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CIVIL PRACTICE MADE SIMPLER BY CONVENTION Adoption of .Act Follows Ringing Plea by Root for "Plain Man's Law." MEASURE PREVENTS .ANNUAL TINKERING '?A ill Allow Legislature to Change Procedure Only Once in Five Years. - i - ? ' T*i? Trihun? 1 \ 19. After a ringing speech by Elihu Root, the Constitu? tional Convention unanimously adopted ght Section i" of the judiciary toward n brief and simple civil practice act to take the ?if the present one, which is the joy o? ters in the legal profes IpatterS who had spoken in of the present act bad nothing to say after Mr. Root's unvar? nished talk. He said that the civil i result of the unwholesome ta to the civil code in the id gone backward until tl-ey were in a worse condition ;h.:'i in the period preceding 1844, Ititntional Convention repealed the old com aw praetiee under which "it was ? man to get his " It was the first big speech by Mr. Root since his election as presi? dent of the convention. "Whenever a special class of men are intrust? ?1 with the formulation and ad of laws.** said Mr. Root, "they tend to make it a mystery, until ultimately they get out of the field where they chu be followed by plain, hones* persons. The people of our have come to regard the simpli :i of practice ns one of the great issues of the day. I believe there is no duty which is demanded from this con ? more generally than the duty Bake our practice RESORTS. Tour New England VIEW Till; *-? KM KY <>l IHK MOI M UN-, roll?!?" Till KO? h BOl'M) SHORE, I IV?.IK H\ THE limils <?K SOME l?\KK HI IK I \KK. TRAVF.l lll*'?ll?.ll \ I'HT IKIMill \ VI I Is. <?K liol I IV?. I AKMlVl. tU? VIIIV A> VOl WILL. a - ? v.-T i?-a!t.i ti-. s? ittM Wnd ??'??? ai??! rnvls etert ! I-alailaJ R?s rtl M BMI ' ' ' '?'??- IB l r side : ? -??i roa 1 noil' "NEW ENGLAND T? >1 US'- pul lllwd b> tl.e NEW ENGLAND HOTEI. ??-*"' IATION*. ' - Wat, M KIMI-AU,. 9 retar*. Iirai?-t I He?? D Why Not Try This One-Day Holiday at Briarcliff Lodge? GOLF SWIMMING POOL DINNER? a ednee ? . ? HeXee ? ?y es ?1,111?? i Nrss York (?rti..-, I??",' Madiv.n Avenue. GALEN HALL in the Mountains ? WerrnfrsviHe, Pa. ? I'ri- Air. (?ut loc. ' i M.i-i ( r? un a"1 ToolC Bltha. i Koada. ii?sidiDi I NY ' Midlion - H-lWAKIl M IS IM* I..M.1 N MOI '.TAIV CO ma***** I L I-1 ".? 'I Mtr ?METROPOLITAN A-IH KY I'AKK. N. J. HI'I V I H Kill 1.11(11 T THE ?KAR Cotiatrucllon. 1 . > ii ?-1 ? .si?. Suit??. Prl Iha Running water la all room?. ?hue M-r\i.e lluoir. Trim I?. ( ourta. .s ^ ?.?n-? Hiifl-i .i Kur???. Hutrl M? Alpli. or -HI.KMW ?i. HKV'M?s. Mana(?i, tea 110 Klior.? Asbury, 1141. HO?ELASPINWALL Lenox, Mass. Tt-.r? ? soli eoaraea ? luiieaa. lea ?a. etc Writ?. r?r sircuiar. ?. ?. HKOU.V Arto (?HAK'LIUIN HOTEL. lar.? Bui-ape?. N.M. KITTATINNM \ IV i i?,.re ?utrr aamm, |?a * \ * 1 ?"?<* ??--.o-. Special Augn.t \ I ? ? 1 iuic imp. Mouvlau accorded a.m? ? '? ?Hi? a? oil?? i . CH.s ILES M WHITE. I'rop GALEN HALL" HOI I I \MI ?\N \ IIIHM M \ii win ? n v >-. j Alway? reedy Alwaye huav ? i for cinfort or tat.le Id? .1 i a, .- l?: a loas or ?lad . uratise baths win ?- .- i lor? > V ,. ,... TMt HADING RtSOKT (101ft Of lilt WORl* fl?arliwro?ob-Clenrjeini ATLANTIC CITA'. N. J. j J08IAM??V^"tV'a"5?"?"cOT*i|-'ANY FORT LOWRY HOTEL Wll ((III M.? v H \ III BM( H. I.. 1. '"' '' *7 'I II, .M..!i',atian u''i teat ocean front. Tal.le ?irat i-'a-e Mel M. L. K|?-lmrdaon. I'rop. HOTEL GR4M?vtan IU.WHENCEPAHK.BHONXV1LLE N Y SpmcjeJtMe^Ju^njtyu/u onj A Ugfrnat ORIENT AL "fflflf" ItOTKL. v ii ? o i- i v Tr, |M. (?land Ml. SMITH H IN Till AUMUIVHAI hS ?Special Hal? '? , \.r. li -ins ?ill, ?Irans 11,-a? ...I I! I Ai I. I , ,, I'aul ??lultlu. N T t-MPIHl AUTUMdOUt TOUR**.. N. V. STATl. Usaa-il*-. A Talan luu Jr. N LaUN. txeeUwsA, tit. more Himple, speedy, inexprsive and ettective. Forty Years of Changes. "The cause of the prevailing discon? tent with our practice is that lor forty years there has been a continual addi? tion to the multitude of definite, cer? tain, precise rules of procedure, bind? ing on the men that sought re?lress of wrongs in the courts. I heiird a lawyer in New York boast the other da\ that he could postpone any litigation for -even years. How? By compelling the honest fellow thnt comes Inte court to redress a wrong or to secure a tight to litigate one after the other these statutory rights that have been created by the Legislature. "We have been making our system of procedure conform to the subtle, acute, highly trained ideas of lawyers. That is not the true basis. The system of procedure ought to conform to the plain man's intelligence and experience. Otherwise you cannot have that respect for the law necessary for the main? tenance of a system of just adminis? tration. "The existence of this great variety of minute, detailed statutory provisions Virs been breeding up a great number of lawyers whose principal concern is with the statutory code of rights, and ! not with getting justice for their ? clients. It has prevented the courts from doing justice." Prevents Annual Tinkering. The annual tinkering by the Legis? lature is ?lone away with by Section 6. It provides that the Legislature may, ' once every five yean, appoint a com I mission to report on neetled changes in the law and rules governing civil pro? cedure. The Legislature is ordered to net mi the report of such commission, and to pass no other legislation unless its necessity is certified to by the : courts empowered to make and amend I civil practice rules. Sis of the thirty sections of the ju I diciary article were unanimously adopt? ed by the convention before 8:30 to? night. DIES WITH GRANDSONS Woman, 111, Turns on Gas? Leaves Mystery Note. Pat?ne?, N J. Aug. It. VYh.-n Fr?-?l?ri?-k Hanger returned to Ml home at 9*2 Sheridan Avenue, this even? ing he found his wife Madeline, aged lifty-seven, sitting by th.- kitchen table deed with four gas earners turned on. On the floor lay her grandsons. Edward Armuck, seven, an.I William, eight, dead. A note on the kitchen table in Ger? man read: "I can't stand it any longer. T am taking my two boys with me. Goodby, dear husband. 1 will soon be out of the way of my dear relatives." Hanger said his wife has been .11 and despondent. FIRE RECORD. I ,,,,,, .? s? Kth .-. tmbamj axemwS**. -l.^?'T^ n N 2- tttitau ? ???'?'O ,'*1"- ?