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?m_-_E-g-___! Oil International Petroleum WUI it Catch Uo with the Other Standard Companies in Dividends and Market Profits? Complete detailed report frea on rennest Ask for 46 D. D. JONES & BAKER ?TOIK MUMcra 50 Broad Street. New York ?????on? Broai* CTtt 9. ? hi.??.- rralladelpbla ?o?'*? .''??fei trttmte uOiat i' ?,! oxa'teta. ??_???mmaamnamaean, WANTED OFFHRINOS Winchester Arms Computing-Tab. Rcdg. New Jersey Zinc DuPont Powder Com. American Chicle, Com. Hercules Powder, Com. J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. I'honea 4001 to 4019 John. I* Wall 8t . N. T. ?H__B-i-?TT~ iltni i Harvey A. Willis & Co. Established 1901 STOCKS AND BONDS Atembert -Vei* Tork Curl) AstriHnttnm St B'way. N. T. Phone* Broad If,-?-?. Babcock&Wilcox FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. 1'Iione BroiMl 8110 SO Bronil St., Jfew Tork. MmM nlpptior.e to Bosta?, and Khfladtipfil?. AMtllK W IT i TRAC, COM. WESTES.**! r?>\> lit < 0*Ma t TAU BE. I 111 I II I" W 1KB ?. \- A II l< . I <>M. i i mi m k\ k i: com. _ ni). WiiliamsfDunbar&CoIeman i '.:? OtttUm .?Vr-ur.flc Bpertnlist? fin Bull M. ?'hone 59?0 Hanover. S. T. HARRIMAN NATIONAL BANK Fifth Avenue & Forty-fourth St. New York BANKING HOURS FROM B A. M. TO 8 P. M. SA. [ DEPOSIT VAULTS 8 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT ( II \ III 1.111.1) 1*KH.???? Union Trust Co. of New York 80 BROADWAY rtfta av a isti m riftr*, a? a ?jib st Acts as Executor, Guardian. Trust?,, etc. Allowa liitaa-r?, un n?, .?us DIVIDEND NOT? I S fiiriCE Of ht AllIN?, (..iMPANV. i . ? mx Th? ! - - ? ? ' be i?r. a' ?. Cheek? vr<:; i. ... ?,. ?retar?,. MWMIU, MEETINGS PLEASE TAKl. NOTICE TIUT nil. AWUi, . , ? ? OUfh I.?: 1 , t dlrc-tnrs and Impertan ?,f ?lecti ,r. a-,,i tr tfia row . ' r rldu. th? T.'.fr 1 mio <** B*!?? ? r tic aftmnwn ?1 Uie ? 'n.p_.\. No 277 1?. ?'? M?' hatU ? Cl OS* Nr.? - - Tort Th? Ira - -,-, , ?cd from the :?'.?t ,".?? at A ifiiM i- 111 Um 7th day of i?>*p__ ?? . li?t?*? the Hit .-lay nt A'.iiris'. TH-OIKIRI ? ATCH180K. Sa-Tetarr MORE ADVANCES IN STEEL Pig Iron Higher, a? Well a? Finished 1'roduris. Steel trade authorities tell of confi? dence of leading producers that the present high scale of operations is as? sured well into ne t year. Pig iron is being more actively purchased at higher prices, and moro price advances in finished products have been an? nounced. Large steel rnunds for am? munition makers here and abroad ara in great demand. "The Iron Age" says: l'ri t? ? - >??. ?.'.1 a ' "f fatilsr.?-! ; - . - ' -? * sr? .|? .-.ven aa ? ... . - ? com 'ma' ce ? teat, * ? - . .??r. -The Iron Trade Review" v ' say: ? ? ? .????> r foi steel in . , ?. .... ? rrurle material - r rua . lilnfrjr : - ?itrfniil.T ? . ' - Western Railroad Notes Offered. The $12..',;.'..(?"ii two-.?'..- 5 per eon*, collateral gold notes or the ( hicago _ Western Indiana Railroad Company, recently taken by a syndicate headed by J. r, Morgan A Co., are now being ofTered publicly. The proeeeda from the ?ale of the notes will provide for the company's capital reqnirementi for the next two years. The notes are be- ! ing otfereil at M and ;?:'? rest. No New Air Brake War Order. New York Air Brake Company h;is just clos, d a eon? tract for a m-w I *'at orile:' officials of the company sani Yesterday were incorrect. They were advised by President ('. A. Starbuck that w negotiations are still no im- : portant additional war contracts have i been closed beyond, those already an-I nounced by Mr. Starbuck. I MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Public Buys on Belief That Break with Germany Will Be Avoided. RISE BRINGS OUT BROAD DISTRIBUTION Wild Advances at the Opening Profit Taking Heavy? Close Reactionary. Indefinite as the wording of the Ger? man note proved to be, it was good enough to itart the market with a wild uprosh of prices. Selling by in? terests that had been purchasing since the first breaks on the Arabic attack was well taken by the buying public, and the rise continued throughout the | first hour. Then industr?ala showed some irregularity, gains of 8 to 20 1 points or more from Monday's extreme 1 depression, calling for lome halt. Railroads in the early afternoon took ' up the advance in trading of fairly good volume, as compared with recent ? markets. At the end of the day profit i taking outbalanced purchasing and I short covering, and there was a Rood ! deal of reaction. Final prices, how? ever, showed further net advances of . as high as 2 to 8 points. It was rather the belief expressed in ! official quarters in Washington than the actual message of the German gov? ernment that gave buyers confidence. The request for delay, taken as it stood, might mean little, but the atti? tude of our government is all im? portant. Comment of German news ! papers, as received by cable, does not ' strengthen the belief that submarines | will change their method of attack on ships that may bring to Great Britain munitions of war. We have placed our? selves on record aa insisting that such , r.ttacks no longer imperil the lives of | ! our citizens. So, in the belief that the ; administration would consistently en- i ? force such demand, there was much in- I ; ride distribution on yesterday's rise. ? For the most part, however, traders I i would see only removal of a danger I that had threatened to disturb the ' market's rise, and treated the interna? tional crisis as if it had been averted, not postponed. The first half hour saw dealings on a scale of a day of more than 2.000.000 j shares. Later business was quieter, and the total reached was a little over ' 000. Opening gains were most I spectacular. 