES T llll 11? m 11/ 81 ?Km . ? 1 ?.st,1 \\;_? N".. ?ireet, _B?t-?,ii Filth Ivenue and Krna?lw_y. M.w 111KK-Wiratrheatei (...u.t.r. Chappaqua Mountain Institute Valhalla, Ue*t. !.. ,ter ( o., V. V ? GIRLS, in Um Rtil Cauntry. \ IT 14 ? - SOU!,? Y . 70 '.??!??? I'iritorj ir 1 ' ? . i;.?ui- j ? Bl -INK-?? m 1IOOL3. P ACKARD C O M M E R C I A L SCHOOL Lextaatoa \,r. ami 3.MI1 M, . *<>cre ? t'm K. I M I II KM ?HI S?. Mil. 7. Hlahei . Au.litiiiK I' A. ex ?I for lilBh Gr.i, r z__ ('?'IS ALL YEAR. j ?.li?" us ? m i. jr.a. , .:,M ??? I?. I_ui?| R?, || Jr ?**-'- tan ;. .,?..? m? to**, cm i.?u I \vs s< HOOU?. New York University _^JCh?OOl .f |.U, LI. M. 7 ?. T_7_~T-?-* ixAeel emewt 9epA t?. L-?>-I.J *t-_,-i_. Jm Wa?aaaaUoflu N T. '1 HIUCE ?_?_!<_ :l. - Nemnti AMKitt.Marseille?. July 2*. - I Norma:i Brliige. Tanipi-o. Aug 1 . - ! Brilliant .Tanpleo, Aug 1 .S O fa? -..Tannah. .Saim.i.aii. Ala?. 1.8a?aiu.ah MiiNOAT. AIGIST 9. ?Tnjr? .VAnst? . ?In..a. July 27.Italian ".-?a...., ? rtn?. July 2S.Italian ?l-aat.-re?.Port l.-.mnii. Aug 1....? Krult C? a Ran Juan. Aug 4 . . N T * I' II H.'urquei. I ., Juan. Aug . . I'r'.ian?. Aug 4. B? IV TI'KSKAY. Al'GI'ST 10. ?Mlnnrhah?.Ixet?em July .il..All Trap? ?Kixhamtx-au.Bnnl??1. Ai.g 1.Kn-ii.-'.i I ?Saral.isa. I!.iv:ina. An?- 7.War.l .l.i .'???;?. Ji? r 'J?.-' Mokawk .ladnwoflllt, A-ig 7 .. , . riv.le C of Montgomery ? Savannah. A'ij 7.Savannah ?BfiOfg raalL OUTGOING STEAMERS. M'iNPAY. AI GIST 9. Malls Vessel v? I. Tor ' ?ails Madison, NorinlV. Old Horn. - 300 .->m lttSIUT, AldlsT io Ryndam, Rotterdam. Holl-Am... i? 3'J am 12 00m sai. Giorgio, S'aplea, lUUan. li Ml am 12:00m < ?? Savanaah. Savannah, Sa?.. - . ? w Q>NanroAT. a? ui sr n. Tgnrralna. Naples. Italian . f 30 am 12 00ra Kr. lenk VIII. Chrlt'sand. S Alo 00 am 2 00 pm I!i>r.leaui Kr?i . h . . . I- DO in :i M pni Caraca?. Curaran. Red li . ? .10 am 12-00 m Almirante Celan, \ I Oo ... . 9 ,<0 am 12 "0 m Iroqu.>ls, Turk's Island. ?"il.-.ll so am 2:04 pm .'. ;!lclll 1. Haiti. K II IV I 2 30 pm 4 30 pni GalvtaUan Mallory .... - l Ml pa Mundale. Mataiuu. ,Miu.*<*n ... - 12 00m TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Hose N T. PrsTlna'Inn and steamer. 0 3.1p. ?a, Hawaii mi San FraiieUoni, Lurllne.Aug 12 Tallin. Ma ., i? as. ? s Zea? land. Australia (via San I mi. Maltal . .., .Aug 13 Japan. Cnrea, China (na Seattle), Yoko? hama Mam ..Aug lj Japan. ?'??:.-?. ?lu.-, (via Saatt.e'. Merl o:ie?i?lilre .Aug If, r-? n?w?l| (?I? He?ltl?i TlllrH.lan. Am 1? I IliMiii. lapsa, i,?n?. i'iiiii? ni? Mu i . Nin? ? Miru Am II ' ii?n?ii laman. Cor?? ? i.tua. I'tiiiipi'ine? (?la Kran. I?...1. In.iira An? -'" Aiinm i' ! atramer lliitlnston ill.). Italilin,.r? Aul S. ?o Norton, I.llli A I ,, la-ti giiai ?I 1 1" l> ? .Ma.lls..ii. Not folk ??,,! \.?|Ml V-?-. i" Hie ?>l<1 s. i o, with i'-.-- I"- ?' l I "-" QOOI . at I :??? i i , I'atrla. Niplrs. Sai?l> lloa.k at 1:11 S ? Tama iKri. ?ararllln Julj 71. N?j ? I : ? pa ,U an,! II,?n? An? 1. I?. J W Kl?ril A Co. nlth m?!l? ami n..!?r Il.r at 1 '?" 1- in ?.nia?.a i Hu. Ii.meriri Jnlf M. It.u?>i.!i? !'. St Lima ami Mniiliii.|?ir H I ? a an?l tluidf I???!?- :?.. Anttfui 11. si Kin. and 0? Crol? Am I Uiirlfc Ma ??I'll mall? an,I I l-r liar ?t I ? n,. Ssi, UlorHo III?!), l'alriiiio Julj? 7?. to I'lere Hi? I. Ilsi ?I !? II |. m saii!i?si>, l'r?frr?i> JuIt 29. ,1? l'l?tnou(h. Ma??.. Ani .-,. le lb? .N.?? Tori ?i:,! Coba Min s. te, ?sl-Ti ni.l-e Har at 9 'U ? ni. Iii,.r,i INorl, M?n/a:illln July SO, ?la Ileliwsr? IlreikHii.t AllS '; I" Hie West IiulU M, Cn. srltli ?Baal liar ?i S M a ni. Hi,'liiiii.:.,I. '..iilt.i |,ar|e S ,0 Co No ?S. _HMS0 1 i ? ..' !.. 