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TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Traders Believe Way May Be Found to Prevent Outbreak of War. MARKET RALLY HELD I o BE SIGNIFICANT Mock Trices in Two Days No, ?s Large .1*- Wight Have Been Expected. ? \\ all Baking excitei Hut every crtsia, Ger . the horixon was ,-cd. The least that ? was the? ? Bern? ques there were manv re war. [;. .ir.: and it Wal J'xtr "'?lU\d ? :.: will ask the ?f m ' German*? abeai tro on ?hen ?lied marin? ion? But even I ? 1 entertained j' Vf*.*. ? fmnn .-.ndonina at ? s thout .nificant Rally. -fjj, ich market : ? ,an, ? .- rails that lol . as a n? I .'.- level on ? ??un. Retler Market Posilion. - - ' ? ' holders u ? ? ? ble Mitigation. 1 ? ? ? . ?. with? in i,"*. I her ce the tune ? I ? 1 an (fovei ? inally . il such a .1 ? ? ? iueal ion ol ried jruns. ? g Pi ? . ? >'? ? ? I . i daxwell ' New .. P?. U'i ?*..,,, 1 MArK] appa ? ? ? ? ? Pulle-1 wool ' a ' a : ? - aj*. Ha, A\ I It \,.| Ol I III 1 i.llll M s I t-l ??i ni ri in mini. tiigii?! M. Ts?.-r.las'? e?em* Hill-,!' "???gu?t 19, lal is . ??ne art ak ma*. IS1.SM ??lie ?.mil n .??,, . in ?, s ?luis .in. uni .i,,, fag Utah tor .i.iis. isa.ass I os for Jills. UK .. j h High for .lune . . IOa.SH 1 ?>.? I..r Jonas.. lu., '(it! II,s?i l.-r Mns.. 111.Mil I for "In ,. 11? I ?.??(? " ' \pril . HI -.its I ,,? f,,r \|,tll . IS7.tCl Hlsrli for Mareh. ios isa low for Man h. ISI.BSi lliais for la-tirtiar-r. t i?, ,7.1 1 "?? f?BI 1 ' '? nn . 1(11.If?' II,m* I,,i ?.,ini:irs. I0SJ1I 1 ?... f .r .'..i;,.:.,, . !? High, full ?eur. lull . 17?>l i ? '? fun reme, mi . in-: MS \t i i? ??.? <>? i m i Kir? N"*t*a 11-1 or rWKIaVI I VIM -I III \l H \ilku?! ?-'??. s. sl.-r.Iu. '? . loa?. BMT'i Align?? 1!?. H, !l!?(l i >.,a ?seel? mam, . K7 IS I One month ?go . S.'.'.KH7, ?,,'. u lull . (17. |*|* HlKh .Inly. M ?'"" loi? lor .luis. BS.tU HlCk 1er .lime . -, -s I ?ss for June.TB.l'.11 High for Miss .S.VII50 i ?is f??r Majr,. 71 ?.?? High for April.8.VI.'.' I ,,? for April. 77..1114 High for Mar? IM loss for Mar.-h.7uii'M High for K.l.ruiiry. ".Ml,"I loss. t,,r I rliruiir?'.tin 7> I I High for Januar). 77..!H?i I,..? for Januar;.*0.77? High, full sear, IHM.SI.Kill I full ..?r. lilll . 117 17 7 STOCKS RECOVER FROM WAR SCARE Heavy Selling Orders Are ?Absorbed Quickly?31. Points Biggest Loss. Heavy selling onler? from nil parts of the country were thrown on the stock market at the opening yester? day followinf the reading of fuller concerning the torpedoing of 'be Arabic by a German submarine in ? sh Si ,". The uncertainty over ittitude yet to be announce?! by ? ??* ?\ i-on and Secretar?/ of State Lansing on the inciden! . ?i7 wiped out by a hii: drop in ? their holdings, The readiness with which the Bell? ing was absorbed, however, was one of the big surprises of the d . ? t, While losses at tie open ing " ? b, a number of indus .- fr"m 5 to l'l points in the first few minutes of I ? Tset much -. with t h ? ? . ? ' loss recorded in the active when the gon?: Bounded at '.'? 3 4 points in (?enera: .?? other hf-nd Bethlehem S?ee] ntB, the preferred second with a gain of r cains registered at the American Coal I1'' 1 ". Rock ? ? ? mir on the early ? ? ribut? .1 to ti,? .'