Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Market Ignores Manner of Germany's Reported Communication. BRITISH CREDIT STILL HELD UP Kaisers Speculative Chances a, Cause of Envy?Railroad Gross Im proving. (fall S'reot keep-, its sympathies tru* ?t| tradinjr activities in separate j compartirte,.!-?. It desires peace n?i ? .mor!? of its approach may HHieVBCOt endinK ' i oil the boom in war I ,1 the suppc-tion that ? mif-1 be too pTOUd to itiotl and then turned | DMibl? benefits of ?lo- i orders. So yesterday the , that f*rcet.-d the report that j i.rma-y EabMS*f would not con-| ? ?* prisr-enirers on the j Arabic that came from Enflish sym- \ ?r? did rot stand in the traf ', >k markal rcsp-nse to thi m -.he same source ths vi ?el n ?: . ? count had Coun? were sunk as rtport ta it was contrary to instructions ***i*** Till? an important part in the ad- I which the market clc Vtfaltlag on Untish Rankers. The statement said to have been made by the German Ambassador yes? terday that he considered it "abso? lutely impossible" that a break between i and Germany would occur coupled with his request t'.at I n0 j. ? regarding the until the receipt of erved asl tip; move- j e\chan(*e. but also revived ,??' ncgotiationi loan to Great Britain. An in- , 'linker who has taken Bn ,mpor ' the discussions, how-: t would be ? ?onr. ".nancial rcpre- ' ! here to take part .rices. Al- I ? this effect ? it understood Holden and Sir Fells II represent the big Brit- I ?nd three others been made known the "rovernment. Kaiser and War Order Gains. Traders found the sugesti?n that as .?peculating in our mar acts peculiarly appealing. It seemed directly in accord with the law of com ??insatio.'i that the ability of his ene? mies ? ? ?Ml snppllei In this ?aid work to swell the pri ??.??? ?'-? the head of the Ger And, as one envious op .- ? ?nh of the inside in- ' i ? must have on days like . Ripley Moderately Optimistic. Pre.?.,-. ? * Ripley of the Atchison. trho - terday, said that. of the recent tropical ?__ -- FIN AN CIA I. MEETINGS. International Mercantile Marine A meeting will he held at our office.-? August 25 th! 1915. at 3:15 P. M., to form permanent protective organization and de- j eide on proper measures by suit or otherwise for stockholders' ', protection. LOUCKS & ALEXANDER York The American Agricultural Chemical Company - - I ' OAl "I SKI**r>:.M r ? ? ? \ ?' ? ?? * ' ??'!.'': S retan'. 1 . . < lirinii al ( (,., : N J . Ali. Not ie? ' VIII I'llKMICAL ' ' ?MPANT ' ? 1IIMV i the i ' ? 111 l.e ! ' ? ' r M "ii l.r.'in- ! ! . ,.. , > ? Company ??ni i me* of ? I.. latut. of the ; ? ' no share shall th?? hooks of Hie ' N'"-l" .'. \. I -I I UN K Ml ? W ( i. ' H , til? In Hi? ila. ?.ii Tliur.,1?. al . A M. to . f Ihr ? . retort rf - ? ' ? ? min : > a i ? ? Ira ? ? ? , ? I at S 191V ? ' I .? ? ' !' ? I II A1.MV S?'r?r?-v .... , ??Hi.?.[.HI'S OF Till: \" -M-l I l!l.\M ( \s| UTV < ?IMI-WV ? I, !.. r.l.? cl?,-? thMt III?- ?HIHIHI ? f th- New ?,i illy Company win tie heui ? ?' , ? lie H ,',.ii?.-h ,,f Man? Im mln?'. elvr o'clock noon. Dire. tori, and ' In? r???rnr- the number and foi the aa iiMy rctln-, /??L .**"' "**IM*"i open en? hour. Trun? *,[,':"-? da/a j.iinit TAYI-OR, Beer? ' ?W? IS Hi ,:, ?Y OIVEN THAT A klu.liters of Hie Mar -2_* Bole? . ?rill be h-l.l hi the I<r?dd*av. ??' "f Manhattan, <*nv of N? ? Torfc, e,,,L ?' * 'rk "" *'?? *?.'' Sas "t Sem ?j??,.^'. ''*' -'?"?'. oclo? in th.- kioli. *'"? I"'*-!"**"* of \otin? upon a ?itlri " ,?"" ?*** " ,'** f'-rth. lutio? '"' '" "c?-oidunce with the r?ao tu. ?, P*?*"' ' ' '' ' ""? on til y "f Jul*- 1,lfc *"??-?*. Auguat ?tl.. 1?1S ?? a*. J?uXCK If-a.?*.?-? i BOND SALES ON THE ?STOCK EXCHANGE TUttDAY, MUST 14, Itti. Trading in hunde on the Nos? York Stork '-.change TiirnHav nmnunlnl I?? ?f*".44?.000. af-ainst S.'l r'??.??i?0 M??i??i*> . St.!'11.(10(1 a ???,??, a*-?? and Slock K\ rhsnge closed n ??ir ??)"'?? Tola) from January lo dale $.'?01,:"M,000, against > 121.?s?..*?.000 in )!?ll. , GOVERNMENT AMI MUNICIPAL, Snips In tlfiOO Il'irh. Los? I 1 V 8 4? coup 192.V1li? 110 100 4 1 .lap 2d ??or 44s 79 .'.' 72 v.'NY?- ?4s*57 May 101*4, i??i . 1014 11 ,lo Nov . 101 '*. 101*1 101 ?, 12 do i5??a. im\. mi \ loi s 27 da 1965 rcpts... 10i*\ 101 ?a 101 - 3 do ?'tis IMO 91% 974 WH STATE. 11VY State 14s .109 10*4 i"- - 1 N Y ?'anal ?Hs 1094 109H 1094 1 Va funded 2 .Is... 81 hl Hl IC ULWAY AND MISCEI h Alb A Basa 84? 2 Am Dork&imp .'?*? .1(134 7 Am Hide & I. 6s 10 I 4 1 Am 8sa*A K(f ls.1054 .'. Am T * T eol i 1 do evt 4'v- . .1014 1 Am Writ Pap r>? 61 I Armour r c 1 ?*.? *?. 914 16 A T & S V e-.t Is. ?.?1 11 do adj 4> stpd . 814 1 do cvt 1004 2 do Trims S L II - 7ACI. 1st coin ?Is. *>: SB 4 O pr li 34s. 89 9 do cvt 4 4s. 86:'s THeth 81 1st ?\ .r?s.l02V-e 15 do ra? 5s.lOO-s ii Hush Term ?s M 5 ?.'al Cas *? E Bs. , 944 5 Cen Leath pu 5s.. 994 12 Cen Fac 4s. x.j 12C K.R of N .1 r.s.112 1 Ches & O cm Bs. 1024 1 do gen 1' 1 ?lo cvt 44s ... 72 a ICH* Q r*n ?8. 2 do 34s 111 dis 12 do joint 4s .... 96' , I ' Chi Grent W 4s.. f?7 ? ? MAStP **n ?s A. B5 2 ?!o evt 5s.102 I do ?-en 44s_ 98 32 do cvt 44s _ 94 9 do rf?? 4 4s. 894 1 Chi A- N pen 4s. . 924 R do -is MSAN ?liv. 894 19CP?I&PUy db 5s.. 464 4 do rff 1s. 624 6CStPM*0 confis 11.'. 24 Chile Copper 7s..1114 1 Colo Indus 5s. . . 73 225 Con Cas cvt 6s.. 11 ?',4 1 Corn Pr s f ?r.s *S4 92 2 Cuba-An Sog Cs.ioo4 II Cumb T * T 5s. 97 1 Del *.- H ref ?s. . 90 1 I? A- K G ref .".s. . ' ; 7 ?!?.> con 4s . 70 1 Distil Sec Cor "s 7 DuPont Por* 14s 994 2 Erie Ken lien 4s. . fifi 15 Kne-Pa col tr4s.. SS4 BFtW?DC 1st fis. .102 5 Gen Flee db Ss. .102 2 Great Nor 44s. . 954 8 GroenBAW db B. 104 10 111 Steel db 44s. 864 7 Indiana Steel 5s. lui?''-, 25Ins('onCop fis 19.130 87 do 1!?'-"-' .1864 11 Interb-Met 4 4s.. 71 l IntM M col .'! do etfs . ? 4 Int Paper 1st fis.. 9'.? 4 5 Int S Pump 5s ctf fi."! 3 do fis . ?H B Iowa Cen ref 4s. 48 3K C So. 6s. 87 4 5 K C Term 1st 4s. 854 271 Lack St 5s 19.50.. 81 SLacGas ofSL rf6? ?LSftMS pn 84s. I 20 do db 4s 1931.. 89's I.ANEOl'S. 824 - 1084 108 105 4 884 1014 fil 91 814 ion7, ' B7 89 - 1024 100 4 M 944 994 B4 112 102 4 . 67 s.', 102 98 9.14 89 4 ;?27s 89 4 ?64 ?'.2-4 111 . 111 73 118 4 93 1004 97 vu 44 70 66 864 102 102 964 104 864 1004 136 1364 71 69 69 994 68 ?n - 874 s:,', 99 - 82 1034 102 4 1054 88 1014 61 904 814 1004 ?*: 89 864 102 994 86 944 1114 ?021 ? - 82 '?, 964 67 85 102 98 93 4 89 4 924 894 624 1144 111 73 1164 93 10U4 96 '. 90 44 70 99 66 102 102 964 104 86 4 100 4 13? 13? ? 69 684 68 64 18 874 854 s?, 99 4 h 2 89-4 in UrOOO. H ich. Low. (|?s 5 l ong I r. f 1 . S3'-, S3 83 '? I. &? N peu 8s . 113 113 113 18 ?I.? uiiilied 4av. 914 91 !H I 6 MAStL 1st ref i.x. 494 494 49" 1 M K * T rf 1?. . 48 \ 484 4h 1 Mo 14c co'i (4 . . 944 944 94' 2 do col tr 5.? '17. 804 80 80 7 do tivt 5s. 294 294 29! I do Is . 31 30 .31 1 Mont Power 5s . 90 90 90 2 Morns A K 8Vf.g. 8f, 85 85 1 Naaaatl Hier ?s.. 75 75 76 ? lube ?s. 974 974 97-" 22 N Y Air H cvt fis.100 994 99' 49 N Y C * H R deb Ss f p .1034 1084 108 10 do rfg 44s.... 874 87 87 17 do rfg 84s. 76 7fi 76 1 do MC col ti.'l'-s 694 694 69 T 2 NYChiAStLls, 4s. 894 894 M! 1 N Y Gai K L H * P pur ? 