Newspaper Page Text
LOFT THIEF KING, WITH SILK LOOT, TRAPPED BY VIGIL Suspicious Sleuths Trail "Big Levinsky" and Mate for 11 Hours. FOIL $8.000 HAUL: CHANCE STARTS HUNT Police Say Pair Tried to Break Into Several Places?May Capture Oaitf. ". who as Rip '?. ? ,,e\ g_j. g| **The King ' "'? **!<?*.," with n com ptaiea, Praia QoMfcarg, ?aid to be known ur :?r the aliases of Jockey ?in, are the n ? of thi- Police 1*. i n '? sijuiiii, having h^n -.- -? ute i resterda* ? mc-T'.Y f ailk in 1 p,--i Oliver 8nrl Ser.nctt had nearly twelve hours. ieo) is compoaed ila who ''aniil iar v\ ' " ?' nu thods employed by that A*. . i-terday morning, when , ? l tt saw Cohen and I ? d a knl kepi the -.? i for that' they had any iny contemplated job, nan. ten non Cohen tr.erry *... the dotgetivea, the differ? but were either \.. r. unable to force ?ere re ? i the loft t.-t'th Street. '? I half hour, r.d his " ing be by the door re hid ? to make a d his . police ' ' 1 to the ? found been Not onlj police I concern. are jubilant over the on one of the i ? ? ? ? e gang of ? ? Murder House Intruder Held. ? ? irday ? ? t of Ml" i ?... I ? ? WOULD DISTRIBUTE VAST FORTUNES < imtinuril from page I ' ., and only work unes That Are llurden?. million? ?? ' I end era do not ' ? ln ? ? .. legiti i bur- i squandered, I ? trailed 'bei I tal part co tt. pile up ? ? hupe ! n part, : : ? ? ? ,i ?er ... rd ? i ?? claimed t t who have per- . wl <>, ? or mere pai ted th the- I with I ... toi ? moatly ' ra wl 0 part . .. ? ? ? to the ..t the ; . middle elan i ? .-ir ?enrice?, but ?le top to bottom "f the . ra aif innui ii y inheri? ?ro! over vai ' act-u- : muUfr ;,? ked ,v**i a would be ?iu?*i t | in the form of "?un????. in different P?rts of the coui An In.iiible Influcnre. visualized," it ."">"*? ' now th. ir ; rmoatei and eon d induatrv. ? in >i>> nu wrong ovc the law, bu! . tion is either p. t rj by Similarly '? ?. ? '???... Van ? ran ?i?> no il lee all effeel ami ,; eutivg oAciala a i "''" .-. indeed, run? even to i ido and phrase. Compare : ? -is: John D. Kocke Mj appreciation of th? ng Wage earners and ? th ?v< ry endeavor to ? man.' Uvii XV! you und me that has the ? bear. ' " tk .?*'-?'r to readjust ine?-jualiti?s in ;"? ?mtribution of wealth, "to rh?ek, ?n? growth of an hereditary aristocracy * irh ? gn to every con of American government but ?ng t?. the welfare of the people i ?la the ruiatanc? of the nation a? a1 WOODS WITH WOOD ! IN CITY ON DUTY ' Commissioner laager to Recome Export Shot General to Sift Army Affairs. Police Commis?.,oner Arthur Wood-., who has been in the military instruc <;<?>. .amp at PUtteftOrg, and Minor General Leonard Wood, l' s A . who is ? in charge of th, work, returned t.. this city laal nicht. Genera] Wood, who is in rommnnd of , the Eastern Dtpartmenl of the army, will be here f?. two or three d.i.s. I n ; J*-??-.iicr himself on rooting matters that require his personal attention. He will ! then go back to the business mftn's |-:iltl?: ? Ot'imissioner Woods in here to ap? point sixty or seventy new patrolmen. He is not certain that he will And op? portunity ?.. rel back -... Plattsburar. but he war- ? "I am most tnxlous to l-'ft up there for the hike." he said. ??And I wan! to bave another chanc?_at target practice. 1 ning th*e title of oter by two pointa. v. ' ' I am down here the shooting by mpany 1> aril] continue? but 1 hay? been assured that if I Ko hack opportunity v ill be given me to tackle the targets airain. "The work up there is certainly worth while. It has put me in fine condition." The hiking, the CommtM?oner >:i:d, will probably begin next Friday, Mr. " brought down with him the arm] rifle ha um i at the camp. He ??? d it. "It i| the finest gun 1 have ever han? dled." he g?id. BISHOPS THANK KAISER FOR GUARDING 'AlTARS' "To God Be the Honor," Ger? man Witr Lord Replies. Amsterdam, Aug. 22, A conference of German Catholic bishop?, meeting at Fulda, in HeaSI Nassau, has sent a telegram to Kmperor William thank? ing him for the protection afforded during the war to the "homes and al? tars" of the fatherland, aco rding to a ipatcfa tu the "Maasbode." ? legram, the dispatch says, was a? follows: "The bishops who have assembled at Fulda during this terrible war fe? must respec "ull. thank your n ior the powerful protection with which the supreme war lord and his glorious army have guarded the homes and al? tar- of our fatherland against a hosl of enemies. We pray God He wil and protect Hia prince and people an?l '?? peace." In reply Emp? am thanked the bishops and said th? Germai hown whal they <-i>u!.l do, irust God, in the defence of the honor and freedom of the fatherland. "God hai? thus far graciously heard our prayers for ?legraphed. ''He will, I confidently hope, after the ?trug victory cause an honorable and from tins bloody siege so fruitful in sac? io H.n. be the honor." TAKES LENOX PASTORATE The Rev. Wood Accepts Call of Trinity Episcopal Church. The Rev. William Lawrence Wood, of epted a call to rate of Trinity Episcopal . 