Newspaper Page Text
LONDON EXPECTS EXCHANGE RISE Financiers Have Confi? dence in Steps Taken for (redit Adjustment DISASTER TO ARABIC NOT MARKET FACTOR American tiond Sales ExptCttd t,*. lacrease Blockade Policy v .iy Be Changed. Bj i R tXCia *&, BIRST. .>:" "The Finnomisl." __, ; I h. ro is to day a ? ? ?uta ?tapi ?,tvr l lore exchange**. it In v s:it'.sfac 1 that . (. .1 that w?.j. ; ??! by bar.K tTt me ?: to thirty mill incon wan littlo af? ter, which is ? ?: lava-gary. ? le, be? - of u war ?ml. Their boon ??<:>' here indi? ? m Russia, . endanferi ?]-Da. . are naturally dull. , and ; accompany ' the re I ,. r r? venue . at the -urioui con ? ' here ?,'rad v,-? shilling! iustri ? ? a ie _ NEUTRAL IMPORTS OF COTTON NORMAL British Say Germany Ha*-. Not i Supplied by Holland and Scandinavia. : from ' - MODERATE DEMAND FOR COTTON GOODS Bu k i - i all River 1 rading r Odd Counts at I ull Prices. -j Laat : one m the ? ' . ? ? .; m?nu r*c"- ibout trud betrun . n fair amount ti ? inufactorer-i ? ? ? an ? The ? the demand i lerably belou ?-.-inch. ? ? minal; ---??? . WOMEN SAVED AT FIRES folicamen Carry Awakened Tenants to Street. ?** aatlj marning lirai m Will? te,*'-' policeman lore of .Mux Meyer, < t, a four r-tory bi ?cit U?-r'-f',occu?'""<1 bi ?? familiea, all K,}i 'V *vUn thc ?*?'??:??? ?tart?-.!, k.i, :' ed u. the ?a ooor, ?Mi, with II in ! ? ?***"?* ?tore , rround .loor of fj?, " t house at 111/ r**'-?*-1 ? -? .-a. tentuta ihr ouch the ***** to the ?treu STOCK EXCHANGE FOR THE WEEK (Reprinted frota The Sunday Tribune.) Folio?? ing in |_a usual table living the aumbcr el ?har?** ?if all sine**? dealt in last ?fik, togetlu-r ?>itli lln hlghftti lowest and liunl nriees of the week, the net <hange* of the week, and ihe lu.,h and low priiet. nf the year I'.'lj, with the hi_h and low pru??- ?>l the rear 1914. Total sales fur the ? oik ;>.;:iiii,i|?.tiii-.i I.M.'.joO a mote ..if". Thi-. ?**. ?-?k a year agi tin- Mm h |'.\, liant; .. ,,s , I.. r_. 1 ram Januar?, 1 In ilau-, s'.'.7i..!..'i'H>. ?gainst Ib.lss.UM? m 1914. im? n? ; >'r .1 la e . Nrt < a'l . Usa .1 1 Ml. ^?_ I V * \ i * ?I : \ A . *> > l-roduct. Ic mil ? ? ? . .?ID I *? ? . I I , ? ? I * ?. ^^Siw^eT^sr^ i X r ?a ? _________ I ' I a - Ill I ? I ? _ I ___________v I. 1 I?wl-r * : r .\ , ^?^^_ ? ' ? I 1 I - ??? .'? On . ? i ? * I - ' . *-s ' j - I . ? a ? Ill I ? ? : l : s i a ?-? S 5 7 0 - |?l |i *********"__________ ? \l SI I" A ? ? _ ? * - ; y N H A II I . ?"?il ... - ' . lo ... : . . ? ,1'r. . I , : r I ir . - r. jits. ? ? ? ' ? ? ? - ? ? ? - .I., r? l. s I j 7 I ' 1 ' ID S I t : * 6 ? _7' r i *?-"??' -- _, t- I>r-?f R It ^^^^^^^^S^SLemmmm ? ? i .v v. ?' ?-? I'.aI r. I ? 1 ?1.1. ? i ? mm m r..| ? rri-.l ? It.d Al ____? mmwfttuu%mmmmmmmm] ? I If ti Krai I S Hi lu dn prcf? ' . ? I ________ w ..... i , r.tril ___ii a - . 4 ? I I 4 4 ? ? *. < ? 1?? . I I 1 * '. I . ? ?^ ? ' i"! ? . . ^?_ . ?r ^M i . . t^s ^^^^^?______ ? i < Wkmk*^^ 4 , - . II ' 7? ? ' - PANAMA BANKER KILLED Shot to Death by Wealthv Fellow Townsman. Panama, ?ug. 22.