1 and 2 point advances ? common in active issues. Stude baker changed hands more than 7 , points I r-hei at the start. After a lit- ? tie hesita-ion, as large ofFerines were! absorbed, |,r?ces went higher, with ; ; maximum gains of up to 13 points in , the war stocks. Air Brake, Stude I baker, Crucible Steel, Anaconda. Re- , I public Iron and Steel and Goodnch ' and American Beet Sugar were all ac- : tive on the advance. United States Steel, after an excited : opening, got above 70, but fell back, to ! j close at 75, a point up on the day. ! Westinghouse and General Electric ) (were particularly strong in the after- j j noon, the latter being a centre of heavy I dealings. Low priced railroads showed \ gains of considerable proportions ! I around the middle of the session. ' .Missouri Pacific led the way with a ; : maximum advance of over 2 points to , 1 above <> on short covering and nos- ? banking accumulation. 'Frisco ' I stocks, Missouri, Kansas 4 Texas, com- ! ! mon and preferred, and Denver pre- ? ?crred all held gains of a point or mor?' I to the end. Standard railroads after j ; wider improvement lost a good part of ' j their gains in th? late reaction. The commercial cre?lit in favor of France, announced overnight, was con? sidered important as adding to the .;e of New York as a money cen? tre, in a.ldition to makintr rasier more ' ment of our goods abroad. In the for I eign exchange market its effect had been apparently discounted for the ' moment and rates on Fans were lower, Sterling was weaker, London checks ?losing below 4.<"5 in the pound. The local money market was steady, with , time accommodation ?luiet. PUBLIC UTILITY J?0TES General News and Earnings of Various Corporations'. Reports of the Toronto Railways Company and the Winnipeg Llectric '? ; Railway Company for the first half of j the current year show a heavy decline j In net income compared with the first j six months in 1014. Net income of the Toronto Railways from January 1 to i .lune 80, amounted to $2.2'?.t.74r?. a de ! crease of 8141,921, or nearly 6 tier cent. , The Winnipeg Klectric Railway Com I pany for June alonV? showed a reduc ! tion in net earnings of almost 42 per ? cent, while for the six months ended 1 June 80 net revenues totalled 8621,648, a loss of 2'.'.2 per cent from the iorre ? sponding period in the year preceding. Detroit Edison. The consolidated income account of ' '. the Detroit Kdisoti Company for July, i including ail constituent companies. I ? shows larger returns in uperatniK rev | ennea in practically every department, j ! Commercial electric revenues amounted I to $460.273, an increase of 17 per cent j ? over July of last year; sales to other ' public service corporations were in-' ? ,1 more than Hi per cent, mu? nicipal electric revenues made a gain of 72 per cent, and the total gross in amounting to 8646,600, was 17.5 ent larg?!- than last year. Op- : crating and non-operating expenses, re- i ' newals and depreciation reserve to ? tailed 8375,528. leaving a net income of '. I $171,072, sshirh was more than 34 per cent in exceaa of net earnings a \c.ir1 ago. Interest on the funded and un-j ; funded debt was 806,652, after which : there was h balance of $74,420, an in? crease . ' cent. BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. Directors of the Atlas Powder Com? pany have declared the regular quar? terly dividend of l'i* per cent and an ': extra dividend of 1 ?-> per cent on the ( common stock, payable on September . 10 to holders of record on August 81. i In June last an extra disbursement of 1 one-half per cent was made, making | a total of 6*-j per cent, including r St declaration, declared in 1015.' The Cotton Exchange seat of Cus- i tarns Donnell has been purchased by ?I. P. Benkard. The purchase was $12.000, a decline of $.*?00 from the , previous transaction. The Irving National Bank has a booklet on the Federal Reterve act Wiiich includes text, index, ai I and regulations and circulars by the board. An order for 800 box cars has been plnced with the Mount Vernon Car ?'ompar.y by the Atlantic Coast Line, and the Atchison. Topeka A- Santa Fe has ordered twenty-five ore cars from the Pressed Steel C-ar Company. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915. Total sales of stock* Wednesday, 1.067,700. against 79.1.310 Tuesday, 990..10O a week ago; Stock Exchange closed a year ago. From January 1 to date, 92,520,900, against 46,1H?,100 a year ago. Div.f" [SFnr?sl Quotation'RangT [ Net ( iat?