1s 814 814 81V 4NY8AW gen 5s.. 674 67 4 67'? 11 N Y Tel gea 44s. 944 954 Mil .16 Norf?-W cvt 14s.1054 105 105'.. ?"? \..r Pas pr li 4s. 89\ 894 18*? 18 do m 3s . 62**?* 614 63* 4 Ore A Cal 1st 5s. 1004 1004 100*.. I Ore Sht L con 5s.1024 1024 1024 1 l'ai of Moisi evfs 87 87 87 15PRR con 44s rcp.1024 1024 102*H 10 do get* 44s rcpt 974 974 97'. 5 dois ?1948. 974 974 97M 1 U 8 of N .1 5s. . . 864 864 86V; 1 Ray Con Cop 6s.113 113 118 20Reading neu is.. 924 92 92' 8BIAS col Bi 'in.. 95 944 94'? 4 St LIM & S en 5s.. 96 954 96 I ?I?. rfg 4? . 614 614 6m SO do -is RAG dir. , B8 814 52V. 20 St !. * S F ref 4s ctfs stpd. 604 594 594 E St P &? Dal 2d 5s.l01 101 101 i SanAAArF 1st 4s 65 65 65 1 Scab A I. adj 5s.. 604 604 604 6 So Hell T & T 5s. 974 974 874 26 So Pac cvt 5s... 984 984 984 11 do cvt 4s . 804 ?04 804 17 do ref 4s. 844 844 844 13TCI&RR gn 5s... 101 4 1014 1014 1 do fis Hir div...l0l4 1014 1014 2 do 6s T??nn div.. 1014 1014 1014 .?Texas Co cvt 6s.. 1004 1004 1004 7 1'nion Pac 1st 4s. 93 93 93 1 do cvt 4s. 89 89 89 2 do ref 4s. 86 86 86 II'In Ulis of S K 4s 43 4 43 43 20 C S Steel fis... 1024 1024 1024 1 Wnbash 1st 5s...1004 1004 1004 1 do 1st ref 4s... 184 184 184 10 do rflsKT ctf st. 15 15 15 60 WPT Ist4s CT ctf 14 14 14 lu do 1st 4s Col Tr ctfs l'or On Tr. 14 14 1 *i 8 Westell Lt Co 5s.102 102 102 2 Western Elee 6s..l0l4 1014 1014 '.'Western Md 4s.. 674 674 674 i West C col tr 5s. 97 97 97 23 ?!o r e -14?. 924 .?24 924 17 Westingh Electric s f,! Bfl ctfs.1054 105 1054 B92 do Mfg ?*v5s w i.1144 1124 IW4 4 West Shore 4s... 874 874 874 i.OYERNMENT BONDS. Yesterday. Monday. Rid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 2s reg "?<".97 97 ? 2s coup "30.. .. 97 97 .'!-? r. ?- '1-.100 1004 ? 8i coup '18_100 ? 1004 ? 4i reg *2."?.109 ? 109 ? ?1?- coup '-'"._109 ? no ? 2.- Pan *36 rag. 80 '?"'' 2i Pan "38 reg. 96 ? 96 ? 8i Pan '61 rep. 100 ? 1004 ? 3s Pan '61 coup.100 1004 - storm in the Southwest, the port ton would be practically clo to the railroads for three or f weeks. He estimated the t?toim's 1 to the Atchison at between $300, and $400,000. General prospects w for a good freight traffic for the r I, he explained, but he did expect the tonnage to equal that last year, when it was the heaviest the company's history. .Mr. Rip said that Atchison would do no r financing under pr? gent ?nvestm conditions, but indicated that so securities might be sold later. Am? those available have been mentioi the $10,800,001? transcontinental sh line 4's, covering the Texas lines, is true," said .Mr. Ripie**, comme ing on the showing of the last fis year, "that the Atchison had I I-ir?a" -* gross revenues and 1 net earnings on record, b when it is considered that the net turn on the- book value of the pr? t-rty whs slightly less than 6 | cent, 'the beat year in its histo loses, in my opinion, considerable s niticance." Cotton Fund Not Needed. The proposal of the Secretary the Treasury that $'.0,000,000 of gr eminent deposits be placed in Fedet Reserve banks in Southern cities aid in financm?? cotton was receiv here with little enthusiasm. The ni hanking act pr?vidos, through red: counting between districts, for mee inir special needs of different sectior nnd it appears to be the province the board as a whole to arrange f requirements. With the cottc acreage reduced, business oi tl country on a reasonably active sea and the nation's banks surfeited wil idle funds, there should be even ]?? need for special relief for cotton tha ? year ago. Then, under the loado ship of the Federal authorities, th banks of the North pledged themselv? to furnish $100,000,000 for a eotto pool, and this labor brought fort loans to the ridiculous amount of few thousand dollars. As cott' n i ?old nnd notes or drafts arise froi such transactions, paper il created fi for rediscount urder the provision- o the Federal Reserve act. When th owner ii urged not to sell, but to ge cup.tal to hold his cotton throuc the Federal Reserve banks, the spin! if not the letter, of the act is violate? Commercial paper available for re discount should be based on ??mrnor eial transactions in commodities, no on the commodities themselves, B. * O.'s Good July Report. Baltimore & Ohio for July, the firs month of its new fiscal year, reporte, the biggest cross earnings since Sep tember a year ago. .Net from opera tions. however, dropped behind Ma> and .Tune, despite a ?I?rrense of mon than 1200,000 in operating costs. Julj gross amounted to |8,670,762, a Rain of 1524,064; nal operating income totalled 18,076,912, an increase ol 1804,891. A feature <>f the repoit from the point of view of food rail? road management was that, despite a decrea.-e in total Operating eX] more -Aas spent on maintenance than the increase for equipment being 169419 at,l for way and struct? ure $'Jl,lf>.r>. Smce February Haiti? more & Ohio has been able to report a Steady ri.-e in ils **roai revenues. The July report of the Pennsylvania which will be made public at the end of the month, is exported also to. show result of an increase in traffic. .? e DAILY IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Daily imports and export? of general merchandise at the Port of New Yor'. were: Inn Exporta. Tuend?? Augur! .'? . ?-*'"? Vi I An* ia< .?. . '? M I ' Katurd??. a'iiii'iiM SI... I.M KrKla?. August 10 Thuraday Auguat I?... 1 ' lay. Auguat II. 3 I > ? Tue? la?. Augual 17 I ' M<aai_a,. AUKLlatl It,.... 1 I ' - --- STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. MINIMI Ope?'. High. I/"?. I-tlt. \ SI 77 .'.-' LOto Arli - i. uto Uli . 4'a 4V, ?'? ?H . ? Arlxona.. M*j M SO? 61 14 Cl UntSI A ?, a ? - "?'" ?V7 .'?"0 ? ?pptl llaiigo 33*4 71 ?':". I ? i Butte.1H. H\ litt Ht -, TS4 c1*? ??l' .'. : Hai ock . 15? IStt IC. IStt ?>. 4't I'? ?'? 15 I,la.,d Creek . MM Is1-. 4-'-, 4*i, ' . K..'....?aa ... 1, 1 , 1 . 1 . 33 Uki ! ? II W 1". I Li .-. I? ... Conioltdated. IStt l"<i 1" IStt ? Milan . I*?* :'-, til - . M Mohawk .71 7?i 70 7'i ? An ..Hin .... *"? 12 !?'? 1" ... I.lria . I i? I ? *'. H 7-', ? ' roioii] . i i '? !.. . j ' SO kfl ?* 120 r?,i?l Creek . luf, 17 l?.??, 17 .-.,,.. Santa Kl . H I I 3 . 7 7 7 7 1?, Hliatturk M 7'? 26 :? I , H 'Uli I-.lse. '?"? VVt Mt ?'?'1? - llary'i iperioc r..*>-*r . M Sftt N \A Mi, Ul* 7,1 13 Til? Ity ........... I 4 4 I ? I ai .-meting . NVi 40 Sftt 4" do pref ... . K , ISU ??? ?? ? ib Apes e. s ?. ?? i '? ? tali Con ... il?. H3. H1.. litt !" Vi,torli . Ti'a, .'tt 7'? S<K ?ADS. - B-ttea A A i'?'.y. IS] 1SSH 1?'7 IMtt 41 Botton Klctati 1 77 77 76?, ? , . ii,.-..? .*. Maine : ? 7:1 H ? , Kill ;?,ni J.l.f .. - a IS II? -"' 17 Weil End ? Ri '-' SS ??- tt , MIS? Kl.LANEOIla ?1 Am ri,??? ft rv i f . II 11 11 16 II A Li A W 1 10* 10% ||*| is? 11-. do pre) '-'?? '-'? SB M j,, Kail Botton I.nnl . Il M 1" II 1 : ,ii . 131 7 1 ?::??! ISS Il i;? lu A Elec .11 ? US US IU I ., ??t. . . *?-. i?fl -?