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TEACHERS BLAME EVE TRADITION "Why Doesn't Controller prate .About Police Pen? sions?" Their Query. COCKTAIL CHARGE CALLED ABSURD Mirrias?? After R?-ircmcn- N? body's Business. Says Miss Rogers. u .- fotsrphiae E Roccrs, a member # tv? Board st EdOiatlon Retirement Lari ??'": n whBt !,ort of ,,,,ich'-'r8 ???-ast has met. She ' v ? ,sre years than ?he M to SSJ, ???d SOS associated with ' ge*4 n-.?ry ether teachers. She says tie .-oekUil-drinking teacher and the vrdfr? rpaid teacher are un? ?a?-?., ?*?????? ; ' ? er' ?Of -ooxse, 1 eant know personally fVfTy or.? of the 1S-000 teachers In th? Se?J ? !* whoolit" ???? t5au' >cs" t-'d?>, ?'? ????? home' *501 E,,!,t s,x!>'" '.?,?. Street "Hut the Controller ait*1 ? ?eel "*c~ ! ' hilV0 *n *n'mus ,,'i?*'n!,t teachers t* ?' ! l"r4n't fce *'T'-y refli0n - ; . bat peculiar expert ?*MM ke c - .1 have had to make him (fti that '44>: ?hoot the women who .-- faajtracting the boys and girls of ?tW \ . - lee in the city --pUla-u-al -. It ?ayinf* these thing's Controller Pren ??rga.. . - the whole source ?? the &? Rf?-or? said the Board of Re I .?-ed the -uf-gestions f* ta? F m ??te ?"d Appor naly. "They told me last year ju*t h?*w ?aal teachera w? could recommend ^cr j-c We did not exceed Hi? -..? ? -aid. "Of course, then are Imperfectiona in the law. The situation needs clearing. But Mayor Mitchel asked us to do nothing until the administration's investiga? tion into the pension situation was finished. 1 understand that the report ef the inrestifatori 1ms just been submitted, hot, ol conree, nothing can be done now till ihe Legislatute meets. Then a bill will be submitted and the bogie of bankrupt pension I funds will be laid, 1 trust "It isn't true that the teachers are Unwilling, to have their assessments i increased They ore willing ta pay i more if they can be assured that what they pay will be used for retired acachara, and not for other city em? ployes. That niu?t be settled by the proposed bill." Miss Bogen characterized as nb Mrd the charge that teachers had been tied who were able to go on i teaching. "Suppose a teacher did get married after retirement," she said. "That is 'what they base this charge on, I be I liOTOa Ridiculous! Whose business is ; it whether 1 marry after I stop teach ling* If a teacher conies to the Board ' of Retirement with a certificate from a reputable physician and a letter from her district superintendent say? ing ?he is unable to teach, I can see nothing for us but to recommend her retirement. It isn't for the Board of Education t?? say what she slmll do afterward. There might be circum? stances under which it would be per ! fectly righ: for a woman not well enough to teach to marry. The pen? sion is hers by virtue of her service." The whole crux of the mutter, Miss Rogers says, is that can't von-. "Do you suppose, if the teachers didn't 1? long to the voteless sex. the Controller would be picking on them this w;.y?" she demanded. "Why doesn't he prate about the p..lice pen Just the same condition ex? ists there. But, no; policemen are ! men, and no one ever says they ex thoir rights in the matter of ? us. Just as in the days of Adam and Eve, women get all the blame." Bogen was remindeil that Con? troller Prendergaat is a suffragist, and i even makes speeches for the cause. "Well, he's m;?:hty unfair to the , women teachers." she said. "And it's i queer, for I ur.derstand that his wife :\ teacher before she married j him.'"_ FIRE RECORD. A M ? ? ? -A Ha***o- ?liRht. ? r ? aft.. I Johnnen ; :? ?.?..-;.- i g - - : '.fllna. \, ?? i. Mai ? B in ai :. trifling. IP M 'i ? . Itrpart ?? do <1?jnaj;<> Kl MiKTS. Tthe fllbrlboroug?^lg^ \?/?TL?fer?caTr.N.j. -J THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OF THE WORLD ? particular v attractive, with its two blocks of oiean frontage facing jouth and cooled bv the prevailing S u hvaist oicjn tin-eves, during All AMU S GREAT SUMMER SEASON tsicnci nt fioni JUNE TO OCTOBER in' lu??>? It has 400 pr.sat'7 haths. each with mi water, and its ?music? evtrv night throt ?-tout the year, with ?.pecitjI so'o wecls-a-fid fe?itur. ?., is :? or j:? (1. V*- hit? service in both i and a la t.rte dining rooms. Theatres. Koliinv--(h<:ir?. Golf and n.usimcnts in full swing. .? s ? o% ? ? ??NaasMSM? JOSI-?.? Whl?t & SONS COMPANY MM ? 1 I :? ? *, ?