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PEACE APPEAL'S FATE IN HANDS OF CARRANZA Slim Hope Now That He Will Accept Pan Amer? ican Offer. STILL HAS CHANCE FOR RECOGNITION If He Could Dominate Confer? ence by Fair Means, U. S. Would Accept Him. Is Belief. 11 ii ?ail ] Was] *iug 22 General Car ranza's reply to the pence appril of the Pna-An being awai*, here. While 't .s generall* believed Carr??r.?a will de of the conferees there i.? a ilim hope thai lie will -"a'.l into line. It was known in advance tk i \ . faction would accept the Pan 'here was a ?light hope ?? of t'.ie Cai nt i" It a ?. This hope was in lai y the promp' r? ; influential of Carranza'? lieuti i . and Gontslea, who ne had the ' ? le ciernen' . Un m., which waa victoria ou.-, ar.,1 v - Huerta. Since that time ? it had the character of a revolution, but hi. ? f th( revo lut.on. To il:-regard one, lieve. a ? ? ?? i n ii h y . ferer,? eeed in domina would ne the op;? extend him recog? The ncy here (lcn;r?l to? night the i? ; ort that (1er, : lis Pe ? : . nemy. The. agen? il IV reyra lo a Governor nT;i! ? colun ? Defends Brazil's Mexican Policy i-iands {<>r ? the ailenei I the diplo ? try. d lie ? UXpl.1i' H? ? per non-polit ical . ? si "matic relal \ the |7<<vi ru? ana? i ? Thousands Starving in Torre?n, Is Report i El 1'ns". : ! from -. the destruc? tion \ dition 'han wai Mexico City, declare ? i the bor day :? ?? >1 I.a (?una city. Fortj of Torre?n tarving, it is asserted. Rich and poor i An,, say it i?, a com? mon men and childr? n, and now i,nd ?lien a man, drop in the The crn're of one of the richest cultural . ' Mexico, 'I thron.- ce armies and the deati ?.f all meani ?.f com? munie become prrbably the ty in Mexico, i, \ la has an army of more than . men ?1 that Can ? ? nity of the city , :.i my. Sto and used It ,> ? to buy food at fa!. - . money ? has | no exchange value. \ . : -. ? ,n Torre?n, it i.s state,:. | j all having died from ? ?'WS have bee. for food si ? for th? Mobilizing of Marines Causes Vera Cruz Talk J'hil:.?. ?? I . and K they might join the North Ai fle(t v speculation amonjr ?.aval i fl t?. da] in regai : to the M? - The mai mobil Isatination of the mar ras. The armored cruiser Ter.r which tss,, weeks ap. took - t ( ? 11 a I ? Monday to take aboard the new ?orce ? - . ire ab .ut I,*-?") marines ?n?' sa an ad? ditional 1.000 men there, ? OUt, Would !!.(..,?; a t?'t:.l of : which at pr? handled by UM* ,i?i ,|-i'.,?l Vjii.euu.oiiary loice. I\ WAKE OF GREAT STORM IN GALVESTON. swept from foundation ind crushed. NEW FLOOD ADDS TO HEAVY LOSSES NEAR ST. LOUIS Sudden Rise in Meramec River Sweeps Away Thousands of Homes. St. .-. 22. The Maramec River, w th thou orts, clubhouses ? . r eottagi several banks to-day, swept md In? ? 1 to twt-nty, it :. the Louis ? the food which ? r m i.? re. T? e .' a foot an hour ? lood was : ? ' ' ' ? ? ' : ? ven with mot? to-night, The ed to-night ? '? to have Valley Park and two at w ere were ; may 1 been ma d i ar . others had . r to-day hoping it woul i ' ? em to rea? cu ? i- and their "*I5. ;o St. . olun- ', tit are being ? r.. n. ted th< r i i It -, had been \ Talk made ' en to twelve ? d a half miles ' ? ' ' I id.s of ? I ? and ? .re being sent to the '. Ills. CATSKILL FLOOD DESTROYS HOUSES Buildings in Ellenville Swept Away When Storni Turns Brooks Into Torrents. V . Aug \ clnud ? on the mountain above El its into 1 which it.'.:: ?run 'heir foundations. B house and bain I i bj boat men. New York, ?k was i dam . ' ? ? ? The Rowed, Schenectady Suffers from Heavy Downpour Sehr '?' V , Aug. 22. Heat y ram this afternoon flooded many of the streets and It on the New York (' at 11 I. I held i ? ' .'