Newspaper Page Text
an SMUGGLERS REAPED $100-000 IN FREIGHT RAIDS U. S. Officers Arrest Al? leged Truckman Gang Leader. SAY UPTOWN STABLE WAS SECRET "CAVE" Band Got $70,000 in Year, De? tc-ctivcs Declare, by Looting Bonded Shipments. Meyer F Fuman, who, the Federal ? tes say, has been the head of a COBspiraC) which has robbed bonded truckmen of $100,000 worth of goods, ?ma held in $6.000 bail yesterday by t inmissioncr Houghton i nt ( -summation on Setpcmber 1. '. : on a lechnical charge s ? I the warrant for his arresi was issued May 23. Since that time he has teen out of the city. The I luthoritiei assert that fttman :- ki",*1 n as a "junkman fence." They contend he is the head of the conspiracy which has de'rauded the ? ?" duty on $100,000 worth I . ' imported merchandise. The d by Ettman, ac ? United States ey John F. Walker, was to take goods while in transit to other -cities where 'hey were dutiable. In the last year, the authorities say, the gang has s'.oion $70,000 worth of goods. Fttman had a garage in Fif? tieth Street, and also maintained junk shops in Hoboken. It is alleged 'hat cover of his business he formed the acquaintance of truckmen handling: i merchandise. Drivers .*icting with him, it is ???I, would oftain a truckload of ?> pi? r und arrive with it j ?Hilrond freight station late in th ? day too ?ate to have the goods ted. Then the men would take their trti<-ks to the sti Un der ?over of darkness Ettraan and his accomplices would open the cases, take ases acain. would be delivered t<. the rail the next morning, apparently un? touched. But when the;, reached the con would be ng, a ?id ?s the dutv was collect rnment loat Morris Silverman, a eommis-ion Blur, a cutlery (Valer, were arrested some time ago They are alleged to have disposed ? Ft'man's loot. ASKS $1,800,000 FOR TRADE DAMAGE ?Vexican Mining Company Al? leges Monopoly in Zinc. Ill? T.V|t?i?ll to Th? Trll'illif.) El Puso, Tex., Aug. 14. Claimini damages of $1.^0,000 for alleged com bmation ?n restraint of trade, by which , the price of ri?e is arbitrarilv lixeii in the United Sutes, 'he San Roberte Minina Company/, at Eacatecaa, Mea? i ico. filed suit in the United States Dis? trict Court here to-day against H. A Heuser, the American Metal Company ' Ltd., the Companin Minear y Compra doro de Metales Mexicana, the Pen?le? Mining Company and the Compania dc Mineral? s v Metalas, A similar suit was filed in the , Sixty-fifth District Court aj**ain?t H. A. ? Houser, as treasurer of the Americnn ! Metal Company, for Sl.900.000 dam? ages bv the Compania Mil Minera. The companies involved are big pro ! ducers m Mexico. The San Roberto Company chtirgfs it is impotsiblc for it to sell its zinc ores in open market because of the alleged combination maintained by Houser and the compa? nies e.fliliated with him. Pierson Co. May Pay 50 P. O. Judge J. M. Mayer, in the Federal Court, yesterday authorised Ralph Wolf, bankruptcy receiver for the .tork brokerage firm of .1. Fred Pier? son, jr., <v Co., to deposit $102,750 with the Metropolitan Trust Company, pend? ing a settlement of the firm's debts. A majority of ths creditors favor the firm'*- offer of fifty rents on the dollar. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Trintftrs ind Aisl(nm?nts l 1, ,,\ . St U: M,a?jr i? i Serf? '? i Ki-rri*. >?? frets C.'i (?. to men? trimli.s ?tsM?; Pita?a. Min WsMi : '? ? . T li v. . i'airi, k O'Brien. 74l)i I.? liraMli squaa. .? I . T I' . S B, 10 171! Temporary Assignments Ututs. 1. II Wot i-'!i. sud H .i ?.'silaban, "SU?, ?o ??fn.-r ?>f T. ? 1 M I? , i 1?-... :? t m . Au? 7 I \i?vr i tl and i>. F l'atbmi i, lisd, I? fin liur . ." ?;*.. 4 p. m . Au?. 7'.'.; Otates .-.?????ir. .-? Ig i',, . .', day?, 3 |. ii.. Aus. 71. Saii.n.I It?..-, i i. JUth. *o C O. dllt) o? Thii-,1 IxpuM C, 70 ?lis?. I t. ni. Aug. 71. .1 r N I"* ?...I I-. ??fit ? of T M. I'. n ritv?. !? t tn . Au? ?S; I' 1' Dunford, IM, '?> C, (?. il'it.v Stock ti d Hont IM? Controller'? *?. 14 dan. I r m . Au? ..?. Edward Hui ??? i 0. (lutv in offl,*f nf property i lerk, ? i 70 dan. Sam. A'i? ?I.'lph Kell mer. ISSti lu l'th I. D., 11 dsys, 4 p m . Au?. 7?. Luve? ?f Absence ,?!?:, hall p?v) Pilnri. W, W l'.H .-???:, 7 ?lais. 17 "Il m . Sep?. I. Without pay* I.i-i' John Mi-Mullen. 1VI Hur. II -ai- - pi ? Sert? ? I" Jone?, lllh, i dar. si ir. Aus 7'. l'Mmn .i .1 Ward, i-? 4 J? n: . Aut .'. . ? I Hiirr. let. 1 dST, 4 p. m . Au? 7'.. Harn ftraSJM, -""7. 1 -lav. % t m Au?. SS; Tl,,, : ??, Tegralei i rt. 1 ?!??. 13:01 a li Amt ' H i'.ll .lav. 4 ; m. Au? :'?. i: ? ll??m. SMh, 1 .1?'.. 4 p. m . Su? 24 .lau. ? -.?riet, until. 1 ?las. 4 P m . Am :'.'. M I M' Mill?n, lll'h. I day. I t m . Ai? 7 l( i Kell) Hill?. 1 ?Id. i P m ? Au? 71 K i? tt? % r.'ii?. i day. 4 p. ? lui Si; J Y d'Iltri. 1-7-I,. ', lay, sin? Aus 7'; j. H n i. 1 ilty. S a. m., Set* i Ad?inc?m?nf? to Gride ?11 I.V0 ?ra.lo Au? Sil r l? ? ?al, ? l. k rrigm. Ill i! i Hindy "h. T I-'. Fil l HA rilD-rrald. I4?h; W C l'uni ? l Con??inlliio Sain?. Il, "l?f? W. j. Fl I. H Sai?. Il in I I r, !.r, k ? r vv \ ii *? i. r *. .1. i Mu- ? - I min. lud; T .1 CnHrr, Hit? . ?' I s ?? V. I M, U- l'-i'li: K 11 ? .'lv. I) Il Churl's Dlsml'sed. l'api I 1? ??rm-by, June il; f?ll,.| lo ttk" !".?(- r srtlon; mii*i",[>,'r Unit. J. J. ? June 17. im .1 A M Mlhon. T D.. C .lui e 17. loi ?? 1 man fr?'in nation lieuse. June 71. pushed cltlsea COTTON FIRM; GAINS AT CLOS1 Liverpool Buying Aids Mark? in Advancing Lleven Points. While a more cheerful feeling wit reference to International affairs an additional indications that the Soul would be given evcy facility f? financing early new crop receipt?, in parted a decidedly steadier tone to th cotton rriHiket yesterday, trailing r< mainrd eiuict. Bullish features, i fact, appeared more effective in check ing fresh sales thHn in creating fres demand, and the bulk of the buyin was attributed to covering of shortl while offering! were less in evide-nc a'tcr the recent flurry of liquidator October con'riicts sold up to 0.33 on December to 9.71 in the late trn lin? or about 10 to 11 points net highei and the market closed steady at a ne advance of 8 to 11 points. Liverpool was better than elue, sn? after opening 1 to 5 points highe prices here sold 8 to 9 points abov? last night's closing figures during th. early trnding. Washington advices in dicating that Socrctnry MrAiloo wai prepared to deposit a large amount oi gold in Southern Federal Rtserv? Banks, if necessary, to assist in (inane ing the early movement may have pro motcd some buying, while there was s considerable demand here from houses wi<h Liverpool connections, presum? ably to undo old straddles. After thi." first spurt of demand had subsided the niHrkot eased off 5 or ?, points nndoi ron?'