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RUSS LOSS HEAVY, DESERTER SAYS Lack of Munitions Caus? ing Frightful Casualties, Ex-Lieutenant Asserts. 28,000 MEN IN ONE REGIMENT GONE Refused to Make Hopeless As? sault, and Fled Mere Hoping for Work in Powder Plant. Russian hopes of ultimate victory against the Teutonic allies hang al? most entirely on huge and immediate shipments of munitions from the . Inited States, according to AM?plyc Bogan report, aforetime a lieutenant In *h?? lS7th Infantry Regiment, SuvorotT ion, now a desertor and in this ? country. Bagatiregoff, which is not his real name, cheerfully admits being a de "I refused," he said yesterday, "to obey the command of my colonel to men and attempt to capture a fo-' n without an artillery ?ment in the rear. There was not sufficient ammunition for my com? mand, and I understood there was not enough to supply the nrtillery. Know? ing it meant certain death to all my men. 1 n f, red to obey my commander." The deserter sayi this all happened 10, <>n n stricken tu-ld fifty miles of Rawa-Ruska. He es? caped while stationing outposts and made his way to the I'nited States. "The sol.lur- of Russia," he said, through an interpreter, "arc aware of the lack of munitions and of the han? dicap under which ;hey are confront the enemy. When we left a year ago In August for the camp at Volga, : the command of Karon Zaltza, the men suspected there was a scarcity of amrnumtion Orders were issued to the men to us.- it sparingly. We en hopes that our supplies would be replenished from the United State- " Th> Russian soldiers, he said, believe the United States il supplying the er part ..f the munitions used by them, and i re under the impression that it is done to help out the Allies. It is al.-o tht r firm belief that be of this all th. Russian territory -; possession of the Germans will ,ken. Bogatiregoff blames his government for the lack of munitions. It was not prepared for the war, he says. Now, he assert-;, evi ry conceivable building, -, public buildings and barns, which can t"' used for the manufacture of ammunition is being pressed into service all over Rui In these improvised arsenals, he says, school children, women and men, too old to fight, are working. Bogatiregoff say? he is a graduate of the Kazan Military School. During his year of active campaigning he said he fought in sixty-four battles and was ? ? . "What is worse than fighting," he said, "is lying m the trenches. There is no madness among the men when they It comes only when they are 'resting' in the trenches. An of th? .--? it losses suffered by the I: . . ven by the de ? * that when his regi ? i it was 4,000 nee then, he said, 24,000 men . hid been sen: to fill the gaps, the time he deserted, ?if these 24,000, he says, but 100 are left, and of the original 10. Every one of the ong 1 inal nfti ers of the regiment has cither ?led. It is Bogatiregoff's hope to get etn . ployment here and, when he considers it safe, to communicate with his wife and children, who are in Russia, una? ware of his whereabouts. Hil ambition is to obtain employ? ment in a munitions plant, where his * knowledge of chemistry will enable him to aid his country more than by fighting. BEAUTIFY'FLUSHING FILM CITY PROFFER _ Moving Picture Company Wants to Give College Point Plant Municipal Name. A film company, owned and directed by George W. I.ederer, the theatrical . man, and John W, Rapp, of this city, has asked the lioaril of Aldermen for permis-1HT-. t?> rename a fifty-acre tract at College Point, Long Island, New York Film City. To induce the board to accede to this request, I-ederer and Rapp have agreed to devote I?) per cent of each year's profits to beautify? ing Flushing, which is nearby. ?t - planned to spend $2,?no,ooo on the property. A feature of the plant will tie the lack of necessity for de pet,?ling on the sun for picture light. The proximity of the East River will present marine opportunities enjoyed by f' w motion picture companies n? at ihi'ir studies. A revolving stage will be installed and an artificial lake car, Rtrueted for deep sea effects. Also there will be a menagerie for use in the pictures. The special close-up crane effect used to produce some of the most striking camera conceits in "Cabina" will also be in the equipment. 'THE JOKE'S ON ME,' SUICIDE'S G00DBY . Young Man, Giving Name of W. T. Wood, Boston, Kills Him? self in Newark Hotel. A younjr man who registered at the \ Hotel, IM Market Street, New , ark. on Saturday nicht as William T. Wood, ?if Boston, Masa., was found dead in h<>s room last night with a bul? let through his right temple and a re \olver in his right hand. On the bu li-aii was a note which read: "To whom it mav concern: Sorry to . trouble you. but the joke seems to be ; on me. You will find my suitcase at' 1141 Broad Street" A sealed litter addressed to Miss Miriam Wood, National City Hank i bonding department i. 7.5 Wall Street, .New York, lav beside the note. .' The voung man's clothing contained ? a silver watch, with the initials J. H. ! ? A., and 164.14. On his coat were two ! ? classrjins, beariac the names Marsha'l ' " Spring School am! Schurtloff School. At 1111 Bread Street. II. ('riffith. the' proprietor, -aid Wood took rooms there i.n Monday night. He said he was in I ?Newark investiga tmg a matter for his father. He seemed well supplied with monev. All shirts and linen in the ' ?,1,t.C8',e weU marked with the name Will-an. T. ,%od. SQUAD OF LAWYERS TO BOOM JUSTI? Start Canvass to Renomii Clarke and Grecnbaum Beginning this morning a siiuii ? young lawyers will canvass even office building south of Wall Stre ' enlist supporters for the renomlni Sad re-election of Justices Clarke Greenbsum. To-morrou they cover the aren from Wall Street ti '? Brooklyn Bridge. The Non-Partisan Jadielary ? ? mittee, of which former Chief J ? Edgar M. Culler., of the Court of ? peals, i? chairman, and of which ' lam D. Guthrie, Morgan J. O'Brien i William H. Hotchkiss "re mem will moke an independent campaigi these ju-tices should they fall t. linatod by ths regalar parti. The work of obtaining the .l.ti'i?! Mturea necessary to gm\ the namt these Justices on nil the primary , lots was begun on Thursday, and it Mid thai more than MM signatures I been obtained by Saturday night. HDD TOO MUCH FOR'GYPSY VA Superdreadnought '13 Settles Down for Nigh Near Briarcliff. With the American flag waving consolately from its roof and nc gleam of light to brighten its fe ! four plate glass windows, Roland Conklin's transcontinental nutomo Gyps} Van, planned to speed ?!?-*ia by all hetels, was stuck fast in 1 mud two miles from BriarclitT Lodg I 10 o'clock lust night. The Conkl who expected to cross the contii rvnd return to their Long Island f, | without s(eing the inside O? 8 In I had retired for the night at the lo? Latest reports from BriarclitT ? Mr. Conklin, two automobiles and : ] eral teams were working to extrii the 'cross-country super-dreadnou 'bus from its oozy bed. The 60-hoi power gasolene engin?'. ? lh its dot transmission, bad failed to respond any of the nine forward speeds. I vided enough horses and autos ?itioned to pull the big mc ' land-schooner cut Mr. Conklin will c tinue his way to the Punama-I'uc Exposition this morning. The road is no? very wide two mi ; north of Bnarcliff. When the cha feur driving the Gypsy Yan turned . one side for another machine to p his troubles began. Off the main hi road he found himself and his he; charge on treacherous ground. Hei rains on Saturday night and part yesterday had made the shoulders ' the road soft. One of the van's fr? ' wheels began to sink in mud. Before the front wheel could be r cued from trouble its teammate, 1 hick wheel, also slumped down in 1 ditch. Slowly the overland 'bus. II ited, began to sink in the mire; threatened to go down with all , board. Within a short time after the S 0 ' signal was flashed to Briarcliff, means of the motorcycle lowered fr? ' the roof of the "van," six teams Wl i on the spot. The big machine woi n?j. budge. Two automobile true ? were hitched up, with additior 1 horses, and the tug-of-wsr was s.ill progress at a late hour. TIDE GENTLY SLIPS BIG SPAN TO PLAC Ebb and Flood in Harlem L Work on "L" Double Decker Bridge. The final span of the new elevat railroad bridge at 12'.?th Street and t ' Harlem River was placed in positi | early yes erday morning. The bridge I double-decs four-track structui Trains of the Second Avenue lina w . !!