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Superbas Hang to Heels of Phillies, Giants Wake Up, but Yankees Are Idle McCluskey Forgotten, So Giants Win Easily Herzog Dispenses with Irish Aid Until VicQraws Men Have Piled Up Winning Lead, and Then It's Too Late. By JEROME BEATTY. Tho trouble was that Karl Von Herzog, manager of the Cincinnati ? McCluskey *.::itil the eighth inning. So the Giants at the Polo Grounds yesterday by th?- ridiculous score of 7 to 0, Had McGraw had ;. McCluskey among his twenty-one he wouldn't have ' about him. Nol until lu* had forgotten about Doyle or Dooin or Kelly or St. Patrick. Day or the Benny KauiT incident travelling around with Mollwiti and (?roh and Wapner ;nd others of Garry Herrmann's hired hands, naturally would be inclined '?? neglect McCluskey. rday's game Herzog mentioned modestly that he d.tln't have a ? 1er on his payroll. He had overlooked McCluskey. it was at tin ?f the eighth that Herzog realized thai Herr? mann's Germai beaten back. He looked over the bench and riete?! there a strange fare and cried out in astonishment. ? v, - n ?r -. ou " ' ask d H< rzog. ??i'"' Mel ; ki -.." i ?wer tery of Mi i i ?in, the ' demons of the warm-up ; "(i". warm up." McCluakcy did. He took up gam? ?? re K _ Lear had left it 1. tin i si . V. oui Wei ell. ninch tina, eau. Had x runs insten; B ( ron v ;is ? Cincin earing some ?aid it .'.hen H\ ? fans I" am? line. ??T'io-.v .111 do murmured with . < hit f ' ? ? ng in Fi IH\. I mil sighed for ,'t tit in very well arm .. aiitei "Mel n." He wan ? ail Mct'luskej ? t. Two ?1 ?after M had caught Me? lui ? in nr I i roken that the inartistic Hei ?iroken up such ;i ? d tu i n of ce i" Her until The (liants were I s rever better whil? K probably was never worse. Thi whj ? Iheir los inning atn It looked like I I ?ncinni Sew York . ins gun? i he i liants were m inn ? .?in. I he Reds had liepun to ti ?i eockal thought tl could win from anybody under ? : ? ? .- . *"t I.ear ? d r una had b? however, t ' 'il hi t< what liH'iisu .' i ? ? - i throx CO Bui ii... - -ti1! Herzog made grounded out. A double pla.-. econd a of holes. In the second, Bur ngl? ? ! a. foul *h W ngo caught near the screen back ng to cal Wingo i.-!.'!.. da hed for second aft . ?led. Loben th with Ihin Lob? ? m a double steal. Bur J !i?* tO sen ? r's el i ? i ' !'? i! w I ? hi ' ' in tl s th t' old - ? ? I'M | __ hi ? * ' "?r*****4? _a Thanks to Jeff NEW YORK 'N. L.) CINCINNATI ?N. I.), ab r h pe. ,s ? lb r h po a f Burns. I? . 7 I I .1 0 0 f.rch. 3b . 4 0 I ? I 0 Kot.rrtson.rf. 4 1 2 I 0 0 Herioc. ?? 4 0 2 I 4 (I 1 ?? . I. 2h .. 4 2 2 0 I 0 WIMl-n.s II 4 u I 4 10 Fletr*>er. ts !l I I 5 (I Kllllfcr. ft 4 00 0 0 0 s ,(.20 14 0 1? llrlMhs. rt 400 2 00 Keils lb .1 0 0 10 0 0 Wing,, r . 3S0 ,20 L 01,. rt. (b .4 12 2 II 0 Wa|n(r. 2b ?00 2 4 1 Doom ? 10 1 j 0 1 Mollwit-, Hi . 1 0 I III 0 0 Wrndrll r I " II I 0 0 L? ar. p 2 11 0 0 : I, Tcrr.iu. p .4 00 0 JO'Rodgrrs '(?0 0 0 0 McCluskey, p. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total? ..1071027 SI Totil? .120524141 ?Batted for Lrir la ?he eighth Inning. New York 4 0 0 10 0 2 0 X?7 Cir. Innati 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 (I (>??? T?