Newspaper Page Text
her. it is po-nted out that for the Arabic to attach a submarine would have been the height of folly, and that no commander won! I have so .nop?. dized the lives of four hundred per sons. In view of these circumstances offi? cials fail to see any avenue of eaeape from the action threatened in the out American note. The President ha* no alternative. -,t is believed, but to re? call Ambassador Gerard and hand the Oonnan Ambasoador hin * H?lice Rupture Certain. Ofleiali man government dleavowi the torpedo? in? of the Arabic, >r proof is produced ! that the White Star llUOT Wal con- ! ? voyed. nothing stands in the ?"*?.> immediate rupture, if President W backs up I to the Kaisei 'l gov? ernment. Report! of the torpedoing* of the Star liner Upland, on wh \- ? left Neo i gust 12, reached Washington eai . in official auartan " ficiala surmised that <" the A. .1 '*' proceed ? atraii had been i. eaived ap ??> ? hour. Wilson arose much tamer ? * i 1 till for f ? I is re| ? ? re the ' ? Lai Oppoaed to Break. fro? . Mi a Isoi - a with whicl i - i : ? ? 'orma - I it-.- I ll from urviv? 1 ? -, ..... ill it aw the * ? ship md that the ii t rike well starboai I . "In hip had been struck deck. . ng i ' lay b? fore in best . Ni> panic; orderly, and ir and ? out a Th e i . deco the ? ? dedly inop VON BERNSTORFF PROFESSES EASE < 'mi huh il from page I . - ? ! I'd refused to be ecrel of his op .- th German-Amcri ? ' a.i ni it navy man. familiar with the methods ivy, lie said he w i ierman aul> sinking the A'.,ine did not exceed hin ? hen he again I tl ? aivi ship, "No ?.newer to Nota." ipecific II isador *? i wa, ' ptaii I oj Ed laid th? ill mg of the Arabic wan by no meat.s h aieat , -, sui marine di tmen, He thai could by nu it an am last A which G< rmany hai : At the special ?? itorff, the Postal Telegi iph ? oi panj ? ?"Ule i tation, **hich ban?!:?" i of the messages between th n For? ? the Gorman Summ? Long lalan aiter I fllba i \.\ ipeo ... . r .No..v the mes- ages c? from the I the iiitiba. ni artmei I GRIGGS SEES WAR ACT Calls Arabic Sinking Open De? fiance Unless Explained. nion that in the 'he full details ? ing of the Arabio comments wen matun ? 1 iovernor ot New J< nt, that "la there e of which now Informed, il of open ?:. ft anee to th? ____ ?, Luxemburg Aided by Swiss. Geneva, Aug. 20. Tl ? . overn m?-nt i . of wheat ti thirty-one car., ander the super to I uxemburg, which said to be virtually without bread. WILL AMERICA STAND FOR THIS.1 ALL LONDON ASKS Question Is Hurled at Every American Seen in Public. FATE OF ARABIC FRIGHTENS MANY Transfer Passage from White Star l ine Comments by English Editors. of I.o-i ii,111 t,' . "Will Amerii . l'.ll,l it was itely thrown at ? ? ? ry "kirn seen. Sa* ?iv, < arlton ;,':,1 Cecil ho ? ? ieana con gregated to dis? i ' i A i if t!.< IB . ? ?- United Suites. :.. re ? ! that the ? trans iked on th? Wime Sti.r I Two ft ? had bl ' ? : id Ed? mund P. Wo ? e conduct ? j the ?' who ? Throu be :i public ' ? Tells if Mr-. Brufuiere's Death. ? - indent i ' had left. of th? ever, t< . her and 1 then iumpe iter. I swam with i er for i ? wreckage hit m, ' ' ? ?d. ! lost com ? - red." Bru*. ? ' ' .. - W. March. reach -,,1,,!: tend? to inl lh? pub ? hero was summed up by Am ??I ,i te toi o moment that would ice m making public concern? d ? th? ' ? Wesel." Comment of London Editors. ? ? ? BP? i - tOfdsy com ng of ., Pall Mi says: "Alt! Brit .., extent wi ? wen aboai il then ? .- ? elil tel; .-???!.'.' act Prei ?' W -.'. last ? ted. "Wi will be we atempt to prophesy." '?'I he Stan?!,.i d" Nil ' immitt? d ai the tj !