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Railroad Bonds 'fifermatlop Csmpsrlsom Va laWI rrrparrd s hooklrt on Pailrcad \\n?% vhirh ?-;??-- in tenement Irrm ri mc ol trie pr n cifsl fsctor? ir,tiding the boni inte? t< ivoit ot the principal isilrosdi in thi? country. It also itxludrt the income account, man t|etrent. capitalization snd other iricrrr.stion of intemt toinveitor? "vt'e will he please! ls-> mail to in? vestor? scopyof Booklr? No.204 Harris, Forbes & Co I Ir.r l.r.?t. Coiiim vVllllam NEW YORK Desirable Investments Careful search for desirable investments has impressed upon us the value of the 5 Gold Bonds 6r, First Preferred Stock United Light & Railways Co. deriving income from G.^s, Electric and Traction prop? erties in forty communities. parti, lUtrt ,.? ft ,?.-' li. F. McConnell & Co. 25 I'inc *-?.. >e\s Vark. W. N. Goler & Co. 43 CEDAR STREET NEW YORK CITY INVESTMENTS High Grade Municipals Legal for New York Savings Banks To Yield 4.20% MARKET UPSWINGS in War h s hl!" partlcu. S with reference to Drlggs Seabury fubma.ine Beat /merican Marconi Fressed Steel Ca Kational Stoel Car ? C.W.HARRIS & CO. Member? of N V. ? url. Market \?-'n. 50 fcR0*D ST., H.Y. ??.';'.?,,""%.., ' l|l!H!mi!lll.'.li|-M?*?nB^. Winchester FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. llroii.l Mln. .in Ilronri St., New York Tr?sate testai Philadelphia Studebaker ' War Stocks Special Our (Free) 16-Page "Financial Digest" covers Studebaker and War Stocks, ? including Powder and Ordnance. L. H. Cookc & Co. . |{r.|.,i 8584-5. 71 Hr.. ...Issus. N. Y. ! STANDARD i WE WIU. BUY*Q W? WILL SELL I L 25 Eureka Pipe II?" I 25 Northern Transit ?? 25 Gileni Signa? Com. | 75 S. 0. o( Indiana J 25 Pnlrle Oil A J 7S S. 0. ol Kentucky s 25 South Penr, Oil fmt 7b Vacuum Oil . CARLH.PFORZHE^IIR'i.CO, < 25 BROAD ST.. N. Y. Wanted i Am. & British Mfg. Pfd. a : FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. ' I'hor.e ItriKKl .Mill 88 llro.i.l St., \i-w York. r-,i.-. ? ,?.., i ii i i ?? i nu . Wm.A.Read&Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston London DIVIDEND Noll? I - UKI3N PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. The rr?uliir Meml - Vi.nuiil l"ui.len.| of 88.88 |,er shir, ,n 1 ?... I'r.'ft'i red Mod. mul the ..? ??uirtrrls llisi.lrn.l rt 88.88 |>rr slu.rr >?ii ?lie < si<? I, tl.le ?? ? ? V.rk S V ?n.l.... ??(t..l.?-r I, 1818, " - , uri?'??< | *? , with Hi? und. - . . 1* I,a Mil "1 l.l? V s ( R?HRT. Tteisurrr. ; New Tara, n v \ . Kl II III I? IKON ? UTERI ???MIVNV Disidan,I N?. IX At a masting "f the Executive Commit ? tee ..f th? I. - h. id August 16th, 1116, It?? regular ?|ii?r t-rly dividan?] ?.f i %% on I . lilt, ? ' i .... l.tli. ISIS, ?? ?. \tra dlvldsnd "t '. ol ?uni of it,? , nmula ? ? ,i ,in idend? rta< ,,f .luis- 1st. 1111. p er 1st, HIS t.. Mo, Khoh!. is ' ' |?M is,. .K-. t? m ,n op? n RICHARD ." INI ? rstary H??KI?I.N> t ?inm NgBDMII KKivii'ANv Prefsrrsd A regular ?luarterlv dlvldspd of 1 V'< ha? h??n de, lare.I ,,n th. 1'i.r? rr-d Bt? I tht? ? . i Hi i?'emt,. r ? I 1*15. to stockholders ol record Bsptamb? r ', 1??. 1915 I?o'>kn < lOM I at 3*"" V at and open Bsptembei llth , 1?1S. at 10 0?. A M ?'? fc I i' SHOVE, 'I'r.aiurer. REVIEW OF THE i FINANCIAL WEEK Torpedoing of the Arabic Brings New Fador Into Finance. STOCK MARKET WAITS ON PRESIDENT'S ACT Relief Measures for Foreign I Exchange Hailed by Grave Political Situation. I'ntil Thursday brought tho unhappy Of the sinking of the Arabic the : finnnci.