*o-bi?e htta?Fletcher. Mollwit.-. Stolen bases ? Lohert, Burns Earned runs?Nrs. Y?tk. 5. Sa rifle? fllrs?MrrVlr. Krlh. Double pl.i.s ? Wingo ind H.r.-o-; Hrr/og Wagnrr and Moll ? . left on bises?New York. :,. Cincinnati. 5. Fini base on rrror ? New York I, Discs on balls ?OS Lear. 3. Hits?01? Lear. 10 In 7 Irnlnga o? McCluske,. none In I Inning. Hit by pllclur ? By Lear i Fletcher). Struck out? By Trsrrau, 4. li. MrCLiskey. 2. Umpires?Byron and Eason. Time?I .::. BANCROFT KEEPS PHILLIES IN RACE BY HIS HOME RUN Drive for Circuit in the Eleventh Crushes Pirates. Philadelphia. Aug. 20. A home-run drive by Bancroft in the eleventh m gave Phil delph is s 4-to-3 victory over Pittsburgh to-day. Rixey, who started the game for the ? Phillies, was hit much harder than ? r and was taken out m the eighth inning after Pittsburgh had tied the Alexand? 1 did grand work a.- a rc.-cue twirler. Bancroft ai.,i Vios starred at the hat, .-??.??? j a pa- to the plate. 1 'I he -core follow-; ll'.l! ,\ I,... ? ' ? ' ? I) I 4 Mi ' .'an t an.l Lud .??S 1 II flff H ' - II BRAVES MAKE THEIR FOUR HITS COUNT Triple by Magee and Schmidt's Single Score Lone Run That Beats the Cardinals. ton, Aug. 20. Two , i-!e by ? - single in the i ounted ? he only run * Hughes had the 1 tors in hand a' ???? follows: ? ? ? ? 1 0 ? ? - -. ? 1 ? . , . i -; - , h MARSAiMS ORDER STANDS Reda Can't Get Modification of Decision and Appeal. I - \ ? :, the ' day, and Marcan? will play w I'll the St. I.? I :',.r ? .-.? Dj ?r granted an app?,.: ? Joe Judge Will Try Again. '? \t \ Vote- 1',; ? ? "I th '"'in the D ? ?. 1 th.- al K d .ini- ?son, . : ' BISIBAIL Pol? ?.nun?*?. T?-d?>, IP. M. i Ola.. IS ?1 61 -.(jLlS.-aUiO. WHITE SOX BUY JACKSON Comiikey Pays $15,000 for Slugging Outfielder. ii ..?. i i 'le\ i ' nd, I ?. with ? bid ??!' 115.1 00 mid taroe '"l! i Inyen . the Chi? Soi to pun haeed Joe J om the Indti ? h hal plat ? ?rill be Sunday or Monday before Con and Somera, the II.'''' ? ' The deal wa do ? ?> bj Harr) G rab? .? SOX, 'S ho ? u poae. .i r and Jafcl tor Chi? ago, and Joe will break into the line-up ?with ins new mat. ow. sale of Jackson to Chicai lowed m unsuccessful effort >>y the Washington ? lub i" necui?? Ihe nd to have turne i don n be? only player he was willing to part with was A ?:-::. i,in\ under suspension for i ?o keep in condition, YEDN0 SETS* NEW MARK Daly Pacer Steps Fast Mile on Dorval Track. Moni real. Aug. 20. Yeilno. owned by V. J. Daly, Peterboro, Ont?, ? ?tablished new Canadian record for a compet? ? on mile in the grand circuit races at Dorval Track to-day by stepping the !:08 pacing conti L*:?1'."'.'. She had won the two pr? with comparal ive eaet. Peter Scott won the lirai ?vint, the King George $5,000 stakes, 2:08 trot, to straight bes! tira? ' 2:08*4. Lixzie Brown won the 2:10 trot, five heats being required to decid? ?".cut. SENATORS HAVE BIG DAY Overwhelm Cleveland After Brenton Blows Up. Cleveland, Aug. 20. Oi ly one Cleve? land player reached econd base to? day, and Wash ngton had no trouble deft ating Clt \ eland by a ore e t?' 0. The . o vs : u ??Sir l> iN ? \ la.1 ClaKVt* l.W'l' ' \ f..