Newspaper Page Text
VANDERBILT SUED WITH BANNARD IN STEEL DEAL Other Reorganize? Also Accused of Fraud by English Ciapita.ists. ?84M--7 PAID; WANT MONEY BACK Britishers S.iy They Were* Duped Into Buying Securities. Ota** t\ '? nr... Otto T. aammmtt) ..-. Iw? oi ?IS d?fen<U-tS :n nit 1 '-ho Supreme (.'ourt .<; Co . v.wv.?" - ?-.. and Cecil A. Gren ncier, to recover *>-'. ?n of the reor g S.-utheni Siee'. ?- u'? *n" ?u?e \ - rVehcsea, allege that ,'hfV v.. I, by false ar.d fraudu nvsst the B -ics of the The ' Isrbilt :t R. Van ' ?' ter T. ?: and ?tor of the ?tal '-"d com ? Wood? ward ' ''??"* P-"'1"- ? - tue local .? lo oi ?"?.me-. T. Wood ajmri. ? res-.dor.t of the Han? over * Fraud ( harge Made. The ? U?fS that the false wer? torne*/ Woodward. ? mbcri ' ? ? ? ? WO! It? l-t of ' ? cn-t of ' \ ? - ' ? ? \\<U.'K WANTEIl Xlh.e ' ? j)?iMK-ll? SITl VTIO.NS U Wi ED. I- . it Lang A ??- ' ? M,. .'? I ' - . I t. Hill ?. " - IaeUl-1 ? - ' ? \ ' - : at : ?All. keener; ??WIlKg . . ? . . ,. ?a ? ' . mg ;?d? a I ?114. ??errnan 1 Hi'ft, ' u ' < ?*-**?*....... .1 I. .. _ Agti.1). 43 ?,\t#l 23? ?t. *". that from January 1, lOOfi, to >, 1907, |l,?6t,??9 U?! b?en spent f?>r Improvement! t?. tho property; that the net earnings ?.f thi Southern Steel Company, ?titeluding the profits samad I iron, were approximately *M?o. 000 u year; thai tho corporation owned i coal land? of hi?rh quality. C*f tho ?.000 seres of coal land, the plaintiff? Biloco, 2S.OO0 acres had pro loon worked out; that the de? fendant* knew it would require more than |1,000,000 to complete the neces- ' ????r-, improvements. As for tho StatemtB, about the earn- ? Ifs say that instead of j showing a profit the eorporatloa had m;-V,ted !o?m's, and wat not then earn? ing Its rtxed charges. On l?ecrmber 16. 1P0R. another plan! "?ras submitted by tho committee, and In ; the following month tho plaintiffs ? uh senbod to a purchasers' syndicate sgreoaeat This syndicate ac?juired ? 4*8,000 share-, of common and 3.S.460 iharrt of preferred ?tock and ?"$291.000' of the company's notes. I.C. (ADVANCES COAL RATE WEST Revenue Increase of $625, 000 Surprises Anthra? cite Roads. [Frtain The Tribune Bureau] Washiagtoa, Aug. H'>. An increase ?outs a ton on all anthracite coal shipped to Chicago, St. Louis and all m ihe West except Mis-iss-.ppi polats other than St. Loail SI ^i ??v the Interstate Commerce Commission to-day. This decision, fol ?luickly the drastic ruts In iclte ratos ordered by the com? mission last week, was a surprise to the carriers. The increase affects 2,500,000 tons annually, .is the coal shipped via Buf talo on through rates, called lake-and is not affected. This means an increase of revenue to the railroads ,000 a year. The present rates and the proposed j increased rates per gross ton from the i raines to the points indicated are as | follows: Chicago and Chicago rate' points, f3.f-.0-, proposed, $3.7f>; Peona,. 13.76; proposed, $4, and St Louis and'j has; St. Louis. $4-, proposed, $4.2.'.. The proposed increases apply to all- ! rail .-hipments to points west of Chi? cago to which there are no through from Buffalo. Except to Missis River peints, there are no ; (th rates from Puffa!o to po;nts 1 hlcago. The proposed in sffect the territory which extends from Chicago west to River, south to St. Louis and Cairo, north to (?uiney. ex- ? ?.opt a few points to which there are through rates, such as Peor?a, St, I.ouis. To , v end to the Mississippi River : orth tho incr. . applies. The rates to the lower r crossings below riot effected. Thr ;;re effective on all of the line? from the mines to Chicago b 'h_o raro points h Peor?a, K?st St. Lou:.