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MOOSE SLATED TO INDORSE MOSS Some Republican Leaders for Him as District At? torney, He Is Told. FUSION DFALS IN MANY DISTRICTS Progret&ives Expected to Ap? prove Justices Greenbaum, Clarke. Shearn and 1 inch. Frank Moss has a majority of the dis? trict lenders of the Progressive organi? sation, and it is expected that at a meet? ing of the executive committee at head ' is 'lue-,lay night he will receive their indei the Progreiiivs candidate fr>r District Attorney. The Progressives have been told that while the Republican organization will have to stand by District Attorney Per? kins for renomination, a number of for Mr. Moss, whose Repub? lican friei ing t?' wager he can carry the primaries of that organi . .se of his ability as a cam? paigner. The Republican executive committee will : '.er part of no\t week to consider candidates to be indorsed by the organisation m the primaries. It has been thought liest to hold off mid see svhat the 1 ? and Demo? cratic organizations would do. John C. i Suspender Jacki Mr?, circulating petitions to run for the Progressive nomination for Sheriff, but ttle chance of getting the support of that organization, although at pres? ent it has no one picked for the nomi? nation. In addition to indorsing Justices Greenbaum and Clarke, the Progressives ssill probably indorse Justice? Shearn and Edward R. Finch, appointed yester? day by the Governor, for the Supreme rt bench. Work looking toward fusion on local candidates is in progress in several As? sembly districts. The Republicans and Progressives have completed an agree? ment in the li?th District, Wi liam D. Hrush. the Republican leader, is to get the Progressive support for re-election to the Board of Aldermen, while the Republicans are to nominate James Walsh. Progressive, for the Assembly. Last year the Republicans and Pro - cs in the district put up separnte tickets, resulting m the election of Patrick F. Cotter, Democrat, to the As? sembly Samuel Marx, Democratic leader of the 31st District, has arranged to fuse with the Cleveland Democracy on can? didates for the Assembly and Hoard of Aldermen. It i< reported that Thomas F. Shan? non, Democratic leader of the 20th Dis? trict, has decided to turn down Alder-1 man John J. Reardon for renomination. Reardon was known as the "marrying" alderman, and his rejection is likely to cause a split in the district organiza? tion. FIRE RECORD. A M .'?? T- 1 I!, .".,-.:: I. ? en; trt- , - l ?-ifltn ? i B-lndli ? ral ; B hira- - ? - S ? ? f?l }?? i . . Mr?. lama Peat. mama, s ? . trifll? ? Olnf. . ! rime!. trifling ! s I* 11; uiiinossn ttwtrts: ! ruda Hirn-: triflln?. 1 T r ? . BtaodirdvOil ; ? ? -. ; trlfl 1,1/ JUSTICE DKla.WVS SUCCESSOR. lidward R. Finch. WHITMAN NAMES FINCH TO BENCH Honest Ballot Association Head Takes Place of Late Jus? tice Deiany. Edward R. Finch, formerly chairman of the lass- committee of the Republi? can county committee, yesterday was appointed justice of the Supreme Court by Governor Whitman. He takes the place of Justice John .1. Deiany, Dem? ocrat, who died recently, and will serve under appointment until January 1. when the successor to Justice Deiany, to be elected in November, ss-ill take his seat. This appointment has caused the Governor anxiety because of the large number of Republicana in the field for it. Mr. Finch will, of course, run in the Republican primaries for the nomina? tion to succeed himself, and in all probability will receive it. Justice John Proctor ? larke. whose term ex? pires this year, is slated for renomi? nation. Mr. Finch has probably done as much as any one man to put on the statute reforms in the election law. (lue of his greatest triumphs WBS the sig? nature law, which makes it more dilli cult to practise fraud in the primary and general elections. Horn ii. New York City in 1873, Mr. Finch was graduated with a Phi Beta Kappa key from Vale University in Since receiving his lass- degree from Columbia seventeen years ago he has practised law in this citv. Gov? ernor Hughes appointed him special cornm: mine the charges brought against San.1 i?. Nutt, a Cor? oner of Queens County. Mr. Finch is chairman of the execu? tive committee of the Honest Ballot Association, on the executive commit? tee of the Chilli's Welfare Committee, has served as secretary of the Repub? lican Club, and for eight years has been a trustee of the City Club, WHERE JO GO TO CHURCH TO-MORROW i?EH?EtiA?iC.L M Sill Cassklns. of ., I ? il Ml 1ST. MADISON AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. SON AVE, ? OH 1ST si C. A. EATON. O. 11.. P?a?or. Maurice Penfield Fikes, D. D., ? f !