Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. See Editorial Page?, Fifet Column. Nm ?IotI? ffiribtm-e WEATHER F.Ill TO-DAT A**?n TO-MOHROW. Ve?terd?iy-? Temperature?: ii?t, M| lasar, 70. Kill .. i ... ?n laj. 7, Part 1. First to Last -the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements Vol. LXXV....NO, ..vuo.). I< "l>?rl?hl. IBIS, Ht The I illume \a?.-> srNn.w. august 15, 101.-). seven parts fifty six pages. ? * # price five cents 40,000 RESERVE OFFICERS NEEDED, WOOD ESTIMATES Depends on Students to Train Force That Could Repel Invaders. rXDDS YEAR IN ARMY TO COLLEGE COURSE HctoteSSttSS o1 Volunteers Wor ne? lionera. ? Plattsbur***; Rookio*-? Oe. New Honors. ?e.x^-i?e-1 M TV TribttfM 1 S. V . Aug. 1'. In n talk te-dB* ? ' ?-men at the rail? j!srv ? camp here Major Qe-er ?- W<t?*>d, v. ho IS BU the instruction of mine BBS and professional ? dative of an array ?' in our ?>s ?r.eer army and which he believes distance toward try against the sac? an armed enemy. I, "we ?rfctt ndcra from three sources, way: ret: in the errs, militia, ma io have had their civic vary limited. who have qualified a and have r Depart m m ns. th? ??.:.. I iv? graduated ??- at-.d mechanical .-.- all of which :: under an I tiona were endowed ? as the Morrill ajgt, I at a tim-? when the * acutely the need of the .?rial for officers. We have ?bo'-r lent? at school on in these schools ty and character. It : and efforts -. :ure the men at nd of their junior and senior yaaaj ,<1 of intensive train followed at the sta? tion camps. ?? .1 and gen *? pe - .il for OlBcers. rge source ? f .he type of the te, Norwich mis State College a:.d : rs. There are about ? -. utionis ?action -.he army. These men - ? icticable at the ? years, ? ?'lie or two of when the camp ' ? ? ag i .cultural ? .'itary col .. .-.?.'. tal ng class . poaaible .. mng is one of which you al lately military mstruc ?re from which th* B1 r,.mps are ?t?mn ilitary col most unlim ? . men fron. ? '.. ir train ??IV .-hould be | ? : in -i : volunteers, ??? the grade of I or i corps ich reserve .'i for They would be " ti lining ; i" titounht the militia ami ?" year and "P*. ' ??tails. I'lan foi \rm> Service. , 'r' lourcea not less ?es . , lelected each jaw, ? , >,, h physical ? I *ai'*i.* -.? all nu 'i who "***?* ? f,.r "PP? ' econd lieu ?i the ? ? ? : ? . . principally e field i (fleers. They ?ained, ? ? re available and ?" at {.tactically ie to the coun ? i : reasioii tit y of ma- , ? out method o** | ? .t.'mont we ! ""*"?*?'' ? 1 ai".n a system ?Batd upon volunl ? re ia noth . i ' irk which in anv way the volun one of the ? ?? history. I am I ! \ idual or the ! ? rompts him, but am have fol .- apon vol . oi imminent. had been raised. trained in v would be rompar i 'ii of volunteer ! "it. which at least had its dders, officers, per-' JJ?1*' ?rtunately, the voluts? ? apply it i? com par- ' . !. preai ranged ?, ** lent, but to a tire department ?al**''*1 ' ie has started, to ?-?wad,- up of volunteers, - another aspect ?fie < ? . A. 1 look upon it, no one '?".tinuril on paae 3. column S WILSON TO VISIT CAMP. HIS DUTIES PERMITTING Washington. ,ug. 14?Major Gen? eral l.*onnrd Woorl't? Invitation to ?'resident WIsSMSB to visit the Plattshurg. N. Y..'camp reached the Whit* House to-day. If public businwa permit? the President probably will .icr.-pt. He will stop at the ramp on one of his visits to Cornish, N. H. It is practically certain that the President will apeak on national defence. U. S. SOLDIERS IN RIOT American Reported Killed by Mexican at Nogales. Nopales, Ariz., Aug. 11. Scores of American Roldien participated in ? : riot in Nogales to-night as the result, ; it i? said, of a rumor that Mexicans had threatened to take their -*uns away. Ten Mexicans xvere attacked before the ofllcsrs g"t control of the men. One American was reported to have been slain in Nogales, Mexico, just across the border from here, by in? furiated Mexicans. -? SECRECY TO SHIELD MORGAN'S CITY TRIPS He Will Come to Town on His Yacht and Closed Auto Will Take Him to Office. Glen love, Long Island, Aug IS. .T. P. Morcan '-sill return to h;s desk in Manhattan Monday, having fully ?ccovered from the wounds inflicted ' early last month by Holt, who killed himaelf in the Mine?la jail. Extraordinary precautions are to be taken to safeguard Mr. Morgan. His