-il romnumity was morr interest-*, rd in what was going on within the ! stock market than in outside develop- ! menta. It cuve considerable attention,, it is true, to the extraordinary situa- I tion in the international exchange mar? ket and to the proposals that were daily being reported to correct the de? cline in bills on London and Paris. Nor was sight lost of the significant advances of the German armies in Rus? sia. Rut the really engrossing spec? ' tr.cle was tho stock market. And that I because there was occurring there at laat what had bo long been expected, though not exactly as it was happen ni:. The unrestrained speculation in the war stock- had made easy any predic? i lions thai the market was riding to a | fall. The higher these ??sues rose, the i ; more their ranks were swelled by stocks of indifferent value, the plainer i grew The vision of a day of reckoning. ? ; So, then, when there appeared for the I first time, last Monday, the evidence ' ; that profit-taking had become general i ' among the speculative favorites ex- j ' pectation? ran high that the fateful : ?lay was at hand. But that hope, if i it was. was destined to be dis- ; appointed. There was no d?b?cle. One 1 day after ano- her pal -1 d and the profit taking continued. But into the placet left vacant by old favorites among the war issues new favorites pushed. And der performers, so far from col ? lapsing under the weight of distrihu I five and public selling, merely receded i a few point? and took up a new stand. . As a whole, it may be said, the market showed surprising strength; the mure vise its resiliency had never 1"-. n ted the war speculation be- ? 1 gan, months ago. Market Resists Attacks. Obviously, the professional int? n I who have been behind the more active war issues have talents of no mean ord i. Plainly, too, their speculative grasp is a strong one. To the attacks i ? :' the floor traders on the Exchange,, working with might and main to bring : a reaction of size, they oppose?! itanee such ;? few eould have ? ted '" ? "? i'n no ?lay up to Thursday did the rout, st go against them. When stocks yielded in one! part of the list they brought el forward and effected a diversion. They distributed stock.- to the outsider? and d not more selling but new buy- : ing. Every day in the week saw- a] million-share session, with stocks mov ing widely in both directions, and no I day ended with 'he bears in the as- i cendant. Until Thursday, that is. On , that day the Arabic wa? sunk, a pos- : Bible casus belli provided and a new aspect given to all speculation. The forces behind the war storks had two powerful allies. The first was the undoubted great improvement in the iron and steel industry, with ail that that implied, not only for the gen? eral business of the country, but for tock of 'he Un ted State? Steel ' ' orporation and of the lesser steel nies. With the prospect that dividend? on Steel would be resumed liter than October and with the knowledge that steel plan'.- were work? ing up to the top of their capacity, ; with premium? being paid on bars and certain other products where delivery romised within the calendar year, there era? justification enough for stimulating enthusiasm in the premier industrial stock alwaya supposing that ce had not already discounted all I that could be foreseen. The return of , the oldtime leader to the forefront Of the market ?lid what new war order? and multiplication.