>? T ' w .. I ? Il A. M.?"The On? Thing That Jnu? Chrltt Could Nut lio " S P. M ? "UD ?h* Mlff-Tr.c ? i H*?. C. F. Hlll^IaPlrtfr < incivil iv WIENCE. - ? . ,Wltlf Christian Science Churches Sur.,.. I 1 A. M. and 8 P. M. Weds.. 8 P. M. I>ur,-.g S . ? ?r? held It . Mi st s D -?t. Tfclrd ' A?? , ?.. .. ', m i i i iitii, m w. i .?i et Hiail. l :,,.r ,,. I ? 1 SS.? >li ? ? As? l IIM.KM.l?lONAi.. Broadway Tabernacle Broadway *"intl Ulk Str.-t. 11-? Mm Al. ?ll.MI ' >l'!| IHX Uli*. (?I ? IIKI-sl. CENTRAL CHURCH. Il IV? list SU Il \ M -R??. Marlon J. Bradthiw ?111 iti ?? h ?'cr.ll?! ?? Il MU 1 M l Mus H ? - FREDERICK J. STANLEY. D.D. %?. Miriam.N-? Sor. F"?-.?. 1 II t In s JOHN BAICOM SHAW. O. 1). AU| ?s i i nu ?:\.v CHUBCH Of THE ADVENT I 11.-? SSi?, M A M Cbe Ascension s ?I, S'tafl H?, D, ni Kl S BTI? KM S ORAN I B ' 1 11 A M . n- > rharlta W Naumann, Proa? 'irr Ml : it t ii>i-1 i i im or Al. HTH ST. M. E. CHURCH Hi ISA). ???' MM I HOI 1.11 I ACAOEMY HALL. MS W 71TH ST THE NEW THOUGHT CHURCH >? w --?-? CHURCH OF THE INDWELLING MASTER ? ! V |-|U.?ll. II.KI.W FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH filth ABO. infl 55th 81. REV. ?. H. JOWETT. I). [>., Pastor REV. WILLIAM H. ROBERTS. D.'d. THE BRICKCHURCH a if'U Ateste* a- I Tlilrl) ????.Hi Ntre.1 -? ? ?SSIII.IASI III Km,s V| IKILL *""'""r* I THANK I.ATIMl l; 'A\iu.a., Uli WII.I.IAM ( II'AIIIT ' ' ? I i,' I'tr-l). irriin Chun h Chlr-jo, pttt Im ?? 11 ? a ? ? OLD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH niTH IVI .'1 KU?l UNTll s fill IT R??. HOWARD llllitlli 0. D. H?,ior 11? III I. I . Ja.iui'h ?ill p..ah la?', lni\er?ity Place Presbyterian Church ?m BfoacB it il. i nil -iivni(i*iN ROADWAY PRESBYTERIAN CHUHJH. it. ft abb in at on Presbyterian ( hun-h I71'h St., at Br'ond*,.,. Rtv. D. Hoflnan Mar.In, ?. U.. Paitor. R.v. lyrnan R. H.?rtlfy at 11 A M .. I - I' XI WtbT-PAKK PRESBYTERIAN CHUHCH. I'.th SI. ?nd Anutrrdam A*?. Rev ANTHONY H. EVANS. U. 0. ' , ..,?.? P?? AiMSO*. P. ATTF''?UKV fi n / Rfy. nANIEL HOFFMAN MARTIN. D. 0., i ?? .1 il i i A M iKi'i i.M .?.**? i t.ri>( ? -i \i? SPECIAL SUMMER SEHVICES ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH V l II" s ... ? Tli? i: > i i-lihl ? Parka. l> V, llmcr. . REV. SAMUEL L). McCUNtfELL D. J). St. ?corae $ C?iurch CKU.RCH-:;_!CNA:-.DST.T.M3THy ? A. M Il A M i ? I ! CHURCH OK THE HOLY COMMUNION. ? ?? .. lliufbton-1 ; it.? ? lie? J. A . V. irko. I . M . m I M CATHEDhAI. OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE." I - \ ?! ! li A M I ? i ?? I" :: I I; 4 V M I ,..,!.. . I || j.,. a \l a.K \t ? ? HI HI 'I Urn .?.Wal? in: I mill Hi, ? ' ? ' I '? ? ' ..a.fl. ST. THOMAS'S CHURCH. Sid A,?, a ISO St ll.'< I i. M - I M .- ill.I - I? II, Rfrtoi . i V li'. IV. . 11 11 III I III!. MIIU/I I I ?>l I I ?.I \ I I I IK I? |f. ?. i roii.N ii i \i... n i' m I. . HAIi.'I.H W Mil) -\i K It. M. I ? V M. i ni M \i;i i i ? .> ? i i \ i i ? in ni h. ' li.? DAVID JAN III lilil I I.. I' I' U Ki i Ittrr II M " 1> . m.i preach 11 A M I a! ? " ? r m i. kip '* i in iDiii ?.i vu i in ki h or it. Ml III?! .-. IMI KI Hex MALO I VI I ?.-> H M I POD l> l' . UlnfatM. l: . i It Brmil li |i . ..: Il A M ai. I S I' M nu w i -i ? n.i i ?.i \i i i m m r. H'r?l I >. llr? IIKMlY CTKHTMilN l*OBH li 1> MlnllUl Hex K'l ifn I H. Ark? .- i : A M >l?( II.I \ Ol I KII.MO. Pflltjlou? Sc'lftv of Frltnd? Ol . Mfcting r i .. ? akLIUIOUb ?OCICT. ?II IHIlN.i'. \1 r .-. I ( in . ?' . I I ??: i'ili al . talan ... - a I Ml \KI W ? ni in il m Ti'l. MKSXIAI! I'trk A? mil i I - . A M I'.n K < HUH W I.I.I, t IlKKKI V. U 1) - lb ' Till Kill AT UAH AM' NI* INK Pl'o*. IW.MT. Th Vuli.ii ..ii. . Ul Mill ?I II. II I * liOC'l Tabfrnalir Churih. - a. II, i A li t<lkll'tUIN I'aalor. | A M i > l( _?rr!a?n: ? *i ? ? I >? I Kln| Wwpins. PEASANT SNARES DESERT MONARCH Calls Honest Steve" as Lebaudy Dickers Over "Long-Horned Kine. DEPOSED EMPEROR FEARS CONSPIRACY ?lames Wife for His Return to Sanatorium Talk of I.ove for 'Phone Girl Rife. Or. Joseph II. Bagart, of Rosira, nnd Dr. Guy P. I'lophdin, of MiBeola, think .laciiiii's Labaudy, Emperor of the Sa hiirns, ihould remain la the Knicker? bocker Hall isnatorlum at Amlt-rviUe, hut the Emperor ?1???^ not think bo. Phercfore, when the commitment rapen are bronchi up before Justice Scudder at Mine?la this morning hi? l.isvycr, Psul de Fere, of 6 Nassau St ret, ssill probably make n fiKht for Ins client'i freedom. Lebaudy Insinu? ate! there is ? dark eonspiraey asjalnst ( him. He namei his wife si one of the ! chief conspirators. The Emperoi ??is caught a?