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Giarvts Firvally Break the Ice in Brooklyn with Tesreau Wielding Axe Giants Beat Superbas in the Tenth Inning Start Scoring in the Ninth When Douglas Wavers, Then Meyers Drives in Winning Rurr in the Extra Frame. By JEROME BEATTY. (live the Gianta time and they are likely to win almost any haseball ?.-a me. The d 'hat most clubs finish their work and pro on home I ?ffore the Giants gel well under \v:iy. nun?,! John J. Meliraw and his men ten inninfrs yester .!;?> at Ebbets Field, and the (tiants won by n score of 2 to 1. The Giants did .ill their scoring in the ninth and tenth when first I'hil Douglas and then .lefT Pfeffer lost cunninr- and permitted the (liants, l'or ihe first time in the afternoon, to rip off two hits in each of two innings. It was Larry Doyle who, with two out in the ninth, drove in the t einpr run. And John Tortes Meyers in the tenth punched across the ? or. greatly to the surprise of many fans who had forpotten that Ihe Chief still was with the (.i;. .ir,?-.-, McGraw, in the tenth, enfi luel < 1 was putt ? everybody kneu wn* craft? With a i to tie, t ?m 11 h r,? ? n? of h plate Ru! '. who a . no si annoyance. teal ? calle? Hummel. Hank ? ?i 'ay announced that mmel. Stir ? ? ? was (-onimr.!!(?n among the ? McGraw ?topped the came and cul ? All ? we explain, was c mpl to cram an advanti tat. . ?eft-handei ter isn't usua - agai left .'? ' 'i, perhapi the other way an .und wa never quite sure h. But way Marquai d l>bie qt . a npht -handed h from the coaching line, ai battit . ' I'Day annot ? V,.-< .r?-.?- .' out Marq Rnd the jol ? I ? be on Met; Marquard, being a left-hander, w Fact tha struck out I the game er leaving everybody amused tJ Charl? - Hank O'Day and official scorer. They were gusted Jeff Tesreau worked fr-t ray to Snodgrasa, ? pinch hitting, as the phrase goes, eliminated on three called strikes. ' leau 'er effectr e!y, am did Phil Douglas, each for eight . gave waj anothei ? r-ian uj ? - :? in which ire was Snodg: oubled, ami eluding ball, ? Two was the ni - moved. ili.... ? ' etch? r f to Za ;h V i Brainerd were out in tenth when I. ?1 ? . to can ? r and mutte 'er. There i much d th? probable purport of the conver tion. Sort.? ' utahaw advi I'fefTer to pas? Meyers, as two n re oat and Si ?as coining ers inclined to the belief that ( shaw said he had a date and wisr effer would hurry up. Ai.otl gut ffer ?hook I "How do y .-pell 'dachshund"."' Whatever it was, I.ober?, ?tole ?eco ?ne g i .? ??ti a lin) The only Brooklyn run came in t tingled and cai home wl ? ground ! ? ;ie.l over the tii berta? I?a\e Wai tuck .n ' that had ke him i . The Sup? ? ?th sui ear? ti ma? ? Brookh n pla; en wen -?? ani get ? they were prone to n '. the?, were i?ut out. In the fir inning Hv Myer? singled and run b yon.l lecond o? ?y to Hum < (?iiuni7 ' ' r the catel :o touch second agai lubled, \ ?mark running catch h Merkle in ? fth star? ? I the other - ' a hial on tar over to on dian i: y he gathered tha he had m t, ami he wheele, ..m' ?r deep cet: H - bac ? 1. Merkle thru:' up his hands like a man leaping for i . ' llie bill a' it came over bis left shoulder, liuinme ? led. Al (?rth is still ill, and hia \i\hcx by one M. .1 Stockdala, for ? of the Southern I ? lefthander, hut thi? probably I with Mc G raw. ? Superbai will ? up to tl for n ? "On. Ru:,? the former Cincinnati r whom the (.?ants and has not re ? ?.?'(?'! ?. lie ?j with the burgh Club. Fred Clarke ha red by Pr? ?i until the claimi Conzclman Sold by Pirates. Consel I 'o the arieaj '? a fit) ii.'iouneement to-nii'ht h> Barney Dreyfus? of the Pittsburgh National League Club. The pnrcl .?as not ?n-I nounced. Conzelinan 'oined the Pirate? in 1B18, Coming from brown Univenity. The Worm Turns. NEW T< RK ?N '? - BRO >KI.V\ , v I. ? I |M A ?