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LONDON WEIGHS PEACE RUMORS ?mcricai. Visitors Con firm keports of Ger? many's Anxiety. <N0 INDEMNITIES IN EXHAUSTION' Arrangements with New Yorl for Very l.arpe Credits Nearly Completed. T?, FK-.N' I** W. HIRST. I ? .p-... ' .ne ' M 'ich inter?-* ?tta-h**-. here To an Amstordan .?am containing a Rerlm rapor .*-at the ' - eminent is anx ?,rj? tn make peace. Private n-?w; % isiton to Gorman*? '.--* and produce! the in*iprc--i"r. that the war ma> BtmtfaltM to the point of uttei exhauft'on. pul <*>f which no indemr-i t a? w lid he available for the devastate?, c antries. Arra-**:?*-*?***'-* are believed to be r?srh ? with Xew York for tjfgm tat, which should ,t?a<iy AUK * can exchange for con fiderable tints. 1-ortunately our rapidly ?zTowin***, and further exp rta appear to be quite fea?irle in th? near future should tiey be The - of French francs t-d Italian lire is undoubtedly due Il the large volume of imports from Americ-? Mid to the lack of pold to ajxpor* tary conditions neces ??rily red.:?.' Um exportable surplus. Ger- g debt and re? dundan paper currency recent'.y have had little effect 0:1 her ex thanfi she is unable to jmpff ?refore is com ?? iThout foreifrn lux t,rie.: ? and probably even At present, in .??..te ?"'f *' ?. ..'llization of her labor on *.'? linas, one can find of coal, dye, chemi f it her small vol Thert ii some talk of a rise in the bank rate, which mipht be followed ry a further rai^ of rates for trea- l ind by dear money in London calculated to assist the I the Allies. Pr-tr .- : rate fluctuations are ? eculative manipula trade shippinr- ap prc.-perous and all .i.-e buying back their ?n*. Germany at ad cotton question .pers here ccn ble and friendly ? 3 ta. LEARNING MORE COSTLY C C N. Y. Asks for $89.814 More to Spend Next Year. ??' the College of the City cf New York have ?sked for $89.814.80 ?ore to .?.'.end next year than they were t'.un in 1915. The fig_re in the tenta '??e b'j-i/tt presented to the Board of Thev got only ear. Of the increase centemj-Jated, $74,116 ?**? 1" ' d to perbonal t?rrica ?r"? 115,691 ? other items. Of the increase in personal .?ei-vice. Sn.'i.tjT?.?O !? for inttruction, |5,llb f?.r ndniinia "frut-.o- ' '? -.'?"> for cart of build inte. Among ihe additional teachers liked for il one profe-snt of (.errnan, ?' M nd one instructor and two 'mm. CONDEMNED. MEAT SOLD Oar-fo Sont to Charleston Not Seized. Says Jury Chairman. ? hin'..'?, v Brawn, chairman of the Federal grand Jurj coauaittee, which ??eat ?n open i?-tt?r to President Wil? ??on demanding ? shake up in t he steamboat mi .1 meat in.pectinn ser? vice.-, daaied foaterday thai * cargo of rotten meat had been seized by Yeti eral intpeetori in Cliiirleston, S. V, after being condemned in New York. "The tiiiat, reeking with maggots," anid Mr. Brown, "??as shipped New York afier being condemned by Federal Inspectors here In Charlea* ton the consigne? rrtailed it to butchers. They --old pari of it t<? white customers, mid what wn?- too rotten for these they ?-old to negroes ?ore brought out by sworn testimony before the grand jury. "At that time the jut y recommend e.l tha' packers be prohibited from manufacturing inspection stamps. The public would like to 1 now why the ri coran ? f the jv ry ? ei e not earned out. especially oi u ha said that an additional appropriation of 1871,000 for the Department of Agriculture ha? been obtained this . HERO'S FUNERM FOR C. GOMPERS Sailor Killed hy Haytian Sniper (iets I ast Honors at Navy Yard. Charles Columbus Gompers, the young sailor who was killed by a .'- bullet when Rear Admiral rton's forces landed at Hayti two weeks ago, was buried from the navy \ar?i yesterday. Burial was in Cypress Hills Cemeteiy, Brooklyn, after full naval honors were paid the body at the naval hospital. Samuel Gompers, the young man's uncle, attended the funeral. The young men's parents wished that the funeral be held at the navy yard. A guard of sixteen tars in white "suits was detailed by Rear Admiral Nathaniel K. I'sher, the commandant, to give their comrade the last honors of the navy. M ?ist of the sailors in the gaard were ? lectrical claas. Several hundred spectators stood with bared heads at 2:16 p. m. as Compere's body, lying in a coffin : with a large American flag, was carried out of the reception room in the hospital. Sailors and pi.tients in tie institution stood at attention. tyt were tired over the cof fin, and before the echo had died away a bugler stepped forward and sounded taps. Eight of the guard with rifles took their places ahead of the catafalque and marched to the Flushing Avenue gate, where they stood at attention while the funeral procession passed on to ? Hills. President Wilson, in a letter of con? dolence to Mrs. Gompers, wrote that he had requested Secretary Daniels to make i-tr investigation to see whether she is entitled to indemnity from the Haytian government for the death of her son. She was dependent upon his for her support. WIFE IMPOVERISHED BY HUSBAND HUNT Two Drug Stores Sold and the Proceeds Used for Nation? wide Search. Eight months of unceasing effort to ber husband, Krnest X. Tonjes, who was a prosperous Harlem druggis?. when he disappeared, has left his wile, lira Ida M. Ton.ies, penniless. When Toi ? ? i'peared he lived : ? K? I, in H ill, 560 W? si 180th Street (in Christmas Ere Mrs. Tonjes re c? ived a uostcard from him stamped Chariest?! S. C. It told her to take care of their boy, that he intended to commit suicide, advising his wife to collect his life insurance. Mrs. Tonjes had circulars printed with the description of her husband that -he sent to every postmaster and chief of police in the country. This was a heavy drain on her finances. Finally it became necessary for her to sell her two drugstores. The proceeds have gor.e, and now Mrs. Tonjes and - n are without any means, and the head of the family has not been found. But the loyal wife has not given up hope, nor has she quit her efforts to find her husband. It is her theory that her husband suffered an attack of aphasia, and for some reason she be? lieves that he has been going under the name of E. H. Taylor or K. II. Tonjes is thirty-four years old, six feet tall, weighs about 1?8 pounds, has dark brown hair ?nd a small scar be left eye. _Kn RMSHl P APARTMENTS TO LET iii-i -mi. L REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 room*, $660 ? $720 6 room?, $720 - $900 "" room?, $900 -$1200 "?"-rrrcT iserTice. OH SI ? (IN IKKMISKS. THE FRIESLAND ^rnr^. . ? Pen /. I iv. Ifbl Tel River til va ?! St .nd 224 W. 621 St. a1?tY ?"?WOr a . lfhta?. Att- |la?>, I 11.200 peri BOKol (.11 <il I Hi BBONS T"?? mu t . PATH. ALL IM ?-.-<, -. i;t>j Uanii-Iieeter At. ? ? .? _?U isi -,**. ?ok SALE OR TO LET ( iivmi ri( i T. ?-?eral biach bisidintial pabk. IT! ON) I*? txitero S? SI.??? B-iort ?( Nr? tn?l?nd. I a Dm '?' ' ' ' ? I ' _, LAI.RIL BEACH LAMO CO.. ?*??? L?urrl Beach. Mtllord. Ct. ' "1 MKi I'KIII'1.1.1 *? C*-*J'>'*Y Ham, l-l.rmation traa to ?rtipertlvt lay ? a . ?rve s,, taenia s?? Ml Mil M i.Km. \| r-? NOTICES. ? tj-.i?i.h of ,,' " i ' a Burrogat? I l.eie. !?--?? ' - K r!tlmi ? ?? y..rk. dei ?used t.. p ? ? reof t.. Uta ? of (raimar-tina; bual treal ii. i'lty of . .?y of k. the ?th day of March. I I.?.AN ASP TIUBT ; ANY Admlntatrator. CITTINO II'l.l'IH i-AllTKH - -IN PVR. ? ? New _?'** ' 'il to tall 1 ? (iV. ' '??'???> ?salnal i?i*i?h ?-?tttr Cut ? nd it Lm ' ? ' t thh ?I'h ti.rk.- . ? .., th- ?ul> ' .''. _ - * " ay of January, 191?. Oat. JAMts l> w L_TT1.\<_. Executor. ' SURROGATE'S NOTICES. IN PURSUANCE OK AN* ORDER O Honorable John P. Cohalaa, a Kuiroga of the County of Ne?- York, notl<e l? her. ' ,*r to fell per.iona having clalli agi it Juliette "?*>'. Raymond, late of ti r.f New Tork. deceased, to proeel th .-cuchara thereof to the eul at hit ? of tranoectlng bueinei at th? oft) a of Everatt, ''lark" A Ber.edtc attorneys No. 37 Vail Mieet, in ti City of New Tork. on or before th? til do ? o' s p'amber next. I.feteU. New Yoik, the Und day of 11 arc I ! 19U. HKNRY W. RATM't.NT?, Executor. ! EVERETT. CLARKE * BENEDICT, Attoi r.eys for Executor, 37 \\ ?I! St, Munhattar I N?w \i:\ City. CHARLES H JEW El L PURSUANT T? irder of Hon .i"hn P, Cohalaa, ene ? ? New Tork County, notlc la hereby ?iven t/iiat all peisoi.i bavin the eMrttf ,,f ciiarl?? II f th? i inty of No? York required to exhibit the ?am ra thereof to the under algned - ? ' ?id eetate. -it h ! In the \ Ulaee nt (ioiihen. ?Han? ? Tork, on or Lefnie Iba 31s dai of a ?