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Conning Tower Is a Good Last-Liner at Saratoga Springs Races Comet Mac Reaches ? Finals After Tussle I Niles Puts Up Hard F Against Star of Law Tennis Courts. WILLIAMS FINDS GRIFFIN EASY PI tuo \\ ?yards of Court Meet Newport in Bat no for Honors. :;s l l.l I? H WTHORXE. R., ' ? ? ? ? ? - ? k to ? i, l. ;? Round in Doal - . ' ? - - ' ' ? ? V Bitter ? ont est. - ? - ? Niles - ? game. - ? ? nt by ? ? ? ? '? court on the - passin?- shot on the full volley ai across the court 0 of N SB'S reach. Another furiOUl ?!ii ing duel followed and Niles, who hi been skinning dangerously el the net throughout the match. I the ball into the burner and lost tl laal game ?t love, giving McIaOUghl the second set at 10 1, nin! bringil the match even once more. The stands broke f rth into wi applause aa the men stopped t>> m? their faces and drink from the pitchs of oai' eal water by the umpire'.? chai Mel - 1 shown only tin him the hero - the Davis cup matches a? Forest Hil August. He mastered his tendent t<? -lay In the buck of the court ni for h ??. But there was somethinj mis a b? n in- got there. There ? the finality to ins shots that used i ncei i ::??lic by. Mac's Scrsicc Severe VVI ? tmen verity of vice. Fivi the third thi I . ? ? look the thud game h tacular service aces in su? ? rty. I hunipion a i ! OS . :?? I up 1ns ; cleverly ? : s ? d and ill Bl Bat ? ? crowding or. steam all ih . the third re? was ?con "? he htK" taken it at ?! 9, S '.end. The rest period followed and Will who ha*! . over ai 1 ; tretched - - ? The ?... who ??- ? ? - stubbornly for W, t h ? ' ? ? ' < r?.\sd Gives a ? Mies' ? ???I him up ti a i ? ' th swayed 1 ? broke tl ? - ' ling i lacen down ? ; ing to thrill in The ? ell that th,? ? . forman never had a chanec I i ? ding lead. The ? .- thi . ? ? Griffin hard :.-.-?l stead 1, ?'. 2, ?', _'. hi ton performed in .. manner B| I Alex nond I?. Little in the round of the doubles in the ng at >'? 7.', i'. 't. 7 .">. The P iir was invincible ?. and simply slaughtered th ? that the veterans tried to ? m off with. Washbum won fr?.in Harry Johnson, of Boat? -. ? ,- Imprest ? ?? am. irnmary follows: . - ? - ? r. \ ? et and H. C. J ? Roger Taft Captures New York Golf Title Defeats Haber in the Final Re nd After Seesaw . atch by Margin of One Hole. ? ? North ? tie, climbed an . . 1er "f fame y?-s Panl Haber, of the Club in? the fnal ? i. Park. Taft of 1 up. week at-1 I ? ? r lowed !'. Purcell, ni that on ? :. hm. impion ? eck in . -. .. and I ? ly'a match, man ?... , -. Heber A sliced drive plemi ? t? .1 second It his 4 at r in 2 up again. bth. A t? drive ?, * ;. . ... oll? ,,f b : ? ? C ? ? AND DIVING Swimming KS' Dfdton Swimming School, 1 9 W. 44 St. ???<___, ?_ ra-AII?! H'lli?r<1 _ ????'I %*_?? ilj Mfr? ll' m W W ** ? i ZeW\ ? ? ???.r? mmOf -*** 'him 3 down at the turn, Taft I out ?i 88. , , For a w! grow u?atead) A put him out of it a , over the ] ".'i pulled, landed the bell in a trap. Hi recover] from the sand would have . to a l i a\ ire. but failui ? to sink the putt cost the hole ad Haber gol his 9 T ift sliced hi . b going to tli<* twt Ifth and lost a stroke playing out, but < t been able to bring oil a iour . ol :i half in *,. lieber wt?n thi thirte? pull of sb? ? ? f,.r the North Jerse; ! round himi elf 1 down for th? ? itch Habei fluobing ai . fourteenth, slit I at the fifteenth and oven ?? | next .