1 . p.i'N. MaSS, He was n to Miss I.aura Hou?'; I laughter of the late A .1 and Mrs. Frank (".ray Griswold, , -v in compl? te his studi? ' l< ????. ' ford, re iily. He I ' charge of the Lenoj ? ? ? wai vol call him permanently to the church. Mr. Wood was graduated from < Ha in 1908, and is the son of Mr. and ? halmers Wood, ?>f 723 Park Ave? nu?.. democracy," to raise the ''underpaid1 ? to a level of decent and com? cimmeasurate with service, the ? brings forth its revolutionary inheri .,', as a remedy. Makes a $1,000,000 Limit. This provides I hall 'ie so fradeii as to make "generous provision for the support ' of minor children." but leave no large accumulai wealtl to hands wh reduction." After the (1,000,000, which is place.1 as the limit in pa e re] be applied, '; Of educa? tion, t'. the 'i. velopmenl of other ?oi ial services and to 't.. d< ?? lopment, in co? operation w tl tati ?i i municipali ? '" greal constructive works. -..?h a? road building, irrigation and refoi ,on. Then the question of unemployment ? opportunity to eai n a living, stated h cause of industrial um ? >n up. i ause i- stated as being the unjust distribution of wealth, to be bj the inheritance tax, the ation of land and natural n'? As - for this latter <-.-. . proposed vigorous and unrelenting ition tu regain all land, water power and mineral rights obtained ? caUs for a revision of the land laws s?.'that in nil future grants the doc? trine of "i up? rioi u -e" shall rule. As a third measure It is proposed i that all unused land chal? be forced into use by making the tax on non produ ' land -if the same kind, and exempting: all improvements. la di euaatng the denial of justice,, which is given as the third | of uni ' ability of woi I t-et laws passe?) f?.r their protection exc? pt after tremendous struggles, is instance. Also, thai t ulllfy th? se law? on technical!- ? ? m mating against labor as red With capital; and that laws an- administered for the rich and against the poor. To Protect Personal liiRht?-.. A? rrmrdies it is proposed, "with full recognition of the gravity of the BO** . ? 'thai : ; eoastitutional amendment pro i, rsonal right? in sp< government, in ? . and COr) I to be so named are trial by -u-'v. peaceful aaaembiage, k? -j arm?, frei ?!""' :r"m un* reasonable ?-carche*. and M speedy public trial, freedom from <x :'rom cruel and unjust punishments. It is also proposed that < ontrress .shall enact statutes, or if naeoaaanr inl constitutional amendment hibiting courts from declaring* ?? five act? unconstitutional; providing that all qualified voters be eligible to em as jurors without proporl** quali Aeation, and 'ha* they be drawn '.. secure impartiality; that private lie. teetiv? ("? prohibited from d I I, ,n mo-re than from being employed bv comparan Ing an Intel tat? buaii 'mm , i.?,in.r the mails in eonnaetioa wtth their business, and that ?t?te militia be subi.-ct to r?gulation bv ?.n?.re?? to insure their impartiality during in dustrial dispute*. The report then takes up what it calls the fourth cauao of industrial PRINCESSES WILL BUILD 31 STORY BROADWAY HOTEL Plains of Standard Oil Man's Titled Heirs Re? vealed by Suit. MDONALD FORTUNE INVEST!:!) IN DEAL i Daughters of F.dnititid K. Stalin Chief Stockholders ?r ?Cor? poration Leasing Site. Princesa Rospigliosi and Princess Murst, daughters of Edinpnd K. SUllo i and ; , i ?, ri <>(' the lata Ales? ander McDonald, vice president of the I Standard ?'il Company, are to become j the owners of ? thirty?.nc sl,?ry hotsl ? at Broadway and Forty-a-fond Street, j on the site now occupied by the Heldel borg Building. The titled listen will invest tin? larger part (if their inheri i tanesi from the estate of Mr. McDon ?.i?!, most of isic'li want '... then, in the hotel venture. The purpose of the princesses '<> he comc the owneri of a New York liotei ii lei ? ,-h ?i suit hi the Su? preme ? "onn brought by Mus Wyner through Juin) J. Lordan. The defend ; sat is the 1480 Broadway Corporation, ' owner of the Heidelberg Building, at tho Bouthweat eornei ?.i Broadway and ? Forty? s? i-iuiil Street, The corporation also owns g Ion?- leasehold on the site. There is no mention "f the Stallo listen in the complaint, bat ?hey i?re i the chief stockholder! of the 1482 Brosdwsy Corporation, of which their father il ? director ami of which ex Nush Bockwood. sf Barstogs ?' their attorney, is also a dii itof I Owens ?A- O'Neill are mentioneil a1 ? el of the hotel, while the r?,"f garden ii to be Isasod to the Bus ya. Wyner is nuin?