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Opportunities cx>trte to tl**c??e prer??n-*d to take ?k1 vantage of the-m. Our crrtiflcatf? of dr-poBtt, which pay Interest on sums of $1,000 and o**tt ond larger rate? upon larger amount? for definite pchods facilitate the profitatsle emplovment ?aid instant avr.ilabil ty of funds awaiting opportunity. The above and other ?er vices of this trust company arc briefly indicated in a booklet. " It? Service to You," ?sent upon request. Metropolitan Trust Company C.eorfe C. V?n Tuyi Jr. *r?~B?lteat 49 "A all Street ? New Secured Debts Tax Law Tb? test of the Ne-? York law mH a summary of the enrntial details oi the tas tnd U* eiem?* tion ttttutct. which directly af feet bond? ?nd similar ?ccuntie? owned b> r?sident? o? New Yerk .*>t?te, will b? turniwie?' on request. Send for Booklet 63 Harris- Forbes & Co ??1rs? Street. Corner Wllllatr NEW YORK W.N.Coler&Co. 43 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK CITY INVESTMENTS High Grade Municipals Legal for New York Savings Banks To Yield 4.20% TODAY IS RIPE. ; ? ?-ne* af | as a gu?rante? ' iremendoua ; Submarine Boat Canada Steal American Marconi app?ar to be < ''?'*?? Pr" ?TW. HARRIS & CO. MeBBber? of S "?. Cark atarkH *??'n, 50 tROADST.. H.Y.?fixa* ?iTilIVIi?lll.'li'-Mrirl'iH-g? /Etna Explosives Co. American Brass Co. Amer. Light & Trac. Co. Bucyrus Company Canadian Car & Fdy. Co. Du Pont-Hercules-Atlas International Nickel Co. New Jersey Zinc Co. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. Lamarche & Coady Phone 9970 Rector 14 Wall St. >:. ay. bum 1?! I'OM low AMIJil? IN BRlss AMKKICAN CHK IK FREDERIC H. HATCH i CO. Vhone Broad .'.HO, SO Broad St., New York. l'rlfa- '? -. - I? noalor: uid Philadelphia. Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Nastau & Cedar Street?, New York Calcas? ''; ? ' :?'?'! B ' DIVIDEND NOTICES. _ I.I M KM I III Ml? \l COMPANY. :? Bi i, mi. a quarterly dividend ' on? -ml one? paid Sapiens-. HIS, to rommen Stork holu-rs of I at I P. M * h u?t : LAN? ? a?urer. ALDERMEN WIN PRAISE Citizens' Union Pleased with Board's Recent Acts. ? : the better have been ht in the Hoard of Aldermen in ? .-hteen months, according to I the aldermanic committee o? the Citirena* Union. A lararaar?" of public yesterday b~r W. E Youker, secretar** of the t'it Vot? n :i: ? especially ?i the election of aldermen ? ??ir, it i? pointes*] out. because of ? n of control in ?ocal afTairs to the city by the ? ; m n. Alderman Curran and his associate? : arc praised for the "" - amenta <>f the I i re I an d i af or?: rin (if the build? ii?)* code and the i he formulation of ?:. el? and adequate safeguaid:. fur health. TBUST AND SURETY COMPANIES. m : a Bid A?k. - ?Law T A T... / ? a / ?- . 317 "-(anker?' ... 410 x a -'?i I av ... .43 ? H'.. IM HO : B .... 471 .'al Huret?.... ? B .... I s . i M -, S... 107 lli Commercial... ! N V . ?, -t.? ? - ? ? ?. 4i> 17 : Kquitabl? .. < < ..._*?..?? J-arm 1. A T. Kranklln ... ' ? KuUon . t T... I7? ?-v yidelltv . t.-arantv ... t? ? iUinllion .... M *. T... Ml M* ludion Tr... 1? IIS 17 | ?i _ Im Itkg Cor. 100 4 ? I ?'-?a? 7\o.tto .-**V* il i.O il?, Uwrw?" ... 