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PRMARIESRULE IN JUSTICE RACE Whitman Will Name Re? publican Choice as Suc? cessor to Delany. SIX TO BE ELFXTED TO BENCH THIS YEAR Taxpayers Save About $2,000 by Having One Place Unfilled Until October 1. Pot -ne in the hiatory of .ppointment of a Su? preme Court justice Mill be directed by the mult of a d.rcct primary. That reraoi Whitman preaent determination ; no a successor to Justice John until after the pri who tt?e Rcpub Bce. jhe f the Governor was .ivalry be eandidatei -..!.' place on the Sup:. ? ?-'* com ? . Govei nor limplj tuny 1, at which tima , to be ? ike his seat. he moral I B ich un ? would be great, and prob i - victory of the ? didata Naturally thii ?!>>>' to the primaries i vernor (Bee. Incidentally the knowledge that the ?-(-.?n . ition for this 1 by the Govern? or to serre until January 1, and that even If he ,11 become a Su il three months, ?he accompanying salary at the , I 117,64X1 a year, will make the primary fight i ition vaatly ? g than it otherwise would be. ? unwelcome accompaniment of this plan to delay the appointment | of about $2,000 idering the time from : ' bar 1. on September 28. , r the atween Au k f "? Ordinarily when there is a vacancy ? ourt bench the other that court are anxious to I : inimedia*' 1 ? Delany, however, : I] ? other jua ? he calendar that to do before i mor Whit i or be? ading on the re i Gov i ty w ?-. ich was not Iced of Republi ( ment have been RESORTS. [DMLiora^ Is the Ideal Way to lhe Most Famous Resorts of America A THOUSAND MILES THROUGH NEW ENGLAND'S SCENIC WONDERLAND A FIRST CLASS HOTEL AT THE END OF EACH DAYS RUN. Illustrated Route Book or Lame Map m Colors Free at 1,1 ?0 Broadway or by Mail from AI MON C. JUDD, HOTEL ELTON, Waterbury, Conn. The Catskiil Mountains on of ROVANTIC SCENERY ALTITUDE 2000 TO 4000 FEET ATTRACTIVE HOTELSAND BOARDING HOUSES MANY TRCUT STREAMS POPULAR WALKS AND DRIVES MOUNTAIN CLIMBING?CAMPINO A .\0,\DERFUL COUNTRY OF V.ILD.VOOD CHARMS IM U.VI?.K & ULLAViAKh R. R. W ?st Shore R 11., to i.' d nom a ..?> now in ?r I>ay Um make direr? , <? ? - ai ' ;,i i< i noon trains lor ..n pointa ?n Uio m?. uitaiiiB. The annual ? ,.,,k with re vised mai t on. .'.: , v. il b? ? oatage. N. A. ?Sl.Mri. G? Klngaton, N. V. The TKOMPSUrl HOTEL i ?.m. m \iior\< n ? i arrem. i Slat.? I in. :-,<.>. ? |.,rU THE NEW MONMOUTH Spring Lake Beach, N. J. I! 't- l ?? ?li? Ocean Front Wiiij i-?n . s." ; ? i on f,,, tt?c Su.-om? i \ iBltor ? ' ?rta un,l llamee? Tain. and Tea .' 'itlnf Priva- ,uria ? Killing. I Bger. GALEN HALL IIOTI I Wll KAN \ Toril M ?T1.ANTK . n ?, -, i ? huiy ? rt or ?al,l 1 for ? * ? Tltt MADIM? HIS Mil I Olli Of ?HI VVORl? iilMrlboroufib-BicniociiiT ATI.AN IM CITY, N. J. OwmliM.f aci.i um JOSIAH viVHITE 4 SONS COMPANY :,;,v,N cr?ye?j.:.% ...,,-, ?ni \\ GKO" K. N .). IV I.YMAN MW l~>BUCI ( ABIN INN ? | . 1 ? a , t.??.?< I ? ? l.i, k U II , ?? ? o B . i ? a ? ?. m i. i u,? i (ti.i.ii . i> lneiHl ?, ti.M? i-.Lt TUCKS N. Y STATU. bvoalaa ?f Uaaat ?Vr?* ?*. K UA1.N, txetiliiuaU. N.?. Assistant district Attorney Isidor' 'vogel, Samuel 11 Ordway, proni dent of the State Civil Servie? Commie? sien* Abraham S. Gilbert, Charles 0.1 Maas. Edward R. Finch. Repr?sentative ?i. Van Vechtea Olcott, Justice John R. Defies, of (he Municipal Court; A? t District Attorney Charles F. Bostwick, charles F. Rnsnmore and W. W Niles, of The Hronv In addition to Justice Delany's place there are five other places OB the Su? preme Court beach In this district to be tilled this fall. These are now oc? cupied by Justices .lohn Proctor Clarke, Samuel Crccnbaum, Blanchard, Shearn arid IVlehanty. -? OPPOSE PUMP CO. PLAN Minority Stockholders Call ReorganiZaTtion Scheme Unfair Heide ? I'nger, of 120 Broadway, attorneys for minority stockholders of Ihe International Steam Pump Com? pany, who are opposing the payment of a share provided in the reor ation plan in a statement issued rday, called the plan "most un? ?a,r." "We have reliable information," said tannent, "that while the reorgan ? agreement is ?late?! August .">, 1915, it was, ?n fact, maile up four ? months ago. Since then, we are in formed, the company has received a number of large orders on war con ?-iii's which insure a large and stead? ily increasing business in the immedi? ate future. "We believe that the stockholders are entitled to much, better treatment than is accorded them under the terms of the proposed reorganization of the .::y. A plan is now under way to organize an independent committee ickbolders which is to oppose the proposed reorganization and strive for a reorganization which will be fair to all interested in the company." RECEIVER ASKED FOR MOP-IRON ML Commonwealth Steel Co.. of St. Louis, Files Suit in Fed? eral District Court. St. 1.ouis, Aug. IS. A petition for a received for the Missouri Pacific -Iron Mountain Railway -?j-Mcni bas been tiled in the Federal l'is'.rict Court here bv the Commonwealth Steel Company, I.ouis, which claims to be Creditor of the railroad to the extent i5,000 for rolling Stock and other railway supplies. A speeial meeting of the directors Missouri Pacific Railway Com? pany was held here yesterday, but no' regarding its deliberations ! was issued. Anotbir meeting is to bei held by the directors to-day and im? portant developments are expected. Tiio time for depositing stocks and bomis of the company under the pro- ! "capital readjustment" plan ex? pired last night. I ?epos ts of securities in pursuance of tho plan arc said to have been small. Kuhn, I.oeb _ Co., syndicate man? agers, and several banking institutions which had undertaken the company's readjustment on a friendly basis, de to forecast the outcome of to? day's session. ? BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS The Amalgamated Copper Company announced yesterday that it is pre? pared to exchange the Anaconda stock for that of Amalgamated, in addition to making the cash distribution of $3.77 per share to holders of stock of the Amalgamated Company. The Rex Consolidated Mining Com- . pany has elected M. .1. Sweeney, for-1 merly general manager of the company,. as president. Peter Hernier has been j elected to the board of directors. (iross income of the Denver & Rio j Grande Railroad Company for June totalled $1,865,774, a gain of $40,972, ' and net earnings after expenses and taxes increased $155,136 to $647,251. NEW CONTROL FOR ORDNANCE MAKERS Company Which Once Refused War Orders Now to Go Into the Business Again. - ete plant tur Hi? mai ufa '?irr i. ? 1 high eipl? ilit. il el - "? . aul ????(- -'- I at Miaron, Pe Iba formation nt a reran! rompaiiT ama of the Drifte-Seaburj Ordnance Compani Into Hie .oi.iml .' N?? Tort laureate It la the ] h? extltelj manased. It i? ui lerel known atael men, formerl? <?*' ei f the Bethlehem in manufacture munltlona of ?ar has nia.l? no mat?rr1a_ f..r war sin. e Hi? outbreak et hoatllll Ihe pca.e the preeldenl nt Ihe ? ompai ? Mr Bti?ei eon laid In March' In heilige .t? for pant - ? - tel n.? leisi- s. al un ?M'.n tn manufacture ahella tr>, ih?rn but n.? Oui . itton ?111 i ed to nai I |h llehed for i he t . eld inn ?vtila h ?<? I ?re tun ed oui >?.ar-< OUI A lartr order foi hran a ? :? . ka li al I GULF STORM WEAKENS COTTC Prospect of Da*rta,gin-r Wii Causes Market to Close al Loss of 8 Points. Relatively firm cubic? and appreli inn that the Gulf storm might be tompaaied by damaging winds in Southwest served to check ?selling the bearish view of the export statistical situation in the cotton rr ket early yesterday, but offerings creased during the afternoon on r* ?Bring reports from Galveston i bearish private crop advices, with close steady at a net decline of 7 points. Hearish sentiment was more or 1 in evidence from the start. The c tinned weakness of the sterling change situation was considered v much against the export husmeas, wl there were reports that the increa movement of new crop cotton in Southwest had resulted in freer off for August shipment and had a brought in some hedge selling h toward the end of last week. Liv pool, however, was considerably bet than due, and the local market oper Bteady at unchanged prices to an i vanee of 3 point.? in sympathy. Pri? worked off to a net loss of :''" I pon ric;ht after the call, but selling w checked by the continued steadini of the English market and appreh? sions that the Gulf storm, which i peared to be reaching the Texas coi near Galveston, might damage mr open cotton in the Southwest than ' rains would help in the shape of ni growth or development. Nervousne in this respect was increased by i ports from Galveston that the wi was blowing at the rate of 70 mil an hour, and that the water was nigh than at any time previously since IM No aggressive buying developed, ho1 ever, and later in the afternoon repor came in that there ?