. A? ?? r the OUgh ninny ?1 s . opments (???- i ? ? ' sinking of add 'tan' price were to h;e-her figures. ? ' 128 in N? rake at the opening, followed bv un upturn "ri which the price r" ?? above Thui Stude baker, which dropped 74 point I ? -.- to 100, rallied to I1 Crue I which fell A ? ii lur i" wild trading, re ? ?lav. ? ? ? I rokers were busiily ? ?? \* found few buying order? v ? ? ? f can . ?-? m An incr? ased buy ? d became noticeable, how? ever, after the first fifteen mir trading. ON THE CONSOLIDATED. V the open!.?' the market on the ted Exchange broke through !he first heavy Belling ? - ,,,? ; pei ? .? force prices , Bharply. In the early afternoon I -; spell, fol? low? i 1-'. a rally. At the do A few exception them i ? Copper, Ana i, Rock American ' i touched 58*. Latir it were ion, v. .th the un top loss orders playing n additional ? ial break. Sales , d ?'?'.'.7"". shares. STOl Is.-. I ? I ? ' . ? . ? a ? ' I . . . :? . . . ? , i' . ' ? l ( 41 41 . | ?. .- r . ? ? ' . . \ i ? ? '? I ? - i . x .. * r- ? ? I * MINING ? ? ? i ? ? S.t'JiJ T?.:. PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Sinking of Ships Causes Decline in Wheat?Corn and Oats Off. Tin AI. DOMBTIC RECEIPT-. \, ? T-nl 4 . ? :. li Butt? ? ' ? ih " ? i >? .... I ? ? I.n-. p'ltrr, erta l *M \. Apple?, i till !>?.? 1.0 ? ?! peaehea, hxa ' ? I'lai.s .' -? S', iiriin , irea . ' 'urn. bul i-"iiini'-..i. bl is. S aiaptialt, ki . 4." I'm nriH'.i,. Ik I loar, labil .... 4.'".'. 1 ni. i: ..| hl.l?.. 14. 4' ? ?*'? SI' : il.lit. i us!. EXPORTS Whcnt. boali - ? . ike ;?. .!?.'.'.? Corn, ? :,?. i.nis . ?? I - i: i on. tb .... hbli .... l.*>aW Ham?, lb . ... Flour, ska . 14.r i I.n l *r> . ?'"rrirn"iil. blilr?. ' ? I ? ?? ,??'?. ||, ??. M Hr.m. ft. . 1". II.?v. balea . 1,<M i ..? i . oll, n lion?, l'?i.s .... '?4 j..,.. li. '.f.. . il ( \SII ('POTATIONS. Iron, N No if? ttoi m c. t *B Iron, '* ? ? ?. N'. : Rio : ? Keel rails . 1 ., . ?? ? . eopper. i . Tin . i ; Iff I'..: u heat, n.. .' r. 1.1? i. ! Lai :, Mi . ? GENERAL MARKET REPORT. v? s ?? . '. l'.'i:.. GRAIN. WHEAT Rbrloksn <ri n?wrl lend I, i Arm.I.' I a t ?-I .aal la ;?. ? ?f ? ? ? ? ? *e ? ? IX* III? l?'lt Hl.'i ' ? ? ? . ? ' ' v .1 v. i N-orthrrn Mm :'. > a.ii; c i . ' . - i ? ' hi. 1 li v a nil ? . , ? md lc ? . ? i ?tul ' NEW YOHK PRi f Vt; ? ?: i II ' . *: 14'? CHICAGO PRICIS. i . I ? . - - ' . .1 PROVII -. ' ' M ? ? .... ' . 11 1.1?? ' ? *"?"' '? I CHICAGO PI.0Vll.10NS I lllfh I, ' " i. 1 . ?r ......t.t'i -r . .$13.? .i <::, . a' - I ? I ' ' | I I ? - I . ? ? ,: ? . I ? t-LOUR AND MEAL. ? ' ' I ? ? I ? I ' - COFFEE. ... . - I , \ ??i 4 ' ?aw ..war .a I I ? 'I ?tlTl ? fir. I ii?| I . i-, ' t II' i M 1:1 | .... . , lo an i < llla'ir ?flir -.!??? ? l a wrrr. -? > avflablni . I omet, mili Um :,.'.?? .lai I * .... ? ? _ _ . ? -- . II '.4 COTTONSEED OIL. I re ?rut linking U I , ? ? I i ' i '. i i IS ! '. ilg ? t COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKET. I'EANS ANO PEAS. ? l'|-. Mrdtura BUTTER. -v extra? ?->'-' 'tali,I., ' ? ? Nu i, ? i.'',.