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Buy as few shares as you wish?pay as you are able THOVSANPS of people of ?small means ?re In? creasing their Incomes by t.nyln-' stocks and bonds on the l*artikl Payment Man. You can buy as ? as one share or one $100 bond, and pay for It m eajiy monthly payments. Reliable information about any SOeWtty provided by -nitintical DepartoMat. PRES: Write, 'phone or ; or our books, X-l. : laot,*' X-:. *The Partial Payment Plan." de rig this method of s.?\;r.g and investment. SHELDON. MORGAN AND COMPANY- I I 42 Broadway, New York. Member? V Y. Slock l.irhiinge. Now?and a Year from Now. If you believe that good stocks will experience a further temporary de? cline, but that American prosperity is sure to put them on a higher plane before a year from now ?consider the advan? tages of entering your orders to buy now on the Partial Payment Plan. tse?ad for Beafdel K "Partial PspaMOl Pl*_" JohnMuir&(a SptcuLisTs In ? Odd Lots Member? New York Mock Kxrhanfre. MAIN OFFICE, SI BROADWAY, N. Y. IM s' A Broad*?*?. 1.';.', St. * Lenoi A?. 101 Vet ltd RM? uti St . R'klya. ???-. Newark. N. J. Exempt from Federal Income Tax $500,000 City of Newark, N. J. 41? ; DOCK BONDS Denomination $1.000 Due Jane I, I960 Tax Exempt in New Jersey Legal iBYSOf pal for Savlr??,? Banks. Truit Fum?n, etc, In New York. New Jereer, Prnn-A-lvanla, Con :-. I;horl? Inland. New Hamp? shire. Vermont s ' Masaachuiftta. Price 103.915 and interest YIELDING 4.30 Circular on Application Hornblower&Weeks 42 BROADWAY um *iokk rillCAGO . [DENCE DETROIT MARKET UPSWINGS In tvar laeoee ar? Impending. This ha? ; .i refereiice to Driggs Seabury Submarine Boat American -Marconi Pressed Steel Car National Steel Car ?n*i others, circular No 133 fri?s for C. W.HARRIS & CO. Meeaketa >.f If. *.. Cert Market *_?_, 50 IMU ST., H.Y.,:;:;?;?;,-,.. C_j__fl________? Henry Clews&Go. 11. 13. it, 17 ami II BROAD ?-"T. MXMB-BI N. Y. STIKK K\<HANGK Stock? and Bondi ho iKht and sold on romtnissm:.. Also nrr;."l on consrrva tlve terme Deposit Account? received .? !,;r-( i to ' I ? Ck at siKht. Intereai paid r'H dally balan**>ea, 1\\ I -I Ml VI -I (CI Kl I I fr - TRAM I I H*< I I I I Ills Of ( RK?iIT llK.Vtl- ON IIIMION AMI PARIS BRANCH OFFICES fiird a?? '". U .. rr.n St. ' mrl st . Hklyn. Studebaker War Stocks Special Our (Free) 16-Page "Financial Digest" cover*? Studehakf-r a:u1 War Stocks, includinc. Powder and Ordnance. L. H. Cooke & Co. Tlione Rrrti.r UM-I. 71 llroailwa.T, ?. _, Babcock&Wilcox FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. l-iionr Broad .'.im M i;r..-?<i st., n?-- York Pritate trlri' 'I ? ? AN ADVANTAGE ,,! r ?? P?r I?! Pi -nil ?rriiiiil .h?, lend . - l> tiiat It ei .-a?. ? Wine tr.r n????! M ' < Harris, Wintmrop & C9 Meint.ers No? York Stork Etrhant**.. IIII- llllllhl It*,. 15 ? Ml ?I C lilt \?.?>. NI ? MIRK. If ?mi mre Interested In CURB STOCKS Write for our Weekly Marki-t Letter or U1S limad. EDWARD E. EPPS <fc CO. 1903 in i;i. i 11 un n im s ?5 Broad street >PW York \merl. ?ii I ??III *> Traction \iiirrumi ? | Herirla failli? Lu? A< Me Rejr.l?i, K.iilom _ licht I'M. I fitted I.??ht A K.iilwu?? Wentern I'ower HoP.McCONNELL&CO.] ii fine M.. 1*1. tiiOt J-rlila. .\f ?a Xote, I MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT German Plea for Delay Followed by a Broad Upturn in Stocks. CLOSING PRICES ABOUT THE BEST U. S. Steel Still the Leader Railroad Issues Sluggish? Pools Busy Early. The market closed with hope that the international crisis might pass re? flected in a broad advance among the industrials that left them with trains of from 3 to 6 points and more among active issues. Trust that explanation of '..ermnny's unexpected move toward conciliation would further lessen the tension made final prices about the best of the ?lay, in spite of consider? able profit taking on the rise. The instructions from Berlin that our gov? ernment be requested to withhold ac? tion until all the facts of the sinking ' of the Arabic had been brought out 1 seemeil in itself sufficient evidence to warrant belief in possibility of some j change in the submarine blockade J which has brought this country so close to the breaking point with Ger? many. Traders went home in expectation of an excited opening to-day. if. in? deed, a way out had been found of what a member of the President's offi? cial family had characterized as a great international crisis that might require pledging of our lives ?vnd sa? cred honor. Monday's extreme de? cline, it had been generally accepted, had measured the extent of the mar* | ket's reaction to new.? of the attack [ on the White Star liner bearing our j citizens, ?t was recognized, however, that Washington's action in the mat? ter had not been discounted, and the i market in the forenoon, while no longer I reactionary, was far from confident. Early trading was on a much ?ess active scale than of late, with pool ! operations in the war stocks reinonsi i ble for a number of gains. Orders for I war supplies, persuasively put forward without official confirmation, served to advance favored