*?t?r in?; L**l THE NEW ESSEX ANO SUSSEX Hold and Cottage?. I -I I.IM. I \KI 111 \< II V I , I . . ? . ".'. .".er ii, I li.WII? n Pit M IK. Manager. THE NEW MONMOUTH Sprint; lake Beach, N. J. aVn Cnsicelli . Hotel aa the Ocean Front ?* . ?ry Attraction tor tb? :.?r Yiaitor D?'.;y i.eert? ;.tid Dance? r*.ia and Ira Ro na O? tr.?uKln? th? ' Privat? TennlB Courte Golf. .'.! -.orir.g. Flahlns. lUdtn?. K i . BHUTB, Yanaser. METROPOLITAN AKRI K. P\ISK. V J. ?'I I v i ll l.til ?.IHK 1 THE Y KAR ' ?' ?.ti jet ion. im I lite? Pri ? .. ? il ;:. au lonmi. Mint? Bervlee Hii??r. Trnnl? Court*. ? -HI ?.M ?N r s M?, Manager, ' - Asbury, Uli. GALEN HALL Ulli I I \\|) ?? \NATOKII M, All \N ! M ( II i. V ,1 A!*??? - ,1y AI way? hu?y. comfort or table ' ; ,? ? l'.r a long or ?tort ?. . uratlve bath? with f" 1 ral Manager. HOTEL BRUNSWICK. WB' ?.1 ? IHI HEACH. ,_ ? ? A I'AltSUXg MV; CROYDEN gfflJS III I \N (,li??\ K N I A W. l.YMAN SPECIULATE SUMMLR ANO FALL RATES WATER GAP HOUSE Tl? Me-inUIn Pa-adli?. - H?ur- ?reisi N. V. DtlAWAHE WATER CAP. PA. 1 : .?M hot?] In Uli* ??? -, ?t en ?' ?? i...,. . anJ dry ta-tl !l?llt?. IO| i ii* ?seel ?. i > - a ? .. a-, 1 II v ' I, Trap Si,?,l . "?i* PALM COURT. CAFE AND CRILL * ? ?. l.arai?. ? ? war? B.?Uni Ji.ll.N PI IDT COPE. ? Ideal ti?-*4(.u?rt-r? (ITTATINNNJ \ ''? ' ... Il'al?? ?.ni.. I'u. \ \ - Spr? 1*1 Au?u?l \ \ ? ?*??._ - ii train. ''i"P tto.M!J l ' c*8'iN ihn. ; - ?. mM?a t, ' room?. ^M.? ? ? ?llr.?. ?a l'a. ^^ ?4 \ ?? 1? - COI MKV BOARD. ?' li ?11..-.- (?i .?. I ! . - ? . , ' ?? of r*fl:.f 1 ?.l'ait* '. .?? ?...lal ar ?I ? il .tatlo,.. Ad?---.? ??-?Itl 1. La..?..,. .\ V. KF.S0RT8. [DEAL lOUa^ Is the Ideal Way to the Most Famous Resorts of America A THOUSAND MILES THROUGH NEW ENGLAND'S SCENIC WONDERLAND A FIRST CLASS HOTEL AT THE END OF EACH DAYS RUN. Illustrated Route Book or Large Map in Colors Free at 1.180 Broadway or by Mail from ALMON C. JUDD, HOTEL ELTON, Waterbury, Conn. Tour New England VIEW THI-* ??( FNKKY OF THE ? MOI NTAINS, I'OI.I.OH THE ROCK? . lint Mi SHORE. LINGER BY THE WATERS OF ?IIMK |l*iRK Hilf*. : *.K' I RA? f ! 1 llltdl i.ll A I'M T . -'(I I \ M I I.V. OK Kill I IM, . M.MIM, IlilMK? AM YO l' WILL. I ' "na of ao-Mr hesu*T await ynu in Land, with good etery I'ala'lat I ? :'y l?mela 1? p.-iTiJe ? ! mar Li retara. I ?CLAM' Till 1!S'- put ;-:.'?'! bf th? new I.M.UMI hotel assu? iatiun, of tl.a Kit hole.? v.M. M. K1M11AI.I,. Se<relar-. l'raper Hotel .\ r'..'.ai:,; I? :.. Mm. The Catskill Mountains a region of ROMANTIC SCENERY ALTITUDE 2000 TO 4000 FEET ATTRACTIVE HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES MANY TRCUT STREAMS POPULAR WALKS AND DRIVES MOUNTAIN CLIMBING?CAMPING A WONDERFUL COUNTRY OF WILDvVOOD CHARMS THE ULSTER & DELAWARE R. R. In connection with West Shore K. H... - through traina to and from New York. Including Pullman service. ier eehedule i? now In ?Sect Steamers of the Hudson River Day Line make direct connections ai Kingston 1'oint with afternoon tra?na tor all ?o'nts in the mountains. The annual illustrated hook with re? vised map of the ('atsk'n Mountain sec? tion, and conecti-U lint of over 1,000 hotels and hoarding houses, will be sent free on receipt of 6 cents postage. N. A. SIMS, General i'assenger Agent. Kingston. N. V. The THOMPSON HOTEL TAKE MAHOPAC, V Y. Finest 1 ?atli n. Select Excellent accom? modations Superior C?talos l'usurpasse-, Boating, Fishing, cio:f, Teaa'a. ?to. State Road. BookliL Emersoo ( Urk. J'r. p. FORT LOWRY HOTEL AM? ( (?IT ?GES. K \ III BEAI II. E. 1. SI mtnut.-a from City Hall. Manhattan. 600 ocean front? Table (1rs: elaaa ' I h .kl-' M. I.. Ki. hur.I??.n. I'r?->p HOTEL GMMATAN J^WRENCl.PARK.BROiNL*CVILLE *"' JttmtuatlKmtfi Ojannj(_j?u?i?_mna1\ an! E.N.Y. GALEN HALL in the Mountains ? Wernersville, Pa. ?? tHUabtful tumrocr KaaorL !>rr Air. "ut lor.k el M M lata. Ouratlia and Hai.-ia - I'ulauia. t?.Hxl RoaJ?. Keaideul N . ? .?J rtnti lit. tmtma. Madlaon Bduaie t?l i HOWARD M. Wl.NO. QALTN MOTNTAn CO Mauaaer. y I? ? m NO, ?1 ? i Mir .buckWoodinn 8ha?nrt-*n-Dclai>are. Penn. ?i- i :.i i it. lober II 11 llae I GOLF COURSE it ? ? . ? . . Ii . I lu:.. T. EDMJ M> MO MISIIOIZ. Mar. Winter?The kirl?.eid. Camden. l?. C I s - hole Gel! Catana. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels ?Amvillg nt anil Dc pnrting from Port of New York. MIMATt H* ALMANAC i ."?unit??. ?? o-, ?mi???. 7 M? ?asm rl??