-. EGI.S. . ? iO : laid i a ? , ? a-ail.. red ? ? . -? I t? FRESH FRUITS. Ai-i'i ? i i tpan I, ? li u ? I" ?? . i. i ; . '. I? | , ' I I ? ?! l-l VI? law n n, ' ? ? I Kitt - il M,!. ' I I ? . I.' \i Kill !1 . Ira u ' ?I ' - ' .. :? i. \A 'I I'lXK . Kla 11 ::. friTATflES AND VEGETAI I I . ?' I I III ' Mil ? - * ' I \ i I IS ? I LIVESTOI K M .RKET. i ? , isis UcLVES. . f ran a , I a ' ! ' ' ? ' : - I I I ? CAl . i ? ? - < a ? ? I , I,"?a III !', ' .... .... ? - ? ' us?. A?, 7? linos ? ? ? i (-? '.p ,?.?-,. ? 1 - . ?, ? ,, i ii,,,an. s ' ? I'!' i I: ?i??> I, SUM i i. ' . ',? i Buffalo A.ii ?loa ai.?I ,t-ad? W.Mas I' ? M??.s i:?, ,-, i ' I? a'a,a 1, : SHHI- I' AMI ?l?-a<l. alieep, < :.'?>?> la '..S. .s < ..-,,. ,' i-la- ???I .i,!.?a. t: ..., ? ' s ' m ; , ? , ? ...... Teiaa ?? ! 1,,-ILi, alter?. I J? ?I? ?". ?...a calMa, l-.-?l!l Sl'l I 1 i ?. ...?.?. ?te?.ty, Ian?.,. |7 *'(-|?s . - r. mi ?. i; . ? ? ' a 1 . ' pack? ni a, .1 I -. I 1 17 ? . pin. "? f. -? ? uii.i i- alpu ? , rla-e !-,l ?Iren, r ? leed, l; -.?ii-i I ? 4'J. Mouth? I ? ?? ??. ti - - ?. -,. I,.- '. r?. | : . lll'l tosiera, I ? I, I lam)?.. I- ." ' . i . || ?at I By TVl.?T?,.ia ',. TI..- Trll.mi? ] l/,ul?l!le, A..| :u BBBST AM' laaVMBB I !,,' tl,e ?.-ek '.!. ?aril -?.eil pn.e-, ?an.I.?, '? I . I . mg?... Sue Si ?r, ?and 4!v. ARABIC DISASTER LOWERS COTTON Calmer Tone Succeeds Weak Opening, However, and Close Is Steady. The nervousness over internal relations crca'ed by the linking Arabic was more or less m evidence during the entire day m the e? I market Conflicting reports as to the circumstances of the attack caused moi?' ,,r loss irregularity, but an early decline was partly recovered, -ind ? a calmer testing seemed to ore Nail toward the close with the tone . at a net. decline of only 6 to H points. There was quite ?? flurry of liquida ?? with nervoust!. croa ed by weakness in Liverpool, a l break in New Orlenns and the lower opening <?'' the stock market. I- ' ' prices Mere 12 to 13 points lower, and active months sold 16 to 17 under Thursday's closing figures -lier ly ? . ? touchin - i'..',.".. (?tt'oi?!".,? well absorbed at this level, partly by Liverpool buying ??!' ? Ictol ??! to m ?!" old straddles, ami enough covering de ..'' . V? ? ;|! points ft??m the lows ?. Pave private crop reports from the louth ?? of eonftrn -.- eai ly ad with reference to the A, ab e pi ;res ,,'r ;i few point -. v after midday. i?u? the market . i up again toward the reaching the nighesl point of the day with December selling fl Last prices were at practically the best on reports that theattacko -, had 1" ? n ?? ? ' cond? on ? would minimize il - influ? i - diplomi ' ? ions. I'rr ? from I'l-in- indicated tha? there had been damage to open fi .?ni tne i ecent itorm, b il of the more prominent traveling ? x reported ?hat 'he rainfall would ;,!ove ?,i benefit to the erop ?ient around tl s lo al ring appes towaid thai ? I? luation. The ? declaration was less ?li I during the day, tending to increase lence in the a - -inn;'! ion ti announcement had been prett; ? ?. -l, but, as a matter of appears I '.:?? gely -I by submarine ?! from New ? " ? ? at a tend? i compared ' ? quoted at Savsn em market a/ere unchanged -.? Memphis ai d Little Ro? k, wliich are in later sections of th? and which may have been infill to some extent by the heavy It ram?, particularly in i nsas, where the moisture was considered undesirable. Exports for ' ?" k were ?",'" iY',2 bal 100,112 ? ' ? ? ion fhe -. 