stocks up 2, 3 and 5 points, with Lackawanna Steel up 7 and Air Brake 11 points. United States Steel, which continued impres ?.is-el\* to furnish the greatest amount of business, was dealt in as high as 72*2, an advance of a little over 1VJ points before midday. The noon hour was quiet, at prices fairly steady. Little liquidation had come to weaken the market, and short telling nnd profit taking had been well absorbed. Toward the start of the last hour reports that the German Em? bassy had pronounced a break in inter? national relations impossible, started a vigorous upiurn. which was continued to the close. Profit taking at times checked the advance, but only tempo? rarily. At the end of the day United States Steel stood at 74. up over 3 points after dealings that accounted for more than a quarter of the day's turnover of some ?-.00,000 shares. Net gains of around 4 points were made by Ameri- ? can and Baldwin Locomotive. Beet : Sugar was up over 3, Westinghouse made a maximum gain of over 2, Lack wanna. Crucible Steel and Studebaker of 5 or more, while Air Brake was 13 points higher. Railroads had a small ?hare in the movement. Rock Island alone in the list of carriers to receive much attention, made up part of an irirlv reaction, to close a fraction lower en the day. The foreign exchange market was quiet, sterling registering a small de? cline. Exchange on Berlin weakened to a new low, those having balances in Germany apparently not being encour? aged by the news of strength in the stock market. Francs improved as es- ' tablishment of the $20,000,000 commer? cial credit here for France became known in exchange circle?-. AYFRAC.F OF THF. TRIHIVK'S I.I.ST ?)F FIFTFKN KAIL??. AnguM 21. -e>terday's elote. .106.050 Aucu-t 23 . ItSJSOt One ?reek i?o.108.2(17 One muni h ano.10U1I ?luis 30. 1911.101.426 High for July.1OS.SS0 loss for July.liliniS Hitch for .lunf.Iux.217 I.oss' for June.:?.:..>; 11 iKh for May.111.533 I?,??- for May.101.520 High for April.113.508 low for April.107.267 Hi?h for March.108.108 low for March.102."58 High for February.lots.758 lasts f?ir February.101.192 IIit-1? for January.108.923 Low for .luun.?r.s.lh : -,i;: High, full .sear, 1914.126.191 Low. full .sear, 1014.102.009 AVI l:V(.i: OF THK TRinFNF.'S OF TU MA I. IMilMKI.VIS Align?! 24, yesterday's ??loite.87.125 ?VuKii-t M .85.'-.".0 One week u?o.88.844 One month as?. 83.854 July 30. 1914.67.427 High for July.86.000 Low for July.80.218 High for June.M.CU lots for June.78.313 High for May.85.050 Low for May.74.47? High for April.85.135 "L*rW for April.75.344 High for March.75.156 loss for March.70.094 High for February.73.329 Low for February.69.512 High f?t January.77..111(1 Ion fur .Liuuiry.70.77S High, full year, 1914.8I.8C4 I...?, full yrax, 1914.67.427 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. rii'iit'i. t: ni'-vi'tNT "UT"L?""sr atiturltii In i.:. Sais m i??'?, n r?r ?cut. up i to ninety ,!?>? I per ,,, i (AI.I. M?i\| V SMOed at . - : iglirst . a. . 1 ?, I? r ,-ent TIME MDMA' nui* littet. .'S per , f nt ' . Iff3 Der mil foi ntnet fol fou iin.iili.1. ' \ ?y-T ?f.'.t fot T.? and ? > th?. Mi;il( SNTII.F lAI'KIt ???a. qui?' R'illi,? ral?-?. ? for U-at mme?. tank i? -, . I ''LKABING IIOI.SK TltANSA. TI?.*.? i i ? .il balai *?. 11 uurj ?a> ?rr.lnor lo : if annum of }'..... 81 n TKKASi BT.?Nr.? Tort bank? ?tat ? ? itie wry 1777.000. ?mi stiiif.i tlue? i -, laj I 1 t l>I RAL IIK.-KIIVI. DUCOVNT HAT17S 1.1 SI I Will Hi: Iloiton. for ten ,1a up to | ultiet] lay?, ?i Philadelphia, (or lea days t?r - i?r? to tin?. I; f?T tiity to ninety, t*>. ! ' 4(?4*i per cent. Kli'litucinl. up t.. uli.rlj I ,lti?. IS per tent; Atlanta, IfflVi pet ?? it; . til .if". 4(?MH i--r i-i-i.t. st i>.. . x .: rei I; Mi'?; I. t,,r titty ,!?>.. 4 ; - ninety .las- Ka? -a? ? ??> x , x . Dalltl. ?."tS Per ,*e'.t. Mn Fra?. - ? . ifr II,In? ,lts? S'. . f? r tblrtj . .??. '. . fnr tilt? I" Btnet] ?Ii?s, 4'-,. DOMttlTIC ivi'HAMit .- ri-ts, i ?r. Haa ?? prra-iiua; Hi Louli ... - ii.*. "um 1,1,1. ?k- i.ieiiiluiii ssasd BANK ?I.l:\KIM- ? ? ? 1 a | a < < n,lc??o !.. ? lances 14.144 -- 1*1 i - ! I ? ? - s 1 ? } I a ! BILVKB llaUUUn n?r ettset In Loi .ion wit 7T?il. ui,,-liii ?, I N>? Vort qiKXattSSI ?a. 47i-, off >,,. Men.-ai? Ml?fr ?: a ' rOaUUGM KM I?AM?) -KKili.? rilet' Hfikri.e," ?Tf'.l 10 a BSW I"? 1 ? ? French. ,. ( 11 m i. r ? 1 a I irr-lli ('!? l ? rat? I. , . ? ? ? . < i . ' ? !.. , . .. ' ? I'abk ' - ?. . .??. ? ?lily ? l-oini?n ibiiaktli'l-Suiy ilsjs. I.Dl'a,; uiatAi ?I??. Li*. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TUESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1915. Total aalen of stock* Tuesday. 793,300, against 897,200 Monday. 1,001.200 a meek ago; Stork Exchange rloar-d a year ago. From January 1 lo date, 91.4*1.1.900, against 46,188,100 a year ago. ETvTi rate! Sharps]- Quotation Range. TT??t sold. ?Open. I High.| Low. 'Final.! chge 1.400 16.800 1,400 100 9,000 40,400 100 15,400 2.400 2001 7001 1,600 MM 7.600? 