-?? the upper deck and trams of t I Third Avenue line the lower. The spans from the north and sou shores to the draw have been in pla some time, being put there without , break in traffic. But the draw spa which weighs some 11,000 tons, r quired between eight and ten hours be put ' i position, and during th period traffic was suspended. Terso; using the trains received transfers ar walked across the bridge. As usual, the tide was utilized to r j move the old draw and place the ne one. The old span was lifted from i i bed by cribwork placed on a barg j which rose with high tide sufficiently I lift the structure clear of its ancho age. The new span, perched on sai i jacks, was then floated into place ar ' settled as the tide ebbed. ? ? ' HIS FIST RESENTS INSULT TO WILSOI Young American in Canadia Regiment Smites Sergeant for "Yellow" Remark. The American liner Philadelphi brought to port yesterday from Livei pool us a cabin passenger a your: American who said he punched a Bru ish sergeant at Shorncliffe for remar? ing that President Wilson was y el los The la?! was William II. MeComb, 8 , Pittsburgh, who went to Canada ear! in June and enlisted with the 1st Csm dian Billes m the hope of see '.ut with the British troops in Franc? On its arrival il Fngland the ?'anadia regiment, m which he said wen man Americans, was seal to Shorncliff camp at llover His mother, learnni] Ins whereabouts, appealed to th? Department, and through the America] Fmbassy in London arranged for hi r elr-a se. Before this wai obtained, however young McCook said he got into a con troversy with an English sergeant oi the position the 1'nited States hai taken in regard to Germany. The ser g?ant sai,I a few things that did no please McComh, hut he bore the re marks patiently until the Englishmar asserted that "Wilson and his acts wert yellow," whereupon MeComb knocke, him down. REVIEWS DISTURB DRILLS , Jersey Guard Officer Find? Ceremonies an Interference. An officer of the New Jersey nation - al guard, who asked that his name be withheld, issued a statement yesterday saying that criticism of the fact that no infantry camp, will be held this year was unjust. "It is true the enmp is popular with the enlisted men aid that the leii deata on the seashore altead the even? ing parades and n views." hi ment read.-, "and it no doubt wou'd be beneficial, as well ..> popular, to con? tinua it. "It has been necessary to conduct rifle practice durin;: the camp, and '.he evening parades aad other ceremonies interfere with such vork. If all cere? monies were dispensed with and suffi? cient tirpe given for held instruction, there ->? .uld be no complaint on .his score.". ? ii l CITY HaUL'S AGED YOUTH RESTORED Replacing of Original Decora? tions and Architecture Com? pleted in Mayor's Office. The work of n-stoiing the City Hall interior to its pristine beauty and architecture has been completed, the i office of the Mayor being the last set \ of rooms finished. The changes in tbeaa rooms were completed on Satur il..\, but Mayor Mitchel will not see] his renovated ollice until early next month, when he returns from the en- I eampment at Plattsborg. George McAaeny, l'resident of the | Hoard of Aldermen, is responsible for the architectural barking hack to the old days. Me has been the leading ex ponent of the idea that the rooms in the City Hall, as they used to be, were more splendid than sine?' the cry for ! modernity in everything, from women's d esses to skyscrapers, overwhelmed i the plea for civic beauty. To-day, with the changes effected, the City Hall is our most beautiful city building. It has been called our great? est municipal monument, possibly be- ; cause beneath it lie the political hopes , of . lany of the city executives who for [ a time flourished there. For a while Mr. McAneny's plans w re threatened with failure, because th.? designs followed in constructing the building could not be found. But the New York Historical Society discov- | ered them some tim?' ago and saved the aituatioa. 1 _^_FORECLOSURE SALES. Si T'RF.MF. I'lH'ltT. t'lll'STY OF M'W ' YORK.?Tli.- German S... I tin t. Hank In i th.- City of New York. jiiilntlfT, a?;aln?t | William, Hill? ?i al . d?fendante, In pursuance of a Judgment ..f fore? closure ?it..I Kill.-, duly ma.le and entered in , th? above entitled notion, mui hearing date i the fid day of June, 1*11, I, th?? under? signed, the referee i". said Judgment ; named, ?ill n H at puidir auction, a) the Exchange Salearoom, [fee ill? Vmm y ' sir. t. m the lmrough .if Manhattan, ? "it y i of Ne? Yi.rk. m. lb* nth in... of Septem-! ISIS, al II o'clock noon on that day,1 by .t. ?...[>h i* Day, auctioneer, the prem v II Ct*d by said juilcni' nl tO he ?old. und therein de-acrlbed us follows: All ilut certain i"t. piece <>r prtrcei of land, with ihr i-tniitinfCM Htni Improvements. 'lnreori erected, situate, lying aii.l being In the Borough "f Manhattan, <"ity, County und State of N? w York, bounded and ?le- I .-. rib? 1 aa follows: . Beginning al a point on the northerly ?Ida of ?'to? Hundred and Twenty- .i\t h Street dlatanl on? hundred and twenty-six f,-.-t ten Inches westerly ftom the < ..rner , formed bj th.- Intersection <.r the mesterly I if Fifth Avenue and th>- northerly of ?me Hundred and Twenty-sixth Street; running thence westerly, along tii_ ! northerly side .,f ?me Hundred and Twen? ty-sixth Strict, .sixteen fret four in. lor?, thence northerly, parallel w:th mild Wfnt erly side of Fifth Avenue and part of the I ? ?? through a party wall, ninety-nine ? t., t be centre line of the block between one Hundt.,I and Twenty sixth and One Hundred and Tw? seventh Streets; thence easterly, sloag the said entre line "f Ihe block, sixteen feet ? tot four inches; theme southerly, again parallel with the westerly side of Fifth Avenue and part of the distance through s party wall, ninety-nine feel eiX-en inches to the p,ont ,.r place of beginnlag Said premises being mil-.', el i" state of facts that in accurate survey n.iv show. Hated Neu York. August l-lth. 191'.. GERARD H TOWNSEND, Referee. A HENRT MOSLE, Attorney for I'l .intlff. Office and Poel < .tticp a.idress. 30 rtroad Btreet, Borough ..f Manhattan, ? * 11> of New York The following lf> a diagram of the prop? erty t" I" Mid; us street numher is 7 1 \v. st l-'-'.th Street; ; ? ? It? 19 The approximate amount of the n?n or charge, 10 satisfy which the above <le scrlhed property is to be sold, la nine thou ?.111.1 five hundred twentj dollars (ft.520), with int. thereon from the ?_?:;.i daj of June, lili, together with the cost? and allowance amounting to fmir hundred sev? enty-three and 17-ie? dollars (1473.171, with nit,rest from .lune "jJdL ISIS, together with the expenses ?f th? sale Th? ?p proxlmate amount of the taxes? a.??i.?i. snd water rate? .,r other liens, Which *r<- to Le allowed t., the purchaser out of the purrhas? money, or paid by the referee, is on. hundred eighty-six snd 12-100 dollars <}l?,>, v.'i an,i interest. Dated Ne? York. August 11th lilt, GERARD B. TOWNSEND R< feree SURROGATE'S NOTICES. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER op* Honorabl? John I' ?'ohalan. a Surrogate of the County of .New York, notice la here? by ?? i \ ? ?. to all persons having- claims ?cainst .luhette w. Raymond, lite of the County of New York, deceased, to preeent the same With vouchers thereof to the sub? scriber, at hla place of Iran.