-, of orders could have ?lone. It gave, as wa? said. ?r of respectability" to the market an asset in which it had been notably lacking heretofore. Big (redit for the Allies. The second powerful force was the '. report that the Allies were about to \ establish here a credit of $500,000,000 or more, wherewith to pay for the.r war purchases. It Was substantiated by the demoralixation of the foreign I ex-hange market, where bills on Lon iii. : were falling to $'."4 a pound ster? ling, against a par of $4.8665, and bills : on Paris to 6.05 francs a dollar,against a par of about 5.19. Common set,-? alone would havi suggest??! that sucn idition could not continue t?. exiat even if London lia?! not openly ex? d ils anxiety. There were vari OUI report? of what would be ?lone. It was thought that gold would be sent here from the joint supply of the Allies ! to the amount of $250,000,000 or more, ' to be sohl for dollar? and so paid out to the makers of munitions, or to serve as the basis for a credit of twice as much or more. It was Vid that both gold an?! American securities would be sent, and that, in addition or as al? ternative, there would be placed in this try Millions of dollars' worth of British short-term notes. Not until late lu the week was there a sugges t on that a deputation of leading Brit nkera would visit this city to con th our own bankers about what was to be done. The credit has not yet been ar , ranged, and of the gold only $U*00,000 come hire within the week- no more, possibly because that shipment wa? said to have exhausted the stock al Ottawa and It '.?kes time to bring gold from England or South Africa. There waa, it is true, an arrival at San I Francisco <>f about $2,000,000 gold from ' Australia, but that, so far as i* known, has not yel Income available here. imething will be done in the way of a credit before the definitive plan ? I At an] r..t? . I ed in the foreign exchange mar? ket, where both sterling and francs tallied from tItt ir lowest prices, i l'. it whether the plan will aaaume any of the forms that were Aral proposed is at present doubtful. The grave Mtua tion into which the Arab .? incide) plunged the United States has .-topped all consideration of that matter for the time being, until it is known whether or not our bankers will have upon their h in.Is an even more important under ,- War is not neces-anlv the so? lution of our difficulties with Germany, bu preparedness ;- something no banker neglects. Arabic Attack a Shock. When the first new? of the attack on Arabic came m mid afterno? Thuradaj then wa? the mialeading as? surance that the s'eip had been d'lly warned before being torpedoed in?i i that her company 'rari been given tn-, to leave her in safety. It was even reported circumstantially that no lives had been lost. And .-o, for a time, tie stock market gave the sffair only ? | reflection. Steel and the cop jer issues, (?reat Northern Ore and New York An Brine, the "features' of the^ay, continued tueir caretr. The ' market as n whole wa.< no different from ?hat it had been at any IWwS within the week It was in the ln*?t hour, and almost at the en?! of it, that the transformation occurred, broiignt about by the first punitive report that ii' warning hud .n'?:i given to th0 Arabic and that livCB hail ?been l?t, including those of American eltl el Immediately the list sol?! off rapidly anil lo?ses of from 1 to :< peint * ? ded m 'be n?-i ive issues. On Friday there wa? another selling movement at the opening, which era? shortly rlieckrd, and ther?' followed I sharp rally. A considerable part of the losses sremaineri at the close, but the final tone, all things som-nler??.!, was good. There was Bull the expccta tion then that sot.iething would ?!?? velop to show that thi German sub? marine commander had act"d within the rules of International law, and not In a way that would bring the attack within the description of "deliberately unfriendly" acts. But nothing devel oped overnight to v. ee backing to that hope, and yesterday the market plunge?! into a freak decline that ? i mtinued until the eloi ?? Until light comes from Washington upon the attitude <>t the Presid? :.