-1 iFeraud, vici pr? ?manager of th? Bank of th? i/.one und a memo? **>- ? '" ' in family, diad thl I from the effects of a baliat won fig? ? I ? ..du. OFFERINGS IN AUCTION ROOMS Tenement and Dwelling Houses To Be Sold Ulis Week. \ "tumbar of t?n?-ment and ?lwelling boUM? ,rc un th? list to In- ?lisposeil ?u.n this week. Thi'rau iiarcela i*i well scattered in varinua sections o? Manhattan and Tho Hron-?. and aro offered ai the remit of foreclosure pro? ceeding!, Jam? lafl building? are also ? i eluded in the budget. .1 th? Vaaay ?t. and ma for th? weak follow : M II V, TO I'll ? l:> i am?A t I?? I D6CC0MBI AV 191 ? . i.- i . I?? I? S -, air ?-?r \\| , J M r ., m|; <| ? ||'l - In MnliKllW Al II I 1 Mi am? i Harina? ; B A Hvrnt ?i?, ii IWTM si , ,,, .'%:?? ., , llcllrl ? VI Unr* ? V V. ? II M H Uni? ir til) ?' ' ' iit.sN.r?, ??>? I ? Mimen m i? .? : *UI Hating? H ? I. J ????;..,?,? I7.M2.14 ? ? im ?t M im.*? i mlgranl Indu - . i: * i i - r I . ilu?. |? WIST (Nil AV. 4-. . -. .-,-, . aw ,,. _lloo -, ' ri., a Watts Orphan ? .?? ?I; K I. : u ,. H rj Brad) ij'?t *t. si i * pint If, tetes,, ,, ' ? i ?? ..?? I A !*?*??__ at ? v\ : lo, $w ??:; it, I e Tth ?,. BiM u n i i ?.? i. r ? ? i ?. Dyer, r.r ! I.. r |. vt 6,0*61*1 I SCI Ml ? ? in.?,? , ? i et st; ?irren | |i J I ? '?" . t .!? v ibankLin a, i. ? ?, mu i i??!? ?? , n ... < . L A It. an??. K J | *? I i HOI ? v ?IN ?I.HM-lrAV i < i; M K \ . ? I I I'.. I' .1 ?? - I .: ? * ? | - l'art Wen i. ' '-''? a .,,,?,, || I 179th it. ?r Mai . sr. 10? i I ? r'er, ?r I" A II III?. T Ir M l'a ?,>. I S ' . r n.'?., ! Ill ". B ?Ir -.-A. ,. r I. . . ? ? ? M - Mnr? ... , : I88TH SI v M . .. . un 'I -I? i : .-? I > \ y ?? i*.? H- r? Brad? 5TH AV - 1 ! . , . M II ? U. M M lit -I H ? - n l- Il s IITH RI . IV? a Ha ? ? ? . . : I - ' IUTH ? t ? I -it M lltinn n I ?'? !? . rif. due. By 1 . '- Ce. CANN'i". ?-i . ?.n.inn MlK ? |l M R .. r, ? ? H Naunihetf. ' MtlM, ??? ii'- fclrl a*i ?)m : Mir,. ??'. IKII". . : i F IXf. CREENE ST. I r, ? Il - ? A ',.- i, eti u * r ? ? ? j Liuiiii?. I al II? Jim?? J. IiinoTui. WMlsTIH AV. , ? ? .4-1 ? | ?or IVMhsra -r. ' : i? a? i .?.-?nt, - i e , 4 Merci ut U J Hrmili ?i *? : .v v ?? I R TtiMl laie, r?f. due. I J l Salesman Beaten and Robbed. Blackjacked und i ebbed by three lymen, Abraham Krach, a sales - Morrell Street. Williams burg, v i nscioua yes ?'?i-hwick Avenue and Moore ? by a polieenan, who was just in tinir- to ?.i-.. titre?' men running ?way. The policeman shot ht the fugt? to halt, and ? he succeeded m cap tu r?as one. Th? Harry 1 inborn, twen ii, .?f 245 Muer?- Strati l:i M > l\ll I OR SAI.E OB HUM I ?IM. IM \M?. TO 111' Dt'KINO OWN'KR'K AB8ENCK, ? .r fi,1111 Sept : . property of .? i- andom? i : ? ? 1 ear ? Efrquar? 'I'll- Mr A ? ?nt, 1 ryaat (.??W I ? IK I 1. LAUREL BEACH RESIDENTIAL f?ARK. iriuxi K-.ort ?( New England. I'Im ng nn In* : i i in.,! i ! LAlaREL BIACH LANO CO.. I] I rl . A.. L.airl U,a, ii. MllturS. Ct ? ?