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TOPICS OF THE DAY IN WALL STREET Traders Not Too Certain How to Take Sinking of the Arabic. MARKET SELLS OFF SHARPLY AT CLOSE Brokers Puzzled by the Early Ability of the List to With stand Pressure. an went home last ni?ht with- ' rite idea of what the the Arabic was gome to When the tu st new.- appoarcd .. d the sell'tig that ha.l be ? .,- . ri ovemenl ?ras ?ar and in tnosl instances ich their previoas low Por nearly an hour bowed no psr , rn about the Arabic. POS? ? r there was ? general be i ?! had been warned ume's commaador and tho ?gers and crew given time to (cot -?av is tho boat-, it was well after "?3Ji o'clock, in fact and the tirst news reived before 1:30 that ? to ?'in? real iinnettle tirae the positive dis? mdon and Liverpool ink ? Ithout wirn.. ? ihc had (tone under | -SUtes eau tiOB to isuring re aboul the active list made new low prices for the <lu\. and twelve reached their previous low lev?lo. l-u/rlrd by the Market. Broker? in the commission houses I ding it inCTOaaiagly more dirti- ; cult to undorotand the temper of the' ?pecu'.at ? e community. They sec the i market nervous? with much profit tak- ' .,c j-, ? ? on, av l ti o floor traders, ?bout f* real reaction. | returning 'une ar.d again to the ?t- ' tac'?:. Hu* to their surprise there is no I among the weaker holders of I - leal speculators so ?nucli ' *? impossible to dis- ; cover, onions it is that their hopes for the war stocks are soaring ?s cf the inevitability nf a creat I i -'ah. shed here for the ' ?here aie a good many brokers tho market from any ?hey ha\e had to confess their ?dm?ration for the way it is being nghouse Air Krake. ,\\r . ? Air Krake appeared on ?? ,a\ for the first year. There was a fair anioui.t of the shares dealt in at a price o** -.-f. which was 24 points higher ?han the price a year ano last Janu? ar, a n shares changed hands >v>etlen Reported in the War. In * : ? ?en minutes, when the market was seriously reflecting the ing of the Arabic and the fears thai some of her passengers had been loot, the decline was accelerated by a - - on the floor of the exchange that Sweden had decided to east in her lot with Germany. Wall Street strstegists attached much importance to the rumor, because of it? plausibili? ty. Finland's irreconcilable atl ? I Russia was recalled, a.? was the fact that Finland had originally been 'aken from Sweden by Russia. And ?hen maps were consulted and it was ?een how Finland apparently offered road to Petrograd, the re? port was thought all the more ferions. Put it is worth nothing, nevertheless, while stocks sold off sharply, there ; i excitement of moment, and from time to time individual a stand and even regained a of their lost gr??und. steel Rails in Demand. a general advance in steel SI a result of the entry Russia the Ameri? can market for equipment, greater buying is expected from the railroads, ? spressed in steel cir Ihaf the domestic demand has not ? ? 1 larger propoi ' ?ring the fact that the foreign D heavy for more than il and .i half. The order for 25,? ? rail? recently allotted the rpora lia evoked ted c nment i tr e circles, company up to the present lus been getting little business Hum this ' 10 balk ?an orders kawanna and companies. Further ? ? . rails, bars and if steel for export are dec?an d to ' <? -ales of tin ? is said, are go proportions. PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES General News and Earnings of Various Corporations. Reorganisation of the 1'nited States i.r.ri Heating Company, of Maine, I its succes ? 1 States laiKht and Heat . recently incorporated in it? or New York, has taken con ? old company's properties. I* protective committee circular to holders of sub ? floate of deposits heating company, out ... on affairs. Be SUC of $1,01-0,000, of boon Issued, the ? irporation has an capital of ItftOO.QOO per cent preferred ? a voting tru??t and $4,000, ".moti stock, both of a par value a share. Out of more than 90, of stock deposited, which tactically every share that e for the committee to rep ? r than 100 shares of the red and fewer than 2,500 of the stock failed to pay their as aiid participate in the re ? tion. Il ?.?s announced yesterday that con ts havs been signed amounting to 0 worth of automobile -. deliveries to run over a period In addition the torn oei a normal gross business of ".'""i annually. ' "mm?in*.e?llh Power. |{y. and Light. meat $f the Coausoa? I * Com tituent companies for revenue-, with later? eliminated, amounting " |1,1b2,520, an increase of 3.49 per Expenses foi operation were in 1 5.7k |?.r tent, so that the gain which was I692J99 **'*?* only 1.19 p,-r cent compared with ti7 ?* '*"'* yti" l**ixed charges to talled JISii.ToJ, including dividend- on ? tiding preferred stocks of con 'ituent companies in addition to taxes ?fid intereM. The balance after divi? dends on the preferred shares amount in? to $8(1.1100 was %S2jSSt, nn increase Of over 6 per cent. Dayton Tower and Light. "peratins* revenues of the Dayton 1 ?"?wer and Light Company for July ?"?'fe increased 11.0*1 per cent in gross ?ompated with that month last year. **hile net earning* showed a gain of ?aJJ ?er cent. Total electric revenues lor the naoDUi amounted lu $74,007 und ?'IKK.I Of IHK TKiniNK.?? I.IST ?>i ni rn \ k%ii.s. Au???*? 19 .?ratrr.lay'a Hose lOI.IS.I AiibiuI IB. HI* .?7.*, One ?.-.-?. ncn. 111*.."1.10 ?In? ......lili aso.I ??I.'.Mi "ills so. im 14. lA4.4tfi II,tli for Jill.?.in-, km lois for Jills.IHI MIS ?ii. for June. N9J11 I-??? for .Inn?.IBS.-:*fl Hull for Mar.111..ins loss for May.104.MO IIi?h for April. IIIt .Mis I oss for April.107.?SI II1? h for March.169.196 lim for March.IMJM II In li for V-l.nmrr.10? 7.IB I.??? for Vrliruurs .? a? I IT?; Huh for January.1IIB.9?3 I .?.s f.?r Januars-.ions?: Hl?h. full year. 1914.17H.HH In?, full scar. 1914. in.'(.09 AniaVffl ?>K T11K TKlBlNK's USt OF T? KI.VK INUl ?sTKl AI OX \iiBua.t 19. sestrril?.?'? rloa? . 17.990 ?ta ia? ?i-t 1?. 993*91 One ?arreU ?b?'. S*.'ill.! ?in? montli .IK o.B?.B1.1 Jills SO. 1014 .B7.4?7 II iah foe Jill?.BBOOO 1 o\? ?or Jills. SO.'ills Il'a h for June.S.V MX loss for Jnnr.*?.!?! 11 Hi?h for Mas. S.V(i*n I..? for Mus."4.4711 lliKh for low for April .75.844 for March .16.164 I,ow for March.70.094 Huh for Ichruary.tmJOss I ass?- for February. ?!?..'. II liish tea*imanan.tSJSiS I on for Jnnuars.711.7*?? High, full scar. 1914.KI.KIil lam, lull ?car, 1914.?7.427 sub-utility icvi'iiucs to $1,42.*.. Operat ing xpenses were $41,711, leaving net earnings of $34.322. Intere.-t charges and >inkinK fund requirements amount. id to $18,122. and the surplus after dividends of $10,688 on the preferred stock was $6,628. DU PONT COMPANY TO REORGANIZE Present Concern To Be Sold to the New One for $120,000,000. Director* of the E. 1. du Pont ?i'' Nemours Powder Company have ap? proved a financial readjustment plan involving the sale of the properties to a new concern to bo known as E. I. du Por.t de Nemours & Co., which will be incorporated under the laws of Del? ware. The purchase price is to be $120.000,000, of which $1.484.100 will be in cash. ?"."i'l,6?. 