assailant appeared to be well ac? quainted with the financier's habits, displaying familiarity with h;s daily lotite from the time he left Fast Is? land, his country home. All this is to be changed. His steam yacht, the Corsair, will carry him each day from Fast Is? land to Manhattan. The landing place will not be made known A limousine xvi.l meet the yacht. After Mr Morgan is leated in the car the curtains will be drawn so that its occupant cannot be seen and he will , be driven to his office in Wal! Street. There is no danger whatever of any ? crank reaching Mr. Morgan while he is embarking on the Corsair, as Fast Island is heavily guarded and the 1 private boat basin is unapproachable from outside. THIEVES KILL MAN IN HOME FOR $75 Retired Merchant Found Dead When Wife Returns from Walk. John Hildenbrandt, fifty-three, a re? tired German merchant, was killed by burglars last night in his home, at 144?t? Fifth Avenue. The thieves climbed down the fire escape from the roof and cut theii way into Hildenhrandt's apartment through the window. They found him alone and asleep. While still on the bed they struck him with a blackjack, but he chased them into the hall. Just as they made their get axvay one of the intruders shot him. His slayers took $75 and the dead man's xvateh. This was the fifth robbery in two hours on the block between 117th Street and 118th Street on Fifth Avenue last night. At ? o'clock last evening Mrs. Ilild enbrant, with her son John H. and daughter Sophie, went out to take a walk. Returning at 11. they found the body ol the nur,!, red man lying on the floor. They called the police. The district was surrounded by detectives, but at a late hour last night no arrests had been j mude. Hildenbrandt xvas formerly a cigar manufacturer and owned considerable; real estate in Harlem. His son is a! la' student at Columbia. GARRISON ROUTED BY BOTTLE VOLLEY Soldiers, from Ambush, Greet j Temperance Sermon with Rccr Containers. Ilighlaivls, N. J? Aug. 14. According , to reports from the front. Secretary j Garrison, who has a summer place near here, whs obliged to execute a rapid retiring movement one day thi.? -seek, when he was ambushed by soldiers from Fort Hancock and bombarded with beer bottles. In consequence of this engagement Highlands is now under martial law. A provost cuar.l patrols the street-, and every soldier i on 1 >ave who looks as if he had a speaking acquaintance with beer bot- . ties is promptly arrested. The Secretury of War. i? is said, was passing in his car along Ocean 1 -ule vard when the ambuscade was sprung. I'niler a tree Mr. Garrison observed a Hie of bottles, ?luite emntv. and. j watching over them, sever. soldiers, , quite full. The condition of the men | moved the Seen irv to halt his cari and beirin an extempor BOO?! lecture j upon temperance. The condition of the i men prevented their appreciating the talk. First the air was full of beer bottles. Tb**- it was full of dust kicked up bv ?.itu haste of the Secretary of War? d i'".'. ? BERLIN ACCUSED OF STIRRING UP DISCORD IN U. S. Story of Elaborate Plots Published by "New York World." HIGH OFFICIALS NAMED IN WORK i Charges Include Fomenting Strikes and Subsidizing Newspapers. "The N'em- York World" publishes to day an article exposing plots which it says have been carried on in this coun? try by high German officials an.I their | agents, aimed not alone at the heiliger ! ents, but "in some instances at the laws of the United States, as well." The article says in part: "The facts set forth are based upon correspondence exchanged by lepre 1 sentativea of the German government, its agents and sympathetic allies in this country, which has come into pos ! session of 'The World.' "This correspondence reveals unmis? takably that the leading officials of the. German government have had a hand in the promotion of ventures directed not alone at its belligerent enemiei with whom it is at war, but, In instances, at the laws of the I nited ; States as well. Cerman Chancellor in Seerel "The most surprising fact m this connection is that no les.?