Newspaper Page Text
1,000,000 Customers in 181 Cities . ?re served daily in the atores of _M United Cigar Stores Co. of America Thi? ii an impreiiive demon? stration of the far-reaching popu? larity of thi? wonderful inititu tion. If you are looking for your share in the rising tide of pros? perity in thi? country, you will find it by inventing your fund? in the securities of this company, which are sound as to principal and unlimited as to possibilities BAMBERGER, L0EB & CO. 25 Broad St. Phone 5501 Broad High Grade Investments yielding 4>47c to 6^o Circular "T-101" on request IRedmond&t?a 33 Pine St.?New York WTHIMWtULLBUTjmicr Stocks of the Hour Car Lighting & Power International Motors Standard Motors Electric Boat Complete detailed report sent fre?r on request Ask for 43-D. D. JONES & BAKER ?TOOK BHOKKHS 50 Broad Street, New York. Thonr Hrotid fi-.1-.-9. C_l<-_? l"-n_4rl-ah_. Bo.ton Oitert p.i.aia atarea le all m m ?tie. NOTHINGTOSELL BUT SERVICE Penn, Mex. Fuel Co. ?-"titrolled hy SO. PENN. OIL CO. cf the STANDARD OIL GROUP. A producing company NOW ?howlnr large dally ?blpmenta of ell with fut? ure outlook particularly bii?-hr_ ? *"?'<* I'ept T- for particular! Present Price About 60 W. C. COLES & CO. Surceosnr. to Acl t'o>?, hi llr.. .Mi? u? \. , ?rk. Marconi Wireless of America A stocli tii.i* pocx ? herent much aboi i'?? ; Its real Investment merit Is ?r/ri?ater than in now se?era h api ?? Our special CIRCULAR NO. 826 tills mu. h abo it it. This cil liai -i ?-?ves late lnforma tlon regarding Electric Bust Standard Motor Canadian Csr keanecott Copper kell>'Sp*'fd.T!re I oiled Cigar Stores Ltd. a.-id m ? market favorites. Copy tent upon request Harvey A. Willis & Co. (CatahHs?ei l *>oi > Si B'may, V t. Thorn-? 1*7-8-9 Ilroaut. Municipal Bonds 4' 4 Public Utility Bond? TO and Note? 7' ?j Send fur LUt It 4H Bickmore 8. To. 1 III BROADWAY NY. Hopkins.* Allen Arms Co. I*KI I I.KKKP VI?i< h To net 7.60% YiBixWSxVuDbar&CoTemm J'?*>'lc riillty Ommmwrnttm? Specialist? 61) Hall St. I'honr. SSSO Hanor.r. N. T. (KARILKKI) 1164. Union Trust Co. of Ne w York 80 BROADWAY fifth Av * 3 it h St Kifth Av _ ?9th fit Acts as Executor, Guardian. Trustes, itc. Allow? lutata-rat on l>r>io?lt?. DIVIDKM) NOTKKS. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 70th "~p*Hi Board ol Diirctoti bate pirrriirn 1 ?"'?l?"*''i ,t,e nweattar* tooarc rncrcnnai/ ? uu>( at_(lff|. t,t,,aeat ol o?e DIVIDEND ta? uirce qoirtrri 1 \ pel crnt 00 lt.* l'if Im?! Capital 110 ? ol the t ?ampi"*'. r?y?bl? A.agua? ?'it. IMSa to itoc.holdrrt of irtoad at tr.? dnee 01 b?!???? Aurait 17ti, III?. Tiiaifrr braiki will not tea ?kaa??!. K. E. BUUBEE, Tieiimti ornea of t-'etierni Mining anil Smelting to.. II iraadwaj iVe? Y'.rk. Augu?.- IS, IM6 A dividend ?'f on? par ent il", > ?in th< i'r?fcrr?.l ??... k of thi? Company ha? ro ? lay been declared, p?yebU s?.it<.mri?r l'.th. I Sit, Si itockkoldera of rrrord ?t th? cloaa? of toi-ln???. 011 August llrd. r. R. KOKAKEK. Ant. SttrVtary. FINANCIAL RECORD HERE AND ABROAD War Stocks to the Fore ; ?Pool Operations Much in Evidence. There were a number of large ad? vances ?cored in yesterday'? stock mar? ket, but outside of Steel common the Rains of size were practically confined to the group of war specialties. A number of these, including American i'?n, Studebaker, Tressed Steel Car, WaaUaghoaaa Klectnc, (?oodrich and . American Car ?nd Foundry, made nesv high records, either for the yeiir or for their history. The lirst two were most in the juibhc eye, Studebaker because of the professional operations that ad? vanced it 1!0 points above its high point of par on Saturday and ?'an be? cause of its advance aller a week or more of Beaming vacillation and the numerous reports of new wnr orders for the company. Steel was very heav? ily bought. (If the day's total dealings it made up be'ween a seventh and a sixth, the turnover in the whole list falling short of a million shares by about 50,000. At its highest price Steel was within a small fraction of the year's record of 76s*. established in the sharp upturn of a week ago. The market at the close was irregular a? to prices, but the tone was strong. What Mamad to give particular stimulus to the dealings in the war shares was the publication of the text of the note to Austria, in which it was made plain to that country that the 1'nited States could put no embargo on war supplies without violating its neu? trality. There was talk, too, of the United States increasing ?ta supplies of ordnance and ammunition. Hut neither of these influences was really necessary to bring about a continu? ance of that excited speculation in the specialties which was so much in evi? dence last week. Plainly a number of professional interests are at work in the market to make what they can out of the popular craze for the shares of any and every