Newspaper Page Text
What to Avoid in Buying a Watch GET A STANDARD MAKE IN A STANDARD STORE. Otherwise You May Buy a "Waldron" for a W'al tham, ?i M Hamerton " for a Hamilton, Glass In? stead of ?Jewels or an Old Movement on Which the 20-Year Guarantee Has Fxpircd ?Some Explicit Rules Worth Following. By SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS. John Smith wants a watch. Beit loal of us, human enm-ph to have -i touch of vanity in his make-up, ht4 wants a lightly and pns perous appearing watch. Gold is in his mind'-- eye; a ?-old watch . f a movement, pr perly jewelled. Hut John himself is nono too The mon?' the watch represents no small self ?rleriai ai i from other desirable purchases. Therefor.* he money. .\<>\v, John would never ron tider ishionable Fifth Avenue jewelry -h??ps, t. a ligh-. even to one of the small, honest "neigh lorhood" type of jewelry shops. These he would believe quite out of lus price. Here he would make h ? rror, for at any of ?hese place.? he won -? deal, know exactly what he was buying, of his purchase. Hut the superstition the watch : his mind. So he will go further and fare s ? .arch of his for fairy gold; a ficti this article, but une which has been j'.iralleled in every by the experiences of The Tribune invest?? ; Exploring, with an alert regard, the field of East Twenty-.hird aught and held, as with a clitterinp eye, by this i Jewelry Co.. at No. 52: SEVEN JEWEL WALTHAM AND ELGIN GOLD FILLED WATCHES. $4.95. VALUE $10.00. GUARANTEED JO YEARS. The names of the r to him as those of ftandard makes. He poes it: a':.! asks tu see a Waltham watch, the ob!:;- ? a .genuine (.but very ??'.?; i Waltham, and while the customer is looking it OV? deftly switches Ins attention t" a Waldron watch. Now Waltham a W ildron are not quite nearly ?nouph aiike to involve ' with the trademark laws, but they h.-ive r-ufficier.t resemblance when trippingly on the to fool the unwary. Let ui t-'.\ i the saleswoman the benefit of the doubt -..'. d con cede that she did not use the term "Waltham" precisely, but "Here's a nice Waldthromn watch," -ays she. Smith's attention i- readily diverted from the first article shown. T" his unpractised eye the substitute look- all right. "\V-.!l it wear well?" he a "1*'- a twenty-year hunting rase." she assures him. "Look. Here's the guarantee." Sure enouph, there is the lepend. "Warranted twenty years," but it ir stamped on the inner face of the outside ease, instead of on the inside cap where it should be, thus suggesting that the stamping was done, not by the manufacturer of the case (the Illinois Watch Case Company i. *r.ut by the dealer or some other person. But. <>f course. .John Smith can't know this. If he did he wouldn't be such at. eas*-g?*-j-ey. en-jewelled movement, to"." continue- tVaw That helps catch John Smith. The mere sound of the word "jewelled" st:-*p?'-t- a ri -'nor article. Some doubt, however, lingi "If this of order can I send it to the Waltham Company, end will they " he asks. (Th. ? ? . the saleswoman at the Mathieu.- ?tore, and the reply was idei tically a- I pive it below in the supposititiou venation with Smith.) "You can either send it to them, or brine: it to us and we'll iix it for ; , eving that he i- purchasing a seven-jewelled watch of standard make which will la-' him tv? . Smith p :? - down his $4.95. And k thii for it: / The movement is ne, manufactured by a defunct concern which !.. on with th? Waltham Compan* than il with the Tra S an Railroad; and apparently made on some chenp special order, as ir in any of its parts. Its .