> : '??i ' abrl ' a 1010 2 0 10 2 1*1 ? ? . ' 1 1 " " K ? - *? ? i 4 no \i '. . :: ?! 0 I ;0 \\"i S S SI ?. i 1 n 'i i i. ? . \. i i . ? i : p- I . " n .' " ?? " i s -, i , ... n ' a \\ ? I I I . RED SOX FINALLY DEFEAT WHITE SOX Hen/ Driven from Mound in Ihe First Inning Hoblit/el Hits for Three Hasts. Chicago, Aug. 20. The Red Sox de? feated the White Box to day by ? of i to l. The visitors drove Hen/, from the mound in the first inning, sine ? Scott. Speaker snd ! ? ng his departure from the game. One run had scored. Gardner then doubled ofl sell ai d two more Red Sox tallied. This the home team waa unal over? Hoblitzel's triple m the seventh inn ? d l>\ a a ?Id pitch, gave Bo other run. The score follows: . \. Li. I CHICAGO IA. I. '. .' ?? ai i ' i' '?' " llno-H-l ie! ii" I ?I. . I , ? I I. I 10 1 I " " 101 4 0 0 1 11 12 " ?' I. ? ' '' . : . I? " 1 0 0?4 loeoooeei i i . - V, ?ai, ? I. ? ; . :? liar'v iKiUlill W'ram ?ft i ? - i rii ?? , lilla "'? ' li i n K Pi II ill ? ? i . NEWARK GETS SEAT0N Ganze! Trades Cowboy Tom for Cy Falkenbcrg. .-??r of the T il 1 opa, t ? ' ? offl i nil tei lav, when tu i'.iw!' iton to tht- Newark club for i \ Kalkt nb? : g. tching t bi ? arm. w I ! sal i ?ry on t ht I i'.i1' ? I for New | nvk, ' ? ?'.! an unreliable He wa? Kau ff rip I OP uriif"! n 1 ' ' ' Two Games in a Row for Kansas City Feds ? ro m a rom Baltin n n v ? i i ' ; Fine Programme at ?Motordrome To-night ? ? . tr.u-k. ' v omen in the in a real ... ... . . ? . an \ The ? ? ' a? -. I W.x.-ilnslon P?rk ; Okain I <0 P. M re-O?. ? They Thrilled Brooklyn Fans Red Murray, who main- some ?pec (acular catches. IVIISS GALLIGAN ~~ SHOWS SPEED IN THE WATER Captures the 100 and 440 Yard Races in Big Car? nival at Keansburg. The fair mermaid? of the National Women' Life Saving League were the chief attraction si the annual set of water sports held yesterday at Keans burg, -V ?'.. under the auspices of the? carnival association. ? Their performance-; compared favor? ably with those of the men conipetit though several of the crack local performei - a ere ?>n hand. The feature, of the meet was the swimming of Miss Clare Galligsn, of New Rochelle, s new recruit to the leaf-ue She rapture?! both the 100 an?! ?Un yard rices m decisive manner, us? ing a smooth, rhythmc trudgeon-crawl ? While .. favoring tule prevented an accurate estimate of h?'r speed, it is Ity that she coj - ered the quarter-mile course within twenty-five seconds of the time made by the victor in the men's event at the distal ly, though, Miss Lucy an outswsi M Gsll ? she conceded a 12 second handicap and finished abo ?nds behind her. Miss Helen Peitler, a newcomer mi the .?nil the 30 lecond mark. i ? , fancy diving contest, for wom? en, demom trat? ?I once more the marked ? uperiorit* i ne Bartlett, ? he league chami all rivals In the metropolitan district The scoring of the ?i -iieiir Athletic Union enforced foi the 'ii il timi she defeated her I eld by an overwhelm? ing margin, in spite of granting lib? ral ,,|, . She !" tailed 180.50 ?".m! -. av against 152 garnered bj Miss ran nie Williams and 147.40 by M Da hall. Two sets of e.e?i's were held for men; ene.under A. A. t'. supervision, immer burg. In the former .John Curran, of the New York Athletic Club, an?! Alexander J, Palenessr, of the Hungarian-Ameri? can Athlel ? il m, were ?he in dividual stars. ? urran won the 221 yard swim and took third in the 100 yard dash. Palenesar captured the it1' yard handicap, an?! was placed f?cond in the century swim. sammarii ? follow: a a v eventb roa ?IN. ? !! Nllt'li. ? ' I \ . ? I \ I , I , ! John \ , . ? I ? i s i l i i ? i- i ,.i; \- ? ?? ? i I i a i. i i ? . ? , ? i ? v i ' li.'