- a per than Herr von Hethmann-Hollweg, ! Chancellor of the German r'mpire, has 1 actually participated from Rerhr. in some of the secret undertakings of h.s government in this country. "The facts .?.et forth in the corre? spondence show that the chief actors selected to perform the duties aBl to them are: "Count Johann von Rernstorff, the 1 German Ambassador at Washington; Captain Franz ron Tapen, the mili? tary attach? of the embassy; "l>r. Heinrich F. Albert, the chief fiijancial agent of the German govern ' ment in this country; "Herr Hugo Schmidt, Western repre i sentative of the Deutsches Hank of I Berlin; "Hugo Schweitzer, a German-Ameri? can chemist; "S. Sulzberger, a banker in Frank? fort, Germany; "Herr Waetzoldt, trade representa? tive of the German government in this j country; "Agents of the German Bureau of ?Information (Secret Service i and vari? ous oth?r agents who are not officially identified, in the public view, with the German government. Eel ?mated Coat $2,000,000 Weekly. "The linancial features of the under? takings of Germany in this country are shown to have been cared for by the Deutsches Hank of Berlin, S. Sufzber ger & Sons Company, of Frankfort, Germany; the Guarantee Trust Cora 1 pany of New York, Heinrich F. Albert, Hugo Schmidt and Hugo Schweitzer. The magnitude of >ome of the trau-..?' ; tions suggests expenditure of a very large sum ?if money every week, one estimate based upon pretty accurate knowledge of these tranaactiona fixing I the figure ut $2,000,000. The tranafer from the Imperial Interior Bureau through the Deutsches Hank to the credit of the German Ambassador in this country of $1,100,000 is mail I;, for tin- USB of the SCCKt service maintained by it here. "The disclosures contained in the correspondence, the authenticity of which has been clearly established, show that the German propaganda had for its purpose the involving of the United States in the complications of the Kuropean war; that the plans de? signed to accomplish this result were carefully and deliberately projected, ef? ficiently organized, superbly executed ami adequately financed. "Every move made in furtherance of the general German propaganda and ?>f specific undertakings is rhown to have bees performed under th?' peraonal di? rection of the German Chancellor, its American Ambassador, and Chief Finan? cial Agent Albert. "due of the very important features of the German programme was a ni"~t elaborate scheme to control and in? fluence th<- press of the United State?, to establsh newspapers and news Ber? eites, finance professional lecturers and moving picture shews, and to erii.-t the support of American citizens and pub? lish books for the sole purpose "f fo? menting internal discord amone the American people to the advantage of the German Kmpire. Germany the Financial Backer. "In furtherance of this plan of for? mulating and controlling public senti ment favorable to it and unfavorable to the I'nited States government, the fart?? in possession of "The World' dearly show that the German govern? ment is the financial backer of 'Father? land.' the pretences -:Z \?h.?h to be lyoal to the Amn..-4ii people ?re offset by the VicioUl attacks printed in its columns upon President Wilson be? cause of his unsweiving e'Toits to maintain impartial neutral relations with all of the governments at war, the publication receiving a monthly bonus from Financial Agent Albert. "Another feature of the publicity programme ot the German government is the < iputed claim of M. H. Claus se . one of its agents, that he hecured from Courtland Smith, president of the American Presa Association, a thirty-da, option, expiring .Inly 16 last, under the term.-, of which the Gi government was secretly to control that ?nsiitutio i upon the payment of $900.? . >? ah and the retention of Mr. Smith .? its ostensible head at a o." $15,000 a year. Mr. Smith flat nies giving any such option or being a partv to the deal, declaring that his : rise is purely American and is not for sale. "The f?c. that the German govern? ment paid the expenses of Fdward I.yell Fox. a magazine writer of est?b? il.? ed reputation, lor his 'good article.