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Comet Mac May Be Holding Secret Practice for a Come Back at Forest Hills SEVENTEEN LEFT Di CUP TILT AT SOUTHAMPTON Pacific Caoast Stars Al Come Through, but Meet Real Test To-day. JOHNSTON LIKELY TO FACE CHURCH Thmckmorton Wins 2 Matche; and Is D?? to Play Old Rival. Bookman. Next. I*,? PBID H VWTHORNE. ?"?? ?**-? ? l "?? th<* com . B fpr the Meadow Club's annua ?ii tournament cur ? hen fl?: I *}*** ? eight b> to-morrow, and a lUrt ?'.? cade in the doubles, with some o! th? the country entered liam M. Johnston an? Claier ? J. GrilBn, of Caiifor ie national dou I ?Is next week. Grit. -.. Johi ,11 ft, m the >'**i. carni .n'r0-. ifully to-day, winninf both morning and afternoon matches bu? te-mi rrow their real test will come ?lied spot ?o *tce George Meyen Church, N?.rth' impion, m th?- round litt!? ?i dispo-itig *-?' Robert Leroy, in the morn Bill*/ tu ac Griffiri v.:'l have to put Theodore S pfll tournament in th? morn- . ? \peet?. to continue in i up, an?! Dawson ? ous driv hburn, the final Ad? ant see with Church. Church wa.< *.- ? out toward ??I bracket! t.,-day, gaining the ?ounu before the semi-flnali by his de ftat ?i * C. Intnan. a former Metropo'itari and .N't'- York ihimmon. by a score of 7 -5, 6?3. Lyle - ' . M Hall, E. H. Whit Mjr, . iirockmorton. Leonard Be'e i? ma. Gi Itli ton, Pell, Weak m, Dr. William Rosen btun. .. ' were the others ii eccu| ? the winning bracket.? r-resenf-d its choicest ?ran,: I ' r for the play? ers hnij the gallery to-day, and al tr-o'ai?- a- ?red in the Strd-- "Oki'd the worse ?or wear * through on the courts, then wa> always the broad At? lantic pounding on the beach hard by, tnd a dip r: the water proved a great tonic and bracer. of the day 'emi; opposed by Frederick T. Prelingb en on the championship ?tretet) or * irf directly in front o? the club!- iia. Johnston is a itvoi eetatora and Fre ?aght ? :1 known in the sum? mer ? nterest was high all through Jeha ongeat asset on the tour'- hand drive, into which it puts r> markable pace, in apite of his ?light ? :,ut m Frt'!?nia.huvr?cn h? fo pponenl at this gyle of ; lay, so the match became a driv.r.?' . iston | lev< when hard pi?'-"--1 by the :i ick of trie ? .. - ef by > to lob over Johnston's head. Upon luch occasion!, however, the Pa? cific Coast mnn crashed the ball back ?ith ? :? ?. -f\?i linghayien ???i? r -f litie ind try 1 dme? Johnitoi wi r 'he court, though, and generally managed ' Surprise for Criflin. '??'? l tr? ?'> a r-urpr F. \V ?ho Californien g?, three kei before bowing at 6 I, 3 ?i, Griffin followed into the net quicKly after serwee and tried to force epeningi with tnck> vol erai going with great . and frequentl) passed h ? ;i the " that ?'i win ti.'.k the ? nn 6-3. y] match again even both men ?na at it with renewed speed and the lifti- ...iily to Cole u.-.til he I'd at 1 1. Then Griffin began a vigor ek, cane up even and finally hron. ? ? .,,-:. ? ?i oppom oy i ten on of bri I iaht volleying, tak ? and the match. Harold rhrockmorton, Princeton in leneh? la tie champion and holder of '?ft ?ui r metropolitan title, won two ow will fuco his ?,d ' ird Beekman. The ??hway ? -, '?-ate?! Klon H. Hookei al i O, 6 S, ei ?I then van fluiihfd Louii du l'ont living, the ilar JSrd iquash champion, by a scot" of Throckmoi on'i terrific service ere **** ' both of hi.s opponents, aotta.1 ? (fective *?t of handling the ball, which struck Jae servier eourt with tremendous *i*''*'i. The ?choolbov soon discovered ' Irving"? backhand was a tender ?pot, and hammered his return? I the "?ulnerahle point with great perstst *"ce. He also wet vi rv dead ""?d. ind ?mushed to the corners and "e bise lin, w;.h ?11 the fir.' of Me ?*Ng-lin and the .'her Coast stars. ''" and Beekman have f"1"- on many orca.-.ions, and Beekman J1?*. almoil n ?:iv., been the victor in ?/?'ie enco to-morrow will f" ?.*??? .if the Rah way '"???minon i? to be believed. A "tirring Slruggle. ' hurch, after defeating ( . W. Mac _*"'"* bv ? core .f 6 t, 6 2 in the ???ning. t ok on Fred Inmar. in the ?terr.oon and had a stirring struggle p|Ior* l" won at . The iU _t0n captain ran into '???I on game-? in both sets, but Ir ??acame from behind in the tirst MS I?. *?' ,; rolleyi brought ?*??-"'?? to 5 all. The former metro is. kn.ihaTnpion hm(i ? w?v of hold "*. *?'"?