- for isn/tnn R? al , I e was employed : t Jsi isry to tgsge lost ? nd any improve* ;,, be erected on the property. be for ten years. II, also was commissioned to obtain u rtgage loan of $800,000, to 122. W > ii'-i he ! IS 0blamed the first l"aii Hugh A. Holmes, former chair? man executivi ?mmltl Conatruction Company, but ? t corporation has re? fused to pay the amount agreed for his work, WAR PUTS BAN ON IRISH IMMIGRANTS Last of Lads from Erin Arrive on the Philadelphia--Con- * senption Call May Sound. The last list of male Irish .mmi that will probably come to thi? ? y until the E iropesn ? u ii endi d 'atuve,I hi r i? 'he the American liner Phils delpl The da; I ? ' Liverpool '???I In every nital? age in the Ui ted Kingdom him and retui i thin a day. The tie on Monday, when the Philsdi | two dsyi at s.a. and the . board wer? led, lid aboard the ll ? hat no more male imm:, denial of the rich? .'?n?l i to form > ' .i : eaking of graft, rurrup* pc ! nd ? labor organizations, it states that these are only the in? I any demo- j cratic organization, and an I ersdi r. As ? 1 or? ganization? throughout the indu i eld, which the - eon : should be ? on onal act ."ii along the follow ing ' The mong the i guaranteed by the ? onatitution of un-? -, not ', ... of profit, but for I vancement of individual snd collective interest-; l?. protect this iii-'ht. such ai prohibition of dis? nur anv one for belonging n, a labor zation; a statute ma) o do anv thii . ful for an individus!, and muinla-, t?.i v h b> the I'ederal I i i.ii.m. ion of unfair treatment of la? bor union.- and members. 'I he report "The lack of a proper industrial re-! ?hin and the ? -. tanca of bad in a matter of the most serious moment during tim? peace, bul the events of the las! \?"ir? ited how enormously, their ?net cs t" the i ion is ?ncr? aaed dui ii ? I ol a war- Tie pre ? fought on the farms snd in the) . h as in the trei ? ve mobilis?t ?on of our in- j dustrlai resourci important | simply from the standpoint ol war us the mobilization ol mir military and naval forcea. It ii eqoall) i nan after war | Two ?"afectiva I'lans. "There are only two alternat ? ? n of a hugs systam i ;. such a- has been d? veloped m Germany; - ? the many exiating obstacle! which pre-1 vent efl ect ? I ion and ro SMf reierving for performance by th.? which i cannot be effecti? ? ? ?-?t by vol-' untary organization! and those which ?" su? h vital ?importance to the; nation that they shoul?! not be ? the hazard of private ? - This report was prepared by Hasil M. Manly, dirgctor of research w -.'.en for the commission, and ISSd not on'\ on tl ? fact! Lroupht out at the publ c hearings, bu? en those gather? It Wli? l. printed by a H of the 'u!l ciimm - The second report was prepared by Professor ?John K. Commons and signed without reaorvation by Mrs. J, B? Harriman snd concurred in. with some forth m a third report, bv Harria Weinstock, 9 !? iriton Bailar?! H Mal 'on. The two former, with Mr. Wailh, were appointed as of 'he public and ?he three iatter ?< representatives of 'he fats Proposes Welfare Fund. The Commons report contain? no such sweep ng'criticisms "f the ?ocal aystoifl not I..- it inch mvolatioasry als to mall. IS the M M as- the (greatest cause of in dmtrisl unrest the breakdown in the administration sf labor laws and the ; -' of our municipal, state s',1 I ,! govern meats on the part of a large purt?.vu of our people. To remedy will be permitted to leave the country I until the government is satisfied that , their services will not he required. In ? the event of conscription, no steam i ships leaving Hriti-h p'.rts will be per I mitted to take nway Mtiy mule Hritish : subject of military age who is quali li< ?I in serve in the army. PHONE SETS TRAP FOR OLIVER SLAYER New Police General Alarm Sys? tem Gets Test in Third Avenue Murder. The new general nlnrm system of the Police llepartmi'nt was tested yes? terday afternoon, wnen, a few minutes i after the body of James Oliver, of K8.1 'Third Avenfie. was 'mind on the roof of an extension n. few doors from hi* home, every railroad depot, ferry I house and steamship office was fur tnsheil by telephone With a complete ' description of the man though? to lave slabbed ?Hiver to death. Detective? learned that the suspect? ed man was known as Mulford, and I sometime? a*. llcDermot* or Hacdcv? i gal. Word war- gaahfd t<? Headquar? ter? and relayed t> the telephone com? pany. The officials of that corpoia itioii immediately telephoned tile de-. ! scription of Mulford broadcast. In : the meantime evi ry patrolman re d a description to watch for tfce ] i man wanted. THE WEItHERJ?PORT Forecasts and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. .-?"). Ant -'-' Tlirre ate tnme ?Until Indi i f-sUata) ,f t tr.i.1. _: l;?tiifl.inr,. i.rir U_ l-lti??! at i', m'.-1, ?. tut itt character l? ?. rat aateeara XSt j ?'