- _ | sold lOpen. High., Low. Final.! chge. .Alaska (?old Mine?..77.1 1,000 327 40 69 17 64% r>i4i 7 2 7 An Am Am ? Am An Am In 7 4 7 |*3hares~] Quotation Range. ; sol.! Open. High.| Low. Final. 83% 82*4 K% 40 | I8%| IS* 70 69 r 6.'4 67 | 57 57 66% ?u ! U% 80h n% 108 in.,''? io?; 60% 68 H '.HS 14,600 100 20,700 SCO 1'"'? 11,900 69 22?O0 '..'I 1400 60% 1300 74 1,000 H T*.?) 28% 7,000 17% 800 34 4 6*100 84% 200 '.'7 4.20 I 79% AllisChalmers (*o. ... AUis-f'halmers Co. pr. Am, Ag?. i hemical.... Am. Beet Sugar. Am. Can . Am. ? nn nr. Am. Car <v Fdy. Co. ... ? Products_ Cotton t>il. Hide _ Leath_ Hide 4 I.eath. pr. Ice Securities.... Linseed . Lint-ee?. pr. Am. Locomotive. Am. Locomotive pr.... Am. Smelling . Am. Snelting pr. Am. Foundrv.I 1,900 68 I 63 An Bogar .; 1,000 110 111% Am. Tel. & Tel.' 600 122% 122% 162% 1 19 5i'? 60%| r-o-\ 8 I 74 8 ! 86% M , 36% I 24 28% 24 i lft-%1 17V 17%! 14% 14% 34%l 5.r>%| 64 i 64 97 !>7 ? !'7 ko',' 79% 7*.?% UK) 1054 106% 106% 106% 62% 62 4! IK' 110 122% 122% Am. Woolen .I 900 Si 88% Am. Woolen pr. 100 M's 91% Am. Writing Pap. pr. .. 100 s H Anaconda .I 21,800 70% 714, Atchison . 1,700 101% 1024 6 Atchison pr Bald? in Loco. Co. 7 Baldwin Loco. Co. pr.. 6 Baltimore & Ohio. 4 Baltimore & Ohio pr. . Batopilai Mining . - Bethlehem Steel . 7 Bethlehem Steel pr... 6 Brooklyn Rap. Tr. 6 Brooklyn I'nion Gas.., Butte & Superior Cop.. Cal, Petroleum . (al. l'etroleum pr. Canadian Pacific . (entrai Leather . 1 , titrai Leather pr. Ches, ? (?hio., Chicase? & Alton. -- Chicairo Gt West. pr... 4 Chic. Mil. Si St. Paul.. 7 Chicago ? .North West. Ch? K. I. A Pac. 60 Chino Con. Copper. ?1 Chiett-Peabody . Col. Fuel & Iron. 6 Consolidated (?as . (ont. Can . -- Corn Products . 6 Corn Products pr. :-;n 4 10 3 7 400 98% 98 9,300 79% 100 105 i 105 4,1-00 89 600 71 71 100 14 1% Lino 2?-o 288 loo 149% 149% 149% 149% 1,600 88 ' 86 ft44? 84% 100 127% 127% 127% 127% 2,800' 66% 66% 64 64 1,100 16% 17% 16% 17 roo 87-14 884 374 .'<>? 4 6,000 160 ' 162% 160 IM 4 6.4UO 44%! 444 43% 48% ino 105 i 106 106% 106 ?? 46 4:. 4?; 16% 16 II 30 29% | 30 82% + 4 980 -100 too 300 200 81,40 2,200 lim 13,400 '..?III 4,10i) 6^00 too 126% 126% 1264 126% Crucible Steel . 42.'?"?i Crucible Steel pr. Cuba-Am. Sugar .! 4,100 1154 125 101% 102% 101% 102 i> Delaware & Hudson. Denver _ Rio Gr. pr. Distilling Securities . Dome Mines . - Erie . ? Erie 1st pr. - Eric 2d pr. 6 General Chan. Co.... 8 General F.lortric c0_ 20,700 178 Genera] Motors . 1,400 216 7 General Motors pr. 1,500 109 ?i.....Inch. B. F. 22,400 61 7 Goodrich, B. F., pr.? 210 108 7 Great Northern pr. 1.000 118 4 Great North. Ore subs. 22.-00 42*t? 16 G-.ic-genheim Expl.".: 8,100 68% 116% 1204' 140 140 10 , 104 28 ' 284, 214 214 27% 2s 1-"? 43% 34% 36 290 290 172 4 176% 212 212 a- 3 V 108 - 2% 62 4 7*a Honeatake 6 Illinois Central . Int. Agricultural . Int. Agricultural pr.... Inspirai ion Copper .... Interborough-Con. 6 Interborough-Con. pr... Inter.-Mel. 5 Int. Harv. of N. .1.| International Paper ..., International Paper pr.1 Kansas City Southern 6 Kresge Co. Lnckawanna Steel .... 10 Lehigh Valley . Long Island . Maxwell Motor . 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr. Maxwell Motor 2d pr. . Mexican Petroleum . . 60 Miami Con. Copper... Minn. 4 St. Louis. Minn. Si St Louis pr.. Mu., Kan. * Texas.... 2,400 Mo., Kan. & Texas pr. . 200 Missouri Pacific . 87,800 jo 116 loo 103% 600 19% Tim 16,600 ;. 20 1,200 73 20% 1,100 107 100 10 100 'M\ 2,900 100 160 6,800 65 1,200 143 1,600 86 4,200 4,100 8,800 9,900 1,600 181 103% 103% - 1% 17 17 - 2 4 + 14 64 4 ? IS 141 ? 454 91% .Mont. Power Nat. Cloak & Suit.... Nat. Cloak & Suit pr. Nat. Knamel. S: Stpg.. National Lead . Nevada Con Copper... New York Air Brake.. New York ''entrai. 2,400 N. Y.. N. H. & II. 800 N" Y., Ont. ?S: West. 900 Norfolk Southern . Norfolk _ Western North American ... Northern Pacific .. Ontario Silver .I 8,200 Pacific Mail . 100 Pac. Tal. - Tel. Pennsylvania Railroad. Peo. Gas & Coke. Philadelphia Co. 14..V'n .-;, Pitta. Coal . - '? Pitts. Coal pr. 40 Pressed Steel Car. 6,,'.on 63 Pullman Palace Car. ,., 100 160 Railway Steel Spring... 800 10 Ray Con. Copper. B00 22% Reading . 24.1 on 1 -,?,? Km? 604 504 60% s7 85 100 108% 108% 108% 6.7? i?' 29% 10 ' ' ?" : 62 . l,2oo 14% 14% 14% 150% 161 146 90 91 B9% 64% 64% 64a? 26% 26% 25% 200 17 17 17 100 107 lo7 107 100 72 72 72 2,400 lo7 107% 107 8% 4% 8% 82 82 100 29% 29% 29% 1,900 108% 109% 1 in i 115% 115% 115% 15 8 Rep. I. <t- Steel. 14,1. 414: Rep. I. & Steel pr. 600 101 [Rock Island. Rock Island pr. - - Rumely. Rum el v pr. L. & S. F. St. L. * 8. F. 1st pr... St L. & S. P. 2d pr... Seaboard Air Line.... 7 Sears-Roebuck . Shelf. Steel & I.. t\ Southern Pacific . Southern R. R. Southern R. R. pr. 5 Studebaker . 7 Studebaker pr . 12 T? nnessee Copper. 15,600 Texas Si Pacific. 