Newspaper Page Text
THRILLS, DRILLS, THEN A RESCUE AS CAMP RESTS Rookies Save Drowning Caddy ? Bathers Flee Shots?2 Almost Hit. CRIME CALLS WOODS BACK TO NEW YORK Mitchel May Visit Montreal Training Depot -Suffragists Invade Plattsburg. ? r-r?f; C??-r-.r?<?ri??nt o? T7l? T' ' riBttsburg, N. Y., Aug. IS. Richard Osborn. of Fall River, Mass., and Rich? ard die. of Maewohoc, Mc, svho are in the business men'? military instruc ,?mp here, this afternoon rescued front drowning a caddie who follosved a b-.ll driven into a pond on the Hotel t hamplain golf course, about a mile from the camp. As drilling to-day was voluntary, Mr. Ode, a Pi | aduate, and Mr. Osborn, a Harvard man, decided to spend part of the time in golf. They had for caddie a >o about fourteen Old. Approach *-g a ter hazard, Mr. The caddie; thinking the the '.all had gone but a few feet beyond the bank, removed his ?hoes and stockings and stepped into the pond to retrieve it. He carried the heavy bags of both players. The boy disappeared after he bad taken but three or four steps. For sev? eral secon,' fterward this wat- not no? ticed, for Gile and Osborn .ere turned away from the pond in conversation. When they discovered the situation both men, who were in car sped to the pond and, after groping around for about a minute, caught hold of the caddie and p lied hi i out. He had fallen into a hole eight feet deep, and the gulf ?<..,-- weighed him down. The boy wai .-?<'. uncomcioui v. was lifted to the grass; .-hock was h il tiouble. i all he needed v.a.- a change of cloth? ing, turned lh? the other cad?: A:, ui.- eh? ' :l ?his morning to sub-calibre targ? Thii ;- held on an improvised range, the t;.: gel ? ' he em? bank: which liei Lake Cbamplain. At thi? : men go .?thing. During the firing this morning some of '?he bullets rico ned into the water and , - ? ? Though nobody Police Sergeanti Wall and on, of New York, narro? caped and swam out into the lalti Sergeant Shot b> Error. A sergeant iri the regular army who work shot himself in finger of the right hand. HI -vas holding a carrier a device con >' regulation size cartr. . which hold:- a - bre cartridge at the point, and which has a spring, that can be pressed by the : The ser? geant's ?light wound wai drened by Captain "I. ?S. Darby, the camp surgeon, officers of th< concentra. tion camp at Montreal have ex1 ar. invitation to Mayor John Purroy Mitchel of Ne? York, army men and a few of the prom camp here to impect the Montreal camp. It would b? (or the Unit? ed si it, but the 01 difficulty in making the trip. Mayor Mit come so interested in military . that then <? I kelihood of his ac ( ting. ? Arthur Woods, who got I and who ?o the end, |V ? ill be impos H Kible. He \?ar summoned to th? V phone le* eral I .-to an? swer call i fron M r. W >o I would r,(,' med h.- de cision to return, which he will do to? morrow, but it ted by others that there sre a number of i matters which requ;:- nal at? tention immedial The Mayor went to man thia morn? ing at the Church of Our Lady of the Lake, which ia attached to Summer Scho,,: laven. There Mr. Mitchel found Thoma? W. ?"nurch 111, pr< ? ? New Yoi k of Education. Father Jol wick said mas- a* th? Mayor attended At a later n rv re. . Dud? ley Field Malone, ' haugh nessy ar.d Joseph H H sermon was preached by Father Drum, whose fa'her. Captain John I? Drum, wot killed at Sant.ago. Two oi FatheT Drum's brothers are in the regular .-? ? vice, (?ne il with the marin, and the other with Funston on the Mexican border Rifles (rack To-dax. At 4:3'' o clock to-morrow morning the Mayor and the other members of < ompany A will hav? to leap b from their cots ar. : practice on the big rifle ranges need by the regulars. The*? targets are set at from 100 to I.0M yards. The work will be begun at fi o'clock. Thia prac tiee will continue for two weeks. \ number of peraoni in New York believe that tre Mayoi ?I not his city a well by being here could b> hieing hil Hall every week day. They I pressing thia sentiment in lett? postcard?, which pour in on him in every mai!. But not one of the writers has signc.1 bis name to the complaint. "Indignant Taxpayer" and "Pi Publico" are the most numerous signa? tures. The Mayor ;; not showing any annoyance over this. Th" mot,,r machine gun tioop did the heavieal work of the day They ,et out early this morning ?rd want to Keere, V y j. ?. ^ planned to have the men engage in firing during the fortv eight-mile run They had not returned to camp up to a late hour to -night. The sufTragi? ( imp. Thev I ouarters m a caaoopied fi alongside the entrance to the camp grounds. M W. Ree?i Mahooil. of the legislative committee of the Women's Suffrage party, i? in charge of the squad. The memhns of the ?quad ipent to-day handing i 1 ill? t > very man in camp. So far thev have not attempted to enroll any cf the ama t eu i is al? most ceitain to come, unless the sug? gestion of Bernard H Sandler, the New Y'.rk ban: ter. ?vho panv A. la ?arrie,I o.r Mr Sandier, in his dailv M;i?.