-? and St. I.ouis. ' Of the through ratea $1.75 formerly -.he division accruing to -. line carriers for the haul from the mine? to Ruffalo. as opposed 2 on all lin? that haul. But to points intermediate to Chicago an?! to other points in Ohio, ii and Michigan, to which no through joint rate? apply, the rat - made bv the combination , 12 per gross ton rate from to Buffalo and the local or ? rate from Buffalo west to bv which combination is brought about a freight chai ire gross tort more to those h Ct.mmonlv take the same cago thai?, the former joint ? ? Chicago. . coal - not sold f. o. b. -ueh a price per n in Chicago as preserves to the r . f coal the advantage of -he producer realizes .?'-rough shipments ? ? 'nra' shipment? ' ?he through shipments nd Chicago. THIRD RAIL FLASH SCARES COMMUTERS Blue Flame Envelops Long Island Train- Road Tied Up Two Hours. A Long Island Railroad train at j eai ?y yesterday . denly enveloped in a , a result of the "burning out." Women . n ran for the ?i menl was over in a ; Then it was found that the would not be abie to move for ,\. r< -nit thousands of . ? ,; '.v. . _-< riders were held ? ? re was a tie-up on the branch. The third rail was ,'tdards for more ?ng crew worked . half to patch up the ::cnt. imission en lay that it;-' icted into alleged vio orders aboard long Island It wi d that electric trains ated With only three eri have been forced to ? tram'- until they learned the meehaniam of oponinc the ri"?'' the crew was busy Collecting ' ?a? Fififht Mercantile Marine Levy. On d? that the pies. ? | m?nate the necessity of ...a 'rine opposll .".'i tO tl hare on the pre? of the Inter al Mercantile Marine ? ping. Holders of about 10,000 represented by Loach at- A'e\ Broadway, have a meeting to be held to-morrow at winch i linst the imp? ?i ? will be heard. Particular emphasis, it aid, will be laid on the fact that surplus earnings of all the pr?i for tl ? nths ended with June POLICE DEPARTMENT. Rrlintatrm nt. IJrSS B ?., Aa?. ?4. Pal ' ?'rrp.rary Aul.nrn?nt?. 1. rut John ' I i i n, An?. 19 r . s a in . Srpt. ? \ lo 1 l*. A 1 . . rath. ? 0 Vi? 17; ?i N l ?'i-', i ! to I II lays. 4 p n. . ?, an and Willu ..HI- ? ' m ?')! ' !> . I , lus. H a*. Tor? MM :u II H II Haul ! dut? In H ><i 1. M laya Sam. i i. .. i-.-., a, '.? -i. to '. i: ' a AtlS 1<: **? J - s-, I. I t <!?>? 4pm Ant IT: J A <!a I ., .. ! 1 ll'rrnrr a! IH t '' " ' 4 p III An? imamat at Arum-?. ?? . ?ti?. 1 i ' a . B. Hill*. .i.. A-.- ; I' J ? -?-' 1 1 'la?. I ; ?n A full *??> While ?a Sir!? ???art.- nppr.??<1l VWtam T ? U Ai? II.: Jam??, *>! ? . , . Il H I p m . Au| ?. A A l)..'.'.?n. Train . 1 ; na . All? 2. ta? 1.' ul a u?. Au?. HUNT $2 WATCH IN MURDER CASE Police Sii/c Negro or Drug User Killed and Robbed Hildenbrand. DETFXTIVE SQUAD SEARCHES HARLEM Daughter Hopes Slayer Will Be Found for Sake of Cleaning Up Neighborhood. All the detectives who can be spared from regular duty are searching for' the man who on Saturday night ki!l?