--?, 'ins 1 usines? at the office of Everett, <*lark- A Benedict, hin attorneys. No. 37 Wall Street, in the i it y of New York, on or he/ore the lath day of September next. Dated, New York, the 2nd day of March, 1915. HENRI W, RATMOND. Exeeutor EVERETT, CLARKE A BENEDICT, Attor i.i > s for Executor, 17 Wall St., Manhattan, N.w York i'lty ?.N PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable .lohn r coimian, h Burrogata of th? County "f .New y.rk, NOTICE la hereby ?toen to all person? having elalms sgalnst Laura Hoadly Johnson, late of the County of Ne? Tork, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the rlbers, at place <>f transecting bual? ness, N,. II William Street, in The City of New Y'rk. on or before the l?th day of 1 i.i ? ml" r next. Dated, Ne-s York, the :nth day of May. I'll*.. GEOROE HOADLT, JOHN V H SCARBOROUGH, rilll.ll' .' M'fooK, Fxecutors. Attorney for ExecntOra, 1? William Btreet, New York City._ SMITH. THOMAS W IN PURSUANCE! ,,f an or.l.r ..f Honorai,le John P. .-o halan, a Surrogate "f the County of New York, NOTICE la herebj given to nil per? sons having ...mis sgalnst Tin,ma? W.\ ', Smith, late of the Cotant) of New York, ..,.!, to present th?- same with .niiih ,is thereof to ii;.- subscribed, at p'a , ,.f transacting business, ..t the it!.f Hich- , ard Kelly, Ho?.n. 7111. No ttl Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, In The city of New York, on "t before the Ittfa day of No? vembei Dated. New York. May *.. mr>. THOM *?s H SMI I'll Kveut-v. RICHARD M'.i.i.\. At torne* for Executor No :*_ Rroadway, New York ' itr 1. "I: HENRY \V. IN PURSUANCE <>F an order of Hon.?able John I o inty "f New Tork, notl' . eta to .'.'i i enoi -. bat ?ng i , i Im? ? Henry W Poor, late of the County' \ York, deceased, lo present t'.e mom with voucher? thereof to the subactibera, at their pis ?? of transacting business, No -.4 V a I .- tie.t. In the ? 'Itv of N. w \ i rk. on ST before the Ht h day of December next. Dated, New Tork, th? Ith day of June. i9l?. CONSTANCE B. PO .It. ADRIAN H. LARKIN, mors. HFNHY V 1'<~.<">R. Attorney for Executors, : I W ill SI . Il luug?i of .Manhattan. | New Y .rk N Y ?CHARLES H. JEWEL*-. PURSUANT TO i ? o r ,.f H .n. .1 un P, Cohalan, one of ' the Burros itee of Neu York County, notlee is hereb) gi\en mat all pesons having .lainis a'calnst the .state of Charle? H. .Icu.l!. late of tue County of New York. ?sed, ?ir required to exhibit the same] with He vouchers thereof to the under executor of sai.l ..state, at his office, m th? ?l.lage ,,f (iosh.-n. orange County, Ni >. York, on or before the 31st | da. "f October, I SIS. Dated, thi ??nd .?..v of April. 1915. JOSEPH MERR1TT, Kxe.-utnr. HARRY <* BARKER. Alt'y for Kxecutor. ? i,.-' 81 Poughkeepele. N. Y. 1 7? PURSUANCE <'F a.?. ORDER "K Honorabl? John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of tl.e i'nunty of New York, notice la here ' by given to all person? having claim? ?.? Michael Cau,field, late of the ; Count) of New York, deceased, to present the sallie with Vi'lirllrTI thereof to the, subscriber, at place of transacting busi? ness. No :; William.Street, in The city of S.w. York an or before the loth day of ?-. ptl Mili, r n? xt Dated. New. York, the ?th day of March. 1*1 TM1-. FARMERS IaOAN AM? TRCST COMPANY Administrator , ??? 11 in i JUDITH CARTER IN PUR? suano ? f an order of n.? n J P 1 halan, a Surrogate of the COUUty of New . I? herebv gio-n to all 1 ? having claim? ?gainst Judith ?alter C'ui .f the City of New York and of , Fans, Franc- deceased*, to present the 1 same, with vouchers ther-of t., the nub r .it his place for transacting bual -, . ISO Broadway, New York City on or lef,.r- the ltlth day of January. 1?1? Dated Jul) II i?i*> 1 1 JA?L? JJ. W. Ct'TTI.NU. -xeeutor. MtSTF.K'S BA?L < IM INN All. INIIIVNArOl IS AMI VVi:.??TKMN KAIIVVAV COMPANY. VIITHK 111 HALS M HUT AND HKI(M?IV?I MOKT<iAliK loKi? i <>Mar. HOTICg IM II1-7 II 1-7 H Y (ilVIIN that pur 'M.ini la a .!<?, . "f fore. I.?sure in.I ?al? liiH.I- .iii.l .'liter.'.I t,y tt\? District ?'..url "f the I HI'".I Slat.? f?r til? Western District ..f ? ?In.i. Southern mi .lull?- :?. Illi In ,i certain rail?., in finilty pending In ?Mil court entitled. "I'll' l-i'llt '1,1. T"?'t ?'ompany ol Hem York sad Elias i Jaeoby, ?a Truel???, ?'..mplalnnnla. again it C??ela nail, trull.ina|?*i? and VV ?tt. rn Hallway Compati/, Tie ?'In, innail. llainlll.iM A !>?> ?,,n llallis .i) Company, ami Judann ll.irmon an.l llufua I? Smith, ?a lle.clier? ?.f The Cincinnati, n.imili?n 8 D8/tM Railway , amp i i.v. I lefehdanta," mill .?-rtuln ?40? irr.? ancillary thereto entered In e*MS?SS likewise ..niiii...I In the District Court? of ti... United BtalM fm ttsa r..iI'??-???.?- die Irleta and ??n Ih? tnllawlns dates, ?rlsi Julv ||, 1818 ?latltcl ??f In.liana, .1?iy m, ni;. -*tea**era DMrtet at im m.ia, July 17. 1917.?M.'.iih? rn District of Illl lloi?. Soul le I n I Mi lalnii, 1. Noble c Butler, BS Special Master, will ??-il n public auction t?> Ih? highest i.i,l,l??r or bidder.? ??I Ih? freight h"U?" of *;.l.l Cincinnati, Indianapolis and vv. ?tern Itall ? m Company on In? property ol said imii ssav I',,1,11,1111V .it tro aoUtkWO? ? -ornrr "f West nn,I Georgia ?tr?-.-l- In (lie City of Indianapolis, Count) ol Hart?n, state of Indiana and District of Indiana, on s?p t em bei I, 1818, n? tweiic o'clock n..nn. all in railroads, property, right?, franchise?, prii ii<-k?-s. immunities and ?h?* apporte lu.ii, ?. h i,, i h., sump i,?longing, rol 1 Ins stock, contracta, rhoM-s In action, property, prem? ise? .in,| r?K tit a. of svery kind and aescrip? lloa covered by and embraced in t ???? First niel It.'fiiu.lInK M' rl?-UK" "f ?'Ini-lnnati. In dlanapolla 8 Western Railway Company, dated i> t. 1881, to North Ameri? can Trust Compon? and Bllaa J. Jaeoby, ?s Trust???, under is hi, I? ?al,I rswrtgaga Th? F?qultahla Trust Company at New York and KIIhs J Jaeoby ar. no? Trustees, en the I asms arc described and defin-d in the ?i,,i? mentioned forocloours decree a i.ri. 1 deacrlptloa mt th? property to be ?old at said ???I?' I? ?x* foll'nis. I. AM, and ? Ih" line of railroad of til- defendant Cincinnati, Indianapolis S Western Railway Company beginning at the lunotlon with ihr tracks-.?f Th?- Cin? cinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Hallway Company In Hi? city of Hamilton in th?? County of Butler and Btat? of (?hlo and egtendlng Hir,,iiKh the ?mI,i county of Hui? ler, ami throat h th? counties ,.f 1'ni.m. Fayette, Hush. sii.!.v.-. Hancock. Marion. Hendrlcka. 1'utnain. Park?, and \>rin?lll.?n In the Stale of Indiana, and throtiKli the count lei of Edsar, Douglas, Platt, Mac?n. Christian snd Bansamon In th? State ?f Ililnois. to Ho- ?'My of Sprlng?-ld. In ?he ?aid County of Sank'.mon; together ?vlth all nii.l singular th? bran? h lin? ?>f railroad of ?aid defendant Railway ?'ompany rs ten.ling "rom Bldell in ?h?- County of \>r inlllloti In Hi?- Stal? of Illlnol? through ih? count lea of Vermllllon, iidgar, Coles, ?'lark. Cumberland, Jasper and Illchian.l. ?., , ??i,, y m said County <,f Rlchland H Also, .?n Uses of railroad, rerminai?. extensions snd branches, together nith all lands, equipment property rights ami frm <iii??s connected therewith or ssiih the ttav .,r operation ?hereof, and all!. superstructures, rights of way, ralla, tracks. side-tracks, t>ri?ige?. viaduct?, bondings, depota, stations, warchoua??, carte.urea. engins houses, freight h?>u?.-?, coal booses, ?s.i houses m,,i machios st.,.p.?. turn. ?at,|( ?. water stations. ,|.,ck?. telegraph lines and telegraph polea use.I In connec tlon with said r.,iir.,a?i an,I no? belonging to Hid Railway Company, and all locomo? tives, engines, ears and .?Hier n?ning stock, equipment, machinery, Instrumenta, tool?. Implements, material?. furniture, fran? chises choses la setlon, rantracts and agreements anil other property forming ?tari "f said railroa.l an.l now belonging t,, mid Railway Compony. an?l whether of not any of the ?am? la herein ?peclMcally n., ? *ii ned or ?!' sei ? I III ai?o, all leaaehatds, leavses, rieht? ?nder lea??? or contracta, trackage ngrec m?ni? or r.p. rating agreenvni?, an?l all r?nt.?. Issue?, pronta, loll? and "th' r In ??.?iii? of the Hallway Company, ,nd all right?, prii tiefte?, franchises and prop, r t . m >i snd personal ,>f th,- said dsfen? dant Cincinnati, Indianapolis & BToatera Railway Company IV .VI??,. all Hi?