-even jewels which glitter? ightly to the imaginative eye of Smith dwindle dow ? lone sparkler and that a glass one! The .? ii a five-year case, Rot a twenty-yeai case, and the "Warranted twenty y? Under the law the Illinois Watch i Company becomes liable for the stamped statement, as the case is regis? tered by them, alt I would appear from the location of the legend that not tiny, but the jobber or ?baler, may have stamped it upon the case. Three dol?an and fifty cents would be a fair retail price for the very poor example f the watchmaker's art. hi the down! M ; at 243 Broadway, our friend Smith would have done rath:-'- better. There, if he had tried to gel an Elgin for ?*?"?. represented as a I nth twenty-year rase, he would actually have been Bold an Elgin. But it would be the movement, and nol ?? that was of the twenty-year variety; and this would be twenty years old, renty years young. It contains -leven. I The case, branded "Alert," is worth n.out $1.25 at who'? 4- one guaranteeing it for twenty years would pie Mimably do so Oil the basit of expecting to he out of reach when the twenty wa.- over. The watch il worth perhaps $4.00. ,me that Mr. Smith does his shopping further uptown and falls Into the hands of our old friend Joseph Clair, of 11)7 Broadway. (Oh, yes; Clair is still domp the same kind <>f fake trade which was recently described in The Tribune, at the same old stand.) This time Smith, hav? ing just found a job with a railroad, i- after a somewhat highei i watch, for ?> railroad man'? t mekeeper must keep time, not approximate it. ('lair's .-unburst effect in show windows catches Smith's eye, an i he enters, to tind himself met by the super-blonde lady who some time since ?sold me the alarm cloc "Railroad watch?" she repeats. "That's pot to pass the inspection. You pot to have a po??d watch to do that. It must have at least seventeen jewels." "Well, I want a pood watch, but I don't want to po too hiph." methinp about $35 or I 10?" "Too much. I can't afford it." "Well, here's one you can have for .$30." "Haven't you gol anything cheaper? I've .iust landed this job and I can't afford to po hiph." Thereupon she shows him several watches, including a Swiss make which i," American railroad would allow, and several others under the standard requirement-, and he finally settles on an Elgin movement in a ca.-e stamped "20-year guarantee." No price tag appears on this artie'e. "How much?" inquire] John Smith. '1 ifteen dollar.-, and a very good bargain at the price." But the spirit perhaps by the flagrant offers in the window, is now lively within Mr. Smith, and lie demands to know whether the lady is joking, and h??w much -he will actually take for it No; the l?ady - ins?. Playful she may l.e :?.-,] >.- -but never -ocular on a question of price. "You can't buy that watch for $14.95." "I don't want to. Twelve do?ars would be a big price. Is it a new watch?" "Brand new. Guaranteed. Give me thirteen and a half for it." "Twelve is my limit." "My husband would kill me if he ever knev I let it go at that price. But, then," .-he sighs. "Give me ihe money an?! take it." John Smith take :t. Whether or not he brings it back after finding j CUSTOMERS FIRST. ?"earteonth tsiree-, Weel af Fifth Avmua Great Offering of WAMSUTTA AND NEW BEDFORD SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES at AUGUST SALE REDUCTIONS. These are unusual lime? and unusual Opportunities are coming our way. This is just one instance (sec our *-pgn.]