-.l John Hildenbrand, the retired cigar manufiicturer, in his home, at 144*1 Fifth Avenue. Inspector Cray, who has charge of the case, was certain last ? Bight that the murderer, who, be be? lieves, was erased by cocaine, would soon be rounded up. There also persists a suspicion that a negro might have committo?! the crime, and detectives are watching closely the belt around 1 and Lenox Avenue, in the hope that some one may try to pawn some of the jewelry or the ?i! watch taken from ' tho Hildenbrand apartment Saturday night Inspector fra\ admitted that this dis? trict was being scoured, but said that no man was actually suspected of the killing. "The insane violence." he said, "shown by the wounds v*as not the work of a normal man, and the burglary was poorly done, for who would have taken a watch worth $2 ? I have no doubt that we will get our man, and I th.r.k hs a s aaa at h i I : ado." Detectivei jrasterday were furnished with * ption of a negro who tried to pawn some jewels in an Eighth ?j Avenue shop. They believe ths ?ere taken from one of th? apar.ment.s in the Hildenbrand build? sieh were rifled before the mur? der was committed. But beyond watching the pawnshops or tn. that the drug user, ?rhe they think killed the cigar maker, will DOS re have little to ?v-.'i k apon, for the fingerprints in the house rere ( ? use. Her? ? ti. "f 128 '.' and Arthur French, sen, of '.?) Essl 120th Street, who were arrested Sunday by detectivi ?the 4th Branch, charged with coi s robbery which occurred last January, were freed by Magistrate Ten ;, . . . - "If il is only for the sake of clean? ing up th; ? ; ood, I hope my father'? murderer is found," said Sophie Hildenbrand, the Barnard dnt, who ? nt next ?? safe to leave ? flal burglaries in this district. I I.enox \ ? and from 117th to 118th Street is a hol I think the robbers gel on a roo th?.-:. . ? ' . the apart? ment .ck." Miss Hiidenbrand was summoned to the 4tl morn? ing to identify a watch th:.' ht m. but before she arrr had been claimed by its owner. She furnished the detectives with an accu? rate descriplion of th? taken from her father. -.-ices will be held to The buna!, \vl - ?? pri wi!'. take place to-m? morning. CHARGES TOO BARE, ASSERT N. H. MEN Indicted Officials Ask Further Details of Alleged Conspiracy. Counsel for William Rockefeller and oth? r New Haven Railroad ofi under indictment for allege,: i i | to monopolize trsnspo ties asked Judge Hunt in the 1 ?'?? Court yesterday fur furl to the charges. Tl ? sixty-three-page bill of parti? was insufficient, thev thought. Richard V. Lindabury, counsel for Mr. Rockefeller, dec.are.i thi ? sleeve to shake loose ?.t the trial. . i. ' ?? etment chati.'? .;; 189 of l'.'l_. .lohn G. Milburn, counsel for, i harlei M. 1'rati, added that the nt's respon ?"our ? fendants would hi for further to enable ;; i wer the in? dictment. In reply Prank M. Swacker, A .-int Frnieil State tttori ey, a that t ? out all the evidence the government bail to prove the guilt of the rail-.,,,.! men. To .satis!', them, hi ? ould ha, ?? to enlart ?,- lis bill i r?, tu a m led. l ,.?? ?an ig that ha did not know any of the facts he for. Judge Hunt res? OtK. ? lants beside ' i R ai d Mr. Pratt *??>!!? asked to have I are . ?' ulloch Miller. Chai I ? rt W. la!'!. James S. Hemingway, Fred- ! I tel El K Mellar'.-. Alexa Edward D. ' '? Iton B. Parker Mr. 1. ndabury, Mr. Milburn and other counael. I he bill ? f particulars complail adequate was filed on August 2 printed in booh form, ai : - graphs. The indictment chargin? -.piracy to violate the Sherman law was returned ??n February 26. FIRE RECORD. A M i ' i ? . ? }, M I M. 1 II lit I! . - l.aundr? t !?.'iiaf..'. .1 I ' a lltli ?t., 1? i? ?ri I- M I . . tat: irll ? . it., Waltri ??I ' ? .- ? ? - ' ; lf> 413 ?th at . .- . i ? ?. ?'