<,! ? r. Dated, th? ?? i of April. IIII. JOSEPH MiiRiMTT. Executor. HAFU.T (' BARKER Att '?. im Executor ighkeepele, N. T. IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER 01 . Honorable .lohn P Cohalan, a Surrogat, lof tii? County ..f Neu fork, NOTICE Ii hereby gnen in rt|i persona having . latm m, laie of th? j ? 'ounl ? - ' "? ? ?? fork deceased, to . tha ?am.- with voucbera thereof t , in, : K bU?|. \'. .? in Btre? t. in The ? 'it\ oi before Hi? l *>th day oi 1 teranil ? i t ? I Hated, New York, the 2it h day of May l?li. GKOROE HOAMI.T. .ii HIN v u .???? ?KB? IROUOH, PHIIalP .' MeCo? >K, Executors. Attorney f??r Executore, ij William Men fork city t-wiri'n. THOU AS W IN PURSUANCE of a order of Honorable J ihn P. Co ?tin-y of N. W ?fork, NOTICE la hereby unen to i laving claims against Thomas at, of the Co inty of New v.- k. at th? ; Jin? v% ith ?. out i. .f t.. the BUbSCI :!.( ,1 at i ' lalneaA .?< th? office of Rl< h '. Borough "f Manhattan, in The City of Vw York, oo "i before the l?tb diy oi No ? next v .-k. May I, "is. TH? MAS H SMITH 1 " ' R RICHARD KELLY, Attorn?) for Bx? No :st Broadway, New Yoik (Sty Poor HENRT W. 'N PURSUAN? r| Honorable .lohn P. Cohalan. a ? the County "f New York, nothe . - ? ' t W. Poof 1st? . ... N. ? \ nrk d? eaa? I. to preaent vi 111 .. *-ra. at tbeli i' ?i ? of traneactlng bui Ul'! ritreel 10 the Clt?l t< New *i Ik. </n "?' . ih? i'h da) ot i>?. embei ner-f. Dated, New Tora. th. mh ?l*i of .fun? 191S CONSTANCE K POOR, ADRIAN H LARKIN, I \e ito J HENRY V POOR Attorn?) foi Ex? M t- p lough of Manhattan., New Yoik. N. V ' BARGAINS IN AUCTION ROOMS New Owners Could Make Many Parcels Pro? ductive. OFFERINGS OF VARIOUS KINDS Dwollit-Rs. Tenements. Lofts and Storage Structures in Burl ??-et. The li?t of properties to be ?old at auction this week in the Vrsey st, and Rronx exchanges contain? many prop? erties that in new hand.- oui-ht to prove ifood income parcels. They come to thi? salesrooms in foreclosure action?. I'p on Washington Height? there ar~ a number of well located and also sub? stantially built structures that have been cither mismanaged or have be? come, owing to other curious cause-, unfortunate investment? for their present owners. They are on the list. The plaintiffs in the actions would probably be ?rilling to part with their iatereati In Oicsb parcela provided tiny Ml just What they had invested; ? 1 h< re, at lea-*, i ,. chance for some one to get bargaina. On Thursday Herbert A. Sherman is going to offer for .?ale the two five story tenements, with stores, and with two four story rear tenement?, at 307 and 309 Seventh av., near 28th ?t., 41 ,r'x7?..4x irregular. Here is a Lite right in the line of the present com? mercial expansion in the avenue, and a wideawake head of a big manufact? uring concern ought to be able to buy this site at mo-t attractive terms. Some other properties in the week's list are an 80th st. dwelling hous??, near West Knd av.; an fi.'ld st. dwelling house, near Columbus av.? a Rivington st. stable, a large 125th st. tenement and store parcel, an Elizabeth ?t. loft, ii 75th si. tenement near 2d av., and a Fifth av. tenement. The auction list is a? follow?: lu DAI, At 14 Ve,.". M n? m M?i?-*BU*ae. .ir. o PRINCE ST. IS" n I. 71 w W Baa-. .'??'?? >:: l atores; M (?tthier ei il igt strum , ? e? ?1 Ki, /rr.a". ?" A (i ittj? S l.a.-h u,:i:: : '. '. ? ' ?45.12; las?'., eta'. }12 !' , II? Henry prady. I7IST ST. -,. XV. n S, IM e St Nlrhn!? as . ??? Moral ?nd ttete F. K role u? J V Barn " a' art!? I; W t Warn*, a".?. .1 A Fola-r. ? ? due. 11.227-M; tain, m?, Ufa At ?RU Third a?.: By .Tese-ih F Dit SO AV. 443?. ? i. U1.I n UM ?t, MslIT.U; * t'y tentnt and alore?. Catli Kinnen igt Vslen?tie - ?1. Elfen A A ait??. J Prtnk, ref: due. $?.'.S6.2''. tases, r'c, |C2I.M; ?ub la pr.??r IS'? ('( 1 .7 II-. I.?v?pold Fu'.d. BROOK AV, ISM - i tS n 171at at. NslM.llj 4 st) tenait; 1 Mander agi M K,,?*il? et il. C 11. '? ??? si ?' CirifTln. re?. dlH M.Ml.?7 ?)N TCESDAY a- 14 fees* si By J??eph T l'a? BOTH ST. m W n .. 14" w Weal Fnd if. 16x102 7. i in,.. 4 S'v dwlg; -M M ?'rulk-riink el il igt Mirle Bin.?s et ?! ; J II Hlrkey. alls ; T Bntr? ret. -I';-, I! ?.'". ta\--. str, *5IB.47; lus '? Ml of IIS ??>* 75TH ST. 113 I t. a 7~0 e 7d if. 2SsM.3s24.lS ??4. s it] ? ami R-etor, Wardem ?;.d Vestry met? ?: ?nd at T?iiotn? at' Biiger ,? si llarrl-on, K 4 B. itiyi. K R re' .In.. Ill? 12; las?, -? . t'"7 ?-. II? He,.i) r ?.TH AV. 7147. ? ?. 1 .'. 1 1st f. MgM, .1 It? . Botatrl H il igt Sarah ! M ?iget ?-' ! ? :-. U ft I*. at!??; ?> A Ra-nor, rat I K-, 12' '44 25; 'axes, ate, |7?-0 ?4 I] San:ie| ??old?llrker. 1ST AV. I1M4, f I. 11.9 u 'O?d K. MbIM storage; Julia? l/en ?f? J I' Bran- st ?J; Mot I ? (?.per a'? 1 II Rogan, ref; duo, 111 'aim. ate, !? H-. Bryan 1. gBBa? I lit H IT. IM I r .. 113.4 ? :. a. ll.lxlM 1?, at) ..?!- 1 I. ? .? n ,?er ?gt C? et il : Hamid Swain. ai;t, J C rhompeon, rel. ,1 .e I? Ml 55; 111". e> ? f? ? 4' Al 12*1 M a. Bt Jmerh 1*. Day PROSPECT AV. 7444 e j. a'nu: M a lf*la a' ?? cik dwl?. Farmers' I-?a-, ei.d TTruit ?'.> ?f (Iforge r Turner et kl; ?le! er. Bnli'on A I! ittyi. I) V 9'illlTui, ref, due, |7.ns6?:-,, taxrs. me, $141 .0 By Jioi-i J Denotifl. CBOTONA PARK N. 131, B a. i*." e Cllisi-T. If. :*il00. 2 aty dsslg: M L Tree igt Arm Doran ?? il. 1,-tlon 1; ri(?-ke, K A R. ilUri; E J r*f; riu?. }4,u?'c74: ?lies. elf. 1311, ROSELLE IT. lit!, ? e cor I'oplsr st. :* lili? li 4. ?.I; K g l'ai? a?? M J II D?lo-i el a!. Htfllil A T, ittyj; Il H Bergruo::, ref, due. in,4P- M; ai-s -4c 540?. os ntunnsvAt At 14 Vesey n. B? Jems* P Day. PERRY ST. 70. i ? IM w 4(h ?f. 2*i*4 lOiUOi 94 S 4 alv dwlg; I? H Maynard f. a! agi A P Mesilnger et i!; Ila-ikl-.?, D A I., ally! It M Robin???!, ref. due. lll.Ml.M: talcs, et?, (J25.44. Pi Henry B Ketchim CANAL 8T. M to 71 r. ? .or Allen St. MsM.1 -.?,, -, |-y hrirk tenmta ind atores; aleo ?5TH BT. IT? W ? a. ibavl 1:< e An-aterduu t?, J.'.?lO" ' S ?'? term, right title, e'r, I, 1? la-vin. ittT, Henry ?i Ketchim. reia-irer. At 77*" Third If . Tt? B- ' rr Bridy. HAWKSTONE ST. ?I 11.11 ? ??rind Bird ?nd n',,1 Concourse ?1.7??4.10x51x21.1: r*-?nt; A 11 rroMtn ?gt J A M ,.,r O al. Har'.H S??alii. a'??; Uoi.'-Tln, I,' , dit?, 17?? ?- . '..I. r ON Till IISHAV. At 14 Veaey il. ; H? Il.-rl-irt A. Shermin. 7TH AV. 7.07 lad Ml, e ?. 71.1 s 7Mh s?, 41 7i 7(5 4? Irre?. I atetas and t^,. 4 s'\ rrar lentnta; c S la?*, ??', as? '-'??ill ??? a? I s. Hr, ?? . - . i \v c Orr, su?, n ?' ?j w, 113.171 .-?. llIe.^, rli. I II? L i ri.l.llps 47 lo S3D ST. M n. ? I, .'?.(1 w (entril Far? XV 19i 111.2; 4 ily d?l?; Boela-ty ..f ft Jolinland ait TutelHer? et al; Car? A ?'. ittja; Usuls Lande, ni; due, |2l,17t.M; taie? etc. |4M. Kt Henry Bra?ly. RIVINGTON ST. IM, ? a. 74 1 ?f Miifln St. Ml lam; C M II' ?>?' I ?H Heurs Ni II ,1 4 A Spear, -.'? Wllllei Ilu-.e?;. ref. ?1ue, M.I11 M. las?, ii?. ?1 6 M. ai ;?.os ?d is Us ieeee* I' Dai 6CH0FIEL0 ST. ? - M >? L**l| Is a",l I axil? , liUnd; T A ?'????-:> aa" II,. pi al II. (?1 a K a-' - I' N . llhbtrt, ref. due. i . ? ?? 1173.11 B) Ren r. hrni? HARRIET PL - - .'4> Emmti Bsal*s>ard, ?(..'.?! i4! i'1' Ii all Put .' - in - ?? i, Ha s ??? ol an' ? ?tura i-> 11,-1 . Co rt il. J II Hurtan a't? B J Tin } . .,- . St. 1-4 UN Hl!|.A\ A' 14 I H- Seeeem r p.? I25TH ST. 4 47 M ? MS e faMBB B? 4*i7'?ll I a M '? *a - ., ?I I. 11 a ?s a.- , ?: a? I "- I "'?-: B M IU?| IV H I?aun!' -i. ir', lue M7.I2S.M; taies, et.-. I7M.M lly He rr Hr. ., ELIZABETH ST. : ? I. 175 l Boyard il. 15x14 " t M rgl ?al l'ark O. e? al. H.a, X?fe,l Ho?, ?'??? 1 - M.-Ai?,? i.?. dut, }.' 129 4,. la.? i s -la. 11. Her rf B?l I BEAUMONT AV. 22M r . 5? . Il3d i? Mil2.ll. frame Ist lg; .,??? Heantasol ?? - ?s . i'i tram ?? or Mal?-- .' -,, ".', u . IVi a?' l*b?rli -.,-liar:-' . I \ II-,-'-*.?? i"y. T I? M i on lu I - M.'-l .' ! , ? ? ?ub tu aU*BB aa?:e|.'m? J4* INDORSES FOUR JUSTICES Cleveland Democracy Early In Fall Campaign. The Cleveland Pemocracy, of which -ik William 1. Schneider is the head and feet his deputy, William B. Seiden, being the centre ha?, taken the field for the fall camp. . It has indorsed Justices (?reer.baum, ?Clarke. Pelehanty and Shearn for re? election an?l will prepare petition? to place them in nomination independent ballot. There ?r?? two other es of the Supreme Court to be named this fall. Doubtless at the proper Mme suggestions will be nude >,, "othei poli leal organiiationt," with which Mr. Seiden has been auth ?,, confer, 'hit the Cleveland Democ? racy might be able to produre a can? didate for at leant on? of the places. ' MAt-tTFR'S ?".AU*. CINCINNATI, IMHtSAIOI.lM AND WmiHN rt.ll..?., COM PA NI vnTH r. Mr' HAI.i: I III NT \Mi imtMii'.i, i|..