-.' while m Germany last fall. aixl that the German Chancellor himself recom? mended a similar arrangement, is clear? ly established by the correspondence. "line of the most interesting feat tT"iitiiiuril en pase 1> column S Plea to Mexico Made Public; More Troops Go to Brownsville FULL TEXT OF APPEAL TO MEXICAN LEADERS. The Mexican people are informed that the following communication has been sent to many prominent persons in Mexico who possess au? thority or military power within the republic: Washington, August 11. The undersigned, the Secretary of State of the United States, the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brazil, Chili and Argen? tina, and the Envoy Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary of Bolivia, Uruguay and Guate? mala, accredited to the government of the United States of America, acting severally and inde? pendently, unanimously send to you the follow? ing communication: Inspired by the most sincere spirit of Amer? ican fraternity, and convinced that they rightly interpret the earnest wish of the entire continent, they have met informally at the suggestion of the Secretary of State of the United States to con? sider the Mexican situation so as to ascertain whether their friendly and disinterested help could be successfully employed to re-establish peace and constitutional order in our sister re? public. In the heat of the frightful struggle which for so long has steeped in blood the Mexican soil, doubtless all may well have lost sight of the dissolving effects of the strife upon the most vital conditions of the national existence, not only upon the life and liberty of the inhabitants, but on the prestige and security of the country. Wc cannot doubt, however?no one can doubt?that in the presence of a sympathetic appeal from their brothers of America, recalling to them these disastrous effects, asking them to save their motherland from an abyss?no one can doubt, we repeat, that the patriotism of the men who lead or aid in any way the bloody strife will not re? main unmoved. No one can doubt that each and every one of them, measuring in his own con? science his share in the responsibilities of past misfortune and looking forward to his share in the glory nf the pacification and reconstruction of the country, will respond, nobly and resolute? ly, to this friendly appeal and give their best efforts to opening the way to some saving action. We, the undersigned, believe that if the men directing the armed movements in Mexico? whether political or military chiefs?should agree to meet, cither in person or by delegates, far from the sound of cannon, and with no other inspira? tion save the thought cf their afflicted land, there to exchange ideas and to determine the fate of the country?from such action would undoubted? ly result the strong and unyielding agreement requisite to the creation of a provisional govern? ment. whi,:h should adopt the first steps neces? sary to the constitutional reconstruction of the courtry and to issue the first and most essential of ?hem all, the immediate caH to general elections. An adequate place within the Mexican fron? tiers, which for the purpose might be neutralized, should serve as the seat of the cc nference, and in order to bring about a conference of this nature tne undersigned, or any of them, will willingly, upon invitation, act as intermediaries to arrange the time, place and other deuils of such confer? ence, if this action can in any way aid the Mex? ican people. The undersigned expect a reply to this com? munication within a reasonable time, and con? sider that such a time would be ten days after the communication is delivered, subject to pro? rogation for cause. Carranza Will Re Unable t Resist Friendly Tone c Note, Is Belief?Bigf*< Force at Border Requeste by Funston. \rtam Th? r : B Washington, Aug. 14. Genera! Cs ranza, it is believed here, will not 1 able to resist the friendly and ol viously altruistic appeal which'.vas sei 'broadcast throughout Mexico to.,', The text of the communication ws made public to-night, an?! while offers no new arguments and contain nu threat of alternative action, it i calculated to touch the heart of ever Mexican patriot. The War Department late to-day, ? the request of Major General Funstoi ordered one regiment of infantrv fror Te i ' ity to Brownsville, and also oi dered ?me aeroplane, one battery of 4. guns and one battery of 1.7 h?.wit /er to Brownsville from Fort Sil!. <>k!a Lot:... Although first reports Indicated n more forces would be sent to Brown' ville, later developments evidently con vinced General Funston of the need o protection for the boiler lim thre itened by Mexican raid? "Tu?