* toward the Arabic atiocity no fore caal that may be made for the secur? ity markets r;::i have any real valu>. Hut whether the outcome la for peac?' or for that condition which has BO often proved merely the prelude of war, there can be no harm in recall? ing that the United States is stronger ! ir her banking resources than she be? ever been, that the promise of the j crops was never more striking and that business has unproved to Buch a degree that even war can hardly ' check its impetus. WEEKLY CURB TABLE. INDUSTRIALS. ??ale-. Ii:- ' I. iW.Laat. ''hrn-r?. Vllance Film C . 1 ? . . /. i ... v.'i-t t?m - ir a Kdy.ll. M t* ? i" do pr . i s in in -13 ii 240 Can Nat Oa? C. - .'< i ? ' ' .III Sir, 1 . '.'a -' -*'? ?*, Car l-i *?? Pwr . i'"a *'i '?"* - ?*? iCenl I'liv .... U n n ? I do pr . -'?' -*? -'' ?*? * ? ramo sulphide i " ft ~ ? 4 ?7~ 1.440 Kle irii Boat.. 4.., ?'? <?-? + ? Lib. .i., pr ... .m ' ' i"' ?~ to new a ?H -r **? 730 Emereon Phono. US it - U* - * H . -j Ufa a I ? ? , tiende? Mrs ! I '?. 31 31 H ' i?ion Oil ? . '. ::? M.i M tfl I? *'a pr ctl t . '?'. i '. -. do pr w I ,,-... do in? ?I. l: M Im Motor? -. -? - ? ' ? M ? l'a Int Nickel ., !.. ICI M* M ? Int l'en "a t 1 'a ? l: l. ?r . 'f? .'. T'v 1.000 lut stin Pump 14 7 .', Va) 'a ; 0 Kl ?r.-.-)'.. rir* -1-1 17? 171 LaSk? i. r Boal 1 ? n il - 3'-a ; ? I Am I , I'. l'a ? a ..,??.- ? ? l'a 1.1 ?. st ' .ir i. :.M T.. 4? ?H ? 4 | Mis Co. i:\ He? ' orp ? ?? ? ?? m Rum h neu I MotOI a ? ? L ?lim l-11m . .1 . lu .- Co Am 1"! ? I ?? - . U S I.t .<? Ht C t o pi ' . F,.?wi Ventura ? l'il . 13 ? .-. ' i 1 w In R| t A . STANDARD Oil. SUBSIDIARIES. ? i ye P i. '"i lt*i i"3 ' ?<? i ?I1..-I" - .1 ? ? n' 11.. ' ? ? . I- 1. ? i .11 Eur Kn 1- Ta.?? I'. . . ? : ? . IS 143 Indium r _.. .1? 101 IV V. 33 ? I ki na Northern P 1. '?"" 100 100 - 1.11 ' . 10 ? ? . ? il 15 1. -? .i: ,; ne* Prairie i hern P la ? nn 1' I. -.. w !-, P 1 nt Cal. St an O of Kan St.-in " et K' Stan " of Neb.. m?t.f N .1 I S Y. ? l'nli.n '1 . n ''il MIN ING. 1A l'a i ?Atlant? 16.1.00 ?Alt? Co M n ?? .?Alaska luan w I i:*? Ml.. Am ? ',.mm iri |. r ; ', ' ??? ai; ion m jin? i ? ? pel i l Butt? ?N . : li: i ' OP..100 1.77; ? lui- ?'",' " I. ? I? ? ' ' '? ;, - Ai t.: Km... *? ,.:- N- . t till r, ? M.'? ? I? ? ! Cons . ? ?i...,.n., Id M'-r-l. How? Bound a I i Iron i.i"- "" i Esten ?? IS Lake i . ? .? ? IS ? ? op i>\ ... La Hr.?. ' 'on? ? '.? i."'. m i. n..i i '?; i ? '?? US -. M , -? tii Mini ? ? Mi Kin? I '.ir ?v ther I."' ??.loo Si n L'tal I ; i . n Nil ..-.-nie M Co >". ?Oro ...74 Kei ? '. ii Mi" '?'? ? ?Silver Pli ? 1? ? mil Pili '-? ?'! ! II l'a Mining. 1 *? 1 ? ? .;?, : itll M . ? : ono Mere? r !,,. Esten ,,, c i.t Nei ?l-llnlll'in ? ? l'a ? ' .- si .i w Km i ' op !?'' RAILROADS l mm Wabasti m i US l IOS do pr A i ' r> lu do pt l: BONUS. 1771 0M I M M m.? U ? ... .- . i a ? , r-t..i I f BANK STOCKS. American " Atlantic !"? Am Kvli.. -"" Battery l'aik I?0 bowery lisant I'.iik. U" i ; <\? I ? ' '. nt n . ITS ? ??ii *.? Tin nls IM - .1 .... 4i>0 ? ? Nat l?J :;*. ? !r .V 153 - Colonial I ' seo Corn I'v-h -"'? Et?t River ?" ? Sat... iifih Av? Filth Nal ? ! in In ?;. un..? . i ,::i Nat ?7S 1* ? : it, m Nal ; I ti I I II .. ? ? - Imp ., 1 r.i 1 I ? i .-it. . in CO I ni ton li .. h A Mi ' 41 M? ? ' inta* ' ? .... Seth'nd : !?'. \ Y N 1; A 1(1 N. -.. Y.rk ... : . -- j 1'ro.lua ? - ? .... 1 iboaid ? : . ? Ward 1 ? lahtf : ? ? i< orkvllle TRU8T AND SURETY COMPaiNIES. Hi l Aal Bid Aak. Alliance Hltv 70 - - ? . 117 IV.. . ? Mise I ?i- M it T of tfl '?? N "I lali I i SI M * a i": 11} r .. ;-i .?