*. ?11. BOOH . a?a- 4 HlCin WATKR a m r M Reel . I? M i" i (l,?<?m,?r ? Island . I?4 ?4 1" ? ? II?:: li?t* Il M II I WIRtLlSB RIP0RT8. Tl? Bnimdei. rr|.,?rt?.1 ?? IN m'l?? ?a?t ?( s. h n . ,K ?. ,,,..? raster?aj ? ???? l <" ,1" k (hi. tortn Tl? Nr?. York. 47-. mil?* east at ? ? m. ?s i>??i?.l ie ,!,? k ?hi? ?fiemooi INCOMlNi; STEAMKUS. TO DAT. Vrtar\ 1-,.,, Um ?11 '--r-Un-, II.? ttrr.l-im. An? ? .... lloll Am ?\ ? ?, art ...Liren ? . Amcrl?.? ? I ?Thanalenlk?., . Pair**, lui] I il'?*?? Mimo** ... i. -, ;.,, .,,. . .; ? ?. IVnrauele? M? ? a ....... ?llilT. .1,11) II .- I ? i - A?, li.-n la,? |. Ion lull " .-". Balhi An?'. . . Ill Kri.i ?,. J..,? .11 H-l-'. I C if M Loua- Batainiah, An? II -Bef?ain?!l mi'M'av. ai'ovn i'* ?Stamp?!!?.P*.?rnin. Ant I.Itall?a ?i a r ,.nn.? ....Ro? Imui. Am ?. ? *"? ' in? .Uferpool, An? 7 ? ? . Baa Juan. A?i* 11.N ? * f i> ?( a.amarra. Colon, Au? I?. 1 ? ' ?I'toi.?.Nafta?, Ad? 1.Italian Momiu .Nr? nrlrai... An? II. ? ? S Mu le... ?.. ? ?... a* la ti rtaoAT, a? oitbt ii. , "Inlted BUIe? <'i?ii-.?:,.l. A?l 4 He-ai.1 Am 1 ?liai?:.* H.. U AUS II .. Ward ' Hurt*".Tarn;-?. Au? 12 .Mall"?/ \ i ? i!j II lt?l?|.*li?nii(st'k. . . Il ..m? alii. Aul .'?. - j *llrln*t m??I. OOTGOD?G STEAMERS. MONDAT, ai 01 BT 1? T??srl Vr??rl. For. I UM - ? '"??? Tiran. Bu l'raj . I? r Am II?w. - - II U?4 m TI KSI'AT. Al lil'l-T 17. Msraral, Oreneda, Trinidad.10 bo *m 2 ?a rm L?ii?p?. .la,-),?.- t - ? . - 1 00 rn (' ?'1 m Lottie. i-a?ai,t??li. H??... \V1.;.\T.SI>AY, Al lil'ST 1*. 7'i-l-r Ick i:.'?--..r. Moll Aro. I ?0 am 17 ** m pool. W ? .I i? am 1 - *" m ' Zaiitxa, An-h?'.i?\ RuMlti ,.I? ? arara* lo-l 1> ..Si? ?m II "" "< Hrrmudl-n. Itt-rniti i*. Qutt?-.-.. '? "* am 11 .'. ... ?oion. l K Ce I '" "ju II H? San Ja.-lmo. ?ialrejton. Mallory - 1 00 mi TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Clo.? N T P-atlr-allon ?ni >;.im?T S M P. m Jaran ( ?,r?*. Cl,In? (?1? f*??'tl?'. ToV.o . ?:--, . T,? ?1st J?l?a:i. Core?. Chin? (?1? S-attlf). M?rt .au? lf' t'a-, su is-la Srattl-i. Hlli.nlaii.An? 1? Ras. alt Japan. Com Chin? ?si? San Maru . Au? Il Basvall. .ista. ? -? ? s. Philippin-? n.a Bao Fran l*ool Ventura Au? 70 A Ulli VI I? Talom* ?ruban), Nuetlt** An? * ?nd A- . ?- B? i ne. Mii'i radie liar. 1:5? ?m Hf-a-onn?? ?.-'. Ir| '.., 57, to 11,? Ir.ta-r n *r. 11 .? Allf ?, ? .Matar;!?? 7. I to tha ?' win, ?ujar Bar, 1:3? am 1- I It al I (??rv?a July IS, to Kurnesa. Withy & Co Rar. I a i.i A A llasrn. Tamp?, to Jam-? 9 Ms??'.] A ? * q ? ? a m Htm ?.-'in An? 7. t-i th? Standard 01 ' With m 1st. ?Tj'iar. 17 40 p m s . \ -,?, -? \.\?. *nd SorfollL to th? a* ? ? ? - - 11 . ? Brl ? ? " . , lulj ' Ba Ha|u 17. Ilasana 77 ?ni \l? ?a.,;a? Au| 10. to Um Mun-oo .-?!,.- I ?a Ha.. 7 IS |. ii, Btral 's? (Br), Mar??l',]-j July 17 ?i-d I' to j-x-et ?a g | ? arm mire. Jd?r. 4 10; ' P m t C*1*tob?l, (":??'.?!?'. An? ?. to ?h? P?n?ni? n It B? I.f??. with m?il> ?i.i ir.dre. l!?r. f, 31 p m. Hort,ta trenl.ii larrea Tarnplro an* Vefa In |. m 1 -? . !?? . \ ..| --.1... Jnl. II an.1 ?'rlalaTl.?! A I. I ? ? Il '.:..?- A ? . ?Uli nilratet. Hat. 4 |> m ?All.Hi t-te?m?r? fannpli. ill?. Naple*. Allai.M- ? M ' llj-i Half? ? I il'.rv l.a l-alll-e Sara!.?! liaran?, l'oral .an?; Manuel l'al ?atanai Car?Hnt Bea Imam: si Vu l.iieii??..: liulant iBri st Thatiia?. nvmartti iBrl, (liben 111. lim? n l. I,..ii|..|i. stlirr ?Am III x- l.anp I ?i uniurl i? m an Havana, l'a lla>.i . ii, -,... Il .Tarnt. Matielilme I . i . . . Uni "? Mtlllnnrki I ri n?.|?l|.'iia Mundall M .it?./a-, para 1 A?-a ilia., NaplM liai:,111... Vrt..,k ?i..| HttaWt i I ill.', l.a l'aille*; H.?-han,be>aii tfr ? l!..'.li-ain . t-:i iirl-i '? ' N?. hart. Qalti II ? . .-hi . Bi M .. ? Ill' ?. ?'I', m ?'?.Inn bua, Barannah; Pawnee. 1' mmmm iMfll,, Mahawfc. la? K? nine STKAMKKS AT fORBGM PORTS. Aimn i D ItanellllH Aui t -??lean,or HIrer Arai?? iUr .N e?a I Am ?'.-.Ism. Am ? ?learner <" ..ilfnevTM? Wlltl-h ?? I Toill ?t? West i..lie?. Venezuela an?! Ma a ? ?nla. An? I st/>?in?r Hrrgeiufj'.rd IHM -., ? fort rl? Hergen ? ?? All| I s?, ?mer St Oihard illri, N*' Tnrt ?? le, Ami I] ^'earner ?Jneen Maud iBrt, N> Tort >,? M v.-. .-i,' ? v. ivn. Naiai. S'AII.l.l? hVt'rrdam. A'lg !? si,-?inrr Magdalena TMitrh? ? Brest, An.: 11 KieairiT I'.anMale I Tin. New Tort I la Am 14. 11 a m- s'aamer Berraullai hu. Sea York. L'Asvl.I. Mlbralur. Am II Porte dl Ha.ona HUD. He I ? f.'r l.eim?. l-erlin. Au? II lr-.dra.