- ho a tzei el een unt,1 tant Secretsry Breckenridge, "a they are the best weapon? to us? against marauders, who ma. br hidim in the hills, because of their high angl? tire, (?encrai Funston feels that then should be a stroncer force at Hrowns ! ville, where there has been so muer dlfficulty. He did not report any new developments." Agents Get Peace Plea. The Stat? Department to-day tele graphed the Pan-American peace mes sage to its twenty five consular anr oth. r agents, instructing them to dis tribute i* among the political and civil lesdera in their respective localities The recipients arc asked to reply in ten days, but the request is put ?o po I litelv that the not.? cannot be said tn partake of the nature of an ultimatum. If anj of the Mexican leaders de? cline to answer within the . irr.r speci tate Department i; not de ned upon the course it ?--ill pur? sue. The Latin-American nations whose representatives signed the doc? ument with Secretsry Lansing are not committed to any future joint action with the Tinted States. It is ??i'? ?teil the greater part of *he Mexican leaders will reply, an.I unir?? the defection should rove to be gen? eral the peace conference suggested undoubtedly will be called. All in tere I centres around th. action which General Carranza will take. I'p to this time he has Leadfastly refused to me.?' any of his opponents, and the offer of his attorn v here to arrange a parley in Washington was promptly r? ph.hated by the first chief. Villas Aid Fipccted. General Villa has announced that he will lend hll .-upport to any govern? ment not headed bv "Cient?ficos" which i will promise to establish constitutional order. Zapata, it is thought, will fol? low the lead of Villa Carrants i*??- repeatedlv ueclared that he would cons?-:.* ^ ?re ???r.tnire ment that would diminish the vmvv? ' I nntimied en pace S, eolumn 3 a Glories of Italy's Past Reborn in Blood of War - Nation but Following Inexorable Law of Blood?As Rome Rose from the Red Furrow, So Italy, Through War's Supreme Sacrifice, Will Again Rise to Greatness. In thin statement, prepared tspeciaUv for The Tribnne, Gabriels D'Aii'iu/izio, Italy's greatest living poet, tells of the cull of tin future which led his countrymen to war. I By GABRIELE D'ANNUNZIO. There is in all human history ?s 1 of blood inexorable, inevitable, i truth to be fruitful should l.e writ! with blood, all unity to be. lasti must be cemented with blood *? Latins cannot forget that Roms, p'i tied, arose from the red furrow of mi ?1er with her doori the color o? t . skies. If our xvar ?I just, ?.f our xvar is ho it is because the morrow will ce' brate the real birth of the nation the Mediterranean in fresh blood. Gro Italy will be born from the mysl furrow, according to the living law Roma, recognised us living not on in bruts force but in spirit. I'p to the eve of the war, the o ?i.rrupt adviser, periuaded the Italii . people that they should not seek gloi ; in conqueit, but in acquisition. Thi triad tu lubordinate all moral valu? to petty and immediate interests. It has been my joy and pride t?. r? establish in the c?m?entice of the pe? ; pic this xvholesome truth that the ,. i tion is in fact of a spiritual natut and that the idea of sacrifice il at th root of this very ipiritual We know to-day, ?.fi>? r [our weeki i i war, what manner of individual excel ? in the nation, and through what llToi ' the nation herself excels in renewin i and creating ills through instruction. Italy's Hour to Suffer. We bekrin to .seize ??Kam this Romal art of power "facer? et pat i fortia" The hour to act and to suffer has com? ! for Italy, and never before this hou: 1 '...s the admonition so appropriate foi her of nur ^'r? ? ;.t poet and prophet: "Now, an r.'.ix, we must learr through anguiah, marching forward lighting againat the moat atrocious d? j tiny xvithout recoilinir. Now it ?' 'necessary to realise what the children of Italy, unite,I, really are, and to how : it to the world." Italy, in truth, after Rfty years of I misfortunes, errors and efforts, badly governed by unscrupulous and incapa? ble old men. ?who wers 'he dead em , of the little tire of the small rev olution Italy had not yet shown the world xvhat she was in reality. I even dare to say that =he .lid not know ?hat she was. I ex en dare to a,id if twenty-five years of lolitary medita? tion and uninterrupted vtpiianee give? n:e the right I even dare to add t?. the last warning xerses, the final xvord, j humble but proud of your rude singer, because up til! now except myself no | one has recognised what the-e chil I ('ron, united, really were > 'vie ?lay men will have the courage i ??? ?rite a true history of our wars I ?