.ved liquidstion or scattered offer? ings inspired by favorable weather ad? vices, while there were rumors of a little hedge selling here against cheap ?pot offerings, particularly from Georgia. Such pres.-uro, however, was by r,o moans active or aggressive, and the market developed renewed firmness late in the afternoon on advices from Washington indicating much improved prospects for a satisfactory adjust? ment of the Arabic affair. Closing prices were within a point or two of the best. Notwithstanding the talk of hedge sollu.g hero, some of the Southern markets which have boon relatively low showed rather a better tone yes terdsy, and there wore indications of some imnrovement in demand, al? though locp.l brokers still report a very slow business, The spot market at Augusta was 1* points higher and Houston Kportod an ndvance of 10 joints, while Memphis was l'J points Tower Otherwise the Southern mar? kt *s were all unchanged, with tho ex? ception of Mobilo, which wn< 6 point higher. Sales .vero reported of 2,352 ba'c? at the advance in Houston, and ?hero wore sales of 1,512 bales a' \'e>. ' Orleans. The preparations which are being made to financo the early now crop movement during the period of accumulating supplies do rot reduce -, i PUBLIC NOTICES. ?-tat': or new vofiK. office ??r th.- ? ut ..f Public Works. Al " r ... con* ' ? ??'Tir, In } until twelve pteml er 14. . . . ' f'.r Improving th. Cay x?r+ to the i >1 of the Li ? n of s Hart: ' ? ih? L-atv! of llll, ? -a i n Ne, 1. iei to I*?-) ' 1 iter'.oo ? heeti in 13. In? luslve. 41 ... ? k ? bridge at St. ? in? luslvs. ? ; . . t and I '.'h'r Informal - ' - ?if 'lie a i Al' Y , at the of] ? Mtdd ? ?lit of S ; ? f the coat ul producing n? paid of Of the ?, ??rit Ever) pro ? . any 01 the led bj a national at i ay, In the n p.ii.d credit it slifht to | ? Public Works for i lit.) of the ] posai 7?o?al Khali be ae> ' quired to execute a con- ! ? n ten days of a? ard delivered -, ei son o? mailed to , . of '. anil approval "f honda, the certifie.! cheek or will I,, return?-,1 lo the proposer ? n lire.?' nte.l : to -j.h ?line. In S hlch posit ?.ill be tefuml.'il bj the Superlnt? nd< nt of Public ' The ,? f bidders other than the , itic tivarl of :.t*...t ?hall !?? m ,le ?-n mad?. Tli. amount of bond required for falth i.ll ?<? ten per centum ? , of ?h- ..mount of the estl ,f the s\(?i k a? , ..r.Iint* to the .i,l .,n additional hon.I. known as ihs Isbor bond. In the sum of t. n ]<? r centum (IS per esnl i ,,f the .m,ouiii of ? I cost >'f ti.e work .?in bs required ?> security that las rontrsctor ,. in full ni least ones in ea, t? hII i.? I ici by him nj. ? i In bs ?lone In the contract in the .'.'Ht iii.,? mors than on? surety romp in Is offered an Bursty on ?aid bonds, <??>-in.-ur..i.?-- only ?sill I??? ?accepted. pro t.. ?he ntendent of Public Worka, Albany. n y . and must bs sndorsed ?>n th? en? velops sslth the i,f the construction s ?iich Ihs i?r .posai is made. A?sui! if mat? will bs made ?o ?he per?'?:? whoss proposal .?hall be lot??si In cos? lo Hi' Btati for doing the v ,:k 1.11,1 s. hick - ? .'h .,11 ? ; It formal. ward -.hail ?.?? BBOdS the low? i.i.-r .Mil bs rs<qulrod ??> satisfy the ? Superintendent of Public Work? of hit? ? ?o provide sultabla equipment and i m..tei Uli for the proper p.-rfo nuance of! ,rk The rlsh? in reserved t i rejeel all pro- ? and award the. contract In the regular manner If. in ?he ! judgment ?>f the th? inter , nhanes I thereby, vv. vv. ?VOTHER8POON. Superlnteadenl ,,f Puhii,* Work?. *- _ ?H Wi.K OF NAME. ?CRT Ml w rORK COl'NTT. ?in ?he matter "f the applh-ation to -hangs ?he nans? ,f Taylor, Ihorl * Kennedy Companj ln<- a New York Coi,on Notice of Motion NOTICE l? hereby siven that TATIXiR, I SHORT A KENNEDY COMPANY INC. I t domestic corporation has-in-j, it? prind-' pal oflk-S In the HcrouKli of Manhattan, ritj and County of New Y??rk. will (n the H irt of the State of New i t Spsclal Term, Pan I thereof, to fit held at the Count) Court Houst*. In th? . i, . f M?, n? . ? '?unty the Ith day of September. o.-k In the forenoon of or ?* Booa thereafter .?? counosl ?an )>e i,?ar,i for an order authorising the. ?aid Corporation t.. chang? Its corporals lame to TATIaOR .Vi KENNEDY INCOR? .-ORATED Dated New York. .Vni-u?t 16th. 1915 rATlaOR, SHORT A KENNEDY COM? PANY INC., Petitioner HAK1.I7S K 1? KAKHIKM. Attorney for Petitioner, No, SI Na??au street Bor vuik ot Manhattan, New York City. FORECLOSURE SALES. SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEW York?Th? Farmers Loan &? Trun Co., ii :r i;.? r. r und. r thr la.?! Will and Testament of Mary F. H Held. "I. Plaintiff, against Malis Mennells and others, Defendants In pursuanct "i a Judgment of foi ut" and tale, duly made and entered in the ? entitled artimi and hearing date the of tuguat, 1916, I. the under? signed, the referee In said Judi named, ?i!1. sell at pul lie auction, ?t the Exchange Salesroom, No 14-16 ugh Df Manbattai of New York. <m th? ! ? ? h ?!..'? of .?-.. ,?t? rn ? i.',. a? 12 o'cle? k noon on thai da i. ph i* Day, Auctioneer, the prem ? cted by asid judgment to b? ?old, and therein deacr ? ? ows: ALL thai certain lot, plec? oi parcel of land, ? it h the building and Improvements thereon er?-ct<?d situate, lying and being In the Borough of Manhattan, of the City ? ,f New fork, In the C?*unty and Stats of Net? York, and bounded ami deacrlhed ?? follows BEGINNING at a point on the ? ,,; ' '.-.rh Street dial ml two hundred and forty-four leel westerly from 'he turner formed by m? Intersection of ?ii. northerly side nr tistta Btreel and the terly ?Id? of Pleasant Avenu, (former? lv Avenue A?; and running thence noith ? rlv parallel ?rh Pleasant Avenu? on? hundred feet and ? lev, n Inches to 'lie middle line ol 'he block; thence ?entrrly ' along ?ai,| Hue forty f??et . thence pouth erly an! again parallel with Pleasant Ave? nue one hundred feet and eleven Inches to irtherly stds of USth Btreet, md ih?nr? easterly along the northerly side of 115th Street forty feet to ihe p.,in! or pare ,,' b. ginning, said premises being now known hj the Street Numbers 4*11 and 433 ih street The abov? described Ian l lies In the block \?hich is designated a.? lllor-k No IT'ts In Section ( on th? Map of ih' City of N< a York Dated, New York. August :i?h. ItlS il.y ROSENBERG, Referee. ROBERT v> CANDIaBK, Attorne) for Plaintiff, 4? Wall Btreel, Borough "f Manhattan, New York City. The following is a diagram of the prop. ? i.e sold, it-- Btreel Number is 111? i,??t n -,th St re. ? The approxlmat? amount of Ihe Men or chare,. ?,. satisfy which Ihe nl>o\e de i propert] Is lo ne gold. Is tIS.ISO.SO, ?Mth Interest thereon from the 2'th day of March, I'M:,, together with the costs and nc? amounting to $311.:". with in teresi from aukusi 16th, 191*,. together with |h? expenses of the sale. The approxi? mate amount of th? ta?' e. assessment? and walei r.!" or other liens, which are to be allowed to the purchaser out ,.f the purchase money, or paid l.y the lleferee, is |1,?II 70 and Int? rest listed, .v..? Tork, Aunust :4th. 1111. El.Y m ?SENBERG, Iteferee. SURROGATES NOTICES. *cv pursuance or AN ORDER OP I Honour hie John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of Ne? Yoik. notice Is her.