-an.alia ?Hrl. T??k"hama. eta it 11 ? lea ?J. I Nr? York e THE WEATHER REPORT i Forecasts and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. "A ?ahr C'.m A'U II al af.rm la arv?r - :.rr at 1 In or n??r tti? Yin-atari Channel. mot Ing n.ri'.?.(?i. an,I Irarflcaa* hate been . | ,.:. i... . gthwesl Ir'lorlde coaat. W?rn lor I -li'it ll??e alto tieeai aelil U all Gull !?? rtl Th* lilatieit ?mil reported durlni ill? ?lay * a?. ? .1 nur, th? ?w.ea, Km We.t ajid llaiai.? A' Harina i a : i'\ ..t fllir nil)e? an hnir I I ? .?-i iirr.-.t during I'rMa. i.lgl I It la ? . . ?amer I' Sea 1 . ? upper lake re? nn.,, an.i Ms*? ittapcrauii mm tha si Uta u.?. i Mountain? '.. and Monday In the Hilda irrer the nortl ? Il i. r lb? lei -. . '?'..- mi, la aiiil alo la. .. rpt 111 the - I .ll.-ri.-ta. w!i?re ? ?' ? ira Tern p.-t?nir?' \M !. f ? SMiilai . i M -.'. North Atlaiitle, get.'i- in mndriata ?? .iiif.f uni;.>, M..1.I,. ? i lo a'.-, n. . . i treat, South J rrtt? larial..? ei enr e??i r!T n.. Porlila ? .?- ai : Fresh io ?u-oi.g i ? . aten . 4 a ? nr twu Tucaiaii Channel, moali.g northwest; huniraoa warning? rantinurd aonth-?e?t ; pin* ad.ii.-1 ... Lower Ii geni ? l? raoderat? Sin. lay, with |;?rtly ' . . Laral Official Record.? I.e follomnf off:, lai rec? ord fron " i mgej In Iba le-aprratai-e f. r ? i ',.ur hour?. In ndlni ?late ut laut > ar IS1I I9T. .1 a ra . tl 7! 1pm . :?? M ? ? p m 13 T'.i I p I 71 77 : : ? : 4 p tn :?? M Hl|)e?t leinpora-ur? ve.ierday. M i1egr.?a ?a? 4 .-eiee? . ?I 11 a III . ?l.-r?.o .--.:. :>\. :; utis- I r correapondlaj dal . feat, 7. a,?,. ?:. lin? dal? lui thirty three lear-, :.. Barometer Readlna?. Ian r.0 "I 1 p m .. . xo 02 | g p ra.m ?I Humidity. , S a rn .. 6? 1 c m. . M II p m .... ti Local Forecait.?Qimerallf fair to-day and to ,. rate ?cd f EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Miss Elvira M. Hedlund Select Employment Agency of all Nationalities 15 Weit 5Sth Street, near 5th Avenue. Tder hone: 8345 Plaza. CoillETLST aV-ND ItKLlAllLK BSTBTAATS ? MA1K AM? KtMALhl M PIXIKI) T(J I'llIVATB u ' FAMILIB8, ( 1TT "I; COI Ml'.V BEKERENCES CAJli.'-l.l.LY ISVE.S1 H.A.1.U AMD KEPT ON HUM. MISS KITTY RYAN, Proprietor Met) t RW OTT EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 261 West 125th St. RELIABLE HELP SUPPLIED. CITY_OR COjJNTRY. PHONE 2?6 MORN I NGSI OR EDWARD *->,r?FI I I "Pleyment A|enry. E't. V. KJUC4L.L, 4B*>2. Phone Bryant 700?. A:. Odell r- m;i?. ,?? --. it for character ai. l efirlei B. J- HODGES, Manaa-er Fensl? lie.. Bel 16th ?. ?! 47th HU MRS. EMILY MASON, lTOc'V.NT' ICTEXT >Ht\ANis MALE ????MAI.,:. WKBT 4:1 BT II I. nr.'. I | SANAIARHMS, ;u;'':A-i;;v:.^.,r::; ? I ' ? i C>f ?11 aipliealits. IRWIN S AGENCY. 44 .*> Ith iM N/-, r I EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. KJ ? Mm 77 W. I ltd St. Coainrr lal, loeehanlcaJ and faet?n help ?. i , 7656 CheUea ( n. iKK. butlers, recorta men, ?vaitr^ae?. laundrcsk.s, rhanibermaids, kltchentnaiis. ladles' maids, ??> nerai houeewomrin. Justi'-a Employment Auency. Oh? La?ingiton av. 'Phone, 1 .?za 44. :'. DOMESTIC l'A?'llAMJB AQENCT.?All lationall Uee out-?,' town orders pi. mprly P. led. ?II raf erenrea ir-Trnii-a-ed SSI rolmabiu ?t . near ISth at 'Phone ?1 6 rk-hu-lei Mr S M l.r,. ? MISS i I.K1IT1 Plnnl h a ' ? ?? A-ner' Krrj[.l?j)in?nt Aim j. 77 IUlfe ai rompa ter.t an?l rr.'.il'.e aerraatl ?ui.pllrl lo prtTaia lam llles, .iij or country Telephone Mil Harlan?. MISS ISABEL SHEA, Employment Agency 30 K. 4'7\l?. (?Ml. MAI?. AV., ROOM 701. i?. malt ana] ?einal*. fur city and < .' ? Telepboa? ?.74 Murray Hill. .AT CARPENTER'*? i:mii>s mtr.t At?ncy. 114 '??h BV. Betal l*hed 1*47. Wfl liavi b?.?i ' coacbra? ? tard? re, ?r?-",m.?. marrl?d nu plea, f?r m f remen, ?aun liunj?. A,I nation?; Mil!? ' ? J. . KM?' Af.K7.-i V. ? ,7 6th as-.. :c I?"?.*. Qreelejr. .-?? - ' lo,-t h? ,p. all ? ('tonalities, male. '?mal?. i referei SWEDISH ?INNISM AOENCT? John M Unen, proprietor, 2107 tth ?v.. near lavth Flr*t claaa help al?m>? on hand. I'ini.Uh. ah l??i.r. Harl?m. n-ASTK I.I I HUTS "hni.tli.? too* h?:p. . Phone 76M ( I ? i i LAMl A Uni.? IIEIU.H <?> AUEN.?!. 4* ?J. ?I \\ .? ?a?. a?r?aj;U for fell??? I f?m ' ??? ' ?:r?.-le? 12^4 ? r I trial A in. Aicncy. _ MAHTIIA IDLI.IEH A'.: '-' I Superior help. m?i?T f.n.a ,. 1 ? 4':, ?i I :? I ?77? Ma I - . Ha ?" ?AGENCY HEERDEr.EN, 18* latsmi" n ?I.. I?? I mee? V ? ?'