-i M Kt PHUrKKTY. Countr> Hon. Information tr?? It proiprrtl?? Lay. ? f. u - ? M Ml M?1. t M I KMSHED .PARTaME-NTSTO LET u i -I >n>r. REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 room?. $660 - $720 6 rooms. $720 ? $900 7 rooms, $900 ? $1200 Perfet i Bertie?. |>\\ M K O*. PKI HIHI 8. I \-l ?11 ? I. PARK AVENUE. 550 rWU H? ?. UATH |l i.-OSi no, I trtaiaet. All algut ?al.??l?c KANSAS CITY RAILWAY AND LIGHT COMPANY REORGANIZATION OF THF. Street Railway and Electric Light Systems at Kansas City TO THF. HOLDUS OF Metropolitan Street Railway Company Consolidated Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold Bonds due May 1. 1913. and Certificates of Deposit therefor issued by the Old Colony Trust Como any as Depositary and its Agents under the Agreement dated June 8. 1911. Kansas City Rsilway and Light Company First Lien Refunding Five Per Cent. Bonds due May 15. 1913. and Certificate of Deposit therefor issued by The New York Trust Company as Depositary and its Agents under the Agreement dated April 3. 1913; Kansas City Railway and Light Company Six Per Cent. Collateral Gold notes due September 1. 1912. and Certificates of Deposit therefor issued by The r?lew York Trust Company as Depositary and its \gent under an Agreement dated August 15. 1912; Central Electric Railway Company Five Per Cent. Mortgage Gold Bonds due May 1, 1914, and Certificates of Deposit therefor issued by The New York Trust Company as Depositary and its Agent under the Agreement dated March 10, 1914; Corrigan Consolidated Street Railway Company First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold Bonds due July 1, 1916; East Side Electric Railway Company First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold Bonds; Notes of the Kansas City Railway and Light Company to Kansas City Banks secured by stock of the Kansas City and Weatport Belt Railway Company; Kansas City and We6tport Belt Railway Company First Mort?age t-nve Per Cent. Gold Bonds due July 1, 1926; Kansas City Elevated Railway Company General Mortgage Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds due July 1. 1922; Kansas City Elevated Railway Company General Mortgage Four Per Cent. Bonds due July 1, 1922; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the iindcrsiun.-d have. ,,t the request of the li?,ii.?rahU- William C. Hook. I'nited States Circuit IikIkc >?f the Eighth Judicial Circuit, consente?, to act as Reorganization Managera under a Plan dated July 30, 1915, prepared by him l"r the re?.r-?ani/.ati'in ?>f the street railway and electric light systems at Kan sal City owned by the Metropolitan Strr-et Railway Company, the Kansas City Elevated Railway Company, the Kansaa City and Westport Celt .Railway Compaavy ami the Kansas City I'lctnc Light Company, all of which compasases arc controlled by the Kansaa City Railway ami I .tghl ( om?>any, and, as authorized by laid Plan, luve prescribed the Terms of Participation in the Plan. In order t?? become parties to said Clan, holders of the above menti? ned bondl and notes must deposit their securities with the !'?