- . KKSIIil \T 1 " i I ? , I ? s . i 1 , \| -a . j ?4 buck Wheat, who drove in the winning run for Brooki>n in the tenth with a triple. STUTZ AUTOS RUN ONE-TWO IN ELGIN RACE Cooper and Anderson Show Way to Oldfield at 301 Miles on the Road. Elgin, HI., Aug. 'J,i. The Chicago Au tomobile Club trophy, for which nine drivers entered, over the Elgin course, was won to-day by liar! Cooper. The time, 4:01:32, for the SOI miles estab? lished a !,? w record fur the course. Cooper, who drove a Stutz car, aver? aged 74.97 miles an hour. Anderson, his lean mate, finished m second place, three and a half minutes later, averag? ing 71 n.".. Third came Barney Oldfield, in a I>(!aire, who averaged 72.48. Alley and O'Donnell were the only others to finish. De l'aima was the favorite at the Start and held the lead f'?r the fust fifty miles,, when he broke n rocker arm. He laid up si the pit for more than an hour while the part was being ? irted again] although .,! the pur? suit '?'? s 'i ' dropped - save '? race '?i moi ro v. I??- Palma'? mishap l< ? ce be? tween ? oopi r and A ?.-!( r.-on. Th ? a few minutes safe lead when A trifle ' Oldfield Irove li ' - ? drew into third posit Th. the threat of rain a larger crowd thin was expected lin? ourse. non ,,?a- fouit .re expect ? Elgin national trophy ? day, but I ? ? ! will I,.- irhtly. cord, 73.5 mil? car by De I New England League Results. ? i : - e-? Southern Association Results. TIGERS DEFEAT THE ATHLETICS; WIN 9 STRAIGHT Bill James Fools White Elephants as if They Were Monkeys. Detroit. Au?r. 20. Detroit continued its unbroken string of to-day, making it nine straight, with an 11 to l victory over Philadelphia. Breaaler went to pieees in the third inrnn?;, giving live liases on balls and allowing two hits. Three of the ? and one of the hits came with the bases tilled, nettini* the Tii*ers five runs. Hill James, recently purchased from St. Louis, pitched a tine ?came for the Tigere. Cobb and Crawford attempted a double steul in the seventh. McAvoy's throw retired Crawford at second, and Kopfs lightning relay to the plate CSUght Cobb, who tried to score from second. The score follow | DETROIT i.\. Wa, ? PHILA. .A. I?>. afir I Vitr. lb_6 1-1 I : 401 200 ' - i 10 1 110 ; ' ' . . | .. i ,. | u I I ' I ' ? I i ' ! ? ' American Association Results. ? State League Results. i - II Inn i : e Colonial League Results. i i I ???__???? ? ' ' ???_?_??____aa? Results of Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams i ? * ' ?i i NATION \l. LEAGUE. GAMES TO-DAT. -i i , ., . u N.-.i \ erh ( i.n ill il Rim.kl) 'i ? me ! ? ' -I'll ( lu? ai I , ! 1; ' i i ?IlS'.i. i;; -l I 1 - III <? ' I ~ t.'E**l 1 Kl. \\ \,-,. ,..r'. 7 . ? ?' i.