800 4,600; 3,900 32 S 344 66 55 61 67% 105% M-M 154 50 7 36 Mi 23% 17% 354 60% 78 Alaska Gold Minea... ?Allia-Chalmers. Allis-Chalmers pr_ Am. Agr. Chemical... Am. Beet Super. Am. (an . Am. Can pr. ?Am. Cm _ Foundry. ?Am, Coal Products.. !Am. Cotton Oil. Am. Hide & Leather. Am. Hide & Leather pr Am. Ice Sccuritiea... Am. Linseed . ? ?Am. Linseed pr. - - Am. Locomotive .... 4 Am. Smelting . 7 Am. Smelting pr. 5 Am. Smelting pr B... Am. Steel Foundry... 7 Am. Bagar . 7 Am. Silbar pr. 8 Am. Tel. & Tel. Am. Woolen . 7 Am. Woolen pr. Am. Writing Paper pr, 8 Annconda .? 15.700? 68*,, 6 Atchison . Baldwin Locomotive....] 9.800! 74 5 Baltimore & Ohio. 2,400 80% Bethlehem Steel.I BOO 275 7 Bethlehem Steel pr_ 20 150 6 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 1,600 84% 6 'Brooklyn I'nion (las.. 30 Butte A- Superior Cop. 3 Butterick Co. ? California Petroleum.. 32%| 82% 12% 37% 34** 37 67% 6? 67% 66% 55 66% 63% i 6i n% 69'a1 56% 69% , 105% 106%i 105% - % 106% 67 63% 66% I T 3% 66?i 164% 160 160% - IV?! 150 60 60 50 +1 49% 7% 7 7% 35% 34%I 35% 23 ?a 28% 23% IM1? 17% 17% 25% 34 34 - 1% 63 % 49%! 53% I f 3% 78% 77%' 78% + % 200 105%! 105% 105% 105%| - 100' 80 80 I 80 80 I ? 1 2,600 50 62% 49 I 61 | 200 109% 109% 109% 109?"a 100|116 i 116 I 116 |116 +1 12'.. | 122 84% 34 90%! 90 2% |% 69% 68% 3001 122 600| 34 200| 90 100| 8% 10 Canadian Pacific. 3 Central Leather. ? Chesapeake _ Ohio_ ? Chi. Great Western..., ? Chi. Great Western pr. 4 IChi.. Mil. _ St Paul... Chi., R. I. & Pacific... 60 iChino Con. Copper.... >? Colo. Fuel & Iron 400 101'* 101% HU 77% 73% 81% 80% 279 I 275 150 |l?? 84% 84 122 34 90% 8% 69% 101% 77% 81 272 150 ? 84% 300 126% 126% 126% 126% 8,300, 60%: 62% 60%! 62% 10 27% 27V 27% 27% 2,700 16% 16% 16 I 16 8,600 148% 149% 14*-? 119 6,600 43% 48% 4.", I 43% 5001 43%. 44 ' 43% 44 300 11%! 12 11 TK 12 200 29% 29% 29% 29% 1.20?) 81% 82 81%! 81^ 27.900? 22% 23%I 21 22 1.700! 44% 45%' 44 46 7,800 29% 40 ! 28% 29% 6 (Consolidated Gas.I 1,5001125% 126% 12.r.% 125% 1,400: 84% 2.700! 16% 100| 82 29,200 ! 69 % 600 101%! 101 M 400 111 112M 100 140 140 6,40o: 26% ?100' 42 1,400 171 1,700 205 9,800 67 I 300 117% 117% i T.?.ii.l 40% | 11-'a 1,200, 61% 62% 19 38 I 33 20 I 72% 20% ? IContinental Can..., ? ?Corn Products. 6 Corn Products pr... ? 'Crucihle Steel. 7 Crucible Steel pr... ? Cuban-Am. Sugar... 9 ?Delaware & Hudson. ? Denver ?v. Rio Gr. pr... lOOi 9% 6 ?Detroit United R. K_ 100 61% Diatilling Securities... 8,100 26% ? ?Dome Mines. 2,600 21% 6 Du Port Powder pr_ 20 U'O Erie . ? Erie 1st pr. 8 Gonoral Electric .... ? ?General Motors . ? 'Goodrich, B. F. 7 ?Great Northern pr... *v> (it. North. Ore subs.. 16 Guggenheim Expl.... 7-% Homestake . 5 Illinois Central. ? Int. Agricul. 200? ? 'Int. Agricul. pr. 100] ? Inspiration Copper. 10,100' ? Inter.-Con. 400 6 ?Inter.-Con. pr. 1,300! ? ilnter.-Metropolitan .... 200 6 ?Inter. Han*, of N. J... ? linter. Harv. Corp., Inter. Paper . 6 Kiiyser, J. Kansas City Southern.. 6 Kresge Co., ? Lackawanna Steel. 7 I.Rclede Gas. 10 Lehigh Vallev. 7 Loose Wiles Bis. 1st pr. 7 Lorillard, P., pr. Maxwell Motor . 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr.. ? Maxwell Motor 2d pr.. Mexican Petroleum.... 60 Miami Con. Copper.... 7 M., St. P. 4S.S.M.... Missouri Pacific. 2 Montana Pcwer. 7 'National Biscuit . National Cloak ? Suit. National En. _ Stp_ 3 National Lead . 80 Nevada ("en. Copper.... 6 New York Air Brake... 6 New York Central.? 1,100 N. Y., N. H. & II. ? X. Y.. Ont. ?S- Western 6 Norfolk ft Wettern.., 6 North American. 7 Nirthern Pacific. 6 Pennsylvania R. R_ 8 People. Gas _ Coke.. 6 Philadelphia Co.I 9,500 5 P., C. C. it St. L. pr... 100 87 16% 82 73% 84% 86 16%' 16% 82 I 8 2 67% 73% 100% 101% 111 112%! + 2%ill0% 140 140 I + 1%; 139 9% 9%l + % 8 61%? 61%! 61%!? % ? 28 26% i 27% + 1%| 27% 22 ' 21 21% - % 100 ?100 | 100 9% 27% 42% 172 211 59% 26% 42 171 204 57 116% 40% 61 140 10 63 28 250 116% 116% 116V 200; 102 ! 102% 102 19 38 33% 20 73 20% lit 38 33 20 72% 20 42% 171 211 89% 117% 41% 62 116% 102% If? 38 33% 2(1 78 20 21%' 21% 106 26% 27 42%! *t% 171% 172 212 ?211 .'.0 59 % % 116% 117% 41% 82% + %? + 7 t 2% + 1* 2.300' lim7? 106% 100% 106% 100 67 i 100 10 ion 78 2,600 25% 1 no 160 ! 60 4001 102 ! I 67 10 76 27 180 66 10.1 67 10 76 26 M 160 60 102 10 76 2?*.r 160 68 10 i 41 %| 62 % 116% 117 + 1%I loi ion 18% 38 33% 20 72% 20 105 65 76% 26% + % + 1 + % + 3% ? 3 + % ? 1 + 1,200 141% 141% 140%' 141% 100 98 93 93 34 110 110 110 2,900 40% 43 40 2,9001 87 I 91% 86% ??'m 34 j 86% 84 9,700 80 I 82% 7:>% 500 25% 26% 25% 225 116 1118% U6 1,100 8% 3% .: I'M 4'.?% 49% 49% 100 118% 118% 118% 2,100 -1 88 -I 1.600 28 ! 27 25 400' 60% i',l"t 6u% 1(10 14% 14% ?1% 17,400 134 14r. 132% flO + 5 + " 145 63 103 19 39 88% 20% 7:: 20% 106 70 10 83 ? 185 ill 105 141% i 98 117% ! 43 91% j 37 I >. Ill f 2% 91 1110-110 43 + 2% 42% !?1%! + 4 90 86% + 2%' 36% '82 ! + 2%' 81% -2 25% ? % 26% 25% 118% 1% 118% IH'% 8% ? % 8% 2% % 49% 61 118% - 8% 118 121 a- 4 ? 83 8 1 27 + 2% 26% 27 81% - *.. 61% 6H? 89% ??".'i 62 400 25 200 105% 200 71 - ? , 62 28% 105% 71 1300 105% 106% 105% 106% .'.m 'h- in- ; 108% 108% 100 116 i 115 116 115 78%' 88% { 7-?% 83% 90 i 90 '."i i 90 Pittsburgh Coal.