Newspaper Page Text
Winchester Arms Dealt in Hosmer & Webb Tel. b%2-0 Baoad. .14 Broad St. Winchester rms FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. ***_a_S lire?.I .'.140. SO lima?! St.. S?-w York IT.i? Winchester Repeating Arms Stock J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. Phon?? 4001 to 4010 John. It Wall St,. N.T. LOWER LEVEL IN LONDON MARKET Stocks Hit by Arabic News, but Minimum Regulation Holds Bonds Up. London, Aug. 20.?Money was quiet and discount rates were easier to-day. American exchange was quiet. Cable transfers were slightly under 4.68. Paris exchange on London declined sharply from 27 francs 80 centimes, to '_? francs 30 centimes on reports of the opening of a 1-rge French credit here. The stock market was not very cheer? ful, owing to the sinking of the Arahic and e lat? rtt eastern war news. The minimum prevented a fall in bonds, but oil and mining shares were weak. American securities responded to the I in Wall Street with United Sun, **-e most active on the decline. A few Americ n gold bonds were ?old, and International Mercan? tile Marine and American Telephone ? Itlegra. h ?eccivel attention. The closing was dull. I ? ? Hank o? England to-day sold in foreign com. loai <?'! at from 3 to 4 per cent. lot rates lor short and three months bills, were 4% per cent. (iold premium at Lisbon, was 49.00. Tans, Aug. 2'V Prices were heavy on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent rancs 60 centimes for cash. Exchange on London, 27 francs 70 cen? time?. I.OMiON (LOSING PRICES. Il N V A UR. ** ? ? a ..... 47 ? ? ? ' a . ' " .\ West., us a ? .. 1.'. ?'?-.. !'*l"4 .... I87H ?quiva? lu*, i?. Chafa. a - 1"7', 14; 14 M 1?1H - i a - I?** li. ??\ 18"S 74\ ? - K m - >. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bid and asked prices for stocks which are listed but which were not dealt in on the Stock Exchange Friday: B i a?"*--! I Ml. Aa- I 1 \ ? ,1 .... i I A I A"i M. ? .If 114 A ? ?.' a I- ft it Hi a 4 lal iif I II A ? ' : r I ' Co !? 'a I ' Cam*. J I r' ?" a ? .-. ' .In inri A-.' .. ? A *> t>r 181 .IAO. II', do 1 - <? i i ... . . 00 I l1ttt..lM A - ? itret. t* Itret.. U ' ., T . .0? Cram ? ?n+i xu ? , \ I'wrf ' 1. I. A ? 111 ix-ii a l .| . ran f 4 1' M I It 1> I I Ix-t A '.' - PIK AH- ?' ' I I. ? i: fl II K II I .\ I* . ? llpr? ?a. r. llo_?.r... 117H LorllUM P ...110 ? ..... .H ' ? *. Man iti-aili. : .lui, I 1 4 24H d -TAssM . n; ISS d IM .i., .a ? l 71 . N??tn A < li?t.11% ? ? i nit..11? Mill rMlftp*.. 14 . :... .', ' *.-?!. ... 11 If. . TO S do SO \ 1 I a. ,\ m ?? - ? i-h. I.-. TV. s !? - rat. IU . at . ? l'i T A Bl<1 A?k?i.. ]>.?> l-ii ?'i II I 7 117*4 ? \t\k )? , 1.-0 1.1 n? un 74 Cl 'a ' 7% M 41'. ? A? i ? 71 S I-. ? \ I ? . :?? l-r - f N J lnuia. ||)7 . a n r M ,,f - ' k . .. i s 14 ! S 14 4 lut M R pr : m il Il I.SIL, ?Il :. ,\ > m - - )i : I 114 124*4 .. : ' ? A II r jrf.l '? 110 ? r i'f 1 7', IM 1 de i-? ' M loi 1 -? l'a Par i.f . I ? '? .?? - ??! 1".' 1"4', ' -' irai ;? 4; 47 Il A I -0 ? 1".' : 101 I' H H i R . Intern II 1 . i, ?lo i>rrf li." I v i: ? .? ,,? IM : low? i"i-Mr_ ? ;-, 41, ." \\a' ?.;._ 14 *? _ do i.?f . l<-7*_ 11* Wi .1 Ei (CI \\ ? -i I. \ |.f H |,. ; ''. I '?_. . 111.' J. I A W ,. A M li i. N*. . ??? Illa. ma lu. H. aO? 111 Uni ?.->.?.?? I. 1 !.' ?' W A I. I ' 4 - 144 1 . ??W..,. U lrf..l0?