> h pol? 111 : in ?l Mver? < f s ? t 1 n i 117 1 i |{ 1 'I r i a a : a ? . . ioi - :? >" I mtnel. rf S I .3*1151 Il 0 11 111 l H n |>feffer. p... 1 "? '< " " .1 M, , ?r? ? 4 ? 1 7 -?? . 0 n i o o n ?i ?s i rt o v , . ? s ' '. 'i lot ?|? ni I I 30 14 J . !.? I? III H I Bit ?i (i (, n i, ,i o 1 1 ? i ?i ft I M i I ? '! Ml bl 1 - T--.fl I. 1111 * - - - - - Mn iuird - - i -k ??it n t, - ? n?itju?i ? i ,, Pat ami Btockdal?. ?nro? . TEBEAU SUIT DISMISSED Now Action to Restrain Agents of Feds To Be Started. Kansas City, Aug. I?. The suit brought by (.corgp Tebea.u. owner of the Kai \merican Association team, to restrain Federal League agen'? from making offers to his players was dismisse?) in .ludge .lohnson's division of the Circuit Court here to-day. .lohn S. Wright, attorney for Tebeau, 1 ? Madison, one of the Federal League agenta name,! in the suit, to drop action against Madison. The judge then sai i that as the other Federal League agents named were no! present it would be inadvisable for Tebeau's attorneys to ask for a further continuance of the case. Tebeau'l aftorneys said a new suit would be filed immediately. * SHAW TO DRIVE AT GOSHEN Veteran Horseman to Try for Record With Peter Mac. hen, N. Y.. Aug. 16. At the open- ? ing of the Metropolitan Ci reu il trot raorroa. < aptain Pavid Shaw, eighty-two yean old, will ? Mac m an attempt to beat, - : ? ?~ *?. the ne ever made by a trotting st:. 11 ion on a half-mile trask. I ow hi M t.y th, trian : horse, Willy, and was made on the < i in 1911. Captain Shaw shipped his hors? from ? 1 .? ? ? ?ation of W. Av erell Harriman, Pierre Lorrilard, jr., and Robert Goelet, of the ?'range Driving Park Association, and he is noa quartered in Mr ?., te stable here. Although th' has never started In ? race, I "wner is confident that he can b? I .ne rec? ord, Captain Shaw hav- driven him a mile in 2:06V. in hii .?ork at Cleve? land a fortnight ago Acting for 11. M. Hanna, H. K. Dev ereaux and other Cleveland horsemen, ' Billy Andrew* offered Captain Shaw ! $35,001? for l'eter Mac immediately af ter the trial, but the venerable sports- l man promptly refused it, ??aying he wa? not for sale at any price. Born before the first trotting horse had beaten 2:40, Captain Shaw bred and developed Peter Mac, and he says he expects to live long enough to see him trot in 2:00. Western Golfers in Tune-Up Drill Chicago, Aug. 1*'. ?lack Hutehinson, of the Allegheny Club. Pittsburgh, and arkson, of tha Highland Country Club. Indianapolis, won tirst prize in beat ball medal play at the (?len flak Country Club to-day, preliminary to the Western open golf champion -hip. The two professionals, counting the best scores of both for the eighteen boles, registered a card of 70. Mrs. Locke Sells Stock in Philadelphia Club Philadelphia, Aug. 1?'.. President Baker, of the Philadelphia National league Baseball Club, announce ?ock of that organiza? tion held by Mrs. William II. Locke, of Pittsburgh, had been purchased by three directors of the club. While the purchase price was not mentioned, it was said the stock was valued at about $50,000. Mrs. Lacke is the widow of a former >nt of the club, ssho died two years ago. ?-??? Carter Not to Exercise His Option on the Reds Pasadena, Cal., Aug. 16 Warren H. , of South Pasadena, announced to-day that he would not exercise the he holds to purchase the ? n cinnati National Ceugue baseball club. The option expires to day. Mr. Carter .-aid. however, that be ? ?.I to go to Cincinnati next week, but refused t,. lay whither he would or to renew negotiations to pur . :, different terms. Southern Association Results. ? i. i .- ?? '. \.,> U > ,,.ta. ?> Colonial League Results. \..?r Ba- .: Hat V-? II?., i Sjr , u im H.I it ? to-dar, 1 a* r. U./Ulanu sa Brook.> n.~- Adst. BRAVES GET GRIFFITH! But Only Wh?e Ho Pitches Tim Ball at Celebration. Boston, Au-*. 