118.31 - comparing with a d?? las? year, mak ? ? - - ?? . ? k ! ? ? ' th? IS"? n V ? , i - ? ? ? 8,01 Issl yeai land toi ?' ? - Southern mill I ? -? mated. against nil la.-? gain of -locks at interior t? against - I year; brought Into for the week. 84,050, Ias1 year. Tota! crop I Port receipts, M.901, . Southern mill ti nil; d? ? ntei ? brought ini ? 126, ? ? ' - - High. Urn. ? ' V " ? ? K ?pedal I ? \ . ? ? * ? ? ' ' I - x . Ill 1 ??? Minority Stock [fl I <-s. ? ? ? ? ? ? BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS A -rain ?f erouad MJSWfiSS by tne banks la indicated by the reported ?n.ivi nan! - "f carro?a*" this week. The i Iron** ? . iatertai ?ras S5,K30,on?) irai la lin? $1,19 1,000 national bank notes -in- i,. Wa. h mat-ton for le ' Ion. Gold aniiruntint* ta * I ? Japanese yen wan importe,1 from ? i nunt. There ?ras ?i ordin?r*" Sub Treasury traassvetions. tHraetars of the Columbia Trust Company have elected Oeortre Ear!? ? and trusi offi? cer. Copper exports from Atlantic por s for the \.k endad August U amount Si nee avenal l. n - 719 tons Wtra "hipped, against 11,14** tons in the corresponding period last -, ear. ?ir,, i earnings of the Kansas City Southern Railway Company for July ?v. ?rod with 1946^*10 l im ii. .nth a year airo. Nat income afti r expenses and tax** war, decreaaed from $r,3:,140 to %tSS,lSt Kinj*. Farnum &. Co. have appointed Herbert T.. Jone.'. formerly with Charles D. Barney I I'".. as manager "f their New York uffice, 24 Broad S reet. INTERNED SHIP ABLAZE IN HARBOR Mysterious Blaze on the Har? burg, from Hamburg, Does $5.000 Damage. The big Cern?an freight steamship Harbors', of Hamburg-, interned here since the outbreak of the world war, was threatened with destruction by a rioui -ire which broke out in her sfterhold while at anchor in the bay ?IT Stapleton, Staten Island, shortly after 1 o'clock yeatt-rday afternoon. While the cre?v was righting the flames, Are signals were answered by i aptain George Stapleton, of the tj?,? boat Stapleton. The Stapleton hauled alongaid? of the Harburg and played two streams of water in the hold. An i .vas sent to lire tnadquart er s at St. George, and the tircboat Sath Low was dispatched to the ship. After an - v.ii,. the ?ire was put out. The damage wa 16 000. It was given out aboard the ship later ?n the day that the tire might ! .)/ one of the si dropping a light<>.| match into the hold. ei over the hold, little rr> ii' :. to this story. moreTh???tons found in yonkers Rones Ma*,' Re Those of Small? pox Victims. Buried During Epidemic Years Ago, Workmen who Wednesday uncovered the ikeleton of a young woman while .- rn-iir the Lincoln Park station at "i' iterday unearthed the is man in the same place. ]ir. II I.. Kennedy, who w;n sent !iv Coroner Dunn to examine the hone-, i ?! they had probably been interred Two bottles were found, one of ?them believed to from the drug itore of A. ? r, for man) yean in busin? ? s.-, but now re"red. Thi ? 