171 1711 | WEEK IN FINANCE HERE AND ABROAD Heavy Fall in Exchange Threatens to Affect Trade Adversely. BIG BRITISH CREDIT IS BEING DISCUSSED Allies Likely to Put Cotton on Contraband ? Bright Promise for Grain. W th the purchasing power of the British pound sterling, as expressed in . American dollars, decreased by 18'** cents from the normal and the market 1 for bills on London, nnd on Paris as well, practically demoralized, the for e:g:-. exchange situation has taken a place in the first rank among the eon? : siderations that determine the imme? diate future of finance and commerce in the United States ami. it may be said, of the security markets. Approxi? mately two-fifths of the decline in ster? ling checks occurred in the week just i ended. And neither on Saturday, any more than any other day, was there anything to show that the downward movement was at its end. Not even the extraordinary importation of $19,fi0n, 000 of gold from England in the middle , of the week, nor the knowledge that accompanying it was a large consign? ment of American bonds destined to serve as collateral for advances *o Great Britain, was of avail to stay the . decline; nor yet the well substantiated reports that a credit, variously stated at $100,000,000 to S.SOO.OOO.OPi") and more, was about to be opened here to meet the bills of the Allies for war supplies. Decline Must Be Checked. Plainly the downward movement in exchange cannot be suffered to continue Indefinitely. Immense as are the sums Great Britain end her Allies have raised for the prosecution of the war and large as ure their gold resources, they cannot be expected to go on for? ever in the course they are pursuing. Gold supplie? are not limitless, nor are ? they entirely available for export to this country. The war must come to 1 some time. When it It over ' ??***? capital uaa?-l be r?ase J by a.-l the belligerents for rehabilitating their in? dustries. Great Britain, the clearing house of the world's commerce in times of peace and destined ?train to hold that proud I title, least of all the nations can afford to impair her credit standing by going i on a paper basis. Yet that is oi.e of I the contingences she must reckon with if she continues to send her gold here. Fortunately, not only for Great 'tfrit ain, but for this country, that possi? bility is yet remote. Besides gold as a means of settling her debts here, she has American securities. They are, if anything, more acceptable to our bank? ers than the precious metal, of which the supply in this country is already inordinate. Much more of it would surely precipitate an inflation in the prices of goods and labor here, which is even now foreshadowed in the infla? tion of security prices. And in the end it woul'l be disastrous. So long as the war continued inflation might be ex? pected to incre.-'.se. When it wa eluded and the nations began again their competition for foreign markets we should be under a handicap thnt would take years of economy and thrift to overcome. Problem Is Partly Ours. But meanwhile, if the decline in ex? change were to continue, there would . be a falling off in all our exports, ex? cept in munitions and materials of like character that the Allies could not buy elsewhere and could not produce them? selves. And in the course of tinr would likely occur so great a stimula? tion of their own production of war supplies as to make them increasingly independent of our markets. Primarily it is for the Allies to be troubled about the decreased purchasing power of their funds in this country, because most of their contracts with American manu? facturers are made payable in dollar:; but if there is anything in the idea that the prosperity ol a merchant de? ll on the prosperity of his cus? tomers, it is our concern, too, to see that the pound, the franc and the lira lote no more of their value in exchange for goods than can reasonably be pre? v?:.