-ain e.irlv yesterday morning, after roaming: all night over Long island, following hii eacspe fro? the aanatorlum. His face .-?.sere.; with bramble icratchei and mo* luito bites, he walked Jauntily into ?he barnyard of a farmer at Hunting Ion m-.1 immediately inquired the price .?i "long-horned cattle." "?You're Lebaudy; that's who sou are. ' said the farmer. ??oh. you rogue; you know me. answered the Emperor. The fariner communicated svith l>eo uty Sheriff Amis Kiggs, who got hold of Sheriff Steve Pettit. Lebaudy wai taken hack to Amityvillc in a motor car. He talked very rationally on the trip, and at the sanatorium, too. It whs said that as soon as he realized he .sas under observstion again ha be? caine very canny. ?;. told On I-onK Island ves . .-aid Lebaudy was infatuated with a telephone operator in s Sew York dancing palace and had tried to get hei to go to France with him. An? other statement made was that last week he telephoned to Assistant Dis? trict Attorney Charles S. Weeks of Nassau County and asked if ?? warrant had been issued for him l Lebaud) , Mr. Weeks said there wai not, and Le? baudy kept talking so disconnectedly that the Assistant District Attorney finally put down the receiver. The VVestbury home of the ?Emperor had been a fine place once, but il s:.?!lv run dosvn now, Ifeiterday the grasi seas unkempt and a small goal wai munchintr the shruhhery. Mme. Le? an 1 Ik r young daughter were ng al.out with tss(> native Long Islanders, who, the maid said, were i-i, pectivc purchasers of the dejected looking h?.i ses which the Emperor bought for Ins foreign legion of A. D.T. boys, Th?- hoi ses, bony, sick and lame. were having a hard time fighting off the mosquitoes, which, lodging from their numbei -, appeared to have nade the I.ciiiiii,);.- place the central bureau from which they handle all Long Island. EIGHT-HOUR DAY, OR 26,000 STRIKE Woman Labor Organizer Issues This Challenge to Bridgeport Employers. Unless the eight-hour day is grant? ed, there will be in liridgeport, Conn , within two weeki itrikei involving 26,000 workers. This is the challenge of Miss Mary Scully, organizer for the American F?d?ration of Labor. When the Remington arm- and am? munition factory, influenced by the filled svith men and Starting for agitation nicotines, began to svalk out, Miss Scully 1 them to return to work, "I can't have more than one .?trikc at a tin!?," she exclaimed to one icroup ? of girls. "If you -.'..nit the eight-hour ? day just wait until I can get it for ; you in the ripht way."' The Reming j ton company employs more than B,'?"'i Their grievance is said to De dissatisfaction with the eight-hour plan worked by the company recently. Other labor developments in Bridge? port yesterday w? The Harvey llubbell Company, Inc., (-Tinted the eicht hour day ( i 160 men without reduction m wage ; employ?e of the Georg? C, Batcnellor i Company and th<- ' town Corset Con pans- have submitted the same set of demands (-ranted by the Warner !? rothers' Company; 40C ?-iris and 10ti , men walked out ?>.' the Urs,mt Elec? tric Company, the Bridgeport i>. the Westinghouse Company; 600 K'irl.s left the Star Shirt Ci'iiipi.ny. :.''. 1 forty buffer.; of Holmes ?.v. Ed? wards Company sod .200 ?nen women employed by the Electric Cable Conn,any Wl t.< on . '.like. r.' idem ?I. ?I. Keppler of ta? ational Association of Machia? returned from Washington >??.:. with orden from the executive board to go ahead with a strike when i-ser Ik deemed it advisable. Secretary Banael, of the ?Ladies' Tailors' Union said yeiterday that ali preparation! have been mad.' for a genera] st-ike whic'i will involve 20, 000 men and women. The ?lite of .ne il to be kept -.-. Five hundred employee of the Gen iia! Chen ' "tnj any at Edgewster ss? m ? ? ? lay. They want a 15 per cent increase in wages and ..!,?! a half for overtime. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Penaltlri I n 1 l> I.??? ' Kni 1107 flneil I Lfav? il A!,.', ? I ? SS J Mar s -c ?ai Lfa.r? o? Absrnc? ITA II ?V 1. !? Ii un s t ?I . A?l! 21. ? ., ? i ? II. A I. S. 11 huura, a ? m , .s . i il. .. i' . s STOK *.<.*-. NOTICES. BH \M? > I Mill.-.-. 131 ?rs.i.lh '.ir. N. V. T.. i ?lue. J. B? alle, ma Wllll ,ni ii. n ir, Prank * thai ihr II ' r ' - |fOU, I lo .% It, Hosaehold ? I WARKHl >t*S ? f k ?'tis I . . ?? i ?-r ? bava ,?n In ? n ae . ? Y?.rk ? com t ? ? rti I ?i 3'i a m . and i unttnulng ut,i II tl i ara BKAN I? S i a PRKftS ANi'iiK.w J BU tiinr.iH. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vetada Arriving: nt nnd De? partir.*?* from Port of New York. MIMATI UK AI.MA-N *C Surirl?? I I-,, iiint-i. i, '..?. nii?rii rlare. 