1? 1' W litten, llar ?t I i ni. Stuile? . Rrl. V.? ! Ilirtleponl Julj i."J. to n?rb?r * !'?? Il?r at nil.lnlllit. ?th. Kse'er ? it\ (ltrl. l'.rMol July 1? and H?siiis?? 7.. le Jame? Arkell A ?'?>. with nul??. Ulr U ? .10 I> ni ?il?. sir*lh:,?eii ?Prl. ]'M!idrli>1il? Auf (!. to tlie Compaanl? ?iei.era.? TTiiiaallanllque. Left Uuar It ? >< a m. City (Br>. Hisr? July 22. to th? Com pamile C?nenle Tran-a'liiillque. ss-lih*. Har, S 47. a m . i;a??e?ir?r, ju), ai inj K?y West -. to the M.ilVrv S? Co, ?lili m<1?e ?,'uar. 4 -.0 1 m Kl Viile. Caire?',,,u Au? 1. to Un? Southern Va ?rlth ni Im ijiinr. I a m Merman 1 ra-1.. OabtM ?1? Biiltlmun. ?rit?I m.l>e. Uuar. I 7S a iri Altim.i,.... Pal? Ar'lnr July 77 ?n.l Mobile 31. wliii im|?e. ijuar. !i 11 a m Oant? Tiiore?_ ilin. s mua .Iti'r :3 in.l Mitinzi? V>. ?la Philadelphia Au? (i for l'rnh Am'joy, la :i.e _ l'u''an Ss te ?l'h mil??'. San?ly , a m. Kasenn ?lin. Cilnitti Mi? II, Co'.cmh?. June adau July ?. 1'.*: HiTI ? ?ni (?ran 1?. na Au? S, to Norton. Lilly Ii Co, ?lui ill,!?'-. liar. 1ft 40 a m Mimer i.Ni.r?. II?,an? fur Perth Ambo?, ?lib ?indy Hook. ?> 0 p ?. SAII.KI? f"l??mers WBlaataa I Of), Ilarr?, Nordlanrt (Dan?, PMla.lelplila. Elbercen iDntehl. Hal,la i Krame? 'N'T'. M'.ninie??? ?Itan. Baltimore, lloro ii ? Grande: Camamnla ?lir?, (iia??"??r: florl !:?, Ilailfai. Kai?.a. llaian?, liennullsn (Br), lWrrmMa. Ai.lill?'?. New Orleans, Ilraiv?. San -? Louli, Ltmpool; Hhasnaut, Jicksonrllle; ? lllr,. Uwraool: Metipan. Hasan?. Kl !'???>. l.alresti.n; Vestn, IBt), Ba?l?; ll'iia 'Nor'. Hliiiio; Pioneer, Copenimi-n: liulridea (Brl, vii.u ?,-:,k, Prlnceu A..:,?-. .N,,n,,!k ami N'esrport News. .-? I.iiuis. Savannah; I.enap?\ Charloalon ami ? le, Ksrisnr ?Krl, I?or?le?ui, ?mar iNa.r). Iiiiiiraore. Caaarta (Ilili. Niplrs: Alfxaii.lrr sliu kofl IDanl, Aarl.uus; Kl s.,l. Gallerten: Jupn?r illrl. llr. ,'. .?'?i hen lllr). ll?malos; Strathillan (Brl, llnr.leiux: llilto (Non. ?.uthrtiburi: Deli uire. l*lnl?. Slnnpore. Au? ??Kgrcmont Ci*tle (Br) (fn.m To kohaina. etc), N>?v Y??rk. Borileiux. Au? 7,--St Leonard? (Hr). Rm Tork. Ilavr?. Au? ti -Kranklvn (Brl. New y,,rk. SON TURNS UP AS SLAYER Mors Revealed to Father by Newspaper Picture. Cnrl M.inarik, of Vienna, has just located hia son, Fred .Milnerik, known ai Fred Mor.<. wha-stoafsssad last win? ter to chloroforming- eight r.ped in of the German Odd Fellows Hopic. in Yonkera. Mors is in Pough keopiie Insane Asylum. The father in a letter to Sheriff -..langer say? he read in ? cago pap? r that h:s son, whom he knew used the name of Mors, had been ar? rested for murder. The son, he adds, once tried to kill himself hv shootini: ?. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. WaahlBgloa, Aug 7 ?Although there are no ?rut? e? OB th? weather chart, unsettled, show ? Irora the Lako reglrm east ssard. and there ?ere uNi loea] thunder sh.users In the r. ? : ri and Inwer Ml^ourl val liga, the rentrai Rnrky Mountain r?a)aa ? aest. ali?ig the middle an 1 in Um Florida peninsula - th? weather ?a< fair II I ..inner in tlie Lake region, the Ohio and i lie Gulf states. atora of IM imwam in por I? In the lr?er Mleh Igan and the ??> : s.i^ am the Florida . - ? Nor h A-lantn-. I mod?r?t? Mid lie A-l urtlc. mod nth, ex- : r.a-- Gulf aid ? ! ? . I ? Lake-. V I -'s lor Spicial Localities.?YVegtern l'enn ' lay, !?" al -li iwvt* al right ? Maryland, Dela r. ?nn?\lra-:ia. ?astern 1 England and '?'