***?' *"* FIRE DEPARTMENT. I h,,... riri-min laniea'. > .n _s_sa n-suur lea-i- ?n*?-??. V. v\XrT _5T M-' ?? --??'?"- ?* * Am SI -. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS. MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS I 'lie Tnl'une Murriu 1 W-ahlngtrn. Aug-i-l 1?. AIIMV Limit Col CtfUDTS BI'tKJLIB Ort ?HOL, r? csc I 7r,,ni .'.n'y in I' Ismid? to San ly . H"?~k rr??Tln| Of ill 1 ; Ueu? Col BAMVEL HOF. r?llr??d from duly a? si-i ne-Jald Armor?;, c Manila ?or aial?nnenl ?? a- ?-c <sf* -?-r ?n 1 In ? ?'iiinian* Manila ard? il ? irpol Ma) WILLIAM I -VLsTT.RVLLT. drd I??|it.. ,all?.a..| I-O? dUI] ?' \S?!lTl!|." Araellll M Sin.l? ii,. k |*roetn- ,. ? g reii?T?"i (r-,m ?lalttiinrn? lo i'omri.iy , Coaal Ar- c.-i-, -p.-m? i ii.i i'i.i.,',i on n.? ? ipl ? 11AH1.KS V. Ml,. n? ?i RNE. G? - . i ? i im Ural MAXWELL MI I1RAT. ?I'l, Co.; ? ?.?( 1' li WORl'EBTER, 1001 ? s,,-.,:..I Ueuti, j??hn ?i iiiiHTiTN. ; ?-.?a ro.; wai.tkk k nrxN ' m KTAi H kr asm. ?-. : Co. and LEWI? a M? MRsun, link ??? Col. El GENI V. LADD, A.lj. lien., r-rtlre-1 ?>,t I ; |,. h"T? ? UN S WILLIAMS, ?-..i.t Ar? Orpl. rrllrsod fr,'i-.i is-lr'm",! ?til Co., ?n-l |.li?*d ?,i, i., ? mrnandlii? ?*? , fi.rr roaal : f? ' ? ' r .luiy >?n hi? - , -taB" , lastet Mal. WILLIAM M ? Ri IK SHANK, 1-' f?ele Ar.. t?o month? ?sn mirai] In I s .??,?., I Ueul VIN'I ENT MET? H : l kl 1 Art.. i??? moni ?has pt-jllpplne?, Col JOHN I' LAItllKTTL. ?so Cap? GEORGE n LAKE Med Cofpa, one nioiiih. sslih pwmlMloa lo ??.It Clilna ui,| 1 .Ur?n. K*?-nnn Us? < I.AKF.N?T, 1? LAV?., fl ??f . orir mmith ?n I IM ?!?,> a? arrl?al In 1 . I N \\ *i t>al?n W R, < HAI'l.K. .lctnlirt Pfrrl. <n irr?' niHit N?tal Hospital, .Norfolk, Va Ki ?in I? W HAMILTON, driarhH Hsiinlt-iil. to l?enle-, Vi.-Ikh ?i F JACOBS, "> Atlantic rrsi>r?e tart MliUhlpmajl W J M NNAI.1.Y. Jr. ?lMaa-hH N'aial AraOena. in Itirmii ?h?m. Mi'l?lilpmaii ItAYMOM? III llllh.N. .lrtavhr-1 Naaal A'lt'l.lin. 10 riirlTlrif ?Inp at Sem Y"rk. MUiihtpcnsn A I' aTBI Bl_, -Maeftfd Naaal A. a 1?rm, l?1 * -Bifioi-an ?loti HI l???ila man W t> tilM-'nll. NaaaU A?-?i|emj. ?n Vrrn. . r V ilnasa H II HARIU80X, 1<-ui-h?-'l N?i?l A.-a |Vm). m Bail I'm I'lir.f Mai-liliilat J A. nl.lVIIl .let?, hnl Arlanaav In li'niii' ni'il twtU n Marl lilal J A WAHI?. d?'ali'i Naty Yanl. ? 1 irlMlon. ?n Wnnniii Machinist J. C. I'AIIKKII. Oataema? Wrmnnt, m Arkansas M??\ KMr.vrs. ABniVED Auf 1'.?I-nnipa-T. at M?k??-ar, I' I .-.n? IT ?-IcTi-laiiii. ?t l.-i l'ai AUS 1? M? 'l'iriiiush uni li '-'. at N.? .'?rk Tar.I: l.iiilaimia tin* Hem Mampahln, a. \ >ri I'rui; Sairarji"ito, at. .\.? Orleans. mm? II D*s Mstass. iti -.i.-sa ?.?r ilsssadrts; ?Uturn, Tibur?n for s.a-'ii?. Kan IHeio, Kan ' -, ,...? tor Mara I-a.. I. |i...!i. Nr? Y'.rk Yar-1 for V-wport. TV nn <?!??<??. lap? Ilatlrm ' ?? I'lilladelnbta; AUSMt Boatai for N,?|-.ri, llir culfs. Norfolk f.?r r Hound SIMMONS._ MB COl'RT OK Till. STATi: ? >F New York?-Paulin? Blauateln, iilalritlff aisaii??t Grand I."?Ik? of the United State? ndenl Order Pre? Bon? of l-ia? and Marj Blauateln, defendant? Trial .I-fired i?, the County of New York. To the above named ?I'-fenrtants:?Tou ara- hereby summoned to ansarr the com. plaint ia il.ia a.Uuii, ?ami 10 serve a copy of your aniss.r on llie Plaintiffs attorne) ss.ihin twenty day-, aft'-r the aer \-i? .?f Ihl? summons, exclusive ?,f 111? day of servi,. , and ::? ease of your falluie lo appear, or answer, .ludsnient will be taken at.mat you by default for th, relief de I In the com] i'ated New York. April 7th. 1*1.'. \\" l.l'H COHEN, Plaintiff'? Attorney, Orac? and 1' O. Ad dreaa No. 221 Broadway, Itorounh of Manhaitan. New York City To Mary Blauateln, the at??ise named ?it Th" fore?;olti-; summons ia ' upon >-?>u. by publication, pur? suant i" an order of ?he Hon. l-7uR?-na : a Phllbln Juatlre of th? supreme Conn of 1 the State of Now York, ?Iat?-<| the L'lat I da) of July. Hit. and tll?d with the cura I plaint In th?- office of th' ?'l-rk of the 1 ' county of New York at the County court House, HoroiiRh of Manhattan, City of N?w York, ss-hl? li ?umii.oi,. and complatnl has--] . in?: been tile.) on the 7th ,lav of Mas-, 1915. Hated New York. July :7th, 111 I. ADOLPH COHEN, ? Plaintiff? Attorney. Offlc? and I' O. Ad dress No. Ill Broadway, H.-rough of Manhattan, New York I CITATIONS. I'EARBON, ISAA? (1 -THE PEOPLI or THE >'??? of New York, b] the gr???- ,f God fr?? ?ltd to Ullllim I'ml'ling, ?iertni'l? K. i...- i Not? Praklln?, Man 11 Piuidlns. . . ?.Elisabeth P. Orlire-, Wllilun i . i (,-. .-., I/'.-'i, Chest? ?111.?,?. Jr. Klisi l"-tr, i' Hildin?. Vin P. Murdork, Jim?? P Mnr Bebeeri M Murdoek, Man P Minio-k. 2d. Kleiner II IleK-li. Hrata lisa, I,. EleanOT Hea? h. Nathalie l>nh. Min?., P. Murdoek, Msadc S. 1-a Uns, Katl.irli.? (? Prlro. and lo ?II ! a.?, ereilter?. baneflVlarle? uf remainder ',? trust ireal'd in and I". tl?- ?i.ti, rum : ari?ri|>h (it the la.-? ?Ill ml testament of I-iai- G Praraao, deceased, aim ?i u,? iin.r of hi? resided In ?he city, County and Stile ,,f New *..?rk. -.? I p -, ?!,- i iition of Jain?. K. Piiil'liii? re-1.1 i Weal llth ?tree! Edward K. Vin m residing it IIS We?? l?d sm-rt. '-'I, r, i ? n ?? , ? \i. ' sltsn, i It) of Ne? York, and ,,| ?i?,-i?, p .s. it, reatdlBS at So 31 Lirlng ret, In Hi? lloroufh of Brook!?!,, and of Aln-e P. Ilililme. re?l,iln? ?? ("Id Hprlnf, Patnu ? ?jnty, N Y. a.-.?J of Krai,' Is N. Kaiibom, i i it No. 47 Bretoort Placa, in ?h* Bar t .( Brooklyn, city of .Ne? York, and of Fn lerl .. li Rai ?torn, realdlns at Lauren.? Park W?t, lo tl,i i its ?f Tonkeri, N. Y Y??'j and ' a, l? ?f i"U ire hereby rlie<1 t-s ?how ran-,?, l-fore ?,;.r Surrogate of the ?' of New T, ,rk. ?' llie Burro?**?*' ("Uit of aai-1 County, held a? (lie Hall of Record? In llM County of Niw V.-rk on Hie tltta ?1?-- id Meptember, 1915. at balf-past ten O'clock In the form.khi of tint day, ?tiy tl,e ?irounU of June? K. I'luldlng. Llmrd K. Yin Winkle Hid George I". KinUirii. la Irusleei under I | ..111 of Isa? l. Prmnii, ?le??-?--I. ?i,d ?I P lli!?li?,e. at, riouu.r of Mil.iiin Henry llildine. 1 duelled truste? under the aUI of nld Imi?- G Pearson. .l?"-??ed. and et 1-a i- N. Sanburn. Gr-'rg? P. Banborn and Krrdrrick II. San linrn. a? eie-ui ?rs of Noel I( Sai.N.ri,. i dei-ea-sed - under the a.l.l will ?f Mid Isaac 0. - ,,. daeeised. ibould n i ba ju li.