?,r advts. for others) of how operating in larpe quantities lor cash reduces the price. NOTE THE LARGE ASSORTMENT OF EXTRA SIZE SHEETS AM? PILLOW CASES. /- ** I I'll low CASES? WAMSUTTA. NEW BEDFORD. 4'Jx.i?",.Worth .2?..Sale .18 Worth .27.Sale ,80 42x38.2.Worth ,2S.Sale .*_*<* Worth .29.Sale .??-? ; a ??*?. Worth L'-*.Sale .MO Worth J.'.Sale .ii*?* 16x38.2.Worth M.Sale .21 Worth Jl.Sale .**..'*. 15x40.2. Worth :'l.Sale ._'_ Worth .XI.Sale .*_?? .Worth :il.Sale .M?t Worth J3a.Sale .-'1 60x38.2 ... Worth 52.Sale .2.11 Worth -".i.Sale .lili t?Ox40.2.Worth M.Sale .24 I Worth M.Sale .27 . .Worth ..'?2.Sale .24 I Worth ..'U.Sale .'_?! .'?!?.????.?.Worth .:;::.Sale .2ft Worth .3d.Sale .'27 54x40.2.Worth ..'U.Sale .20i Worth ..''.'.Sale .2D SHEETS? 54x90 . .. Worth .7?. Sale ..*?!? Worth .S4.Sale .III 65x90.Worth .94.Sale .<!!? ?'orth .91.Sale .7 1 ' .Worth 11.09 .... Sale ,7M Worth $1.14.Sale .*???! 66x108.Worth $1.11.Sale .HI Worth $1.26.Sale .S?? 72x90.Worth $1.09.Bale .TW Worth $114.Sale .84 72x'.'fi .Worth $1.14. S.ile .S 1 Worth $126.Sale .88 72x101.Worth $1.26.Sale .NO I Worth |1?M.Sale .III .Worth .?114.Sale .84 I Worth $1.28.Sale .'<0 81x99.Worth SI.25.Sale MO Worth $1.28.Sale .i? t 81x108.Worth I) ::..' .Sale .Ms Worth SI.'10.Sale l.OO 90x10 .Worth $1.26.Sale .Nil Worth SI.:.:*.Sale ..?4 ??'.Worth $1.32.Sale I.,H Worth $1*19.Sale l.OO 90x108.Worth $1.89.Sale I. I *_* Worth $117.Sale 1.18 _-*" Hemstitched Sheets and Pillow Cases 10 and .r> ?Is. more, respectively. A WORD ABOUT THESE HIGH GRADE GOODS lor two generations these brands have held their own....They were at that time reputed to bo thi lust, and thry still enjoy that distinction... .The quo wholesalers offend these goods kept them at an elevated price, but we were enabled to rluplicate last year's opportunity by securing at a vit> special price a very large supply., .These we will offer at prices to make it worth your while to supply all necessary demands. No Mail or Telephone Order-.. held, if desired, until ?ctoher 16. that the railroad company's watch inspector will not pass ?t depends upon the percentape of optimism and courage in his character. The timepiece is?or was?a pood enouph cheap Elgin watch. It is not "brand new," hut ten years old at least. It has only ? even jewels, is huntinp case rot open face, as the railroads demand, is not lever-set as required by the railroads, and is far below railroad standards. An expert would teil ?fohn Smith that to charpe $12 for th?. watch was outrageous. (Such is the opinion of The Tribune's appraiser <?n this article.) If the watch were new, $7 would be a fair retail price. The case is not a twenty-year case, but what is known a- a .">- i'1' plated case. That is. it contains gold enouph to be guaranteed for five years, but i? stamped "20-year puar antee." On ihe Bowery our Mr. Smith might learn a further lesson in the specious matter of mechanism by purcha.-inp a chronometer from Mar mezin & Moskewfky, at 52*. of that classic and almost but not quite re? formed thorouphfare, represented to be a 17-jewel!ed watch, hut set down on the sales slip as 11-jewelled. Some careless person had tpm pered with the numeral 11 so as to make it appear like 17. This article is remarkable for a very impressive set of windinp wheel.