*? M ?.?1 MrKIwlln pr?t ... ?1 Si H7 M .. xi 1 fui . l.l 11 1 n II rirt A O Ulli US 114?, 115' M 1 nlted Krull 1 ' . : ! ItSVj ?:?.? I i Bhoe Ma, h. 41? II? 4- ?- . ? . du prel '-'"? '-"' '-'' '"' 190 V? "il ll'i 1 ' H"'? 13 10?L WollaitOO laSnd l"t| l't l't iv? IKINPS. *:;.oon 1 ?; ? iv 1 '.. . ? . ? , 1 ...... li.,.1, 1, l.l.T 4a Uli Uli Ul| Uli 1 t? ' t ?? '. i"i isai? i?.i ? i rull I!. N :?*'? M laisl'i.N ? I lilt ?.LOSI.NU. Bid. A lui A 1 Ray MataOai II H "r* Metals. 74 M ? ? l?nugll?.. 6'? SI 1 In, ? COU !'" M "III" < "I. 10 U ?.....,??? I*. r, 1 i.i'.d V.ide SU 18 Ji-, Mhj. -lia- M PHILADELPHIA ??TOCK8. O) H .', I/*w I.?-' x s 1 Kallaayi -i'-. tt . Iltt -?". ??: '. STV* :?"'. K7i, .144 i?1 t 1 - ? ?ge Bal . il) ? li, ?.'-. ? . lu? C X A ...... 1 210 Laki *-.;?? . ? . ? !? 11 . i.i, \~ Trani |,f . Il 11 Vi SI 111 ?'(. M ?P. ?, 41 .'? pr?t ?- 4j 4: 47 1 ? I" ". I ? |O0 PI R T stock... 10', l?'t lo?{ loi, , . ?H. . l0*i II I . ' , ' : ? I filled Via. Imp -?', M', M ht W'i ? '??? H"\|.s S-.S04 A ? I ? ? .s- .... . I a '?'. Stlj '-'-'t 874 CHIC M.O* STOCKS. s. Higli. Lm Lest. \ - . , ?? ?? ?" '? 40 I . I ?*? T???? 7?'? , m. I-, ru T.a.,1 7 ? , . |3 ll?r. i- e. M it II" lin 110 ll?i Brick I ?'-, ?. ? \ SSV M W - i prel 11-1? 11. >? I11H il: , i, - ?as '?17 Haltt t >' ? IK'a HI'. M?'? II?", .".n l i.lon Or! Id? l',7 151 til IN BONM I* o,,o . ? ; '? r, a;, i l* 1 M I'. ?.'? j l.i, il ",- ' . I SI SI .M P1TT8BUBGB stocks. SU?. " ? Il'i*'. I-?. 1.1 t . i wii ie-t (. i' s . \?, dm? (a M ISVi I5*| I ,*tj le i" i M H so no s-, t'ai,,'? Ki.rr tia. ? . ? ', MU Ol A I ? ? . !?', 14', 14'. ? i i Brewl i , .??:"? ? ?' " ? . ?? ? ? ' , 4"V, I ?Ml I?'. I?:. 14 , 14". I . ? . ? n. ? ,.',.' 40 l'ut, in: a Ou ? '. ? ". ?', /.'t . ? ...... isril io7s isi -. IS I ?Ml U 17 lh't 17 . s,. Toi '. t u it j-, ' BALTIMORE STOCKS. SaiSI OSSSS lllgll |??-S lai-' Cosl .. . ? . ? | i , , i J liter * 1 :,, !I Ai. ... r.? ?sus ! F* ? I U , "?.Sf M , ? 0..0 I ,? | 1?1 lj] mi I, ?H.n toi, Leal -.. Ill l"i ](i,.-, ,- , B L A r V '? 1. !? Si a.00,1 l u K.? Si l h., i. I] g** 37 j,*-. EXPORTS DECREASE AND IMPORTS GAIN U. S. I avorable Trade Balance (ni Down $10.200.000. Tin- I ni,un? |lnt??n | Wi hington, Ani 14. The export, I trade of the United st.ten showed a decrease of approximately sinn.niin for the we? k endeil August 'Jl, conipat?-?!' I with tlie previous week, txpoete for1 the week ended August || showed a 'valuation of $60l?23,835, compared with, $..l.Ji;i',.:t7.'' f..i the week ended Au-? tO I 1 ! The impoli iraOe. however, showed a gain of ne-irl*,- 110,000,000 last work ovi-r the previous week Imports for ' the latter permil .vcre valued at t'2'2, 480J76, while for the week emled Au I gust 11 they reached S lotal of $.''.*, ? ll)8,r.60. The big i'lciease in the import trailo last week cut ?town the favorable trade J balance for that period to $18,626,276, i a decrease of approximately 110,200, 1000, compared with the trade balance | of the week proviour. Customs duties , collected last week also showed an in? crease, amounting to S'1,401'''it, com ? pared with |S4M?46 foi the week end? ed August 14, ON THE CONSOLIDATED. The market on the Consolidated Fix chance showed decided improvement. Prices at the start showed a tendency to advance and ended strong. United Stntes Steel touched a hif*h of 74 ha. American Can dropped to %a%, but it then rose to &9V STOCKS. Bale? n, , laO? la-i MAIiika v?i\,\ .. MM 11% MM :I-" ,||| r ;.: ....... IV, , A : :,,' At.i 111-? Sugar. r,l ,, |% nl 4 tOO A:,I I'fll IM Arn i ?i .?. Kill] I l<> M , "I IM An I. ? ?i-"l ?II !*'. ITU i; . 17** J I ,M,i I . "Iiii'.il, . ? ?'?! 4HII Am .-inilili;? ;?>!? 7?% II M0 Ana?-oinU it'.ni M I MM ? ? . ?" ? MAtchbmi HUM mi'. I'll1, 1"1'? iiaiiiwin u.-,... . 11*8 ;;', tS% '??? , 7.0 Hall A Ohio . mi', K" , K"*i M ? lft llkvn Hap Tr ?4 E ->4 , ?I , M . IM ? an l-anfl, ll'i', IMM 14?% 141 190 Central lattrier MM 41 ? 4.? MM .''i ? In,-. M A HI H. UM f?l% ?1*1 M'? ISSChle, K I A l'ar.. MM Urn .il II8 MO Col t-'uel A If... ?ii 4"% MM ?ti IMOorn rrtnlilrta. .. Ill*, 1H% US l'''rr :? '4M ?mi,il le Steal . M riU M I ", lnu, Oee.. 2*~, IT M .!?% Il . M l.rl,' . MU --;1? ?r,?, .;i, 10 iln 1,1 pref. UM UM UM 4."?, un <;.., indi Co. ',?>', i? IT'S 4?n i,t V.r'li ?ire . 41 , 41 *-, 40% 41 Intptratlan Cop... 3;.% 34 \ M .-?, I Il'erhoriMIgll . t?H -'?% M*8 MM L'ft I/Iiltli Valley... 14n . 14,i. I4?i% 14'. . fO Maxwell Motor_ 4^'? 4J)i ?ni *'"? l.?(i Mea l'ctmleum . 10 S"", a\% M Mo. Kan A Te? .. 7% 7% j '. 10 Nal Kniniei. .'',', US "? '-'?'. '? M S Y Croirai ? ? . ?. ' . ? .'0 N Y V II a. Il M r-.itl' Mail . MU MM ? , Mu ? ' il "'_ ! |M IV -?i-I Mori l'ar -, ' ?, '?!'-, , ? ??" Readlui .147', 147-. in ', 117", .' " ll'i. li A ?-??'1 ?'?-a ? -'? Il . ?M l'in Kniiirl) . lu', lit, llji I" ? - , l'aille .. ...M MM -7;- ??'? S',ri- iggor MM >"? ? ?M '' I ? 1.1M TrunngM f'np .. ;\:, , U .'.H Ttitr I . . , '..' Il 11 '?" 1.31? Union rann,' ,I?M IHM .M? I S Itulili.r ,'i ?lM M4, ,.m ; s Steel 71 ?. 74% t? , 74 i M rtaii Copper... MM RU MM 13 Kl?...., .IHM 111% 111% IHM I ?? i ? Ml ?aim. MINING. A'mifa . MM ?*M -""? ?-'?"' .?', || .' A 1!. . | r I .'en i bolla. MM * '? ""> " ' .,.': .0? 'is .<*>? ?i? I'm rom Vlrgtnli . . ,1S IS .14 .11 ? ?. ? -, M Merger '.'1 -'1 .-'I .'1 .' , II" I l-i 1 in 1 Ki 4'i" U? lla-M I- I- .4. 4? L'.iii ??ylur . .',,? I- irtlaiMI 1 4 '.. 1 I2M 1 4.-% I 4.'% 4?.n llound Mi ,*, 4- 4' i )? . \. ... la .1". .IS .IS tl M" rouopaa . ? ? .?''.-'' 4'?. 1 nloa ? ? .: ?ale?. RAILROAD BQUIPMKNT BONDS, ? ' n a 1" !? -I,'.,;?# M.1-,-. Unity. I'. C. Bltl.Aak. Atlantl- Coast LlM.._l?14.'21 4-1' . I.CO 1.10 lialtlmora *. ? ililo.I'm I?*.*., If | ?: h & Pitta. 1911?'M li -:, I.I in i'-, lile .!??:,-.? i',.. ... . im .v ? '|.'.--.'i ;,.... . . i _? ,v - i;..,, ..11114. .4 1' I ?- I Chic a No thweatenu,l?l|-'a 4 . 'til'-, in-i ,v Loulsvlllctni |i , i ::. ' in ? K I A l';i. il,, ? '-5,. h.iyi .; i?j ? I. ,\ N? ? Or.1 ?' i?'M ;,... 4 ?'. 4 V, ?'i.v. ?-m. Chi? a.- .??iia,i:.|.-.--.-j...i, i .;, Delaware A Hudson...Its *>,. .. I.K 4? ? 'ili"'.i .i'..ii-':r, 4?., ; m 4 N i Hocking Valley .IM??'*? ???.... 4.M t ??> llllnoli ?'?-ntirtl.1 ? ? 14-? a.*.-i 4' ' ? ? ft I laoulaville ? Nualivll|p.l:<ll . 4.Mi 4.311 Missouri, Kan ,v T.-x.."-! i-;:: :. 1 ? Mlasourl r?, li. ...ISi4?'a N y ?-.iitini Unes....ins?'"", 4- . ,,. 1.73 Norfolk e.- Wr-t-ii. ..;??;?..-?t 41",.. 4;,-, \ -1, j N Y. N 11 ,v Hsf-ord.i|fi* 9 | 4.1.:, i 77, . rinn Central 1 1. Ighi, m?. :: i-1%.. l.M l._ Bi 1.. Iron Mt a- Sou..1-11- .4 .. ' 1 Air I.Ine . .l;.|4- ..* ."...... ,.l? I -" Pouthern Railway .U14?'Z4 IM-t.. l.M 4.7?> ? Houth-rra Pacific .1'..14-'.:; 4's....4' 1 sa Rsilwoy ,...l?n-*ll ;..7.1. ?_n ? ? -.?a--?? UWTOCK HABER. V .? V,ik. Auguar .'4, IMl BEEVES. ? lpt1 Wfl 1 ..'7 1. 2 >ar. nu ?..le No ' ? t r at < 11 r 1 ac : feeling narbanfNl IH.--e.l lie, f ,tfa,ly ] ?il'jc f\t li> l.