>> I * trokei until the lait sec *? and then shooting the ball over 21 bfwilderint: speed just as Cii-irch ?ted in the opposite direction. In ?n tired badlv in the latter ?'ages fiin rn?tctlr however, and Church. . "ing in ipeed at-.d iH-curacy. went to j* Mt and smashed his way to vic ?____?*? *??"? ' M at his best, and rin ?r.1. *h'' da-v with * *?*?** vuton.-s to his '?'??'- First he defeated Stanley ',. \, lTr- at fi ?. ? ?'. ?*?*"? the"" Put *?- l * *r<1 Tol,nd' i'-j ?>-; ? score of ,?,*? *?0. .Mahan mixed hi? garrie ?k?. *"'?*'? "-'omhining def-p drives with U it v*.llfying ?- the net and smashes j^"? fir comen of the court. To ***'*?-?** ha will maaiur? stroke! with Throckmorton liiterscholastic champion, who won two matches in Meadow l'Iub_toiuney. <;. ( olket Caner, of Philadelphia and Harvard. RPaahburn ssu- poing beautifully hf-iiinst G. A. L. Pionne, and the hard underspin he imparted to his driving strokes was very dilTU-ult to handle on the jrrass surface. Waakbarn also went to the net as soon as he had forced an opening, and won the match bv a score "i" I 1. ?. S. Cup ?In?!?, <aec?r * roui ? ? feiie.l (YMer Sti? I I R S Wllllani ?J ?. ... i, \v Bun IV Rand. 2d, ? 1" ? ?. i ? Wai i DatSl tetie,l li. s. Ntoddirt I.?:, 1 Mahan iirfeitt ..,,-t .,? ,, ? - ' s . ? ? vv. it it?u s?i; r. VV. Cok defeat, d C. S Gsrluid " \ \' K' , . - Lvuit Dir. ; ? In n| defeat? i J Y Hul > ileftult; Harold A. T I I M I - ? thuvsan defeated w H Jena? tr., bj default; Roher? Leroy W 1. M K Mi Mullen defeated Ir-rtng C Wright, bj ItotKrt laeror (lefl?tl-al Ktlph I. tlrtf* a. I Tint,I rouu I W M Hal! ilefetti ! Alle:. ? ? I; Dr. WlllUai II? -? l?m CUI . L 11 W ? f-?;e-l Karl Smith. ?'?- S ?? I; w M u ikfeatf ! <; a i. D ? ,:,-.l C. W Burgwln. ?. .. I I I. 17 Vlihin deftsted K?!i??:.l To I. S?Si \ 11 ? (T v ? 10, I 'i. 7 1; tTirenr? i Qrltnn defeii ? l W T il i'- fiaf-ated I. ! \ Throrktnort<?n I. D I S?1; Leonard Beekmtti ,le t. lied I. lira?. \\ ,i ,i . ntton ?le ie?te?l Pre! T Prelliighu en, I ? . Robert laeroy defeated Rtlph L Ha??.. i ? lit-ori M chu- a MISS ROSENTHAL TO THE FORE AGAIN Repeats Medal Score in De? featinj? Miss Laurie Kaiser. ("hicar-o, Aug. 24. The play of Miss Roaentbal, of Chicago, runner up in the women's national golf cham ip last year, was the feature of to-day's competition in the women's Western jrolf championship on the Mid? lothian Country Club course. Ml Rosenthal repeated her gold medal score of 91, defeating Miss Laurie Kaiser, woman champion of Chicago Mrs. Harry D. Hammond, of Indian? apolis, defendinr- her title, approxi 98 in defeating Mr?. E. F. Per? kins, of Chicago. The pairings for to-morrow's play in? clude: Western championship Miss Rosen thai vs. Miss Winters Coldham, Toled?), i?nio; Mrs. Hammon?! vs. Mrs. E. E. Harwood. Chicago. Midlothian trophy ?second flipht) Misa M. Lflller, Grand Rapids, Mich.. \ Mrs. K. DufTield. Memphis. Tenn. Miss Miller to-day defeated Miss M. Knapp. Chicago, 5 and 9, and Mrs. Duf defeated Mi.-s Gladys Curtain, ?'hicago, 6 and 5. RUMSON HUNT CLUB TO HOLD RACE MEETINGS Six Fixtures on Card foi One-Day Affair Earl-t? in October. There will be real racing in .lerse; this fall. Not to be outdone by Pipini Rock, the Rumson Hunt and Steeple chase Association has been organized and it will hold spring and fall meet :.t the Rumson Club. The firs! meeting will he held on October 2. Arrangements hav. been made fot laying out one of tho most interesting Bteeplechase coure- und building a hiilf-mile turf track around the old practica polo field on the Rumson Country Club prop rty. Application or dates has been made to the National Steeplechase and Hunts Association, a:i 1 tentative sanction has been received. With this newcomer in the field of amateur racing, there is every prospect of more interesting i:\tures and new followers of the spurt. Incidentally, us the new meeting srill come in-' before the one at Piping ! Rock, it will attract many good horses hereabouts. The incorporators of the new asso? ciation ai ' Howard S. Burden and Ber? tram H. Bolder., sons of the lute M. ('. D. Borden; Warren W. Harbour, G. Waters, W, Strotber Jones and (harles D. Halsey, all of New York, who hare country estates in this sec ! 