1 01. BMM'l i|? || MICH \*.AIT R Sin.h II...? ' ? I lalaml ll-ll liar. WIREUBB REPORTS. Tli- Tinranla r. p r>. I ?, M" mllr? raal nf Kami; Hook ,\ noon mierda?, I- <->r"'"l lo ?lock INCOMING STEAMEKS. TO-OA1 VeeaaX thram. tin? M. ,i- ..I. An? 11 ?.?.lift? rara? ' -liniani.. Kantttfo, Aug m Ward Mm ululan Ha ? a. l i Am liara Anlfiiwan.Il??r?. Ann 4 .? n ? Hull, A ii- ? . r_emm tl??il. Auf ?i.Italian SI'NDAI iroi'iT n ' *l*lilla.l?l|,lila I.Hmi-i.'I. Auk II. . 'Krontiltnd. I'rMohal. Ami I* Pm I'?' *?'/ar An baa? :. Aai I ... . Ituaalan 'AllUlll -. Hago. Ana I', ? i ?I? ?!? _'? Aiirii'.-l ?i-i,,.?. Au* II .Italia.? I'i I a.!. i . , i ..;,. Am U Am Ha? ColuatMM Saaaniiali. Aus IS... Sna.iiri.ili MONDAY, Ai m ST I 'Tuai-anl? Olaaeam. Ann Il il ' I ?T.i a liam ? ...m Aua M II? ?sua.,la B-iUMO. An? H ? I I I.. San Juan. Ai.? Il S . .-. V II nan II. riiiinla. Au? 21 i II rk 'r..n. . .Vw Hilrar:?, Ana II SB-Pa? ? 'Unmet mall OUTGOING STEAMEKS. ID DAY Mali? Yeeael I Veaeel t ? 11- ? ?>?"? ; Minipilli. N'aplM. |rail?*i. . S " am 1" im m li.ii.Maiii, lloiirnlan, Mol?-Ara IM ?n Unom Kl . ... K..?? :: - .H Jill 1.' 'm >n .'?Ule. l?a.nli an I r rh.U "" l:i "" l''n i liaran?. UaTana. li.rl . .mi 11:00 am V.illi.i... All!.'I.Una, I. IV II . ".?("I MB H "??? I I i i: l rala?ira ? i I . o ,. I M ?m UN >? ... i.iiiah ? i li . " 'i am II on m A . . Iln, Turk? lilin.l I' da 11 I .ii.i J li .1? Ian.In.. Illa/ll. lira- IJ .... In l:M PM P del \eilei ,i .Lu, limn. KO*A*l.ll 10 am iirliina. Utrrpnol, ?muni.- II Mi-Ulna. ?. . . . kl ...- I '"i l'?l ' Aiani". T?lii|ia. Mill?n . ... - 1 Mpal Bantlifo, Ilmnawl.k. Uelloty... Ai a. :,. i l ? i pa ! A',tlin?, v i. Di rana, s.i l'jr,. ? - I . i m ? -.- i: ? - ??innata, s.n , Kl Nort?, U??atan. Bo Pac ... - i MONDAY. Al ?il ST l'as, ru ' ? ? 'i in am 13 M m | Maraiai. Uranada, Trinidad lu "'?ni Ia,:t0_ 11 : RDA1 AI ?il ST M. v.r."'.? Vial. Italian IH ia < i latonal, Panama 11 II am i rdl i "" I IB ' o, ? ?? umliua Saaannah. .-i.?? TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. ' -? XT I I" 'tnatlmi ami ???aiupr. I I i>. m. II ... ill i ?la Ti . '.Ian. Tu da) i ? Jaran. Corel, t'hl : I'til lp| I I (?la -Vat- . Ilr). Tanin? Mini .An? ..' | Hawaii, Jip?o ? ..rri. China. Philipp?m ma San I'rarn i.ii i. Ventor?. Altl'.I VKI?. ? Apa.-lir. Jarkaonellle Aucui| K, Chirlriton II, to I th? Clj le Ha I '. la.-1it ijuar. ! 1 D.'i???r*. Philadelphia, to Hi- CTrjr?* s? ?'r., Witt ni |m Quar, l. I p m Uadla ., \i,,;?irt Sein ind Moffom. la I n 8a Co. will -, II . i Slatnrar Prtnrr (Itrl. Ilrint Au|iL?t T. I" Pml K l; ii I Danabwi 'Hani, llrl??nl Jill? II, I" I s I . I ? 12:11 p ? Kii' I K Vend I (Orael July. ! *tn ami liamila Auartul -'. lo J W i ? ? II ??- ' , Kith ml-. Bar, 12 '" P m I?1 Alll'iat ?i. I'> I> T liar. I a in kllfUM IT, t? rln ii ' limar. I a m i .'... \. A 1 ' i .? h :-' , m I. to tha Pal am i B R 1 I 13 I til U i I Dan), i ? in md .Manat? M 10 the Writ 11 ? - < . will? W*? l'?r. ? ni Be?rind. San Juan .In v 11, Rantllto Atlfuil ? . lui Sa:.'a l"?ua 14 *. 'rk ari'l I'ul.a Mall Si I :? "i x ? i Q ? P m. | i i a ? 4. lo Ban? a li ,r _ i p m , Buenm Am? July ?, M.v leo '? Trini.:, i I I linn A nuil -' Biltlmnre 11 raid I |? . arrl lo. ? .iria.n m Au*u?l ', 111 ' '? Hllill Maria [l, ? ' ' 14. lo | J . , Bal i ? ? ? 14. lo the Atla I i I I B?i 4 18 a in. I A. '. r i i a tn I, 10 f'U-M-?. , J ' ' Gfnrra'? Transar?an''.; ' ? t? i.i' I .an 13, i la II .i .-. \ 1 - 6 'n a ni Dakota- niln Jotj i? ' i i i ? ? ? a in . a . I. to P II O ? . .\ ' i ? m Montara, llanr^r. " loot? J M C?urmick, Qual HAILED. S'eani?'? Pel N. , ! I ; i * STEAMEKS AT FOREIGN PORTS. ABB!. 1 D \ , ? \ | ? Mar? ?J.T ? ? I ' iIlr) (frnin Vnk.-aroi. ela-1. I *! rirdlfl, v S toit ?la I I'a\la. Am ' I Set? 1 ?? I i ' 111 Au? 19 llyndford iH.'l. N ? Y..r? f..r . \ ? ?'aliutta a I ? o lonho - ? ' i -. . It?I ?Hrl. X.w Y'.rk. St TIioibi?, A Tort foe ?ra, llavi.-, A ? I .?rk I ? \ .rk. \ \ i '? I rk III i BAILED. I ?ll( II Vork lla.r- , AU| If?1 II | K \ .- ? ' \'irk. lui Mai STORAGE NOTICES. THE WEST EXD STORAGE WAREHOUSE .-Id ? KfVr HUTU M. t, 1?1S To ?' Irthur t'olto I'll.ul Mr, I'. : l: \ I . l-'n .|. : I'u'i Mr ? ' Mra >; l> 'i.r i I. Lou '. tu,., Mra K H Uutman, Lou r, H?r F Ha lam? ? n. m - In ill II. I . .1. |. I Houtl I. Henri V Kill.-, Martin k. I'll;.! ?? ol . for tl ifr.i dU< rtjr, in I wit. h' . ?ur In In Tli? U ? ' i:l Hloi ? . ? ?tatut? M- i ,? - .? . i K-iat er ? ? . : Tua I . ; m. \\ i-i IM) - un; \?.i .\.\KKHOi'.?_. II. II I Ml N I II \l . l'r..|.r,i.,r. THE WEST EN?3 STORAGE WAREHOUSE .'n.