*? v *i 1 it le . ! ?15 an -*3 I'll 111 la ,V T itS? ? ?45|r.ealtv A?so. . ?? ? M'a 1 -,.ll?rt\ I rookl ? . -..inn . i- :.l I'n..In .Me I" 14." ? e Hainklin I ilten . Queraatv . Hamilton Hui?..n Tr int Bba Cot W* a ? i. ? K'ns _??>tr? Co. 173 I Title OAT.. 3Tf> I', lt'ni' -T* I r- M \ ISS L'8T(T*T ?'* 144 -l\v _ iiiiiii;. IT? i ii ? ? :?> NEW YORK BANKS GAIN IN SAVING! Report Increases of $18 000,000 in Resources and Deposits During Year. Albany, Auf*. 22. Despite the Hi? turlieil financial conditions crcatr?! b the FaUrnperin war, the savin??!? bank of New York State made a very ere.I itable rhnwini* during the twelv months ended June .10, 1915. Reports of the 140 institutions, a filed with State Superintendent o Banks Eb*~*8BS I.anib Richard:?, givin?, their Condition as of Julv 1, show tha their total resources were H?SUJUe, ??80.13. f?n .Inly 1, 1011, their total re :.nil-res were $ 1,"? 12.02.1.K74.70. an in cr-a.-o for the last year of $1\.'.72, 866.34. During the same period their total deposits increased from $1,77.1,2.1.1, 81*8.79 to $l,7<Hl,.r.24,?"Ol.74, a net gain of *flS,.111,2(12.;?... The surplus on market value ol stocks and bonds on July 1 last was $l?S8,?0tt,?086.12, an increase for the year of 698.463.08, while the surplus on par rain? of stocks and bonds was 93,415.69, a ?ra'ri ?if $12,7t".",.-. 10.'.'0. The number of nrim accounts on July 1 la.' I u.i- n ?ni-.-eii e for '' ;..?.?;? 0? 21.411. Tha number of sccounts closed .lur lllg ?he year ?YSI I77,?',f.7. while .r)0n,6|') \v( re closed in 19] 1. The amount Withdrawn was $4.11,117, ? 9, which was $80,196,48749 less than in 1014. The amount deposited was $.1f>7,072, 851.62, or 853,249,993.04 less than in 1914. The increase in deposits is mainly due to the fact that durin?- the last year the amount of dividends credited iotalle.l 884369,706.29, the increase for the year over the last twelve months benii- 82.759r208.68. I Executor Truste? Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 16 Oooktipnr Bt,, 8. W.? 26 Old Bros.?? Strait Ft. 0. PARIR 41 Eoalerard Hans-mann BERLIN, 56 Untar den Linden, H. 1. 7 Travelers' Lette? of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian WAR TRADE BOOM IN EXPORT GAINS ' New York Gets Largest Share of Increase?Millions More than Last Year. The magnitude of the export trade of the I'nited States at present is il ' lustrated by the fact that the exports from New York during the week sad? ed August 14 were $11,S00,O0O, against 110,726,000 in the corresponding week (.f last year. For the full month of Jam the export trade from all ports of the I'nited States was 70 per cent j greater than in June of last year. Man? ufactures exported in June amounted to $150,000,000, Bgainst $90,000,000 in ! June of 1914, and foodstuffs $72,000,000, ' against $11,000,000 in June of last year, '. the percentage in gain in foodstuffs being greater than that of raanufac- j tures. New York has had the lion's share j , in the recent gains in exports. The ! total value of exports from the Tor of New York in the fiscal year 191 was $1,194,000.000, against *?865,<)00,00i in the preceding fiscal year, while fron all other ports the exports were $1, , .".75,000,00o, against $1,500,000,000 in th( same months of last year. The actua I increase at New York was $329,000,000 or about 38 per cent gain, while th? increase from nil other ports was bul about $75,000,000, or a gain of approxi? mately 5 per cent. Exports to Nish of $250,000 worth ol trini'rotuluol a few days ago illustrate the change which has com.-> over our foreign commerce in recent weeks. New articles go and in large quantities, .