-cd. Apart from the developments in the international money market, the United States is confronted now with another matter of great importance. In Great | Britain, which is acting for all the ! Allies in matters concerning the block? ade of the Teutonic countries, there is , a violent agitation going on whose end I is to have cotton made contraband of I war. Not only is the demand wide? spread among the British people, who believe that Germany's ammunition production would be crippled if cotton were prevented from reaching her, but the government itself is giving the matter serious consideration. Only Friday the Under Secretary of State i for Foreign Affairs was quoted as lay? ing: "The Allies must by all lawful 1 means prevent cotton reaching their ' enemies. It may be considered nee? s sary to make cotton contraband." A significant at the least. The ! memory of what happened in the South last year to the planters and to all those dependent on their purchasing power, as well as to the railroads, it too fresh in mind to permit that ? y to be passed by lightly. Switch to Railroad Share?. In recent weeks the changes in the War situation have ha?l relatively little direct influence on the security markets. | With the sales of American stocks and ? bonds much diminished after the pay? ment of the initial subscription to the I in, the speculative community bus looked upon the war more as the provider of business for American in? dustrial corporations than as a menace to its own interests. It was only nat? ural, then, that it should have' been troubled by the prospects of an early peace that seemed to be opening at the beginning of last week. The rumor that the King of Denmark had been ttked to sound the Allie- on the part of <><*i many, like the later report that the ; ? paring again to exert his ? ee with the warring nations, had ffect, for the time, of discouraging immitments in the wni iatm aof inducing protit taking on outstand? ing contracta. There wat at the same time evident a disposition on the part of important speculative interests to transfer their market operations to the standard issues, the railroads and the seasoned industrials. Por the change the time was seem? ingly ripe. Stocks of known and un- | . merit had been rushed up indis? criminately as in the London rubber boom of a few years ago. Those of little intrinaic value wen beginning, to bhow signs of the strain their back? ers were under in financing pool opera? tions without U.o much aid from the banka. To encourage buying of the) i-ulroad shares there was the kn..\\l edgt that the Interstate Commerce Com- , mission had completed its findings in the Western rate case and pc statements from Washington that they favorable to the carriers. There \ at, beeidet, as a back log, the outlook for bountiful harvests; ami general business was known to be increasing in activity more rapidly than at any other tune since the beginning of the year. Rate Decisions Hit Trading. Early in the week the railroad shares I rose buoyantly, together with Steel - common, ).he latter influenced by most ophmistio report?, ?if the buaiaeei being ?lone in the country's h??ic industry Hut the hopes that had been built on the Commerce Commission's predicted decision Acre rudely shaken by that body's ,in?lnig*. Instead of increase? being granted on all the principal com? modities, only one wa? picked out for an advance in rates bituminous coal. There were increase? granted on other commodities, besides, but they were relatively unimportant and the aggre? gate advantage to be divide?! among forty-one railroads wa? no more than ll.rJ00.000. tin Friday tho railroads re? ceived another blow, again from the Commerce Commission, when ? reduc? tion amounting to In the , rate? on anthracite was ordered. While | later consideration tended to reduce the*e shocks to ?speculation in the rail I road ?hares to ?mall proportions, first ! impression? prevailed to the extent of , discouraging further commitments in | that part of the list and bringing about i some