*?a IM-*, MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Stocks Supported After Opening Break ?Sharp Rally Follows. With overnight confirmation of the "oss of lite on the Arabic ?tul ap? parently of tile death of A m er lean s in l'art ieular, tin- stock mark*), breks y .it the opening yesterday. The derlme continued fur ai.out h quarter of nil hoar, in the course of which losses of from 1 t.. 71-.? i>...i;ts were re? corded by the most active issues, the average being sbonl 2*4 points, Su?i portmi* orders were promptly forth? coming, both from important banking interests ar.,1 from the pools winch have had the interests of the war specisl ami a rally of no mean proportions set in. There ? ^ing in the middle of the day. Im! the strong roe shown after the air had been cleared in the early trading WSB always man?? fest, inid at the end of the session the m as firm. Some of th.? more notable losses in the opening break were narked against. Goodrich, H?ct Sugar, Can and simi? lar specialties which have been espe? cial trading favorites in the last few Steel common, too, was com? paratively hard hit. At the opening i 8,000 shares were grouped from 73 to 72, a loss overnight of from Hi to 2\ i points. Seventy-two, however, was ] never touched again in the trading i nor even nsared, the .stock ruling for ', most of the day around 7!', and in the lute trading rising a point more. It closed at 73%, with a net loss of just a point. Banking interests were re? ported to have been heavy purchaser! , of the s-tock in the early decline. Almost none of the 1? ssei in the ac ; tive list of stocks ran much beyond a point ss the result of the day's trad? ing, Bnd in a few cases there were i actually pains. Tennessee Copper was I one of these exceptions and Anaconda i another, the former coming through ? w-ith a pain of 2"-i points and the lat j ter with a gain of 's. In fact, the ' copper stocks generally were relatively ! and actually strong, notwithstanding j the uncertain market for the metal I both here and abroad. The trading community was not dis ; posed to think too little of the tor? pedoing of the Arabic, sunk as that vessel was without wsrning, in the ? brutal manner, the inciden, com ppsrently as Germany's reply to m'a noie. Bal there "Vi cf whether the act, upon investigation, woi 1?1 V found 1 within the category of what the Prcsi | dent described us "deliberately un ; friendly" acts. It was not known until fairly late in the day that the Arabic had been accompanie?! for some dis? tance on her way by a convoy* of Brit? ish war vessels, so that any point of , mitigation that might lie in that fact ; could not have been an influence in rallying stock price? after the opening break. War, it was felt, had been brought nearer than at any other time ? finco the submarines began their so-1 ; called "blockade" of the British Isles. Nevertheless, there had been moi enough provoca* ion on other occasions for the I'nited States to go to war, but it had always been ignored in tint respect. What before would probably be ?lone again, the ? speculative community argued. At any more was I pained by imi- ? tilting the administration <*,nd waiting for facts than by precipitate action, j Though the Arabic was 'he most; engrossing topic of the traders, the changes in the war situation were not , ght of. The reported German capture of the important fortress of Novo Georgievsk, however, was helii to he more erbalanced by the' evidences that Bulgaria was about to ?he war with an immediate at- i tack or? Turkey, to be followed prob- j ably by Rumania and Greece. 'lhe foreign exchange situation was, not changed, except for the better. , There were more definite reports from London that a deputation of bankers ! would shortly visit the I'nited States to arrange a British credit. TRADE KEEPS UP GOOD ADVANCE Foreign Exchange Situation and Labor Unrest the Only Drawbacks. The trade reviews have a cheerful tone at the end of the we? k. Business is found to be keeping up its expan? sion. The only obstacles to more rapid progress are th? one] mone? tary situation, with its implication of a possible interference with export trade, and the ?listurbane, s in the ranks of labor. In the Southwest the '? great storm that did much damage to Galvoston and the surroundinir country held back business temporarily, but j there is now a better outlook. The best ! reports come in from the Northwest. "Ilun's Review" will sav to-day: I All iiifrrimll* aclTl,--? ir>- laforabll, ? . - f,,r romplitnl ara dbnlnlah !? ^ a i . Bdeuoc In an acute fall and ?ti.ta-r trad? I . caaraati In Uta-? number? and thei . caution um form? rlj i han i l of I -, la eu ? ilia? :?i?re Is a burdei .omi lock! lo a- ! ;. About ,, -million ?'