/ere heavy rains Galveston but no damage from wine whilf a bearish report was receivi from V. II. Cordill on crop prospec in the Southwest. The market wea ened in consequence, with active montl selling about 11 to 14 points net low uid.r liquidation by early local huye and scattered selling, part of whi? appeared to come from Southei sources. The decline to the lowest lev reached since the early month advan? attracted a good deal of covering, whi some new Liverpool buying also deve oped, and the close showed rallies ? 5 or 6 points from the lowest. Tl failure of Liverpool to buy here earl in the day at a considerable widenin of the differences was accompanied h predictions that the straddle would ir crease to about 'J? points owing t the low exchange rate and vari iu items of transportation cost. Some ( the people arriving here from Georgi say that growers in that state will se their cotton freely this autumn, as i has been grown at a greatly reduce cost, but offers of new crop shipment so far appear to have come chiefly fror the Southwest, and were reported shade steadier in tone on Saturda.? owing to a better demand from .lapa ne-e buyers. Southern spot markets a officially reported yesterday were ger erally steady, with prices unchange? except for an advance of 6 points a New Orleans, and several points re ported rather a larger business. A pri vate crop report issued before the open ing made the condition 72.2 per cent against 76.9 per cent toward the eni of last month, but the indicated de terioration of about 4.7 per cent mad? little impression on sentiment, as th? average falling off in crop prospect: for the month of August has been ovei ". per cent, Exports for the day wer? 4>97 bales, making 89,642 so far this season. Range of prices: Situr Open Itlfh. Low. Clna? .lit A'ini-t ? " ? * "?"? aid 9 ?*" B?pt?rolM-f . ? ? ? HO', 1*1.1 ' i. ' IT 9.37 l.ll I M I ? ? ? 9 "IBM 9.41 rj-a-rmbef 9 64 ?84 ?49 9 7 4-? - 9 ?l .!, ,.r, ' : . I.T4 l.ll I.I5? HI ?? ??: ... '. T5 HI'I 9 II Marrti . . 1*00 10.Ml ? "* 9 99?.? 9 I'd 9 91 - 9 ?9 111.I 10 o; Mai 10 20 10.70 10.11 loi:,?ini* 11.14 Juri- 10.22 RM 10 .-?i ? ? 10 110 lli?l 1?..1(7 Esehana? ?p*dii Urrrponi .-ii.i?? sp-i lali haiiin-u ,i"ini. la?ei, IBM iul?s ? ??? and ?HKirt. (,00, Amrrl'-in, 7.000; Im i s:, -ti i 4.M? mlddlln* upland, '. 41-1 Fular?? ?pined qul?i. s-i,-r?lly i,*7'? point? lower: rtoMd oul?t hut ??l?a?1y it i n?t il Qrtobfl No??ml>?r. 7 40(1; January-February. I.IM: Mar.h April. .'. C3W??Ii ?.!?. luni ' '??'-i, lull AugiW. S.TIH& Mia i an. and , I'.tti? dull. ll'-.tpt? it Hie perl? m?l lnl?rior r->lnti. with companion?, f- ?> rrrs?i;t To rti? I.tat st?. I,i?t ?r -? - I (.?Writmi . 4 77? 1.164 4? New Orltam . 1.S07 TTI 144 177.47? M,.'I I? 3 I I2.2SB Kith ,ali. tul 70s, -; rharl-itoa . M 11 7 47.4..? Wllml ?ton . IM U7 ? 31.674 . ITI Ml -- 13.111 - . ? ? ? 1.102 ?k . ? ? ? ! . ? ? ? Philadelphia. ? ? ? 1 III Varloui . ? ? ? IT.4W Tola!? B.tai I.TM 691 ?? Il '?rlor Aii|u?ti . 217 1.15 I 64 9!?n MrniphI? . 219 IM 34 71.611 s' Ixnili . 747 IM Hi" 14 .'(07 I Houston '. HI |,Ml .'.1<4 46.7IH Tl,? 1?. al mark?' f,,r w?a qui?! anil .1 points lo?s?r. on lb? I??-)? of II5e for mMdlln i ?airs ml ? -n, ?pm mark?'? matt i?lf|(iph?1 it *?*? Bi in ur? nominal, unebangN at !*%>; ulra lumia!? it-id) ?i,,, t,a:,f?,| ai l.tle: .airs 9 1 ?'*' ..',, !,a?,??sl at 9?4r; ailri nil. 1.1". It... quiet, unrhan-Ml a. *.'?0r. aal.s i.ll .\?w (irl?ai,.. ?l? 6 point? hifl,?r at 9- , ?a-? I.T?3 bain Nurfnl? quirt, im, tun??* at I ?'ale? Sasatinali Arm ur,. Flinffd ?' ?'. . . Ill b?lfl ?UfthNMon ???al? in chanted it !>? lain, Ml bain Norfolk qui.? -, ?l.iiil-' . ?? 4?.(> 1-alr? Memphis at-ad*. If i< I IT? ?.:??? ".: ha>? n ? ? , haut?.I ?t le; ??1rs | I . ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS r- at I -??n 1 I itnit 11 ARMt Cart FRAX? IS M inII (| M C . on reue: a . -a- -; r put Q. M s?', i . il tant'. ? . rill 11 Med ll?a a? li raawell, N ? r I Meul 1 I? -It \i W. RAY1X1 U. II. ? ? . I to hon i > 1 ?el from act lee duty In Me?! i. ? l , ? Ii1V\ Ills l>AV|s. | : \l ,- I l: Wii 1 HA! IH . ? Ilk.- * ? ? I ral "I '?i?? emu. a ? a III! 1 l>. . ? r.. which '.'? i., : roui r r m m *m n All" ' Mill ? ? i.i ai:it > j owl - I'M s HAKMN. Q M C. '?" i ?" II?; I'lral Lieut. I. a III I! IX.N1I1 I'. Ml ' a . ? ? - -la: HAROI.l) l> ? OUI UN*. M ? . . .,ir I l.\ IN R III HUH?, "h ? at . ? NAI V Lieu; I'llnM, ,i?i? ha i s- i?-.ui? ? ? i: 1 ? I. ? II - M QVARRIr*. delacl 1 Ral Metal I -? Mare Isla I .11 R II HAWKINS ? I i: .. 1 ;..r , UN leta. I.?-1 recele | - . I I. IIARTI IM Iota, bed rar? ?ar i i | I -, a ? : WIM ?a-. - . rha ?? I BARN M ? I. I* Ml l;IM?l I I ? HOSSMAN I. s s?! TI .HT Il vin!-! MA? K ? '?'? II.I.IAM in v\ H HICK SKI la. w I. TOUU H w i|NNiN.;s ROHKRT <i HAC.I HARM II MOI I MINT Al.l.l*. i !? > ri t . . ?, ?: rt. at San ^ ?? tir.l A " M . a ai a | Supply an' Neeeaie al Guam (;?:??? ? ai KasaaaU; k'ar.e'ic al Do kll I Au| 14?ciaauaauuta. __._?_.. act A.aa.u.i.'O. N-vap.r. Mar? Idead for 8an Fra*M_ee *gtt ! ?? ' I,. ?"harletton fot Ken V..rk Mleaourl I Ohio ? i .'.?? --a. I rat I* ? foi Sen Kriraarg?. Nt * Y.?ru for R...trMi. I'mmetli'ii Hutch Barbet foi Kadlak; Alliant. Portland. Ore foe Bremerton; Nero s?n loe*., foe La Pia ': A'l| 15? Mc? ? | N I 1er It.?a? N \ . K'niii kv I'ortlatMl Me. for New Au| I? II .1? a 11 at - i em tee I. har a i >.- i- . c , In ??anlaafc-a at naty yard. V . v .?? 14 SURROGATE'S NOTICES. IN PURSUANCE of an order of Honorable John I" Cobalan, a Surrogat? of th? ..f Net Y...K. nolle? It hereby given In all peraona having claims ?fallut Cath? erin? A. HIiss, lato of the County of New York, dec?a??d, to pr?tent -he ? witn \.. rih'ra thereof t.. thi s i hi. nhers at their p i, .? of Iranta I t lalneea, at th? afflc? ,.r tti-ir auori;..?. I. ? ?? r ? 11 Clark? t, Uen. ?diet. No. 37 null .sireet. la Th? llorougn ' ol Manhattan, CHj of Nat? York, oo or before tt;>- >>th day of October tiext. Datad, Kam Tork, th? ith day of April I Hi WALTER P miss GEORGE B, AGNEW, Bsecuters, ETT, CLARKE A BENEDICT, At eyi foi F.xecutor? J7 Wall Street. ..IBh of Manhattan. Nett Tork City, PIITPE. WILLIAM HENRY P?in p|*R. - at ? of an order of Honorable Joht: P irrosat? if the Count/ of Net? ebj given to all f.eraon? :.. t almt against William Henry P -'-"? "f N?-? York. d? eaai . 10 pr> ?em the ?am? tilth vouch? i art thereof lo ihe ?? n?r plac? .'.?acting lus.i.r.?.?. kl th? offlr? of I'm lerlck B VVeoilruff, No 16o Broadway m the City of New York, on or betor? th? l.'ih dai of iH'nier neat .Ne.a York, the Ittfa ilav of March EDITH H l'IITFK. Adrnmiatratrla. PREDERICK S WOODRUrr, Attorney for Administratrix, IIS Broadway, Bor? ough Of Manhattan. New York I'lty IN il K8UANCE ?'I-' AN ORDER OF MON ihn P Cohalan, a Burrogate of the Count J Of Net, tork Botica te. hereby ? lag < .aims kgatnit a-e . f the County of I - - ? ?sat the earn? with voucher? thereof t.. the ?ubscrlbera, ?t ib? r i ... e f irai ?a? ling b ? a . . Manhattan. ?I Ne? fork, on or bef<re th? lltn da) "f Novemboi next Ne.N Y?.rk III? I'M h day of May. Uli ALEXANDER HKori.H. l'l?\v.? |;I. (J MAUi*J*K, VA? gtor? WILLIAM OOI.DSTICKER, Alt) for La ? ?.ulor?, lav i.<roaUaa>. N?w Xork. ' NOTICE OF ?ALK. NOTICE Of SALE. In ?he Mailer of lhe Hale ..f Tm-t Prop? erly under Herd o? Truil of THF. t'MTKII H 'ATI-It \M? lUillT I ?IM I'AW lo Till. I \IIM I?** I 0 *,**. AM? TRI'sT (lllll'AM, Truilre, ?la?e?l April Ul. 1011. tlefaull hiflnf lakBB pl??