|. marie? below named or their Agents ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 1, 1915, after which ?laic no deposits will be received, unless such time shall be specifically extended by Judf-e Hook. With Cornu m ? onsoi?dated Street Railway Company First Morteii*?- Five Per Cent. Gold Ronda, Kansas City & Westport Heir Railway Company First Mortgage Five l'er Cent Cold Ronda. Kansas City Elevated Railway Company General Mortgage Six Per Cent Gold Fonds, and Kansas City Elevated Railway Company General M'.rtRaKe Four Per Cent. i, !1 i.i'iid- there must be deposited the July 1, 1915, and all subsequent coupons. a Depositaries and Their Agents. Tnr Metropolitan BIT 00? ):sllw eolldat? ?I Per Cent ipaiiy tgage Five (iold Bond? Agent? of th? Depositary. ? liar,-?? CUV and Lib"?' Compi Railway I iv Kir?! ,' K< funding riv? 1' (*Old Honda Kor Kansas City Hallway an?l l.lichl Coinpai?. Si\ Per ?'?ni Collateral Odd ' Net??. I'nder the At*reement dated June B, 1911 Old Colony Trust Company, Boston, Depositary, Bankers Trust Company, New York City, / Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, London County and West minster Bank, " London, England, I'nder the .-\?7-reement dated \pril 3, 1013 The New York Trust Company. N'ew York City, Depositary, Old Colony Trust Company, Boston. Adolph Boissevain & Co., Amsterdam, Holland. I'nder the Agreement dated August 15 1912. The New York Trust Company, New York City, Depositary, Old Colony Trust Company, Boston, Anent of the Depositary. / a?. L-T.'? of tlie Dip',Hilary ?n'r?! Electric Itn 11 - Com pan: Flvs Per ?. Mortgage Gold For all of ihe foregoing se curlilf? an.] far ('?irritian Street Hal S'. .? . ? 'o.':p;il, I'l's? .V|,,r' )? , .-? I . - !'? - ? -.? ? ? ? Sid? Electric . . ?. Company Plrsi Mortgage PI ? S P? r ' !? nt Bonds N?-.te? of is .city Railway ;?n.i Light Company ?o Kan?.-?.? cits Rata ka; Kansas City? n*?*stpor( Ball Rail wav (onipaiis Firist Hurt Klvs Per Cent ?;<.i?i l?.,:.,!s ; Kansas I ill y Blet a tad Kail?..'. ? "liipany (ien eral Mortsas? si" Pari e.-nr. Oold Honda; and| Kama? City I Rail? ay < '"i.-.p in- Q eral Mort na ge Four Por' Cent Oold Honda. -Under the As*r*eement Dated March 10. 1 1914 \The New York Trust Company. / New York City. *\ Depositary, J Old Colony Trust Company, t Boston. \ ?Agent of the Depositary. The New York Trust Company. New York. Depositary. Old Colony Trust Company,-, Boston, Illinois Trust A Savings Bank, Chicago, First National Bank, Kansas City. Commerce Trust Company, Kansas City, and Fidelity Trust Company, Kansa- City, Aren?? of the Depositary. ?'?.pies of the Flan and of the Terms of Participation have been tiled with the Depositaries above named and their Agents, irom whom copies may he obtained. Dated New York, August 2P, 1915. H. L STUART, Judge (look's Representative, The Rookery, Chicago, BYRNE & CUTCHEON, New York, ROPES, CRAY. BOYDEN ft PERKINS, B -ton, Counsel. KUHN. LOEB & CO., LEE. HIGGINSON & CO., LLAIR & CO., Reorganization Managers. Metropolitan Street Railway Company of Kansas City. Missouri REORGANIZATION T?. ?lie holder? of cert Iflcates of issiieil l.v the Old Colon? Tru-I ? 'iimpnn.r it?. Dep<?