1,700 in debenture stock and 868,864.200 in common stock. The debenture stock will consist ol two classes, vi?., 6 per cent cumul?t iv?. SOS -voting, and 6 per cent cumulative voting. Holders of the 6 per cent pre? ferred stock of th?. present company will be given the opportunity either to accept for each $100 bhHre "ilOO 6 per cent cumulative non-voting row debenture stock, or for each $100 par value of the stocl: now held thry can get $?-3 1-3 par value 6 per cent voting stock of the new company, with the privilege to the ho'der of this stock of ; exchanging it for non-voting stoc?. i prior to April 26, 1916. All the common stock of the new ?company will be distributed to the ! common 6tockholde:s of the preset.! company as a dividend. A person hold? ing one share of common stock, in ad? dition, iv i 11 receive two shares of E I. du Pont de Nemours Si Co. All the obligations of the present concern, in? cluding all the contracts with foreign governments now in course of execu? tion, are to be assumed by the new company. It is announced that th?' change will not affect the business of the Company, the plan involving in :,o way practical operations, but deal? ing principally with a financial reor? ganization. The personnel of the di? rectorate and the management of the new company will not be disturbed. When two-thirds of the stockholders have approved the plan an offer will be made to purchase the outstanding bonds and preferred stock of the old company. STERLING EXCHANGE FIRMER YESTERDAY Wall Street Thinks the British Loan Will Not Exceed $150,000,000. Eurther conferences were held yes? terday at the offices of J. P. Morgan & < o. on plans to relieve the pressure on foreign exchange, but the day closed with the "situation unchanged," as one bunker put it. That there were no un? favorable developments, however, was indicated in the greater strength dis plsyed in the rates. The market for demand sterling closed I rmer. at 4.67V2, while cables ' advancd to 4.68"'?. Considerable ner ' vousness was shown by the market in ! the forenoon, and neither bankers nor brokers were inclined to enter into commitments pending further develop? ments in the matter of the measures ; to be taken to restore the market to a i more normal basis. The closing quota ? tions on francs were 6.88 for checks : and 6.hi? for cables. London cables to Wall Street to the effect that plans to remedy the inter , nationul exchange situation probably wi 1 be delayed pending the departure of a deputation of finuncial representa? tives to New York excited much inter? est, but bankers here who have been considering the possibility of a large loan for (weal Hritain professed ig? norance of such a plan. It is generally expected now that whatever loan is eventually agreed opon will not be for more than |160, t 000,000, bankers reiterating former as? sertions that a larger issue might not prove successful. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. I riu.KAi. i;\i: DISCOUNT RATK? Kor ?. - , t ,r?a. o (.?1 , ,.- t . HJ. a : I ,!?,-,, 4 pu (AI.I, MOM:Y 1,1 .,r?l ?1 Ia? prr rrnti hliiicsi, .' prr in': :??? ??-.. Is. J? r cent, florins. ? |xi I ceiil. t- a pal ?d.i. 1 TIMK M"\! 1 ? . - ? ? Us . . . , . i? ? ,.- ? :?,r nln, :> ,!?.-, ... i*-r .?ni loi tcir IiH'ir.h., 31? la-r , .rut f,,r M, a: >! -.. won? til. Mill? ANTII.K I'Al'l.K ??a (]ulr( ftulli,- nlr?. . .-i , -. I I..r t'Cal Dana -, ?>a- ? l . ii.iAiiiM. Hoi si. nuNsacno.wi ? ln ( . - ? 4 t.aianrr?, $I1.I07..*>M, "tit? ..?,?., hi? ,n,ii.,r id ill r it,, I si li TBKASI i:v (few Yiti ban).? ?ait:* i fresa 1 thr Kub-Trrasurj I3.1C?,?"*. SBd ?ali.t-J ilncr lu ,1?. >? DOMESTIC 177*13 P?r: S?n I I ? r,:ll,n?. SI .. ,.:. ...,.,in a.-k?,l I I I'lllAl. BE8IBYI HIHI?'! NT IllTl.s I I BE V 111.III. li? lion. !??[ ten ,ia> ; r can? . up la i PI .1, pi.ia. i ? In dan . bei I -to Miirlj. 4', < '. i(Jt\ i*r rent; Rl.limona. up to tiliK-'.sj ?lais IS I*' s , . i ? l'a t?i .. eaSO. Ha 4S prr ?ut si La-sila, I, 4 ai ?1 4 S par . . days, 4 pr< .?m, f?r , K ? ?a ? r-, ? ?4'? i l'allis. 4.?Hs? P?r (Hit Bei Iru.U.o. fur tru ,.l?s> a Ixr crt,t. Int ll.lrtv lai?. ,<?>. for '.?.Irtji ?,, ?lily 4M 4 f,'r lilts l?a Bluet] ,!?>>. 4V, BUNK ? i l A' in?.- - .-? J *?7. 1 alatioca V ' 11? . B?hl? ? ?? ? . II 4?(7. balaoosa lii.s,7.4. Chi -..go. urbauata Me. K4S.141. inline 4 .1:1 -??' I'htlnlrluT.ia. ?. , I,?,,?-,. 5 ' .'.Kl... Si. Lout?? .I,-liatifn 111?.. *ll.VI I'. MAllkl I H?r .llrrr in l...nrli?ii ail , . . N,'? York quel?' ( ;? -, Mm-an ?il?, r ?JajJlr-, .?hl,,-in, nillMi.N lAi'MMii: ? Tr.? mi'l.?l '? s lim?Cabl? ? ? . ? Ill-ill .1 4 ..T'. P " 'a' I M H*. 4.-1 TOrlll. ('?'?!( ?I r, 1? ,lirrK. ?I1, Crr. . "a'.-,. > Ibanban'), ?lai?, di>>. i-al; lilij da>.. 1.41. PRICE MOVEMENTS IN COMMODITIES Sinking of the Steamer Arabic Unsettles the Grain Markets. TOTAL DOMKSTK UCBFTB, SV? York. Amu.? 1'. ltd Butter, tui? ... t. rao Wheat, hu?... .... ?"l.eoie, bxs "Pper, 1""" M 11 -, - Bim fur, - "? * ???.n l'i p'ltry, pki Live p'ltrj. cru '-'. Spirit!? lurp, bbls ?i.'i ,i iibii tat "apples, l-l'i. . 4.150 Hen f. bbls . 100 Apples, la- 1,120 Beef, tr. ra . JK i .ii.;il u 1 121 . -fnine,! ? r. f, eS LlM Cal fiapr.?, a-rtia 4.IM ?'ni inests. flag* I.7SS ?'Ml ?cinoii?.. b<? ?.'.till Mam?, tros . I'M ? 'nions, ska .. :.:i4n L_rd, tri m 111 i*al oranges, bxs -'..>.'?" Usrd, r-ks* ' I ?i 4.;???.? Stearin?. tres.... *M Cal i?-ars. his.. 12.150 ral low, bbls .... ?'.*? ivntuit?. ?la?? 1,000 Toncase, bbls... 3.*? fOI piuinr erta, MM tdenat i .- ..? r- u i. nn I), MI ? Mfl Rice, packets MO \ Tr-ini: Barley, i iikIi ..45,00! 111.1e?. bdls .. . |M ''"'tu... a'. :. MO llnpi ball "' 11..n hli . 7,?40 llolnMe b:-ls.. lln FI? ut. *k.i . ... Mi . oIL l.i. - 101 tons io- laub's oil bbl? -i Hj\. ton? . Ill Spirits, bbls ... il Mult, btieli . . I .i'" S|..n?e?. l?ales " ? '.u-. buab . .. M.400 Sugar, sks ..... M Oatmeal, bbls . *!??> Tot-wcco, hhds .. .70 Oilcake, ski ?.Mat TobOecO, /"ka.? a?' Kvo. bu.-li . I.5M Whiskey, bbls Straw, tons . . M ? KX PORTS. 1 Wheat, ir.isii . .ti Ml I loir. .,. ? ? IWrle?,, bus!! .. K.ML lortin.e.i'. l.hls.. HO Olla-aks, lb .. .3M.7M llama. ti< . I7.MI Ha,on. TTi ., I.SM.IM l.ul tb .!,M5.*ai Butt? i. lb 1" M0 I - a>. S oll. fall I ?" ' 1 ? n||. n- l.MI.C ? ' '.i|'.-r. bale, . l.l'? (-.un?, bush ... "-'? (ASH QUOTATIONS? i Irofi s So i '.111 T.*. i ri., n Mi : i- ? N 1 Iron. N Ko 1 f 15 ?i iletlon, '-il l I M , Iron, s No l f U .' ..a -..rr..- n.. , Kla Pi. -1 rails ... i .'.- i Bua*ai. I i 1 ? ?'.| !?? r- 17' Molasse?, i >K p 41. ?Tin . ?l "7'-' II...?. fmiill?. ... litW i Esehang* lea* 4.45 I Tallow, special. Mi , Wheat. No . i. 1 \r\i Pork, nies .... 1? *T> ?*nrn. No j ?el t?% Hog?. 'Il. I'-O If' 11'. ! oat?, stan.laid ?I1-. Usrd, MM Weal ? 1 GENBKAL MABKKT REPORT. Hem York, IS, ISIS. GRAIN. Kurnunrled by betriah firhir?. the whett mirki* turne?! ?ctk ?i'il at "ii? time wis Its t l'ii>liel iii-.i.?i Iht |.r?ii..iu aUM 'n Monti- ..n ta thaa Heptctnber, Ibt litter ?h..?!.?? ???datait-*, ?mini io i!.? i inlrleni "f rec-dpta which art ? ? I-I In the .?-??utimeit |i> met weather Mo?, ;.-.-. .? ? i'ii.w '..? Kofthvssl rssrkrti rrflfctlni Ideal ?either coodltloiii tiid ?ery hr?r.?l, trop a roeoU frsss ?II i arlv Caned* Tin. reported linking of Ihi Aral' tdded '?