? I - - as required, pretal ? "Bradstreet's" says: Beat i * - ? srlifr? ? and feeling di - fr,m ii. ? ittiweit, l,m in okliii ? ?. ai,?l ?ul I hi ? ??. ...I . ? . * ,--rjf m.'!!. On t!... Pacifie ' . 1: ; ? 1 I tra if i? ? ? larar. ? . I latoufh ?? ? a MONEY AND EXCHANGE. iii'liiM. UKSI.RVF DISCOUNT RAT. papel - ilurlng m t< I p<r ici.t, up' : ; i ail. MONI ? 1% ix-r eaut; 1,1,!,?si. . , . - - ga 1% T1MK M'.M t. mt . -7S SST lilt, .lav?. - . I inr It.? . . and .-'?? ,< i ? ? : i i r an ? . Sll lit ANTII.K I'A'KIl was quirl li'illi.? ratr?. , ?t nam-a; ban) - . . '? par IB1XO 1'ii'sf. TRANSACTIONB ? *?:?-' I I. Tin I ? Hl'B TRKABI'RI Hem Tort tanVs !??jt to th? ? x \ ' 1?! ?.M. Ill Bl !.\ I ! IM'UNT HAT1 VII! Ill ' Pal ? 1 dan. 1*4 I*4' "'?'- Atlanta ? caso. 4 f Ht. I ? IH pal . ?!a\ ? dun, ?', li..\l!sTl? EXCHANGl ' : ? Baa i KINK ? LRARINQS . ? ? j , . l $1,533.1 ?sll \ I II si \ . ? . I -. Ft . ? - a '?' ? ' - ? . ? ! m>,,ax*-. -. ' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, Uli, Total ?talcs of ?-,.,;? Friday. ?176...00. sgalnst 1.0H7.700 Thurnday, 82*1.200 a week ago; Slock Exchange cloned a year ago. I'mui January I to dale, h'.1,2 2 "LI 00, against 4fi,lWs,|(K) a year ago. l'.v ' rate Alaska Cold Mines.. .. Allis-Chalmers . Allia i hralmers pr. 4 Am. Agr.tChemieaL..., Am. Beat -Sugar. Vni i mi . ' \ni. Can pr. 1 Am. Car a Foundry.. . 7 ?A m. ("ni Prodaets.... 7 ?Am. < Cul Prodaets pr. im. Cotton Oil. fi Am. Cotton Oil pr... . im. Hide A- Leathar.. \m. Hid?- ? Leathi r pr - Am. Linaeed . i_?, Lin ' ii pr.... Am. Locomotive ... 7 Am. Locomotive pr 2 Am. Mai! pr. Am. Smelting. Quota! ? sold. Open. High Low. Final.] ?hge. 33 4 69 H ?'.' im. .HUI 22,800 2,100 100 13.500 37,900 500 10 '\ 105H I".*. IV Am. Steel Foundry.. ... 8*200 19 1054 7 Am. Sugar - im. :. I Tel. 8 *.'". ? obai eo pr, new... Am. Woolen . 7 \tu . Woolen pr. x Anaconda. 0 Atcfa : -"Il . ."> Atlantic Const Line.... Baldwin Locomotive... 5 Hiiltimore ? Ohio. Batopilaa Mining. Bethlehem Steel. 7 Bethlehem Steel pr.... 8 Brookl* n Rapid Transit "o Butte A Superior. i HI. Petroleum. 10 Canadian Pacific, ex ?liv :: ? 'entrai Leather. 1 ? ? .?i Leather pr. 0 Central ? So. Am. Tel.. i hesapeake <** chin.... - - Chi. Great Western *>r.: 4 Chi., Mil. i St Paul... 7 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul pr 7 <!u. ? North Western.. Chi., R. I. _ Pacific....; ?iO Chino Coi*|*'Copper... i "1". Fuel A- Iron.... 6 ?Consolidated (ins.... ? Continental Can., 7 ? ontinrntal Can pr.., < urn Products., ? Crucible Steel. 7 Crucible Steel pr. ' tih ni-Am. Sugar. 9 Delaware <v Hudson... Distilling Si eurities... I'umc Mines. Erie . Erie 1st pr. Erie 2d pr. ? !hemieal pr.. 8 General Electric . ? i? ner il Motors . 7 General Motor pr... . Goodrich, B. F. 7 Great Northern pr.... ?: '.- North. Ore subs... I?; Guggenheim Expl. Int. Agnelli. Int. Agrieul. pr. Inspiration < tapper,... I ntcr.-Con. fi Inter.-I'on. pr. Inter.-Mctropolitan ... 2 Inter, Paper pr. ?r. Kings Co. E.L.AP., ex ?1 Kansas < ity Southern.. I.iickawanna Steel. I .1 igh Valley. ? a- Myers pr.... Louisville b Nashville.. Maxwell Motor . 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr.. 8,400 B9 ! Motor 2d pr.. 4.2 xican Petroleum_ ' Mi xican Petroleum pr. fi'l Miami Con. Copper. Mo., Ki is. M is -?un i Pacific. il Power. National Cloak & Suit. 7 National Cloak A S. pr National En. & Stp. . . . 3 National Lead . 7 National Lead pr, ex div 30 Nevarla Con. Copper... 6 New York Air Brake... 5 New York Central. N. Y., N, 11. ri II. N. Y., Ont. ?i- Western.. fi Norfolk & Western.. 