| 4,400 5 Pittsburgh Coal pr. Pressed Steel Car. 7 Pressed Steel Car pr... 6 Pub. .'?er. Corp. of "X. J. 8 Pullman Palace Car.... ? Quicksilver . Railway Steel Spring.. 15 Ray Con. Copper. 1,100 8 Reading . Pep. Iron <** Steel. ?? iRrp. Iron & Steel pr.. ? iRock Island. ? Rock Island pr. (tamely . ? Rumely j.r. ? |St L. & S. F. 1st pr... St L & S. F. 2d pr... ? JSeaboard Air Line pr. 7 Sears Roebuck. -- iSloss-Sheff. Steel <fc Ir. 7 Sloss-Sheff. S. * I. pr. 6 Southern Pacific . Southern Pacific ctfs. Southern Railway 5 Studebaker . 12 ?Tennessee Copper. 10 Texas Company I"hir.| Avenue R. R. 6 Twin City R. T. Union Rag & Paper. .. 8 Union Pacific. United Pry Goods pr.. United Ry. Invest. 1'nited Rv. Invest, pr. .' i . S. Cast Iron P. & F U. S. Express . U. S. Ind. Alcohol.? 12,400 7 U. S. Ind. Alcohol pr...1 100' U. S. Rubber .' 2,600 8 U. 8. Rubber 1st pr.... loo 102% 102% 102 I*. S. Steel .226,7'i0 71% 74 I 70% 7 U. S. Steel pr.I 445 111 40 Utah Copper.! 4.100 64% Ya.-Car. Chemical.! 100 r.5 ! ? (Virginia Iron, C. 4 C...| 1,900 4 Western I'nion Tel- 700 69% 4 Westmghouse Mff.. 55,400 112% 111% 111% 113% 7 Wooiworth .! 60n 1??5 Hi.*. I?i4% KH% Wheel. _ L. E. 2d pr... 100 11111 6 Willys-Overland .! 1,800 170 1175 1170 j 174% - 4% 174% 177 SHORT TERM NOTES. Name and matutltr. Hid. At-k. Yb'.l. Am T ' T sub ta. Apr. ISIS.. loo'" loi,1? L*9 Am ? o* on 41,-. Nov. :.?:;,.. i?vn, 1... , , i" Ball & Ohl . 14?. June. . HI ?? .? l.fl ? ? i, Jun?, IS1I . t%\ - ? PSljm Rap t Is, July, isil . *?**- l< i ("l,e-H I -.', '?. 7 ? la. !:?:?.. 1? '? M . Kris Rallroa I la, <>rt. |S15? :.?'?', IM ". . t I? ? . 4 ? ' Uros i '.'?-a. Apr, 11 , ? . I M Oen'l Rubber .??. Dsc. IMS.. :* . I il.?,-km?* Va',1 t?. Nov. l?li.. lte-r? p..., -v. Int liarse? I? tot . ? tasks -,vMs 7?. ;???-. !?: ;? ?? , : ? . Net? Ens Nat Ss, May. 1*1 , ??. NTCnl -, N Y N H A.- H fa, May. Ml 1'cnn RR ? t IHs, Oct. 1*1! ' ??, I , R) Is l'eb. ISlt. lC-Jrt l's.Aj 4 ? ? mi Kv 5?. M.?', 7. I91T.. N '.is Ml I lilted Fruit Ss, Hay, 1A7.. 1M"| lf.'? 4-? Foreign Government Issues. Argentii ? la, Dea is. ISU . i"i .*? la, I>e,.* ID. ; ... |oe*| . ?? {.??. ii? l.',. r : - | .; | i.. ? May IS, II -i? ... . i. ? \ ?: ? ..,;. ,n su i.*. Au?, lau.. '*? j '..?-, .. ?. i- Is a; r, . ?14 . '.'T1, :?7 . I 'I'tiiiari Is Janus ?? . j Swtt-rrlan.l SB, M..r?'h, 1? , ; . SwltserlM i ?-. March. 1*11. *" ;. !?"'. Bwiiserlai : ?- Mai N'orwa? . "*?? 1" . .N..rssi,v ta, c tobet ' ???? 1 . . , ?a Ili WEEKLY EXPORT FKil RES. The exports of merchandise from the Port of New York, officially reported at the Custom House, for the week i August tl, umounted to $:..?,5'?4,?',4'. against 99lJ9?4J9it the previous week' and $?*s.477,361 in the corresponding! period last year. Sines January 1, $*>f?(-.732,6'J!?. against $.V,fi.l>?1.7r_1 in the corresponding period last year. Ar?, t ne R..- |M ? .... 12.121 ( , . I4,**l I Netherlands p? 114.44? Norway . Riitish pos? llippinsa .... ? .-?. ?? 'i . Chile . 42.20? l?n,ima . ? -" bla . 17? i ? !??.! lugal . China . aguar . ?ala .1.1?* T, I.enir.irk ?Ian posa. I II 1144 17 41! ??. I "iniugo 341.?"7 . r 47.115 Spain I l-'i an-e ... - eden . 7 ?unil . ??'!? . Hal? .1.777..'.!|*--?itzerland ... : . 541.40* Tunis .?!?'? .latan . MS.ISO I'ruguay . ? 14 -?? POSB. I.M V'eneSUSla . IS SI" Mexico ... . 7?4..'J7| VValea . 7'. 174 ; T-tal.ittS.SS4.S4l a NEW YORK CITY BONDS. *""? ? I. A.-k . ?4',.-. June. 1??. |ff% -. j *s ?? . ISIS. MB . , i . l'i?*. . ISM ;.i Uay-Nov. 1*17.... ?,-,?.m ?4 - Man ii. )%:? .... i?- ; M..--N-V.. 1'..:.7. uttZ ??V. March. 1164. . ? . ?., ? . March. ISS2. ? Na. May' I . . ti '. ??? N ?4?. so . ; ? - N?,i ? !'? I-'I6. .\ jaji I . ' . at', - ' . . 4 I 4 - j . ( ? . ( | ?:?:'' j :?? _ ?In'.rrl tLttiii?. rcfli'.ttej or ?.oupou. tt'iiupua. ilvr*.: '.:<. Eiecutor Trustee Ob&rtered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Noa 16,18, 20 <fe 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 16 (taks-rar St., & W.? 26 Old Broad Street, E (X PliLIfl, 41 Boale-rtird BERLIN, 56 Unter dea Linden, E W. T Traveler-a' Letten of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian FINANCIERS SEE GERMANY'S RUIN London Believes Dutch Report of Hollweg's Bankruptcy Views. ONLY EARLY PEACE CAN SAVE CREDIT Exchange Problem Complicated by Northcliffe's Conscrip? tion Campaign. By FRANCIS W. HIRST. Editor of "The Economist." (By Cihl? to The Trlhuiie. I London, Aug. 24.?The telegram from Amsterdam describing the German Chancellor's private confer? ence and statement concerning the necessity of making peace proposals to avoid financial ruin attracts much attention here, as the report from the Dutch "Telegraaf" is rather friendly to Germany and may have been inspired with the purpose of sounding here and elsewhere. Of course, city and commercial inter? ests here do not desire Germany's financial bankruptcy, unless that is the only means of safeguarding Bel? gium and France. The steadiness of German ex? changes during recent months may be explained by the British blockatle restricting her imports to a mini? mum, but there is no getting over the fact that if the