?est Tlr 1 Monday. ?:?i .New York, Mon lay. Local Ofllclal Record.?The following rfTMal ree tlie changea In Usa temperature fur the laat iwei.ty-four h. ur< In .-(lups'lscn with th- roritSSPOnillPl date of ??-.l )ear 1*14 1014. Uli. ri a. m I p m S2 7:i ?? a ir. . - i ? . :< p. m . 7S 71 :< a. i.. I ? 67 II p m .74 70 12 in - 71 12 p. m . 73 ? 4 la. Ill ? I I lav, 77 degrees ?at la in I ; ater ling date i ? . Uta lx.-t tiiiiiv Ihn? Barometer Readings. Sam. M H ? J p m Fare: ait lar T?-dav. O -a ? fair: to-morrow. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Transiera and Assignment?.-4 p. m, Aug I ? T i "?' i .i T. BcaaneU, 3Jd. ?ssigneU T?mporau-> As?l?|nmenti.--1's; ? lot .1 F Pwj.r, 4" II. addi'itm to hi? n\.n. IS 01 a n , An?- 1'?. In S a. m. Aug II: A 1>. Kmllh. 12th S U . rharge llth s r?. in a i, I s a, Aug. I. fapla. .11" -iimat d 4lh I 1? . I" v i-,. J A. lirais, .i'.'-h. eon i , I Mh I. D I :? 12 01 a. ni?. Ser? '. Sergl. J. A Ande a in. Aug. '?? drarUll lieulenanl on g?a?k r.; I- V ("al ?V J ll""ks. a, 1 I \ II Wh. dut? plain < ; - 4 p. i?. Aug '.?. I I jc-Kins. ? ? :? Bur., 10 day?, C p. ?l, Aug. 11: |. H. Pni II s I 7. I'. .1 I'riiinnii-a and A j ... ^ a II. . \ i ame?. IS?th, 10 1! Il H S.iuad. iluts lu ..irrld..ra. II. adquarler? Bldg.. llrook'su. H - a ui . Aug. 3. Krank l'a?ul)o l.'.lh. ?o I |i in da) 4p m . Aug. 11; Frank licckMn. lintii, 44p T Major and J J miaou, ? ? - -, 'th, to lith I. D . 10 Aaslgnmeats Dlseontlnued.?Pllmn E. A <>'t?e. 4 to Uli '.rupuuM)!. I a ni . Aug 7: W II - . ?. . I; J lira.) .1. ? ? o itampcrary). 8 ?. m . I . ?I Absent? (?nth full par)?Inspect,r I I !? hi day?, i a. m. Aug I?; D . 1 da), s a m. Aug 7. . pay), Ptisan J F. Ilari*r. Hrh, ! day?, S ? ui.. Aug ' ?' r. 14M 1 Is?. .4 ig ? I l. Kelly. 144-h. I d.i. 4 a m . . Daum. 193d, 1 das-, H a. m . A':g t. C T. Ilalfbl II dai 4pm. A-ig I J F ( aiilr. i. 173d I da) 4 i m . A'ig M P.rmlisle? to Lea? City, li It M ' c ?i. 14 da?. 12 "1 a. in. Aug. 10. to attend Iratrdni - argh. N \ Advancements, lvinu.. ?1 4?>? Graste, \V. J llurke. lilh. Aug 20. I1.?50 Grade. N. M '? theer, Tr A. Aug ??; Jl ?-'">? Grade Aug 1*1 y ?r - . ,i ?? i; urke. w .: Glraann, tth; O T Daggett, Mlh; T. 4. Mall.-:. I... II II Schaan Uth; Th unas Ban Isl ? H i, I . lilh: T J Mhfai 4-d V r. Long. ?lal. W. J ? I4--?.1; J ? V D -i ?ugh 141-1. 4? - 144ih. Jams Ilvrnes. ll-'th. F C Mi [>ii Keua. i: . lib; I? ? l?7th; 1? I! i ' '? Doran, - Un - . Tr I'; \v .i Kenny, I? It Andre?? Mesilll. D li .Jl.-.o Glade. I V'S! I I* Out). Itlmn M A Mlraglla. 2s'h. B., Aug I; lia.'.k Hay .ilat. .1-1?. p. ni . Sus?*"??*?.?I*'?in?' M A Mlraglla. 2Sth. 1 K, P in . Aug. .'.. rrafak Mag, -lsi. I 4'i p m., Aug 5. FIRE RECORD. ! ; | m m ?n known; aligliL ' ? 4i. , uni mfeber: siighi ii ? ? i ? : ii. ?i . .i *epii s.:?rupo i -.- .,. . -? Aiutrl. an hiprr? I I . I.'ially ?W ?ttl | 1- M 1AJ?--?t.i Xetaulh av.; Hotel Nasaxr?. m ??'?"* FOREIGN DEMANDS GAIN FOR WHEAT Market Steady, Closing 1 -/8 Cents Over Friday's Mark?Corn Unchanged. Chicago, Aur. 7. Active buying; that appeared to indicate a lively export de? mand helped to make the wheat mar- , ket lirm to-day throughout the session, j The clos-7. which was at almost the top point of the day. ranged from 1 to i 1 Vi above last nij7ht. Other leading staple.?, too, all scored net trains corn a ?hade to K*, oats '* to '? and pro risions -? to BTK, Signs that foreigners were after wheat wore in evidence from the start. Gossip was current that the French (fovernmcnl wai arranging