-mcnt to the aid that he would try to 'nduce ??eneral Wood to line the motor ma (hine guns up again-1 the suffrage I ? .?'nutrters an.) order the men I at the first deliberately nnfriendly act threatened bv the ?hallo "I am not oppos. 1 to giving ?vomen 'he vote," Mr. Sandier said "I believe I am on record on this q'?. throughout the country. But wo an up here to devote ourselves to he un preparedness situation, and. as I .aidi to Jack Rose, for whoro*,I am attorney.! you may recall, and wnose testimony I baa never been ?ucce??fully challenged, 1 Hackensack Men Quit Hearths to Bask in Suffrage Smiles Top. left to right?the .Misses Gertrude Richards, Margaret Koop and Theodora Wheeler. Lower row?Margaret rorriSOtl, Lmily Pierson and Erika Willrich. Hackensaek, N. J., Aug. ir.. Hacken? saek is in the midst of a suffrage cam? paign. To warm matters up to a er degree the State Woman's Political I'r.inii lent to this towrn six clever young women workers. They will con? duct n two weeks' campaign. The real aim of th?- campaign is to convert the men who vote. The campaigners in Hackensaek '.n elude Miss Emily Put sot,, state or ? ? cticut and a gradu Miss Margaret Koop i, ti ?I Mis- Margaret Torrison, of Chi . . Smith College graduates; Miss Erika Willrich, of Quebec, tan nia; Miss Gertrude Richards, daughter of Professor W. W. Richards, a former ?:? of Hackensack, and Miss Theo? dora Wheeler, of Connecticut. The suffragists have already made a deep impression on Hackensaek men because of their enthusiasm. Many a man expects to find n good excuse to "go out to Main Street" warm even? ing.-, for it Ea in Man-, Street the visiting young women are holding their open air meeting!, Their iirst meeting on Friday night ?vas well attended, but tor crowd greeted tl.em la-' night. Mis.? Koop scored a victory b) a di - play of ready wit ??hen a man in the audience Baked: "Who is going -.?? take care of tin- babies when the moth out to vote?" Miss Koop turned around to face the inquisitors and smilingly answered: "Who takes care of them now?" The luffragist campaign workers have establish'd headquartera at 123 Main Street, where the windows are decorated with suffrage colors and "Votes for Women" banners. During the daytime the young women will auto about the county, visiting mills and factories for noonday addresses. we should do but one thing at a til Edward N. Dillon, of the on!;. tional ' f'oni ?*?>*** *or' the camp. He is a squad leadei It is surprising that there i ? .?tions here. Ca] \'ew .!< t sej : ' ?-?' W. A. i orne of ? . ob, ? cl of sij ill morning. Rain fell all af noon and ?i: i isitori away. The only servier for Pn camp here'was held this ev< I Y. M. I :;i ,tu' GOVERNORS WILL DISCUSS DEFENC Executives of 36 States Will in Attendance at Annual Conference in Boston. Madison, Wis.. Aug. 16. Gorern? of thirty-six I attend the d cussion of I: annual meeting of the Governors' C? ferenc? d in Boston. Augt LM, 25, 26 and 27. This was announc to-day by Miles ? ? cretary the conference. "While national defence is not be the only topic considered by t conference, it is a subject which t times and conditions have forced up the attention of the entire world, a re it will take precedence o> ether i itant subjects," si rj Riley. "No governor has c : himself to me- as fearing th force militarism upon t However, all feel tk me when we eann ? velopment of i and more efficient citizen s? diery. "T'roniinent place has also been giv to administrative problems on the CO ference programme. "Under this head the following BU :. 'The She Ballot,' 'The Function? of the Govern th? Sta1 " Budget* ai 'Economy and Efficiency in I "Governors Whitman of New Y?n, Hammond of Mi ?i. Will - of Ohio, Major of Mi souri, Spaulding of New Hampshi Byrne of South Dakota will pr ^ent pane TO TRAIN CITIZENS IN USE OF RIFL1 National Association Will Pai ticipate in Conference on United States Defence. legnr'' I? Tbt T-'."i ? ! Washington. Aug. 16. Announc? ? ment that the National Kifle Associl tion of America will take part in th Conference on National Defence whic is to be held in Wa .' ''ctobe 4 to 7, immediately following the Gran Army of the Republic encampmen be ?'f great t:- i e vet ? iicamr ? and the conference. In the Ui ol the * i\ il Wa marksmei iharpshooters. Many of th? atteni th? Washington encampment and will pay i ".on t? that section of the National Defenci Conference which will consider th? training of the citizenry of this coun use of the military rifle. National Kifle Association o' America claims to bi hi t anr i ? . ' peace societj in thii countrj II . in 187] foi ' 'ens ol ?? utnn ? ? and its woi \\ been maintained by the doi of citizens taking out life memberships b men mav be mentioned t\ Presidents Ta*"*, and Roosevelt, ex ? r Root, ex-Secretary of State Robert Bacon, ?x Secretar*/ of the Navy Me.? ? ?? of War Dickinson and Wright, Sei itoi tVel IrVarrei .. John maker, H. C. Vi i? West? ?gres mpeti . en to rifle t raining am? i by the i last year author of Kra ? and ammunitio elubs, und the work of and carrying on th? ? a* was put in the hands of th . tie As? sociation by the Secretary of *"ar. Since that time over two hundred clubs ha-,-.' been organised, and to t'iem has been issued *,: ' - M.160 rounds of ammun I There at. nembers of the National Rifj ing under MO goveramenl nrle club? and li" school and 67 college clubs. 