1?. Clark Griffith, men? acer of the Washington American League team, will appear as a mrmher of the Boston Natinnala for a moment ?hen the team playa it* first game on the Bravos' field next Wednesday. President Jamea _, GatTney at the Braves announced to-night that Griffith would pitch the first ball in the game with St. Loins, and that Manager (.eorj-e T. Stalling* of Bostfin would catch. It will count officially as a hall or strike, he aaid. Griffith, a former pitcher, and Stellings, a catcher in other years, are close friends. REDS BEATEN IN NINTH Tic Score Twice, but Pirates Have Punch at End. Pittsburgh, Aug. lfi. Cincinnati twies tied the score in the ?fame to-day with Pittsburgh, only to lose out in the ninth inning hy a score of B to 4. In the ninth, after Collins and Ili'ichman had singled, Wagner was purposely walked, l.ear then hit Viox with a pitrhoii hall, forting Collins in with the winning run. The ?core follows; ? .n IN 1. ? ?-IM-INN ATI i.v I. ? a*"> r h po n e h p<> a e ? telle, rf 11 1 o o n Ore* B> 4 11111 i, rf 11 t 4 II Rodsera. ?? I 11 Lib ft ? i II 1 o Herzog, ?*? 0 ft ft 1 : ft H'man. If ?S :' : ft ft Williame.If 3 ft 1 i ft - Il M i. ?a 3 I : 0 4 ft \, ., >, , f 101 vio?, i* 4 ft i 4 r.if tes t i s i I. lb. 41 1 : 1 Orlfflth, rf 4 ft ft 1 Oft r 4 11100!? lark, r .. *l 1 I : ft ft p 41 1 ft 4 ?i .1 ?A' ?tier."I. 4 1ft ft 4?*> 11 111 <? <*? nelder.p SOS ft 10 I ?V Koltlltl I?? ? SO I la-ar. p .1ft" rota ? i retail IS 4 If Uli 1 ? Hatten r,?r Rrhnetder In the flf'h tnelnf. ?jl itlnnlng run eaf ?? , I I 111 M I I 1-1 i s s s s s e i e e?4 Two beat lilt?. < __M. BalM Three baa? I I H llrrm? rrin Oroll SaorlfW . it? ... i imi I ron? Left .... ;.?..?? fli ? urgh. P Flr?i l,a.,e nn error? On? -It i.ail. 1 I'lllahurgh, 1 Ba>?. m halla nfT Ix-ar, :. ?ff i ..?. . i- 4 (??.,. ? nnlll? Hit I.v I4t ii. s- ?.. elder I '?? Kan fa--? i hall OlbfOO I mpire? Rlfler le ? FAST TROTTING ON CLEVELAND TRACK Ice Axworthy and William Set World's Records for Stallions. Cleveland. Auf*, lfi. Lee Axworthy' and William were crowned respective? ly trottine and pacing kin,:? today, . two of the most sensational match races witnessed hy the horse world in years, at the North Randall truck. Lee Ax worth*/ battled three hea's before defeating Peter Voln. while William won his race with Ihrertum in tw-o straight heats. In the tirst heat of the Axworthy Yolo contest the latter trotted the mile in 2:02, tieing the world's stallion mark held hy The Harvester and mat? ing a new record for a four-jreor-old stallion. In the next two heats Ax won in 2:08*- and 2:04%, mak- | tng an average time for a three-heat race of 2:03 1 >'?. a new world's record. \ I ism, in the first heat of the pace, went around in 1:68%, a now world's record for a live year-old pacing stal? lion. His second heat, in 2:00, was \ another world's stallion record, and his! combined average time of 1:69% is a. world mark for a five-year-old pacer. ' William also smashed the track record j of 2:01*14 and pared the fastest heat of 1916. Lee Axworthy lost the first heat of >? bj a shade. In the second An? drews i 'i ihed Axworthy out at the start, took the pole and sent Peter Vnlo to a break. The latter expended so much energy in making up the gap on the ?retch that the homestretch found him spent. The third heat was easy for Axworthy. The summary follows: TRomx? m in n ra? i pi roe, r THHEE UK?. I s I.e? Axworthy, b. h !?