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.SN -<?_; Standard Card Report? On Active Stocks 50 cents each U. 8. Steel Beth. Steel Amer. Can Crucible Steel Republic Steel Westlnohouse Mo. Pac. C R. I. & Pac. Utah Copper Gen. Electric Wabash Miami and over 500 others These Reporta have heen used by many banks and practically all the banking and brokerage firms for ten years past Before buying or selling take the precaution of firat conai'lt Ing the Impartial Standard Card Reports Available now to Individuals for the ?Mrst time at 60 cents each. Address Dept. E Standard Statistics Co. 49 West Street, New York City J.K.Rice, Jr. &CO.W1! Sell N A?t?a BsplaaNea < nmAPM. stock in: \iinri?iii Chicle Com. stock :. Bastiera Trmat Btoi k lfm l.n?lt Irrmiiiial Coas, St<*rk Iimi I ?inipiiliiiK-Tali'K-Kei-?irihnx Stock 100 i let. i*ii.|"-rti.? t oui. A I'fii. Stark 100 lnlrrln.riui^h Knpiil'Tran-all Stock Inn Mill?IM Uro?. I ?in. .V l'fd. Mo? k :,i \? Jene] /in? Mock 4ii\r? 1 ork l tirtnin Muck 100 Ninth A.riiur K. K. Mm U ' W inohr?tfr KrprittinK Arm? Stork J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co.Will Buy .Ml Amrriian (hide lorn. Sto. k tOO Atlas I-iirtliiii?l lenient lorn. Stork 100 ( onipm iiiL- rab'i Kri online ??to. k .'-. Loi,!?? inniilt Detla'l I om _l*f?lstk .'.?? llaniiii-r- li'.nrnin i- Mm? 10 KlnCS tonina I r n-t Slmk 100 Midvale Steel Stock 25 >?tioiimI Surrtj Stork .Ml Ni? ,l?T?ra /in?- ?lock tAVMor Talking Machias Slock 10 ,*iin?lir?t<-r i;? i . .?i mi; Ann? slock ion 1. ooil'uinl Iron ( om. sto. k .J. K.Rice, Jr.& Co. ? sSOSlta Mil John. II Wall St . N. T. We Specialize In INCORPORATED Preferred Common Slattery & Co. Investment Securities 40 Exchange Place New York /? ? mhont ; vi Brood, Studebaker War Stocks Special Our (Free) 16-Page "Financial Digest" envers Studebaker and War Stocks includi')!* Powder and Ordnance. L. H. Co. Uc & Co. Tlinn? It.-it'ir ''VM-*.. ~t llromlutf? . ft, Y. Wanted Am. & British Mfg. Pfd. FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. Phonr Hruail *>ll?i. M Hro??l St.. New York. It?? a l ri ?u.d I'hUadtlpl.ia. SAVE AND HAVE Standar.) Securities hv Partial ravment . I Havr?r>i_,Vt/!NTHRnp &. C? r? Stock Excbanf? 1 III IKt-ni. I in. I . U \l 1 NT ? "I* ?'?*'? M \\ IOKk!' I Carbon Steei 2nd Pfd. H.F.McCONNELL&CO. IS Pine St.. ToL 6(14 John. New Tork, STANDARD WE WILL BUYO-^-?- W1LL S-L. J0 Crr?rent Pipe Lino | in Atlantic Rfflnln* . "... York fran,lt | 25 Inillara Pipe Line 25 8. 0. ?t California 1 25 Prairie Oil 4. Ga* .5 S. 0. ?I Indue* mm2'' Northern Pipe Lin? CARLK.PFOR2HEIiV.ERc_.CO. IbM 'S Hrr-al St . N. Y W.N.COLER&CO. __rTABU8_QBO 18.*. Investment Bankers ?3 (KIMK hi.. NEW VOKK CRT, ,%?? York City buna?. All ]??ues. Wm.A.Read&Co. Investment Bonds Nassau & Cedar Streets, New York r- ? , . 1; ? ? jNVinr.NI) NOTICES Ml Ki.lM II VI I It I INOT1 l*K CO. Ntw Tork, At i-r if, ISIS. * ?'?? qaartet 1 ? ? Tiiar HllD-KJ U.VIlHM.IriN Tr.-?.,ur-r. I KVflV HAT COMPANY. 1*M OKPOK \ I I M The ?eiiil-amiuiil dulit-nd ?rf l'A? 1 ifj l-e-il i|< I if th!? Company, 1? v r lat, Mini Jauuai ? ? ? Preferred Htockboldera of record ?a' th? c tualrieaa on Au| a) _I.Akt' 11 smith Treasurer, NOKFOIK * tVFSTKKN i:\M1V\Y III. Toe I? I . ? ' .? ?1.-. larri ? -JtMrterl? dlll'ai A of On? ?? I On. half I'rr ' t'omm'ti Ktcci? ? ' ?lie ('rvrnpir.. i ? ? ? ? a' ? :-? Bulldll g. [ l-hllarl-lphl?.. Pa., to u,? ?.,.,. 1 ? of bust. J Sa_ A ni uni SI, r 11 Ai.iiiv asa MEETINGS. TUP: ANNUAL MgBTINa O? THE alockholdera of th? Bishop ' ?i.utisf .n 1) i??- ?.f annual raootln-?, - Oil 'if ?llrl. corns boforo th? . ill !?<? I belli at th? i.fTii ? of tin 1 'urapany, No Broadway, Manhattan, * at 11 | ? ciuak 1...1. eu Saturday. ...a..:-, ?j I --- ' FINANCIAL RECORD HERE AND ABROAD Sinking of the Arabic Breaks Prices in Late Trading. While the stock market was in ses? sion there was nothing definite in the news from Great Britain to tell whethei there had been loss of life in the sink? ing of the Arabic by a German suhma rine, and it was not until the trading day was almost over that there was even a rumor that some of the pussil? gers had not been rescued. That pos .-ii'ly accounts for the comparative calmness with which the news of tho torpedoing was at tirst received. The market had nearly two hours in which to reflect the incident, but it was only in the last fifteen or twenty minutes that its significance began to be meas? ured in stock prices. Following the first news there was a decline, but it was small compared with reactions that have frequently been seen lately, from which the market has readily recov? ered. And after the decline came a fair-sized rally. This continued at a moderate pace until the last quarter of an hour. At that time more serious im pl;cations from the Arabic incident ap? peared, and there was a rapid but or? derly decline which carried many issues down to new low figures for the day. In the final dealings, however, prices showed a disposition to steady. The day's transactions, of more than ; a million shares, covered a broad list of stocks, though the