1,000.000 TROOPS RIGHT AT HAND Foreign Born Citizens, Who Have Drilled Abroad, Eager to Serve U. S., It Is Said. ??ne million drilled troops can be addi d to American forces within a year, according to Harry H. Schlacht, superintendent of the Eaat Sid?- Pro? tective Association, if the War Depart? nient will organize foreign-born Amer icani who have lerved in Furopean armies into a legion to supplement the national guard. Mr.. Schlacht will . ton Tue-day to lay plans for forming the legion before Garrison. "During the last week." said Mr. Schlachl at hi? office, at 1 Avenue B, yesterday, "I have addressed ten meet? ings of foreign-borr citizens, and have received the names of more than 2,000 v ho have been trained from three to six years in European armies. "Then people are loyal Americans, and when they became citizens they ? d all ties with their former countries. They are anxious and willing to join the new organization, which I expect to be known as the Foreign American Legion. "There are moie than a million for? mer soldiers in this country." NAVY LEAGUE WILL AID DEFENCE PLANS Says 111-Advised Peace Advo? cates and Politicians Will War Against Wilson. ! I . ' ? I : l .?? 1'. .ra-U.J Washington, Aug. 15. That a "cam? paign to the death" against an ade? quate national defence is now being planned by "ill-advised peace advo? cates, political rival.? of the President, ' and appropriation seeker* " il th. statement of the Navy League in a ! bttcr sent to President WiDon to? night. The letter il signed by F B. langer, director in charge of ..-lie's work in Washington. "We of the Navy League feel that ' the time has cme when all patriotic American citizens, regardless of party, ( light, to join In upholding President ' Wilson's hands in the fearless and v:g ! orous plan of action he has mapped ? out to provide our country wi?h ade ? uate defenec? against war and inva? sion," declared the letter It offers the entire machinery of the league to the President for use against opponents of big army and navy appropriations. 1,050 ON BOAT ADRIFT Rockaway Line Craft Breaks Shaft?Towed to Battery. At 10:45 o'clock yesterday morning the steamer Rosedale, of ?he Coney , Island-Rockaway Line, le.'t Batterv Park with 1,050 passengers, At 10:50 o'clock the Rosedale wai drifting oii Governor's Island, blowing short bla-t of distress on her whistle. "> crowd ered it ?he Battery wall. After tugs had brought the steam ? A .1 Smith, who wai on board, said conneding rod had br An hour the 1 ? 'he Albion, started uUt KNIGHTLY BEARER SCARED HER TEARS Girl, with Deep Cut in Foot. 1 orgot to Cry as Lad Car? ried Her to Doctor. ? v.oe reached the of Dr Dei- ? ? on the porch of the Long Island College Hos Iast night. in, the phy? sician saw approaching a proel by a aim nutive giri, with a le, tearless face, riding pick-a-back a hoy a little larger than bei ?< If. Be? er 1 i two smaller girls, g bitterly. .- her foot," the two cho rused between heavy sobs, as the lad , ?a? hii burden d rn gentlj ind I?; Dernfield took the child and cleansed a ' in hor sole He learned she was ifurka, eight years old. of 19 C? treet, Long ls!an?i I She did not know the name of her gal? lant cavalier. "I do not desire any notoriety," this person told the phyiician, in the best of Maria Fdgeworth. "My father ilwayi instructed me to take care I I idle? If' V fa are : he concluded, with a bow 1 ?.-line. "1 shall be glad to earn you home." The?, .'.(-.? OUI of light before the astonished doctor remembered to close ? | his mouth. | , $840 LIVING WAr-E, SAYS CITY BOARD Less Not Knoiigh for ram ily of Five. Investi? gators Find. As the result of n rritienl .?tnrlv ?he bureau of standards of the Board of F.stimate hai decided thai an unskilled laborer's family, consisting of five members, cannot maintain a standa- I of living consistent with American ideas on less th.ii! ?$840 I vear. In its report to the committee on grade i and aalariea of the board the bureau rcc ommenda f? ei ? in the Street Cleaning Department lalariei of be I ween $720 and if 10. Th" in ? are to eom? $24 a* a time "Thi.