Newspaper Page Text
United Cigar Stores Co. of America -tetrtae'-t? an opportunlt* ?vht.-r. : ' ? . rer?">r<* cf th? United Cigar Stores Co. of America ,, ?. , m th and a ? * lt?t ' ? ?- ui>on ? .. - a J ' United Cigar Stores Co. of America ? tnited Cigar Stores Co. of America 1. Safety ol Principal. 2. A rjulistantlal Income. BAMBERGER, LOEB & CO. ?mod STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES.' ? - 1 ? n KS. - ? a . ," 4?;. *. 1 ' ? i-i i PHI - ?. 41 i . ? ? a ' ? ? ' i . PIITTSBL'RGH S I <?< h.-v . i_?t. '??A ; 11 ;? Ma ' ' ' ' BALTIMORE BT04 KS. . : * ' 44 ? lv < H'< M.d -lut K-s. . High. I^w Loat i .... ' ?*?*?*??? Soi? _ Co it . . . . TOPICS OF THE IN WALL ST Studebaker Marked 120, According ta Programme. SPECULATIVE WH IS OAYLY CaONTI French Exchange Passe and a Guinea Musi No a Sovereign's Worl The nmrk hn.l been par fo "n Saturday] it -was i_< dojr. In each COM "they" relipio filled their promises. Who **t < ??? \? ry much an I hi > make -food, n-id - * I is asked Mow, whit, the intriri! *< baker is i? a thing coneerned with. It may he 1 rorty be 220, or it may be so ? rably less than either. r.ot the point. What people are to know :s,\\ hat is poing to be th Or, ns perhaps more than one tor put it. How far is it saf with it? The question is not to Studebaker. lluro nu? any of issues thnt have tec? I I bock k market interr as ah',, and Just si sueeessful i have ndoptad the au But Studebaker for vi PC is ni the An ? in up" ami thai "t expression from par tc ? - to be In the In It is the ?ricked public, it seen - .? u> be censur? thai ? iblic which, deft? ... is treati profeasional traders so '? by ari hy the traders will I?.- 1 its head, ? ?' icks tl up - I will altogethc wth it for them. (?old May Come from Fran ? age, i" eommoi . r, ing f-o i : tl i-,- sur] i . I ?? way on,. the dollar's worth of poods her?'- th ive bought ? i nc fallen, whic ? ? : S dis? '. eral b won ? < ? mas si ?:;uch i) t ? nd bi for? Fia-e for Guine-gs. ("re;.* Bi itain is not in as ext ?th regard to exchange ne were at the ? time la?t year. At tlaat time the fnrtu?ate of Am? I >rs to ha?! to pay a premium of S2 a ?lraf London. G? t to b? obta r drafts goo y -, rouie, ha? I i:?'".- a $5 a i ' m London I ? has onl the Bank ol En-flan ? i,?l it across the o. ig what few debtor! will venture '? l"\rept for insurance, the c? would be aboul 2H cents. / terdsy ? fork was ai than 22 cents for every po above whs . It takr anrk cnec ch ? . reign. PUBLIC UTILITY NOTE. General News and Earnings Various Corporations. Kansas <>;,s and Electric C? ? lidiar*** coiporation of in Lower art?! Light Compa red the electric lipht ? ? ? In Arkansas City i Kan. Another lentljr made by the Southwest. and Light Company, control by tiif American Lower and Lij ? 'ompai ? r the Calves' G Compon] The Smith west? and the Texas Pos pht companies have also imber of electric lieht s which < now lump connected with the exist? on and distributing systei for the twel July 81 of all propert: owned by subsidiaries of t rican Power and Lighl Compa of $7,160,000, follow by n:?t earnings ? * 376,001 Lake Shore Klectric. " of the Lake Shore Electi Railway Company for .Tune showed f $7,4 in gross and $8.9 in in . a ? '?. ? the sis months' pern .tided Jui there was a deficit 72, after interest and oth charges, compared with a surplus bH of Jane 3?. 191 Total earnings of the company f< June amounted to $119,781 in pros me after expense- and tox< was $41,696, and surplus earnings d< creased .rom $16,031 s year apo to $5 Since January i gross earnini amou $626,124, a ?