return to the war ?toeks. As time I goes on, there will probably be inrreas ' ing interest in the standard issues and ' such influences as last week's splendid crop report will be more potent. At present, however, stocks appear to be marking time. A Billion Bushel? of Wheat. The crop report, with its indication of pt'.fi.OOO.OOO bushel? of wheat, made a billion-bushel outturn, for the tirst time in the country's history, a re.ison able possibility. There was at the same time a promise of '2,918,000,000 bushels of corn. Only one harvest has been greater than that. Taken together with the other major and the minor crops these expectations made a composite picture of impresB.veneaa. And when it is considered that this great produc? tion has come about in b year when nearly all Europe must seek our mar? kets, the outlook for the I'nited .States becomes brighter than ever. Money continue? to be easy and there is no present prospect of an advance In rate?, even though the season i? at hand when the West and the South seek funds to move the crop?. Within the week there has been a small reduc? tion in the quotationi for time loan?, and as yet mercantile borrowers are not taxing the lending supply of the brinks. Thanks in part to the import of gold during the week, amounting to $19,500,000. the reserves of the Clear? ing House institution? have again shown a large increase, the surplus now standing at over $187,000,000, though loans expanded $25,000,000 and demand deposits nea**?y $51,000,000. WEEKLY CURB TABLE. INDl/STBIALS. Sales. High Um liant. CnMga, ..-. A., yirm c ? '. % - S Am smelt s rr- lt-:' M ??? - lOOAiii ?si Paper.. 4 4 4 ?? 10 4." Am Zinc . IHi il ."? la - * ?n Car & va U* + I .12s ii? i., ?fini ?;. Nat lias C. : 1 14 - ... 3?, 3i ns ? 4 r it a.. Pwr.. i";- Ml ' . + 4 ,.'. i'lry . 14 !.. . 4 1,5?M du or . a**? M U ? S 1.0*5 Cramp, shipl Mg ?7 70 7: ? : If ? i.:.- irle Horn ,..?tM 47? 44'? -t-10 2,060 do pr.?M IM 4??-. ? ? I do new w i .. 4*4 17. 434 ? S ?Emerson Phono. US 13?? MS - S M Tire . '??- ??-' t? m Hall mm-al .... 1*4 is '???'. I Mfi ... SI K ? S 400 Houston "11 ... l?i 13 13 S -t- 14 2.125 ii.t si >kel : .17. ? i ? Mi r M . if* .'? '.;. - ? : i Ml do nr-ss tt I.... 4:; 37 41 ?-? do or w I. Il . . ? + 1 . -? ? I do pr . **"". 4. ??? , ? '. 11,720 ?Tat !'? troleui. 104 ? ? '?'? - 7? r 'fs 74 74 < s - 4 n l'timi... 1*4 7 7 3 lo pr.II 124 1? I nOKatho Bronze |r 3S 3 14 Kell) -; na Tlre.ll 17. '- ? 14 39 l| i..173 17: 17. 1" ' It. 17:, 11 !, ? 14 r Am.. 54 44 4-, - 4 - '..r ' '.in. M - '. y Tramp. .. 1*4 l- 1?4 ? 1 ? yrene M.'g Co. 114 134 Iker-Heg ?v.rp 14 I ..'. - K7 Bavoy "II . 9 :-:. tan i Motors... 11% Us U ?? i i Hum .? I. 24 , ? - ? ?Lead. 13 114 114 - 1 ?- . *2" V Clg sir? A H ? 1 do ne? . l'\ ??: 104 ? % Profit Hh n? ? ? . 7 , ? 4 ? ??:. are, C Oll.. U4 i-'-- '?-'- 4 . orl I Film - 14 14-1-4 STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. 174 ?"7 1.700 Anglo-Am Oil... U 4? Atlantic Belli 231 Buckeye P i H ? 1" ('res, rnt P lt.... ?1!: li Eureka P l..-i" 77 Qalena Big OII..1M 177 Illinois P I. ?? 14" Indiana P I.....:??? M N'ai . ran it .. U 47 Nortl ern P 1. ? ?hlo ?>l! .... 1,1 77- Prairie l' L. 41- Pralrli O t\- ?. II Pol ,: Refinlni M Southern P i....:K< 714 Bou Penn i' L ? ? w Pa P I. '.:? Stan ' ? I ? ? -?.,:! ?. of Kan 77 st...f K? -tan <? of N J. Ill G Bwan A Klncll .171 i ' i mon Tank !.. ?i 4'i Va? u un ' mi .. ,.221 MINING. ?Atlanta . ? ?Alta Con M co M ? Aiafka J;ia w I. 174 M.S00 A:;, Commander. 16 A rli Duquesa?., 3" ?u Cottonwood.. 16 "..800 Big Ledge Lev. 14 i , ?r.. ?? 74 3.100 ?Booth . *6 44 ?.1.100 Ca.edw,;- Cop..ll-M?M 1.300 ?Chi!? COB ?? I.. 1? US 2.400 ?'?'