to import L'0,000,000 bushels, and it was said that cargo arrivals at Liverpool had become inadequate lo meet requirements. He sides, estimates on world shipments showed a decided falling off, both as compared with last, week and with a \?ar ago. The bulls were further dis- ? concerted by reports of unwelcome rain in Kansas and Missouri and by predic? tions of unsettled weather in Illinois and other states where thrashing has already suffered to an unusual extent. Country offerings of wheat were slightly larger, but this fact had little influence, especially as No. 2 hard in : the sample market here was command? ing ISc to JT-'zc more than the Sen tomber option, as compared with 15c to ? 20e premium twenty-four hours ago. ' Chicago received onlv II*? cars to-day,1 and for the week l.-tSM.dOO bushels, as against 0.435.000 bushels for the cor- j responding time last year. Firmness in corn appeared to be wholly the reaull of wheat strength. Higher ?emperature* acted somewhat as a checK on the hulls. Oats rose chiefly in consequence of' showers that interfered with the har ')ii the bulges, however, selling pressure developed, bwing to prospects ef a bearish crop report from the gov- ; ernment (n Monday. Provisions tightened up sjiarplv. The best buyers were shorts, but there lid to be a fair export demand. CHICAGO PRICES. I V? lies' Ol t ??? Oh 11 b7U $. : MOTH I . WVi 1.08*4 1 " . 1 1.'. 1.11% 1 .j I?',?ruler ! ' ' Rep?ember. . ? 74\ 74", -r. : . ? I . Mi? .... ?? \ m ??v, MM lo-va iou .4" ?41*2 4i? i May ..... .41 ; I . ? . ? Lar I I tteptember . : 77 ?? i: 77: - | ? 77 ? M 7 ?7 - ... T.I I: Kepteiolier .. S.H 3 10 ? !>?? ni? s ?? Id 111 I '??1 !?.:o g ?: Cri. I" ?" ! 7". 13 '.7 1.? 72 1S.S1 I 13.1 ? 13.87 11.! _HELP WANTED._ Male FIRST CLASS TOOL MAKER.? and alt iround marhinM.? wanted: five referaoeei ? i up atfbMt ware?. Aill.-i I ?.-. Co., Brldfrport. Conn. Female. WAS'IT.I* V'.'ir.? Is It la do pen ?n?l Ink !?ier ?i. n,Tt' hate kaovlerts? '?( K"i i ?. r_i . 11 W. CIMlK 1 : - '"' ' ' ' ,1!J or S?a?UltO. | ! .,?.'?? ? ?,| l'Ll. ????' Bali; bul u ?4 -? ' ? , le?rrtaie?. _id_,:rul , Ai--, i? * ' * ?L___? CtMiK ?*???, ?T ro?-*/?- ""'i ?:.,e.i ... ... CU ?l Lin? _ il ' West ?VW ?l_ Hol B_WOHK?a?r_-_* Am.ncao. iirao?. ?tu ti ? elt? or couut.y. ?a.ell?iil r?f?r?u?a LattaU I I imsnn% lesnnTa, iS W> Oatmm, Eastern Steamship Lines All-the-Way-by. Water Summer-Time Way to ALL Points East To BOSTON MI.TK4IP4II.IT..N LINK Steamahlp?. Mn??u. Iinsrlt? und Hunk? er HIM I.V.- l-ler Ik. N It, foul Murray St . every da) I I* M Haine service returning I>uei Mouton about ? a M Ungear-ia?ad faellltlsM f..r os? sedition? bandltn? ?I Automobile?, and Freight ? I'xpresa S.-ru.-i-, Mats Berk Dining Kniims?I ?sers ice. To PORTLAND Ml I NI. -sTKAM-illll' I.INK. Slenme-hipe North I mid and North Star i'i,.r IS, N. I:, foot \V?rren St., Tuesdav, Tliurx.Uy an.I S.iturday, .. P M . alao Monday, 10 II A M. A delightful 3U0-MI1-. 22-Hour Trip to Portland, the CITY HK.H T1FUL. LINES EAST OF BOSTON HOST4IN & PHRTI.AM) LINK between the tvs? cltle?. ki.nnkrm: line Between Mouton, Hath, and Ken n*b>-c His er point-,, including tha Hoothbay ?.action. It.tN4.OB LINK netween Hn?t??n and Bangor, M?. ; alao Intermedia!? point? on the Pennbarnt Hay and Hiver; and point? In th< Mt I ?. sort an.I Hlue Hill sec? tion. Including Mir Harbor. Me. ivrKKVvriovu. mmx Direct ?.ervlre between Hoaton and St. John, N, B . alao .-oaatwlge ?ervl?-? betwe.