company connected by j fact or rumor with war orders. There was a fair amount of activ? ity in the railroad list, though nearly1 a score of the industrials showed mora dealings than I'nion Pacific, the most ar'.ive of the railroad stocks. The eop ', per issues, too, were generally higher because of the new activity reported in tha metal trade. Copper prices are | about 3 rents a pound lower now than they were at the crest of the, wave a few weeks ago. The latest decline, to around 17'tj cents, is re? ported to have stimulated r ew buying, 1 both from domestic sources and for | export. A further break to new low level? I for sterling and francs in the foreign j exchange market was succeeded by a rally to about the opening level, the; sign? growing more definite that a big | I credit is being arranged with leading, ; bankers here. A number of them were ' i in conference yesterday and it is be- , ' lieved that an announcement is immi- j | nent. In the break sterling checks got i down to 4.64 and franc checks fell to ' 6.02. It is expected that gold imports will be continued from time to time.J . even though a credit is arranged here j for the Allies, but that probably will ? depend to a great degree on the nature of the arrangement. The Bank of Eng? land was reported to have sold 11,800, 000 gold, presumably for shipment to this countrv. AVEBAGB OF THE TRIBUNE'S I.IST OV F1FTFKN RAILS. Align?t 1?!. yeoterday'?. clove. . .10?.025 Aliens? 14 . 107.80? One ?seek ago . 106.700 One nionlh ago.101.27.'. .luis HO, 1914.104.4-5 llii-li for .lol.v.105.850 loss for M|.101.91? Hl?h for .lune.108.217 Low for .June.105.260 HiKh for May.11 l..*?3S Low for May.104.7,20 II it h for April.113.508 Low for April.107.267 II it li for March.108.108 Low for March.102.551 for February.106.758 Low for February.101.192 High for January.108.023 I os? fur January.103.567 lllch, full year, 1914.128.19t Low. full sear. 1914. Hr7.ini9 AVERAGE Ol' THE TBIB1 NI " LUI ?IK TWELVE INIM 'STRIAI B, *,iiK?i?.t l?l. ?e?ter.las '? ? lose ... . 88 604 XtiKii-t 14 . 87.240 One week u?o. 86.4..B One month ac?,.83.302 July 30, 1014.07.427 Mitt, for July.86.000 Low for July.80.218 IIIgh for June .?.*,.?K8 Low for June.78.313 Utah for May.85.050 Low for May.74.479 for April.85.135 Low for April.75.844 High for Murch.75.150 Low for March.70.094 Hull for February.78.829 Low lor February.69.542 lllch for January.75.916 Lot? for January.70.779 ? IIt*I., full year, 1014.81.804 Low, full year, 1914.67.427 SHORT TERM NOTES. Nam? and maturity. BM. Aak. Yield. Am I A T ?ul, U, Apr, 111? ? |_ 3."?? An C"t Oil 4 .-?-.-? ?Yna?-< - I ?'?-. Mi h, 1917.. 100*?? 1*04? 4 . > Ball v ???.lo is?. J'li-, 1911 , -, 4>, Hall .?. Ohio IH?. J ??? - ? - . X ? Kkisn hai. T la, July, 1111 - (,.uo ? 7.4<? Cl le a W Ind .7". Bept, ' ? . ? , 2.0" June IS. I?H '?" . !"? ?? 3 37 Krie Rallroa i :-. Oct, I -11 . 100 | Rallroa i ?a-, Apr, ' ? ? , x m r*rle Rallroa ??..?n I i -? :?-?, . 4? la. Nov. "?? 10 . Int llar\e? be, Ket, 15. 1911 ? , . > Lake S et M .s be, .-? . , MO laake s f. M s Sa, Dec, IMS.. 1004t IM . Saw N Y Cent '-. Bepl U, III . I ? ? \ ?, mi ' '.(..!?. r, m . , : o. N V Nil A H la. Mav. Ml?.. 10? si II0U 4 *S )>tin R lint St,?. (? t. Il ? tb, ins., noel ? v ? . i I United ru?? la. May. ?17.. 10"% IIS?4 4.-04 Foreign (.?ivernment Issues. Arrentin? 6? De* H? Ml.. M l"i . Arxaniln? e*. 1 * II. MU I0OB 100% 6.0.? ?-.; IBM" 1.1 \r I :r>e I?, Ma? ''anadian gvt {?s. AUB, l" H ? . 4.10 1 ? :, i? . . .;?">:.iii '??. January. 1111.. tl M Bwitsertand - '? -, March, 1911. "-'?'? 17% I ? Swiuerlai I la. Mai - . Norwa- 1 - ? . .1.1 ? -, 1.1. ? ? ? , ".H - m RAILROAD EQl II'MENT BONDS. ? '. <ti a peri-entage baal* ) Ma- Kate. tin it?'. P. C, Md. Ask. ? LIBO.. I?14-'*J 4-4',.. 4 ? re A- ? ?hlo ? ? ? ? . a 1.40 .,-?-? -4 ? x a -.?i 4.77, n.. Clin A Ohio. ? ? ? l*he?ari?ak? a ' ?I "' ?>?"< '71 4',.... 4 ?n .H'M-':* 4't ... 4 ? Hi 1 ,?. L.oulavilla.1114-' 71 ? ?I le. IIU i < -? LA New "t . 1 |t S XX ,ilr<,.i,l ..1*14-'2I 4*4.-6.. S.10 4.1 . ?' 4 4 - ? a . . ? Noulavlllc I Kaahvllla?IN4a.'a F?. ? Kan a Tex..ll'I4-'73 I. ? I n y Central i Ine? ...IMI-'?l 4'v">. 1.00 II Norfolk ft Wi .? 1?-. 4 ' ? K T N H I Hirtl lenn 0?Mr?1 I r. ?!:t.l'<14 7* 4-4'-? I SI I . If.ii III .-. ? ' ?I.? Seabnar' Alr l.lne .. .1914- "3 I. ...LIO 4.75. southern Railway ... .MM ' ' ? southern I . ' . IBM ? ? ? . Ylrgin.a-i liallssay ....l?ll-l? 6. t.uii 4-7?| NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY. Al'Gl'ST Ifi. 1915. Totsl ?alei of ?locks Monday. 960.700, against .111.900 Salnrday. 692,900 week ago; Slock Kiihange closed a >?.ir ajfo. From January I lo date, S.'i.tO.'i.-fiOO, against 4ri.ISS.100 a year ago. ??ivTi rate Alaska Gold Mints.. Allis-Chalmers . Mlis ? halmer? pr..., Am. A_r. chemical. Am, Beet Sugar. Am. ( mi . Am. i un pr. Sharon? Quotation Rani:?' ! Sat I sold. Open. Mich Low, Final.l chge. I Fid. 8 Am. Car & Foundry. . . Am. (onl Products. 