- salai** image," the report savs. "is base?! on the theory thai a -weeper the department '-'-"h little or no family responsibility and at a slightly lower saialy than the average pay for limitai labor m private em? ployment. Thereafter ins salary is la? 'creased aftei each year oi two years of satisfactor* servie? up to the point at winch hi family obligstioaa are greatest At tin.? point his salary should approximate the minimum <>f ?lecent living." For purposes of the investigation n family of five was taken, consisting of a father, a mother, two boya, one thirteen and the othei is yeara old. anil a girl of ten years. The following classification ?>t expediturea waa made m reaching the total of ?mo a -ear: , . ti.i i'?,:.o. . . I'li.'.'.iln- . I .? i . - ' . '- "" 11..ill, . I . . ;?.s* . fl.H T,.n' .M I II HuiidrtM rliMlO-d: r?p-r? ai?l ,,i:.n rt?dln| u,a"rr ... . *.'? 90 Kocrtalloa . M.M i'umllurt, ul-i.slls.-flitu?-. m???li.? rip-nici. . H 09 . 1.1M . 7. 00 I?.,l'IrritaU?sotp. ?.?.-hliif nutcrUl, iti-nt?. . .'..00 T,-:sil . $:::.09 The food allowance i? based on -'7 a day fur the father, Hi for the mother and the older boy, .D'2 for the girl and .136 for the younger boy. The report goes on to say: "The item 'Sundries' includes recie ation, reading, general household ex !" i,se, church contributions, etc. It ?s unnecessary to defend the fact that family, m ordei to maintain a normally happy and self-respecting ex istence, must nave proper amusements. For recreation, therefore, we huve al? lowed occasional tripa to the beach, incidental carfare, motion picture -hows, Christmas and birthday pres? ents, and miscellaneous amusements. For furniture, utensils, fixtures, moving expenses and general main? tenance, $18 is allowed, although this amount could be legitimately in? creased, hive dollars II allowed for church contributions. Incidentals, in? cluding soap, washing material, stamps, umbrellas and other miscel? laneous, itums, are totalled at $5. For leading a one-cent daily paper is al? lowed, with a Sunday paper almost every week. The resulting $73 ex? penditure for sundries is a fair mini? mum." ATLANTIC FLEET BEGINS WAR GAME Fifty Vessels Ordered from Newport for Man?uvres Off Block Island. Newport, R. 1. Aug. 1.5. The At? lantic fleet, virtually in its full war gth, will begin a series of defen? sive man?uvres off Block Island to? morrow. Except for four submarines, the entire fleet of more than fifty ves? ?1? received orders to-night to proceed to-morrow morning to Block Island Th,- problemi to be worked out have i ? drawn from the lessons of the European war adapted to the defence oi tu?- North Atlantic Coast, ana have been arranged to embrace a general war game. Details of the manoeuvres, plans foi whuh has?- occupied the Naval War College loi ie**eral weeks. H re secret. Th? game will continue a The torpedo boat destroyers have been painted with alternate black and white squares, presenting the appear? ance of floating checket hoard.-,. The new dres?, it i- believed by naval ex? pert-, will break up ti,- contour of ?he vessel? and cause an ... i ion bs t.. dis? tance, both of which feat ill e. would ?"' of assistance in battle. ASKS SON'S HELP IN SUING MOTHER Ex-Actress Demands $100.000 from Relative of Mrs. 1.eland Stanford. Henrietta Reutti Hanson, who was an actress n. 1912, when she and Walter Lathrop Han-on, grandnephew of Mrs. Leland Stanford, were secretly married in Philadelphia, is suing her mother-in-law, Mr.?. Aimee Lathrop 11 ?! on, foi ali?nation. Mrs. Han on has moved in the Supreme Court to ony of her husband, no? m San Diego. Cal., to help her case ' hit m??'her. i tice Delehanty has appointe! Arthur Wright, of Lo.- A: - commission, r to take Hanson's testi? mony. The young wife allege.- that Hanson fears to come to New \'( -k because of insanity proceedings hat were begun against him. She said "ie knows and can testify to the threats and promises to him and to acts of eo i used to alienate h.m from his ?-? ;t'e. Hanson, in 1913, was declared competent to manage his property On the death of his mother he will n herit about $350,000 Mr?. Hanson said ?he had been an intimate friend of ucr ind'i family. visited them at Saratoga and at their l immer home on Lake Ontario. She alleged that a great hatred and malice toward her was shown after her marriage to Han ,-on, and his mother brought suit to annul the marriage on the ground that her son was not of sound mind. She also alleged 'h,.t her hi.-band wai in? duced ? a legacy of ??".or. i which he received fr?>m his father. Hanson sued m the Federal Court in Brooklyn to set aside this transfer. FIRE RECORD. A M .- ;? ? ?? !?? (l- ,-r > I It Witt? irlSlii? . 1 . . i - " ?? ; W. P s?a??n trl "? ( . . ? i.?: main? ? ? * . i I . .wn ?i I Hr.,'? >. aulo .? : " IrtSll t V M lib ? M ? a.? ? ? I ''..-.' '? I . ITlSlI - ? v?. I? I ?' 11 I? 111 Ulis; tri - - . . I ? ... I ??'