- rlrh?. ?IH? ami inrerest of Cincinnati, Indianapolis a Western Rail. ?iv Company In and <o certain parcel? of i ll property eith?r ? ?n?d by It. or In ?shP-h It has or an?, rt? ui interest, and \ i.,. h hav? Peen acquired from lime to ' in, 1 which said parcel? of real prop? erty ar? described In paragraphs IV an.l V of th" ?ley. rlotnm ?.f the Mortgaged Property In tie said forerloMir? ,',ecr. " en i.r-d by ?h? District Court of the Fnlied s- tea for th- Southern District Df (?hlo, i Western Division V Ali<o, the rolling K'ock ?nd equipment described In paragraph VI. and th? con Tacts and le ,?e? .le?crlh"d In paragraph? vu and viil ,,f the ?letcrlption of th? Mortgaged Property In said foreclosure .le- ? , i". K?.r a mor? detailed d-tcrlp'lnn of ?h? ?.- to i?? ?nid Intending purehaaera are referred It the above mentioned fore rlo?iir" deer? ? As provided by the above mentioned fore , lossrs deei ? ? * The above m.ntloned rallroid.?. prop?rry, rirhts. franchises, privileges, Immnnltles and the appurtenance? to the nine be longlng. rolling stock, contracta, , hose? In action, property, premises and nchia of every kind and description will be tol.l In on? par? el ?n?l a? an entirety The Special Master hau the power and rlcht to adjourn said sa> f>-om time to time by announcement at the tint? and place appointed f,,r s^ld ?al? a? aforesaid, or for such adjourned e-.I? or .?ale?, and may without further notice proceed vujth the aal? on anv day to which the lime rnav be so a,IP nrn?d The sale will be ma,'" without appraise? ment Tn>- property sslll be sold ?ubpet to the Men of any and all taxes, assessments ..nd !'..(?? r r..tef. les I? 1 or assessed against the mortgaged property or ?n\ part ther?of, and subject to any ,,th? r statutory liens agalnal the mortgage.| property or any part thereof which ar.. or ma? t? chargeable apon ?aid property or any ps" thereof prior to the hen of ?he said Piral ami !(" funding Montage. an?l ?Iso s'll.Ject to the lien "f the Firat Mortgage an,I supple? ment! thereto of the Ii lltna, Decs tur A Western hallway Company so far as ?he lien there??f is prl?r to the Hen of sanl i ? ? ind Kefunaing Mortgsgs upon any of th? railways and prop, rty covered by ?aid Fust .nd Refunding M"rtgag?. Th? i-,,p erty will be sold free and ci?nr of .,? , all debts claim? and charge? nih?r than those above apeelfled, and anv an.l all such debts, claims an.l charge? which may here? after be adjudged to be prior or superior to said Piral and Refunding Mortgage ?hall I?. payable out of Hi- proceeds of th? ?-He of th. sail property ail questions relating t.? th.- priority or superiority of any and sll Such debts, claims an?l charges being re? served for future determination. ? xrept In so far as the iam> been det?rmtned by order of the aber? named Court In till? cause date.I Muy ti, II1S The Bpe? lai M. ?ter will accept no bid for lesa Hi..n 12.18?.1 an.l h? will receive no bid from any on,? offering to bid who shall no) I- povlt. nt ?east twenty-four hour- I? f,,ie th. time appointed f?.r auch sai.-, with the Sp?,lal Master, as , pledgl tnat he will rnak" good bis bid in case ,.f ceptance, the sum of 121.888, In cash or by Certified ? h?,|iie on som? National Hank or Trust Company of ?he City of New York acceptable lo Ih? spe. lal 7.1a?ter. or i.i lieu Hereof |S0.SIS., fa," ?mount, of said First and l'.efun.iing Mortgage Cold Bond? If In form and accompanied b> th? ...,i P n due Julv 1, ](?M, and all subs?quent coupons Ths Sp?cial Master will accept the high-si and best bid received, ? ?|UaI to or exceeding ih? sum of 1.'.ion.?son. when offer?,] Hs aforesaid, and will knock down the property sold to su<h bidder, subject t.. . ,ntn m,t|on of the sab by the ?',,urt. ??n the acceptance f any bid i>i th? sr?. .1.1 Ma.-ter 'he bidder ?hose bid shall haie I must forthwith .lep.,?it with th? Special Master, in addition, to the ? .??h ??i i ??i ?:? depot led In or?li r to qualify him t,, bid Ih? additional sum of ITS.8I0 in cash or bj ,ert?t??,i cheque on some lia? is? Company In tl of New fork ?ci.ptn.hlc to ?h? Spe. lal Maater, or in lieu thereuf 1110.090., faca rira? and Refunding Mort? gage ?."'.a bonds with cupons attached a? ,i,l The deposit re.elied from any unauccesaaful bidder will i,? returned to him wh'n th?? property shall be k off The d?plus received from the auceessfui bidder Will be appit-d ,.a account of th? purchase prl, e In lieu of anv ?i? pog*t of First an?l {??funding Mortgage C.old Mond?, as aforesaid, the Special Master may ac < ?p? the certificate of The K.pHtahle Trust nv of New York that it holds, sub ???' ?" nil "rl?r. th? amount specified In lal'l c?rnncate of ?,.?,| : ,,n,!s in bearer fo:m and sccompanlod bv the coupons therein slated \',v ,,?.ner or h? ' sny of the said Flrsr and Refunding Morl gage ?iold Ronds mai bid an.i purchase at said sale Th? right is re?eri?.| to tl.. to reject an) or all bids received and to confirm and direct the consommstlon of any ?a!? In sccordSJICS isith the pi.. , of ?... i.i deer? e In case any bl lier shall fall to make the additional deposit, either In cash or by ? Or n. said hon.l.? hereinbefore r qulred, or after such eceeptanei ... comply, within the period of t.i?ntv dais, wl'h any order of the Curt i lo th? payment thereof on the conipleti ,n of the purchase, ?hen the aum? d> posited by such a,r?pte,| bidder sa hereii pros i.ied. nh?ih?r In cash or by che.tu? or sv first and Refunding Mortgag? Oold Honda, sslll be forfeited a? a penalty for Such failure and will be applied tossar,;? the payment of th? espens-i of a r?s*ie ?nd toward making good sny deficiency ,.? ?. in cas? the pr.?tier's ?hall be sold at ? v?, prl ? ?.n any su?h resale, an?! to ?,;. h "ther purposes a. the Couri ma-. d:r?,-t if ,h? Court shall not . onflrm th. ?ale th? -.. ? 'nade by 'h? accepted bidder .?hill Ith i - return? ? . , ' Th? purebsser moat, on confirmation of th? sal- bv th- Court make ,.,rh further '. .?, .,? ths purchise prie? SI Ihl .. -roJ time io tin-.? direct So much of th? p,,r. chase price as may not I.? required 'i the Court ? rx pal i in , ash may eithT t* pai.l in ? ,'t, r ?h? purchaser may s.itiafv and make good such residue of his bul in while or in part, by turning mer to' be cancelled or credited a? herein.f-.r ?,? il,le,I. First and Refunding Mortgage ,;, ,1 Bonds sn.l th? coupon? th. reunto aDtier lali.lng which giatured July i u14 Thai purchaaer will *>? credited on account of the purchase prl?? for Kirat and Kefundlne :..:.??.?,??,? Oold BsanUa ?SAd c?J?40oia-, tuX(.?? I_MASTER'S BAH. I in as aforesaid, with such sums ?is would be paid In , ash upon su. h Fini und Re? funding Mortgage .;..!,I Bonds and cou? pon?, reepeetlvely, oui of the proceeds "f sale if the whole amount of the pun has.. | price had been paid In The right I? reserved to the Curt to I retake and n ?ell th? property upon sn< h notle? as it may direct, at Hie risk and sf the purchaser, in cane tb<- pur? rhaaer shall fill or , mit to Oiak; ?ny pay , tuent ..n account of the pur. buse pries Mithin t...n'. days ?Her the entry of tho order rei'ulrlng such pit>meiii The purchaser or hi? successors and as? sign? win not t.e required la "?" ?.. the ?ppllci.l'on ..f the pur. base money and will have Hie tight to enter his or their jo? pearan? ? In the District Court *_ ?I"** . Untied State? for the Southern District of i Ohio, Western Division, and M become a put. to this cause The purchaser and his successor? or ?? ! signs, aa well a? nil parties and claimants. i .-III have th? right to contest any ami all ! . hums, demands and allowancee la i I , ms, or the preference ..r priority thereof, and may appeal from an> and all de? liions I relating to such claim, demand or allow ! an. e The purchaser nnd his successor? "r :.? ; signs will have the right, f'-r the p. rlod of thirty days after the delivery ..f the deed ,.r instrument? of transfer from the Sp Clal Master, t.. elect whether or not to assume ,.r Bdopl ativ leas- ..r contract mad? bl Ih? 'said defendant Cincinnati. Indianapolis * I Western Rallwar Company or its predeces '?or? In Inter, st, and such purchaser, his ?uccesoon or iis.lgns, will be held not t>> I have adopted or have iivim-d any such ! less? or contract In respect of which he or ! they ?hall have filed .