-' ? ;_HELP WANTED. _____ Female. STI vr.r.RAI'UKn Bub?!Iluta: ht-1?ht. qul-k; *? qua ? n-etbod? ?l?--ira a ?alus a... ?spe-ien 1 11 % H . Ut ?\ ! _WORK WANTED._ Male. ABI TOT INTEHESTKIi' Wi.ti to form p?rm?n?r,t ailon with ma ?tiii?ln? Exl ' '.'. bwh n**nuf*ctur ? Johblni. lus . ? - Broad i ? !??... . ? . J . ii. s *?, N?m tort Tribun?, I EXPEMENCED BOOKKEEPER and M-rt i . and Italian, knowli t a lltl ?? Spanish, ..a..n .'??.? , -?'.a,.. 1. i LAV4. MAN . nrrhai ictr, r? ? un U itcai . ? . . I M :i . ? ? a- . i i . ? thor- i . and !? - ? a:. I ont. inarm J, a?e ?? | A. K., i - - ""'? . Female. COMPANION ? Tr?'.r.?d MIM (45?: wmiM take ' , ?.liar*? home el Invalid ; country piff?rr?,l. Mr?.' 44 ? _I ?DCCATKD WOMAN el Dean* ,1?air?. : .- i -, i ; a :. ,,- to ,ar? ?,>i ?nun? children; .nil ?alary ? . - Mr? < BN er ha:.:, ... . I DOMESTIC 81TUAT10X8 WANTED, Hale ANTTHINO THAT.-. BOXatST ?C.o-d ro??-hr-?n: - i ui*!,:. , ?a*?-- 1 ?ant a lob, ' II Kin-ill __2SS Chertnut St . I'?-?? N J III TI.r.R-VAl.ET ? Swiss. I y??r? '.?it pi*.-e; SS? nee?; city or couulO'. Industrial * r. ivi . i ?_ CHA? Kill B.?Wife as nur?? or mail ?i -, and referm. ?. AJilrr?? W M. 1 7 KAKMLl'. Married, compel? I . ! rh?rte ?. I ti Ameiiren; liigl.??i credential!. ? .? ? i A| .>-,'??. .i i ?_ HERDS -IAN ; " eritn ? I I lassst, ??? ?.. ?i...? A, lib ?. . I !.??:>? 7?J?)7. Female C?ernur. ; BRI ?!?-.. .its tr ???ui.try: be*t 1 referai . 140-1 Call at 1?: g A : -' .I? a '. LAI SVW BS Sirena I ; ? Bill; thor? ough.? ? rete? ? InJuitrial M'ei I. I ?t : COCPI.E Bstail .-->.- rlf? -i ? a. A.-.u . 17 Sir,i 4.d ?4 _ _ I'll Ii . - ? . UMfUl >. ? S ,-. city or country. Indutlri?! A W 4 . .? _ - , 4 I V1 . : r. . t t..? PLI S i t. ; plum? ? i > ? .- i Una IM UK I I: ' . Kt ?i ; ? fall M '.. . . ?? 4. . _ 'Ml -Krfl. r.l i . ?.- ' ??? ,,(.' I...' ,(, > J.' .?lr. ilaa... ? A.....J. Ml ??..; 4.. .1. L:,?..l DOMESTIC .SITUATIONS WANTF.D. Females. BOfMEWORKER ? rtnidih American: ?trong; wfll l.'l dO H country; ejreil.nt referrr..-ea> Lentl'i a. -t Phons MIS Harlem. IXKi'XTM VI ItSI I;?- lied, il, ? . Eiifllah ? A, i i _ IM ant's ni KSK pet I German; besi ref . ? I l I.a- g a H r_< -, 4 .V - ? 1 si LAIlY'H MAI : I I Call at 1....i A 1;." .i. r-r Ce. Ai ?1 ' _ LAI XI'KKSS ? . ?> ? ? t i ! Call at Lang k ! v. MAIL?, seal German 1 *> M ? I West lid si Brysnt _ MOTHER Amerirai,,, a? rouk ul tarn.ii.g. hid rnur*e t ; any? i. icy, 131 West 471 at. _ N't'KSE.?? will mail ?iiiug la 1? . ?i . Khea'i a. . i i _ MUM. l?SKIIY GOVKHXE88?German: i m khi ? ? ? i refer? waf? I . I ? .:! at Lang 4 i ?. ? II West ' "id ?t. BUSINESS CARDS. AX80.MA HTnKAGK WAREHorSE ?.i Mortng ? - u'.i '. r li.i.g dis ? ? t?a . . .? ".?...i S'?th ?L 1 BORG I. ?- D I Geld. - ? I ? . West 7 ! .St II. CARPET CLEANING 1*0.?<*TeaM~kf > ..:r. ?lean.. i,aiid or un floor U5I I .4.1 *ba?t 4ith at. COt A liKANDT. '_ M SALVO BROS.?Antique furniture, brte-a-brae; ? solid filter. 386 fourth ar. t.7ln at | Phone ..l?i Midi? in Kq. __ H AKT OAIXERT 10ft \v -,'iMai" Antl(|U,-s ?njrloa, old jewels, ailverware, rat- fans, r-in-lngs. miniatures and wraione ?tilt < I GEO 11 WEATUERTURD. i i: ora ?il: ? KEW TORE CARPET CLEANING WORM : . -. lera ?TIM IV ?,- WOV? ll.uM OUI ? AKi'KTS. Vt. as Sea d fer CI .-. < 15th at ??I silver t.ouft.t uy K. l.ot.cinati'a hon?, (old *'??*> Silver ?"enner*. I Join, a-.. INSTRUCTION. I AU M IIOIILS. M:t* VC1KK LAW SCHOOI., r.i i-uituu >t., N. v ( n>. IX. ??. h??l. -I?wltlii Method" Ka.nina B. lie.I. ..f ln?lrurllon. N.hi : ? :iad?Tn 1: It stet ?es ,-lo?e ut hsnd \ M .,r I' ? . ! < r K.. n rlth de? : I.I. B. Treat 1er s used. ?\!th ? ..?ea. . : r ?--atali.|,ue GEORGE ?MASK I'- in _ NeW York 7*1.*<Kr _?-??????- m.aT>miZ U_t__uaKj. rval.ieg. to eult niveraity a? ?i naim. Uw School l?TLr.^Tmrrz ?i-1 5e va_ afama .-t-J- an. A . V^.L- : - a ? .?a AaatXan?. - - - N T. ? > -~????????^?????_w_ee_^l-e?????l_l Eastern Steamship Lines All-the- Way-by- Water COAST OF MAINE and the MARITIME PROVINCES To BOSTON ?.onnectin*; there with Steamers of the various lin-* of the Eastern Steamship Corporation, including the Bangor, Portland, Kennrbec, International and Yarmouth Lines. 