-r >,iii:iii.'i. lo prime iiatlie CALVES. I Herelpt?, 120 lira., ?, ,.ii .ale Market stetd). ' Ko rr.,1 '<. i'?i- oflrreil t'oounaa la lairly [.nine trrala -"?,1 a? $.. " Jl.: .'', r* r 1... IU; cull?, 1?. . i gr???er? a'-I ?kiln milk eal?M. Met?. I>rr-?ei1 ; real? ?n?. and arm, , m drrtacd ?ia-. l , p(I II? , r.rii.tly ,lr, - ^ ,|, 14|,1 17'j'' | ??al- ? Kern, Conunlaalon ?'?? IS f?al?. Un lb I j aur-rag.-. Ill per IM b; 1 .rarllnja ?ii,| gra???r?. ! ? ?la-arl-,. :.,u. $T Mi-1'lirrw.n a Co. 1 Oblo ?ra?.-. Ill lb, Jl: ?il 5, 111, | ' I ? l.r.? :l ?i-aln. l.'.S lb. ? c__, 17',. ?*? N'e?t.,ti A Vo lft ?eal?. 133 lh. US.25: 2. IM. M. I SHEEP AND LAMBS. bead; 1? gl ?. ?alt, ? nuntry j irrlod ?in \. ?t. r-l iv ani lau ?rrltal? |.i .lai. Shcip rii.'a'l? Uinu.. IV blglirr. Conuaoii in prtBM ?In?-p lewe?) ?ilil at !.<!?$,..n [rer IM lb; roll?, 12. Iambi J'iil;?;,!. in, . $?i |ir.'-e,l ?i1:? i-r lb; . , i,,,i a bog ' ? i Sal-- Newton A in . Ut Ky lanil.a. 71 II, a?, r apt. t:' 7'. i?-r ion ii.. ,m ?, - W \i. I III ? SI,?in,.,., .'41 h? latulia. h0 11.. M.?:.; :??' ?*, x. :4i ,,; MM; SM ? *. ?. M, . I ? ;.. 2 K? ibM-a 1.10. ?',.".?1 I .1 sii,i,,!.erg A Sa,|i 113 Ky laagbg. *: lb. tv r?; 2 ?mu >,..?!.. ;u. M ,. i? HOGS. IwolpU, 1.401 hea.l, ni'i.? in tile. Krillng ' ooBlnall] ill , i. [Bt Telrgrgph to The Tribune 1 I , .i ? lap. :4 SHXXV AMi LAMBS K relpti .'?.; making a tmai ol 1.173 for tht two ? week *n_ ni?.-... i rnl',1 ?ia,l>. I'liol.?-' ? | ? ? 'ill?. 11 ' :. ' .. bed i?r . ; ?? -m lod . M H,.?r,,|!. A.lf I |rl ' ' ? Ml ?'a-llr, : Ll"i. ilierii and - tli l.ISS; li"??. i\4,. uv.v.v ? A'lTi.i. M.,k,' meak. with . ? n ll -'". a 'ill' lll| MOM *> ' ln?'?l f, r ,.,'.?? ratllr fairly pood, f a ?n.all r." .i"ii 11, -? >ie. la ami un n. I? ? J- . I <- '"i l,e..>, ,,v>-, J..?? ?? .0; a few ellra , i hrlfrr?. I? I I fall !" t.I ??- ? ' I-? I'????? ! Iliiry. Jl i $.*,; I r I" " 14. ! Un',, n, mod?r?t* ?.ipiaiy at 14?5M 7,0. >?? I"?, I, With I.? 'I:' . 1 ? i. i?:i ' , rial arrr?ge. >;,">? with a fea Igjirj a fra.t|,'tii I l.igli'-r small .al... nM tl |3..%S0?U ?' II",US. mged at $7*?ll '?". n>- ?.i-U- ml l> - ?ery light, sill II- AMI I.AM?'.- I tt tl?? ? var I?, ?ni Ihe bltrfc? . ,|, al il <?-. ' a . a It M.'l ?IS.*?. | Tlie ttatc has rrmoiwl H? quartntlne ('mu th? tnd Wat, >arl?. mil ?li'l .? i-- iiuir ta rh. barm ,.urtiig tl* ? A? the lt'e,li'i?l ?'nerr.'.i, nl bat not r. n "i,| it? .lutrartni,'. ho ?ewr. i . ? Hi, l',|r-tal n ?tr: uou, are nn >,,| prmr to n?lt week. .... I li,?.' A it .1 .1? i: ' i ? . 10.0.I0; tin iig ? hlgtwr, ' '!? i1*'. Ilfu?. ? 4'.,?17 "I 1 , ? ? tx I'ATTJ* He ? ",; ? I ? ' ?a | l| -.HM.! ? ?' i ? '1? ami'? ??;'*-? i irgb Am -'4 I.- R? * P** l-t00; ?Til |. ? ? tig, J? ,. - I? ., .-Hl.t.i' AMI I. ?Ml"- ; p ? ?I.\ I - I nee I? . I'-e. Ill ., ,_, ' ,11, Aug -I HialS H ttrtity; ptckn-t tnd buuher, I I ? ' Mil.I. Tin., .tradi ?Her?, |4 *? ! t I I lug .. - ? ' > t??r? a I pig? I?? :" ',*?-,, ..,?,?. ? ? . 'i l$?? ?Ml I I* A.M> , lAMi:- n. -? . ? . .? . ? ?-i. : Ht. U \ . .4 l|i Mis l>,ei[,?s 3 .??*' . . uid iigir?. 17 ' I i c * . . . ? . I ! . . I - HI" ' MIHI || * . " higher Ian ? km -V in Mis ?; ?, ??; M ''?'? * . ? ... . S J ? . . ? ? -, ? AIT' I . _._?_ I ? I? ?. i . - ? ?- *' ... ? ? ??HI IV tie ? r'? 1" " . . '" . ! K ..?lili, ?eibar?. laa-S_l?. tact I. .-*_, II PRODUCE AND I GRAIN PRICES Frost Scare Unsettles Corn and Wheat?Sharp Break in Provisions. TOTAL DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. New Voik. Au.. 71 MS. Hinter, tubs *S.|7I| l.'w. I.u.n 1 :.." ? 1'is .. 3 i . .., . 70 i-kki. .?t? IS.MSJ-A'kast, l,,ish IM. SU Niitn>t*kat -1?? ??? ? i. ? .???. i?.- pouiirr.eru i.?ji land, pit* ' J'li'.ii. lalee . I.IN i-eltrr, ?Vpples, ii.i? ... t..?.'??,? ru? luru Itbl ? ?us ' ii i, si .; a ? i."-!n. 1,1,1? . ?.11.-. 1 ? ?in "'..i... rts :>.'..: It, ,u ml, i?>:, 1./Ilium ??'.hi. I,? ,4M .-lints inn.. 1,1,l< II ?nloaa, atu ? . ? ? ..r Mi? IM .?es (Cal).ba 3..M? Itac-tta. rlm. ? ? iches (Cal).bs e\SSt\llemt ,..],. esteem.. :.*?:? I. ah i.ln. i.ush. MSi lle-i-f, les i :?..?? "(ill, |,l. 13.*ll.',,?',|lllie?its. plagt 1.1.7 I linns K'ali.crts U,tT7?|?Jraate, t?? . !"? ... -. -.MS Rams, u-s . l? lile?, ski a..... 1'., I, I. lea . 1.077. liarla*--. '.??Mi ... ll.tsX i aid k?a*s . I.4SI ?'?>rn, bush / loi i ,?i.. bbls ...... I" 1 ? i nmeal. -k?. f.i 1 I'alloa. i - ut Yamt, toi.-? . 1*41 Cot ? ed oil. 7,i7:i I ?"'ir. labia . D.-II7,.-.e,i oil bill . Klour, Iks .. . Si ? :,.< Lub'a .,ii ' bbls . v.i li.iv. ton? . LSTt ? lle<s oil, t ? ... MS M-It. iu?h ... I.20S rt-ap itoek. ?jbli ?liais. Luth . M. ?Moi.-pong-?. ?,al..* "atmeal. I.LIs... .T-O, To?,..,,-.. I.ISt "??? ..k" ?ks .'... 4.7.1. IV?; ? ? ?,. ti Ii-0 Ulli-Mal. sks --??, Tot?.,. .... ikus . . 167. EXPORTS. Wkaai, iiiish ... 3.'?'''?' Pork. i,i,i?. 1*4 ?"'?in, Lush ... . 7.1*7.7 Uarf, bblfl . IH7 Osts, l.ush . I.S4E M;.< ..ii- 11. ... 71i.!'i'I Barley, bush ... IM| llama, it, . H.S7* Pi i-, i.n-li .... I.?711.. r.) m . :;'.ic . sans, i n ii : ftl fteatin, n. .IK.?*) lour bbla .. .. I.*" 1 j Orease, n. _""'??? Klour, sks . ta.STO Hinter. Iti .... Cot nmeal. i Ll-.. 1.4*1 i ehre? 1*. . Feed, ft? .... 74.???o Cot'eeed oil. ir....7,?4 .*?' Lales . 101 l.ul, i.- oil. gals. ? Hlmeal, th .yir, ; CASH (ROTATIONS. lion. N, No 1 Ml?.00 I- imir, Mpls p?s. $6.1?) Iron, X. No":f. 13.7a Cotton, ml,Milu? 9.3'' lr,,n. H No 1 f 11.50 '?'olfee. N.> 7 Itio I Steal rail? . 1.77. Linear, tin.- gran 5.?if, i:i'?tn. copper. IT I Molasses.? ?Kprne 4? Tin . 33.77. , Hc-f. r-,i-ills- ...1S.S0 17?, lange lead. 4M Tallow, ?p.ilal.. 6?4 Wheat. No 2 red 1.11 I I'or It meas . IS.1I Corn. No 'J yel. M', II.?is. drsd, 16?'th IT, *"ats. No 3 wh 60 Lattl, Mile West 111 ?Netr. GENERAL MARKET REPORT. New Yolk, Angus! 14. 1??11 GRAIN. VMIKAT Tin fr,,sl ?, are g,,Torn?d the eirl? when market, in?) prliT? it cue (line liter opening ?er? 1 .?? net higher, bin on -n'.lueot .lenlil? tint ?ni a-rfcSBS iltnuge hid sreuneu, sad prediction? f.,i ?inner weither In the ?'nudln, S'ortbste-1 I ?...,?? asd. I?? ?III,Ii new In? re-',r.|a far lite mi.nlbi ssere ?? -tibll-lied, tilt .-In.? 1,,'lng %* net I'lble? ?ere BBISllifB? Ulf J. ?he-ting early wetk ne-- In ?ympiil.-. ?lib Am.-rl.-ari ,|r, line, on lion day, i'U? Bro'imbill .titcl (hit 1k.Hi 1'rin.'?. in,I litly would r??iulre large 1mi,ori?tl??(is of a?ieat till- ?e?-.?n Tlie sturi.r-. -to? k a? report-.l by "Bradatreet't" ?bowed i .1?, it.-? f?r ?lie ?, k ,,f ?S1..? l.ushel?. reinparcl ?Uli 1 dsCtSSSS ll-t yeir II "OH iiu.hel?. Tli,. ia-li mark, i here ?a? ea?r In .vmpllhy with , Ibt VV, -' Me I re I telng tl II , I f Ne? ' Y,,rk promt* rail; He 2 luri. 11.14'? ,lo. 10 ?r rlie like uni rill. No 1 Northern liiluth. 1101',. I ami Nn 1 KoftttSfB Mai.1l.lia. ITttc t-'tli I I f Iliiffiln. ?HUN -Tli? fnast ttlk sise ?tlmultted etrl; hjyltig In lb? SSSB rairket. u,1 prl.-< ? tl "tie lime ?er? up alaout ??? ??er the prr?to<j, nlghl. but ,,n Hi? i?'.i rep. rt? ?.( !,lgl,er t'lnpcralurct Hie : frar of ,,.,| Blskfa modertte?l. an?l telling de ?eloped, -thick ?-rose prl.e, tl., ut Ittc per I >?