<>r-s of $32 . ',?r taxes was $190,60! I nili'il Stalls Public Service. Combined cut .: ?s of proper'.' . the United stales Publi Service Company amounted to $72,34 >r .lune, an increase of $1, - and taxe were reduced from 1914 t? mie of $.51, I gain of nearly 1" per cent ove the same month last year. Tiie balanc charges was $24,713 compared with .; rear apo. Foi 1 with Jun? RCOme was ?HS?.?T?i, la;, llicr? :ist ?if $102,444 oser the preCciLnp \'.' but higher operating cost.? reduced tin? - r,16fl in net income, ?inch ? - interest require? ments foi the year showed a material . smings Increased from $119,096 to $218,992. Buys at Spuyten Duyvil. Patrick A. Lowers, prominent!* with th?? motion pic about ronl prop? tl ? Hudson Rlvei el Spuyten V Y , u*h< re he intend d a flne The prop? rty is at 281s1 Palisade av. and includes riparian II was held at $62,000, and was ??.Id hv the (.aines i Hreiinaii Com? pany, Inc.. for David M. Morrison. SUCCESS OF "MOP" PLAN IS DOUBTFUL Deposits of Securities Said To He Too Small to Declare Plan Operative. I'vaaiu v, ne i.rni in inr uniii'nu? ? ,.i lices at IM Broadway, but it was an? nounced that an adjournment had been taken until to-day. following which a . Statement may be made. In cirle*. well informed repanlinp Missouri Pacific affairs it ?as said that the number of deposits received to date has been insut'irient to v?.ir rant puttinir the plan inte efrct. W h I an extension of the depot it pi : t>d may be made at to-day's meeting of the board, the belief is that eventually the directors will say they have not received the cooperation of the necea sors -.umher of securitj holders to put through a voluntan reorganisation. The only alternative is a receivership. I he reorganisation proposed by the board of director?', which hud the up il of Kuhn, Loch ?S* Co., protides tor an assessment of $50 a share on the stock of the compon] and the exchange of ?'\istinj: securities f?>r new issues. , This would raise $41.419,792 to pay ofl the extended notes maturing neit June and leave $20.000,000 for workinp il and the payment of other ma? turities If a receivership is resorted to it is understood that Uta assessment pro posed under the voluntary- readjust? ment plan will remain undisturbed. PRICE MOVEMENTS IN COMMODITIES Wheat Prices Decline \y2c on Extensive Liquidation ?Corn and Oats Off. TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. Sam Tat k . . tuba ... T.O'.i H???, t,,M, . ? -.? Malt, buah ,, 4? try, pks* ''3:- i" 81 aw, um? . in ? - ? ? per, 1 .irai . ? ' -i.O 1..-..I. p|| . ki m .?- . ? ? O, Kot ' ? ? ; ' ' ? . ' ? .-' i' 1. ?'Hir-U ; ? I, I ? U. 14.11 ? ? 211 '.x .. . 14,HI - 1 ''.ruins . ? .4 buah .. 13.Of.? Huma lb bti Is .... : . . ...v. 11, .. a ?I ? ? I'urk, bbla. EXPORTS LAST WEEK. I- lour, 1 bli .... IS, I-. . ' a?, bual ' , i ? ? |,0l . Whiski 1 . ? la-f. bbla ..... 1 ?' I , low It. . . lb ....... 21..?.VI Turptlt 1 . . 1 .1 .- . ? ? ? CASH QUOTATIONS. Iron, N No IM M Iron .-? So 1 ' . oppei . . ? ' ? \\ 1 No i r, 1.19 i'..m. No 2 y? ' 1. ndard ?? ? GENERAL MARKET REPORT. GRAIN. \\ IIKAT-Th? IMjUldaUni I ?'.'itiiu on a !<r|r ?call It It li rh? :??? Hi, ? prli n men ..(!'? i In ? ' - ... . . R| ,'.?.'? a Ofl . - . ... Tut parti? ..I?; fn n Writ . ' ? in ? tocl il?al of hedfi I ,. and '"?? ???. i".' I' a , 1 ... - Ar..imr| mid lay rumor? of rit?.-t . ? ? rlrn "a . ? ? '?. n r.ll> thai reached I . at tha ' 1 . .. ? ? - ? a ? ? I mil l,f.U.' rlalble inrrei I mal anil the ?i ? 1 '. ? ?., ... , 11 N,? ? arm I . > I'OHN *? enllrel) due ? '.? ? - ; ti.? matkrl I ? ? 1 ! ?. a, 4.40" 900 ? ' lal pro fra? il ? . . . a h .< white, m. \ 1 . fi i??', a!. . 