35 STEAMEJ-tS 15 ROUTES 80 LANDINGS FARES LOWER THAN BY RAIL Through Ticket? to All Point??Baggage Checked Through METROPOLITAN LINE. Steam-hips Ma**nchu?ett? and Bunker Hill leave Pier 18, N. R., foot of Murray Street, everv day at 5:00 P. ,M. Due Boston about S A. M. Same Service returning. Unsurpassed facilities for expeditious han? dling of Automobiles, Horses and Freight?Express Service. No Better Way to Start Your Vacation It Begins at Once It Continues Throughout To PORTLAND MAINE STEAMSHIP LINE. Steamships North Land and North Star leave fM-*r 19, N. P., foot of Warren Street, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 5 P. M.; also Mondavs, 10:30 A. M. A delightful 390-mile, 22-hour Trip direct to Portland, the CITY BtAUTlKl.'L. T'k?'? find Information at F1?r?. ?leo ?II To?irl?t and (few York Trin?f?r Co. iifrWis. or addree* Pa???ng?r Traffic Department, Pie? It". M It, New York. SUNDAY TRIPS FALL RIVER LINE MANAGEMENT STEAMER CITY OF LOWELL TO BRIDGEPORT I/.?*? Tier 4". N P.. ft Houston W.. 1? O*. A M . Pit r 11. N /: . fr rx?lem St.. 10 1J A. M Dae Bridgesort till P. M. Bs_, ?e?,? Brtdgrl , . M ; due X. Y.. :? 00 1* M .M..i lte?rt?^uKiita. TVkela, $1.W. children. 00 centa. STEAMER RICHARD PECK TO NEW HAVEN Ia??ie Tier H, _ R , ? ^0 A. M.. f~ t Flit J2d St.. 11 o?) A M . due New Hiten 7 70 I' M. Return, due X. ? t M 1' M. Two hour-, in N ?. Bafea. Muslo. Rcfreahmeuts. T.r?et|. )1 M- .-?.?,_. The New Knglaiiil Mearnthlp C.. \\ . Ont? Suml'v? & llnl jrl'v* I.??. W. 4.- d St 10 29, W. ittth St 10 10 A M. Hound Trip. Dally. IOC. ?'hillren. lie Bui davi t H Idays Children, SO Mr All IM IK sT*Il*T CO. To! Bread IS! A Mun Powell M'l.'t Co. Tel .Sprint; ?141 ?fron Steamboat (fo ??KM* *>K. Fl-IIIM. M*K. "TIIKIS." Daily al I A. M. from ri?r I. N it ONLY. Iron Menmi.iuii? ?i rei I to Hterplechaee, ( I-Unil. and Btr "Graaa Krpuhlir" io Raekawa) Ii>ti<h. Leaves W. Ittth ?t. ?ami I'li-r 1, X. II. Full Summer ??< heilule. Full Time Ta.:,'..'- are ou inn I- ? BACK ..ver of Tllapbo I':- I l_l TEL. RECTOR 872. NOLANDINGATW.23dST. Th? ??M.Y ticket efflee of th? IRON STEAMBOAT III. . WIEST l?Oth ?iTKKET la rn th? DOWN-TOW!?' HID- ' lo?._ _EXCURSIONS._ Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Steamer ''Albany"?TCA* Str. "Robert Fulton" la-lf? Pe?tr??e. St. I'll!? ei ept Sil'.dir. 1 4.'. P M . Weed {.'. Si I P M W I l-'*'h *.. I ?"* r M T? ?' ri 115 P. W Sir . ! trip i ?? boun at Bear Mnui.iali it amr'.e time at Weit runt te ?Jrlre aroui.d the 1*. it. OrehsstrtL Basil l |*EST TRIP FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON. sSE/I?CnUGIIT ??OUTt NEW TORR?ALBANT--TROX ami Um NORTH. Dali] ( .11? ? .1 Cltj I Ine i . : -. N R , f?->ot 81 5;:?0 P. >!.. ?V. 1124 Bt. liiiiii p. M. : .- Troy ?uto P. M., nun p. M. Fan $1 il. Me?* ".??-ht Rspreee?Pier 12. N r?.. U;(I0 P. M., V.. ? '.?.?:? 1 St . 10:00 P. \t. L?av? Troy (except Sunday ? B:0Q P. M , Al?.any, ?laily. Inclll II '0 P. M. r'ir- $2 ?.ne ?ray, $.7 Pe..|.le'? Line?I'l-r 12, N R . ?5:00 P.M.. Sv I22d Si . StM 1' VI. Leave Albany. BtM i*. M. rara, i.", o?* way, .3 ?o . trip. Sunday m<-rnln>t i . , for Newburfh, Pous ? ? ' :? K'.n.-s ilnt and ai ive? I"- ? It, N R . SiSA A. M, W I22d Bl . 10:00 A. M. tatavaa Al 10:(?(l A. M. T' !. Sptins ^400 day or nlf-ht. Inrice-t River .-?? in the Herid. S.S. "MANDALAY" Moonlight Sail Up-the Hudson Leavlnjj Battery 7 21 p n Weal i Slat - II P. M DAM INC. FREE. V.-ea-kdi To ATLANTIC ?IGHLANOS Nes? P..die 25 Cts. to Jersey Cnn?t KetorU i.?* iv i ut m N A. M. AtlaMii- Hu- ? M !' M KAI n H \v Bet?n to lUtt-ry ootr, / P.M. CVTD* TDID >.?t?iril:is \ 11.n? tAln.*? inlr ?*.,?,, |;.?|PI< | p. \f. Tel?. Pier. Mnrn ?S??, I?- ad I '??J? B0STO ^r***?8> t* ?1 an?! Trolle] W?rc'.ftr $*.80: Prosldrn?-? direct. $1.10. *>tater..,.ru?. Si, .??1.50 A fi. Dalb. iinlnilin-r Mindav. .". -:su p. m. ?cm P'or I?. h K. Phon? 2700 Flcelm?.^ ri*T Tl.-fcet Office. 190 rtro?dn?r. N I l'jti.wn Tlik-t uiTV?. B ?ai ai, 1 li.ld 8t. _Writ? fnr l!lii.?ir?ted rnM?r, 50*; YACHT TRIP 75' 10 30A.M. 2.30 P.M. VACHT CLIFTON LIAVES POOT WEST 42nd ST. Eii?-lrH'-.| rttr Ht?tit Seeini S?' A ??un. 27? rwld'l. Tel Brvant .1?2S i older? In ail ?oiela A Tkl. Ofc?. Itli.? N IM.A.Ml. DIUK.NT. GKKKM'OKT, BBElaTER IMLAVD AND BAO H M.IK.i; Ftr "Shlnnecock" ol U< ntaua Steamboat Co a Lin? let.?.