-, on the top of the movement, calculated to give it character and prestipe. b?;* Ii: ? ing absolutely nothinp to do with the mechanism! Or again, Smith mipht discover some interesting examples of the art c.f jewellinp machinery by callinp on Walter & Co., 18'J Broadway, ..nd asking t<> see some of the Waltham and Elpin watches so temptingly dis? played in the window. He wouldn't see thus?? watches (unless he w>re more fortunate or more persistent than The Tribune purchasers), bul he would see. at the urgent invitation of the salesman, an "Admiral" watch, seven jewelled, at %4.b0; and perhaps purchase it, lured by the sparklinp display within. Herein John would b? fooled. For, while the watch is a seven-jewelled movement, the bright red sparklers bo conspicuously dis 1 layed on the top were never mined, but made. Like the Bowery time impressive wheels, they are for looks only If the pivots ran through to them, the watch would not ?"> at all! It is worth perhaps |8.00. In many another .-hop, beckoning for his trade with gayly furbished ?ndowi and amazingly liberal offers, mipht John Smith continue his education, rather expensively, in the subject of "queer" timepieces. But if he or any other of the Smith or human tribe wishes to get fair value il the watch market he will do well to beware of the following tricks of the trade: 1?Watches retailed under names resembling well known standard trad?- names, such as Hemerton for Hamilton, Hampton for Hamdtn, Wertheim or Waldron for Waltham, etc. 2?The presence of false jewels and mechanism, including p?a.-- rnd .??ft compositions instead of rubies, which an- the regular and pr?.p"r jewellinp for a watch. 3?Old or second hand movements in new cases, sold as new watches. 4?Misrepresentations of required standard.-, as in railroad watches. .". Fraudulent case stamping and guaranteeing, such as the "war? ranting" of ?-year cases for 20 years. 6_In general, the attempt of the jeweller to sell a watch other than the kind asked for. There are few kinds of trade in which public ipnorance is more gen eral or more easily played upon than the watch trade, and there are few in which the faker competes with the honest merchant to so peneral an extent. II?- is a wise purchaser who, r<*memberinp that in buyinp a time? piece he is making a permanent and important investment, sticks to stand? ard makes, of which the name carries its own guarantee. The very fact that such names are counterfeited or imitated is the most convincinp tes? timonial to their worth. CITY IN BUSINESS. HOME RULE FEAR Low Plan Assailed as Permitting ?Municipalities to F.nter Pri? vate Fields. [Bj Tf'c?r?r.> la The T-r-. ? Albany, Aug. 14. The Constitutional - devoted its session to-day to a hair splitting arcumont on phraaea of the Low home rule for cities pro? posal, l.ouis Mar-hall, an authority on constitutior?.l law, declared that the phrase providing that manicipalitiei shall have power to manage their own ? ., - opened the (!??or to ?' ? ?? ring upon ? nter ? ? in c.-inipe'ition with ?' corporati "I ii rd to writing thai : to the conatitution in this ' -a.,I Mr. Marshall, "be i .'fumiers an?l upliftrr? would use it :i .1 ! rver to compel the cil enter the privat? I ami :-. upon the era eat schemes that ever entered the muni of a lunatic. To my mind there would he no limit to and enterpri-. cities would be asked to sponso-, and m these daya, when public agitation I-?- prov? i .?i sneceasful, many of ?.?ild ideas undoubtedly wo-id be t r ? r out." George W. Wickersharn defended the' ? '?logy, declaring that it meant ? -aid manase ? ir ??