. | l.ailn Interurban and city trolley sched ? era ? and mucl . flooding of lellafs. , Cyclone Gits Through Pennsylvania Town York. Pel .'. Estim?t ? ? ? h cut tbroug.i the Boi lanoi er, a . its The , rin? ? Althoa . t.tuber . . ? ?m. ted. It ? if. That h of nun pre ly a few v. night ci wd on the . tre of the Town had sou. .me. The plant - of the Hanov? i 1! Company, the Hanove ipany, rhe Centn Shaft P . * ii i ? were .tir* in a n pane by falling ter, but In ' ' ? of York ? WAR SUIT REVEALS SCHWEITZER PLOT Kaiser's Agent Bought Up Edi? son Acid to Block Powder Deal for Allies. *? ? ? ? ? ? icture of picric acid for the French govern nient. It is alleged 'he order was no? ? i Ml ar.d Supply Com ' ' ? . ' portel , a. Bau ... h i e h represi ni s their pi os] ? the order for the crystal-. They allege that the defendant companv agre. 1 to supply t)u- material, w hei ?? apon the ? :r obtained the order from the ' rading and Trai pany, acting for the French government. The defendant agreed to a delivery in ?ras onabl? to till the order, and .. r:ed with a suit ENGLAND SENDS GOLD FOR FOOD Philadelphia Brings $1.000.000 ? Marshall Field and Bride Back from War Zone. The American liner Philadelphia, ar? riving from Liverpo >1 ? ? in gold, which ?ras sent here by ipplies a tl . ountry. Edmund ', ? ? the numbei of men seen in the if foi. the war to ge' an idea -...' many men have rallied to the col . ter o? rmei yacht la, which wa ? purchased by the Hr.t was be ng corvette.1 into a cru S ?? w be armed and will be tl.. Marx. Mr. and Mis. Marsh . i W. Marshs ? n . when f I dm ?ng theii While in Prance the couple re? ? ?lers on board were I >r Ed? ward H N r' W Waldron, I rt, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. .- ? w .: . Mr- a M. Major, Mis. Isab? la Hoi lann. Montclair Woman Defence Aid N. .1 . Aug 22. Mrs l of the Da ran R member of the '. immittee of ? ? e, to organ >? the I? i that bod) .- th? wiuni n of the Tinted States to woxi. foi Luiioiml i defence. j All was U*ft of a caraco in storm's path. SECRET OF BLACK DYE DISCOVERED Experiments at Connecti? cut Factory Make Record in Cheap Product. M ?n i he <*uture ? -. n ani .:' the Am? 1 i and Chemical v. ? ? i rimental factory is si l ter. Conn., are proved, It la asserted ready have evolved a ek dye, i - ?a* ? his ?a gained il is a .imple ??.ic'ory ? witch ? ?: Net* York. lurce for all sorti ? by the people "i Cheater. Some secret . ,,:i(* on behind 'heir , to what thi 'rom the manufacture ? ment of sol European war. Now I thai 'hese build for no more - i ? for the . oi alinine dyi ' rnder Iir. I. V. Stanislaus, ?'? South Bend, Ind., ?nid William Ame.-, a Philadelphia dye expert, a corps of chemists has be? i. kept busy searching for a prac formula. i' B. < arter, secretary of the Phila delpia Hosiery Manufacturera' Asso? ciation, which is vitally interested in tin. pi made public a ?tate ment in winch he ?ays that a durable . v black dye has been di covered ?The manufacturing cost of which will make it cheaper than im? ported dyes. \\ th thil in view- the American Co I Chemical Works has ? ? i h der t he Iswa of Dels ioni ?a ill soon be msde to 1 factory al Cheater in order t? begin turning out its product ble. .-. conjunction with the discovery of ed that i the i.i t CSl Itall ever made in; the United Statei have been evolved at ter factory. This is also a' ery, for both aniline dyes i.nil carbolic acid have been in th? ' cut in ly from < i. r many. With the blockade of ( America has faced a famine in - i, I, will be relieved by the recent CHESTNUT IN HIS EGG Jerseyman Will Restrict Diet of Circus Chickens. V? Iliam Bennett, o? Sussex, N J., ha.? decide.l that he will have to re move all the chestnut trees from h;s 1) yard. No later than yet-tcrday one of hi? circus chickens laid a peculiarly shaped "cr., which on ja ! o have a laree the ?hell "That' ? for letting that - ? svas nutty the momel I 1 IS? .'