1. ? ? taa NtW VtlKK PRICES. -a'riMat I 1 CAl.O PRICES. ! Wheat "1 . IS 1 <?? '? iui i.w .... ? . "-'a *4'. ? . 1 . I a ? . ? ? . ? 41\ 41 N H . 4, 4. PROVISIONS. Wo?tram rte-Una? weakiMM ,..,, ??, ? .? Dtaall) ? ?'? '?? 1 , . ?UK ij-i ; me??. I I , .h?rt deal ! ? ' 1 I . II ,.,. India ? I I ' inHi.-?-?! I? Him-? ?"a.lj ba.-? , 1 ... 41 lb, U?*.? I ? " ' MKATS ? - Titan'. In ? CHICAGO PROVISIONS. 1 ar ' Omm HI**' ' * - - " ' , ? FLOUR ANO MIAL ? . .. ... ??.a'., a. ????-,., ., ' .rr? ?... f ? ...i, ?.t,,.i ?i \i[,,,,.?i.iii. t..- rail? i- i ??, tits ' ?>? \vtk i ..????? ?i'.ttia I 1 a ?? rltia N?- I I ? ..?.? \?. 1 ?Intera I? f, K?l.i?> ?(r?lt?ii' > f?ti.? ?print l ? III I lll'l It ? h ???? '?? fine?, . .?HNMI.AI, Kt??d-. kli, ??s?, Ml il, . Me ai .1 ??1 ? Il - ' - " ?!. Il ?#|1 - ? ???11. brau, IM II a?, ha. $*4 14? 174 M; tlandard ai.t.lllnt do |*?-?!M ? m? l.llitii> .tn. i . '?i . s ?? ),???.. n.1,1 I i fleur mld' ,1? J ' . flour. ?4.1 II- a . ? ?lll.Hr Al, |ll corrtE. Tra?li':| 1' Il.'?r Inirart ttll a-J 111 a-1 ,??l?rd?t. hul flurtuitln ? ?er* Irregular ??leini. (? ,-n- i ' 1 ?nillinrit. ?tltli t'ie . I,,?e ali-?Mlt,| ? i.n 1,?. ,.( trees 1 te 4 patnll ? .|? Tl.? eailt ralile? frmn ia.,.. . , ,. . oadltlotti s, far ai - . ? larned ?.,,| at m,, hanged i , ? l,ati|r,1 1 - ? ? i-.l.? a i-'.,' ?I ,.r Balurda?'? eloalni . . ??! tli? ,,-?,?.- ?autfea a??-, ??? 'I a |k,|iu er la., liltlier dimiif II.? tu?", . i ? ?|s far ttota ?ttre??!., ai. I !'? ? r ,-- | . - - . . . ? tared I? . i. . lui a' Il Ib* a- ?r?l .lur F th? ?...-. non ?irfiijiit . . .1 Ihl? 10 ?H!'|,l) (II? . t, rtr.l f,, - - ? the fart tt,at ll.arlllaii r,,?l|,U hate ?t?,'?? . regulilln ti tn ??? luppltei Hi* Interior Al the ?ame ? ? ? ?-,, moi ? ? .: red ih-ma" I *?? ??11 In ' tn?r'?.-l a: ,. la ?ltd freight! ? I ? ? tradbii u ?uggnl l.m?- fii'in ?, i poaltlo. ?I?,,?ral ? - Id? ? i a-.? tl'; . i - - ', aa further ?la-'ai ? ,,f 'i,.- BradllM ? '.'.? ralue?, ,,i .-art. r. port? fro?? '1 I ??? arhla-h the weather I. ?ill If Important. ? ftrr? ?er? nulle Ir i ? , ??? rre<lltl Sai.tin 4? the alilie ? ? l market was u .liante I , ,? |*| ?r I '.111 ' ?g? aialiat '???.11.(1 01 .,, .ht t N'es? I nrl ',. I .'.7 tit lata ' ???'? ?? -? r at nra7l!lin at Itlo eleir . Ifrlr? ? . 4 4 ??en t., ihr < a.? niter I'lat* in,I the ...I eoatl ,,f Beul h Amerlea. Bant a? rinr . .? led Wat? ?. ? I n irth At in. ?ad litter r?ate and ??? -? a \ , ? rla rleiran, ? (?? th? I i.ite.1 Bahlt ?? -??]/ ?.? i ?on i,?f.. i St?trt, ? , ...... | ? lai? xeek -M-'iated rr?Tl?.ii? ?trek. > list rear, lire of Safir !ll|l, I-.??? Clr.r day. ? . ? I . ? || ? I ?'?.??>.?>. ? ' ? 17 ? 41 ? ? ( ? ? ?..'." . , ?14 ? ?7 1.72 ? - lur.AR. N i el r.| tug?| la 'tav an?) ?will - ?r.' u I .. V : . ; . BtlgM t .... ? ? . lull -?/? . itl rtt ? l| r ?.tri a ' .- - I- III i V 4 .\ II '? O'.r. ? ? 111, ind ? . I S'JCAR FUTURES. ? - ? a Bitur ? 4 - ? - | I COTTONSEED OIL. . 1 - - i . I .-( ...... - h ? ? II Ba? ir I ? .- ? it M?nt ? -il CO! V.'Ki PRODI ' E M IRK ET. .. '.%:? PCAI as past | ?; ? ? I ? ip. $ i. 7 :? ?? | . ,. I BUTTER. amtet ? ? . ten.. - ? ? . CM' I thet me i .(" ' , a ... ? a t ? . - ' ? ? * - - ? ? ate. I r . V - ' ? - HAY AND STRAW. LIVESTOCI MARKET. Sam I '? A"* l?5 1913 ?WEFKIY RECEIPTS. a I . .. Ul.OTAT.ONs ?OR BEEVES. ? : * . J, 7-, BEEVE6. > ' s a ' I I? 44 ? a : ' ? .... I 14 in ? ?,|o {I ;. ; .,;; Jt ?? , ,..., , , I I 111. . ? i , ?|... j, J - WbM A .?.ill III, ! I III }'. ?. m K> l-.-.l p IS; 1-, Vt \. . i , t. tau I ? i |i I '4 .\<? Jrra.? bulla. 117... th. .1. .HI. I s_ tan^.ra |? BMa .teera ISSJ lb, ?1 ? ?. ?" fa -' lull? ISM 1?! -,.i. 1 IMS $?: U; V .. ?? i M II ui IVSS: I "??. 