dealings in Steel common made up not quite a quarter of the total. There were unusually heavy dealings in the Great Northern Ore cert .tientes, which displaced Westir.g bouse Electric shares from the second position on the. list, from the point of activity. Some of the copper is3ties, I notably Anaconda, were likewise promi | nent, both from their activity and their 1 strength. In the early dealings the market be l.aved much the way it did on Wednes ; day. The opening was active and ir ? regalar, with Steel an?! Great North? in Ors making up a con-'derable pari of the transactions. New York Air Brake, continuing the rise that began on Wednesday after the publication of the ..nguine expectations of its president, a gain of lV? points in the initial transaction? and rose '2 points mor? within a few minutes. American Can DOther feature of strength. The advance did not lost long, and in the ng reaction a number of weak developed. There was a rood deal of profit taking to be seen in the war issues, with Bethlehem Steel con? tinuing to sag. American Car ar.d Foundry reacted sharply, notwithstand? ing reports that the company was ne fcotiatmg f.'i new var orders, Special ? , such a^ Pittsburgh Coal, were strong and weak by turns. In the course of the day the copper share-?, le,l by Anaconda, rallied briskly, but the advancing movement died out after a gain of about L' points had been scored. Anaconda, however, was one of the f? ?-? '''...t were to show? a net gain on the day's operations. Theie were a great number of cross? currents in the market, pool opera? tions for the rise contending against the influence of profit taking in other of the list. With the Arabic news the market turned definitely downward, but without confusion. No further developments occurred in the international financial situstion. but it wa? reported from London that there whs s likelihood of B deputation of financiers coming here to confer with local bankers on the exchange situa? tion. Sterling exchange rallied some? what, though th? market was at times very nervous. Checks closed at 4.67V4 and cables at 4.''>*-'?*. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bid and asked prices for stocks which I are listed but which were not dealt in ? on the Stock Exchange Thursday: Bid. Asked A lam? V>[ Am At Cm I" 91 Air, B?SI ' do Orel ctfi I7?l 179 Am P*l r? I i HI ? ii .... at Am ? Pro pt II? All.1 i'l '". ? I Am 1 Am Mall .... -, ? to pn !.. IS Am Sin |?f li ??> , Am si,'iff . ..143 I ? I -, I ,103 . pf. . 1 ? I i Am Tel A ? ' An Mr p pt. ' i;?ii I a- Mm hi pf -- v c.aat I, im Bald Uk pf.104*?. IM (..- V?% 130 ' i il H -s P M ? Ml ? (a, Yet rt ? '??'? ( ?-? .1 1. pf. 70 ' S .? 7.-?* T?l I7'l I'lilt- * All rl ? BtP MA" 115 do pre! ? ? , .\ fol * S . pref. ?7 do -.'.I in-f. 8.1 ? r. ."s ? I? ? CtfMt. 40 Cuba-A - ;.,,-? Co pf, : i !> I. A W MM Don? A it (. x do pref ... * 1? M A li l' I do pre! ' ' on..114 1>" A Mick. 70 ?I . pirf. . M I'M I I, Il II ? 1. S s A All "JA i.'rAMi..,- pf.ll? ? - P? . '', Lorillipl. P...IM M ? . Belch : Ma b? I. ?v l?l - ? ? i- M I HlL ' . I 1 ,0 IMSl'ASHM ' : - ? ? ?. S', 10 \al l. A .- pf -7 ,'-, Mill..! M ! pi 1? pref . -, N Y ( A Si 7, 1 ? V, ?lo 1st prrf. 7" ?In 2d jr?! . X . N Y l-a.-fcAWlll ' it .. 15 ? . . . ?? Pi ' ' ?' l'a- T A T pf ;?: I il Breo pf Peo Un A ? lin PC? A si l. 7! ?-I?-? pre' " 10* 111 105 95 30 "??4 1 o 17'? }<n l-o 170 i?, I'? ll l." 70 ? IT'H ? piff. i?-' put? r w a?- i - 70 Krl? '71 pf. N H 18. ! .loi pr?f. 41 , a I, W 11 (.' Irici Bl , LA 1 ? . IM Il ?inoiak, ..11TV4 il...111 Il t Me? ? - 1 11 ? NJpf In? lUl? ? .. ha ? lia l'ai" Ta!. ?! ?i - IM-' l\?>>?r. .1 pr IIS Kl AD M p4 - . lai.? K A M -4 13 Ht A M ! PI ?. Hteel pf M I] i ? ? p s ? ?f sj.iei i"jV4 R? Si Spr pr s'. 9i Re*dln- 1-' pf ?-? || .lo 2d pref.. ' 1 v , KutlandllH i?f ! ? Bl I. A- *- I . ?\ do 1-! pr?t . 1 I"? SI I. S'sii-?! pf -? n III p: IS!** 124*, II pf t? s lio It BUS?! ~'< '" de pre! ... SI |M H?S > RUMA?? rts M :? Htai laid Mill ' : , ..' T l-l Tr 11 a ' ' ' ?. 4 Tssiii Oil R T !?! si I, M. I ? p-rf 7?, ? r.? I i pf ** |04 Il ' Bac A P pf . , 170 |l-? ?"'-M'? Pf loi i ?r, I8TU l'n He In? . is P M7. I SI Il-Al -, pf X . I6U mi i -? i -.-, -, I? I a .' ? ? - Il .'. Bel . ', .: - ? pi toi4 lois '. V? 11. .s I a 74', .... ,,.,!. 13 w - u. ? Mai : ? ' M ?' I. . : ? ... Il ? i Wheel A L E !-rf.. ; I ?1 . 7 : : 111 !.( ?JSO 170 - 1 '?> NEW lOPK CITY BONDS. Ma? irlty. phi. *' . .1 .in . IMS. I\ ???s. tient., m. . ? ? ???v ?4',-. ?r.s. .?-pt . r.".'.'.,.,. :?s Ma -1:. '?'--' March, ISM 'SA ? . M..?-N"V.. I'?'.7- ..?.-..;,. ? . . - , . -. IMO-'M. - M. ? 1117 'Il. I . ? ? A-k "? ? ange? ? r-i'.'?r?l , >ui Bank of England Return. A'ii II ! ? at ihe I ? ' . . . ? . Tola] ra-.rrre . fl ? i . . loeurttlM . * i"- r depealt? . ? . * ? ? ? ?Ueuraaea. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE THURSDAY, AUGUST 1?, 19l.r?. Total salea of storks Thursday. 1.IW7.700, against 1.000,200 Wednesday, SIO.'.OO a week ago; Stork Exchange cloned a year ago. From January 1 to rlate. 