war stopped now the German imperial exchequer would have to find about $250, 000,000 for interest on the new war loan, besides a much larger annual sum for permanently disabled sol? diers, widows and orphans. How this can be provided out of neces? sarily shrunken trade and revenue and how the army after demobiliza? tion can be employed are problems not confined to Germany, which every extra month's warfare aggra? vates. The Amsterdam statement is per? haps an invention, but every com? petent authority knows that the views attributed to Hollweg are correct and that only early peace can save Germany's credit. Undoubtedly an important inter? nal battle, is raging in high German quarters between those who would continue the war in the hope of territorial spoils or indemnities and these who would negotiate for peac* without delay. Many here believe that Balkan developments promise the Allies a favorable outcome before long in that quarter and that Turkey will sue for peace. American exchange negotiations continue. The economic situation here requires careful handling, as the working classes evidently have been made suspicious by the North cliffe press campaign for conscrip? tion. The Cabinet will probably await events, as the Trade Union Congress will certainly discuss the subject. The problem connected with exchange has difficulties, as the army increase must reduce Great Britain's exportable surplus. Per? sonally, I think the volunteer sys? tem will survive, for it fits tho genius of a people whose military ardor and patriotic devotion could only be dampened by compulsion. London, Aug. 24.?The stock market to-ilay maintained a cheerful tone, but business did not expan?! materially. An unconfirmed rumor of Bulgarian action against Turkey was without ef? fect, except for a hardening; in Bul? garian bonds. The arar loan recovered aftat early weakness, and copper .?hare? and colonial and American bonds were supported. Consols closed unchanged at 85. American securities were steadier although the list wai neglected until late trading, when buying orders caused improvement and a firm close. Money was in ?mailer supply ana firmer to-day, owing to concerted ac? tion taken by the banks, and discount rates were firmer. Money loaned a* .'.'-.? to A per cent. Discount rates for .-hort and three months' bills v 4:. to 4 15-1-? per cent. Gold premium at Lisbon was 49. Faris, Aug. 24.?Prices were heavy on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent rentes closed M centimes higher, at t-58 francs 70 centimes. Exchange on Lon? don, 27 francs 40 centimes. LONDON CLOSING PRICE??. Iyiu-lon N. Y. , lose, eiiulva Autf. 21. lent. Au?. "3. Chn/--. ?Y>n?ol? money_ ab ? _ _ British fit . '-'\ ? .I***1-! ISS Id.,?? _ tt lUlt A Ohio. <? It*** SA -S . iaa Pa-tfte. XtaVk IM ?its., _ *t ?. uhlo. ''"<t 43't ?"'? + ?, L'hll Ut WV-t. 17 11'? 11-k-, _ l, Chic M * tit P... ?? SO??? 81*4 -li, . *,, "S ? ?? Krie . "JS M. m _ ?, line-lit pr. 43'* ?I , ?.', ?14 ' ? . : ? 101 _i v Saab.... US'?! U3H UM + % M?. Km .* Tas... ? Mi 7?, + ?, .*. y , ential. ..SI I . ? -, + ?4 Norfolk a Wast.. US lo?; loss + ?, ? a- Was*.. - . -, g ??eniia'lsanla .... ?? 1"7 IMS -IS Fteadlna " Is? HIS -IS *-niit*-?-rn Hv... 1? IS 17 - n Pa? in. , tt% ? ? ?? - ', I nion rae!*)-.. If" 1-?', IT***- 4- it L' S Stasi. T?"?? T'*?? TI +1V ?Ex ?*;>l?t?4. BRIEF WALL STREET ??EWS. The Baltimore ft Ohio Railroad Com? pany for July reports a gain in gross operating revenues of $8,670,752 of 1624,064, compared with that month a year ago. Net operating revenues were $3,076,912, an increase of $804,891 over 1914. _ The Drigg-J-Seabury Ordnance Com? pany yesterday elected permanent offi? cers and directors. John Stevenson. ;r.. was made chairman of the board; Adolphe E, Borie, president; W. L. Wright, vice-president and general manager; H. H. Myers, treasurer, and B. B. Pratt, secretary. The board of directors is made up of Adolphe E. Borie, George W. Burleigh. Kdward C. Delafield, James Imbrie, John C. Jay. Jr., John Stevenson, jr., J. C. Stevenson and W. L. Wright. A shipment of $175.000 in gold bars has been received at the Assay Office for account of the American Exchange National Bank. Knauth, Nachod ft Kuhne have issued a. booklet on "Our Billion Dollar Trade Balance." The foreign exchange prob? lem as a result of this unprecedented situation is taken for discussion. 'I M. E. de Ag?ero, president of the Consolidated Stock Exchange, has re? turned to .New York sfter spending a three weeks' vacation in the Catskills. CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS War Stocks Improve in Quieter Trading?Gains in Oils on Small Dealings. Quieter trading was seen on the Broad Street curb yesterday. Business generally was carried on at rising prices, particularly in the oil and prominent war stock.?!. Canadian Car and Foundry was a strong issue, the common advancing 9 points and the preferred 2. Cramp Ship Building made an advance of 12% points on ac? tive dealings. Electric Boat common improved 5 points, and the new is>uc went fractionally higher on smaller dealings. International Mercantile Ma? rine, common and preferred, each de? clined a fraction. Though trading was in rather small amount in the petroleum group, gains ranging from 2 to 10 points were reg? istered among prominent stocks. Min? ing issues were more active in spots, with continued irregularity. Kenne cott Copper 6s made up part of their recent decline, advancing 3 points. INDUSTRIALS. fatal ?liare?. Open, fllsh. Low. L??t l.