?is Aria Bos... H \ l.aeo ? ton? Ni ? ?Utah. A A 1.000 I>!am BIk Hatte Z L i*.fiivi ?kiv ? on . .11 107.S00 'Emms Coppi r.. I <? 1,000 ?'irr-t .N',.t ? top.. 14 . . ? *:"-'-nesee . 4f? : 190 Goldfleld Cons Can new 40 a i 14 I.S10 'Iron BloMom... 74 ,' 190 J-.imto Kxten. ..! 17-3: ? .? ?ranas Kei ? - - ? ' ?>ne Star .... " . Mclruyre .15 ?McKln-Dar . . ? ? on... 1A l.,, le ... 30 ? 'Nevada Hills ? Sew I'tah Bl? - . " S . Im n? M ? ro . .. 7?,, ? - ?.Ras Coi Min .4? ' in ! Keii'Ull ? 101 11 111 141 24" 1 1 'I 14s 12" 1? , 3s.-? 21? US 334 417 120 ? '. - - I ? -I 14 -11 -i-13 ? I - I 3'.. 47 31' 3s :. ? - ?Silver Pick ? s ? - Mlfc n?; 14 ??"? lit M ?24 1 6M ?Tono Merg? no Exten . .. 211 971 Tono r? of Ne? . Il KM w ;.??? h . 14 ni n i . RAILROADS .. ? ? ? ? 704 Mo P? ? >? BONDS. \ COB Ariz .. Mer M ? Mo P? ?Centi S ?hare. ? 114 ?- S 14 . ? 1214 BANK SKM h,--. Arnerkan ... MB ... . '. .. A: !.?. Bat!? ry Park IM ? . i ; ,".- i ? ? Cen? ir> . 17.' . H Ch ?,- I Ha... US I . ?rOU Cil Cen CIl v .>" ?? ?1 .1 Ir N. 1? - . ? '?'?? I .... ??""? - h... .'<?' . !"? Kat.. Fifth Ase.. Ktfth N.?' Oerman-Am.. 123 Herman Uermanla I ?, . 77'' Goiham MM. 1? rli m Sa? ' : . rad UT, ins Nat Kx 1>?3 ? ? . ? ?-. Co J"? :ton 27.'. . . Mi ?r,.?ollian... 171 ? M? . nts' ... 17.. -. 2.? . . ? Neth'n'l NBA York Co . x k .r ? ?tnan . 1*0 ... 110 . .. . - . ? - ?7 \ ., _? ,?.-?? -.ior...... .... Ml - , STOCK EXCHANGE FOR THE WEEK (Rejirintod from Tho Sunday Tribune.) Following la the usual table giving the number of share? of all etorkt deelt in laat week, together with the hlgheet, lowest and final price? of the week, the net change? of the week, and the high and low price? of the year 1J15, with the high tnd low prices of the yeer 1914. Total aales for the week, 4,864.500. agalnat 1,871,?00 a week ago. Thla weetk a year ?go the Stock Kirhange was dosed. From January 1 to date, 85,060,700, against 46.188,100 in 1914. in? ll'it I ?l?!d rttn : : I * . .. i I T 4 5 ' ! es ?.4 I T < i ; I .: | ? 5 ? 8 1 4 t r? e.i s : |Adtmi Kl|r?M . Alai.a ). ! M -a jAllla ('llalli.rra . | ilo prtfrrrad . ?Am Afr ? I I te? ll ?? r-H. '.Am Br??l lafSI . , .1 . prrtVrrrl . . I__ ll?ak.- I a F (Ml . i tin prrirr:?! rift. ? ? . . I do im ' . ?Am (ar A I u lr| ? In |"?'?rr? i . Am ('?.?I rrodui'tat . ?. . Isa Oil . .in ttetertmi . Am Kir'- * ? Am III.I? Ar Iy?_i?r d . | r.?''?:??! Um I?i? At. .iri'lfi Am Una -I , lio prtl?m i . Am laaromntln. . I .In pr?f?rr.| . Am?r1._. \!?lt . <|n prffrrrrd . Anarlrtn Smritlng . ! da prsfrrrH ? B. 'Amrrl. ai : i.T i I Fmindrf ? S'lltir . do preferred . An Te: A TO . Amrrl j:, Toi.arm. i ?! i | -'? nmi mm. a --i ?. \\ - ?n . 7 ,| . nnaTrrred. ? Am Ui'lrs l'ar>?r prat.. ? a v? .?? lUtlUstka Ca .. t At?-hlin:i . - net. s Itlsntl I ? ' I In?. I . ' n.ntlft .... : i referred . Maori a oiio. 4 ' do prr'rrr?d . ? BatnLl'a? Milan? . Udtbtni .-.'"I . t I do prrf-."? I . . < iBrnok.rn llapld Trinalt ( Hrrnk'vn I n] m (?u. |Bl ??-:? ?*t:- ? ? n . . 1 ,i ? atatertei . ?I !'. ?- ,\ ? i. -r'.or C?pp*r ? ? ' . . ?';m . 6.7 t r |Cai a.U S nh*rn 5 ? ?V4 4 ?" r? ? i ? s T.t 14 s : 4 9 I - Cinsdlsn I'ta-iflu ? ? trsl lattt?M _ 7 ? dn pzetmrr?d. ? lri,?aap.?k? Ar Ohio. ? ?'l.l.-afo A Ailni?. i si rsga 0 ?? wssteni ? do pr?te i ICbtesfo M I tt P. : do preferrr i . . : i lets . A NortJrwootorn. R 1 A T?a-lBr ? i ? a at la. .i . SO ? ' .,??r . ? lorsdo r'url A Iron i . .-,;,. A S'uihrrn,... ? . '1. t . s ? Mitritt? I <Ju . i : llnenlll ? an . . i ?:: IT ?' l '1 . 5 .In pref. rr?l. t . ; ftftmd. ? it'ui.fA ? -':?? . : te ptetetre? . !?? ? ? , .... ? Ii A. Hiidano.. I..r'. ... IVratrm r.ndl. . ? | I :. 7 Detroit i ?!:-??. ? in ti; Ins tVcurlttei . ? I' mr Ml: ?- . ? DuhtfJ ^ I .v At. ? : rtf rn I . . Ut I ' ?