7 ?Am. Coal Products pr. ? Am. Citton Oil. ? Am. Hule ? Leather.. Am, Ici? Securities_ ?? ?Am. Linseed . ? 'Am. Linseed pr. ? Am. Locomotive . 4 Am. Smelting . 7 Am. Smelting pr. Am. Steel Foundry... 7 Am. Sujjnr _1,?00 2,400 ?JO? I 13,60(1 84,900 t'.l 800 10?! % 82,600 70-V_ im. 140 io i in 8,400 (I H 100 1,800 200 100 20,70?) 8,100 h 73 57% 7*. 24 i 11% 29% 88 HO I lo'i ' . lin, 60 H lio 11? 81% 7'. 24 11% 29% .*.:. 80 .WS il 78 87 ?il 63% lo7 72% I 10 il.'. ? 1% . 8% 8 88 ffi il 72% 88 81 68% 106 72% Ask. 83% 41'* 73*4 ..7 61% ?;:;lt 107 72% 7% 25 S 11% 29% + 1 + % 4 2% 57% t >% M% 80 106 4 140% 142% 116 117*3 81% 62 7% 28% 11% 2? Vil 84% 7.",% r.7 . ..i 64% 107', 7.*. 140 116 ? . 7% 26% 11% 88 81% 126 106% 106% 106% 7.:'.'?' M la 47% I I a 800 1 |0V lio . 10!? , 110*5 5 Am. Tel. A Cable. 2.100 122% 123% 122% 12 . ? > 123% 123% 20 Am. Tohnrco . 100 227 227 227 227 , 1 226 230 8,400 S7% 88 .V'7- -T7- ? 1% 37% 650 93% 88% 92% 98 700 B% .'*-?? 8 Anacon.ia ........1 4,700 66% 69 66% i 6 Atchison . 1,600 103 108% 102% 103 (? 6 Atlantic Const Lins_ 200 102% 102% 102% 102% - Baldwin Locomotive. ..149,100 80% 82% B0% Bl 7 Haldwin Locomotive pr 200 105% 106% 106% 10 .r. Baltllmore A Ohio.| 2,000 82% S2:, 82% 200 707, I 7% 28% 12 81 87% , 80% 80% : ', 106 106% a 8% 48% 44 . i 109 -, 110% Am. Woolen 7 Am, Woolen pr. Am. Writing Paper pr. ?1 Baltimore & Ohio pr...! - Bethlehem Steel.! 6 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Booth Fisheries. 7 Booth Fisheries 2d pr.. 7 Brown Shoe C<*. .10 Butte ? Superior. Cal. Petroleum. 10 Canadian I'ncific. 3 Central Leather. 7 Central Leather pr. Chesapeake & Ohio.... ? 'hi ca?o & Alton. Chi, ('rent Western.... ? iChi. Great Western pr. 4 Chi., Mil. _ St Faul... 7 Chi. & North Western..! Chi, R. I. A Pacific 60 Chino Con. Copper. Colo. Fuel 4 Iron. . 6 ?Consolidated Gas... Continental Can.... Corn Products Corn Products pr 27,400 S00 100 *i0 8,900 10.) So 40 80 27 -;i't IST. 2,300 162% 1,800 ?.:* 100 108 46% 16 12% 31% 82% 70:. 204 88 40% Kl 27% 65% 17 164 - 43% 105 46% 16% 12% 81% 83% Crucible Steel.? 19,i'0o *;4 900 400 600 400 1,400 200 126'? 126 4,60o 16% 18 4,700 44% 87,1. 41 600 IL'7 6,200 on*. 2,1300 16% ??Un 82% 46 ?11! 70% 2'.'0 84% 40 SO 27 68% 16% i 48 105 ' 'o1? ir> 12V? 81 . 126% 126% 16% is 41'i 46 41 ' 44 70% 200 84% 40%| 80 ' 38 92 i 88 1 9 10 1% 68 , ??.. 102 ;a 108 I* 102% 108 :, Ml % 104 % 82% % 70% - I 288 '.'. *_ 65% 16% 154 ? 106 16% 12% 81% 83 % ? % 4- % . 1% ? % ? M ? i ? ', ? M + l V % ? M + 1% + i . a 81% 106 83 71'i 2.-!' 84% 43% 80% ' 30% , 68% ! 17 154% I 48% 106 18% ! 19 : i2% i 81% 83% : 12S 17% 18 44% 45 * 44 | 84% 42 79% 26 88% 16 164 4'* 1 04 % 46 16 12% ?!0', 83 126 127% 126% 126% 1% 126% 127 90% : 16 16% 82 I 82 "4 + 1V 90 16 SO ,-4 Crucible Steel - Cuban-Am. Sugar.| 1.400 112 Delaware & Hudson... Denver & Rio (irande. Detroit Edison. Distilling Securities_| 2,900 I'nme Mines. Lui , S. S. & At. pr Krie - - Krie 1st pr.[ 2,600 Frie 2d pr. 6 .General Chemical 8 General Elertr-c General Motors .? 1,70?) 7 ?".?'lierai Motors pr Goodnch, B. F_ 7 Goodrich, B. F., pr 7 Gt Northern pr % Gt. North. Ore subs. 16 Guggenheim Expl... ? Illinois Central Int. Apricul. .. Int. Agrienl. pr Inspiration Copper Inter.-Con. 6 Inter.-Con. pr. Inter.-Metropolitan Inter-Metropolitan pr..1 5 Inter. Haiv. of N. J Inter. Paper ., 2 Inter. Paper pr Kansas City Southern. Lackawanna Steel.! 1,000 10 Lehigh Valley. 7 Loose Wiles Bis. 1st pr 5 Louisville _ Nashville. 7 Manhattan El. Maxwell Motor . 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr.. Maxwell Motor 2d pr. . 7 Ma;, Dept Store Mexican Petroleum CO Miami Con. Copper, Minn. .<? St Louis Minn. _ St Louis pr Mo., Kan. & Texas Missouri Pacific.. 2 Montana Power... 7 Montana Power pr ? 'National Cloak ?- Suit. National En. &. Stp. ,. . 7 National En. & Stp. pr. 3 National Lead . Nat. R. R. of M. 2d pr. 30 Nevada Con. Copper... >'? New York Air Brake... 6 New York Central N. Y., N. H. i II. N. Y.. Ont. <*".- Western 6 Norfolk ?? Western... E North American. 7 Northern Pacifie. Paeifle Mail. 6 Pennsylvania R. R 6 Philadelphia Co.. P., C, c. & st. L. i* ?? I urgh Coal.; 7,400 ttsburgh Coal pr.' 1,900 Pitts. Steel pr, ex div.. 100 ? 'Pressed Steel c!:r.' 2".,100 5 Pullman Palare Car_ 1,400'162 Railway- Steel Spring.. 1,800 39 15 Ray Con. Copper. ?Ofl 22% R Readintr .' 7,100 1 IT1, Rep. Iron <v Steel. 25,200 44 Rep. Iron ?t Steel pr... 200 98% ? Rock Island.! 100 % \ ? Rock Island pr.I 100 % ? Rumely .; I1.T00 11% 11% Kumelv pr.I 2,100 14' Seahoard Air Line.! 200 U% ??", Seaboard Air Line pr 83% 7 Sears Roebuck.' 2,100 155% 159 Sloss-Sheff. Steel & I. 7 Sloss-Sheff. S. <!t I. pr. 6 Southern Pacific . Southern Railway .... Southern Railway pr.. Standard Milling Mudehaker .! 