-.'OO ???ana Car* ry. 9? IN N I'M 1. IM '.In atot . II? 121 US 111 J.'"". ? an Sal <; ?orp. J'? 2,*, I '-"?i i', ?Canada mari . tt 29 ;? 28 1.2on -r?r n A Pomat *S -*?? ?S 1% < '.ramp Shlphldf 71 SI Tl ? Iff t%? Urm? Oaat ?* l. 11% M M 4' Klrr-trl, float ...til 44', 4" 44*, ?'? n.? prrf .?1ST 44". 4:<7 44*. II.*.?*) -,|o aem ? i . 44'-, 4". 44 444 ??Ml "Hall f-lfiial _ 1? 11 IT IS 120 ?Hen.lee Mfg ... 32H U U% Urn ?Intel M Marine 44 44 4 4 ? I,. Ml Iff 94 9 9% :<n0 ?Inter Motor? .. 2.1 2:i 22 22 :sa ?inut McJmi ...if? it.' us u 2,20,1 ?Inirr Petroleum. 9?. 94 9% 2-,ii Ka'h Bronie pf. . iff .IV, iff .', Ke'ly Sp Tire ITJ IT? 172 174 2< rlo new l?t pref 8? 8? *H 83 2.000 *L?k* Tor Boat. 14 14 114 II 6.060 Marron! of Am 1% 44 l\ 4?? i I "Nal I. A ?lue. 3? H 3? 200 x y Tranapor. I? 17 H 17 .'..'., ?Py-t-ne Mfg Co. 13 13 13 II 10O c.irp i,f R A II. H ? ? I l.'Ofl ?Stan* Motor? .. 11 10?? 1" I04 ho? g-crllnj fiiim . 2S 2S Iff IV 1..",1 ?Hi l.vpli Uni. IIS 12 11*-, 11"? 1.*?H0 Triangle Ktlin rfi ??*- u?4 .'?, ?4 Inflo In i-irrir HI 1 <?? In 4 10 4 ID 10 110 *r b V Vn nt A.101) lOfl 99 !>9 2 100 L'n I'roflt Sh . 114 t% .:?, t% tOSS I SI, a II I'orp 3?, 3V I :t I? <lo pr?f B B ., 5 ?,,o ?worM? rn_ . i% 1% 3% 3% STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. 20 Iliirkr.e Tip? L. ? 103 10:. 10:i 8 fres Pipe Line . -- 47 4H 4? 5 III rip* Una ,. ? IW 14S 141 I In,1la..a Pipe I. . ? l.? 98 IS 10 Nailonal Transit. - 4 34 M 7 Nat* Tor? Trai.alt ? US IM 2 0 75 Ohio Oil . ? IU IM 111 1.*. Plerra Oil .? 12'* 124 12% 170 Prtlrl? Oil A O. ? SSS 37? 3x2 K0 Prairie Pip* tin? ? 17. 172 171 10 South Per.n Oil . ? 330. 330 330 IS Snu?h Pipe Un*. ? 212 US 210 :..' s.Tf.r P?nn PL.? IU IU In 4? Stand Oil of C?l ? 3"0 Ml 300 ''. Stand Oil Of Ii:d ? 442 42' 442 220 Stand ?Ml of X J ? 439 433 4.7 JO Stand Oil of X I ? 1?? 1? 1?S 13 Waaliliigton Oil.. ? ,l'-a 34 M RAILROADS. 120 "Wal? pref (el.. 41 41'?j tl 41V? MINING. 700 *AI??k? .lunriii 11% 11*, 11% 11% 200 ? A Mob Mining. 38 :?8 M 3? 20.Onu ? Alla?'on M Co, 74 74 M 42 ? Am i'oaimandM 12 11% 11 12 .". oou "ArU lniatK'iiie. 40 41? 4" ti .'.vio -.Atlanta .... 29 H 2? S.7o,| ? Ulg i'nitonwood "1 7 .", ?1 II.? L l>e? ?o . 2 *. 2% 2 rV 406 R-adM Cap? . 1% 1% 7% 3.700 ??Booth , 42 42 11 41 SOS itiiiTaio Mina? .A A A A 1, m -Caledonia . ?5 ti K i"i 400 ?Chile ? opper IV, 11', 18 II 5.O0O ? ir, Ar? sme'.t.. ??* *, % % 50,000 ?rf'm?n? Copper 82 S2 28 43 000 ?'Florence .4* 46 47. 45 150 "'??fiie?ee l'op. .. 38 38 38 3s MS Goldltld Can .. 14 1% 1% 1% 2.500 ??t.nldfleld Mer.. 21 21 20 20 1.000 "Ir >ii H,"??'?m Ii7 i,7 67 ?7 2.701) Jumbo Ki'enaion l,r. 1 \r,.x: 1 .t, 1 ,\ 15.000 Ken Copper 45 4'.^ 44\. U% ? ' M?gma ?opper... 11% 134 12% lis M l.ityr? . . 4?1-, VJ 48 49 ,00 rMi'KHarra?h .. 13 U 21 24 1? ?mo ?.Mother I??i? . 2, M U tim 1000 M Co.. '??? 5T? 51-? ?', 'tftai 1 ,,n Mm ?.,, .,; 54 ij IM Usad Ml-lae?d 1A 1 *, 1A ix < MOVUI . il? l1? ley l\* ?tSmeeaaa Mli ?? 8", II 4-.u0 tSupmt Mln ?'o u 2.34 2? n% 4.000 T.Hiopah Kiten . 2S !% 1% 1% ?',.) *w?.??t.h . . 14 14 ?i l| 2.500 ?Wert Kill Con . 60 r'i ?S 59 3',o *w k; Cap pf . 24 24 24 24 BONDS. 'a 147 140 113 71 7? 7S "InlUtcd. 'Sella .ent? per ?hare INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDUSTRIALS. Bid Aiked BM A?ke.l Alllane* F.lm 4 *?? Mut Proflt sh . 9 94 ?Cent Pud . 04 104 ?N Ml 1 or c 4? 50 K11.iv,1. I'l,,ti 11% II Slier I' * 1?) ?llousion Oil. II 14 ) do pr?t .... 10 14 Ini.r Rublier. 7 74!Way!and o_?J 34 4 ?Int Mol pf. 49 ?11 RAILROADS. ?Wabuh m 1. 10% 114.'Wab pf ?b).. 214 224 .MINING. ?on Xe?t't?_ 4 A ?Nerada Hllla 17 1? Mam n ? But 1 3 , New Itah Bis 24 3 lireano-l'in .37 31 |?tOro . ? 7 Howe S-ruid. "4 4 * S?i,?torm K 5 7 h?rr I_ke . 1% 4 Tonop.i, Min. ,4 S4 ?'Kriranaa 11 12 Tn Bullion . A, ?, f.a It0M Cam. A *1 Tuuluinne Cap A A ?Loi.e Star . 4 5 BONDS. ?IMM new 5? 754 11 I ?tat?ted. ?Sell? ,-ent? per ?hara. DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Record Term. Rate. Payable, date, ?'entrai [.-father pr ?w l\", ?>,t. 1 Sept. 10 ?Tonopah txt Mm W i,"? Oct. 1 Sept. 10 .-.inr. Power pr- g l\k% S?pt. 1 Au?. 2f> tflrltUli-Am Tob.. - 5'? - - 1 ..ritlr.enlal Oil . y t% s.-r t. 1? Auf. 2? Htltt'-Ale.. Q lie. ?Ht. 11 .-?eft. 3fl ?l-mplnn Toi-per . ? x"0 Auf 25 ? Soweat PWT. 1-t pr Q l%% .-ept. 1 AUat- -'< ?And 7\t*? oitra. tlnterlm dividend on ortli HIrjr luiH r " >e_- eaced ten ?a. bar it. READJUSTMENT OF CAPITAL AND DE&T or The Missouri Pacific Railway Company AND St. Loois, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Conpuy In vlstr of the proceedings taken for ?he sppolntmsnt of re-elysr? ttr the ? ? named r?mpanles, the time for the d?po?lt of the following ("?scribed s?