- ne n i -1 hu in v i ? i To M rt \V || ,?. Han h, Mi- .luh? ?i ? i p . S A S?. n.". Mi? '.? \ M ? ti,,' Um? for I ? ou, l will ' .?a... bui h ; (or In in Tl." W . hi End Rtorag?, v. ? ' i IUa-1 tll.'l' 'I ?a' ' ' I I Mi U I -I I M? -Kilt Vl.KM \ltl IIO( M-- ! 1 1II.N III' MINI II \l . 1-r.rprirla.r. Ar?-hin?r|, Auf J (Hu..). N.s? Tor?. IMS-Hi lliinti?! Ba-al A'i, M Ki.lTll? VIII 1 Hin). *?>? ? , ' ? I-I,!:..*-? Olhfiltir, Aim |, si ?otepb il-'i), Ni? Y"??. ?*"r M..r-a lit?-? THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts .and Records of the Last Twenty four Hours. Wiai,i,,g', ,. su, m ri.? T, i?i tAmna in tteeeei In l',!?nslty alii.-r TliurKliy BUM BSat BBS .I fr. ss v ... t., s,,.i'l,?-sirri, In .Itina, ac-i, I I ' . I,, an rilat* i?'?l Si'?"? I" li'?1 Iha i?! ? ilao ,,?- ?II?? In I.r QUM III, |. !., Iha ,,| : r .. ... Vail?! II "' '"i luWrr Ilka ,,-,l,,.. in.l iha tail '.u;f a??l M.,nili Atlantic Slat,. A! -*? l..,ila a. T-ii In? Ii>-s i.f tain fell Ml .,,- i ?j . a,, imipaiil. I I t ln*li ?" na, al.'l il, ,,- ".'a ?'"? l!'""l"l In aritllUmi In ?!?? ?to Minimi ??>????? iti'-nil.d. (1,,-r- *?:.? local lliuiiilrnhoweri In Iba I: ? M....... a I -a roctaMi ..-,.1 ?', \? It. ????'. ? ?l '??'?' '?'? ?? r oi II.'I???:) lb* M,.,i!?? ?ai fair. , ,,,- -... .? ..t iha Bock, lloun ..?t.- li Mparatum ??> ""? ? ? : ,,. pi oral l , rallara, ?l.---r? ira quita lo? for Iba aM on Tb notai -?" i"'"1' I I . rai- . il" "??I" \ ?Hel and I?"? r.-ail-.t. mlaai ndsi in Sem t.ii-liml .,- ,| n? si?|,l ,- Atilinta- Blair* Xhete i ? --?I '????? ?i Baiurda? in ??a s.miii, Alia Baal Hull HI urailia-r ?III I? ?-i-n.raly lar B?tanla? ai?l Sun ill?, an,I I ?I.I '-? f?,r on BumU] In III? laa? r? .lb AH..','I' St?!?? of loa su i i ? Atlantl, ?III irin ii ?111 '? i" "'? ? ill,, va ? ?? ? ?iniiiiu ?'?? ,l,.|,:a>,'.l on in? ? i , . isupaarloi md North Ml, hlfan, ss, i, foi -, , i..-. .....i Mundai Xorth Atlantic. uln! avail? ...iiih and -outhrut, Inert?* I -vas ?o.iiii anal,, !',. r.'as.-.l In , ? orar .-,,,i?h si ii:,? Atlinll? , modenU II -., - ifbl . S'.iltli AI linn.. ? -ill, ? ?? r|.? rails . ? an i h. all -.i? sad ? 'ii'ii ,o-!; uppar lake?, BKakralc. ?lilnn,* ?in.Is mi ? , ? ?? l north; ? ??, i?,r?li wliwli on Ml.hlKiii ,- i Huron, I-.- ? mit??; Kiml <?i ? -otlth portion, mtli ral ? -t ?Inn* Bat ! rain . northaaat ?orm likn lliif,-?, ?' -I ?outh Ml? Iiii.ui F.vtcid lir Spealal Leiallll?, N?-?r . iln lo ?las, I?- ? , , l?ii,l> in the ??at, rain I . Iha .-i-t. -, .N.w \ a.rk. riln lo ?l?y or to nlslit md I i?'.-'. I, I- , r.- tali a loaidlniM to ,1?. f,, . - ? i?,,n,,w. rain. N'ortbrt 'i-i. fair ! , <la> ; l?i uti.rr.rt?, I' ??'<? Man?an,!, II,? I?; Co ml 1? md ? rain In -iai . lo iDorrosr. j,uti> cloud]?. N, ?a Jaran ., ?i 1 - uiia. rain "> lay; !,, in?,!!,?.. partly cloud) In UM n.ulh, rain In ihr north \s ? s.rii'ils and ss - .sania, rain to fair. Loral Ofllrlil R-cord.?TV f-,Urn? in- ?" '.! -.,-,! Ills' \V.vl!?r It.?.. . i ?,...., ll," ,!,ll?K.-a RESORTS. The Cats-kill Mountains u region of ROMANTIC SCENERV ALTITUDE 2?C0 TO 4000 FEET ATTRACTIVE HOTELS ANO GUARDING HOUSES MANY TRCUT STREAMS POPUlAR WALKS AND DRIVES MOUNTAIN CLIMBING?CAMPING A WONDERFUL COUNTRY OF WILDvVOOD CHARMS TIE LXSTH. & DELAWAW K. K. In connection with West Shore H. K.. operates through iraini '?. and from .'.,.-. i ,,i... eluding Pullman sers ice. The si-uitiiur schedule is now in effect Bteamen of t'.ic Hudson Rivet limy Lint make direct connections at Kingston Point svitli afternoon trains lor all points in Hi? mountains. The annual Illustrated book with re s Ised mapol the<'ntskill Mountain neo Uon, and contacted of over 1,0M ? i i.i rig ? ?> ises svili pa Bent free on r.'c?!,i>t of ? . ?ntN postage. N. a. BI&I8, G< neiai Passenger Agent, Kingston. N. Y. THE NEW MONMOUTH Spring Lake Beach, N. J. Ai. ! BBS -I Hotel on til? Ocean front ?Villa i^ery Attraction l?.r lb? BaiOBBvr Vlaitor Dally Concerts and Liancea Palm and Tea Ho n Overlooking in? o.ess Priva?.- Te',ni.? ('ourla Uolf. Iluiorlng, I-. ? bli --. Kldlag. PRANK P. SHI7TB. Mana-rar. GALEN HALL 11(11 I I AV.l SAN tlilllUM, AI ! AN II? ?111, \. ,| SI way a h?i.?y. ' I Comfort or la' as f-U,- *n Ideal place f?,r a lonij or live baths ssth I VOI \<; llararsl Mirvir" THf ?AUIN0 RtS?'KT ?O?fl Of ?lit WORU) ?R3avH)oro*jab=Bicnbc?m ATLANTIC ?31TY. N'. J. -.?.-,..? S. ? a , ? . N JOBI'H WHITE 4 SONS CCMPAHY U?I1((?M)ACKH ' i-Ai i. .- ni rus ii? i'ii i. i,, ?-. v. i-???j CROYDEtf ?r?f9\ (?( 1 \N ?<|{l)\ I . N. a. rti-i iif,.i?f fr. ?ii- Oc*an \ W i.vman EXCURSIONS. ESS IfMAUCH CHUNK ?G?N-.0N0?C0' -^.CHILDREN HALF FAHEW tZ^:*^Jm[*3,xam\\tl\Zel^ Leh ?gli Yol ley Kailroiid * Spend Sunday, Aug. 22, In The Mountains ate? ' ? ? .,,,11 *-i.?. . .I train I. .... s.? * ? il. ss eut EM KI.).S:<B \.m ?lilu-r?. M.i M ::{<| " ??' irr??