-n Mouton ?n.l St John, N. B, via Portland, Ka?tp>rt, and Lubec. YAKMOt'TII LINK Between Boston and Yarmouth, N. S, with connection? to all point* In Nova S-oil? and the Province?. 35 STEAMERS 15 ROUTES 80 LANDINGS FARES LOWER THAN BY RAIL Through Tickets to All Points?Baggage Checked Through Tickets and Information at Piers, also at all Tourist and W. Y. Transfer Co. Offices, or address Passenger Trafftr Department, Pirr 19, ?V. R., yew York. CALIFORNIA ANDTHE EXPOSITIONS VIA CANADA'S SCENIC WONDERLAND A ?'.rat.d Tnnr of the Pacific rorfe Monday, August M, for th? Exposition? via NIAUAHA FALLS, TORONTO and THE TRANS-CONTINENTAL LINE-CANADA'S NEW OCEAN-TO-OCEAN RAILWAY Novel .ind exclusive f, atOT?? ?4 th?s Itln.r.irv compil?e: COBALT, th? famci.?. silver-mining roci?n; th.- Northern Ontario QoLOFIBLDfl and Winnipeg; Alon?; t? ? I.ft,Ml THl NK I'AIIIK IN ll.M'.V KST-TI.M B -. thousand mil.-? of wheat; The hlgheal poakl ?? I rnoal i.,?nitl-"nt ?cenery of THl* CANADIAN HOCKIKS A ?.?-. en bandril-mlk- -Mil rhroush tho NOHWAY OF AMKUICA from Prlnoe Hu RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA VIA THE COLORADO ROCKIES. A UNIQUE TOUR OF 30 DAYS The arrang.-m'-nt?. Iiiclud- All Traveling Kx penses tor hinheat-.-laaa tr.-ivel and 111 \ 11 r ?, 11 ?i 1 v < .juippt-d llmlred train?, fluent hotel?, and ? of a Tout Manag?! i)uniij,hout. Itinerary and Full Particular? from THOS. COOK *? SON 245 Broadway, 264 Fifth Ave., S61 Fifth Ave., 2081 Broadway. ifronjtcamboat-l?o SPECIAL NOTICE NO LANDING AT W. 23D ST. ?OCEAN-TAURUS" Th? , lutloned 'ha' the ONLY . of th? IKON MTRAMBOAT 4 41. ?I liisj itsth HTREET, la on the DOWNTOV. N >IBL t A l>\Y ON till I I'aily at H A. M. f- i I1 - -1 ?? l( . ONLY. CONEY ISLAND LEAVE t. i.-i r.'iilll vikklt. <> co, :. |?, id ?>, \1 . 1.' .,i. li : ?n 1 4.",, :. ?, 4 ; W, < 40 r \i LEA*. K I'IKK I, NORTH i?I\ i it. !? 4 V 1" ?. i: IS .4 M . !- IS, I r.. . I ? ?? I . t. ?o. ; ?-,. ?:1S, | | I- M l\l VI I 1.1*1 Li II AHE. CONK. INLAND. U :'. A M . 12 :.., I ... II -4 ??>. i?, ? -, i?? 4i r m. Trips marked ? do nut go to r'iitli st. I rip m n tied im ? nut atsf at Two I, (*. R. ROCKAWAY BEACH ?tr. "GRAND REPUBLIC" ,.i i extra IKH\ RTBAMBOAT l.,e T? ? HI - AM W. i:*4th St.. I "rt 1 40 4M 1:15 F M Pier I. N. R.. s M ! M !' M . R.rkanay. 1.' M . 12 ?i |? M. S. S. "MANDALAY" Moonlight Sail Up-the-Hudson BROADWAY STARS and CELEBRITIES and Sunday ?.stau -i od.n Lie.. Aug H. Mis? Irme Frank? lin, ranii.ii? >t:,r ..f ILinil? I |> I ?'. ; '-?? ? si i i? IM IM. I REE. S.S.* MAHDALAY" To ATLANTIC KICKLANDS Neu RaMSta to .1er?,-?- 4 mmmt Ke-orl?. 25 Cts. I Al HWAY, rVTUfl T0?D >aI?,i'tlaV IttWR?SRI LA I UK I Itlr I.e. Battery l I>. M. ?, M Allai ik Ijlghli i i* m 7 P.M. : ' ? Broad I :'? 12?] RW1?];1!I? TWO EXPOSITIONS Yellowitone Canadian Rockie? Yosemite Grand Canyon Luxurious train service, best hotels, splendid choice of routes, side trips hv automobile. Stop? overs permitted an ?where. Departure? Auguit 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19 and later JAPAN AND ROUND THE WORLD Includint* the ?.oronation Cere? monies of the fcmperor of .Japan. Departure? September and Octnlier SHORT SUMMER TOURS On? t?. three week?' diirati"li. !n ?htdlnc win'? Meant?In?, Great l.ak-i. Muakoka, Niagara Falla Thousand laland?, Quebec Baguei ay River, Maritim? Province?, Gettysburg, Vir? ginia .ml Bl : muda.. State fur ?imiklrt Raymond & VYh.tcomb Co. 225 FIFTH AVENUE Sight-Seeing Yachts L,e. Batt?ry Pier 10:30. 2?0. Trl. Broad 3373. TO SANDY HOOK AND THE OCEAN. I .30 P. ?4. DAILY AND SUNDAY Tl II's to INTERSTATE PARK LANDINGS (Al.