**>.* ??dependence, so interwoven with To-day you will find in The Sundav Tribune articles bj or about Gilbert K Chesterton, .Mrs. Thorn's A Edison, Generil Louis i. Augustus Miomas, Louis Brandeis. Samuel Hopkins . Grantlam! F.ce, Herbert, He*, wood Bronn, l P. A. and man) othei 1 an you remember ever scein** a list of names Ike that in a dail. paper' Which interests you most 1 tXItr *5>uni>aij Sribum? First to Last?the Truth: Netui?Eattomls?Advertisements light.? and ihadowsl Notwithstsndim 10 much heroic ardor, notwithstand i many sublime flames, the per feet mingling of lOJlll and of blood wai not attained. A veritable nationa coniciou ?:? - wai not formed. In accepting the risks of the war in throwing themselvei xvith all the;r ardor into the turmoil, the Italian peo? ple know that more important than the territorial unity to be Sttainetj they will And real unity of eonseienci ;? ni \ irtue. Know Their Tasks. They know also that their task, in truth, is much more arduous than thai of bringing about the death throe? oi th? two-headed vulture. For Italy as well as for France, for our distant brotheri Dacia Trajan, as well ,? for all nations of Mediterranean cult? ure, it i- necesaary to light a supreme t.ght against the imminent menace ?>: ?servitude and extermination. This war is nut a simple conflict ol intereati vagus and .scattered. It i? much deeper, and, I will say, almost more divine wiping out the flight of t'me and the development of man through his brutal and primordial nat? ure. I' i ; .1 warring of races, a con? flict of irreconcilable powers a trial by bid,ni, which the enemies of our Latin world have precipitated in ae ccrdanci with the mo-t ancient law of iron. Latin culture is as neee.-sary for the nobility of the world as organi me necessary to a living creature. ?In the fatal tea c,rpci<- awoke 1 ? auty, Rome justice and ,Iu?l??a hoii we eannot await the a?I\ent of the Teuton. If the great legend? of the Caucasus and of Calvary ?! sap ? ir irnm the Medite! ranean o'' th? future it is not the brutal race that will create the cycle of mvths. Where then will the attributes of the new life rind the marks of per? fection? Every one of us knoxvj and every one affirms the immortali'v of hil blood by all the aspirations of his periihable force. This is why thi war il just, flit- is why I demand in the l,"ur of danger the honor of this brave prophecy! ?? RATS PASS MEN IN HARVARD EXAM Psychopathic Piano Tests Ap? plicants for Work, Also Animals and Birds. (B.- T?-'?-*raph t.. Th* r-.-i,.? | rto?ton. Au?. II. I'igs, ero-ars and rats are said to be proved more in teUigont *han many men bv the "psychopathic piano," an invention of Professor R If,, of Harvard. The "piano" has been adopted at the Psychopathic Hospital, for which Pro? fessor Yerkes is psvchologist, ar. ? i used to test applicants for employ' It has twelve keys, only one of which sounds when pressed. The person tested ha? to ???>ct from group? i f three until the right key is pressed. The operator of the machine, with a stop watch, notes the time taken bv the subject. The intelligent person rea?ons ou*, ?luicklv which keys he has touched before. ? it of sixty applicants for work 6?t per cent were found normal and 1" per j cent low in ment . In the tests for animals little doors are u?ed instead of key?. One door i out of twelve leads to food, and the , animal select? from croups of three! doors a? ? human being does from ? i-ev.