.. . t ? lat? ? g 40_, Wr?! ? - I i < I H . Jnlitl '! trir . ? ' 11 ?;, - 1..' l.a-l .--1 ti . *?*? ? ? ' ??? . 'GUARD TO TEST SHRAPNEL Three Batteries to Oo to Penn sylvania To morrow. For practical instruction in lie Id ar? tillery svorlc, Hiittcrie- II. E and F, of the 1st Field Artillery, N. C. N. Y., Colon?*! II. II. Bagara, will leave to? morrow for the I'nitc'l State? army reservation at Tobyltaona, Paaa. The battalion will leave at 10:30 a. in. via the Laekawanna Railroad. Regular artillerymen will assist the national toar? batteriea, Hoth .shrap? nel mu? liajk explosive shells will be used. Colonel Rogara will a<*c(im|iiiny the battalion. Brigadier General Mc Coskrv Mutt ?Brill go along us n , t)f Colonel Rogara. The commander? of the several batteries to he on duty are: B, (tipiiiin Kotiert I?. Mills; E, Captain .lohn T. Delaaajr, and F, Cap? tain Harold Lawaoa. C. P. R. ORGANIZES BIG SHIP MERGER Allan Lino, Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern Steam? ers To Be Taken Over. lily Teletrapli to The Ttibune. 1 Montreal, Aug. l'i. Financial and Dg circlet ara awaiting with kern Interest further development in the big shippini* merger or-rantsatl by the Canadian Pacific Railroad, which has altad in the announcement that the Alii n Lim ind C. P. R. iteam ara will he ta ter 1 l.y ? a new concern, t.? b? knoarn as th?- ?'. P. R, Steamship Company, Limited. er will he put ?m the mark? t on that di ill) a matter ol concern to la? ? Shipping men ilurin?* the last year or two have bad many erideneei of the i port of Montreal. On?? instance wai the at? tempt to ?qui >?. ? nan North? ern iteamrei into aa oot-of-the-way berth, which proceeding had to be abandoned, as thi C. N. I!, threatened ?:iove to Quebec, where th.- II?? press iteameri of the C. P. K. had their termina!. Il I?. aim is to absorb the C. N. I!., a? well as the Allan steamers, and that negotiations are in progreM. Sir William Macl has communicated noth Uont real oftee and tl ever. Thi Royal Line, as tha ' X. TL ? lied, is, all ? A ?Inn rait y ? tha Royal Edward, and then remain the Princapillo and her two ter ships, bought from n email New V.,r'? company. Ol i Prin .1 this - eason. <;. M. BoBworth, vice-prei < ' P, !:.. v. .li be ? hail i of ,|,i, -, com . .,? pri ill be m.,1 . "?he I. !.. ' ),"'.? ent i?i the C. P R.? E v\ : general cou C. P. R., ??iiith, K. ?'. N'o ahnouncemanl ?? ? financing the new ci ,'e of .. .1! be m? r the man the i'. P. R. and thi The Lond of the new com? pany will !><? opened w ithn. under Captain K I ow ? SHOT FOR REVENGE OR BY MISTAKE Murder Near Foley Clubhouse Not Political Feud, Say Police. ? The killing of Timothy Sullivan, ol ?'?JJ liainbndge Street, Brooklyn, at th? door of "Black Jimmy" Marano'g saloon at 38 Oliver Street, late Sunday night was declared by Inspector Cray at Po lice Headquarters yesterday to be rh< result of a private quarrel, and not ol a feud between rival downtown pol?tica club.?. Kx-Shei.tT Tom Foley, with whos? Tammany club it was rumoreil the dear man was affiliated, als? denied that the Il | had anything to do with poli? tics, it was admittod, however, that Sullivan was a member of the team union, of which his brother, Jere? miah, is a delegate. - now working on the '.?icones that Patrick Muiphy, who is ed ?,t the .