2,400 loo 4 1,100 % 4,600, 114 1,600 14% 3,mo 6 100 9 44C 5%' 600 14% 200 151% 2,800 66% 1U2 9,000 500 -'..', 15% 16 17% 18 19.200 m H7% U 103% 104 ' 3% 54 9% 10% >, 2% 64% ; 39% i 16% % 17% 71? 1114 I1? 103 1 68% 10 Texas Co. full paid.... 100 137 137 137 Texas Co. 1,400 1454 145% 111 Third Ave. R. R.... Union Bag _ Paper Union Pacific . Union Pacific pr. .. 1,700 7 m Kin ion Un. Ry. Investment. ... Un. Ry. Investment pr. C. S. C. I. P. Si Fy. C. S. C. I. P. & Fy. pr.. Cnited States Express. U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 11,300 75% 7 ?. S. Ind. Alcohol pr... I*>0 96% 6 U. S. Rubber.! 8,60 I 62% 8 I . S. Rubber 1st pr. U. S. Steel.220,100 7.*, 10 137 144 51 614 61 51% 7 7 .;7. 6% 17,900 129% 131% 129*-. 100 81% 81% Bl% Bl% 19 19 35% 85% .1% 21 % 20% 21% ;;. 46 46 16% 66% 65% 65% 130 96% U. S. Steel pr. 200 1114 1114 111% 111% Utah Copper .! 6.. Va.-Car. Chemical .I 400 86% 86% 84% 84% Va Car. chemical pr... 200 100 100 100 ion Va. Iron C. ? C. 800 58 61 Wabash pr. 100 4 '? '. 4 Western Maryland ...I 400 26 26 26 25 Western Union Tel.... 200 71 71 Westinghouse Mfg.. ?? 65,800 115% li-;". n.v? 116 Woolworth . -on 106 106 Wheel. Si Lake F.rie. .. 200 1111 Wheel. ?? Lake E. 2d pr. 800 14 Is? 1% 1 \ Willys-Overland . 1,6001188 188 180 180 Wisconsin Central . 100 35 | 86 86 ? 2 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. KKI'I It A I.'iVK DMCOt""?"1 fUTI-1 t .... a ? | ? Use or INS. j per - ? .1.1- I ?-?r ,e;,t. ? All. MONCT IBIPI* 11 IV per cent. ; per rant; Utaeat, 1 *t per cent. ?.-..->Ui|. 7 ;*? ? ? I *, prt ???? t TIM' MONET ?ta ?tea?J; Rite?. Ity pal ? . par raot far i in-?? San, 3 r fou? S I' ?. 3?? per MM for C?t f. 1 Ml.lli ANT1I.I. PAI'KIl wu quit?. Rullr.f -it.?. I for Nil Dime?, t ink aetat ' I ? II s? ,<( ? ?-, per cent ? 1,1 AKIN?; HOI SK TRANSACTIONS ? lit, 1 < . Mlincrs. $14.47.. "71. Tlia , ?su?. Triasun " i'ie im.Kii.t at $116, I ? si B THKAsi uv Km rerl *????? ??? la tin? i Sun Trri?ur, I?-"' "5" ind (all ? I II ? t 1?? $}.- , Ui eat .??mist:. i Ai'iiAi.iiF meaam ;*: Bui Frs > veea ' ??? tt I Bt bi.i. ISM R U ?ilsEHVK nisrui-ST SATES ELU Will: Kr H .?? a. tat ten '????< per ce-I. up In i.lnety ,it? X. Phlladalpbll rat irn ,1a.? rial] x ? ? ?u? ?v. 4>t : ( rse.? I X -?'?i i-er ,-ei.l HI ,it,?. ts vat <r-t Atlanta, i?<4V> per mm ? ?, ?-r? pai ? M lamta, x is i t'a i-1 eamt M'iir.aapo!'.a. for ilit? tija-ri. 4 p?r eaati Ir? i aunt- Oa-t. Ij Kii.?u XJAs, SiSIVs pac -tu.. Dallai ? '?'': PB? r- ? ' Sir. Fruu-lie-.. *H II ?It??. I ".lrtv lapa, 34; fer th:-*? to ?lit? diM. I: for ?lit; lo dajn. *W BANK ? i.i.AHiM.? 9eataa, M?aiaN fis. ? ? . . ? B. 149 Baltimore e?,-hai.|e? . ? hleia <?<hin|e? $?? ? 4 i 77.44V l'hl!? Itlpfcll i l?.VSll . ? ! - L-.uU. , . ; ? . et l~r? 34? Ml.M II MSIlKKl l(?r ?!..-?.? I. Union wat ? ' 1 l?d New Tork . . , - . Mu?. ti. sil?*? dallan H i i oui ihn i S? HAN?.? -?-. - mat --sas- | .1 f?l ? ???? rr, ?!, <l?-?lr.| :at. ' ' ? . , ; - - I ... , (a-r r 1 thle. 7, ?ia ? , Siltj u ' Har.kera' tu:? da?s. INatl mtt ?Iva 4 *s?, m DAILY IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Daily importa and exports of general merchandise at the Port of New Yor'c were: Impnrts. Kiporti. I I 74? W " '. ? - \ .- ?' a . .? . ? -ri m gust tl... I.I ,' , ? ' -.-lav Aiiauit 11. i.?: . ? ? TtMtvdap -.soe.ii-1 H-ub-lay. Aua-ia: .&..... 1137.40? : .-.. i'. ; CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Improvement in All Sections War Stocks Higher?Oils More Active. There was a much improved tone dis? played by curb securities yesterday, ad? vances being common throughout the list. War stocks were again favored, Klectric Boat, new, being the most active issue. It advanced nearly 2 points, while the old stock, common and preferred, made proportionate gains. '? Canadian Car and Foundry was fur I ther advanced, the common rising 5 and the preferred 8 points. Canada Steel went up 6, Driggs-Seabury I*?, llendee Manufacturing IH and In l ternational Motors S points. ?Ireater activity wbb witnessed in the oil group, with prominent issues making rapid improvement. Standard of New Jersey gained 11 points, Prairie Oil and Gas 14, and numerous other , issues made advances of from 2 to ?>' points. Prices generally in the mining issues showed a firmer tendency, par? ticularly Alta-Consolidated and Kenne cott Copper. An advance of 3 points was made by Kennecott Copper 6s on quiet trading. INDUSTRIALS. Total iBnaa op?n. 100 Brlt-A Tob ord. U.V, LOW ?? 'an Car * Kdy. 10? l. " *?lo pr .Hi* , an Nat Uaa C. 2V. '?'an bteal . ?0 |,SSt ?? ar, L.t A Pwr. VA I ? ?? '.-titrai Kdy ... 10 4,600 ?t.ianip Ship ... IT , i ggt-Sea w I. :<3 .'.??trio Boat ...Ii'? M do pr .??? -:."?? Mo naw m I... te% It* Kn..i?...i l-lioli.a. 13^ 277. ?Hall .?It-nal ... U 3.?.-i 'Il-iidee Mr? ... ?tS? ? ??? ?lut M'-r Mar... 4 u.?'?) ?do pr . ??'??, ibt ?int Motora .... 24 17S ?do pr . tl 150 "Int Nickel .174 ?Int lvtroleum.. *?? 110 Kath Bronze pr- a*? i. K-iiy-Hp nre...lM 415 ?l^ke Tor Boat. 15 1.401 Marconi of Am. 4?* 3.*>??i ?Nat Zinc & M Wo 70 ?Nat Stil C ? an &0 -0 N V Tramp. 17 400 L'orp of U a. H ?i1*) '?'