|. |,. \,,, form i nil itr.. NOTICE || HKREHT UIVEN (bat pur ?liant to a decree .?f roreeloeure and ?ale tna.l? ami entered bv lh? luatrl. t Curl of the United stat? f?i the tVeatern District ? ?t .'hio. Southern Division, ... j%.. let?, in ? c?rtala ram. in MJUltj ponding In aald coutt emulad. The Equitable Trust < "ttipanv of N-?ai York and Kll?? I Jeroby, a? Trustee?, Complainants, >t?m?i cinria. na'l. Indlanaprttls an.) Went, in Hailwa) Company, Th? Clm nnatl, Hamilton A Da) (on Rattaai Company, and Judeon Harmon and Rufu? B Smith a? Rereurrs of Th? Vlnelnnatl. Hamilton A llayton Railway tforiipai.. Hofendants " and certain de? cree? an? litar, thereto entetr.l In cauaea llkewiae enHHe.I in the l>l?trict I'nuita of the United Btatee for lh? feHowlno dia trlrt? and on lh? following dit*?, vu J'Hv l?. it District of Indian?. July l(. ni:.?Eaatern hiatri.t of Iin aots; Jal) II Ifll Southern Dletrlrt of Jill non Southern lilvlalnii, I, Nobl? (' Pntle. ?. Special Master, will ???II at public Suction t?> th? highest bidder or bidders at the Height home of .?aid Cincinnati, Indlanapolla and W? ??tern Rail? way Company or, the property of .?aid Kali waj Company at lue anutbweol .orner of West and 1,,,'talt, ?treet? In the City of Indlanapolla County of Marlon. Biate of Indiana and Dlatrlci f Indiana ?n Seat-1 '?'.lier ?, I'M.,, at twelve o'clock noon, all th? railroad! prop?erty, naht?, franchise?, ?gee, Immunltl? atol the appuito Danrei ?o n, ? ..,.Me belonging, rolling stock, ? onti acta, rh< M iperty, prem Isea and r'ailit Of txer? Kind and denrlp ti'.ti ... ? ? - . I embraced In the piral ?funding Mortgagi nf Cincinnati, In polla .?. W? al n> i) company. dat. .. Dee? nihef* I i X la North Amerl? ? in Trust Com pan) ind ' .? .t 1 ?? oby, aa Truateea, under ?hi? h mud mortgage Tk< Equitable Tru?t Compan) ? f Ne? Y'.rk atad Ellaa .1 .i rohj an bow Trasteea a? th? ?ame gre described and deSn?*d in (h* above mentioned foreclosure ?le? ree A brief description of th?- property lo be Bold ?l ?aid sal* I, us follow?: I M.I. .m.l ?Inguiar Hie ?tu? r.f rnllroad of the defendant Cincinnati, Indlanapolla ?, \V...tern Railway Company beginning at the inn. to.i, \? it h the traika of The ?Tn ctnnatl. Hamilton and HaMon Hallr-ay Compan) ... th? city ..f Hamilton In th? Couno f Dutler and State of Ohio ?nd ext? idll I through the sat.I Count) of But? ler, m..i through th? countloa of Union. Fayette, Rush, Shelby, Hancock. Marlon. Hendrick?, Puinam, I'.irke, and \ermllllon Ii t-e sta'? of Indiana, and through th? countlea of Edgar Douglas Platl Macon. ?-hnatian and Sangamon In lh? Statt of Illinois, to the Clt) of Springfield. In the ?aid County of Sangamon; together ?|th all and ?Ingular the breach line of railroad of ?uid defend.nt Raitw??- Company es? tendina from Pldetl In the Count?, off Ver inlllton In the State of Hiiro.I? through the countlea of Vermllllon. Edgar. Colas, Clark, Cumberland, Jasper and Rnhland. to ninev In ?ah! County of Richtend II AI?o. all line? of railroad, terminale, extension? and branches, together tilth all IS !? equipment, property righi? and fr.m rhmea eeaaected therewith ei with thai i?o or operation thereof, and all roadbed. ?uperstructui e?. rljrhtfef w?v. rail.?, tra. ks. aide.track?, bridge? vladucta, buildings, depot?, ?talion?, warehouse?. carh?ua?e, engine house?, freight h'.uses, coal houses. Wood houaei end u.?chine ?hop?, turn? table?, w..tcr ?tatlona. ?locks, telegraph linea and (' legraph poles used In connec Ih aald railroad and now belonging to aald Railway Company, and all locoino ttves, engine? ?jr.? and other rolling ????< k equipment, machinery, instruments, tools, Implements, materials, furniture, ftan rhit-e?. choeea In action, rentraets ami agreement! and other property forming part of ?aid railroad and nt? boloiiglag to aald Rallwa) company, and whether or no. m) of the aam? la herein apeclflcally mentioned oi dee? r il.ed. III Also, all leasehold?, leas,?, rtghti under leases or contract?, trackage agree? ment.? or operating agreements, ?nd all rent?. Issues, profita, toll? ,md other In eaae of th?- Railway Compaay, and all iigh'?. privileges, franchleei and proper? ties, real and personal, of the said defen? dant Cincinnati. Indianapolis, A \v, ?tern . Compan) IV Also, ,11 the rich- tl'l? aid Interest of Cincinnati, Indlanapolla a* Weetern Kail way Compaay In and to cert..In parcel? of r?'al property either owned bj It, or In which it nas or asserts on Interest, and tshlch ha?, been acquired from time to ? ma *n'l which said parcel? of real prop? erty ar? d ? ted In par .graph? IV and V of the description of the Mortgaged Fropertv In th- said foreclosure decree en? tered by the District court of the United Bl itea for the Southern District of uhlo, Western I)t\ Islon V Also, the rolling stock and equipment described In paragraph VI, and th? ion fa. ts and leases described In paragraph? VII and VIII of the description of (he Mortgaged Property In ?aid foreclosure de? er? ?. For a more detailed deeertptlon ?f the property to be aold Intending purchasers ar? r.ferie.i to th? above mentioned f >r~ ? ?es. As provided by the above mentioned fore? closure decrees The above mentioned railroad?, property. right?, franchises, prlvlleg'?. Immunities and th? eppurteosncei to the ?ame be? longing, roiling ?to.-k. contracta choeea in property, pr?misse and n^h's of aver) kind and description will be aold la one parcel and si an entlretj r ,? Bpeclal Master ha? th? power ?nd r ; j.-111 to adjourn t-aid ?ale from time 10 by announcement at lha tlmt and place appointed f.'t aald aalo a? af?.re?aid. >i for such adjourn? ?l ?ale or sale?, and may wl'hnqt further notice p'- 00d with the .?a]e on my di.y to which the ??me may be ?o adjourned The sale will ve m?'|e without appraise ] n ? Tit I Th? property will b? ?old ?ubjeet to th? lien of any and ?11 taies asa?-??meuts and ??ter rates levied or aasesaed ?gainst the mortgaged propert;. or any p?rt thereof, ?no sublect to any ottor atatutery Hen? | against the mortgaged property or any par". thereof which are or may he chargeable upon ?aid property or any p?rt thereof prior to the lien of the ?aid Firat and Re? funding Morteage, and also ?ubject to the lien of the First Mortgage and aupplc inents thereto of the Indiana. DecatSr A Western Railway Compaay ao far as th? Hen there .f is prior to tn? lien of ?aid First and Refunding Mortgage upon any of the railway? ?ml property covered by aald First and Refunding Mortgage. The prep arty will be sold free and .dear of ativ aa I all debts. ? ?aim? and .barges other than thOM- above specified, and any and all such debt?, claims and ? harge? which mav here? after be adjudg'd to be prior or superior to said First and Refunding Mortgage ?hall n? payabla ?.'. m- proceeala of the ?nie Of the sal.I property, ... question? relating to the priority or supenoritv of an> and all au h deb?a, claim? and ? harge? being re aerved for future detcrmlnstton, except la SO far a? the .?am? ba?e been determined by order of th? above named Court In thl? . aus. 'late.l .\|.iv :T. 191.',. The Bpei la! Master Will ?capt na bid for . and he ? 111 re. ?Ive no HI ai,\ one offering to bid who shall not deposit, it l?ast twenty-four hours be? fore th? time appointed foi auch >*\<\ with the .-?Tierial Master, as a pledge that he ni.; make good his bid m case of us ac? ceptance, the ?um of I?S.OO0 in .ash r b) certified cheque on National Hank 01 Tiual c.pan) of u.e clt) of New York acceptable to the Special Master, or In lieu thereof l?O.'OOO., fa.e amount, of ?aid Klist and Hefu: lit.g Mortgagi Hold Pond? If In bearer form and accompanied bv the cou? le n du.- July 1, 1*>U. and all subsequent coupon? The Bpeclal Master will a? ?-?pt the high? st an?! best bid received, equal to oi exceeding the sum of 12,100.000, w hen offered ..s af?.res?id. and will kno. k d'.tsn the property eold lo su. h bidder, subject to confirmation <?f the sale b) the Court .... ?pi mee of am bid by th? Bpe? I lal Master the hid.Id wbOSI bid ?hli! ha?.e t-':, a . epte.l must forthwith deposit with tue Bpeclal Mast?;, in addition 10 th. cash ,,. .o? ,; ,i?,,,.!., i in ,,?,!?