-, written election nol I to assume or adopt the same with th? Clerk ? of the ibov, nain? ?! ''."ut ? Ithln suea period of thirty days. Th? purchaser and his successors or assigns will have the right to elect not to take anv part of the sal.I property by written notice to th? Spe? cial Master given at any time prior to the 1 execution and delivery of the ,1.Is or In ' ?miment? of transfer from the Special ! Master No such eiction by the pur , chaser, his aueceeeor or aastgns will rllmln i l?b or affect the purchase price to be paid by th- purchaser Th- d.I or Instru ment? of transfer to be gl.en by th? Spe? cial Master by the defendants herein and h\ the complainants, will expresa!) except I therefrom anv and all property which 'he purchaser, his suecesaor? or assigns shall I so elect not tO t Ik" For a more detailed statement of the terms and ...millions ander which said sale ' will b>- made, refer? nee :., here*?} made to the above mentioned decree, the original of which la on tile In the .nue of the ?lerk i of the District Court of th- United States for the Southern District of Ohio. Western Division, ami copi-s of which tnav be ob? tained from ib.. solicitors for complainants, Murray. Prentice & How land, No "17 Wall Street. New York, or fr"m Paxton, War ' rlngton a? Seasongood, Gwynne Building. Clni inn.ill i ilii,. Difd August 3, IS1I NOBLE c BUTLER. Special Master. NOTICE Of FOHKCI.OSl RE SALE. In the District ?'?un of th? United state? f,,r the Southern District of Ohio, Dlvlalon. CENTRAL TRUST I COMPANY OF NEW YORK and AUGUS? TUS I. Mason, aa Tiuateee, Complain? ants against CINCINNATI, INDIANAPO? LIS ? WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANT, THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANT OF NEW YORK and ELIAS .1 JACOBT i? Trustees, THE CINCINNATI. HAMILTON ?A DAYTON RAILWAY COMPANY and JI'DSON HVRMON snd RUFUS H SMITH, as Receiver? of Th? Cincinnati, Hamilton ? Dayton Railway Company, Defendants NOTICE is hereby given thai in purauai.if a de? r? ? of the ' i Court of th- United States f..r the south? ern District of Ohio. Western Dlvlalon, made and entered June IS, ISIS, In 'he abov? entitled suit, the undersigned spe? cial .Mast.r will ffer fur ?ale, Without \al uatlon, appraisement, redemption or ex? tension, at the Freight House of sud Cln innatl, Indianapolis and Western Railway i ompany on ih? property of s .id Railway c.mpaiiv a' the South West Corner of Wesl and Georgia Street* in the City "f Indlanapolla, County of Marion. Btate ..f Indiana, and District of Indiana, on the Ith da) of September, ISIS, at twelve o'clock noon, th.- propert) of the said de f. ndant Cincinnati, Indlsnapoll? <v West? ern Railway ? ..mpany described ??- til I All and slngulsr the line of railroad of the defendant Cincinnati, Indian i polls and Western Railway Compan) extending from 'he i entre line of Capitol Avenue at the junction With the tracks of th.- In? dianapolis Union Railway Company in the CID of Indianapolis in the County of Marion. St ,t- of Indiana, westerly through ri.unties of Marlon. Hendrlcks, Put? nam, Park? ami Vermilion In the Indiana ami the counties Of Edgar, Douglas, Platt, Macen, Christisn ami mon in the State of Illlnola t.. a point .it or n. ir Springfield In ?aid i'ounty of Bangamon; together with a;i and singu? lar the I ran h i.i.f r ' I ,1 de? fend.nil Railway Compel ? f'ofn a point al or i- ir Blai M In the ? 'ounty of Vermilion, State of Illlnola, southerly through the counties of V- million. Edgar, ? lark, Cumberland, Jasper and Rlchland in the Btate of Illlnola to a point it or ne.r oiney In said County of RI? liland II Also, all the real estate owned by said defendant Cincinnati. Indlal and Weetr rn Railway Comp ny weal of said centro Un? <>f Capitol Avenu-. Indlanapolla, as ?ho\e described, and ail branches, extensions, sidings and turn? outs, rights of way, rails, bridgea, tracks, wharves, fero-e. vladucta, culverts, houses, workshop?, machinery, stations, ?nices, de? pots, depot grounds, engin? Ionises. build Inge, Improvements, tenements and here? dita menu no? u?"i In connection with aald railroad. ?Ituat? wi i I ?ai i centre ; line of Capitol Avenue, Indlanapolla, and all rolling stock, locomotives, tendera, rar? atol equipment lex? luding C II a D locomotive? ami catsi. machinery, and Implements, mppile? and materials. franchises, .hose.? in action, !-as. ?. con? tracta and agreements, .xn.l other property, real ami personal, forming pan of ,,r ap? purtenant to said railroad as described in 'he above paragraph I of this description belonging t., th. said Railway Company. and whether or not any of th? same is herein specifically mentioned ot ?'? tcribed III Also all streets, ways sages, -.v ,ters. wa', res? -, -, ementa, ; right?, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever unto any of the .,, ..i propert) belonging or appertaining, and the reversion or rever i ?ions, remainders, renta, sues and profit? . thereof, and all the -state, right, tltl? and : Interest, claim and demand of every kind ! and nature whatsoever of the said da ? fendant Cincinnati, Indlanapolla snd West, rn Rallwa) Company, as well at law 1 a? in equity, r.f, R- and t.. ? he s.tne and ? every part and parcel thereof. IV All the rlk'ht. tltl- and interest of th- defendant Cincinnati, Indlanapolla A Western Railway Company In and to the following; described prop, rt; I. All that certain lot, piece or parcel ! of land altuat? d In the Count ? ol | mon. Stat- of Illinois, grant.-.I ind con? veyed by IM? In A w ?others to Frank C Roby by de? I dated November .'.. ISOI, and recorded In Book If of !.Is. pi < '. ? .unty of ! Bangamon, Btate ot Iliin is. All 'bar certain lor. piece or parcel I of land situated In the Count,- of I mon, State of Illinois, conv? ? Moran to Frank C Rol v by deed ! date.) .".. 1101, and recorded In Book in of Deeds, page 137, in the County i of Bangamon, state ,,f min?la 3 All that . ? rtain lot, piece or : i of land situated la the County of mon. State of Illinois. . .... sd by John i W llunn to Frank C. Roby, by deed I ?< i ember l ? >*1, and i Book i 114 of I.e.ds. page ISO, in (he County of Bangamon, Bl ? of Illlnola 4. All that certain loi piece or parcel Of land -'tiiate,! In 'he County of - nf Illinois .,,? e?-< ?! by Steh? ? d Maria Geihel, In? wife, to Frank L* I; I... bv d< ? d dated Nom tu? ber ??, ilii, ai i r.rded m Book Dee.i?, page 4 the ? : mon. Btat? of Hill ? ?'? All th? lot, piece or parcel \ of land situate in the County of F . mon. Stat? of Illinois, conveyed by Will? iam ' > ' *oi vers? and I en 1 ? inverse, h.s wife and Albert !.. Converse snd Hen? rietta Comers., hi? wife to Prank C 'Roby. by deed dated February It I*?: and recorded in Hook in of Desda p.s-? ! H4. In the County of Bangamon. in the ? "f Illinois ?. All that certain right of ~av and lot, pif,-,. or p ireel of 1? tuated In the County of Ma, on. Stat- of Illinois, and be. Ing th- right of way over land i formerly belonging to I... I', . ??? |H ton and also that part of ?aid -Hatrii ton'? ; l?nd lying south ?nd ?sst of aald right of way in Se, not, 5. Township '. n r ' East '.f lb? ' h.rd prtn? Ina I m< rh Ian in Macon Count) Illinois. Rein right of wa- an,?, property referred to in s 1*1 le tween Charit - i> Hamilton and others ami Frank ?' I. 7 All tnose certain lot?, pie.?, ,,r pnr. , c?d? of land, and trat- situated In the county of Mar .m Stats of Indiana. con I'ugh and Eno 'i Ruch to the Cincinnati, Indlsnapolla A w Railway Compan.. by deed dated " 1313, and r- or,|e,| m Land Record No. II, page HI Marion County. Indiana. ?. All that certain lot, pl*.e or parcel [of land situated in Park? IJoUUt ?? Of In.liana, conveyed by .lam,. Morgan and Tursah A Morgan, his wife ? Indiana, I", ttui A weetern Rallwa; pany. by dee>l dated Oct.,? ?r _ . . , recorded In Record W, page 100. Paike County. Indiana Ml that certain let p:.o or pircel of land situate ?i. h Count) Btal ' lad Anna v? to the Cincinnati, i?, !. " ? ?tern Rail? ly Company by ?feed dated February I, lilt, ?t..i re i It page t:.;. Vermilion Ind: . ?i . II All 'bat lertnn lot, pi?ce si par i of land situ?t. ! In IM.