? ??,:-?? i < IB*?? i MHO. K ft llaspf - . 11- .. |W?) *" A 11 - . id ?0? 7b* 34 ?t., V. t?-tuioft. in?liu?. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arrivinj* at and De? parting from Port of New York. MIMAT* nr. ALMANAC. f?.inMa? | |(l, HMD, ? Mi MSB rit*?. ? m?.ii \v\trn AM TM StnlT Ttrtrtk.Il H M M (loiinw'i Man.. . UM 11 O Hell Ut.--. I N 1 :i4 INCOMING STEAMERS. T'i l'AV. f-??ir. M? Ktainpalll Palm?, Ami I I?a!i?-i h .m? wultiar. A'is I...... I l.u?:i doI v .. . Cunari ?? ? IM I nal Ai? 11. M T * I" !'? itet .. Cot. ? Alg '? V r fa ' Vitrail t _.. h'ulM A'ii I .Italian ?i .,. .a i. ??- rUa Fui j ?tl . - >.Cardiff. Jiii, IS . III H .Ani.'rr.lam, lu'y '.'*. An.-Iirn.lal*.?anndo*!. lall '?" .-" Tamrl'-.. . . .BalliU?. Auf * .? M,<nuia .Kam flrltam, Ann II.8?. l'a? I KM?Ht?.(?all??' m. An? Ii... A....SO I'M TITSHAV. At Ul ST II ! fartai States, . ?Iirl.ilaii?a'nl. An? 4. rV.n.l Am , 'lla.ana.liaran?. An? 14 .War I Huma .TuBfM, A?ic II .Mall'-ry T? _| na . . Bui ? Aio>?, July 14 Kappall?noarii i< nfcaas. Am I. WU>NKM>AT. At ??t ST IS. . 'Naramar.-a.Jamaica. An? II.R f> W I ?I Auf I.1 .Mm. Tami.t ?. . ... Crtatobai, An? U. , I.l Sine.liaHr-loii, An? I?.So l'a M II a.liait?.ton. An? 12.Mallor) l-alrinin.UwM, An? I . Pal. * Urines mall OUTGOING STFAMERS. T?> DAI M \ awl i , - l.i,. m'4 : . i Ar,i Haw.- IS M in Tl TODAY. AI ??I ST If Mararal. Otrnada, Trinidad ....M:SS_a : in pm laa-nip*. Ja. k-. i,rill? ?'i,l-.- l:Mp_ ?' ..( st I . . ... Kar ..- M inn \\r.M>AV. AUGUST II ZuMrrdifc. Roterilan, II..11 Am. ?:JSa_ H M m Haiti . Lll n M K lam J /.arl'/a. Ar. i,.., i , im- m, . i ' .. ... : Ml ,im "tnlla. l'un.... Il ? i Ii I I II i 1. M m Itarmudlan, H ?i , t M tin /a .iia. Colon, l|i Vit am !.' M m San Jacinto, Qalicstoa, M.ll<r> - TRANSI'AI IFIC MAILS. Cloa? N.T. Dfailnatlnn a\ i atramrr. ? 30 p m Hawaii ula Seattle), Dllonla-.To-*?? Hanau. Jai ai:, i ,.r?a. ?rla Sin Kran?-l'.ni. Nippon Mara .To-rlaj Hawaiian. Japan. Cona, ?'?.Ina, I'blllp Plr?a (t?a San KranH??-.?. Mnnfolla. Auf ?<1 : llauall Tai-onm. Kentuel :. Auf IM lapa < ..?a China, Philippine ??la H?e U?l, Ta.-.nna Maru A"f -- | ,11a?.n. Japan Cora?, China, Chlllppinee I im San Pi_>flaeO), Ventura.Auf SB AHliiv i D T?rnpna ?nrl. Burina Avra Jul? 14 an<1 St T?llela A'ifu?' *. '" Slmpann. Hperi.? A Y'Hinf. ? wllh mala liar ai 7 a m |j?i|rl? ( Qanoa ?Hlf 1~ an.l OU.rallar 11. la Purneae, te Cm Har al ? a m N'W 1 a.rk. Ilrrrpoil A'ifuat I, ?" the Ain-rtran I Un? wllh malla and mrl.a Har at i p ra. 14th I .|l Saw OriaatU A?ir??? l?- 1? lh' S...|th?r-l I , . . ?).i..r a' : '1 a m ir. at S? la.nia Satai.nali Anfur.? II, <i tne : , fi.-?ari .-a ?.. .ii'li ni la? Quar al 4 II a In. \ Kl Mar I?"?'. I* th? Boathcm l'a. irl ? n l Quar al 1:23 a m. la-liar*. Jarkaonttllf A'U'iat r* an?l ?harl?itnn II i.i ihr \.l? Sa ?n. weh m-l ? yiar al I "'. 1 a in I'alaria. Tamplro Au?n?t S an.l Tnapa. I la Paii'l T Wardan, ?rillt ? ni- ol Ha? .? I II |i m Mill Harrorlaa ?Un. llatr? July Ht. lo "i? i ?.m pafiilr (Jeneral Traiiaatlantiqua, ?alih unla . Har al !" 'I p m lit] ? lltal), linearlo July 11. Hunina A>r?e Uitoa I, ta IUi'B-M S'.larl A. < o. ?Un Kar at 11 .?? p ni. I4th , iBrl Man<-he?ter July "l. to UM While ? ?? I .- ?IMi ni'l- Har at I_? "I a m Tna.'an PrtoOf illi). Shanghai, ft- Bar at a l | Kllkland ?Nor?. Newport. Waira July It, to C A : ? . >.'. Hai a' '? ? m. lan Prince IBr), Bteai Jal? 11. to l'anl ' I A lo. llar ?t '? t ru Rotterdam Uni?, in. Hotterdara Aurut 4, to i tli? llollami Amrrl.-a Uni mal,, ?ml Har a m I : Pafourneii*. Sew <ale.|onla. July! Crbtobal An? I. wl'h oll to ..r.ler \. liai al ? I p m M .. ,. Tati pirn An? I, Vrra CtU I, I'r'.frran 7. .11 ami Sa- an I.' i-, tl.? Set? York an.l ' ? . Mall Be ?... ?.I'!, m .1 . ?nd n : ?? Har at ,. in. ran, Newport Xewi an.l N<?rf.?lk. ??> th* Ot.l ! ' I Quarantine : I'. . art PI : ad ; hie, to tha CWa Sa ? tii'l?. Quarantine at l ?* p in. ill ?;i. rflo . Nor), Antllla, to tin: A?lan<|. milt Co with i lilt i- . I'.n. Maraetllea Jnly M, to Punch, i - i Vitalia INorl. Rotterdam Jnlv B. t.. Um Kmler?! | Pnrwardliif ? ?> Har at I M p ? Verona lltal) Oenoe An? I, " H?rtfl?ld. ?-??tari , A ?'... with i.all. and mdee, Mainly Uoofe at Hi 41 p in i ? ' IN. ri. Port t., ?I.? t'nlte.1 . Pruli Co, with rmit. Quarantine a- Il !S p _. BAILED. .