7 Northern Pacific. Pacific Mail., Pacific Tel. & Tel. 8 Pennsylvania R. R.... 8 People's Gas & Coke. . 6 Philadelphia Co. 7 Pettibone Mull. 1st pr. Pittsburgh Coal. 6 Pitt-burgh Coal pr.. . . i?<! Steel Car. 8 Pullman Palace Car. . . Quicksilver . I ay Steel Spring. . l"i Raj f On. ' Upper. 8 Beading . Rep. Iron & Steel. Rep. Iron A- Steel pr. . Pink Island pr. Rumely .? 8,600 St. L. A S. F . 200 st. L ? S. F. 2d pr.... Seaboard Air Line. 800 GOO 8 30(1 12...? 106 107 poo 200 29,900 2,100 101 100 103 ' 77 3,10" si 100 14 300 278 300 1 il B3% I.-'" ?' 0 '. 300 l.','.. I-; '?_? 6,201 ' II 200 105 105 100 12614 126*. 1,400 ;i ii1? 200 100 121 121-7. 200 1254 126 67,200 19 1,600 ; ;'_ ii 6,700 40 B14 hi I', 276 145 111 Sl'a 16 1 i*'. ' ? ' l'i 364 ?? '.'n 71 101 ?4 101S Bl - 14 140 ' l 19 104 600 1254 13 i 105 10 i:i\ 144 814 BIS i : 121 ! 4 125 I- . ', r> 34 22 il, 'i 14 ::?.'?, 11*4 ll 1254 1254 4 125 B6 lui lui 164 i'-. 102 110 116 1394 10 7 6 1,800 214 21*4 9,500 27-V4 2,400 124 124 I0U12 112 4,000 170' 3,100 205 IM"7. 100 1064 1 ' - 13.'." i" 1,200 117 Ils 27..'nu 414 ? 1,200 164 19 84 344 204 -.' i 4 112 112 !. ' 20-1 : ? 1034 1044 |. ? 17 724 72% 114 1117 1394 lio 274 274 214 4 1174 1184 1,100 26,48 ' 2,400 2,900] ; ?".i 2\ 04 :??: + 1 ' ! 14 123 8,600 : 500 1 ' 14 141' 10 116 li? 100 11 ; ll ! 1044 I 274 6174 ? 1414 4 141 ? . 14 i"; i 1,900 1"-'; 1094 1084 10! - ? 11 1)1115 116 116 116 7H .7 77 ?? i 30% '<? i 96 97 ' 100 93 28. 1,100 96 11,200 60 ? 169 :*\ . 'n 1.400 I! ...i i 394 'a 1464 l '. 12,700 434 43*. ? ? 1014 101' 600 4 ? ; i irs Roebuck.' 1,400 150 ? II ! Sloss-Sheff. Steel ? !.. 7 Sloss-Sheff, S. & I. pr. 62 ?i Southern Pacific . 7,200 '. 1 1614 153 14 55 sa 92? Southern Railway. 2,!. Southern Railway pr. .. Standard Milling. Studebaker, ex div.: 11,700 loo Tennessee Copper.! 81,400 464 Texas & Pacific.' io<> Texas Co., full paid....: 100 1364 Texas Company.! 1,900 139 Third Avenue it. R.' 800 62 Twin City R. T. 100 '.'1 I'nion Bag & Paper_! 6 I'nion Pacific. 17.7 m 1294 130 United Dry Goods pr.. 100 50 - United Ry. Invest. 200 174 IT1 United Ry. Invest, pr. . 100 : 35 U. S. Cast Iron P. & F. 1,700 'Jo7- -il1 U. S. Express . 1.13 83 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 6,400 674 7o7 7 U. S. Ind. Alcohol pr. . 10 U. S. Rubber . 6,900 60 U. S. Steel .211,600 7 U. si Steel pr. 2,800 112 40 Utah Copper.. Va.-Car. i.hemiral.. 5.800 2,300 35 ? 20 ' 281 ' 5 ?.. . 6 85* lui 100 105 24 104 : 464 ? 24 50' ?t 84 94 9' . 1364 1364 l 19 1 4 139 :,\r: ; . : '.?i '.?l ? 91 i 64 1.- ? 130 4 129' :?<) 60 fi :*7 i 174 174 4 17', 4 34' i 204 ?. ? :. 21 .1 ? 674 704 I l 78 ii"7- 1114 14 Hi1 654 ? 344 354 I1?, 35' Va.-Car. Chemical pr.. Virginia Iron, C. ? C. Western I'nion Tel. .. Westing! OUI i-'|\:r Br. . Westinghousc Mfg. B3.200 l ','."-. Woolworth . 100 H ?'. [06 Willys-Overland . S,800| 1744 17:. 1704 175 1 I7.*i KAU.ROAD F.?tTH'MENT BONDS. iQiioteJ on a percentage I Ma- Rate, tin it v. P. ?'. Bid Ask. Atlantl?' ('-'?.?l Line... V'14-73 ?.-'?&.. x x , . ? , s i HuIJul... K?.? h * Pitta i ?? i ? ? ? ? < Carolina. Clin ft Oblo, ? I * ur>lo....l>l4-'24 X- x > Chi A Nonhweat*n-..19U-"J x < < ?'II,. I- . . - ' . < Chic. R I * Paell ? Chic. >t 1. a New ? ? x I? ( ?1 . , - . - ( ? Ho kl ,- \ s i. v .l??;?.?.:! x ? < lulu,,i- Ontral .ISM ? ? ? - Saahvllle.l?U-'a .'-.x x ? ' ? N V ??? n?asi Linea. Norfolk ft Westen ? X v. \ Il .?. : Ill 1??14- 7* 4-4'-,.. 4 ? ? St U Iron Mt *- I < , : _ I , ? in Rallwsj? .. .' '- ,-? '?? DAILY IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Daily imports and exports of general merchandise at the Port of New York i - I i ? .? i . i 14... 1.137.1 \ . - II ,\. Auguat 12.. la ? MwMa?.-?--. .---. a?*a??>Ml ....n,?.. ? SHORT T?RM NOTES. ? ? l'klsn l: , June i i, lin,- It. ,-? n i l: .'all ? l-,l(.- s ?s. M . S \ 1 S V V H .s 11 ? l mu 1 i IMS.. 1917.. mis. '? ? :<7 i?.?i, - Ask. Tl-M loin "?'