> tlie? 1 lei ?lllf tr I hnilgbt ?limil Hie ,' prlef? iif I hi' lia?. l'Ut rslllss qulditj follow?! ?lie innouncc ruenl lbs) Dm ,?,.,, Slid pl_t-llgcri ?it? all ?.tie. I (ml the l-'nei' VTI? Up ibaJUI f||e tr in Ih? li..|lnni, j.1 - tiii'Ud, ?iailic un Irr ine i ? -vi..i?? ntgbl ] <*?."!i ebssl ??.. r/esl n. thi '??. ai nurfcet. No -' t ?i'i '.-.i ti 1*14, r i f \ev, twit, proapi til rail. Ko t ha-.l. 11.174. -I" to ?rrlie. lake n l I rail; .No 1 Nnrth'-rn iiuluib. tl.MU, snd Ne 1 I Northern Msnllobs ?1 I5*?j i I I Iluffalo i i-iiliN- A'-ho'ifh ?In weskncM In wheel ind Hie : fttortble prosnas O? Hie .rip ta laVnra In !ii.-i ?.rivale ?rial.?-? hid tn ?trly depreatlug effi-i-t on . corn, It Islei ibowsd Hie bilaenrs ol t Ann a- ?.-1 ? 1 titiiiiinii light nriipt?, snd rsccrsnsl, closing ! uDcbwigsd in ',.- '..i bigher. So - relies ' In the lortl market ?as .lu.-l.-l >.'\ |T"i'iI'' -Ii'I IIH'I.!. i HATS?.N'etr i?.ln . ? r.- ?vain af?e. led I? I r . tu ling, nul aller ?In'?In? Irregiiltril." ?? tfl 'a'' lilglnr. ulule itter p elrl??i?. b? la??re 1 rrtvtpu iml lie?lglng -air-. . Imisl %t n? lower . ?'. ' alt lOCSlll vre -leid?, u I.ill.?va Sttmlanl. ? - ? . N i J ?bile ? ? So ;: -/hit?. - . Ni i ..hue. il*>?.#&:He; f?niv i-npi?-i shits, :?'?.?' 57e; ."iln..r> ?.ipin?l ?ahite. ... ? NEW YORK PRICES. ?he?? CIS I Y'-r.r.L? Beptes bsi Jill'? ?i i*.'a CHICAGO PRICES. Tsster \Vli??i ojien. Mipli I-i-. fleam. dtr. Si in? lnb?r 1 "".-? 1 "? . I M 'a ?' '- 1 "? Dseeaibei . 104^ 1.05 in.',', 1 oi ? I.MS Ma, 1 na4i I "'?', I ra i "? . I SSti I ??-Til -r . 7 . .76 74 , : . , 7'.'i 1 rtei'iowr . . ? *. ? ,'. -, S4]i 'I i Mtv ... ??'?...'. ". , ?la-, (?optember . .M . ? i ..:? . .:?!>>, I'11'emlier."'i .?.'. ^, 3S<r) -IK*. -*????} .41 f.'t Utt II .IT'? PROVISIONS. A'.r lllgbl "I??: ir.J ISISSSkllll ths V HM"li m?r. l.i-i defeloped n Mr-ri midritan* snd ?si ?ill ?u? IslMd l> eonmlsslm Imu.e lni>liif. Ilsln ?i^-. n.a II?- offering) ?lid .... a-nmal ?iijip .r? ir..rn packet ' Recelptt ?' L'hietgo ?ir. in,"no bogt, hiiIi 11.?mo I eiiwu'U'.l on Kridty. Ksnsss ?ny ?i--? ?J..I ?'Huh? I2.0OC riillK--Sl.?.|\. nie.a . $1* S*?I17; ftnilly, |20?a?22? iltor, clttr, }l iO ? i 1:0. ltl.i:i' sin.j; ; neu ?i; ..,,n$i? ?. lr.'iu$.'ii, picket. I1mi7$i? ;,o, ,-ji? i,,.|u - I *> ' !Uli.->l.|i II.M.S- BlIJ 1 ISO-lb, 11'. 160-lb, 11',i-; HO-lii, 11 _.- ; i-i?-. ir.'. Ct'T .MKATS- Pleltled hellttf du 12-11?. l-'ajr. II :? ll-\,-; pickled bsrss quiet. I'. 1 .. i'Al.l/OW-liuli. um ral. >.',. . my. .-.v.- ouuntiT. v.-??',.- i.aiiii Kino: I nilil.lie Well ? . - - - i |tg fl-ri, -. . rat i stssdy; Contlnsnt, ssin-, Krunh Amerlrt. ii :0c; llra/.il. k. x?. 1" tO . , n-.i-.m.-! STKAKINI. Stetily. olirti. IOi ; rlr> lar.| -?. ?. CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Yetier 1 l.ttd: Open. High. I...* i ... 7 I'j s IJ 7 ''.' ? 1 . IM I -'- . h i>: - ' 8.;,:. x :o I.M " - "7.1 LM I 11 Pork Hepteaiber.... 13.51 i:: 77 U.M l.t 77 i . .: Uctobsr .... 1* M - i M it II FLOUR AND MEAL. Tlie flmir nurl.i' :i?. I ?bou! tleiily. (lie ililef effeul ui lbs drop in whrtt being to cheek l/u\l.!g n.'i r. t 'llie iulln?liig iirkt-n In mod .-? m -. I <?n the N?'? Ycrk rrndure Bnliti.ii?' riprlng p?; ? i". ?I'riiiK i-letr?. $,. . ?. 1er Pitent? 15.60^15.85; ?Inter ^might... $". .1.'..? ? itrt Se I vint?n, M.10CI5 .' i ?l ?lnter>, |4.U0(4t5; Kmi? .?tr_ia>? | ftiu-y tpiing : I lof lot?, |7.90<f $S.l'.. HYK UaOIK??Uli. ftir to good, 15.70?-.! choto? to fiii.-y. M.MMM.1S. ?'OKN.MKAIa SUtdy. ; Kiln drtsd. M.SS HA?; UKAI?-auidy. Fine whit? I ami yellow, |1 SO; m.r??. I1.S9 FEED Weak-r.i | ? Irru?, loo lb sscks, lit tunUrd mll ' milita do, ?2".'.o. flimr enVMllflp ,\v. 132.50; red 1 ilug flour. 140 lb isaks, |_. City .-.lefli ; Lrtu. I bulk. $?.40; IM lb lieks, IM: li???y mlddtl . Ill; fl ;ir mlddllngi .1 ? $_ 50f?l3b; n I il'l flour, j 110 lb ISCki l'?7. ullme.!. ? - ? ' ? C0FTEE. Tlie . iifft-e surfest ??^ lei ? Isy, in I ! apiM-tr??! lo he insiiwhil u i up .if Sepleuilier I'untrtri?. ?hleli airounted lof ,-u h i a lar?- f V ??.--? M i but li: ind aft? i opening 1 |oint low? lu l point Inibrr sctlr? ?onthi m nuaori Hut Un rslcrlssUoa plant ! In lirt/.ll ?ere ?-.sure.1 ipprehentlom thtt lbs . rain? reponed In prodtuing HctloDi mlgk .ilnt?. nest 1 ?cek. Tlir-i' Irtlurea (?l.e.l taj ft:?.iri' my gen,ril I or tg,,ri'"l.." dSBMlut barwetsr, IBd Hi? Haitul I etaeil off ??glitly linier reillnlng In the la-e tr. I inn. v.irh tin- 'i"-.- riel uniliii.fl lo sa.. - ?i ir. r',. r-..l ..f 11.501 Lin?. TI.? rurlv CSbtUN frmn Itr^/ cfasnSS In ?he iirimtnr mtrtiet alluttlnn. exi er.t for tu ?dfslics ol 1 -"?il I" tin- r?ii .- 141.. n ?.tilge nn tn.i the ri.-t ?n. lei-iilit offi-r. tamorttii ' hi-io liirln? the tft.rrinim wer? ?bout utn-liinge.1 ? , a le Sr_ei II ?su rspensd n. il ? - sintoi i- rtnte.l frmn tbisil I ?' t" I 7:. ? , ?bile lin. 7- \,ere qiiatsd iroun.1 Ir ?- r'-porteil thtt Inferi.-r l.rn.-r- ?rr ?llll iiiii.iin? ?.ff. kmi wsishouM dslHerl Isttly hue inning ?mailer, which MM Ilk? t? in.llegtln' the Intbll.le itipply, ?l'h 1 I?- I blllt) (liai SOI biillbh ilfielnrin.i'iit inlslit bri.ig I buyi'M in the mirket to repli'i l-i. their .I,- if nol to ir-.iTl.te fur their rnnre rcum-e r-<iuiremen>>. T.? .ih.'Ul I'ltilu reporte.1 tiln In ?1! rUitrlrtl ? ^ I ; ?Uli rnnlmum till minimum t.-n -- ranging frnrii 77 S" - Tin Im'!) ?pot mtrki't remtiiicl qalet ?' ' ?i 7c for Itlo 7s. ltin-n of prh e? i ? r open High. I?ovr ClaM dsy. ? _. ? fill- i ? n? ? 11 ? :il S.?MO.41 (? i" '? ' "' "' ? ' NuTtmbsr .. ' '* ' " '? '? *i | 1>e.ei,il*r - I 51 I '-' ? '? S.49I06.S1 ? I . Jll.uirj - "'??"* '* ' '?'? l->l.nitry ? " " I ' March .?* M 1*4 II ? ? Arrll ' ' '?? -'7 '? ? " ' May .S 74 ?75 ?74 t.tlatl i June . ? S.7.'ur?ri 7ti '1.7?i 1 .in'? . ? 1.800? SUGAR. There m? ne cheap in f_l market for teflueil tugar, ii.d trading ?i? only iiulrt. iliimugh tl.?re i?rai. wltbdrswsli am sM i satrs I I ? lollowlng ire Hal nrtcw at llie Ainerlitn Mi|?r lb Rntng ' ? ?r-.-i'al .I u.U.-? lal.lel?. , ?v - ! lb ?i |..iiv half Ol full ?I/?- taat.iet- 1.70c in.I I.SOi i a .-?- lli full ?l?e ta'ilel-. ?.jOc sud h lOc In 'j i'i?t', ttglc isblcti, MSe; . u' loaf I ? Si . crutned '? -o. nould I .-.\X.\ pewdersd 5.15?;, sud ?r. .' lb t'Mlk ; etgie .*? Ih lug?, i-t-i*ilere.I. powil i a? .i now lerru, sad e??i? i - igi? . extrt tine grtnnlateii i.TSc; ?! aune grtoulited. . a .ml .'.- h iiiti.n-. tine gruinllt? at? do. A.Sf..-; ag? do. .*..??<. if.' a? in?l i IN bSM ?''" *' ! ?tsndsrd grmu -..? grtnultied ml ilniuonil X ? a No 1. 5.45c; I \ . No 4. ?,30c; N . -. No ?. v., ? ..lie; No I Ke 11. I.M ? No i: 1 i? tad I.SS I; ' - u ?rkct fur r??a ?ug?r .unllUUSd quiet but the un Irrt" ie tteiutr?! ., ; i ? t ?.. air't'li.-r with rr-ri.,,r. in ?!.? _ar , . a- . I sad frsti iltl H wars teeese, snd bilden urre more Ii ? ,, l,i, 1 li>r MSSWf !?' ??'?. in ?om? Ii ? uking t? high si ? i. Ol Pite?! were i.Tnl: ?1. ?'.lli ?? , , "7 , ii 1 freight. iHc. SUGAR FUTURE?. Oh ? f on '? sad - ? ? ? I is -????-?? . , I?-i|nta. With ?lie? r.,i I > e . ,!,,,,, , . ie.| on r?|>irt-,. Ur?r in IhS I del il r ? ?? I Su t,e?t BSfllig le-ri iJ?Mie l.-r forelri t?.ir"illit Till? ?I? ' ' UiJ II lia? ?-l?Ml tin ?liktl ciatal eff I I.? pvUila. cio.ii.? ? to ?j pnm,, |lUlwr ?,,h ?lM , lM ?i. i i, .w? ? ?,, sVataU ,i peu Y ?. I i tlp-n II!,-' |,,,w ( ;,, ,!,, lui . . , ' ... 