(l\(. TUP: r.\l.lS \iiKS). r?TK. KIN?.STON Leave? IV 159th at. at 10 A.M.. I and ? l'.M. Kare. 35c. Hound Trip. BLOCK ISLAM). OKll.NT. GKLEM'OKT, -Uli IH; ISLAND AND IAO II IKIiOK. Ftr "Shitinci-ock" or MontaUK Steamboat Co. a Line lea.ea N. T.. Pier ft. 34tb St.. E. H. Tue?, and Thuri.. all P. M.. Hat, EMPLOYMENT Al,EN< lrX __|_ EMPLOYMENT AGEXCIKa. Miss Elvira M. Hedlund Select EmploymeDt Agency of all Nationalities 15 Weit 58th Street, near 5th Avenue. Telephone: .8345 Plaia. ?Tiill 1 Ii ST AMJ IILUAI'.LF. SKHVANTs ? MAI I: AM? ITMALK) OlYM-B TO PIUVATO ?.oMit.i-.M _. tAMii.n;s. cut ?ir coi vrnv BEFERKNiK? lAliLK.LLY l.NY-.sTluail.D AND KEI'T ON FILO. MISS KITTY RYAN, Proprietor McDERMOTT EMPLOYMENT AliENCY. 261 West 125th St. 1852. Ph?n. Bryant 7007. A-i i'!-:: racismoeoditlon ?tandi ten .haroter and e?l-li-i.???. 14. 1. UODGES Manager Ki-ma.? Ui s Bet. I and 4.- , ?ta MRS. EMILY MASON, "'OSENT U'H'II NT BCaVANTS MALI- -K. Mal I 111 V. I si I I .- I I'll, Hill \ , Ith SANA T ARUMS, ? ou , le lnte?tlg*i ?* all appl iota. IRWINS AGENCY, 44 W .' Ith St N/\ r , EMPLOYMENT AI.ENCY. U C L 77 W. ?Ith St. : ?- h? leal arid factors. Ik Ip i . -, ?pinsle ;.??.; ??-!???? t.iaiKlt. butler?. reconJ men, >a.ti.??... laiii-.dreiaea. chambs-rn.ald?, klt;h?iin,al ;a. mai5 Harlem. _ i DON'T ?VASTS i i i'titr?, kuauas |?-1 ivipi j hare ?elect lUt, all i.jiinua. Phon? 7?;o (7?ake?. ? Lam; a cm unira < n AO-NCT. ? u. ir ? Waal 37! ?i? 1 lilt .lau seriacU tot u'.tst* t., -, Telephon? Or?ele, 1IS4 ' ( in.AS. chambermaid? ailtl ? Hen " ?ardaaeta he_M_M?, ?.duairul a?*u. A?.:.?.?. _ ' MARTHA ? ??I.I.Il-ll AOLN'C??eupe?or help, mil??, , i.b ?? i'l.oi.? I7?I llidiiori . .' 1 AGENCY HEEH0EGEN. IS" Leuna"- n ?,. be I tucen :?lb inj lit- st*. 'I'hone? ls__ DOMESTIC 8ITUAT10NS WANTED. Female. ! lim BKWORKXI rtha light plai-e waniatd: r? ?ned, i.e.'. . .- I ! . u-.uv, spien ll-l < Mr Maaan'a Arm -.. 1 1 WS ' _ Hui M*r*WtlRKSB; 111 bs $-' rtaal Employment a,:- : \>. ? : m ... 1st AN' - Itefliied. thoroughly 'rallied i ? Mr?. Maaon s Agen.,. 131 Wi-sl 4.1 ?' N _ im w r? si i..-i. .-..-..--? ? > Call i V4 - laADT'S MM.. !.. a ? ?earn i ; . ? , 1 v.. lu an ?ill take lao la. M ?? a| , t Tui e"74 i si- ... m ? ? l.alntMaacr. i a g.-r *?* ? la'1 I it Lang 4 li.s.iirrrr C v. W ti> , neterriue?; ??an?. $.' '. IjO I all at Lai.? A, B.a.l.eier I'o A.- I ? _____ ... i si msna- i ger. i. . -k ?i i \?aitre?.>. be?4 | ...tQ pi.lcrrai. In *u_lrial aliso ., K 1 We* ?M ai. I BUSINESS CARDS. ANsoNtA OTOOAOI >> AKKIlot HE CO.?Mofla?. ?H . iula . rai ? ; r tl,,-. - rot estlm?a. 1-.? Wut ??a st l -' 1 BOH? II u . !'.??'.." r ??*>??*. s TlcHet?. 1?? Writ :3d Hl !. . AKI'r.T iI.l.AMNO ?"?i- ?*!??_? tS m | ?!r .ii-ain hand ' ' 15Jl ,,471 ?art Ulk .*- COU A BKANDT. DI ?ALVO l'.I.'.s Antiqua furniture, bric-a-braci gaaSta I ? : a - I. irw ?,. i.7tb lt.). -1'tiOli? .? S<1-_ EBLE S ART OALLER?. 105 W ?et 4M at. Antique? curioa, old Jewel?, allverssare, rare (an?, panting?, mtnlaiuie? and wr ci pone Ol?! ?old hou?ht. " Mii.Ti?r.Arii n i'!:? ?irr>:v lktttro. ?00. I! ' ?i. 1 "???) II 75. 1'' f"'l. M. ;i> 1..1 I . . I . ! la I I?.? in l lJl_H-?i.r CCI NEW YORK < AIlTKT I UKAMMI WORKS. I a i*;. y. .: M Urn. riNF. R?es WOVEN fRi'M <>I.U ?-AKI'FTS. I'r.ces He?, mabie. ?M i : ,r i lrcular. Tri 4?>?iJ-4?Dj Bnsi.L 427 ^3 Weafc l-tli St. WuKNOt'T Kold and atlver bought by H. Longrr.a.i i ?Son?, guld and ?tlv?r aiii-iir?, I Juaa at. ?^35 " ?aVaW* '*-**ry*ce >**???-**. asa o? fe ??Vet ?\ IV ' ?'"