-hooting, had been in a past, in which hi? vic tim had a ? be involved, or that Murphy shot Sullivan by mistake. Mur phy'i brother, Michael, 'nice week? ago uti beaten by a man paired George Sullivan, and -Iurpiiy at that time swoi ?? he'd gel re M'.. mmitted to tha Tombs pei ling the inoueat He - merely walking down tree! with his girl on Sunday night when the firing began. Benjamin Metager, of ;?i> Cherry ? ?rounded, hut who says involved in the shooting, will ba examined to da] by tha District Attoi ney'a repi eeentative. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World ' Is Arriving at and De? parting irom Port of New York. U1NIATI II AUaUNAI ? Ill?,11 WATER I' M . Inland - H'IRFaLE? REPORTS I r ? ?NCOMING ! i ru i?\v ? .- . i r ?., i , I .- . a . Ill s .. .......?? I \'. ! , ? i: I ? v. i .... a . . '. . Till 1; . K K I I ? ? ' ? OI II,(U.M. SI! r-JfEBS. nr Dai ? - Whli.V I .'. ' xm .li . m Till H IT II ? ra?lna, I i TRANSPA' II IC MAILS. r I Mi . A'lf tl *? ' ? l ABR?, ? P - ' ' ' I ' i ? - ? Ha-t*r ' I A ? ?). ! &__ t antic Fruit mm? rwu ? ,,, -0. to Ilic t ; . . , M * . 11...? A !.. ?*? ;.. Hi ; ' ' I |r : 0 CSSUS| STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ABBIVKD. .- 4 .,- I....-1 lin. Va,. Y'-re Ur.'. Ne* Y ora -la ? a? \liru iJipi, .Ne.? i u ?,ra ?Bri. New York I ? ' l<r), Net? York ?Il ? n.tu i.Sor), New York for ' ?? II? .S -.rlttn (DM), Neu ^ BAILED DlB . v-w York. ? taimo .th and .New I Nor?. V-?s Y.-. II - irr ? , -i. .Se? York; lifli, ? ? . .-.(earner ,. , .. , ? -- . , tarn York v ? York, f . ? . . BrJ '.?.,.,, for ( ri*t"Oil. lia . lit, , : o, i al. -ma i- ?, . v .. 1 . - j i laacD lu! li? :?.? gavk for THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Records of the Lust Twenty-four Hours. i .- . ? a ?p ? ?r serj Baal (laites . ?ul it I '! ' ?:?.... at'aii,?l a N . ' f 4- li.ll-, a.-l I lana reutr? ?ill I em any, j- | ?; 1 \ ire? of m? ire., ? ,e 1 -??r It ClUl.d - In Hie treat . A . . - ?.? L . t . 1. Tlieru ?. ? - ? -'anual run? i:i i lia . 1er allowert In Ih? ? I Ik? No.-t.'.areM ? ? . ,'. . . '.'.. Eatl ?Juif ?? . \ , . --n Ai s ? ? a H re?h lu . . a ?rituer i ... it ir.d Wedii? . Ti.-lay, .?.?-l.-. a I ' .'l Htf. . i ceoUr air. ral i?. Delastire? - tat .... 1'art't ? a _ Li.ll Oe.ciil R?c?r?.- Tl. .1 r?cor.l . R i - li?i . .-? In u.e a !ale ? ? .a-'. )r?r ? ? : ?-.. ? ;? m. .... :?> :t - I m. 7J ? I p. l ? ?-??? nt a I .' aa . _ Barametir Realm?.. s a. m - . ? IN 11 | B -1 >4 Humlllt, s a m lana ? * Lirai Firi't? .1* cort*i?*?i?l lo norti? \^?cationettes on t;hc Hudson Take one of the luxurious Day Line Steamers to Newburgh visit Washington s Headquarters and the many other historic spots of this picturesque city Home by the afternoon boat. There are 15 other delightful one-day outings by Day Line described i n M Vaca tionettes/' Write for a copy AM ?ri-?.?? li-ll? r.aear?rt ?Hint*. Dtrtart K_l t*oDia-?".lor_ to ?all i-Jni. ? tb? ? ?tatlaUla. -Uraiaica. th? A?llrt>o <Wka. be Won. ar! North. Muitli K_f?ur_al- All i'u-o<i_h r_l Uclceu be iwr?D Net? York ?ml Aitaaay af-t.-epiea' llotl-r ??? ?,l . I ?J a Vi ; w. ? -i Pi. I A M : * 11 /?h Hi . ? 10 A. M Vonkrr?. Il? A. M . laadlu? M Waal ^ulnt. >f wt.iimti I ...m rut at?alo Klnnaoa I'utni (aarakltl llu4atou ?nd AIImu.7 Alavo UrabroM-M. St.. Hit: W iMSl. Il, W llftb 9t. ID 11 Yonker*. it:Hi.M, .'or Hntu- _uuiit_ln Wnt Point, i'orntrtdl, Nurliumh and I'ounhkwpKt*). un? !>?? Outing* to rou|like?.p*l*. M-rwIiurfta, Wtaxt l'oint, ne near Mountain \ ft _?.,?..? I*,..? toe ll*mr Mountain. Wan l'oint. Nt>t?riurt_ Pomrbkofpul?. rtliernoon OOai K|n(0,ton land trM ??.Unir?, laatm DsstfMesp St . i 18 r M.. tV. llalHt.. .