>(- of wh nt "A ilson liberatcly unfriendly, luit have infiiendlin? -hip liou?.i foi aad nol r "The Globe" ?ays: "11 taina qui? ? Fspair of Iture of a mi - chil? dren ma wagg? ( ? r at tl?.- infur , t? ?I "The Manchester Gu ' I hat the G? controvert ? - - which are thi Preai ??'.- protest shov. i ca' moral little Gei awe of any floss bl ? ., maj inso which ha? alwsj s by 11 of nature brought down it- retribution." Crime to Sink Arabic, Say French Editors Pai.-, A ,.i7 20 'i he nft pape i with unu Temps" j,i . d "A New Outn . United St at declared I nia wsi ? ti"n seems to eonsidi r thii ? to ?nsugurate the opening of ot> over an ei - my vessel re only ? ! he "-: "Neithei public ? it to modi ? i, con Th. top. \ r h i ? .. ington would Ik ci. ' " ?ging ,i? r. .'tor ??i' "La Libert? " signs ;? vio? ! m sd ? PI irisns ' eh he says the pu? ?engers on the . en sav? d i from wholi - ale -? . . bj the I 8 AMERICANS LOST, WASHINGTON HEARS; WHITE STAR LIST SAYS 3; MISSING 27 Report? of mistiag Amerieon pootengors on the Arabic conflicted last nigh!. According to the list given out by the St4tU [>,?,avtincnt at Washington, tight Ami ?"? '????-'? ?",'-' -n"'' 's'''"' '?""'" *** made public here, accounted for all bul three, Mrs. Josephine I.. Bru ? re, Edmund F. Woods am! II . /-,'. Kanmlell. The State ?hpurtweut fis these Americans as missing: Mrs, J.,?ephine L. Ilrugulcre. Mr. nnd Mrs. Th.imas Moore. James Houlihan. M?. ???'l >,r!* ' r,(l artisan. Edmund i . Wooda. J? hcllett. ,,. . . aero, at announood by the White Star line, are'. John Dtifhton (or Dighton). Mm. Fron* TattoraolL M M.iry Engliah. Miss Irene lallen;.II (doubtful).> i:. Eaton. Florence Dan j. Patrick Fitzgerald. Mlae Mary Harrington. <;. v.. (or George) Lyeaa. ?Hre. L Menu na. Mrs. .i.,hn il. Neare. Thoasaa W. ?WcMahon. Mrs. Nieii?. Miss Mary Uuddington. W. E Itamsdell. Cortoellfw SolU-ota. W. <.. Randall. Plortwce TheoMO. Mis. W. (,. I.andnll. Arabic Making 16 Knots When Hitt Says Captain Listed First to Stairhonrd, Then to Port, Steadied Her self Somewhat, 1 hen Sank Quickly by the Stern -Explosion Shatters Ships Boat. ? Queen town, Aug. 'jo (dispatch to "The Dail) -News." ?London). A thrill? told by Captain Finch "I lei : , rpool at !:?M p. m. on " he said, "and nil wen*. well with us until ?:Sfl a. m. on Thurs? day, when the ship was torpedoed. was a northeasterly wind and ', ht swell on. Be i ?? were torpe Joe. we were mak ! BS to whether any warning had been given by the submarine) ? . i?*.. ? nidi "Emphatically no. We were torpo Without receiving any warning er. I was on the bridge st th ? time, and hud been on tho bridge a!! the way down the Channel. The first indication 1 had t.iat ws wsrs about to be attacked or of the prese' - ?i submarine at ni! in ou? vicinity was when I '-aw a torpedo coming toward the ship at a distance of sbOUl . '. Tiuit WSJ the very first I t was then very close It approach? ?1 sa ut right angles, coming towsrd us from tin - ing us on th. . : OUT side sonic ? i s hundred feet, 1 should .'m i he stei n. "H hen the torpe lo strucl us I was i, ? ,...?,, -,,,,_ | o loud I had d anjthing ?ike it You can .' terrible it '?'.as when I ?u ii rhook the whole -hip from ?'ein to -tern. The explosion. Wl , of thi boati w h ich ?viing out from the i hip' was blown Into the sir in splinters. Then after ?he torpedo struck there was an immense volume of water ? up into th? lir to S tremendou ? there vas a great \\dii Down by Stern. tl " ship m a very part, i Finch aid: "Oh, yes. indeed Why, the ship in,mites. As soon I , :. :' list, fil ml ai, l then listed to port. After that she : cerned t.. : tcalv her for a bit. Then she went down quickly by the stern and disappeared ii ten minutes. I did not n of a ubmsi Ins, snd as far li- I am aware I t SSW any ?ubmai ne eil hi ? before or after the -? "We had all our lifeboats and also the raft- and the patent Anderson life ready, end they wire swung out, distely, Everything was read? right away, including the rafts, whu-f Hosted m?. We out plenty ol hosts; m fact, there were suAcien' I BStl to take na . . in.ii i- '???! ion ' I. .? were on bosrd Lifebelts wsrt distrib uted f"?