**-t-i-ntiL ?2? the Depositarle? named below. fji.fect ??. the Plan and A?;rt>em*nt of Rtarti-1^* dsl?d July 1, 11)15, has been extended to and Including (Rtober l?th. 1913. AniS? m?nt at ?o MrsBCM by the Depositarle? iiatnat coupwna maturing 8ep'?mt>er 1^2: be ma?le shortly. " "I MtfsWSiHM Por Capital Stock of The Mlaeotirl Pacific Railway f,,inDaiii CENTRAL UM COMPANY Or NEW YOIIK. 54 Wall Street, New York ?*--?, Por Th? Missouri Pacific Railway Company's Forty Tear Foar Per Cent. OoM u?? Bonds, do- March 1. 1B45 "**?? BANKERS TRIST COMPANY. IS Wall Street, Nsw Tork City. Por The Mlst-ourl Paelllc Railway Con- The Central Branch R-tllway *m, r***iy's Plr.t Mortgage Pour Per ?".at," nZU _, _ _ ? _ . _ . Honda, due February 1, 111? ? Five Per Cent Plret snd Refunding Mortgag? Fifty-Year Gold Bonds, The Central Rranrh I mon Psclitj -???, due September 1, 195?, way Company's F'rtt Morgig, jjT Consolidated rirst Mortgage SI?- Per Fs'lV'*"1 ?*W "*"*'* *'" ilu? \ Cant Bonds, Uus November 1. Ittt. _.. , _ . _ ?. ? _ _ The I.eroy and fancy Valley Aa> ti_. Trust ft**. Per Out. Bon?ls. due Janu- Railroad Comp?-jiy's Fi?? m? r**? ?"y ?? *s"7. First Mortgage Bond?, due J?j7^ First collateral Mortgage Five Per l?a">- * Cent. Bonds, due Auguat I. 1930. -n?l The Kansas City Northweetef-a tteilraat Lexlngton Dlvlilon Five Per Cent. First Company's Flnt Mortgage Ti-tt'tm Mortga-re Bonde, due Auguat 1, 1920. Cent fio H Bonds. ??ries A, dut ju%. Ht. I.ouli. Iron Mountain and Southern *ry *? ''", Railway Company's Flr?t and Re- Boonvllle, at. I?. and Sotrthera tut, funding Mortgage Six Per '???nt Forty- way Companj'? ; rsl " ?*,,. yor., Year (iol't Botnia, due July 1. 1357 Year Flvs P*r Cent OoltJ Bcr.iJ-, <-,' The Ktnst? and Colorado Paclflc Rail- August 1, l?il way Company's First Refunding Little Roek Junction Rallway'i r-rm Mortgage Thirty-Year Six Per Cm*. Consolidated Mortg*?? Ma p?r c?. liold Bonds, due February 1. 193V. Bonds, due April 1. IV.?. ?TARANTY TRIHT COMPANY OF NP.W YORK. 140 Broadway, N-w Te**-, -j-,. fiIB-I)F.PO?s|TARIF.S FOR AI.I. "IFCrRITlF.S St I?ult: MERCANTILE TRIHT f??IPANT. London: GlARANTY TRI HT COMPANY OF NEW YORK. ADDITIONAL HI B-DKFOi?IT \RIF.f5 For Bonds HOPF. <* CO., AM?TF.RDAM?1( IIF. BANK. For Stork: Administration offl.e of BROE* * 'OSMA?*. Stick certificate*, must be duly endorsed in blank for transfer c- r? BCtsaaBkl hv transfers nn,l must he ?tamped at the ri'e of t?s.? ..?nil p?r i> un4*r tV? New York ttock transfer tax law and also two cents per share -.ndtr th? Etat?'?, Emergency Revenu? Act. ?'oupon bond? must be ac?-ompanied by all ?-ouponi mttnrm on or after September 1. UH.V Bonds registered at to principal mu?t be re-tor-4 t, bearer form before deposit, and registered bonds must bs egehanged for couponbe-.?!?, or ba registered In the name of the proper Depositars und he accompanied by pre-er a-sl-;nmen'-. of any Interegt thereon maturing on or after s?->t-ni*,er 1, ;'?1J. and on <? prior to th? date of such reglatry. Deposit? of securities will not he recelsed after October If, 191.V, except aft terms approved bs the Readjustment Manager*. Coplea of the Plan and Agreement of R?adjuitment may b? o*v??ned from any *? the Depositarle? or l-ub-Depoaltarles or from the Secretary of my ?,f the three Cms mliteei named below. New York, August 17, ItltV KUHN, LOEB & CO., Itt?ifmttsstni 'Mivjftn The undertlsrned i'ntnml'??'? hive applWd and adopted the Plan and of Readjustment mentions?] In '!??? for.'Clng notice and rea-omrnend to .i*.d?M ?f '.a, lecurltleg which they respective',y rtiprs?at the prompt deposit "f '.h?Ir securi'UM. AI.KXANHER .T. HEMPHII.I-. CAoirmaia"! ROBERT FI.KMIN'G (IaOmlon) Committee repretent DONAI.D O. ?.? I ?Ml- L "'S. *2*r H* ('?' Flr.t JKROMK .1. IIANAl F.K ?i.'nd?1 " "'? AI.YIN IT, KRKCH C. K. TtiMKl'I.F.N (Amsterdam) J LBWU B. Fsanku.n, S'critnry, 140 Broadway. New York City. FRANK N. B. ? I.OSF., ('"idirmna OTTO H. K \HN ...... ,. u.rimrvT I Com m II tee repretent. JOHN H McCIf^IFNT jnf FnrM V( (? iljr Pff JOHN VV. PI.ATTFN Tent. ?...Id Loan Mondt. J. ti. Ml.i.KKH ? Amsterdam? \V. II. WILLIAMS R W. J.inss, Stcretnrv, IS Wall Street, New York City. JAMF.S N. WALLACE, CTS*I*BBBBI -- J. HORAf F. HARDING C o m m I 11 e e repi*et**it. FRF.DF.RH K HTKACHS - in- MI??oiirl Pacific Hall. ALBKRT H. VVI?.?.IN L *?? ??mpan.? Mock. ROBKRT VVINHOR ~ C. K ffrtflTB. Secretary. 74 Wall Street. Ne?s- Y'?rk C I Modern Trust Company Service ) Metropolitan Trust Co of the City of New Vork George C. Van Tuyl, Jr., Pieaident 49 WALL STREEf The Mechanics & Metals National Bank of the ( ?t> of Ne?? \.irW. 20 NartHUii Street. Capital. Surpliih ami Praia. r*l Deposits $112,000,000. - i To Holder? of __?. , tram^c^-nn? co?L ? Ua?? ., harsby *i\','i ?'" Pr,nid?-<i in i ? 3 of tnelndiniure ,.,ted June -, tsV-J MM ths abovs bonds hatseaM, otters ?HI bo reeslved ?*?,*?>??A-*- .2" ?Krk at Itt ?fflcs, n W? Broadway. | 1 nC,?v Y.rrk for thesils to it hTimMm, ? . a, b. ?-,.,., nf ***? \ \ ""?' 1 n"U!i'illU, lW_?2SUsiiu,,b?i ernxU* ana endorsed, ?A" t? .?1?. of -^?? ??