'lying to find Geoi ? i form? r member of the Yon Bonrd ol i lealth. At the time of lemic i.liotit ten yeiir* ago Pilaon had charge of the diapoaal of the bodiet it vietima, 1- ia thought ral may have been buried where the bones wars ?? GIRL ACCUSES POLICEMAN Makes Serious Charge on Which He Is Held for Trial. Richard Duffy, i young patrolman at I t? the We ' 1 wentieth Street i 11,000 bail for ex? amination Monda) by Magistrate Koe? nig i- Jeffei on Marke) ( our! yester day, "n i*. charge of criminal assault. The eomplaini wa? made by Charles E ! obin, i ? for the Children's ? behalf of Anna Rubinowits, '. of 67 Meserole S Brooklyn. The assaut ?a alleged to * Igu il !.. in the lobby of a I ? ?'?; Avenue. Duffy * ibo) Road, Pleasant ? Lost Race, Pays $2 5 Fine. ??'. ?. i r ? I22d Street, as i . . court yesterday for racing with Acting ? i !.. -i ?", G? aloi Bj < Icean Parkway, Hai" d Luce, a policeman ? - :::??,I . Rifle Team Trials Sept. 4. A ' 'or place i i fork in i ? i take place at the i on Satur? ? i ? el ? r ational . t year have per 75 per cei.-. of m_ POLICE DEPARTMENT. ... ?, i, i . i ? <. i . ? . i \. i - > ?i I T n B. H i i ? . r ? l, _ ? ? ' 1 : - i , > ? i r> r?. - - ' ? T l> I . II * ?. I \ I \ ' ' ? I a . * I | a A I ? I .1 . I ? a i . I .. ..... TIDE TO SHIFT SPAN Traffic Will Be Halted by Har? lem Draw Change. Traffic will be >n 'he e! i railroe I t ridge over 'he Harlem River to morrow from 2 a, rn. rutil ml flow of the tide ro 'he old ?lraw spaa i-i lbs middle ! of the river und place a new span in , portion. Dating Ihe suspension of train '<r- ! | vice, northbound "I." - W|" ? traa ''"r- at the U station, which will be hon ? lS3d or 1.18th S*.re?t station.. South-, | bound passen?,' r? v. ill get transf? r?, at l3Sd Street, which -'.ill be honored at ? ? ?tatisa. IRONCLAD ON WAY HERE San Francisco, of Old "White Squadron," to Visit Yard. Visitors to the pavy yard within the r.?**-.t ten day < will have an opportunity to see an ironclad, one of the earlier j vessels of ;h ? "White Squadron." if. ! is the San Francisco, formerly one of ' the crack cruisers and now a mine-lay ini* craft. Oldtimers at the yard say that it is ? more than twenty years linee thi sei last put into the reservation. I EX-MAYOR BUYS FARM George Batten, of This Citj', Sells Deep Springs Farm. George Batten, president of the , George Batten Advertising Company, ? of this city, has sold Deep Springs I farm, in Sussei County, N. J., to ex Mayor Ernest C. Hinck of Montclair. The farm comprises 280 acres of hind and is noted for the fine herd of , imported Jersey cattle maintained by Mr. Hatten. The residence is a two Story ?tone, containing eleven rooms '. and two bathrooms. There art; a lar,.? dairy and horse barns, four tenant ' and two superintendents' houses, garage and private - earner having expended over $H?0,0o0 on the fi.rm and orchard-, the latter com? prising over C.000 trees. P. II. Craw Icy & Uros., of Montclair. were the Irokers. Enlarges Newport Holdings. J. Norman De B. While!.ouse ha ; purchased through Pe Blois & Eldfrldge from John Neileon his place at Price's Neck, on Ocean av., Newport, It. I. known as Rockledge, consi-ting of dwelling, i-nrn.