-- , lv fciveii !o all person? having claims' it the estate of Qeorg? Clinton Ratcheller. late of th? County of? New I Yoik, deceased, to present the same ??thi vouchers thereof to the subscribers at ' place of transa, ting business. In the office 0| Messrs. QIBord, Hobbs _ Beard, their attorneys. No. 60 Broadway, .Manhattan, in the City of .New York, on or before th? :?th day of October next. Dated -N'ei? Yoik. the 19th day of April lilt*.. TRUENE O.EDDES DATCHELLER. ALFRED 1* W. SEAMAN, EDWARD W. RLSSELL, Executors. GIEFORD. 1IOBBS _ BEARD. Attorneys for Exi-cutors, *U Hrosdway, New Tork City._ SALOMON. ADOLPH K ?IN PURSUANCE of tu older of the Honor.,ble John P. , CohsUn, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice is hereby given to all persons i having claims sgainst Adolph E. Salomon, i late of the County of New York, deceased, i to present the same with th? voucher? ' thereof t.. the subscribers at their plsce of I transacting business, at the office of Almy Van Gordon, Brans _ Kelly. No. 46 Cedar Btreet, Borough of Manhattan, City of Ne? York, ihi-lr attorneys, on or befor? the lt?ih day of September, 1S1C Dated. N?w York. April 3rd. 1915. H UN JAM IN i;. I.EVT. REGINE s. LEVY, Ex?cutera AI.MY. VAN CORDON. EVANS 4 KELLT. Attorneys f,.r Executors. Oftlce and Post? office Ad.lress. No. 46 C-'dar Street. Bor? ough of Manhattan. New York City. ESTATE OF CHARLES WOOD M, mur. try,?Jn pursuance of an order of Hon? orable John I". Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of Ne?? Y'ork, notice Is hereby given lo all persons having claims against Charles Wood McMurtry, lato of the County Of Ne? Y".-k. deceased; lo present? the same with i"uclnri thereof to lb? wb- ' si nb.r. st place of transacting business, n,, ;i Broadway, in ri,e city of \ ? Yoik. M "i before the ?uth day of Jan-! usry next. Dated. New York, th? Uth day of July. lila BDWARD P. McMURTRT. Administrator. SIMPSON, THACHER _ BARTLETT, Attorneys for .\dmlnlstratoi, ?2 Cedar i Street, New Toik City. STOR \CE NOTICES. BOWLING GREEN STORAGE & VAN COMPANY. . ?? 5 Vf? ??? ? 'h S' lohn A hboit, Mi ? Emms Andrews. Mi.-? Nits .', ? " H rtrand, h M Bogi ?Barker, Mm i id ?' Barnes. Mad me Marls Chatron. Margare) Connelly, \v P Cun ? i. William .' Crane, Nicholas i'ou Katl? Cray, Armand Chatron d'Avili .i William De L' ons, Mr? l ?. ?. In? Prank Du Prs\ ne, ri d Kst'rbrnok. Joneph Ettlnger, i. l'n,il ?' Panto Margare! Parley, Mlai Pran Victor la. Grandaire, ('. T Uregory, Mis Ida Gregory, Bertrand Grass by, Mrs Ploraste liai''":?'. * i: Hetgh way, Mr. Howard Humiaton, Me? Howard ? ton, Warn n Y Hill, Edith J? I 1? Il .la, ob?, ' Th.,n,as K? 11 11 g, Misa Blsnche Kendall, Robert G l.unn Hal Mer ritt, Mr-, i.oia v. Marrer, Mis Man Mar ? Y M? Carty, M idalaine H N irton, al Trade Exchange, Mr- r ?or. Il .s ni,.un, Beasle Oliva, LeRoy Per kinnon. ?Lena Poindexter, W Pavne, Stuart ? on. A'fr. ?i Reynolds, Emilio Ro iando, llaroian Schill'?? Annie Rllv?-ra, Miss Man Smyth. B Hou?hard, .-a riuel Htfausa, Joseph !-? Itephei ? Ha. I ? lor. Edward l i rauts ?? n, John Trh ?. v n Mater, Margaret Walsh, Harry Fred i: w.i Emms H Roger i Wllllsmi Mi Leah ?agur fou aie hereby notified thai the storag. being' dut snd 'he time for payment of ihlscom? pany'? lien Iherefor? upon the pi i herelnaftei ?leaci !.. .1 having expired and due notice thereof haying been given you, this eompanj ?ri I i ,? oh property, m .in Hou effect rraonal effi? m, ? irnlture, merchandise, trunks, ham . ? planoa, graphophon? re? mi da, n,. . stored In the ?sarehnu s of this com? pany i i you, oi In your i?..m<'. or in which ? ..?i claim an Inter si to b? sold ??? public ,?u,tion ?.ling to ii," statutes rases made and provided, at the al...\e named warehoua?, IIS W?-?t Slth 8?r?set, N,.? York City, ??n Thursday, HeptembtVt nth. a? in o ? l... k A M If said aal? b? not completed on Ihs day herein mentioned, II ssill be continued on ?a? h mece? ding Thursday, al the same hour ami pla. ?- until all Rood? are ?old HOW I l"?(. (iKKl.N STORAGE * VAN POMPANT. r P TERHCNE, Beere! Ne? Y'?rk. N Y, August 26th, 1*11 LINCOLN NAPS DEPOSIT COUPANT, 60-V' Ka?? I'd Ht., 47.-7..I Ka?t 4l?t St., NKVV YORK ? 111. To .1 W. Angel?; Mr P. Braune; Mr?. P. Hraun?; Vr. Thomas Bradley; Mi>- E. <; in euer; Mr? Jacob Berry; Samuel 1?. ?'raft?. Trusts?; Mr?. Alexander Cameron, .li . .lohn T. Clarke, Mr I? M 11 Chap? ?n.n, Mr?, is B. it. ?Chapman; Anna Alles Chap?n; Mr Maurice Campbell; Mrs M.Ul? li, Campbell. Mr Arthui S. ?'ox; Mrs Arthur S Cox: W. W. Denslow; Alean M<,.*??.; Bertram Levy, Truste? of ths Batata of Alean M osa, Bankrupt; Alfred n l'u pre?; Mrs Mary P. Smith; Charles a. Dean; Capt .' P. Droulllard: Mi n Ed? munds; Mrs. R. Edmunds; MISS Mary A. S Paherty; Clement (?uion; Mr? .1. ? '. (luion; P, )?:. Grant; Mrs. Harold Ha vena; Mr?, manche c Hirsch; J. vv. Henning; Mr? J. VV. Henning; Marquis? ,|. i'ha r.tie; Mis? Mary I- Hall; Foxhall P. Ke.tie; Ml?? Kliza bet h Kennedy; Mr?. Annls P. Knowlton; Mr? .Vdelelne K. Haag: MISS '? Klae?.; MISS A Koll?' Mrs .1 i: Kare;.?,,!i. Miss H K Kiinber ley; Mr?. J, C. Lyon; l?r William .1 Leder er; Mr? William .1 Lederer; Leland T. Lane; Eugens 11 Murphy; Mrs. Georgs 1>. Slumlord; Mrs Granvills M,,,.r.-; A M..r telll; Mr?. P, Mastlnetll; Mrs Burr Mein. ?,,?-).. Mrs ?i?,,iK>- Herbert MeCord; E, K. Nllea; M .1 i?Cunen, Mr?. K. van Arn heni P.liner; Mr? .Viuiuniii U Dougherty Perry ; George I.. Prentlaa; Mr?. Mary p.mi. Mrs J Schnltser; Mrs L I- Suret; Min? Isabel N Smith; Mr ?? c. Thump sob; Mr? i?. ?; Thompson; Mrs R, P. Tyson; Mr? W H Van C.llder; Mr? vv. P. Crars . Mad un? T, C. Von Bergen; Mr?. Charlotte Ogden Wotherspoon; Mis Thos. la Watt; Mr Thos. L. Watt? You are hereby notified that th? storage being due and the Urns foi payment of thl? ??ompnny? Hen therefor upon the prop erty borelnafter dsaerlbod having ?spire i ami ?tue notice thereof hawn?; been given you. thl? company will caute atueh prop? erty, to svlt; llou?eh..ld goods, personal effect? and merchandise, ?t"re,| bj >?