-* nn April 11?. 1?14. In tl,? pann.iit ?f ih? prln,-Ipil ?ums du? saai ft\t*\a "i, th?t ,la. mi .-?rialn of Ih? I nllitrril Trns' "MM ????te? of Ih? l*alt?! Water H<1 l.?|ht r. mpm?. dal?! April let, Mil, l.y I??"l "f Trust of aal'l Ion,pin. (o th? underilfued Tnulr? ?li'~t April la?. 1*11. in,I au.-l. default hitlng rontlnue.) for i prrlnd of in,?r? Ihm three (31 month? if'?r ?a.I prln. Ipil a,una h?, am? ?lua ami paiahll a? af.T?sal,I iii,1 after ?h* ruttirnl of aall ilrfmli??! prln.lpel mm? on irm? ot iild mats* h?d MaB d? man.le.l. ami .till . nntlniiliif. in 1 th? prtn.-lpal ?uns ..r in its? nom t..,ie,i mat meastatttnas nrnSm aal,l Hewl of Tru.t hating beeil heretofore duly ?l??'lir??l ,|,i? and payable In,?e with Ih? proslslon? of call per,I nf Truit. a"l Oat ?*"*? ? moiiiil of ih? prln.lpal of nlil ont.'in.lm? imte?. I? ?1? U 401? -.(10 fa.? ?al,l? thereof. tn.ethee With intern? llirreou al th? rale of all per cent per annum In a ?err large amount, helng In default.> ai?l unpalit. ilihough pijm?til of th? aim? tag MM duly .lemin.le.l. NOW. TIIK KAIIMI'.?"?' I (?AN AM) Till ST COMPANY, a? Trusle? m-1er MM Dcfl of Truit gad purlin.I t?? ?I??* terms tl ?I pri.rlalon? thereof, nol luring heen Ihereun'o du1? reiueileal In wrt'lnt hr II.? Iir l.ler? of raer? than ninety per rent (901) In imouul of ?II ?lid mates l?sue,| a?,,I mitsHJuUuf. hereby ?It'i i.otl.e tin? It will, on the ?erenlh day of September. 1111 it two o', lok In UM iflertinod of that dir. ?ell ?l publie lurtlo-i to ih? hlghent an,I lieil hld.let. throuth A-lrlin II Mull.r A Sen. Au, ?loneers. II lhe **?? .'hanga S?le-,r.?,m Ka* 14 in.l 1? V?s?y Sir???. In th? nor,?,|!, ,,r su- hallan, ?Tit? and C?nti of New York. Stile of New Ynrk. ill ind ilngulir ?he f'-l lowing botidi ind ,-oupoin beltl by It aa Trial?? under aal.l Dee? of Trml. mil ill Ih? ?Hit?, rlglil. ?I'll ?nd Intern', rlalm. demind. ind benefit and equity of redemplloM. nf ?lid Inlted Witer A U?ht t'ompinv. In ?urreunn ?nd nalfm. of. In ind lo 'he sime, fil; ???reel || Forty four ?hnuaind l|44 ?O01 d~IH?. | prllirlpil fie* imniint of Arkinnw Witer t'ompmy of I.Ulli Ilork, Arkiniuw. i:on?,,llil?ted Blnklnl Fund M.tigage (?old lloudi. dite?l Fehruin 1st. K94 due Februiry 1. 1914. 14.?06 thereof l>ein? by their term? 6?i ind 1.01.000 ther-of e% Ponds, with ill ucpal?! n-upnr,? thereon. Pirnl J: Twn liun,lr?<l twenty ?f? tksMM '1 '?'.'."..OOtl dnllir? prln, Ipil fi. ? amount of Arkin- ? ?aw Water Company OoUl M.,rtK?g?- lloinla. ?Iited I February 1. 1110 ?lu? Tateman 1. IIM. IlSl.laM ll-err??f t.rlnt ht lhelr lenn? t?r?, trfmd? and 174.0U? ?l,e-e..r t% mamee. with ill unpild coupons thereon. ! Pireil J: Four hundred ninety ihouiind 11490.- , 0001 dollar? principal far? ini.uint nf Ttie llirmlnf him Wiier Wnra? ( nninan? ??? per rent F?-tJ Year (?old Mortgage lloudi da??,! Februar? 1. IMS, ?lui February 1. 194'.. wnh ill unpild coupoul thereon Parrel 4: BUty-ili thwuind <$(',?.000) dollars [ prlnrlpil fare ?innunt of Hcllftllle Water Supplr Company fite per rent Mortflf? ??o1 1 Beoda, ,1a', I Juin 1. 191?. due June 1. IBM, ?II unpaid , nupni.a thereon. Pireil 3: Mil's four ?hoti??nd <1.-.4.0001 dnllin j principal tare an.n?n,i nf The Huiler W?>?r c-m pan. lit? per r*n| 0*9 Mnrtgag? Ilonds. dited ?ep temher 1. il'04 due 1. 194s. with ill un .... Pireil t: (?n? hundred thirty ??ten thousand ill 17.0**1 dollar? prlnrlpil fir? imoott of Cllntnii , Witer Works t'nmpins- fit? per cent lioi.l Mnr;gai? Bnii-I?. dated Auiu?t I, lull, dm Aufm 1. 1?S1. with ail unpaid . nupoua thereon. Pareil 7: Two hundred elgli'y three Ihou.and ' (l.'s 0001 ?Inliar? pnr?-Ipil fa-e ?mount of City Water Complu? of Chaitinooga. Tlllll????, B?e per . et.t Fnriv Year ??cl.l Mortgage II.Is da'e,| Ma. 1. 1311. due May 1. IIM, wnh a.i unpaid temps** ?..emu, Parcel I: Hit thniuind (14.000) dnllin prlnel- j pil fi.e imom.t of The in, ,e. .?>! 1,- U.?er (?m pant ?,f Cnnnellstllle I'eni a. itai.ia. flt? per ami 1 -?. ?fur (.? I Bo I?. ,lltrd October ted. 1MB, rtm nrt-a?? ted, 19..9. wlih all unpaid ?,"il?'i.? ( Y':r,?T Pircel I: Twent? Ihnusind f?? hundr?d ($20. .',??.>> dallan prln,ipal fare aatMUt at lli? ? - ? rill? Water I nmpan? t.t- set ,e-,' Uold Mnrtgige H?n I?, dalfd April i. 1911. due April 1. 13M.?i'?i ail unpaid roii[?nn? thereon. P?rnl II: Fite thnusmd i|',.00Oi do'.lir? |>nn llpil fl'? amount of l"lll Water r,.i,,pa' \ - ' ? ?? ?t lx,iii? Illinois, roneolldalrd Blnklnt Fund M.rtgage (??,1.1 fit? per ?e,,i ba-nda, da'esl January I ? 'I ,lue January 1. Ill?, with all unpaid cu? po'.? Jher?, ', P?re?l II: ?in? huti?lr?,| ?w?lt? thousand <$112, I 'li ? Ipal fa- ? amount ,,f ? It] Water Coinpiio nf Fait >?! Ixsui? and ??rmlte ritt. F.i.t s- ? .?111-. 11,.-!- fite per .ei,' FoftJ ^ear ??"!,| .Mor'tat? Bondi, <la.e.i Januar! ted, IMS da? January ted !''4'. i?;'h all uiipaM cMf-go? thereon. Parrel 12: S,t th?Hi I [%X Ml) ?lolln? p-turl pal fare ainrxml of dranlt? ('!? v. Ma?lls<i, ind Venl'-e Witer ?'nmpinv of Urtlill? il < r.te per Cfnl Thlr*. Year Held Bond! dat-.l Marrh 1 IM1, due Marih 1, l'.'l. with al! ir i . I ... a thereon. Panel 13: ?>-e I ndted two IhBWtlBd ($107, 00(1. ,Indar? prlri'-ipal far? iraosi ? ??', I ' - Il j ?n-, Ua'er ( .nipa: ? lite j,er en? Go I M'-rtgag? Itnnda. dited Mar 1. IMI, due May 1, 1949. with ill unpild , oui- - liereou. Pireil 14: auteen Inou-and Illl.MI) dnllin prti.Hpa! fire ilnnunt of Jnpltn W it?r Work? Com? ?a: ? ..f l?.[.nn. UlMOiirl, Are p?r ?rut Forty-Year do,I lion.I. ?la'e,I April 1, 190n due April 1. 1940. ?slth all unpild roupon? th-r" '. Pireil 15: Slut nit.? IhiMinrl ($?o.000) dollin prlnrlpil fu? .ti'outi' ,,f The J.plln Water Work? ( ntnpain of Joplli!. Mi.sourl, ?te per rent (,,, 1 M"r-gi?e llond?. dite?l ??.iot-er 1, I90S. due Octoher 1. 194s. with ill unpild ?oupoin thereon. Pireil II: (?I.? hundred ilitt ?eten thouaind llllT.MI) lol'.an prl'.lpal face -Mount of Keokuk Witer Works Company lite per ten? ??old Montage Bond?, ?la'??l f.e.?ml,-r IS, 1*11, due l>e,rn,ber IS, 19M, with ill m paid .' ?P? ? thereon Pircel 17: Benolem tbouiand lIlT.IM) dol?an prlnrlpil far? uoounl nf R.., tn-, Water Worki ?ompai ? "f Knkomo. Indiana, fit? p?r renl Thir'i Y?ar (?-?Id Mocgag? Bend?, dated A,?gu-i 1. IMS, d??e August 1. 1132, Mil ail u:,paid .oupoin - Pirrel II: Ninety elth' theuiind I:-? 000) dnl Ur? prlnrlpil far? amount ,,f link'nwi Water Work? Compuii ,,' K ,..?.,, Indlini r.- per ,,-: ? i M??r'?ag? Ho-,da .laird In!? 1, 191u. due July 1. lO'.n. with all unpaid roupe ? Iberaoo Pirrel IS: Tldny ?rrni Iheanad i$77.0O0l dnl? lin priiH-lpii fi?? ?noun? .,; Mund? H'tter Worii Compiny of Stuart?, Indian?, ?r? per ,ent (?n,,| Mortgage Bond? ?lated Ortob? 1. 1'? ? 1. 19??, with all unpaid -oupona there.,n Pirrel 20: ?me Itawaud III (.0",| ,|,.i|ari prln elpn fa?- at.mui.t of city Wa'er Co:r>pmy of Mari r,--e Uold M-.rtgige fir? p?r renl bondi, di'ed Mirrh 1 III? due Mir. h 1. UM, with ill unpaid roupno? iherr-iit Pareil II: 'iw,, Ihamand 1I2.0001 dnnlr? prln - ctpa] fa??; <iti"T ? gl l': ? Ml Yemon Water IVi.rki Compin? of Mt \?rnon. Indian?, fit? per rtm I ? ar ?.??. 1 U< nasea B n dated Beptein ter j IMI, die Bepitawirr I. IMI, mih all unpaid roupon? there-', Parcel 22: Tliir't-ihr?? thon.aj.d ($'? . OOOI dol? lar? prlnrtpal fir? aatssunl ?f The Ml Vernoa v. ?. 'ru l.lg'.t and l',.w?r Ccaapaasy fit? pel renl (?.,.,1 M'-rigage llrti-l?. date.) Septeinner I 1:?0.'. due Sep? tember 1. 19'.:. with 111 unpinl ,nupon? th?r?,,n Pareil 21: Twenty four thousand 1174.000) dol lara prlnripal fa,? laawol ,,f Th? (itj- of New Cai'le W l'er, ( ,,mpint nf New (is'le. I'e'in.yltinla Fort? Yeir (?old fit? per rent t?,,.d. ,|a(e,| i)e. ?ember I. 1001 da? I?e?eiii?,er Z. 1141. with ill ?*? pild roupons th?reon. Pircel 24: ?>t,e hundred aim four lllul.OOOl iloilar? pntinpal fa,? arnniint of Th? City ea* New I'aitle Wattr (onipny n.- t Forti Year (?old Mortgage llond. dated J r ? 1 191J. ?In? June 1. 19.-7 nltli all unpild ?oupor.? Ihere.-:, Pareil 25: On? hundred twei,tt fit? ihouund (II2S.MI1 -lollir? prli.i-ipal fa, e imiiinl of I'-irtj. Ilerklev ?nd Kuftolk W'i'er Coa 1 . rortamouth. Virftnlt, fit? per ? 