-i' a. <l -'".i"-al acres of land. This, with tin William Murray . known as tne Fo'caatle, which Mr. whitehouse purchared reeentl) i.djoining the Neil "in place, makes him t'.ie owner of two attractive i ? front properties. Mr. Whitehouse wili occupy the Neilson place next season. Apartment Leases. The Douglas Robinson, Charles S. ? Brown Company leased an apartment for a term of years in thp Corn Ex? change Building, 80th st. ami I. i ng ton av., to I'r. I. W. ill Kanip. Moore & Wyckoff lease-'! an apart .r ils Eut 54th ? t. to .1. s Fer gut-on; in 128 Eaat S8d st. to Alfred Hopkins an.) John Neilaon, and with Worthington Whitehouse to Robert C St, George; also, with Van Vran ' 0 . an apartment to Mrs. Anna P. I (ilover. Brooklyn Sales. H. W. Roseil 1 Son iold 71 St James ; Place for the Eagl i Sa I Loan ' Association to Alice B, Poos; 101 Waverly av, for M. B \ Ogi m k; ; - ? Adelphi st. for Howard i ?on ? ck Salvatore and re ?o a Mr. Kaloii ; 102 A ?t. for the estate of Be ? '?? H the Rollo Realty Company; 104 Adelphi it for C. A. Riley to the Rollo i .' afayette av. for Mrs. C. Freil to C. Evera, and I-i** Vender bilt av. for M. Dellahunt to II. Meyer I.n til Gold sold to Morris Reisen - re building ?O Myrtle av., Kidgewood, for In vestment. William G, Rehbein sold for David Brietser to Pati dwelling at 432 ll'h st and ! Com the three familj Awards 'L' Station Contracts : il.IS appro . 'id i>v Ihe New York Municipal Railway Coi to John iier at Son of the co tract for the con * ruction with the third-tracking i I Bron id in Brook? lyn :.' ? Sales in Auction Room. A .. V ??> ?! it? r ELIZABETH ST. 13 !U7?rd. I agi Conn i i ? ?. - . I'.-, i . WrST I25TH ST, l . ' V ? lirmix Ki BralMINT Av -< ? I . ' i U M.? i a ? . ? ... New Building Plans. Manhattan. 2:0 ST. 1 .? a S ? .... , ?TH SI . ? ? . ? ' a .V I I51TH st lai ...... ? . . .11 M . . ? The Bronx. I1STH ST a . 1 ? a Alteration-. VI an ha BROADWAY . ? l.'KAL ESTATE KOK SALE OR TO I.El ? "\si ' ru i 1 I "TBEUMOF STFAD HAMT5" iBEcnYOfiiavii ? ; im CONN? ?"?T r - mu 1 , ? ? i iKN ?n?i im 1 ' LAUREL BE VDCO. 1 . irii ' I '? 1 ? ' ??" .,,,:, : i-mlnal. Nn? ' . ? 1 . Ill? v ' I. . Ili'l . 1. ? 1 C?ur-lr> Mo-?? lilvanllli' t"? ta f - - W M ... T . ??,; alad. "SPITE HOUSE" TO COME DOWN Sold with Other Flats for Tall Apartment Site. GOELETS PIAN NEW PARK AVE. PROJECT Form Company for Operation at 55th Street Corner?Other Sales Reported. The old Richardson "spite house." at the northwest corn? r of Lexington av. and HJd st.. Is to come down to '?irm part of a fite for an eleven story apart? ment. The house, which is five stories high, is on a strip 5x100 feet. At one time it was owned by the late Joseph S. RichsrdsOB, a wealthy contractor, who built it on the gore lot, it is said, because 99M9 was refused for the left after th.- w rleaing of t*8th st? The property has been purchased by Ping & Bing from Charles Stein, igh John J. Cody, together with the a?lj()inin(- two flats at 129 an-I 131 East -2d st, from J. S. Murphy, in all af? fording a plot MxlOM feet. The spite house is one of the struct? ural curios of the city. Bay windows made it possible to inhabit it, access to the various rooms being via a ?piral stairway, and occupsntt were compelled to make use of furniture expressly built to fit. The Goelet estate is to erect another apartment on Pnrk