>u in it? warehouse ?mi. ?r. ?liver storag? vault?, !?? !?? sold at public auction, ac I t,< the atatutes In su, h cases an,i provided al n? Warehouse, II I t Baal 4i?i Streit, New York City, <m Wednesday, September Ith, 111!, at t.-n ,. a. y, by Walter ?' ??iibert. Auc I.IMOI.N SAFE IIPPOSIT COMPANY. Will I VVI J. MI RPHY.' and l'reH?urrr. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS Kelt PURNT8HING COAI_ (iltlce of Assistant Purchasing I Iffleer, Pstiama Rail Road Company, .4 BtatS Str-et, Neu York. Augu?t IS, 1SII Sealed pr... po?al? ?ill bs re, en.-.! a: thl? ...'tice until II o'clock noon. September 3. Ill',, for fur nlshlng to th? Panama Rail Road Company 9?ml-Bituminous Coal, la aooordano ?rh terms and conditions -? t f?>rth la Circular s,, p.itf Blanks snd full inf..r. may be obtained at thl? offl, , It B. Rutherford, Aastotani Purchaalng Ota, AUCTION SALES. C KORNBl.l'M. AUCTIONEER?B tue of a ? hattet moil-ta?-? ?nil ?ell this ?lay. at II o'clock, at 111 Pulton Street, Brooklyn, boiler .?team ennuie. ssr.o.1 tank. 7 ?ash wheels, 1-llS> mangle. |.J| extraction. DAVID SCHUSTER, Attorney for Morte- e ? tlM .mount ?if cotton must ulti? mately be reckoner! with in the world'* tnnik.'ts, but much of the l.i*arish senti? ment in tin- cotton murket has been mm?' concerne?! with the problem of earlv ?eason ubsorption or distribu? tion than with final values. Few trad? ers anticipate that even with abundant money, and with the active co-oper ntion ?if bankers, the market can bl? eut i rely relieveel of distress cotton, however, und sentiment at the close of business yesterday was still un -ettleil, ?-ill. bonis looking- forward to the ???Tcct <'T .nereased spot offerinr-1 ?I l!n picking season advances. Ex ? for the ?lay were 8,31.9 bales. I!.'"L? \.'T I'. Jsn . I?. M .oil April M?> * ;rl, e? upsn ? . iiigh. i/ * ',n ?6: . ?.Kg || Hi I 'I 10 17 I lose I -? 1 .' .r ' . ' I t Hi t ','Jat } 60 ? ;:?* ? ;:t ? 9 I> >i? ?at |il I,',.a lo i? is 11 ? i* i? - ?m n - ? 10 'I.I- 10 it? * u !> :,o S'l ?71 ? 0.1 I? OS 10 IS 1? 2X -1*1.1 l'..n.?i rieliti<?r ?ne.lal l.lte?pn?l rallie? Spot , ,lt,.ul't. ?al,'.. S.SS? I'll'?. n?'.ulsll.,n ta i? n '.m. A-serteao. '? ??'" lammiria. ?.***-. Amrntt i??i Mil .iplsn.l. -, t.'d Kulur.'i (,|?-rir,| ?t.a'dT.' .c, t.. ?? potnu higher Clessd .trad?, net .? lo :", loliil* hlflier OetobM XmiMbir. .Y4'-1i' : Januar? Kel.rusn. ?...,',,I. Mar, h April. ?MO: \|?'. I.e." .:??!: Jill. August. I.TM MM?MM: Vari,? dull bul ? . .l?t!??I mine ?i?-?lr llerelpta at Hie port? ?ml MtStSI polm?. ?I't> roaparMsos. full?* ? f*r ?eut T. da? l.a?' w'k l?a?i y'r He??* ' l.lll IM ISS (.alrestnn Sea Orleans M.lille Karaiinali . iliarlr ?ir>n *,*iiliiit.>Zti*i Norfolk .... Ilalillli'.re Set? Y.wk l: S.SSI '. 1 01!? III.I?* l-'..*.l .'.? ri?4 ? . 40.. .1 I It? '.'?.'4.?. ?'. |1 I, 'S ;? re? IA.S7I T,.t?li 4 M INTKIlHiH III lit 1 ni : ISO 2,715 - August? . \l-iiiplii? . SI I/.lll? . II, ,ii?t~i ... : 1:1 'I'',,' lo, il marke? f r ?i?.i ?atteS w prtrf lo point? hi-i Isn l Moulham ?i 4 r.,||. ?a t liai?, -'"ii Ol "' \?., Oriel : i . .. ?? ! ? I?.S7J .',7.ts>:i h _ r,lll?t. ii '. Mr f-.r middling up marker-, ??re Irlegrarliid ?a r chai |ed at Sr; tale*.'?! a' I * l -*: !.?'?? Hatannah fini, sarhatigtd ?? ? , ? tie* Sorlot* itej i ,? ; ,. -, mI? '.'1 , Lalr-a Mcniphi? -.cadi. I.' r-.lni? lerne? .i? S.SSc; sales. IM bales linn,!?.,, tleady. V polliU lilglier at *?,?. ?al.?. 2..I..U l.a! ? Mobile rmrslinl ? points higher ?r ? i lU'ilni,.,.' imtBlnsl. un.'hanged a' ?. -ale? nil Align?'.i ?'??!? I? poli, is lllgl^r ai ales. 1*41 hair- S' l/?nis oulel. inn-liaiigid ai ?V. ?"?le? nil- I.l'?l' Bocl Tllet. uncharged ?t a la, nil PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES General .News and Earnings of Various Corporations. A summarize?* statement of income of the Philadelphia Company and affili .'?erl operating companies, the Consoli? dated Gas Company of !'ittsburi*h. [>uquesne Licht, Pennsylvania Licht and Power, Pittsburgh Railways and Beaver Valley Traction companies for .'uly ?hows that the accrecate pros., in? come amounted to $1^20.764, a net eain of il..,1*44 over the ;,;.me month la.?t yegr. Combined net earnings after operatinc eipenses were $735,352, an -ticrease of $190,887, The heaviest de? cline in cro.?s income was made bv the l'itt?buri*h Railways Company, al? though this loss was turned into a Cain of $77.909 in net revenues. In? come of the Philadelphia Company'-; raturai cas and oil department ? cave ?n increase of $52,572 in gross and 184,891 m net earnings. I.reat Western Power. The comparative income account of (he (iri'at Wi stern Tower System, with intercompany business eliminated, not only ihdwi increased revenues of cood proportion in cross snd net for July, hut the balance of surplus after interest chargCI and arcrued dividends on the preferred stork of the Cali? fornia Klectric Generating Company owned by the Western Power Company ! made a growth of nearly *"tn per cent. Operating revenues for the month; amounted to 1244,137 m cross, an in? crease of $27,201 over July of la?t year, and the total net income, includ inff miscellaneous revenues, which was i *?1)'7,!>.''2, showed an increase of almost ' L't per cent. Interest charges on the ! t utiiled debt were increased from $10n - P73 in 1914 to 1106,192, and the bal- i ??nee of surplus carried forward was , $69,240, PUBLIC I TILITV SECURITIES. *' i ?un Li a T.*'3 ?!.. pr .if"* Adir M l'wr 14 do or . :.1 ? Am ti A I. M I'l Am Par A- 1, ?l da pi Am Pub Sec so do it ? ; Am W A 1*1 ?? do par pr.. IE do Isl nr . ,". <*ltie.s sen-.. 41 Ask ] ? no IK l'i, pr I'o ? lo pr . no Hid A-k. Fed I ? A Tr. Il U da pr . '?: . ! '-.s a El Bee U ;.. ?io t>r . . si ;i I.m i; A El pi .'n N OBI la A P. || I] I" or . (7 52 f?en ?is Pwr. 91 ;." do PI "??UK I' A \v (J M Pa? Ha? ? B i.t t:, rlO pr ?( Ren Ri f. i t II ? ? -'. I '.il 1 ll?r.'l ;o 13 Cm P HA la l*? do rr . 77 Day Pa l.t H do rr rxiAK cep Si '?" B1 I'd I' pr. SI Kl H a s pr M Km f? Kl ,is. 7.' do pr . ?.i ?l'ar value t?*. do p .1 I '? A Kl I * T. nu H. la/t-p i ?lo pr . .i ''n l.t A R] ? M 'lo 1st pi urll I : Pwr U !.. pi 17 THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Bacal of the Laut Twenty-four Hour?. Wa-llln-1'Ml. A?! M R-larifrlr l,;,|, rr? v.r. ? n r tlie Northwest has Irerti i.