- Hi. " llr,?,kl. I? ?,. ' III? '-"? ?"' I" IIIIIIIU H.wliin li *M ' "ii -. " ??hilad. Iphia i : ? * 11 ? -1 ? ?. r u 11. I (11 m - \ \ I I.IN \l II M.I 1*1 \M?|S(a. wir? is i i- ? l i,,i., mi- ?I ? 9emiem ?i Hr.Mikl>n '?" ".I '*' **?" "??"?'> ?' ?? IB? , i ?? 1 ,,, l'lllili rgli.oo AS .jUU liuiiuuali.jl SS III A Ml. Kit. AN LEAGUE. 't.ruta :<> i>\v. N?-H York :ll I lo ' lin?I.,11 .il -I I "??I? 1 ml ? ? i i' i lev-land. M aa-tegtoa .it Detroit. Ki ??! i i> ? I (.1*11- YEMTl in? *.*, i; . i. i ? lletroil ill i,.i.?.l.-l|ilii.i I \\..-liii^|..?i X; I I- ? ' u..I n V ? 1 or?? ? ?. -i. I awl* ii mi,. .".fl.l'l' ?N I i M.I E -I \M?IM. Wll? U I , r I H...I..II '.n ? I N>-? \iirk ,1 M -,,hi Peiniii ? ? ' ? '? ??? land i : i - ? i., ?a '?'? i <? '?'*" ft I ".??? il SU t:?. H'aao.*ta_~M ?4 ?u I I'biU..3t H su FEDERAL LEAGUE. (. Utl I K?-I?\Y. M. I.oiiis at lironkiiii iii?" I'll i .luii i-li .1!.. Is iBaaa < f n H i'"in?.re , Ian), ? in, .i?;,, i.i BaSTala (two). ' I I I- .11 .. Mil - li I -I I 1. n w. Brooklyn, Is M. I oak?, I. unir .i... i : < I?,?.,.',,. :?. ata?as? lily. S? BaltisBasre. I. I I l?l KAI II \< Mr. I i ? v.u.irk. i.l i* run Piltab'rBh SO is ","... ? Mrofo n; "?.i ..'..-. i hau. Cits..?- 50 JM .1 1 -I \M'!N(. ?I I . I* ? -i l ...n? M ?'..' ."..:: Buffalo. M m . 17? Brooklyn...A I M .441 Caliiuiure S'J || .'In Wheat" sTriple Saves Day for the Superbas Joy in Fiatbush GROOKIVN (N. L.) CHICAGO ?N. L.) ah r h pn a ? lb r liaa li Myara. el 4 2 2 0 0 0 Hood, rt 5 2 2 2 0 0 ri Mira 14.. 0 10 0 ?i ?l li.'irr. a. SI 2 I 4 0 Olnn. aa 2 0 I 1 2 I S ??H?, If 40 12 00 Diubsrt, lb .12 110 OQ ''?a?. 2b S 0 2 2 10 Wh??t. If 4 12 2 0 0 Sal.r. II) J 0 I I I 10 ? u ?liai?. 2b 4 0 1 ti O ? Murray, cf. 3 I I S 0 0 'icniil rf 4 00 I 10 "."Un. lb II 0 2 10 i. / lb 4 0 0 13 0 Br?,h??. c 3 0 2 2 10 MiCirry. e 4 ?; 0 7 i 'J ?ab?l. ? .200011 IJougia?, p 2 O 0 I) Ol? 'William? 10 I 0 00 I i i ii 0 0 Lavender. ? I 0 0 I 2 0 ?S Mill/ 10 0 0 0 0 Smith, a I 0 0 0 2 0 ? Tatal-a 33 6 7 30 15 I TaUla 37 5 12128 13 I ?BatUd for Odl In tha ?rventh Innlnj. 'Oattatl 1er 1*1, I In In? a-y?nth Innlnf. (Ona a-ul vaha? wlnnli.g run aaaa .ror-it. ilr'H)ki,,i I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2?4 i i o o i o i o o i?) Twa-hua MIS Fteftar. William?. Thrra-bata hita ?ilinm?rman, Olaon. Whaa*. Stolan b.,??v?f.ood (1), ilmmwnan. Murr??. Cutahaw. tarii?d runa? Chleaao. 4 i Brooklyn. 5. SacrlAc? hita?Olton. Uaubrrt. Uouble playi?Curada?? and D au birr I It), Lrft en hat a?Chic?|o I; Brorai.n 6. Flrat bata on rrror?Chlrarjo, I. B??-a ?n balii?OS Ooimiaa. I: off Zabtl. 2: at! Smith. 3: til Lavanitrr 2. hi:??on Uou.ut. a I? 42-3 innimi on u-ii 2 In 2 1-3 Inning?, on Smith. 2 In I Inning? on Zabtl. 4 In 6 Innlrg,. on Lav<rnd*r. 1 In I 1-3 In?. Inga. Hit by pitch??-?By lavender (M>?r?i. Struck ou. -By OoiigU?. 2: by Zabtl. 2: by Smltli I. Wild pllrh?Orll. Umpire?? Rlglcr and Co.kill. Tim??2.20. MARSANS FAILS TO CHECK TIP TOPS' ADVANCE Brooklyn Team Pounds 3 Pitchers of St. Louis Feds and Wins Easily. Arman?!') Marsens, with the weight 1 of an injunction lifted from his shoul? ders, played e sparkling cesse for the St. I.ouis Fielders aftainat the l?roolv Iyn Tip Top- st Washington Park yes terday. The Tip Tops, however, cap? tured the second conte.