?Jtliwcwt itorm of t'? preeeni week lu reaclir.1 ; Baal rsit?rt.. wit*, ?asglll ilimlnljhrd IntenelU. i n.? pn ?nfma ?lurii-.r m* ia?t] foui i un titeada Irtaa it?' upper .Hilo Vil lai ?1..1 r ? ...ii. ..; i-r I??.. r?gu.n eaatwar.i le Hie I niMt. l loa ,.. r ih? ,nitral and i I portl.? ? ,f u.r ,-i,un-ry. cir*i?t In the i.nrt'i ? \ I idar almwirr? ?.ere I oulte santal ,.rrr n,?i eoctlaa, the naki?t_. Ne i.,?.-?? Western 1,1111 _..I JIlMOurL , nan li r:., ..ti^r pradpHeHoo >.?.r the laaaaliiiln I , ni the .v.u'.rr.. ri,,n , fc.f aidai) icaUatrd thuii I ilrr il,... ,??? t, inperaturwi at 111 eootlau* ? e_t nf mi;, _i,i I,tut. taaaparaturaa ti. the ?ratward, atcepl . r. tli? <-r,a?t Tl.,-r,' ?Ill !?? ? Uta lai In Sea England and Wr.uni New ] *inr?, fii,.,w,,l l,v fair mat-In r Tur-lu Tlirre will alto Ikt lors] ttiimter iMiti Momia? ?ji.l Tu..?ili> In upper Mlrl.Uaa, M..inlay nlKhi nr Tine . il?, in lc?at Ulchlgaa, In,liant, the least Omo SClet, *.".u?iarii Tn? and ilia Inttftof of tiw Waal (lull .Ut.? Kl?, where rut of tlie Mlnelaalpo? lUirer I ll.r ucatlirr will lee fair Mnodai a4i,l Tur?,la). ';ite 11.?i,i?? ?lil net If ilnLVil. f r Moada] ?? 1 Tuoada) N'.rth Atlantic. kl s . naodorata .iH,t'i , Ithwrtt. Boutta Atlant)., pot le to ?nr?lrrate . . ??! ; Kait ' .:,> r nth, Wnl ??nit. Mod?rai.Hi: upper lake?, frill? r,. mwlerate I M lay, ii:-:. fair ?reattatr; krWOf M In). U- I I coala? laxlaMa ?tU ear' riaed) eaetbai Foretait lor Special Localities.?Eutern New Vor... partly cloudy ?outh. ihawert central and north ta-day; te-morrow fair. VVrat .. parti) rioadj and wanner' la Borm |.art'y i linj.h *>*> ii New Ton, I ' lo-daf and to I I Ki (lai I rlniweri in tall S'l . tertef, lirlawarr and Kauern l'ennaylfanta. | - m fair. - 1 fair la] a...i Ui naorro? Local Official Recen- t I T? ill re, aed ' ... ,-. ? In th? trfnperel I) foul l.,,ur., In ruin- | I dal ? ??' leai i 1114, 191V ' .'" 6 p m.??< ft , ? ,. ' ? T.' !' ti III *'. 74 If a m 72.11 ?. ai ','? III 1 i j m i h. ft ? i ? ? :: i lligt.i . i?. T? rtefreea fa? -* 39 I ? ta.!; an-rase. 14; tret- , . lata la-i >e?r tu. afaraga fee ' ?Mr. three year- ', -' Baromitrr Reading?. I a m .. .(Ml I 1 pi ? ' ? "l t> m tt.T? Humidity. Il.tri ('?> ? P m . I! Local Forerait. Parti} ? ?mty to-lay. t" m>rrriw . .irlahia. FIRE RECORD. v ? -.1 A It Arkc't ; trlfll | - I ' ? fllfllll?. I- \? I', ll.rnaii IS? 1 im ;; \\ ? 101 i -? J Murray I fll ?er; irlfllrif. 'ilflir.f ? . M '. Ai.', m., f. tiding. ions it proposes the creation of i, l.diTii! fund f?ir social welfare, iiied by an inheritance tax on large fortunes and administered by a commission on industrial relation-? Bided by an advisory council composed \ of representative? of workers and em ?ilo-.t i.?. It would have powers of in- \ ?.rtion and mediation. ? tax proposed would not be eonfisc?tory, but would bj ' graduated from 1 per cent on the ex if 125,000 fortune? left to ' , i up tu 16 per cent on over $1,000, 000, with higher rates on estates ro- ' in g to distant heire. It ii ??tlmated 10,000,000 a year would leeted, to be used, in addition to' supporting the commission, nn various j form.- of ?oci il welfare. In regard to boycott and damage th? jep'.rt hold? that tsincei em- ? ployer? now have practical immunity | from punishment for maintaining. labor should have the right ; to institute boycotts, either primary or secondary, without being liable to: ;*. ion. It recommends substantial restric- . tions in immigration in addition to j those effect, the establishmen*. ? ta and Feder?! employment of trial ed'K at lull. i in the Colorado situation it -.ays i..' feudalism exists in OS, h it it d?crie-? an\ attemp responsible any - ? ? situation there ' h ml . innol be remedied b** the pub! H- abuse of one man. It recommends that corporations and unions alue be removed from politics. it strongly indoraea the Bte#ng at' ...lo.'i of labor. Oppose?! lo noyrntt. The third report, ?igned by Wein* ? ' Ballard, dit from the doctrine <>f the secondary, boycott w? .i- the blacklist ha? been i I denee showing wrong en the part of some employers, lys? org u iaing, con trolling of , -, ??*"? other disreputable ?cts such as lying -,'ui men in strikes, all tend- ! ? ? lace industrial unrest. Other, employers, it says, have awakened to an enlightened sense of their employes' ^ vv. '.fare. In a supplemental opinion, Commis-i ?loner GarreUon, after irotnf* over in I ? own wordi a large part "?' the hif*h n 'h.- Manly report, ?avs: ?A? to th for these evils, an income and hi- inheritance tax that be above a certain Rgurc abea eator-i would make iiBpoa? ? ? ? ? the creation and ?ecoi d, the . of -he dominating ac of wealth in the hands of rtdividual, u'i"u;. or family." H,. ; a? ?'? m hether the same principle? which praaeribe ? e? for usury might not be an plied to out bine exces>ive profits in' busines '? In his iupplemental opinion Mr. Bal-, lard suggest? a national minimum wag? law, workingmea'i insurance.' for interstate cor ? ?tailing on them certain re sponsibilitiea. ? national eight-hour labor law, and Federal aid for rural ng farmers' children for life. Th.