( and ai? before we ? the spot where the torpedo struck us This is slwsys dons when danger i "Then was no commotion. I ? body behsved splendidly. All the oib bodj ws uppl :? d with lif There wen- in .?il fourteen host Bred, I think, but I have been in that a.- the ship was sinking two 01 three of these hosts caps ted. I .I'1 not know wnat was the cause of that l did n"t see " i ecur, lut 1 ws it did tske plsee. W ? ancc sent to us. I understand eleven boats have boss picked u Captain Baafeted in Water. " Wh< n the ship went down i I i I was all in, but alter a tune I found I in the nrat ? r. float ing , - of me. until a ? boat t?, which I could ciini eami iblu to hold on to it. I v-.a- I ? eal to nan) mys< it on board. Phen two fin m? n ca? le along and I succeeded in shoving them '" but I could not ">?- m myself. \ "l that a woman snd her baby wsr? snd "? ken on board, snd I got s ? i.ifi under me. A swell then ? d me on boa s boat. "j usl were torpe l??ed we -.-, ?rhich v.l.- - 'I hal ? ? i -? ', had I i from two boat awaj from the l!'i ?ley toward land. At th? time we were torpedoed we ?vere ? atol some distance to the \i I half a de -.-! ? BSSt Of FsBt 'Mr. Han I iff of Whit? gaged In compiling a li?t of the saved and missing, but the work will take some time, As soon as the torpedo ?ame we took the ship. Signals were sent below to ? l wires were siso ? motion, bu? all these poor fel? lows remained beloa ? came above, but kept at their duties, and did them like heroes. This is the engine room -'.-i!r I refer to I were lost. All the men who remained down there deserved twenty Victoria ero e "Almost all the loss of life WSS csused h'? the blowing up of the ship. As for ins re eue "i passengers and crew from the l'"a' - ?? WBS sent te us as quickly as po About an hour atid a half after I en tered the patent boat 1 wan taken oil by patrol boat. All the officers and vessels showed us the i.;mi ' and rendeied th?- best help they could. 1 am p< rson illy very thankful to them and to everybody in Queen-'own who gsve .such extreme car? :.!,?! stt? tit ion to the siirvn , U. S. AT CRISIS, PAPERS AGRE! Deliberate Investigatioi and Action, Counsel of Press to Nation. Tin \\?>rld. Whether further diplomatic relation with German) are compatible with th of nal ??..-.i elf reaped i us! be iiieideil calmly decently and with deliberate judgment The ' ? ted Statei ii not Georgia, nni 1 no place in the conduc American foreign relations, what ?ver ihr offence may he. Secretar; e? m 'nit ought to be it the mind of every thoughtful citizi" when he say- that "consideration <> th? Arabic affair will proceed with tin utmost deliberation." and that "no ac tion will be taken by this governmenl ? known." ? ? .' ' ? ? ? Germany ha**. i I B ens:?', but that in all th-: reason why we ?Imuld In ind - i il desire the friendship tes, bul only on Ger? ?- terms. To deal diplomatically ? it shows : ? i '..? 1 faith If President Wilson finally fail ?a ill have thr nal igfaction . that ! ? hai done hi ? . moral re ty rost? the In.ted Stales, t'niii may. The Btaata-Zelti?g. ,,i,- -' :'.i - un only of "i*- which ?hi' facts m luch inci I ? si ' 'i !"? i 'eil without ? .r. ihe was torpedoed alter hav ing been warned and attempted I cape, she wa? iiiiiii r convoy by two w,,i vessels win ;, she wi. at? so far ai la known. it over four bundled r>as s and crew got I en i tes a to ::?, i warning. anted or not. if .?? -, foi ..i.