-1 . . ? - r? . i -, Vo.. i s <;? . Centra! M I n . : lo pref? ? :. i.?? Ii B I. 7 d ? pretem I . 7 ?. s :et. f4 ? ? - . 16 ? ..fgrr.tirlra Kir.l ... I II ifint i: II I. A r puf tal? s.: T.6 ( ? 4.1 4 4 r? ? s I 7 ? ? l.l 1.1 prrf 4.1 M 6.7 10 ! 5 1 SI ' I e ?? I * Onttal . v i . ; '? - . I ' ' . ' . :-r . I ' V ? ? Met . i :. ?? | r.'t. r?l 11! .ri-.'. ' S J [Il ptl !.. ... 4 . . i rtfrrrtd . 6 Krrtfi ' . . : - Itmd. i - Il a -',?: . 7 I.a le ,e _aa . ? \ ill*? . pli a Mrtn Tobif-o ? . .'.t Co. ! utoflllf A Na-l.Tlll? ? I do I rtfem. ; M? httll 1. ? ra:?d . Mu : ? : . . 7 M !'?;.. . ?Mrxk-i l ".leum I :?..' rr< 1 M i ? . . -r M a ai i ufa 7 M s | ... - Ht M : . - ? j. Ml A T? i ? do i - '? ?- '.. ? . 18c : M ntsi < !'? . : Mi.n . . ? * A Huit.. - .Sa: K....? i A Stpg [?red. 3 iNttl l ? . ? S U il . : M? i '.'d pr .. HO Vtrrtdt Con Vcippet. ?, \ v Air Brskt . ? fort ?>ntr?l . - s y t ht. fc ai i . '.s: l .'l.rrrd. . Y N II A II . Y (ml A Wra'frn. . . . 6 Nsrfolk h Wettern. rlcan . ?".her, l'irlflc . Onttrto M rei . - k TO . 5.6 I s P? ??:?... K lt . ? ? Vt rra t. l.l - - ' Al .kt... : " ? . ? n. i- ? ? a m l. I ? iltttburfh t ?. * 4 ? 1 ? - 1: - : -' ? l'ar .... , ? - ?t S J . 5.6 j S 11 ? ?'?r .. -- R) .-?? T 5 7 ! . ? ? ' t a 11?. Ill | . ? I l.t 4 ? ? l: ? l. R ? i - s- i. - . ? _ i - Dr Lins i ? I - i ' 6 * ? ' Si.i * -A Iron. 7 < * ? * ?' - ? ? ? l'art** i - |_ ? ? .j ? I ?? ? . a. S ? I * SIS . . ? * ? . ri;. .- ' . - r . t-i?, t Pi I : 6.9 10 Tr.a ? It K t i ~ : s ? i ,\ ? i _ I - i Bt| I .. ?? . t ? t . ? ? ' . I.? 4 ? . ? - ? t - - r ? c i r 7 t s j : . ' A Irai L- ? H A Bel ? ' \. . . \ a 1 ~ QuottUnn H^ord. s.i ifla> Au? 14. tn 57*41 ?*? ? I ' t i |M N.4M Lite itti ti,tool S? I SS 1 i"" ni?H, I"* . Il ? :.,... |04% l.-l I s 104 II7S i.too \v, 4 1"" IH in.. :?', :i).. :?'? J.71.0 7H .-. .. ,o :., i too :m KO" M.TM j ?ot ? -, i ? . 14? roo i..?1?, I fon 45 7.snn m?, I 41X1 i11 4.?00 1 IV 1.104 ? -'v 14 S ? 'j?V. ? , js.i'io ei?*_i '00 s i M.200 M'. ! i . . ; ios ?3*4 tati ion 10?, -?S MJ4 i II 544. f>*1? IOS in K?? ?'S l<*\ ? i 1 . 1 ? 4*) M I Btns? I?I5 I Bu?? U14. loi Ut* I Hlsh-I I/m _t i eat. I lit. I ?rtf? MS f-' ?9*4 41 95 94 Il ?V tx I lov*4i 1)13 i - luiiV '.?im 40 111*. r-H 3*m\ ?.. n JS*4| l^'i M l'a? If I IM n 15 M0| ? '. . loo 14 I " i ."V 20.4.'0 . :-oo . ' 100! 19,?on Ml f i ? n <? J4.TM II-a ( 104*1, 14.100? 471? | 1 '. : < . MM M.1M M4 ?M 20 in,, 4.1,;'*"' i** ?M5 200 ? '. U4 1.'* H IT :4 i ?-? 147?, ?H 104*4 41% :.*>*. 42<4 ns\ II. ? . ? - ?i ?C i. 34 ?? ?X .'l'a -',, si S ny 100% 75 lo:m, :?? S*?, ITaj '. l'a? 3."-j 211*' ' MU M M 1M4 104 105 | *? *-. -.', 74 ?5 1?% 165 i 144 172 141 4'. 24% SS%\ 27*4 ;:?', '"-i 1"" a H.*4, 109 | 11*. 107'aj l.'4% 111 1*5*4 [" 152*-.| 21? ?S4 -1 I 10'. Ill>4 10? 101*4 15*4 t?%\ 12 : . - 72*4 f ITS! lo 44 -- 5 ?Il t)l\t 1" ? *ti 1"1% "? '? ?ms in% tu i 4?v 190 *1 93 ?4*. 132*4 US n i ? ? ri Ml?. 104*41 494? 14 . s 121 I 114 51*4 MH 110 io:% ??S ' 83 4? M :?-. i- ', ? : '? ? - ri4*H, il IM 41'?, 91 26 l'.*4 + H MO l.t, 4? 4' 1.1 ? 4 15.400 ? t 11*4 220*4 .'?.'?a. 104 h il', u !"4 77?,! 107',! 14 n?*4 l?*4 400 12.4"?' . . Il V '--. "1*., 4 . 1,200 110 700 K?., ! i :. i II ? 1" 41'. T" 10 111 a a 1 ' -a a 1 '.'"? I? nv) ??'?, t . ? i 1 ? M ?-"a ? : ? . I '.?', 2**4 lit. .1% ? a, ''S *? - .'*. k-'a -13 12 "-. _ f,. If?', ?i ? 1 I.' 4- 1*4 | 10 + 3*?I N*t| '?' -t ' Il 14: - t.- . ? '. '': ' ? . . ItU ?% Il ', Il I4-4I - 14 .8 M ? i i 101 107? ? i ? -, r*. "S i 7.1 " |M |M ? i ? 177*4 1 I ..i '' **a. ''" > . < a HIS 4i'a . . 07% 45% 17*4 I > ? llH II :o% . '? ? a \V? 41 ?H 14*% 14% ? . IOS 145 ti I I ? ? -? 1*4 |s| M? I.?'. .* . 231 Ml ? 31 II III I 1' '?'?, 1*0 lrt'l l:*.% 144% Hi ? - ? ? , ? ?...% 1 - I '. 