--hipments reported last w?-ek include ^?"8,000 worth of gunpowder, $427.iii?u north of ammunition; ?8883,000 worth of cartridge*; $550,000 worth of loaded and $*<0,000 worth of e*mpty projectiles, 61,399,000 worth of auto trucks, and $1,250,000 worth of leather, illustrate in some degree the activity of the ex? port trade, and large consignments in which this export trade is being moved. Laut Saturday's report showed $144, 000 worth of locomotives to Piraeus, $409,000 worth of motor truck* to Vlad? ivostok, $200,000 worth of cordite to London, and several shipments of hex amethylenomine to England and Italy, and one shipment of triorymethylcne to Genoa. WEEKLY SUMMARY OF BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE (Reprinted from The Sunday Tribune.) u. . stem ?,iea. hi.-he*t li)?f?>l, tinal prices and net chantres of all bonds traded in on the ?jii ?"i?;x^jt?;*. *?-- ??? ?- ?*?< *-??*-? - ?? ?? - ?*- -? "" S? S S trt SETA ^^?"^J!^* ??T * "" ** *"'"" was closed. I??tal ?ales frcm Januars l i?> ?"??? * In 7ptn , "?iifiiunrnrans?'!*- ? ??????-i ???*.} ?" ?? '?? ??? Vr JSfi? Sri Lo?? m h i?5 COVERNMEN1 AND Ml INK OTAL. lap Is? I . II . 1,-|. ? ? I :, N j May 1"-' I HI* Novl_ . 1' ' ' do 1 ? 1 I I i , ? STA1??;. 1 ? TFIiiTi i Hange 15 : Hange H. ilU'h'Low;.Vugi Net ' .1 eft ,?- Hl'h Low HI h IaOw ?i . a. 1, ' . : '? "'-' ' 1, I..'. ?'.". ' - 1 Mi " tl\ ? . "4 I**''? ' - '" UN V 8 | ?!', 10? ?IS 1???> 1*1?? - ? - i . I (lO I 1"1 * ,,, l,l.i. ll?,lt 10? . II N V ? I - - , I . I. M1VV \*t AM) MISIKI.IANK'-** - 4 i; ? '? ? ?3 i -3 IM 100 . ? V3'j l.s| . ?1 ?I 4. s Alaiska ?,?, ; 1 All .ni'. ,v Busq IVjS" 1 Am I" is a Imp ? l Am Km A I: 17 Am Tel ,.- T? I col la : ? ? i - -,'.:? do . *?? i . 1? Am \ il' !':?! ? r . ." \i mo ,i ?? i'o i a 4'-. l',7 AT.. , . I lit do < id J I g| do evi II ? I 1 . 1 .. . ? 1- 1'.'...... III At Cossl Is...) ?*!?S 4 do I:- L 8 N 1 ?is ? 4 "' pi ll-l: I ? ?'? 10 . . Il I'I.IaWVI'i-, ? ? ? ll 7.S l"-?2 ?'"1 ?. : ? 1 B 8 "th A; on u Illy Id HI K T C^Sattttttts'sSSSSSSSBBr^^ ? . - . in-,', - 1 III . -?:. a ?2 ! ? ???? ? , ? 1% l"-'j 101 ???4 ?l* '.'?> ...i, .- a . ? ?.--???' ? . ? ?. -, + ?. 1*1 ?, 101.S - l? ? 11 M'a 90S ? ? . 100 ?i i'l v? i '.'3 1 I " 4 I9S ? . ?1 , , ?I". H 101 , ... _ ? no? ? Uklyn i :, El li I :, I i,:..I, ' ..? 17 II ?? II ' S ""1 11 lluah T? iiiiin U I: I Bui ? 1. ? .ll I I.i- A ?. ? v ' in . : i s.,.;?,.?? n jn I'll*? 3 , o? Us H .'': a '? . ? il !.. stl ? I 'UK.'. D ' ?"? .??'." ?" ' ? ? ' I; i. ? i :. i ?.- ... 11 . ? : ''-I,' ... |e Ohl? |l ll 4'. ,1 ? I 01) I . _ I?'!-, l'?'1 . **" ... ? ? ? ' ?;? ? ?? ' " *> ? ? ?? ,- tss [Vi - a 103 ? ???? 1. I? - . |i?H,-,101 im * - i 1"0 , - S9'/ji-. I" ---i M .1 -I ?? 3 M ... ? ',,:'- *" ,; J2.',i? ??? , |M ?L ?a .... _ ix IIS*-, II-' i -'..11' |" 7s ? - M I "??' 11 ?'S 100 . . . ?10: . ' ? ? ? ? ? . .i, ,'. ..M. MI? 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'50 1 r:i-.'i'% R) I 114 !'a. ill. l?t I?. ... ,',, -1 1- r?i 10 do ref 4 13 t'n ftxs Of S I-' I? ??', I-' 1 r 8 Realty * I hi. 71 7? 9 I' 8 Rubier 9 f M II2S M* *>; 1Y si la.. I V Crns a l'a?- <H> ? t Ya i*ar ?h-iii S? 1 Va !r..n "'nal A C '?* 7 Ylrslnls Mld son Ss 1st Is 1 do M - !?; dn ut ref 4a. ?? r?nt Tr cfs I . i ES) 7r ?-f .?? ? ?? t 1 -g PHt? T*r Ut 4? ,, '.-? f? Stll ? lo 1st 4- ? " Tr Cfs ?i? Cn 1-t 4.- for CntT SOI Ki?.-?r? >.? ? Me-- Maryland U . , ? I n -n. tr IS 2 do i?! e?t?' ?', ta ?TV'h. .. _ si 17*4 *'*. ;?74 - ?, M 'l'a ?> . -, i"?". ''t'a_ 97S ? '. '"'4 ": ' ? I ? l?-)'t - S 102S 9e% IWHI ?*?? .-:'.?' ? ;,;,, _ 1, o^S 97 I02SI ""?S V!"- - . . ? . s. . 'I HHji,-liai?., y?s Si S!''. ?9 ?SSI ?S .- S MIS ?,','? Ift'--'? 