-hot. Thi Taft to >l up again. They halved the thrct leaving raft s winnei i up. Following la the card ol tbl ' match: ? ? 5 i ? ? ? ? ? t? ;t 140444444 ? ii. In the decisive round of I eight division, I-'. K. Flaugh got ? '. ? out in 87 and won bj i up The summary follows: i nail . Taft toat Heiter. 1 up ' , ? '.at W I | ' ' la ' I I ? Baker a Fed? Comet e rumor fron Frank Beke ia dickerinif with th? and the likelihood thai he will ?outlet* eontraet in th? nair future. WHITNEY GETS TO SEMI-FINAL ROUND IN GOLI Southern Player Surpris? in Tournament on Na? tional Links. DEFEATS CARTER IN HARD FOUGHT iMATCI IKlrkby, Prindlc and Whit? An Others Who Survive First and Second Trials. ? Island, Aug. 20 medal ?'inner; Is, for i W. White ? vived the : ond match round ? Whi ,i Philip \ year, in a inch of th? . Lei . >??' , srtei -.,i W hitnej fou? i.t ?t out in -, ( ,i.l, tom ' -, and the erstw hile ? i? ? i o . . ? i on the first tw< -, irn, bin u - . ? ; :-, ? he time the I Driving ? ?? and ? the ? ? ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? - - i ? ? ? -. - i, ? ? ? ? ? ? ii ? Third - rLIGHT h Grant ?and Rice Up, Merzog, and at 'Em. HY are not pro-Cerman in any genre; The Teuton hunelt in brj/ond our play; We an not eren vrutritl?on the fevee? At living up in the totyrtd affray? Hut there's one huneh we'd like to ?hoot, Though it tear the dope into entilen*, shred*, Th? huneh involvsd u.< tee rise and runt "Cnme 09?eoms on?COM I.' ON ?ion tied*!" ' The Wind-Up of the Dope. The ultimate tip-otT on the form of tl tionakl race has been exploited in the last fortnight Some ten or twelve day? ? llbound populace I or such part of it as ;-' I " ?! Bag-dr? -ans ws wondering just whal club among the eoc launch the next onslaught and net the pnce. There was rabid discussion as to whether II would b? Philadelphia or Brooklyn; or Boston or Pit! ?urgh; 01 maybe CI ? 01 New Y?,tk. The answer cam? from th? . ?? ,i ourci in the world. Poi al?? ? given moment the club which sros? upon its hind '? ? bulk <>f i he .?m ish ing ',1 i , '!'!? ? . club r? succulenl mest in tho dish ?<>i pennant ??spirants. It was none of the h sde ? but the lespjbed R? y began playing far in?' away the bfst ball in the Prom h ta tion .hay suddenly la ? see, tearing the everlasting heart out ? New "fork in succession, wi of power, speed si : any form shown all tie ?by any other eluh not ?'ven ex? ? of tl snd Brsv? ? m . Popular Win. ? . v dland clul ?? ? ? gn. as never heard the mo [| sason s ? with i long 1 '-',"-'f ' ?' But regardless of I fully as o? , alar among th? t lai conauesl w.i* a year ago. There is nothing thi? non-rombatant likes better than to see the under d"c swing hack into the fight and emerge with I a big patch of rival hide between his teeth. The Red Cha?e?*?. The Reds, of co,irse, are still long shots. Very few give ''in even an outside chance. Hut what chance was Boston laat summer to overhaul the Giants and then beat the ?mn fotlr 'rai.rlit ? About 1 in 4,000. IlBneOall is, even average), a complex institution. It is beyond any hn-Je dope. Th-- leasOD it- complexity has been even more pron ? need 1 ll. And a elub that can play the brand ? m playin?