[ to quallf; him t.. bid, lh? additional ?urn of Iti.esl m .ash 01 I? certified ? hequ? or tome Ne? ttonai Bank i rrusl Company m ?be City of New Y'.-k acceptable to the -special Master or In II- u thereof 11(0,000., face amount, of said First and Refunding Mort | I .upon? ?ttache.l a? ild The d?r> ? received from say m ?i ?aaaful lain.-i will be returned to hu.? wh?n He propert) ?ball '.e struck off. The deposits received from the sue essful ?a 111 be applied on ?count of the purrhaei price In lieu of an) deposit of -d Refunding Mortgage field Boada as aforeaa'it lha Special M?stet may ?c cepi ih< artll ? ??( in? Equitable Trust , , nt Se ? fork that it hold?, s'lb ti?r th* aio.uni spr.lfled In -aid certldcste of aald bonds in form ?nd accompanied h) the ? oupon? therein i'.'a.i Any owner or hotd-r of ?? v of 'be Mid First ai I Refunding Mort lag? '. ild R >nd? mav bid ?nd purchase ?t aald sale The rig hi le reserved to the ? nurt to leiect any or all bids resolved ?nd to (onflrin and direct the < ot.?umtiiation of Ml? n ? cordaace with th? provi?ion? If ? . id ... i ..ii.r ahsll fa'' to make th? additional depoelt, either In ca>h ..r by ?beque .,r in ?aid bonds hereinbefore re quiis.i or after inch eeceptsnee ? fall t.. comply, ?atthtn th? period of (wen(y .I. an. order of the Court relating pa] tient thereof on th* eoinpletlon f the purcl m then ?he autn? deposited h .. pt?d binder a.? h?r*inbefore provided, whether la ?> h ei b) cheque or Plrsl Snd Refunding Mortgage -Old Wll be forfeited a? . penal',?' fir '.ilute and Will be ..pplied ton ?r?i? the rnt of thi expene?.- "f a resale and ".ward maklnc good my .!? 1. lencv or oM ?n c?,e th? propert) ?ball be eold a' a l*?a n aii\ such resa'e. and ti such other .? .? ?'. Co,,-' may dire ? If th? , ?cuit ehall (i"t < ?.nflrni the sale, the <|e poelte m?de bv the ?<?? epted bidder ?hall forth? ?th be returned I ?u h The purchaaer mual on confirmation of Ik? aal? n\ the Ooart, make su. h fur'her payment m lymsats m raah oa acount of the purchase price M 'he Court u.? a to tima fired Bo ? ieh of th? pur- , pri?e ?s ma? not b? required I - court t., i,, paid In ?ash may either b? ? pun ha?er mai ?atlafy , and mak? good ?u. h r?sidu? of hi? bid. In ?hele ??: in p?it by turning ?>'?"* t" '"? .?I as herein?f-er pro^ vidad. >'ir?t *ii Refunding Mortgsg? ???? 1 Rond? and the coupons th reunto ?rr-*' taming ?hi. h matured 'ul? 1 l**!* ?h* pur. hah?i ?.ii h. credited on account orj h* pur.has^ prlci for F :.?! ??** 1 Refunding Mortgage Gold Uoinl? and coupon* turned ._ MASTER*!* ?AI.**.. In ?a aforesaid, ?Ttii uen ?urn* a? aould ne paid In ??.Ii upa.n B< |, Plfsl and II. ? fandlni Uteri i ?. ? .; 11.u -ml . -.u , pom. re? fly, --?,. ,-f o? p??, .. i, . f ?.'? 'f Me ?.,,.?? amount ??' ?he psjrrh? ? prj? e had bmn p.1.1 ,,. eaah il?' light u reserved t,, the ? ourt to, ? ' I nd ' ?Il IBK proper t\ up.?n au h nolle? ?. i' may direct al ?h? ri?k ?nd , I I ',? pun ha?- r. In . |BB ?lie pur cliaisr ahall fill ..r -nilt lo nuke ,ny pay. "?"' ?* 1' UBI of ?he pin'lli.i# pur? ?Ithln rss-ni? day? after ?h? entry of ih-. order requiring .,. \, payment The pupila-.,. .,. ht? n|,,-..,nr( snd as? signs Will HOI t.a. ra..|.|lrea4 to ar- lo His appli. atlon ?>f Mi? pur, >,..?e tnonev and -?III lisve ||,. r Ik lit ?,> ?nt?f hits ??i ?heir ap ne nance In th? Plantet Court I IM In,ted State. f,,r ?-,< ?Southern District of' ohi?. Western Division, ?nd le become a part? to thl? ran.? Th? pwrchasei and hi? mr, .?<^ti or as? signs, a? ?rail a- .all part'e. and .-la In, nit?. sslll hase th? rieht 'n contest any and all ( Isim? demands .,n.| allowances In .?aid . ,u?e or Hi prefer, n, e or priorit) t',er.?',f, and may appeal from an? and all .!?? Islon? relating to su< h claim, demand ?>r allow- ' ?nee The purchaser and In. ?nrriB?I? or al- ' ?Hi.? will hase the right. f??r the period of thirty day? after the ?delivery of it,. ,|.?d or insti uniente of transfer fror, the Sp, . i ? I Master, t" e|?,-t n|..?h.-r or not to .is?>lfn? M adopt any le??e or .mitrar! m id? ? In? ? aid d?fendant Cincinnati, Indlsnspnll? A Weitem Railwai '? ?mpaay ,.r it? mreSerea. ?or? In Interest, and Men purchsser. his sn.ceaaori or assigns, ?sill he he? I nol ??> have adopted or ha.? assumed an* sttl h |ea?e ,.r con?r?.-l In reepe.-t of which beat ?ley ?hall have filed a ?rrlttM election riot 10 ai?uiiie or 1,1'p? th? Bam? ?H h th? <'>rk of the iho?e iiMiii?.! Cauri within rack period of thirty day? The purchaser and hi? su,(???or. or i-elirii? ?111 have th? right to ele, i not la t.?ke snv part of the ??Id proper?? r.? ?ritten notice lo tile Sp. ? rial Master given at iny time prior ?o the execution ?nd delivery of the deed? or In ?trument? of Iransfer from the Ma?lei No Bach ele, ti?.n by ?h? piir ? hai-r, hi? ": -?.u <-i assigne sslll dltnin- ' ish or sffect the pttrehaa? pn. e t.. be paid r>> Itie purch;,'--i The deed or In Du? meiltg of transfer to he given l.y the Sp?- j , Ul Master. t,\ the defendant? herein and by th' complainant?, ?Ill expressly e\,?< pt therefrom tn) and nil property ?hl-h the pur- haser. hi? ill, <??'?.??>r? or assign.? ?hall ! s<? ele. t ii??t t?. tske K?,r a more detailed Bt ?t'Tiinit of ?he ?eriii? and condition? under which ?aid sat? ?III l?e ma.le. refsrencs ?? hereby made lo 'he .ihn??- nientI?.ne,I decree, the original ,,f Which. I* on rt> In the ?ffl.? of the clerk of the DtatTicI Court of the United State?' for ?he South'rn DUtrlCl of Ohio. Western; Division, ami . oples of svhlch may be <?h- ! talaed from the ?ell? tors for complain .nts, ? Murray. Prentice A How-land. No 37 Wall Street. New York, or from Paxton. W,.r- I rington A Sea?nngood, Gwynne Building. ; Cincinnati. Ohio listed August 9. 1015 NOB la"* ?' BCTI.KI*. Spe.-ial Master. NOTICE Or lOBKA I.OMURK- BALK. In th? District Court of the Cnlt?d I S?ates for th? Southern District of Ohio, Western Division CENTRAL TliUST I COMPANY OP 7 KW YORK nil* AUGUR. Tl'B I. MASON, a? Truateas, Complain. I am? against CINCINNATI. INDIANAPO- | MS * WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, THE EQUITABLE TRUST -COMPANY ? ?1* NEW VOHK and ELI AH .1 JACO BY, a? < Trustees. THE CINCINNATI. HAMILTON1 f. DAYTON RAILWAY COMPANY and JCDBON HARMON ??nd RUPUfl B. SMITH, u? Rgicelver? of The Cincinnati, Hamilton ?t Dayton Railway Company, I'efeii.iant??NOTICE is hereby gl??n that tu pursuant? of a deer.t the ? c?.urt of tli? Inlt.'d St.c.-s f??r the South- - em District of Ohio, w-st-in Division. made and entered Jun? II, III!, In the ai.ove entitled ?ult, th? undersigned Bee? Clal Master se. II1 uffar f-.r .?ale. without \al-, uatlon. ?ppral.-einent. redemption Or ex? tension, at the freight llou? ,,f ?aid Cln- ' ?Iniiatl. Indlanapoll. and Weitem Railway company on lb? property of ?,,i?i Railway Compatis at th, BOUtb Went (-orr?er of We?t and Qeergla street?, in the city >,f Indianapolis, County of Marlon, Btat? ..f Indian... and District of In.iiana. on the ? sth day of September, llll, al twelve o'clock noon, th?- property ??f the ?aid de? ?'inclnnati. Ii.?ll mapol;? A- Wi st? ern Hai!?a> Compan) described as ful-I low?. I. A!l and ?Ingular ?he line of railroad of the defendant Cincinnati. Indianapolis snd Western Hallway Company ? ?.tending ? from ?he .entre line of Caplloi As? nue at the junction with th- traeks of lb? la? .lianap.ilis I'nlnn Hallway Company In the ? City of Indianapolis la the County ?f 1 Marion. Btat? of Indiana, westerly thr?.unh th? counties of Marion, Hendrlcks, Put. nain, Park'- and Ver,,,!,,,,n In Itie Mate ?f Indiana and th? - ?untie? of Edgar, Douglas, Platt, Macen, Christian and BangamOB In the State ..f Illmo:- to a point at or near Springt:? 1,1 In said County' of Bancamon; together with ail and ?Inga? lar the branch line ,,f railroad of ?aid de- , fendant I'.?llr.a'. Compan) extending r:??m a point ..t ur near SideII In the County of Vermilion, set. ol Illinois, southerly thr.iugh th- counties f Vermillon, Edgar,! Coles, ?'lark. Cumberland, J? ipoi .nd Rlcblaad In the State of Illlnol? to a ; poini ?t or n-.,1 Olney in ?aid County of lllehland. I II Al?o. all th? real estate owned by ?nl?l defen.laut ??Inclnnati, Indianapolis and West, rn Hallway Company ?itUBtCd ???' ,1 said e;,tre line of Capitol Asenuc, Indianapolis, as abov? described, at.