-, i nemy \ > --? l ? d U!) udement mu--, be auapended by ihould bo iblir. The Herald. ? i . no d of th? , rs| spen or of the pu to prejudice the gainst Gi nanj i ?lent. ? ?ng for the .1 reporta; also, like the Pn . dent, they ar<- waiting calm terminedfy. It after ti e far?.? are all in the Pro idi-iii believei that the -inking of the Arabic - Germany's answer, and if, as would then seem inevitable, he determines that 'he German govern? ment is an unclean thing with whirh the Tinted States Govi t < anno) afford to do bu iness, the pi opio n ill be with him to whatever end Ins, de? termination may lead. The Tim.:.. The (?overnmont must an?! will keep :,-, !.. ' ????? -i r ? one. I - would be the usual itep, therefore, for the Government si Washington to instruct its Ambassador al Berlin to say to the German Chancellor that it had not abandoned the hope thai disavowal of the act of the commander who de stroyed the Lusitania would yet be made and with il a lin ilar di avowal of th? m of the Arabic, with consent to make suih reparation an is ble, to the end that tins Govern mi",i might feel aasured of thi ni" Germany for a continuance ot friendly relation! between the two countries. The refusal of Germany to reply within the time designated or its fail? ure to reply in the sense of the Am . lor's instruction would naturally be followed by the sundering of diplo? matic relations. We should Instruct Arabassador Gerard to return to this eountry and WC ihould deliver to the German Ambassador his passports. These itepi would be taken with only such delay as may be required for the rect ipl of full and authentic infor? ri concerning the sinking of the Arabic, In luch matter, pron , of action la i needless delay, after full Information is obtained, would deprive the measures tak? ree. The (Irrtnin Herold. I :' the Amei can people insist Germany abandoning thm weapon (the submarine) 'he com of or riking an in ? "ly must be '*vi >ual: But we are convinced that \er American! teal!;. |< Th. y may not openly ad . it it, but th< ? ced in their inn I that, may travel anywhere and everywhere, in ce their n very ? it-.ce, if an American VOSS? attempt to at On neul of Lemnoi nearby, the warsn pi of the A ? Uuik sh ii. ai ?I then, if it insisted, they \ d by the same token, i-essel i re bold enough to shooting n, we think - permit the ? ?? pasa by, Tel the Di rdanell? i.n "international WILSON MUST ACT NOW, SAY ! ?. S. PAPERS Press United in Declaring I Arabic Case Ends Ameri? can Patience. TIME TO BREAK WITH THE KAISER Notes and Protests H.-'d Worth less, Nalimi ?Must I ace the Only Alternative. Editorial eomm? ni s In An" t Mil coast t?, ? 'a.! how j that the Arabic, with bl ? i ,-- of Am? r.l a i "delil -.'. I] '. frl idly set" and i- ?'' snsw ? to tl .' ? srnmsnt It is felt ths this c ?untry ? . ? . limit of p?i that Presid? nt Wll v take action li end dip! ? '?'? 'th the ;- ? . ' s ? .'?? ? ? . ? pap* I I i - ?"'?'- : ? i? Transcript. In tufen la ths United received the answer of I ,,,...| | y 'he to m bien sunk the tral W - illed upon Germa cou follow toa ard us, and il ha - ? lectcd Bptlj characterized as ?? un-' :'.y." Should the Prei . er our dip i y his . i th? An "? upii ? i ? \" snd o? a i ?pondenc? s . Albany Journal. Uni? ss It should warning wi ? riment h with an s ust take Bl ' plo '? that I ..lion Buffalo News. . ii, Arabic is h del ? Then :- ?? ? nee. Bsltimors Sea s. Ii' the trahie' ? devel ips not hii i- for ,. - but to i, Pittsburgh Chronic!? Telegraph. i ? 