-? N. Y., Pier ft. 3 41 ti 8L. K. K., Tue?, atad Thuri?, 110 P. M.. Sat lull' M INSTRUCTION. NEW ?OKK?Manhattan. ! Friends Seminary 220 to 228 East 16th St., New York Friends School 110 to 118 Schermcrtiorn St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Kindergarten and Preparatory Schools for Girls and Boys ladlvldaal laatraetloa. R?gu'.ar cour?? Includes LANOUAOES, MUSIC, AKT. MANUAL TRAINING. Large pUygrounda NON8KCTARLAN. CATALOG SE ST ON REQUEST The Barnard School of HOUSEHOLD ARTS at rnnt*I A Iram-ed. fhafliig iiUUiMnt.... . . I_U| De ran.? Ar-, i . I ? . . |. .... Art. M I . ? . a | bark?ku school m boys FIELCSTON. WESI 2441H Sf. ."-?.".?g. 4 minute?' aal**, fruir Van IHr''.a:\ill Par? Rubeaf Btai Ki- Irrgir'.- . . ? a? X?"; ? ? im tm BARNARD SCHOOL [M GIRLS 421.423 W. 148th St.T-' Au* 20th Year i .-,-.-.. ? . . J ?ec[. , til? P'lpl. a .- . . _ BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .?.,._ A Ft. Wuh. A?. T?l. 6811 Aud. l-.:.*i. I77tb St a I I UUta ?. I 11-1 MANHATTAN COLLEGE Broadway tad I I si Bl . New York City. I-,.uncled 1*423. Ilr.tli. -r. ..I n.. ( uri.llan School?. ColUf? ot Art? uml litter?. -? of (nil : ,. ?????... II ii. f i I ..liege Preparatory. Hll < ?iMiiieri-e. l-Ktl'AHi.l 1*? : LECAl tatrniCAL DTMTAX AM> .?TllfK PROrr.taHIOSAt C??l M - BesMsat a I . . i ?VrttS : r i i-.e.o?Tie. - IRVING SCHOOL la. I? K V\ IS ? I*?. ?ITII -I HOVSFtU'.M ?TO- ALL DEPARTMENTS Oraduatea H .N !io: .? ? under flfl GYMNASIUM - . ' t ItllMI N ?M? 4.1KI > RF< KI \l |i?N I r.\ I 111. i .*. . < .. . ?H r \ SEPT. -*: Il g ??th >t I HI. II 1.1.1 11/ i? H ?'i 11 <>F LAM? l A?EH, N..? .11 ???(??SO Vte.t ..lili Mreet. Between liiiU Aicuue ?nil Uruadwar. INSTRUCTION. NEW \OflK?Vse?t?he,ter County. Cliappaqua .Mountain Institute Valhalla. \Ve?t? he?ter Co., N. Y. A Beat? I BIRLS I - R??l C?unlr?. ? ? - !.. ;?ar? Il ' Ilotas in'ii .?-r f - (?'., ? .,. '. V . - Primary, I'r. |.aj-?- . ~ . Manual Iralnlni an?l Comm*i .... I>. pu . ?,.n. ; a-ium II?'-1- ! _ ULal.M mm ?i UOOI.S. When you complete a course at EASTMAN you bave solved the problem of bow to earn a good living. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, T>pe?*riiing, Penmanship. CKil Senke and Academic Depart? ments. . ,'.ur:ns lit? ?ntlr? y?ir. (.'a.I (,r s?r ?ku?, , (>i\M\\kWtl 123d St. and Lenox Ave. P ACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL I.etiiiRlou Ave. and SStfe **t. i vi i ?TERM OPENS -I pi : ? .???'? ? ? i ? ? ? P \ M> .? and fur High Grade Ac -.:-?;? ' SCHOOL AGENCIES._ American ami Foreign Teacher?' Agency.? ** Proteaaera, Tea :.'r?. Tutor?. Oeverneaee? '? Ipply to iir? 11. J rOUNO . BOARDERS WANTLD. wEaST ri " , , ? ..' . kein* met |na n a.,a..l i.-..ap. .lal.-J?. letatSICa?. ??Ulli, a ??aas -71J. To Boston and New England Points Fall River Line Steamer? COMMOiWEALTH and PRISCILLA Leave New York, Pier 14, North River, foot of Fulton St., 5.30 P. M. Daily. Due Boiton 8.24 A. M. Returning, leave Boston, South Sution, 6.00 P. M. Due New Yorlt 7.00 A. M. Afternoon and Evening Concert?. Providence Line Steamers PROVIDENCE and PLYMOUTH Leave New York, Pier 14, North River, foot of Fulton St., Daily, except Sunday, 6.00 P. M. Due Boiton 7.15 A. M. Returning, leave Boston, South Station, Daily, except Saturday, 6.06 P. M. On Sundays touche* at Newport, leaving 9.15 P. M. Due New York 7.00 A. M. $1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Inside Staterooms hare ootside ventilation and are always cool and comfortable. Tickets, Staterooms and Information at City Ticket Office, 171 Broadway. General Office, Pier 14, North River The New England Steamship Company CALIFORNIA ANDTHE EXPOSITIONS VIA CANADA'S SCENIC WONDERLAND A Gran.l Tour of *h- Pa-.-?- <??? ?? ? ? ? - Ne? V rk Mon.i?)-. A-igu?t 2t, tor the Exposition? via NIAGARA FALLS. TORONTO and THE TRANS-CONTINENTAL LINE-CANADA'S NEW OCEAN-TO-OCEAN RAILWAY Novel and exclusive f-aturea of th* Itinerary e SALT the "?mous silver-mining regten; the Northern Ontario ? lOt.PFlKl.r.s and Winnipeg: Along the GUAM) THINK P.M'IFIC IN HARVEST-TIME The highest [."ska and most magnificent ?cenery of THK ? ANADIAN ROCKIES A seven hundred-mile tali throu.:!. the M ?RWA1 I f AMBRICA t: ? Prince Ku RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA VIA THE COLORADO ROCKIES. A UNIQUE TOUR OF 30 DAYS The arrangements inc.?id? a;i Tra\?i n? Expense? for tUgaest-elaaa travel and ?ci-ommo latlnnii. liixurloualy equipped limited train?, fi: est hotels, and ?ervi7e? of a Tour Manager throughout. Itinerary ?nd Full Particular? from THOS. COOK & SON 245 Broadway, 264 Fifth Ave., 561 Fifth Ave., 2081 Broadway. Up the Hudson By Daylight All Her.lie Dally Kicept Sondar. Direct Re.ll Connections to all points In the Catsklll?, Saratoga, trie Adirondack?, the W.