-i ail I,ranches, extensions, sidings and turn? out?, right? of ?ay. rails, bridgea, tracks. w liars es. fences. siaduct?. culscrta. houses. -..ork.hop?. machinery, ?tatIon? ofices, de 1 ot-, .i.-p,,t ground?, engine home?, build? ings. Improvement?, tenement? and here? dltament? no? used In connection with ?aid railroad. ?Iluated west of said centre line of Capitol Avenue, Indlanapoll?. and ?11 rolling -t,,, k. locomotives, t-nd rs, an ?nd equlpm'iit (excluding C 11 i D. locomotive? and car?), machinery, tool? ?nd lrnpl*m?nts supplies and materials, franchise?, choses In action, leas-s. ron trat? and agreement?, and other propert?. real and personal, forming part of or ap purtanani to i<aid miroad .s deacrlbed in | the above paragraph I of this dercrlptlon belonging I? the ?aid Rail ?ray Company, ? nd whether or not any of the same is herein apsclBeally mentioned or described. Ill Al??? all ?tieet? cays, alleys, pas i.c?-?. ?,t-i?. watercourses, easements, right?, liberties, privileges, hereditament, and appurlenan? es whatsoever unto any of the shove described pr??perty belonging or appertalnl!,!,". and the reversion or rever? sions, remainder?, rent?. Issue? ?nd protlts th?rec,f. and all the .state, right title and interest. , laini and demand of ?very kind snd rwatuie whatsoever >?f th? ?aid de? fenrtam Cincinnati. I.ollanapol.? and ' Western hallway Company, as well at law ss In equity, of. tn and to the same and . IrOT] part and p?rcel thereof. IV. All the right, title and ln-ere?t of the defendant ?Mnclnnatl, Indiin.-.poii? a West'ri? Kaiwa? Compan) m and to the following described property. 1 All that certain loi. piece or par, el of :an?i .?'.tuatci n, thi County of Banga ninn. Stn'e ??f Illinois, grsnied and con ?eved by Edwin A Wilson, trustee, and to l-raiik ? Roby by deed dati d November 21, I*? ?>l. and recorded In Boob 11.1 of I' page III, in the County of gangsmen, Stat- of Illlnol?. I AH thai certain 'ot. piece or parcel of land situated In th? County of .s..ngi mon. siat? ..I 11 ! 11 ? > 1.- conveyed bj M Louisa Moran lo Prank C. Rony by deed 1 dated December I, llll, and recorded in Ro k 114 .,f Weed? page "117. In the ''..unrj of Sangamon, Btat? ??f Illlnol? I All that certain lot, piece or par. el of lan,1 situated In the Count) of Bang?. mon, Srat? ??f Illinois. c,,n?eyed l?v John w niinu to Prank C Roby, bj de,-! dated December 7 INI, ami recorded In Iio?.k 114 of I>e?,ls. p?ge 3*0. 111 the County of I Bangamon, Btat? of Illlnol? 4. All that c?rt?in Int. piece or par, el of land ?IMateil m the County ?<* Sanga- . mon. State of Illinois, ?onyeyed hy Nl,h Olas Gelbel, Sr . and Maria Gelbel, his wife,. to Krank C. Hob-,, by de? ?1 ?lat??l Novem? ber 22, HOI. and re. orde.l In Monk 111 of Deed page IS?, In th.. ?Jounty of Saniia- ', 1 ,- Bl '? "f Illinois. All that ? . rt..In lot, pie? e or par, e| ,,f land ?Ituate In the. County of Sanga? mon s?.? of Illinois, convoyed by Will? iam O Couver?? and Kiien I. Converse, hi? wife and Albert 1- conserse .n?! H-n netta Converse, his wife t.. Krank C Roh) h? -led datad February 1*. 1?*". ?nd r?. ?rded in Book lit ..f lieed?. p?ge 1'?4, in ?he County ef Baagamon, in ?he Stats of Illlnol? H All lhal ?rtaln right of way and lot. piece 01 pit,-I of !-> lu?ted In the Count) of m icon, state ,,f Illinois, Ing ??,' rigbi r ?? ? o?er land 1 formerly belonging to I.i Fayette Hamil? ton, and ? ; " I ? 1 HamHton < land liini south ind ej?t of said right of 1 *a\ in Section I, Toimhlp II, n r .7 East of ?he third principal meridian In M?,-ot, Count) Illinois, being t lie nine: right of w.? and pr-.peiis referred to In a ,,"gtiwi -u :?ted Jun< 1?. 1*01 le. twe.11 Charle? D Hamilton and other? ?nd Pranb ?' R v ?? 7 All lr,,,.-e . erfun loll, pie? es or p?r ? ei? of land, ?nd tracte, situated In th? County of Marlon. S'?te of Indian?, ion ?eyed by Marshall Pugh ?nd Kno-h Pugh t? tie Cincinnati, Indlanapoll? A Western Ka?tsav Company, hy del dated May 7 llll, and r? or i?.i in Land Record No II page IS:'. Marion ?' nnt> Indiana I All tha? certain lot Piece or parrel of land ?itui'?d in P.rk? Co.irit?. Stato of Ii-lilna COHVered *>' '?m'?1 Morgan ?nd Turzh A M'.rga- his isife lo the I:,?liana. DecatiA a. We?tern Railway Uom pans, l-v ,!??,! dated O lobet - I""*!, and re-orded In H" ord i* P?l* l1"'. P?rke Counts-, Indl?na I All thai .ertatn lo4 piec? or parcel of land ??tua'- n - a'e Vermllloa County, Btat? f Indian? ?d hv Anna Van Bl kl? ?o th? Cincinnati, Ind? lanapoin \ W'-rern Railway Compan) >?-. ,1 ?d di'ed Fetruir? I, 1*11 ?nd re - t?,i in Record U page 47?. Vermilion County. Indian? 14 All thai certain ! ?t. pi?c? or parcel of land altuat.-d in l.-igar County, s-'ale of llltnole conveyed l? Theodor? Behan-re to ' the Indiana. t>e?atur A W?al?rn Railway Compan'. by -!e- c. da'-1 Mai.h |] Mil. a.,,1 recorded Ii Boyk ??. page III, Edgar County, llllneta II All that .erialn '.'?' p?e-e ,,r ; of land situated m the County of - mon State of I t ?-' r? H> nt- , : ih k English and Sinh C Englli 1 * Wife. ?, 'l.e }p| f-, I . ', ,a,Jr Kill*?? I Company. b| deed Uat?i Augu?t Si. IMS. NAtTiri SALE. and recorded in Book ?li of i>.*d?. o?ge i -Ti. Bangs mon Ceaat) Illinois I] All thai "Main lot, plec? or par *l of i.iud Itualed in th? County of Edgar, '?t?t. ..f tin,,-.i? . o? eyaxi ..-. H il iii. and Cere I. *- pps. his wife Oecal .Ion?? and \ aille Jon'?, hi? ?If?. ... th* Indiana, Decatur A w*?t-m Rail >vay company, by 'leed datad December 11. 1911. |oo| recorded) II. All lh?t c?i(aln lot. pi?.? or parc?l of land, situated In th? ?'ounty of EdgSr, Stall "f Illinois, conieyed by ?Jeorg? W. '. Hugh*? to the Indttna. He.atur A Western > Railway ?'oinpsny, bv d?ed dated Juna 10, 1H?3. and record-d In Puok 112. paga 43. i Edgar County, inmole It All that certain lo?. piece or pan ?I of land ?ltu?ied n. Tu?c?>la. County of I'ouglai, State of Illinois convay*d by I Chicago A K?s(?rn Illinois R R Co t., th? Cincinnati. Indlen-.polts A Western Railway Company, by de??i dated .inn? II l'H4 and recorded In P'.ok SS of Deeda. r s 101 Dougl ?? County, Illinois II All thai ? ?Haiti lot. piece ?r par ?I of l?nd situated/ in the County of Piatt. ?tat? "f Illinois, conveyed by WII1I? c Plerson to Hie Indiana. I>?iatur A W??iern ! Railway Company, bv d-?,| ilited June It, I*???. ?nd recorded In Rook 7?. page I. I l-latt County, Illliiola II. All that certain lot. pt?c? or parcel of land ?itualed In th? County of Macon, star? of minoi?, conveyed bv l.-uisa i Joklaeh, Hertha P Ztmm?rm?n. Edwin Of., .loklach ?nd oil? M. Jok!*.h, hi? wife. ; ?illvla Zimmerman and G H. Zimmerman. her husband. Paulin? M Ste,t?r and <'hnr|e? w Sleetet. her husband and ' I.idla E Sle.t?r. to the Springfield ,<? I" ? dur H R Company, by deed data. 14, IMI, and recorded In Rook 171 ol D eda, pag? IK, Ma. on Count) llllnola,' and In Booh III Of fi-eds, page IT, Sanga? mon County, Hilnoi?. IT All thai ? ertain lot. p|e, ? or pare?! ?f land altuated In the t'nunty of Ma on, Btate of llllnola coaveyed by John Black I and Sarah Black to The Springfield * He. ...tut Railway Cm by d???l dated August ? i.i recorded in Hook :77, page III Ms? on County, Illinois V. n locomotivas; II passenger, passen? ger and Langage., mail and baggage, and ' baggage coackee; 134?* freight cara, and lu mlaeellsaeoao cara. VI All trackage, creasing ?nd other contri., ta more mentioned ami des? rlb?d in aald d?' ree. Said property wilt b? offered for aaia In one block or parcel The said property will h? sold subject to the lien if any atol all tax??, aasess m Bta and water rate? levied or eaoi ? i against the mortgaged property .?r any I part tli' r of. and aubject to any other ?tat. utory liens against the said property t>r : inri thereof which ar? or may be chargeable upon said property or any pait thereof prior to the lien of the mort? gage and d?*d of truat dated November I. I tOi, executed ?nd dellvere?l by Th? Indiana. Decatur and Western Railway Company to Central Trust Company of New York and Augustus I. Ms ?on. aa true? U ? and ti.e supplements thereto Th? Bald property will however be sold free and t dear of any and all debts, claims and charges other than thos? specified, ?nd any and all such debts, claims and eliarg?? Which may hereafter bfc adjudged to be, prior or superior to the said mortgage ' and deed of trust and auplements thereto ?hall be payable out of the {troceada of sale of the .aald propert). all questions re? lating to the priority or superiority of any an I a!! such ?l-b's, claims and charges b?ing reserved for futura determination, - . pi In so far as the same have been ' determined b) Order of the abovt-liatiied ? court in this <au.