-ar ? .'intv ? . I the Indiana. Decatur ? W- stern Railwav Company Uy deed ,'a-ed March II and recorded In Book 94. page 1?< Edgar County. Illinol? 11. All that certain lot. piers or parcel of land situated In the County of Sai ga? m?n. State of Illinois, conveyed I? Rena Jah R. English snd Sarah C Ktigllsh his wif?. 10 the Springfield A D?catur Railway j Cuiru)?rtav. Uf -??- ?atail Au_uat i*\? litii. MASTER'S S U.K. and recorded In Book III of Deeds, oags ill Bans,.,:.,,,n County, HHnola 12 All that certain lot, pl'.e ,,r par??! of land ?Hunted in th? County of Edgar. Buts of nut,?.is. conveyed by Harry '?? Fpp? and ('...a I. i:pP?. hi? vsl'?\ "'"? i ?si?r Jones and Valli? Jones, hii ?if" to the In,Hani,. De.-i.tur * Western Hall? way company, bv d.I dated December II. INI; ?not recorded? It All ???at certain lot piece or parcel at land, situai.-d m ihs County of Edgar. St.. ??? of Illlnola, convey..I by ?leorge VV Hughe? t.. th? in?iiaiia, Dec*tur * western 1 Railway Company, by d?ed ?late.i June in, l.v. ,,,,| ,., ordrd In Hook lit, page 88. Edgat- County, Illinois. II All thai cerliiln lo?. piece or parcel ,,f land situated In Tuscola, County or Deugla?, Blat? of Illinois. ...nicyd hv ??hi. ..?:.. ?- Hastein Illinois 11 R ' '?>? ?" ! the '?liicintiMtl. Iii.llanapoli? * Western 1 Railway Company, bv da.i-??e.i June -it. .i. and '? ? ""i 'I I? """?' '?'' "f x>??'le. ' pug- 201, D"Ugla.- County. Illinois. 17, AM that eartaln lot, pises or P*r? ? ' of land situated i" the County ?iPlatt Bta.f Illlnola, conveyed i-y w ills C i piern?n to th? Indiana. DecatUf a VV ?steril : Itullway Company, by deed dated J<>?? 18. i ..... .,?,1 recorded In .Book 70. page 6. Platt County, Illinois. Id. All thai certain lot pi?-" or parcel 1 ?,f land Kit i.,,t??? i in the County of Ms ??n. si. ?r Illlnol con? eyed b> I. ulaa ., n.rtha I' Zimmerman, Edwin vv. Joklach and Celta M Joktacb, his wife, oiiiiii Zimmerman and ?; H. Zimmerman, her htWband, Paulina M. BlestSf and Charles W. Bleetsr, her husband, and : Lydia K Blester, to Hi? iprlngfleld & De? I catui it H Company, by deed dated May ? |4, mu?, and recorded in .Booh '777 ??f . Deeds page HIS, Ma.on County. Illlnol?, : and It, Book I-'I Of Deed? pa??- 07. BaUIgS | n?'?n County, Illinois. 17 All thai .-?rtaln lo?. piece or parcel of Im-1 sllualsd In th? Cunty of M a con. BUta of Illinois, conveyed by John HI ?<k and Sarah Black t" The Spnngfb'ld ?V De catur Rallwai Co by deed dated August t INS, snd i" rded In Booh 777. page 114, Ma? on County, Illinois V. .1 locomotives; IS paaaenger, passen? ger and haggag?. mail and baggage, and baggai.aches; 1141 Crslghl car?, ami . i II in? .?us car?. VI ah trackage, crossing and other contracts mors particularly mentioned ap.l ? r| in ?aid ?!? , roe s.nd property will l?e offered for sale In on? block ? r ; arc? I The ?aid property will be ?...hi subject to the Hen or ?my and nil taxes, assess? ments snd wsUr rates levied or sa ' against ths mortgaged property or anv P ,rt He I- of, and subject to any .'her stat? utory li"ii* against th" .said property or any part thereof whbh are or may be chargeable apon said property ??r any part thereof prior 10 ?Ii? li?n "f the mort ,i?l deed of trust dated November i uts, executed snd delivered by The Indiana, Decatur and Western Hallway Company to Central Trust ?ompany of Neu Yolk and AttgUStUS I. M?s"n. is trus? tee.-, and the supplements thereto The ? ,i,i property win however be sold free and clear of any an.l all debts, claims and charge? otter than those apeclfted. and d all sie h ?'? i".--. ciaim?, ?ml charges which may hereafter be sdjudged to be prior or superior to ths said mortgage .?nd deed of ?rust and suplementa thereto ? shall be payable ?"?? "f th? proceeds of . sal? of ths sai.i property, all questions r< latlng to ths priority oi superiority of any and all sieh ?!? Ids. Claims and 'barges being r' ,-.,?! for futura datermlnstlon, except m io f.,r a? th? ssms hav? been determined b> <,r,!-r of ths above-named ??.iirt in this causa dated May IT, 1111 Th.- undersigned will recen., no bid from anv on? offering to bid who ?hall not ?|. p?. ;t. al least twenty-four hours before the um.- appointed for such sale, with lbs an? ? ??1 as ? pledge thai he ?ill mak? %.I his bid In case ..f its acceptance, the .,,im of 121,000 cash ?,r by certified check on some national bank or trust company ,,r the City of New York acceptable to the undersigned, mads or endorsed payai,!,- t the order of the undersigned as Bpecial ,,r in lieu thereof IS0.800 face ? amount "f ths First Mortgage Five per ('.?nt Col,' Bonds of Th" Indiana. l?e ,.,tur and Western Railway Company Is? sued und. r the mortgage and d.I of trust. dated November 1, i IS, and Its supple? ments, between Tie- Indiana, De? .cur and 1 Compony, an.l Central Trust C ,...;. n of Nest Tork and A ? 1. Ma-on. as Trie.te.-s. if In bearer form and act the cou] :. 1844, ami all subsequent coupons :.;.,> ! ?? in ids partly in or certified Check, and partly In relative pr,,p?r Ths undersign? i spl no bids for th for less than the sum ??f 11,400.000. H? will accept th? highest and b- si I.Id received (equal *o or ? ? ?id sum of 11,400,088) when I and will knock down the proper!) sold ??? such bidder, - itlon "f th? sal? by ih? Court (m ths acceptance of any bid by th- un? deralgned, the bidder whose LiJ shsll have , been accepted mus? forthwith deposit with ths undersigned, In a.idition to the cash . ? d In ??ider t?. qusI iv him In bid, ?l.? uni of 17.. ? a-.ii or b) certified check on some : bank or trust company of ths City of M? m Voik acceptable o ?he undersigned. ma?|e | or end ils to the ?ir?ler of ?he t-t.. I, as Bpecial Maater, or in lieu ? ' , ..II','. of th? l'i'i??? Mortgaga i-'i-- P-r Cant c.oid Bonds of th? Indiana, Decatur and Western Hail wi) Company, if In bearer form and ac companled by the coupon due July 1. 1914, and all subsequent coupons Buch addi? tional deposit, however, may be ms.l? part in ' i . a~r ? i t?a-. i check, and partly In bonds, out In ?lie aboi.- relative proportions. Ths dspoait received from an) unsuccessful bidder will be returned ' t?. him w hen i tie property ?hail be struck off The deposits received fr,,m ths eue cessful bidder ?ill be applied on account of the purchaas prl I In lieu of any deposit ?f First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold Bond - as s for? said with the undersigned, he ma) sccep? t?,. certificate of Central Trust ? .up,m of New York that it holds, ?uh ? nis or,|, r and direction, the amount peclfied m said certificate of said Ho.-Ms m bearer form and accompanied by the couponi therein slated An), r or bolder of any ,,f the Fust Mortgage Five Per ?'eut Gold 1. under said g..s and deed of trust may h;d and The right la re? served ?o the Court lo reject any or all ? and '" confirm and direct the matten ..f an* m. in accordance with the provisions of s, i ?, ree, in case any bidder shall fall to make the ad?li tlonal deposit either in caah or check or ? in ?aid Bonds hereinbefore r??iuired. or sftei such acceptanc? to comply within ?lie period of twenty days with any order ,,f the Curt relating to ths payment ' thrr-.if on ths completion ??f lbs purchase, ' then the sums deposited by such accepted bidder as hereinbefore provided, whether j in cash or by check or b) First Mortgage Five Per ivnt. Gold Bonds, will bs for 1 felted as I pens ty f"r sieh failure and will be applied towards the payment of i tie expenses of a re-sals and ? making good anv deficit n? y or loss m . ?as ths property ?hail !,?? sold al a lesa ' price ?n anv ?UCh re-sale ami t?i SU I? other purposes si ?he Court may direct if the Court shall not coi nrm ths sols th* le by ?h,- ace. pted bidder will forthwith be returned to such bidder. The I pur. baser must ,,n confirmation Of the ?ui ? i.ik" s ich further pay in? i.t or p.- > ne nt? In cash on account of ths purchase price as th? Court ma) from time t?