44 41% H ITU 1. f'4*a 101. (7*4 ' ? ?? : ? .-,; IT i IT-4 ( . . 1"% IS',. 41? ..i ; 121 145 :4 ; I . . I" .. : . i ? l"''. IM 144 ' ' !-? . .. : a 700 4V 2.400 |3 ? . 14.-00 4 ?..00 14% 111 . IM. 14 S - '. 1 :?4<j . : % 10*\ ? \ n ritj 24.600 110% 107 : 101 100 'V .', M"o :<ts ' :- ? . ? -., i I 1 . MO ? . . i lie ? -:*-, 1*4 II i 1*4 105*4 M*4 mi 64 111*4 99% 4% . II I 1?3J4 112 11*4 ' 11*4 ? ii. . 70 'S I ?4%' :?*S 11 | 20 115*4 lo.% . t - - % 1*4 -, - , i.'. -i *r > ' ? . 141 . 124*4 ? IH ? - ?: ? 4 ", '?1% 1! ' - It 14 ion i 4 1 ??' ' ?.'% ? .'4 . i% ? 10? % 1% <S 111 ? 51*4 4. . a ? a I ' , I . . -, ' . -1% ' Ka'J . ?' ? I l '??? . t I . I I ' I ' ? 111 I t . - 41 ? . ? . I ? ? ? ? 71*4 '. . ? i ??, 14 117 124*4 11 *, . ' . ? -*a II.". . 1*4 - 4? PARIS FINANCES HAVE FIRM WEEK Three Per Cent Rentes Fall to 68.50?Banks Gain in Gold Holdings. fB* Cabla to Tta- Trltxm* I Paris. Aug. IK. Financial circles last week reflected to a ?light extent the uneasiness noticeable in political spheres. Three per cent rentes fell away a fraction, to 68.50, while 3Va per cent amortissable touched 90.90. On the other hand, the general course of the market was firm, though there was little business, and chief at? tention was given to discussion? of the liquidation of pre-war account. In the hope that a settlement of this question will be reached soon practically all Healings are being held up for the time being. Russian bonds held firm, while R?is fian industrials showed considerable progress, which was well maintained at ?he end of the week. The Hank of France gained several points on an in? crease in gold holdings, which amount to more than $250,000,000 in the last six weeks and upward of $145,000,000 since May. Other large banks, notably the Bank of Paris, the Credit Foncier and the Credit Lyonnais, also feel an upward tendency under the ?ame influence. m MILLS UNDISTURBED BY HIGHER COTTON Trading in Print Cloths Active in Limited Number of Styles. Fall River, Aug. 15. Trading was somewhat quiet all last week in the cotton goods markets. There was fair? ly active business in a limited number of styles, but prices offered were not satisfactory in all cases. With cotton advancing, prices offered meant at least no profit, though possibly no loss. Man? ufacturers are not disturbed by the sit? uation. Stocks carried by grav goods mill? are not large enough to \>e bur? densome, and it is not believed that buy? er? have stocks enough to carry them long once trade becomes normal. The difficulty in getting dyeatuffl is cutting into purchases of gray goods Executor l^ota ChRrtered 1822 The Fanners' Loan and Trost Company Nob. 16, 18, 20 <fe 22 Williaim 8treet Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New Yorki LONDON, 15 Oockipar St., B. W,- 26 Old Brv-?ad Btrwr?, E a PABI& 41 Boi-i-rrard Ha-ia-mann BESLH. 56 Unw dem Lmua. l f? TraTelers' Letters of Credit. Foreign EicisUnffl. Administrator Guardian 12TH EDITION REVISED TO DATE of our deacriptls*? BOOKI.r?T oa Standard Oil Securities w'.:i 7? ready fttt distribution In a f> - dar?. In vies? of recent Increase! In prie?? tor -rod? oil ?nd refined produc?, resulting In a general Improvement In the market for oil SB nu H lea tan ?Vsoklet outlining the politl?n of th? various Standard Oil Cor.-, par., a? an* sct'ing forth their prospects will be of particular ?nteest to mv-aton at this tim? STANDARD MAILED ( UPON ISSUES CARL H. PFORZHEIMER & CO. DJ-ALEftS IN ?llMisKI? OIL -K i i.l : M BROAD ST. Phone? 