-st and North. Music. Restaurant All through rail t:ck?ta between New Tork arid Alb-iny ace pi?.1. DMh-r-MMS st.. 1:41 A. M. : w. 4?d st. 3 A. M.; W, Kith St.. 3 21 A. M : Ynnkera 945 A. M. : landing at West Point, New-' burgh. Poughiteepa.e, Kingston Point, Cats- I kill, Hudson and Albany. AI?o De?oro??es St.. 9:41; W. 42ii St.. 10; XV. Itstk .St.. 11 20; Tonkers, 10.50 A il.. ?or litar Mo-intaln. West Point. Cora wall, Ne?burgh and Poughke-psie. One I>ur Ontln?? to Pouahkeep?le. New burgh. Heat Point, or Bear Mountain. Afternoon Boat tot Beer Moun'ain. West Point. N?wbur*h. Poughkcepsle. Kingston and way landings. ! leavea DeabrMaea Bt?. i 45 P. M ; w. .I'd St.. 2 P. M . **. IMth .St.. 2.:a P. M : Tonkers. 2:1*. P. M. Daly except Sunday ideal outings to Bear M unta'.n and West Point. r<:tuii.i:.s by Str. "?.OH-fc?.!* Il L TON.'* D Hudson mm River ay Li ne Desbrosses St. Pier. Tel. 4141 Spring, N. T. ?___?____-_?___________*_-?___? Raymond _ Whitcomb Co., pio? neers in the California field, offer ta-j'ir-4 to the Expositions on the highest plane of travel. Unexcelled service. All the freedom of independent travel without the worry of arrange? ment?. Itineraries include Yellowstone Yosemite Grand Canyon Canadian Rockies Stopovers permitted anywhere Departures August 18, 19, 21, 25, 31 and later SHORT SUMMER TOURS Including White Mountains, Thousand islands. Maritime Province?, Ueltys t ? ? and *>,..., Departures Aac IS ?ad 28. Sept 13 and 17 ,4i?e Teure t., >?.., f/i America and Hound the Hurla Surd for Ba? a --. aRaymond & Whitcomb Co. 225 FIFH1 AVENUE SUNDAY SAIL Up the $ 1 Round Hudson 1 Trip 4 ' ? ' . - .-: ?? t la'.: _ |M ulea. Neu burgh & Poughkccpsie on t?i. hand,?me iteamee "BENJ. B.ODELL" , Il . H ? ,n I IMKtl III DfSOS I INK CONEY ISLAND ROCKAYVAY BEACH S'rs. Rosedale ? Cimbria?Today : ? I 39. !.. ar/< We 14.4 vi. ? : ' 3?. _?. ur.ion TlefcetS Mr. K?AN-MSI* La Ba-- . ? 30. 10 0 a SJ 1 : i 0 -. II o I, j v? i _. Sxmi a-1.1 j. It 4J arn. la \o LSD. uo t .0 y ta. Su-.?. 1*1'.._a a lj a_ JefaC/ fU. CALIFORNIA Inder K.srort. svlth |jp'n?e. Included. r 1 ? ! 1 y chattered .1 ?-ta ('?1 a | ? ? . I I tills will bo .a.- to'ir Met**' _ VIA I.KtMi CANTOR .*: T, OK AK1/OV V Anide?. . all of r?lif?rni? i (-?jitaiaaa Olher California Tour* Uta*. S ai i 0 ' - .'able ?cd a'?.-? SHORT SUMMER TOURS "-"?"?'HTM? OR INDKPKXD1?NT le ?~,^?t \i il ?., ?? ? A !:r?(i .?, '?.. N -va - tu ].:-.... a LABOR DAY Tni ir?" i i \j\jt\j v | ... :? i, ., ,, . Geo. E. Marsters, Inc., N. Y. City. l.'Kl Kroadssay ?al .?.1st .*??.). CUNARD Fstiiblishel ifjl EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Orduna?. . Sat. Aug. 21. 10 A. M ?Tuscan.a. . . Fn.. Aug. 27. 5 P. M Saxonia, . . Sat., Sept. 4, 10 A. M. *Cameroni3.. . Fri.. $04*. 10. 5 P. M Orduna. . . Sat.. ?Sept. 18. 10 A. M. *Tuscania . . Fri.. Sept. 24, 5 P. M. Saxonia. . . . Sat.. Oct. 2, 10 .-V M. ?EN Kllt'TK TO ?JI.ASGOVf. ROUND THE \\Oi<LL) TOLRv Through l..,..k!iig? to il? prim Ipal Tort? et the II?. M COMFANT1 ?il I I? I. .1 :? ? l" \TKST..NY. For Your Vacation? ?VIIJDA 9-Day Tour?All Expenses $45.50 up i ? ? Cooler Middle i ? let 1/,- Ka'o t:. .-'..? T . . . Twin Screw "Bermudian'' Balety?B?e?d?Cemfort?Sail? Alt.rnatt Wad. 4S?I?. >. .-?. ? -, ? y . ?45 A !,*?1 Ii'mv. **? A A? ; Ua: tnond A u ?IK ml . ?: il. Lu?. 11 ?M b'w?-. Tal iCann'i Tu-an. . ?a. FRENCH LINE Compagnie (.eiierale Transatlantique ?VOfsTAL SKKVICE Sailings for BORDEAUX LA TOURAINE, - - Aug. 21, 3 P. M ESPAGNE,.Sept. 4, 3 P. M. CHICAGO,.Sept. 11, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU. - - Sept. 18, 3 P. .M. rOR lNr*?.KMATK)N' Ai'lr'LT COMPANY'S OFFICE, RJ5'?.?.j ?.mJ. BRAZIL S.S. MINAS GERAES .Aug. 28 ?1 th? Baal Co?*t merit? , . - Tlir " ?I.. ST1 l" ?'? '?'Ml mi ii'.Ai, r.i"''''Hi VtsstLB *??'? S.S. RIO DE JANEIRO. Aug. 21 Three Wee ka 1. ? ? " ' ? - : ? . . LLOYD BRAZILEIRO ' REH '?il" MME ?"?" u K **? *?' - ? ntJ U LINE la r ?' -' .. - ra I ? MM?? \ s . ? v ? s all LIA A Ig I? ?AHA? A!?? I ?ai*. 1 bu|a<[, - s ? ? ??:? i ALL?.T r A ?1 VV?U Str-ec li \ll \ XMi ?t M?\V It'll", in INTERSTATE PARK LANDINGS \i um. i hi. I* -.1 I*? MM -, BTK. RIM.-iUlN Uavee \V UStS ?* ?I 10 A M . 1 and ? V M 1-are lia hound Trl?. Sight-Seeing Yachts ?Je* Hatte-, Y\rr mjl. 2? T.I Br? ? TO SANDY HOOK ANO THC OCEAN. ? -??I P. M.