- i' ._ H, s... i io I* fal Youkitr?. l:i? I?. M DaJlr -Jirarpt StincUr Ontlngl ?,, Hear Mountain and Went Point, r*turn!ni? l.y Str "BOBEBT I I I ION." Hudson River Day Line |t?al>ro?<e? *?? I'ler. AinA.NT ?AT MNK I ?J ill! Spring EXCURSIONS. Go to the Mountains LABOR DAY $1 .50 Round * Trip M auch Chunkl s?iNo ay Glen Onoko MONOAY i Ret un \arrte Dayi Bellewood Park MONDAY $1.00 Round 1 Trip Return ?ame Day, LeMghValle-r liailroad ?,- ' i rtmiii. Express Route'1 Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Steamer "Albany"AT Str. "Robert Fulton" Leite I>.?!,r.?..e? St. lullt eie-pt Sir. lay, 1 H P M . We?; ,:,l Bt, 1 I- M W.-t 1.1'th St P. M.- I IS P '?' ' I Til l-j liourt at Hear Mountain or imple Um? ?I West Point tj drit? u : -?tn. lies'. a I'EST TRIP FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON. - INSTRUCTION._: MM YOKK?Manhattan. The Barnard School of HOUSEHtlO ARTS ZZ PnnilINC- i '> advanced ? llUUfMl*?*.' I! a ? : praetteal ?nur.?- in rjre-?maa1nt, Daeoritli s l s Conrenattnnal t _^ BARNARD SCHOOL ?? BOYS FIELOSTON. ??ST 244TH St. *fJ?*SJ** , ? ottnut ' . i ? ?''is ibttiy ? . ' ? . ? ,!; ?*> '-nth Vf la I Hour. T till? - ? i ?1.1 J>J.? 1MB. BARNARD SCHOOL 1 GIRLS 421,423 W. 148th St. Te!-?*"a 201h Year i rg.rt.-n '?? ? . tlfl lie privilege. Tin ' < BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1771 h SI..1 ,h. A?. Tel, 61131 A id . ? ,. ind Buy? ^?V I? a i ,,-a- Praparatorsy ^ Srhoul ??ith ?trout I'rl /?^vIlA^Snlav "!ir> ri1 '"i ? ?r ?iradt?. lolleoiate ?* _ - | ,. Aft.-n i..,n mil n| rl.,5 es. bCl?OOl Bois MM? im? -?'. . ?oiadeil 1I3S1 irrth yir. latalogur. ^T A F Warren. He?'matt?r I 1117 III Bl 1 IV ?< III MM ?IF I tM,l'l(,K.1, No? ill ?;? in? We-t Ullli Street. Ileiss-ern liflli Vienii- and ISmndts ny. M.\s \OKK~\\esl,|,e.l,-r ?.unity. Chappaqtia Mountain Institute Vallmll.t. U.-li lic-ler to., V V. SI! : I-, - ? Real Ceuntry li? ? ? ? In ? - Pr-paral ' - - Manual 1 ,1 ? ?. rclal Ill BIN EUS II IIOOI .?4 Bookiierpiai*, SboiHiand,Se?*re tarlal, I ) pcwntin--, Spanish. Civil Service A Sleaotype Dr part-Beat*. Day and Evening- ->r?9ioo?. C?:. or write for Cataiog-ue. A|*att*aSL4UMiAve LAW s.? II? ?Ol..??. New York University Law School 'PII?r.Kd:.'ai'aB?> ra-a-niu?, tttetmemm, ?i-taBBB, i-? ta?i a?a?s?*ak?*aa ?-'. aiud.ot. %:>? ? ? imar ?our??. tVar??? ?i* LU?., LL M . J U 1 v axt .???a? -(.-s. tu \ A?6reaaLJ. 1 ?matkina ?~ W.?^a.?-ta>-?'V. .M T. MSW YORK l).i?--.l.I 171 I ult<,n 81., I \l\ -? IIOOI. l.s.-n k? ?. "?I N t III). 4M or P M ??-. lean' ... 1.1 (Hi?. I I II l-l . lie |? MUSICAL INSTRI CTION. INSTITUTE OF ML8ICAL ART. B?a 725 ul tlartTo-t A.e., r?rk City. SCHOOL AGENCIES. .American ?tiiil Inretgii irj? n. r?. Agency.? Hupplle? f . and Kt'tl'lles. s II J YOUNO r L LTON :j l?nlon Baaara BUSINESS CARDS. slil'KT ?I.HASIMI ??<>.?4*le?na h? -r?K,l ?to .'-a a I - - i? ?71 La?! 4-11 .t CUl A ltkAM.iT ! _ Ml -.TIOBAPH I ? ? MlW Y"ll.K ? AKIIT ' 1 s* ? ?? m d-rn. nsr I ? ? AllPrTTB. . i .. TeL 4'i7 ??.'1 Hr>?',t- 417 i3u I ? AUCTION SU.ES. -' HI \< i T1(?M"I tl ?VII .??? . - ' . . . I ?, - . ... . - ? . s i . li? aroma \ ? - ? I la ?urtgi oston Fall River Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, daily, 5:30 P. M Steamen Commonwealth and Priacilla. Orcheitra on each. Providence Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, daily except Sunday, 6:00 P. M. Steamen Providence and Plymouth. $ 1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Inside Staterooms have Outside Ventilation and Are Always Cool and Comfortable. Other Long Island Sound Routes NKW IIKDKOKI) I INF. *?? t " MiM.oV UX_ To "tV?, Ilr.lfor.l ?ml M.itimrr rr-aort? To **??