.." Few Argentinians at Protest Meeting ' | 22. A m< was held here to-day to protest against the intervention of tl Stalei ' in M? ??. the poet, del rather Plan $150.000 Lecture Hall. *** ' avs drawn '?? hall and i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' inic Harden Mor.c ras centril vd bv al I -' mste and Alfred f White, chairman of the tarden com nutlet ? g Xhj |?et> osito Lrown ? Moiiliiuin y ilitttl, BELGIUM DENIES CIVIL ATTACKS ON GERMAN' Says Only French Troops Sho at D?nant Patrols. Havre, Aug. 22. The Belgian gov 1 ernment has laaaod a reply to the <?<r i man White Rook, in which, as the Rel . gian authorities pul It, (let many ?OO^t I to jimt ify >.y law the reprisals and ?"atrocities committed st limant on Au 1 gust H and 21. 191 t " The Belgian reply ?.tate? that it w ... French soldiers, and not the civil popu? lation of lMnant, who established og both bank, of the Meuse River the de? fence?, which the (?ermHti troops found , at Dinant, and that it wai Kreuch t troops who tired on German patrols between August 1 ?"> and '_"'. The French captain commanding these troops at? tests that the civil population took no pari in the encounter. SEEKS TO LOWER BARS TO TRADE BELOW ISTHMUS Federal Commission Will Study Present Obstacles to Commerce. RECIPROCITY ONE OF PRINCIPAL AIMS Inquiry an Outcome of the Re? cent Pan-American Financial Conference. IFrim Th? Tribun? "*l'i'??ii ] Washington, Aug. 22 An investiga? tion of South and Central American tariffs, iost charge, and other re?tnc tions of trade with the United Si iti will be Instituted bv the Federal Trail?' Commission, at the request of !-nt Wilson, with the idea of as? sisting in laying the foundation for th?" development of the largest mea.ore of ' r? eiprocal trade between the United States and I.afin America. The commission will make a .earch tndy of all artificial barrier; railed bv adver.o law. and regulation, that hinder the expansion of Ameri? can commerce with the republic? of the Western Hemisphere, and will submit ? recommendations to the President for j the removal of obstacles and the es? tablishment of reciprocal trade rela ? ions, This innuirv is one of the result, of , the reel At Pan-American Financial Conference. Many obstacles to the ex ten.ion of finance and trade among the American nations were dm closed by , the interchange of view. at. this con? ference. Tariff laws, custom regula tions, classification of merehand'se, I consular certificates and port charges in Latin American countries were de- j rani serious impediment, to the growth of th?'ir trade with the United Suggested bv McAdoo. The investigation was susrrre?t?d to Pre Ident Wilson hv Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, who presided over the conference. Aside from exposing conditions and barriers which impede trade Mations, the Federal Trade Com ?i ?ill give careful consideration ? to the larger riue.tion of reciproctv. which would be a practical and sut ? M basis, in the opinion of Seer? t-irv MrA.lo?.. for the enlarg. I un American r?immercinl The way is op?t<?I for rociprocs trade agreements bv the following a*< 'ion of the I ndiTA/ood Simmons tarn bill: "That for the pumos?* of mudiu?? ing the pre??