-??ii governmental a (Taira, Seth I."sv. author of the proposal, 'he ?ship view. I h -re wa.? no quorum at the morning n, but as no one raised the point invention went on with i?s work, was no effort to hold an after? noon session. I* il hoped by Se*h Low and others behind his bill that a vote will be taken on it Monday or Tuesday. is FIRE STARTS PEAR BUDS Spring Dress Peeps Beneath Load of Fruit. Neteong, N. J., Aug. 14. Teter Ben? son, of this place, has a pear tree with ?in one side and blossoms on the other. The blossoms ?re natural rind similar to the ones that the tree prmg. It is thought the phenomenon was cause?! by the heat ?he burning of Mr. Benson's bain Borne ago Botanical stu? dents say the blo???im? arc normal Passaic, N". J., Aug. 14. When . Ki.nler, manufacturer of eleva? tor-, and who lives on the Boulevard, awok? this morning he saw his ox hiart cherry tree covered with fra giatit bloaaomi The aroma wa? waft? ed into the bedroom. Mr. Kroder .ays the tree was let in bloom yes? terday afternoon. He believe* it will give him a second crop of eherne?. He got a bu* crop in June. ,nj-|_f*u~ ?-?--"???'????????????*?*?????' ? ? ?**? I CUSTOMERS FIRST. IJUXruli ? ..?????ana?? at^^^i^_*?a?*?a^.^-??>-?*?*l ARN rourtaaiith Olraal Wait of Klfth Annvia 23r? August Sale i&?? Stock Clearances ) All Surplus and ( Summer Stocks Two Powerful Forces Bringing Entire Store Into Action Following are but representative of hundreds of other GREAT Values ANOTHER CUTTING OF PRICES ON WOMEN'S SUMMER DRESSES Too larre a -.fork on hand All must he .old before Inventory These re duction? ,n m.nv ireops cut under east of making , .The dresses that you have wanted are here in splendid assortment still. Brisk selling lessens variety faster than you realize. h.nce you should choose ?mickly to avoid disappointment. Sues for Women. Small Women and Misses. DRESSES were IMI end Ml W.B.83 White voiles embroidered In flounce, tier ?ind ?Hover effects Fine New Additions to OUR GREAT BLANKET STOCK DRESSES -were $2.9* and S39S . .1.81 Chambrays, dimities, voiles, linenes and Bedford cords plain colors, florals, polka dots and stripes... White Dresses also large variety regular and extra sizes. DRESSES that were $4.98. .... . ?-.D."? Voiles, crepes and dimities daintiest color combinations in polka dots, coin spots and excellent variety of smart .-tripes favor-e models - tasteful trimmings in? cluded are white voiles, embroid ?ltd in white or colors. DRESSES Were $?'M.Sl.T?l Plain or embroidered white; also plain colors and striped voiles .smart trimmings. DRESSES Were $7.98.4.T8 Whit" and colored linens; also voiles and crepe? denii-tailored and more or less dre-->- models. Clearances in SILKS afford matchle?? ?avings??mart weaves thai Fashion aiaerti will be in demand for early autumn? 40-inch Radium Tafeta? soft and lus? trous light ami dark colors W.-re 11.47.?) Yard ?Ids Faille Taffetas very soft high lustre dark and medium colors were $1.45 and $1.69. ..1.1? IP'.-inch Satin Charmeuse twill back lustrous lurfaec dark and light Reg. $1.2**..83 ,0-ineh Trepe de thine? broken assortment of colon Reg. 11.26 and $1.50. . .M.? 35-inch Chiffon Taffeta? white, black, light, medium and dark colors Were $1.20.. . ?OH Were .M.T!