-iaiiy lettle.i. In tesiliiiony whereof, 1 l.are rawed the ?eil of lb? 6urr,a|?iri' Court of Ihe nil C.unly of New ? Y ? rk to In- hereunto ifllird W'ilnesi. Hon. John P. ' ( olialu.. Surrogate of ,-nr ?il.i county, st the | lounty of New York, the 17th .lay "f Jul?. In the ?rat <>f our Lord one thousand ulM liun?rrd and tlfneii. HASIU. I, DOWDH1 Y. Clerk of th.- Surrogatei' Courl THE PEOPLE <>K THE STATE OP NEW York. Ly th,- i:t*(? of Qod, Free an?l In : nl - i? l Ethel Woolvi rton ? lona, M ,u,ie Bnowdon Presbyterian Consresa : klexandrla, Pennsylvania; Metho i.uiiii of Alexandria, Pennsylvania; 1 Alexandria Ire? Memorial Library of I A 1,-xa.ndrla, Pennsylvania ; Frederic?! H. ; Con?, Mirlan U. Tilge, Mary P. Iiyer. M Wooiverton, The Board Of Conference ?aimant? of the Methodist Episcopal ('hur.-h. The Presbyterian H??ar?l of Relief j for Disabled Minister? and th? Widow? and Orphan? of Per, ased Minister? Trustee? t 1 he Northflald Association, New York a'.lori for the llllnd and Mount H?-r Bchoot, and to all persons inter? ?led - realtors, legal.?? Best of km or other. wise, in Ihe estate of WILLIAM HENDER* ?ON WOOLVERTON, deceased who at the ? ,| hi? ,bath reside,'. ? \ III West Ith Street, HorouKh Of Manhattan. .N't-w York ?its. BEND GREETING. I'poB th? petition ,,f Edith iv ,\er Waal? realdlns ?t No III Central Park s i-li. HorouRh of Manhattan, New Tork I'liy. William Henderson WoolvertOB, Jr. realdlns ?t No. l?.0 l'entrai Turk South, Hoiuush of Manhattan, New York City, \.?tor Trust Company, a or por at Ion orsantsed ?'??i ?statins under the u?? of tin- Btat? ..f Neis Y,,ik. bavins Its princi? pal oft:, e at NO. J?!* Klflh Aienu. . H.,r OU|h of Manhattan. New York City. ?OU Bad ea?-h of you are hereby cited to thaw cause b- for? our Surrogate ,,f the ' Neyv York, at th? Surr .-..stis' it of sa',.1 County, held at the Ha'l of ? s in th? County "f N ? l-?. ob the ?74th day of September, lilt, at half paat ten o'eloch la it?.' foronooa ..f that day, why the aeoownl ??f i: iith Boavar \. ?Iverton. William H?nd?raon iv.,?.her-, tun, Jr.. and Autor Trust Company, aa Ex '- of and Trustera uiol.-r the last Will and Testament of said decessrd. should not be .noli? lally settled IN TK8TIMONT WHEREOP, We has?; -1 the Seal of the Surrouates ? ourt of the BOld County of New York [L s j to ?,.- ?i- reunto ifflxed WIT.NK88, HONORABLE JOHN 1- ???HALAN, a BtHTOSati of ??ur jald inty, at lh? County f Nee Y,.rk. the ay "f Jul\, m lie sear ,,f our 1 ,r,j un? thousand i me hundred .i?d rtfi PAN ILL J DOWDNET, Clerli ,-f lh. Surrosat??1 .'ourt WHITE ?t 'As1: Vltoi ni | foi ?.?.- .-u lor? atol Tnis..,-K. .\n. n Wall Sslistl. I New Turk City. ? CITATIONS. THK PEOPLE OF THE BTATE OP NEW York, bjr tli?' craee of ?lo.l. Kr?( and In? ilependent,?-TO: Mary s Booton, Prances Bnoton, Anna Boot? ti, Belli Bootoi . Bd wm.. Tripot. Horace Booton, Kirtley Bo 'ton, Robert P. Bootoa, Willi im II Booton, Mur. A Kstra, Oeorg? It Ward. lt..!.?rt Ward, William Ward, Mary H Cameron, Dora Proctor, th? hoirs and neat of km of ELIZABETH s POWELL, de ceaaed, BEND OREKTINU WHEREAS, Lola James l-help?, ?ole ?x-j SCUtor, named m the last will anil Itata? of Elisabeth H. Powell, deceased, who resides >t No ?,9 Kaai Elghty?aecon4 Btreet, Mr.rmiRh of Manhattan In the ?'Ity nf N< ? York, has lately applied t? the Surrogates' Cotgrt ?if nur County of New Tork, to have a certain Instrument in writing*, r? latino to both real and per? sonal property, duly prow! at the last win and testament of Elisabeth H Powell, Who at the tmi. ?if lir 1 death a resi? dent f.f th-- County ..f New Vori THEREPORE, you ami each <.f you are rlted lo show csiiM befor? ?he Surrogates' ?'??urt of our Count) "f Ne? Torte, a- ' fia Hall of Record?, in the County ?if N? w ...rk. nri tho 10th ?lav of September, on? Ihnusaml nine hundreit ami fifteen, ?it half-past len o'clock in th?> forenoon of that day, why th?' .?-aid will and testament should nol be admitted to prol.ate as a will of real and personal propert) IN TE8TIMONT WHEREOF, We have ?.insert tho leal ,,f ?he Surio pates' ?'ourt of the ?aid County II.SJ ?.f Now tork t'i !??? hereunto affixed WITNESS, Honor-lila? John P. Cohalan. a Surroe.iie of our said County ??f New York, a? said county, ?he Hat ?lay of July, In th? year of our Lord ?ns thou? hand nine hundred and Bfleen DANIEL I !?? "WDNBT, Cierk of th Surr..?: it? ? Court SURROGATE-* NOTIJ US. IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP HON orable ,1'hn P. Cohalan, a Surrogat? of the County of New Tork, NOTICE Is here |,y Riven to ail persons li?\:.-i?t ?alma ; a-s.iinst Deloa O. n'lckham, late of the i County of New York, deceased to present thi same with vouchsri thereof to the suh ei tiber at her place "f transacting boat? nesi the onVe Of Itoot. ?lark. Hucknrr A Howland, No, 31 Nar.?i.i Street, In the Borough of Manhattan, ? Ity Of Sam York, ?in or before the 17th day of November, 1915 J1AKT E. WICK HAM. I.A"' ill. l>ate<1, New Tork. th? ?th day of M;ay, ROOT, CLARK, BUCKNER * How I.AND, Attorney? f?ir Kxecutrix. 31 .Nassau Street. New Yor'< IN PURSUANCE OF *\H ORDER op 'Honorable John P. ('"halan, a Surrci;at? of th?- County of New Tr rk. notice Is r.ere lv ?Ivcn "1 a" li'THim.-i haviriir claims a^ii it Norman Pierce, late of the County of New York, dee. as.'d, to present ths 1 same with vouchers thereof to the suh scrlber at his plac?.- of transacting bust? 1 noss NO. 3S1 Fourth ArtnM, In The city of New York, on or befor? thu Mh ?Jay of , November n?ixt. Kited. New York, the Mtt. day of April. I mJ' .PRAGUE S. HOCKWOOD. Administrator. 1 IN PURSUANCE OP -V.N ORDER OF Hon John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County ?if N>w York, notice is hereby riven to all persons huviug claims against Henry <?'? Tinker, late of the County of Nc*. York, deceased, to present th? ?am? ?rlth vou? her? thereof to th. subac? ibera at their place of ti ansa.-ting business, at the office of Choaie. Larocqus 01 Mitchell, th? lr attorney?, No. 40 Wall Street, in th? City of Now York, on or befor? th? 20tb day of September next. **"*> EDWARD I.. TINKER. ANNli: H. TWICER. I Ini I8E I-. TINKER. CHOATE. LAROCQUE _ MITCHELL, Attorney? for Executors, 40 Wall Street. Manhattan. _ New Tork City In PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HOW? 