88,2?H,S00. against ?ltS.lhN.190 a year ago. l-tv. rate_ Aim ka (',..1,1 Mines..... ? Allis-Chalmcrs Co. ? lAllis-t haliiicrn Co. pr.. 4 Am. A|*r. Chemical. ? |Am. Beet Bogat. ?; Am. Bool Bogar pr. -- ?Am. Can . 7 |Am. Can pr. 2 Am. Cm & Foundry Co. 7 Am. Coal Products. im. Cotton oil. ? lAm. Bids & Leather. . . Ami. Hide & Loath01 pr. Am. loo Securities.. Am. Linseed . Am. Liaoaod pr. Am. Locomotive ... ?i Am. Smelting. 7 Am. Smelt in-: pr. ... Am. Steel Foundry. 7 Am. Bogar .,, t Am. Tel. ? Tel. '20 ?Am. Tobacco . MO 226 22? 8 Am. Tobacco pr new... 100 107% 107% Am. Woolen . 1*00, M M 7 Am. Woolen pr. 2001 M 9: 5 Anaconda .! 50.7'i?> Tu'. V" ti Atchison .! 1,000 102 102*! l?haf?sl Quotation Uaii[*e. I Net I sold. 'Open,| High.I Low. Final.! chge. n i 88% .'.?.? '. 64 90 eo% 107 69% 147% 61% 60 I 60 -'? 7% 7%j? 88 V* 37 M 24% 23% 23% ,..% 18% 14% 88 xi 31 ?? . 82% 80 80 ion in?;', 106% 106% 106% ?..?um 66 86 52% ?'??> 600 111% 111% 110% 110% 810 123% 123% 1*23% 123%h~ % ?Jin i ". I" ? 1,000 200 16,800 4,200 4,800 6.111" 106% 107 V, r% % 6 Atchi'on pr Baldwin Locomotive Co. 6 Baltimore 4 Ohio.... 4 Baltimore A- Ohio pr. ? : Hat op, 1 as Mining ..... Bethlehem Steel . 1,700 287 7 ?Bethlehem Steel pr.I 1.200 110 8 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.1 2,400 84%l 80 Butte ft Superior. 1300 63% Cal. Petroleum .I 1,000 17% :i Can. Southern . 11 66%| in Canada l'acitie . 6,00" 1 3 'Central Leather .I 25300 7 Central Leather pr... ? - Cheoapoako ?v. Ohio... ? Chi. Groat Western... ? 'Chi. Great Western pr 4 (hi.. Mil. 1 St. Faul...I 1,500 BZ-tt 82-V 7 (lu., Mil. <*v St. Faul pr.1 100 123% 128% 7 Chi. <fc North Western..! 200 127% 127% ? ?Chi. R. I. <v Pacific.! 18,700 19% 20 , C. C. C. A- St. L. pr.I 100 62 80 Chino Con. Copper. 8,900 45% 16 7 Cluett pr.I 100'103% 103% [Colo. Pool * Iron.! 7,50o; -4:0.- 48% Consolidated Cas.- 23001126 128 Continental Can.I 1,400: 86 ! B9% 221-, 228 107'i 107? 87 87% - 81% 81% 00% 70% * HU'? 101% 09'*! 90 ?41 711 Continental Can pr_' 100 104 1104 Coin Products .' 17,100 17% 18% 17' Corn Prodocts pr.' 900 68% 83% 88 Crucible Steel .! 24,000 76% 78 72 Crucible Steel pr.' .r.00 10:* 103 102 Cuban-Am. Sugar .I 2,600 122 122 UK % 103%'101% Delaware A- Hudson Distilling Securities_j 3,''0') Doms Mines .I 2,.'am - D. S. S. ? At. pr. 100 Erio .I 3.?oo Erie 1st pr.! 1300 3 11 11 1% Mu?? 140-M* 140?, 29% 10 20', General ?' hemical Co... - General Klectrical Co.. General Motors . 7 General Motors pr. (i.iodrich, B. F. 7 Great .Northern pr. % (it. Northern Ore. sobs. - Ifi Guggenheim Kxpl. 5300 in'. Agriculture. In?. Agriculture pr. 1,000 Inspiration Copper. 31,6001 Inter.-Con. 6,700 6 Inter.-Con. pr. 2,400 Inter.-Metropolitan . 6,400 .*? Int. Harv. of N. J. 100 Inter. Paper . 600 6 Kayser .1.' loo Kansas City Southern.. 2,100 4 Kansas City Southern pr 400 6 Kresgo Co. 600 lLackawsnna Steel . 4i>n 10 Lehigh Valley . 100 Long Island . r> Louis. & Nashville .-. Mackaj c,,.....,..: 10 1 76% Maxwell Motor.' 6,700 47 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr... 1,400 91% Maxwell Motor 2d pr... 1300 39% I Mexican Petroleum_' 89300 87% Mexican P troleum pr..? loo ?r?1, SO Miami Con. Copper. 1300 -N'? 7 M., S. P. & S. St. M.--. 25 120 ! Mo., Kansai ? Texas.... 100 7% Mo., Kansas f.- Texas pr. 100 18% Missouri Pacific .. I 2!"? 2s 2* 22% 21-V 22 28% 27% 2; . 44 I 4:i% 4:0, tas 286 2X?; 10% 1,800 174% 174% 172% I3OO 213% 216 211% ?200 iO*. 108% 108 18.200 62% 63 69% 700 118% 118% 1 IS 43% 45 42 ?-? HO 20% . 105% 105% 9 - 7* 7? 26% 26% - 88% 58 . in.) 11-1% IIP? 11 1% 114% % 68 + 5% 148 2% I 26% 26% 2 Mont. Power 7 Morris & Essex. Nat Cloak ? Soil. Nat. Enameling _ Stpg. 3 National Leal . 7 National Load pr. Nevada ("on. Copper 200 50% 50? :.:: 162 162 2,100 7> ' 82 4,20" 20 ' 29? 1,60(1 ' 1 K 64 100 110 im 800 14% 11" N. Y. Air Brake. 87,600112*1 137% 1,100 90% '.">: 1,100 68% ? 800 2.'.7 i300 10 - 11 100 72 72 Northern Pacific .! 1,200 in New York Central.... N. Y., N. IL & II. N. Y., Ont ?C- Western. Norfolk & Western... North American Pacific Mail .' 800 8 I Pacific Tel. _ Tel. 100 30 6 Pennsylvania Railroad. 1300 109 ?; Philadelphia Co.' xo-i 7x ! P ttsburgh ''?al .: 16,700 : 2 6 Pittsburgh Coal pr. 2,400 99 Pressed Steel Car. 10,400 65 i 8 Pullman Palace Car....' 20i Quicksilver .I coo :c*s Ry. Steel ."-print*. 2,300 43% 16 Ray Con. Copper.I l.fiOi 2: 8 Reading .' 18,400 149 120 120 I ? ll". 120 7% 7% - 'i 7% 8 18% 18% + % 1? 18 3 ! % + % S 8% 60% - % 50% 51 162 102 , - 162% 165 78 - 4 80 82 28 .'?' i % 28 28% 63% 63% % 63% 64% 110 11,1 a 1 HO 111 14% 14% % 14% 1?, 126 184 ? 7% 132 ' 134% M 00 1 89% 90 68 >? '. ', 63 63% :*'T '- 26% 107% 107??? % 107 107% 72 ,*2 - I 72 I ?*73 107 107 ' % 107 107% 33 ' 1 88 84 80 80 3 ' 30 82% I0f '- 11 -"- ? % 108% 109% 7s 79 -. ? 1% 78 79 30 30 |% 29% 30 07 97 - 2 96 88 ???_"? 62% 2"- 62% 62% 160 160 4% 159 1?::: ;%!+%? 1% 40% 40% 22% 22 ? % 22% 2:. - Rep. Iron & Steel Rep. Iron & Steel pr... Rock Is land . Rock Island pr. ? IRumely . Rumelv pr . - St. L. ?v. 8. F. 2d pr. St. L. SVest. 