1 -?. \... ,, ? \i -?*.!? li" -i? dan 1 Vote? - 1 I. 1944 with ?. .. ipong Ibenoa Pirr?l 2k: - 1 . I 111 onr,, dollar? prit,,ipal fare tttounl of Porftmouth s Wtlei ,.: PortaBKaUih, Virginia tit. ^, ttmt K.r'i Year Q?ld Mortgage lto:?i? da'e.i N,, ten .er I. 1(104. dial N,..???. ... ; :f,,| .,,,, t;1 111 1.1,1 ?, u si ? Itera Parrel 77 I ' ? Ihm - -nal i (Ml OOOl dnl lar? pri'.-pal ia?e an.?'n.' ol 1'inio Wa'er I s irgr 11 e.e p.r rent M( fgit' lield B ?- . - 1 du? Nuta/i.ier 1 i?,; ?.u, all -mpiid c?upoiii tiietecn Pirril 21. Fifty ni: e ?',,,,-? 1 ,$-,9 000) dollin prln ipa, ,'? e an ?unl f I'-.? -..i.rroun Water W'ori? I'empanj 1' ?hreeepon LouUlma it? per '??? rtrtt Mor'gige i,:, 1 Be 1? dated .--p'rml??r 1 l-v' ' ? - . - : IIM ?Itb all unpaid ,' II ' ? ' Pircel 24- F'ghty tnouaa-d tlit.OOO) dnllin prit. -.; a 'a ? .-,?.' , - ?hreteporl W?|?| W.-rr? . - fllepuil I. ,:- ? ? n.. per . 1 lair I Forty-Veir 1 ? gagi-l date 1 lune I. I - - . 1 ? , pel : ? ' ? - Pircel 30- Mtnetj 1 -e ine-atand :199oo?) dol 11-, prttll d-a la e ... . li Water ' < :, p. ? f Hi looeph 'i ? Mt Forty-Ten 1 Bondi sited A?,rt, . Jue April 1 1 '?'.. vtr: . Piroel II: T?to hundred l*ty-t?e $.-,. 0(?0? Ina- pi |.? f. e .in ml ?.'?- ? , mt,.r t 0' st Joan ao-arl ??- p" ? ,. . \t.-- aa?. 1 : ??? - " -r 1 IIM?. ?if, . pill oup'i.? hereon Pareil 32: Twe?,tt thrre lh?**MI I 'I. 00?| dol? ?a-, prln Ipal '? ? ???" in? ??? Tnt Wleblla w?-?r ? ?.uipai.t of W|. ii.'a. Kal?au It? per renl I ?In. I I -?? l . '? . M 'gag? Bon li late I \ , lnO'i du? Not ?. ill un? ?a . ?, ,; .1 ? ? Pircel 31: Ot ? hutidr?! If'? IB?tail! i$ro I ??:. pel Ipal 'a ? ??Muni or The Wlrbll't Water ( nipi. t rte pe? reel F,,r'i \.t , Mi-rtgige Bondi ?la'ed Jinniry Z. Is;: ,f.e Janu? ars. 1. IIM, will, il u . a ! ., ![-,?.. Ibereo? Pirc?l 34: >.? lh??B?lid i|6?o,i, dol?an prln rlpal 'a, e am->.? ? ol Tbi ?Varrei, Waler ? e.e per real ', I II? i.f B ? . . ? ,e July 1. 194? with m uripud , , , tlieteon Pireil 35: Tw" l,u: .t'?-l it? lhee??n| \%% . . '? ? a of The I'nlted Haler . I 1 : (,..?? 1 .rsi Mi ntage ?lera Tl ?- (. I Bo .,;<, .latrsl Ma. . dui .Mit I. 11M7. ?-> 1 :ii !.. unpaid . Tt.? ind ule will be male In th? following mm. a- I up.?!, :,e ? ?? g lag??? ?ad ,o?. 1 . All of ?aid lecurltlea m tn be m Id ? : e lot ?ul la ?a tattMf lid there after, ?hruld it t f.hlder wlio hi? quil.le 1 in !?,? 1. . net Ml?lB?H?t pro?l-le.l m r?yur?:. tl.? tald , - ?hill I? offereai irpirite? in p?r, 11 ?, . . .'??1 Tl.ere?f-er rl 1 .11?! > male ? bl.? el'her for ill rf ?aid . ai in e-,nr?'t or f?-r it par'l u ar pare . , ha?e the rl?ht to it r.'eiM the iniount nf r ? le.g -r I ?i., a.. ept the hltheat bl.l or |.t ), wir., li -Ball pi.J'i.? Hie ?arg.a: aggieg. . . ill? No bid ihill h? re-cl?ed fr? m in. 'idler fnr , , 1 g e pa- ? ?,. ? a ?? wi-h the u--Iff? 1 ? ' m ? ??> the urn? ft ?u, h ?ale 1? I r-"lie that he will mike g,,.| his hl.l in .1?? of 111 mcteeu ta, an imount rqml I(, - . en', rf tie prit ? ral face imount of the , Mid In'iiM parrel el'her It , .?s , ? ,, a I.e. k .?fiOe.l 11 a . . ?:ik or truil .owpii.y ?Huit? lu th? BoroutQ of ala.-.liai NOTICE OF SALE. tan. City of New York, and no bid ahall b? re felted from ?nr hi.1.1er for ?lie entire proper'? who ahall not hate depoelleal wllh IkS ?.derail?.ed prior to th? time flu.I for ?m h aale a? a pl??lg? that he ?III make |.??l hi* bid or lil'la. In mi of Ht ?r 'l"a.,e tl? ,nm of twenty ate thonaand WVOOOI doliera, elrher In . ath nr In a < heck .erillol a? here!..before |.mtid-d Alt MS?M dep.?ellln| th? ?urn of twcmy lite ihonaaiid IIHaSMI U?>Hara a? afnreiahl ahall Imj eiitltle.l It MS N any parcel or roiiildiiifliui of pir. ela aeperattl?. ami on all the ?ei'iirltlr* aa an entirety. Ant dejiotlt re.eitcd rrnm any iihaur?a.fiil bid? der will he relumed lu him when the properly ahall be itrurk ntT. on ?cceptan.-e nt any bid the SSSSMSM bidder ?hall fnrthwlth enter Into an eireernent In writing with the in.dera!|r e.l In appropri?t? form, whereh? Im ahall bind liliuaelf to pay th* balance of hit old at the aSSta of lb? underal|ned. No H William Mircet. .New York < !ty. within twenty COI dayt alter an? h acceptance, or auch ?ddlllonal time aa the under?lgiic?l. upon rerjuea?. may ? wrltlni allow Any _MtS_fM bidder upon payment In full of Hie purrhtte price In th? manner and within 'be per!.?I ?ateta HmltVl, ahall b? entitled to recelt? delltery of the aeruiitlea ?lib h be ahall hat? It purchaae-I. and in lna?mment of ciiicyai"'" thereof In a.enplane?, with the ptotlalona of ?aid Truel Deed, (o matak reference la hereby made In i_? any Udder ?hall fall pr?mip"y and fu!l? to perfonn an? of the oblliinon? pro tlil?d In tills mill.? to I.? perfnrni'.l ht lilm. IfeS mm .l-ro-alicl by auch blibler. whether pa\ld In ceali or rei.reeeiite.l h? ch.,1.. eliall fi.rthwlih I.? ami become ahaolii'ely Ihe property nt Ihe Kami era' Loan an J TtW? ? onipany, at Tn.ate? umler Hie aal.l Deed of Tru?t, nut at a penalty liupotcl SSM Ml Ii bidder, but a* liquidated damag" auf fere.1 by ??ich Trotte?; It Mag eapreatly ag'"-d SI each ?i I eye- bidder that In au. Il etrnl th? dam aiee ?uffere.1 by auch Truatee would i>? aulmiantial but In.-ai.allt of meaaurement. The pur. hater or purcha?a-ra ahall be entitled to trim In. MS and apply. In making payment of the pur. ha?? money by or from htm ur tjiem bidden upon au. h aale, any of Ihe noli I and an? 'if **N ...upen? eecured bv aald Deed of Trui' and at th? j lime tl aald aale matur.d ami unpaid, reckoning , auch note? or mature.) coupone tor mich purpose, al a ?urn equal to ant not ei.-reding that which al?ala ] be ratirile ?ut of Hi? net pncst?I "f inch aale lo j '.he holder or holden of amh nutea and roupni.i for . ..'a or tlieir Ju?t ahare In that character cf mi? h "" pro. ee-la of tale under ?In? apportionment of and ta i ?ami Ins ?omernlni auch net after pro tl-i..n ahall hate been marie lor ?he payment In ratal of the raimiaee of au. h sale and the reaaoo ahle cnipenaailoii of Hi? Truate?. Tlie r.|ht la reaerted to rcaell the property or UiJ i?iriion thereof aa to ?Inch default In pay m-nt ih?tefor ?hall be mad? upM Mich attire i< tilt undrralgh'd ma? determine ta auffl'-teiit. or wlth oiil norue. in ihe etent that an> pur baser ahall fall or .in.l promptly mil full) la perform any of th? .?llllailoi.a in thla notice, or In the airerment ao tn he aitued by him ?a tforraahl. I.y him required to be pffformeu. The uml?[?i|ne?l rrarrte? th? right to adjourn an. I. ?a.? miner aa to ail ?aid property or at to any pan-el or parcela I hereof ipeclgid In tide no tice, and to eell upon au. h adjourned day. upon euch i.otb-e aa II may In It? discretion .bcro tulTI ttmmx, Th? ?aid aale will be mile mhject to all the ' term? and condition? entamed lu this notice. . Dated July ?.th. ISI1 TUL KAIIMI.HS l.iiAN AND Till ST COMPANY. At Tnian-e under Deed at Tru?l of lilted Water A Lignl ?onipanj. dated April l?t. I'll. ii) i. a MaUurroN, PMnMmSa QE?LBB, 11'iIeSTiiN' A KORAN, Attnrne?! lor ?aid Truatee. tl Kirh?Igt Lia. e. .New Yurk. N. ?. NOTICI OF SALE. In the Matter of (lie Mtlr of Truat Prop? erly Inder Dee** of Tru?t of IHK UNITED \\ IM? 1.14.III COM? l*AM lo MM*. I U-MI.I'V LOAN AND TKlrtT IIIMIAM, Tr?i?tri-, ilatcil \pril loi, I'M?? Default hating taken place on Aprti lat. ISH i . ..cut !,r the prim ?pa! MUM due aid payable .... 'nat da) ta i?llllt at Iht t'olleter?! Trui; ?;?...! S'etea ..i iht United Mfatei and light Company, natcl April lit. 1!>10. ?.-curr.i kg the U.I _ Ttuat of ?aid Cetrtpeni to lb? nualeralgiied Truettt daltd A., u l.t. 111!, tnd m h .Mauit batlag continued for a period of Men Iban titr?t IS) swnlbs after ?ai-i principal Mart btraat dut ai i payabM ?? tforttald, and after ihr paym?m ?<: taki dtfeulted prli.i -ipal auma M M_t ?4* laid ; 'r. bad a:;.I Hill continuing, ai. I mim? of all of tie taget . a .'an.ling under mid Deed .t TltM bating bten bet duly .1" land Omt ti i peyaM? m tccoitUoct ?riih tlie protiaion? ?al ?all Deed if T.