'orable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogat? of the County of New York, notice _ hereby rlv.11 to all peraona having ??aims against Albert T. Plummer, ?hcias? ,1, lat? of the County of New Tork. to present ih? urna with voucher? thereof to lh? subscribers at their place of transacting basin SS No. ?; c, dar Street, In ths CltJ of Nerv York, on Of befor? the 1st day of December, next. Dated. New York, the ;iet da] of Anil. 1S15 BENET PLUMMER, i ' JOHN W SIMPSON. I -. . utora. SIMPSON. THACHER * BAHTLETT. Attorneys for Executor? II Cedar Street. NOW York. N T IN I'UKSlaVNCE ?>F AN o:U)KH <U* HONOB? 'able John P. Cohalan. a Sumgait of th? County of N*?? Y?ir?. noil * la l.rr'tij elarn 10 all peraon? hating claim* ??aii.,1 ?Mania > IsudlM Whltrl-lf?. lat? (<f tli? Ccunlj of N'?? T .rk. la cta??M. to present ll.? ?am?, with -?urban -.1. :r of tn the ?ubsarlt-r. It Its r>l?<? ?'.' Ira a ,? buatn??*. No 4*> Wall vrn-t. fa. r u|ii of Manliat tan. In the Citj of St* York, uu or befur? lb? 141 h ?lay of Hepteiuhfr it Dated. Ne? York, the 4th day of March. 1915. UNITED STATE? TBCST ?oMl'A.NY <?' Nl.Vf YnKK EMM?I BTfAAKT * BHKARER, Allant?-* '?? r Kircutor. ?5 Will StrearL Manhattan. Nf" York._ BERRY. MARCELLL'? i*. ? IN PURSU anie of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of N'? York. notice 1? hereby given to all person? having claims against Marcdlus F Merry, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present th? ?ame with vouch? er? thereof to th? eubocrtbsr, at us puc? of transacting No, <"? Wail Street. In The City of V S York, on or befor? the Ittb (tai "f next. Dated New York, thu -'I'll ?lay of March, lila. UNITED 8TATKS TRCST COMPANY OP NEW TORK, Ex?cuter. CAHTi:it. t.KDYAHD A. MII.IUKN. Allume.?-? for Kaecutor. 14 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan, .New York Clt/, WARNS ROOKIES OF MILITARISM Cien. Wood Explains Term to Mean Army's Undue Influence in Politics. MITCHEL AGAIN WINS PROMOTION News of the Arabic Stirs R. H. Davis?Trooper Thrown from Horse. I B? T?lrgr?ph to Th? Tribun? J Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 1!>. A flash over the wires that he White Star liner Arabic had been sunk somewh-it ruffleil the routine of the training camp this afternoon. There was no excite? ment as the men gathered in small groups to discus? the affair, and no warlike spirit was evident. Mayor Mitchel said: "It is not time for any one to discus? any such thin?-. It is the place of the President to talk." Hut two men would tnke a decided stand. Richard Harding Davi? de elared that it but another evidence that (?ermany regarded our last note the Basse as she did her Helgian treaty a ?crap of paper. Robert Woodnut Miller, Representa? tive from Delaware, who registered in Company A yesterday, said: "The time has come for action on 'the strict ac? countability' phase of the President's last note, and the nation is behind the President to a man." Hut most of the men feel the BTSS of the nation nre on them and that there i* a tendency to resent what many call the growth of the militaristic -pirit. ?General Wood dwelt on this this evening, when he said at the close of his address on reserves: **Ws must not do anything which would look like building up a spirit of militarism, and by militarism I mean where the mili? tary party demands a share in the gov? ernment of the ?t?te and influences its politic? unduly." The chief event of the day was the first evening parade by the 1st Battal ion, with Cnptnin K. V. Collins acting as major. A large crowd of officers and their wives, as well as many regulars, were lined up to review the men as they pns>ed. The four companies kept a remarkably even front, and as the last. Company I?, swept by with an al? most perfect line, the regular troops pplaiidcd it lcudly. C.eorge Wharton Pepper, the Philadelphia lawyer, was detailed as color sergeant. Mayor Mitchel was made a duty sergeant in Company A. ! For the 2d Battalion target work continued with these excellent scores: John K. Niles, 91; R. D. Salisbury, '.>2 J. S. McCloy, si?: I.. R. Cooper, I?2, and Elihu Root, jr., ?8. 1'uring the afternoon cavalry drill W. L. Oakley of MS Fifth Avenue, New York was thrown from, his horse and slightly injured. The wireless telegraph squad set up their apparatus on the field this after? noon, and immediately picked up a Montreal station. The practice was continued during the remainder of the day. MARTIAL GLAMOUR COLORS CITY HALL Commander McAneny Dis? patches Orderly Phelan to Summon Corporal Curran. Orderly Phelan ?who on regular oc? casions is the guanl of Mayor Mitchell walked into the office of Henry H. Curran, acting president of the Hoard of Aldermen, yesterday morning, brought his heels together with a click and saluted. He laid a document on the desk. It read: "Corporal Curran will report at head? quarters, Hoard of Kstimate, at 10:30 o'clock. M'ANKNY, commanding." The city official, who had just arrived from the citizens' training camp at Plattshurg on a forty-five hour fur? lough, rubbed a little more cold cream on his badly sunburned face, rose with some difficulty from his scat and pro? ceeded to the Hoard of Estiraste cham? ber. Curran had left his soldiering du? ties that there might be a full at? tendance at the hoard meeting ?o pass a number of bills requiring unanimous consent. The presence ?>f Corporal ('urran made it unnecessary for Acting Sergeant (formerly known a> Mayor) Mitchel to leave the ramp. < orporal Curran returned to his mili? tary duties last night under instruc? tions to report to Captain (.. H. White at !? o'clock this morning. The subway contracts that are tied u'i by litigation by Holbrook, Cabot & Rollins, contractors, and the question whether it will be possible to make the pupils in the high schools and the Col? lege of the City of New York buy their own books were discussed. a Stores Fight Bankruptcy. The American Pive and Ten ?.'ent Stores yesterday led i -.. answer in the Federal c rt to the involuntary t?..nkruptcy pro -edings pend;ng against it. The company, which is incorporat? ed for ;l,i""i,?Hm, (irnu?., ?t is insolvent, and asks for a dismissal of the bank? ruptcy petition. The answer alleges that the a.