> ?Irr, Amnrthf 1 1 1 Pet* Vo i. br. I b] Pelar Iba Oreet 1 2 ? ? ?4 a PACING MATCH Ii 4? I Pt'TME, y, ?nn Two HEATS. Ululara, b. b hi Aba ? Man Bl 11 Dire tun I. ? ' i. . ha Din? turn Ka '. (Miirplit) .? ? Tim. 1 UH, I "ft CROSS IN RING TO-NIGHT Leach Will Meet Griffiths at Ebbets Field. Johnny Griffiths, of Akron, Ohio, one of the beat lightweights in the country to-day, will cross gloves with Leach , of the East Side, at Ebbets , Field in Brooklyn to-night. The match should be most interesting, and Cross will have to work his hardest to get better than an even break with this boy lrotn the corn belt. Griffiths is a clever boxer. He haa . beaten Joe Ifandot, Young Shugrue, Joe Azovedo ami other men of similar abil? ity. He fought Willie Ritchie six rounds in Pittsburgh, and popular opinion was pretty well divided. There will be two other ten-round bouts. Marty Cross will fare Frankie Madden, while Pushy Graham and Younjf, Limbo are to try conclusions. Terrapins Avert Shut Out in the Ninth Baltimore, Aug. 16. The Chicago ? Feds rhfeated Baltimore here to-day by a score of fi to 4. McConnel] was ?n good form through? out, while Suggs was hit opportunely. Errors helped Baltimore to four runs m the ninth. Met onnell and Mann had' home runs over the left field fence. The score hy innings follows: r a. g rhleaco.I S S S S S 1 S S?S S S r? ... S S S S S S S S 4?4 llattene? M ? -rri: aod Klal.rr. Suff? lanlalri a State League Results. i an?, j L'Ile? S - El?Ira fame Ubi l fame, at'ieenwiit '. " -???-m?-?a Results of Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams NATIONAL LEAGl E. ?, 1MB T??-l?.\V. Ilr.?a?kl ? n al *?rs? ?nrU. (hl.?in .11 l-iii-luircl. ilwol. I ?ii.-.iinuli at I'lnUilrlphla. IM M I I- <?l DAMM i I ?I I Kl? W faarn I.???. -'. Hrooklsn. I. I'iII-Imii tl?. .",. ? .1? innall. 4. l'l,ll..irl|.llU, .V; 11.??Ion 0 \ \l ION II II \(.l I. -I ASPIM. w. i r? ? i.. r.r. I'htla. .m 47. MA Bo??on SI Vi ASS llrnttkhn....*?' ?'??' SSI r??i?lsr?h V? *4 .?!.*> M .<? MS *>? I.xii? II ,'? 4?? >?t? ).ork.^0 II .??? CmcianalLU AS .ASS AMERICAN LEAGl'E. (.AMI? TO-IIAT. Detroit at ( k??lun,| ( hi, ?in at ?t Lernte, m i r?, i?i OAMBS \ i ?i i in? *,*. l'hliadrlplna. Il New Vat*. 0. Il.i.ti.ri I. M '?limit?.n n. ? In? ..!?? ?; Bl. I ..ill?. 4. (,, '? ; -I I (.(lia. I. Ilrtr.ill (i, ? Irtrlanil. |, I. ? Irsrianil. I. AMr.KI? \N I I \l.l I >TAN|I|N-.. 1? I P.? ? ' M. I re Rnatnn ?.*? ?*- ("?4 >(??? V?srk..7.l * | snxl |i?lroll .?B 39 .?a? I i*l-??l*ad .41 ?4 .-(-aj i ? hlrac? ?4 4. ?'???< I ?ula 41 SB.17? Uuli'lm. i4 9 .?<??! Paila. . J? 71 414 FEDERAL I.EAGIE. teaXUW? TO-IIAY. Brooklrn al l'itl?bnr|li *?l. I ...o- al Newark. ( lillas? ?i? l'altlm.irr sTaaaai < n> m iinrTii... Ki>t i r* <?i i.niis w>iiHi.\i l. rill-l.nrili. I. hanta? ?il?. I.,,. o < hlc.fu. H. Iljlii,n.,r?. 4 I I IHR \l I I.M.I I, -I tNl.lM. WIP? ? I I' I Chl-aga M 47 JSB Ml nul, \; M ai] Newark. flu 47 ..Vil Buffalo |] *'< t." h*o ?il? ?41 41 ..V\| ilrix.kl.ii vi ,,i | .i, fill?* r|o Si ?I 6*4 Baliuuiri U 71 ,tAg I Stumbling Blocks for Superbas Chief .Me\ers, whose hit drove In the win-lint* run. BRAVES SWEPT ~" BACK AGAIN BY PHILLIES'DRIVE Quakers Capture Series of Three Games and Crush Boston's Hopes. rhiladelphia, Aug. 16. Philadelphia ! made a clean sweep of the serie* of three games with Boston by winning to-day's game. The score was F> to 0. The victory gave Philadelphia the honor.? of the season with the world's champions by twelve games to six. Rixey pitched in splendid style, and re? ceived excellent support. The Phillies' first run was due to three hits in the opening inning off Pagan, while Niehoff and Killifer ?cored in the seventh, when Tyler was futching, on the "double squeeze" play, Iryne producing the bunt. A pas? and two hits scored two mora run? in the eighth. The ?core follows: riui.A ?N 1.1. Bosi-o*- rs ny ahrht'oa? anrhpoa* p? -n? Jh 3 ft * 1 * 1 ?Iran, rf .. S is ft 1 ft n iv-n ft. ?? 4 ft ft 4 4ft V-patVk. ?h 4 0 0 ? I 0 r??k?rt.rf 3 11 A flO'nmrton-f 4*1 " 0 0 ? i.i.att. rf 3 11 4 0 1 Ma??- If.. 2 0 1 2 Oft U*der*alti 4 ft : lft ft ft Behmtdl lh Iftl 9 II m i if?,i if 3 l 1 o Oft Rmlth, ?lb.. Ill I II N'lehnff, 7h ?12 4 4ft Mnilll?. ?a 101 2 1ft Klltlf-T. c. lift 4 0ft Wliilln*, c J01 2 21 RU?*', p..? 10 1 0 10 Cagan p . 7 ft 0 1 2 I I Tyler, p.... o o 0 0 0 0 1 ! ?<;,...,is.... loo o n n To??!?.. .211 I 27 12 0, Total?... JO 0 4 74 11 1 ?Hat??