4860-1-2-3-4 BroaaL NCW - ??. by printers. Most of the printeries are running in full, though with much less of a variety of styles than would be the case if dyestuffs could be had in usable quantities. Converters who do not. produce colored goods only need reassuring indications for general busi? ness, it is believed, to become more active bidders for gray goods. Trade for fine goods mills continues quiet, although some mills have their output sold for the balance of the cur? rent year. The style of goods of print cloth yarn construction that has teen in active demand is .38'-,-inch 64/60, and the price offered it <!% cents per yard, this bid being offered freely fer contracts to extend te -January. Msn. ufacturers refused to accept thi? bid, most of them insisting upon ?V? cent?. The total sales for th > week art ?|. timated at 110,000 piece?, of which about 45,000 pieces are ?pot?. Con. tracts sold have usually been fer de? liveries in the nearby month?. Thi sales have been mostly for wide ?cd medium styles. The quotation?: M inch, 64/64, 3**c nom; 2?-ineh, ?S4/M, 3c nom; 27-inch, M ?o, 2 "."H?e nom; 27-inch, 5?" fifi. 2V; 27-ir.cb, M 52, 2-Sc; 384-mch, M M, 4c;, 68 72, 4"*?c. WEEKLY SUMMARY OF BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE The following table show? the sale?, highest, lowest, final prices and net change? of all honds traded in on thi New York Stock Exchange for the week ended Saturday. Auguat 14. Also the highest and lowest prices for the year? Total ?ales for the week. $16,421,000. against $14,061,0 00 a week ago. This week a year ago the Stock Exrhaire was closed. Total sales from January 1 to date. $183,656,000, against $424,665,000 in 1914. Sales, In 11000. I'm III h IaOW.AU?, 'I Net "Hange l.V ?lange"*!*, , sale? hJ-e_JHVh_!-a-*? HT h \?W -In *iooo r'ln Hl'h Low. A ii? Net - - 14. ch>. - - K'.,h Lew GOVERNMENT AND Ml NIC II'AL. t; s u coup r- ?. ? . nos - h 1114 1101? do 3s i?--, i*is... 1 nt1-. +1 ?"""? '"*? U s Pai Imp .1.1. . 70*. ? . I. N V . I . ?? , 101 101 101 ? do So ,lo 1167 May. do N"V . lo ?V It?.*'.. 1 . .- IM3 . '?"'.'? - 107 101S 102 '.??, -? . ? . 10.' x . .',, I '?'?? v l* HI 1 Bi Uro? loi?* loi*. 1014 101'a '?4\ ''??a ???? 944 STATU. 1 . 10IS lOOVi 4 T9-? M \ 174 M'a ? 1"! W04 S.MS i**Vi 1, 1064 101', 4 107.** 101S M% - S l'>iV- 9'*>? ? ? ? - 106*4 101 \ - 10'.', 101*4 14 17 M4 -. 9"S '"? *% if.?, -,1044 1044 -71 11114 u" IO-14 99", ; ?- . '??-' . 1024 101 '."7 1?S ?7 S 1,'JS 1074 103 . - 1001, 95 UOV aO*."-, ?i ! ?v4 ? 1;: . .:?-> . - ?? - l:AII WA. AM) MIS( El.l.ANEOLS 4 Adam* 9*, eel tr 4s i Alaska '" ? I. All .?!.- .V :: Am A?! ' s do evi of. 3 Am Cot Oil 4Vii.... ?; a .. 1 Am : 3?, Am Bmelt ?S? l'-ef ,J> 3 Am T .?. T col h ? ? . 17 Am Vs'nt ; * . .1 do adj It M du - ?? S? i'l". .; do evi -if 1'? "71 do ? 1.-7 ? ?. ?2*4 101 " . LO'.'-Va 10: ' ? . 11*4 "l*-s si?? ?fr ? 127 I?I . ?, ? K 12*4 - ???"? S 1024 111 Si'-a ?7 'j: , - ?1*4 ??? ?m ' IS 101'a ? ?i : ?'. 104 - 24 S 103-.' 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's . ? . -1<V?, ?? l'en & Uto Or ref ' x 47--4'J ?- 704 70 M 1 ? . . ? ? ? ? . ,1004-1-44 IM , 1 ? H4 II S '?'''? ? ' ? '?7 '' '. ?14 j ? - ; ? . M . K T Va 1- <;.i "n '?? 102 102 102 - Is Erh ' .;?--"? A ? !? ? - Il ... ! !?. :? . a- T H 'on fin C ?s ? FI w I i: ?;. 1st 4, 1 F T. A Mo Val lu i E ' ? ? a ?04 7.-. 73 .? Sort < . M ? i - . '.:ana H-f'i " i Illinois Central ref 4a 12 '-g ; do CSALANo ? ????. ' Ish 13 Ina : ri "?? ? '?-. it [ni ; 4S 4?, 103 ??. ?44 ? ? ? a I0IS 103*4 . M M*4 ? ?, ', ? "4 - n. -t ? 117 117 - ?4 113S 117 122 - S 106 III 1'?"' ? S i"! ! ? ' ??,-io: 174 41 n ?HI 7I?| . ? 4?1 1?'" 1014 7*7 ? ? ?14 n ? _ ? .'? In- .-? u < - 74? 100 24 1 ? s ? 74 . ? 3 . - 1 ? 4\ 3S MS il - ?*s ? . a '. - . ' ?- ' ' .'.I 4. 1 I K.n a Mleh M ** ' ' * ' ? ' 10 k ?' r*i a a m I K in ' Itl '. , ' Il Ki K ' K. I. ? 3 do " 4 : l"*> ; ?- 1 ? - . ? 4 73S . 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