-e dated May IT. 191a. The un.'.eislancl will reoelv? no bid (rim any one offering to bid who shall not de 1 II a? tWtnty-fOUr hour? before the \ time appointed for ?uch sale, with tb.e un-, derolgnsd as a pledK? ?hat he will make1 good his bid In ?ase of its acceptance, the ?uni of 5: ,??,,!, .ash or by certified Check m eon.itlunal bank or trust company of the Ctty of New York acceptable to the undersigned, made or endorsed payable ti Hie ordei of the undersigned as Sp.cial Master, or In lieu thereof 150,000 fa? amount of the First Mortgage Five Per i Coat Hold Ronds of Th. Indiana. De calur and Western Railway Company Is? sued under the mortgage and deed of trust. : da'.e.l Nov. n.bei 1, |f||, and Its BUPpte? m?nts. between Th" Indiana, Decatur and. Western Railway ?.'oiupany. and Central Trust Company of New York and Augustua 1. Mason, us Trustees, if in bear? r form . and accompanied by the coupon due July I 1. 1014. and all aubsequent coupons. Such depoelt, however, may be made partly In '? ? ash or certified check, ami partly tut bonds, and in the above r- latlve propor- I tlons. The und. rslgned will accept no I bids for tiie property for less than th? 1 sum of 11,400.000. He Will accept the j highest an.! i. t bid received (equal to or ling th? said sum of |1,'0S.000) when, offered a? aforesaid and will knock down, the property sold to .such bidder, subje. t ' tu confirmation of th? ?ale by the Court On the acceptance of .ny hid by the un derslgned. the bidder whose bid shall haie !.e?n accepted must forthwith deposit with' the Uli.l isl-lc ,1. Ill addition to the cash or deposited In order lo qualify him to bid. the additional sum of *7*>.<>U0 In .ash or by eertllied check on some national bank or trust company of the City of New , *t ork acceptable to the undersigned, mad? or endorsed payable to th? order of the : underalgned. aa Special Mast.-r, or lu lieu thereof ll?O.OOO face amount of the said ! 1'irsl .Mortgage KUe Per Cent. Hold Hon:.? of the Indiana. Decatur and Western Kali- ' WSJ Company, If In b.-arer form and ac- . compan led by (he coupon due July I, 11*14. and all subsequ'-tit coupon? Bach addl Itonal d poalt, h..?'? .er, may be made partly in . .sh or certilled check, and partly in bonis. i,ut In the above relative proportions The deposit received from an> unsuccsMful bidder will be returned t.. hlu. hen i lie property ?hall be stru? k , off. The deposits received from the eue- I bidder will be applied un account of t lia? puchase pri?e In lieu of any deposit f ftret Mortgage Fb? Per Cent bold R.nds as afor? said with the umlcrslgned. he i.ia ? accept the certificat? of Central Trust Company of New York that it holds, ?ml.- : Je. t lo his order and direction, the amount i specified in satd certif?cale of said , In bearer form and a. COtnpanlOd by th? coupons therein stated. Any owner or ' holder of any of the First Mortgage "tve Par Cent. Uold lionjs inaued under said mortgage? and de?d of trust may bid ami pur. hase al ?aid sale. The right Is r. - ? s.ri'.l to the Court to reject any or all1 bids received ami to confirm and direct the consummation of any sal? in accordance with the provisions of aald ?leer. - I ai.% bidder ?hall fall to make the add.? tlonal deposit either in cash or i beck or In said Bonds hereinbefore required, or ..fter su. Ii aceptan.-, to compl) within' the period of twenty days with any order of the court relating to the payment thereof on the completion of Hi? pu: then th? ?um? deposited by su h accept?! bidder as hereinbefore provided, whether i in ?ash or by ?beck or by Pirat Mortgage ; K:v. Per Cent. Hold Ronds, will be for? fei' .) as a | nalt) for ?UCh failure ami I will be applied towards the payment f the exponoea Of a r?--sale ..nd toward, making good any deficiency or loss In ...-e th? propert) ?hall b? sold at a leae price on any BUck re-.aie and to ?U'-h I ,,ib?-i i . U the Court may dir? ? t I If the court ?hall not confirm tu? sai? th? ? depoalta made by th>- accepted bohl? r will forthwith be returned to such bidder. The purchaasr must on confirmation of the | jale by lh< Court make auch further pay? ment or payment? lit caah on .ml of !.. pur pli.- ai the Court ma? fr'uii e dir?, t Bo much of the pur? chase price as mav not be required by the Couri 10 be paid In 'ash may eith?r he paid In cash, or the purchaser may sat- j lafj and make go..,i n h r?sidu? of his bid. lu whole or In part, by turning over to be j ran ?lied or . redlted, as hereinafter pro l'ist Mortgage 1'ive Per Cent. Oo|,l | .f Th? Indiana. Decatur and Wast-j era Railway Compan) a? ired h> the ?aid mortgagi and - is! dated N ber 1. 1001, aid tiie coupons thereunto ap i talnlng which matured July I, l*H ? T: ?..nt purchaser will be credited on ac? I count of the purchese price foi Kirs? Mort-] gag? Five Per Coat. <;>ld Bonde sad coupon? turned In as aforesaid with auch | ?uns as would be paid in caah upon euch lr-|r?i Mortgage Ki-, " Pel Coal ?loll Bonds ?nt i oupons respectively out of the pro-| ceedl of sale. If the whole amount of the; purchase price had h*?n paid In cash The ? right I.? i*? rve.l to the Court f. re-take, and re-eell Hi? property apon such no tic? aa it ma?, dir?. -, at Hie risk ' . ..-t of the purchaser, la eaae the pur-i shall fall "r omit to mat payment on of the purchaa? within twent) dais afttr the entry it i Hi? ?.tier r?qtiiring each pa>m*nt The pur. haaer or his ?u. eaaors and ??signs ' will not be required to eee to lion of the purchase mon? .. .a'.! hai?ti th? right to ent?r ht? or th?ir appearance in -h? District Court of the United Btati . for th* Southern Dialrlet of ?duo. Western in Mon, and to be? unie a party t?. this . au.?e The pur haser and hi? evccessors or ?s . ? ? . palti?s atol ? lalmaata shall h..?e tt,? right le COatOOt any arid all claims, demands and allowances in ??ol cause or th* preference or priority th?r*of. and mav app?*l from any ?nd all de'lsion? relating '" such < laini, demand or allow- ? ame The purchaser and hi? ?u? i ? ? ei assigna shall ha'? the rlglc, for th? j of thirty ?lav? after the delivery of ? the de?.I ..r in?trum?nt? of tran?f*r from] ih. underaigned. to ele?! whether or not j lo a??... ideal an) lesee o? eotrtract ? ? ? ? ' ? ? Cincinnati. I Indianapolis and Western Railway Com-1 ? or u? prede? essor- in intereet. and ?u? li pun baser, hi? ?UPgOeeOTO er assigns.; sh.iM be h' !d not to ha?- ? dopte,| .,r as-I , . ?SO ... . oiitra.'t In re. | ?p . t Of Which he or they shall hal- ' - ' a written election no? 'o assume or sdopt m? ?an.? aith the clerk of th? above? - ? i'ourt within such period of thirty . ? The purchaser and hi? aucceisora or assign? ahail have the right to ? take an) part . I the ?ail prop.rty l 'i?n not!* to th? undersigned gl.en a? any time to (be execution Itvery >f th-- ,i??.|s ... Instrumenta of trans? fer from th? UBaleralgaed. Ne ?uch el? lion ?.y the purchsser, l.t? aucceaaers or i ?hall dimmish or ..?Te. t the pur-, chase prlca to be paid by the purchaser | instruments of transfer la be given b) ?h? undersigned the ? ? h?ie,i ...nants sh? except ihertfrom ?ny and a'l prop ? hicti th- purchaser hi? eacceeaere or assigna shall ??? - ?. I no? ? t?k? Foi ? me. a deta ? t of th? .nd condition! unter which ?aid ?si* will be mad? ?nd fee ? ?ore p?r II alai ia?a-rip(.io? of ?aid property tu be M ASTER'S SALE. ?o ?old, referen- ? I? h?reby made to th? ? mentioned -l-:". the original of which I? on file Ir. th? offlca of th? Clerk of th? District Court of th? Cntte-1 Stitei there Dlaii I ? ' "estern ' In , Ion and coplee --f whl?h may be Ob lalne.i from the solicitor? for complainants. John?. I.arkln * Rstbbon?, No ?4 Wall sir??', New Yoik ? itv. or from Pax'on. Warringt.m A Beasongood. ?iwynn? Build? ing, Cincinnati, Ohio Dated. August I, I "IS NOB1.I-; C. BI'TIiER. Bpitlal Mas'?r SlRROLATriS' NOTICES. SMITH. EMMA LOUISE?IN PURSC anee of ?n ord?r of Honorable John P Cohalan a Surrogate of th? County of New Y.rl notice Is hereby given to all rerron? having claim? again..? Emma .oulse Smith la'e of '!-.? tjownty "f Kew Volk, deceaaod IB pre-'n' 'h? ?ame e Ith , ? .'J, h?rs thereof to the subscriber?, at ?h?lr : p!?.e ,.f transacting bualnesa at lb? ?flics of Ashbel P. Fitch. M"*> it tirant. No 'I Nassau Street. |n i|.? Borough of Manhat? tan, lily of New YorK. on or before tb? '-".th d.i? of August next D?ted. New York, th? l'th dsy of reb ruary. 