* for Ruin In lh? ????n'h Innli,?-. ftilli?l?lphli I ? I I I I I S 8?I Barton ?SftftftftOfllo-?* ? i Tr*i?i*m. i.tiii?nj?. ? .ri rum l'lili?,l?lpl,la. 5 Htolrn tilM ? ritaili Douhlr fa. SI* hoff i:.,l !.?, ;?r,i> sirrin?? ir. Whltted Rli-j B?tik Bases ?? bl It ?iff llaiai:. .. <ff Tjtl-I I, ?(T Kli?t. n Irft ?,! hUa-l I ?I Phi a II Phil, ? Hit I.T pltrhfr B] lyiM 8 - -. . oai -n? filian I . I?. , Tsl-r. I; bj Illt.? 4 H',-.?- (iff Haia i In I lnntlif? rfY T?'?r t: - Inn Inn I ! . ? -?1.111 Tim? 1 40 Main Allows Blues One Scratch Hit Buffalo, Aug. lfi. The Buffalo Fed? got only one hit off Mam here to-day and failed to get a mar past second base, while the Kansas City Feds hit lord freely in two innings. The score was 5 to 0. There was a difference of opinion about the hit off Mam, o grounder to short, which Rawling? stopped, but Hid not attempt to throw to first base. The official scorer called it a hit. The ?core by innings follows: n h r.. Ka- st? ?r? .----ft?-?: I Buffilo OOOOOIOI S?a 1 I i hittrrl?? -Main ?jid Eiatrr ? r ? ami Milr. Jeff Tesreau, ?hu checked the assaults of Brookl.n. Finneran Pitches Tip Tops to Easy Victory Allows Pittsburgh Rebels Only Two Hits, Though They Score on a Pass. Pittsburgh, Aug. lfi. Joe Flnneran, of the Brooklyn Tip Topa, ruled au pri**me in the pitcher's box thi? after? noon, and the Rebels were beaten by a score of 4 to 1. Just two singles cast a kindly glow over the base-hit column of the Rebels, Yerkes and O'Connor got them. It was a pass and a single that pushed Derghnmmer over the plat.' in the eighth frame and saved the home team from the ignominy of a shut out. Working behind ?uch clever pitching, the Tip Tops had little opportunity to display any unusual fielding skill. Helfrich, Smith and Flnneran shared the honors, frith two assists ?ach. Bunny Henrne worked on the mound for the Rebels and was roundly pelted when hits meant runs. He settled we!! after the third inning, but by that time it was too late. The score follows: BROOKLYN IF, LI. I PITTSBURGH ff. TM. at.r ! ? An.tor.inn.rf 411 011 Uer?-h-'er,ea !ll 3 I 0 Heifri. h lb 4^3 4 ' - w 1 I?land, if : '?..;? r. If., il.:, Kauft, t Mil M?. ?:? Il ' ISS 101 11hlt. 3t. 4SI 1 I ? Mowrei lb I . ? smith. ?8.310: 'Mill I S 1 4 I 4 1 I S I I 11.n- ran, p 4 0 1 1 Totals... 36 tUtti Broafclja S 1 1 S ? S S 1 s?4 ri'.tatiu-ft, 1 ? s s s ? s 1 s?i h Kauf? Lead Boa? nui ? , ..p.. Mela . a * - 1?A il M - p?. Mint ' unatalate* I Left a - ? ? pltubwgb, 1 a.-" r - . , , B; Kirnen .. 1 pirra Mullir, ar.-l t, ?I; Bring Your Own Pop Bottle? Now It. I An?. I*-?Te prereen? the ? ? tirrenre ef pop bottle ettaek? OB umpire? at the Ural National l.ea?'i? hell park, Srhnrler P. Rrittoo. preel dent nf the f'ardlnola, ?nnon-??d t? dey that lieoreforth no eoda water will he ?old In the hleachere. The new order re?ulted from action ef fan? In throwing hottlee and eegetable? at It? .?.n. the umpire. In jeaterrlaj't game with ( ill,??... The eale of eoda will contlnne In the t ramtataml, a? the fan? there did not partic?pate la the ellHrk on Heron. WHITE SOX CLIMB A BIT Use Browns as Stepping Stones in Double Victory. St Louis, Aug. 16. -Chicago defeated St. Louis twice to-day by scores of 8 to 4 and 5 to 1. In the first game St. Louis drew exactly twice as many hits as the White Sox, but Scott's control with men on bases and the excellent support of his team mates kept the Browns from being dangerous. The second game was on exhibition of poo- fielding by both sides. The score follows: MUST GAME. micario lA i.i ; st i/mis ?_. _) ??, r 11 p.. a e it, r Ii po I* rf .". 0 8 10 1 Shot)?n, If 5 1 3 1 10 W.T?r ?a 4 10 4 2 0:Au?Uii. 3b. .1 1 3 1 5 .1 I ' Inf. 2b i I 1 ? i a si,,.t. lh . -, 1 :? 13 0 0 I ?r. lb. S 1 1 SSt Pratt, 2b ..-.12020 ?. If. S 2 3 4?jo Walker ef. 4 0 3 2 00 'PeUcb. .