av. The incorpora? tion of the -H?5 Park Avenue Company. which has been capita'ized at $10,000, led to this belief in real estate circles yesterilay. The company is said to have been forme?! by Cuy i Carroll, as Bt torneys, wh?? have represented the Goe ?heir realty holdings. At this point the Goelets control the eight dwelling-, at 103 to 105 East 56th st., at the northeast corner of Park av., fronting 12SJ feet on the ave? nue and 90 feet on the .?treet. Accord? ing to report-, the Goelet? have added to their holdings the adjoining south rner of -V'th s*. ' Oth,-r sales announced follow: ?tar? ?o|,| for it. a fl "? ' tStltl I feet s. a: t ?a.s - .a ?{M-Ilt Ni.u CHAMRIlRr? -r Caul a. -.Mr-lri?-? hit ? ? ? ? ? ?1 Sraj ,-? li lr i hitman' ST?Paul a m-coi-i,-? hi? laawM HTH BT -Chirle? RiiMr-er ?o!?t ?1* Weit 14?*? ... New Tenants for Dwellings. Douglas Robinson, Charles B, Brown Coi ? iny have leased, the four story hiirh stoop dwellir g house, at I*?"?" Lex ington ;.'?'.. Si the northwest comer of 66th st., to Miss Anna E. Iaoughran for srs. i',,rtcr 4 Co. leased the three vtorjr dwelling house at IN West 12''>th st.; Fisher, the three itory dwelling h?iuse, at 141 We?c 122(1 st. Named Receiver of Rents. Just ics of the Supreme Court, appointed Tneodore W. Myers receiver of the rents of property on rest . orner of Bevsath av. and 60th st. a twelve story apartment building, now in ?nurse of construc? tion. ? , at th? ? ?? hwest - of >? venth ?v. and Wth st., pending a suit brought by Thoodoro \v. . ' ol Bloom sad ,? a mortgage of I by Bloom on Jun?, 2, 191 ?. Downtown Building Rented. The firm of L. .1. CarpsntSI hi.s . tel m for \? ilt'-r and ? ? entin building at 21 i A. \V. Harris & Co., d? slers in lubric Up to ta j en the property the premises I id tenanted for twenty-eigBt years ! printing tirm of K. by I Co Commercial Leases. 14 ,: for Walter I. Salomon the store a' it West 424 st? to Mints & Gatter* ? ? Spesr ?ft: ? o have rented the parlor floor in ii East 44th st. to Lefkowi?* ?t- Navre!: th?* eighth and tenth floors m 20 East 12th st to H Marcas ami ?. ritz ? Co., and with Charles F. st Co. the second loft in 131 and l.T'. Prince st. to Rogall & Ueff. Moore & Wyckoff end M. & L Hess th floor of the Passa rsnl Bui ding, 140 Fourth av , to tha ; Vogue Company, publishers, for a long ?? The Brown Company has f 140 and 111 ? ? Sales Promotion d floor of 1 1 an 1 .1 Durst led for Henry II. ' 1021 Broadway, ? ? f I''?'"h s?_ 1 M ; KNiSHEDAPARTMENTCTtOJ FT \? I-:.- i '?III**. ?f-THt; .MAJESTIC?--! isi.ii.?lu? .??.. .s. K. < or. ll.Mh Hi. 7 &8 Rooms & Bath S Rentals $720 to $1-000 ?c, li|hi rooms, compl?ta, All inoderi est. CloM .'. j ii d fl? '? Ited line"?. C V ?Mm^SMHOSi, i .,,.' \, ..! 0 Av. ti A\tt RUI?MSI. i . -?-... ? ??".'. ? ??' *"?'""S5ia REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 rooms. $660 ? $720 6 rooms, $720 - $900 T roossa. $300-$1200 I'rrfe.t *arr?l.-e. nllSKK <>> I'KtVUfsrS. THE FRILSL A\U ? ?TW?. . ? iaht Inc. Tal l. . ? 2 1 W, Ji.t S? tr.4 tit 9. IM St. i.iiht?. l ? Hath. 1.1 i \-r ID'i PARK AVENUE, 550 -.,%]!?., : P'-'-SIB A BATM tl 100 II "JO. I r ,,c- All ?Ipil '? <???? NIBBED BOOM8 TO LIT. . ? It) yd,a(a - I ?\ I' . .4 .