86,800 102% 120 Studebaker pr. 300 105 106% 105 Tennessee Copper.| 22,*. Texas A- Pacific. Texas Company. Third Avenue R. R. Tobacco Product? pr Twin City R. T. I'nion Rapr A- Paper. I'nion Bar & Paper pr I'nion Pacific . 10,8 4 'T'nion Pacifie pr. 4 United Cigar Mfg. I'nite.l Ry. Invest... . United Ry. Invest, pr. U. S. Cast Iron P. i F U. S. Ind. Alcohol.! U. S Red. <v Ref.I ?i U. S. Rubber .' 1,100 U. S. Steel .116 7 U. S. Steel pr. 600 112% 113 40 Ctah Copper.' 8,100 65% 67 Vi. -Car. Chemical. ? " R Va.-Car. Chemical pr.. . 110 101% LU Virginia Iron, C. * C.. 8,400 f*2 63 6 Wells-FsrgO Express...' 200 107'r 107% 107% 107% Western l'nion Tel.... 1,400 71 ?r. 71% 71% 71 , | 41 73% 131 - . si 44% - 19 + ' 73% - H"7? 113 : % 112% 113 . ? ?. ' 101%! 10'> ??o'-.. .,1*3 4. 1*...' 61 r,'_> 7- Le no 71% 71 **? Wcstinsrhouse Mfg.111. Il ; : - Il - * 117% 117% Woolworth . i ' i 106" ? Il ' l 105*% 106% Wheel iv L. E. 2d pr...1 200 H ' - % ?' % \ Willvs-Overlnnd . IRJ -' 4% 181 184 MOMEY AND EXCHANGE. PKPEBAl UVF T.lscotNT SATS I ? pirer mattitl't li ten da>? or le..?, I per to ninety day?. 4 pe ( 41.1. MONET ? r-e-el ?' IS per rent! Mt*ie?t. 7 P?r eam\ . i''r ?*** ? estarnas, ': i ' TUII MiiN?.V ?ta? ?tenis- Raies .V*.1, "*ei renl for ill ' ? '- ' ' ' ' f.,i ri?- - ' MKBCANTUJ I'AI'KIl wa? oui?? Knut rata?, .. r renl fot beat t.ame, bank ?. . ? v si-,im; in?! si nUNBACTTIOXfl ?Ki j . ..--$.s .?i ?14 T* - ih? ?m tarnt , f Hl? i ? BI*B TBJSABTBT nest T??rk hinlo gained '? : ? ? I ni'iiiAt. iiisirivr pibtount lUTKa n sr WHKRI ' . .per 4S ,..??.. I. U| , ? , , ,.,?,, ts\t\ met rent; W .ent' Mlnnea VS. 4 ? ? . ...... ta Piead iji teu dir? 1 per ?. . ? ' r thirty I.OMKSTIC E""C*I ? ' | r rar: San 1 ? ' -I" dl?. e,titit bid, BANK ?TLEAKIX? 'lia ., , : ? ? ? , ? ... < ! mee? IL HL41 -n \ i Ka ?at ' 1 I'd New i ?- il loi *ai 47,. i de i- ' . Mail an ?: ? i ? POBEION I \' HAXG? T?. aurlM let ?ter'lnt - wa? a tal- r. ? Il . . ?< ? . 1 ? ? a a ?| ' a.-r?'. ?lit? da??. 4 ? 1 DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Rerord I Term Rate. Ta- - .??an Oil ' '?' ' ?' ? ? I ,*'?- i - LA. 1' <-! 1'. . t***. 1 A k .,| CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS War Stocks Strong on Outside Dealings Canadian Car and Foundry Heavy. The curb market yesterday exhibited an irrej-ular tone, though the ruling; tendency was toward higher level?. Trading in the war stock? wa? on a fair ?cale at generally stronger price?. Electric Roat, old, opened weak, but at the close disclosed advance? of 2 pointa on the common and 8 on the preferred, while the new, when issued, mad? a fractional gain. Canadian Car & Foundry, common and preferred, each lost 3 pointa, and Lake Torpedo Boat 1% points. International Mercantile Marine issue? were strong, and Inter; nation?vl M.otorn, common, improved 1,4 and the preferred the point?. Denim*-? in the oil shares became more active at higher prices. Advances of 6 points each were made by Con? tinental OIL and Prairie Oil and Orb and Ohio Oil went up 2. Wabash stocks svere firmer. Among the mining group, Kennccott ?opper maile an advance of over ,ri points. International Mercan? tile Marine new 6a lost a point. INDUSTRIALS. ?I,a*,., open High. I/st?. IaHt. *-?l AHUn.-e Film.. "i '* "? ? UOAin V.l-fc . M &:% "S t-i UN 'I'm <'ar A T..IVA 117 110 ?.'.M? ?do pra-f .177 1-4 1-1 IM 1 S70 Can N Ha? r-0r l% 2 l7<j Ml ,1.-00 ??'?nada Hteel.. 33% 33% 31 31 ?dai U ?v r??w i'\ i" '"-? l? ? '?<? HI? .. 17:, 17Ti 1-'*? '7'? ?00 ?Cramp BaipMg '?'? ""'- '? 300 Kleciii.- Boat...4M 447 IX, 447 da pr?t .4*7 44? ? 4*7 4i< 10. ?mo ??l?i ii-w m !.. ?KM, 44\ 4"'st 44'-, ?Hall Signal ... I'-'? l'.'t U 9 ./v. ?ll?ii.?t?.n OJ1... l-"\ M 13\ M : M8 ?Int Mer Mar.. VA 7'? 1 ? 1 a ?do pref . 7'? 7>4j 71-? ?'? M ?do new w I.. 4'7 43 47 43 ? la i?ief . nu 6iy? ?v. : N Mnt Motor?. t*% 21 -''** S* I ??lo pr?-f . .'0 M 60 62 4M ?tint Nickel ..174 177, 177% 17.1 l.t-riO ?Int Petroleum '.."4 9'?j Mi ?% 1 ...? ?Int St i'ump.. K I'll ''*? j.bif. K?th Bretu? \>t "v? ?'a 3% 3*> li Kelly .-Tg Tire l?a* IM 1S3 1? 2.r.(T? ?Iaak? Torp I? 17 17*4 14 If,**, 6.000 Marconi of Am 4% 'N 4% '"? 1 -' N I Tr?n?port. It-tt \;\ l?,% 17ii 400 Corp or R Si H. ?'.', i% *% <?? b;A ?S*tan?1 Motor?.. 17?-, 1-?? 1-*?* IMi f,no ?S' .lotteph I.ea,| 11% 11*. H'? l'1 2 IM Trlni'.gle F ctfa I ' * Ml "?% ??f ?' S of Am.. 104 114 104 1*4 I'm.M- cigar St new in% 10% 10** 10S 4 hi r Profit Shar... 7% *l? -S -H KfW"? ?V.-titiir? (on ?> 17% 12% 17% 1-'% KO ?World Film ... 3% 3% 3% 3% STANDARD OIL Sl'BSIDlARIKS. Itlaatfc net ... ? 605 BB 13 im. keye I' ta... ? K" itlnental Oll. - MI 9S 9S berl'd P I.- - 9) M It P 1.. - MI -'0 747 70 OaJena Stg OU. -- MI IM M lillnola P ta..... - 1? H* I'? ll" Indiana P I. - Hl IM IM 10.? National Tran?. ? 