^S???'*,!,?" I '-'It. ? fa'Al ?^?Ve,f^;,:v I5?S; , To Saratoga, Lake George, the Adirondacks and the "Summer Paradise." You leave behind the dusty, imoking city, palpitating with the heat. From the broad decks you enjoy the cool of evening, watch the searchlight play along the ihorei; wake up the next morning rested and refreshed by your night's repose on the Largest River Steamships in the World ' "The Luxurious Way." Suite? sie luxe, with private battu. Dimag service ? I? carte. Muaic. Tourist Rates on Automobiles, $5 to $10 One Way; $7.50 to $15 Round Trip Tel. Spring 9400. Day or Night. HUDSON NAVIGATION CO. I ? S.? I ? 111 ''? i^ammm^'^'ltitUash Wit J Up the Hudson By Daylight AU Servi?? Daily Except Sunday. Direct Rail Connection? to ?II pointa In the Catuklll?, Saratoga, tn? A'llron.iack?. the W.?t and North. Music. Reataur&nL All through rail ticket? between Netv York ami Albany a<'?:t;pte; WcCinn'l T.xira. 1.131 ll'w?y. FRENCH LINE l ompugiiie General? Traniatlanliqu? POSTAL ?lIUK'K Sailings for BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU. - ? Aug. 14,3 P.M. LA TOURAINE. - - Aug. 21, 3 P. M. ESPAGNE..Sept 4, 3 P. M. CHICAGO,.Sept. 11,3 P.M. rOal INEGKUATluN Ai'PLY COMPANY'S OFFICE, thee* Brems Aim. BRAZIL and the Baal ?'oast America lur ? AT1M Sailings Kver, S.S. RIO DE JANEIRO. Aug. 6 ?iher;;.. /S.S. MINAS GERAES . Aug. 28 fast t?in ?'"'? ?'farrrrs, r--t. ,1k pa-s-: i<-r ???? m ?adatfc ? mat?ate; s ?? !? ??ai.roi.mi. LL??D BRAZILEIRO. '?. ' .S"<;HT*?*,'??'?. RE_ "D" LINE ? "V'."? 5T? For |Vrt-> aira ? ira-a? A v.- ?rueli. .?.o.,A, im 11 riui.Aii?:i.i'HiA. Aug. :.. _?{__ Ail IIMAIIA.'AIIKJ fcupec I ' ' l'?_*n*?r_ 1!. . , ?1 w??l Sir???. W? |2H?. Prevlil.n.? dlrttt. 11.JO. Maler,,?,111?. ?1. ?lili * SI. im Iinling Sunday, 5:30 p. m. Proa I ,?r M, K K. I'Mki? 170? Ree?__ tlij T:???t ?Kfl.e. IM ilruidaar. N. f Daum TV ?et OOkaa, R'?a? u..l 21d at, _Write for lSlustraU- 1 I ?aider. CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH Sirs. Rosidali & Cimbria?Today Le..?? n Ml 1 -"',v> - 1:00. I 3'J Lea??, Weal llrd 04 I. 1:40, 4 90. I.-??? Bittery. 10 15. 2 t? 4 10. . 7 3i Leave Ro*_*way '-7 M j j?> ti 30. Es. ursino Tii'ki-t? 50r. f?TEAMslllP TICKET? TO ANY PORT. ot-sual Agenta all line?. Hau mend a Maliwatt) Co.,tU 5th Ar.N.I. To Boston and New England Points Fall River Line Steamer? COMMONWEALTH and PRISCILLA Leave New York, Pier 14, North River, foot of Fulton St., 5.30 P. M. Daily. Due Boston 8.24 A. M. Returning, leave Boston, South Station, 6.00 P. M. Due New York 7.00 A. M. Afternoon and Evening Concerta. Providence Line Steamers PROVIDENCE and PLYMOUTH Leave New York, Pier 14, North River, foot of Fulton St., Daily, except Sunday, 6.00 P. M. Due Boaton 7.15 A. M. Returning, leave Boston, South Station, Daily, except Saturday, 6-06 P. M. On Sunday? touche? at Newport, leaving 9.15 P. M. Due New York 7.00 A M. $1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Inside Staterooms have outside ventilation and are always coo! and comfortable. Tickets, Staterooms and Information at City Ticket Ofruv. 171 Broadway. General Office, Pier 14, North River The New England Steamship Company ALIFORNIA AND EXPOSITIONS l'ours to the Expositions by va? riety of routes, including Gr?nd Canyon, Yellowstone and Yose mite National Parka, Canadian and Colorado Rockiea and all points of interest in the West and North? west. Comprehensive Itineraries, finest hotels, expert escort. Fares include All Expenses and the best travel-service throughout. De? partures August 14, IS, 23, 27 and later. (IQ Ik) **?. AROI M) THF. WORLD JAl Am Tour? at i"rr ^?r^s la ..oat Special Tours to Japan ?