-t of the series by a acore of s> to 1. Maraana nrraa in centre field ami pulled down three ?Irivi .>. The Tip Tops r-njoyed a letting bee ;it the expense of three St. I.ouis Field iga wi re p?.unded all ?ver th*- field lor fifteen safetiea. Every I layer on the Brooklyn team got a hit, while Benny KauiT and l'y Helfrich "fathered three each. Grover-Hertleyi the St. Louis catcher, had a hard time ?? base stealing n-ndenciej ropa, who stole live, includ? ing ;i double ?teal of home. Don Mai on worked in effective fash inn sgainst the Fielders, holding them to seven scattered hits. The -coi?- follows: BR< ? IK U\ S r. i. - r. I>_>i Is 'i' i. ibr h ?o? " ab t * anderaon.rf S 1 3 190 Tobin, rf.. 4 ?? l 101 Helfrich, 2b l ! 1 0 : " .Vaughn. Ib. ' 0 i , i.I'.t. If.. 1 "l :? 1 " Miller. If. ji ?'? 1 1 " 'i Kauft rf... 4 ! .1 !0 it ? V i ?- li... 4411320 ft rton lb.. 4 " I 11 0 o - 'I K.-. lb... 4 il 1 1 4 ?I th. aa 401 : i . Hartler. .... 4 l 1 4 1" Jnhnaon, v?. i ?>" I ! I p.. 4 11 13" WaU -.. i I ' ' "1 ? ? lall, p. 201 ooo |\VHI''tt. p... 2 00 "3 1 l*?Jri.lwell. .. 100 . 37 1 7 2lli 4 :'? Hi?. : l'llll llllllllj. . e 4 i t o l ? s a?s . 0 .1 1 . I " i ? ? B l.a-.' hll ?i\. ?'? *? - ? \i- Klrat ??# Lo??, 1. lt?.-.k?v i Kauft Ha l.iiil ?'..! Bort ? . M?rsa:i? ami, - M .?? ..?? I ran I 1: "IT Wlllett. 1. srru.k out Bj Ma : i.? Wilier?, - m ' pit? '" !'?? ? ? ? ' ? ?A - ' ran Uli. ? ' ? Tim- : ? ' bushIeag?eball without a frill Skccters and Harrisburg Play on Field Where Real s Daisies Grow. York, Penn., Aug. 20.?Jersey City defeated Harrisburg to-day by a scoro of 10 to 3. The gaine was played hire [ as a "Moose Day" feature. The tie!d was an open lot, with the diamond roped off. The attendance was 2,500 Harrisburg put up an erratic field? ing game. Thorpe's .sensational fielding and hitting, Harry's hitting and Trues brilliant w-oik ut second were 'he game. The score follows: JERSETCITT ?!!..> i H a l : 1:1 s i. i i : ? ; (I.*_). poaa - " Mnnl. U I . ' ' ' ift, lb .. i : l . . f 01 0 o i o ?He. klnaer.. i : ' .u*. k In Hi? un,-I, 4ni4no020 1'> ? etoeeoei T ? . a m a . Providence, 10; Richmond, 9. - l n n o :i n o i o e i s i V Toronto Shuts Out Buffalo. I? I - 11 II V 1 0 0 0 ?> i) 0 0 0 1 4 , ? i) 0 il o o o o o o r; Ha,Irr ar..l ? * Rochester, 4; Montreal, 1. m u n ? .. o i o o i o i l a?4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 . I!. - :. || 1 *.\ ..'i... ! Standing of Clubs in the International dims r?>n\i. Seommx t it ? al HantaSaia Proi hi' in <? if Kiiiiiiiiind I ut llnfl il., (two), M.mlr--.,! :,i Ki>< ha-?(rr. K1MI Is 01 I.VMI-- *ii>ii:kdvv. femmes ritjr, h?. Hfriabeig, .i. I .rmi ... I : 1:11 n i? 1 ? a. n. K.i. li.-t.r. I. ?I..ntr.j|. I. Providence, i??; KlrkaMod, i?. -I WHIM. Dfr I ! WI? *?*. I . P.C.. W. I . I' < . Prnvld'e .n :c ?;.',i Toroata . hi H .|?> lf.iiIT.?!.. ?1 IS .'iol K". Ii'lrr I? 17 I:,-, ??l.iiilrrul.">i> .*,1 MS Un I,in.I. til ?| 1.1,, llar'?b'|...M || .4M Jar.? ( ll> .40 ?if .SOS Mighty Smash That Spells Defeat for Cubs Comes in Tenth Inning. BROOKLYN FANS GO WILD WITH JOY Jack Murray ?Wakes Wonderful Catches five Pitchers Take Part in Battle. Teutonic ' "*" sal the bafliag ? hall W' re "?