- ts of the concern exceed its liabilities und that it is aole lo pay all debts in fu ' BURROGATE*8 NOTICES. IN PCRSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP HO?. J.?hn 1*. Cohalan, a Surr?s?ie of the County of Nan York, NOTI.'i; i? |,,re. ! by sisen to all per?.ma having; rlalnia against Samuel 11. Klasum. Ute of th? 1 County of New York, enceaaed, to present the ?ame with vouchers thereof to the ? ul,scrlbers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of Whltrldge But? 1er & Rice, No, H Wall Stri-el, in The , City of New York, on or Ufore th? Bret day of Deceml <-i next. Hated. New "fork, the alxth day of Mai I IS-li. 1 01 isi; VANDBRBIL.T KERR BARAH J, KlflSAM, WILLIAM ADAMS KIMAM, Bsecatora WHITRIDGE, I'l'TLER 4 KICK. Ati?r. neys for IAr? utori. ?1? Wall Strret N- m Y ?::?( STORAGE NOTICES. j .1.1. HHIlTllKi!- M?it(A?iK AMI \AN ,,,\| ?stung? War-, >um Settee.? \ i I Mai ? IV* ml! .?!! it pu'li- ?-...-,?0.1 at 111 la ? 1 R|| ai A'lg ?', 1?1J, conrti'-:. log ., It a Snodl. ("-(-"'nal r?f, i ? ?r m m ran a, follows Mr. Sarah Kuller, J t Puri?!i. Mr. ('lark V Hau-r Mr. E Murray Lu i li -?mlt!.. Mr? liar rnt. Mil r I .- ., ira ?o Df |i p Be-asa Mra ? n. J. Il ,11er. M i. oi leaarla , H - M ? Mr ??. i Mra Vaa .-i?:kla! lain?? Statt, Mi? A..?.i.- ll?il?y, Mr? Oabagua Mr?' '? -'?> A W. Huaaker Mr- lliittaiai. ?jav. p Hall. Mr. I? !?..-. H<eea?? M, Krmr * N l??fi?. .-. - remain, w MartJia Mrs ? Hutt?. Samud Walk?r. Mi-? V ?r?l s,i.?n IValin. M Ml ? ? r-algy Mr. la-ila. Mr- 1 i i.r... ? astilngl i Brail h. V pri, r Mr. i M?,n a l. Urata-i i " v - --Mi i ll.rn 1!. Mr. \\m Mr- M l.-a-WK Ml ?la,.: a h?rl.,i, \|r, Mr and Mr- Lulling. Mr? I , Mr? Iraier Mr.. ,l\,-i|. Mil? 1 ?. ( Mr? M?-??..- Ume* ? Kraiiy Mr r.rn Ram lat? . K'l-rt l.r? Mr? >??..,., | It - ? ' I M 11- Ma T, ?au?. Mr u si Ira? Mr. M,,?,?.?;, (,?r'm , I ?.,1. n IN paid ?-, ,,r paHea Al|I _., iii- .?:?? ?til i-.- -??i ?????r-ii'a. h laa la r.? * * V. ? I .10 l'i.i UMi i:., Ut, us u.1 ISMS at Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. MINIATI IM ALMANAC Sunrl.e ^ 14. ainiae?. ? 'A: tBoon rt?e?, ?1 ?osa's ?i?. ? IIKill ?A?. p Sandy Honk . j ?I I g Ontemor'? . ?"" : Hell fiat? . Ill *> ' wiruLiss stroHts. Th? Phllidelphla. reiNirted as l.tfl mile? ???* of Handy Hook at 7 M a m r??terday. U eipecfd lo ,1?. k Sillidli? forenoon. INCOMING STEAMERS. TO PAY. Vetad. From. Ml?. ?I airlllo.Colon.Aus H.U F Co Muuwood.Munira . An? 1.1.Munaon Bt ??rrge. filaigo?. Aus I. ' ?i)nui.. Ut-fpsa*. Aog II .. Whit? Wir ?? , |.>,.Crlamlial. Aus 14.l'an am a ??'hlla.l'lplila ... Curacao, Aus II.R"*> l) ? ,.' \|..iii?i.inrry. .riavanuah. An? 17.???aii'iili >l.|ia?ak . Jarkaonillle. Aus 17.? *'r?lo ChkagoCHl. Mwinari. Aus 17.Brlatot SAT1 nPAY. AltilST **_ 'Hiiitnn.SanUigo. Aus 1?.VV"d II .mull?an. Itallio?. Ans M.Am-IIam Ar.lgowin.Haare. Aus *.-? Hm.Hull. Aus ?. i ? . i. ?.tjetina. Aus *.Hallan ?4I N DA Y Al ?.I ST tt, ?Plilladslphli I.lrerpool. Au? 11.Amarle iri ?Kro<inlanit ....GrMafeal, Au? 1?.Pm-Pv ?Ciar.Anhinge!. Aus 9.Bua.laii ?Anima.Santlasn. Aus 11.Winl ?li -l-gll Ahnj?/.l .Henna. Aug 11.llalla.i l'hllailelplili ....Uorn?mm. Aus 14. Am-Haw Oiy ?f CoiuinlMM SiTinnih. Aus It.Saraiuiali ?luin. mal?. 0UT6OIN0 STEAMERS. TO-BAT. Malla Veaael -.??.? For. Mae clos?. Ms. 1* un lllo. Tamplio, -_- 12 00 m Mariana, Santiago. Ward. - J uu pin (?ATI IIDAY, AI ?Il ST It S'impilla. Naplea. Italian.. . >> " ?in 1? Oli m llriiu-rdiiii, Holler,lam. II?ill Am. S .?u am 1.1 in m .N.? V.rk,-ri??i|. ?BJffli SS ' ? un 1-' M_ l.a Tmiralr ?-. Botxkaui. French IS:SSfS Harmi. lia.a.i Ward. s un am 11 no am Arg-ntlna, l, av II... ? ?ama. San Juin. N Y A P K. ?aiaiuare?. ?.non. Il Y o>. ;i .m un V? 00 m Sarama., a. Jamal, i. I F r?. .. 9 ri) iru 12 00 m A'.|-"in|iilii. Turk'? laliiid. Clyde. Il :i?l no 2 00 pm K de Janeiro, llraill, Brai.12 ?m m !:*? p_ I* i|.?r .Ne.|.riaii.|.n. Hivti. KI'W! 1: in im I no pm ?lMiiiu, l.larrr??.|. Cunafd.- 10 On am Mi-din?. Ualftstan. Millury. - 1 no pm Alimo. Tant.a, Millnry. - 1 no pm Kirnlagii, Brunswick, Millory...- il 00 pm Apa. I.e. Ji. k...iiiT|ll*. Clyte.- 1 Du pm Anililei. New llrleina, fia l'ic..- 12 00 m ?' nt MnHgBawiy, ?artnnah. Sa? ? .? M ?.m B Norte, (?ilaeston. So Pie_ ?? 12 00 m MONDAT, ai ??1ST 23. F?f?raand. l'avenne.-. S Ou am 12 0? m TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. n?, H t. ||??.r|natl'.n mi ?teimer. f .10 p. m. lliiail, Japan. Corra. Chini. Philip? pine?, nia Sin Frsnrl.arnr. Mongolia. To .Ut lia ail i tu Ta.nini). Keniuctilan.Aug 2l Japin. Ci.r.a. l'Iilr.i. Philippines (Ha Saat Hi), Ta - nu M nu.Aug 22 Bao?ll. Juan ?, Chlni. Philippine! ?vil Sin Kranclj.0). Ventma.Aug 2S AltltlVEn. Prn.a 1er Nrdirlaii leu 'Dutch). Amaterdim July '-'. Klin-lui. 12. l'aranurtbn 24. D. Hierin ;'i, Trinidad 1?, Campan,i S?. Cumin? SS, l.a ?.uayra SI. Cura, a?? Alignai .'. 1 S?Sill Am Ciye? i. Jet rnle 7. p..ri an Prtfw-j | Pellt (?nare ?, Ht Marc 1?. ?..?naif??, 11. ? ape Haitian and Port de P. i 1 ? l'uneh. Klve A Pm, with mat'n and nulae liar at 10 .10 p m. ISrh, l.a liuiyri Align?t %. Puerto (a bell.? 10. Curaran 11 nid San Juin 14. to Ullis, I l'aile", k Co, with malls and Bar it | J IS i in Moorish Print? iHrl, St Nazalre August ?5. to Pliil f C.r-rturd A ?o. m lullist. Bir it 11 20 P in. M'h ? r? gii-i C.iir' iBrl. Hair? July tS ami V >ni"i|ili Angual 1, to ?h? Compagnie licrierale Transatlantique, ?aun mis? llar ai ml.might. l?rh Magdalen? iNori, Archangel Jul> 1? and Kan -a J?, t.. a Boynam. Bar at 1 15 a u Ryiwyk l?utrh), Manaanlllo Angus' I. Santiago ; .- I Antllla 12 l?i th- Mm.?on Ha l.lne, ?lib m hat Bar Hi n ? m Hsrsnsrrs. It-Xl Antonia, Ar i.atto Biv, Put Marls a? l Monies? May August I, Uirts, Haranna la Mar in I Rli> k llla.-r IS, Kingston 12 and Pi r Mora' ? 14. I? the i altad Prult Co, with - ? and le.I.e. Bar at ] 1? a in. Huron. Mobile ?Jtiar at S M i m PriM?.? Ann?, Newport Newa ind Norfolk, to ?h? Old Dominion S3 Co, wiih mdae. guar at . p m M..111.a, ??a!?iit"rr Align?t 12, lo the MsllOTJ li ?'.. v.itl, Sandv Hook it 4 p m s- lemaiattk Brl Bord**ui Angus? .'. m charle? I* Humner A Co. Bir it 10 4*j i m Hort/.ei iBrl. Ht .lohn'.. N f, Aun?? !4 Hid II?.irai IT, lo H .?ring A l... wnu m t?-. Bar a- I' I? a ru Ktelvn. B ?*S (iran.le Arigmt 1.1, for Cirterel. to A il (tall A ?.. ?Uli indo- Banal) Il-ck at l:St S ni. Humillan iRr). i,., ,|,,? a-.?"-' 7, to the AtlinU? i Tru?*pnrt lio?, wl'h ni't.? Hir it 2 p m. ? M"ii??i. ?iilrnt.iii. ?giiir it I 9) p m Antlllea. New <>rl??i.? Aug'ial 14. ?ft the Bnulhrrn Pn-ltlr Co, with ni?l??, ?juir ?I '. 