> Um? ?lire. t. Po much of ths pur pi -? as may not be required by th? Court to bs p.,1,1 in cash may either In c.!sii. ,,i the purchaser msy sat Isfy and maks good su?-h realdua of hi.? bid, in iile.le or In part, by turning .iv?r to Be . rcdlted, as her- inaft.-r pro it. I".I. First Mortgage Kiie Per Cent Oold f Th? i ndlai ? l.?tur an.l vv- bI - . lo th" said mortgag? ind deed ??( trust dated Novsm 1115, .-.n.t ths coupons thereunu ap? ing which matured Ju'y I. 1814. ? v. ill be , redlted on ac? tor 8*1 rsl Mort Flvs Per caMi Oold Ponds and ild with luch . Cent i;,,i| ; ? respe? lively oui of ths pro. . cesds of ?ale, if the whola amount of th? ; s n The n e,| t,, th- Curt to re-take .-? . the property upon such no l ? it may dire.t. at the rtl . In ' iv the pur ? nsser shall fan ?r omit to mal -nt ?n account of the purenssa prie? .is aft-r the entry of the order requiring such payment The purchas-r or his su.cess.irs and assigns u 111 not be requh ? I t., s,-, t . , , t 'he pur, bass money and shall ?lave til,- right ro enter his ,?r th"?r appsaranca in the District Court "f ths United Btatss f r th" Sou? hern D I '. 01 I Western ?? SS i'arty to this , .. Ths purchaser and his <?,? . ^ srs or as ? - ? all clali ? ? , ' . ? . ? ? . r. , f. and m.?y ap;, I , . lid Ins successors ? aie tie- i :gh\ foi the perio I of l - an? of , the d- ? trunienta ??f t ran afar fr??m ? deralgned to ?lei ? whs bei or not - to assume or ad? pi mad? by thi ncl mat!, In.lianapolis ami Wintern Railway Com? pany or its predecessors in interest, snd ?U n purchaser, : - ? .-? ,,r assigns. shall I? h- Id aol ? pted or aa sume,! a ;.as? ,,r contract In re ?f which he .?r they shall has? flle.l ? ' ? im? .,r adopt the nun. with th? Clrrh ??f t?.? shove Court vs. ?t li i n su? h pa-rlod of thirty I'll, pur? Ii ser and h.? SU? I 'he right ? I -, 11 f ? h? - ?.., th? undersigned giien prior to 11 ii Ion ..mi de ? of trans ? - . ? - ,i diminish - - pwr chasa p?.? s lo b? paid by ?:,? pui The d< ???: or insti . ? insfsr ?., i.? guen by the un,;- ?? ? defendants here.n nn,? the complainants shall ... '\ spl therefrom an) and all prop, ?rty which ' iser, his aucceaaora or assigns, shall ? , take. For a more detailed atattment of the t?rma and conditions under *w hlch sold sale arlll be made, ind for .more par Uu.?X ?USCriaVUOaa mi MlJ J} ??-Vieri/ to be MASTER'S SALE. ., ?.,r.| referen ?? I? hereby made to the mentioned decree, the original of whleh Is on nie In the office of the ? lerk r.f the District Court of the 1'nlted State? f,.r th? Southern District r.f Ohio, Western Division, arid rnple? of which may I.? ob talne.i from Ih? solicitors for complainants. Jolino, lairkln ,v R.?hb..i.e. No !>l Wall Street, New York C|ty, or from Pa ?ton, Warrlngton * .s-asongnod. ('?vynn? Build? ing, Cincinnati. Ohio Dated. August ?. I?I5 NOBLE c W'TLER. Sperlal Master. _ St RKOt.ATES* NOTRES._ SMITH. EMMA LOUISE IN rCRSC anee of an order of Honorable Jonn P. Cohslan. a Sw rugate of the i'-unty of N.w York, i.otne is hereby given to all ferson? having claims agalrnt Kmn.i ,oul?e Smith, late, of the County of New York, deceased, to present the asme with voucher? thereof to ?he subscriber?, at their place of transacting business, at the office of Ashbel p. Fit-b. Moll ?v ?'rant, No. 11 Nassau Street, In ?he Borough of Manhat? tan, city of New York, on or before the ? day of August next Dated New York, the l*th day of Feb. t'l'C I'M. CHARLES IIOYT. SMITH. ? F,?,.,??, ASHBEL P FITCH. < mm ASHBEL P FITi'H. MoTT A GRANT, Attorney? for Executor?, 22 Nassau Str. et. Borough of Manhattsi.. New _York City._ _, IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OP lb,notable John P inhalan, a Surrogat? of the County of New York, notice I? here? by given to all p> renn? having ' .alun against Marl- I,oulse Stockwell (?la.? known as Marie Louise StO'-kw.-ll Ke th), lat? of the County of New York, de? ceased, to present the same with vouch? ers thereof to the subscriber, ?t l'1* Pl*r* Of transacting business, at the office of tale attorney. Coleridge A Hart. I's<| . No. 3.. Nassau Street, Borough of Manhattan, In The city of New York, on or before toe ltd day of September next. Dated, (few York, the lO'h day of Mar. h. 111!. CHARLES F BARMAN. Executor COLERIDGE A HAKT. Attorn-y for E? ecutor, H Nassau Street. Manhattan. New York City._ _ MARLOR. HARRIET J. ? IN Pl'KSt ance of an order of Honorable John P Cohalan, a Surrogate nf the county of Men York, notice is hereby given to all person? having claims against Harriet J. Marlor. ?at,- of Hrooklyn. County of Wlnd hain. State of Connecticut, de eased, to present the ?am? with vouchera thereof to the ?ubacrlber?. at th-lr place of transa fit Ing busine?? at the office? of RpOMVOll _ Kohb?, No 4 4-4'*. Wall Street, In The ?).r ougli of Manhattan. <*ity of New York, on or before the .11th day of Sept-mbcr, 1915. Dated. New York, the Kith dav of March. 191?. FRANK B, VAN HKI'NT, WILLIS I?. VAN BRUNI-, Administrator?. G, T. A. ROOSEVELT A KOBBB, Attorn?. ? fer Administrator?.. C. T. A.. 4 1-4'', Wall Btreet Manhattan. New York. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. ?'ohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New York. no-i'? Ig hereby gi.en to all persons having claim? i against Robert W'nller. late of th>- ?'nun'y of New Y'ork. il Of paged, to pyeaent the same with voucher? th-reof to the sub acriben, at place of transacting huai the offle? of Stewart / Shear? r. No I 47, Wall Street. Horouirh of Manhattan, In l The City of New York, on or before th? Hist dav of September next. Dated. New York, the 12th day of March, 1 f?l 5. EMU.Y STEWART WALLER,! STEWART WALLER and VExe-utor? I EDWARD W. SHELDON, j STEWART A SHEARER, Attorn"?-, frr Executors, || Wall Street. Mannattan. New fork City, _ FLUR8CHEIM HERMANN A?IN PUR? nuance of an order of Honorable John P 'ohalan. a Surrogate of th? County of New York, notice la hereby gl\en to all persons having Uatma against Hermann A Flurschelm, late of the County of New Tork. deceased, to pre?.nt th?- same, with | vouchera thereof, to the SU bee ribera, at i their place of transacting bualnoM, at th? ofll.f Btrauaa, Reich A Boy?*, th'ir at? ; torneys, No. Ill Broadway, in the city of Ni -v York ..;i r,r before the 27th day of Sept-mber ne>t Dated New York, the 13th day of March, i 1915. FRANKLIN SIMON. . F-xfr?.or. BERNARD FLUR8CHEIM. . ul ' STRAUS'"*. REICH * BOTER. A'tnrney. for Executor?. No 141 Broa ' _Borough of Manhattan, New York City ; IN PUR8UANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. ''ohalan. a Surrog?te of the i'ounty of New York, notice Is here? by gl.en to all p. rsons having claim.! against Augusta a Ketcham, late of th? County of New York gifoaord. to present th- s.i!i? with vouehers thareof to th , subscriber, at Its prin-ipal place of trans? ase, trio II Wll lam Street, m '.rough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or before the 16th day of October next. Dated, .New York, th- ?"th day of April. THF FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANT, Executor. GELLER, ROL8TON * imRA.I. A'tor neys for Executor, 12 l.x hange Place. Ne-v Tork. N V IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HO.N erable John P Cohalan. a Surrogate of th? County of New York, notice Is hereby irni>n to all persons having claim? against Henry Adama Blyth, late of the county <f New York, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to th- abb? scriber? at their place of transacting hnat nes?. at the office of K.nn-th H Hal? ste ..1. No ti Broadway, in the ?*ity of New York, on or before the 1st day of No\ ember n- xt. Dated, .New York, the ".'th dav of April. 1915. H*.\'RT ADAMS DtaYTH. 2ND*| FRED HAI.STKAD V Ktecutors. WILLIAM H CAREY KENNETH ? HALSTEAD. Attorney fo? I . utor.s, 7". Bron h-a-.. H rough of Manh Ittan N? w York City. ALTROCCHI. PAULINE?In pursuance of an oid-r of Hon John P Cohalan, a Sur? rogate of the County of New York, notice i? hereby given to all persons having claim? ,>ga:n>' Pauline Altrocchl. late of the City of Florence, Italy, daceaacd to present the ?ame. with vouchera thereof, to the sub 1 acrlber at his place of transacting business I at 'he "ttlces of .Messrs Milter, Klr.g. Lana I A Trafford. No. SO Broadway, Borough ot Manhattan. City of New York, on or befor?, the 14th day of October next. Dated New Vor'?:, 'h? 13th lav of April. 