111. ol LouiB" 111? I ?me?. period for fui in u-i be cut ? ihttined. S Rlchmon ; N"< ? . sinking la the lai among tmeriesn people We were already prepared for the ivorat whei the . Arabic there will I irovocstion. Chicago Dailj New?. The case ol tl ?? Unit rrnmei I The ?ii?- involved have been clearly out? lined. It is licit' iry nor even expedient for G immit such inn mi ? ig without Lusitsnia and the irsbic. Philadelphia K eco r.l. It iffii to ii ? hat the position of tii" govei !:!'?( nt of the Unit? outlined i.i three emphatic notes, unalterable, and the country will back up the President whole heartediy i:i ? lining Am? riean rights i ? ?ver quarter vl Witho -' ' snd at any cos'.' S?. Louis Past-Dispatch. Unless the German government dis? avows it, the evidence of Germany's ni ter disregard of A ts and of the proti it? and warnii government is convincing, Ke| of similar wan, mer? chant ships cannot fail to brii . fatal consequence. Washington I'osi. It American c I do*a n with the trahie ?.ci many will have brought about a m? tust on In the face of a solemn warning from the i States that it would re such an act ss ?' unfriendly and that it "? oui ? maintain of its eitisens "without compromise and nt whatever - Washington rime*. Every bit mal Information from Engl ind - that the sink? ing of the Arabic waa just such a 'de i beratel) u friendly" act as was con? templated b> 1 i.- ident Wilson wbenhe used those ?? ords In I ? note. This country it ? ??? with a condition which demands forceful action. Th?- country will stand back of Pr?sident in whatever action he msy take Washington T-'ar. The ? ? ited the gravest concern foi the maintenance <?f the American honor and the pre tion ?if the lives of Americans st sea. ??pic arc eoi fident that he will in ? , nr ensi- maintain the principle? that have been so plainly enunciated and that are SO Strongly indorsed by the country. Detroit Free Pre??. Berlin should be asked for an ex* tion of the action of Its sub marine commander; it should be called upon tu disavow thai sel within a def? inite period, express regret for it and make all possible reparation, together with a promise of mor care in the future. In view of Mr. Wilson* of the two ,>hr -??-. "unpardonable of? fence" and "unfriendly set," it is not easy to se? I .inient can | - tent course. Lad ' ry reply to such a communication, the President, -by fore of the ?ex* of hi? own previous ... . . then eommitte ! I ? retaliative action of For if he it ? Ii ?till he recede-, and hi? utterance- take character of men meaningless Albany Knickerbocker Pre??. It ?eem? to be definitely that the Arabic B ? d without warning, \- infor? mation to tl tral 7 was bound ' om Liverpool I -, The Arabic can ? I no m initions "f war on Ii i of the trip. Ths G ob mander b American- ?.tion ? 'rust and - hand? of Pr Philadelphia Publ'c Ledger. BO advice out a clear course for himself and there is nothing t to do but t?. adopt such .-? ? . .be ncces- ! ssry "to safeguard American lives ar ! property and |o s?urs to Amerlci eltiseni the full enjoyment of the acknowledged right? ?>n the high m-?? 1 What those it. ps shall be it is for hi to determine, but tho American BOOB iti'i t be fully aware that the tune n: ! pnascil for discussion. Kansns City Star. A grave situation has now arisen I i (he Hrt of n (?rrmiin naval commande . That i.'-' the sinking of the Arabic i is tho only answer thus tat reeelv! to the President, last note on ti ni I ing of the Lusitonia. Th.. Itoa .on no c infrOMted is too gruve for merely poi i te indignation. Pnelng ? ich I. i.i I i'h a cr.Bi.**. th<- American ?OOP confirm their strong support ?