1 . aaV'.'a 'i*' "?"?"?a ?I '*''* ?*? "' ? ? ?*? *' '" ? {' .?"-'? N. . ? 1 ? ... ICI. |3 T5. I ' ?tl'il!".i,?"'?'""*" 4 ,"";* ! I I esse, ?.<? ax t? m. 4. sis n m -i i r?t S, n -o ?. a i. a |.i;!?,i,?k 13 bulla ;j7 ii. ? , ? ' '* '' ? I 1 ? Ml lb I Si i?,?1*',."'.,' *"'1 lh **.?: II, Ml ih. r,. i _.?**_ __ *T- }?? ?M lb. M-il. M. MO lb. ... . ih ,5' : ,'*"'-'?. 4.1- n. 14. lti ramal m ?a i?4o 4. m n,. u?.. u Si _ , ft... .?* .'- ' " Kit*. 11- M? "? ., ?" ?? ?? ?S; is, mo ib. tt.1t; n. i I; IS. TU J'. j?; ?rellllT? \Utibt A C?, 1? bulla. Ml lb. Il-.o, W.j II., 14.10. J. ?21 lh. IS ?SS lb. 14.1.'., .1. 700 ib. Hr., It mo CALVII. tUeelpi? ?.-re 4 1.10 IihiI. .1.711 nn aal. Mark". :?!'? prime t?.|. baielf ?tlirr, J", a ... i "-?er. tt?~er. a,?| tkttll n,|U ialTrg jO,-c*11 oft Ti.r ,?-.? van ??:. ?.., ,IM, ?, pr,,?. ti '! rtjlli IT K. '?'Ml", *'"? """" ""v * ' " ","i ???' ""*???? i , "?'""* : " ? -"-' ??.la. 15?II? per lb; ..?inirr .|r-_e.| ,i?, 14., 1,-,. ?**" ""? I .."f1"' J?-0.? < '?"l- * ?*'!. ?n traie. IJg ib . V." 'f-.l,: ,n V ""' ;l' loi, III ml 11*;:,. t*. ! i? ?,'-.," ,1:'0,"'' ?*' '"? 1T' >? ?? ?" - "?? - IIS ib. |i, u. :; 1 . II -'"? ., I? 50. MUST?, ?ihm A Co 41 IV, ib ||; ML 1 m W; 12. Mu lb, 111. |, uo it,. 11 An.lie?, MuIIm .-, ?eala ; ... lb 111 M; I ITS lb. ?H \?, ;, 11; lb, 111 .-,. I, m lb, ill .: 114 lb ?in ;-,. I N. Han,lora 12 reala. Ill Ib. ?1:10, .14. Ill lb. III Ii: H, 14:i lb. I... H 121 it, m 7-.. M, \ti U. Ill IS; ?, ?11 Ib, 1111, tl, ?a it, 11 HaarXam A Co II ,....?. 151 lb. Ilttl IM. Ill I lb. ii-... .4. 141 Ib, 111 :-.. |l, u: ii,. ?ll IS; : IH .'? Ill 1 Ml !?? T?j?iIii AS:. , ,, ., itj ;ij, 112 ?n |, ' IS. II, ITS Ib, llu '..r. IS, IS? ;i,. IS: I, :n a,, 1 ?s Ja I S ' Mala, 1:2 lb. ?12 75. 2. 131 1 lb ?? M. A <<v II tea!. 1*2 lb, ?12 M; 2. II lh. }< Krnn ?'?.nirn|..|,.n Co. H tean. Ill lb. lit51: . I ?ulla. Il* Ib. Ja. 14 Va t??:,. IT? ib. ?II. 1 U A I. S lillleiil.a.k :)4 teala. Ill Ib. ?1?'.0, i 21. IM 11.. | SHEEP ANO LAMBS. 'I? ?Irta. .'0 M.. !.?ai ,,; , ,r, ,,? ?> Tra.le . .lo?. maty, ? ~ s-t.rel rai.anl I ahee| ??>?.? aid U > ?ftl.TS pai h rulIi S *1i 'j:.: iarr.i.? I 1 J?. : .-ar, ?" ? .. . I \h l)r?.a< ' ... mam? .? ? I i.'-. pel Ireaaa 1 Ian,'.,, I fa.?. I A Bin I- ',,- a'.,'. at?r.?r ?'? II pel IM Ib: 241 I -.4 (4, II . M, J? M .' I ??< ?? ". 24! 1 > I? .. ?. 1 ? |I .'.. 141 W Va, I 1 r va. 14. 1?; III Pell :t $? S*.; In . ?; I anil,,, ri, ?? ".I. 12] M beep, IIV J . ? V*. Ill t ? I . Ill t . :-,. IIS- ?4. J 4. 1ST, ? ?' 1.1; bu k. I'.v II Krrn. ? |. ., . ?( ?' I < M ' ? 11? Term. II 1 I. J IS W Va. Tl I?: ??I It. I ? IS!, 81. I?; ill Va. Tl. il ! ' 1 ?: :?? r? l'eni ',0. U ::. 41 ailla 41 M: l"!|. 4,. I 111. Il; 11 UT, 4 X Va 1 ? ? I * ? J . Tenu. 12?. K ?1 J. ,\ Soi :',?. K? lau.? ? M Ib. IS.I5; j. . ?,..,. ' X-. ? -!i??r. * I I t Kr lam??>. M ?S; ? 11 \ a ? I ? - . J J*. ... . ? ? 11 M 11, Il alawp. .. - -. .. ?? 50; -il. 70, I U s Ju-M & Ca.? 31 at.', lam',. H ?t.. ?1. I ?I HOGS. I;?,?'!?'.. TJSM I. ea. I. ."? i-ar, on aa> Mirk.-t I 1 m Hum ??ijb'a mid at I Iba. I s Ma ;?'? . ? ? . ? ? at?ra?e. ? ?? .. pe? ID? .4. Ill, ?*- 25; 1?. IM. ?^ -'?'. I riaiflu, wo. I ? - ' aid A 11. 21 Hate I? .- if?: lb. J 4 ? . Seattot A ?-.r ? ?'a'.- haafa. :10 lb. ?7.70, 11. ? krr.i, I'ommlaal. 1. ?'.. .'-' Vl J ?J 1 , tb O Son 12 ? I- ?'. ' .1? II 1 r.,. : I 11 I . ' 1 . < . . ? ? 1 . . ?, 1 *r - . \ in.!. '. ? . . , . . ? ', a . \'l '. ; ? L* A LV1 lop til -,.. 1 1 Am i? - H"'.- i?' -'?'"?. :?.-oo. . . , ' ?.. i ??? |4 ? 1 and l heifer?. - ? <? .-. eemt, I ? , ? , ?.. ? -. ?.. ? la' ' ? lug 1? CATTLE ? I I ' I . -. 