-'? lOOl- "77 - . < I ? ; ? ??7 7 n lOOfi ? ' ? . . ' ? n (..iicrnmrnt Issues. Ararat II ? ? I " ? """""?_ DIVIDENDS DECLARED. I 17 ? ??tad ... aura. .-..-- t.. ui.a, CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Prices Rally, but Many Stocks Fail to Gain on Day?Oil Issues Decline. After sn ?early show of weakness in the oulsiile market yesterday, prices generally began a rallying ten.lenry, but the recovery was not sufTirient in a number of instances to brin?* the high prices of the day above Thursday's closing quotations. Canadian Car and Eoumlry common suffered a loss of 4 points, as did Canada Steel and Inter? national .Motors preferred. Interna ; tional Mercantile Marine preferred re? cele,1 ?'-, of a point on rather quiet trading Cramp Shipbuilding declined ; 1 and Central Foundry l'A points. 1 United States Light and Heat preferred moved up a good fraction, and Driggs Beabary gamed I points. Price. u. aketie*l among prominent ? il Stocks in a rather quiet market. Standard of Indiana, New York, P Oil and Cas, Illinois Pipe Line and Ohio ?Ml all Showed declines of some proportion, standard of California, however, Improved *? points. Mining stocks were ?ess active and displayed a generally weak tone. Kenne?.>tt Cop? per ?is advanced 3 points on smaller dealings. INDI STRIAI.S. HI,h T?! il Upen. ' ? 'm Y:n- .... , KM ?? ..ii ?*.,. .\ f l", ?? ? i., i- ? f .. ? las ' "? .'. ? ? ? r U ? Foi ? - - rai l'-lv... il . ?? ?? -.,:,,, Rhlpb lu- il HW I " i. ga S. ,i ?a ! '.?, ."i t < lectl ?' U?,al. ||S ' t?.., im, f .... n, ? i ni a w i MU IOS lim iraofl l'lion?. i i't ?Hall Signal.... 17? IOS ?Houston ?ill. .. !.*'?, 4" im Rabbor .... TU ?Ini Mer Mar.. 4'? ? SOS M,, prat . lo M ?,|o ii?'W w I.. 47 3..0 "hit Motora .... 22S ? !,. i-r.-r . 43 3"0 ?Ini Nil kel .... M IM Ils tn r..?w -? M:,? 1'etroleum | Kath Hr..n7? |if 3S li K. llv <Spg Tlr-. 17? ?Itfaks Tor? lit.. I.', 4 ? .. Maw? mil ,,f Am 4U ? :,l 1'rof .-li 9 ". Btl ?' of ? , ? ?-ru prof . ? ? land Motoi - 10 : -. -? I ph. I'll 17's, . Il I T n fig Si n?us I0? l'i\ 1". l""s> i ?In ProBl slur. :-?-, 7'-. s j.i a ii? i i .i ii . 7?4 i ? ' do pre" . .-, .i ?Ventura ?"on " i. I] 114 1* I *U in H Arm?. IBM ISM IMS IM* ?World ?film.... tU tU 3?4 "'i STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. 14'4 17?, 13?, ru M 74 62 IM 9 14 17S 15 1*4 I ? II JA li ? . !?> 47i, MS au ISS 117 ? I? HS - 14*4 i.', u 84 x:i m 9 3S 17? 13 44 114 l'a M '74 u IM MU 3*4 n?; 13 tu ?i? I"', I ? "r?vent P I... ? 6 ?Eureka I' I.. - ? na sig ?m.. _ 175 Illinois P I.. ? It .... ? 10 Northern I' L... ? ? ? m . - ? "li . - i 0 I'ralrla ?> A c... ? I.?? Pralria I' L. , l'enii ?DU. - of C 10 Stund 0 of Ind IK '.Stand ?? of X j . I Q of N T '1 ?'.?Ilk la.. ? 41 M 170 14?. 34 IM IM 13 HO 1*1 313 300 MS ' - 41 27.0 It:. 34 IM in 17'4 '.: 171 2l'l 4M IM ii. 34 IM 173 7.19 - n ? > ? RAILROADS. Ml ?Wana-h pf (b) 22 2 MINING. 2 ofl* 1,000 ? ' ? ? ? I.7M I ' I ,-' ? IM 3 ??' IM - 300 ? ?' 1 M ? ?Alaska Jnn?a?i ? Mining ?n Min . ? ?Ar... 1 i . ?'?..od. Big \s ? I.(.. !?-n ? .-i |?-r Caledonia ? upper.. nah.. ?Emma ?'??i-pt. - ? ?'??n . 1 Merg - in! .. ? ?i ?'op taska . ?Kewana- . :.. ateas Con... ''opper. rs . Mi K-r?arr . ?Mother Loi?.. N? -.?. Itah Hing N'lptaatns Min-? 114 H 14c He ? i-'. l*S 3..';,' S<W' Mo IrV ? ?n Min . ?'?im K . ! Sllv-I. ? . ?- Mining m tu? 24c Kxt .. '[?il '??illlon .... ich .... Ind ?'on ?W K (7op pf. HON l'a ?:?? 3H if, if, 1 17-M 1 44 46 43 Mi ''. 3*4 llr l*U? 11c '1 13 il Mc tie 1% S% i : ?3. -.'- SUe i ? l'a 2?4c 21c '? 1-", 60 'Ue VA ? IU ? ,ds. i?*. le. tie ? f, IS 12 ? l.V I* ? ???? r? ? 4 Ue IU n-? i , ?u 12? 4 13 61 27, ? SU . 7?',C IS 14 Me 74 ft If, 13".000 ls?nn ?"op M .140 143 140 1?3 ?i -distad ?K? ?lin ' ? INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDUSTRIALS. I'll. Ask. I nu. ?!!? ? lee Mf .77 33 I r of R * It .,', ?I M M new ?her Oarbl-te s p f w t N - r-aai ci MU ??o r rmt. 10 174 17? Way I'd n&c. a?