> come by ?'. let Wh?-.-, ? American Indian, a? K ??- I *ld y?-. afternoon. Buck hit the centre 'I f-ne?, -htk two men on boat 'tnis? P game w - ? ? '? i ,,-n f^ an?! Br< - ? ,~" In th" r,, oi ds the ? '?corded as a triple, for ? ,??nt^ the rut her ril rsa jan as Buck round? bsj- ?.?,, cold type i.n'l all thst msy be written here Will r.t-v.-r full; ?'-? Vl|' joy of the Bn - and th? Brooklyn team crashise drive rang out on th" twi ght sir. T? the Cubs it boo -?ek sf doom. To Brooklyn it ?"ant tks ?mancipation fr' of jt. 4eat and disapp? It will rank a I BOUS clout! of baseball fiction. - IBS wers needed to win the .- ?-? Tt, one man out. and on t'-e bij* black scoreboard :n th? ' "w, of Philadelphia's victoi P.rate? lad Just i' - - --thing had to he ? . ?t H? hit the ball flush on I ? ,;rk and centre '"?Id '"' It wai be? yond human pow, :? ? . ? ? the hi?. . f Ja? Murray who hs ? nptt. hum.? :-,d th? runn, -,r. fan dora lost its r- ? ate stall sen. :rti. Heine Zimmei rectly re?p. ? ? of hi, team. He plsnned < ning which was I i - Wh?-t came up to the pial I *r?m? H y ?Myers was 01 and Dsu hert on t sst 1' i i ?id? of the plate. int( W'n*?t and take a ehsi ' T*?) balls were pitched when / nmenus .? r. if you do you'll put ti | run ?n second I,,,-,-, and "You're in, and cpped back - Laveaasi curled the next : Wheat ? ! I But the i nsont the i late, . u?d it. He swung and I | drive far? onward. Hy My? i i ?top? ping the ball wh.-r, t hart bin much, and M 01 - sacrifice bunt, I inf.eld ?ingle put him or. tl ? ?. csm? Wheat. Jack Murray, for lome rcasoa or other, was allos I I by th? Giants. Twas - sd John ?? I *?t?r day his red thai l'?j mi the Cuba i ? Jaci'< msrvellous i hsr? had two home rui I th? struggle and I I,eon neci -- ir ?n the third inn ?i.g Buck nit 0 centre, shooting si ?:?' ??s*? as ; .ver he ra' at the la-' the ball down. So grea? eras ' ipeed at the moment of the SO great th? impact that he t until he stopp?- . from the fence. Th. cheer the ?: hail one of the seen. .Iu?t two inn smashed the be !iel?i fence, and S crimson ert it rsn s ' nine to ge' it. "M : '?" 'I1'* ?liants may SB] -choc*: "Gel finish? d, J bed." The Cubs i to Hrooklyn for the seal 'hey wll bs "*? membereii b *n thoussnd fans who saw this gripping battle "' the diamond afternoon. Brooklyn ,: the !?*sdIsj the start of the game, hitting th? bail on the nose and mal ???rao-i strations, but while two pitchers PB ' Pouglas and Whei tel fell " grace, '.he Cubs dro ?J t''1' the score in the se Run after run. or BO, th*? scored. There -.' ? iXSSt* in the -"*'' ? and in the tenth, w m the box, they ' " y *?**??' took ?he h i?Wr* mounUble, and ':l! "?M ou* ho] f ... <;, ? he i" - "T of ? six il then ?? WB0 ? hur? day. \. ? M ?' hanfH ?h- ball for a d< ? hit? ??(- pi the !,?(>,<. He ' '? **' out, ished : The Superbas ha?! a -nln*;, when ' "* ** ti ws' -! wsi able ,../... - strs ? i-i In tr." - frame h?> ?'? tn* then, ?*'} a mad ds h for th rd "" sssU~~. LION-ROLL 3 IN. THE NEWEST LION CREATION A SUMMt R HOLL COLLAR &/ioh (ol?ala Ol_D?U?T IHAN1J aj-sja UNITSO SKIWT a COCLAI* rex TWOT **?*'?.