1014 1014 - 4 ''*S -93.? - 4 tV? - 1?. 93', + 2S IM ;?3'4 - 1 97, -- 70 '- ', 7", I03 :?7i, 1074 974 - ? . ?? MS 91 1 '?) MS IM 11" MS US ? '? ?? - M HS .... 99 M MS ? - . 100'. 92 90 79 (W lio**, 974 "'?4 '. WS '?' 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M* 10 ? r* do ^^^^^^ 3 do .', j. r noiei 1917 29 VV??i Snore ta ' ??! | I. .) on 4i i: VV'u Central s-M ?? 1?4 l'a S V mmmmmm\\^mmmmmmmmmmm in.' 10*4 10-4 '..-., 714 M us m ?. 7-, ITS '?' ''?4 '-i MS *"1? 93 ^4 lof,?, MS MS 19 _11?', l'*"S? - I - 119*. 1174 1124 -IS 119S109S - 1^-, ion"-, IMS - l"l'. -??'?S "O--? 9*S .< .. 14 -,.", .. '.? si - 4 M 49 V) ?U ?.' I ni 13 - S S7 \ 1 ! 194, MS \ ?T I ?I 97 ? 924 9??j ?2U + '? \ '? M6S + WHY SOME WAR STOCKS RISE AND WHY SOME WAR STOCKS MUST, WITH REAC? TIONS. CONTINUE TO RISE TOLD FIRST AND MORE COMPLETELY THAN ANY? WHERE ELSE IN THE DOW-JONES FINANCIAL NEWS BULLETINS AND MORE WILL BF? TOLD THE COMING WEEK NO FINANCIAL OFFICE IS EQUIPPED OR BEST INSURED WITHOUT THE DOW JONES FINANCIAL NEWS SERVICE. First and foremost in the Financial field are the Elr-c? trie Page Printer Flashes of the Dow-Jones News ?Service. In a few minutes, but often simultaneously, go the Dow-Jones Bulletins into the financial offices with fuller details and columns of comparative statistics to be studied by all intelligent investors. Investors over the United States read this bulletin news, with still further expansion, in afternoon and morn? ing editions of The Wall Street Journal. AMERICA'S LEADING FINANCIAL NEWSPAPER In the New York financial district ydu are not in clos? est touch with the financial world unless the Dow-Jonei News Service is at your right hand. As an investor you are not posted, in these stirring and changing times, unless you are a daily reader of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ^^^^^^^^^ TO THE HOLDERS OF THE Twenty-Year Five Per Cent. Gold Debenture? OF THE Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company: Feferrint* to the Committee's notice, dated July 16, 191 * C? is hereby riven that the Committee has extended the time for der- ' ol debenturei under the Deposit Agreement UNTIL OCTOBER 15, 1915. after which dite derosits will onlv be accepted on such terms as the Committee may determine. The Committee has arranged for an advance at any time prior to October it i'M5 to any holder of a certificate of deposit issued under the Deposit desiring such advance, of the amount of the interest payable J* it? 1915 on the Debenture? represented by his certificate of deposit M advance will constitute a loan at 5 per cent, per annum interest to Such certit.? cate holder as set forth in the Deposit Agreement, and nuv be obtained onlv upon Presentation to the Depositary or Sub-Depositan o his certit.cite of derosit for notation thereon of such advance and delivers of proper ownership certificates under the Federal Income Tax Law in respect of such interest. The acceptance of such advance will be optional with the certificate holders. Copies of the Deposit Agreement nuv be obtained from the Depositirr. Bankers Trust Compaiiv. 16 Wall Street. New York City. 01 the Sub-Depositary. First Trust and Savings Bank. Chicago, Illinois. Dated, August 19. 1915. SEWARD PROSSER. Chairai?. E. K. BOISOT. A. BARTON HEPBURN, EDWIN G. MERRILL, JAMES SPEYER, B W. JONES. Secretary, Committe?. 