181? HOFFMAN MILLER, !'. MILLER. KINO, LANK A TRAFFORD, At torneys for Kx-citor. ?1 Broad? ay. Bor? ough of Manhattan, New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN OHP*--H OF Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the ?ounty of New York. noto, i? h'-reby gi\en to alt person? having; claims against Liz*!? H. Holme, late of the Count* of New York. de. eased, to pr?s-nt ?he same" with vouchers thereof to the l-r. at his place of transacting business, at the offle. of his at1 ? Merrill ..- Roger?. No loi Broadwa Bor ough of Manhattan. In The City of New York, on or before the loth day of Sep? tember next. Dated. New York, the 3th day of March. 1316. EDWIN C. HALL. Executor MERRILL A ROGERS, Attorneya for r.x ecutor, No. 1?)') Broadway. Manhattan. New York C'y_ RSUANCE ? IF AN ORDER ? >F HON? oral.le John P. Cohalan. a Burrogst? of the ?'ounty "f New York. NOTICE in here. b) ^ ven to all persons having cla:ma against JULIA M BCHIEFFELIN, lat? of the County f Ne.. y.rk. deceased, to pre. aent th? ?am? with vouchers thereof to the suba ? Be? '-.?.,;. \\+r l:o:sr,,n .<? lloran. No 2J Lx. bang? .- -n.. Borough of Manhattan, Clti of New York on ?r before the 27th day of No.em? ber ll'U. 1. N.w York, the 14th gay of May |?ll GEOROE R D BCHIEFFELIN, Executor GELLER. ROLSTON ? HORAN, attorney? 1 for Executor, B exchange Place. New York. N Y IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P ?'ohalan. a Surrogate of th- County of New Y,.rk. NOTICE Is her-by gnen to all person? having claims against Thomas K. Brown, late of the County of :>w York, docoaood, to present the same wiih m>ui her? thereof to the ter. at its p.a.- ? of transacting buat '. , ?.? Bi adv ?'?. la th- Boron :h of .Manhattan, In the City of New fora, on or before the ninth ?Uy of October next. Dated, Nee Tortf. me Ird Bay "f apni. IMI UNION TRUST COMPANT OF NEW YORK V....... uior MILLER, KINO LANE * TRAFFORD Attorney? for Executor, ?1 Broadway ough of Manhattan, N. v. York Cuy IN PUHSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF RON .n. a Burroi i mty of Ne? York. NOTICH la here bv given to .. . ii nia having ii.uri.s against Daniel s Miller, i >te ,,t the ? of New York. '*.? ceased, to present the . tame with .ouchers thereof to the *ub acrlber, at her place of transacting busi , ne?s. at the offices of her Attorney? Can? ! lion A Cannon, Ko'm >>07, .No. 13: Broad? way .Manhattan Borough, In The city of I New York, ?m or befors the 10th day of November n?xt. Dated. New York, the ?th day of May. 131 . HARLIET M. DICKINSON. Executrix. r\ non *? CANNON, A-torn?v. fee Eaaext ??- ? I??. Iboadwav New -,.,?? City ... i ,.M .i.M'r. OT AN OKDEM op irable John P Cohalan. a Surrogat? el th? ? ounty of Ne? Y..IK. noti-e is tiere. by given to all person? h.o ng claim? against Juila Marianne Bran,i late of the ? ? \e ? > .. dec. a_ed t-> pre ?. nt the ?am. with roochera 'her?of to th? ?ubmriber. al pi?1 * of tranaactlag bualneaa, ?O .?. Broa! street, tn The "Uy of New Yo k . n or before th? ?th day of liber tin'.. Dated. N-w York, the 'ind day of March. 1515. THE NEW TORK TRIST COMPANT Executor. NaSH A JONES. Attorney? for Executor. ?3 Wall St., Borough of Manhattan. X?w ?ork city. I SIKROGATK'S N?,ri? FS. BOTNT?N, HAHA H I. I-, ( , of an order of ?he Hon lohn P , Surrogate of th" f'o?ir.ty of * . ,v notice Is herebv given ta ... .... ..,,, V,\ Ing claim? against Sarah I. "**"T of rh" city. County and York, lo exhib?? the ?,m. W|,h Ih? era In ths und?rstc*, of Ih? Lest Will ...d Te-ta Karah I. Iloynlon, Str.-, i In t. ? <??' ' , li'f :;:;:?:?,:'? ?*? ^*? l'a?. ??' SM'VH II. I. V II .,',-..-7 f-??,Wl LEWIS W HOYNTON :???. ,.?/ ROBERT MOFFETT. a.torn.? for Execul i.m sr.e, ,,n'r ough of Manhattan. S*tt Y'.rk. N, y PREVOST. STA MCI ?nee ?,f an order <,f ., I' ? "halan, a Surrogate ,,f ? , . persons having claims Sttoh-at?, Pr?vost 1st. of in? ? 'I.-""I. to present the ?,rr,e -,,,.; V,,|ch' 1 ers th. r. of to the sub?, - ? . of tr.insacilng business ? * Maddnx, Nn '.; wuium .-? ? hatten I In I I" fors ? Februar) neu Dat. d Ni -v Y.rk ?? ?? ? A I????. VI ?.(' Anriltary Adminli . I.I.?.VI. .-, M nlnlttrator. _ 12 -,r.e MICHELS, WILHELMINE IN IIR}?-;. anee ?f sn order ,,f i , n ?, I Cohalan, a Surrogate of the Cot? '?.-?? York. I aona bavin ( Me h? Is. latS Of I ' y,,r'x , ers there?,f to Ib? i of tra 11,.rough of , I New Y'irk. ?in or befor- tbs 10th day of ? I ? Dated. N'-w Y.rk. th- ? April, GUARANTY THI'ST COMPAHT OP ? ? FI'.ANK VI I'.li itor. M I-.? ? i'-> ?tree? "..?* YorK I City !.. PURSUANCE OP v orabl? John P. Col ? ?he ' ount v of Ns i -i : given t?. all person? h . Marl? A ?l?y late of ?OI K !.,..,,.?! ' . ; i ..?i? liera th. i sof ?? I .., kt tli.-ir i offl'-e of F. King-i ?In The !!??: .. ?.f N? w York, on or bel SopUmb? r next ? 1, New Yor Hsi. MARIE H Pf.EM GEORGE ''? l?i. F KINOSBURY ci R Kxecutors. $0 Broai | < ?Ty IN P - OF VN OKI?; Honorable John I ? , , 1 of the County of '?? Notli a Is lion , hasing ctatmi of the County if ! ,..-. ,? present th- sam? th? SUbecrtl ? lilllll1 si thS Borough of Mai New Y,rk on or b. f ,r>; thS October, ?ex?. Dated, New York. I ijy ?( AnrlL lllg w WALTER KATN. CHARl. - HOLT, Tsmporsry Adm r ths i:?t?t? of ELLIS 8ARAM ' an order ,,f Hoi a Surrogats of l ?t.' lug claims a of N -o pr?. ???nt the same aril r ?he su v i Putney. No Manha'tm. for? thi I. ,'? i. N< w \ - .Vor'L 1915. WILBUR DIXON : PUTNEY, TW< - ' ? - DE RAIMBOUVILI nee of an John P. Cohalan of Neil York :. ? I :?- ? . Fr..- ? . raune with I voucher.? i h? r- of I I place ' ? f Lloyd A M - i Manb it? : on 'T th" . ?xt I'-' April, 19 I.V. CAKRIE If. DE ILLE. vvoyr. A " trig. ? V WEIL order of H . Burrogat? of the claims against Aron m Colin? present me with sou scriber. at her ?? h .Han Cif > ol bef re th? ljih da; of N Dated. New Vol Sf Ml/. 1915 DORA MENDEL WEIL Fx? PUTNEY, TWOM rXEl V torneys for l ' . I !.. New York IN PURSUANCE OF ' HOI?. oral le John p .' .te of tne Cuiity ,.( Ne? i '-? ?TIC! ? by gnon '?. a . ? ^t Na1 hau - Bf 'h? ! ?'. utity of Neu V ; the sam. with vou I ' is* ?u*> s. rlbed, a. i its - at ths ' ? ? i.r... I . c.. ,n Tl rk. n .or- ?he 1 .' tnber n?x'.. Dati .1. Ne? Y lay si 1818, WILM VM ?-' Mas -.tous - AUOU8TI ecutors, No IS vianhatinn ' ??ON A NT, ? : l*K"W" anee ,,f ?n ordei of ? '?'? sf l?SO York, notice - I has n I lat" ,f the Couni ? **""'? ; to present the san tberssf, I to tie ' ,""'r"' , acting business, a? .?dus*. .... 1 . ? , hin?? Place, n ihe Clt) if N? *r "*' for? th" ISth day ol Dated. New Tors tl r at *"""? 191'. FRED ' Hawkins DELAF LOW ??? IN ITRHPANCE ?IF VN '7'1"*" 'f n - ?"??*** ? h. r. by gl. ; f "!***" ' Csunl tl.. same With s-Oucr er? ? I " scrlbsr, at Ita place .. ii ??f Ml** 1 hattan. In th? ? Volk. ?S * b"f?re the ninth *,l-_-i Dat-.i No? fork, th ird day si -V"*"? '''?? -A?r UNION TRUST COMPANY ? P SEW toma. MILLER. KIV. \ IN PUR8C ? ora *'1*^ lh?*aC< rn'- of New 1 ? f'*"*". bv gil, n to against Mary B 1 with vou? hers thei ..f Rol rt A I in Th? ' '?'* l?th . u.. Dated. New V urk. ?'. ' M1' 1915 RORRRT \ !'? ?VV ' Bl AUGUST! ? 8. MU. ' aj \ I lOUfB ?s Manhattan . IN PURSUANCE OF AN ? ,,l) j orabie Jol I *i'JZ th? .'o n.'.i of New Tori? - *>"*. I,i g: ?"!. ' ? ?l**? :ti? ? thS Count i of Ne? V led to mas? o- sun ? th ' '"'", - of Ne? v t - i ?say?" De, ?? I ?...1 N. ? 1- M I I V T MAI OlaM STKTS'iN JKNNI *",.. n-.s f.,. Executors '? ' of Net CHAKI.KS - \ ' ? ?-? - I'i .? KulM.Hl. GRACB Bl ?HMAKT H IN ' ' **i t ? ,. r. fit? of Hi" ' ' ,^L| ti??n ??? ?.. ". \as ^ammS I I ' \, ' ' .?.? 1451 Bret,1*1). I la? ?< x**-**? ? ' ?' .?it Dated N-.. i - - .?'* s ?., ' , ? IIAIII V> Ii ... U> ??'"? ' " ' -"-a at * si. I '.s? VNCK OF AN ?illl'l . Of th- ,',8lS bereb) - ?f *8 ? te .-ame w :th m place of I . t n-ia. Room I ' No Ths City of Now Y : t"'?" ;.th day ? Januir. . ,m Dated. Neir Y?.(k ?:." *?h dS) Of ***** HERBERT CLATTON ' ?' *? v ,u'.'?.Vui.* v>?a Cars of R. R. HOWARD. Atur.