14.40-1 46% 23OO 1<I2 100 % 100 10-% 900 15 : 200 ? ! ion 12% 149% 117% 147% - 1 46% 44 1027? I'D M 44 - 1% 44% I 101% - 101% % -' la' %'147 1 1 Seaboard Air Line.I 1,400 20 1 83 ' 38 ' 33 :!00 166% 166% 163 8,700 56% 53% ?-i ?-1 Seaboard Air Line pr. 7 Sears Roebuck . - Sloss-ShelT. Steel ft I.. f. Southern Pacific . Southern Railroad .... Southern Railroad pr.. 6 Standard Milling pr....I 10 72% 72'. 6 Studebakor .! 11,700 111% 111 * - 7 Studebakor pr .! 100 106% 106% 12 ITennessee < opper.' 19,700 48% 19% Texas ?S.- Pacific-. 200 9% 9% 10 Texas Company .' 8,7001144%! 144% Third Avenue Railroad 6,400 51 . 4 Inderwood Typew'p Co. 1|! I 78 78 "?Union Bog & Paper.... 8 l fnion Pacific . I I Fnion Pacific pr. ?1 United Cigar . United Ry. Investment Unit, il Uv. Invest pr.. ! . S. Cast Iron Pipe I Y U. S. in?!. Alcohol. * U. S. Realty & Imp. .. I'. S. Reduc. ? Ref. pr.. 93OO 131% 131 ', 130% 1 10 , 1% 130% 130 ion 200 : . I ! ..1 If I30O 22 221 3,500 71% 711 200 38 100 S%! 8*1 U. s. Rubber. '.' 53?) I". S. Rubber 1st pr. 100 104% 104% 1?>4 j 104% U. S. Steel.247.100 77 77% 74*1 74% 7 U. S. Steel pr.' 1.200 112% Hi - 43% 1 , 18 36% - 1 ? 21% 1 38 ! \? 2 I 2% % 8300 6 : 1,400 36% 36% .-,00 81 61 100 % ', 100 110 ' no Western Union Tel. 1.2?' 1 71 - 40 Utah Coppi r Vu.-Car. (hemical Va. Iron C. ft C... tVabash pr . t; Wells Forgo Express.... 1 112% 112% - % 112% 112% % '*.*\ 66% ::?-. 8 Westinghouae Air B ? 1 Westinghouae Mfg. 7 Westini h-- Mfg. 1st pr. ?; Will) -.-Overland . 7 Willys-Overland pr. Wisconsin Central . 36 ' ? 8% ', - pu no 1 + 1.4 71 I 71 I- % 820 280 280 280 280 ' 70.1 on 11* 11 ; 114 ' 115% 100 135 135 135 2.7.. I I--'?, ! -1 176 ' 17.; - 5 1 lOfl ?1106 106%! 106% - I 1":. 4 : 2').) 35% 35--. 85 I 35 !? 1 | 30 86% 86 86% I 58 I 60 % 107 im 71 ' 71% 28] 116 115% i:*7 ir. 17?; isu RAILROAD EQl II'MENT BONUS. ,cj BSted BS a p?r?entase basis ) Ma- Rat?, tarit] H .?.Ask. Une.. IM? ? ' ? ' ?., '! tiiii.r r \ ?.?loo ' ? i ? a s . I .r,,,', K?. | .v PltU.1 ' . i ' . r. . ' .,. Clin & Ohio. ' , . ? ? ? ? ' * Non ' ? ? ? ? . i ? . - ? ? ? . | . . ? . ? : ? ??tV-" - In, llallroad .IM?- 73 ' ? '?? . i - ? :n'\ ?'.?ir,,. ? -- - -- ; \?,r((i!V A \V< ?tel S? Nil al ' l-enn '? si 1 ' , ? : ? ... . ? ? - ' ? ? , , ., 1 ...ll'll-'J 4 . ? 4 I VUsini?n Haul?*?/ ..~lWi-il ?..-.. ?.la ?????J PAILY IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Daily import? and exports of genera! merchandise at the Port of New Yor't xi i ?' : Import?. !7\f.??r'-. A IS7U?t 1?... II..".1.4-7 J II. ? l ? - I M An-ruat II.... 4.4 ? - ? ?>llt 14... 1,1 ? AuRuit U. 4 -,7: . ?.; cu?t 12.. 1 1 . is- August 11. 7'.11-'".1.1 3 :i? I . Aui'j>t 10. . ? . .. ISUSt ?. ".4.'0."41 1 DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Hemril 1 Term. R^.t?. Parable. Amen- an '1 II l?.uls\, '? "I. I Oct. 1 ' i ? > ., I , Hon. ?j i'? ; s. pt. i.? A?s -'? Quinsy Jltaiu?; .... - I.? *>????. ill oepu 4 ' Executor 3 l00, T?*6 Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Brauch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York, LONDON, 15 Cwk-rjmr Bu, a W.: 26 Old Bros?! Btrwt, E. <X PaiSIfl, 41 Bouls-rod Hanssmson BERLIN, 58 Unter den Linden, B. W. 7 Travelers' Letten of Credit, Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Specialties Irregular ? Wider Fluctuations in War Stocks and the Oil Issues. Continued irregularity appeared in yesterday's curb trading. Home of the specialties were actively dealt in, and price changes were more etxensive than on the preceding day. Electric Iloal common declined 9 points and the pre? ferred 5 on small dealings, while the now stock, when issued, lost nearly a point on heavy transactions. United States Light and Heat appeared for the first time, the common ranging between '"'a and 4 and the preferred was quoted from I up to 6'?.. Lake Torpedo ?oat was depressed, losing 4''? points. In? ternational Mercantile Marine was ac? tive and substantially higher, ?.'ana? dian Car and Eoundry common yielded 1 point and the preferred 'J. Cramp Ship Building lout ?1 points and Dngg.* Seibury, after opening 4 points higher, cniled the ?lay unchanged. Oil stocks showed pronounced strength and the list broadened. Stand? ard of New Jersey rose 9 and a num? ber of other issues made advances of from '? to 4 points. Mining stocks gen? et ally were firm, though Kennecott Copper lost a fraction. International Mercantile Marine new 5s advanced a point and Kennecott Copper ?is re i ceded -'? INDUSTRIALS. lul'l. Op?ri. "lllgh. tarn. Iai-t I.?,?, Am Zinc . 7.1'? '-'.'* ??1*4 **?**? list ?''.in Car A K..10? KM 94 : ?? ?do ptmi .H* I-'? W m 2.1:3 ??..', n Osa Cat -'? -\ ? i.< Steel... jo so .if 1,101 ???.n I.?. & Pern :?% '"'? '?'? ' > - ?? . nii.ii Far... i'7'v '-'a ' '? I- * *75 ?Cramp ShlpM** 1Z>i "-'a '?" l.SOO Drlg-ro-Bo? ? f *? f'l 9) ?"> 7-" Electric Boat... 4M 171 ?? ?? J '? !'.? ?!.. H'-f .47'? 477, 41. I? *.,.-... ?,|., BOW w !.. 4.,-? ??' ?'-? ' ? 10 Iteteraon Phono 14 It H 14 . I ?Hall "Re-Mi.... I?H H "; '.', -, 'Hondee Mft; .. "-'-. ?'?'?'? 4oO ?II..?iston (?II .. It'? It'* " ,*j ? Inti i- onl Rub.. '?'?"?'.,, 3".??? ?Im Mer M il .. M ?? ' : ' 15,000 ?..,, pref . '-'a 11% '?' ' *,i ?..,, t,. m ? i.. 47 5.' 