-f ... It] 2 1 ii I!..ward, rf 4 0 1 1 lift K. iialk. e.... J 1 1 :i I I l.aian, ta .. .*. ft 1 :: 1 | ii..? . . I I " ' heart. c... S S o S o i lliaekb'r.?. 3b 1 0 0 M l|U'Brl?n, IS S 1 It loioi u Well?aa, f?ll] l ' ' ' alie. pOO 0 0 ?I 0 Hoff, p looo- .-?) "Setareld . 1 o o o o o T,*ala .31 8 8 2" 3 0 Total?... :3 4 1-; 27 14 ?l'.atte?l for Mcl.'ab? In the ae.enth ?lil.agr. . ft . 1 0 0 3 o ? J?-, s- ia iia I M i I l i i H Tu?. bSM litt? Fournler, I-aeati Three ruae hit i I"? .. , I. i ...Un? 12). * t SI laOlll?, 4 'i- ?' ,. ? ? Auatln, 11..w ?r.i Do : a. ?i - "fournler. ivrt .... I.aa? - > '. tato, ? . 141 LOUlf 13 Klrst 'as? ou ,-rr..-, I'hlvago, i H.,... ..i, hall? ?iff H ff Wei n? I : off Hoff. 1 Hin n" s. ou, l* lu ? 1-? ?iulup "la . _? lulling?; ?IT W.: n.? I?Ittlff: ..ff M.'t'il?-. 1 in 1 Ii,nine; off Hoff. _' It , -n,. k oui lly Scott, 5: tu "-?'?-r. t; by Weiimtn. t; b) M ?abe. ? 1. L?BU*f N'ailin a.. 1 l.i ..??.. T._e Jus. 8ECDM? ??AME , CHICAGO ?A I- ?. ' ST. LOUIS (A f_>. pott ahrh po ae M'irphv.rf 4 .'1 0 0 ?) Sriotton.lf.. 4 0 2 0 0 0 Weaver.?s 3 0 1 3 2 1 Auatln. lb 4'.'. 1 il 1. ?*.. n? 2h S 1 l 1 I Oi Staler, H 4 t 0 11 0 0 "r**rnler, lb 111 I oi Pratt,?..., 401 1 3.) -.Corna, If 4 ?S 4 00 Walker, cf. 413 S 0 0 rf. 3 11 :, ?*?" Howard, rf. 4 0 0 1 00 14 hume.3b 4 0 0 1 2.' laavan. fa... 4 00 I 3 1 May er, e.. 30 i 2 10 ,\?;n?-w. c... 400 2 21 ?.... 0 0f) 1 0 0. Hamilton.p 1 0 ri 0 3 0 llarnz. p... 4 ? 1 0 4 i. Koob, p ... ? 0 '? 0 IS I *f*-mreid... 100 0 00 Totalf... ?0 5 9 27 12 4 Total?.34 1 * 27 1" ? 1 ?bat??I for Hamilton in the aeren-.h inning. ?hlrfg? .2 0 0 0 0 0 12 *?1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0?1 T?a.. kSSS hit ?M?M Tt'reehaa? hit?K V,.{ lina. Mtolen baa?? Selectx, V<iu mler. J. Collln? larr ?,1 rune- Chicago 1. SarrlSea In'. VI ?..?' Ma>?r Ha.:.; I ?lla> Beai? to Weateei ?4*1 laee??Cfclca?... ?? la .:?. I ? ffWfi H la'Ula |' .. ? Hi'. --.,?> ; in ;. ..ff Km.ii. 2 n. i nu i y ?I . . r, - . - . H?, , I lla.ri.llt. Bait Beiu. l_' T??e~ 1 '.7 New England League Results I.vnn, |j la-nut..n. 4 '10 Inning?' Urnn .'. (??wiat.Ki. I <-e?en inning?), r irg. t. Portlanl. 4 ? Lime i f. liaran?, .? ?MS??MS ra. Warueeter (rala.i One Hit All Yankees Squeeze from Bressler Rube Bressler PrTTXJL ?A. t.). |N**"W TORK (A. U) abrhpoaai ahrhp?*?? Kopf. a?.... 601 140 Hl-il ct.^? 2 00 2 00 Strunk, lb. 4 0 1 10 1 1, [>?-p'ii|-h ?a S ' 0 14 0 i levin?, of.. 10 1 1 Oft. Valiel. lb... 2 Oft : I '1 I Bedan*. 3b. 2I0 llOll'ipp. ?b. 1)112 0) '?Lapp. 100 000 Conk rf. 400 0"0 M.-ilon?. lb. 000 0 00 Har??ell. If. 30) III l-|.,l?. 2b.. 4 0 1 I 4 " l^a.nt. 2b... 29 1 1.11 Walsh, if.. 40 1 1 0 0; Nu mak-r. o 100 lift "Mrln*. rf. 403 2 0 0 . aMwull. p.. 100 010 Mr A voy. e. ?* 0 1 ?S 1 0 Pr-t-lar. p. 4 1 I 1 3 0| Total?... ft* 2 102714 C Total?.?! 0 1 "?7191 ?Retted tnr B.hwi| In th? M-?nth lnnln? i Fhllirtalphli. ? ? 9 ? 1 1 ? I 1?1 N?-- 1 ,,rk. OOOOOOftOftft ! Horn? mn Hr???l?r H?ol?n hisa? I ???I?? Banwd run? -Phili-telphla. I Sirrtft? hit? - Hrrunk. Mil??l Double pli? i'iMw?;:. Ktmemak-f li'l Plpp laift on ?.????. S?w York I I phi?. 1ft. Klrat. I.ii? on ?rror? f'l?ll?rl?lplil?. I I Bl??? on hills ?iff ???'.|w?ll. J. ,,ff llr?wl?r J Mra-I out H> Ca.'.l?-?!!. ?., ??r Hr??.i?r. pit, I, Hr?w!?r t ?iiplrr. Ili:?l?lirui<] ui'l ?i'I/iu?h Un. Tim-?1 4?. RED SOX MAKE A CLEAN SWEEP WITH SENATORS Victory Yesterday Gives Them Three Series at Fenway Park. Boston, Aug. l?i. In scoring the only run of to-day's game, the last of the local series with Washington, the Red Sox accomplished the unusual' feat of" defeating the Senators in each of the eleven games played between the teams in Fenway Park this year. The pitchers' battle between Wood and (?allia this afternoon was notable for the letter's tine showing and his even more brilliant support by Milan. Hooper's triple, one of the two nita made by the Red Sox, and Scott's sac? rifice fly scored the only run at the outset. Fxcept Cardner. who singled in the second inning, no othe.r Boston player reached first during, the ?mm?. Wood was hit at times and was in? clined to wildness, but tightened in the pinches and had sensational sup? port from Harry and Lewis. The score follows: ? BOSTON ,A. I.... ?'