>f the r . id? nt. Their nal ional lojra follow to tho limit I on American rights and Ai honor. Seattle Po-t-Intelligencer. The.", . ? Mr to be I buite?! to an-, accomplishraoi * b r I i. What are we goin I* ? dont, ' 'i here's nothin to do. 'I Im on. ' ll , th futility of .vatchfu waiting and words. Springfield O'ass.i Rep?blica**. . with Germai nay b< :i top in list : . ' ? 1 ;n i n lees 'ira- tic Wf.) the Arabic ? a< ' act , this nation ?-an i nt pretend t,, moi its In fl*i< irtia it ?.;.;.in, the rnur il? r ? ' Kansas City Journal. fp ' I.?.;?;?: ? leal ' y i' ! by ',. imarine without non ..'.;.. .us *.i I"- th ? ed that the I itcs wil tion of wm Tin- di continuance of diplom?te tep generally expei t? <l . ..-M .-??? ? red ? friction might easily lead t? .t'es. ( ni.ago Tribune. What, ver plan Mr. tt il un has is thi .;>? of argument was gone ' ' Ird i ote a i Berlin, '?'he only point now ther eandor would not serve tht ? crecy mil -t wo i ? ' Wh a nal ' of ?1 i itiOUl and . ll ... Whal : our answi r ti ? iy ? Louim ?He Courier-Journal. It is th ! igo ihould Count ? Now he must. A nd aloni niperial outfit w:! ?untrj lugn in its dignity ant i-i its p? Wa have neither right nor reason '? lli.s attitud i ? : furl hi i pa "catior or !< lay. Th< p ispenaion of all rclal and we believe hi .'. n i/hen it is too iato when To In 1! with tin- Hoher. orkl and his wav ? up with the l?a;, of the Republic I li? I'.nn Globe. ,- ? en d< I - rece ?d bel ore forming Boston Herald. Th has passed will lever i with the in German government, and ?h?'- ? tl,:- we ah? te no jot of our abhorrence i ;;o to extreme length i to avoid it. W, Jo not believe inch aetion would mean war. If we make elear thai we m. an l wa shall probably be able to ? hing. Topcfcl Capital. Barbarism is precious to German culture. Tin- Kaiser and his fellow militarist ? arrogate to themselves the privilege to violate rights and laws and have done I ? consistently from the day thai Germany broke her faith with Belgium. Pruaaian brutal ism la im? pervioui to appeals In behalf of inno vilians, women anil children. It is the new Prussian, or the old (loth and Hun gospel, that might alone The German government is outsde the pale of social intercourse with t-.a that adhere to moral itandards. in- dealt with only by force, and neutral nations should proceed to apply it by complete commercial and financial boycot wiisiFm?tors to philadelphia Slips Out of Washington. Quakers and Worries Guards. ail.) Washington, Aug. 20, Por the first i me lince he becam? Prei dent, Woo.l rnw Wilson this afternoon travelled in an ordinary Pullman car. Having mo torod to Philadelphia to see his eye specialist, he found that in order to got back to Washington in time for : he would have to come by train, so he ?lid not bother to get a private car. but simply took the Ural paaaengOi train back, occupying a drawing room. Other precedents were shattered. The Preaidenl had been lost .in the road, had lunched unannounced in the public liming room of a Philadelphia -trolled through the streets of the business section of r-hiiailelphia, ami driven to the White House in a hin 'i . The trip took longer than exped? id, ai d "? '- 1 o'clock before he leached the Quaker City, After visit? ing the doctor the President, went for lunch to the Believue-Stratford and then decided to come nom?; by train. I!" walked down to Broad Street sta? tion, surrounded by a hupe mob of peo ' - he was recognised the moment he left the hotel. In the middle of the r.ght arounu the Pre n little group of worr ? Service men. At one corner an automobile of the i Water Department almost bumped into him, Hut he quickly ! bi'ck to the sidewalk and wave.! ? driver to pass. Then a mounted aan recognized the President ." a special gu: rd the walk. Mr. Wil oi - from une itreel to another and turned Into Chestnut Street, where the lidowalks Were crowded id and followed, ? . crowd -oui! bad gathered which Secret Service men had trouble keeping back. The throng still was along when the Presiden*, entered the ? .