1 ion. , .The fixtures arranged for the open? ing meeting are: The Momnouth Plate, a six-furlong affair for all ages. This c.irries with it a purse of $280. Then there is the Seabright Steeplechase Handicap, for three-yeai-olds and up? ward, at about two miles over the brush course. The Shrewsbury Plate, for threc-year-oldl and upward, will be a highweipht handicao at about a mile on the flat. The feature of the card will be tnc Rumson Cup, for hunt? ers, at about two miles mid a half, over : the brush course. This carries with it , one of the riches?, purses of the meet? ing. Then then will be the Shore ? Plate, for three-year-olds und upward, |a| about a mile and a half r, the .. t. ' The card .sill clone with a rsce for ! ponies, tlie Holmdel ".'late, at about three furlongs. The Tribune Racing Chart SARATOGA SPRINGS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24. Wl ..Til Kit (I.KAR. TnACK SLOW $7,0* sedad; ?alii? to winner. *4".V SU fnr 1 HIST n*n WsssWrsp; for thrrey??r-old? and I'M t-kled: ?Hue to SI pot? ?'? mu.??tes. ??rr ?I -' ?t st.rt giasii Won riddtti ?i.i ; elisrt drltln? Time. 1 191 I I Bstlck Sur Rmttn, O oner, lohn Ssnford. Trauer, ii. Ungtiaa. i* ~ i,?-?Betting? ........ l,..*,,, m,,, ,??,?,. piaata. 7?1 Rttrter, Wlt-h .. ? une . Pin Mai ' Ki.k.-k). ...... I I. f w .-I . IH N l'a? il 4' Hi I" 5H l'i i. 1 du lib? ??V, M -Cahey ?i Alts \i, -,, C?r?,.a?h I.? I'alll,' ?.at'i.T Byrne lOpeii. High. ''I"??- I'!?**- ?"?*. IM ?.S??'-?3Ul2r??!? si? ?im? itAci: $10(1 ?dde?l. rslas ' I ?Inner, |3*<l Hon ci.llv . '?Mi HA? r. ? nein??.-- -, tona*-. At pott '? minute? off it I 10 Start ??.?.1 \\?ti el.Ill, |,'a,e same '. by The Commoner? llittkslldit. ?Inner. 0, J I.',n?. Traiter, )' .?-' ?oine ground ?t the Ids. tire tul i hilf f??r Tlme 1 N 4 V Win iv- m ?-? .*, IM 7 7 11" 1 ' ?*d 1 \i,S ? l.'ii ? 11 . lim lo ? 1 lei 1 I id? 11 1? 10.? . 4 ? . I i 44 su Fin I ?'. ???a I o? Jo. key. lallley l'lUll'll . ?I. Ate, i Ui-Tssssri Mi Di ni. I! I.? I'afl upen. -Beitln? Hlgh. l,lo?e I'll???. 3d I || 7 I '.'..r'in . Hart,' r IS I". II I . I High II : . Mi,lime Herrsunr Hpangk I>u, heti.. V.rtKlo ? tita I? ,.?, ..'. lv Helping lili,") . ..|_ - eitere- for IS?! W-tigtst in for $1 IM H!.. V BetUtJ o.iinei earls , ?????? eully In IIM ( i??"!,,," ,,., a-> ..????S..1 I'' ' i*''" ' teeMoMS, Hl??. Ilor.e f];llt l.t.Ilv THIRD - - A""-'*, MD-ua V.,r,w?.se.r.nld?. to ?M ?;'?" ' ' \, J^, ?*& ^-sT^VA B.-i |-, ...... ., ii ?., nn. 1 Jockey. Open, lll-h. riot?, ris?-?. M Kttrtrr Kemli.l-' l Id* Saudi liara,unie lldlko H? nul? ?arrie 4 Ifll 4 ? r-tr 1*, l< I? |S ? Jockey^ M,?',?.. ? Byni? M Tasssn ?a-!.' . : .h. ri-?-?. i'is?-*. id ?-i 4 ? 3 1? , ?Mu test estai nal> ?t Ut* s - ??i- In the Br?"lB??lr quit ha?lly 40 11 >tretell, ?n<i . . Time. J "i lleffner siirter. . .? ?.??i, .i? .or ?h-,- nsr oMl ll.SSfl - ? ' ? ?'? IS ??inner, y., ti,,l LA? I IHK. IIIK-.N lAM.KA 'o? m B ?r'?'* ! .. ? ,1 , H-Ilsubsc? T-an.rr. g U Wim.??, bit. C ?Tii? Uni? Trial b) Jury Bh?r-al>oo?tr il', i ?la-.. Uni., V, '. S? x .-? i jrin. I J.-ckey. |? ? Dut ? -'.. Ira a? Lan . 4 III?'-?. -Belting-1 Hi?!, Clef. eiir?. 3d tre't.h iii.l Tritl ?,> Jury r?rrle,l The Finn ^^^^^^^^^^^_ ?"-'-' Jury f?u?l.t II nut ih? leigth uf th- ?tret, h in.l Tritl i.i ??a,l?v A rials? et sHaws-l L?,flu. Slide t rltlm uf (.?ul igaln.t D?v|e. on Tiii; by rougiiti ?, ...... lTFTII HACK Still it hand a,.i . in, , ? li . .. minutas; <>?( ?t ? .?*? ?im ??> ? 1 ', ?-.Tuner, ?h s . a?e?l. '?? ??? * ? i? ''?-** ? * ? ' '!,':" "'?'J,'"',.*' 'tm,!.' I Hal., - . ? ? * ' ill; ? I* l1 |H 34 V it? 4 -, *i?????????H_ ?>? ?-al M 4 ? 4 I I 5 I.llley !U i'iiii I S! 1 Mct'thei. ?. . < (??pen. Hlgl?; Ctoii?. Plats. 3d ? a 7 1 ?0 1 I.' 4 i Wiener entered to t? -oil for 11 ?OS. no l?l?l. LaB-nr* ly left ?t tiie ?mi BvBTM fini: heil ??mey I' . H TH RAI K Selltii? f'.r '??'> velt o'(U : IIUS iddel. 'aine to winner. S.sO?. S *4ll'' ??H>il. ??? -lile ,?lt l .,,? ,lrutl ? lier ,h f ?.y OH S... i limier. Il T \Vn,oi ir Truiur. T. J lirai. ?- -. T-H) x 1 I la. Ing ktndtr, 1.1,1 Hl me ?i-ee.l SSti l,a,l ?. pu.k.l.,1 in Ihe ?lieun Auulit bad no ? hilf fur!?'i'?s Tins, 1 H?.? 5 Wh, T'.lee 1 . Kei.t.? .. Nolli lla.h KedDeld H?,n Oardnel l'.alwsllllk After Night : IOS 4 lie? ' - f ],(? il Id-, 71? ?? I? . VA .( ?i? I : 1 ' i, M ? I v ? ;??. Martin - ' ? a,? M Da rill"?? I M'Ttjitli ?i|. Il,?h CU, Platt ? s S-4 4 1 S-? i : 1 7 ? ?trei.-h hat *a I ^.;r^^,.'-r:u^rh.?7i.?n?Xivr-nv s? %?(srJS s? ni le'. Ml ?nurt . ?~e ??na bob Bedflel.l cl.'