-uH. aid the whet? amount of the prln? lpt1 of Mid oufalai.dug n 1*141. to ?it.,. fa.? ralut ihereef, wgetbet trltb ' rh?re.mi al the rare ..f alt |i?r cent pet annum In a ter? large amour.r. Mag In default, payable a:..) unpaid. Itthough ?MX??nt of the aame hat oocn duly demandtd, Now nil. PA-MEHB* l.?iA.N AND TIN ST ? 'IMI'ANV. a. Truatee undrr -aid Data] of Trum, a rh? lernia and I profiiioi.a thereof, and batlag l?ru Ihtftunte Ii > re.iurme.1 In wrlni.g b? the (.-.bier? of more than i ;.-?) pet eeoi IM la ii . i all aai.i tetm la-urd ?d : I, hereby litre i.otl. e that It win, on iht lefentb dai of S puml w. Ill i. ai U o'clock loon ?! Ibal ?la?. Mil ai public auction to the log' - an.I I..-' bidder, L,rough Aalten II. M?ller A Bea, Au Ueaeen, at tbe l.i.hajge Stltt r?a?im, KM. 14 ami II Veaey Streer, m the llurnugli it Mtakatttn. Cltl aid Ceunly if New York. Stale of New leek, a.i tnd etagulu the fa-Uotrlng bendi an: tammamt b_d kg U a. Rune? enalte aald Heed tt Ti. H, aid ill Iht eaiate. right, ilile ami int?r? ?t?, ciejiu. dastand, . lUity of r?. ilmpllia. . aai.i l mted Hater and *UgM Com? pany, il? imilltMII a..d Mtlgnt, of. in and to the aaiii'-, rli: Parcel II Pitt hunare.i |pd one thousand (I'.Ol. ? i. | ... ta ? .in m ; ol ArAtnatl \\?:er Co_pan) >ii p--r ?III ?.. ,,||4g? lloi.ill. daied haut 1, 1st!, dut k'tbnun I, Vj.,v. with ?,. unpaid ? ttiponi i Partei 2. I > I tnd I Intti tint : dol?an '1??'.'?.UUij) prim lpal fa. e aiuount tl i'rie lliiuiiiilhaui llai'r u.-r ? L'empan] dro [>er cco| Irori) ??-ai ?...I M...- a.? I. dated i ? .. . lat. Vf).,, due Irbrjan 1. ISIS, vtlin all ur paid ...i laeceoo Parrel i: *-'.(?? lour IheuttWd dol?an J ? principal fact amo.mi o: Belietllle Meier Suppii Compai?) Bte i?r LCIU Mortgage ??".1 tkuule, .la'.d June 1. ISIS, ?l'I- June i. Mjg, ?01. all Ui.pald : . r.-> i. Parcel 4; dghQ Uwm lbeutend dol?an (SSI.? Otio > principal la. e aumuni ?t riit. Buiier \\ar?r Compel?) tu- p. r ?....d Uertgig? September 1 i''V due Scptembei i. Ital, ?aim m u .pa,.i loupi.r.a llieron Parcel 5: Iwo hundred and t?.nt?-nlna thou aaj.d ISIZS.K.lollara principtl ia ?? ti in/ M'tier Cumpanj of Cnattanooga, renne_ee, lie per cent K..rt>-"ie?r Gold Murtglgt Hood?, dated Hay I. ISH, due May I. , ? .. tltb ?.. Ui.panl eeupeot ihtrcon Parcel ?; DM 1.inlre I arid twenty thonaand 111? art pril i.i :.- I amour.', of I H) Wa'er CoarptB] i! Kaal Ht, lai'.ii, and Urtnltt Cltj Kaal ML I??uu. Ulli.ola. in? per cent Kur!. 1?. Guld Ml .?. lettd Jai.uary Jnd, l'?0j, du?> . ' th ail uiipa.d loup-uia tiiereon. Parcel 7: Thirteen ?:. g .- ,1 [}] principal u.e uaeuai i i - it, . . -, Water '.? i Mortgagt Uoi.di. dated Ma? 1. ISSS, due May I, 1 ?? ?, ?r|lb til unpaid DUUptM th?r?.... Parcel I: Slitcen thtllliad (11?.BOO) dnllan ' prim .pa. Itce tnaou :. Ua'rr "Aorkl i . i?. peny uf Joptln, Ml it . ? , . \, tr (,u.d H .i?, deled Api.i 1. IMS, due April ?. l^iu, ? III! all ? Parcel ?: Klebt) nine Ihoutand .|?'?.moi dolltn I'll .. Ipa - ' J. pun \\? t: t ir...? . . Ihewu It? Mwigag? B Pel .. i '?-. ?n.. . paid ? ipont . Parr?l Hi: T?.,..) ? ? , .,,, ^?1. lara pniH ;i a :. \\ .;,.r Wo,^, ? .ni?., .i K..?..u.... Indiana, j.e pet ..... Thirty. I?.i ?.. '. II ???? I' Auiuat 1 Lou ,1 M A'H'H'. 1, . ... taiupoul theieou Parcel II; Three Ibaauaand .> .....?a?a dullart prln ci;.i lae iflaouul 04 1. ... ?;. .?'.r Nnrke ? clll K ... Indlaui St , Mon? gtgl H ...1-. Jit? I i ... ; .... ,;,..? Ju.y i_ ?xjo llth I Parcel 12. I'n.r'i S?t Ibeutt | ||U,SSS) dollar? prim ipal la.? am . of Mu .? ?\ llff w ... Uu I m?. Bit i .. ... I .. ; i. r . . ? ,|ue Ui.iui.rr i .1- a . a. I .'Up..;., m?i,..i. Parcel II '? ? a I inneieen thonaand ' 'a e .i.1,1 W a er t ? ; a - ilaniiett? t,? p. r ... Mo '?ai- i .. ? i klar? b 1, 1 ill . .. v. paid < o'ip.)ce Iba Parcel 14. Sltleen Ihoutind 111?. Ml I dollaet of Tut Ml. Ytnion ?a?,', 11. Vet u i . ? Pblrty-1 M r:i??- n ' . . ' .. a 1 u ? i. i tui I bereoia. Parcel 15. Ihlf** let?- U , ; aamj a0|. lera prl nptl ft--? at . Water Wor_ I? ??*? Ul.. at? pet ?r.t I.,.- , l'?i '?? ??? I, la : '??a- . 1...;, jue 11.?j. 1 I'? 1 ?un ill ireon ? Parrel II: ", hundred and lie i.-. .. ? j ? ? . pal face a | i . . ..... | , \,-t ? ?" . / i ear G Monta?? I a ? ?..,-? L'44. w.?:. a .'.?-reou. /?ret, 17: One . it, g?, ?--1tlMll i ... ... nm'l'.. ?- ? ?: ? *?>. | ' ? ? ' ittr ? dot.?at I * ' I. dtl? .Nu?,_ne* i i 14 w . . Pireel II ... I. ... ' ' IA atar ' ';---. r.? mi . ? ?- < ? ! ? ? ? ? ?uupon. Parc?l IS "?? beodred a i atiera tfea__a_ '1.1 '?"" ?t? I ?? 'pa. flat am. m,| ?f t..' * ' ? ?' **??* " >N ' - reT,m?t ? ?? c" i ' ' ? Koni i,.. - I ? .-1". due j_i I. . ?? ttitb i .- "mm Parcel 20 ; On . ? , , ?et? .,, i .,,. ?. deled i I. 1 Kt| ,.J4 *_.. .* [Ml. with a .- v " '? i ructl *L I r - . ..?, ,hot,,..d ! ?I- .-?r IOU?M PI ?'''??' - ? Mia ' ' ? '? 'd?t?_ ? Part?! 12 i . , ? ... .. . . ? Itted n _? ?Kb t Parcel 21 I . . ,, p_iy. Me per cent Poi i .- .. \? ... H f .l*r..i Januai ' .... ' *'- "'u Parcel 24 r?e, ? . Uxa p.-tuwpai lex? amuiaui of The VSa/reu Watim NOTICE OF SAI-l*.. , ,-,-p. r f.- per ,?n? Hold M "--'"1,,".1'?,'.,''1 July I. l?o?, due July I. IMI. ?"'*? ?" u,,,>*11 ???upon? Ihireoti The and lili will h? mid? In ?h? followlni min n?r nid upon th? followlm term? ?"'<" '.'"Ht?""" All of ?aid -?ri-rllln 10 lo Iks tsU ?III ?""*" *"? offered In on? In? ind la m ?fi'lr?'? ?'?'! lt"'" afier, almud any bld?1er who hai quillfl'd In Ih* mmn?r h?r?lnift?r proflde-l in rediles?, the Hid ?-?urlllei ?hill be offered ?ep?rit-lr I?. pir.eli a? itMtB M??e.| Th?r?if?er my bblder ??'? ***??" hit? mad? a bid el.her for ill of ?aid ?-'?r 'In a? m en ? I re-T or for iny pir(lr?il?r panel, matt In?? th? rliht to In.-ren? ?h? ir-"?mt of bli BBB. md Ih. uiderilrie?! will i??ep( ?I.? hUhnt hid or hi.Is whi, li .hill produce thi lir?nl atl""??'? *"*?" reed, of itle No hid ?hill he rerelreal from my hldd?r for any ?Ingle parrel who ihill no? hi?? d?-p<~l"d wl?h 'h? I iindenl-ned prior la UM ?"m? flt'l tat ""? ??'* ** I plealt? il,.t h? will mike t??r?l hi? hi'' "> '"""* "" 111 ??repiinr?. in imount equil l" B?e P?r MM tin prlnrlpil fa, e .mount of ?he bond? In, !ub I I'J I ?aid pirrel. eliher In riih or In a check .ertlfle?! ! by a natlnnal or Hi'e bank or tniet .-ompmy ?st**P 1 ne In the Ilnrouth if Mmhiiiin. ?'I?y ?" new I York, md n?, bid ?ball h? re.elte.1 from any bidder for th? ?titlr? property who ihill no? ha?? deposited | with Ih? undera.gneal prior to ?he lime Bird It? I .u. tl ?lie ?? i thit h? will mike t??i hi? hid or bid?. In MM of l'a ?r.rpian.-e. IS* turn of twenty-fit? tlimnand H27..000) dollirl. eliher In ea.h or III I rherk ccrtlled al h?relnhefore pro ?l.l.-l At ?? bidder d?P?lltna ?h? ?um of twenty In.llWMIl! i$7'..000) dollin 11 eforcibl ?lull be entlM-d t? bid M my Pirrel or roiiihlnitlon ??f pire!? ?,'p?ritelj, md on all the levurtnn la an entirely Aiy depoeit rerelre.1 from any unurresiful bidder will be returned lo him when the properly thill li? mad "ir. On ?crept anca of any bid. ?he lU'-.e.-rul bidder ? hill f..rihwl?h ?nier Into m ureemenl In writln! with tli? iii,,|?r?lfnr,| In ipproprlit? f??rm. whereby he .hill Mad hlir.irlf to p?y th? halan?? of hi* bid tt the off].'? of tl.? iin?t?r?lit.ed. No. 77 Wlllliro Street, N. w York City. ?Uhln twenty 1201 diy? ?fier auch ?,-repiin.e. or iti.-li i.ldltlotnl time li UM un,l?rsitn-d. upon requeit. may In writing illow. An? ?u.-rnifu! bidder upon plyment In full of the pur, hue prtre In ?he minner md wllhln the period herein limited, ?hill he entitled lo re.edre dellteiv ..f lhe -eeurltlc? wldrh he ihill hire to pur,-hii-.|. md in Initrumetn of .-onteyanre l*t*tet* In ?rordinr? with the prorlilon? "f laid Trust Deed, to which reference I? hereby mid?. In ri.s? any tu.-cn-ful Mdd?r ?hall fill prompCy ind fully ?o perform my of lhe oblltltloni prn?|.|e?l In thl? t otl.-e n be performeal by him. ?he .?im ?l-?- I poalted by lurh bidder, whether pild It. ruh or 1 r?pres?ii?ed by ? he. k, ?hall forthwith be ?nd boome absolutely Ih? property of The F?rm?r.?' latin and j Tru?t Compiny. aa Truslne under ?he ?ltd Deed of j Trii'?, not aa 1 penally upon I'l'h bl?l?ler, I but li ?lquldilnl damate? infferi-d by ?urh Tru.'ee. It h?lnt etprewly ?