-r-nropanled h? a Mderal.le fall In tenuvralure that lOWltd the plain? I ?tale?, tlie Ml.sourl and up, -r lfl??S?alpp| ?alley?, ilif upper lake re|ion and |_| ?e.iern loner lak? , reglen, and lo.?l fro?t? ?en, reponed this morim,,; ! In Karts l>?lo.'a anal S>,r.|i?r?tern Wji.mlrig. Otrr UM rciiialnrlfi of the MUMiy ten:i??rature .liante, vii-re not at ta? I ?WaWta The .Nnrthwestern ,!!?- i turlianre l? rentrai to nlflit net WeMUTB mirar..,, and low pressure preial!? fenrrallT to the maat' i mrl arid ?null.ward, ?l.h re?ultlnf ?hnwers, ?i- ' rept In New Knaland and Ihe south Atlantic ?'at?. There ??.?re al?<> lo,-?l ihumlrr **mmat* In Hi? ur,t .' '. and Ih? ,?mr?i ?n,l wlhiru Ro-ky | .M.iuntiln rrgi,-rn. hut elsewhere the ?,i:;,[ m, fair. There will he I,h ?I thunder sh,'.?r?r? H day In the Gulf ?'.at??. ?;e,r?la. T*a_Hn?, th? ' middle A'lai.tlc statei and New Kntlaiid. fade?? I hy fair ?earlier tkundai In Ihr lake r, ?> u and Um ?Hilo Valley the .? will l? lau Wi I ?i. i Than ltd It all? b* i ; \\. .?.. I?) nlfht In rhi Nr? hjiflaoal and ?? |.|?? , Allai.ti? ????'?. " ?'.?! Wedneadaj In Ihe I Hilo Val- ' ley ?r.d ?ne Vemet lake rtfkio and ?ill runtlniM I tool 111 the amptt laae re?i,,:i On Thiir-da,v Bod? I erate lempi'ratuir'. nia? M fils- ?? 1 |o eonltuo? mer the nenbrrn and rniral dUUlrti ra?t ,,f the Dpi Bltct, ?hile in Ihe South trniptratur?* will not .liante materially. Wind? fot ??:?-!?)? and Thur?.la? Kartb Atlantl.-. niolera:? ... ii'iiie.t. midlir Atlantic. _od> , ,- .'h?e?t I? ?"?i; ?,,uHi Ar:?'r? moderan ???utli?.'-t. n ?l'i ???! "f the Kl,,ri,U maat; fa.; <iu!f. fei.?le t,. ni.,-1. rare ?arlahl? ; ?est ??un ? ?raie ?.juthrist. upp r lak"-. m...|?rat? naftlratMt; rr lak. - Farteait far IptsM Lacalltln? Eaitern New Y*rk. |h?*rri ta? caaltr tt-day talr tt-m?rr?w. Stuther? N?w ts|laa<. 1? al ?liiw.r, l>, day . fair ai.'l .'?'I io iirnrruw Northrrn Sam Kri?l?r.J .?h',wer? In-day; fair tn morr.'W New l?r?ty. pattb : ? i I? r -da?. proLablr _eml I shr,?rrs. fair lo merr, ? Ka.iern Ptofuyltaal?. lo al ihowera loda? - -r I? -,l|hr . fall t,, lii,,rr ? lielaware. partly il,,u,|y lo d?y. tmatm !??___' fair i.,-in??? ' Mar)l?t.! ai,,! tin? Dtatrict of Columlila uartl? a? rah r ?? vtni' Lacal OSIclal Kttert. H.? f K, a_f offl, lai rs?Md - W'eaiher liureau ?l,,~? \Aa ?h?uft? In th? temperature f?.r Hie la?t twenty.four luiur?. lu ecia pari?..!. ?Uli ',.? Hag Jai? uf j_t )f4f i . -, "?a i a. n. p n ? a. m .1 ?? t? p. m .'. s a u. ?t MU p n. It ?.N >n:M 1 S t p m ?. .1 lllalrf-.t rrmp.r?lur. >.,irr . .-(?Il p. m I. luwe.t. M (SI II ni i ?rrr??r. fl; ?tera?e ?r?p.ri?lint date la?i >r?r. 7n naeama l . ? . t date |?m ?tm il ret ,,,,,, ;if BartMitrr H ai.-,, *. HvmlaJIty. r? i r m * p m lacal Farteait . ,..,,,, ,, ,,4) (i morro? fau. ,...:u.a?j eapl; _?Jcraic ?c?i ?Ui_. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World 'essels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. MINIATI IIF ALMANAC. I suun-e. | ID, MBSSi ??H. n"-?" rise?. * 04; lUiHin'. t|e. II ^^^^_ IlltiU WATER 7 I ?? |Han?ly Rest . , g 142. ?;,?rrn.?r s Itlsod . ,, ,,; Jo :)? . Hell Uli?.' ' WIRELESS BEPOBTS, ^4^~ ? Tit? Meu?. Am.ier.lin.. '**??-??'' " J*7tLS5 ',1,1 of Sand) Huo? it ??**?? ?""'"'?|?>' " '-'??''"'* di, k lin, lor. u./ajll. INCOMIN'. STEAMERS. TO-DAY. i Vrs.el Prom. i.'!'!!''?.? ?i: ??,. lit?..Ilerinudi. A"? -I . "?*?*' -Mai ? 'HI' .Jim?!,?. AM SB... lngi*e,H , ?I,,,,., . ,a-nirrtrt. An? l*> ? .*?,,' , .lia:..... A..I 17..Amjlim A I. an.Hi"'- Aug 4.Ilall/ui 1.?.-W. I-*:? *;? ???.Aa\JUs* Phial? ?)?'" ":'- *"? >., .4* T*"",,1 r,. Aug 1. .A" "*"* la.r.l Km?. Hi"'. Aug 11 ._ I Uli. I* O. IIU. I. AUf ?....? _ ll.m?. |l.?.l..iu. Aug 10. * Tin MUAT, ai ?it sT M, 'Msraeasks.Baa J?????. Aus *i... - ?*.J D ?san'? Marta. .. Catea. Aug 19.I ? ? inlliert .Mirsellles. Aug 1*.""""" l,,rd Ixminhire . Aug ?.".??? ???? _^l ??,mu Ht" "r'-.n;. AUS M....SS li U Sal .UaHsslsn. An* 70.?o ? *' I HI MAY. Al ?.I ST 77 ?i.-r? rd tsteaaa. An? 17 9asm-Am ?Adrsne* Colon, Ai? 71 I " ?*? ?rwerdyk . II. ??? ,.|.m. Au? Il Mol Am . ? ainili.e II ?!? rdtia. Aug 1*. Hull. Aug IS....?" *Q pass.(JalfSStSO. An? 71.Su 11? ?Bring.*. maJL OLT'.OING hTEAMERB. TU PAY. VI till Vessel 1 Vettel. 1er. Una ??"?. Philadelphia. Curacao, if I D... I a? ?m 17.00ro I'trrlll .. (''?'. i, I I ? ?i - I? i" .in 17 00 B m para, il eta i ss pa .n ?>o i n. r .1er \. i .;... i. n llaytt, iiu'W l M pa* I tern* Mun?a...?i. Matanza?, Mun-on... - I: 00 it. Araiah-e. i,a <? ,i,.n. MaLury...- 1.00 pu, . Till RSHAY, AI ?it ST M I rili.d SUISS, ilirlalan.tiid. S A 1? 10 ire 7.00 rm II,,?Lan Tran.por?. Ar?, ni im .. . . .' .10 a ru K?prrania., Wanl.9 00 ?m 11 00 ara Slxiul?, Co?,ii, U t ?o. 3 30 ?m IS.SS ? I [Colon, Cr,.'.,lal. l'intmi.II 30 lin l:Mpssl Ursyson, *-?u Juan, Inmlsr....- 1. ,?i m Lciiipe, Isi Issntills. Clyde. - 1 M ?>m j 1RIII.VY Al ?it ST tf, <.mri\ USBfMSl, W Sur. * ?0 ait* 11 nfl m i Antlizi. San':??.,. VV ir I ...- 12 <?0 m ! Tul? aula. UtltBOOl ? untrrl ... - j 00 pra TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Clos? N. T. ' I?e?'iuat)?m irid ?leiruer. I ;i0 p m | lia ?ail. Jiptu. Corel. ? bliu. rtilllpplnei . (ti* Han rranrl?eo). Ventura.Au? 21 Ilawall dl? Han Praatlssej, Mano?.Aug W Ilawall. FIJI Manila. New Zealand. Aus'rail? ?It Vl.lorlai, ?fakura.Aug IT Hawaii. Japan. Oat??. China. rhllltplnca (?la Hau Iran_*???). Hhlny. Maru.Aug 30 AIIIIIVKD. ? 'My ,if Ht fxuils. BSSSBMk Aug '?!!. 'o Hie OSSM Sa i,,, ?iih md?e. i.iiar. 4 tt a m. 'lulfi'll. Curt Arth'ir Aug It, l<> ItW ??ulf '?**"'? ing I'o, ?Uli ?II <;iur, I I*. t m. la-nape. Jak?<iiiHile Au? il ?nd <1iarle?twi M. in Um ?"y,le H? ?',.. ?Uli pa???nger? ?nd mtlse. Quay, , i? ? m Hahliie. Mirl.lle Aug 17. Tampa 11 ?nd hey \*te,t 20. to Ihe Mallory H? <'". ?lili m,|?e. Quar. O 10 a m 11,111? Ola? IDanl. Openliagen Aug 12. i'hrl? r?anla II and Chrt?tl?n??nil 14. m l 'inrii. V. ly? * ?o. ?lili p?.?...iigrn. malls and mdae. llar, 7 .'0 a m. <-iih.r?d'.. Hriiriswhk Au? ti, to 'ht Mtllnry Hi C?, ..Uli nids.' ?l'iar. Il II a m Commodore Holl?n? (Nuri. I'nrt Amonio and Tort Maria Au? II, Mnn'eg., Ha? ?ni |-,,rr Maria 17. tu the Atlanthr Krult Vr>. with fruit llar. 4 p m Va,lief? l'on.??nun,,? ???re. ki. Piraeus Aug II, flll.raliar IS, la N A ijalaiio.,. ?uu ml?*;. Bar. >> a m llrlghton iNr l'-.r? Mnrant ?ad Klng.'on Au; 17 ?inl l'on Antonio K in the Cuneo Importing IV ?Uli finit, llar. I :<?> a m. Heloie ?N<,r,. ?allsrlen Au? 1? and MSISI ? m Um Miui.on H? Um, ?Uli -ugar llar. 2 p ? Msdlann, Newport Ne?? and .Nnrfoik, I? 'he nil lerriniil'ii Ha Co, ?Uli m.l?e l.u?r. |:lt S m. ?'?r, Lu, San t-'rar, i~ -. .Inly tt. Hall.',? and Crist..hal Aug 1.1. I? the I.iirkenharli H? Co, with md?