.ed 1 M? HP THE FINN WINS THE HURON IN ? DRIVING FINISH Son of Ogdefl Outgamcs Trial by Jury and Sharp shooter in Stretch. JUDGES DISMISS CLAIMS OF FOULS Whining Witch Carries Sanford Silks to the Front at Sara topa Springt. I (By TVIrgtai'li la Tlir Trll.uii? J Snratoga Springs, X. Y., Aug. 2i.? The Finn, winner of the Relmont as well as other rich st.-.kes for I!. C. Hsl lenbeek. captured the Huron Handicap here this sfterBOOU al'er a strotch long battle with Captain E. P. Csaeatt's Trial by Jury, while Schuyler L. Par soni'a 'sharpr-honter was the one to race third. Thin race was marred by two claim? o* fou' after t'r." miming. Loftus. who rods Sharpshooter, ensrged that Daviei on Trial by Jtirv had fouled him at the half-mile ground. Then ..?avies made that butwell, who rode the A-iniier, had bumped him nil through the stretch run. After an investigation the claims were dismissed and the or? der of the fmish was not disturbed. Ed HefTner aent both Iron Duke and The Finn to the post for Mr. Hallen beck, end the only other itarten were Trial by Jury and Sharp-hooter. Iron lhiki' was m to make pace for his more illustrious itablemate, and did hi? part Bresjciag well, ?uxten rushed him out in the lead, and it wax Trial by Jury thut chased him until making the tun for the ?treteh, where he easily laced by and went into command. As Trial by Jury went to the front and Iron I'uke dropped back The Finn moved up with a rush on the outside, shortly after making ths tur* for home he Wai lapped on the Caisatt colt, and the light WM OU to the tinish. Trial by Jury, on the inaide. bore out so badly thai he carried The Finn beyond the middle of the track. This brought tome bumping, as Butwell tried to hold a straight course, and it was this In? terference, for which Davies himself was to blame, that he mud* the claim of foul against Butwell. As for the claim of LoftU!, thero was no inter? ference that could be seen from the stands^ and the report of the patrol judgei did nol ?nstela ths Loftui ?-'aim. There whs another claim of foul dur? ing the day, when Byrne, who rode Landslide for Foxhall P. Keene. charged that MeCahey. who won with Gifford A. Cochran's. Feminist, hail in t?-rfiri>ii with hits in the run through the stretch. Feminist hnd Landslide and Byrne changed his -, but at the time Landslide eras beaten and there was no actual bump? ing. On this ground the claim was no* allowed. Winning Witch, intended ns a brood r.iare for the Hui ricana Stud, won the opening six furlong ?lash for John San ford .ver Richard T. Wilson's II" tor Prynne. Hlack Beauty won for (i. J. Long, and then after the tinish Kmil Herz, who wai eeond With his recent purchase, Important, boosted her from to $1,300, but she ?a? protected and bought in. Old Lahore made pace all the way in 'he mile und a furlong and was an easy winner. In thii race Ainalli. from ?h.- Richard T. Wilson'. seemed sore going to the po?,t, and he was a ?listant trailer all the wav. thouirh many good judges were of the opinion that he should win. Then at the end of the programme Traleo, S fill**" that has disappointed on various occasions, was winner for the Wilson stable. The Huron' Handicap was first run in 1901, when it wai won by The Rhymer. The winners since that time have been Sombrero, Shorthose, Port Hunter, Bedouin, Content, Kennvetto, Sir John Johnson, Choirmaster of Chesterbrooh Countless, Cock o' the Walk and An? dre.'.- Miller'i Roamer. One of the most notable runnings of the stake was in 19M, when Captain Edward B. Cassatt'a Choirmaster of ( hesterbrook was the winner. It was over a track that was ?leep in mud, and the Choirmaster was not t.-rken serious? ly, for he had been well beaten the day before. Be '.*as in the handicap under eighty-seven pountls and. breaking in front, won all the way al S ridiculously long price. Mrs. Cassatt still ha? the racing plates that were worn by this winner, and they are arrrong the most pii/xl of the many trophies at the Chesteibrook Farm. There is an interesting hit of equine romance connected with the pedigree and historj of John Sanf.mi's six-rear old mare Winning Witch, the winner of the first raci on to-day'i card To begin with, thin mare was purchased by w. a. I'ortcr in Kentucky for John Sanford. who wanted her foi s brood mare, the price paid bemz $4,000, and her now owner was particularly pleased with the mare when h" saw hi-r. After coming to Mr. San ford's stable It was discovered that the mare had a fair turn of speed and appeared to be tit for training. She was trained, and her victory to-day, which sh>- "TOR in rather impressive stvle, was the r<? fUlt. ? Entries for Today at Saratoga Springs I I It- r BACK .