47 ??o I.'"* ?-!?. pref . <v.'t ?? ? ? '? M ?l ?total ....', '-'?' ?4"?4 -4 ? i--?? *?!?) pref . .'?> 7.7 15 ?In? Klckel ....171 171 US 17? - ? un. :?'? ?"'? '??''* ',' :? . ? k.,". lirons? nf li* 3H 3-<-. 34 11 Ki 11) Kpg TtTe.171 Ml Ml *li 37>. "Lok? l<?rp Ht. 17 1!? 13 t* . - ? M .i, onl ?.f ami 4*, 4?, *\ ?H 4"0 Mutual Prof si, n-, VA t% ? ? i;*. ?N Btl ?? < t ''..'i 7i K , II 10 Mo prof . r?-.' K K ';_' K Y Transi orl. 17'; 119 i" \j% ? "Pyrene Mfr ... 13H '??'a Ut ,;?*? M Runtely n??r. Il "" '-'" '-*? 1,500 ?Si.-iii?! Mot?.rs.. il?' 11*? 10?,? l?% m? s-? -ling Oum... il 3 I 3 ' . : : i. ? I71? ', ??*% '-'s ' ? ? I ' 'tgai si new i"'-_- 144? '"'- ' '* ?? '" Profil ?hai... '-? Mi ? 21 i ne u s i.' A Host t% x if. Ist 3..',?.i0 do pr- f . '. ?.'a ?'? i -.i ?Ventura Con <> 17H U"-? I i w,.,...? A -, . -, 7-'. -"'s I i 1 ?-, ?World l'iiiM .. t?e ?"'-- *** ?>'??' STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. I ?.tlantlc Ref ... ? W :?? !; i key? 1' L... ? 1'?? !''? I'1? 3 ?r?-, - ut I' I.... - ?" ??'? ?' ?, KUI? ,,.1 P la ... ? IM Ml " ? . ?lai?:,,, tflg nil. _ 170 IIS -. nui oii p i..... - us i<7 m ?? Indiana P l. - l"4 1"l I? IBS Nal t .... ? 3t'4 u?' . N v Tranalt.... ? ?55 Ohio Oll . ? 134 IM ' -'? Pl?-n - "il . la**** i-''-? U 175 Pralrl? O -.- ??. ? Ml Ml Prairie P :. - M 171 IM 1?? South IVnil OU. ? 317 7*47 3<7 -??.litiieril P I,... ? 714 '-'H 71? ., s> ind " of ?'.-il ?? ""4 7"l SUnd ?? of Ind. 44S 441 4? K Bland O of Kc - - SI "*B* 15 Stand O of V??- - XA **K 337 - irtd ' ' Of S ' ?77 43" 437. M s ., ! ? i of N V 1"? ''?' . i al?n Tank i? ? *' ". RAILROADS. -, ?'.. ,''?SSI w I... II'? II'? ll'i H'a MIXING. M "Alaska Jiit-eso IH? HT4 114. ''*? I "-,. ?Ail,|,,:, .Vin.'?ir l!'.-- 114? il'-:?' 41*4je ? \lt.i-i-nii Min . *?"' '?'? ??'? * lv 77, *A ,. common : ' ??- ??*-?? ?-'' 31, . . . , ' . ? tic ?Bl? .?(.??ss,k?t . - ?'-- ?a- ""? I.SAt Rlc u-?lir? r>?-v. - s VA -i'a -it 1.50* Bl i-l'ti '-orper.. v>-v? ?>*? ?'? '? ? ? ? ' iiodonla ... '??'? 9)? Re s,,. 1 ? I ??'hi',? '-or-per.. Vm !*:s II . !?*. 100 Con Aril fim?it, i* . . ** I.M0 Con Nev-rtah.. "a c? '? '? -Kmma ?*o|,|?-r. M? '?"? *"- **?? .Wi ?Oeneee? ?'o| I ate iBe 7 -' "G >| Ifleld Mers ' -" -'''-'' -'" l(?o Howe Bonn i .. t\ *\ 3?4 I ? ? lu hoKn . 'ft IA 1 17-M IA i- ? nn ."'t ?"-.p . '- : ?*:? 4* ? ' ? '.. K?-r !..\? . t\ m 14, *Ke?rar?aa . ti'v H'." ll*-ic "'-j1* KM !.. Rom Ob ... 4 4 l.'.-i I :,. .-lar . ? ' I ??: 4'.... , ?-..ri'-r. Iltj '"', II . ''I's ? Mclntyre .I U M4 H ".'.'?T* M. K-Karr . 71,- .'-? 71. ; - .-? 'Mothei I?-,',,-... ::??? 3"-- IVA< -? ? 1 , ' 1 mi, rsjng '.- -'? 7: ??? ' Ipl lalng Mm?? ??' ? ? ? ', ''1 31 (?ai ?!;.A fon Min . Ile Me 61?- S3. ? ?Silver Pick ... le loi fc 7.00 Stand Bilver-t?. M IS IS ?'? 3 US Btewarl . !'? i'? IA "-a -- Mining '??'"? IA "*'??? " itltlon m ?? ?? -i'~c ?HHe ?h M?>r?;?r ;;?'?? 3?> 3?^- Me "M Trt-Hulllon . . ?'? ?*? . 1 ?Wasot? ii . 1', i?t 1', l'a 2,110 V\'ea? End Con.. Me Ri M? I ?7? *w K Cop pf... ?S "S 1% -"1 RONDS. $?"7, ?-^Vi ?I M M n???- 7s 7?! 7? 7.-?S 77 ? ? . is?.m ''op la ..II* lt". 140 144 ? " Plerc? ?"?Il fis... 7s '.S 7s 7S ?1 nil-?--!. INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDUSTRIALS. Bid ' - nid. A?k. Aillant? F.. - \ *ni?T Tarbl.Je ? 10 C of it * H 6'? Ri ?-. pr?t. '.1 n RAILROADS. ?Talo P ?? I.. il', *1 leWab pf ta). ?14 12 ? ? pr?t... 33 43 1 ?!o 1 f ibi.. 7I\ ..', MINING. ? Ce? ll? In M.ii-.'.ti- Min '.Oc Hc ? ii -? '?u,a:.? d. 3? 40 ?t Iillfcta-l. Il MI.Il' CTIL1TY SECCRITIES. Bid. Ask. | m i. Am* Am I- * Tr Bl M Krd 1.? *. Tr. II 1" ?1o i?r?f : I ?1 ' 1 do i'?- f. ?'? '?: Adlron K P 1? II IOhSBS I 7. ,i?. |?r?f_ '0 .'? I do pr?f . .. IS 7?. ? ?m ?; \- k MI i"7 l?a ?i a- k.. i ? ?do prof .47 49 N ?' I. A P. M An? P A M ''? *'? ''" l"*: ? ,',, pr. f ... M 'u N-T Hla'.a 1' .a , Ai . P CUL. "?" S ?de pi-f. -? ?\,? pr?f .. M M Oserai i* *- w i. An W ? *". ?Hi I PhOI i., i- . . .'.?> pail pf 1? U I '10 X't't. ?4 -7 .!,, 1st pr?f I p II) ? U 10 13 . -fiv.. 44 47 ! do pref. 47 '? i IS Ckl K?ll!.on 70 7J Co! I'owrr .. 1* 1? i do pref. sgtl ?e> -f.... W ?? !?--?"??--< ? '? .".? t ?'? I C i? R ,v I. H H "lo ?-r?f .. .. do pr?f.... 7s vi . T Rl ?l ,v I' 4 ?. ?. I. ? M '-'i Pref. ?1 t* .lo pref... s-, M l'l I.t c llsh H 41 ? . ' 1 ?, i-,. '. ? . te i*a Soeur... i? i. I. |??l ft 8 of M 1-1 >> 1 ,.rr. 14 1? lin; I' !.** 7. 7? j >!?? l-l*f. Il prof ',0 7? | ?l'ai valu? Vrt. ??^??aa^asi STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. HOSTON STOCKS. MINIM.. Bale-. ISS Ahnifr-k . J"l AiK'in.ih . IM Alio ?es . l,?.O Al l/.ona ? um .. 101 Butt? ,v liaa I.... IM Calumet .?.- Ariz. 13 Calami _ Hoc. ?'?'i ' Hop per Kaufe.., il?) Baal Butt? . iUraabi. H Hancock . i.. ? i land Creek.... ?'i .?o pr . ' ? Isle Hoyalo .... ISSLaks . ? '.MS . 100 M i? flower . aSMouawk . '.'.:, New Arvadlan... I>?) New I.lila . 66S North Hutta .... I North Lake . It? < >|.| i-nlonv . IOS Old I'.imlnlon... MOaceoM . 1,34s Pond Creek _ ? ... iliicy . .?. r?anla re . .??i "hsnt-rt. to rihaltuck . 300 South I tali .... IS4 ?-' M.?r !??-'. Sin.or ,v li'ir-ton. 10 s?i[m r < 'oppar ... .niara, k . 