#rr.?l by enh in?? etery bblder tint In iu,-h etent the ?lim-je? ?ulTered by null Ttuaie? wuuld be tub-taiillal hut Incapable nf iiieu urenient. The pnrrhKer or purr h lien ihill b? entitled tn turn I,. u?e ind ipplr. In making payment of lhe pur, l.a-e money by or from him or them bidden upon ?urh ule. my of the nolei ind any of th? roupoiii ?e.ure.l by laid Deed ,f Tnilt md It the time of and MM matured md unpild. r?.-konlnt ?u. h i.'.tr? or mitur??l ?oup.n? for tu.-h tmeaa* ? it i ?um ?uiil lo and not eir-edlnt thit whi, h ?I.ill l?e payable out of the net proceeds of au? h aaie to the hohler or h"l?l?r? of null nom an?l rouponi lor 1,1? or their Jim aliar? In ?hat , haracler St ??nil t.?t pr.? ??.I? of ill? under du? ipportlon metit of md i.-.ouutlt.t ?oniernlng ?urh net pro ceedi, ?ftrr pmrlalon a!,all hire been mide for the ply ment In rath of last eipen?e? of ?urh itle and Hie reaaonabli , omprinitlon of (he Tru?'e? Tli? rltht I? reierred to reaell th? property or my portion thereof i.? t.i whbh d'fiult In piym?t,i therefor ?hill be mad? upon ?urh noil.? a- the ?lldclllMKl mir determine la iiifflrlriit. or wliiir.ut . the etent tint iny purchaser ahall fa., M omit prmpiy ind fully In perform my at Itgatla ? In Ihl? noil.-e. or In the itrr.-nient ?o ?? a ?? i 1'? him ?? iforrsild. by him required tu t.? pttfotfBad Tli? .'"d?ntt(:?<l r??ert?s the rltht tn adjourn surli .ale ?|i:,?r aa lo all laid property ?r ?? to my par. el or par, rla lh?reof ipe.iflid In ltd? m,I to ?-II upon ?u, h ?dJawMd day. ilion su, 1, Botin a? It may In Its dlarr?t|oii d.s-in ?u Tlie ?aid ill? will be made ?ubjcct to ill the term? ind rnndltlont ?'outlined 111 (till node. Dated July ?Ih. 1915. THF FAilMr.HS' li.AN AND TIUST COMPANY. As Tniate? under De.-d of Trust nf li Ited Wa'et A Light Company, datad April 1st. IIM B| a a MAUST?IV. President. '?.-.I.I.FR. ROI-JTON A IIOIIAN. Aforney? for ?iM Truatea. :z Eicban?* Clara, New York. N. Y NOTICE OF SALE. In the Mutter of the ?sale of Trust Prop? erty under Heed at* Trust nf TIIK POTTED WATER AMI LIGHT (IIM I'A\i ?n TIIK KAKMKItS' LOAN AM? TRl>T (?IMI'ANY, Trustee, (luted Oc? tober let, ion?. Default hitlnt ??km plir? on O, fnher lit. 1914, In the paim-i" ?if th? prln,ipal mm? due ami parabM on that diy en certain of the Collateral, Tr,.?' (?old Notel of (he lidie,) Witer I'.d Ufbt ?'?iiiipmy, dited i?.-t.,her lit, 19i)9, ienire.1 by the Dee.1 at Trust of ?aid Compiny t., the un,ter? nit.e . Tiu.tee date?! ii,-tob?r 1?. IIM, and au-h .I. fault harn f continued for a period ?f more than il.r-- (I) mouths and Kill ? ontlnuing. ind the prlnrlpil mm? of all of the note? kWMd tod <u' Itmillng under ?all D?ed .f Trust liannt Iwen ? duly (lr.-Ure,| d?i? and p.\ai> In ?, cordmi-e with (he prortslouj of ?aid Deed of Truit. an?l the whole amount of the prln? Ipil nf ?a.d rutitmdlnt note?, to wit Kt|ht huidre.l ?? d forty Ibouaind it-40.000) dollir? fire ?line ihere-if. t |,'thrr a,ih itiereit thereon it the rate of ?|g per rent per mi,urn In 1 r?ry lirt? amoiin:. btta! In default, piyahle md unpild. lithoiith piyment of the taax hai beet, duly demanded. SOW, THI KAIt.Ml.llS LOAN AND Till ST liiMI'ANY, aa TrtMtea under ?aid Deed ol Truat and puraiunt to j the term? and pr,.?talons thereof, and h.t.iit n^m thereunto du'y requested 111 writing by th? . ?<f m??r? ?hai. ninety per ?ent O0%| In imount of ill the ?ill n- te? kWMd ind nutatandltif. hereby ! tltn notbe tint It will, on the ????nth It? at ? September. 191'.. it ten , Ylr.-k In the f,,re\ n f that ,1a). tell at public auetloti to the a I beit l,bld?r. thmiith Adrian 11 M?ller A ?an, Au, Moneen, il the Exchtnajt BalettOOM, N - .4 and ' Ve?ej/ Street. In lhe BoPMgfc (I Mar.liat'an, ?'its? ind County nf New York. State of New York. . . : slntular the followla! booaJt ml held by It i? Trualee under ?all Deed of Trust, and ill the mate, rltht. title ami Internt. rlalm. .iema.'.'l, ind benefit and equity of rt-lrmptlon. of aal I I ?Ited Witer md Mthl ?'ompiny. It? mc Mtam and ualfm. rf. in ind tn the ?am?, ?ia. : Parcel I. F.tht tliou?and t$s.000l dollin pnn rlpil fact im.-unt ?f Arkinsiw Water Company all per rent field Mnrtta-e Honda, due February 1 1MB, with ill unpil?! roupon? thereon. Pirrel 2: Two hundre.l md thirty-nliii thouaai.d ? ' an prln.lpal fare amount of The lllrniliigham S.aler Wi.rka Company For?? Ye.r (i Id M??r:tite flte per .eut bond?, due February 1 l ?? with 1.1 unpaid enupont Iber-oo Pareil 3: Fin llioiiiand i$7,.?)00i Dollars prln? rlpil fi, e imount of Tli? Batter Water I ' , hi,- per Ml Oold M ?.?.??- Bondi due Sept?,-,,', ber 1. 1Mb. with ill unpaid coupon? thereon Pirrel 4: Hebt th - ,r? pr||,. (ipal tare imount of Clinton Water Works C, tn ptnf if (ilbtoii. btta, I itst M.'rttage (J, ?1 tin per rent 1! .lids dur AU(tUt I, 1 ?..'.?. ?Uli ?., ?pu. thereon. Pareil J: on? thonea-d Hi 0001 Dol?an prln rlpal la?? am?,tint of The Connellttlllt Water (om I. -?i ellaelllt l> ... | . rty-Year '. i Ht? per reut ? ? I - n?r 1. It | ?lib all unpaid coupon? thereon. Pircel S: s.'?-i,". .It IboUMOd '174 000) dol? ?an prln.ipil fne ?mount -f I'll? Wner i . , of Fiat It I . ,,-,., ?tit I ? rt] ?i tt 17?, .?I Morte?!* I -it? i - - ll-.n Is. d?ie January Z. 1H47, ?uh all unpaid cou ; - ? Pareil 7: FUt??n thoiiitnd ?$r. ooo> , , i : ? ? - amount ,-f Th? llunllngton Water ,, : M-r'gage Flte per rent lue .Ma? 1. 1149, ?si'h li! unpaid roU| Pircel I 1 ?? ?>'?,, (liouaiud (*_?_? ...,.,, |,rl. Iir? pun, ipal fa, e ?raoUDl Joplln Wat-r W?rki I ? ?"> I a ?.. t I t. jier rani hr-.d. .lui Apr:, .'nd. L'p) mixlt a'l unpt. I , ? up ma thereon. Pireil 4: Sete/een I heat Mid '117 000) dollin prln, .pal fare aiununl of Tne Joplln Wat? '"ini.-'t of Joplln. MbMourl Gold Mortaas? Flte . ? :- ?lui 0<:t(iber 1. IMI aitb tl ? it: .1- a 'h?reon Piml 10: Thirty-oh?? T h ? ? ?. a.-. r. I IIM.MI) dol l?-s i-.lpt1 f? e iraounl of h-a ?m Her Work? ? npany, .f Kokomo. Indian?. T - Mortal? lit? per . .-,.t n.>,ia?. in. Au??..- . ?r!, a., un pa: I temseae lh?re. ?-. P?reil III Thr?e lltwtMBd i$?.?).t0) dnliiri prln? rlpil fir? ?mount of Knkii,,,, M'aler Works c,,m piny, of KoBoao, In,lima Uold M..r?m?e Flte n??r renl boni?, due July 1. I'Jjil. with ill uuiild ,uu ?reon. Pireil 12: Thirty lhou?ind In hundr?d t$)0 ',00i principal fi? inn un: r MuBdt w?'?r W?,r^? ? ?mpm?. of Mun. le Indiana ?. ! M?rt gat rite per ?MM Ikjc-I?. ,|ue Octob?! 1. ?.-Is m:[, '..?renn Parcel 11: l"ur'eeu th,? t 1114.000, dollin '?a - W - pailf, of M-rnil. WlaroMla, Tiilrij Y--?r Uold I ?. lion.I- due-Mar, I, 1. IMI, wuli all unpaid Pircel 14; Mgi,t inouaand i$?,?Ml dollar - | a la . , ..? ? If) of \- ? , . \\ , .. -?? ' .-i ?. p. ? u ? ?.ni. i arty-Year ??? : '. I . . t. ?.,,, ,u I i .. tl,,-rr?'.i. Pireil 15. Twenty-,ii thnu-and i$7-:ii(?j, dol?an a - amount of Portal i ? ?s.'er I ompany. ??: Cr'.tn-uth I irfiuta . r-Tear Uold M.r'tag? yi.e act -ent bouda d'te Noteaabn 1 l:?44. with ?II unpaid coupoui Pireil II: ?me tl.ou-ani 111.IM) dallan prln? .lpal fact I ? I'.e Bhrenport Witer Work, -? Loulalini. Hr.t Morttaa? ? e per ?ent l?,nd?. due September . with all ,.,.pai- oui ? Pire?l 17: ?m,? i, mir?.) ml fifty Ute thouaand ,|r.-, ??on ilollan principal fa.? arj.'um ,,f Tn? si.retet?,r: Wat-r Worta Voaapeaj, ?t Bawiepoti -, ' ued Fony-Year tJold M i gag? ' ' -In? Ju.e 1. Ij4) . i Miereon Pire?l It: - v. ??- th-'U-ind (M2.000i dollar? . f? ? aiiiHii. ' 1 . -. h W?t,-r ? -. " ?- I -r. Y.-?r ?,.,..| Fit? ier retr Bond?, due April 1. 1941 with ill i : herr?n. Pireil 19: su'y r,? tnnu.ind i|ol.0o0i dol?an a - i ?? The Wi.hlta Walei piny. of Wirhlti Kan.a? I 1-.- ..11 Fin . .- ?la- I, 1971. with all un ? Pircel ? , | A: douar? prin? cipal lie? imount ol Iba Wunue Water company, ' _NOTICE Or ?ALE._ o? Wlrhlt?. Kaneu. Conwlldtttd Forty-T??/ Oold Mort|?|? fit? per ?rit bouda, du? N'otember i, lUi. with all unpaid coupon? tli?r?on. Ptroil Mi Ten ttK.tiaan'l flll.MO) d"I!?r? prln .'lp?l fa?? amount of Th? Wb-hlti Wafer i omp?ny fofty-yeei gold M<.rt|?g? fl?? p?r cent Muda, du? /?miiry I. Ml, wlOi all unpaid gSSSJSM thereon. Ptreel 22: Twen-r nt? ti. .utand l!2V>ofl, ?lollara principal face amount of Tl.? W?rren Wa??r ? orn pan? ?;..!.