- commission goes out of exist? ence to morra? The full text of the three I I ? ?;. ?rate ??-.. words. Hearing? were conducted throurh IM day? and T40 witnesses counting the field In? vest ifnt tor?? of the commisaion's agent?. Of the witnesses heard in public heat ? re from th* em? ploying class. 241 from labor and 26b unaffiliated with either group. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. MIMATI Hi AUIANAC Sufirt-? B IT; -aim?. 1 .'.0, Duxtl mueii't if?. II ni?;u watts. AM I' M ? ?I San*. Hoot . ? T? ?M lltll (.it? . i il 1:7 INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. v??s?L rmm. ?Car .Ar-hiri??!. Auf I. cinli .Qlsssas*, Aus II.An. ho? ?T. t,1?,r.a. .c,,!,,,,. Au- Tl.I.' K l'o. ?Mi?,It .Kanlltate. Auf 1*.I' P Of ?Itia/oa .Mat, Juan. Auf II...HTII'H *|(eritiiidlii, n,riu???li. Auf II.????!??? ?Ti'.aaal'.i.lan |l.?rrc.u Ii. . <!'??l? H.,n,.i.iiar.Balboa, A.if 13.Am Ha Ar.It,.?ta.Hair?. Auf I. l'aaaruiii .(j?ti,t. Auf'.ta ' 1.1,1.1/ Umtttrn, Auf 11.Aru lit? .S.w ?irluni. Auf 15_H.i-i'tc TI?M1?AY. mVOVtn tA. ?Il-lll? oit?.l'hrltMiiii'd. Auf ll...Bcand-Am ?N Amsiirttni . Ii..t. r.laii, .Vua 11 "'''l I.ti.?iiflli..I/.? ,!??., A'.f fil .Atl-Trini Blblru?. . .afi-t-U?, Auf 17. ... Mlllr.17 C ?/ 8?. laoul? . Aus II.Bafiinuli | WKllNt.SI.AY, Al?711 HT 18. -*.l?ji?lf-IIl! .Jimil'-i. Auf 1?.l'n P Co ] I.. mirara. Au? It.Qwlwo l/,r,| Km? . . . liairt. Auf 11 . - Sinti ??.lilt. IltllK,! Auf II. - Krai,, a ,.Hull. Au? f.Wllaun Rai.s'c.Biinleiu?. Auf 10 ........ ? 'liriuga DiilL OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO PAY Mtlli Vassal vssssl ror lain?. ,-,"-r i?"t. l'tfrruiiil, lijmr,?. -. ? 00 im 12 0? Bl Tl KSI.AV. Aldi XT tA. Vanas. Nsslss. I??:i?n ,. *> .in ira ko? m ?lar.ial. Orentli. Trli.l lad 10 0? ara 12 M m ?'ruiul'tl. L'rlltobfl, l'aiiama... 11 7" un II OU pis Vl'Atiik, JirlutMVtlti, O?l? ...- l:Mpra! (.' si ???il'iin?, is. Sa.anmu. tin? ... -- ?.0U p?B Wl.lINfc-IllAY, AIGI.ST 23 11-lli.l-lpr.l?, l'uri.iii. lui D... ?"30 11-1 lin*m CUTlIlo. i-,il?n. C K Ce ... 9 M ira U ?0 m JastlB, l'?r?. BooU 1 "'I pra 3 M lia I' . - S'flurlarl-n. H?>?1. RPWl 1 30 pra 3 M Bra Minna,,?,,!, llalSMai. HunnHi... ?? 12 00m Arijitiue, (?alipstun. Millnry... - 1.00 pra TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. n?n?*"T. Prtttr.itlnn mit ttrimtr. S 30 p. ni. I!??.n Japan Corta. 'Mm I'hlllpplnei lili Hm ?Trsaeissal, Vu.tun.Aus 21 Hawaii (?ta Kau Kraii'lmi", .Vlinoi .Auf 2d lliaill. l'UI Ulaadl, Nest Zaiia?..?. Auttralli ill Vl'l.rlt. Vlakuii Auf 17 Hawaii Jaiai,. C.rra. China I'lilllpploc? (?la Sin l'ran.ltcui, Rhlr.yu lliru. Auf 30 AHlsIVKfV Ort?.nu l'en," Auf 11. MiitfiKi tr.,1 Aimllll? 19 tnd San Juan 17 t,, tlu; liuil Insular Line. "Ith ? In He IJ :?> p ra r-fttri, r ? ?? ?ug 7. Mayaflaaa ?, Altere ?? i lluoiict'. 9 lajtr.l, II, Sa?, Juan II and l'alniti Ada? le. m tin Bull 1-,-uiar Una. ?tlh m.lsat iiar 1 p m Stirki.l ? Sor' ll-r !-?, ? 'ul? 71 and riril Aui as Csitbbsaa a s?,u?ii?rn si Oa H?r. I , u n, llirpan.S*aii IB?), MiiKilia? ?Vif S ill,I Alfi-r? ? n un tient ''"?? 6s. Hir. '-' P m l'i l . .-?I ,'. L.t.rp ,?l Au? Il tu the Am-ri ,tn Una Kith ? ? ,- i ': :-?? I'ar I M p m. ? KrasnlaM, san Frsarlsss Auf 3 I?? Anftle? 4 . : -l- l'anaiu? Pacific Iain?, with ? n. ?M llar. .? 10 p m l'al'.riii,, Util), ?i,i?ii A'if I, ?c Hir??!d, S?- ; : m Mohawk, ta i..,i,?i!l? Auf 1? BlHl ('?nr>?r?-.n 20. I ? ?le s. Ce with n.lM yuar, a l? i m i Hamll'on. Newport Newa and Norfolk, to th? Ol I I>?iii|iil.?i rs? (?. ?oh n lee. yuar. 2 II p m. I'awii-?. I'hlla lelplna. lu tho 1.1yd? Ka t'o. ?HI nail?? ipjar \: |] p m Ml'liim.,! I'ilili-iihla, with paper, to tie ?.real g autant Paper ?e; e?.i?el U. A H M A ?'" '/iiAr. J I'.' p a. Hotter lam l'ir I,,, Aeonrn"U'h Au? 10. to I) 1 War |. n liar M ;n p m 3Wt. AIU?rn? Ihn. ?'tenf.i. ?*>? Auf It, la th? Mun ?m S. Une. win, ?j,., Har. mf.lnlfh'. ?I I I 11m (Mail ?? ? ' -, n. Au, [j, to Ilanne't Hroaief A Vn llar I )n a r.i T.ioinl?P ? let lOraagl, l*lr?ua A'lf 1 an.I I'atrtu, 4, l?. the ?irrek .WloqaJ ?Hcara KattgS?Hi <". *'?'' malla an* nul*? llar. .1 M a m. ralkansar (Narr, Harr? Auf I, to tho Tarlbhean A H'.uiliani t*? I o, In. |jar 3 a la. Matura ?Br>. I'aranmrll,.. Ang *. Trinidad 14 and firenada IS, to the TrttiMml Shipping A Trad Ins Co, wltl? malla aiul nulae liar 4 40 a iu l.iil, Ht? of (?ilumlau*, Uarannali. yuar, 11 -? p m Slat. IU?. Ifmmtl, Hull An? 5. to llenham Biinwen Bar at *> a m nrstfeasny ?Bri. narre An? r, to th? vom paanile General? Tranaatlantliue, with ends? liai at .? a m. liai ?Jrlu'n illrl. Aus 21. to Norton. Lilly A Vn Ixtt (Juaran-liie at 10 4* a m. rVtMaaventura, ?mmaaa A-ig 10. to John W ny%n. n?r ar | M a i . ?tu* iHri. I'alharlen Aug I?, to tho Ifunann Jt, wit:, nifar Par at 11 a m. Manr.a liai?, |lalll'n.