> August Clearances in MUSLIN UNDERWEAR For Women and Girls Goodi of merit?trustworthy quali? ties only ? ..Srabata__al ?aving? due to pr?tent price cut??sue? and style? were broken in our recent treat ?ale. Regularly .59 to .79 Kightdn ? . Petticoats . Combination!. i ,,- iet (overs. Drawers Chemises . Regularly .89 to $1.09. Nightdresses. Pettieoati Draweri . Combination!. ? ? nvers. Regularly $1.19 to $1.69. Princess Slips. Nightdress?!. Petticoats Drawers. Combination!. ? ? I ?oven . Regularly $298 to $3.69. Combination i . - Slips. Nightdresses.i Pettieoati Draweri. Nainsook, lain, crepe, tub silks, cam? bric and muslin?newest styles? \ariety of trimmings. Reduced Lot of UNION SUITS For Women who require Extra Size? Regularly $1.25.74 Strictly first quality surplus of me? dium weight cotton especially desir? able for early Autumn low neck, sleeveless or short high neck, short sleeve?, ankle length well known brand. Clearances in Wash Dress Cottons A .rtments will delight you color range even is satisfactory but we are not re-ordering Summer goods, hence, if you are interested :ti ;hese match slUCS, ?-hoose at once! Bordered Voiles were .34 Now 10 White ground widely .?paced singl?. flowers very dainty. Floral Voiles. .*_ t Plain or seeded v hite or colored ground contrasting single flowers or bouquets handsome effects. 45-inch Imported Dress Linens - best colors Were .49.*.7 S2-ineh Zephyr Gingham? and Shirting Madras ?penal.17 New effects in tine assortments. ?'?-i:-'inuation Sale of Imported Ratine?, from special purchase. .ID 4J to 4'*? inch fine color assortments worth three times this special price. 42-ineh Shepherd (heck-? Were clear .ID Black and white suiting finish. Fancy l.aan? were 9 \.Now <!% White and colored grounds florals, dots, spots and stripes -with and without borders. also plain voiles plaited in double tunics with and without bolero jackets of colored taffeta. All sizes in lot, but not in each Style-' one smart model in siies 48 to 62. DRESSES were to $12Jf.7..*?0 White voiles and nets; also deli ratelv tit.ted and wide stripe chif? fon voiles smart models con? trasting trimmings. DRFSSES were $1R.9R.0..*?O Fine white net bands of colored coin spots, others embroidered above hem only or allover several combine applique with embroidery large and fine cordings. narrow ruffles, plaitings or quilting? all have net foundations also fine white and colored stripe Toiles and dotted Swisses. O Clearances in BATHING SUITS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES All priced for txulck teJUnf. IVe never carry over to next tea:on. Surf cloth, mohairs, taffetas and satins, navy and black tasteful models bloomers or combinations attached. Were $1.49.i. Now 1.20 Were $1.98.Now 1.48 Were to $3.49.Now 1 .US Were to $6.98.Now '\.U~ Wen to $9.98.Now B.OO Were $11.98 and $13.98 Now S.7.". Red Ticket Lot of Lace Flouncings Were |1.4f.Now .98 17 to 2'. Inch white and ecru shadow Chantilly and embroidered nets good raagl of trimming patterns, some be? ing effective for entire waists. Clearances in STATIONERY Highly desirable grades. Initial and Monogram Stationery All at August Sale Prices. Our enviable reputation as leading Blanke? merchant brlnj response to our announcements of sp e? Thi? August Sale ha? outdone all our former achievements in ?elling_ Hence, these special preparation? for tomorrow: So Mail or Tele*, hone <i COTTON BLANKETS Crib Size cotton fleece - reg. .29.-O Single Red Size Blankets cotton fleece white and colors - reg. .79.."??"? Large Blankets cotton fleece - white and colors reg. $1.29... .D7 Twin Bed Size and Large Blankets eiderdown finish white and colors pink or blue borders - reg. $1.9H.1.40 Indian Blankets eiderdown finish best designs and colors fine for boys' rooms and camping reg. $3.25.1?.."