10 p in Ar.lgirrr.rl, i? ,, Mar?, lile? Aiiguit 3. to lh? Fruirli Uno. Hir it I i0 p te. Ar,| lllrl llasr- Aligna? 4, lo ?h? 0MB* pignl? <l.'ii?ri!e Tr ir-saiiiriil'i'i?. ?Pli iu.ii' Uir il 7 .10 a m. l-SAIi.r.ti St,?ani?r?. Han ?lugil-iino ?l'ail Nitilri. Mtriili lr??ii Hin. H??r?. Hupif.tdi ?Ilri, Caleutta; Al lln.,1 Ol.'.'.l ll,;.-,|, i.-ie- Il liai'li..' -. Il Muu.ln. ?j-Jrntoo; Vitalia (Nuri, l'l'y nt Sarai,liait. isa.annah, Radiai,I. Malin?. Hla.a,. geni litar), Kara-,a. RmTnrd Hill ?Ilri. Vla.ll ????lock. Au.-liM.dal? ?Hr,. laaodan: Meilen, lin? aria. MrgU (Rr). Man. I.ralor. ll'-.av (rlhi?i. fiai ?e?t?>n, ?'ornan,h?, rhirl.-itoii i?"J Jioki?>nr11l?, Ilanillu?. Norfolk at.?i Nrwport N?wi; Atlantic f*lty, Atlantlo City. Mimer ?Nor). Micorti. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ARRIVKIi. ? Amiirrdim. Aug l?? I'rlrt? ?*r?derlk l!?,,,lrlk I Dutch i, N??t York ?la W??t In-ll'l md Vene ?uala. I Maulando?, Aug 17 llyrnn ?Ilri. N?w York, (illiriltar. Aug ls Itaila ?llri, New York ?il Halifax tat Oeiiui. ???AILED. Parir?. Au? 1? 8? P?trt?-k ?Hrl lfr?.m iil.u"? ?nd ?:o|,inil-sl. It- aton i'i-l N?w York I Am-t?rd?m. Aug 1>1 Mag (DuH-hl. New York ' Ilnnleiiil. Aug 17 Ivleg Rir.M>-n ?.Hrl. .NrwV?..k. 1 l'??rpn.,|. Aug 17 ??-?rgtc iBr). N?v? York. Karhviia, Aug IS Wilier U Noy?? (fr?.m New York?. B?iitoa. i las?,,Ion. A.ig IS ?;i?r,?lra? ?Br). Nr? York Vilpiril-o. Aug 17 Kdgir I Vin? ?. New York. I'ASSKI? ! laliard. Aug II K>t,,lim iDu'.-hi. N?w York f?>r Paint' ?i'l. in I IMterdim. | (llt?ral?ar. Aug Is ?TiliiM-epe (J iltall. Nr? York *gf ?1?, a THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. Washington. Aug. 13 - The Irophal norm hi? mat to \V?it?rii Arkuul", with sonvwhit low-nr i pr? MM hut without BMBSslSfl. ?Ind? ll'iry ralng, liowr??r, continu?'! ',?rr N'orfhes.strrn Trjia. Western l.??ilsl?iil -Sal Arkami? BBd rstcn.le.1 Into Souther?, MK-.-iirl ma Tennrs.eaa. TT?r- ?ere alai *B**B*MI it UN -south Atluitlc led Kist Culf etates it?l In Kaaaati mat ??eal lammmm ?hower? it, Um iio.-ky M in,?alt? region. Klarwhrre ?he ueatli? r -iaa fair Allln.iigli i?nir-sr?nir?? hie? rts?t? g?',er?ll? 'rom ?h? uppa-r stasSjilppl Villey ca-t?ar.| th?n ?r? -'111 1? ; low th? seMofial aerrig? m fir ??-si is the llocky Motiiitilti?. rirept ?in lit? Southern T??a- rOSSt, i ?her? abnormally high i,.tiipa'ra'ur?ss continuo, |lr"*n.iille reporting a miilmutit "f 10? ?li-gr?".. West of ?h? mouiiiilm innporiture? remain l.lg'i. , ?,1th 1 itiialinum of 11 ?i degrees it Yunil. Art/.. , Ttiar* will be riln Krldiy In the Wr?t l.ulf ?titea. : Krlday ?i,?1 Sitiirtiy In the Kt.t Otllf it. t louta ? A'linilc ?late? and th? Ohio Valley and an BalSf dir In the southern portion of Hi? MM,II? Atlantic ! .IMrlcis Kr"ra th.. lik? r??l,>n ea.t??id the ; ??ather ?111 h? g?c.?r?lly fair Krldiy utd Saturday. TVmperiturm will rem?l,i n,.-:-??-...- eaat of ih? Mtssl.vlppl Klrsar. hut will he ?omesihit Higher I,y Sltur.liy in III? tt,t-rl?>r of Um W??t (lulf 'inn. WI-..1? f.,r Krldiv at l Saturdly North Atliiillr. . senile to tundente we-t. t??,-.,nili,g ?arnMc. Mi I'll? Atlintle. mi.lerile ?est. t.c,-,-nil?-.g rarlal.le ; Sa.u'h I Atluitle. ni?.?l?r?te en.?'., Ou.f. m??leri(e lo fr-s'i -?I'ltl,, W?st U'llf. n?,?lerite. nvwtly ?outh and i ?iut|i?e?l. upj*r likes. g<-?!t!e to ni.?<leriie -hlf'i'.g , atilda, ?Matty nor'h-i.t uni east n??r southern i?,r tloii PrMay, with fiir neither, lower likrs, mod? ern? firlil.le will., Kr1.U>. with fair weather. For-cast? fer Sp-elsl LecstltlM. -Taatttm Prnn , ?ylTUtli. fair I n.laj. Satur-li'. ia???*???, tweam. filr northeiAt iTliwire. fair Krlday : Saturday. In?-re?lng cloud i"?--. Mamen '-? ?ISM M.iril?.,!, partly .loud) eaet led ?how?r? I-'ridi? or Krl.liy night west. S?(iir,la>. unse((l?,l. ?l?mer? Tin- |ll?irt?-t of Columhl?. pirlly cloudy Krldiy. Bliurdir, ti!is.'itl?d, prohahly ?houers. Vlrslnla, partly cloudy Krldn. alio??r? ?outhwrit : '? S.ii'ir'l.ii. .shoncr?. ?V?at*tH l'?"i,av!??iili, pirtly cloudy Krlda?. riln it i iglit or Siturdiy. New Jeney ind New Y?rk. fair Frliay; Siturdiy partly cloudy. Sea Knglind ind upper Mlrhlgin, fair Krldiy ' ni'l Siturdiy. Lacil Officlil Rreord. ?Th* following ??trial r?-. or?i fmro ?he Weither Hureiu shows the changes In the temperature for the last r v? .-nt y four hours Hi liiBBI?l?SSa with the oUBMpaaaSBS 'lat- of la,I 1!>14. 191X.I 1914. 19I-. I il a. m. 7?! S? f, p. m. ?4 7" ? i m.7 ; Ml S S. ta*... 79 "I ? a. ? S3 '4 11 p. m. 79 '9 I 11 m. M ri 17 p. m. 7? ? 4 p. m.!?-, '.f, lllghf-t temperitiire yeiterdiy. (74 deir??? ?at I p m '; !ow??t, .',? degr??? lit ? a. ml, ???rii? yesterday. '-7. ??ma? for ,.rresp.,n,|tng dite la-t year, ??. lo-rig? i ,>r f?ri??B?aSao>f ?l.'a laat llur (> Ihr.-e jear?. "2. B?rem?t?r Rtadtag?. ? i m in ?t ! 1 p. m. 79 97 I ? p m :9 97 Huialdlty. I a Sa....Sa I 1 p. m 49 I p m ',.' . ,l*or?raal ?or l'o ?Iiv Kilr todi) ; tomorro? pirily ?!,u?l>. moileriie ?" ,l to ?.?.rtliueit arlada, nero?tns ? BLAMES ESCORT IN GIRL'S DEATI Brother Says Victim Fell Int River While Resisting Attack. Pell? Rotkopf, of 2''.'. East Ninet-v ninth Street, whose bo?iv was take from the Hudson Kiver near _dg. ? water, N. J., on Monday, is believe to have fallen into the wafer whil resisting, the at'ack of a man in wh?ts company ?he was liest seen alive. He brother Harrv, who positively identi lied the bodv to-day, is responsible fo this theory. Rotkopf said that Fella, dith an eld er si>u-r, had cone on a boat ex ??ni-ion up the Hudson last Saturdaj ??' vas a hi?; crowd on the rease and the two girls became separate?: 1 ter, the .?ister saw Fella tlancini with a stranee man. When the boa , returned to the dock she could not b. , intuid. "She had no reason in the world t? I commit suicide," Rotkopf explained ' "She tras always light hearted an? , full of fun. She either jumped off th? boat or w-as pushed off while protect inz herself from her assailant." A bodv. believed to have been His Margaret Wortke, the student nurs? i of St. Luke's Hospital, who has beer , missing more than a week, was posi . tively identified \esterday bv he ! brother and sister at Port Jefferson j L. !.. where it was washed ashore oi i Wednesday. Coroner Gibson yesterday mornin, j ordered the body buried. It is be i lieved that Miss Worke drowned whilt [ swimminir. The body of a man, apparently aboul : thirty years old, and clad in fc darl suit, found yesterday floating ir Fn\ Pond at Kockawav. Il was taker to the Morgue to await identification. CHARGES CONSULS DEFIED U. S. LAW Federal Attorney Says German and British Officials Aided Al? leged Neutrality Violators. San Francisco, Aiitf. It. Allegations that the imperial German ConsuUte and A. Carnegie Rom, British Consul, at San Francisco, iurm.