1 \: - ' ?. 14 llu?.S I-.- ?? pta. 1 '? ' Leaf. 47 25 * r is n. . .1 j: i" -? Kiowl'.i: . , S11KI I- a' ! I.AMIIS II I < I ? I ,iir.|.. mixed, J.. ., .$? :'. 1 mi \.,? I? llix'.s Rerelpta ht_laa?r; plaa ?? 1 lllhti l~ "??? '?? '1 % l?e|l ?... f- ! bran I? ?'? " i'ATTI.1 '' life I? ' ? . ? I .1- ,?..., ?1 1. u, a I Ii ritan iteer?, 1 . ' ' I? - . 1 1 j sHKKI ll.relpt. ?'. 1 ?' ' 1 ?r , J. 25 Ka'.-aa 1 II) *tU| I-'. HOOS Re ? . ' , ? 1 . ?I I pig, || >.. I ATTI.I Urn '..| iteer. V* ? ,. ? ?'. 4.. buul ! ?:, , ? ? ? j. . , J. ... sin 11- II . lai.l.? ' I 1 II t . grapl Tl - Tribun? ' ? - ? I- a 1 1 '*.>? ? r ai.rl Brooklyn Sales. Loin? Gold -"'.'I the iixtoon?family apartment bouse a? 411 St. John's I'lu.-e to a Mis. Mev.-t hotTer, of :\<; St. John's Place, for f76,000; "!*??> five three-fam? ily hou-e?. oi l to Nathan Jaeobas, of Bro? ?.':??". foi 185.000. I he Aleo Buililmi? Company sold to ?'. UcCoppOB the premises at ??170 62d st . liapleton, for W?tw. Howard C. Pyle & Co. loasod for ?he Stewart estate 'lu foui story building at the northwest corner of rultOD and Id Its. to A. Schulte for t? ? ar? st a ffr? , The ;,'-'l ''.'?' "?e J, M Horton ,?* Cresm Company. ! P Dalma ??. of Elwood M Town sei ?! >*?? Co., has sold the two ?tory ng house ol UM Sterling PI an investor. o-1 Sales in Auction Rooms. ; Vesey st I,. M ? . . Cl PRINCE ST. IH ? W *h?aj r M N. ? . .. I I.? ?... . B) llrnrj I CIST ST. M I O B a "'? I s r a. J V Haft . . a -, 1 " V "n ? i all) . I > ref ?lue Iva ? I I - ' * riST ST. ? \ ? ' ? ? any th.! -'?' I I " 1 At the Bronx Kxchanj.-e Hi Jaaaeb I' Dai 30 AV. 44 r| a ? -, .??. ?? ? ??- a A : u i , ? , ? ? i plaiatis t? Hy U BROOK AV. ' t:?o IS, t|l II I ( ii? " an M ? * ' t? ! ? i plaint? ' : New Building Plans. .Manh.-itli-n. WEST EMO AV. Ul la , . . ' i a ... ? I ir:o st. ?se* W; .... >? , ?? Bra I II a : - a a \V. I The Bronx. BEOfORO PARK BV l r. tr at: I .? . ? , ? ?: < . ? . ... I CRCsTON AV. i \ , a ? a I REVIEW PL .. , ... .v Alterations. Manhattan. JI-FERS0N MA KIT ? a. . Kern Toi* , Kai;.uni? a - 'leases pearline plant Am. Can Co. to Use It to Make War Munitions. The American Can Company ha? leaied thl bip Pearline plana*, at Edge water, N. J? according to a ?tntement made yesterday afternoon by R. H. Ismon, ?erreiary of the company. The Fcarlme plant, it is said, ha? been idle for over a year, and is now beinp made ready for immediate occu? pancy. It is believed that war muni? tions will be the principal output of the plant, but considerable ?ecrecy on that score || maintained. It ?is ?t?te?! by the American ?'an Company yester? day that the plant would be used for "general purpose?." The newly lemrd plant has excellent wharfage and tailrond facilities. It i? claimed that a large force of men will he kept busy and that the plant will be run twenty-four hour? a day. CONVENTION OF REALTY BROKERS National Association to Begin Campaign on Various Problems. The National Association of Realty Broken, Inc.. held its first annual con? vention at tKe Hotel McAlpin ye?ter diiy. It. was announced that an active can rasi ? ' real ? itati dealan in the West and Middle West will be ?