| Moniale dta. per rent ler.iid?. du? July I. 1941, wirb ?Il unp?bl coupon? *__M_ Ptreat 21: Two t.un.lred and twenty ?ne thou ?ati'l n?? hunrlred HOLMS) dollar? principal fa?? ?rimunt of The L'aiWd Water ?ml l,l|b' 'nm p?n?'i Klrat Mortgage Collateral Truat Gold fit? per .?nt bonrl?, du? M?y 1. U47, with all unpaid . nt|p?rh? thereon Th? aal! aal? will be ntd? In th? following man? ner ami upon th? following term a and condition t All of laid SSI?Ma M to be told wS! flrtt It .ffere.l In on? list and aa an entlr?-?. and thereafter. ?I.oubl any bidder who ha* qualified In the man? ner hereinifier protlded v> rrqueat. th? ?el'l ??? ? urltlea ahall '.? offere,] aepara'ely In parcela at aim?? llatul. Thereafter any bidder who ahall hat? mad? a bid either for ?II of ?aid teemrifleI a? an entirety or fie; any particular parcel, ahall bat? Hi? rliht to Im rea.? the amount of hla bid. and Hie undertime?! ?HI ?'??p' th? hlglieat bbl or bid? ?hi? h ?Hall produ ? Hi? large?! aggregat? pr?? reala of aal?. Ne bl-l ?hall be reeelted fr?im any bidder for any alngl? par. el who ahall Be4 bat? ?l?po,l?e.| with th? unrler.lgned prior to Ihe tira? Sied for au? h ?ale aa a pledge that he va 111 make gtod Ida bid In rue of Ita acceptant?, to amount ?qua! M tit? Kr .en' of the pro,, ipal f ?, ? amount of the k?_S in lu ltd In ?aid pared, either In . 4,h or In a rhwk certified by a national rw mil Lank or truat com? pany ?I'uat? In rh? borough of Manhattan, lit? i of New Y?rk. and no bid ?hail be reeelted from ! any l.i'lrler for tlie entire property who ahall not I hat? deposited with H.? un 1. r.lined prior to the | time tiled for inch ?al? aa a pledge that he will ruako geed hit bid "I bid?. In il? of Iti ?crept I ?in?, ih? ?um of Twenty-Ate thnuaand (|SS,SM) 'Pillara, either In caah or In a click certifie,! a? hereinbefore protlded. Any bidder derailing th? mu?. of Twenty.fite thnuaand (125.000. ?lolltra M afore,aid ahall be entitled to hid on any p?r?el or combination of par. ?la separately, and on all the teeurltlei aa an entirety. Any AM*?I remMtd from any B?HMMBSt? Mi' I der will Ii? returned la) him when the properly ahall be ?tru? k off. On aceptan.? of any bbl. Ih? ?iicretaful bidder ahall forthwith enter Into an agreement In writing with Hi? uml.rilgned In appropriate form, whereby he ahall bind hlmaetf to pay the balance of hit bid at the office of iht underalgued. No 22 Will? iam atreet, .New York City, within twenty < JO) day? after auch acceptance, or tuen additional time aa Ihe underalgned. upon rrqucat. may In writing ; allow. Any luci-eatful bidder upon payment In full (I ', th? puph_i? price In Hie manner and within th? p?rlo,i herein limite?! ahall be entitled to r.?.eit? d.?!ttery of th? accu Ht lee which he ahall hate ao piircha??r|. t):d an Inatrumrat of contrytnet thereof in acorr?anm with the protl?lon? of tabl Truat Deed, to win. Ii r-ferenc? i? hereby made In SMS any eue. .?tul bidder ?l.ail fall promptly and fully to perform any of Hi? obllgatinua pro ? 1 t.-1 Ir. thlt nolle? to b? performed by htm. Hi? aiun dep. ?ite.l by imt bidder, whether paid Li .?ah nr repre?eutei| ii) check, ahall firthwltli he and ;, aneolUtel) rh? proper') or The l'armer?' l/ia:i fid Trim ? ..?npany. a? Trti.tee under the ? De?.| : Truat, not ?a a ptnalty imp?.,e<l upon au. h bidder, but aa liquidated damaiea by am Ii TriMtat; It being e?pre??,y agree?! by each ar I erer, thai ?r. auch etent tlie damagr-a ?uffered by tu. h Trufe?' would l* aubatantlal but It capable of tueaturement. Ihe purchaser nr purrhaaere ahall b? entitled to 'urn In. use and app y. In making payment of the purchaae mon?? by tc from him or tlu-in miden upon auch aale, any of the ntttm ami any of 'l.e ttcurrd b) ?aid Deed of Truat and at th? tlam of -all ?ale matured and unpaid, reckoning ???? . r matured ...upoui f..r ?ucli pur;???e? ?i a auin tgual '? tnd ? ' that will.h ahall I* pa>able out Of the net procceda of ail? Ii ...? r. m - : .'.-,- . r ?. ideri it turli note? and coupent f..r bit or their ju,l ?hare lu tliat cha. - ?,-er of ?u, h i..o proreedi of tale under dut apportionment of an?! accounting concerning ?Kb nel pro..?!,, after pmtlelnn iliall l?ate been mil.' for :!i? p_maul in rath of ?a-peti?.-. .f auch ?ale and rea?- i,?!..? cnmpeinaii'.ti or Hie Tru?tre T!i? rlglit u rrs.Tted to retell the property or any portion Hierro! aa lo which default In payment tlieref .r ahall he marie upon ?ucli netke ?a 'lie undenlgned may dKtrmlnt U inffteient, or witliout In Hie etetit that any pun liaaer Mull tall ?r MBit promptly tni rally to perform any ,f Ittlont in thlt n. lice or In the igf ao to be ilgned by him ?, aforeaaid. by hlru -?. gulrtd ' i " !"-, Tli? undenlgned re??rtei th? right to adjnur.i auch ia!e eirher aa t.. al! ?aid property <r a, _ ai y parmi of par?-..* ihe-ent; ipeeiSed in thli i i '.. tell upon tucb adJoaiMd day. up-.? Weh n. tic? it It may in lit dlacreliou derm ? * - The aald tal? will be mad? auhje. t to all the terina and reodltleni contained la tint notice. Dated. July Ich, I Till-. PA-MIM' LOAN AND TltbST COMPANY. Aa Truatee undtf Dec! of Truat of I'nl-cd Water A Light Company, dated OcMbm lm by i: 8. MAKSPiN. I'r?aidei t GELLER, Itiil.STiiN' A HOBAN, Ar.meya I Tnia-ee, ti Eichamt Hace. New York. N Y. NOTICE OF SALE. In Ihe Miatter of the Sale of Tru?t Trop ert> I n?ler lla-ed of Truat of AMI Kit AN WATKK HIIKKN AND f.lAKANTKK lilMPANY t.. THF. rAIMUr LOAN AND tmVCn (OMI'ANY, TKlSIl.h. Haled October I, 1910. Default, bating been nude under the mortgage, .late I ... r..l..-r 1. 1110. made b> The Cl II ... | to The Karinera' l?.?n and True! ; I ?mpany tnd lame, D. n'Nell. a.? Trualen,. aid ?he principal of ?aid bond, I.?ring ireen dulv de? clared ?lu? pur,uant to the power? conferred upon , Hie Trustee? b? ?aid BMItglM. Sod ?aid mortgage ' hating been forre,.-e I ' ) ile.-ree _ (quit) of Hie Dltttld Courl of to* United st?t.. for iht North tyo In-" of ? a!.r.-rula, dated anil enter..! I>. amber II 111!, ami th? property cotered i told ' mortgage baring i. -.?M puteuent to ?aid de? I , ree *t public auction on Mardi U. HIS, for flk ?tun of lour hundred thoutaad ilion.onoi dni.tnj leattni a ?arge deficiency In the aninuiit due ?>n Itld bondl for principal and Interest, ami Hie Ti?te ? u 1er i?W nwirtgtgi intir.i uhamsed tin aecurlt) r',e-;<ed thtrtby tea the pa.meni ,.f the and AMKKI ? AN WATER WOBKB .\ ?HAIiANl? CUM I A N^ :,a<: s. ?rr?r d. n.a I failed t ? mount iti 11 dut and owing upon said beoda and coupone, payment of Hie same luting been guar ? anteed b) U, i SOW, TUL KAIIMLIIS- I.nAN AND TIN ST rOMI'ANY, U l'r i-re- under itld deed of iru.: dated Urtober l. HIS, mad? by ?aid American ; Wstet Workt A Quirinttt Company ?ml purratnl ' to tlie terina and prOtWoot tbtreof, and bating beer, thereunto dul) rerpir??,-.! In writing by the ' holder? of ncre than eighty ptf cenl tWr) U\ amount Of til *?ld bond? Issued ami outtttndtng, ?I.e. !..'!.-?. that It ?rill cr: Iht a- tenth day of Sepiemfr III!, ?t for o'clivk In Hi? after ? -n.t Ii?. ?ell a; pui .1 ? auction to the' high Til aid bttt bidder, through Adrian 11. M?ller A - ^ at the ?tie? Room. Km II and Iti Vttey Street, In the Borough of . ?.'y and State of New York, all aid emiuiar the folio.?L.? ?liare? of ?tnck lie!.I l, i; ?., Ti..-tee under said deed of tru,t. and all tl.? e-tate. rlglit. title and lnt.-reat. claim, demand "rtt and equity of redemption of ?aid Amer? ican Water Work? tnd ?'uarant.-e Company, lu tue- ! ai I a.--lgn.a. lu and to 'lie ?am?. ?_.! , Ptrcel No. I! ?me nil?bn fite hundred I a ? Pollirt talue of the capital atovk ? I ? i:.i Water Work? ? ompany. Parcel N?. 2; Pom million il4..ro0,?l?'0) dollar? par .a a atoch f C!t? Vieler Com- : l a . ?;ra..!te C|ry. Parcel Nt. 3. Ont million eight hundred thou land -i. -??''.I ?i- ; r - pa ?an? ,.r tne ,<,m ? i. .- ? : South r.ttiburgh Water Cam part) Parcel Ne. 4: Pitt hundred thou??nd i Jr. .'0 in?) f tbt ? apltal .t.? k o? I'orta I i - ifTolk Water Company Parcel kit. 5; Three million ($1,?"50.000! dollar? par taiue ??( the common ?apltal a~?k of Weal i. friction Compon) Parcel Nt. *: Ont bundled twenty-seeen thou ?aid v.