-I. ' fr? m lbs high,.' of lb* dir. A ?light rally netr ' IB? cloe* ?ill, ?liett left flml iirt.e? uiichtiiged I,, a Bat l"?rr Argentine cru ?*., a?,I. being ? liere. re|?ort-.?l as Ism a. 7.'.? . . ?a-i IM tr, igi.f V, I ?ellow .-oni win quoted Mtte. prompt I "AT- llie fitorsMe wettlier f??r the m"?etn.iit. will, in ea-ler Irend to ?a.h ?stet rsu i I liber?! ? ?ellllig In ?Ills market, an,I pri, ??. -u-lai... I ?? riktsi ?:.l I, ,-trr... I IBM t?, ne? loa (rade kreis ?/ter ht.liig lk(l?ll ii.'Nlerile .lalj -tcniilli ?I'll other grilns. Cash dsStsnd m. rather quiet, ti.,1 lbs .t-li ruirka-i bru- darllnij igtln. DSU ???' l telng iiuott.l 30c nunniial for No ? white in,I 4M* , Dessins] for No 4 ?hl'e. ?.'llpi-td Srbsts old, SSttSSe. I NEW YORK PRICES. CI a*. Te-ler?!?)-. September . . 11 "?'? ll.ti'-'t CHICAGO PRICES. Teater Whet' open High I/*?. ?|o?e. .lay. S-l'emi,, r .11 ul ?1 ?i: .KS-, .9*\ ll.fl.)?, , I?, ember . Os', hi.?, M% *;>-. .IT-V M?> l ": l Stil 1 ?"'''? '1 ?IS i MM , ('.im Scpiemrjer .. .T|-, .7.,>, ".", .:..; .T44 I De eniWr ... ". ,.4 -i .;:?', .?'.:(', Ma> .SSli ? ?'?'? ,S4tt M . I . oats: ?- ?!?? i? -r . .*-'? .', .a7?? ..i7?t 7l7Tt ' DcceabM . .77', (7 Va ."?tt .i?S .H7??,, M? .BStt 4u .M M% M% , PROVISIONS. There wt? i SscSdsd break In proel,i?nt fSSti r day, ri'.nliiin fr,,in iatli,'r ill-eral r? ?--il>t-.. .-ailing i Is grain pseple, ll<iul<liilon by pack, r., ?be ile . line in gram uni i p>,or eiporl inquiry. The ,1c i .line ?tt partb iilarly Miere In the late SftetTtSoa ..Let. .top or,|er? ?err reach,,I. (hi, ?g?, i, i?,r;,*,l ?rritils of II.MI asm, ?lib ls.n?ii r?|? on IV.Itie-.liT. KtiiM. t'lty liad ?.himi iii,j Omaha k.'iOS. 1'OKh ?Uaily, mam, !!? SStillt; funi.y. ! |20H$K; ihort , letr, Ils.-,??,-1;: IIKI.K oulet. I1T.5O0I1S; famll?. |19t-**N; packet. Ils* I1S.5I; ???ra In.Ils me... |*S?? |M. I?IIKS**1.I? IKKiS; l,a, ?n-, IP, , 1-.. Iba, IP, lbs, 11-V: Un II... Ii , . ph.. litte ?TT MI.ATS- - I'l.kled l..llie. ?pile'. I?) lb-,, \.l\c, 12 lbs, litte; 14 Ib., 11?,. ; pickled bims quiet; quoted. la't-'lTI',,-. TAI.I.dVV et.y; -psdal, Itte; dly, ',*-? . .?.(iiiiry. .'.Ta'?'''t.' I.AKI? ss ). MM ,ilc Wsst, LlS?ts.SSc; ii. lard ???.; .pi ??? l. : > ? - . rifl'iel lard ,pilet. Continent. K.lO..; H,,uili Amerkt I.SBc; llriiil keg,. M.jO. . mmpouni siei?|y. quoi.'.l, 7(?7tt... ?Utrlne ?teiJy; oie?,, lu,, city Uni ?????line, '.?'??, . CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Tautet I.trrt (?pen High. Ia?w. CkSSS, >l?>. ! ."epirmi-er . S. 12 111 LSI ?On 1.13 (?.-tnlier . ? 22 ?22 1.11 ill - tt II, - ? Kepi.'inl-er . *.*: I ?,. s 47, ?.7,0 ?70, ? Mober . S.7i s.75 ? J7 ?.? ???a1 l',,rk r-epieinher .IS.M IH.7S ?H.-.O 13..V. 11 !.. ??.tuber .l?.Ti la-..') U.S7 li.W , FLOUR AND MEAL. The (lour mtrkei bal a .ll?(lii?ll) staler ?mi? an,I ?tTiea-* ??re attain |,'?,r lo Mil, .lue lo ?be break S alietl. Mil,- ?ere reported large l.llyrr- ??I ?rhsal in the Minuets-oil, market Tin- I,,11,,all,g j prb..?. In -raed, air .iun'r.1 .i, il,. .NV? V.irk , i'rodttcl Ki. Iiaiig.- Spring patent.. |>. .0 ?? i7 . -prii.g clear?, old. UtSSS.40; nil'er pitentN. 1 ? ? > .',,. ?int.-r rtralBbt?, |.'..X5<kt5.4*; e?tr? No l! ?inter. 44..ia ?4 "i; r?tr? S?> 2 ?inter. SI i - 14 IB; k???. siraiglil.. |...r,'?|-i 41'. tl! nea.ftinyj testas pat?ala lameAma im- ?7 -.?,.., ?7 .-. BYE I I.1.1 II Ht-idy; (?Ir to |.h?I. 17? .*.?)?;.|7. SS; chales te i.n... i. i'.'. ?It.I" ' "llNMiAI. Metdy; kin, dried. 14:. BAC. VIKAI. St.???!> . In.? ?line ajnl 1 '? ? II.NS; .,,?.,, II 61 1 hi.1. kVettem.teedy; 1 bran. IM II. ?1, ka, |XI; .lamltrd mlddllllfl .1". 1 flour middling do. |.?2 .'??.. r?.l log a? ,1 110-11. -a.k?. KM ?Hi -'.Hi. ?ran bulk I?; mo ih isck-,, Itcsty mlddliui ,i?. |?*; *,?ir nildlllng do. 1;:, .o. rr?l ?log fl,,ur. 140 1b ?a,ks. In* . ollmetl. 1 - '.,< a ] , COFFEE. Near m.'titl, Inpnla'n,, ?a- tglin the feiture ?n . the mirket lor raVTs? ?utnr,? ta-dty? ami. ifirr opening -t,t,iy il B?chai il ir? ?. 10 tu ?litan e ??? 2 i-.lnt- the mirket eased "ft* Bader a B t. 'nue ?.f olT'rlM-. ?PI. Um Mas 'mm point- net l(?ei Sa e- In. Ig.ling ei. Iiingea. j aliie'intnl tn 7s I ..- Stptei ?a? . 1 a - f.?r llsrch 1? ?n polnll, ?ml lot Hay ?I 40 Bralillin i.ItI. e-< ?ere alinafd t., r Hi an) ?ciidm ?!.(. IMII in ileidluesi ??' IBS m?-, marke!, prnbsblf scetsanted for ?be tllgktlf I higher 1?-. tl apanina Tber? ?a. ?er. um? d?muni ; iround the bill ling, lio?*?er. ?nd lb? ?e?k? r ruling of Ht-pteml?-'. ?'??? ?'- reli'l.e rn. ? tart) A'in-t. h?v mule rat t,. r in unftfrihle Im iii ?enliment lu .-"UK qutrtera The dlf (erriice >,f ir-uut 11 |joiiil? ruling l-e.wee.i Srpim.'.r .- , I, n". r a' IM ?' ' bu.Iiit?. last iilglit, I,.,*,,er. ?a. hardly -u?i, leal i? hidl?.it? say ? imoiig dome-lie hasssn et oyat ?roffce. ?. I >!ir I... ?J -|.n n,,rk?' ?.. lairl) .lealv in .(. ? *.| It 7.- linI * ,l,t,,- 4, tt ii..?ut !?'?. Cari ?* ?I fr-elglil off. I . in,1 lalli. r blshef ? I . I - - . ? -1 fine ?.a" -r .:art. ?- f -?" Pan!. aUh ? km I) . , .hi ronlli 'ie.| mo.1 -a a* 'I' mi''mum lemperiture ?ai II .Irarret or ? .hide tbo?e tint ' prettou. d?) H.?ine trider? lia?. ai?'l?*?r??'??! i e topearan ? ? f t H'?.?' is - ip ,1, la! l ?Ith tbi '-hl'ige ??' UM m..o?. tnd th? I] thai ?? > "I .,?P 11,1. ?e?r will tm . ' I by th? utusl ?r?.i .Umig? reisorii his .' ??- ? ?aitiiiig fet'ure. in the ?e?-e?il mirke? Tiere has Sees le-.< ?llapos-iiPii te slit ? ? ???iblUtie, et 11:1? ."r'. I.(.?#er. than ?o , , Her ( ' ? r' . rusti?? --?ti* (??- Sana? Ye-'-r (?pen High las?, <'l'1? SSB | ' - It ' .xep-emlarr < M I *? f' I? I IT?*?* ? ? < tt ... ? ? ttsatlt 6 ; I? mtot . . I.M ?31 I? - ??' ?i?ry ? ry ... ? ? ? t 4..-?'? I? HI T .? ?a A'.-ll ... ?.,?.? .... til S?l Isl ? - ? * June . _ ? - - ?> ' ? SUSAN Tli? !~-il mtrke? ? ? ?-- - ' ) i?r ?is ???l?r. a reft-.?. l*s?itli?| ?heir r?l- ?? th? r?. ging tr-itn ', Ml IS j su.* for I . , tl?i f?ll?.l I? ,r-ai? ?u II ,:. i til i. :->?., ,1 !rr?i. altbdrswsli en ?rt, t. ?rt.lli.g ?a. ?? ?? q'.le' Tlie follnw , .? an i;.' ir. >. ?I Hie Amen,m .?ugir Kefln Ii,g rasuran? ?'r -111 ,lomli.u 'ible'?. ssssa I ih tartana hall ?ar lull ?l?? labMi ?67k. ? irtM - '. tai'leu. ? ? al?.- in hilf reset 7 O". , ,,( leal S -,Se , ru?beal ? I . A. t 1*. , cu??--, tul ?Ole ..*of? : . - \ \\\ ^,?d?:? i '? tn. . : .. t meatS ' I? lagl l-oa.terr?t in?! i?u? powdered in 1 Balls .o?r.- grtou ite.1 -, 7?r. ftult ; ?lertl H ? t tata e.'ri flue irioulite-i , I ?mi i- grl,u t\ ? '. "> l? -inee?. 4". ? ; Baise la atir otee? Suit. .*-,?_.'... -a 'ne '. ttt : n. hu? O? :, Ih !,??< 'I". 5 ?' . 1" H bast ,1" I -,o ||, i.jg? do and -itndtrd ai?iiiil?|.-l. .711,'. tin? gr?nultle.l and dlanvm-l A. A ?. i i" Ko 1. ', \., 4, -, '??? N,- I .'ft . Ha '? . \? . \? : , |IV'. V? ? M",, \o ?, I" I i \,. ||, i m No II, I ? V-. I II ?r, i I , If" I ?I market lor raw .ugar mat iin.-lianre I Tr .?lit, ? i?l? He? 'lay'r. hotlnoat .h,Hi,A lo ? 7?10 i ,?. ?t i?.,,,?? in plriii to tIm ? -lulu, amaal ??