-? I.on.lori. *.*. .it? h Hill ?tn?* on ttmaamroa Hat. ( ut.r ( ...I an.l Mur- HI..ok UMi It l*r Hi. tt. K ro-.t ??-? ? - r-. H<>?i??t..n -t.. wrrk .lay?. I ''? "? J_J Pier TO, E. H.. tmrnt T.. ttO *B-j *'?** Hin? \lii.-Mir.l ?and N'aatncket. Stem. MUM in.I M \\ II WII'tHIKR. 1 v. Plrr 40, V It., i.f I1..II.I..I1 B, \xeek ii,,?? ?ml., ?:?MI I". M. Itldlii.r i m; r LINE It. PI? Sum r. \t. ??, I rai t'Mxt River, yreelx day?. ri.r :o. E. k.. f.. I*. M. Htr?. Iimill ami < H.\PIV MTKW H t\ iv I INK To N-tv lli.v-n. llirtf.rr.l. ??prln-rfi-lil. 1.1. Pie? 'M. K. II.. tirar < .n li-irin.- ?-t. meek ?Int.. I ?IS I'. M . ?un.lit?. S M lt. PtataT 70. E. K.. foot rn?t .'M Ka.t :??! st., (-reek d_jr*.'S:?S P. U.', H., week' rJajo, i. l\ ..V .?."."i!*y*'>?, ItM V M. Mr. n \i ?.tu (h. ni-oo .*.. M. Htr. HCMABD I'M ? T:rk?t?. .s-.'r rr;? and Information at ITI Broadway. "? ?r Corllandt Street; al?') at If, Y. Tra\ I T .unit Ofllcr.i ?'"i **? P!*r?. The New England Steamship Co. SANDY HOOK ROUTE The Most Delightful Way to NORTH JERSEY COAST RESORTS Atlimic H.ftilanda. La?| Branch. Iibur? Park, OciiiGrive Itlmir, finag liki, Pout Planait, itc. Ta? Pliait and Paitait Ktaaotri la Ua larkar San aa f?ll?wi: L?. N. T.. Pi?rr 11, N R . foot W. ?2d St.. wmi dar?. ???M. ? ?. 10 '0 am ; 12 SO. 1 80, 3 15, ?? !i ? p m Sunday 9 00, 10 00 a m : 1 00. S 30, 7.11 p.m. (H.40 p.m K Long Br. only ) L?. N. Y , I'.er lu. N. R . foot Cnlar St.. tv-fl? dav?. 9 15. l?t 00. !'. 00 am.; 1 (?5. 2 O1, J ?8, ?? 41 ?f>45. H.!0 p.m Sunday ? M. 10 30 am ; 1 30, 4 00. 7.1? p m (fl.lOpa V. Ixjng Br. oniy ) 'Except September 6th. ^H_ Fr?? Clatt M.ait al Papular Prlta? THE ROUND TRIP TO ATLANTIC HIQHLANOS MAY BE MADE ON ALL STEAMERS FXCfPT THOSE LEAVING AS FOLLOWS: t. W?k days- Prom l*'>r 'A N H ' ?? *-''"?* The moat deairable water ride about New York is to Atlantic Highland? and return THE PARE Or ONE DOLLAR MAKES IT THE MOST EXCLUSIVE N. R ?a. _. Ml ; tn. aya- ") 4a p.m. lay.-'b 40. 6.;-p.m. bunilaya - 11.10 p in. JEflROIUGlIT BOUTE ?-*?? i?\ .??KW VOKK_-il ll\N-, ?l'KOY und ?he NOBTH. I?ailv. Ineludlnj Sunjuy. (apilnl l u? I In? lier 11, N R . focd ... 10 P. M., iv K:???? P. M ?.nu 1'. M., M till P, M. !?';,-. $' Il Ness Nialit 1 s |ire? Plai 1 \ H. 9:00 I*. M., 10:00 F. M. I nu I'M . Albani - ? ?>? il :00 MP. People'? line I' -r 12 N H . B.*00 P.l i Si ?.im? P. M. Let H:??? P. M. Par? 17 00 oi : trip. Sut,?lay morning; boat for Kawburah, r Pier '!-'. Il; ?n A. M., W IM S' lOillll \ H. Laavaa AI? 10*00 A. M. ? I .iri;.--( Klser Sieum-liip- in Hi.- World. zffim-JbUmx&oiaxtQ ?ocean"TAURUS' ? H \ M ,1,1 CONEY ISLAND I IA\ t. Hl-I I ill I II MKIKT, ?M Y. - x: |o p, I I XV I I'll K I. MiKIII HIVKK. ? . I' \l I \ 11. STEEPLE? H \-l i (?M *. l-l \M?. ? -. SI Trip inurU-.l ? .1...-^ ?ii i,, I'Oth M. R?CKAYVAY li.ACH "GRAND REPUBLIC" l.te Tanken. I L M.i W. I2lt* St.. ' ? A M f M Pl.r I, N. R.. 1?.M s \| I I P. M . Hockawar B-a h f \| aaafi ? lo -?r "Grand Republic." Pull Ti BAG! ?'-.? ?:?? Tel. Rector B7-. I -leArn**-. '?iS.MH.E/S; UP THE PEA?flfULHUO?N Str. "HIGHLANDER" B-t.f?? Me.'l.,l.i.- .\ -?1I..I.I- - ? "' Str.MARY POWFLL Str. NEWB?R6H W.-.-U.lii??. oui? Sund'ya! ll.di.l?. s i ? ren. 50e Me VI I 1-1 I K -I tl I ( " t ? I '7 A M.?r? Powell ?t'l.l ? ', 1 S.S."MANDALAY" Mi on ??lit Sail ?p-ttie-Hudson Bat? 1:10 p. m. Wi " li l\i IM. I KM-: DAY TRIPS To ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS New It,,?