.?., ???tan,! Motora.. 10?-i HO *Ht Ji.trph la?**ad US 4.MM Trian Film ctfa. i% 1.3?>i I nit ('It: S new. 104 50 ?In l'ltT Sin A.101?, I-,,.., r? iTortt rfh-T.? 7'ft 2.'?oo i; b u * Ht c 3"-t .-. I,, pr . 6 -.SSS ?World 1'llm .... IV, STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. lllfb. Ht? III 12 m m >*. n 1* 4?? 4?>6 474 I/SW. IS* 1 '! Ill) 'lit 10 t\ 10 ?3 57 MS ..?. 4*-"t PSA M lo4 24 56 177 10?* S*t 1*0 II *>* tat 7., 17 6s* UH 1: m 10?-? MtU nj ? 34?, '.*? ??*. 2*4 SI 174 i?\ 31-, 1?0 im ?St 36o 7.0 17 I 10?-, 11*4, 10*4 l'lls? Last. It"* 109 UEj H u v? U S3 ? 1 1*1 4?>3 ??'-. 14 la?1-, 3*1 3Vt '??S 27, ?is b m 17? Mit nt m?? 13 l'a. J7c 60 17 I U 12 M 10V, 101**) 2V, 2H i 2S I Atlantic Hefln..- ? MO M Uuckeya 1' L...- ? 10? !??., Gaidia Slg uil.. ? 170 ?. IllinoU f I.? M3 :. Indiana 1* L..... ? m 1:. ,ihlo ??Il . ? 15? IBl P ?). e ell . ? 13 ISS lrairlt ?'il A. O. ? ISS tlne 1* L,. - MS : Bout!) l'en o?l... - Ht im .-trfti ?? of cm.. - 304 ?'i .-Han O of Ind.. ? 447j tan t? of N J-. ? ?51 .j i-t.n ? 1 of N y.. ? IM IK* L'nlon T ?.11k. la.. - "T .j Vacuum ? ?il - ? 21S 10 sYa?liiiisn?ii "Il - 37> RAILROADS. I"0 nVaraili B) 1 ... H't U\ Ht ? ?te Pf B. 94% --?** MINING. 675 loin Ml 14? HO 151 1-?, .'.'-? 1.5 ,130 .,...., 441 4)0 IM ?i ?.Il 6"0 1". lfci? IIS M IM 1-"? 31", 178 3;.:? 3"4 4 ?5 ?IS ?ao se 71* 35 Ml -\ , U 12\ ill , ? ?.,, ..I Ce N ?Vu , .11 ? 11'??; Uc -.-? ?-,:./ 1 ?uquesn?. 4?>* 400 ? \ ii -.. I Waosl.. SC .?.. Bis ! ' ?av.. 7H 1.3"" BraUen C*-pf*?r.. 7T? ? .'? ?I! . tmt 47. IL ?. .*?' Y.. Ut 1H 1'? ...? ? '.,;.? ?..nia . ?Mo Me ? Caahbo] . ?Se 3?*.o 4?; m ?ii-iiie? ?crr?r.. Uli i>*-, i*v. Ml 1 '"?i? MU sm .. T? 7, H *Kaat Caledonia. 24? 71, 24c ? ?ITmtiia Cop-.'er.. Mo 50c 37c 7" n ,ren,*e, . ?Se 45? 1??' 'Ueneiee Copper 1*3 3"? IOS Ooldflald 'Vin? !>? P* IV? 1.70* ??;,,!.it;- : i Me?S -"? ISe 1 > ?; .in - 3^--a ?I?S 3s?, 'ii." la Minina-.. . ? ni 3?.t :...? Hewa ."-?.?ind ... 3*?? 4 3\ ].;''"' .Iillill... Kxten... lrt ljV 1A ?-' Kenn-, "U ? op..4?',>*-l?'?- 17?, X-\ 11 ?4 11?. I.'-, s t? Il !."?. |. I'? Me See ,100 ?Krssanai . 11, 104 La ROM ?'"i?** 4 7M i? i?- ?ter ?? *--ic M .g.'iia Copper.. ia*i I.?O M.Int>re . 4K ? M Kln-I-ar . 7?. ?M ?(..?! I/>!?- .. 2?o 70S New lilil? Din? H* 1.504 NlplMliKt M ?7o. f.S ?.."-? ??7>ro . ?i'-jo :i ., ?Hex ?-on? Min. .'?,* ? ?n,! Silv-I.ea?1. IA ?i M es. art . 1 r* Il ' ?? ?Sucres? Miiiintt s: l.coo superBili m i I -?' Tmopab Kx? ?4 lOOTri Rulll ,n ... S s.* Wet-l l'n.i Cone. ISe ? ?? *\v Kii??l. ? ?ii? pr 2?-i BONDS. I ? ?! M M new .'.-.. 74 7? *B,(0S K? n'i ?rtl Cep ?Sa 14.1 144 11? ?i I',,' 13'-, 7.1 Me 27c 7*1 H Site llc iA 1A ? Me m K 5'r 2H 11. '? Wtc 13?, 49 Me . ?"?S 4Hc H IA 1A Me Me 2?H ?S t?. 2S . 4 te ? 24c i* 4.',,' 1*4 ; ? "-'?? J'? 3*. Il? urti Ui *? |UC 13', Me IA i'? Me -.'-','? 7S H Hc 2*| 74 II' INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDUSTRIALS. |sl?l. A?k Hi 1. Ask. Allian.e Film S ??Is'her (?arr-lde s 14 K-8T n lut pr M 17 lo pr . M H Mut Pr( Bh ??' "Hi Sterllne ?linn .'. : ', ?P>rrnc Mfs. 13 IS. tVaylOa '? I"! I RAILROADS. ?Waraah pr A 40 47 MINING. ?Albion Min 36- Me | MrKIn-Dar.. 23c tts Cons Nev-t; ?i A N'eretla Hill? 17c 19c Warn B B... 2 1 |Tonopah Min a% lit Keir Lake.. 3't 4 BONDS. ?ca.riv i.....l"0 210 I Tierce O?l 4s 79 ?Inllitcd. DIVIDENDS DECLARED. ?Alias l'oisder _ Nat:,mal Transit.. I ? hl .!>*?. TBleph ?e. r"T? ?pon ?la? pr. . Hart, s li ,?i M pr Ma? kay CM . Ma, kav Coa pr... Montana l'ower ... Montana Power ?r l'or.utlne i'rown . l'ertr.. Ilate. Payable W I1,'?- Sept. 10 Sept. 17, ?J 7, Sept. 3 . - Sept M Q l',r'r Sept. 1 <?! l'i - Bajpt. 30 Q H?-"? Oct. 1 Q :? Oct i Q V- Oct. 1 Q ?Vc on. i Q 3**. Oct. 1 Record date. Au?. 31 Am. .11 AUS. 3! Rep? .' .Vl( .? sept 7" Btrpi :?? Sept. 10 Sept, i."? Sept. Il tie?pt. Ij ?And 11 ?xtra. ATBBAOK OF THF. TKIRl'VK'H I.IST OF FIFTKKN KAILS. Audit? US. setlerda)'? elote, ... 107.454 Atimitt 14 .106.0.--0 ??lie week .?*?..I07.S7."? ?lue month u|.,.103.I??5 July 3?), 1914.I04.4?S High fr July.lOJ.aSO low for July.101.818 II tl, for June.104.317 loss for June.10.1.34*1 Hill, for May.ULM Lost for Ma.?.104.510 High for April.113 508 I ow for \pr||.107.367 llifh foe Mar.1?.108.108 loss for March..102.55S lligh for February.10S.758 Low for February......101.183 High for January.10S.823 Low for January.103.5S7 HlKh, full >ea?. 1014.116.191 Low. full -car. If>14.103.00!) A\EK.\?.K OF THF. TRIRfNF.'H LIST OF rWSLTI INDUSTRIAL?. Augutt tt, )e?len|?y'i rloae SS.24?) \i?fu?l 24 . 87.123 One weeU ajo .S9.35U One month jj?.. 81.210 July 30. 1814.S7.427 IIich for July.86.000 Low for July. 80.318 Mil, for June.SS.flSS Low for June.7S.3I3 lliiii for May.?. S5.0M Low for May.74.47S Hull for April.85.13? Low for April.75.844 High for March.75.14? I ow for March.70.0S4 High for February.73.3*78 Low fas February.69 54* High for Januar?. .75.8IS 1.0? for January.70.778 High, full ?ear, 1814....81.844 Low, full ye*r, 1914.S7.4S7 BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 25, 1915. Trading In bonds on the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday amounted to 19 461 000 .gain-it 12,449.000 Tuesday. 