-,ltnr? mu? il? Agent?, under the It..n.lltoltlr-rt' Protective Vgrrement diileil lune H. 1811, for Metropolitan Mrrrt Hailwa.? I 1 unsolid n. ?I Mi.rlKil.-e lisr l'er I .ill. ?.old Itnli.l- due Ma) 1. I'd anil In ?he holder? ?f ?tub Bouils st ho hose not depasited ?he ??me: NOTICE 18 HKHKHV OIVBN ?I.?* th? Commute? un,1er Hi? sbove-men lloned Asre.'ineni has approved ihr. provlalons ?f s Plan dated July IS 11| preparad b) ih. Honorable William ?' Hook, f?.r the reorganisation of the Mreet railway an?l ?lactrlc light systems it Kansas City, "?s n-,t by ths Metro? politas sire?i Rail-?-.. Company, K.,n?sai City Electric Light Cotaaaay, Kanaai City Klavated Railway Compaaf an?i Kansas City ??'"I Weetport Bell I . rj) all ??f Which companies are conlrolled l.y the Kansai ?*ity Railway and Light Company, ?nul th? Terms of Participation in said Plan diced August II, ; romulfated bv th? Managers thereunder an.I has t1>?! a eopy ,,f such Plan and of sock Tr.rni? of Participation sslili Old Colony Trust Company, the Depositary under ?aid Agreement. , Holder? of the above-mention? ?I Bond.? who have not ?Ireadv deposited their II,in,I? andar said Agreement, are h? re!?> notified ?hat tliev may. without penalty. >.?. .in? parue? ?o tai'l Agreement and entitled ?o avail themselves of (h- beneflt ? . plan i? statsd In said Terms of Participation bj depositing ?heir Bonds lid Agreement with Old Colony Trusl Company at Its offl ?? 17 Courl Sueet Boetoi Msssachuseltk. or ?ra Asent?. Hanker? Trust ?'ompatiy. of New fork ?ira-.i Trusl Company of Philadelphia. <.r London Count] and West - It,nk. 1.1.1 . Of la.n.l,n ON ??K BKFOBB ?>< TOBEH I. 181?. Su^h rlepoall will bs deemed io constitute an , xprn? 1>> ,i>.p"?it.,r? to .?aid Plan and '!'? i m? of Participa? ??'? PrlStad ? oples of laid Plan and of ??Id Term? ,?f Participation may be obtained upon sppllcatlon to Iks i?ep.,?itary or to its Agenta, D ,'? 1 Auguil 18, 1116. iiamki. a nma, IKKIIKHIIh VV. ST?VBUS, I WHS .1. SKIKKOM ? '??inmutes. JOHN H PIKRCK. B?cr?t?ry. 60 Stst? Street H ..?"?il. Ma?s?chii??tti ROPBB ORAT, BOTDBM * PEKKINS. Iloston Maaaacbuaatts, Counsel. Referring to the sbov? notice, th? underpinned and l?s Agents will receive deposit? of ?he bonds mentioned therein until ?October 1. 1?1& Aft?r that date no further depaalta will t>? received Dated Auguil 20. 1*16 OLD COLONY TKIST COMPANY. 17 ?'ourt Street. Bo?ton. afasaachusatta I?. i??'inary. Kansas City Railway and Light Company REORGANIZATION To holder? of .ertlfiratei ..f depoalt leaned hr The New York Truat Cnmpanr n? nspStSllStn miui lit Agent? for Kan?a? Cits Railway nnd llalli < pun. tint I.Ien K. fiindiiu Klse Per Cent, ?.old llond?, due May IS, 17*I . under the Vgrreniciit dated April S, lull, end I?. holder? of tu? h llond? ?ho have not ?le|io?lteil th? aame: KOTIC8 is HBBBBT QIVBN that the Commlttos un?i?-r the abava-men Honed Ageeosasal ass approved Iks financial provisions of a Plan dated .lu:v -s l?|j prepar.,1 by th* VVIIIum C Hook, f?ir Ihe r- organisation of th? ,tr??- r.. ,?.