.ASiiIN-f'TO.V ?A.I. i abrh|??a? ?br? H.,opaT. rf 111 1 f? ?1 Korip If i ,; a ou, ?? ? 11 24 0 Poster lb, x I ?*'i*?i"i cf 30?) ; ,, * Milan ? f 111 < " I Hob'sell, it, i II n ft " Shu ka .'. If... 1 (iandll. 1 ?iar,li.?r. 3b Party, IS 411 '??'lv c... 2 90 &00 McBride *?. Jim 13?) p.... 100 14 C Oallla i ?\\ llilama . i ?? ft Total?.31 ?'. 6 74 s i ?Batt*d for lltnry In ninth lnr,ln|. Bo.'on lftOftflftOfti ; Wiatiiiigton .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?0 Tvo bu? hin K????r ?ahinkt. Ttir?e-bl?e Ml - H--P?.- 'li Blcrlflr? f.. Doubl? play Harry. Beott and H .? I-' biaei ? Wa-hin-tnii. 7 Kir-t ha,., go b?lli-Off Weed, I Bt-u-k oui By Uallla. z. by \\?xl i Tim? 1.32. I'D . un* Willaca. TIGERS SCORE TWICE Rookie Spoils Boland's No-Hit Gaiue in Ninth. * j Cleveland. Aug. 16. Detroit defeated Cleveland twice to-day by scores of ?*> to 3 and ?1 to 1. Not a hit was made off Boland in the second game until there were two out '. in the ninth inning. Then Ben Pasehel, a recruit from Alabama, batting for ; Hagerman, singled oser second, robbing Boland of a no-hit game. Cleveland's one run was scored by Chapman, who was hit with a pitched ball, stole second, took third on a pas*,?,i ball and home on a bad throw ; by Bush. Walker's one bad inning gave Detroit : its victory in the t' game. Eight ' bases were stolen by Detroit. The scores follow: riRST r.AME. riKTROtT (*. L.) l?r*I.KVEn?ANr) ?A. I..) i abrhpoa.? ah r h r>o ?? ?? ' Vltt. Ib.... 119 0 1 0 Will?, cf.... M 2 2ft 1 Biiih, ??.... J 0 0 ? 8 0 Turner. Sb.. S 0 ?> Mil ?'??Ob. cf.... 412 30ft , l.anman. ?? 4 ft i ||0 Jarob?on.ef 0 00 1 0 i>, J.i,-kxon. rf.. 311 01 ft Crawford.rf 6 9 0 I0 0|Klrk? lb, 4 ft z ID '? " V?arh. If.. &13 3'I'> Smith. If. a ft 1 4 Burn?, lb.. 4?) 1 ? 0 ?), \\ a ians.-i.2b 3 00 2 3 0*? Toons. 2b.. 4 22 Z ?'? 7 Et?an, c. 100 3 ?1 ft Plana??, a. 414 400 Waik-r. p... ?? 0 0 Oioi Coveleikle.p 4 0 0 C 1 0 Hta-nion. p.. 3 ft 1 ft _ ft ?Kvan-. 1 0 ft 0 ft ft ?"'.Velll. ISO U'a-.-liel. . . ] .1 ,1 n ft ft' iSouthworth 0 0 0 009, Total? .3? ? U 77 II 2 Total- . 37 7 ; ?lla(t.?,l for sVtmbatllDii In u,? ninth Inuliic. 'Bitt-?! for Kfan In th? ninth Inning. :I(?'!?-I f.-i I'.r, ? M In the nlntlj ! ? , lllin for (>,*>>lll In 111? .'.inlli Innli.g. DetnM . 0 4 1 0 0 0 ? ? 1??. <;?i?lai.,1 . 0100000 1 11 j BaiMd pun -?'???eliii.t, 2. Detroit. 1. T hi ? "timer, Ktaiiaa? Birrlflc* bl? Bar'- - ?t ?- Buib. Vltt. Man???, Cota ill, Bum? ?, . | I>o ibla play? ?"on ?? Buih . : Bui I'bii . Turner ?nd Chapman Hlti "IT w.kc ? 1. 1 a- (IB ? in 7 laota-a li?..-< on ball? - airr Walter off Brvnton, z. off ? K-Tu.-l. oui B] Brtni , - by Coicleskk ? ball Bean, Wild ru. 1. -Wilkir, ""tr?t ha 1 I.a-lt ,?, a 1?. ???trull, 8. I'mpirfa?K.? I'lilll. Tline?1 U. ?KO GAME. DETROIT ?A. U) CLEVELAND I? at.rli: . af)r VU!, 3b... 1 ' 100 10 ' Bu?h. ???.. 4 11 7-7 Turti'T. 3b . 4-0 1 . ft I | 1 | ? Taw'ord.rf 10 2 20 rf. 2 00 200 If... 3 I 0 -7 0 " Kirk. , lh ... 4 | Hutu- ' 1th. II.... 3 ? Voun?, I Stanane. c. 4 ?) I d I ft 11? , Poland, p- 100 0 -' 0 Kaan, c. x0< ? i -ti c, . Hasarman.D Coumbe. p.. 00 0 -tn ooo ooo T..tall.. 313 7 77112 Totals.. ?li????.' r?f Wl '????.??? It, ?',? ?Iflith Inulng. ?Half-.l fot lla.'riiai. in th? ?igUh Innltii Dftrott . ft ft ft 7 n n i ? a? i cu??iaad ooaiaaaa o?i p .' ? play? Turner. W mil,?ainsi ?nr| Klrke Rita Off lltrrni.? i. T In I . - Cnumb? none In 1 Ini.l..? ? ? - ' - . off Boll! '. HI? Hai'nnan. 1. by ll,.lani 4 Paaaei ? laii.l. I, l>?'r.?lt. 1 . ? and. 4 *. Idiplrea?