13,331.000 a week ago and Stock t*<*"?"?? dosei/T;?*; if?! Total from January to date ,507,844.000. against $124,665,000 in 1914. GOVERNMENT AND MVMICIPAI ! Sales in ? 11,000. High. Low. Clo 4U S 4s coup 75..110 110 110 1 do 4s reg 1925.109 109 105 1 I Jap 2d Ml 4 4s German stamped 71 71 I Rep of Cuba.-,s'14 92 92 92 1 N Y c 14s 190.101% 1014 KM 10 do 4 4s '6ii rcpt.101% 101% 101 2 do 44s 11*60 ... 93 98' M RAILWAY AND MISCELLANEOUS 1 Alb it Susq 3%s. 82 82 82 2 Am Hide it L 6s. 103 103 IM 30 Am Sm A Ref 6a.l06% 105 106 21 Am T A T col 4s. 88 4 ?8 nx 1 do cvt 4%s.101% 1014 101 I Ai-i Tobacco la.. 119% 119% 119 I Am Writ Pap 5s. 61 61 61 I A T 1 S F gn 4s. 91 91 91 1 do adj 4s stpd.. 81% 81% hi 26 do cvt 4s I960. .102 1014 101 ' 2 At! it Panv 1st 4s 754 754 76' 2 B A O pr li 3%s. 89 89 8!? 11 do gold 4s . 854 85V* 851 16 do cvt 4%s. 86% 86% 86 10 do 3 4s S W div. 87 4 87 87 2 Beth St raf 5s...100 100 100 8 B R T con 5s....101 101 101 11 do 6pc noteslS. 99% 994 99' 6 Cal Gas ?ft El 5s. 944 914 91' 1 22Cen Pac 1st 4s.. 844 84 84?, 4C R R of N J 5s.112 112 112 2 Ches _ O gn 44s 85 85 85 I 23 do cvt 44s. 74% 74 7i' 2 Chi A Alt 3%s... 43% 43% 43a ! 10C B ?t Q gen 4s.. 89-4 89% **'.>' 1 do 4s 111 div.... 934 934 93? 1 do .14s 111 div.. H.!*; 88% 82*1 10 do joint 4s. 96% 9fi4 1 Chi Great W 4s. 67 67 67 ! 20CMAStP cvt 5s B.1024 102 102 1 do gen 44s.... 97% 97% 97?, 31 do cvt 44s .... 93% 93% 981 5 do deb 4s 1934.. 864 864 86V, 10 do teC?PW div.10'24 1024 102VI 3 CAN CStI.PAN5s.104 1034 104 1 do 4s MSAN div. 80 80 80 lOCRIAPRy db 5s. 47 46 46M 36 do ref Is . 63 4 624 6_?K 16 Chile Copper 7s.1124 111 111*? 2Con Gas cvt 6s..1164 1164 116'? 13 Com Pr s f 5s '34 93 93 93 1 Cumb T A T 5s. 97 97 97 ID A H ref 4s.... 89% 89% 89% 1 D A R (? con 4s. 70 70 70 1 Dct A Mac 1st 4s. 85 85 85 3D*t Un Rys 4%s. 71 71 71 7 Distil Sec Cor 5s. 65 65 65 1 DuPont Pow 44s. 99% 99% 99% 5 Erie 1st con 7s.. 109% 1094 1094 1 do prior lien 4s. 79 79 79 10 do cvt 4s ser A. 61 61 61 20 do cvt 4s ser B. 68 ?8 68 5 Erie-Pa col tr 4s. 864 86% 86% 5 Gen Elec deb .=.s . 102 102 102 13 Hud A M rfg 5s.. 70% 70 70 11 do adj inc 5s... 25% 25% 254 1 111 Cen ref 4s.. .. 83% 834 834 2 do CStLANO 4s. 99 99 99 5 111 Steel deb 44s 864 864 86% 75InsConCop 6s '19.1394 1384 13*<4 43 do 1922 .13? 138 188 6Inter. R T ref 5s. 974 974 974 15Interh-Met 44s.. 74 7r*4 78% 13 Int M M col 44s. 694 68% 69% 6 do ctfs . 70 69% 70 1 In'er Paper 1st 6s 99% 99% 99% 3 Int St Pump 5s. . 65 or. 86 ' 26 do etfi.66 64 M 3 KCFtS?M 4s ...105 106 106 2 K C So 5s. 874 87% 87% 5 Kings Co Elec Lt i and Power 5s ...121 121 121 ? 26 Lack St 5s I960.. 82 804 81% 1 LacGs ofStLlst.5s.1014 1014 1014 l 1 Liggett A M 7a. 128 123 123 Sales In $1,000. Biffe. Low. Clos? 1 Long I ref 4s . . *->3 M N 1 Lorillard Co 7s.119% 119% I19V : 13 I. A N unified 4s 914 91 91 :, Ma.'hatRy con 4s 84% 84% 84V 4 do tax exempt.. 854 85% 85V 18 M St PASS M 1st con 4s . 874 87 87 1 MKAT of T 1st 5s 70 70 70 8 M? Pue con 6s... 944 944 94V 11 do col tr 5s '17. 80 80 80 8 do cvt 5s . 33 30 31 52 do 4s . 34 31 33V 22 N' Y Air R cvt Os.KiO 9.? 4 100 112NYCAHR db?s ip.1034 103 103V 9 do 1st pd .103 103 103 2 do rfg 44s.... 87 87 87 5 ?b. 4s 1931. 86% 854 85?", 1 ?lo rfg 3%s. 774 774 77r, 1 do LS col tr 34s 744 74% 74V 1 NYNH?H cv6s'48.111 111 111 1 N Y A Queens E L A Power 5s... 1024 1024 102'-< 2N Y Rys ref 4s.. 684 684 UM 1 10 do adj 5s. 494 M 41 12 N Y Tel gen 4%s. 944 944 944 13 No ri A W con 4s.. 87 87 ?7 5 do divl 4s . 87 87 87 21 Nor Pac pr 11 4a. 89% Bf% 89*S 5 do gen 3s . 624 624 S\\ 1 Ore RyAN con 4s 88 K8 88 f 6 Pac T A T Bs. ... 974 974 97\ t 26PRR con44s rep.102% 1024 102V. 11 do gen 44s rept 974 97% 97?, 1 do 4s 1948 . 96 4 96 4 M% lOPCCAStL 4s G.. 92% 92% M* 7Rnv Con Cop 6s.. 115 113 115 6 Reading gen 4s.. 93 924 93 2 R I A S col 5s '40. 954 95 95 4 4 Stl.?MASo un ?g. Of,*?* 954 9h\ I L3.StI.ASF gn 5s '31.100% 1004 1004 2 do ref 4s . 66 4 66 4 664 20 do ctfs stpd_ 604 604 60% ISt L Sw 1st 4s... 724 724 724 11 do 2d 4s . 54 54 51 ISanAAArP 1st 4s. 66 65 65 , 1 Seab A L adj 5s. . 60 60 60 1 So Pac col tr 4s.. 804 80% 80% 153 do cvt 4s. 80 80 80 55 do cvt 5s .99 984 99 1 16 do ref 4s. 844 84 4 8 14 6 do S F Term 4s. 80 80 80 20 So Rv gen 4s.... 614 614 6! \ 1 Texas Co cvt 6s. 1004 1004 1004 1 Tex A Pac 1st la. 92 92 92 4 Third Av ref 4s.. 784 78% 78% 10 do adj 5s. 764 76% 76% ITolStLAW 4s '50. 44 44 44 1 T'n Bag A Pap 6s 80 80 80 1 T'nion Pac 1st 4s. 93 93 93 2 do e*/t 4s. 89% 894 894 4 Un RRs of SF 4s 44 43 43% 2 US Rubber s f 6s.102 102 102 ! 11US Steel 5s_1024 1024 1024 5 Wabash 1st ref 4s 1? 18 1" 36 do rf 4sEqTr etf 174 174 174 49 do stpd . 154 15 15 63 WPT lst4sCT etf 14 % % : 10 . do ctfs for C Tr 14 1% 1% 46 Wes'ingh Electric s fd 5s.106% 1054 105% 47S do Mfg cv 5s fp.116% 115 4 116% 1 do5s ctfs of den.l0.*)4 1054 10?% 1 Wis Cen 4s SAD. 88 85 85 GOVERNMENT BONDS. Yesterday. Tuesday. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 2s reg '30. 