^ m _ for the Emperor's ?'?B^fl' '? Coronation \S^\? ur SHORT SUMMER TOURS .'. 10 II [Mi T ,1 in r'-?^? nf \ rk fuie. St. I.awrriK-? and Maritim. Ftl m '- M .;? r.-.- la? i r.- Far?. THOS. COOK & SON 14S B*t4 iy ???pp. I its Hall Park) t?. Fifth Av?. (Cor. :9th -? . ? Fifth ??va. c'-r ttth Bi ? Broa?. ?*??*? (Cor "M st i Vlalter? to (he KapiiKitloii ur.- east rliallr invited to iiixiiect nur Irurl Kali ?bit in the l..tii-|.i.ri.iii>-u iiiul.liu?;. 1 SUNDAY TRIPS FALL RIVER LINE MANAGEMENT STEAMER CITY OF LOWELL TO BRIDGEPORT Lasa?. l'l.r 4?. N K ft. Hmuton at.. 1? (M A M.. Plat 14 N R. ft. Full.? St.. I" 1J A M Uva Brl.lgrport 2 15 P. H- Hat.. >ar-. lit .i port ' N p M . dite N T.. ? 04) P. M .Miaai.-. lUfresiiawata TVtut*. tl.uu. cbil'ren. M cut?. STEAMER RICHARD PECK TO NEW HAVEN l-is?? Pi. r :?. I" R.. I N 4 M '-' !?i 22-1 St. M 00 A M . d'l? N'w ll??.o 2 40 y M. H't'irii, ?tea V V "00 P M Two hours in KM H??ii<. Muai.. li.'rtalinxut?. TVtiet?. tl M; 50 ?HNS Tlck-t?, un aale at Pier? on dai ,,t ? icuratena The .New iii.l Htearaablp Ce. Str. "highl?hoej.". :,:;:;. Urs. fcatt-r? ?..5. ?? :*i ?t?- 2 ? I ???es? 14 tl A M DANCING. REGULAR DINNER S-*M. Str. "MARY POWELL'' l^-?. ?L H I I 40 A M and H.i.davi. STR. "NEWBURGH") i'. . i Tri? Dairj j*?- i i-,. 1? . * II".I lays. Tic jAc MCALLISTER ?I8T. CO.. Tel. Broad MS. A Mary P..?II St D t C?. Tel. EprL.g 4141. SUNDAY SAIL Up the $ I Round Hudson 1 Trip i Newburgh & Poughkeepsie it BENJ.B.ODELL" la-t?. fu< t I 1 . . . a M . ?TM l:."h M?, 'J .') A M Li slkW ';.. m I ?MKA1. HtllMlN LIME. ?Eel?ailiGHTPOUTE ?.i iT?\Vn"n"^i$L NE? lOKK ? AI H \M ? 11IOV sud the NOK 1.. r>?lly, .r.eludl-.? Otnqay. ? ?Dltal 1711s l.lne fies -il .1 il.. tVe? lira! JM., 880 P. M_ 'V 1-774 St. OiOO P. M. I.'i'e I':->> ???? P. M_ AlDaOy ?100 P. M. F?re $10 Kris Mittit Eiiarea? fier 12 N. E. O1O1? P. M., We?l U '?' "???Ht P. **1. Le?'? 1" lascaml * loday) i?.?*l Al./ji./, iaU; P.M. r Peuple*? \V !82(1 ?t.. 0i?*0 P. >?*?? '??'??"" ?** ' S,00 P. M. Fire $2.?M roTjTtri trip. Busilcy raoralng boit for Newlrurgu. Pougt ???irtt. Klngt t :. P.ilat and Al? bany ?????s i'l-r 32. *__. H . 0i?O A. M.. 9> 182d 6t. 10:11?) A. M. Iaeavaa a: bany, 10:041 A. M. Tel. Spring W?*j day or night Large?! Hirer Steri:.. .|i|,.? |n the Worl?L ? - 4 ' ama, - ^D-52|V NK.VIfiflTI.IH TO CALIFORNIA Ijiiisr ??ort EaH?t?a la-Ju-lel. Won I ?a Tour D . - C97?1 ?l/U Othef ? ?liforin.? I,.?ir?. - ? 7 |, 11. Oc'oner 7. v..? ni i?t ittractlva r.iule?. SHORT SUMMER TOURS. ! 1 Kl) . 'it INDEPENDENT, to ?_,r??t Lake?, Ol La treil, Quebec Rag*enay, tYhi' tains. Atlronuacka, Maine, Nova bvoti?. U?rmu?1a. Ac. ?? 0*39. ?O-PAC.K rrjrr IrlMCL ?BOOKLET OF TOURO tKl Send r i-.lay for copy Geo. E. Wanten. Inc.. N. Y. City. 1,14? Kit 1 !'??.!>? tat 3.H at). KEANSBurc^ 1 I.? Halter, Pal!, < 3? ? 1?. I? 3? 1 m . 1. 1. 4 sO. s 45. StA, ? 'u r m. Osa. *><1 * Il M LO, 1*10 . pm. (as 4-0 p m Sun). Ttoltar? lu ail Jcney PU. emi YACHT CLIFTON JKc rna?Xaf SICHT SEEING ? ?5* ?i lia?M 'il 1? M . 1 ll?.?i? ? nil??- ij.s .?,.,; ? AHOUNO ' ?-?.:' anIll?H MANHATTAN ISLE a-ASas ?_a__. FA? l RSIO.N? Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Steamer MAlbany" PC? Str. "Robert Fulton" I^ta? |iear.r?_?es St I'll!? ?a ;l >..,'.? 1 (I P Ii M -? . ; ?4 r m '1 1 1. at Heir MoUOtltn or impie tu c Util . 1 dru? around I?I I'. I (M -, 11,111. 1. OUT TRIP FOR lUTUROAY AFT?RhOON.