100*1 rlnltv . 30 i s Btneltero.., .1') rln or . ::>' I'tah APM . it? It ah inn . IS \S'iii"n>i . L.', Wolverine . open ?>'t . -*. , ?'i 4 *-"?? '-'*a S4 II U\k N il 14 10*4 M ?-2 l"a I 30*-i 1% "a u ?3?, IS M a 1% H% Be E.S "i ?% ?4% t% ll* V? ?il'. H;?.,. n m Xf? ? ?I MU l*% ?i II 11% M IM loa ?'?'?i ::.\ ll'a f< 30-, l'a. s% MM U*?. M I r_ -????? Ni M ?a A? :,; t 41% M ; '. ?:*. Low. N M s i . -?il ?oV* M l-'a *''. N ? II a _3|r? M 1*4 3 r,: H M4 '?a a I 4' *-a 4''* ni 12% nu ItAIfaRoAHH. .*.". Boston Kiev .... ''? 0 I... ton .*.? M.ilnc. 21% St : Masa Bl?c or .. BU BH ?.-m \V?s- I-: t i | St Ity H S*ft4 10 .lo pr . M n ''a laSBL 11 ? ? -a '? a a a ; II ?-? J ll'i IMI ? - !" a 1*4 % ? I - a 8?i i Mu i 1' a ' a fi i:*-. 3', flu T'i'j MIS? l.LIJkNKOlS. Il .\mo3lK -ar t.r ... M ii Ai. Pneu Bar pr 17 n Ati <; .?i w i... n W ?lo pr . :?'?*?; 10. E4I>.in .-'34 nr. Mu-?, Qaa . -'i'i L-.'t ?lo pr . H Il Mi Blwaln pr ... ttt% i Sam Bar. Tel....UI :.?? Swift & '' ? i rrtnston ... M l'nlted tYult ...104% K2 I'm- Shu.? Ma.-h l'?'? l'iO do II . tt i.ltt Y. mina ?)il . BOKDO ?21.000 AH ?; * W 1 ...a. 7fli.. 1,000 Western 1 I ? ?--. '-;, 17 m* Sli :34 MH M 114 *_4 am M 17 104 233', !?! H 131 113', M% I :?? '? i l-'-a ?*?<* 17 1J% sni M ?1 97% i::i 1134 :i--:; *:*??'_ r. 12*4 l.a,.; r, ?N ?I II? CLUOINO. PLI. Aak.1 \:A. a k. Hav St iii!. 10c 13c IMer-. Metals.. . <? Boston Bly.. ?iV Me (Ne* Douslaa. ? Chief i'o:i>.. i'3.- 17e Ohio ?-.?i.p-?r.. 10 Calaveras.... 1% llijt'nlted Verde. *>4 ?M M.i|i\-t?. .... Kl H?K i PHILADELPHIA STOCKS, ?alea outa. Utah. test. 11*1 ?Cambria Btoel... 54t? S64 MVt lOOCmawissa . 45% C>". 46% m Bleo Btor Bat... 6 SG ? . IM In.? ?'o N A .... ..'. ?S*-. ?*-'. 30 l.i ill . l'a 17*4 47 1,446 Uli?* BupeHor... io 10 r?". .'" Minehill . 14 Nor ? . ntral .... ?3% IM Pa? lllc Mall .... SVm lH a ss'. a lvnn sait uta- '??"? *- '?' 3", riilla ?o . MH -'-a M il?, nr . M 4? 40 GIT PI.lia Kl?-- . -C. 141. LIM Phlla K Tr t c. 10 11*4 l ; M l'hll.. 'IVa.' . 71 71 74 _? p ?;? n .** Nor.140 no mo M unit Gas Imp .. MV ?? -1 ? BS Union Trac .... M% ?H "' ? ISS Warwick I * **. 10 m H Il York Rjra pr. ?? M M M *BO*VDO M.SM Btee * Pao ts ? H T3 11 ? .. 7?s "Ms 1.000 Welabach fia .... M M M Ult M'ai 4.-? - a 1*2% iT M4 -i . 10 74 140 ' 30 l '??-> . M.0M l.OM I'..'?" CHICAGO STOCKS. Open. ll;*li. Low. Am shli.biill.lln-; M W a M Booth l'I?h . 4'? M 4-1 Chic rn??u Tool. 77 77 [?Min Match .-? M Qiaakarr ' 'ata pr.l". 146 Svalft ?- CO.Ht 11* l'nton i . I UOM'S. ?*hl.- Rya 1st M < hic Tel . ? ' ? riwUt .-: Co Se. . ??? , ; 'a '?'??\ ;.7 1-.. lit IM BALTIMORE STOCKS. ? 'i-?-. Illi'.l. Luv?. ? 1 . Balsa ?-* Cons Power 1 Fidelity _ Dep.134 131 134 M Merch * M Hk. 2?i'J Nor Central _ - , . Penn Wat Pwr. 13 Init Rya _ Kl- J'*j BONDS ll.iMOntv Pa?t ?a S L !>";. I.MS 'lu 4s UM . 1,000 Cona ?'nal ??....loi 1,000 r Rys .t El Inc. .-?''. 1,000 dO 4s . ' a " a 101 a ? ? L?,< ? . 4" w , ?? 111, I 114 IM - ? ? a :?..*, M** 101 ? ? PITTSBURGH STOCKS. Halea Km W ??I Ma? ti ? \ 33 dO pr . lu Caney Rlv ?*.aa. :?:, ? | ' 'olura Usa \- Kl n*. i lui Brewlnr* ??? 3 M dO pr . 1 .'a .n 1.a H-.-II? Iron... KVa 10 Loos Biar Oaa., ? ? . i Mir? IX _ 11 1. ' Nal Ftrej mol ? ? i ihlo Fuel Oil... IS .?u Ohio Puel Si.p.. ? , . . i ikia Nal Oaa... ,y. 40"sim'e .?. Ok ??**i? 5*0 7.*? Pitts Brow i t.. 16 :u Pitts Oil a.- ??as u ..* ml . 1714 4 --. -,n Tov ... 7'i union Nal ?la?..13? .--.?? a -i-;n;ill'"; D30 Weetbse Air B..1U Hlfll. Lrv?. l-'a 1 .? 3 MM 4 13 17*4 IO IM IM n: - :; . *?'-' ' j ??. 5*4 ' - ? l.'i 70 I.*?' l-'.'l 11*4 I'- a 1 ? . ? a r '? M U'\ SHORT TERM NOTES. Name an l ;r.?turity. Am T O T Stth ---. Apr. Am ?'lit Oil 4; -, No* Anacnn la ?.'op Sa, M' h, Palt & Ohio i'v>. -lune. B-lt .t 'tillo P-. ?. June, Bklyn Rao T 1 lieaa a- ? 'hio ?.-.. June, Del ?? Hod ?*'-- June 16, Brie Railroad "-. Oet, Eii? Railroad '*% x.r Brie Railroad ? ;? ni Rubber ? - D*c, Mocklna Vail la. Nov. Int Harvea :?*. Peb IS, laake S I New Kn?; Nav ? ? May, N V ? vnt 'is. ? "-'o?- r, N V N II ? II Se, Ma>. Pena it n cvt n??.O t, Southern Ry ??. l'eh. Southern Rv ?s. Mch ?, Lnit'-.J Prult la. May, La', 1004 log ?? I 100*4) ? , lo?i*4 r?7 100% 100% 1" ? 1 .-*, Foreign (.ovtrnment Issues. aVrsentlne la, I" ?'- ISU . Ml loi1? I Arxentlne i)?. Deo 15. !?! - ! Aruentlne la, DOC 1.*". 1:17.. MM loo^ 1 Argentini- Sa. May IS, 1930 . ???? Canadian k?-' *.-. Aug. IMS?. . ? ,- o :;.?;. -:?. I I?, An?, l!'l, , Preach -*>i r. ISU . -" a . ?erman Se, January, ? ir-i?. ISli, l-.'K. 1917. i-'la. 191 . IMS. 191?. 1 '17 I91S. ? ?: 1911 ??; 1917. 191 .. 111?., 191?. 1917., 1917.. P: I I ? M*a . ?I? ? 1"' 'a . 1004 . MH ? ? . . ion,-, I00?ai I'-Va ? ? 101 \ Ask. Vi mi,*? I.IIH.. ? svaiizerian 1 la, March, in?.. Hwltserland ?'?-. Ma- I .-. _ai Not .?as ? -. ' ' tobei 15, 111? . Norwav t?. Oetobei I?, ?MT.. ?Sweden ?is. Deir-mber. |91?.. M% 100 '?' 'a :.'.'i 4.41 4..'.ri 4 17 I 7..-.0 3 37 ?? t .?*> ;..i?, i' ? 4.1') . -i 4.'? I ?i ? I . .1 . (I I ?: .. :i Bank of France Return. Par.1 An. II Bai.k of . . The week!? ?tateitifii' ivf tha a? Iks fi ..n*i- i 1 hail?;?? Kr?