>ri'. to the New York Wat Balil'iinre Co, wltn tudas Quaran II'..- it I 10 a m liateru'-ral?. Norfolk fur l'ro.lr1?nrr Quarantiti? at I .<! a ill iarkinriil?e A'l? 1?. lo the Ciy.!? Hi 0a wiih i.i ... at 4 l'l a m II.Han,, Tupan? Aug ?4, la l> T Wanten, with Har ai S g S Lucilina iHri, <n?e Aug 4 and (ilbmltar *. to II T War leu lur al I 0 I m ?irai la (, Hwaiiaca Aug I. to Fumeari. Will,) A Co Har a? , 30 y _, Iiu.a 1'rgll A'.rii/ail (liai), (lanoa Aug 10 ar.l Napas 11, to liarflel-l. S'.larl A Co, wltu ai.d MM Har at !. >n ? n Ml .tar n. ta? n o. to David T Warden, wl'ii wmSa oil. quarantine at 7 41 p m. ??All *.I> Mieamim Pain-al IBr), I?ra.lon : New fork (liut.'hi. I/0-..I - ?... i, ? barg.-) . Alan.,. . Maran nah: Jeff.rri.on. Norfolk sad Set/port New?. STEAMER- AT FOREIGN PORTS. aiihi\i:i) I.lrerpooi. Arig :i I Peal, Ham Tort Au? 12 UlBdfonl Brl. N e Tork. a SIR GILBERT PARKER VICTIM OF CENSOR Either Golf Match or a Play Blue Pencilled in Letter to Montclair Postmaster. The British censor has Riven Post? master Townsend, of Montclair, former Representative in Congress from tho li'th New Jersey District, cause for con? jecture. Mr. Townsend has received a letter from his friend, Sir Gilbert Par? ker, which the [.ritish cen.sor scanned before it started acrogs tho Atlantic. The obliterated line that is of most in? terest to Mr. Townsend is that which follows Sir Gilbert's statement, "When I pay my next visit to the American continent." Then comes the smudxed line. "Now. what is bothering: me," said Mr. Townsenil festal'day, "in this: Did the censor's atnudsfe blur out Sir Gil? bert's challenge to a Rolf contest with me or a renewal of his proposal that we should writo a play together?" INSTRUCTION Ham v unis m..?.i .m.??! The Barnard School of HOUSEHOLD ARTS Z.. rnnHIUP- I eraet'arr n,d Adran,ed. < hiflnf uUUnillu.;.. i ind Hen ?-.?. Ira.ll. ai CavrMf lu l?reasiiiik'i I Ilecnntlie Art. , i s raunt?, Freueli. English. ?1,1 ??- i-.rt t i?" raufSM ' BARNARD SCHOOL L?? BOYS flElDSlffl, WEST 244IM SI. SSSn * ,,,'. atSS' BlUi tr.?m VSS Cnrtlindt Tark Slil'Wit Sudan Kii.'lcrgar-.-?. t? Col 111?, aom nay nmaln ill riiv. i ludtni Baturdi? Stud* *flthYFAR Hour Tfiinl? Ceurta. Athletic Field ""ul" "?*?*" BARNARD SCHOOLm. GIRLS 421,423 W. 148th Sf. T'!'M*-Ug 20th Year h ? krtirti s ?o CoUasa 0?rtlicit? prltllil?. Th? . . offrit?! ?Ill th? home In ?eekUif to k??P . a! nletnni? ?irl Citalof BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 71.1. c? <?*? It VVa?h. A?. Tel. 6811 AurJ. Primar? I III" 7*1. ,,,. i i,,, ,,,- i, ,.., i.i.-U u.d H,y?. BERKELEY SCHOOL "?.'nd street and Heat Fnd Aee. Prerar.-s Boys for al! ?'olleges and T> ? liiiical *i, ho'l?. rrlmary and Junior Departments. I'th bej bat ?th. im. BW il/, s? HOOI.Of LaUfODAOES, at H M VAc-i .un Street. ll.iiie.n Fifth Atenu?' ?ml Hmartissy. DAM IN?.. ?LOUIS H. CHALIF? OBUPl'ATC, KV>siv\ iMinitlAL H W.I.IT M HOOL Personally teaches teachers, in dsily normal classes for interpre? tive, simplified classic, rscial and bsllroom DANCING 7?,*Vh,vt RESORTS. l.!OM SB**** KN?.1 AMI OR Til sllOKK, '.O TO Ga.en iiall in the Mountains WfRNfRSVItLf, P.??. Aulumn Season B?*-*-?ns Sept. 10th M ...ern IItaris ?'!-?? Hotel llieri Ho*?? Un T?.nw Air Wondarfu . ri Superior Tahlc Cool Automoblllng;. Ill VV , |lu an ? Baddl? lloraea l.'nuiusl Musi? I ! Skilled Altcndanti Die) kn hen Open All Ye || \. .1 lt.,.,k>>. ?Ill ?? ii . It ?t \ .1 i 3 ', houi l Y .rk ; on Itej.InK It I? . 1 '-, I,our.? from N Y '?"I-. <i r ftl Vi-?r.ue ?I >V* Vl:l> V WINO, M??r. t. VI KN MOI NI VIN ( II. i- I Tourna (J?n?ral Manager Why Not Try Thit One-Day Holiday at Briarcliff Codge? GOLF SWIMMING POOL DINNER? <">P?n-Air Daaelag on Psrgola '? ? la, a r,?l S? ? ut.'. a > Evening! (}l?.K??a ? ? It ?lt., \i i ? nti Kern V,.?k these*. I??.' sttss?. GALEN HALL II" I II VNI? h\n VTIIIlll ??. ATI.AN I H ? irv, V I Alw.i? spaa AI?r?)B r?a.1y Alnaya huay. be axcaiiad for eomfcrt or tal,I? and ? rice .-ii plaos for a Ion?; Or ?hnr; nay Tonic ar.d curatlv? bath? with trained r.paratora f l. TOVSO. G-n?ral Manaf.r Tilt UADIIG RtSURT *'0ifl Of IM WuftU OilarllTorougb-Elenbciin A.TI.ANTIC CITV. fM. J. JOaiAH tVHITC 4 s?*Ns"cOTMPSAMr VI8IT l'A' I. SMITHS l.V THF. ADIS?Vr-ACKS I ii. ht ? - - ?s. ? ? ..i - v?. ?. k?aumi ?itti Huam H??t ?? I lU'h I Al 1. SMITH* H <??*-: I, ?,, fi?il -raltl. H Y. The Aulumn K-tort??\BWU ?\\ ?In I r*'??r ?sar?n.. I ?kr?Adirondack*. EMflRf AUTOMOhlLC TOURS. N. V ITATl Baauiiat A alt-? Ir??. t. N. 8?IN. Nav-tju-fO. N.T. BlTSINEM M BOOLfl. REGENTS f, tteom years' tatptritma* r. ttamemtt ico?