> i or || l, )l lerli I' ? . ?r gtaUalil* ii thai pfli* ? ilrltugal ?. ,"i I ?i 4 7"-. ?olaaag, I.We. ? I I n I ?tf ???1 freight. .1 II |g, SUr.AR FUTURES. ?future? open?,I quiet, :" hi N piillit? lower ?lib flt?l .alx I "Mi I ,?. Afi?r th* opening tr?rl? Int.-?.-. ?era gncd buttert on n-imrta of a her tar Ion? In ???ii? and rumor? r,f ??port hiiilur?. In i'lhi.,1. aril Hi. mark,? i|.,.e,| un. hanged lo an if 4 pointa, ?tth m|m f,r tlie ,U mo Yr.ter ??pen High t*Wt ?loe, ,|jy. An.u.f - - ;? . |.* J.g ? r ?<. .2 .1 '..' - M 3 ..|?. l ...' .1 -.1 V.i 1 ill |g Kotcmber I II :? Il n 41 I |.; , ; 1 11 . .1 :? 17 .-' VI???? .1 , It liiitrt ... 1 no ; no ] ou 71 01 '. rehraarf ! :>'. .: <? 1 .- . . 1 ? .Mar, !i ?? , in, , , ?? Al'ill . n?.., ?iks 3 O'J Ma? . ? .17 :i 117 11,. -,, , i : io* .3.10 3 HI 3.10 ? Un..! II I 10 Jul> . ? ? I.ISfl 17 3 13 - COTT0NSEEO OIL. ftii ?it,um! of light , rude offering?. ?It.?:.? were ?nod 1 it. ,,t ,.-.,.. ,. 1 ?n tliloiilU. and 'he iiitrkr! Irtelnped ranttderabto ?tr. ngtli. ?lib l??t * t" Iff [?.lilla Oft higher. Th.-:.' ?Til -ame talk ,.f m Inipr-1.1,1.1,1 In . ipurt h man I , hii-fly ?in, much i?,ti?, ti?I the itrwigth .1 cottoa god n,.;,t,,.''l political r? ?? ?'-. In-i irr.l hull. Silt? for the ,ity Ml 11..".' b?rrela. Htiigi- of prt< ? 1 <*,?ii High. I>m. 1 1,.. ?*?' ' . ? ? ? .-,.4-M'i no -, .10 A"?"-', . - - ' ' ' September . . .3.10 .', :,1 :, 41 . M, 1 . . '''*.' ' ? '* ' M ' 1 ..31 V.wi.iher ....5.41 ' .- I , I-i , .11 . . -, 4 1 -,' ', 1, 5 -,?.? -, ;l .-, 41 January ... , ',, ',.??, ;.:,.-, r, ,,_'?.... ,,;. , ;,:, felaruary ... 5.TJ 5.T1 1 tSamm? I.M t.M l.titgj.?4 ? :; ?-? OOUNTBY I'KODICE MARKETS. N.-w York. August 21. Itlt EGGS. Re.-r-l,.- ? |,MI CUM Ir,- li ?rather 1. entra?, p.-r do_n, .'1. ,1::,; rain ?!.-. .4 lit ' '.'-',? -I' ' .- . llibtb 1. r. 17 '-'",, dlrtlr?. No 1. 19?? ! . I?, .it, i:..'< 1?%,'. , becita, g.??l t,. , bol I'M??; ? i..? ..I bifi lor, IM?l?Mf; refrlgorttor. -i ; 1 :i?j| UM?*! 'im I? ?'"I poor r 1? ?-'".. .tatf. I',till and llt-url,?. Ir ill,.-!. line to ftlicj. :i4n?k-; ordinary t.. g...?L I ftlhtn l uliite... a. tu liai and i|ii.i,lt>. I Wettern, galhrred white?. 134 lUc; <*le. I'eiiii and in?rli>. Iiriirii-ry browru tlOJtOc; galherr-l hr.nrn tnrl nilied iilor?. 21_llc; n.-_rt ?>, rt-frlgcrala.r. .?'2Xe. BUTTER. Iler-elpt? for week. SLtt? ptckage.?, a? iimiparrd with M.IM paikage? litt wr.'k. Cratownr, i-itiaa i:<- ?urn-1. Mc; higher tcorllig. ???M '-7'. BrtU. .'I ,'.'-,'.. . ?o,, ,?|,. .'.?%?? j .%,?, thlrda, 11022c; ?late duliy. rli.,-,1. 13M<-*1 ?""'l '" I'rlm.. ISM?f?Sc; lo fair, .'ft " .:?, . MlOfltod, eilra - ? 'ra'?. tlr-U. ::,,..'.%,, lowet iirad.'?. 2llt*2l,-; Imitatlnn 1 rjr, If I ' ltdlet, rurrcOl make, first?, llOJIlc; nee. . lower gradr-, ]??.!?%,. pa,king atock, Jum- make. Hue. I''-. ??-',', . , urrent mak.'. 111... I;.-:-'., . , iirrent m?k,'. Nr, g, 1?%, . low^r gra.l.?, ISMUc FRESH FRUITS. Applr? In, r, a-l:,g In supply ami iiearl?' all ?tockl .,r ordlnirj quality, fetiertll; It. king i-olor, witji ret AI'I'I.KS. kUxtodrr, iii.l. I! Traiupartnt, ?_? ?-1.?. Wetltby, 11.50? 13; Itough. 'I .."'?. Mtklen ?in ii. Jl M. ?.??-' '.*'.. Culrtrt. I Il -', - .1 .'. l"Mi,-.. ll.MtSfl.15; Codllm. II. IS I ?r'li:.. UrtTentteln, !1.5???t3; Nortrnre?t?erii, i llrrriilni. I1.M#|3; Oteen big, fl.Mlill; Baldwin, ' .. Summet Pippin, fl.l5(ar|l; ?irang.' rip-, pin. tl.iftaxtl; coolHon, 7.ViAfl.25; a.? to lilnd.-. prr bak. 4",--$l. 1'I.AKS. litrilett, bbl, f.i?.JI. btk. I 7" ?11 -?. ? Itpp'i rtforlte, hhl. }Jia$l; bal lia',. Hell, I.',?!'!; ioutbern, le- fonte. H? 11.777; I i'*?: ACH Kr), oprleu god ?tal?, canter, M? sil: btk, .',, .pi, . T.-r.,j. IV1111 and Coi : Jl 30; ' -.?? ? , liel tin! MJ. 1 ?rrlet, Mc^ILM; btk, I 27 .,,". W.'.teni Md tud *.*>' \*. r-arrl.r !,? , 11..'.,; I,?k. lOfkSOc; hu-li.-l h,k, .'.?Kir, 11 -.;,, h.df , btuhel btk, MifMr; v.i tnd S ?'. . .?rri- r. -,",?. 11. *.ii ; btk. ::,..-.11. . Mo, Ark. ?te, ctrrlti . ? - l'LI MS, ? ? Ib h.?k. 1 ? ?> i", ?. lo Ib i"k. .1,..... ; furrier. :,',??'? u I??l und Md, -r-H' btk, ? s 1" . i?-?' ' anart, ?tote: Houlheni, pet. b i.?k. rill N'KS. Southern. 1 1 ,-. 1*108, ' ?. ut. 7inll,. ??liAl-Ks. uprltrr, Del, ue, * Uoort'i Ktrly, .,,, ?r,-.,-; uprlrer, rhainplun, l?el tiij Md, l'h.ii. 1 ,''<'?'>, M'H-.r.-'- Karl?. 50 I ?i7-? ; Mark 4 ?k, ? f l?; \ ?'. Dol, 1 irrlor, IIOll.M; l'.I.Ai'KHKHIIlKS ,,t -, . -, . KASI'HKH HIKS, pint, -7,. Ill ?kl.KHKltllIKS, l'eun and Jir.,->. at, li?llc; N'.a rleotlt, 1" ? !?? . MI'SK- ' MKI.iiNS. ni. ?itrultrd .rate. |2.?Tiax|3.T5; poli? I i-rtte. ll.lSlgtl 50; flat -rale. 70.-,? SI : Itrtty, .laii.latd ,t.ii.. Me .11. 32-qt , r?t,-, Mcttll; l-oa. Kor,'. HiHik, 1 '! Iiil ?i?l MI. f?r, > jtnnlBi mte. J1 '? 11 .*', ; ?ferage, M*?7.V; fanijr, ?ttn.Urd ?rate. ..M,?ll; ?virage, 35|#IS?-; flat eral I ?. 1 ?A'ATKHMKLOXg, s, 1,ih, ru. etrlotd, 17', a I.',, l"". $1" ??:-.. ?.ItAMi'.s. Cal. bog, .? I ., ?ig, ?j ?? Il . . Cuban, J.ii-r I*. Porto Rico. 11 ill 50; IMNKAPl'LE? P n 1 Rico, tied Sptobb, crgte. ll(r.J*7'.. Cuban, Jl??>$-, Smootb L?>eiii.e. H?. $1.7',?..|J ',U. POTATOES AND VEGETABLES. I'ottfnea In free luppfar, I ut mmy trrlrlng . I < poor quality ?nd ?iriitiy It IK) ?tr?'k r?:li<-r letrct. I'iitat.ik.??. I?., < bland. round, big. I1HII -". loni. Mi - >? II; SoWhern, No 1. bbl, lTeOll.ll; commo ? 1 >. ?I- Jain?. 11.54 ,?!:'; Houthern I '- ??: 7.. .1 ?>. Inakrt. II l| 15; ?>M<i.\s Siielter lilaltd, .m-IIo'.v. hr.i. lia 11.17; rerl. H.'ll 15; ???te tnd Jertcr, ?null whli?1. Jl.-. ''. 'ft. u?utl ?lilt?. ;i7,,..7'? , ),'! ? in,; r?d. 1.', 1',.'??. Mtnriii.d ami Virginia, ha-rket, 1 bbl, llwll.13; ortnge County, tad, bos, . >el!ow, .','ii?7j,', I'ounecticul v?l> ho?. l,?g. ..ii,,.",, BEANS, S, .t.'li. wax. buahel i.??ket. .'lOi'inJI; green, 50c? 11; lag. 50c?ll; .ler k> ?n,l It [alai 1 batket or bag. ," ill; VI I T?. riearhy. 100 bunchet, II ; II?11.25; 1 AlllliiTS.'.y new, bbl, 11?$1',". 10 , buu tx i " Ii. CORN, Ji r.-, i-.- i" SI 50; ?Al un.. iwi:ii->. w rtern of 1 ,' II 13; Mile, hhl, *l..Mi,'J4 50; l.,?ig Ultnd. ?l.?J:. .Ulla. .".11. <j*1 ; Cl ? I MBKR8, uprlrer, laakcl. 7',, ,.n 11 .'.*.. Staler. 1 Jl ?i. I.!?i-,. iiiahei bot, 50c#|l; batket, '?"??'-Jl. H 1 1 I'll KI.l.s. bM II-i!;.. CKIaKRY, Hau- and Je:?e>, hun, I.. 1"'. lard ? ul.. Jl "M ,1 ? AltH\?;i;s. nearby, pet 100, J: red, 7*.i|l. i:?i?;i'I.A\1s, Jcrtey. hhl. J.? ill.12; btaket. 3.50c: 32-qutlt cri f "ft,. I.l.ri'll!. itttt -' 'I "r'li .'rate. 7.",.-," $17-. - du_ 11 irali '! - ' J-' -?' ? ii?:.' '. ','? g Jl 50; 11 ?r -Ji LIMA BEANS, batket, 7", -<i, lug. 1.>,.,-, Mi silliiH.Ms. btaket, J: ? ?iKiia. Jeney, .?rrtei IIIfU; bltket, <1 ?<??>%: ??. 1'K.AH, trVetlem Sea 1'ork. h??k.r, Mcfftl; I ? r;.ri-l.lis. Butmote, iretii, I bl, 1" '0 ,. ml, Jl ? . i"i, Mil I? ?"? . fed, 11, cbeete, ?1 en. !",a.Mv; r.',l. ll.Z5#ll.50; 1 ? tr,,n. 4. . Cubtn, :.'". llADltJIIKS. pet I11" *i . HUMAIN!: lutkrt or eral ? Ml; mart,,?? 54 1 ' , . wbiti. ' ???;??. ..-:,. Tl'lt MI'S. ?Idle, p. r bid, 7***411; riiithait. bbl or ha|. 4H"i.Mi,; tom.