4? *..;" .?. . , a, fa* . . ?? N,, r i |4s i ,n . ?n 11 ? ? i?. . * SU .? '"< 7. ! ? ?' ci?r> . . ? ,,4 Mar. ?i . s (.-,?? ?, j ?.,, ?M'? il . ? " ? ' :" M?) . 3 1'. 11? ..r, ?"'??? ? , . i? ,?, Ju!> | ,? COTTONSEED OIL. *sr?r nv??,il,? ?aaaaiad ?., ,?. aasaM |,t?-.itr? ear! j It fnr |.',|?lll? a-,,,ll,l. ?,,,| , !n-?.| | (n ? p.,,.H. ?a, i...... '?in lata i-, Ulan ?,..- ???,!.. 4l | .,, :i I I - o-' ?-I..I II - . IBS alf?ll|lll Of . tu?ii.iaali?... Ihal ?h" S..IHI, ?as un? ,11? ?Il nui, 1, , rudi - ', Il ' T??a? il cunSlrtlo?. .ml-, ,ijh ,Unui? .t-Tlr? pr? I. m,? ii.-.l In U,. ?firm,?.?,. a. it...l |iy il,, KrtnaUi ,,f ,,,it-, sa',? tat tin ?is? nu ll.lo? tiarrrl-. Kan?-? ,,f prl ?. Y?si?r. (iprn lilil? I?* rio?* ilar matt : ?",-.;.?o .-,..!? s . , ' .-. IAH .1 (in i 4.1 Kept, iii'.r ?? ??' -. 47 - ? 40 1 42 ?l'..l?r . 7, V7 - . . 4 ??? '?', I -,? Soteeabet . ?. m?,.-. ?,i s-,:, li,..iiii??r ?? ?o -. .-n -. ., ;. .7?-..r.9 :..:.? ?a, uar? . 7.47 :. 7,1 :, ,.4 7 ??..'. T? 7. ?7 K. l.riiar-. Match ... . r, i? -. *7 5 M i.llH'.ll 1 ?1 COI'NTRY PIIODICE MARKETS. .\?a Tirl A'khk 11. 1*1:. EC.r.s. *~s*ettatl ?o-dty. 11.1.a.?? Tli? marke' main lain? a ??ne???:?, fi. m loua Kri.'i ?slloied. riiria, ,.,. .(, ,, mi. rirai?. 74 ?, 7.",'i? . .."..',., .?,- ,?!?, :i#ll?: Hilnl-i ???I poorer. i;,?l' !, l?,?l?'r N 7 iii.l i??,r,r. n,?i;?,,. rberba, di.iif?. dis, I1??? I ',, . 'air I-, i n 14'. l'.'s?-. "?'I? ?"'! I" (?!',,r. 1.1(4 14-, aille. IVi. alul UlnBl, lieiiixry rlm ", lu,, i. ,?,??. ..rsli? ar? la ??.,-1. . i?(l.*rrd wlilin. ?? in ?la? a-,-1 W.?terri. ?a?li?ir.| whites, 1S#1SC; lllt?. IVi.i. mil nearby. hennery hr?s.i,?, JI'iiO. . ?illi ere?l t,t,?wn ami uili.-.l oinr?. 171 (S-'" BUTTER. K?,?il>?. lo ?|?r. I.SM pk?> Toi:? ot Ihe mir lia I? ?l??,lla-r ?'rrimsrs. ?l'r?-. K vor? , ? .'??<?; hlfher ???or?i ?. .'?*>?'?' .'7,-. fln'i, 21 ?S '. ?????sud?, 77'-;?? 7.',,-. third?, lletttt; ???te ?lalry. tli,.?i. -"?'?... ?....i m pilni?. ISHIItS.-: ,-oinnioii t.- !??r, .'?'?".,., , r?i? .?loi. ?sirs?. .?.Y? Ml,?. tir?'?. . '.,. I,?.?- irai*-* iaet'U: Imltailoit ,rr?iu .n rii?i?. ::? - rurraul m?kr tir???. . ? !? . itimiiIi 11'. ' 1 " .'? , lowrr |(a,|, I?'." ?Ml??.? ?lock, 'un ? .? , ,ni u ? mal.?, ?n?. l'j,?l'?'-,. S? .-. i? . I? H? . i..?.rr ?rai. |, Is?? 17',. FRESH FBUITS. i Appia-i laadi Pea ??? .i,rr p??, i?. Sali nid Uieei I- usas al-a?l> r?4?*, lawn AITI.I.s. Alr??.?l?r. l-l.l. Il Mu?!,. Tit ,.intent, IJw-l?; Wealths. ll.5eMS.T5; Bour l?ou?l., il .?-..??.?; s>*?rt lloilih. |1 ,<i:. Mthlet? Blush 1! .... S7.MJ. ?-tilrrrl. Il -?"?, ?Il 15; Im.-h-v.. tl.M?f|- "J; i.iareitslelii. Il ja)(a?l.l; Hummel l'ippln. Il 25M|2; iirar-r l'ippln. |I7',,*Ij. ?ninm.?ii, T5cH$1.35; as i? kind, par bask*?. ?.11. rilAlls. H?r'.?u. I,t,l. l..,?|4, bak. 117,-V ???. Ciipp'!. riroril?, s ?4. Mk II 27.1*11 .0. II?!]. Mil, 1 , I i . oi ?? il " -1 Ki.ri.-r. ?i l(a,| l'I.A? IIKS. uprtter. ri i Jrr?*). carriel ?"-'il. ' -. 2(1 I?.-; Del ?nd 94, .-arri-r. ??? i T 5e bal :>?,., Wnier.' M?l and \V Va, carrirr. . ' s ? l . .'.'li.,-, iu>li,-l bak, half bush-1 b?k. 'M?rtir; Vs s>,d N '", ?arrler. 4?"-,* Il 7,. l?k. 7"- I" ?; Mo. A?k. ?'". I earn?, ? $1 ' ? PU US, . ?n ? | ? ;. il? r i e; J i", and M . I Ib ?? I i-- ql, :.,?. |i , s -Jthem, prarh ? i7.V-; Southern pnii,??. i?-?.-|i bak, h'.io-.-, 1 I?,-, W ,,', 1" ?lie; (,l(.\ri.S tari ai ,1 Ml. , , ... etn .o, . m . . , - i | Ma m. ; N C and D irrlt t ci huants ? iiem m i - ?ail ' . ?? . iiii.-h/s in iwk, ??.?a.-,.i, . r.T.A? kTikiikiis. lit, IIAsI'KI l(|lll s. pli.t. ??? 7. ?Il ?'M. I1IHS. Pi ? Il S' i? s olla, ?lt. \ii ,-km? i.?.N> i al, -tanda-d i rai?, II 7.'. poiij ? i?'.. il . u. itandinl rali al . . ,j' ? rali. 7 ,, .11 ... bas, !.?*1. Koi.l Hook, i,"i. ?-", ??i 17. Dal ??? i ?d " v .''?m'?s ?i???, il...<- m,.-i|I, ia,.,v atan,lard -eral?, il. ?.?rai?. |,,,?,',: liai (Tala, p.- | ,??', IVATV.KMELnSS. South-ra, i* ? rai ?ad ?: ?! - per IM. Il?i'-'i7-.: ?IIIAM?! - ? a s .0 l.ltAI'M l:i i r. i' ,|4 . ?'ubi ' I'? il - Bl - '- !l ": lINLAI'l'llls Porto Hl"., n.-l KpanUh. -.'?-. II ,J. ., Cuban, |l?g|-i Ha-uMh ? a>ri...e. fia, .Mir, |l ii??$ POTATOES ANO VEGETABLES. PotaioM Bnan i-t >-.' yamat -?-?? poiat-a? ????r-r ai ?l bl?b-r. " ? ? H I ? traen les tauet Cueuaibara ?i? ?d> C?ullSos?ri? ,..., l, ?r, w.-ak PVTATllEM, !/".? Ullllsl. I ?. ?17.-1I", Jer-, i. rouml, b?S. ?I'll-', lo"* 7.1 ,.|! . bl I, '?" "II : Sontlirr: Na 1 J' . ? ' -.n.- .-' , i l?j V ahite > ta . i. " ? ; , ,". soutlierii ?w? el j ?i isket. ii 71: UNIONH Mheile? I- ii I ..11" , |,l,l. Ili-il ?i; rrd. 11-?11 : U il, < I .ler.-rv mili ? nil, . i ??.?.??. * 1 ? - ' S1. - "?. u.u\l while. -.O???.'.?-. \r,..,*. 4"."" . n I n?i.i, . a- i \ ir?d ? ? ? ibl, ii.? il .'? i.ri-,i(- i'"??.,l. r.-i. prl ba| ..,?..?; Con nertl.-jl Vallar, .--.i,m. I??. .i'"l"?, . Ill ASs. tlaia, i,nal,vi M.-1..I. !.11 -, i-?* .->???? si J'.. >?.. ?-?-??? :,,, ?|l ti ? .,Ar??s*|l; I????? Il . ,. fr,-,:, 141.-1 a ,, ||1; BKKTH, iirarln. 10? I.UI 1 la ??IT. II I. it- ? |i . ? Miui'i.?. ? ? ,,i, . 11,1; i"" l.iin.h?... : ?-?III . < "UN. I l-jr, I- r 1. 1 11.25: ? U I.II l."UI.Us, W lei S-,-.-. \ "k. cril? ,,t | .(,,,,.., || . ,.,,.. 1,1,1. | ? I,.- ; l-l an,| |l ? | ,. i! . ? I , I Mlil.liS. upri??r. t. .II: (ill Mil?.II l-l? I.I.I - liljll!: ? I I l.liY. ?ia'" ?? 'I .I-"?'. . I. ? ar.l ?rat?. Il???ll '.d : ?AMHMll.s. Hearts, i? r l?-'i, ,,, I,:.I, ?'?,., Ill . r.?i 7 , ,-,?1 . K'.?i PLANTS, Jeisry, Mil, |l.?"l baakel 10?S?S?V; , ; \ iriinia. .," .luirt i rate, I, ,,. -.* ?.???.-, 1,1111 ? E, -r?-- . - don a ... |l?j|2.2S; . ?!?,/?? n rr??e. |l :?"'!?. i-a-m:, I ? ? ? I! ?' I.IM '. III.ANS. . . Mi hi II Hi NIMH, baa kri. llt#|1.7J, (iKK>. ? II "li. I? kr?. 11 'Atsii 'n. I'l-AS, Weiten? V,? Yon,, i,i-kn. | ?i ?,,.?li :.o, I'EPPKHS, Jrri'y Il il .?? I. ns, bbl, ..Ui? ;."? red, ?1 - ??'.'? ?'. Italian, .0 ?? - KA1' ISIIIIS, p?r l?fl ?>. K"M UNI - ?I , . ' Mil IB11 H', ? ?r?l. bbl. j ., ,??;,..? ,i?xik. d i r,k. :?'? ?:?? Tl IIMl's ?l.'.l,, ;^r bbl il J : i.'-l ?>r lag. ,',.:., . T..MAT?iKS. fil.? ? ' ,. .,, ? I",, . M ,;,.-, .." ? , ? . .,Him. , ' ? Aetna small Ian, liranl. 1J*? - ? D? ' ??''? at I Mar. ?i,,I. rarrl ? VI i.ll? .liss. |? r ? i ? ? l ,n I.IVESTOt K MARKET. me* I ? . A'igu.t I?. !''.,. BEEVES. r, 1| - I bead: ?II eai lea? ; I imbtrri,- I?ellruj m?, bans : in - i lie*, ?? 124*19? I i aal"?*. ?Mas, HOGS. It, - ,,'. t?: |??,i, in i, ,?|? Nl.rkot .lead) Common e. prlu,.- i ?... ?Id a' 110111 per 1"D pound?: ?-nil-, |s. araiarrs, I D led ealfei -i?-a.|). rll| , ? po'ii, I; Ireiued do, 14 -' 17,. ,'ewt? i A Ce 77 nab; l-l lb i?.ri?e. il? ?ei IM p., 4. II.*,, II K - ? ? ? . ? t Tobtn fc situ . ,. ????-. 14? lb. Ill SHEEP AND LAMBS. B , ' .a til .Market steady. Bbeep ..?.,.-, ?old it. I 11.1 M ? illa tu ?iS?: a-, lo f airl> prim l?n.*.a ?t. i rulla, 1',-,S"i|'i-,n Dieaaad mnn?,ii -i?a,ly at 3i? 124? I - ? ?'??'?? Silr.-T. .1 - ', - - - .14 11.. ??.?rise. ?.1S i?-r ?"u 1-. J?'' S3, II. 1?; 4>?, ?17. |S; 141, SI. |*.T?: IM "In,- 7-. }.?. 11?. ?Us, . | | :i l.v ihaaB 1 I S B?!i>i 14? ?,-i \a -, :-, lui'; . \. M. is ". in ?tala, > , a, ? ? :i? \v,.' \*t Itial -, IS Ik i? TS; IST, 7... is.'-,, 17* Ki. ,S, is 7',. 71 culls. ?4. ?'. .,0; 25 ilierp 11? ?. Ken,s ? , n,n,I- ??