-'; Higher Accounting and Auditing Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Spanish AMI Secretarial Courses Merchants and Bankers' Business School MADISON AV? & 58th STREET 8. C. ESTEY. Director. Pl_a 2993. Bookkecpine, Sborthand, Secre lerlal. Typewriting, Spanish, Civil Service & St?notype Departmnla. Day and ".v?ame ?casions. Call or write for Cataiotruc ~ltt4St? Um Ave law m until.?i. LAW SCHOOL uMivERsiT*/ lin N IMAU vrii*r.KT Near redera! anil rounty Coarta I r. Bridge Bubwa H . le?n Tunnel. Afternoon Classes 4:15 to 6:15 Evening Classes 7:45 to 9:45 Term l?euin? ?ejit. M I *i**i: SYCTTCT-. Tuition Kee, ? me H IT? n le.iiar?. ? n ifu? seal on ippll itioa to Reglan kr NEWYOBK liny ?"liiiol i;i 1 iiltmi >i . I....V M 1IOOI. K.i-n's Mlii.ol X. \. City. Seat gourtg a- ' la? ? 14. H, Of P M Of EWulag llasaes Dwlgtll M< ' TI roe >eara' couraa Hand for cata (,l.?ll<?,i: ( II A-K, Ii. , _3CR0QL AGENCIES. Arm-rlran anil Foreign Teaeherw* Asency ? Buppllee Tua-liera. Tutr.ra, i.oaaea, ate., to Colleges, Bcboola and Famille?. Apply to Mir. M J. VuU.NG V\ I.Tl.N' 53 Union S.iuar? RESORT?. HOTELASPINWALL Lenox, Mass. Thrre golf courae?. ?a.lille horse?, t?n n'.a dai "??? ?t<! Accomnv dat?e i write for circular. W. Wf. HI.?U*.V Alt? GRANLIDEN HOTEL. Lake ?.una??.. N.M. Fill*. BALE. Bt-?a*, Army-Navy Auction Bertjain? I**** ? ..... . ?fj !-??? I'" ??? B - i ?a?. . ,r ? k> - ? I . ? ' I' .-. my- P - , ?, I . i I... .- |- ? ., ?????-?.. . t - . . fyfJSt Army Trot? to Hire. Frae tlit-olar H, FrancisBannerman,501B'way,N.Y. SHERIFFS M ' TION BALES. DANIE?. UBXIiXW ,: ' * ?? : a m. at Ue I.aati ?tudlos, N I . f 1 I "fa .e'laln writ of - <|i Drop, 'I) Frame Door, (I) Ground Cloth, 11) Le** Diop. (2) Prof le Set Pede-tal. '.. Platforms and Parallels, (I) Cut Drop. I Back Drop. etc. MAS I ?? *_., BUerW |>AAl II A II ?VVAI.I), -, ? ? ' a 1 ' t" M I; :> r,.- .1 ' exe. la Uoa. all the right, tul? ai ! tatanal lu One Crocker Wheeer ?ienerator, 250 Voll, and .***** Itchboard. MAX ? UKIMCXHA? I-Aa\? Il a n r. I BUSINESS CARDS. "AIOHI. (AlU-KT ?ii- .-.??na ft? eonir'??a**l ?If. airain ornad or aa Boor |',\? . . f,:i Kaai ?Hin ,i i oir? A l.liAM>r ? mi i.TtiiKAi-ii Tvi-i-v. i:;rrt \ Li rT*:n : ?. it ii; i t neo it ?AKATHKUKuH!. ;... Mroai?a, . I. , ..tal..? II. tg I .' m A .''.h. t AHI'I'T ?IKANtvr, W?U? ' . :-.' Larsnt. V , fink Hi',* wove, rnoi* old ? Aftrr***. h .? Reaerx-.i Ae Bend fot < irnjiar Tel. tiei-tatt Mrvani. 4**-?.r? *?! ?Ma .?H. "9*? AI'CTIO.N SALES. 'a i< B.lta n A -?en _ x?V. -el?, a' 1?. Kaat, Ulsl at, Manftat tao. ai 1" a ?n . ut rig-? MATTHEW F. MlLVUlU-la. __?r.a_ 'Cl ?x. A A mmWamt Up the Hudson By Daylight All Sertlfo Dally Firept Mandar. Direct Rail ("nnneetlona ?o all points tn th? Ca'ikllla. Saratoga, in? Adlrondarka. th? and North. Muaic K??taurant All through rail tick??? b?tw?en New Tork and Albany accepted. llr.l,r,i..r. St.. " 40 A M : VT. 42d St,. I I A. II, VV 12Vth St. ?ilO A. M ; T'inlcri. | ?:45 A. It; landing st West Tolnt. N?w . burgh. Poutfhkiep?!?. Kingston Point. Cata . kill, Hudaon and Albany. Also Oethrotiee M . ?40; W 4M St.. , 19. VV ?-?Hi bt . II 11, Yonkirs. 19:60 A. M lor Muintaln. Weit I' Int. Corn , wall. Newburgh and Poughkeepst?. On? Day ?luting? in Poiifhkrrpale. Near burgb. VIeat l'oint, or Mear Mmiulitln. Afternoon Boat I for Bear Mountain. Weat Point. Newhursh. ' Poutrhkrepsl?, Kingston ?nd way landing?. I Icavos I?. alirows St.. 1:45 P. M; VV 41d ! St.. 2 P M; VV li'th St.. 1.20 P. M.| i Yonkcra. |:|| P. M. Dally ?x*?pt Sunday I I-al outings to Ii?ar Mountain and West Point, returning by Sir "HOBKKT Kl L TON." D Hudson s-sss River ay Line ' psatrSBBSB t P'?r. T?l. 4141 Bprlng. N T. FALLRIVERLINE TO BOSTON $4.09 Lv. PIKR 14. N. R.. ft rulton St. Dally I st 6:30 P, M Mualc. Providence Line! .St?? I.v. Pier II, .?! B. ! ft. Fulton Street, week dsys only, C 00 P. M. Nrsv London (Norwich) Line: I.v. Pier 40 N R . ft. Houston St., week days only. ? 30 P. M i Pier 70. ? H. It B. HA St.. I I'M P M New lledford Line: Ptrs. I.v Pier 40. N R . ft. H"uston Street, weak day? only at 4 0?) P M _ Deep Sea Fishing Slr/TALRIS' .? | A. vi. .-.mi piar i. M It, ONLY. CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH "GRAND REPUBLIC" Sirs. Lve. W. Ifttft St. & her I, N. R. Wire?.t?r. J1 ?., Pr-ariSrnci direct. 111!. itni.-i,,.nn.. ?1, ?ISO ii 12. Daily. including blinda)'. 5;3U p. m. Troni Pier 1?. K It. Thon? ?700 ReektDi.T. ?it? Tick?! one?. 110 llrutdai)'. M Y I ;-,,?!, TI, ket OlTlce II.? u t, I 23d 8k Writ? 'nr llluslrst. .1 F, l.ier_ KEANSBuh^ L? Batterjr Dally ? 3d. t 30. 10.3? am. 1. ?. 4.30 i 5 45. MS, K >'.' um. Sun 1,11 ?. 11.45 a.m.. Vi. ? i USD s m i Trol'.ev? to til Jersey yu CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH sri'.s i!?Shl'AI.K (I CIMBKIA lo :> Weat tl st. lo II; Sauen?. in 45: ( I ... - ? a j : . -- ULO( K ISLAM?. llkll-.M. (iKKt.M'dlU. nllKl.l'KK ISLAND AM) SAO II 11.11.?I. 8tr "Shlnnt'cock'' of MoniauK Steamboat Co a Line leave? N. T. Pier ft. JUh St.. E. R.. Tuea. and Thura.. 6 JO P il-. Sat.. 1 00 P M ?EdRCHliGIIT MUTE \0&?&? Ma? ?.til'l??\f ll\NV?TKO? ?anil the MIKTII ?. .relay ?apltal ( H> . . K . foot <*an?l I M P. M.. W II.M gt . g:?