-.mi , r ,;| ,,,, ? , Hora?, Wt.l Herse. ?VI. : ? Helen Barb? ? 111 i lion-nine . Mai h ?-a?-1 :? .m ? hauler . tr ? urn.nis?? 111 Sl.i-iiM. HAH -t - bamltrii '"f U.rrr 1 a I Al? 'It t?'r | ? ? 11*1 Pebete . U*' i-, ... tai sur.ISS K ? ? i. '.'?'.. ,i. ? all . ... !*S THIPl. HA? - . ?ii-l ?au ?,r?: (Hip nillr raker Bill .'01 ', M Ml .1? . '"?> 111 ?All . 1"' ' ).. in:? ha?'. THE inianXDACK HAMM ? Al- I r ?? irat . I'leim--? ? ? ,!?i ?Vaterereai II . ' ?menl ! . ? , c'a n tara ? ** mi in sirs inioi t t i? I .11. T.tria-i H.llr'llll? ?Mi tilo I 'ark . m> ? R ntla .?* ...d lu; "Evelyn C. ? ?I\1H SACK Kur inarurii I?' ? ?t k? 1 ? ? ' a ball : . ta? ll?lOarnet He.t II "U' . 11. Ha ' Trend ** . ' n ::. -?!.' ti.?-><.'?? Oillieta U. obus . *A|'PrtiilK? all?? t?nt ila?ucd j? SPORT-, LIGHT^?--* , The Goat Eternal. There comen a giggle of massire proportions? l.oud peal? of laughter that hcnwntvard flit; day fans are whirling in blissful contortions, Stamping and cheering and thron ing a fit; ?S it a triple, a ?ingle or double. What is the cause of this rip-roaring cheer? Tell me, I beg of you, what is the trouble, (e'I)ny has caught a wild pitch on the ear. S'nir they ore standing mid uhooping and raring, Throning a spasm of pleasure supreme; Big fists arc pounding and straw hats arc naving? Joy at the height of a mid-summer dreaon; Was it a homer that cleared up the bases? Tell me, I beg of you, uhat can it he? What means the glow on those bliss-centred faces? O'Loughlin's cornered a foul on the knee. i Wait till the laughter is loudest and longest? Wait till the cheering has come to its crest; Il 'ait till the tumult is maddest and strongest, Wait till the lungs nach the limit of test; Wait till you've come to the top of the revel? When it may be or u-hatever the clime, '?rab it from me?and the tip's on the level? ?Sowie L'mp is having onehelofatime. The Brav.*.? ihowed what they could do with the justly celebrated "strain' fall. We'll now observe what the Phillies and Dodfon intend to do with it the next few week You can't blame Charles Lincoln Her nog for thinking he has a chance at the pennant. Anv nine men posse-sing a ball, bat and glove couldn't be very tar away. And ?he Redi at this juncture happen to be playing the best ball ; in the circuit. - According to Mr. HuflftttS, Poll Perritt was going to nag twenty victories for the Giants. Poll can still make Mr. Huggins a first class prophet by winning something like twelve games out of hii next ten starts. i ! ? - The Braves have switched their syitem. Just at present they are backing under the .?train after having been from under it for some weeks. The Sunset Race. Two year? itro the Indiin was a vital, even though a numerically ?mall, feature ?n baseball. Chief Bender, the fhippewa star, was then in hii prime. ! Chief Meyers was batting over JM and was coupled with Jimmy Archer in leading all-American pick?. Jim Thorpe was supposed to be upon the edge of coming greatness, while Bluejacket and Chief Johnson were being groomed for leading roles. To-day the last Red star has ?et in a midnight, sky. Bender is drawing the worst year of his career. Meyers has dropped back below ...10. Thorpe has drifted to the minors, while Johnson and Bluejacket are forgotten in the 1 day's newi. It may be that other Indian stars are yet to come but at pr?tent the Red race in baseball i< at the lowest point it has been for 15 years. Meaning What by "Weakness"? ?'Travels'* weak work with the wood may hurt him at Detroit." Exchange. We followed Travers for the greater part of 54 at Baltusrol in the Open and have since played four rounds with him on different courses. If there Is any? one using the fairly well known "wood" bittet than he was upon, those occa? sions we fail to remember it. The i.lea that Jerry can't employ a driver with telling effect this summei will be dispelled very quickly at Petroit these next few days. Maxims of the 19th Hole. \n?I it rame to pass upon a certain day that a golfer hoisted one high in the air without remarking, "Well, that is the highest," and that a golfer, playing ?ell short of the green with a maiihie, did nut say, "I shoull hsve u?icd a midiron. But il so happened thai he had been dumb from birth, afflicted utterly Hilh a tongue that might not speak. McLoughlin