* for the last fo/tnight ? hardl] be counted completely out. For in Herzog the I: id l_er who will li>?ht to the final out. They lead the league in betting and fielding. They have ?? first Id, -tnd at last they have four pitchers del1 'ering r, McEnery and Toner, all being '-;?.?; ed 1 I Another Scrap. The National !? irently won't stage 'he only nfter all. i fur tin- Bed Sos -orne board. Ji thrown be? . ' thfei wi i I.jrowns, linke?! to h's pitching staff als an h. will . "I power to the Tijrcr pitching defence in more ways than one. tit- should be a factor upon h:5 own ? jrond this he will give Dauss, Cove'.eskie i ic ? better chance to east- up In work and thcr?'by ? ngS has n club that carri'- * ? lllo] B win the i>ui!. of hi : | ? tin by the heavy artillery generally bag the . I Septt mber on thf road, with , ether in :? ' i '? nuil- the next two weeks it will be up to c!uh in ti. in check, as no : i-lrd from | | fur ?' he ??'>u' '. Ian ! ont lid win. He has the man he wants ,i> James, !f 1 L_ : ' . . V.iii li.. . ; has at I? tat r<n even chenco t.- poee as u prophet .of Truth. the T.' / I "t\ to give Heir main riva battle down '1 rougfl tho duaty September stretch ??I - ? up a . '.I, ? - ' ?I ? ? '. ? - ,, i I i ! |. - 1 ? I. til . - ' ' : ' Fours Clash To-day for Mid-Western Cup tt estern ' ? ? me fou hold t'i?' ' ? . on. ? ? the . ? in the HOWARD VICTOR IM BOUT On*points Frank Farmer at Far Rocka'.vay A. A. Johnny Howard, ol . .. ten Ro?k a'.V.n A \ ? er .-iii.l hi 1-armer n (food an I round-, and aevei ip. When ? I swsre of the fe w as thai d?> much better. . ind b >u1; will I"- hi Id at the Broadway Si - Johnny K 1 Albei ? -, bi d I- rank will meet in ti,,- main At ? ing Drum . Kid will try con have it out at Brown's G Six Favorites Beaten ' at Saratoga Springs Upset Follows Uffcet as Long Shots Romp Home on Ladies* Day. EVEN NAPIER WINS A SELLING RACE i The Grader, Capra, Rockwter and Sal Vanity Spring Sur? prises, to Sorrow of Crowd. [Ii, I . i Trll'iir.? J ? Baratog |.ug. SO. So stake ! were offered by H I tatiod here to-dav, but it v. I ee' day," and one of the lar-rr il crowds ever seen on the ben . . was out. It was a mo*' i astrous session for thoea who the racing through th? specula- . ?? of til i: (ovni to defeat, and Some I <??? I ? ? ri catne from moat unezpecti ! ?In- nearest approach to a feature ? '!'. Looney's The lira?!'!-, th ? ding, whicl on a pre? ? badly fouled bj lohn ?v B< horr* d? r.t.ial m the run through thi To win he f Laid Barklie'i Hollidsy und 1? ?. Leery. Thornhill, with Corning 1 and l'uliux a., the other starters. With Coming Tower out ?? - ' :. ? i result probably would have been dif ! ferent, hut .'! ?( 'ah? e ?... day, had a foolish desire to I Conning Tower in the earlj if ?. : as a result the four-year-old hSd ? w th stand ths flnsl rti Tli. Grader. August i Friar Rock, enn sidered by many ss ,: ?? -ore , of th? ? >, while George J. i ' Koch- s\tr. on? thet was the winnei Butler ? m a-1. I Richard T. ? J. W. H ebout ee lim t?i away, and I I -iirn in the stretch h' W Linker's Broomvale prot ? ? i ? '.. ' a fur st ride with hint <|u;t . at the l 'ii ?' I v "eld. i ' ' ? ? once. The pi - Chai ' er. the !" er' of ti . ? ? I of M trotters, we ? to-day. if' can I n d i . ? ? ? stallion. William, 1 : ?"I? *??, pureha?ed by '?urn hfis been res?!!, this tO V, .1. .