-. Pur?, crows and rats ha.e found food in losa ?.me than IT per cen? of ? ?he apnli-ar.t- for vswrk tested ' the right key. None, however, wa? hired. I GERMAN TROOPS WAIT AT BALKAN BORDERS AS ALLIES BID FOR AID REPORT U-BOAT SANK CREDITED IN BERLIN Loss of U.30, Off Mouth of the Ems, Admitted Possible? Officials Are Silent. Rerun, Autr. 11. The Admiralty de? clines to comment on the report pub? lished abroad that the German sub? marine U-M hid been sunk off a Ger? man port by accident, in consequence of a defect in operation, but subse? quently had been raised. Official in? formation is refused, also, corcerning the fate of the crew. As the German navv has a special ship for raising sunken craft and other facilities for coping with such emergencies, the re? port may quite possibly be true A dispatch from Amsterdam on July S said the U-80 had been sunk off the mouth of the Kms and raised thirt\ six hour-- later, one member of the crew losing his life. KAISER WILLING TO END STRIFE, HE TELLS POPE Reply to Peace Letter States Allies Must Make First Move. Paris, Aug. 11. The Kaiser, replying to the peace letter of Tope Benedict XV, declsrei his willingness to accept peace negotiations, provided the nations with which Germany is at war make the first overtures. Austria lias taken a similar stand, a dispstch to Fouraler*i News Agency from Rome add-. Pope Benedict's appeal, addressed to the belligerent nations, was issued on July 28, It asked for an exchange of views in which "the rights and just aspirations'1 of the various peoples could be considered as far as possible, and "thus put to an ein! th? terrible combat, as has been the case previously under simiiar circumstance The letter invited "the true friends of peace in the world to extend their hands to hasten the end of a war which for a year has transformed Europe into an enormous battlefield," and de that he should be bleased "who extends the olive brandi and tenders his hand to the enemy in offering him reasonable conditions of peace." Prom The Hague comes the report that the Netherlands Anti-War Coun? cil has presented an addresi t?> Jonk heer 1'r. John Loudon. M mist.t of Foreign Affairs, asking his co "? ? i m the formation ?if a permanent :e of repr? powers to work in the interests of peace. The Anti-War Council also issue.) a manifeato, printed in Dutch, English, French, German an?! Russian, exho all belligerent people.? to proclaim their for peace. Signed by a .lumber of learned pro fessors, the docui tates m homely phraseology that it that ?*.ar nng nation..-- may ask arould-be itiuki rs? ?'What the deuce enters ne itl ll heads that, they mix m Others' atTairs while refusing to assume a share of the comiiou burden?" Nevertheless, it ia pointed ?"it. the only victory that rill insure a lasting peac? mi-' be a moral viel people, who are urged not to love an enemy as 01 01 even to love on?-'? neighbor ? ''. but, as t!ie mai..fest to "re? spect thy neighbor ?ike th;. Germans Ridicule Russian Peace Talk London, Aug. 14 Reports 'hat Ger? many has made ... ? Russia for a s?parai?- peace bj off? ring her a fret use of the Dardanelles are i diculed by th? Hamburg "Nachrichten," according to a Reuter d. pi: I from Amsterdam. "Germain' does not. own the !' neues, and therefore canii"* to anybody," declarea the pap?'r. "They are the property of the Turks, who for rive months have proved that they how to defend them. The German Um? pire doe.s not betray Its alhca." Sidelights on War in Italy's Green Book !' ' , London, Aug. 11.' i light . ,. Daily News," are * lirown on the progr. lead? ing up to the out!.leak of ho-' between Italy and Austria in the Ital? ian green book, now Issued in English. While negotiationi between two] then still allies were in progress the Italian mini-ters in the capita!? of th. belligerent countries notified their government 'hat a separate peace be tween Austria anii Russis wa< in con? templation on the initiative of Aus? tria. The Italian Ambassador, telegraph? ing from Pitrograd to Rome on Maren lid; "I 'earn from an unim pugnable source that a serious at? tempt at peace has been addreaaed to the Russian government by son ? speaking in the name of the Austro Hungarian government." From Nisi:, the present capital of S.-rbia. the Italian representative tele? graphed April 10 to his government: "According to confidential informa tion, a separate peace between Aus tria-Hungary and Russis might a." ? Ie." Three days later the Italian Minis ter at the Bulgarian capital tele graphe.!: "Rumurs are in circ of a possible separate Austro R . peace. In Viennese political ? there is talk of peace bet?.-' A. tria-Hungary ar.d Russia, and even that it is with the object of being free to deal with Italy." Most important of ??I was a tele? gram from the Italian Ambanyador m Berlin to hi? government, dated Apr.'. 