and Yost. Sir: I ree wh"re "Westerner" picks McLoughlin to beat Williams at Forest ( Hills. It isn't very likely. McLoughbn in other seasons adopted the policy one credited to Yost in football that a tine attack was the best defence. Lately he has abandoned this ol?i mashing attack a rtyle that needs a strong de? fence and he has never Mastered a defence that could meet a strong attack, largely because he ncv?i had to. The fact remains that McLoughlin now looks to be caught half way between two styles, and it is hardly probable that he will i ?jet clear in time to beut a man like Norri.?: William?. j r. j. 1913-1915. Two years ago, as August drifted into September, there were only two lead? ers in the spotlight John McCraw anil Connie Mack. Kach had just bagged his fifth pennant, and the world ?erics acclaim was all theirs. That was only two years ago. To-day Mack is piloting the worst , looking teil ender of the decade and IfcGraw la making a desperate battle to tinish out of last place, ("lory comes with a i>uih in the old game, but it fades almost as swiftly. Yesterday and to-morrow are almost centuries apa-t. I "There is more bone and sinew to the Tigers and Red Sox than there ii to the White Sox," writes Ty Cobb. Dope out your own comment. WILLIAM WINS ON TRACK Defeats hire? turn I in Mattes? Race st Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 14 William won the only heat in the Grand Circuit match race to-day for the $5,000 pur?e, at Dorvsl track, by detesting Pirectum I ? by a neck in a cl?.ee contest. William's ' time was 12:0-1. The other heats were postponed until to-morrow because of a very neavy trask. In the till cl ist, pace, Yedno lagged behind in the first heat, but won tin neis* three with comparativo tasa. m ? Stone Easily. Outpoints Fighting Fitzpatrick Harry Stone, the weltersveight cham? pion of Australia, won easily from Fighting Fitzpatrick in the main event <>f ten rounds at the Wallace A. C. last night. Fitzpatrick was outclassed by the man from the Antipodes in all except the third and four'h roun?-.*. In the eighth the bell saved him from being knocked out. Rochester Beats Richmond. A' Kl, l.n.. I .r.i ?. ?.#??. i ?"r ? ? 1 ? J ? ? S 0?t 17 ? K, I r.i?o ! s * * * I s a t l?i S 1 R.i. Mr,?trivia?, ti)?] \Nii..*io?. CstUBfl a . S?aeen-?i ?tme?? RUE fc?e|i?atfr ; 1 jj ; o 0 ,? It ? aiiaamnl 70(i?*oi(in Bitter!-.-- Her? he t?' I Wt.sroiker M Hale. Ll Biutlt. U iKuneil tmt f-ctliey. SOLONS HEAR PROMOTERS ', Heads of Ocean A. ('. Tell Plana to the Boxing Commiaslon. W. C. Marshall and I'hauncey Mar? shall, jr., who are promoting the Gib bonu-McFarland bou- ut Brighton Beach on September it, appeared at the regular weekly meetin?* of the State Athletic CoBUT-issIai- yesterday sfter I noon in anewer to summonses. For r.ore than an hour they explain? ! very detail ot the match to the com* 'nets, produced ample proof of iheir ability to finance the entire af :'.. i. und at the end the commissioners declared everjthin,- to be just as rep . santa?! They furthermore announced thst the management had taken every precaution to prevent s fsilure. \.? action was taken in the matter of allowing decision?. It wat announced that Patrick Donnelly and Dr. Herzlich had severed partnership, and that here sfter Donnelly would conduct the ?p.?.rican Sporting flub and that Dr. ,ch would assume ?ole control of ?he Olympic Club. Evansville Wins Pennant. Pittsburgh Aug. 24. The Central Lesgue season rlo-iv*d to-day, the Evans vilie team winning the pennant. The race throughout the season wa- close, the Indiana team not clinching its hold on the title until yesterday. 138 AMATEURS TO BATTLE FOR GOLF LAURELS Entry List for Tourney at Detroit Largest in Many Years. FEW NOTABLES AMONG ABSENTEES Travis, Kirkby, Herreshoff, Car? ! ter and Schmidt Among Those Who Will Not Compete. Howard F. Whitney, secretary of the I United States Golf Association, sn : nounced last night the list of entries I for the national amateur cnampionship, . which will begin with a preliminary ; medal round on Saturday o\-er the links ' of the Country Club, of Detroit. There are 1.S8 names in the list, con , taining nearly all of the bright par ; ticulur stars of golfdom. The number is larger than at any time since the na? tional handicap list was established, with the purpose of restricting the field to those who have demonstrated by I achievement their