?."? Eiderdown Finish white, colors, and plaids reg. $2.98.^.I?7 Clearance of AUTOMOBILE RUGS. Tan covert, natural linen, tan, brown and nsvv mohair, etc. were M to $6.98.Ill) to 4.40 WOOL BLANKETS Baby Blanket? Migad? re? I a*.''.-, Une California and Pure \\ ,, | ? also Jacquard Comfortable? - rev $4,78 ? .'"..77 Full Size Blanket Calif?-. borders ribboi $:.."." our reg. pi ?.7.*, Fine Blnnkets I wool also mixed ?? lises II lot? $9 0.03 Lamb?.' Wool Blanket! and Ohio ? 1 r !or- conti I finelv bom .1.7*, Australian Lambs* Wool ~?\*i ??oft pur?- white bor'lers latin 1 ?it pairs, bu- bound -? reg. 120.91! pr.' 1H.7B -_o very Special Purchase of SHEETS, PILLOW CASES Weli known make, bought far below re?'i!ar : on goods.No question about quality, merehand Supply your Household Muslin? while you can at theie price?. No Mail or Telephone Or Hemmed Sheets. 54x90 worth .54.'?? I -';.J?. - Ort .4?? 83x90 -worth .59.BU "*? .."il worth .?"4.4 1 worth .69.-4!) 9<h worth .74.?'?4 90x108 -I. Pillow Cases. Hemmed. Hemstitched worth .17.IO 42x311 ? * . worth .19.11 46x38 worth '-1. Measurement* before hemn We reserve privilege of rest Full Assortments of Will-Wash-Heav ier, Mohawk, IUight Anchor and I tic? Sheet? and Pillo?, (ases at August Sub Prices. See Herald, World, American for August Sale Trices on Muslin? and Sheeting?. 72x90 72x99 72x108 42x38 45x38 .-,? ,-,!i .?14 .11 .I-' .49 79 .98 1.98 not white .11) O Silver-Plated Ware At August Sale Prices Rogers Table Spoons ami Forks bright and gray finishes pretty __ patterns reg. .98 Vi doz.7"? Rogers Dinner Knives plated on tempered steel fancy handle* reg. $1J9 4 doz..?."*? Rogers Soup Ladles gray or bright finish favorite designs reg. $1.49.l.4At O -O MORNING SPECIALS?Tomorrow, Monday, Until 1 P. M. To prevent dealers buying, quantities restricted. No Mail or Telephone Orders. LINEN CLOTHS, NAPKIN SETS, ETC. At August Srtle Price?. all letters and combinations gold letters-reg. .49 and .59 Pound Box Stationery Highland linen gray or white reg. .35. '??? match 25 Envelope? reg. .12 to pkge. .. .IO Dozen 2.21 Dozen 1.04 $.1.98 _ $4.98 Women's Bathing Suits.0.2.1 Mohair and Messaline blecK tnd | navy slip-on and blouse models ? gored skirt - pretty trimming with bloomers or combinations. BATHING SI.'ITS Second Floor. $1.98 Women's Dress SkirU. . . 1.1?."? White gabariline and cordcline, also natural and white linen but? toned front. WOMEN'S SKIRTS Second Floor. $1.49 Women's Summer Dresaes .M4 Blazer stripe voiles black, navy, lavender or light blue with white emby collar and cuffs all sizes. WOMEN'S DRFSSES Second Floor. $1.98 White Silk Blouses.I.#J_ White satin stripe? ? turndown notched collar-all sizes. WAISTS <fc BLOUSES- Second Floor. 98 ct. Women'a Night Dresses.. .."?f? Nainsook or Masonville muslin ? V, round and high necks trimmed with laces and embroidery. MUSLIN l.NDERWEAR 2D Floor. $16.98 Wilton Velvet Rugs . .1B..1II Seamless 8.3x10.1, ft. rich medal? lions in Oriental designs and two tone colorings. RUGS THIRD FLOOR. 19 ct. New Scrim Curtaining* .11 Plain white, cream or Arabian wide borders, also colored border UPHOLSTERY Basement. $1.79 Heavy (rochet Spreads 1 .Oil Full size four good pattern?. BEDSPREADS BASEMENT. New Mixed Feather Pillows Art or herringbone ticking 20x28 -reg. .98.7."? 22x23 -reg. $1.19.M? 24x30 reg. $1.35.its 2?'.x30 reg. $1.49.I.OB Measurements before .