-o ('?. '.?I Va I ? ilteep, In4. I.'. ',". , l?7, Vi .'.0. J. Sh-mber? a s?r,-741 K. .su,'--, .4 lb. I:?. i CALVES. Bi ? - 155 l.ei.l; none M -'?ad) Chleifo. An? l!> -II???.- ':? 's 17.0*0. ?rak; bulk. >???"'?'?. llgl,i. |OxO(?|7 7u; iiii\.,i * 17 v.. heaiT, i",.7'??i, ;-.. toush ? ?5 17.?4 ? \ II l.l 11? -./?-.. lleidJ! natlrr beef rattlt il,,- nw? ind bailer?, I ? |i?, rah ? -ill,l.l- l'.. ! ,:.. 1 ? ?v ?7 PlUibursb An? I? Hinis -Receipu. 1 "ici; Hin , , ' ? .J- lu. :.>. >- Slll.l.i- AM? l.AMHS II ini'i, Heady; lop abeep ?,.,.,. -,,, :?,?.,. t CALI : - Ki ? , - IM ' ; il-' ? ;i.? Im all, An? l! ll'l'ls lies- ;"?. ' ntsbef ?ltd ? 117.?.".; ? omm? n ? A TIM. li',' , - slll.l P Rei-rlpu, 1.4M; iilnu. f."--?!'.?'? lanil?? itrons, M.5*019 1' ! Ilasl ?uffslo, An? 1 - ?ATTI.I. ll?ript? 27?0 : iloa and neaiir. s- n? Opu, '-u l.?a.i, tctlt? and ?'?,'? 14 MAI12 HlXJfi Reeelpu, ?O??-? ' bead; ?, ?>? a:.,! ?t?-*.'i , lira. , Il 15011 4?). ??us l7.Mt|IS.10; Toikera, ta l???t* 2?; ?Its. i?l'? ? . ;i ?r :.i sni;nr AN'Ii I.AMIIS II. MB; KtlM nid lient) ; , ? ? U i. ?? i ? v ,. i ? . 1 ? ??. ?- Receipts, '.OiO; !.. ? 17.25; he?iy. !? ? ? rr, an i buirheri I? 7?? ?r 21 llcbi >- I . , v; il.l. li cetpu li.i.-.. i.-l -'??r?. i.? '" .i? "'. -!?' ? '? ? ; - ? I 'I ?ill 9)M ?I.?-keia 111!, I ' ? s | . - l,i?lirr laml , I?, La.?, .?irllt,??, U.UIfl -s. I- ? l ' i ? i,.-.?- sua .'' HOOH u, pi?-, tnd lli'it?. II 25* 17.7?; BilMd . I butrhers. 17 4.17 f?i. ?".?i li?ar>. I''.7.".?il7 lw. ! lAITI.i. Ksralpu, 4. euu . liai i ? $:?? 13; veirlln? ?leer? ?lid h? i! r. t- '" ' ? ? - ,'kert ?nd leedi t . Trii? ai.,1 lioilan aie.r-, i J ->- ai d I l.rll.r?, |4?*l?5e: natli- ?ai- ?? J SHKKP - n. ? :? ? . .r ? i-:.- ;. . snti ettea, I i illy T?!e?riph to "TtM [ L-uitrtlle. Au? l"--sHl.i;i' ANI? UKH K? ?akli i s ?-.'i: ? -r : ?- v.te wu , a ?n j daantad tat trneset \a*smt tad lh? market .pei.e.l ear!) ? . , . 1. laeel ! Cholea !?n:'s I n,?ic I '"I- '-4?'?. cs-Ua i , . --? ?.- -i ',-?'-. iu.-!lun. and I puii', ban?ed; bie-ks arooi.d 4'?.. Loomis Quits Coal Company. In accordance svitli the decree of the I'nited States S.ipieme Court divoi. ing the Iielawan. I.Hckawanna *: Western Railroad .rom the coal de? partment, n ?ras .?iinounct'd yesterday ?that Vice-Presiden' K. E Loomis ha? I? k?'.ed a.> pre .-.?de lit of the Hrlnivan-, ? Iaackawtuinii 4 Westen t'oal Company. John P. Birminghim, for many ye?i m the accounting dipartment, wa? ? n as his successor. Th?* com |iny, al.-o carryi ,,; out the wish of (the court, haf moved it.- offices from the Delaware, 1.?. k.'-anna 4- Wsstem I Building, on Vse.-at Street, to the eii*.i 'tsi.tilh floor o? the Equitable Uuildui,,. BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS The Stock Exehaaaa soa! ?)f l\an M. Taylor has boon paatod for transfer to Henry W. Evans. Tin- pries saatedwasl ??i. unchanged fron the pravioo ale. I, Kuiil Johnson, ('. IN'diirr Rich? ards and Hrn.jrimin |). Rnrtlett have boon eli'cteil me m lie m of the exchange. Ilirectors of the Booth Fisheries Tompany yc'erday c|.?rt??.l K. !.. Ames president, succeeding A. B. Carpenter, resigned. P. !.. Smithers was also ms?ii gmtral manager. Announcement is made by the United States Mortgage and Trust Company. as trustee under the first mortgage 5 per rent bond? of tho Fairmont < onl < cnipany, thul .?K-ali'il proposals will he received to sell to it at not to exceed 105 per cent and accrued interest until noon, August 2h, to exhaust the sum of $'JK,028. COTTON PRICES REMAIN UNCHANGED ?Market Closes Steady, in Spite of General Bearish Influences. While the talk in local cotton trade circles yesterday suggested a more gen? eral tendency toward the bearish view of Southwestern storm effects so far as ultimate yield-" of cotton were con? cerned, offerings were limited and prices ruled generally steady, with the close steady, net 1! points lower on August, but generally unchanged to ,'{ points higher. Reports from Liverpool that an ocean liner had been torpedoed caused rather a sharp break during the early aftcraoon, but losses of ti or 7 poil Were ? liekly recovered, and the continued shseneo of Southern hedge silling, combined with a feeling that such asarish features as th?- anticipated contraband dci-laration had heei counted, probably served to restrict offerings and caused more or less SOSt tered covering. Liverpool was lower than due, and the local market opened at a decline of 4 to I points. Offerings were very 'well taken aroun<l the initial ligures, partly by a renewal of covering on the pari ?if Liverpool straddlers, and the I market soon steadied, with the a'-five j months selling about '.i to I points shore Wedaeatla**- closing ftgnres dar , ing the early afternoon. The submit . rine rumors were followed by a break j from O.l.'.c to !>.*,> for October, but the ; market dosed within 2 or 3 points of ?? best. The failure of hedge selling from ! the Southwest to show itself here with ' the improvement in the telegraph Ber? ries v.,,s probably one of the cjlief fae? tors in the steadier tone of the market. I Selling of this sort was developing on rather a more active scale before the appearance of the Southwestern storm, and its absence to-day was considered a- indicating either a prospect for com? paratively small August receipts or the SBCOUragnUj influence on holders of the j recent banking conferences at Galves ; ton. Local spot dealers report, no im? provement in the demand from export? ers or domestic mills, but many think ' that procrastination of forward pur? chases is leading to an accumulation of buying power which may possibly de? feat the expectation of a material , break in prices as the picking season i advances. Petailcd weather reports 1 showed good rains in some sections of | the belt which were mentioned as still suffering from drouth m Wednesday's j weekly weather report, but private ad ' vices from the Boothweat were still very conflicting as to Hie effects of the ' tropical storm, many of them empha? sizing the damage in the ti.?lds, al? though ?onir of the larger spot, houses 1 wired in that, the rainfall had done more gaoi than harm from the stand? point of final crops. Southern spot markets ?s officially reported were un? changed, except Mobile, which had been ; relatively low, hut showed an advance of 38 points, and New Orleans was 7 points higher. Range of prices: Tester Ope" High law Clew .lav August, i ??i :i oo s no ? n: mi Se| ?ember ;. :-? ui,| 9.21 Octnbai 1.4 -1 1.40 1.42 I 4'? v ?whir, ti -i m.i i> -,n Pr. ?nilier P I t 1.71 I ?,4 :i :n.? 9 -1 . , :? ;? I ?I '? . I '? '.i ?I Kibniar? . Rid ?' ''I Mr. h 199 10 M Ins in ?i4ie l'i OS 1" "4 April . -- 1" II UM l.i 14 M.. io.-j: io .-s io jo 10 .to J' ? Id M tli.l 10 M July. 10 4: 10 19 io 4J in IT i 10 IS in ll Cotton Ki.-I.iii??. im lal l.ivrjK?.! cablas.- Spei fair boglni ? -i lug: kiIm. .ntin ?.a:.-?, -t?.. anal ev.rr ?OS:, T.OiiO, Imports, ?. Ml lilllng upland, 4 I? I i Future? ripened dell. 11- ?*-'', point! higher I dull, li-'.'1- point? leurr Oet Nr v. S.44K'< ; -I ai ? - i im ,i fapr, - - i Ma- June, ! .p-.i. i lui ; ..' Maaehaiter lame, rim, i and ? " ine. I: -'lii-- ?I ?!.? irert.-i mil Intrrliir point?. ?Uli I in in pari-. .11? bill.iv? I'r. I ' Tu ?It?. Last meet I.?.? v?ar ti ?rk. OalfeMee . ...