\T??i:s. KI1U11 hlind ?Undtr.1, boi North Jeney. pink. Iu?li?l Ikii, . ?> h , , . Aitne. ?mall boi Jj 'I"-: Stone. 2.1#33c; lirt'.t. i" r..,, . WATKKCKKHS, 1er !?V) han,he,. llr?Jl 1 BANKS TO CONSOLIDATE. ( hatham and I'll. ni\ .National and ( en tury To Be .Merged Soon. Louis G. Kaufman, president of tlie Chatham and Ph?nix National Hank, announces that within three months the Century Hank and the Chatham ami l'henix .National will be lonsolidstsd as a national hankin(r institution, re-' taming- its branches.. It is untlorstood that Mi. Kaufman will be president of the consolidated institution and that the direc'ors will be selected from those of bo?h banks. "The Chatham and Phrnix National Bank is desirous of having certain branch??," ?a..I .Mr., "and it is hifjhly gratified that this ?an now be ?tone within the National Harking .Sys? tem, of which it h-.t.t -<i lonz been a member. The combined institution will have n ivrplui exceeding li^WO, 000, and the deposits of the two banks are at present in excess of |fM,0001000. This is the first time that a na? tional bank has been able to have : branches and still remain a national banking institution. It now appears that the meiirer can be effected through the establishment of a new national bank, without violation of the national banking law-. Minority Would Intervene. In addition to obtaining the appro? val by minority stockholders of the International Mercantile Marine Com? pany of the proposal of counsel that the receiver bring suit against the di- ? rectors for $ in,o? .??.?mo damages for allowing the property to be put into ! receiver-hip. it was learned . yesterday j that the co-operation of the minority stockholders will be fought, at the j meeting called for to-day, in a plan ; to intervene in any for.?clo-ure suits j brought bv the bondholder... This is ? one of the methods bv which counsel for the minority hope to defeat the ? r? organization plan of the bondholders' j c? mmittee providing for an 1 assessment , of S2.1U a, ?hare. $600.000 BUILDING LOAN. The r'rudential Insursnce Company of America has advanced to Augutt Hecksker a builduiK loan of $'" f.,r the erection o1 the large office ? building at WO to *.13 .Madison av., and 29 K;is* Forty-second st.. being the ? corner of those thorough The pla-is. which Aere tiled re? cently r>y Jardine, Hill i- Mnrdock, architects, call for a building twenty itoriea on the avenue and four ..tories on the street. Mr Hecksher ti the owner ot the .Madison, av frontage and the lessee of the ?treet property, owned b> the Margaret K. Wattun sa? te* 1 APARTMENT TO COST $500,000 - Twelve Story Building Planned for West End Av. Plot. LONG LEASE IN 5TH AV. STRUCTURE Store Rented in Premises Now Under Construction?Front St. Parcel Sold. A new twelve story apartment is to be erected in West Fand av., to cost | $500.000. Plans for the proposed , structure were filed yesterday by the architect?, Neville A Baggc, for the 788 West Knd Avenue, Inc. It will be built at Trt!? to"99 West Knd av.. on a plot 110.10x90 feet. William A. White & Sonn have iust ] closed an interesting long term lease for the Murray Hill Investing Com? pany for the northerly store in it new building, nearing completion at , the corner of Fifth av. and 37th st. Ormes, now located at 366 Fifth av., is the new lest?e. Sales announced follow: I'Hi ?NT ST.?Wirren A *4tHllln soM for Alb? Story I?, ?laud ind A'.lo- niors* Mtr?ht!l to a rll Bfi ttorj building '. Iront ?t. lud M Moor? -i . being the .,?ii?],?.?t .-..ruer of tho-e thorovghfire?. The propsrti iron's HI feet ?ju ' tad '4 fret ?,n Vinore ?t.. ?1th ?uuth ?rly olid ?e-icrly lines ?f 14.11 mm M feet, re- I ?l?.,?l?,|.v |t ?i- t . ash tran.-.-tlnn. ? KtX'OND AV -la?? inn W.-III. tin operttor. lita Mirrh-ued Henri Klipper U:i4 *"*?-..iid ?t.. a I .??>!> flit. ?Uli ?(ore?, on lot Malle, kwaltil , ibout 4,'i feet nuth ?,f T'.tb at Adolph in.l Henry lllo.k. ii ittomey?, represented the leller. ?i.NVKNT AV.?4'. M. VVIlmerdlng Is reported : to h??? re.ol.l ?he three ?ton d??IIhig .t?il?*0, tt ? 111 Contant it, ?oulheiat ?omer of 141th ?t. Mr. , Wilni.-r.llng bought the house list Miy. 17:11 ST. ? A. J. Ma?i?len has sold for l client : to lienr*. M. Kltert 11A West Kid st.. a three ?tor? ' two fiinlly Louie, ou lot TAiM. The property ii Just ?e?t of Jerome ?? Space for Pictorial Review Co. ! The Pictorial Review Company has ? signed long term lease* with Julius Kayser for the newly constructed twelve story building at 216 to 220 West 37th st., near .Seventh av. It is to be used as an addition to its pr?s- j ent plant at 222 to 226, adjoining, j which was secured under lease from Mr. Kay ser. The present lease and the sale of adjoining property 211 West 39th st. to the Pictorial Review I ("orrtpany were negotiated by L. Tan- j enbaum, Strauss & Co. Downtown Lofts Rented. The Charles F. Noyes ?Company has ! leased half of the twelfth floor in the | ?'rystiil Building, 47 and 49 West st., to the European and Far Eastern Sales j Company, a part of the sixth floor in the same building to Joseph N. Ma laofi offices at 72 and 74 Beaver st. to the John Nicolas Company and in con? junction with Daniel Birdsall t Co. j the third loft at 11? Duane st. to the Beacon Falls Rubber Company. 800 Jamaica Lots Sold. Edward J. Talbot has sold to the South Side Property Corporation, com- ' posed of residents of Nassau County, a tract of twenty-six blocks, nearly 800 lots, in the South Side Park, Jamaica. . This development is just to the south of '.he old village of Jamaica and fronts on the Rockaway road. The buyers will develop the n?wly acquired tract, which is valued at $75,000. a BUY BROOKLYN HOUSES. The Samuel Galit?ka Company sold r the K. & G. Holding Company to a anhattaa client the two story brick | one family house, 18.5x100 feet, at W3 Seventy-seventn st. Ross k Meeka sold for Grant Greg? ory to Albert Wright his one family house on the north side of sixty-eighth st., west of Sixth av.. for occupancy. Quarters for Dressmaker?. Royal Sfott Gulden has leased the second floor at 13 We?t ",'r, -? to Miss G. B. Jordsn, dressmaker: also a loTt at 7 West 45th xt. i K?en Building), to Miss E. J. Hatpin, dressmaker, and in conjunction with Marston k Co. the top floor at 61 West 46th st. to H. Ronin, ladies' tailor; also the third floor at 68 West 46th s?, to Fusco k Co., ladies' tailors, and space in 12 West 47th st to M?s? J. Emerson, children's books. Building for Gymnasium. Henry Rosenberg has leased for a term of ten years at sn aggregate ren? tal of 830,000, the Metropolis Theatr" Building, at 646 Third av., which will be extensively temodelled for the per mament home of the Bronx Aerie of Eagles 491. There will be installed a gymnasium, a swimming pool, a bowl? ing alley and billiard parlor. The lodge has a membership of 1.000. LEASES IN MIDTOWN SECTION. F. R. Wood. W. H. DoUon Company have rented a loft to Gin3 Brother?, at 109 West Twenty-sixth st.; to Henrv Tran, the store and basement at 10 West Thirty-second st.; to the Nelson Bead Company, an office at 1368 and 137a Broadway; to the Fieldington Music Publishing Company, an office at 1368 and 1370 Broadway, and to Emil Friedman, an office at 1368 and 1370 Broadway. m Sale? in Auction Rooms. At 14 Vesey st.: By Jsflasti I' Dai HEATH AV. tlSS, BBS* Bl " ' : 1 sty frime bldg. r>?!un?ti. ,?