*ln?ti*uted immediately and committee? appointed to deal with real estate problem? such a? eollaetioaa, rents, taxation, adver? tising. Arrangements will also be made for co-operative legal service to membi'i s. Th.' BBSOciatiofl was incorporated laal April, ni..i ha? nearly two hundred real ?state brokers throughout New York and the New England States on its membership Hat. The plan of the organization i? to promote the mutual interest of its memberi and to b-tter facilitate nego? tiations In real estate. For this pur po>e oii^ r,'n! estate dealer from :.;, || admitted, and it is the ultimate hope to extend the organiza? tion throughout the entire West. The establishment, of a New York through which members of the Btiofl can conduct negotiations and make investigations of properties, irai ona of 'he subjects discussed yes terilay, and temporary arrangements have been made for the location of an and force in which out-of-town i- who are members of the associ mi* list their properties for isle. This will be maintained at present at 11?? West Thirty-fourth Street, in the ..inte of tha National Propertie? Com? pany. In the ?rening a dinner was ,- 1 al the hotel. Branch for Trust Company. The Metropolitan Trust Company, of which George C, Van Tuyl, recntly ranking Superintendent, i? presi a- completad arrangement? for itablishment of a branch on Fifth av., near the Plaza. The company ha? of the two story building at 71?; Fif'h av., adjoining the , araar of Wth st., the heart new art centre. im traniaetion *"*aa made direct be the officers of the Metropolitan Trust Company and the firm of D'Or? -??y, perfumer? in Pari? and Berlin, who rented the premises last August through Pe;.??' 4 Elliman from Schu? mann ?fc Sons, jewellers, who previously 1 B leave of the property from the Zabriakie estate. New Tenants for Dwelling-*. Pease & El?man leased for Mrs. John H. Placier f" William Clark th<? five -te y American basement house a? 17 Park ST., adjoining the .-(suthea?t cor t'er of r?5fh it Amei ?<? Co. lea?ed the dwelling 224 'A. ? 37th It for N. Weiss to R. Mar i-hisi. New Brooklyn Apartments. Shampan & Shampan have prepared plan? for four four ?tory high class apartment houses to be erected on plot 226x128.1*1 feet, on the B<uth side of Purlers Place, 160 feet west of Sterling Place, for the Bryns Realty Company, a? owners, to cost $200,000. FINE HOUSE ON WEST SIDE SOLD Dwelling at Riverside Drive and 106th Street Held at $100,000. PARK AVE. PROJECT INVOLVES $750,000 Syndicate to Erect Large Apart ment at the Corner of 54th Street. Slawson & Hobbs have ?old for Charle? B and Carrie Barcley the five story American banement dwelling at the south corner of Riverside I>rive and 100th st. The BOO?! is one of the finest type? of residence on the Wes? Side and is 30 feet wide. It is i fitted with an elevator and all other I modern improvements. It ha? been i held at $1 ?00,000, and wn ?old for cash. The buyer is an American who has re I sided for many years in Havana. Cuba. Another big transaction of Park av. i property in whioh Slawson & Hoi.i.s ! again figured as the brokers was bIm i announced. This deal will result in an apartment project representing a total outlay of about tlbOMQ ami will be carried on by a -yn,.:,?',? haadad >y i Samuel A. Herzog, who has been identi? fied with many large apartment opera I tion? in that neighborhood and who re? cently ?old hi? new structure at the southeast corner of Park av. and 34th st. to William Ziegler. Through Slawson & Hobbs Mr. Her? zog bought the southwest corner of Park av. and 5*?th st. The immediate corner is occupied by a ?wo story pri ? vate garage, which i- diaPOBCd of by the II H. Rogers estate. The two ad ? joining four story dwellings on the ?tret, known a? 64 and ';,'> East ?Sxth ' lt., were sold for Celine R. di Butera and I'r. Mills, respectively. The com? bined properties front 100.8 feet on Park av. and 62 feet on 68th ?t. Mr. Herzog will ?tart work immedi? ately upon the erection of a thirteen story fireproof apartment house, which 1 it is planne,) '.. bava ready for occu? pancy neu' summer. It will be par? ticularly high class, and there will be but one luita to a floor. Tins will con? tain fourteen room? and five baths. Dr. Charlaa H. Walker is the pur | chaser of the dwelling at ""?W W? ?t., the sale of which by Carrie A. BrinckerhofT through Slawson ?i- Hobbs wa? reported last week. Dr. Walker i will occupy the h Other sales follow: KADISOM *' :- r n Weed. W Tl Dt ??n Campai > lb? tit? -, ? . ?rum? tad feet ? ??