\ an?! SlSCtrll h?b' i\??tenil it Kama.? City, o? ne.i by the Metr,, s rra-t Railway Company, Ka:i-a? ?'i--. Electric Ugh? Company. Kanaai City Elevated Railway Compony and Kansas City and Waalp ?? Bell Railway all of Which ( omnanlea are controlled by th? Kar.?as ? 'ity Hallway and Light Company, an.l Ih? T.-rm? of Partis-ipatlon In ?aid I'lan dated Augu?t 19. Ill ?>roriiulg?*ed by the Manag'-rs thereund' r. and has Oled a copy ?if lu? h I? .,., ,* j ,? auch Terms f Parti ,p ,'l"n with The New York Trust Company, the Depositary uadsr ?aid Agreement An deposit,,r may within f"rtv-flv? IIS? days after the ("rat publication of this noti?- wltkdraw from ?aid Ann ?ment, upon ?urn ruler tu the Depositary or -? ,,f it? Agenti of h ? eertlflCStS .'f deposit, ?;th a properly executed Irani f? r (hereof If rei?lstered and payment to Iks Depositan? or SU li Agent for th? Committee of th? ?urn of 111 for ?a'h II.Ov?. fa e am??unt, of llond? withdrawn. ?mount ha? been n\?-?l by th? I'.'iiirnltte? j,ur?uant 'o Ik? ??rnii of itld Vureem-'nt a? the pro rofil ahar? of It? oompensatlon, sapoaaSSJ and llabili'.le? to posltors w "hdrawlng from th.- Agre^men' Depositors wh? da no' wl-hdraw fr?>m ?aid Agreenent In thi m inner sfore ? ?'-'iin forty-Svs i?i' day? sfier the (Irit publication of 'his noil.?- wilt, a? ? ill be Irre aald provided i" said Agreement, be con?.dualsely an.l ilrialU deemed f,,r t, ha?? assented to sold Plan anl laid Ti-nn? of l'ariiclp.tlon and ah!, b.'in.l thereby l 1er? of tl.? ahov?-m?ntloned Hondi who hue not llrsady depoi'ted their ?d-r said Agreement, are hrreti. aotlSed 'hat they may without penalty. - .i,.i entitled lo avail themselves of ?he \ -." ? ?he ?mpany "f M.,?'.-,n, and o.i ??< i "Hi i. - ,.?"!.. la ?aid Agreement and entitled to ?'all themselves of th? nf said r ?" a? ?ii'ed in said Term? of Participation iltlng thalr H',n un?ier laid Acre-ment wuh ihe New Y rk Truat i'ompany (of Sew York? h K^noaltars or either of ita Agents Old Colony Tru?' Compan] of " \ .;,,.;, Bolaaevaln A ?'o (of Amater?lain. Hollas I, ON ?>K HKKH 1 191'. Bu 7, l-l.oilt ?III bs deemed to eenslltut? an expresa ?j. tit by U-'pust fors IO said P SB ^n?l Terms of participation printed (oplei of iai?l Plan and of ea'.d Terms of Psrt i. ?pation m?v b? ; .pon application to ?aid Depontary or lo either of ,ti eml4 Agrnta ?a JOHN H. DEN MM, h h??m i J. HANAUS***, A? O-TA NICHOI ? I VMI-.-s J. ?lu h I. "li Commute?. I.MVHf.S.'K ?i RKNNETT. - ? -sry. 2? Rrosd S?r??t. New Tork City. BTBHfl * tnnCUeaOH, Sem Tork City - ORAT HOYDEN A PT-IIKINS, l.,.,ton Maaa l'?>Utlltl Iteferrlr.g M the above SOI Ik? Bf tem-ne.* and Hi Ag?n?s will r. ?|. . ,. pos . of Ih? bon.l? saontloned 'herein until ??. toher 1. Ur, Aft?r Ih : . further depoalis *?? r- roeolvod Dat-J August tt. Ill? THE M?H YORK TRI sf ???MPVNY. NOW fort? ? ' l'?p..?,tary Kansas City Railway and Light Company REORGANIZATION To holder? of certificate? of ? latued by The New York Tru?t Compans a? IkrpooJtarj und it? Ak?'??? foe Knn???? < ?Is ll.iilw.ii nul I lulit Compans ?It l'er (em.' ? ,, II. il, -nil ??old Noirs .lu?