- .? IBr), London; Kortorod Ru M 'a ?;. i. Kaatern ?'I", I Hr), I.a P? II ?. l.i.i It Har.?Im..?. Mncoliiahlre il'.n. Alien: l ? il, Clenfuej Vim. INorl Al.tllla; Ellnnoll lltal). Norfolk, X. w . ..?.i,. Illl ion IBr). M.mtftM"). STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. AlUlIVKI. ; I.H?rn?iol, Auf IS, A p m?Saxoula (Br), New Tort? 1'ASRKl?. I Paria, Auf 15?CItT of Kellil (Br). New York for I MadTM. STEPHEN BONSAL BACK FROM MEXICO Author Silent on Red Cross In? vestigation- Banker Fore sees Intervention. Stephen Bonsai, author and war cor ? respondent, arrived here iast night on the Ward Line steamer Mexico from ! Vera Cruz after a thorough investiga? tion of conditions in the Republic made for the American Red Cross. Fending the publication of his report 1 Mr. Bonsai refused to discuss Mexico. Conditions were described as un? paralleled and armed intervention by the United States was prophesied by in American banker living in Tampico, ?who arrived with Mr. Bonsai. "President Wilson has shut his ear | to the business men of Mexico," he : said, "because Mr. Bryan has told him ; they are mere adventurers. "If the Fresident had deliberately set out to muddle affairs and produc? anarchy he could not have succeeded better than with his present policy. The only remedy is armed interven? tion. "Intervention would not take long. With the capture of the seaports 85 ? 1er cent of the inhabitants would come : under the American flirt- The only opposition would come from scattered banditti in the interior. "Villa has been defeated on every hand for the last six months." HELD AS COKE MAKERS Three Taken in Harlem Raid; Opium Pot Found. Chargeil with manufacturing opium, S. Helper, thirty years old, and Bar? nard Stein, thirty-two, a cutter, of 302 Hast Kightieth Street, and Frank Fin kelstein, a tailor, were arrested last night in a house in East Kightieth ', Street, after a .lani struggle. The po | lice say they broke into the top floor ? of the house in time to see Finkelstein , bending over a five-gallon pot of opium on a stove. The parlor of the house, the police , say, was elaborately equipped as an opium den, and included in it? famish? , ings couches, jars of opium an,l pipes. The three men are held in $500 bail for examination tomorrow m the Har? lem court. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. W-ahtaat-a, la? 19 ,: ?'-rm, ?- fir a.? eaa I"" ?l-'-rmir ?-1 lr"ra : ,-rutral In : III:' m the ir.ld'lle Gulf of Meileo, with * ? ira ??..- r j orO -I .- ; :.. r - ?r.g on th- dull ' . I fruni Api!*-hl".?* to New OrUl ?r.-k?in? . at 5 p. m frr?m New Ockai -, | I at I p. m. ?r.d Qal?*Bt?B a heavy an' |a-TtM*n| ?oath. [ *?-t see ?well. AI ?h- nr-utli M the III Hirer the ?rtnd ?a? ? | ?M northeast at , the rat- ?I thirty-~lt mi>, an h"?ir TtM hit,.- I \ ?!-.?1 ntoeltf r*9?ft?d durlni Sun?la? was aeienr> i" ,r nn,?-.- u ' , tral Uu.r ' M I II ' rat? of move . ? ' M I? Tl.tre were ? . ?ai?-?, the i . . (reit etiUel ??H? ? : ? t ? I . Teinperttui ?? ? ITher? arl -, s r ? - northward . . eel tard ih? weather will , ??relis t?lr Mondes ... 1 . I. upper lake re?-, . ? a - Mod I?] ll ?111 ?? ; ::.- .? It , r i ,. ? -.'?? Mi:. 1, lor M i. la? end Tue?d?- N rth a-..? t- tie to ? i- r?U, III I . .- A',a. II . r- - !--?'- II - ' ? Gull .... ' " - - . ? r. ? ? . . . I -, r ? ? :. ? . ? Iriillia ' ? Ulr ??-.- ? . ...-. ?Ot ?. ? ? a' Fereeut 1er Special lealltle-?Eaatern New Veris. Western Ne? Yer?. Southern New tiffin?. Eastern Pennsylvania. Marsland. the District e( Columbia. Delaware and Western Pennsylvania, fair today and te-merrew. --. N-? Er.ila.-.l ?h^?en la III tern, fair. Leel OiTkial .'?rerd. T ? ? , ? In the " ? ? ? . - -. m ? ? ? r ra 77 i? I TSUI | 17 m ? 71 _ ?ID. SI I7| - ?..? . ? ... a? ..? rreei , ' ? '? I de te Ual Beredeter fleadlnfs. "am I tA 1 p tn M.I ? r rr Mu-ildl'. I a. i >| Lea-el Foreras? ,?I , ?t..'..e o. ?letale e-ju'.a a-ai ? w.?-?e?; *i??^. AMMONIA FUMES FELL 6 IN CROWD Explosion in Ruppert Brewery Plant Routs Nearby Tenants Engineer Has Narrow Escape. An explosion in the power plant of the Jacob Ruppert Brewery, at 205 Fast Ninety-second Street, yesterday tiled the building and its vicinity with ammonia fumes. Tenants were driven from several houses, and half a dozen persons in the crowd which followed the firemen were overcome. It was an hour and a half before the shut-off could be reached and the flow stopped. John Sch?ler, J. E. Kennedy, Fred Peterson and Valentine Soindier. em? ployes, were in the engin?, room and narrowly escaped death. Sch?ler, the engineer, turned off six engines and strove in vain to reach the ammonia tanks. He dropped to the floor and rolled to the gate, where the watchman found him and dragged him to safety. Acting Fire Chief Martin came with the rescue company from Great Jones street. Led by Charlea Gunthar, as ? chief engineer, the firemen, in their imoke helmets, succeeded in shut ting off the ammonia. The building three years ago was the scene of an explosion in which three men lost their livei ? Won Bout; Held for Murder Walter Kenzick. sixteen, was held without bail on a homicide charge yes? terday in the Manhattan Avenue police court, Brooklyn, for further hearing to-day. Kenzick. whose home is at 1*19 N'.irth Ninth Street, Williamsburg, en gaged in a boxing bout Saturday night ith William Martene, twenty-one. of 11 h Prospect Avenue. Brooklyn. Mar? tene was knocked out by a blow which landed on the left side and never re? gained consciousness. WORK WANTED. Hale. riANf'V MAN ?Tain'-r. paprrh.injter, under?? ? ilr?; middle l?ed. ' eel of refer. IM. SJI ? -n it- i av . Bitxtilrn. noMKSlT? sin vi kins WANTED Male. - r.i n.m val? r - -? . ? r ??