-ion. He reache i v. it i?.40 and the evening al the White House. 3 AMERICANS ! ONLY MISSING WHITE STAR SAYS Mrs. Brugniere and Dr. Woods Relieved to Have Sunk with Arabic. ?WASHINGTON HAS 8 UNACCOUNTED FOR Officials of line Aniiry at Can ard About Freighter Bovic, ?Safe at Liverpool. There WHS a r\r"tr ?parry last ? ,. , for A bie. Aceordittg to the list h ? Ws h ? n sight in? ricana among the ?:, while th? White* Star : list amounted for all but three. aent'i list the um Mounted for American? are Mrs. Josephine L. Brugtsiero. Jame? Houlihan, Edmond F. Woods, Mr. and . Mr. an?! Mr?, Fred -.-. i I. Ki Tic Company'? ,i.,t j-.ven out at B:tO i ?; missing Amtriciin? ai Mrs. Joiephine !.. Brugui?re, ?V. E 1:1.111-'!'!;, of New "fork City, and Dr. I.lie uid F. Wood?, of J.ine?vil.e, Wis. Kxcip: for a few c c?nj-e? in the ii?t ? 1' survivors and n-isun,- on tin* Arabic ?he uh".e ,-ur Management received little information yes? ?onlay from Liverpool. Early in the day the freighter I'ovic. which ' ' riches . Liverp ol. Was reported t ,r;ie ihe was reported ? ! .. ami pn,. . Bepr? of the W!ilte Lino ' that there . ?? Bovic, but the con.; air, <?? !| i "malic o ?s repot i- " s . - ? 11 . been torped ? d. I. itl cable ; - nt bj 1 '? ? Ai ?". ated Pr?s - ? id thi eon - I . Whether the Arabic was eonvoyi a war vessel before or during si was a; important featjre that ? m-iined uns? : is local offices o; the company. It was known that the Arabic was never armed left this port for i theory that a few gun 1 of '-inch 'calibre, with on of dump ?? rboard as she ap proached Fire Island, ?ras scouted yes U id. P. A 8. Franklin, vice president and general manager of the International 0 m pa as 1 ? La?! been convoye,! but re answer. He sai felt co..Muent there had been no eon? voy, a.*, it was n.??. necessary, an,! moreover, he would ha precautions bad been taken by t h e Ad n [I nerally believed along the waterfront I compel abic she wou. ; i. I have been al Th.- eonv ?y a ? of much mot of the - .'.t 1. . lepend in a mea - uro upon the possibility of armed |iro tcct on. If eonvoyed. the Germans would contend that their undersea ves? sels had a right to sink the Arabic without war A report went out yesterday that the former Red S'.ar lins-r Lapland had been sent to the bottom. She is now running in the service of the White Stur Line, and left here on August 12 with ? ?m. sighty-thre? ond cabin and ninety-nine steerage passengers. Also ?he took a big cargo, up largely of motor trucks, aero . and general munition.-, of war. The Lapland is due In Liverpool thi? morning, and UP to a late hour last night tite local oitice of the White Star Line i. ! no report from her. The of the I.? viand Line, bound lor Liverpool wi'h a cargo of horse?, also was reported sunk, but a report from London was that ?he had , , n torpedoed, but wa. able to make port. The steamship N'ew York City, of the . Lin ?, was toi pedoed a few hour? alter the Arabic was sent to the bottom. Information concerning the ? nking . ? recei ? sd here i ssterdsy at tl lice of Jame? Arkell & Co., local agents Of the line. The message stattol that the vessel had beer, torpedoed at ?1 p. m. on Thursday and all the crew 1 id been saved. She was a small freighter and was two ?lavs out of Bristol on her rsrd journey to thi. port. White S'ar lists cable.1 last night contained the names of Mr. ami Mr?. Fr< d Burgess as among the Arabic sur? vivors. Officials arere unable to ex? plain the error if, according to consu? lar reports they are missing. Burgess, a chuutrcur, and .Mrs. Burgess, S niaid, wer?