capabilities. At ' hkssanok last vear the entries totalled 115. Among the absentees are Walter J. Travis, metropolitan amateur cham? pion; Oswald Kirkby and Fred Herres hoff, farmer holders of the title; Philip ! V. G. Carter, metropolitan junior cham I pion; Heinrich Schmidt and John F. 1 Neville, of California, and H. Chandler I Egan, once the title holder, who now hails from Oregon. Nelson M. Whitney, of New Orleans, and Gar.liner W. 1 White, of Flushing, who had not in? tended making the trip, changed their minds at the last moment. The first pair will get away at 9 o'clock, and the pairs will leave at in? terval.? of live minutes until 2; 40. Francis Ouimet, the champion, will ', play with Reginald M. Lewis, of Ridge tield, starting at 1:50, while Jerome D. : Travers'? partner will be Robert A. Gardner, a former national champion, ! the time for teeing up being 9:45. The entries and starting time for each pair are as follows: Time Ntnie ?'lull , I?DO?.1. ('. in,word?. A''?vlienr ('. (i. i'i..;i.-l?,<u, jr. Sleep. )l?,ll?w I 9 O'?l.. It Mmni.f . Util? It l?*e . I?-"' M f !? ?0- (?e.KX? A ('romp .I'lne Valley il ? l.,ng .BtantoD Heillili ! 9 l'?l'iul Hunter . Mi (?.??.rj?. V. it?,tan . I'm.- Vallej 1? i?? 1?. W. Hunter .UloxinDei I HIIU Wlliltm 11 .li.r.l.ti I'll? : 9 IS? Kritik llovt . Klwsi'oy Allen Kre,| .KI?,r-l,Ie ! S "O?WUilutii I. I|,e*l?iil. jr .Chkiao Wlllllia I' Mmlll, . ... I'lne Vtlley I S !*??i. H. a mm .Ni'ii.nt! Link? i. IlireM .?-liter .IfoS Hill? I 10-1. I. II" Hi, . I?elr?lt lltroll M . r .Intern, ? ? 9 I'.?ll'.'.ii A ?initier . Hiiit'ile Jerome I? Tri??!-. . I |.i*.r Motllcltlr ? 3D- I! , Hub? .-.; . Ii,?er?"-. Mail II. Belir .Billu-rol ? 0 ...... J? . Dstt I? Ftavr llt'e . . 1* 0'. w Parker Me '??? . .Bnmklawn .1 ?' la- Um- . Kite???- r II ?)". loba- 1. ?'., I- . ft???k Mail. John ??. Il..|,l,iirn .!o Paul TVwa? ?bar? .Woodlan.l K?,i?,.|t A llauipoian .?"at. Ai.ti.i'i. 1? 13 Ii.i.i i a ,.. , |. iroll flema?. M Hil.-li .' I 1? ?'?"?-Dt.i-.n ll.rr.,11 . ?iaki.i,?nt Jime. II 11 ? I.- .**..?? l?, :-. i.,-,|,i, K in. ..... llr M ?i III' :? . . ?'..Kin,,i,l : 11:30?.lim.? ? Ptriitll, lalnk li narl ' Huill?n?,re 10 .17, II. ?ir., ? i'.irUi . I'll.. \V II S'il!.,,,.. . St I.. Ufa !?? IS?K II ... !'? '?? la Klltworth IIIIm . ... .?I ,,, , U .Kli llaliillt,,.. is Iv ;.Kkwiiinl. ' in .?I- It I. Jira*? . .All.-? II, ir, l roiipini .lirectiwlcii ' 1'? 55 II, ,i .... ?;. [tu-.ll .An lui? h r ? l? .'.?? . Duel u , 11 SO?Wylli \l ? a?Un- ... Utirott IIUIIl Vall?llll .11.,"il. tie 1 III! II "'? II.. , i. i'.. -i- . I'ld-i-n Jolin \\ Heri,,ii . Ilil? Jt? ?lullfonJ .utilero? M Wi-ltUC] . lu 11 13 1. II. Hr.,?ii. Detroit Juta N. Steam?. Id .\\'illlani-i?,.t D I. .*-??>.r .Wli it (le.,r*ie P. I , . ('..lum? la ll 7', \M ?a?,i ?' Vexxmas it ?iii.n, ...t J. 11. Se!.,, uiiali.,,K II 10 .1. II. ? - ? . \v Hamilton ?, .1 i, 11 IS Y I. Ilt-bl.tael .SunI, , . . In. C. II. i;ar.|.,,r.A??-' ' ii so?.i r in,-,. \ \V I'. I.. II Ii- I.I,.:, M I., .- .A \ Milwaukee nh :; o . r Ji in II II Uurrlto . IIikm?.nl ' 11.30- I ?, 1 . - jr K.. lie IJ.iO Vert? A?J..Ir . Allinll s I II Wanen i',,r; rtt,.B?itln?,re . II "? it |iiia ?. V rtbliiftoo. ... dm Miller, . , II in ? ha' ?- i. \..,?,-. w. jr. Ballusroi Cbarlr* 1.. Krai ?. jr . I ? ;??? ??. ???-r 17 r \, ? W Unwell. Jntlu? Poll.,.-:., ir . 17 70 ?an: - M. Hlu-tt. Ils, E !??? iwortli? 1.1 1: y. M I? .-.t.-M art S I un.-. I? Sta: '- Detroit , Hem... : S. v \ Tl,, m. . M SI, ??ii..,,', \ ? IS:SS i r.t,? ,,i il II Uli , Huntttis-I \ \ \ , , Hamilton Cuumy, I'atiads ' It l?V ' ill It Ml? , I ? .!, Im I' Stitdiley, Jr.. I . '.4 ,.. .- ? Ml ml ' (ie ,i? I. : in ii, Ca,,?,la 1.- M I T ?I M ' ,. ?! il Walker. II il liai M? Aulllte . II iffllo | X Dal a. 1 on W A. .-:... i . Kent ' John is Him lis. jr. l si i M lin i? . Sarilla i Sherrlll Mliermin ._Yahliuntlaiii 1 1'' lie Wltl W Ha!, I. Cil t,a-a,r?e II A,,?ell . Kl moor 1 13 I. H ? . Bti kliirsi . Mid l'iui ll Detall ? . ? Alleu .K ., I K u :. . Dalla? 1 73? Clurie?, I. Deitet ;r . Dalla? Ma? i : K. M ' . .. I 1 .(V l,,.pl, A M. |i?.'.al I . i ? II Y i . . . 1 13- W X tin? .1.?? . I n.,.i?l? . .-.- UlUll I 40 ?, ?Se I I,. In IL tefc l ?. Town ami ' )'. II l-r. ?