- M|,i einher I. 1011, ?in,Irr the Agrrr i.i.m ?laird Augiixl 17?, lili7. and To holder? of such Notes who have not dr|?o?ltrd ?he aasme: NOTICE 18 HBRBBT OIVBN that the ComnslttOS un.ler the above-men tloood Asreemom I??.? approved ihe financial provisions of a Plan dated July 30. : i??. the Honorabla William C Hook, for the reorajanlaatloa <?f tiie street rail was anl electric llsh? systoma at Kanaaa City, ..?ne.i by the Metro? politan Street Railway. Company, Kansaa City Elaotrlo I.lnht ('??mpany. Kansaa cny Elevated Railway Company and Kansas City and Weotpori Bolt Railway . of which companies are controlled '??- Ik? Kansas ? "ity Rallwa* and Light Company, and the Terms of Participation in said Plan dated Austesl io. promulgated by the llaaaacrs thereunder, and has Sled a eopi ,,f ?uch , id "f such Terms "f Participation with The New York Trust Company, the Depositan '.rile, laid Aitr.eni.-nt Am depositor may within f??rty-flve ?If.? day? after the flrat publication of thi? i.oltce withdrass from aald Agrt-eina-nt, up?.n surr.-n.ler to the Iiepositary or to it?. ASSal ?f his ?ertitlcate of deposit, with a properly executeil trans? fer thereof. If replslered. and payment t.. th? Depositary or such Agent for the Commit.' tfcs urn of $10 for each 11,008, fa?e amount, of Note? withdrawn. which amount t,a? boon Its? 1 l.y the Committee pursuant to the terrna of sild Agreement as th. pro ruf'i share of Ita compens?t! n ? ipenatM ?ml llabllllles to be paid by depositors wllhdrawlns from th? Agreement. Depositors who da not withdraw fr..m said Aur? .men' In the manner afore? said within forty-Svs (II) days after the first puhii.--.tinn of this notier will, aa i m ?aid Agreement, bs si) and finally deemed for all purposes to hav? aasen? Plan and sa Id Terms of Participation and will be Irrev bound then by Holders of the above-mentlonad No'e? who have not already ,lepo?ite<i th*ir Notes under said Agreement. i*r"' here!.y notified ?hat they may. without penalty. became parties ?o *., I ASTeement and entitled to avail themselves of th- ben-tit of said Plan as stated in said Terms of Participation t,y depositing ?heir Notes under aald Agreement with Tin New York Trun Company (of New Yorki. ?he Depositary. ,,r Ita Agent, Old Colony Trust Company (of Roaton), ON OR I1K ItlKi; <l( Killi.K 1, 1915. isuch deposit will be deemed to conatltut? an expreaa assent by depositors to said Plan and Term? of Participation Printed copies of ?aid Plan and of ?aid Terms of Participation may be obtained upon sppllcatlon to said Depositary or to ita said Agent. Date.i August 70. 1811. JOHN II. DENNIS, ISAMl Kl. I. FIT.I.EB. LAWRENCE G. BKNNETT, JEKOMB J. HANACEB. tncretary. IVMK?. J. ?IOKKOVV 24 Broal Street, I'ommitt?? New York City. BTBNB A CiTTCHBON, New York City. ROPBS, OBAT, BOTDSM A PKBKIN8, Boaton, Mass., Referring to the ihose notes, ?ha ?in.lerslgned an?l 111 Agent will receive deposita of the Notas mentioned therein until ?iciober 1, lili. Aftvr that data ?111 i .