>0 P. H. l..avo Tr.iy ?;IH P. H... Ail.any ?1)0 P. 11. TOT? 11 "'?? Ham X?gi.t Kipreee Pi*r II v I?. BrtH? P M . Weat 11:4 Ht. 10:00 P.M. I.ea.e I <??' P M., Alhany da! I OximOmr. llrM |. M , , ' und trio. People'. I Ine l'Ull N* H. 0.0? P.Ig*.. IrJ St., r.:30 1*. M. Loav? a .?ny, llfM P. M. l-"aru Itee on? way. Il de reuaa trip. ffenrlsr m"rnlng boat for Nowt'.irsh. vine. Kinna IM Pel at ami Al l'i?r St, N B S-20? A. M.. W. 13.'.I ?? llll'HI \ M. ,.<>?. Al? bany. 10:?Mi A. Ha Tr 1 ?aprinir 'MOO ?lay large?! Kltrar Me mi?iii|.? in til. .. ,r:,i riu?^er,. ,c.f?ip/.r,x UP THE BEAUTIFUL HUDSOlf Str. "HIGHLANDER" ,-.?? \\ rek'lii> ? _ ?MiiiiU??. Lea Batter*? ?is Str.MARY POWELL Str/ NEWBURGH ITiSB-ai a italj -ui.r.? A ii?i..i ??. L?a vv n i st in ?n *>*? I ? -? I? t'i A M Round Trip. Dl Bui lay? A H ree. ??*?? >le\l 1.1?. Till ?I II T ? O. Tel Broa?! Hi A .Lu. I'r.well st-i.'t ( o Bprlng 4141 Atlantic Highlands -caS-FARElOCts AUTOMOBILES CABHIED: Casaalty M Car*. Thia ?out.- for All J Kes"rta Ln. Dir. ft Wkltahall ILm llial.iaj.da. Ht N-xt houtli Kitn. H ?*> A M IF M IS A M , . P m IWL Broad I" ? Train? 4 Trolliy? T? All Coast Bner-tt. ?matt a II?Mad ?.. t. .so. CUNARD MtoMiefM- _n EUROPE vu UVERPOOL Tiisc-tnia.Frl., Auk. 27. 5 P. ML SA XON IA ?CAMKRONIA. ' IRDI'S \ ? TI'-.-WIa_ S A XON IA ?CAM ERO .M A . .Kria. .Sal . . ,Frl . ? I'm' S.pL 11 S pt* n 5 P P Bi lit** 11. 11 A. Ma pt. 14, I I' M. et, J. 10 A. M. a. t r. Jt. 'En Ro'ite ??? .. laegew. mu m? mi; ?iiKi n rut Kit. ? ' a *:'.*, COMPANY 8 OFFICE. . 21-24 STATE ?T.. H. Y. FRENCH LINE ( m..,d?i,ir i;.-.i.rnle Trametlantiijue POSTA?. -IKRVICE Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE,.Sept. 4, 3 P. M. CHICAGO,.Sept 11, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBF.AU, - ? Sept. 18, 3 P. M. LA TOURAINE, ? ? Sept. 25, 3 P. M. run UtVOMIATIOM A.'i-i y COMPANY^OFFICE, ._????? .,.!,: REO "D" UNE RA?? r? h ? V???? e v . ..-..e/ueia PHTT.ADKI 1 ? 111A *- ? ! ? M- *?' ta ???*"<. I - \ -s v.l... - . liZLXU > .-.,.. V II ? I . ? a I ULI .?S l'AJXKir A ?*?>. General Maxia?ars. Il Wall Street QDA7II ?,'1 ,!:** '? ' O I**? f\ Mm \ ?m s >'? llar Une?. LLOYD BRA'ILEIBO. 17 State St.. t.. Y. City. EX( TRSIONS. Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Steamer "Albany" ?? Str. "Robert Fulton" Ua?e Ii.,:.,.,,- st Daflf es..r? fun*??. I 45 P M Was* x:-' ?' I P si w.t lasts st I :o I' M I 4V P. M II round trip 1'?, hour? at 11. ar Vli.ui.tal'i cr ioii?le time tl IV?t i . Urlm ?r. . I - . I- ?? ?.. ' -T? It.- ? .r...l tEST TRIP FOB 8'TuHOAV AFT! HeiOON A DAY'S PLEASURE womm. HARD CCAI.-NO bMOXE- COMFO?T Atlantic City $2.50 NtXT WEDNESDAY L?. W. 2Jd St., 7.?0: Liberty St.. 8.0O ?v. Jicaiun Ate., Jtney City. 8.17 i -a, Lv. Bioid St.. Newark. 7 5s a m. via New Jersey Central WORK WANTED. Hala. ? *n v ? i ?-1' '? it ; ?Ttte. niti a: ?utitry; J y??" : ? I >etr.- ttlghas? raft? ? . !rl??r ilo ill r-palr?, r?it, ?ny cir, , I'liiiif, ciiy "r countn In >. ..,!? a? ,. 11 .-au ne . Dr Pernal?. (???sMANIilN (.(l\ KIIM-Sa, ||:g|,:? ? ...,,r DOMESTH Sill U'lONS WANTED. Mala R ?IHK ???.!,. Ukea eP'lr? .hiri?. a . 1 . li i ? tu. 30 East ? a IBR DAIHYMAN' HITTER \?sr' . . a r ? -? I ? . ? \ t .. ... -lib i?. im._ Femala A A VTaVrntESa or ? llAMHfRMAir? ? Pert clPlhil, eitl.ent ct'i r-f.' Ai i . ? . . .- i Seme. T-i. -??7 Viumy III_ (?JlAVtl'.ERMAIli !?}'. wt-THIss ?Rerman expert" ... rlt? fWinrr. *??- i ? ? ? . |? I i l A I : r r i A??-. ?. IV t IKD COITIJ ? ? ,- ! , ? ..' i - - ,, Kill - a miry. I it rial A ?. I ?? ' a- 1- ' r?n ai Liiif A I > . . .. ? ??, il> -? ? ? . -rai ? a', r ? ? .; ien.lld referen ?. |4>, (all i A- ? i.i ttryiDI ? (ni I'l K- Butler; Bra? . I ? ?atari. I a >. - ? i. Rryi ? ??! I'l.K B i'ier '.-? ? . ? -?- i tat rtfi-r - Itl ?? ( ?,l PLI - . ' , . . . i o? I'l.K -Xorwrglai . - ? ? : i ?( HOI KKtVORKEB Hwl - ? ? ? ? ', t! triment; hlflili ' W *?''? '?'->? ? V. ,. 131 , R ? ' IlkK.i Ni - trifte i,-ai ?..un? Irti'i ?m..! l'i Ha .. II,' -a..s.i.Mi? r ,., i?j, ?,i ?n. ?,. ?rsa. i ?ui lil clly jf <-a?untri ?tcel)*,,t reference? la.uu'? a. ? ?... Ail? II,, .??* I. U?s - ?AII1 . ... .-?--., . ' . . at La..f at li^.^ ? a A?. t VVaat 13d IC e EXCURSIONS. Cheapest through car rates to TORONTO! Canadia.nNationalExhib.tion Au? 28 ta Stpt I i Tickets good goint, only Sept. 2 and 9 All rail $13.55 IfTd By boat aero? ti O 50 found Lake Ontario 1m? ""?? Lehi^Aalley KaHroud ' Blata) Diamond Extras Roule Ticket Offices: I 1460 Broadway-< 1236 I 94 Brooklyn -30 Fiatbush Ave. Vvvark - 211 Market Street New Havrn?129 Church St. DAILY TRAIN? 5 TO BUFFALO Niagara FALLS OVER LABOR DAY $11 ROUND I 1 TRIP Lehi^h Valley Kai I road i?... -a ./.......i. I l|..e?. haul ? -"n.v r,r. ?*>? n- ?.., . he ?*?<? IL UOMESTK SITUATIONS WANTKO? Ke-naje ?. ! Call ti I a a * I' . 4 i r?f?-rec,. ?s? , t: I - ? - A tsWfctm Co. A-?.-..,. 4. VV.I ^a ?i. ?