- I.ChM Sam f)i I 131 ? I I?.TIS M" b Ile .- T.' 13 stfjiiiitli 1.131 ir,.. 94 '.".' tt v it its ta ? - * Nuri..Ik . . 14.? ? ? - 4 1.<;4 Haiti:....r.' .......? ? - 1 1*1 Nee Yirk .- - B .- I | Toiil? ..'I.?30 1411 3'..1 VU.rii Iiiteilair. 1 Anguila . .V. HI 4 9 ? ? M.'llllHila . IS] II ? - -4 st. i/..m n i in n m | 1.111 1 .'.4 I Tin local mirket fur ?pot . niton egg ?inlet m?l , -. potntl lilglier ?I I ISc In mi.Mini,,- Upland. Si llUt mat I ? riniitli nul't. unchanged ?? air,. 1.:?.'.', balea, 1 Memphli Miad) - ??:..-, i bal? MoMli ii'ii--. - point! biKl.i-r tt I.SS?' ? N.irf.iik -'? a? v . Sem iirlean. rirm. T |i>int? lilglier ?t 9 if, , Kaltim.Ti- n alliai, un. bane? I s i.'i -a >?.ly. uiichinge.l n I.Ha?; -ai. . ; -, I,?;.- Sr I ?la -"??' i?. ?in a' ? . .-. Lut!?' Ko. k ij'ji'-'. ?cbangral at ASK SUIT AGAINST SHIP TRUST HEADS i Minority Stockholders Demand S10.000.000 for Receiver? ship Losses. As one of the pieliminary steps in the movement of the minority stock ?n?l?lei-s of the International Mercan? tile Marine Compi.ny to have the re? ceivership vacated and to avoid _pay ment of the assessment of $2.SO a share, proposed in the bondholder-' reorganisation plan, Loucks _ Alex? ander, attorneys for the minority, terns tenlay ?erved a formal ?lemaml on Ke ceiver P. A. S. Franklin to bring l-it SffSimt the directors for permitting the company to go into receivership. For the damage ..lle-e?. to have botfl ?lone to the security holders SlO.OoO. 000 is asked as restitution. The pro? testing minority, tnrough their law jfOrs, charge the JiroctorS with negli? gence of their duty in respect to al? lowing the company not to pay the in? terest on the various bond issues that were in default at the time a receiver va? appointed for the company. It ii claimed that there were between ?*-?".? 000,000 and 110,000,000 ?? funds With which to meet these obligations and that there was no valid reason why the payments -should not have ben: , made. , The action taker, yesterday by the ? minority stockholders of the Interna? tional Mercantile Marine Company fol closely on t'?e protest meeting I held by them Wednesday in the of ; tices of their attorr-eys in the Equ* | table Building. Another meeting will 'be held on August J?, ami in the mean ' while further attempts will be ?nan?. to seek the co-op-'rution of a larger number of stockholder?. ? ? U. S. Treasury Finances. Im? i - I r . . , ? - mm . . 1 I?--'?1 ' ' I . , I't.BKIH?. ? mi, S-ll veir ta J: - Ill Ml "l '?>? ran ? ' atw ?'? l ? ciuai ?1.4 publac <J?ot u?..?t^a_?. COURT APPROVES SHIP TRUST DEAL Purchase of Pacific Mail Liners Authorized at $5,250,000. SHIPPING DEMANDS TO ASSURE PROFITS Marine Company's Receiver Says Vessels Are Needed to Offset Losses. Judge Charles M. Hough in an order , tiled yesterday in the Federal Court i approved the purchase by the Atlantic Transport Company part of the In? ternational Mercantile Marine Com i pany of the five ships owned by the ' Pacific Mail Steamship Company. This t sale was forced on the latter line, the largest flying the American flag, by the . l.a Follette seaman's act, which, they ' say, made it impossible to compete 'with Japanese shipping. The order made on the petition ; of the ?Vew York Trust Company, com | plainant in the receivership suit, which said that since the Kuropean war the International Mercantile Marine Com? pany has lost three vessel* and sold ; two. It also ?leeiarcs that the Inler j national Mercantile Marine Company ' has not ac(|uiri?l any new vessels and i that shipyards of Europe are so busy I on war orders that they are unable to build merchantmen. The New York Trust Company also says that P. A. S. Franklin, Vice-Presi? dent and Receiver of the International Moreaatilo Marine Company, has in I formed tiiem that tt would take three j years to build a new vessel of substan i liai sue and that it is desirable that ] the Atlantic Transport Company ac? quire the Paciiic Mail boats now under , charter to it, two of which can be i profitably operated between New York , and London and two others between ? Xew York and San Francisco, via the ? Panana ( anal. Present ahd prospective demands ; for shipping facilities between the United States and European countries, the petition states, make Mr. Frank | iin confident that other liners cun be operated profitably in such service. Acording to the New York Trust I Company the approximate cost of the live Pacific Mail ships was $10,000,000. The purchase price authorized by Juilge Hough amounts to $5,250,000. ; The sum apportione?! to each ship is: Korea, 11,27?> tons, built in 1902, $1,000,000; Siberia, 11,284 tons, built 'in 10W, $1,000,000; China, 5..060 tons, , built in 1X89. $250.000; .Manchuria, IS,? 4M tons, built in 1.'04, $1,500,000, with ; interest at 5 per cent a year from ?July II, 1015; .Mongolia, 13,639 tons, i built in 1901, $1,500,000, with interest on $1,100,000 thereof at 6 per cent, a : year from August 25, 1915. Judge Hough empowers Mr. Frank? lin to moilify the contract, if neces? sary, and directs him and the New ; York Trust Company to give their [consent to the purchase and to assist in all proper ways to bring it about. The order was signed by Jinig?! ' Hough while on vacation at Hanover, N. H. The Pacific Mail Steam.hip Company ?was the pioneer line in the Pacific ? Ocean carrying trade. In 1848 its first steamer, the California, arrived in San ? Francisco Bay from Panama carrying prospectors eager for the gold which had just been discovered. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Pirntlmed. I -' p in. Am 1*. I'timn. J. A., jr. TrilTI. Hit C, on IV S ,'rrllfl? itarr. il lUI.M I >'.,r a\p|?,t:i?<.1 An?. I. V'DX Tempano Atilfnmintt. SUIS. A s V? ihurgh. '-'.; S 1, . In rhiif? .?I H I' . uldltton in own, in i|a>?, noon. Auf. -'4, II (J WelMer. M'li S 1) , : < liare? U'U - 1>. addition In mm, 1 'lay. noon. Am IS: Meut*. J. T l-antli. .Mill, uni B. T ?> (3d. t" Training School, 1*. .1?) . 0 i m . Sill II; ?' A Ma.Hin,, laid, m -v;j, :?u .im, I 4 i m . Aui 20. V II. Ikiriniili. lMrh. Id IWil, n .lit? 4pm. Aas - '. l'ilmii W. J. Bliii.-h, Ut. ma T I. Water, !*th, ta im linr. ! dill, t a in. Aug 1?. J J aifMM, -rl. iii'l Waliei Con?, lib, to Vet Itur. .il San. ?a. ni . An? IS: T. V 'eriklti?. Mth, to Iirt Bur. 10 .Uta. * V ni. Auk 11; I*. J. Swarii,^. lull, to D?i it'ir , t p m . Au? IT; </ r lh1<aUett?, IM, to ii II'.,: ', rial ? ? in . AUI IS; 1. I*.itt?r.. 1 1 Olli, t.. Ilvt Bur. I <la\)i I P ? . Aug. 1>. J I. B. aller am] w. W. B?rge. ISM, lo llib 1. |i 4 p in. Auf II, t,. I a. in, Aug .'4. K ? Kusont uni J v laorisw, isstl?; <; C, Sa-titesalnger and I J Crowl?, l'Otli. Id 1*0? , 1 1?., 1 diy. -* p m . An? tt: J T. McOaim. li?iih. s. i; TboaipaoD, I*lit, ??. 1. K i?a.,i.i>, K4ih, to l.tti I 1. . 4 p ui . Aug. II, to ? a n, . Aug. 14; lo ?111 I 1) |ii,.,n.-l? iinll. .und. 4 p in., Aug. II, to t i n, , Aug :4 T J L?il. in., ?tin. N I* Pthntoa, lid; Dennis vvrigtit. ' I J t'oiiklln. Mth; ?j B B II Saiui.l. iluiy li. s .s. 1, from pnxlinti, ? it*}?. ? i m . Aug. -I 1? V. It-lily, ?th; J. 1' Hilara. .'Vli. T W. Oriy. l'.lil. W M l.ial?. ISSIhi l'at rtek UcDooouab. JI5t_; t?. J. Mahal I LaOIII of Abalice Iwtti fui: im ' Surgeon? C i: Nau.ia !.. xl S I). '.O lat-. M?I, Aug. -'4; T, A Milinl.Irl.K. IStIi S I) , 1 <1?y. Aug. II. I Witlniui pit Surgeon C. i: Nimiiu.l.. M S. I) . I? lats Mon, Sept. 1.1 I'lllun. Antl.tin BnU'i ??n'.i. Ulli Tr' . 