-,,: -a,?,:', l SI K', Il u It w ?111 M la v.l. THE ALICE BEATS VIRGINIA FOR CLASSQPRIZE Sloops in Keen Contest for Thompson Trophy on Lower Bay. ALF.RION II LEADS THE THIRTIES HOME Thirty-eight Boats Compete on Opening Day for Atlantic Yacht Club Race Week. Heeling to a fresh southerly breeze. thirty-eight yachts started yesterday in the first series race of the Atlantic Yacht Club's race week. The contest , ants represented half a dozen club? on i Long Island Sound, as well as sll the clubs on Graveaend Bay, and the race was one of the best the Atlantic Yacht I Club has held on its opening day of | the <eries contests. The sloop Alice of the "Q" Class, owned and sailed by Gherardi Davis. sailing for the Thompson trophy, won the first leg from Commodore J. Stuart Blackton's Virginia, after a close race of seventeen miles, by 42 seconds. , Starting off the clubhouse at Sea Gate. they had a close fetch on port tack to the Southwest Spit buoy, and from there to Old Orchard Shoal it was a reach. The Virginia led at the South? west Spit buoy, but on the way home from there the Alice took the lead and held it to the finish. Three of the New York Yacht Club ?"thirties" started at 1:40 o'clock, with '' Edmund Lang's Banzai in the weather berth, J. A. Mahlstedt's Okee to lee 1 ward and J. W. Aker's Alerion II in the middle. It was a close start and a ! close race for this class, the Alerion II winning by lm. 29s. from the Okee. The "thirties" sailed the same course : as the "Q" boats. The Alerion II covered the seventeen I miles in 2h. 50m. 'l?s. The winners in i the other classes were the Barbara, m ; the Larchmont interclub clan, from the Yuron by 2m. 20s.; the Careless, in ' the second division handicap SUSS, I Iron, the .May by 2m. 35s.. and the Mouse, in the tecond division, bv lm. 39s. from the Chico. The Oriole, in the bird clat-'s, won from the Curlew I by 2m. 27s. J The start of sixteen star class yachts ' was a pretty one. These smart little erafl sailed a 12..*.t>-mile course, with tiirninr. marks olf Bensonhurst. Fort i Hamilton and Ambrose Channel buov 18. Th,- Little Dipper, sailed bv her owner, George Corry. proved tin- win? ner from the Altair, owned by E. V. Willis. C. l?. Hyde's Hydra was third. ? C. Hollinshed's Bul- II whs the winner ' .n the third division handicap from J. H. Wright's Anna. The "thirty" Okee and the "Q" class , sloop Alice covered the long cour?.- in i exactly the >ame tune to the see.nul ' 2h. fata. **?*. There was a dmni the visiting yacht?men at the club? house last night, at which Commodore J. Stuart Blaekton ?resid-d F i- ?'immarv f<>! i IK, y. T ?' ?' 1 .lOTTUS-HTAItT. ! 4* nil Ul i: ?trusa I I tin) ..unir II M S M M - I II I W ?il V. I- ? , *> \l?lil?i-. t t V.tiuti l'imii, i Um ? . . MUtur* . l .-? ..? - i-Ai.; MllaKta* I Ml H 11??' I ' !.. I.AItl IIM?i\T IN 1*1 11? 1.1 11 CLAl-H ??au;- ! -,, ?'.HlISr. Il M MILE* ! -. r -M? la ? ?? ? I 4 * '. .' 11 lull J 14 11 itiitiis sTAitr. . m i ?n km: i. m mu? ?lr|r,>. Il W Il,|r?tu,l! I 1 ?'in1-?? l*. L. WllUrd i : ? .* .C M IIAMlli \1- . 1. .-'S THIRD |.|\ ls|ir\ - , .' Il '?.I BUK. r I Mil? ttxta II. " Il ? " l i a? : 1 ',? 17 v II Mi?il.t t ',1 I 1 M .4 Um? n : ? i UHAVKKKXl) BAT l?\.?'l?'AI'..H ni STAU.'. .1,11.1.? M' u-? Il f At tan i i i ; i - Il ? Mr. n, i; l .. |] flau i riiim l*..k.-. K. !.. Dvrliad ?I 11 11 1 .: 1.' I?AMIKAI- ? 'I.AS.s -I.. iiMi Il|\ ISI.iN STAtST, 1 M ? ?H ll-l.. Il ?? MILK* ??.,111.1.?? ?>,.! I.a'.? I H I? | || l?A ? V Itirmii . 4 I ' \ r I H. W 1 ." . 1 ?_? I* ?I I i ? m ? r il x- nilMn? i i . ,? 'STAU ?I.A.?.- STAUT. .- -1'ni USE. Il 34 MILES t .'riry. 4 - Ulalr, M. V. Wlllll l ;. i , . : Il i i ', IV l.?l-r. Il . I .1 I ? Krai A. Wtlkei l l ? i . il i i l.? Il : X . ? ! Hr-.?a.fl l l .; AU? ? M* I.!. I . I V II l'ara?,.. A II r ri I SI M I ? I i i ni . .*. ., ? ir , I A \u?i?,'. <; i. h H I. Ib?Im . I" . U . .n,i. . .. _ DM ' 1 ;-. Ili-nry ??ri..ii-ll ... Km? ?'???ititr u la-. Im. Kima-ir H ? Glll~n .Hinn?.r !? ? . Ntti'-Hia! Uni?? . n.. u I? ?iilrrr.?.Al!iri*ii? ? 1(1 A"-?l i l'Ilurr. K II M- irl-.,ii . I , - Kl?, H .*? uebbf, :r l'hlHJ l| . \S jlt.-r I?. . Il I ? ', I ?m.? r l'hlllp - i ? , ?. : : l ? ' I ' ? ? ; .. , !?'.' - ., ! u w i-ii.- ' a Arthur V Le? ;r ' ? Clean Stocks Each Season A policy that means many a tempting bargain for you HOW if you're in need of light-weight suits, outing garments or haberdashery. $1250 $15 & $17 for 2-piece and 3-piece Suits ?reduced $3 to $15 from prices that were already moderate Good Palm Beach Suits reduced to $5 & $5.50 -,-Il Fall Suits Arc Ready '??>?i, Fifth Ave Building Broadway ?or 24th St