((e in Jer.n ? i.ict Ke-urt?. is IT p*-. I.?? It i 4 M ???mi LIS ' ? ??'? i ,i ll l\ \ i ? 7 P.M. evTO* Tola Ntlurdaj ?afternoon? CAlnA Inlr ! te i: liter? : r H . pur. Morn. I I I Warce??er $J,?o Prtvtdtnc? *lr?.t lija Mater.? ?I. 11.50 A IT Oisil? Minday, .VJU p. m. frtin l'.-r 1'j r. ft. Pi, ae ITU P.?*!-??-. ?1?? !.. ?el ?,?-??, 290 Br'jidwir V I li ?a. ? I . : s; Wn'e '. r ' ,-tr.te.l K l.ler KEANSB^^ L? Batt.-ry I?a. a m . 1 2. I 30. 'a 4.'. I 47 If 10 p m. Bun. Id I 9 11 45 a m . 10 3? p Bl. (..<? 4 ?J ta lu * ? r>ey p?U. CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH HI.??? h I--I \M> OKI KMT. OBI I M'ulll. -HI I I IK I?I..IMI AMI SAQ II .?BOB Ftr Stall B" ol aua ?-'?a-nboat C? a Un? .e-.e? N ? l'.*r II 3uh St i: k. r i-? ?i,t '."nun.. & ta p u ??i 'Travel'Fra H -4 * ??*- f ' II .Xi, u ?ay. N. y. alEa%*a->Hir uiKii?. i?> im roar. Ofllrial A(rnl? all line? ?lain......I A WI,,(.,,.,,I. !.. Jtl Mb ??XT III l> ltd Ml MO M I INK T. all t lait s at* ami ?Ne.? K.-r? ?A-?? Day ll i p tu. llar 9\ N IL ??L BW t'tt-Uu. Eastern Steamship Lines All the- Way-by- Water To BOSTON Finest Equipped Strarmhipi in the Coastwise Servwe. Mil Kiil'ol 11 \ N mm: *>1 .-- i. Im?. ' I ? Hunker Hill. I.- )' . P .V I r-..? ? A M Bam? aervl ? f..r ? \; m i ni Deck D?alas Rooass Ka. client ttorvice. To PORTLAND .'1 MM; -I I. \ M-II IT LINK Steamships North I mii.I i ltd North star. Lv? PI? r l ??. S ?n St.. ? 10 IS A M A dfliffhtl ?I-hour id, th? CIT? Through tickets to nil pointe I Ii.-. kr.I FARES LOWER THAN BY RAIL i all To trial ?? ini ? i\ ? rv - parinn-iif. 1 '.??r !?. N R CUNARD Established /*?;?> _UROPE via LIVERPOOL Orduna. . Sat., Aug. 21. 10 A. M *'I'u?cania, . . Fri., Aug. 27, J P. M Saxonia, . . Sat., Sept. 4, 10 A. M "Cameronia,. . I'n.. ?Sept. 10. 5 1'. Ivf Orduna. . . Sat., Sept. I8, 10 A. M ' 1 uscania . . i'n., St pt. 24, 3 1'. M' Saxon.a, . . . Sat.. Oct. 2, 10 A. M ?IN ROUTE To GLASGOW. ROUSJ THE ,t.v*< . ) rOtRI riimiiKh hciUinia? lo rail |.rln< Ipa* I'ort? of Ihr \\..rl,l conPAwaornci i 'Iktatemi -. ,. American Line AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flai*; N.Y?Liverpool?Pier G2, NR., Noon N?w rack. An?. 'I l'i>.: -in .< While Star Line N. Y.?Liverpool?Pier 60. N. R.. Noon Battle lin. in vi -au|? Am *7 rily Axores?Gibraltar?Naples?Cenoa I retir ??.?|.t..||it>rr !l. Ill \. M .11 I I? I . S ?VW \., N. ? I.I !. Kr,lor. FRENCH UNE loiiipag?ir Geaerrale TratiartllaiiCiqii? Po?, vi. >i-.'.,i< | Sailings for BORDEAUX LA TOURAINE, - - Aug. 21, 3 P. M. ESPAGNE,.Sept. 4, 3 P. M. CHICAGO,.Sept. 11, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU, - - Sept. 18, 3 P. M. POS IMtOHJ-AilU.. Ai 1 !.. coMMt.r-3 orner, !U??? *.!.;, "?,?!i: BRAZIL an? th?? Ka? TIIK O.N'f.T STEAMS?IP LINK No? i AT1N?. M ??,-?-?? S. S. RIO Dt JANEIRO. Aug. 21 Tlirr-e VVeeka. S.S. MINAS GERAES .Aug. 23 ? LLOYD BRAZILEIRQ, -v * -?* ?*? fi?_ "D" LIME B_ " ! ?- v n_j u Line - ,, Ncwt For Porti a: ? ? a A \ ? ?u.ia i-?u iD*o.rni > i ? /l I.1A - - - .-? i rtupe: i-ttn BUtM. l'AXUcrr s ? u tonrral ila.'.a?.-?. H WaU Slraac 12 DAY ALL EXPENSE NORTHERN CRUISC. it,,, H ! v . 1 ?? SHERIFFS AUCTION BAUES, : _BK**NW all' SHI Ml ? - ? ? | lO^lh ?t . ."??"? Y ?? i !) I? . , v -. , l'rr? . ?" - ? \'.-,a V 1 ? ? ? ? iisr. wiiiiT n im ?>f- " ? ?W IHM I. TI ?.*.! lum ' l Tl ?M ?il II ? a ' 111 44 Ir ?tu I I. A P-a MAX ? <,KI> 1 Ml ,i_LN. Bb-rtat. . at,