34 34 34 B N Y Transit.... ? Bl "12 215 IM ulilo (?ll . ? IM 14" 17') 137 Pi-rce ?dl. - lili '-'-> '-''i St prallt? (i A O.. - 3*?" 3"?i 40 Prairie I* I. - Hl IT? 1*0 17 Beutk I'-nn Oil. ? 340 337. 335 yi Stand O of f?l. ? 75 Stand O of Ind. -- 447, 443 443 7*" fttand O of N J ? 41" 41* 41? II! S-ani O of N Y - l"-i IM IN ? : nl,,ii Tank I... - t>3 ?1 81 RAILROADS. 1 6*0 ?Wahasri w I... UM 11% 11% US ? .? ? :,. p et (a x -, ?mi UK 41*4 1 -. ?do ! ft lb)... 77% tt% 77% 77 MINING. -0? ?Alaska .Tunean 17 12 11% 11% 4 <"i ? ?till Ion Mining.' Me Ml ? 4 1,71! ?Alu-Coo Bin M M H M ? ' \- -, lilt,.,I, 1. Il? 111- I-?' 13a1 3 700 ? \t!?ii',i . 31?- Me 30c SI1* ?II? Cott'WOOd. Kc le 6o IC .. Big Ledga Dar. ,'S 7,V ?% 2T? 7.H?...'.h . 4".o 47c ?Be 47c 700 Braden Coppm 7% 7% 7% 7% 4 ? ? Caledonian . M 100 S* 100 -? Omet Aril Smelt % % % % tab, r*i ft 1*1 tV ?Emma Copper Me Me 71e l*? , I'.tire. 47- 47,- Me 4?ic ? l?nefe? ?,,,p... ne Me Me 2%' 100 ? i< 1 Ifl. id r-on . 1% i1-? 11? 11? ? I Merg.. 71" tSc He 1<?> Howe S.?und ... *"? 3% 1% tas * ?Mir* Kxt . 1% lrV 1% 1% Kennecott rop . M% 41% 3?i% 41'? ?Ktwtau . 17c 12c lie Ile 1,004 lame S-ar . ir 6c 6c 5c I*?. Magma Copper 1?,', 13?, 13% 13'sj ?? M Intvre . 4" 41 41 41 IM M< K ??arr . 23c :3c 23e 23c ? ?Mother I-ode... M! Md 7'7".c 29c tl.MO ?Re? con Min.. M Me Me Ml ?.ivm ?silver Pick ... ?- Se le ?c ? and Bllvar-L.. ItV 1% "?"? 1% 3 v?, Stewart . 1% 1% 1% '?"? 12.000 ?Succeaa Min... 1 1 1-32 Me l"c IM Suporatltlon M.. ?4c ?Me 3%c :4c r-o To nop? h Kxt .. VA 2% 2% 2% 14% Tonopah Min ., F,'? 6', M 5% Ml "Waaateh . u? 1% h* 1% IMWmi Und ''on Me Me fti.- *:c 4 ??; ?B K ?-.,;. ,f... :\ 2\ :% :% BONDS. *-;.-*0 ?I M M n??? M 74 74 7:1, 72% ??.-,.0*0 Kenn Cap A*.. UMi 1-4% i:3% 124 ?Unltatad. tB? ?ilvi.i?r.d. INACTIVE YESTERDAY. IN DISTRIALS. Bid A?k Rld. A?k. P-A Toh ord 14', Il , M Prof Shar. 7% g ?Ont F'- Pl I '-I ?r.r.-ne Mfg 13% 13% Km-:- Ph.?no 11% 14?, Bavoy "11.... M, ?Hende? Mf 3: 33 Si.-tling ?lum :% 2% ?ISPump pf. U 17 WasTd 040 :V| 2% RAILROADS. ?Mo P w 1 . 19% 20 ?M P w 1 pf 33 40 MINING. Or-Cnnanea 39% 40 New f Blng *% 1 ? Iron Mio? .70 73 Mplealng M . 5% ?% Kerr I-ak?s . 3'j 3% Trl-Hulllon... ,?, % M. 60c 60<- 1 uol'miie ?op ,', |* RON lis. ?Calaveraa ??.190 ?10 I ?l'nllsted. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bid und asked prices for stocks which are listed but which were not dealt in on the Stack Exchange Monday: I 4<ked.| Il d AlkH. Hip 1" 1 10 I. A M Too ;:?i J23 aW< ?4* ? -, I ' '- ?Il de pref 1II 12? ""611HS r\ ,-, ?,,, i?7 1.,, f itiaa i Im 'a - la W h.~ mi i?4 11 s Co Pr p' 11- II7M 1/ rlllard I' 173 |?.? Mu la) c?w . ;i,\ n 4'- KipraU IM M?.li?t lleleh : g S-,. II ' I. pf X\ ?A Ma, LXp >' -7 4" Am Mlle .. - lillir *.>.-M 11? |M > Prd - ? ;:?? ... l'? Ai- *"i i'f 1? vt ?n? Mor 4 lame*, ui m ? - 14? r: ?.?.?h ? 1 ?.?!?? u ? Il ?i- peat 1 IM n?' Hm.-.ut., il? i.-ji * T.. i!J 70 i ?lo pref m 1.4 .4, w -.i pf . '.?: ?... \?i 1 . a s 1 <.-, ir,? s 5%| MlK.?f M 1 pf H 4 " ?' X C 4ML lili M Batnpl a. Min 1'? l*aj da !?? ?ni 71 - - ? r - - ? a N ' Am :. 7. I. I A T. Butter!, k (?> 7< N I da prrt ? -., 1 -la A I 10 I'M.a Co . :;i_ 7-V : . . a -? I. . * ?A 8 i , '.n s 1 ' Pet? M . d?. pr ... r?l n, r, \\ , , , , , . , Hu 1 .s ?-?? pl IM 17? do pr?t ? B P M a OU3 1 Car.. 1 ' ? ? *. - I ? 4? . do pref ?'let- A ? - ?or N J i?! ' ?r,; ' , ' ar Ml m J ? ' - v. ?? - ? ?!'!, 37 ,? l.exl I-- pf MU ?? 1 M pref. ?I 4. ? - -t Carpet 4 , 1 a Bua i?r 1?S4S 11 ].,.<.? Co pl B Mil |? | 1 pr?t I 11 '-a i Si L Sweat .. ... 14 pref A B 4 " 4 ? Baan Ui.a pf 1:4 1 ?\ ' ? I ' " .s ! 4 . P M A 1 ' -- i? r ri sitir 7 I>>- A Mark 70 ? ; de pr?f .4 ./v,. 1 11 . ? 1 pr?t ri? ' Te. A I' I, T I0*U _ K-l MAS 7,1 *3 T . St |. A N '? ? ? n pf 111% I le pref ^ 5 0 W H. - ? I .. . ; i-^. 117 1:0 de pr?f ^'i M 1? I . H A I- t' - ? al_ ' 63% 1 ' -a.' 4 -, MU AP ? I ?' Sfl ; -f ..l"(i?? t Hr ."-. ? . ? I? lit |1 ' ? ? 117 1 - * . - 1 II v: 1 I? 117 Ils ? - . .. Int H ?Ton ? . k A Imp: M II? 1 - Bad A k '-, I 1 ?;-r , , '. . |... |*~ ? peef ? 4,. 1 '?a I I Bakt _ la 15 l-f V ?? K. im M pf u w.: , t., r, ?ja,?- ...^ K. City 80 .-:, .-s. Mea) m t ,,. , '. . A* pref . . ..,._.-_. ?v,7, K?o A P M ? ?A.,,: a I y ? 4 - ' ' II' pref' "?. BIG WAR PAYMENT NEAR IN LONDON Fifteen Per Cent Instalment Now Due- Stock Dealings Are a Moderate. London, Aug. 1?. The money mar? ket was busy to-day preparing for the payment of the 15 per cent call on the war loan to-morrow. Discount rates were firmer on the decline in Ameri? can exchange. The latter was the chief topic of conrersation, and the opinion i? general that tha authorities must take action shortly to relieve the situation. Business was moderate on the Stock Exchnnge. The war loan changed hands freely. Canadian Car msde a fresh spurt and oil shares were firm, especially Russian. American securities opened dull and easier, but closed steadier after the execution of a few small buying or? ders. The Bank of England to-day boug-ht ?250.000 in foreign coin and sold i'l.Hoo.oOO in gold, presumably for America. Money loaned at from 3 to 4 per cent. Discount rates for short hills. 