- reci Dated Augutt 20. lull. TIIK NEW YDHK TKI >T Illsir.VSV, N-w fork City, Depositary. Kansas City Railway and Light Company REORGANIZATION To holder? of certltli ules of dr[i,.?lt issued by The New York Tru?! Company a? Depositar) und It? Agen? for CriitrHl Ideclrl? RsUlwtV) < oinpaii) lisr I'rr ?nit. Morlfass 0?M llond? due Mat I, Hill, undrr Hie Agreement dated VI..r, h lu. Hill, and l,i I,older, of ?mil ll.inds who liase not deposited (he ?ame: NOTICE 18 HBRBBT OIVBN that ?he Committee un?ler the above men? ti?.ne.I Agreement li?.? approved Hie financial pr,slalona of a Plan date?! July 10 ?.a? ; ?,.. Ih? Honorabls Wl C H?.?.k f?,r the reorganiaailon of lb? street r..i.? is and ele. trie light *i>steina at K:.n?a? City, owne.| by the Metr,. polltan Stre?t Hallway ?'??inpain. Kansas City Ki-ctrlc Light Company, Kanaas city Elevated Rail ? snd Kan? ? City an! Wsatporl Belt H.ilway ? ir.hi, li companies are controlled by the Kar.iaa City Railway Snd ? Company, snd ?he Torms ??f Psrl dated Augn? sad I ?? BU ,1 a . .,p> of au'-h , Terms of Participation with Ths New York Trust Company, th? 1 lap, Agr? ?mem Any depositor may .s.'h.n f,rty-flve ?46? days ?fter the flrat publi atlon of th!? notice WltkdrSW from said Agr?. nient, up ?n surrender to th? Drpoiltary 01 Its tgent of his certlScata ??( deposit with a properly executed Irana f-r thereof, if registered, and pa> ment to the Depositary or ?uch Agtnt for th? Commit I?? I th? -'im Of II I I '* ? ?in??util. of Honda withdrawn, whli h amounl has l.een flxed by the Commldee purauant to the term? of ?lid .\?.; I'H'i ? of in coinpeniatioii. . xpemes and ?.abllltl?? to Oi paid b) depositors wlthdraVlM ft""' th?- Agreement Dep ?' withdraw aa??I Asraemsnl In th? manner afore ?aid w:'Kin fortr-ftvs (41) days ?f'er -h? flrst publication of thla aotlcs will, as provided ?n said Agreement, bs conclaslvoly and tlnaliy deemed for all purposes 10 hav? ass I I ?<> ?aid Plin and said Terina ,,f Parti, ipatiou and will be irrev? ocably bound ?hireby. II , !??;? ,,f 'he above-mentioned Honda who haie not alr?ady depo?lt?d th?lr Honda undaf said Agreement, ar? hereby notified that th?y may. without penally. : irties to said As*roens?n? and entitled "> a??.; them?eiv?a of the benefit ^? ?lated in ?aid Term? of Participation by depositing 'heir Ron.]? with The New York Truit ComBoni ?of Niw York?, ?b? Dep'.iitarv or ? ? Agent Old Colo?) Tr'ist Company ?of Boston i. ON OR BR KIKI-. (K IOH1.K 1, 1813. Si h deposit will b? deemed to constitute a.i ?sprass aasei said Plan and T-rms of Participation M of iai'1 Plm and of aald Terms of Participation may be obtained up S to said De?.i?,tary ur lo Ita aald Agent . JOHN H. DKNNIH, JEROME J. HANACEB. LAWHF.N- K (? BKNNETT. *AM"B*" J MORROW. I retary, IT. K MIllt.HAM. 24 llroa.l Strset. Tommlttee. Ntw York ?".ty. BYRNE * ?t T' HEoN. New York City ROP1 S .?KAY BOTDBM * PEHKIN8, Masa., (.'our Referring I I hOl a* Ike undersigned and It? Agen? ss i I receive . I herein an) lall After tn?t date ? er .lepo?:? a * ? ? l- ?? ... lllf?. IHK NfcW aOKk IKI?I OOSSTAaff, r Tork a D?pnitary.