- . - lin reue l?nM In hail?! . ? I . N. ?r. I I . Triiaury i|?i?.?!r? . . .'1.4!. .1 a .|- l?'.ll.. . ?if,1 111.1 ill...?u,/.-.l . ? ?Mtaaoea . 'S.SSi.tee I Place Your Banking Business with us and receive that effi?. cient service which is charac? teristic of this Bank. Our offi? cers will give personal atten? tion to your particular needs. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK te nansa*; itmi Capital, Surplus and Profits $14,000,000 Deposits $112,000,000 BOND SALES ON THF STOCK EXCHANGE THURSDAY, AUG. ST 19, 191V Trading in bonds on the Ne?* York Slock Eirhange Thursday araoentes g $2,H1i>.000, against $.1.264.000 Wednesday, $."?,6*1.000 a week ago and Stock ??-. change closed a year ago. Total from January to dale $I92,2r>\000, again?! Uli,. 665,000 in 1914. GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL. Sale-i in ?,1,000. High. Low. Close. 1 Rep of Cuba .5s '04 97 97 97 14 NYC 14s '65 rcpt.101"? 101 's, 101 "*-? 73 do 4'is 1960 ... 984 98 98 7 do Is 1959 . 944 9Hi 94 4 STATE 8N Y State 4 '^ s... 10-1 ?-i 104'/j 1044 1 do 4s 19dl.1014 1014 1014 RAILWAY AND MISCELLANEOl S. 1 Alb & Basa 44s. 83 83 S3 5 Alaska gold 6s...106 1054 1054 39 Am Sm & Ref 6s.106 1054 1054 1 ?has T 4 T col 4s. 68% 88 4 884 35 docvt4 4s.192% 1024 192% 5 Am Thread 4.?... 93 4 93 4 934 M Armour r e 44s. 1*1% 11% 914 ::?'. A T ? S F gn -Is.. 91% 91 914 8 do adj 4s. 814 814 ?14 26 ?lo adj 4? s?pd.. 99% 69 ?24 5 do cvt Is 1955.. 1024 102% 102 4 1H do cvt 4s I960.. 102% 1D24 1024 15 B & O pr li 34s. 894 89 39% ' I do gold 4s .864 86 M% 32 do cvt 44s .... 864 864 864 5 do ?sPLE?WV d 80 80 80 7 Beth Bt 1st ex is.102% 102 192 42 do ref 5s.1004 1004 1004 40BRT 5pc r.otes'18 994 994 19% 13 BCBiN col 5s.l00 99 4 99 4 1 Canada So 5s.... 1014 191% 1014 2 ten Leath gn 5s.. 100 100 100 25 (en Pi.c 1st 4s... i?."? 844 84"** 1 CRR&BC ofCa 5s 88 88 88 9 Ches & O gn 44s 85 85 85 6 do cvt 4%s. 78% 734 734 1 14 C B & Q gn 4s... 894 894 894 1 do 4s Den div... 994 994 994 1 do !%s 111 div.. 824 824 824 12 do joint Is. 964 96 96% ? 25 do jt 4s reg. 954 954 954 IChiuLtAC 1st 5s.1014 1014 1014 i Chi Grast W 4s.. 68 C8 <>8 i 12CM&StP cvt 5s B.1024 1024 192% ! 11 do gen 4 4s. 984 y84 M% I 13 do ' ?? i j- ... M% M 95 1 do dob is 1934 . 86% M% 99% 1 CAN StLPAN06s.l94 104 104 8 do gen -is . 80 80 80 BCRI?PR? 1st 6s.102% 1024 102% 1 do deb ?5s . 454 45 4 45 4 13 do ref 4s . ?534 63 ?33 ?Chile Cop 7s ...1134 1134 1134 1 ( olo & So 1st Is. 86% 86% 864 19 Con Gas cvt 6s..U6% 116 116 1 Corn Pr s f 5s '34 93 93 93 14 Del & H ref 4s... 91 90 90 ID & R G imp 5s.. 67 67 67 ?? do ref 5s. 47 41 44 3 con 4s . 704 704 70% 12Distil Bee Cor 5s. 66 654 68 26 DuPent Pew 4%s.l90 100 100 6 Erie pr li 4s. 80 80 80 2?i do cvt 4s ser B.. 66% ?-,64 664 26Gen Elee deb 5s.. 1024 1014 1024 1 Hud & M rfg 5s.. 704 704 704 2 111 Cen 4s 1953... 804 80 80 3 Indiana Steel 5s..1004 1004 1?j04 5 InsConCop 6s '14.144 144 144 ! :-0 ?i?. 1922 .144 140 140 13 Intetb R T ref 5s. 974 974 074 41 Interb-Met 44s... 744 74 744 1 Int & Gt N 1st 6s. 98 4 984 9S4 152 lut M M col 44s. 734 71 71 112 do ctfs. 734 72 72 5 Int Paper 1st 6s.100 100 100 4 Int ?*-' I'ump 5s... 61 66 65 88 ?i" 6s ctfs . 65 65 ri.5 44 Inter Nav 5s. 654 64 6;, 2 Iowa Ceil 1st 5s.. 834 834 - 1% 2 Keok A Des M Is. ?52 .'.2 62 I Lack St 6s 1928.. 94% 944 944 39 do 5s 1!>.">0. 78 77 4 77% 7LacG ofStL Ist5s.l0l 101 101 7LS&.MS db 4s '31. 904 904 904 1 Lehigh V Ter 5s. 108 108 108 Sales in $1,000. High. Low. C?en 1?) Liggett & M 7s.. 1." m ET 3 do 5s .1014 1014 lOR 1 Long I unified 4- 83% ??!:?% (?il 2 Lorillard ?Co 6 ,109% lOO*? |L & N unit-.ed 4- 81% 91*4 9-^ 3 Man Ry coi. 4i its 86 $6 M '2 Mex. Pet 6s ser A.106 1?.5 "** 1 Mich St Tel Istli 88% &8% Ms, 2 M St P & S S M * 1st con 4'. -T", "7 f? 2 M K & K.. 90 M 1 M K 4 T 1st 1- 76 :?: E 4 do 2d 4s . 51 51 |] 4 Mo Pac coi 61 84% 94% n\ I do co! tris 1917 I i 19% **?; 1 Nat EnamAtSf. .-IV, *-,, 2 Nat Tube 5s. M 98 M 191 NYC&HR dbOsfp.103% 103% 1**??, Il do rfg 44s. 67% 87 J* 2 do rfg 34s - 7', % 77% 77W 1 do LS col tr8%s. 72 ? 72% l?K > N Y Gas E L H & P r>ur m 1^. 81% 81*; -?k I4NYNHAH ct6b*48 110% tin4 ui,?\ 13 do cvt 34s '56. 68 ?91 ? 2N Y & Queens E L Si Power |s. - 190 100 10* 25 N Y Rys adj 5s . 4:?'-, 49 4* 11 N Y Tri p? l%S.? 81% 94% ?s, 1 Niag F Po.ver Is.101 191 101 9Norf&W con 4s.. 87% 87 ?7?, 5 do cvt'7 107 107 38 Nor Pac pr li 4s.. 9>i 894, 90 19 do gen 3s . 63 62% 43 2 Ore Sht L con Is.198 10.1 "0* 9 Pac Tel & Tel Is. 87% 97 r*4 1 PRR gtd 44s rcp.102% 102% 103?? 2 do 34s 1918.... 100% 160% 100?, 3 Ray Con Top 6s..116% 116 11"? 12 Reading gen U >2% ft\ 3 RI&S col la 1949. 86% 95-*, to\ 6StLIM?*S?i gn ?- 06% ?r; 94 1 do rfg 4s . 61 61 41 2StL Sw 1st 4s... 724 781 "-, 1 do 2d 4s. .">.', 05 55 li?So Bell T Si T 5s. .-T1?, 87% 97?, 24 So Pac cvt 5s :?;?% M?. 12 do cvt 4s.60% M% M<t 20 do ref 4s. -1 , ?l?? U\ I So Ry con 5s .. W% 9? 5 do gen 1- 611 <1\ 1 Standard Mill II. 91% 91% 91?? 4TRRAofStLrf ; - . *?i% ?\ 24 Texas Co cvt - | 0% IOC, 2Tex Si Pac 1st 5s. 92 92 9" 15 Third Av ref 4s. . 