<? Har. 1 Ia. p m. Saratoga, Havana Aug '-'I. to the New Tork A I'uLa Mali H? C... ?1th pa' null? and ru'lv?. liar, 'j U2 a m SAII.KI) Steamer? A!?<-rno.uln. Monte, T',m?k ?D?n>. roptntiagei?; simimut. . Prince?? Anua, v.? folk ?ml -...'.|., it Nrn.. M,,ha... Charleston and larfcaoflttll?; Atlantic niy, Atlanil.' ? It y ; mato bal, ? r, r,,i,a . Hanau I.Nor?, l*Utrto ?oliimU?, :-tratht.,y iliri. Marseilles, Et XorU, New or STEAMKRS AT POBSIGN PORTS. AMU "SO !.i?erp,o|, All? tt? lien of Ogll iftri, New Tork. I ..peiilia?-?!. Aug II Krederlk MM ill?",, New V, rk ?la Klrkwall Rotdcgug, An? 13 H?liamhe?ii (fr'. ttem York. , Ian iBrl, N.? Vr,rk New I'hwaug. Aiu .'J Harri! I."?ii IBf). New York and Norfolk ?la Colon, Hoiuriu '?. Ilalny. Ml. BAILED, r.''.!.ii Au? ?ara (Brl, Hem York. M.iru IJapl, Nej* York , Aug :'l. 1am TVrttiu Man (Kn, New ', ,,.-!< tug 13 Ida 'Swedl. New York W I 'iii.i- An?' jl K rn.ii.? |Br), ifr,,rn r>m erarai, Sam York Maulla. Aug Jl Clef 'if Rangoon (Ilr), ?from lokohama. el<). Sem York n??re. Aug 23?Ardgilr II-,, N> ? Y'-rk. PAJMKD. t'lhraliar. Aug tt- Du,-? !' Ao-.'a (Bal), New York fot Nap!,' Jersey 'Phone Sale Confirmed. Trenton. \. .1., Atitr. Z4. Th? sale of the Interstate Telephone Company and ita subsidiaries and the Klizaheth Tele? phone Company to the New York Tele? phone Company was ronlirmed by Vice Chancellor Hacke.s to-day. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS (Krem Um Trin-m Hureiu ] Within?*?. August 74 army. Col IIABItY ?' lUSSi.N. relle?ed from (***-?, tuent . lo -Uli l'ai < ??' ?ami- B >:kvviv. . ??. -tts-hsd to ytii L'st until v. > l? the < ? :?ii Cu l.i.i' l'ol THOMAS VV WINSTON frenrcd. (letal , . M? rgin lark. A, a ; M< ?an I'atli. Ill -"-in.* Or? I Col JOHN I 1,1 ll.l '?? I.I. ft ?? '?,, |s 4" ? a. M?. Meut How i.i.i. \l KSTKS. from n?,, to Itl ?a?. Chapliln JEREMIAH A LLNtllAN. from Inf.. lo Uli ? a. I'.i.loain? chinga in <>rl. I>'r>' ?'?i? RAPHAEL n M\ , ? rt let trees Isa?j In ? insl I ?ait CHARLE?? i; OATEWOOll. la Sj.nngflel.l Ann,,'?, ?ice \l?j HERMAN vv sill? 1.1. .,, , i ii s .? il. M i , - l.i-,r. ?-,?' (OHS VV. J"i Et), ' i i t'in.iy Ara. ?i ? i SRI.i.s ft UATEWnOl) or i l?-pt . tis Cans! Zen? lor ?lutj a drpol onl .?fhVer. ? IOSEPH ? HIOHTTR, jr. Irum 3th to i"*h ? at , No? II. lar? i'l'l" W. KUHoRsT. frum 9th IS 13th Pal v., I Hr-i I.'?.i? .li.HS V SI'JMNi;. from M la '. i?. See I.V. lir. Usu? BENJAMIN i? HAV1S, rellete-l fr ,rn a ?Igiinrnt. el. ?'a?. rir> IJ?ut ALEXANDKR I. JAMES, Ir fr -i ? i u> l.'.th < ?? I'hsplaln tlKmuiR W ritK.Li.Ai , from ?m to lu. n ?i? . Not I . . a? u? ment "f em?-. ,v ? ? . italr- irn To Rh ? ?? , So?. IS Col ? I M II i t. II Vil IlliAV Ueul Col KA? It.WI" sAVIti: \la ? ARTHCB TIlAYhlt tnd ? ii Mil.l*. J s) MMoNDM I'li ('?? . Ma I ' VIN I. PHILLIPS. Iah in, Chaplain loi 1 A ? ARTER KH ? " ? ?Mi IO-4EPII K CI'SACK, llii.ll D BERK ELY, NATHAN' I. AVEH1LL ?nd HI.IIMAN ? STI'VKRT Rh i ? ( If? II) Nltv C SMI ""HER ? ?r . IIKOROr K MIT? H H.I.. 1,1 Y V HKNKV III.I.PI RT ? BREED, Ir.i fa? . 11?.1.1.AM. Ill HuTI'iM 11.? ? .? . LEWIS - MiillKV Uli l .,. HI? II Mili ?I THOMAS 1 HI, l ai . .MN||> lllsli.N. HAsll. N KITH.Mli.? SI 1 ?KOBOS M LEE ?lid III Nltv M TKRRELI, ;i, ( a-. . Ii..- I.i.i'- HONALI1 E KISIIEK, I KAN? Is A Kl i,?il.?.. lilHN ? PEURAM, I1EOROK V NELSON. VV ll.LIAM V CARTER ?.I.RAM? ' HUANT tu I AI'NA It CIIAIIIi .a. HENRY VV IIAIKI? ll?h Cav . CLARK I' CHANDLER, AHIH.TT in??in I' will lAVl i i IIRIHTY, LELANP WARS WORTH L '?H H MU' V. ? ? MMINS and BORAI'E M Hl? KAM, Ilh ( ?? . See Ueul RO.NALI? II JOHNSON HORACE II M I.I.KII HENRY I' I III AMKIII Vsi:\ ARi-HIHALI? T COLE) CHESTER I? HILLS, ED4IAR vv HI lilt JOHN A KiiIIKNsiiN CLYDE .1 vi . n ski V JAMES s MOON ET JOHN ? l-lil n? h. CLARENCE 1 ELLEFKON, r ? ?. i ?. Itollllltf ? IIRAl'V till l'a?.; WILLIAM M (;?i|V|l s .1 IIKNRY I VI SMITH. I 'Hi Ca? N'AI.? <?l.\t (VHEEI.ER NH II?.I S..N M ?a?. v ,,Iii|:?;k II hnii.N and IIKNRY 1. sum VU 11. Kb < a. To 7.1, I.r. I?, lake ?.?fr? ( No,, r, Lieut. Col. I LEWIS M KOEHLER, ittarhed in 7??i Cat Majan ILEXANDEB I. I ?Al >)-: ?, : UEOtll I i white ? ?pt. rdmi so m ucabt, mn ? "I.N ?' Andrew-?, i.en'.iaMJN II HVKIt 41 til ST C MS.-KN ?AMI II. F KAI.I.AM H' ?II ? v ILLS THEODOBK s? HI I.TZ. WILLIAM II ? OWrX, CHARLE? II Hol. I. WILLIAM .' KEN Dili? I? IIKMIY tllBBINH . I I BON Mir, I, Dll Till? II M.\ AN ? ?ULI.EM. 1 ,'n fir I ? l.i' i ? WALTER II SMITH ? EMERY IIATHAWAt ITTI.I. .1 IIENNE??Y TIIOMAH A I'.'iTH M ILL HENRY E Ml Ie'Mf- r.l. HTEPHEN ?V WIM I'LL KMIL E.MiKL, llnHKHT M I *iMI' I.H.I AM I III' ? ?VIMBERLY, WILLIAM C. V MClHila-S'iN ?nd AKTIII R W IHH.DKIt ' ? ANDREW W SMITH ? KRANK K ?IIAI'IN. r.rh ?a? I WILLIAM ERWIN. PAl'L ? HAH?"RH i.i:..ri;i; r. a rki.vb'.'BU. *? hin?; HAM uri'r. \. vi.?.| 11 i;i;iilet.i: K laOVEf.Ia. .Ir . r4TA.Vf.KY c DRAKE, BOBEBT E ? All IIODT ?I.BERT 1 MVKltS Ii hYLVKHTEB [i iniMV? .1- iiULVM". WARli ?nd WILL? IAM ". Ill AN .... PEAK-WIN Ml NiHIER ?i,,I LUV. |\ H I.ViiN. to fill Ca? . V?r. MAMIE!. ?;i.A??').\. Jr., ?rrd TH?i.MAH H EDWARDS - ' ??,? Col M I I itMNs. , "umi??l',iir I ordered tn mm mar ! ? , ka, l'iift sound. r?|?J I. # WILLS, detaefted -'Mi Co., m?rlne .,ar. iorgo. |o marine harr?,'ks. Norfolk >e?? ? I Li, ir M R THACHEB, d-ta.-i.ed marine Han Krau, la> 0, to .N Y Urce? | Meul N c BATES detattMd N T.. to mar,',? barrack?, Baa Erar MOI EMENTS ARRIVED An? I* '!? - .' V < . ' |? Pal? p?? I'rtblt, P?rrj ?nd Stewart a? Kodiak. Whipj.1? a' Hltka; Triton al Norfolk. Clerelaiid at En? ?toada. i;,- m - il i ?'" ? k i v 11 Aug '-'- "rark. ?Il ?1 . arid 11 4 a' Newport I MM al N Y ?art ?irtorr at Norfolk, Ten ?' Arinapoli,, Yaril?ton ar !'. .?Ali El? Amt 1" AanapnlU, a anu? ? fot .??? D;,g" Aus 1*- 'Mturletl ? AU| o .. , ..,, n,,, ?lulu winppl?. Jun lui ' ' I " ?on 1 U kl" ??' !" ' ? S. Y yard, ??.-orgi.i l"-r "i f,-r Newport;?t(Dolj?hln, '??? . I fi r Boato?; Wyoming, Yankt I i M , . . .i l?h, '. .? , ilngham. Rum 11, launcfl, Paitetraon, P i lleale. Panning, .larris Jouttt, < _ - - Il i. ? i llriiham. Vf. Dougal. l'arkrt Terfj Ma agb?n. l'rrklna. Km, HtertU and wjik? Ne - Boaton; Saturn. BrenMtton for Seat'l.'. O'Brttn ri' A'i?' -'I < I. iiuiari Chefon for W? ?iri-i'hi. no? ?? r ?? Koa' ??:",! ? ? ;iarle?ton ?arl for r?pair-. Culgoa no? a' N Y . "-: r? I r,, l'hila . Hampton Riiad. and lli'ii'ir 10 l'ottau Pline? North Carolin?, now a?, iuit yard, l'oriiniouth. ,>r eitt I ', I' -, - .. ? a. Arinapoli?. ordered to IMula. aril Itlxn ?a'er. Cti-ltlng. i'omnil?*loiied at Boston nary yard INSTRUCTION. NEW YORK?Manhattan. The Barnard School of HOUSEHOLD ARTS S? ism | isicov. I? Bttduallty, Harsssnj of line! lYIILLIflCnl. ,,.