4% per cent; three months' bills, 5 per cent. Gold premium at Lisbon was 49. LONDON CLOSING PRICES. Laondon r lOh''. Aug. 1*. Consols money.... 66 Atrilla?. . lus Ball A OMO. ?? B ' ?na.llan Paciflo. It* <lie?a A ?Hilo. IS chic ?*.t Weat. ... i **?* fill.- M A II I'.-- S*"tf l'??n\er . ?> Erie. Ml Erie, lr-t pr. m\% Illlnol? (.'entrai . M tatMlla A Nan*..... 111*4 Mo Kan A Tex... UV? N V ?'?titrai. (Hi Norfolk A Went.. 113 Ontario A W?tk\, "I1*, lvtiti.v?vanla .... f>7 lt?a<llnr . 79 Boiithern Ry. IT Solthem Faoltlc. 94V4 t'nlon Paclflr. -.3^*?. t.* S Bteel. ;? n. y. r?l nva 1-tit. Am. 14. Crinf,?. i:.'.v4 l-'a li\ MS ?*'\ "-'\ a$a Hi ? . m 107 HSV, 1? ?S 129 <aj 10'."?, 12*4 :th 13'? II tVHaj : '"a Mtt 10*. 118 1H ?;.*. 131 um 'a -% ~ % -*4 - S + !*? ? "a *. L. r, -Vl "? ?H + H PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. Bid Am I. A TV.?_ <lo pr?f.,..10S Adlron I P 14 do pref_EO ?Am (i A E.105 ?do pref... 4? Am I" A Iat. 6? do pref_ TS Am P Util,. 30 do pref_6* Am W A F. ? do part pf IS do Nt pf. f>3 Cltios Son do pr?f.. Pol Intar do pref.. C PR* la. 51 do pref_7S DOS P A L. 30 do pref_IS r> oui K la. M'j ri n i n rf ??o ? bd .<? I i.r N Kmp i> K 5? :; do rr**f_60 ?1'ar value $",0. Aalt. I tan no i 7*4 19 :.l'4 1? 90 II K m , M . N , N Bid. F**d I.t A Tr. IS do pr?t. M G?? A ? IM N do pr?f.. .. ?50 Un O A B.. 10 N U I? A Y. 10 do pref. 47 Nor 8t?tea 1' tS do pref. 14 Ozark 1? A W 15 l'a. '. A E.. 43', do pref. 14 R*p Ry A I.t ? do prefT_ ? S ?al I*.|!?on 70 do pref. 92H ?Stand (' A E 4**. ?do pref.... 21 T l'y I-t A P * do pref. 21 l"n I.t A Ry? 37 do 1st pref. K7 do id pref. ?S Itah Se.tir... 12 Went l'ower. 14 do pref. 47 Ank. Il 6'J 75 70 20 11 ma NEW YORK CITY BONDS. Bid. ... 111*4 ... 10.', ... 10-v ... 101% ... 100% ... MV ... Hrl\ ... M ? ... H4 H Matrirlty. **'?.?. June, ir?*.*. . ??? Sept., ISU. ?Se. Bai ?.. 1SM. ?S?, Sept . 1917. ?4'.,?. Mav-Nov. 19'.7.. ?4Vft? March Ht%t MayNo ?4'??? Mar. h. IM4. ?4'a?. Sept. 19?i0. ?4V March, IS? .... M1,.?, M..r?-h. 1M0-'IS... ?4s. M.iv-N.u'.. 1"'.:-,.*,?.'.'J. 94V ?Ira. Nov.. 11".-''.''. ?M ?4s. Nov.. 193?. ?v ?. Noir., 1964?'H. ? u tttta, Mar, r.-.!. ?.-, ._ sr. lt_0-'4*.. 4 35 1917-19. 4 ''. 191?.. 3 171 ?Inter-hinteible. reflstered or coupon t tRfgHtered A?k 101T* '. 104 101 "4 1 94 V 9l?-j !?? ??%?. IVi?, TO THE HOLDERS OF CONSOLIDATED INDIANA COAL COMPANY First Mortgage Thirty-Year ?Sinking Fond Five Per Cent, Gold Bond?. Th? undersigned Committee, which now | control? a substantial majority of th? out I atandlng bond? above described, hereby i five? notice that the time for th? deposit ? of ?uch bond? with THE NEW YORK 1 TRIST COMPANY, 26 Broad Street, New 1 York, the Depositary named In the Atjree ! m-nt dialed June l?t, 191a, ha? been ex | tended to SEPTEMBER 1ST. 1?15; after that bond? will be received only upon ?uch I term? as the Commit!?? may pre?crlb?. Copies of the Deposit Agreement will b? furnished ?n application to th? Depositary. M?.Kl IM I it >. BLXKNER, Chairman. Vice-President, The New York Tru?t Company. DAVID T. DAVIS, EDWARD R. TINKER, JR., Vlce-Pr.-sldent Chase National Bank. HERBERT W MORSE, Secretary. ??i Broad Street.. New York, N. T. STETSON. JENNINGS A RUSSELL, Coun sel. II Broad Street. New York. N Y. | THE NEW rOBB TKIST COMPANY, Depositary. 26 Broad Street. New York. N. Y. May Fight Anthracite Decision Presidents of the anthracite railroads may hold a meeting at the offices of the Trunk Line Association the latter part of this week to consider statis? ticians' figures on estimated amounts of the reduction in rates ordered last week by the Interstate Commerce Commission. It was stated from Phil? adelphia yesterday that the companies affected will contest in the courts th?; 1 Commission's ruling. The preparation of the case will involve issues entirely ' apart from the question of rates. BOM) SALES O.V THE STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1915. Trading in bonds on the New York Stock Exchange Monday amounted to $.1,601,000, against $1,291,000 Saturday, $2,924,000 a week ago and Stock Eichange rinsed a year ago. Total from January 1 to date $4S2,257,000, against $424,665, 000 in 1914. GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL. Sales in . . _ ??1000. IIich. Low. Close 1 I Jap 1st ser 44s 76 76 7*5 10 do 2d sor 4-1.1 German stamped. 704 70*. 70V 1 Rep of Cuba5s'04.97 07 97 1 NYC 44s7>7 May.102 102 102 2 do 44s '57 Nov. 1014 1014 1014 I do 44s '68 rcpt.1014 101% 101 Ti 5 do 44s 1964.... 984 98 4 98 Vi STATE. INT Canal 44s..1094 1094 109M j RAILWAY AND MISCELLANEOUS. I 20 Am Sm 4 Ref 5s.l06 10* 106 llAni T 4 T col 4s. 884 884 88V? 1 do cvt 4s . 