- ?i I In lu-'rul > FARMER Mirrle.l, competen?, roluble; full rlurs? ? . edent Ills: I ?.. . ? ,. i _ in 't I ' ? ? ' ? - 111 ll test, i ?, ? :.? re. JIO. 1 ? . s. , ? , - I?? ' 7')07. Female. G?n ? ?-? il ?-!'?? or .?-untre, best referen?-?, ..age, M*-$."0 L'?ll at Lan? A < 'A. ? tt ? ? 1 I. AI M'l:i:-.- -?- g youi g ?irl I l referen I . \ ' ?.'. i . ' c?.i i'l.i: s.?i-.-. butler, ?let. wife excellent .?-.ok, ' ? - , s ? . Il M eel 47d at. Phone 7?-'10 B _ _ i m ii K.? ? liundry; ueefut hutier. r-'tti thoroufhl) eiperten-ad; $',> exrellent .-rial Assi,.. 17 _ ? m i'l.i' Ere ? - ? t at s ?nywtt-r?. Mis, >. . I -' . Murray Mill ?77J i ?il l'l.'. Amer!, an.? '? . ei- eilen? reterer.'ej; f-.n ?i-i l on I'll ' ? Bn in? r?)07 II..: REWOHKE.i? NI-?. light pla,? wanted re -?'--? , . lid ref? it .' _ Hol SKKKKFf R. Rel ? .- I ?? p , rer* ? ar.' le. 71. . -, Ai l Weit 424 il I!, i BEWOKKZR llnnltn ?merlon: ttreag: >??T li.f; city or country, eiceiient reference? Leatl'i Ajei.r-r "I E I.',(h <t r, <-,, ',',!?, Harlem. | ? - . Pr teitan? into only, splen dtl refei I " Agency. 1.11 Weit ? im r-r- m use ? 1 ' ? all at t.a-,g A Boe 'herer i ?. ? ?? ? ' ? I. v 10 '?MAI ? . i ? ? h um l im ii ? LA?'?'D? ,-?-. I ' a ,' I.anf a I MAID < .uperl, ,. I ? ? , ? . n ? .- ut piar? I ? Mr. Ma?',.".? Agen-). 1JI West 47d at. Bryiiit _ MOTHER ti I ?*ON ? in?, ta conk '?-per. gardener, llaeful, farcing, h?'. to; till >ar.' r?fer?!?.-e. enr ' M M . s. F. 131 Wei* t. 1 .t I _ v' II-1 . ?lever: - e? ? A. - . -I Ni l???i ,;. ..'?i KR.NE88 German: - ' ???. ?Ity -. In ; -. ! ' ? .?I at Lai.g A II <?? I-.- rer ? > if? ? l , \s ? BUSINESS CARDS. I AP.KH L ? AlU'rT ( -LEANING CO? neun t>? aMd ?Il - ''. ' ? ?B Boor 15J| . .. 1*1 tail 4y.f. .t tul. A BHjlMJT . M? LTIOrUr-H r-e-'M"--. Lei I? ?17- i x , ,,? , |? WKATHEIlliiUl). 1., If? . . i M-.?. roRK rARivr.T hum'-'. morki ... !?.' I <r#-.i M .' .M dam riNL ii?'..- ??--?i-* ra? ? - akiet-? ? le 1 '?r ? irruiir. u. tosa u.'- l.\ a-.?, IMmIN a-icet ?su? a*. ?SEflBCnilGHT ROUTE M.? YORK? \l .11*4 NY ? TKO*? nn.I ii.e NORTH. Dally, in? ludlns Band ? f (npitnl < It! line lier It, N I ' ?' ? mal st .,:'?> I'. M., W 8:00 IV Vf. I.'?'" Tro? fllOO I*. M . Albany s uro V. M. *'?? Il H. N.i?. Sifht BipreM Pial IS, N H. 9.IM) t, m., iv.?' 1.1-1* m . m-on P. m. I..,, , | r .v i ex, e.,? .-..inn., . | tl (Kl I'. M., A It.a n >??'. Iltltall I*. M v ?r. )] ma - -. ? 11 0 m Proplr-? I me I r II, N R ?:?'?? P M?, \v i i ,i si ii::i?i I* M. ? . Albany, Mud |'. M. Par? ?- f*'' one ?4.,. . 'rip. Sun.lav morning boa I '?.: \'e * l.tirmh. K inga ion I il and Al |. m v loa . ?. r r II, s H . StSO A. M . w n- i II , h).?mi A. M. Ltavee Al l.anv. 10:00 A. M. Tel Bprlng l?M .lay ..r nigbl I iirite?! Hiver Me?m?hi|.- in Ihr tti.rlil. Str. "HIGHLANDER" ?a,.?^ \, eek-BJ ? ? -iiii.I.i'?? I Batl Str.MARY POWELL Str NEWBURGH ii^fkll.ll?. Ollly ?"'.llKl-a ? I llnll.l H I.? W 4j. 1 a? ]i M *.? l?aHh St l?i In A M Round Trip, Da i "hUitren. ISA et HollJ . -. : Chll.lren, r.O?-. MrALI.ISTKK HT'B*T CO. Tel Bi A Mur? Powell sfl.'l ( o I ? Spring 4141 FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON $4.0 0 Lv. PIHR 14, N. K.. ft. Fulton St. Dally at i "^ P M M?ate Provldenre Line: .-*-.'?. Lv. 14, .a* K. ft. Fulton Street, utek ?Jaya only. ?00 P. M. New London (Norwich) Line: Lv. Pier 40 N It.. It. H'juaton St., week d_ya only, ?, iD P. M ; Pit 10. i* ?<-. ft- k?- --<- S*? I.1C P If. .Nrw Itnlfrri] Line: St.-* Lv. Pier 40. N. R, ft. lin ?Mi n Street ?reell daya unly. at ?. 90 I' M Worceater, J2.60. Proyldrnc? elrect. JI.S0. ?Uleri.oniM, SI. SUSO - If. Daily, iniluding mitIi? ?i'IO p. m. rroni l-ler I!) L. k. 'Phut,* -.'700 Be__a.\. Illy Ticket Ofll.f. :00 Br"?d?ay. M ? I poten Ti.Kft oiTVe. R-way and :3d 8L _Writ? for llluatrated Knitter. Atlantic Highlands ?c?VFARElOCts AUTOMOBILES CARRIED: Capacity 30 Car?. This Houle f..r An Jersey Coaat Re* rta la?. Dl) ft. Whitehall .Le--. Atlantic Highland?. St S il > ?it!, i :r 11:45 A M , S P M 10 A M . : l m Te: Broad 1"9 or il?! la limitar?* tu 1. iO KEANSBuh^ Le. Uattery Dally 8.30. 9.30. 10.30 am. 1. 2. 4 30. 5 45 <? 4?. I ??) p.m. Sum. add 9. 11 45 am.. 10.31 :? ai [no I . Din Ban ), Trolley? tn ?11 Jeney pta. BLOC h ISLAM). ORIENT, (iKI.KM'iiUT. ?HLl.TKI. ISLAND AM) BAO HARBOR. Str "Shlnnecock" or Mi.ut.iuK Steamboat Ce ? Line iea-.e? N. Y. Fier ft. 34th St.. K. H. Tuea. and Thur?.. 1:10 P 41.. Sat. 1 00 P M_ Bn A 7|| and Iba Baal Coeal of [\M?IL Hlllllia onrj !'.."<? i?"e'?j. LLOYD BRAZILEIRO. 17 State St.. N. Y. City ? D ..- ,...-*--*-tMA^lta**?****- ~^^~ l ^^?i---|tael?V?*??^?*?,''^?