| ,,.;?r m n?. unking .,f llstl I'-s ?', . ..... . | l?re..inikln?. I?e, nr? Ds-l Ait. II, ?,!-, I, oil Ars-ounl c,,,,., r.ail , .: Kreu.-li, r,ii?ll?h. Ptaiiia". Art I'? BARNARD SCHOOL m BOYS FIELOSTOM. WEST 2441H II. ?A',,.,', 4 silnuUB' -??Ik from Vm Crtlindt rir? Bubstly ' Station. Kuwtergirtcn to College. Ilo>i nur reuiiin ail da- i.i,in:? SatunJs) Btudj -fifh VilD Horn Tennt- Couru. Atblattc Kleld. ?HHI IU*I*. BARNARD SCHOOL LI? GIRLS 421, 423 W. 148th St. T",?A5ud 20th Year Kindergarten lo C..Ii?ie. Certifie??? prl?l!e?e. Ifttool ? o operate? With III? li.'iin* in srckli.g to keep ?lie purl! i s? i.... ? .orne girl ( tiling BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I77rl? ?it ?* 94. WSML A?. Tel. 6831 Aud. Prlruir I </ill ?u . , ? ( Qrsdcs. <.iri? snd Bays. BERKELEY SCHOOL "'"nd Street und VV e?t Knil Are. Ir.'iarcs Hoys (or aU CoHagaa and Technical ?sclioul?. I'rim.irv ;unl Junior I ?epartinpnts. iiitli v. ,r begin? Sf[itcinl.'-r 29th. FRIENDS SEMINARY FRIENDS SCHOOL 110-11? s.-ii. rineriiorii Brooklyn. R1M11 I?.AKTES AMI PKKPAKATOKY M Until.?. H)K ?jlKI.S AMI IHlYs. IRVING SCHOOL I.. I?. KAY, M VVKST ?ITU ST. BOTS Kin ?M iVl . ILL l>i:i'.WITV||..NTs ? > ? uses. ?.. nod lor l Outing Clssssi sad Tlsmss including snurd?-i. i The Elliman?V^V?'? ,.'7ti. ie?r?. rei.-iei > - a', lbs Morning ?Id? Sel. ? I. 4 is VV | i.r.i St. i I i 111!. IH.KI.H7 S? IIIKII. UP I.ANCL AULiV, n.,? at ?S-3II VVe.t Ml* Stre. t. Bets?ero l .'?(? Vienne ?ud Broadway. GYMNASIUM , ?g-twa for VV??MrN vnii i.ikis. UK? KI.ATION (ENTER. ?. VV. t. A? ON N MIT. ?7. ?I IT, 41th Ml. DANCING. LOUIS H. CHALIF Graduate Russian Imperial Ballet School PERSONALLY TEACHES TEACHERS INTER. PREUVE SIMPLIFIED. CLASSIC RACIAL AND BALLROOM DANCING. Dally Nirnsil Clt??'t lie Tcielttr? ant) Amateur. Citais?. 7 West 42nd Street, New Yor-. INSTRtCTION. Ml -INI ?s si BOO] s. REGENTS f'i'""i'.":rs' experience fs Regemta iron'. Higher Accounting and Auditing Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Spanish AN |l Secretarial Courses Merchants and Bankers' Business School MADISON AVF. & i.8th SIRE-*.. S. C. ESTEV, Director. Piara 2913. Bookkefpiaf, Shorthand, Serre tsrial. Typewriting. Spsnlsh. Chvil Servier & Slriofype Departneats. Day aud Evening ?essions. Call or ?rite for Catalogue _*^lVs^^ llMSL?LtamAve PACKARD * COMMERCIAL SCHOOL I ?rii.t, n Ave. und 1MB Street. Send for I'roap. ctu?. .No Solicitor?. MILLER SCHOOL I.I\INi;r.iN AV AT -MD ST A'.l bwaWmi -1.1..??-.? Lar ?nd nlghl .laaaea ??per. Ihe iiitlrt- year. Catalogue fret tafficfaiffjt??o? ;>p.?rlt ,? - py. Bool keepll ( i , fefagraphy. Du a. E?,' - i ? alo?, lai.ll llroadnay. .. .?? LAW ??? iiiKii **. IAW SCHOOL ~, II?) N\s>.Vl vl'KhKT Neiir Federal run ",,unty rr,urt, Urooklyn Brid?. ttmawmf. rludso;. Tunnel Afternoon Cla??es 4:15 to 6:15 Evening Classe* 7:45 to 9.-45 Term It, ?no? Int. IS. 1 V>E. g_if_Ks_ Tuition Vom, OfM Until i ?.I .in i l. ti liilart? nt ,,n application to k-giatrar .VKH ?OHK UAH HCHOOla, 171 tulli.n Ml, :?. V. Illy. Day "ll?tlglit Method" .Evening Mllo?>l. ?f Insirii, Ii.,n Star Fulton St. Subway Station. Hudaon Terminal, arid Klev.ited II. II. station?. Court? and law/yen' ofBc?? elass at Land. Stud'i.'? can join A. M or 1' M or Even? Ing Classes. Three yearn' rourae. ?Un ,! - f 1.1. U. Treati.-o s uae.l. with case?, lectura notes, etc. Band for CataluKUu Nr? ?9 _oi:"ll?ii: ''MASK !?? m_ ?iCKOOL .\(.?NCIE_. American anil I -.?-,,.,, Iradiera' Agency.?. Supple? Profeasora. Tea.-h.-ra. Tutr?. i le'? er?. aaea. etc.. to College?. School? and Kamille?. .\ppiy to Mra U, i. VOL'NU? t'LLTu.N, :i i?:...-:. Sauara. Searchlight Route Nl.VV YORK? VI.HVNV?TR?lY mid ?lie MIRTH Hall? in. In.ling Sun,la?. ? ,|,n .1 tils lin.- f ? r 17. N il. f.',? ?t I P M . Warnt lud lt.. I ft P. M LaaVS Tr??y ?;?'.'? I' M . Alt, my I M P M Fare, |1 00 ?me ?ay, tl M ' trip New Mglit I ?|.re?-t- Pier "7 N R, ?00 I' M . Wemt 117?! S'. I" '.'< I' M Leave Troj " icepl Sunday) i? no r* M. Alt.any dally, Including Sunday. Il '"I I' M Far* I-' '?n* way, IS.Il round ?rlp Pe..|iie'-? |,*taa pur 11. n IL, I M ?' '?' v. ? ..? 1.171 St.. ( P M l.?av? Alhanv S 00 P V? Kur'. 17 "0 one way, tl VI round ?rlp Sunday mornings Pont for Newi.urgh. I ' . It '. | i A VI . VV. ?t itld ?s?. io no ,v m. Leaves .vii.nnv 10 o?* v M Tourist Aatomohll? Rates $', and III on? ??...i . 17 i tri;. lAlrn -ersice -...ut lilx.iir.l Lahor Hay night, MB, Berkshire. Adirondack. Trojan. Rensaelaer ?nul Prank .lone.. Nortlil.??iinil I al?or Hat night. SB, l.rei'iij-ort at ? ??'??> P. M.. .?nil ?. VV. Mor..- at H p. VI. Ha night express ?leinier ?hi? day from New York. Tel. ?spring "?Km. Hudson Navigation Co. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 ntrs. Iv. Piar 14, N. It, ft. i-'?j;'on SL. dally at o 3? P. M. Music. I'rovldeii.r Line I Str?. lv. Pier 14. N*. R... : ft. Pulton .-*'r? et. meek days only. ? 00 P M. I New London Line, itr. Iv. Pier 4". M. R.. i ft. Houston St.. ?veuk days only. 6 10 P. M. ; , Pier 70. K H.. ft. E "Id St.. ?:00 P. M. New Bedford Line: Hirs. Lv. Pier 40. N | H . ft Houston S* . week days only, at I F M New HiTin Line, str ?* Pl-r IS, B, R.. ! ft Catharln? St., ?-.?k day?. 2-45 P Vt ; Sundays, 1:10 A M. Pl?r 71. ft B. 22d St.. ! week day?. |:S0 p. M ; Sund.iys. 10.00 A. M Hrldgeport Line, week days <~nly. ?tr. lv It. E i*l . 3 M P. M. ; Pit 70. ft ft*. 22,1 st. week daye, 3 II ; Bandaya.4:II P.M. Deep Sea Fishing Sir. 'TALRLS' Dally at S A. M. iron. p:-r 1. N R, UNLY. CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH ?r. "GRAND REPUBLIC" Sirs. Lve. f. 129th St. & Pier I, ft R. Knll Time TsMsi ire or- INSIDE of sack ?-..?er of Tel. Rector 172. Atlantic Highlands -??5S- FARE lOCts AUTOMOBILES CARRIED. Capacity (0 Cars. This p.oute f..r am Jersey Ceaat R?s rts. Lts. Wy. ft. Whitehall Lv*. aVtla ' St. Ksst South Kerry 11 41 A M .11 M 10 A M . 7 I v| Tel Broad 179 Of 7*3 Trains A Trolleys To All Coist Rttorts. I , , - altclty ll limited to l.iil. Worc-st'e. 12.1,3, r-o.ld n.. direct. $I.30L Stateroom?. SI. S 1.5?) t ??. Daily, including Sunday. ItSSJ p. a. Flora lier Is. K. ft. Phon? 270O BSSBTSJM, Ca? Tlctet ( 290 Ilniditir. N. Y t'rluisn Ti, k?t (iff. ,.? Ii\.ay tr.d 23d St. _Write ?or i liiairatet Folder. DAYLICHT TRIPS long Island Sound 1'ier ?n. N I? . I- ! M A. M : ft ? M f r N-? Lain.lon. . II ill. l'ro? B"i ? III? li.k.i AgetBl. 171 liroadstav. N. T. KEANfBu^ I? Balten Dal? IM I N IS.M am. 1. 2. 410. .0 41. -, ?... I.M i'.m. Sun til I 11 41 a.m.. 10.30 p m. (no 4 70 pa s :., ?il J.-rse? ou. CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH ?ri:- i: .