1915 ?"?HA-4I.KS HOVT SMITH ) ... ?nr. A.-HI.KI. P HT?'H i ASHRKI. p. F1T.H MOTT A ??RANT. Attorneys f??r K\?<utor?. 32 Nassau Street. Borough of Manhattai.. New ,_York City._, IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDEH or ' Honorable John P ?'ohalan. a Surroga'? of th? County of New York, nettes ?-? ?er? ic given to all person.? ha?::, agaln?t Marie I.outie Stockwell lalso '?mown as M.,rfe I,?.?i??e Stoekwell Keith). lats of the County of New York, ?i ? leased, to present th? aame with -...?? li? er? thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at th? office of ! ;? stiorrey. Coleridge A. Hart. Esq. No. j? Nassau Street, Borough of .'.lanhattan. In Th? City of New York, on or before th? i 2Jd day of September next. Dated. New York, the 10'h day of March. 1917, CHARLES F. HAHMAN. F.xeoutor COM-RIIh;-* a. HART, AUerney fot ?cutor r, N*??aii Street. Manhattan. New York ? Its?_' MAHIiOh. HARRILT -. ? IN PCRSU anci ??f an order "f Honorable John P. Cohalan. .s Surrogate- of the County of He? York, notice is berel y ?liven t > all persons having claims against 11 urlet J. M.uior. lat? ,?f Brook -n Count) "f Wind ham, ,,f Connect lent, deceased, to present th? same with voucher? thereof to the subscribers, at their place of tran?act lag business at the ofllc-a of RoOBSV?tl ?t K ,!,h.. No 14-41 Wal! Street, in Th- Bor i ough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the lltb day of September. 1915. ? Dated. New York*, the l?>th day of March. 1115. FRANK B VAN BRI'.NT, WILLIS I?. VAN BRL'X'l. Adminlstratora. C. T. A. ROOSKVF.I.T 4 KOBBK. Attorneys fcr Administrators, C. T. A.. 4 1-4?. Wall Street Manhattan. New York IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogat? ; of the County of New York, notice Is hereby given to all person? having calms against Rob.rrt Waller, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present ths ; same with voucher? thereof to th? ?ub ?crlber-, at their place of transacting bu?l- ' r.esa. tliK oiflce of Stewart A Shearer, No. ! II Wall Street. Borounh of Manhattan. In The City of New York, on or before the 21 at ?lay of Septemb. r next. Datod. New York, th? 12th day of Mar? h. 1915. EMILY STEWART WALLER,, STEWART WALLER und V-Executor? EDWARD W SHELDON. i STEWART * SHEARER, Attorneys for Ex?cutera. 45 Wall Street, Manhattan. ? City, _; PLURSCllKIM. HERMANN A?IN PL'R suan? ? ,,f .m order of Honorable- Juhn P, CobaJan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice Is ben to all persons having claim? against Hermann A Flurschelm, late of the ?ounty Of New York, deceased, to pr?s? nt th?; same. -,\!th voucher? thereof, to the sub??-rlbers. at their place of transacting business, at th? ortlec of Strau?.?. Reich .t Boy?r. th-Ir at? torneys, No. 141 Broadway. In the City of, N< v York, on or before the 27th day of t?eptomber next. Dated. New York, the 13th day of March. 1917,. FRANKLIN SIMON ) HERNARI) FLURSCHEIM.S *-";*cu'or"' STRAUSS, REICH * BOTER. Attorneys for Kxe.-ufors N'p 141 Broadway, Borough of Manhat .an. Ne?v York City IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER or Honorable John P. Cohalan, a surrogate of thu ?'ounty of New York, notice la here? in Klveii t?. all pcnoM having claims' against Augusta A. Ket? hum. late of th? County of Ne? York, deceased, to present the same svlth vouchers thereof to th" subs, ritier. at Its principal place of trans srtlng business. No, 2: William Street, ?n 'h?. Hor.iuatli of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before tue luth day of October ne\t Dated, New York, the H'h day of April. till. THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. i;\?,utor. OELLER, ROLSTON A. HORAN. Attor? ney? for Executor, II Lvchange Place New York. N Y IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP HON orabie John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of th? Count) of Nee, York, notl ?? I? hereby given t?. ail person? having .-lain-.? agalnal H'liry Adams Blytli. !-?te of the County of Neu York, deceased, to present the Bane with voucher? thereof to the sui> ?cribers at their place of transacting bu?t ness. at Ib? otile? of Kenneth B. Hal? ste,l. No 71 Broadway, in the city of, New York, on or befor? th? i?i ?dy of Nov? mber n?xt. Dated. New York, the :6th day of April. , 1917 HENRY M'AMJI ?laYTH. 2ND1 KRKl? HAIaSTKAD * Executors. WILLIAM H r*AREY KKNNETH B HALSTEAD, ACorney f?.r Ex , ut,.r.- 71 Broadway, Hot ough "f Manhattan. N? v. York C '. ALTROCCHL PAPLINE?In pur?u?n;e of an order of Hon J hn I' Cohalan. a Sur? ret,.!'? of 111? County ,,f New York, ho'le? ! hereby given to all persona having .-gainst Pauline Alfto., hi. late of the City of Floren??, Hal) ? present the same, with voucher? thereof, to the sub? scriber at hi? place of transacting bus m th.? ?sil?cea ..f Messrs Miller, King. Lan? A Trafford. No. ?n Broadway. Borough or Manhattan, City of New York, on or befor? thi 1Kb day of ?-.toner n?xt Dated Se* ?? ? -. Ibe IStl? d.iy of April. Uli HOFFMAN MILLER Executor MILLER. KINO, LANE A- TRAFFORD, At tori..-. - for Executor. 10 Broadway, H?>r ough ?af Manhattan New York City, IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP Hoicr..' I? John P. ' ?balan, < .-'-?rr??,,at? of the ?'ounty ,,f New York, notl ? 1? hereby gr.en to all persona having a^. , -1 Llsale H. Holme, lat? of d ? County of N--, York, deceases! to pr?sent th'- ??me with voucher? ?hereof ??? th? subscriber, at hU pi n 1 of tranaa? ting at it.? off!? - of his at'orne,.?. Merrill A Rogers, No III Broadway, Bor ,,,,e!i of Manhattan, In Th? City "f New Yirk. on or befor? 'he lo'?i day of Sep ti nib? 1 next I.ate.i Ne a York, th- J'h day of Mar. U. lilt.. EDWIN c HALL Ky?cUtor MKHRII.I. a ROOERS, Attorney? for Kx scutot No 1 Broadway, Manhattan. Ne-t York ' f. _, IN PURSUANCE OF IN ORDER OF HON? orabie John P ?'ohalan. a Surrogat? of the County of New Yo:k. NOTICE is he,.-. t.? given to all persona Ihmh,- ?Ulm?' again?! JULIA M. bCHIBFPKMN, !a'e of th? Count) of New Y-rk. deceased, to pre. sent th? same with vouchers thereof I lice of Mesara ?. Ro'-' 11 * Horat,. No 27 ExCbeng? f , in the Borough of Manhattan, ' ny York, on or before 'be ;7th day of Novem? ber next Dated, (few York, th? 14th day of May (1EORQE R i1 BCHIEPFBLIN. Executor ' OELLER, ROIaBTON .v ll'?R\N. Attorneys foi I II Exchange Pis,? New 1 York. N 1 IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORD? ? Honorable John I' CobBlBB ? 1 r-' of th? County "f New York, NOTICE la hereby given to a!! person? having claim? again?! Thomas R Brown, late of - County of N?* York deceaaod t?. pr?s?nt ?h? -a:n? with vouchers ?her, of to the subscriber, it Us pis? "f transa, ting I ? I e- -.. M. ., '?: tb? I!. ? DUgh Of Manhattan, In ??.? City of Ne? v,?rk. on, ..: ! - fore th? ni? 'h day of October next. l.ate.1, .\ew fork. Ui? Ird De> ,,r April. l-r-, 1 MON TRI ST COMPANY OP NEW YORK MILLER, KIN?;. LANE A TRAM/?'KL Attorney? for Ex? i'or ?0 Broadway borough of Manhattan, N?w v.,: . ? ? > IN I \ \?K OP .? n ORDI R n- in ,-; - John r ' oh? ?n a 'urrogat? t th? ? .?utity "f .'?? ?? fork NOTICE 1? here- ' bj given to ? 1 persona having ? . ? il Denial I Miller, late of the County of Ne.? T rk. ?;? ? I i --? nt the ' ??me with sou hers thereof to th? ?. a, riber. ,ii Bel p. v ? of ti an? . it tl " -f her A Horn? s Cannon, Ko, m n,7. No u, Hroa,l N ? In The , New York, on or t?f r^ th- l')th day of 1 No?cmbi r ne?.t Dated. New York, th? ?th d.v of May I H?RMET M DKTKINSON Ksecutrlx **A' NON A- CANNON Attorney? for Vs?-'-u tn?. 125 Broadway Neu u..? ,yv IN PURSUANCE or AN ORDER ..(?* Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the 'Ounty of New Y?.rk. BOtlSQ Is her? 1? given to ?I! persons having . against Julia Marianne Brand, late of th? 1 ' V .? \ Orll I? e^^e.l ? , pre. I? with voucher? thereof to tb? subscribe? a- p|? e of transecting business. No .-, Broad street. In Th?? 'ity ../ N?a fork, oa ?>r .-?fore ths Sth day of Septsmber >-? ?I luted N w York, "1? ? Urch llll. THE HEW YORK TRU81 - ?tef NA.-II I JONES Attorn?)* f it W??l S? . of M?;..-. 