-? ' tie,.! coal A iron **- ??m**>*V\Ve??_5_ to t?2 ! Sinking Fund.' an! -dur. shed to t?. TRUST DEPARTMENT. , jerFERsoN * < v-a !-:"?. COAL * j?. ?}| i n.MPANY. By GEO. h CLUNB. Traa-wijr. Dated Koche.ter. N. ?.. Augu.t 5. 1916 INACTIVE STOCKS. I The* table Rives the closing Ibid und asked prices for stock? which lar? listed but which were not dealt in on the Stock Exchange Tuesday: mi. J__H AdSBM fci M Am Kit C Pf '" Am Beau s pf ti a n S K otf?. 100 do pref.. 170 ?. Am C A T pf.111'? H Am Coal -' ,, Am ?'oalP pf 117*4 ??8 Am C Oil pf II Am Kipre??.. 94 II ; " 179 lid, i Loiif Island . 31 38 1. \v HI?, nit 17 ir?j la A S.H-"-l 114 ?' i di pr?t Mai Beach . Manhat El. . May !>>-p: St 7.i rs *rf^^^B ' I Am Malt Am Malt pf An sr.nfr . do pr.'f Am T A- ? I Am Toharro ^^___l j:i 140 ** fi ' i - Mex ft' :' i Mln It st I. do pr. I -1 MSI'A?-SM-f 122 IM K A T 7 I , pr. t .,. ?0 I Mor * K??e? 1111? 16.. .- . S'aafe * Chai 11 ? 122 >? do'pt''TneHiitl^i i'WJt SS M*.*- ?? _ a,,?,, Heal "-a s? K * ??' ?' *u A- i lu?a i . **?"'<'?'V Ul,-* ?! _ Bald La. pf. IM IM *?_??_? ? .!_ ,! B A ?) P* ? ' *?? ,? , N 1 ' a M L 'IU 15 n.-opili. Mln 1'? IS; <lo l?i pref Ittunaalok . | B. R A P do pref Cal Pet pf | Can Soi-tli ?aie, S I. pf ?I 80 101 :o do Id prrf . :- N Y L a. W r V Ar W ft i- iS ?I T A L su Ontario ML. S( Vat. T A T. . 45 111 20 4 II 10 C?|V J* '" 2SO .1''i "I do pnf l'en Lealh pf : ? . ' 'r!''?x"'1! tiK* CASA T-l 1-. 1 "'j 1'?'-' ?** ?if Cht A Ait. ... 8 l?'? P.o A K??i do prel IS 2.1 VVV A St I. IMA- '-. Vet MuUltun 61 I -"'?? Mi 7) 114', 1 mU 41 280 2: .11? Chi * \ H CUMPMAO 112 da tatet. .. 12* Viv A I I. rlo pref Col A So . . M I. ?t pf... 4* 1> M pi? :'*> ?ont Car, pf. loi Cr-\ I'arpet 40 ? A I ?tr pf.107 f> I. A W 4'0 lien A II ?i 4 di pref ... 8 l) M A h U. 5 ? met.. ** P,l K,li?,,n i in? M i-f . Ke.1 MAS ? !,, pref Gen Ch?ia.. do prtf.- ._, (lei, M?. pf. l?*.?? IM du pref 112 1"' 4Soo.tri.-h pf. 107 108 IIKB?I. A I* ?-I*?? ~ I!,.? Val.. ... ? U2 , I II f S J pf ? 117 ! lut H ? '.it pf ? H" Inter Paper pf 3d M looa C.ri. 0 12 do pr*f... 1.1 *? Ku-vr. J. pf 108 K ?? A S pf Id KAUM | do pre' N I Kre-t? i o pf.110 LE* **(-__? do praf.... ?? I A M Tob..215 do seta*....Ill 127 I do la?. pf... ? 1 JO I- M < ?r pf .l??'l lia ni m sps pf -'? m llia.lli.f l.t pf M riH io 2,i pf ... 8i M Rut K It Pf ? I' *2 iSeibd A Line. 14 i. KL?ll 4\ .. I'M S Si LA S W.. ? 11 c , la i"-f - ?n 112 Sea/i Koeh pf 124" 124'? 111 H P H Sugar. ?..- ?" S do pref. 84 10 Ho It R pf.... 47 ? Isuji.1 Mill.... 54 ** : do pref. 7 'Tel A Pa*.... i1- .-, T a, I- !>' Tr 10.', US ?TeiCo full pd IM 1"* T St I. .V?.t 1 *r*l , CRT pf. 'i In Ion HAP pf 25 I nl.iii l'a.- t*. |l , *:', i ?liar. .4: 4 r c Mtg pf I SCIPA? pf I* S It A I I S II A K do uref. . Va i ar 111 pf 10?) 101 Wahuh . ? >t, ?V??,r. pf ', ', Well. ?? Li ..ItASi !0.'; X.- It 2?? JO Wem Ml? hi.134 140 *?*.?? Brnt.Hi 211 2?0 ! do prrf IU IIS Wonlwortli pf 1372*4 121 WALL. S -, d. 1?'. praf.. 2 I WUi-aO ?I...MMI 1MW li ; M? -'i KWlaj H'l 100 474 . ? H IM% 4.; ? Penn. Mex, Fuel Co, SO. PENN. Oll CO. of the STANDARD OIL GROUP. A producing company MOW ih*?l**| ?ally shipments of o | ?nth fit. ur? ?a-ttttook p?rt:,*ularly hright H'rtC Dcpf "f" for po-"SBfeM Present Price About 60 W.G.Goies&Go, lacesaaars la ktUamrsAat a c-.-t 61 Broadway New York] YOU CAN INVEST Iin anv hUL-gr-d- s-. '.? or bo*?*?. *** iepoaiiing with u? small am'-unl* OS* odd lots ;:;: A*-* test? far our BockUt -ODD '??If ^SKOLM & (ARMAN ?""""? \f.'m- Ymrk i,t-o%\ ?* 71 Broadway, Ne?* Vork City? Branch OfM.-.. 12 No B'svsy, Ton?.ft_ STANDARD WE WILL BUYQ WE WILL SEL J5 IMinois PI?-? LI?. H 7", SslSSS 8I|?U Cl? 50 Otile Oll I 7' Priirl. Oil 4 la 2i South P.nn Oil j 2? S. 0. tt l*t\m 25 S. 0. el Ctlittrnli fe?-"> Vt.-uuie OB CARLH.PFORZHEiMER?C? ri??e isst-l l-S-l *"?*esd :v broao ST.. s WaN.COLER&C?i m im mini n**. Investment Bankert tt CEDAR ST.. HEM VOKR ttfl Nes? York City Booda. All Item* Wm.A.Read&Ul Investment Bondi Nassau & Cedar Stre-sts, Nsw Ys?| ? !u ???,, rbllnlrlpUl* B?a??a ? !_DIVIDEND NOTICES^ SOl'1 HLR\ PACIIIC C0MP*W UIVIOtNU No. 99 A QfARTERLY DIVIDEND 'i <???J\ ' '?"" \T, B? ! the Cplial ? Corat***^at l,e. n ?bi- at th- '?"?"""?, ? Office, ??? ?*??*'. ?.S t , y . on Octobsr I. ISIS, '??? ???'? ?'?"????i-.*. at the clot? ? ""-" .Jam* August 31. 1913 The at'i-ck '??"?"'% S? , ssii! not be closed lor the P**m'VZ,t dividend Ch.ques will b? nA?'^?L\*sl I ato, kl?oiders s? ho have Sie' P*"""^ duldend or.i. r? . A K VAN* DEVENTKR. TresSS? August It, l?li ^^^^. ?? At a meeting of the Dir..?*?" *T. ?? ?lay at London. It ??? deeided *'* E- ?< * rtS?*"'' British 1916 All u%\YeS** or ?er ?'. I. ltd ?n on,,*!i ?Jl* . ,er V. 1917., will '" ??'? \-*? v?0 -ammamxt fur payment of dUid-enJ w I BRTTI8H AMERICAN TOBACCO ?-** August :4. 191?*. ^^__^ rilK AMKRICAN TOBA???? -0*' Ml Fifth Vscnue. ,?, n. . York, .vusui'J^-S ! The ?ll?l?lei,l * '!;*M-a-SJ. ?*" toaiher l 1*14. ?'.1 ?*? **" ". ,Tm **Ji t??,u.r i. iDi.. ???' ??-?* *;:''., fvrr- a ???-r-iialrr ?' crtiB.ilei to '""""., ya* \\1 pany at S.?? I'ork. U? ?"'*}'?.{. am* ", u.ta.1. 1IU. UWiBCUISl