- m Mrs. Bmguiere's employ, and were com'ng to ' intrj with ber. There were many per?ons aboard the Arabic whose names did not appear in the li-t of passengers. There also were ?' icrepancfes in n?im>'s. The company'? ige from Liverpool last night mentioned five survivors who had at the last moment and whose names were not on the list cabled here Thurs? day night. A message from the company's Liver? pool otTiC" itated th? re was some uncer? tainty ^concerning the safety of Miss Ii ??!.?? Tattorsal!. Her name was not on the sailing list, and it was not definite? ly known if she was among the psssengers. Pledges the Loyalty of German-Americans Illy T ??iripli to The Tribun?) Detroit, Aug. 20. "I believe that there is not one German citizen of America who would take the side of gainai America if ?t war should take place," said Dr. Km:l Ko Singer, managing editor of the "Abend Post," Detroit's leading German daily, when asked to comment on the sinking of the Arabic. "I may disagree with President Wil? son,"' Dr. Rosinger continued, "but I think it is my duty to uphold his office. There is a great deal oi loose and un? founded talk about the attitude of Ger? man-Americans in case of trouble. It is foolish to s,ay that in the event of war Germans would not tight again?t Germana lu the present war German? of Germany at>- lighting Germans of ths ?Gorman provinces of Russie ?Cour? land, Livonia and Fsthonia. The Ger? man is true to the nation to which he , h:n sworn allegiance. "Reports o? the Arabic's sinking are still toe indefinite to calf for comment. I don't know that it was a ?ubmarine that did it or whether, if it wa?, warn? ing was given. If no warning was given, it was a mistake, for I do not that Germany would break a promise made to the United States." / "/ lar /),??,-, ? ,, , ? ' ' arn i m ?, .? i ( ? . [^okukm. I n ? IJf?> _^-s?r_K* eWef' GERB?AK. ::;; PAPER: ARE DEADT?SLARE Insist That Americans Sail on Belligerent Shi] Own Rj 'io'Ttrnr ??. <d in ? of the Aral unanimous, ho-? ?lger-"--s do IQ ? - ? warn t 'inlimit. ' >i. Paul D'il- unz. and m Con* ? ? - a Ukr.ipor . : ? - i's irsnipon r ? w h ? the ex.? people i* . iDproo ? I - Amei rily hav? a?ties. ? | ? Detroit 11 As Pi < .ntra. ? rwhelm have t" ' n ing. Cincinnati Prut Presse.. The Ar i ap immense amount of wi .i rman soldier? have bled ?i the : this ship brought :.> England and h?r \ fore, ?ri wat be satisri?d that the tripi immuai? tion ?hip hav? if our tration the unlimited . . protect Chicago (HI.I St.iat-Zeitunf. We hai bo^y will venture to aai ' ?*>}<: mu not a hostile lienasa ?'?. car? ried war i u| ?Mir. Th" cr? w foi mod s tf?w clui) and pi . ??? it* xmV The K?? men would ?'- . I U| . , % of wood would be i tu ? ?sb?? got. If Amer - '"d u'e** bear the 1 r recK' know it, England is resp? ? ?? I"" u ?an live.-. ( incinnati Volksblatt All in- tt\*\Te Aral ic. rcm?i?> that am -e?n th United States tnd Uerii thread, whicl momei * by ',? This uncoml ' ?*?*__: could be easily eommon sen-?, e/h ens to Mvs try ?*** embarra American t,ag. Lake Hopatcong ?tl TO-MORROW-Also t??**? ?P?1 Sunday and Mol?a?y Lt. W. 7M ft. 8.1 ' * "'? L*. Jecksea A*t., .'-?? Rrot.4 S'ter?. Nf??rk. ' . Atlantic City $2.50 T?:r.*r-r? t.?-. W, :<;s- 7 ; . : ? ? % IC? Le. Jic.ioa Ave., Je-ne*. "?'*? Lv. 8ro?d Sr , S-*i ? lnmMeraWt NO SMOKt GOaifieW* HARD COAL BUSTANOBYS WETAM3HA NUB 3S1h S.ree* Known the world over tor cuisine and Parisian ?tmospn-re. AMATEUR SOIREES i \ ***_**" mi.m t'tautttu Uancinx PttaOS ct Lunch, lea and >u?>.'"?*r Continuous Ei.terUinn.ei') IP. M to 2 A M