1 Vor? SI RRO.'ATE'S NOTICES. ?i r, in n RgrjA?Ci of an order of 'he Hon John P Cohilen. Surrogate of the county of New Tori?. not! e Is heteby g|v?n to a'l persons hsv 'ng claims against Sarah I.. Hoynton. late f lb? City, i'otjnty and Stale of New Tork. to ?xhlblt th? earn? with 'he vourh ?r? th?refor to th? under .igned Ei?cUtor? of ?h?a L??t Wilt ?nd T?s(am?nt of ssld Sarah i, Boynton, deceased, at 51 William .-???et m the ?iffle? of Rob?rt Dealle Mof fett, their attorney, on or before the 21th day "1 November. 1*1? Dated, (feu ?orb. May 11th, Ul$. KA RAH Er.T.t. R*>YS'T?**>N. E?*-?i"li. UtWIB w BOTNTON, Execunr RORKRT LESLIE MOFPBTT. A'tornay for Kxe-utor?. 12 Wlllism Street. Bor? ough of ManhatUn. ,N?w__Y.,rk. T PREVOST. STANHOPE ? IV F a- ? of an ord?r of H? Honorable John p .v.h?lan. a Surr?gst? of tn? CetMty of N?w Tork. Notice I? b?reby giv?n to all pe-sona having clalme against S'mhop? pre ...-. tat? of the City of Lima Peru, devaaed. 10 present the same with vouch? er? thereof to th? subscriber, at hla place of transacting business, th? office of Lloyd William S'reet ?Man? hattan?, in the city of New Tork. on or before (he IJth day of K?br?i?r> next Dat?d. N?w Tork. the 3rd d?v of Au? gust. IMI HANN1I TAYLOR. Ancillary Adrnlntatratn? c t a. i I.? iTD _ MAODOX ??? -n-va for A Imtr.ts'rator. ?2 Wlllism gire?i MICHELS WII.HKL.MINr._IN PURSU ance of an order of Honorable Jol.n P. <? hilan, a Sur .gate of the County of New V Tk. not r? is h?r?by given to all per? sons having ? Ulms aga'nat Wtihelmine M;.-he|s. late ef the county 0f Neui York. ???!. ??> pre?ent the ?am? with vouch? ers (here, f t | ? , rib.-r. a* It? Ola? a ..f tran??ctlng bualn??*. No 141 Broadway. Igh "f Manhattan. In Th? City of New York, on or before the IKh day of ?j. ?ober nui, !>a(cd. New York, (h? !7th day of April. 1?1&. GUARANTY TRt ?T COMPANY <*>F NEW YORK. Ex?, utor. FRANK M PATTERSON, Attorney for Executor, ?? Liberty Street. New Tork Clt) _ IN PURSUANCE OP VN ORDER ??f'HON? orabl? John P. Cohalan. ? Surrogate of th.? County of New Y'ork. notice la hereby given to all persons hutng claima against Marie A If?- e. late of th? County of Ne.v York, ?te laaad. 'u prese.u the s??ne with ..???-?? th reof 'o the eubsertbegw at their ; ' 11 ?acting bustneea st th? if f Kinysbiiry ''u.-tls No. 10 Broad Street, in The Borough of Manhat'an. City of New Y'ork. on or before the iTth aay of September next. ; it.'!. New York, the ?th day of March. 1915. MARIE H CLEMENS./ -_?,?._ ?JEOR IE ?: HEYE j Exeeu.or? F KINUSBLRY ?*URTIS. Attorney for the Executors. 31 Broa i Street. New Tork _City._ IN PURSUANCE OF AN OR*5_R OF Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New Y'ork, Notice 1? hereby given to all persona having claims agatnat Brayton Ivea. late of th? County cf New Y'ork. deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at Room 1401 on the floor numbered Hth at No. 5. William Street, in th? Borough of Manhattan. In Th? City of New Y'ork. on or before the listh day of October, n Kl Dated, New York, the 13th day of April. 1315 WALTER ? MATNARD. CHAULES HOLT. Temporary Administr?t? r? of the Est?t? of Brayton Ivee, de. eased. ELLIS. SAI. ?H U ?IN i B OP au order of Honorable John P Cohalsn. a Surrogat? of the County of New York. notice is hereby given to all persons hav. Ing claims against Sarah M. Ellis, tat? of th?* County of New Y'ork. deceased, to pre? sent the ?ame with vouchers ther-of to the subscriber at his place nt transacting of Putney, Twomhly _ Putney. No. -' Rector Stre t. Borough of Manhattan, City of New Y rk ?a or be? fore the JSth da) of Octobei Boat Dated, New York, th? 14th day of April. : 111 WILBUR DIXON ELLIS. Execater. PUTNEY, TWOMBLY _ PUTNET, At? torney for Executor. I Rector Street. New York City._ DE RAIMBOUVILLE. EUGENE.?IN p; A : auance of an order of the Honorable John P. ?Cohalan. a Surrogate uf the Cauniv ? f Hew York BOtlce Is hereby given to all persons having claims against Eugene d? Rmlmbouvllle, lat? of the City of Pari?. Franca deceased, to present the ?ame with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at her place of transacting business, th? off!.' - of Lloyd ? Maddux. No 9J William (Manhattan), in the City of N?w Yoik. on or Iff re the .'3d day of October next Dated. New Tork. the ISth day of April. Uli. CARRIE H. DE RAIMBOUVILLE Exei uirtx LI.OYP ft MADDOX Attorneys for Esee? ? ; wruiiani sir. e *.*. , II.. A RON -IN PURSUANCE <?F AN order of Honorable J.d.-i p Cohalaa * Surrogat? of the County of New York, no? tice is hereby gi.en to all person? having claims arfainst Aron Wei!, lat.; of the County of Now York. Ucease.1. to pie?ii.t the same with VOtlcbera thereof to the sub ??riber, at her p?a? e of iranaactlBg busi? ness, the off!..f Putn r, Twomh'y a Put? ney, No. ' Rector Street. Borough of Mea? City of New York, on or before th? lath day of November next. Dated. Ncv York, the Tttn day of May. 1111 Ix.RA MENDEL WEIL. Executrix PUTNEY, TWOMRLY k PI TNB1 ?V torneya for Executrix, 2 Rector Street. New York City._ IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP Hn.N orsbl? John p Cohalaa i Surrogat? of the County of Net? York. NOTICE la here? by given to all persona having againat Nathan S. Brinton. lat? of the County of New York, deceeSatd 0 ' the same with voucher? thereof t., ?;? tut,. s ?I. a', place of transa ting 1 ualtiesa. at the .?(nee of Augustu? S Map?? N Broadway, in The ? * 11 y of N? th? i*th lay of November next. Dated, New v rk. th- >,ih day of May. WILLIAM P TIMI/VA'. USTUh I MAPES ?.*"'' '** " 4UOI ?TI B 8 MAI * m?1 for Ex editor-. No I., I ,.-...i ..? , . Borough ?.f Manhattan. New York ''itv CON A NT CHARLES a -IN PI HSU of ar. or.let of II .;? P f .balan, e Surrogate of di? County of New Toi k. notice g ? all p- r.-on? ? i lain?.? against ,->.., ? Consnt, late of th? County of N??a York d? '???: le hers I tier- of. to th' - . acting i . . Longfellow, No :0 Exchange Place, 'n the City ..f N. ai Yoik. on ? fore the l'.th day of F? ?i it? d, New Y rk th |<th da) of July. FREDERICK H I* ?OK ROMAINE H CROSBY 1. ? u?,..? HAWKINS DELAFIELD a LONUFEL? LOW, Attorn? ... foi ? IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER . .F ? .raid? John P Col ? s og?te of the ounl I :.' iw Tork hereby given to all persons having ?Ulms ??jainst Ki I.aid R. \ernoii. ?at? of th? Of New York. de. ?a . 1 ' , pre.ent the ?am? with ?ourhere thereof ty the eub place ,.f trans? ting buataeaa, !?? .id ? a', in the Borough of Man? hattan, -u the Clt) of New Y .rk, on or b f ?re the ninth day of October n?\t Hated New Yoik. the 3rd lay of April. ?IS I NION TRUST ' OMPANT OF NEW Y"RK. K\e iitor MILLER. KIN'l. I ANE a\ TR AEEORD. ? Iway. Iioro.;-b of Manhattan N? ?. IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP MON? f :h. i on i) of N? ? Y rk, NOTICE is here? by gl1 ha'. Ing clalme againat Mary H r.>\?r?. ,?te of th? ?'??utity of New Tork ant th? ?am? with voui hers thereof to lh? su s ii'-.j at ? ? ..m. e ? a Powers. No 1 Hud n Street, In The Clt) of Ne? T ?rk OS or before the 15th day of Novembei next. Hatei. New i irk. Hi? Ith das of May. ' ' ROI LIU A POVa I.K.- K.e.utor Al'C.t ST! .' S M M-E- ? ? ' r ?_. N * ?n of Ma" Ml ? . . il x . ? iRDKR OP RON niable John I' ''.?u^.aii a Surrogat? "f th? CBMnty Of New York NOTICE II all iving .daim? . ? Sloan? , l??e ,,f th? Count) "f N?w Yoik. i? . ...? i r,, pre. a?i.t th. earn. ? Ith thereof I? th* f Place of transacting II Hroad Sir'?!, in the City on or before th? 1st day of ? Dated Ne? York, the ?t>, dav ef Mav. 1?|$ EMU Y T MAl-'?)l.M D BLOANBi Esocatoee STET* N, JENNIN08 0 H'S-*.-LL. Attoi neis for Ea?. utor?. li Br?a I S- tet ? Ity ?? Inn, CHARI ? U fttori ' - Utor, lee Broadw?) N?? York Ci?y F.iAl.KU i.l!A< r. V.i t lIMArtTkH IN Plisa? ? ? * ' ? ?' ' V I odalaii. ?,?. ? c ' ' ? I ... ?i ? \ .. ? a beret.? ' ? ?' a . , ? t St. I . : to present lh? ,a_e a-.: ,.s? tl?n ?( ?t Ills pi?.? i . ' II .1 I'. ? , 114? of N-" Y ?? ?a or betir? the JIHl. d?f of L>?v?n? t. r 'i' Dat.d Ne* Ter? trie l"?i d?? of Jan? DJ) J Al P.kRT t-oMIJCR Administrator (HAMAS R ??lONNOIl ?_<, Attirne, for gd mn.ntrat r. N i ICI li.. , .lh ot ?a , a v ? V r, i lt) . OP \V ?.ROER ??F HAN". orsble John P ?ohalan a Surrogats of Mi? County of Ne? York. N'>ri?*E Is here! i given to all person? having ctaires -'I Ann Chamberlain. l?t? of I ' ? ? ?aaed t . pi? aeat the ?am? with ion. h?r? th?r? ? ? at place of transacting h.jsi. N i .?: Liberty Street .n York on or b for? th? .vth day of Januar> next - ? York th? :?'h dav of j?iy HERBERT ClaATTON ?*HAMBF.RLA1N Admtniatrator.' ?.aie .f R R ii ?WARD. Allay.