\r hurvlred i $ *. -7 '..")) dollar? par talue of . : . la . uaUey Land A \\a'-i ' mpani Parcel N?. 7: Um bu'dred fift? fit? ? < in par ?tlUt of toe ai ira! itoch lllttr Land and Water Com Parrel Nt. I: Betto bundled mty-flte ttioueand it,;. .?,.)'".i dol?an par talue of the . ?p\- , MM and Twin Ptllt X". at-- . ? om| ? ?. Parcel Nt. I: Pew ?. ;d '$400.000) , ar ta,u.? of th? capital eto?k of The Ha i-lne \Sat.-r Company. Parcel Nt. 10: It He hundred thnuaand I .1 ,.?n par tain? of the capital ?to-k of Arkanaaw Water ? uinpen). Parcel Nt. II: Ninety fit? thoutind It9'.000) dellan pel ??h? ?I t..e ..apltal ?toa-ai of Uunlli.g- I ;. | ?llrr 1/ ...I a ) i Th? a?Id ?ale will b? mad? In th? following man- ' ner and uiwi Hie Mitmtng ternit tnd cunditiona Al rif ?all ,- untie? to to be ?old will flrai he ?- - ' -'. and thereafter. a . . .rr ?i?? baa qualltled Iti Iht luanner liter e aald ae. uni lea I offer 1 aeparatei) lu par.eli la al? >r 1 ? a lu] rj.dd'i ?lio ?hall han mtde ' . "her I r all of itld iccurttlm a? a,. cr : r a:,) parthrultl parcel, ahall hate Hie rlglit tu ? in? amount a. d l.,? u.ider-'' . -f. vi? bit* fal M4 or hi.lj which H.a.. product Iht largest IggttgMS proceed? uf ?al?. ' I - ' ?'? ??r bidder lor any ali.Il e par.-. >' ? ?le dtpoalted w.iti t..? I lor to the tune r.i.d f r ,uch ,t.< . . Igl Uiat b? ??I. ?u?..e gei?l |,u t>a.| in . ??? .,? ... a -, a -, a tm? . e-i .al tu |?? p.., ,fM of Um par ?a -i< tl L.e abare? ef =to,-k Included in ' aald par .: itthei ur ?uli or in t check nrtiScd b) a liatloutl or a'ate b?r:k rr Iruat ...uipan? ,||. Uttt In the borough of .Marinar?an, i it. ,,f \,rw \ut" tad no bid ???? -in ?n? bidder ;,,r tn? . i.-.rre property ?no Ihall not hart depaaiiie.j ' with ti.e underalgned prm to the time ilie.l f,,r auch ate a? a pi..ige that lie will make go. ,1 in, . ? t. Um ?um of l?t Hiouaaud .f.-. un.n .1 .liar?, ?ith?, a. - in a check .erliflcd aa iie.elnr.? pr., ,i,?,l An? bidder depoeiUag the ,um _ twent?- ; I < ", aa ifaimbl a.'.ail be 'o i ni "i. W) lar. .-I ,r inmblllMIUu . f ? aepara el?, ami on all ti.? ?e. urltie? ta an entire!?. I md I ? > i.. .uice??fU| ?,,,. i-t till ?.e returned to __ ?reu tn? piopert? etiall be .tru. k iff on tneptanm I a ? - ? . ahall lottbtthl tutei an ?iliimnil hi erUku? with tl ? . . . ippreprtllt form, where:., l.e ihtll bind ilm-elf ? . , MM ,,f hl, ?,,, fil- e .f t:.e undei-igned. No :: Wi,n?iu .?treeu New York ill), ?itbln twenty *M) ?., i ????r ?i h ac.epia:.?. nr web additional tlm? a? > . g allow. I Auy ?UsctMlul bidder upou payiucut la full ?af ' ????.. _NOTICE OF SAU", ?ho pnrehai? prl<? In 'he m?:,n?r . d wttha^IT r?-r?..l h?r?ln limited, ?l.all M iMBIad lay re? dellrery of th? certinYiun f,* tb? ,.,,,? ?'"? whlrh ho thill bar? ?o jeir-?,??.?( a- d M^^ pT"prl?'e Inatrtimei ? ' . . . ,*?"? ? In r??? my 1,1 id?r ??,?.; f,u ???????. and fully to perform any ,.f tl.? -..i?...? ***^ | In thl? aotlesi lo be perform? i 1 peaalted ?,t tat ?i bl I - ? ? . ,."""*.* i come ahaa.lutely tha. property of Th? Fariawri* l?! ; Md Trust ( ?n,piny, a? Tr..t?? M,^? ??^ *?""? D?a"l til Tni.l. ws. .?? _-_ ? bidder, bn a? liquidated .Jama-?. ,?,?.rwj, J TJ Trusie? If l*ir,t ?ipre??ly ., ?-? ?T . bl?l?l?r ?hit In .U'h et-nt UN !tn,?r.? tuttarettL i ?urh Tr>i?t?e would be aubtt?.' < m*aiurrti,?i.i Tl>e pur'hn-T or p?irrhi??r? ?'. -.-... ?urn In BM ml ipply In miklni the pimaa? ? Hie psir haa? otnn?y by or fr ' ?jy?? upon ?u, ?, ??I? my <* Ib? i . , ?a?i? laieril Tru?? Slnklt.? , ur I ?.. ?,. .?, /*.'. BoniU wllh th? ...up?.,? ? ?? . Tb? ? ?lif,.r-.l? Idih?. C? m. . Am S. ?aid mort???? 'o Tl.? ) . Company and Jame? Il ?i Neu. a? Tntttea? ?..I Trsa, ,)??? (?loiK-r ! --.?iTi?!! aammama tat eme* pary-Hoi ?t a .,,. aaaal t? >?? ?hi h than i>? paras. . m97j ? ?urh ?il? to tt,? ?older J, ?r*W!. ? nd roupon? for bla at ?I ?2? a.'-r ?,f ? port l-r,mont rf and a .-.,-: a , >ttrt| *** af'-- 'ale S the payment In raih of I ai.d lhe reasonable ...?i.p?.-.. -at**. The rltht la resert? I ? ??.? pro?p?rtr m ? any portion th.-re??f ? '. j^?^J et ?trat i ()ersit(,?,| (nay do ' ? wtu?L\\ null??. In UM ?te- t -hat ? ig f,!**? 'milt proaiptly ai ?i ' . 'rtjt " llgatlon? In thli mUm, or In the ta-.'nen, ? ?1 b?.- ?m.ed by him a? ?for?ai! 1. .., re-ssrad J Le- i? rlortiied. Tin u-.d?r?l?i.ed re.erte? ??? -.??? m idsoaeaear? ?aJ?. either a? to ail aa? : ,. , j"~" parrel or par, ?1? tatei tct J"? t.. avril upon ?urh ?1. .,s "-?? ta It may In lu dl?. r?tloa. d t ^^ The ?lid ?it? ?III M BM ' ill tM term? and condition? rontaj ??.. Dated Ju!) J7th, 1915. THF FAKsll.ltS' I.OAN AM- mi -7 ( ?/MPANT as Trtiatee un.|,-r 1"- ? AtawrVat Water Work! 4 (..a ,?. ?S ?October 1. 1910. "" Hy r. B. MA ?lEU-Elt. KOI.NTO.N A HmRAN 4tt-rneyrTai7?ta Truste?. H Li- .. <? PUBLIC NOTII tt. sTATK or n'kw roa? ornea or the Superintend ., , l.any, August II. 11 ?Z traitors Sealed pr,| ?^ ? . ?i-.?.,] by th? an lei the Capitol iti All twelst o ? lock r.?."n <?f T ?? Ida - ?? ? 1015. at which boar II nubile!? opened and reed, for ?,-.? Cay. inr? und Men? - . ' .. ? ',-.'. provisions of Chapter ? ?- law??' 1909, and CkBDtel 1 I \jt%m ?a 1903; and f?,r In? | * Hart? ' anil Terminal. ; ?ions of chapter 1 . ,?.? 0f ni? as follow?. Contract \. " Cayuga an.l Ben? .. ? . For constructing ?h- lutM, ,ul paratruefrea and ?., t??y blihway bridge? a? I ? ,',. ,i., ? i .-? ? Kni*.|?im Road brld| ?' ii?r!o? and 8 . , ?'??tur-, t pi ,n?, ?! ? . ? ??? luil'.a. Terminal ? 40 For ceaatrurtlns * ??all on tn? north in?, r ? aal o( H. Johnavllle. Contra t plana - ??i?e. Plana n ' pmpoaal '..,:.. ? - propos? r? ma] ? Superintendent - at. ad i tMlaUM :ntend?nt of Pu - for th? Middl? Dlvl tl th? r.fTI? <? of the A- - ? l\'?>rks f il ' Koch? ?tel M. T.. and Bpauldli 1 ' 1 'rawlBft - obtain? 'i ' - ->.g:n??r at.-l Sur? ?} -,r V , upe? payment t?i him Month!-. ? - ? - ? ?? ' per centum (II per ? ?? ? of lb? .lone n? the coi ?ry pro ? by a ? utlon In ? or th? I I'tnk ? r ? ,n th? ' ? \s ithin the Blal tt I ght fe th? Buperlnl 4 th* ? Th? p. i?,.,n v ?11 li* ?c c.?pt..,| ?rill b< f , it? a ron. ira't and f.itn: from tho ,!., ? t,< htm or them , th? addreM Bl ipii .itloi reel and approva? f I ond K k or draft ?Hi be r?l - ? f,.r coila. I ;..,, pi ? ? -? the ?mount refunded bi the - ? I Public Work The deposit? of I ? . on? Ui ?? i i be m id? ?> ? Intely , aft?-r the iw? Th? imounl I ' i f?ith f i p. ? form - , || pci cent.) of ... . to thi contract price, ? kno ten per ? entum (1 i ? r , ?ni i ?sork I ? r."rnr?"l ., ?sill pal n. ' all laborer? ni;: \?ork . In tl ? orapany I ?*'* bond?, co-lnauran? teeepUS. ranch prop Superintendent of ''*?? AlMay. N V , and m IMI \ elope ?B-ltb the ? TUClW? f?.r ulitrh the prop Award, II ' *???""? person ,.r peraoi ? ?-? >? a hi II t* loisest In .-'.?-' to -:i - work and v? !.. h -i - - ?tt? ?,l pro-Malona re.pi'r?,! I It for"1*' Hefore any award ah? ? '* '?*?? l*"' eat bidder ?sill *.?? required ? > ?itlify ?J Buperlntandenl ol ' ? ' ability t?. nrovl le pi "" ,rf materials for th? ; ' ' *n"* 0I the ?sork Th? rlsht Is r??e- ed I et all pr* p-aaala award jn* ...n'ract In ?he r?l 'in ludgmeni of the ?-? i?"?* , ,.. --?reoy W IV '.' a .,, . . ?? -rk? -i MMO.NS. > in. i amplalnl ...k .... Brooklyn, N V . June ""th. *??* : laANAOA-Jc .ttorney f r I'., itlfl OU ?'''"iarZ?. OflC? A,ill?-- IS Bf<W |ya. New York. _. ?? stPHK.Mi: COURT. ! M RK COf**** ? Ml. ha.-l Pu? nniar. ? fef Ladwlfa i-i bnl ' 'cUo11 ?baolut? dis. - - - ? ,a To Ih.' ,'- -e n , bereby aummdn? I \\\famsS in thi? LjK a answer on th* plalntlfl i ?itoi ley wmt3t. t?s. nt v ?u>- .it ? ..- " " *^a ment ' es? . i?tv? ??f th? ? *J?7 f . ?ur failure I ,i*r Judgment sslU b< ? %--.. fault, for tl.r r?ll?l " tM plan.? .. mi. D.U4. CM g* Plaintiffs Attorn? V-a et roui? m nhati in, <'n> <?f S , ,_i?a summon? la serse,1 U| ' |i(a t.,,n. piit-'jani (<< I John K,,r,i a Ju?t * Mm I .,ik Count} ??.,?-. and duly IH.--1 to?'' fset) m in? ,,i>i, ? of tb? * \ioesa. V ?rk C ?un y. at th? Co ' '; St?i In ?he Borough of Manhattan Y,,rk on the ???? ??'? Au|u?t. I?>? Ne* Tork. AU? 1-' '' . .11 l.ll S H >U* 'r-ar A"-,rne> for Plaintiff, l ? ':??. ougb of Manlaatian. Cuy x>t \aS9 ???"*