97 ? 97 , 2s coup '30. ... 97 ? 97 ? 3s reg '18.100 ? 100 ? 3s coup *18_100 _ 100 ? 4s reg '25.109 ? 109 ? : 4s coup '25_109 ? 110 ? 1 2s Pan '36 reg. 96 ? 96 ? : 2s Pan '38 reg. 96 ? 96 ? i 3s Pan 161 reg. 10?? ? 100 ? . 3s Pan '61 coup.100 ? 100 ? ON THE CONSOLIDATED. At the close the market on the Con? solidated Stock Exchange was reaction? ary, but final prices were substantially higher than the close of Tuesday. Cnited States Steel closed at 754 after dealings of 31,800 shares changed hands. Much trading attention was accorded to American Can, Crucible Steel, Allis-Chalmers and Westing house Electric. The coppers for a time reflected an upward tendency. Sa ? - 1.42? 1.1-i" ?.sin ISO 1" Allta-lTialmor? Am a Sugar Am ?'at. ATi. ? ?r ?. t Am 111,1, A. la Ain 1 ? Am Lu.?..?.! OU Am Lo Am sin.'ltlni Am .?u.'ar Anai'iMiita ? $301 AtcM?.n Baldwin U.:.. Hall A "Mo n?",., n T l'ai r'r'ro'.rtim ?an Pae . :?.0 IVrit la??.lier ' m ?a iihlr. STOCKS. Open. I MU Kl'?a High 4f,i, ? ;,;?ii in 1.440 11? n? ni mu a st r. il. H I .?. Il l'hiri.i Copper A I i ?1 l'r i "l I I? Steei in-.; Ulrr? Kri" 4 'a 110 fia 14% ??'S fitlX? 44 4 4**, Il !.'? M? n, ni? 102 ?!_ 12? M?. ?TU 1?2? 444 t'y *- ? 4'', 4..*-. 40? U l?S I'''. :?? rs? -'?'. '-"?'a 2K**? M MU ? - M S 4'? -"?4 u m 45 ? . 014 42*?, S3? H* Mit n .14.1 ?'a? 23\ 20 .10 34" ?n i.C"0 ???in le l?n ?? -,,,, rto 4 -.4.1 11.21? io: 1st pref (?o-lrl.-li . Ot Nor Or?.. .. i,.|,' . ?Irrj . .. Inspiration Cop Intarrhorouih Kantts i'1'.y Se I.ehlgh Vallajr Mal Mola- . 45 Mes l'etroleum .. 434 Miami Couper Mo Pa? s'?i .'ru Cop N Y N II A Nor l'ae .... Pttii l'oal . . S1U 1-n'... l Bteel ?*ar ?2? Hay l'nr.s l'op . 211's II. vli-.g ,, 14H4 II, ; !? m A SI. . 44?. lluiilf ,v . Il1? ? . so n.tii?av ... 1.4 ikei .111 ? .. ' . , ' .1 . ! 'J ' S i s Rubber i ri .-??,: 13? i lai. ?'.'p .... M Va?'ar Chem ... U ?".'hulls- Lira- . , Total sain. MI.MNG. 107 314 ut 41*. Il? SOU li? 11:.', 54*2 I - ' -, 35 U 116*4 I/?vr ' I ? ' f. im SOU 1014 ri? M', M4, 164 1V.S H? 4*,', 4"', 4J4 I . R 28 143 43*t (?2'?, lis ni 14'. H ?o: 11? ?ni? 12*2 147? 4 . ?'? ', 15 H 111 . 514 '?.-;.? 15 ir,'? ?I i SOU ' .'4 " 1-4 ? ?9? Il ? ' >*. 1?; ;>S R2 MU MU 152? 4?*, 4 . . 4.1? 4P? l' '? 43? 12? 83 U M? 20? 24 143 41\ ? 2V, -'\ I?? ?4 io: 11? n?', 4 '?'. . .?'. S 15? 112? I a 115? 1.500 Atlanta .M .2!) H'-rtli .411 .42 400 Omit 500 ? MU ?k .0? ? nu Virginia .. .1', .13 .14 .15 r, . .: ?lerfM 2 M ? ?*?? .M? .Jetl .Uni Hutler .M ?n .u ,,, lit . 1424 1 424 1 12? 1.42? .4i .4? 4? .4? m,'arlo .4.23 4.2', 4.00 1.25 M Sunsat .0'4 n-,4 .034 11-.4 Tn.,r)p?ii Bit ...t.M : ? West K11.I ....;'? .1 H -,> Total sa .?? SECIRIT1ES AT AUCTION, The following securities were sold yesterday at auction at the Exchange salesroom by Adrian H. M?ller _ Son: Kur Account of Eiex-ut.?. , Sty) shares Mire? Go of America 10I1I stoci). II ?ach. per ?har- ?;-?? 30 shares Stai?1anl 1 oupier Co. common. 4100 each ...II 3,-'"l ?!i?r?-. Cobalt C ?titrai Ml: m Co.. II ?a I. 10 ?hare-, Horn? Theatre Co 1100 each. ?'.I ',0 share? \???.la t'lan Mli.e? ?ad .-?nit-lter. Corp. 110 each. loi 25 share-. 1 Itj el New fort laaurtl ? I . 1100 e..:. ; 1 20 ?hire? Huguenot Trost Co . New Ro. hell?, liOO ea. h . g7 124.750 snare? ElyOlrom Copper Co. of Ne?u1a. to eiutL-.f pool agree 1 menu. If a:.y. let. |500 ' 25 share? Tldewstot Mil l'o. $100 each .... 130U 1140 I i.llel state* 3 per ,-ent bonds, lull? m* 1?91. .lue August 1. 19M; Noeember. 1 I anil subsequent coupons attaa-lierl, one of 1 lino, two of 120 each, lot.HI] 15 share? Hatar a Tuboiae Co common, 1100 I each ....... 24 2'. ?Lares Ha.ana Tobacco Co preferrwl. $100 1 1 ach |U 13 .1134 NEW YORK CITY BONUS. irlty, im. ?44<. Juin. 1K5. 1014 ?? . iOO ?ta. Servi.. itHt . ; l. I'?'.: . 103S ?4'? Ifajr-Nov.. l?i:. 1004 ?44?. March. lMJ . 101% ?44s. May-Nov.. I?5T. |MU M N. 3.V ?4'?i- .-'I t , 1'.",'". ?;???. Kan ?? IM . MUi March. ?r-.w-'M. ? . ?is May-Nov.. If-tf-'St-'M. !e44 ?4s N . ?S% ?4? Nov. !''3r; . ?3',? Nov.. 1964-65. **> tlUe, May. ISM. M I . M? . . i I'. :?4?. ?:4s. ?14? ?14* IMI 4 1'. 3 :?) ?lnteranacgeabl?. rt(UUr?2 ot eaaigem. IMaauarea. Ask lor? 104 1014 M? M ?M 98 W >4? 044 I mi 4 25 i ?? ttcrupoa. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bid -.nd askeii prices for stocks which 'are listed but which were not dealt in en the Stock Exchange Wednesday: 111 Aduri Exp . 93 Ai?. Ag <'!i ??r Am It Sig pr M A B s r -fi loo 14 ?Is pref.170 17 , Am I' A I' pf Ami Coal.. . "0 Am Coal T pf 117 S ( Oil pf. 1*7 An: Mall let 24 Am Si.i pr H ??? ?.-. - Iff 14n Am Snuff pf lo.i A?. .?? If r' ?13 Am Tel ********** Am ill, A- N I. ??4 ?it . - su. sai B sea - M-Jihal Ele? IM 12? M? Pun .' ? i M ..-i, ( a-n-raJ 1"V 134 MSlTA- S M . '..ft | da ;ref lau 121 . lasest L 74 '4 . . . i:? I'It l?J ' II? N.: 1 At ? Lead p? I -?? .Mil? IV """?_ ?IT" Am IOCS ?'?*?*? W pref/ s<- ?- Ita-al'i. ah ?-out i. : : Bruniwlck BulT, H a- I' ??> ?lo pref. 101 Buiterlok ?7a . " ?'