15, ?i follows: "Rumor-, i*, toward separa'e peace between Germany and Austria-Hungary and Russia are persistently maintainej and constantly gaining ground." Crisis Near in Bel? ligerents' Plea for Support. SHELLS AGAIN FALL ON SERBI.A Latter Willing to Make Concessions to Bul? garian Demands. GREECE REMAINS FIRM Rumania. Again Menaced for Refusal to Pass Muni? tions, Mobilizes. London. Aug. 14.?Affairs in the Balkans aro approaching a crisis. While diplomatic negotiations are proceeding in an dort to induce states still neutral to cast their lot xxith one ?ido or the other, the cen? tral ?powers hare, massed troops on the Balkan frontiers. Thetr plan, it is supposed, is to force a way through t?? relieve Turkey. The Tu-ks aro b? liovod to bo badly in need of shells-. This concentration, which has been followed by an artillery attack ?>n Serbian positions, \g equally a menace to Rumania, which again has refused t.i permit shells to pass through her terriory to Turkey. The Rumanian army already is partly mobilized, and four new di? visions of r. .?orves now have been called ??ut. Bulgaria has m -0t made no move, but awaits the reply of the Quadruple Entente to her demajid , tiia*. Serbia and Greece ?-oncede Ma ?edutra to her in return for her military support. This answer probably will lie forthcoming after , the meeting: of the ??reek an?i Ser f bian Parliaments next xveek. pa ? ' ".- what they consider the unfairness of the Bulgarian demand, 'hey ?ho? an la? ' ?>n to make ion i i >ns to ? the support ut their former ally. Greeci linn in her refusal, but , it is believed here there may be a change in her policy uhen foi'ner Pre? mier Veniseloi ?,,,?ser. He ha- a itrong pro-German par*-, opposed to him. however, and, according to ? telegram from Berlin to night. King i im the Premier? ship only upon th.- understanding that ?ne' neutral ';. shall !"? maintained. I.reece Hound (o Serbia a? All). Thi? was ' i|""i w'hich the King and M Ve igreed when a new ?'.ii.iriet wai appointed *''?! Par*. , 11.-.inent wa Ina nach m* IL . Veniselo? m rted by the people at a general election it '?<?- thought the Kin*; ought fall into line, but the dis? patch from Berlin indieatei he has r.ot ?fed hi- views. Should Bulgaria at serbia, however, Greece is bound ; nort Serbia as h?'r ally. The d.'claration that Serbia's atti toward the claim- <?f lUilgana was , tu ver ha?l ad Macedonia ,?... ?? i :.iy by M. Boskovitch, Serbian Minister to Londoi eeently put ? rd from au tivs Bulgarian "Th . h iwn," M. Hoskovitch f the Serbo Bul r.tlL', in which Serbia fit I [tit of Bul . lying east of the I. of mountains in ?i Rumelia, partly In Macedonia ind parti) in Thrace) and ?he Struma Rivei . which was made .pon which ?he 1" ?? her pre-ent in con aider of pi,. eel offered upon , which havi I ulfilled. "Thi? latter fact, i " 'he ,. ??. ?? .r detri ? and th.? aid which we tendered I the Bulgai ?di lanop.e, n< of the " "Serbiaaccepted 'he Russian proposal of arbitration, which had been provided for ?i i d Bulgaria appeared prepared to arbitrate, but un? expectedly made an a'tack in June, 1913, thus precipitating the second Bal? kan xvar. "In company with our ally Greec? we beat the Bulgarians back to their old frontier.?," he went on, "and thus g-i the Treaty of Bucharest It is perfectly obvious that this later treaty deatroyed ?he treaty 112 and with it Bulgaria's claim to Macedonia. Memory of 191.1 I.infer?. "It Is quite impossible to efface the tragic record of 17?13 from history '>ur sacrifices, forced upon us, were enorm? ous. We now hold this territory by ! the double right of conquest and na? tionality. Further, it must be remem? bered that we now are obliged to re a friend. Thus important ?trategical considera? tions for retaining our present posse? "Any attempt to demand concession? ? an? are of 1 the Bulgarian race iti-r.'.j readers the problem more difficult of solution. Serbia never acknowledged th.s claim anil cannot ?nter upon any discussion baaed upon such an easiuaptiea. If certain concessions were made upon :. condition* it wool 1 be only for j reason* of political ? l ?r.d in order to assist the general cauieof the Allies, for in our view it would imply . a .surrender of part of Serbia and a j population of Serb?. "The existing deadlock call* for con eessions on both sides. At present Bulgaria wants to take all and **ive i t-othita-,. ?he cla mi the mu.mum of,