- i purr-hia ??! ? ? ynr? if. II ' 11?TH ST Th? la? ? ??? iv.mT.ii,?: ha? la It) 2.1(100.11 i ?ir fifth a? Th? rompitsj lo?! ?ii< Bfoperljt ni,,ii'.i 1 III I ???.,- - III? r?il ??ll?r I lot it.,I MO Flast IUta -' . r-.-t:tl> r?i-,tt?.| ??si?) ? ?pel l'alun I19T1I .-T Beul? Duke '.?< ?? I -"> Wed 11Mb ?' ? If? ? n loi '-'Oiloo 1'. f.,: ..??*?rr, ,-.,.?-,th ind Klghth a?- '.' axjulir-l Hi? ; roperl) m Jin . m st - r n ? ???. it .... .ol?i inn and 111 Kaa? Hal ?? la ? ? ??' ' I'ark. it T en ? i in tpirtirjeni hn-ue PBOBPECT AV M I. - -old tee I?* II .-mill, to a?? iff?-.ti.i lb? orn-f of I'"-l"'- a? a fit?.- ?i.,ry flat ?slli ?t,,rr? oti plr-( i ? -. Commercial Leases. The firm of Leonard J. ?'arpenter liase.I for the estate of William C. Schermerhorn and K. Augustus Scher merhorn the th'rd and fourth loft? at 702 Broadway, comer of il to Cohan, Goldman & Co. Ames ?t- Co.. Inc., leased for B"r'ha K. Bartlett and II len ?If. Post the building 116 West L'xth it. to the Ker van Company for a long term of years; also floor in 516 Sixth av. for II. Stern and M. Maser. The ,1. Romaine Brown Company leased store at 2170 Broadway in the Wellsmore apartment house for five years to the Rembrandt ?"?aliene?. 'Jules Martin Minne and other Belgian |arti?t? will be associated. The main , ?tore in Ghent ha? been ?tripped of many famous picture?, which will ba on exhibition at the New York branch. Louia Kempner ?ft Son represented the galleriaa. K.wafd S Koley A Co. lea?ed the ?tor? at 20-. West 14th ?t. to J. A. Thomas, and at 96 Eighth av. to Frits t.uhl. The Heal F.itate Management Com? pany leaaed for M. B. Loew the ?tora L'?72-( proadway for a term of yean to Mme. Meyer. REAL ESTAJE FOR SALE OR TO LET IIOKOU.M <?*?' yl'KK.NB. *? m-iot-. "mm Hraadtaa? QW?RDBEAC Wateifront Lots All Improvements No Ai-.fssmrnts $10 Down, ?a?y Payment? Secure? Bungalow Plot ?? " !?'->". ? T-ar itiiforr. "UM Bathlns I', t'lcc and r.ab'og. 1 HOWARD ESTATES DEVELOPMENT CO, ? ?ii?ii?u|-. fta? '??" s.a.?.tan. Trat*. ?I ? i.?,.-,??. -n ?-?i New Tara. IKlKOl (..II OK BKliOKI.YN. Oily It Ml?ul?? tram M??lel?il BmIUI??. P?rk B?s>. City M?H. ?? Sea Beach Subway Be??hful!y DecoraUd. 7-Roo??, S??ti Detacked Brick Hoaie?, KS00 lo J9.000. . ? ?, '?,? r?nt?llttlrriih. Itiokl.t.No 11 Aleo Building Co.,p?hl[ie^.M2?c?rt. Vroper'.j i-fflf?. tOtli Aee. Btatlon (?octal tra?nai. >'aoc? Oil Bain B?ach. ? (IVMKTiriT. LAUREL BEACH RESIDENTIAL PARK. MII.KOBIl IT DEVON H R STATT?,M The Sup-r? Sri S o?? R?t?r1 ?f htm Enflai!. i -? I i'h!',| or An?. !? ?:.? .- l'art ll?r. I7.oi.-i i ?taesi B . ? ? I'rl???? ? ??? l? ?? I ?all?. LAUREL BEACH LAND CO.. 10* Fifth A??., Ll'tnl B?ich. Millars!. Ct 1(11 M It*. lllDir.KTY. C?u?tr? Hit.? Infirmitiin Irr? I? pr??i??-tl?? l?y ?r? U?l .own Held C?ll. writ? *?i ?tmli a??-. Hora* ?er*l ?? ? '?? .?i ?? T . .???SI Mail. cm l RNI8HKP APARTMENTS TO LET m m bide. ?THE /VIAJESTIC ?i. Klckaaaa a?. 9. B, tor. n.i. s-t. 7 &8 Rooms & Bath Rentals $720 to S 1,000 Lar?-?*, (??-ht rooms, complete, elevator and telephone service. All modern conveniences. Close to subway and elevated lines. !.. Cor. Madison Av. & 4tit. .: :a? Hill?1411. j' "EXBBEI REED HOUSE, Broadway at 121st St. I 5 room?, $660 ? $720 6 room?, $720 ? $900 7 room?, $900 - $1200 Pll(eel *?er?lre. OWM-K ON rUlMIsH. THE FRIESLAND ;f r-i^?. ; ? Koora? an i Bath !. Apply ? ?? P? -: '? * 1>? 