-.. ? ii.. Jackaoa AveJI-SS " ?? Newark *? ; i o ?? ?? 'WtTPrrx'Zirni, A DAY'S Pi "C*\S'inP r*?13!?---^^ mm MEmm?m ' IIA7-0 COAL-t.Q Is-CKC- (-.TTH-tFOCT at^-l^'^f. Lake Kopa?cong Si.00 To-mcri-ow *2|S^ *"?"* s-7"* da-j ?nd Holiday Lv. m .--i St. 8J0; iiVrvf' .<..-.-i m. taca a Art .' ers. y I i .in. L> Stemi i i-rt. Sun, I, . Atlantic City 32.50 To-morrow J'sV"'g7l.?:>esday' I . '.S I ? .'a,....-i *? - J?rs?? ? - - Lf lif.a- ?? . Nr*,-?. ? *'?--. via New Jersey Central Deiightfiil Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST FOINT Steamer "Albany"2TW Str. "Robert Fulton" I . ,:- |?-.- ? ... -t ',?| , -, : |, ! ,, p JI SS?: lid M I P. M il. I 1. ??:. s, ; ; I' II I 15 P. si It - ... i [rip i?, |,our, a? lla-ir .. at SS..I I'..?,,,, ;, Ulli? ar '-, I ? .,. ; LCST TBII* I0B kATUBUAT AITtBNOON. I In th. l-nip-ratun tor th? Ia?t twenty-four hoiira ? In ea?fanaoa wllh tin rorreiipoiidini date of lilt "" K.M. ISIS I tM iflf, flam. T?l (17 ? p m . ? ?' urn M ?<l! ? p m. " a ?? a in ;*? M II P- m. \{ *-*? I.' m . TO 77.12 p. m. ta 4 |. m 7*. col lllr)i?.t l-ni|?-riliir? ?rata-rda?. ?1 ^'!"T.?',e. 1 P in I. l-wrat. ?i. ?Irire? I al 2 a m ). SMS? ?????nia-,. ?4. Il.rorr.l.r R-.tlng? I a. m ...30 01 I 1 p. m.. -I? 02 | I P m M? Humidity. I a sa..?. at 11 p ?.s? I ? a- t? ... ? Lea-al r?eeea.t.-ll..l-i M da?, ?_"J_S ?'"' '" taanaa-f Belinda?. A SUNDAY OUTING On the Hudson means a won? derful variety of enjoyment. A swift, roomy boat?sur? passing scenery ? opportuni? ties to lunch and picnic?side trips to gay amusement re? sorts. There is not a dull minute in the day when you take the Sunday trip on the big Sir. "BENJ. B. ODELL' Newburgh.Poughkeepsie and Return J1 I,..,..s franklin st, ???"Ja* ? no, \V. ISSttl St., I *'' A M. f'.r ?'.-Ht f'i.lnt. New-burgh ami Po'fceepele, Trip si.oi?. Muaie, Rael iraraai CENTRAL HUDSON LINE SUNDAY TRIPS FALL RIVER LINE MAN AGE VIENT STEAMER CITY OF LOWELL TO BRIDGEPORT Ira?" l_f 40 N F. ft. Ilninton l"r.. 1*? IX. A M . f-l 11. N O., ft Fultoa St.. 10 15 A M Dim Br?tepofl 2 IS r It Hat., lean Brida-port I l* P N . *?? N ?., ?.?0 1- M Mi. i. It. '.r,?t?menla. Tkk-ti 11.00; children .','j Li'tit.i. STEAMER RICHARD PECK TO NEW HAVEN Ira.? Il r M, K. a., 9 N A M . font Rut 22.1 St.. 11:01 A It; dm Sam lli.crn 2 :to I'. ,M. 1! tirn, .1 le .N. ? I.M I* M. Two h.iur? m N i I ?? UOal: II- fre-Jiaii-nli. ncketl. 11 ?jO: chUdm, M <->-iit?. Tlcketa limited, oa sale at Pitres on da) of e? ur lena The Mini I ?? ..'.?nil Sti ,iin-lii|i Co. BERMUDA Tours to this delight? ful Ocean Resort by %__E_*t **** twln-ecrew B. B. i?^-A'iii'A-L, '-Bermiidlan," Includ? ,j ">??'' .: g tickets, b?tela, ttr-ll?l.li_\\ ___, drives, transfers, etc. ?f|7|, ??r?.*42.5l Next departure Au' /N^TIX. Rust 28. Tickets and all Information from THOS. COOK & SON ?II B'waj " 'i'i> City Hall Park) I? i ?"fifth Are. (Cor. -i?th Bt | r.f'i. Ave. (Cor l?th BL) I ?-! Broadway (Cor. T.'l .-'i ) UP IKE HUDSON SAT. AI't.rsT ?1, ?III. HUM hit ItAMBDt- I., fm ?Veal Point, K? I urgh rouihk?. w . Hi I ? ?, , it v Point and Nettbur?*. ?itii S'- BenJ It ?tlell f? r Vw Tort. II ? ??? H Lunch I!.?.m srr W I-'. Homer leal Lu Bt. 1 ' ?' M f? r I Fill? t< Kli ti..i. at lili .1 i I foc ti? la). ROUND TRIP, $1.00. CENTRAL HUDS?N LIN. la Hnril ,,,?| Triilli-v. f"-*.?.*) Worrf.tar $2.60. Proildcnc? direct. 11.50. Staler.m.m?, ||, S I,Ml a It. Iliiil?, un? tilling Minili.,. .*. :.10 p. m. r?on. l'ta-r lia C H Pbooi L'700 Uttknu.-. ? Ir, liriiet ?Ifflif. 290 Kmailvtaji. ? Y i : et rirlael n- .? B ra? ? i .11 si _Writ? fur .?nitrated K'lrl?r _ DAYLICHT TRIPS Long: island Sound - ,,.,. ? ,'HAiis |n O N U., f| || .,.'. , >r ),, ,,,) A \| I, ' Kail ..I >? 1" . A M , fi r Sea : Norwich, - . H ir i, ihn, Proildinca, II.a ? I li on r , . i Cltjr Ticket Ageat. rfi Braadway, N. Y. KEANSbuh^ I.?. Dattan Pail? I .10 9 .0. 10.0 ara. 1 2 4 .0 1.48 ? r I i |..m. Sun, ail I I. 11 4?S am 10 SO :? m i..i ? :,() ?, m Bu ?J l> ... . ?? ill lenej Mi CONEY i?SLAND SOCKAWAY BEACH -I KH 11(1 -I . VI :: ,\ . IMI'.HI A t., dl) liM?e ?' - -? 1; Weal -? || ? Cone? laland. ?. 7; Rockaway, . .- j BUM K IM IND. O It IK NT. GBBENPOBT. ?HI.1.1 hit ISLAND AND BAO II VH.IKIK. Fir "China? . k .<f UontaiUI Steamboat ro.a Line Icavea N. Y. 1'ier ft. 1ltt\ St. B H. Tu-?, and Thuri. 6 20 V M . Sat.. 1 r,o I' M 12 DAY ALL EXPENSE NORTHERN CRUISE. Hilt BALE. Army-Navy Auction Bargains I I ? r , 1.41?! -h ?a. p? llar-r.a . Jl ? ?ma. pr. . . . .1 , 1 It " - ?" -.r_ ???a H" 7.?h..tC_l.lnM . ?1 I.I ?I I.'