-; ?l'jr.n?" Mf. 13', 13V RAILROADS. ?Mo P m !.. 194 21 l awar-ash w l il ?do pr?-f... 33 43 ! ?do pref ?a, 41'4 MININO. H II Ma'e-tlc Min Ms C AH- Sm. i!r-i'unan?i. 31 ? laon?. Star 4c ?Silver 1*1.-U. 6c | Tonopal: BONDS. n?, ? 1 M M n M Ii*sj ?I misted. PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. Am I. a Tr du j -1 A,Il n K P ?!?> pr?t_ ?Am ?; a K ?do | r. f . Ain I" a I.t !.. 1 ' Ain P llll . .to i Ain W do pan pf ?i?. ' ? Sera . rat.. .. omret . Se pr.-f ? C P K S I. .!,? I'.iv ri i. ii oaE g ;s El Hi I? if I. il * S rf Emp i> Ebb do pref_ ?l'ar val i? $50. Hid. A-k 37 s 1 -s 14. ? IM ??S - i i 1 Fed Lt * Tr 1?, I do pr.-f. ;,,; i Qaa ?.- i-. .-?? I ?lo pref. M Un '1 ,v K.. 10 N O L .s.- P. Il , do pref. 47 X',.r Statea 1' :? '. .... -4 <iz;irk P \- W i.-, II?, '1 ,\ F... ttU f ..?l I!-!. llv A; I.t M do pref. 47 S .',il Edlaofl lt do I r? f ?Stand .; a i: 14 * ? pref.... S T Ry i.t a. p ? pref ... 21 t II U ,v 11 I ?io ?.-t pref, ? 7 l'taVb Soeur... in s?. ? 14 Ask. lu 7,, N II H *. - do pref. 47 M NEW YORK CITY BONDS. M .'nrlty. ??'..s. J .ne 1965. ? ??? t . IM1. . ?17. ? m ? : ?? :. Miy-Nov.. '? March 1 '????. . .r. - ? . N..v. 1S&7--74- 7.9. MS . . I- . . . ' . ? ' . ?SS?, IM". ?I . nid. i-i"?* 1004. ? . MIS ?? '-. ?1 . ? x ? ? 94 V. 4 25 X ' ... rag ??'?- ' at coupon. IB.. l:\i riMORE STO? hs. Bllei. ' " 11? > V ?l'v Halt 4a 1"*7?1 ^l ia ? ? er 4?.. Ktkliorn Kuel 5a ' S lat .''? U l?e lUliu. ? . ?I ?;? fin 1 . ? .? ?iva ' - - . - a. BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD Rostnn, Mh-??., August 11, 1611. To the Noteholders ot the Boston & Maine Railroad: The holders of notes due ?September 2, 1915, sre asked to extend these notes to March 2, I'm, on the following terms: (1) ANY HOLDER OF NOTES MAY EXTEND THE AMOUNT DOT THEREON C'TII. MARCH 2, 1116, WITH INTEREST DISCOUNTED AT THE RATE OF %a\ PEE OR (2) ANY HOLDER OF NOTES MAY EXTEND ??", Of THE AMOUNT DOT THERE? ON ON THE TERMS STATED ABOVE AND MAY RECEIVE IN EXCHANGE FOB THE REMAINING 10%, FIVE PER CENT. GOLD NOTES OK MAINE RAILWAYS COM? DUE APRIL 1, 1616, AT PAR FLAT WITH OCTOBER 1, 1616, COUPON ATTA< BED WHICH ONE-HALF WILL BE NOTES CONVERTIBLE AT THE OPTION OF THE HOLDER PAR FOR PAR, INTO MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY CAPITAL ?TIL OCTOBER 1. 1616, AND THE REMAINING ONE-HALF WILL BE NON ' NOTEHOLDERS WILL BE PERMITTED TO INCREASE Of DECREASE THE PERCENT? AGES OF "EXTENDED NOTES" AND OF MAINE RAILWAYS CO M PANT!. SO AS TO OBTAIN EVEN MULTIPLES OF ONE THOUSAND DOLLAJ During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1616, by strict economy and with the partial 1" errii . and freight rates recently granted the road was able, aotwithstand ? ase in operating revenue of $1,489,236, to come within about $334,006 of meeting its fixed charges, a a deficit of $2,044,742 for the previous year. While this improvement does not remove the ? ??.? 0f I'li/.ation it strengthens our belief that if a consolidation with the Lea ed Linei eai equitable terms, a financially strong corporation will result which will be to the git of all. If granted, the extension of your notes now asked for will not in any v?ay dimmish your security, as no mortgage can be placed upon the property without securing your notes, and it will sas management to continue its efforts toward a sound reorgan?7.ation under favorable conditions. Should holders of Boston _ Maine -Votes who accept Plan No. 2 desire notes of Maine Railways 'rmpaniei in excess of their allotment of 20'/c they may be permitted to increase their holding of Maine Railway? Companies Notes and decrease their Boston &. Maine Notes accordingly, from any of such notes re? maining in the Treasury. In case of applications in excess of the '.mount of notes available, allotment will be made as far as practicable upon a pro-rata basis. Acceptance of the above offers are to be construed as conditional upon action by the Directors, rot later than September 1, 1616, declaring the plan of extension effective. NOTEHOLDERS ARE REQUESTED TO INFORM THE OLD COLONY TRIST ( <>M PANT, 17 COURT STREET, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, BEFORE 2 P. M. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1915. WHICH OF THE ABOVE ALTERNATIVE OFFERS THE. RESP] ?IVELY DESIRE TO ACCEPT, AND TO ST ATI? IN THEIR LETTERS GIVING THIS IV FORMATION THE NUMBER-, DENOMINATIONS AND DATES OF MAT1RITY OF THE NOTES HELD RY THEM. NOTEHOLDERS WILL BUBSEQI ENTI.Y BE ASM D lu PRESENT THEIR NOTES FOR EXTENSION OR EXCHANGE. By order Board of Directors. J. H. HUSTIS, Pmldsat BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE FRIDAY, AlOl'ST 20, 1911 ? Trading in bonds on the New York Slock Exchange Friday amounted to Ba-SIMM atrtinst ?2?lt\Mt? Tharsday, I2.121.tii a week ago and Stock Ex ctn-1;TlaalaZL a?o. T.U. fr-u, January to date ?Itt.m.MO. against ,.21, nt'.'i.OUQ in It'll. GOVERNMENT AND MUNICH?. Sales in ? 1,000. High. Low. Cl 1US 3s reg 1618. .101 101 I 3 NYC IVi 57 May .101% 1 do V is i 066 rep-101 % 1?>1 % 1' 2 do 4%a 1963_101% 1"! '? 1' 2 do 4%l 1660.... M 5 do 4s 1669. '-'1 a -' 1 ** '? STATE 9 Va df fisBrBro ctf 54 51 I RAILWAY AND MIS!TLLANEOl' 5 Adam Ex col tr 4s 7? 7'". 7 1 Am Dockitlmp 6s.l03*4 103% M 3 Am Sm & Ret' 6s.105% 105 10 58 AjbTAT cvt 4%s.l01 a ; 25 A T & S F gn -Is. 91% 91 9 3 do adi i ?2% *?'..*-. ?, 7 do adj 4s srp.L. B2% M ? do cvt 4- l'.4.-.r,. . HH '? 101% 1') 10 do cvt I- I960. . 101% 101% 10 7 B & O pr li :; 1? ,l?i cvt 4Vis. 86*4 .--'.?'?4 8i 1 Bush Term 4s... B5 1 Bush T.-r Bid'- 5s. 84 M 5 Cal ?-.i- * El 5s vi vi 9 i Canada So 5s ...101% loi1., un 5 Ceii Lentil gen 53 Ceil Pac 1st 4s. .. Mi 84% 84 1 C R R of N .1 5s.IIS 112 11_ 66Ches ?t <) cvt l%s 7:1 72'a 7:1 1 Chi & Alt 3%S. .. 44% 44% 44 11C B A Q gn 4s. .. **.' , 89% f.1 15 flo joint 4s . 96% 96 96 0 Chi _ E 111 cm 6s '.'l '.'l i'l 3 do gen 6s . I 9 59 59 2 Chi Greal V? 4s.. 68 67% 68 4CM?tSrI' gn 4s B. 85 85 B6 3 do gen 4%S .... 98 15 do cvt 4%S .... 95 94% 94 10 do rfg 4%s .... 86 B9 25 do 5s ser B.102% 102 102 4 do 5s CAPW div.102% 102% 102 2C & N dl) 5s 1633.101 loi 101 118CRIAPRy dh 5s.. 47 44% 47 35 do ret* 4s. 66% 62% ?'?:'1 20CStPMAO db 6s.. 99 . 99% 99 29Chile Cpper 7s..112% 112 112 5CCCAS.L gen 4s. 72% 72 72, 2Clev Sht I. 4%s.. 93 5 Colo Industrial 5s 7.' 7.i 73 2 C Hock VfaA T4i( - . 88! 5 Con (?as ov ' i..115% 115% 115,, 1 Gumb T 1 T 5s. . 96% 96% "' 5D&H equip 4%s..l00 100 100 10 do 4s 1916 .100% 100% 100! 5 do ref 4 4 . B0 90 90 1 D & R G con 4s.. 70% 70% 70*. 2 Distil Sec Cor 5s. 64% ?'.4*. 64V 78BuPont Pow 4%s.l00% 100 100V 22 Erie pr li 4s. 79% "9% 79-i. ?i do gi-ii lien 4s. . 66 65 i 8 I ?*? do cvt 4i ser A. 61 20 do cvr ser B_ 66 2 Flint&P M tal 6a. 96 96 37 (Jen Elec deb 5a.. 102 Ml _ 102 6 Hud ? M rfg 5a . 71 71 71 2 do in?* 5s . 26 26 26 1 111 Cen ref 4s.... -1 -, - ; 4 do 4s 1063 . W% - . 5.-. in St dob 4'rjs. ,.87 3 Indiana Steel 6s.. 100% 100 ? 20 [asConCop 6s 16.187 186 137 Mi ?lo 1662 .i - . 136% ?Interb R T ref 5s. '.i7"-i 87 97% N Interb Met 4 he. 74% 73% 7is 66 Int M M col 41-js. 7?l 69 7?i 24 do eft's . 70 ' '.?'-. 18 tat S I'ump 5s ctf W-* 63% 66% 3 K C Term 1st 4s 17 Lack St 5s 1923. ? 'Ji '.'I ?! Sales in , ?i,?)???.. High. Low. Close. ?2* ri?. 5s IBM . 774 77 77*4 B I.S.t.MS ?lb is *28. 914 914 914 21 do ?lb 4s 1931... 90 4 !??? .. i . ?? ?v \I 6s..101% 1014 101 "-i 1 I.? : Jin l ? 0 5s.. 100*4 1004 100% 11 L & N gen ?*s....lll'i lll'i Ill1* 5 do unified 5s ... 914 914 i?14 3 M St P * 8 S M 1st con 4s . 874 874 ?74 1 Mo Pac con 6s... 944 944 944 3 do col tr 5s 1917. 804 804 80 4 2 do 4s . 32 32 N 1 Mont Power 5s.. 90 90 90 1 Nat RRs of Mex con 4s. 30 30 ?0 12 N Y Air B cvt 6s.l00 904 100 6NYCAHR rf?