1Kb'. In? , - 7 ' . ! I III W. 31st St. ??4 224 W. 571 St. ??? It! Btrf ' ? ' !>? . ? ? . .. - I i? 'r: ? l.l-lit?. '?'?",.- i f 1-4-J-? It ni a I Hat!, from $720 ' $..200 |-r mnum. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SUNDAYS. N \MK AM? 4DDBE-8. ARD LEY HALL ?> M r <?l< !?;m> ?T. \M? IIMII.I I'lllk H KOT. I NO. Kit? H?!l Konm?. Bath?. HIM SI IIIMI III Sl.TOO. t'.KVT. I. . it.. ..n .'. I' 111 park A Va . , , rhr.r.. e.a aub. . i'on PAKTII I LARA. - I.I. lug room, I Park One CHEPSTOW n-, u im ini?i KTIIEBT, v i. i ?>i< Bayo \i?\v vv. a. RIVIERA 7 |{iver?lile Drive, I.Mith to l.?nh !?t. ?ICKIMiHAM COURT :il?i I'd lint ?Sill .?41. AdJ.iiiiiiiC Kiter.i.le llriee. ROMAINE & LOYAL Itiver?i<|e I'rlte. l.uth lu IHIat .St.. and ??">.*> Wee. I8?ith -?t THE ROCKFALL <? K IllKMII BBOADB II ?M> III III ?I H anil A Kniiina j ?nul I Haiti'?. ft tu IG 11.,?,m?. Three Bol ha, Klflil l?rice Koalltlk. I .,.. Halh?. SI .7400 lo ?2,1?MI MmIi.imii iiiIii.? at Moder?te re n I il I. SI..MMI to ?i.ion. I. 5, H. T. S K...,m? an.l Ita.? Balda, ?>. 7 nuil S K.MIIII?. I lo 3 lUth?. $l"*?i lo SI.-I'll Veiarl). SI.Hi'i to <? ? 11 A ! .ar nir i;, Tt r .._ ? . A J < Uaatni ?,. i?. ? a ? i . ? r | Aient on prern ' 'l'holie ' ?. i Ir liadmau I :? ? B I i'ti.r!. a B H.ime?. ? ? M naser ? on l?l? ite.l. T? i it to ?.uhtvay an.l "!?" ?:> rirepriH.f. four eleva? ' '?ring p'fnt. l?-eWy fireproof bul?dluf; everf ppllaace; an ?ma?do rooms; vito ?f llu.fc"in. I'll feet ? M ... ? ? ? ?;ht r?eme; modern Im. ? rit? l'ii.1er ??![>? rv taloo ? temenl "f owner SI r".?rl<i'?kln? Ifj'l? s?.n ni i ? les Special ar. i looses prior to .\. a IS-at r a rr?| port r appointed; mipert, entrance?; *el?"-t an.l enntented tenantry. 7 Ifr-iltlfill I iiriar 1 :.... m ? and Hath. A I arfe, ttaWeet ???'?'?? Mell Arranged THE WAHNITA in?, wran i?tm ?huit, Bet free? llr...i.l? ?? aod ( ?lumim?. \te. THE PRINCETON tSS-SSS iii.-ri MTB ?IRKKT. I 111 .la fr.ini Itrondvaay. _^_ CE.NTRAL PARK WEST 9 Rooms N?* 2i>* 9 1 R_?k North I orner ??lh it. Fireproof. me***? OalllS 308=310W;stl5thSt. ??? ??Ml .ir,,l |M. V ' ..1. lue Kent?. $2,000 and up S3 *-SSI. Samuel II Martin. 1 ?:t . Cor. Iftb ? a nr APPLY oil I'KL.II?"--. Aehforth A Co.. 11 Baal ? hnus? Mr,, k <-.inventent ' t.." ?nliway and ?urfa<-e .'.r, .>?;> |?, ..r*'. I All m?ad? em Improv? !???? ?n.1 "L." Unexcelled aanneo, A-l refer?' a In.llapenoabio,_ n unearalladj are homo, with everything lir.t rlaaa. ? l.?rn?lor apartment?? I ??. rs 'la location. ?00 West 57th Street ,??,? um. Bi ?i? k r_oii *>tii \vr. THE OSTEND I ?e 2S30 Broadway ^^Vv W.NSLOW COURT I rar ?' 4 orner Kooin?. in ii .,...?. h?. *3?0. Kent, P rtaW A ?"o . Ill W :. ? r.oea'ion Near Control Park. i ?\ , St ??n> Booma ?n Itroa'-ar. ? " " Me ka fron. 1101_ it. Sl.tIX?. !_!_*. foy.r S 9 rta-.lllliflll a: ii\miii??n i*i . <<?K \. uni **T., i mht .l?,t ?.ft llr.ia.iwrt. < Minute?- Malta PaO-BM. r.ini ISlth St. BobWOl IMOlMM. ".-n and 1 Ko.nii. und 3 II. ?i, ROCKLEDGE HALL MX III ?iiKMK RIVKHOIDI HKI\ K H AWARD Ein' HALL *,;",:*: I :?l II -1 \ Mi M II W t THE JAMES S? M UT ??Alh -I A.lja.rut I entrai l'aria. I i nii'l 1 I tira I ar?a light Boa?M. SI.?XMI le ?t..m ?in t.. 1*1*4. K* - ?lo-rotor apartfoeate; On ? ? ? |*rn Imprevem. al Bio? - ?ht a'??t Proa \l I Itni.Ms ..,. . otionali? ? ?.Il & | a n. ? tl ?r..ry ?lrepr...if ap.rt? ? I >. .0 le expoaure 1 ? g II 1?~4 11 ? le a?! ?rjrf?.? lit The beat ?ervlc?. Ten? IM ter?? ileaa u( servie?