16 Wall Street. New York City. FRENCH POURING GOLD INTO BANKS Depositors Buying Na? tional Defence Bonds on Large Scale. [By r?trl<r tf> The MbHIM ) Paris, Aug. 22.? The exchange of | gold for notes at the Bank of France i still continues. The total ???nee May at the Bank of France alone now amounts : to $475,000, while it is announced that ; in many cases depositors have ex? changed gold for national defence ? bonds instead of for notes. It was noted last Sunday that all depositors had i bought bonds instead of exchanging ? gold for notes. The issue of a new consolidated loan is believed immi I nent, and the low price of 68.50 for 3 per cents is attributed to the desire of I investors to wait for the new loan, 'n the face of the Russian retreats. ' Russian industrials were unusually ac- ? tive in the market lest week, and ! , showed several points' gain on the strength of rumors concerning the Dardanelles, which met universal ac? ceptance on the Bourse. The same rumors affected Russian bond?, which were inclined to sag. There n considerable optimism in , certain quarters concerning Brazilian fir anee, but it is feared in ?-triers '.hit the proposition of the Brazilian fed- ' eral governmtnt to assume the debts of certain states mav lead to internal discord and make the muddle worse than ever. American stocks have been inactive, ? but with a tendency toward a higher' level. SECOND DIVIDEND FROM STATE FUND Policyholders Get 15 Per Cent and 12 Per Cent Rate Re duction with It. I A 15 per cent dividend to policy- ; holders for the second six months term, ended June 30, has been issued, according to an announcement by the State Insurance Fund. "This is somewhat less than the aver- i age dividend for the first six months term, which was nearly 20 per cent," the statement says, "but the rate re? duction of 12 per cent, which went into effect on January 1. naturally resulted [ in a lower divider.?, for tne second i term. The net cost of insurance to ; state fund policyholders was 7 per cent less for the second term than for the first, as greatly reduced rates for the ! second term more than offset the some- | i what reduced dividend?." The highest dividend, rO per cent, _____ Standard Card Report? On Active Stocks 50 cents each U. S. Steel Amer. Can Republic Steel Mo. Pac. Utah Copper Wabash Beth. Steel Crucible Steel Westlngheui? C. R I. 4 PW Gen. Electrte Miami and over 500 other? These Reports have been utti by many banks aid practically all the banking and broktrtft tirina tor ten years past Before buying or selling tak? the precaution of rlret eon*it Ing the Impartial Standard Card Reports Available now to Individ?an for the first time at 50 cents each. Address Dept. E Standard Statistic* Co. 49 West Street, New York City Taking care of anotar i proo rrty needs MRf knowledge ??>** involves greater respomiWity thsn taking care of one's own This Trust Company tt*k m M year? of experience ;n its ?*"?*** departmenti has ?ccumuist? ? breadth of knowledge impo??* for any one ind:vi-iual. It? ?* ents are protctrd by all WS safeguards of la* tSai ma*SS financial responsibility. Few person? realire how mW are the services of a Tr ist Ce? pany and how -Hkient. Fiplanatory booklet I? $"' aies to You" will be sent <* request. Metropolitan Trust Company -eorie C. Vm tm\? }'?? rrtaileat 49 Wall Street will be paid in the light manu??? r groups. The rate for he*-v'*' ?u f_ctunng. building construct*-****^ in-, quarrving and lumbering . Jltf. is 15 per cent On 'xi,v**'u,,;*s 1? nelling and subaqueous <onttr? ^^ per cent will be paid. **>d *r-lleil portation. public utilities ??? laneous trades 5 per cent ? fa The net premiums v,rltti"a?j]** fund for the twelve months ?i??"^. 30 amounted to ?1.2^7.03. ?0. I? ,? ber of policy-holders on th?* !^.^ *, 7.X53, as contrasted with *> *-*'? ?at 1-14 The expenses^ior '"?ftln months amounted t>*- 1" P*r r>l?e ft* earned premiums. The ??*'' the first >e*r was ?..7 per e?**