-44s ?87*4 87% do rff- 34s. 7?;-, 79% 79% 3<"0 do <?s fp .108 s 1H2-1* 108 15 ?lo 6s 1st pd_108*4 Hi.'i'.a 108*4 1 do is 1934* .... 86 . 86 . - l do I.s col trS4s. 72% 72% 729, 1 NYMUH db4s"56 :; 77 77 3 NY04W 1st ti 4s 744 741* 744 10 N Y Ryi a.lj Ss.. 19 4'.? 49 6N Y Tel gen 4%s. 94 - 94% 1 MorfAW con 4s. . s 7 h 7 h 7 , 42 do cvt 44s.1064 105*4 106*4 2 ?lo || |'( X-i ,|,v. i7% >?74 m?m 31 Nor Tac pr li 4s. - ? . - ? , ?9% * Ore & Cal 1st 5s 100* 1004 100*4 . PRE ?-on I4s rcp.1024 102*4 102* 103 do gen 4%s rcpt '.?7-, 97% 97% 1 do 44s 1921.. . .1""'? 100*4 l""1? 1 do 34s 1915_100*4 i?'??4 l""1? 2 RyStSp Int-?)c 6a 90 90 7 Heading gen 4s.. . 93 92% 92% I 5 RIAS col 5s 'lo.. 95*4 96* 964 I lOStLIMiS ra 6s.. 95* 1 do 4s K&G div.. 52** 92% 2 St L ? S F re? 4s ctfs stp.l. 60% 80% ?"04 ' 4 Seab A L adj 5s.. 00 60 ?in 7 So Hell T & T 5s. 97 '.?7 '.?7 28 s,, Pac cvt 5s.... 9<J4 98% 994' 22 do cvt 4s. BOH - i - 37 do ref 4.a . 84% S ; ?? M% 3 do S F Term 1-, 80 80 80 43 So Ry gen 4-. . .. 62 ?'.1 4 62 4."? Tex.,, Co cvt 6s.. 100*4 100 im?4 7 Third Av rsf 4- . 7s 7- 7> 1 TolStL&W Is *60 ; : 44 44 I I l'nion Pac 1st 4s. 92 , II do cvt Is. 90*4 '."? '."I 11 UnRRs of s F 4a 424 42 42 "M U S s'-'?-l 5s . .1"-' - 102*4 102 - 2 Vera C ?? P 4%S. 42*4 424 12% SVa-Caro Ch 6s... 96*4 W% 96*4 2 Wabash 1-t 5S. ..100*4 1"" 1"" 1 do 1st r.f 4s ... l?% 16% I?:'? - W IT i-t i- CTetf 1 Western EleC 6s, 101* 101 4 101% 4 Western Md 4s.. 68 <;* 68 955 VVestingh electric CVt 5s i|i .115 113 114*4 7 \\ & L E on 4s. 52 52 52 GOVERNMENT BONDS. 2s reg '30. 97'i ? 97 2s .-?up MO.... 974 - ?day. Thursday. Bid Asked. Hi,1. Asked. ?j~\ ? 974 ? ... ;-74 - .?74 g''it-.100 4 ? 100 4 ? ?ip '18.... 1004 ? 1004 ? 4s re* *25.109 ? 109 ? 4s coup '25. ...110 ? 110 ? Zs V.o.i '?'?'' It 97 -- 97 ? Ss Pan 19 tag '?'" ? '?*? ? - Pan "61 reg i')l ? 101 3.1 Pan '61 coup.101 ? 101 ? PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES General News and Earnings of Various Corporations. Authority has been granted the Cen? tral Hudson Gas and Electric Company by the upstate Public Service Commis? sion to issue $500.000 ten-year 6 per cent bonds, which may be converted into common stock on and after Octo? ber 1, 1918. An issue of stock was also approved ta meet the conversion. Out of the prove ?'?ill be . ? .| *'"r extern on - in Po 1176,000 for improv-.m. -, the iren eratinj* sta distr:i .- ?.?m and. $20,000 for Improvement! at Newburfgh. The re? mainder la to be expended for ?mpiu.?-1 ments and extensions in other districts by the company. \iri??nia Railway and Power. The Virginia Railway antt Power Company which has been showing a fallini* o!T in **ross income in recent months, was able to report large! re? turns both in pros? ami net for July, although nui-plus earnings made a small contraction. Gross operating nues for the a -,? jr. ,: ever 'he same lu-- y. ar, and the total net la SOUS reve? nues, amounted I a pain of f ,. tot interest re qu i remonta, taxes <?n?l sinking fu ..?re 1148,376, ->r 86.676 more than 1911. and the surplus com? . with 1664*3 m the preced?..-* ytur. STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON .-In? KS. More I,?. Lui entura . 7 I . ? 4 4 . ? > * lis Han?-?* k . . . : .na . . ? . . ... . I" I.i .... ?lower . ? 4 ' ? I - IM New 1 . ? " ? 31! Sort a ? ** ".a 1 I ? ' ' nOTrli I? x x IM I'nlon Coi i-.n! t ' ' 10? v . '"a '\ ? - ? s * ' law? mis? -? ' iSAtl r, ,<. w t I ??.. . -1I Wat 1 " ,"] I . ... : ' rr "> ,2 (M r*nl? * 1*4 '?* 1 v Bid. A-k. ? Roaton k: Chief Majestic . ? ? PHILADELPHIA 8TOCI& ?alat Rrg . I _? 4" *L !-. i** A - * I ? 1.010 I.i,l(. S SO i . ? ."H ' i \n \\ Vatm.,r? foal II ?va> Am ?.a? * El *? ? S1 *? IV., 4? , ? i ?-.!-?? 4? J*4 - M -?' ? CHICAGO STO? h s Site? La??"""""-' u ? ? ? ? , 137 L'l ? 1 ?' a *+ PITTSBURGH ITOCKI Biles ? ? m 9 ** "? i * V I 14.a W.??.--- I ? ***