. R?,..'.?r., llttul -?? a. ??r itf-aIt-, rl '^r i ?. Army Trnta I? Hire. Tree Clrralar */?? FrancisBann6rman,501 B'way.N.Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ? All) 1 I I. ? Alll-KT ?l.l-AMNf, Hi ? I'leioi h? - :r .ii'iin baud or in B.a.r 1,51 Una.:??. 4.1 tail 4-iti ,1 I Oh A IIIIAMJT \n i.iii.iiAiii ri i-i v\ itrm v letttb? ! m ii ;-.. i". in ?ihn n m a nil Ul'.ilil. 120 Broadwai iKuultaLle 111.If), I. ? > I SUM v?iiiK ? Aiti-i.'i ?i.i.amm; iMiiiha ni.|. it, Lara - M ??? U .1 rn KINK IH'.* ?' W.\ Hi?i\l l-AIU'fT-4. I'rlcra Beaa r ? irrular. " 4.17 4 J Watt 4.111 Kt hooks IND PERIODICAL!. . ."?fi ?liMll \N M?ii, i - ! - Mil.I MIS' I ' . ' - ._' _' . A ? '? -i DOMKSTU SITl \TIONS WANTED t-emala lli'i "1 WiiKKI'R ?In : lan amervan ?iron|: will I U.f .it? ur i.iunii?. raielltil r?f?r?n.?? ?Ihll'i I -H"vi. II t_ Uiui ?L Pfee?i ii-ll Harta?. I The Most Delightful Way to NORTH JERSEY COAST RESORTS III**?? H?|lsla?di, l**| Branch albur? Park, Or??? Sri.t B'io..t, l,r,?| itte. Petal Plt*fl?l, tic Tk? rliait ?,,' FaiUit Sl??n.r? la th? BarW Baa a. tollowt - I.? N T., n?r ?I, N R . loo? W 4M 31 , w?.k dar?, ? 60. * A. 10 30 a m . U 70, I .TO. I 111. ?? It ?S Vi, 1.9, p.a. Sunday 9 00. 10 OB a m : I 00. 1 ?, 7.1* p.m (10 40 pm. K I/m? llr only > l.v. N Y . 1 ?r 10. N K . f.?-,t ?Vdar ?*.. ?...I. days. ? 15. IODO. II 00 a m : 1 00. 2.00. .1 45. ?4 4" *6 a, SJO r-in Sunday 110. !0 ? am ; 1 ?. 4 00. 7.116 p m (11 10 p m P. Br only ) ?klir?pt Septrmber Mb. ^B_ fir?? ci??? M.?I. at ??nul?, ?VI a?. Th? moat desirable water t\o% about New York is to Atlantic Highlartdt and retmrm THI raPC OP ONE DOLLAR WAKIS IT THI MOST IXCLUSIVl ^^ TH, HOUND TN.P TO ?Tf^TIC^OHtAND. ON *U 1*?^ Prim Pert *?.*. 7.45 pi foot W aya?10 40 p.m I .SI. Wnk ?. ''? *? ? ?EaBCtlUGflT COUTE KBW YORK?AI.IIAM'?TKOY and th.? NOKTII. Dally Including .Sunday. Capital City Uaa*--T9>t 32 N H foot (?anal Si. 5:30 P. M.. 97. \%U St.. fl.00 P. M. la-as? Tro/ ?1:0?1 P. M.. Albsai BttM P. M. Par? li '??'. Nrsv Night Kipre?? l'ir It,,9- It. ?:<>0 P. M.. Weel 13 7.1 St. 10:00 P.M. I-iveTr,.y (BBCepI Sun.lay? 0:?MI P.M Albany, daily. In? ludlng .Sunday. 11:00 I'M Pan if one way, is. IB round trias People'? l.inr ? Pier 3-'. tt. H . 6:00 P.M.. W. ?lid Sr ?1:30 P. M. I.'.n- Albany. B:00 P, M. Kare 12 00 una nay, 13 6? round ?rip. Sunday morning; boat for Ne.vliurgh. PoURtilcei,?!??. Kings? ton Point ?nd Al b.ny Imvn Pl*r IS, N. H. !):.10 A. M.. 97. IttS Si.. 10:00 A. ML Lease? Al? bany. 10:00 A. M. Tel Spring ?400 day or night I ?ira.-. -I Idler M?i.m?lili>? In III.' Moi I.I. N/IVI6p1T??N C5MPdN\? MCI ISLIID ?p EVERY SUNDAY Bprrlal triln. with partir rar. laavea fool Ea-t 34tli BL, If, Y , ? 70: B'klyn. Klatbuih At?.. * 40; .V.strind At?.. X 44. ?r.d Kail K V s ii? A si for M intiuk. laaaMS by Um ?toatnrr "8HINNEC0CK." let B L Island, returning. I P. M. sale, cimnienrltig Siturdiy of at III I'.r.ia.Uiv. Tjtli At? I!..!?-. (Hfe At,', ?nd M si i. sad Long bland it. it. Halloas, '?'"' ***k ?*-. 9 "?? 9. v.; laoi.? City *i?l lir? ?alwi Sale of tlck-t* lim Uni Tit.' rlyl.t Is l?a*r?(d to pratpona thr ?i curnlon and n-lci-in tlrlset*. ItMtauraiit. Lun.h Counter ?nd i *'?.? ???no on steamer. Str. "HIGHLANDER" linn? lug _ K?'g. Dinner ?Or M.-.-k.iii.^ ?n ?midi,.,- i.v?. Battery o IS. Str.M?R?'POWELL ?ST NEWBURGH Weekdays Only Sand'yaa HoUd'ya I.e. H 1 ' H If' 10, SS' l.-.i!, St II M A M. .,-)?-. children, lie, ? "So Children, 50c. Me \l.ll? Tl It ?TUT ? ?). Tel Mr ?ad J5S A, PoereU ?II. t ? o. Tel Spring till .INSTRUCTION._ NBW \OKK?Munliultan. The Barnard School of lOliSEH.'LD ARTS m H. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TUlli I i ?i '1 A Isancrd. ? hiflng .Hah. 11 --(??? and ll?)Use-'?i,-rv ? I' i -i , ? ? - ,.,.-?? D a'lt- Art. iti.H ?1 Pnurb, English, > 1'art tlmi ?? - ' i - 8O.AR0 SCHOOL ? BOYS FIEICSION. WEST 2?4TH SI. XSt?t. ' s v %&> 30th Y EAR Hour T BARNARD SCHOOL f?s GIRLS 421,423 W. 148th St.TflvA,ud 20tii Year Klndergirl ' ' < ??"' *'?' rrisll-n?*- Th* - i " *?;'?'' i_i SARTiAR? ELEMENTARY SCHOOL l77ihSt?i A Ft. With. Av Tel. 6331 Aud. I'rimiry ? : Hoy? X SchooS ?! for Boys founded 1S3? I, a College Preparatory School stith ?(rung 1'rl nury an,I Jetai ir dnde?. Modern a. I | i ng, Larg* ?i/ninailum. Afternoon oullr.g claisc. 241-43 W f^rTTl. NewYork :"V>l (,-?.,ir. ? 'it'll".