*^*" eiiiwaei??? rts^SBwf?sBsVwM 1 ?iwil Up the Hudson By Daylight All Her?i(* Da.Ir K?'?pt ???dir. DI'- * Rl ? : th? Catsklll?, Saratoga, ?r.e ! the Wa-nt ., I All through rill ' ? j anri Alben*? memt pti i * l?fal,r,,.?e? -t - ? . IM Bl ? A M . W lJ'.th H' . i 2 ? A. M . 1 . , I 1.46 A. M . !?n?lmg a burgh. PenaWwep? ?. i -.. ?4U" i kill. Hudson arid .'?. Al ?Ml DmhrnMr? St.. 9 40; W. 4J4 e. ! 10; ?T. lista s? . Il .' - . 14 ia .' ' M., for Bear bsVji ? i -,?, QaJ? '? wall, Xewt.urgh and feooht One Dar <?utln<? M P"'ighk-erjale, sj4#. burgh Hr.l l'oint. Of II. ir Mouotala. Afternoon Boat fnr n-?r Mountaia. IVee*. point. Kew* Ho.j?-hk?-pnl?. King-ton an-l ' 1-avea D? ?t ron--? ' M ; W 4.1 It. t P M . 9 2 :?) p n. Vonkera. 2 477 P. M Dally ?XCept ?9*4** outing? to D?ar M ?unt? n sad T^ Point, returning by Sir "KoBthT Fir. ION." D Hudson-j-p River a y JL i n e Desbrosse? fit. Pi??r le. 4141 :-;,-:r.g. ?( | CUNARD F.stabltsheJ i ? '/ EUROPE via UVERPOOL Orduna,. . Sat. Aug. 21. 10 A. M *Tuscania, . . Fa, Aug. 27, 3 P. M. Saxonia, . . Sat., Sept. 4, 10 A. M *Cameronia,. . Fri., Sept. 10, 5 P. M Orduna, . . Sat., Sept. 18, 10 A M j "Tuscania . . Fri., Sept. ?A, 5 P. M ' Saxonia, . . . Sail.. Oct. 2. 10 AM ; *F\ KOt'TF. TO OLAtGOW. ROUND THE WOAU) TOURS Through lxx.Uii.K-? ??> ill ;,r:i, ,,..i I'orti of the World. ? OMI' \N\ ??? ill I II !.. .'Ill -I \1 I -r NT, FRENCH LINE ( uniting i. le denrrale Tranaatlantlqu? POSTAL SFKWCE Sailings for BORDEAUX LA TOURAINE, - - Aug. 21,3 P.M. ESPAGNE,.Sept. 4, 3 P. M. CHICAGO,.Sept. 11,3 P.M. ROCHAMBEAU, - - Sept. 18, 3 P. M. tui, IM'UKMAII. .. APPLY COMPANY'S OFFICE, ,':','?.;',' ! RED "D" LIME 5TS For Port* f.. ? * PRniDfXFHUi /I LLA * ?< ?" ' * ?super s ' ?'?? hUtWr HLlSs DAUaSTTt O Ctl># ?Genenl Ma.?S :?-_II W?B *?***. CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH Wist J' ' 10 4--; Coo?S I? I. ?'? "'"'*' _ _ RESORTS._ Why Not Try This One-Day Holiday at Briarcliif Codge? GOLF SWIMMING POOL DINNER? Opei \t Dancing en Pergola Wednea? Kaal s . N.w a ..rU Olliir, tOat Muili?. n Atenu?. HOTELASPINWALL Lenox, Mass. Three K"'f courses, aaddla horse?, r?n I.;,-. riii" .!?: Accominodatea S00. Write for circular. \\. Wf. BROWN. Alao (.RANLIDEN HOTEL. Lake Sunap... N.H. ITTATINNXI Delaware Muter ?ap, l'a. ? .r?- Ity Buparto? menial i and -.1. August r..:e, $ir, up, ?.?-:.. H'rlte for booklet a 1 1 ito map. Mot ri..t.> _corded ??_? te:_s _ cil!.-i ? _? CHARI.**,? H. WHITE. Prop. GALEN HALL HOTEL \NI> SANATOKIt.M. MIAMI? < II Y. V ,1 Alwaya open Alwaj s ready Alweya huay. for < ?tnfort or table at:.: aervice An Ideal place for a lonas or Tonic and curative baths with trained opei 1 i'.rs K I. V? .'Ml ('? neral Man .-"-r TM? IfAOING RtSUKi flOTtl Of THE WORID iinarlborouab=_5Icnl3cim ATLANTIC* CITY. N. 9. owNcnexir ?.?.lai.? JOBIAH WHITE _ SONS COMPANY EMPIRE AUTOMOBILE TOURS. N. Y. SMATt. .?. Mi. I Fl ?' N HAIN. -. - ...... n ?, is-nircTioN. KEY. tOKK ?Manhattan. The Barnard School of HOUSEHOLD ARTS ;; " nunuikir-- 1 ? ?'?' -??? ?' Ait. ?! ? 1- t H ?tea? aid 1 . ?lf?r? ? IT. 'la' '?-.?? Mecnratlfe Art. \ I Dramai Art. Mlil Parti Catalog. BARNARD SCHOOL __ BOYS FIEIDSTOI. WEST 2?1H SI. ,BS& t , 1 ;? ' Haodt Park Subwaj , h 11 Irrgarten - fol *??? Boys ma ? nth vt.4 0 Hour Ter.t 1? f.iurta > ' *Jul" ICAH. BARNARD SCHOOLm GIRLS 421,423 W. 148th St. T'i<^ 20th Year Kit .lerjar-. '.? ' |l I'll ?- The ? 10 lc?ep '?'..? BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .,,,.,., A Ft W.i I. Av. Tel. (831 Au*. I'rirt-ir, 177th 9-and Gr? it Un Ci a la*)*) scaoouL LAW SCHOOL BS?, 11?) N ?????? U >TKr.KT Near Federal anil bounty Court?. f'r?.oi?.%ri liri>i<e>. Ltabwa] Heiaea TuanaL Afternoon Claaaea 4:15 to 6.15 Evening Clatae? 7:45 to 9:45 Term bWbm Heat. IS. < \-?K -TOTEM. Tuition Fee. one liun-tted and Tea Doliera. ] Catalogue ?cut on epplKatlun to ftegiatrar. EM I RS.ONS. NIAGARA FALLS OVER LABOR DAY $-1-1 ROUND 1 1 TRIP Lohi^h Valley Kailroad tilacri Utamonu txproo? Koute Oniv through r.? tie o the FtMW. Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Steamer "Albany" Str. "Robert Fulton" ?-eate D M \\. ? i. I 81 P M P. Si. 1 I M at Bear ! '. t'EST TRIP FOR SATURDAY ?FIIH-aOOe. iNSTKliTK'V M H . OKK ? Manhattan. mini h/ >t-iiooi oKi ?a**??1 Xc ' * N..w .it M-M Vir.t Mlk Between fifth A.enu.- aii.l l-'"""1"' . lit im em -? ii""1 ** Bookkeepinf, Shorihin**.. ??*?*?'? tarlal, TypettTttiiif-*. Spani*.a. CKil Service & Stiaotyp** Drpirt-ortl? Day and Eveuin?- tt?ft Ca.l or write lor Cata.otr** I IM S*, ? Lawi ktrt |) \Nt |N|?. ?LOUIS H.CIIAl.ll:r OKVIII \ll. I<? (M?|.%> IM? I bl \? ? t -All t I -< ll'K'l Per.onally teache? teacher?, m daily normal claaae? for interpre? tive, ??mpliried cla.aic. racial and ballroom DANCING .? im m n.t. SCHOOL AI.KV 'ES .men. an and I ?? Qoverneaaea ramillea Appli t.? Un M. J. Y ??* *??**-*?? rULTu.N. :* Luion Snuaie.