-i ? v; i ... . IMRR1 v vv .-;,-? , i ... i)vu \ vNi? ?i Nii.w Trips ?to INTERSTATE PARK LANDINGS (AI.ONI. 111). P VI l-*.VI>lN>. str. KINGSTON Leaves vv ISStti ?t ?t 10 a M . : an ?' T-m. Sight-Seeing Yachts Lve. Ilistt'i-y Pi-r IS '" I To Brcsil <'71 I . -.?VIIV H()?IK AND THF (?('CAN. I 30 P. M 50* YAOHT TRIP 75t ?0.30A.M. ' nWH ' I "SB 2.30 ????. rACHT CLIFTON LEAl/BB FOOT wesT line aT. , Fnnrrllng ? it? *\?h- >ir\u< "??.' A sun 2.V ?vld'L . r-H Hryaat MM 1? .?? TTvt. Ofea. i Up the Hudson By Daylight All txert'.r.e Dally Ksrept Suadaj. Dir. ft Rail Connection? to all poiatg ,. , th? CaUlclII?, Saratoga, tn? A :..- ntUtk? Ihe W, at ?nd .North Mu?ic. h??ta?.a??? ! All through rail ticket? t/ctweti. -*??* Tart and Albany accipted. lle?l,ro?MM M.. I ?0 A. If; W 4*1?, ? A. M. ; W. i:?th St.. ? 20 A. Nf Totdtira ?4S A. M.; landing at Writ I'oiat, *eaj. I.jrgh. i'oigt.keepa:?. Klnf?toa 1 ?.. u> kill, Hudaon ?mi Albany Alao Deslirosae? Ml., ?40. w 4ld ?a 10; W. 1. ??:. .?' ! 2'. V ? i,,rf me/? St.. tor Hear Mojnt?,ii W^at f .:.,, cotv j wall, .N'CAburgh and 1 uuf.-.n??pai?. One Day Outing? in Poughkeepale, Sam. , burgh. M cat l'oint, ur Bear M o uo tala. Afternoon Boat for Rear ??,in'i't!, V es- p-, ?a*, Newbsrgk, j Poughktepai?. KlngattM and ?? . :-,, .,--. ?. s |r ,1 rose-". ? . '?: , \v ,-a : st .2 v m . \v . .i p k". ? Ton kern. 2:45 P. M pt Sanlay. I outing? to Bear M intalg aid W?ai I Point, rammln-f by Mr. "JtoBEKT riL. ? TON." D HudSOn mama R i ver a y Li i ne Destaro??, a St. l'i?r. Tel. i '.41 Spring, a f ?15>*_Q5__&__: UP THE BEAUTIFUL HUDS0? Str. "HIGHLANDER'' r,,??V Weekday? St ?taatfur? I ? ,".ry ? n. Str.MARf POWELL Str." NEWB?AS?l UetkilasnOnlr NaM'y? 4 Hnlir*'?? I.?? M 11 j il le 10, ? 1- U -' !" 40 A k ? . . * Hold i-. ? 7 :e\ 10c. M? \l.l|Nrr'R -r II I i ?i T? t^ arl ?il ?t Mu- l'oviell si'li'i ? r, ring 11? BERMUDA For Your Vacation? Go To 9-Day Tour?All Expense* $45.50 up i i.'iT.", i vm ti fot Vacan - thai M a '. r | !i??orta bei. 1 for Low Ht:? li ....s I. . Twin Screw ''BermudiaiT Safety?Soeel?Comfort?Sal t A,ternit? WtJi.tta?* < ."i. .?>. In, ' N* T ; r hi 149 i . ? Ml lt| A? Raya d & v? ? a? a I Mar.ter- 1 IM H ??? 4 R-r?v. V H. Lo?. ... .1 hs_ ?a> C UN ARD EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *Tu>cania.Frl.. Aug. 27.5P.M. SAXONIA .'Ae,| -..--? - U a il ORDt*N v . . . . ss- l? A H. ?TU8CANIA . I*r. . S PX. RAXONIA Bal , Ocl ? 10 A H OKDUNA U lili ?l-ln Rout.? -n r, ? I.? il N|i IHK ?Hull? T<U KS. r rough r t* tn au r t?a ??* COMPANY S OFFICt. - 21 24 STATE ST. S. **? FRENCH LINE tuuii?agiiie General? Tranji'IantiQiH, POSTAL SKR\1CE Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE,.Sept. 4,3 P.M. ROCHAMB?AU, - ? Sept. 11,3 P.M. CHICAGO,.Sept. If*. 3 P. M LA TOURAINE, - - Sept. 25, 3 P. M l-uil INFORMATION Al . I.I COMPANY'S OFFICE, j-UTi *,,,.. RED "0" UNE 5S f, r v, n ' lice ' ':??? i ?'? I -iutia IU It AI'MI'lllA A is '.'-? . A 1?, .?.? Ml MAllACAlHu. .. .??.;? 1 /.I '.?A *%%*, s>ui?. ? l?l ' r I ..wugtit. BLISS. L'ALLfcTT A Oa?ntrtl Ma' ??er?_? a**? BD A T I i KAi.IL - '.?ttmaam Ht ta tten i' - n earn LLOYD BRA2ILEIRO. 17 Stall St.. 14. f. CSS RESORTS. Why Not Try This One-Day Holiday at Briarclifi Hodge? GOLF SWIMMING POOL DINNER? . .: i vv ednes . . Bai ni..' s* I M< '?"??'? ? ings , New Vork ?Hin ??, IOS Mudi-on Asenue. HOTELASPINWALL Lenox, Mass. Thr-e golf ?our???, ?.addle horse?, ten ?Ij ,i ,. log, une drives, etc. v .coiiiiuudatus 500. Write for circular. ???. VV BMW"*. Also GRANLIDEN HOTEL. Like 8um??e. N.M. HOTEL C??a41^EAN L/.WRENCt PAKK. I)HO?7-tXVILLE.N. Y. Special ft*:et Ourmg fall and Winter METROPOLITAN Aslll KY PARK. N. J. OPEN THKOt'OHOUT IHK YEAR Modern Con rets Construction. Centrally located Luxurious Suite?, prl \ ate Batha Running water In ail rooms. White ?.-rvlce. Mn?io. Tennis (ourts. M ? (?flee Hjffiei Kureiu. Hotel M.-Alpln. or ' SHERMAN ?? IIKNNIM. Manager, Phone Asbury. lili. GALEN HALL MOTIL AND - AN VTOKU M. ATI.AMH PITY. N. J. Always ojj.-ti Always ready Always Duly Cannoi b< atcelled for comfort or table and ?? : '??' p'ace for a long or ?liort stay Tonic ai.U curative bath? with ?rained operator* P 1. YOtlNQ. General Manager. THE IlADING RtSORT MOIIt Of lilt WORU t??arllwrougb-BenlKifli ATLANTIC CITY. If. J. owMtasMir <?*.i.'i?M' J08UH WHITC 4 SONS COMPANY Till K -M-AV KM.LAM). Partee? Roa?de! Maanlflomt Scenery! lira, lug Air: For il?'..?l M..p. a?l?lreM VV.VI. M KIMIt.v 1.1.. S??'y N U. Hotel Ass n. Hotel, Horthamptaa, Ma-a. NEW SPRUCE CABIN INN. Kooas en autu. ?Uli t,atl*i. Lie,' llgl.i... stein? heiL '|,Iiih.? Ii, MSSSS Dancing . '"t ??'f tenni?. boulli.g. ?iirtate. Hilt. Lseg. It I? 10 tTNSSS His., l'a W J. k M U. 1'Klt.K. ( uiKleniia, Pa VISIT 1'AI I. SMITHS IN TIIK AIilltil.NHA.KS :. Brilliant g*pt-ni?*r Spe, lal Kite, for V >ri v Ii ?lau ?I'..". SUani llrtt ...i Bud Minis M'lTKL ( ?I . I'l'il Stallt..-. N V I he Vntiiinn Resort?SAH VV\< INN, On I i>i?ei saranac Lake?Adirondack?. EXCURSIONS. Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Steamer "Albany".A' Str. "Robert Fulton" l??t?e I>eal r ????? St Dal I fl ' '? 1"' ' ", ?1 M. ; We?t 4.NI St IF *?! '?' ?' '-,th .*f?ll P. M.: T? i. J;? P. M 11 round 'rip l*jijmmt at Hear Mountain or ara.i" tima al *?* **"?? dri?i- around Hi? Post. ?I 'ra I t'EST trip for MTUftOSV AftmetSSSt. . RESORTS. __. " H KKM.IO?, II I I l*K>>. "GALEN HILL IN THE MOUNTAINS" COUNTRY UOAKl)._tt VONKERS-ON'THEML,nS0N, III Lecu?t Mir A.cfiuf. taOt -, ? large ?,-r? bl,,k. T loi: S v I .' : |fo--_-_ Army.f.ivy Auction B?f|?* ^^^m% . , , , - ! - *i ? ' *? * ? U T.a-l,. /- 8 ... r ... 1 * fes . . . JOO - ,*??,_ J? ., ^vT*?-* **' ? ?***? a-_M Ar?yTt?t. tullir?. "*?? g* FrancisBannerinan,501B'ii!.l?' HELP WANTED. Mai? PI MS I U.R.? _WORK WANTED. Mai?. (IIAIKKId R - Klrst rlaaa: ? ? Irner. ?trl.-tl? ttnipafu ?**" DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WAST?? Female a k H'AlTRl ?? - ? iioiihimo:1"'**! .apalile. tirellrtil rtt) refer?' ? It * ? "_* Rufina? er'? ,? . t. i.i Id ?t . J?l ?"""** ****' -?i" Murr?i nil!.__,^ HoI si.\>.iikKt.R ? PimilariABHrVan ?uaa<_S lii?; city ot niuiiliy. ?l.tllei.t tefertr. ?? ???* A1.1..J I! K I .-,_ .1 l'l..ia -l' BUSINESS CARDS. BOOKBINDING1' V, -^, .AICKKI ?AHPKT ?Lt-AN.M. ''?-?T^* ? ?.?d ?ir. ?team, ?and ?*,. ?*".?, ?A>ut Broadwaj 4-'l teat ?tn ? ?.*-*?? * L . Ml LTI.iKAl*" TYI'-WRirTI *? "??JL 1 "???. Il-' . ' ?,a Si#? \\i Ai'Hllil-.iHi. i." Bwadwai . M?***?***" 1 ' ' . ?___. - M.? roM liKi'u ':k-***_2__^__4 Uld-at. L-V-A. *-I-*< vl '^?A*** n.M. HI?.? W.S...N ? U.,il uU> ?^5 Prut. Ke_?ar I .1. _.., ??-**.._l at* *? TaJ. INI IHytaB*. Oil-a* Orna m"