},ir. A F Warrta. H'admiiUr FRIENDS SEMINARY FRIENDS SCHOOL ? - - ? hIMIl K?. \KI ?A VMI 111 I Si. \TOKY NCHOOI.N Kill (.Mils \N|) IK is.? GYMNASIUM MUM! *s \M) 4.11(1 s RKCKKATIOM ? KM Kit. V. M. 4. A., ?ill s ?I IT. ?7. _'I XI. Util ?t. I III. II 1.1.1 11/ S< II? Mil. (IK IAN?. I ACtS. Sem ut ?M Hi? M .?I Mil Street. Hotiiecn I ?ill? \seniie mu? l'-roi,il.say. M.M jOKIs ? M (?I? lien? er t .unity. Chappaqua Mountain Institute s.illi.lll.i, M.?l. heter In., \. V. ! I! IIRU ? R'll Country, uader 1? If ' r ?,m:.g . '. S 1 s ? : il l>- i?i? , li)IU ? _^^ ; 111 M*. <-.-?. ?< I1001.-S. Bookkrf pi-re, Sbor*1ha-rd, Serr-? larlsl, I y -ewntmg, Spanish. Civil Service i St-iolype Dc part-flea's. Dav and Evening Sesatona. Call or write for Cataiogu?. ?i-\?^^ ?????-? ^llMStftUaaiAee ?LOUIS H. CHALIF?* OKAlll M? l<t?-l?** IMPKKIAI. Il \l I Kl ?< IIOOI Personally teaches teachers, in daily normal classes for interpre? tive, simplified classic, racial and ballroom DANCING -,v ...Vsi vv MUSICAL I.NSTKl (TIO.N. OVIDE MUSIN I1H..IAN VIRTUOSO. VIOLIN SCHOOL. 61 Wr?t 7MM SI. Phen? 121? Schuylir. INSTITUTE OF MUSICAL ABT. Boi 725 120 Cl?r??i??t A?e.. Htm tart City. SCBOOL Ai.KNCIES. ?liiL-n. ..i. and Inreign Teather? Agency? |'r,>f.'?.?',r?. Teacher?, Tutor?, Bovin ia?H SIC:. IB Cellegea School? and Kamlllea. Apply to Mra M. t. YOU.NU i ft'LTON. U Lnloo Sausre. .< 4 ? ?effaxmy ,r?WW?l?l"?.' .-._~....?-.:??aa ? ?????t. ? -an a_???M'??"a***,**"A*?"*r-' " -^?"J? ?? ,<e.a-??ia?i?????.i Up the Hudson By Daylight All fcervlie Dally Eirept foadar Direct Itall Cir.nerllone ir, ?J| p?lala?. the Cauklll?., Saratoga, the a limndaata trm Wma? and North. Uaale '.eiteuraat Ail through rat: tlcketa hetweea Ni? j?f? and Albany acc-pted. Deahroaiaea *?!.. -, 41 A. it ; V? 4??, ?? I A. ML; W. l.'ith St.. . M A. M ^ Toakurl ?45 A M ; Ian.lina; a' ?Teat 1 ? burgh. Poughke?pii?. Klngaton Point. Cite? kill. Hud?'.ri and \ Alao Deabroaeea Ht., ? 41: w 4H ?a i0; er. i2?th il, r. 21. v aketa ? it *, ML, tor li?ar Momt i : '.'. .? p r.t. Cae?. wall. New burgh and Pe?ebkeef_a One Day Outing? in iMughleepele, tie. burgh Weit Point. M Beat Muuntaia Afternoon Boat fur Ruar Mountain. Wm? ? ? N?w,>arf|< Poughkeepme. K: . ?i latwllnf?, I'avri Daehreaaea Bi ? P m-, w. 4:4 St, 2 t M , .*> 2 N P M; Ynnkorra. 2 4*, P M i . ^ pt Citada?! Ideal outings to Bear \? ?ntala and Vital Point, returning by Bti "KillihKT IlL TO.N." D Hudson-T- River ay Line Desbrotis?'! St. Pier Tel 4141 Spring. N T. NO LANDING AT W. 23D ST. Th< ONL1 ? iK?iv ST1...MI.O \ I l<> lll'l I''?th ?TRI'IT ixi.t \ roH s -im I .lock. ?VVhV.OCEAN ' t?iir?J'' riahli Btr I "?? 1'WtJ Dally ..i ? \. M. from F ONLT. CONEY ISLAND LBA1 h H I -r i : m H -i BUST. ? no, 0 4". 10.3a. 11 I . .; ?H ? I I' It V:\ih I'lhK I. NORTH KI\KK. :?, ? r ? LIB. BTKEPLI ? II *>-? ?ONM M \M?. 1 i "i A U ? P M. I rip-, iiiiirki'.l * id. i...t ge in I .'HU St. ROCKAWAY BEACH w, "GRAND REPUBBC Lee. T. *. it.: * Ml St.. it? A. M , ?1 r i M Pier I. M. I ?..111 I* M Rock...... 1' M ?Transtfr to 8te. "Craal R aublle." Full . : .'? teme Trl. Rata? tn. American Line AMERICAN STEAMERS Under Ihe A'ncrican Flag N. Y?Liverpool?Pier 62. N.R..Nooa New- York. \i:-,-. II Pin! .i.lel'iliia, Aug. t? White Line N. Y ? Liverpool? 60. N. R.. Nooa +1 ?inri?' lag. i.'*, i.l.-'ntir ?ept. S n .. :. ,'. A zorra?GiWrni 1er?Naplei?Genoa < r, '. n, ,. . i- \| i laofl? ????pt. IS (?I I II I . :i II H V*t. N \. I.I CUNARD EUROPE iA _iV?RP00L, Orduna. . Sat, Aug. 21, 10 AM? ?TIS. AM \ IPX. BA.XOMA 5 P **. ?CAMKRl INI PU OHDl'NA i A-H. ?Ti-s.'\m \ ; P. B. SAX' 'MA | Il A.H. ? KDI'M? lili*- \\ ?i!. I P I'M K-. ? ? ? eta'A. COMPANY S OFI'iCL. - - ? . i ^rart ST.. N. T. FRENCH LINE Ce_vaaale 6<raaeale Piaraeellea?ssa l*OVI".i. BBBVII 1 Sailing?, for BORDEAUX LA TOURAINE, - - Ang. 21,3 P.M. ESPAGNE,.Sept 4, 3 P. M. CHICAGO,.Sept 11,3 P.M. ROCHAMBEAU, - - Sept.18, 3 P. M. i OR INroKMA i COMPANf _ OFFICE, ft-^?W RE. "D" LIN? ! K ? I- n SI ? ' ? riiu.Ani i i-iiiA \ n MAI;M All:. Blalr-H LUiTT i fjameeal Ut agtn ? ' . BRAZIL LLOYD BRAZILk IK s * C,t'' OUt ?MI'llMON l'vr Ti a'l ['"lr.ta SC-k I d B ' ''.^ flat ?f> \ H ? ' *?"*-. S.S. "M?NDALAS Moonlight Sail Up-the Hudson !.. S' ll-.M IN?. I ' ' I Drill I ? . i DAY TKIFS To ATLANTIC HIGKLAM3 \.'.a .(..m.- i.i Jeraai .' ?* ?? ?*?? 25 CtS.'; :? I it II \\ \\ 11. " extra trip ;:v'r;w;,.v:r'*"i*"'*i Train? A- Trotleya to ?M ? ?"-' ' T? .? 1 :<-r. Horn 4 ? ^ FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON 84.03 Lv. PIKR II. N it. It fa i m ?t- p**1" at 1.31 1- M V'.alc rrovliienie line: -;??* I.? V '? \4 ?* t* ft Fulton Street, week <la>a aa > ? PS r ? .New I .in.l.m ?Nor?:, hi line: L? *?** tn. s lt. ft limat?n St?, *?'?? ???*'..0B??,? f. JO P M ; Pier 7?. E. ??. It- ?^ ??"1 8*** t.lO P M. . t. Sew M?.if. r.t line: Stra I.v Pier <*?. ^: n . ft Hiuatvo ?lre?t, week ?iaja OBUf. ?? ?.0? P. M.