97 97 97 85 do cvt 4 4s.1024 102 1024 4 Am Writ Pap 5s. 60 60 60 '-'Armour r e 44?. 91% 914 914 84A T 4 S F gn 4s. 924 91 4 914 17 do adj 4s stpd.. 824 824 824 6 do cvt 5s 1917..1014 1014 1014 8 do cvt 4s I0M..106 1024 1024 1 do cvt 4s 1060.. 108% 1081, 103-Jri 2 A ?* L 1st com 4s 88 4 M 88 19 H i 0 pr li 34s. 904 894 90 I do gold 4s. 86% 66% ?W% 5 do cvt 4 4s.87 4 87 874 54 Reth St ref 5s... Uli 4 1014 1014 1 Bkn Cjr Rv 1st 6S.100V? 100% 100% 2.*, BUT notes'l8.100 ion 100 1 Bkn l'n El 1st 5s N 09 99 2Cen I.eath gn 5s.. 100 ?.'?4 100 68Cen I'hc 1st 4s... H54 86% 85% 1 CRB of N.J.'m rof.lll 111 111 lOChes _ ?i gn 44s 714 734 734 34 C Hit* R-n 4s. . 90 4 ;??i M I ?1?. 4s 111 div_ M 93 03 82 do joint 4s. 06% 964 964 4Chi4E 111 con 6fc \*;i 01 9.'. IChi 4 Erie 1st 5s.1034 1034 1034 ICMftStP rn 44s. 974 974 974 1 do cvt 4 4s _ 86% 85% 06% ?2 do deb 4s 1934.. 86% 86% 06% 10 ?I?. 5s ser R.103 102% ' I do 6s S*PW div.1024 102% 1 Chi Rv Co ?s_ 06 9.'> 25 CRIAPRy dob 6a. 44% 44 414 8 do ref 4s . 63 63 63 In Chile Copper 7s..114 1134 114 1 CCCvStL un 4s.. 72 72 71* 1 ('lev _ Mat 14s. 07% 074 974 4 Cuba-Am Sun ?is..100 100 ion 2<? I? 4 R G con 4s.. 71 71 71 7 Distil Sec Cor 5s. 66 654 66 34 Kul S S & A 5s..1004 100% 100% 11 Erie cvt 4s ser A. 61% 61 ?'.1 4 do cvt 4s ser B. 09 68% 69 2 Con Klec db 5s.. 103 103 103 1 do 34? . 75 75 75 9 Great Nor 44s.. 06% 06% 964 1 Hud 4 M rig 4s. 70 70 70 7 do inc 5s . 25 26 26 2." Ill On 4s 1953. . 80% 80% - , 10 111 St ?sieh 5s.1004 1004 1004 6 InsConCop 6s '19.134 1324 134 16 do 1922 .131 132 131 12 Intern-Met 4%t?. 714 :\\ :i'H 75lnt M M col 44s. 68 674 674 114 do ctfs . 684 674 ''.74 36 Inter Nav 5s. 60% ?'.04 604 5 Int Paper cvt 5s.. 79 78 79 14Int St Pump 5s.. t'.:.4 66 6.=, 10 do ctfs . ?5 634 634 JK C So 1st 3s.... 67% 67% 674 8 do 5s . sx 4 86 86 49 Lack St Is 1950.. 784 78 TH 1 I.S4MS dh 4s 18. 01% 01% 01% 7 do ?jh 4s 1931... 904 00% 00% 3Lonllard Co Is..100% 100% 100% IL 4 N unified It 02 914 914 ? 4 do Ist4%s M4M 074 974 974 I 1 Milw Cas Lt 4s . 90 90 90 4 MAStL 1st ref 4S. 51 504 504 1 M St P ? S S M 1st ron Is . 88 f 88 no. 3.Mont Power 5s... 90 90 90 f Sales in i $1,000. Hiprh. Low. Close 3 M K ?t- T 1st 4s.. 76*44 76 76 3 do 2d 4s . 51'/s Bl?ai 51V 1 do ref 4s . 50 50 60 i 25 Mo Tac con ta... 95 95 96 1 do col tr 5s '17. 804 804 801 26 N Y Air B cvt 6s. 99 4 99 4 99'1 677 NYC&IIR db6s fp.104 4 103*% 1037, 40 do l.-t pd .103% 1034 103' 1 do 4s 19.'M. 86% H% B6?J| 1 do I.S col tr.34-. 71 71 74 5NYGasKI.H<S:P 5s.102%: 102*4 102?; 1 do pur m 4s.??1% 81% IIH 10 NYOAWlst ref4s. 76 76 76 4 N Y & Queens E I. t Tower 5s ...100 100 100 2N Y Rys adj 5s.. 494 494 49M 4N Y Tel gn 44?.. 95%. 95"?? IS* 1 Norf&W con 4s.. 88 4 884 88*4 3 do 10-JHyr cvt4s.l07 107 107 15 Nor Pac pr li 4s.. 904 904 904 2 do pen 3s. 63 63 63 2 Ore & Cal 1st 6s.l00% 100% 100% lOraRyAN con 4s. 88% MJf -- i 1 Pac of Moist ex4s 86 86 86 2 Pac T & T 5s.... 974 974 974 12 PER conl4s rcp.102% 102% 102% 10 do (-en 4 4s rcpt 974 974 974 1 do 4s 1943 .984 984 M? 1 do 4s 1948 .97 4 974 '-?74 1 do 34? 1915.... 1004 1004 1004 2 PCC?StL 4s G.. 924 924 17 Rendinp pen 4s.. 934 92% 92% 31 RlifcS col 5s 1910. 954 944 954 3 8.L4SF gen 5-/31 994 994 99 4 10 do pen 5s 1927.. 45 45 45 l??tPMAM con4 4s.l00-% lon% 100% I SanA&ArP 1st 4s. || 61 65 28a Bell T ?fe T 5s 974 974 974 81 So Pac cvt 5s.... 994 98% 99 22So Pac cvt 4s_ 814 61% 81% 36 do rfp 4s . 85 4 85 85 ?*. ??o S F Term 4s. 80 80 80 4 So Rv con 5s_ 99 984 - 27 do cen 4s. 624 ?4 624 6 Texas <o cvt 6s. 100?-, 100% 1004 3 Toi & O C 1st 5s *h?% .?'.?4 M% 1 Tri t'y Rjr?L 5s. 964 964 964 17 l'nion Pac 1st 4s. 94 93% M 1 do cvt 4s . 904 90% '.">% 5 do ref 4s . 864 864 864 1 l'n RRs of S F 4s 444 444 414 1 U S Kealty??!! 5s. 70 70 70 ?, r s Rab a f 6a..102% 102% 102% 4,*.'' S Steel 5s.H?24 102*4 102% 1 Va-Caro Ch 5s... 954 954 954 1 Virpinian Ry 5s.. 94 94 94 3 Wabash 1st 5S...100 100 100 1 do 2d 5s. 924 924 924 22 do rf 4s CT ctf. 154 litt 16H 110 do Eq Tr cf stp. 16 154 16 3 do ctfs . 174 174 174 M WPTlaUaG T ctf 4 4 4 40 do Col Tr ctfs.. 4 4 4 7 do for Cen Tr.. 4 4 4 6Waatan* Elcc 5s. loi 1004 101 2 W N Y Si P pn 4s 75% 75% 75.-4 2 West l'n col tr 5s 97 97 97 33 Wastina**" Electric s fd 5s .IO54 105 105 70 do Mfp 5 pc ctfs of dep .1054 105 mr, 952 do cvt 5s w i.,.117 112% 117 3 do 5s 1917 note?.1004 10??% 100% 17 West Shore 4s... 88 88 M GOVERNMENT BONDS. Yesterday. Saturday. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. I*. reg- '30. 974 ? 974 ? 2s coup '30_ 974 ? 974 ? 3s rep '18.1004 ? IOO4 ? 3s coup '18_1004 ? 1004 ? 4s rep '25.109 ? 109 ? 4s coup '25_110 ? 110 ? 2s Pan '36 reg. 97 ? 97 ? 2s Pan '38 reg. 97 ? 97 ? 3s Pan '61 rep 101 ? 101 _ 3s Pan '61 coup.101 ? 101 ? The Quality Of ?Service rendered by a bank is of much im? portance to its customers. It is our desire to be efficient. If your banker is not giving your business the ser? vice you think it requires we invite you to confer -with our officers. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 10 KAMU OTRKBT Capital, Surplus and Profits $14,000,000 Deposits $112,000,000 American Smelters Securities Co. Preferred Stock Series "A" 6% Cumulative OrJiinal I??ue: $17,000,000. Retired through Sinlcin?* Fund, $350,200 OuUtanding, $16,649,800. Avn-a -?rnlnr? SIMS th? Incorporation of th- i.-omp?nr In HOI !? . at th? rat? of ?7 time? dividen.I r?'iuir?m-nta. Anneal r-tlrem-nt by lot. at 1100 per share, of 1% of I ? of air." unt pr?vlou?ly r-tlr-d. Wmlett ?houl-1 rotlrt BOtHO ? ' ;!y u?, ""'Financial po.ltlon of Company 1? ?tron*. net quirlt __?* at th? --? m} calendar rear 1114 amounting to 111. 1*4...11 Price 85 and Accrued Dividend to Yield 7.06% In addition to th? abov? yi?!d. p.iP-h*?.?r win nee s thi I sersOsi of th" Sinking Kund a profit of 115 per ?hare, a? UM 41 ''?pp?liat.on will he made to ll?t the?e ?hare? on the \-w York Meek Fii-hunge. ?lrrular I 101 on r?'iu"?' GEO. H. BURR & CO., Bankers 120 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Boston Chicago St. Louis Seattle Sa*. Fri-i-isco ANDREW J McCORMACK, Auction*? REOULAR AI CTK i.N SALE OF STOCKS AM. ; BT ADRIAN It Mt'LLKR t 80\ OFKICK SO. y> WILLIAM 8T. ' WEDNESDAY, Al'Gl'ST UTH, 1111, at 11 ? o'< ?? th? EXCHANGE BAl NOS 14 AN1 arar FOR ACCOUNT OK EXECCTORt 1 ?h. Cora K?? hang? Hank 1 ?h?. Fidelity A Caaualtjr Co. 1 she. Fldelity-Phenix Pire In?ur?ac? r?. | 6% eh?. Chic, Wilmington A Vermlllloa C0*l Co. 4 ?h?. St. Louis A Fin Fr?ncl?e? R R. ?toek trust etl Chi A Eat'er III R R pfd. Equitable Tnitt a. I Dep 2 ah? .-? - PraaetBM p p_ atock truat , tf ?? Chle A Eaitera III R R , n.ab'.e Trutt Co Ctf '?'? '" : I 100 ah?. Mine? Co of A . -r' a old ttoek. i 100 ?ha Nip ? M aha. Standard Coupler i rimnia 3.500 aha Cobalt ? Co. .' ? ; 60 ahs. Nevada-Utah Blaea A Smelter? ? pn. 12.000 j.ipim Water Works t p. e. Bdi 1141 Id,000 Weetern ?"ana-i? Public T.'tl'tuMCt coil ?; p ? ?i?. 14,0*0 N-s? York Realty Otvaen I in R-gatd. H-:-. 42 ?h? Intel . Be T?l?phe-.? ri) 17 .'.00 ?h? i i, ? i Artatat Foil A'VT OF WHOM IT MAI COX. CEI 700 ?h?. American Chi? I? CO, common. 7 -tin. Fulton Trual s .-, T 4 p <-. Con??'-, ;.', ?ha Central 1 ? umon. l ah - . rk Bank IT aha Plrot Nati Bank f Ldgewttir, N .1 ? ll.aia Cincinnati '.Veitert Hi;:. i p i. Bdi. I i in.-co iv.- ill ata 4 p ?.er? Loin I Trust Co ? I $4 000 Wat..-i R. it 1st Ref. A El 4 p. c Ii - l Truit Co. Jo - ? ' D?-?. I ?h? i. $1.00" Eatat ' - Beach, 1 Ml I P ' 14"\ aha. Hamlln Im| Errla Ca, Inc. 50 ?B - mon 27. aha ' ? ', H.iai park a 10 ?ha. Tit!?- ? I -? C? iha Bond ? ' iraatM Oa, 100 ?h.s Ann1 100 ah.? !lc?te. 11 ah?. South P? 20 ah? Montana Po i IL0II Eatat?? of I. 1*1 Mtf 4 P ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Steel on the Consolidated Stock F.x change touched a bif*h price of 76*?, which compared with an opening quo? tation of 744, an early low of 74% ! and a closinp price on Saturday ai : Transactions in it totalled . shares. The "war -erallr were stronp, with tome of the upward movements in thii | -en.?? tional. Wetitv inps totalling 18 aft? open inp at 113%, touche?! US, and th? I i to 1184, which | r,r;c". ' Studebaker Opt ?""'* :' 112%. Amonir the other promlBlBt ia? dustrial? were Anei MB*"" can'- Fuel, Cruci? ble Steel, Republic Iron and StM American Car and Foundry, Al'.i* Chalmers, after early ftrmBeii. reie??* Transactions in Goodrieh lluhber ?*** ceeded share?. Ito*?eni?ial and rose ?, ? . road ?toc.i were penera?y Arm, bat fl** ?f tlu:n were features in the tradinf. The ca? pers reflected improvement, with a sti ter demand reportad foi the copper metal. Commission houses handled ? larpe volume of odd lot orders. S?.*J for the day wer?' - .res. STOCKS. Slle? ?.IM AIM? f*h?lmert ? j IM Am I Ml! s ? a i , . 1,521 I ? i mo \ 121 Ab >? ? ? IM Bl lui I ? 40 Brooklyn It T ion . . N ? . M A ? P M ? 111 . A Irn .. 1,170 Cnictnl? -? 40 I?l ? MO Erie ", |o pfd 44 Oondrieh Co . ..... 110 r,ngt?'t!li?lni . . 111 I -. ? . - . 10 |. , .-S 10 I III Mi I '1 \1, Ib-ll I ?? '7.0 M . liO Kail , , II? V* ',-.-.. 170 Paelfte Ma ? ' . l',0 Pitta ? .a ? 4s?) preae-d Weel Car ?I ' . it . ' . . ?? . ,, )??* ?'" Buio? ? . ,1~ m\ i . ? . ? a " , . 770 1 , H A I' ' , i* r s i 2.'...110 f S SI ?1 'a ? - '. 70 1'iah ?'..pi?? . . ' , t?? Va Car i ?';> 40 ?A I . m?, H ...i '>? 11 . ? ,lJ ?-?tal ?alea. miniv;. 1100A?'?"? .... . ? ?! j * . ? ? ? ? Ml (( ? 4" ?A'eii Kiid ?I 4>"0 Toi ? _ DAILY IMI'OKTS AM' ?:Xl"0RrJ;$, I'ai'v import? and expor?? *>< ?'".", merchandise at the Tor* Bl >?-w were: Mon.ta? .Vil'i-i M ?' ' ' Sat?irla? AU! ?-' M |-r|.U? Aui-'i?' 13 , a ? Thureda?. Au*'>-" I ' ' We-lnea.-l.IS Aug nt 11. I ? ?" a Tue?,|a?. A'J?u-l 10 I h,**-** Uutidmy. Auguat ??..- *4tl '? (