79 78% H\ 50 Union Pac 1st 4s. 934 92% "l?i 30 do cvt 4s. 904 90 M 3U S Rub s f 6s.. 102 108 l? 30 U S Steel 5s.... 1024 102% '?H 1 Virginian Ry 6s. 94 94 9? 103 WPT lst4sCT ci 4 S S 5 do 1st 4s Col Tr ctfs for Cen Tr.. % 4 I 3 Western Elec 5s. 1014 101% W14 2 West Un col tr 5s 92% 88% 92 4 Westingh Electric Mfg s fd Is.105% 101% 1054 458 do Mfg cvt 5s fp.117'. 1144 115 5 do ctfs of dep...l05% l''54 1054 19 W & L E con 4-, Il 51 il 1 Wis Cen gen 4s . "2 82 il GOVERNMENT BONDS. Ye?terdav. Wednei???T. Bid Asked. Bid Ask?d 2s reg '30. :'T;i 974 - 2s coup **J0_ 97% - '.'7:* ? 3s reg 'U*.100% - 198% - Sa coup 18....100% - 198% - 4s reg '2.'. . ...108 - l1"-' - 4s coup '25. ...110 -- IM - 2fl l'an '36 r?f. 87 ? 97 - 2s Pan *38 reg. '.'7 ? 97 - 3s Pan '61 rof.101 ? 101 - 3s Pan'61 coup.l"! 191 ? WAR NEWS CHECKS LONDON TRADING Money irf Denfand, but Goo. Bank Return Makes for Easier Discount Rates. London, Aug. If?. There were n? fresh developments in the America! exchange problem to-day beyond th? fact that negotiations are proceedm? between the various authorities her? and in .\ew York. Cable transfer; ?r?ti a shade easier at 4.<S7** to 4.67s* Money was in good demand and dis count rates were easy on the gooc bank return. The stock market was hesitating or the "-/?stern war news, which offset the effect Of the favorable bank statement Bonds 'vite Inclined to ease off and oil shares and Russian securities Were easy. American securities were quiet all day. Prices hai ?trued near the close under the lead of I'nited ?States Steel and Canadian Facitic. The closing wad steady. The Bank of England to-day bought 1136,000 in bar gold and sold 1166,000 in burs and i'200,0')0 in foreign coin. .Money loaned at from .'I to 4 per cent. Discount rate for short bills ora 1 '? per eonl and for three months' bills IVi to ? i<er cent. Cold Premium at Lisbon was 49. Pans, Aug. ID. Ptices were irregu? lar on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent rentes, H francs 60 centimes for cash. Exchange on London, 27 francs f0 centimes. LONDON CLOSING PRICES. i s4sa w, T An*. IS. lent. Au? 14. Chnss. ' 'onaola money? B 14. ? . At hlaon . IM*4 ; ? ? , ? Bali ... Ohio. H ? . . ? v , . 1% a Ohio. 4? i.?.. i , '. West. Il 11V, I.", *, ChlC M Ar St P..? **?'* * ? Mi 'S Denver . ** ? ? ?? . . B! M Erie I?t pr. "u. ?', 44 - S Illinois Central .. IM4 ">'? ? I?ut?. 4 Naah. UM4 IHM ? Mo Kan * T?* I V? ? - N Y '? ii'ral. OH !>l 91 1 Norfolk _ Weat.. 113 1?V l.>7*? -1T? f'liurln A.- , , a Pennarlvartia .?''.- IM ISS? ? *% Keadlne . ?** 1'* ''*?'-. ?14 .i l<\. I''1? I'.'? ? ? rn *'t'? R SM| L'nlon Pa. in? !??*? II '?? 13P-a 1 S .--.. I H a . ? -, .--". - '-J - .?a--__. Oppose Wabash-Pitts. Plan. Charles Fearon L Co., of Philadel? phia, are inviting the c-o-operation of holders of Wabash Pittsburgh Termi? nal Railway Company tirst mortgage 4 per cent bonds and holders of the cer [ifleateo of deposit to change the pres? ent reorganization plan. As part of their campaign they consider it pos? sible that an appeul to the courts will be made to order liquidation of the property, and, after payment of debt.*, make a distribution to tirst mortgage I bondholder!. _ . I ON THE CONSOLIDATED. The marker on the Consolidated Stock Exehsnge wsi undo! pre?-? prscticallv all day, but there wire some spots of special nntir?--* in ? earlier tradinf, ?rite the ?PP?" shares, in particular, standtnir <"? ? Anaconda, which had cloud ?** , Wednesday at 69%, opened it ?'?? and rose to 72'?. After word ot m disaster to the Arabic the ?lock bro? to 694. but it close?! at 70%. IMP'-: ation Copper opened at 364, to???? a low of 84%, but closed it ??**? Great Northern Ore was strong lor a time, opening at 44, up ? If11 V? from Wednesday, and touched s ??"? of 454, then declining to 4-1?.. ?"?" closing at 42 common, on transaction or ->'?' shares, opened at 77. sn overnigBt ? cline of 4 of a point, rallied to ns and then broke to 714, clos:n,f,,* 74%. Business in all stock? totsim --.- 0 shares. STOl KS. Mm W L*S? "?"' Ulis ..?--. ? . ? ? - .?.- . ? 1,140 Am-r., an ? . . ? S2 ?T? i? ? i ,2 j-i . ? 1" A,- : ?. lu H\ 1 '., Am i. -?-I ?>i! 144 *? .'?J 54', I 1.14? A ? ? ? \ 7 : \ . . ; . ? . v iMaln I . ? IM lia ? A ?1 , " ' I" . , ?'a .- 1 . - - '""* ,| . . 81 ? M .-. - ? - ? -, till' . . , ' o Cou ' ' , ' ? ? I ? ,ii- ? ? ? .*'? |?\ 1,17? I ... -a * ',?. s1? 4-. |i' ' , *'v I". ?" i . 1-? If I . !.:.., f? . ? . , ? " . ? .. l.voi Inspira . ? i- - 1 ?????.- . li ? I- ? - - . ? - ? ' I? Kanin B ? . '?? ? ' ' l? 9 ? Uat? 1,1*4 Mi Peu . ?M Mo !'?::? s 70 Ni? Hi.imrlir.? .. 1?) N't* Coo? 14 ' ? ! ?J ? . - ?-. . ? I I I lit* I'-rsaarrt .strrl Car I ?*?, Ill . i It. .-.-! -i - a- X -, ?. ""."? JJ .-?' Kai ? .. , :??? kr ? ? *?' -s, M Km," ? 20 Rui ?- . ;?' ' . Il? Ma? l'a . S s - > , ' . I !.'?? T- - ? ? . ? ? IM Third I?? ? * ,2,2 ltr\ ' ? - Il It . ? id ?'? u ?"??? SB S3 ? *??. M Va l'ar r!.?ra -s ? .??a- 111% n . u? n* ?''* T ?al -air?. MINING. - ;s S11 :? S '.M ? Kra-tlon " ??? M ?-. - "* 1 ! I ., EU i ?*?-,- ? v?m I :?M sWiiran ? ' , *L ? ?. l'nrtlan?! i ?-> i :, :. ?i ????? r?i riH.uetti Cil ...:*:???-? * M" | ?,.?? Tau! ?-?a?.