-hed a quarter 'if a million dollars, directly and in? directly, to men under indictment for i violation- of the neutrality of the \ United States, wert made in indict? ments maile public to-day by John W. I Preston, United States District Attoi ry- _._ Standpatters Would Retain Long Ballot i c, a s-afT f*Sft_pSMS0l at Iks T. Albany, Aug. 19. -Frederick C. Tan? ner, Republican state chairman and head of the committee which drafted ' the shorter ballot proposal with its attendant reorganization of the state departments, admitted to-night that some of the standpatters in the Con .? Convention were trying to .get him to agree to what would mean the continuance of the present long state ballot. Mr. Tanner ?aid that Russell Wig gin.-, of Middleto-A-n, recently ?ug gested to him that the election or ap i pointment ?if -?t?te officers should be j referred to the people as a separate amendment. BANK RESERVES REACH THEIR HIGHEST POINT National Concerns Hold $1,-1 840,000,000 to Meet Demands. Th? Trlliui.?- Iliirmi | Washington, Aug. lt>. National banks and the twelve reserve hanks, exclusive of state hanks and trust com? panies, it was stated at the Treasury Department to-day, have an unem? ployed loaning capacity sufficient to enable them, if need be. to carry at j market value the entire cotton crop, half if not the whole of the wheat and tobacco crops, and, in addition, to finance $1,000,000,000 of exports until ' the purchasers can pay for it in gold or otherwise. Controller of the Currency Williams points out that the banns will soon face large demands in supplying the seasonal and ordinary as well as the extraordinary calls ahead. These re? quirements he summarize? as: "The yearly recurring demand for funds with which to move the crops. which this year, except as to cotton. are unusually large and commanding t full prices. "The unusual demand for funds which may arise to .-nable cotton grow? ers to meet any congestion in the movement or marketing of the crop in the event that cotton should be de? clared contraband. "The demands which are likely to be made upon the national banks, both directly and indirectly, in connection with the extension of credit to foreign purchasers of supplies of all kinds, und to pay for the American securi? ties which may be returned to us by foreign creditors." The abstract of condition of national hanks as of June -.'. shows that actual reserves amounted to $1,H40,000,000. or $77K,000,000 more than the amount the banks are required to hold. The sum exceeds by $319,000,000 the greatest re? serve ever held by the national banks at any time prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve act. BUSINESS CARDS. C-HCFI 1. I AIU'KT ?LEANING <'u.?Clean* n? ouuiprvkarvi ?ir. ?turn. hand or on Boor i;i1 V-- i i a 131 Lut led) H lOi. A HHAMiT T?. I 2 ISIh MII.TK.IiAIH TYIEWIIITTEN I.KTTI.I;> ... o' ?1 '.i'. I.SSS. II.?5; 10.00?. J9 ?IK?) It M ' A nil KKi'llI' 1-n ilriiialvaay i E.|Ulla.t k- lllils I. R. ... ! i : II.. lot 4 ,i1 ? NEW YOfiK'KTf LEANING WORKS. ?iliiejt. I.arxeol. M<*t M?l??ru. rm ni t,s woven nioM old r__FCT_ ITIf*?. H?a..n:- : ,.e s>nd for ftrcujtr. T?i ?SSt-SSM itr.u.t ir.:-43S w?t ?;tb ?t _HELP WANTED. i-emaies. UANTEO IBS stria, np*rt ?wlmn,?r? o ?Pl?ar i: 1 if in.i'l.M pli-tur? pfodu.-tloii arith ANNETTE KEI.I.EKMA.NN l'-*m> .,t t?.e and f.-rrr: I .- -a ? Wrll. V I. . li.u 4',. Ita?.m l."I, J-'1' ?fit 4.-.1 al _WORK WANTED._\ Hal*. IIAM?T MAN ? I'Uiitrr. r?l>*rri?n??r. rSSetWWr, <i .|. r>t?in? ttnm aj.ii n paira; niljrli? ?g-,1; tx*t uf rvfarr?i..-e 1 W, 'M < ? St., ltn?.|>I>ri DOMESTIC SITl VTIONS WANTED. Female. Iim si.wiiKKI.n ? F.ui.l*ti Amtri??r. ?irons: ?til InS city or crur.trj, ?mlleial r?ftr?o??a UrOir? Ait-cy V K. l.iui iL I'-.-?.? Ml? Hum-. ? ?5E4RCtttlGnt POUTE M.? lllKIt-.1.11 IN V?TMOl mu? the NORTH. Dally, u niiiiii. Hunda)* f'aiiltal ( II) Um I??? ?' It. .? I? . *??"? Cana] ?I - ?*_? I*. M.. W : 12d si . ?tea ?'. M i. avs Tro* l:?? |\ au Albany s:oo r. M. f IT? li ''?' >?-? Mslit ?.?l>r?--? t-i. r : \ P. . KifKI t. ?I.. Weal 1J-M St . 10:0*1 I' *4f. !.. rt . . || . . . . v pr >u?lil?> I 0:0? P. M . Albany, dally, ?ri Indina Sun.Lv. 11:00 I* M rara ?I uns tvey, fi '??'> roand 'rip P*Mle's Um- !*:? r y:. H, u . fl:Oo r M.. W 1.12.1 St.. fl:.'0 I*. M. I.. a. S:?? I?. M. t? ''O BfM ?",, 5! ,0 roand trip. ?uivlay ?nomine boat for Newburfh. l'ongtik? e| n|'. K i? 11-?< ion Point -mi Ai biny I? aves PI? r 32. N H B::'? A. M.. W. ISSd S- HIOO \. M. I <??'.??? Al lian,. 10:0(1 A. Vf. T' I Sprinte *.?4?)0 day or nii?iit Largeel Hiver -i.-.iin ihi'ti in th- f. ...Iil ? tillD5?l?J. C2MPdte?.' SUNDAY SAU Up the Hudson This la a ?leutrhtful flay'? outina;: IM mil? -ni 'hrriiiKh th<: most beau? tlful portion of tli? r. ? Newburgh, Pough keepsie & Return $1 on the big handsc me steamer BENJ.B.ODELL [?eaves Pr inkIla m . Ituid H>?t 1-''<th St.. 1:1? A St., fur Wem* Point Bum ?m Mi ??. burgh ind Po Ifftrl ? r- ?], ? Mual I ? '.? II .11:1. I.lili. Ir ?1 Trip. I! CENTRAL HUDSON LINE i i ?M**?,Jf_t___f__? UP THE BEAUTIFUL HUDSON Str. "HIGHLANDER" ??.?SA. ?i-i'kiin.\? | -uimI.iv? i - Battery 1:1$. Str.MARY POWELL Str. NEWBURGH MTee_?ays?Dnlj s.inri'.v t HotM'ss Ian u ?tnd SI 10 M, w. 129t*n m 1" to AM noun.? Trip, Dally, itw. Children, I Se. a, 1 . r??n, 50c. M? M I l-TI U SI HT < O. Tel H'nad ''5? _ Marv Povarll >fl?*t (o. T-l Spin,-; 4141 FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 Strs. |.. Pier li, N' It. ft. Fulton St., telly rit I 3) P If. Music. Pro.idenee Line: Strs ?. Pier 14. N. It.. ft. Fulton Sir' et, \vek ?lay? only. 6:00 P M. New London line. str. lv. Pier 40, N. K.. ft. Houston St., wei-k days only. 5 40 P. M. ; Pi-r 70. K it. ft. E SSd St.. ?:00 P. M. Net* H.-?lf.T?l l.lnr: Sri. I.v. PI?f 40 N. II , It Houaton St, week ?lays only, at S f\ M Nr* Haven Line. Mr - PT-M ft, K. R.. ft. Catbarlna Hi . week iiay?, 1 4; P. M.; (Sundays, I .in A M. Pier 10, ft !?:. 22d St.. meek laye, :?.<"i f. M ; Btaadaya, 10 mO A. M Hriili.i [inrt Line, ?reek days ,r'.y. str. 1? Pur II k h . 