('lull m?J Ktma. Tin,? -1 4 Standing of Clubs in the International <? Ulis TO-DAY. rrn.,.len. e at II irr,-'. ,rs Jrtaey ( it) at Klchmnnri. at Buffalo. Toronto ut K?.he?ler. k m its ??i ?.i?ii> romoAt, Id i I.?"I S-. .lrr?e.s I ht) Iraini. lor,>nlo! I; Ko. lie.1er. I. I'r.n >?, II; llarri-lnira. 0. 7. Montreal. It. Ilu(Tal... li. Montreal. 1, sTAMUM, ?tl I I. VMs W. I . V ? - H . I? I' (? ProTid'e ?7 ?IS .?157 Toronto. .1? .*,,-, |.vi Buffalo. 59 .17 .?IS Km-li'ter. .44 M im Montreal.VI 41 Ml Kl.lim'd. 13 ??? Ail Haribf.SO M .7500 Jer'y 4 It y.SS 01 ,3Ml 'Athletics Have No Trouble. Behind the "Rube's" Twirling. FEDS LOOK ON AND GIVE SOME ADVICE Gilmore Suggests That Dime Ball Be Intrnduc?d at Polo Grounds. If waa Federal leagje Day gt th? Polo Grounds >?? u n |? special programme * was a commit'!?.? appo it \ ?,, *eif0'mi the representa* Unannounced, J ,;?re. pr?gi. dent, of th" F#d -,?n g* tVsrd, thief 0W1 ? Top? . 0f jLl St Lisais leHtn, Edd <? P . k ?nd yirj. ou** ' ?.tel,*?l the Athletics d? ? * by g score of 2 to 0 ?.-.?tne ?M \ ov.-r they f? 1 g^ 1 silently away Bu' - -, Ytjrl a few romrti? I I ,. practical man. he ?? "Is this the Ol ? - i? teat the Yankees'" hi s teping the srith a comp 1 .e ga' calling attention .--eeiioB A. soot I. His intonrlower r,o gg. i swor, and Root rl B Takinic it for g ? s i lent? affirme.!, i'" ?jrot? ?hood? "I would sage? --?rirss iiostnis ado the \.*nv. have interpret! d admis.sion SS a of arofll have been thi circuit there h i crease ? stl that '. "Tskc th Those stands wh might ail !.. ' imposed. Ii;* th for us to any." President ? ne com? ments on the C ?,, too, and allowed BS ? mi-?*, show both the V few things could i Rube Bn kees a chance. H ter of an all mere bas? bs bolt, which the keenest ? ?? rushed in where ... i, gi>' his ling!? ?h:ch lived Just lor:.- i iced is the category of - Vanken peep into the - slight disp..- ? caujajij ?? litt In ? but was forced maker, who gro ? f??d well struck s ban on bslli ! rksd i wiW pitch, and N'ui eat to thir?! In tlid mg into the : - spiked Schani*, who Frits Mai sol with s char? ' r him? self, but Frit/ r '.cAvo**, who made s nesl That was .the only time I ? ? maile a thresl ? In fix innings they w.< ?r.k. ?or did or mtelf te pitching feats. th f'gm? hs poled one of Ray ? .?hoots inte the left Hol I si ? for ?II left handers are "Rube.*" wstehed the ball soar out of the lot with a hslf-for prised, half-art: M ?" ? fse**? and then - aro-ir.d th? paths. The visitors gathered their ether TO in the sixth inning. Boom booted s tas by Schang, an?l Wallis ronnded a te* on?! on Laioie'a out, short to first Jimmy Walsh struck out Oldrini ripped a hit int and Schsns erossed the piste ws'ked. snj Bressler fouled I who mads s lerful one-hard? rl ca*ch over near the st , ? Hay ('aldwell pitched cleverly for th? Yankees. He ? I ard In th? letter of the a re .mstgn?ef combined agains* Connie Mack shook ap bis tesa fer the ?lay. i . i t dsy off, and put Amos Strunk on first bs?f. shifting Jimmy Walsh to right toll Strunk played a clever garr.e, and sot even the inimil i eould man covered the rp satlsfac torliy. (hick I ' ?Btrs fielder, had only i ?? chance, but it ?s? not easy. He had to run ?oras litt'* distance to get B< I in th* third .??ment . ir chord. I . is not -'t'.CS s M|S_ ? Van ?? nut I- . i I Tigers Buy a Shortstop. Clinton, Iowa, . 9oti E'' son, shortftop of * I " Association team, has been ?old to th' I?etroit Araericsi elaa, to be delivered st the ? ason. Providence, 11 : Harrisburg. 0 At Harr_liu-g 11 I I l S I It?" R H I ' . i Toronto, 3; Ro<*!*?*-ster, 2 i ?: ? ? lar, 1 L.)? I S S I r 1 0 0 S 1 S I S B ? - ' a : ? Bisons Double Winners. s I 4' ['. .-*, ? ! . ? .Jj 'il ' ' ' and li? ruiff.ia S S ? I '* ? ? ? \ lUrtrrlrt ??aw aj J ? em a ? AND DlV_* Swimming wp-? Oalton Swi-iminf Sthopl. 19 "If.? R.iwilng A.ley. W.?H Table Mfr* .. Mai i i4ra?a ?ii L'aixa -?siuer? ar**?^