> to S (? ??Wurf tee I WIST ENO AV. 4*. e s. 15 i ? l?d -? 1 .n U'linit ai.d .tore?, tru.icet of the la ?k? St VVtlf? Orphin Hnu?e In CH* et Ne* Ten IS* W'Uds-l Heilty Co el ?i. S Jca??. tli). H N fttaa*. ref; due. 111.114.11: tue?, et,-, t"*17"; to the pltli.tlff for I1I.M* I3IST ST. 17. 14. s i. -'lui m IdSillsoa ?' I? I 9'? 11; 3 ity d?*lg; Kralgrtnt Ii. tu?(rl?7 -? Iti-.k igt Annie M I??>ry M il. B * K J O'U min. ittri. VV F* Cltrr. r?f. due. 17.?42 11. tlte?, et", 11*2.4(1; to (he plili.tlfT f.-r l'.SOO. I?0TH ST. 152 W. ? s. 2? e 7th t?. II.Szl tj l?g; corpori'l.n. f,-r ?lie Ketlef -t ? ?ud Children of Clergymen of the )? Y. Chu.-ih lift Y M Arnold el ii. H M Bellinger a" M t, (Vin,e?. ref. due I!,),!>!>!? 7S; lues. el?. l??.:?. To the plaintiff for to.ouo. PLEASANT AV. :>'?". i ? w UM ?t. M I? I 4 ,ty tennu and? ?t.itj Kiolgrint Iiidu?trlal Mit Ig. Dank tgr C I I.a.-i'g ,t il; al ak t J (???Tormtn. tttys: Il K I)?iiiliig. ref. due |? ?; l?j?ra. ??e, I14S.S1. T.. ??.?? V\al,.i,tt I - I*,.'.??. 30 ST, 1?'? 144 W, , e eor Hth t?. Mf.? MS - ? .?y tenmt tnd itore.. Oreefiwirb SlTtngt Sta.ik ?gt J M.AIeer et al u A Banda, ttty; ?; ref. ?lue. |2?.?92 4*.. ?ai.? etc. 1 fo A rtllr-rstetii f?>r 1:7,''n ?y Henry Brady. I3I8T ST, 142 VV. t i. 1ST 11 e 7ih t?. .. 7 s'y ip?; Kx.-elslor Hitlng? Btiik et ?in ' N York ig? I. Y l'iillllp? rt il. J C Culbk. iu> ; 1 ?; l?.rv,*r. r,*: ?lue. Ild.RHl 4? t.?.-. ??? 17.7.1).75. To the plili.illT f. r 111 I3IST ST. Il K. I ? 177 w Turk l?. 25iSS.ll. I s'y temii?. J N Wolter tari J A l'I.kei, et II. W A Kroyer. atty, Y C Hunter. r.-f. il. 119,11* .. tuet. et.-. fSSt 15. To ihe plilntiff for lin.Mu At .the Brom Kx? hinge. By June? J Donoein. ST GEORGE'S CRESCENT. 19,. ? ?, ISM n 20rlth ?t. 7.2.11x117 ?I'.OilOl. 2 l?y ?twig; 8 C Brtalley igt T It Muriha et il. ll-rgii..:. A I' SUri: C A Alii.stetn. ref. due. 11,43*7*; Hi? -, et,-, B.? (V the plili.'HT for il . I FRANKLIN AV, 1 ?? ? 1.? I'll. ?i ;i '.l.'oi ',x.',4.ii:?ii r. '. .?? -, ? , , Site tgt Touug It, tlt> A Coiittrurtlon Co et al; Jollne. I. A It. sttn; K J 1'1-nn. ref. dim tues, et,, t".021 47 T,. th- Uast tiff for I'.'i.?,,?? Be (!e. rge f. ? | HOE AV. IIS*, w i. 'IT * | tUma St, 7'.,I** .ly tenait ind ?foret. Miry K Yilet agt I. B .-i.iniii.-i? Hal; LI Oberraeier a? ?? C V l'un/ ref: lue. M.MT.S2; Ule?, etc. |?i<Hi T?i th? pliintiff for t.'l MS New Building* Plans. Manhattan. WEST END AV. 7?? to 7..?. mat ."* t? {Ml ,? 1 new 12 ils- ipitut houie of irk. f.- Is fttnl lie?. Ill) lflilK?, owner. 7-.-? West Y.i.,1 Atenu?. Inc. Ml VV 12>th it; VV MrMorro-e. tr N'ettl!? A Bigge, 105 VV luth ?t. ??.??. ) The Bronx. COURTLANOT AV, e i. 1715 ? MSth it; 1 ,'v frame ?lied ISltS: J k M Hiffen. We I at. ?muer. K ttkrifaii. II1!?. Carpel.ter t, , t.. t : i STEPHENS AV. ? I 2.-. ? ..'Drieu ??. 1 a?y ft.m bungtlow l'.x22 C T?oot. 11.1* Interfil* ?? er. A Timer. 70s? Weit.he,'er i?, inhlti I I ITMFI RNIVHEDAPARTMENTSTOLET UNFIRMSHEDAPARTMENTSTO LET "? -1 ? _*?_-r?-??-^?~-~?* ?? a.-?a?a? ktflk?' W__T *?iin". V? K.-.T BIDE. ?J.aROMHINEBK?WN (_> .\. K Cor. Madison Av. & .lit Tel., ?Murray Hill?1431 Offers a number of desirable Apartments, some of which are ready for immediate occupancy. -:-THE WELLSMORE-? S. E. Cor. 77th St. ? Broadway. Modern in all details. 9 Rooms* 3 Baths, Rental $3,100 to $3,300 ?The Cambria? 817-3.51 West 55th .St. I & 2 Rooms & Bath, Kitchenette, Furnithed or Un?urnitrred |ii:.-j0 per IIOBtk -The Majestic St. Kit. Av., S. E. Cor. I t.?th 7 & 8 Rooms & Bath. Ilentalt IT.*?) ti | Very large, light rniniu. > nmplefa ele?ttor and telephone ?.-rvl.e. All mo.lern con vein- ncea. .'lot* to tub way and envite?! linea VVharfedale 604-60. Wfst 116th St., .Near Klverslde, Drlva. 7 & 8 Rooms. 1300 to 11,200. TheBeauclere Bonavista 362 Riverside Drive. MarnlrVent Fireproof Apartment* Located In Bett Section of Dilve. 7 & 11 Rooms, 2 & .. Baths , Kintal II.100 to ?S.S00, N. \Y. Cor. B way & 109th St. 7 Rooms & Bath. 11.000?II.IfiO. The Hillchester Elbcron Mall 385 Central Park West, Noar ??th .*-'. 8 Rooms & 2 Baths. |7l? to ll.'JOO. 517 West 167th St. N??r Hrot.lw.iy tubway gtatlon. 4, 5, 6 & 7 Rooms & Bath. loto?1900. Prince'sCourt N. E. Cor. B'way <*?' 164th St. 4, 5, 6 & 7 Rooms & Bath. lis-i?|i"0 Tenant! living in tparlmantt under our lupenriiion are ait u red ???Haaaaataaainf the molt efficient gervice and attention REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 roomt, $660 ? 9720 6 roomt, $720 ? $900 7 room?, $900 ? $1200 Perfect Servir*. ?.\? M K ?>N I HI Vll-I-S J' REAL E.STATE fr'OR SALE ORJTOL&T kim'ki IM? ctmnt DISCOUNT TROUBLE by Inturlna 'he title to your reg? ettato. Th* .o.,t it trivial, the tatltfa? tion Im ni'gturahle We ?re ?peclalittt in North ,I?rse> ?til lto?'klan>l County title?. ?\ r ? foi Hook i. t II and no* ..uto map North amWOOf Title ln?nran< e t ?.. Hi ?nu, k. N J N T R*P. laLl.N.N K l'Ail*. J>.H. ?1 B'wtr BOKOl'GH Of HKOOKL1 ft. INVISTOaS* Of-POaTUWITY. M.?THAM. AtK AM> I'llK.'IDKNT MT. MB wt> aittl.H. ?"nier lout ?tor? ?tor? proprtt,-. ?l-?-t turn.,.. I'','? ! from IxilW.n. Kill LBlirtrlXt*. . ON'tfTK CO ?. rai,l AfWHtt, li'kl?n. lUl'VlKY It.? l-KKlt ?.?tr-, M ?. l?t<KtltMtl If. t? |r,lM<tln kg,. ?r? U.r ? ??r, 0?.?L ? 'ail. ?rtta Kt ,g?i I? K? lot?ta 1? _. ???out. M W. ..?>. ?t_ Tti. ???1 Ut? r. \-t um f.. PARK AVENUE, 550 ???& 7 ROOMS 4 BATH. ?1.100-ti .710. fir.?mot. Ali nltM ?'???ter. away******* REA I. ESTATE FOR SALE OR TO I K I lo.m; island. to i.r.T? nrnt.N? ownkii s AMgJSCl, for period of ona year, from Sept. II. "15, ShorecllfT Houte I. I?, property of Mr. Vernon Cagile, ilta.?te,i ?t l'.?.idom? on water front. Ray. I? Irland t,arge reairlenie. ttetm hoatad, e!?ctrl> Iifhted. eomplettiy furnlahgaf] (Including linen, glaat. ?liver, etc i. ?'able and jarag fully equipped Flvl arret lawn it] la? den, boitt. teniil?. et,- a^ ?f ? .mi* from atatlon and 10 mile? (rom Tu, ?? .-.juar lioiid roada. An 1.1?.I ?.inter and tumm?-r reaid--n.e Bor t'rial apply The Mr. 4c Mr?. Vernon ?*??tle llarugrnutit. 10S Weat ?'.?h SI l'h ,r ? 7UJ ' ar.t _ tONNl-CTUlT. LAURIL SEACM Rf SIO?NTIAL PARK. MII.KllllI) (T il>E\??N It K ST ATM M Tkt ?tear? Set ?tar? R-ttfl tf Hem l?|lttl. Meant... r.ri'.r 1.1 . ? -? . < ?: ? ? tf. Uriah Park. I'l-r. |:,?rl ?ent?l Urgi-1- ?ilk l'/lrtte tamta ti 1 ?tlkk. Ko? liif.rn.alK.'. atply to LAUREL SCACH LAN0 CO.. 1*2 Flttk A??.. Lttrtl Stack. Millie*. Ct araj C'XFt R.MSIIKl) ROOMS \V\NTED HI HI ?IN ? .??? Ill ?? . - - ?r ?IT, ??rgr M I > ? ' ai.'l lit??i tut? lard, mm? Hug < u>?r? thui tluee fllglila up. If i. - . . ? trlon. near ?ul??t> ^en??e. | i ... ?tee? mama fui1, ptruauitr? tu?, i?"?? w J a., ?i. Triuoue u_?.t.