-e.iming. PILLOWS BASEMENT. 3.27 - 6.95 29 ct. Women's Extra Sire Inderwear. .17 Swiss rib low neck short sleeves or sleeveless lace tr'm'd drawers. KNIT UNDERWEAR Main Floor. $1.19 & $1.9.8 Boys' Wash Suit? I.?INI New Russian, middy. Dutch and other styles repp, linen, galatea and crash straight or bloomer trousers 2S to 8 vrs. BOYS' CLOTHING THIRD FLOOR. 49 ct. Boys' ..17 Madras and percales also white band or collar 8 to IB yrs. BOYS' FURNISHINGS- Third Floor. 39 ? 49 ct. Men's Underwear ..'to OTIS MAKE-balbnggan and white short and long sleeves double seat all sizes in lot. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Main Floor., II ct. Women'a Black Hosiery.. .iil Reg. and extra sizes silk l?ale - double ?<ole. heel, toe, garter top. HOSIERY MAIN FLOOR. $1.23 Satin Double Damask.Ss 70-inch pure linen heavy Irish make handsome patterns. TABLE LINENS MAIN FLOOR. 9 ct. White Cambrics?18 inch. . !^**_ For underwear and babv elothei WHITE GOODS MAIN FLOOR. 79 ct. Colored Messalines. .."?7 36-inch evening and street shades also black soft and lustrous. SILKS MAIN FLOOR. 59 et. Mohair Siciliennes. .'.\'? 60-inch tine round thread DRESS GOODS MAIN FLOOR. ?8 ct. White Linens 90 inch . . .tiU Excellent for sheets, pillow cases and all kinds of art needlework. LINENS MAIN FLOOR. 29 ct. Silk Mixed 35 inch highly lustrous light and dark colot- also black. WASH DRESS FABRICS Basement 12'_ ct. Checked Voiles. 7\4 Magpie checks, in various sizes plenty of black and white. WASH DRESS FABRICS Basement. 25 ct. Steel Knives and Fork? . .15 Reliable make celluloid handles CUTLERY MAIN EL'MU? 89c Pure Linen Dama?k*.69 h full i. $2.93 Linen Nap! ins. 24-ineh ne? patt $1.49 Linen Napkins Breakfast and . $3.98 Round Scalloped Cloth? 7'.' pu:. ?o?r.? $8.98 Round Scalloped Set? si! fcslf t-atterr. - $11.98 H. S. Linen Sets Large - ? LAUNDRY & TOILET SOAPS At August Sale Price?. Pure Olive Oil ? I ' TSSJ? 4 lb. bar reg. 5 Hearn's Peroxide rep. 7. Hearn's Por.i\ La reg. 5. Heart ' Pure Oliv? reg. lu - tot .13 Fancy Soaps box of S re.- II s Fancy box of : J3 4>. .1 Fancy Soaps box "r 30. .IB 25 ct. New Wide Rihhons. Rlsck, white, colors snd prints moires, satins and taffetas RIBBONS MAIN FLOOR. IK 69 ct. Teaspoons ?., doz. .4K warp Rogers Al silver plate bright or grav finish, de.-irable patterns. SILVER PLATED WARE Main Fl Clax-k Signs Denote Morning Spr.-iai? Look for the Clock?! Look for the Clocks! O-?O Blankets Quilts?Comfortable* Tickings?Pillows August Sale Departments Muslin? Sheetings?Sheets Pillow Cases Linens Towels?Towelings Scarf**---?Shams Silverware Cutlery Soaps Armour's, Kir- .-?'?.'*-. Excelso Floating Casi reg. .10.2 f<*r .1* Be>'!iie Scouring P1"' ;*" reg 4 ....... 9 Green Olive Oil or White Csstile? reg. ."..' . ?-**1 Average 3 lb hsr Rig Four Toilet Paper reg. .10 roll . I '?? '-' COMFORTABLES At August Sale Price?. Silkoline covered full or white co'*?>n filling r* I Heavy Corn? ais?*) light weigh! pi pat!?-- | $1 49... Sateen top abo car single sizes reg $: Others- reg. $2?N. Handsome Comfortables - values to $3.98. Down filled extra long also wool or ed reg. 15.9?. ? " value $? - *????* Crib size comfortables r '*' O O \ll August Sale C.oods purrhs?cd during this ?ale will be held and dd'v* ered at customers' con*??*ni.-n< e up and ini-ludin?; October 16. The above refers to any article in August Sale Departments. O- O White Goods Curtains and Draperies Rxigs?St-*.-?? ais-? .74 1.0? 1.4!? ??SI 1.11 cotton I Satin top