1 da-, 12 01 a. m . Aug. IS; J A Iin nil, Ulli. 1 ?i*|, S I m , Aug IH, J. I. roil*. das, 1- 0t ?? n? . Aug. -':.. T. Uiuli. ir . ? lath, 1 .!?>. I i m Aug il; Comillui Uni 4M. > I .lay. II 1 ro . Aug. .'.'. I 1' Mogata. 144th. 1 ? ? m Aug 19. Oman Pn?I.?II. 14itli. J I p m . Aug. II; K A Ni-I. llSlli. 1 di). i "Ji m Aua IX. ? Kern .tern. |||? 11 dira S ? m Aus -1: M T M. Kenn. K4th. 1 .la . 1 la m . Aug 10. Ski? L?a?i l'ilmn. J. f, OeWfB, l'.Ttli. :10 da*i. II. ,i.. Aug. 10 ? Full Pav Whll? il Sic. Rr-port -Serg-. T V .1. 'l'tir.rty TJtli l'i't . Il 4j B, in . Aug. 14 lo imou. 1 Aug. l'l; Ptlran M. I. HeCenaad?. Sttli. lo 13 ? m Aug 11 : I J Brennin. Triltlc Dl?1al"ii l), :? in . Aug. ri Seilgud-rUmn J. Tonrll, 3.'d Pet. U p n . Aug 11 LOST PHOTO SNARES HER Leads Police to Alleged Check Artist After Long Hunt. With the arrest of .Mr;. Helen Fahl, alias Griffon, pretty brunette of ' twenty-five, at her ho e, 146 Grand View Avenue, Queens, on a forgery charge, the police y they have caught the person who has been passing many worthless checks on Williamsburg storekeepers. .?Ir?. Fahl, an expert penman, obtained a place as bookkeeper after she separated from her husband several months ago. Through bad busi? ness she lost the job. Then, the police -ay, she began to give out forged checks, and put the at their wit's end. A few days ago, while in a store at 335 Knicker ; Locker Avenue, where .she is i-aid to ! have swindled the proprietor out of $10, she lost a group photograph con? taining her potrait. by which the police were able to arrest her yesterday. She confessed, according to the police, and gave a long list of storekeepers whom . she had swindled. CAUGHT IN BLAZING TAXI Aged Woman and Oarage Em? ploye Badly Burned. A lighted automobile lamp ignited a I can of za>o!ene vesterdav in iront o? a garage at a**-.', Howard Avenue, Kadt No? York, enveloping* the machine and ! it? -even passenger? in flames, and ? badly burning two. Mrs. Margaret Marron, scenty-two, ! of 138 Jackson Avenue, Long Island ' City, waa handicapped by her age in : getting from the car, and received se? vere burns about the face, hands and head. Ale ander Ra-ihmn. of Uli Douglass Street. Brooklyn, an employe of ths garage, ?a^ burned about his arms, legs, face and hand?. He wan taki-n to St. .Mar>'., Hospital. Ths uthtr paaieii gtri t-icaue?! injury. GUARD DIVISION TO PARADE HERE Gen. O'Ryan Will Command 7,000 in Van Cortlandt Park Review. New York National Guurlsnicn from five boroughs, 7,000 s'rong, will parade at Van Cortlandt Park Saturduy. Sep? tember 26, as an ibject lesson, it ttsi announced yesterday, at the hcadouar ters of Major General John F. O'Ryan, division commander. Governor Whit? man and prominent officers of the army will be present. Every branch oi the militia service will be seen in this review, and the division will march as if in an enemy country, with wagon train, scout?, pa? trols, flank and rear guards. The three const defence commands will be assembled as a brigade of in? fantry, reinforced by auxiliary troops, consisting of cavalry, held artillery, signal and sanitary corps and machine ?un -iiijad. Each of the two infantry bri**Bdos, the ||| and 2d, will be rein? forced in the same manner. It is prob? able that the mounted troops will en? camp in Van Cortlan... Park the night i previous to the parade. General O'Ryan said y.-sterday that expense was the only fac'.or which de? terred hini from assembling the en? tire guard of the state. ; CHRISTMAS "BRIDE SUES Seeks $13.546 Back Alimony from ex-Husband. Mrs. Alvina Morss? >vho was married '" Georgs B. Morss in Kansas City sad divorced him in Oklahoma, ia now suing in New York to rei er $ I ?'.."> I?? in back alimony. They tVOl*S arri.-d on Christmas Day, 1912, The divorce was granted on the grounds of cruelty. Inder the d?crie, Mrs. Morss was lo receive $12,500 in a lump sum for alimony; $500 .o.nsel fee.; $Vii for general expense?. Mrs. Morss allege? her husband ar ir.doned her hile they were at As bury Park. She said Morss has prop? erty valuel ? t $500,000. Drug Dance Reveals Cache. Detective Thornton, of Williamsburg, yesterday observed two young men, who acted as if they were drug victims, dance in front of a tenement house at Flushing Avenue and Morrell Street and then suddenly das'i into the cellar. Thornton followed and saw the two help themselves to some morphii.e. They were ze?. with $1,000 worth of drugs. The police say the drug? wer stolen. The ison rs gir their names as Louis Siub, twenty-seven, of SM Hait Street, and Morris Scholsky, twenty.two, of 11*1 Harrison Avenue. DEAL FOR CHURCH OFF Old Edifice in Madison Av. Returned to Trustees. The deal for the purchase of the Old South Church, at the southeast corner of Madison av. and 38th st., has fallen through, casting the property hack upon the hands of the trustees of the church. A provision of this contract was that : the church trustees would defend a suit to test the power of the Murray restriction as to whether its construc? tion would prohibit the use of the land for an apartment house. The Appel i late Division of the Supreme Court ruling that an apartment house would not violate the restrictive covenant was sustained by the ?'ourt of Appeals. The cost of this friendly litigntion was borne equally by the prospectivo purchasers and the church trustees. A j reason advanced for the failure of the contract was that the buyers had lost interest in the project, and as a dummy ! contracted the agreement the trustee.! , could not enforce its fulfilment. Leases of Dwellings and Lofti Pease & Elliman leased 70 Riverside Drive, at the north corner of 7yth st., to Mrs. M. J. Rich; also leased to Mme. I. Stelle 111 East 62d St. Leen S. Altmayer leased lit East ' 78th st., near Park av. Shaw Si <o. leased 117 West 123d st. to Ki.thern M. Mills. M. Si. I* Hess, Inc., report that leases have just been executed for the fourth and fifth lefts at 6 to 9 West 37th ?t., to the International Hat Works. The lease, which is for a term of years a?. , an aggregate rental of $50,000, was pre? maturely reported a few days ago. The F. R. Wood-W. H. Dolson Com? pany leased for a long term of years the store and basement at 10 West 32d r-t. to Henry Trotr? for restaurant pur? poses. Old Silk Firm Moves North. Johnson, Cowdin Si Co., one of the largest manufacturers of silk ribbons, i for many years located at the south? west corner of 18th st. and Fifth av., have leased for a long term of years the store and basement of the build? ing now being completed, on plot 72\ 10O feet, at 38 to 44 East ?10th St The brokers were Messrs. I.. Tantnbaum, Strauss Si Co., Inc. Johnson, Cowdin Si Co. were the first large concern in their line to move northward ten years ! ago. That they have found it neces? sary to move still further northward shows clearly how quickly the condi? tions have changed. a ? , ? . APARTMENT LEASES. Douglas I.. Elliman 4 Co. leased an aoartment of fourteen rooms and four baths in the Montana, 375 Park %v\, for Harry Content and the Montana Realty , Companv to Mrs. John A. Logan, jr.. ) of Newport, R. I.; also an apartment in '?22 West Fifty-ninth st. for Barron G. Collier to Arthur J. Moulton, and in 991 Lexington av. to Miss Isabelle Coles. Pease & Elliman rented the following I apartments: In A'2 Fast Twenty-sev i enth st. to Mrs. Bert Lee, in M Fast 'Twenty-seventh St. to Miss Rose San? derson, in 111 East Sixty-second st. to Robert A. Gray, in 20'" West Eighty first st. t? Martin L. Mclnerney, in 104 East Fortieth st. to Benjamin Pierce Cheney, and in 1-1*5 East Forty-ninth ?t. to Mrs. Grace Dodge. BRONXVILLE SUTES RENTED. Fish Si Marvin rented an apartment in Porasjlield Court. Bronxville, to W. H. Lough, ef New York City; also rented , for Mrs. A. L. Bisland a house in Meadowdale to C. T. B. Rowe, of New York. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO LET ? i|v\l.i II? l T. LAUBCL SEACM BCSIOCNTIAL PARK.!. ?T IDBVUXB B NTATI.iSi Tu? Sul'rti Sea S',ir? flesaet ?? N?s? Ei?lll?. . L'taait ? ? i ,?, in >? -j'. It.? ? I'm?" Park, Pier. V,'f"l I .rue.: Bt?a-p Walk Print? sie? tad <??.;.?. (-,- liiluiaatlisn it-pi. la LAUREL. BIACH LAND CO.. ill rift? *?? Laurel BrtciV Millar?. Ct. V, ESTl'lf aHTEK I ui .\ r? BAl.r. CU L1A<? SEO li'iM.O.l Till. >ri?.(. I'll ? 1. TAiI.'?ll. Iia-hu. ?--r: s S ?m.Mit? rBorsBTV. WOW SAI.K '.?O" A' HIS Of VIBlilV TIslllUl I -?lima?-! ? ? ?per! Il 'Il '?('? !.!'?- feet "f avr- i a ,-n, ??( u? -', oil. ?li mi:?? from Til-, n i-? <i.??-????ni', ??i? trae? at . ?. i, u i Hiera i h . ; iimlier KM HAHIIISOS A VIAIC'IN Tulla , Ceualry Ham leleraiitle? ???? l? ?ea??ee?t?r? (.?,. era. la.? -i?tr, O . ?al. ??-,'? N > ???, ' i LvUiilO ai- -.? ?satsUe. I W. ??.i ?.. Tli. IM*, ala. MOVIE CONCERN BUYS BIG SITE Famous Players Film Company to Build on Marble Hill. FACTORY PROPERTY NEAR BRIDGE SOLD Building Owned by Willotts Family for Many Years? Other Sales Reported. The Famous Player? Film Company, of which Adolph Zukor is president, Daniel Frohman managing director, and Edwin S. Porter trOOSTOT and fast? eral manager, through th? A. N. Git terman Corporation has bought a plot of thirty-one lot? atop Marble Hill, bounded by West 2*.'.'>th st., Adrian av., Jacobus and Van Corlear places. The Famous Players will at once im? prove the land by the erection of stu? dios, open air stages, laboratories and I factories. The Famous Players' de ' ci?ion to transfer its producing ae'ivi ties to Marble Hill is considered in motion picture and real "estate circles a- the tir^t move toward the conver? sion of upper Maahattaa as a motion picture producing colony stallst .? scope to the film aggregations no-v operating ir Los Angele.? and other 'A'e-'ern centres. This spot was selected after a com? prehensive inspection of half a hun ' dred places on account of its proxim 1 ity to the upper West Side residential ' section and its accessibility by th? New York Central, subway and trolley to Forty-second st. and lower Manhat? ' tan. Combined with these advantages, the decision was affected by the un? limited opportunities for obtaining rural views and equestrian pictures on 1 the Riverdale Hills and Van Cortlandt Park parade ground, while marin? ..? oetacles can be adequately and fa cilely staged on the Hudson or Harlem rivers, the latter being at the foot of the hill to be occupied by the Famous Players' studios. The property is aa , sessed for tax purposes at over $1*50, 000, and was sold for $115,000. Other sales follow: FRONT 8T?Rulinrl & White g Co tri pint hi? told for memlieri at 'ha Willem funny, nf Real? i. 1, L. tlie four ?'.??> larten '?'ilill'g it .?4 a 1 USD Trout ?I . MM hey? n axjeaelt tt I' o.rupl?a I plot 4'i ?1*4 ? Mai ?? p-port-d ?. i,,? ffir rath. Kit? r'lri igo tit I? tn the proper!? .?* rontarad bl *t*?*;"-r ?t tt i St? ? BUM U n I Kali?? A Wille?,... Rr-iet'i V\ r?:o_.?n and lierinj 1? T I*' BAlNBRIlMiK AV The ?u?rw)ii "_Sfe| I piny, I'hir'iei Wynne pre?ld~it lui -n'A ir. fi II. | ; I-i. ti,? dwell) g . Hilnln.iga it, ta tiva , Bedford I'jrk lactlon uu M iitlt After liieri I tloiu the buyer ?l!l it. BATIliiATK A*. The Be.- . n?i<f>' j hit ?oil the pint. Mil 111 Imcalar, it tiia nerth laal corn? if lU?lga'e It. a:..a .- I U ? i:<TH ST Rohert tatters I at ??Id for Ovif I Hain- >!?3 Wiat ITSlh it . i three ?io? b'ill.llrg. I on i?it ?JOiT'., I'lji'inlng the n.irthtt-it .? ol Si. ? a it II li at prtje'il ?vupled by the ' Timple of the rei-nint COSTLY DWELLING SOLD House in 86th Street Held at $100,000. Pease _ Klliman have sold for ; f?eorge MeKesson Brown, of Hunting : ton. Long Island, his tine city home, at 42 West 8?.th Vt It is an American basement dwelling, with a frontage of ' 25 feet and was built by Sonn Brothers. The tapestry brick and marble in the : house was selected by the late Stanford White. The structure, which has been held at $100,000, was bought by a well known merchant of this eity. Sales*in Auction Rooms. At 14 Vimf ?A, By Herbert A Srnrmin ,*TH AV. SOT and TV... e t. tt I ? IM it. |fj 4i ."?5 _ Irrasi two *> at? tanrn'a md .tnraa anl '? ? 4 M) re?r t-nniti. (' \ lye,. tit. tt' iSlb 04 md M. A, Realty I1.. ? a' W ?' ?,rr. ?tlr II i yiinh?. r?f; du?. Kt.l7S.tS; laj?. ata-, $> . t.. Hie plUT for tut) ??10 I't Henry Bndy. RIVINGTON ST. H. ? I. ttl ? Mingln it, : M 71: i aty atable. I" M llowinl ig? Hinrt Nadel e-.' il A A Speir. atry. Wli.t. r Ru.?ell. rat; due. IS.S17.Mj taie?, ate.. |l>'.?i, to the pllff fir : By la. 1 Phi.lip? A CO ?3D ST. If) \V. | i. 331 ? lenUll l'irk W. Ill in.'.'. 4 ?ly dv?lf; Hodely of St J.'hnl?' 1 ?g-. Henry Ci.lelberg et il riry A ?'. It'v.. taouls ; Lande, ret. due. 1J1.17', I?, to B ?? Vrwing fir ' I.'.' tm I At the Inni Ki hange By J. i-ph P. Dar 8CH0FICL0 ST. I ? M it la,: g Land Sound. i ' ?'l'y falfu.l. T A Jawtil igt J P* Barry I el il. 11.111 * K. Ittyi; T N V It Mat ft. re' ; ?lut, ti.0et.St-. Uxe?. He., ?17 3 ? 1. to toa pint fur 14*.? B, Henry HARRIET PL. e ?. **t X t Y.eetem Boule.aM Mill 6i47.*il'.l; alao Tnri.l.iLl at. n i. 115 ? ?urg? at. 100x101. 1. irlUra it il Igt ?'Olori .. 1 Beilty Co it il. J B llirrtiun. n'y. B 1 Tli ? ?ley ref. ilue. SLISTJl; taiei. ela, ISI3 7I. lj tin- pltff for 11.400 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LIT WKM Mill-. Wo MODERN APARTMENTS Richmond Hill 27 Washington Square North PACING TUL- PARK <*orner Apartmetiti, Fireproof Building 6 & 7 Rooms, $ 1,100 to $ 1,250 PORTSMOnH_?A?MPSlilRE 38-50 WEST 9TH ST. ; ROOM A PAFT MLS I 'S Rents $900 to $1,300 ELEVAT? IR. ELECTRIC LIGHT. INVERNESS 200-210 WEST 57TH ST. Southwest Corner 7th Ave. i..\>-i;i'Ti?i\Aiai.T LAMB, UOKT APARTMENTS 6,7 & 8 Rooms.$l,20G to $2,000 CFl'IKSHANK COMPANY k i 'i Broid i- A REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 rooms, 1660 ? 1720 6 rooms, $720 ? $900 7 rooms, S900 ? $1200 IVrftrt irreale.. IIUNKK o> I'KMILl? THE FRIESLAND K?5*t?. r . a H.i'ini? aii'1 Batli. Apply -Mipl r ?_004ald fart . a\ 1'taight. Inc. Broadway. ?? l?..! *??* K:?ir ?:? III St. |M SI. lid 774 V. ?2d St J),? -,?? ? ?-'-. I B-??1w|T Kilfalnr Hi*' ?'a'1 B - ' ghlat? Apartnjar.ii, ?.' ill? it a u I hitn lleii?. tn n |."70 la 11.200 per innunv_ KAMT MIDI 142 EAST 22D ST. \ HKleOR XV UtTMKST l?o i. ? ?? a.-1 ha' mm? . " i l (.ruiW.t-Mai. i'lliil'IU 111 IW .a . .at?