>nt duliea on importa'.01 into the Tinted States and at th' time to eneosrsge th" export trad" ?, ?lin eOOntry, 'lie Presiden* of th Tinted States i? SBthoriSsd arid am powered to negOtiatS tra?|e agrcerri"?,' with foreign nations wh?'rein mutua concessions am ma?|e looking towar freer trade relations and further re riproen) expansion of trade and com mercej provided, however, that i trade agreements l.efore becoming on re shall be lubmitted to the ' ? of the Triited S'ates for ratl lication or rejection " To Heal with Fach I'rohlem. Fach American nation has il : tinrfiv?' problems, and the Federa I Trad?1 Commission will deal wil | separately. ? ?> a< to make ?he i gation of as much practical value a? ! po??ible. For roars it has hern kno'.vr 'that the developmeat ?>f trade lion? ha? h( ?ri retarded by restrictivi law- and regulations. It ? aim of 'he commission to ei I difficulties and to suggest remI In addition to the eo-op? the Trep.surv Department and the In? ternational H'gh Commission, the Trade Commission will have tft nee of ?he departments of and ?"ommerce through rom tach?? and diplomatic and c?, ollicers of ?he United St.?-. America. Commerce Board Inquiry Will Be Made by Mail fl'cm Ti? TlHaii F mal i ' Washington, Au/. 22. The ia gation by the Interstate l'omme-c Commission into the transportation facilities between this country ?irrd South America will be a mere lot'.-r writing campaign, is the prediefon made here to-night, bared Ofl tk that the commissi ?n has no legal power to compel testimony or to rsy the expenses of witnesaes who might be willing to come witnout aub| The investigation, winch was an? nounced by the Treasury Pepartmen' as being .suggested by Secretary Me Ad?,o and requested by the Presiden', has not been orde.ed bv ? The law- creating the meree Commission juives that body p..wer to c tesl imony in cases involving violations of the com? merce act. It ia -,'.t contend?-,I tl ll an inquiry into oc an rstea froi country to South and Central Am? and Europe is to h'ing out vio... of the commerce ar;. RAMMEYEQ STAMPEDON A SHOE* MEANS STANDARD OF MERIT 6 AVt AT 20 ST Men's and Women's Low Shoes at FINAL PRICE REDUCTIONS 1.45/1.95 Former Prices Range From $4to$Il. All Styles--Incompl?te Sizes HIS HORSE A VEHICLE. LAW SAYS TAIL LIGHT Denver Equestrian Puzzle.! Commissioner of Safety. .. Dei ??. rid? i ta at a dark an autoi 'P be . ran lata th? ??? . :?4 h.m, and threw you -nui or, j our neck. it have ?.??I for vio. it ng the c..jr ordinance requil Commissioner ibet is in a qaandary over I :? was put -o h m in - ,, ?fur i nrht i ? Mr. Hoeckel .oj. m ? ar that he I run dtvva. 4 Suppose . beea s rear-end eoll ? ? - ? ? - riders should bp r- ciiry .?ne lamp? .- noijrj. '? \ ... | bel eve it ? ild .-?*?? on all rr norst?, as well." Automobile owners all over the world write us that they are obtaining from "Nobby Tread" Tires twice the mileage they could get from other tires. We absolutely know this to be true of the great majority of "Nobby Tread" users, because although the "Nobby Tread" mileage adjustment is based upon 5,000 miles to the tire,?"Nobby Tread" users all over the world are securing averages of 8,000 Miles 10,000 Miles 12,000 Miles This supreme real anti-skid tire properly inflated is constantly giving tremendous excess mileages over and above its extraordinary adjustment basis of 5,000 miles. We want to find and consult with any "Nobby Tread " users who are not securing excess mileage. are today the largest selling high-grade anti-skid tire3 in the world. United States Tire Company Broadway at 58th St., N. Y. City. ' 'Nobby Tread ' ' Tires are sold by ?Leading Reliable Dealers. Do not accept sahst i tote?