3.00 P. IL; Pler 70. ft a. ;:>* St., week days. I 10 P M ; Banda) s. 4 ?.i P.M. Worcr.tfr. $2.60: Pr?-1denc? direct. $1.5?. -taternom?. SI. ?1..?U & S?. Dnilv. m. lulling Sunday. 5:30 p. m. from l'Ier la E. H. 'TPbeos 2700 Beekmt.-. fit? Tii-ket Off)?, ?0 Broad???. N Y i iliaV?n TIcM OfTlre K-\?> ?r.rl -J3.1 m. _Wrl-? for |llii?tr?t?d F-'l-tcr CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH ffTRi! IHim-i-Al.r ? CIMBRIA I? las I-ir? Wert l - ? -? . '?' ? - ?t., III!; Battery, Il H? Coi..", lala i. I; Rorkaway, .'.; Exeunton Mb. KEANsbuh^ L? Hall?-, Inilv LX. 9.:;0. 10.30 am.. I 2. 4 ;10. ' ?5. ?4 1.30 p.B. Sun. *i|ii ?. 11.49 ?m. 10 3? p _, 11? i 1 :? "1 S:n.I. Trulliru tu i.l I. r ? > p-.i. blocs isi..\m?. obiknt. (?kki;m*?'Ki. ?h?iiik islako AM? s.*?!' IIAKHltK. gtr ? Slilr.iir ? i? k ' ur MontauK Strsmboat Co.? Line leaves N V. ft. inn St.. _ K . Tu?a SBd ?liura.. ?,30 P M.; Sat.. 1 n 1 I* M_ INSTKl ( TION. NEW 1??KK?Miinliutlan. The Barnard School of Hfll 1 EH*' ID ARTS 7'Jth M I'ra.' ? Una?? III Ore, ., |'?? An. ? - : I - ? * 1. SEE SCHOOL L_ BOYS FIELSSTON. W?S1 2U1H SI. SSSS? 4 inii'ii?. ? ' '? . CortUndt Park H u -?,- u ? ??? 1 1 ? If? .? mi ?II .l*v. Ineludlns ?>?'1r-l.1v Klud. -3-141, VP?? Hour IVruil- ? A 1 : ??Ulli ICA!? BARNARD SCHOOLFcs GIRLS 421,423 W. 146th SI. Tfl ,5A5UU 20tn Year ' i? ?1 ?? BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL met? Ci A Ft. W*?h. A?. Til. 6851 Aud. PnSun l//in M. u I 1,ran.mar ?Ira lar* ?.irla, an IRVING SCHOOL I? I?. K \V :r, ? km MTU HT. BOTH !'K"M ? T.... ALLDKPARTMKNT8 IIS Oraduat*? Havr Entered Co ? for boys under ii_ TIIK Hfr.l.l 11/ >( IIIIKI 01*1 iWflliaW \n? nt 'K-:,n V4.?l illh Street. Hi-tvv-rrii tiltil tuniie ami P.n>ui|?ay. filsi.N?-s M MOOUL ? BookkeepiM, Sbonband, Serre. rial, TvpetArriting, Spanish. Chil Service 4 Sleaotype DepartaalB. tarlol, Day a::-1 Evening -?ession?. ?Call or ?rrite for Cataaoeue ?a?... v. ?4IIC IO? ?HlOfUf. ?IM SI. a la.., A? PACKARD aw. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL I.exiiiRton \?e. in.I 3.,th Street. Sen.i f : Proap in- No Bolteltora. LAIV ?? no'il ?. LAW SCHOOL BSk il?) N UHUO ??TKK.ET Near Pad ral and 'nunty Court? Brooklyn BrtUa? Bubwa) iiu.Uuj) TunneL Afternoon Claiaes 4:15 to 6:15 Evening Ciaste* 7:45 to 9:45 Term llesin? Si-pl. IS, ( AM: IYBT?M Tuition P??. ?'n- Mur. Ire.! nod T-n I Catali>au?i ?? rit ?m application to Heglatrar _ ?t l.'OOI. AGEMC1E8. \inerlian and Kiireisn Teatrher?' A(enr?.? Supp ..-> Profeeeers. Tea? h. r?. Tu tura, r,, l'oliegea. ? and Apply to Mr? M. J. VoLNO it Li UN, II L'?luu eauartt. u Up the Hudson By Daylight All her?i?e Dally Ki<?pl ??odas. Direct Hall Connection? to al? peda?. _. tho Cfct?kll!s. Saratoga, ?re A?*'.ruB44??* ?he W.?t and North. Muii,. L*?t?ar?at All throush rail tick??? L.?u??n N?? ??J and accepted. ^ De?l.r?s*ea hi. I 40 A M W 4?4 ?. ? A. Bt; W ISStti 81 . ? 2) a m . tJ??TT ?:4f> A M . lan'ltna; ?? Weat Point. jtiV hursh. l'?.'ighke?p?..-. l..-g.,'?,r, point r^. kill. Iludaon and Albany ^^ AI?m? l).-?hr.,??e? Ml.. '. . , u, ?*- a? II; W into St. 19 2*; Tonk.n. H ? ^ M , f?.r Hear Me II ?r <;* . wall. Newhurgh en-1 Po'ighk?. pu?. Ooe DMy ?Mitlng? to l*oughk?ep?lg, ?la,?-, hursh 11 rat 1'i.lnt. or He,.r MounUia. Afternoon Boat for Hear Mooatala, West >' ? ' abor??. Poijgl,ke?psle. K: . inlaS >?\e? li, shro'???-? ? Wr? M . I t M.. 9 IIHI M p ? Tonkrr-a. :.45 P. M 1 . , *? pl Sinter Heal outings le H- <r . tala and W.* Point, returning by Str Ti'Himi tlL. ton." D Hudsonv River ay lu i ne lie?! ro.-s?-* St. Tier. Tel 4M! Spring, M r CUNARD ?EUROPE via LIVERPOOL 'Oduna,. . Sat. Aue*. 21, 10 A. M ?TUUCANIA. :, tpu SA.V'M.s -, p jt ' "CAMERONIA. . ' P 5t ORDUN <..... ? '.'' A S. ?TtS'-ANIA . pa BAXONIA. Sot, ' ? 2. t1A.IL ?Kn lla-ojU ? ? ROOD Till. WORLD Hit R?. ' T-hraxigii '.?vikl'tr- to all pr r ? watm. C0*4PAHYS OFFICE. ? 7? 7? STAT? ?T, B. T. FRENCH LINE Compagnie General? Iranaatlantlqu? POSTAL Mittlre Sailings for BORDEAUX LA TOURAINE, - - Aug. 21,3 P.M. ESPAGNE,.Sept. 4,3 P.M. CHICAGO,.Sept. 11,3 P.M. ROCHAMBE AU, - - Sept. 18, 3 P.M. POS CKOK.MATION AfPLT COMPANY'S OFFICE. Ai?^&ss| For Your Vacation? ,: BE H ill DA 9-Day Tour?AH Expense? $45.50 a* I - :?;..-? S -? ( ooler Uiu II ? - ut H-aottt aaxtd for Dm il?:,; U., .-..? I it ??real*. Twin Screw 'Bermudian" S?My?S??eaJ?Comfort?Sail. AKeratM w.|. ?tea, ? ?. N. to.. 32 1?, . : ay. N Tj Cook A toa, . i I I M IE A? ; llajm.'t 1 A Ar : ?? ft M*r?ten 1 -l?: I K "*.. JH H'?a>; K. 11. Dm. 11 ? *9% - ? I Pot Per?- a I >- 'Mim I'IIII.AI.I.I.I'?IA v . ? \? AS s-PC I MAIIA? "Alii?? -I' I Zl '-'A "IA ? (s^l.,- a .-. . I. r li.nogw?. HI.lss. 1 SX1JCT1 A ? ?' 1?r.?r?i Manager?. ? * * ? *"**? BOATII 9a* ?"-sat of K Ail L . ?<? la.?:*-). -. ? ? LLOYD BRAZILEIRO. ?7 It?** lt.. N V Cr**. 9Xama\a\a\mt lUklh H? s>V VtiSt. Official Agent? all line?. Ilaamonil A \\ Int. l?..tti MB A?.TI. Atlantic His-tilands -c,?- FARE UlCts AUTOMOBILES CASRICOl C??BI*U This llout? ' !.. loot 10 A M - 1 " Train? A Troll??- To AM Coait ?rula , I.l?r .. : m DAYLICHT TRIPS long Island \ NEW LONDON UNE * *laZ I - N ? I? V ?? i- ... .ra^ a*" 4 ils Tl. U.I Auen? ill l<r.ia.i?ar. ?*?? *?" IIAII .V \M> -I M?H ?''?"''I INTERSTATE PARK LANDIMSS i.titiM. nu r m i - v i ?i -*? > ? STK. KINUaTON Leave? ?' ? M A M . - and i V M i'.i ' ? ? ' ? 50- YACHT TRIP 1% ?*CM- CLIFTON LEAVBS rOOT ???ST *teewr. Radretlrur, Ctti .-i? ?- ? - "?-SfiKi I*-*. ?V-raM i"2l !o'.?-.i-a Hoi*? ?***"*? ****> Sight-Seeing Yachts (??? I**} TO S??OY'hO?K ANO Tail ?CIAS Li*, nittrry Pire < , """"""feTl EX( I RSIONS. [ A DAY'S PLEASURE ? ss?^X?I 31 *ii Tel < *?ssT HADO CgAL-NOSHC-i- (gMgC _ _ Lake Hopatcong $1.00 Next Sunday t^SlX Lt. W. 2*dS?.I.J0: I .b?-- tuSMSAW iackaoa Ave., Jersey C.y, v.'.r ?JS. L?. Broi? S(ri?( N?w?t?, - ? "? Atlantic City $2.50 Next Sunday '^'A L? IS : . L?. Ji(i?on A?? J? L?. Broil - "?? via New Jersey Centrai Delightful Afternoon Tri" to Bear Mountain ?nX* or WEST POINT Steamer "Albany"''-^ Str. "Robert Fulton" . ?i l.cire l?> - . ' ' . A M . ?A.-at ?.I st .' P M ?Arsl '"> X'|aa?| P M 1 ... | 4*. P M II - ? ! ' ?*;'. 'Au?" ?I Heir Moui.iiin or imple '"?>- ?l "'"*. drls? an i ? me " t'EBT TBIP FOB ?ATlaBOAV AFTtSj??^,, BLOCK ISLAND, ?j'en ? EVLRV SUNDAY. V I |WU \ . I t I.'a: I I? ?a?-<ii(ai:l? I'-? ' ttt M emt ?I.hV l ? ? mat cur-lo?. ,-.?."ill", Sai'ii .? : ??? '