-'; ?TS. Frank Bryan will ha Warrenten, Va. Th:- - a rice mee* ? five ? ijy th?- citizens of Wan ' - of the day ss-ill be an ( ? chasa in which 11,000 will '.-. the ;. H Hedrick, . from - 0 was 1 ' .- ? ek a when r ! T. ''.aimed the old Scribe. i .- ? M r. I ' : ? v : ! ? Derby of 11 11, s ? r.ia, nn American bred saai 1 ' ? bre-Js, Inel ' ? Franc have to rei '-1rs. Duryea, who havi ?n the Adirond IS. ? i . - for the ? tins?, Basketball Player Dead. ?n A. ? ? known prol isio basketball '' tho - ' ? * as the i . aber of the 1 of the ' Entries for To-day at Saratoga Springs i ? . . m < ? ? Ilarl, > I I ? ? ? The Tribune Racing Chart SARATOGA SPRINGS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20. I illST ?! V LI Ml. ?Ill?' K VAST a ? .-' W'.l | - Mir ?_ Ma Pi ? ? . K ill 4 I r ? i ;?? M ^"B ]?? -I r. , at Hi- - sK? "M. II \? I II ? si , : I.-. 1 1 - ;(IP-?I. 1 ^kaeaaeaaeaW ??aalBBBBBBBBBS : I 1 l Tlllllli i- ? , r ? ? '? - '? ' * I " -T7 art "?a ? ! I? . -a '? ! ? ? 1 ,? ! i 1 - _ ? l i , ' Uollxa . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB I ? ? I Jortry ? W?-- ? ' " ' " I - . ? B ? ?? . 'i',, 1 11 ... . ? - - ??" Iks melt > l^______Hr< .^?v ... t .?-4',f _..-,-/ i.y^iw^-ni. /x__?_.^ fe ' - - ?? " ' - MI 13 \V?_\,l '?' '?/,? ? - - v.- * ;V' -i Robert Moms ?"Financier of the Revolution F1 HAS BEEN SAID the three very great men of our War for Independence were \rV_shin-gton, Franklin and Morris. In the history of mankind no man ever had a more arduous commission than did Morris in financing the armies of \?Vashington.The credit of the nation was practically valueless,and time after time it was the personal credit of Morris which brought forth the money. The financial means raised from his own private resources made the victory at Trenton po-ssiUe.U-henU-srungton proposed the capture of Lord Con*r:-_ll*_. and his entire army, it was from Morris, the patriot" and private drhen, and not from the treasury o? the Confederated States from which the money came.Thus Washington. last great victory was made possible, and the long and bloody muggjc for National Ind-ependen? brought to an end. Morris was die first to suggest our present system of National banks-the best banking system that any nation has ever known. He was the first American to send a ship forth flying the Stars ar.d Stripes. Like Kanklin he signed both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. He was ver/ hospitable, and whenever \rVashington visited Philadelphia he vas the guest of Morris. He was ever a m<oderate user of li^ht wines-and baHey br*ews,and opposed Inhibition Laws, which make the many suffer for the faults of the few. For ?*_ years Anheuser-Busch have been brewing the kind of honest barley-malt and Stater hop brews which the wisdom of Morris knew make for real temperance. *Ib-day at the home of BUDWEISER. 750c people are daily required to meet the natural public demand. BUDVVEISEIVS ever increasing popula* ity comes from quality, purity, mildness and exquisite flavor. Its sales exceed any other beer Jy ?__ of bcskSr ANHEUSER-BUSCH * ST LOUIS.US.A. Visitors to St. Louis ere court-Musly invited to inspect our pUnt'**'<*Ove**3 14a acres. On Si!? ^.rerf^Ytete, ? Familie? Supplied by Grocer? ?nj Ret_i.-**e Anheuser-Busch Agency New York, N.Y. 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