?. s.";them. 53 Casa. J I. pf 70 ?',?: t of N J ISO ?'en Leatb pf. 101 CASA Te'..122 ??hl A Ait pr IS Clilr ?it W'-nt 11'? ? MAS P pr.120 CAS"???? pf I? ' ?' 81 I' MAO H ' r 17'. ?' I- ?'AS! I. - du pr, ' ? .-. - Util .7 do lal oral 174 ? l . . ! ;,r-'f Coot Cm pr 101 Trei ?tri I ( Cuti-Am ? pf 1*7 Otwn Co rr t\ DU? MO Den? A II G. 5 D M A ~~1 D 5 do pref SI 5*4* S V ('lu .s lu? d,? Is? pref . 70 t do 2d pref 13 95 "TU ?AW 111 Il ? Nnrf 4H... rf ? I M Pac Tout i?1-. l'a?- T A T pf ?2 7S1? l'ittr ICtu- P? r-. m A K.u- ?" 104 P C C A I 1341* I . ',.r?-f 20 p,?.? 13 do lit p?*! ?* 127 l'ifs ?''"?-. I' ' - * - I- -, ' \J li? '. X It. -? - 7? Reading Is: pf ?o pref ?1 4: Rut It U : 114!-, Se?' Air L pr JilS rat.. ;.. So rrcf . ? :.? g Ii ?hurl pf 174V? 124?-, II-.? . - ?.AI pf 30 r, - v S?es Sat "? !? ont ??t : ?3 8 It? MA" rfi 00 ?"? 17'? ?? IS M'-, Det Edison^.115??-. lrj-, S'a:.'d?r1 Mill **JH 17 Del Ii. It it den Checa pr.U0 (I W Helm* .155 do pref 111 Hi? I It LAP 13 do pref ... ? IWk Valley.. ? lot II of NJpf I pf i ? ? ntral. o do [irrf 15 I Knaer. I i da pref .. ii? Is ''.? I. I.AI' 123 Kin ?' A tt pf Keo A 1>M pr 30 Isr?*.?!?- Co pf II"' I.i.-leile .,,. Like E A \\ ''??? 17 U- A M Tot. HI*. do pref 114 Loose -W DI*?- 17 da l?t pr.f ("'? "?r11?ai-i. P..ISS do pref.110 lo pnf . 71 734 Tbb Prod pf '?' 1"" Te, ll'l - . r si i. w tit " r?-. ?' itr ;.- n r>p 75 ? ? n Bl| A!' pf S3 I n Cigar 47 't pf 11?) . I ? II. I - \ U i l'rllli . ? ' Kip 107 . M A H 1 -1 Mf| IM. 17', We-niu.-llr -'., I 112 -.. pf 170 WAL E lit pf 2 ui .>> orer pf 104 t% - 101 11?'* x i II 40 ?? 140 7-0 134 4 10**1 PUBLIC UTII-ITV SECURITIES. Bl I. Am I at I ....lus ; Adir El l'ssr 14 - ? . i ?Am O A E.1 *i ' ?do pr .... I? Am I'vs A I. 5* ? do pr i Am I'ul? . ! do rr i Am \v a El d? pr.. 15 i do lit pr . .'? ' ?"Ules S.*rv.. I? , do pr ? ?loir . Com I' HA I. ?'? do pr '7 . Day i' * i.t 30 ?Io : r r";.<-K .-? Bl I'd El H 4 - , Em I' t.': M do pr . ??0 ?Par value l?O. Hid. I.t A Tr 14 lo pi -? . . r a A El io I S Ont I. A P. 10 17 Nor Bta Perf do pr ... "zirk P * W II ?-? A K xx\ 1 do pr . S4 Rot) Rv 4 I ? '.,, pr . 42 al Ed lion 70 do pr .... 1.3 ?i A El 4 ? i pr ... a T? un H. LA!- 4 I do pr . 20 In It A Ry? 36 -' : L'tah fwurlt 12 ?Mi-fn pisr 14 do ur .47 II M H Mit n M M 7:i RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS. iQiioted on a'.age baili > M-?- Rate turlt>. I Atlantl UM Un* : ?:?- .3 tl?,. 4 ?*?* Baltlmora .? Ohio.luit- 73 ?', LM Buffalo, lt?h & Pitt?.i?ai4-'"0 4',-: ta ranadiaii Pacifie . ? ?-,.. 4 M Carolina, Clin I ? M Cb-s-Mtake a '?m?? ,.i*it- .? ?', t ?i I Nortl '.s entern .I'd?. .3 4", LM Chle, Ind & l>oulasill?.l3M--J 4?, 1.34 chic, n i a PeeUk . ? t ? 1. A Nev? Ctt.ll .? ? M ?lev. ein. ?Chic A g'Ulttl-'M 6 Delaware A Hud-on...!??2 4?, 4 ..*. Erie K-IIr..a?l .1914-23 4V& 5.10 Ho-*king Valley .1314- ? LM Illinois Centra?! .l*H-73 4'-,-5.. 4 ?2 U.ulasllle ft Na?hvlll?.l'?14. .1 I 4 M rt Kan A Te,..1314-'3 t, ,.. IM Misaourl P?.-lflc ..1314 N Y i'en'ral I left iflf 'TT 4S-S 6 "0 Norfolk A Weitern ...l:?l.>- 74 4?-? .4 55 N Y. N II -. Hartford. 111.'. 71 1 S w Penn Oeneral Freight. 1314-'73 I-??-, 4 40 St U Iron Mt A Sou.1914- 74 5.. . . 4.25 St-aboarl Air Line ...I'll- 23 5 Southern Railway .1S14-24 ??-, I S.OO Houtharn Pacific .1*14- 3 4>-,.... 4.40 luaician Kaiitng -?llltV'U 1... ?. ? ask. 4 M 4 ? ? ' 4 4 "" 4? I.M ? 430: ? . 4 71 I ? ? 4 M , -I 4 M 4 M I M 5 no 4 s? 4 46 1.40 ASO Wa\R LOAN LOWER IN LONDON MARKET Russian Oil Stocks Impro***^. Americans, in Smaller Sup. ply, Close Firm. London, Aug. 26. The otock marW maintained a generally op-.imi?tie toi. but with absence of support tho *-_, loan dropped a .'ruction. Carndj,, Car and Foundry and the Ruioian ?* group improved, and several transo? tions were recorded in Japanese asi American gold bonds. Consols el*m unchanged at 65. American securities dosed frm ?, der the lead of United State?, gw Stock in this section was re-ja-r-J scarcer owing to re ,.t sales. Money and discount rs'e? ?^ steady. The Bank o? En?f?ar?4 ?? narked flfiQQ in gold irr r.iiceliW ous purposes. Money loaned ?. 3 ?T per eel * I'i.-icount rates for short ru? three months' bill* were 47% to 41|.u per cent. Gold premium at Lisbon was 49. Pnris, Aug. 25 Prices were hear/? ?,. the Bourse to-day. Throe pir et* rentes closed 20 centimes lower, ?t tt francs 60 centimes. Exchange on London, 27 francs 52 centimes. ? ? LONDON CLOSING PRICEo. l.on : n N y ,,,,?'. ?r, ,1.?. ****? *? am. CX-f? Consola rr."ne>-_ <S Brltiih 44a ?, Bale _ ' > ' ?.?he?? * Chic <'t Warnt..... " .<? Bt r Denver . SO ? 4? Vf?? Erl?i Erie lit pr. Illinois I'ti'ml Iaouls A Naih . Mc Kin .* T?x N V ? '.a .1 ?'i' Onturlr. I Pennnvhanla . i> : n? Southern liv. Southern Pacific. I'nlon farlfV I Reel . :r* ?F.x ??'.l'en* : III ? ? 964 III . *-*4 ? ??i . ? ? ? 43 : 1 ? - 14* . ? *>S Z*. -*> : \ tl ?14? 44 II .?., ?5? ? ', '. ion, 1**4 ?14 "4 5 a *l i STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS M I.V.,, ' 1 ??loo x.'ftuea ? r? '?'-' I .??.- Ha. |U 140 Calrimet A Arts . ?14 ? - r Range Butte . . 124 4" rrankllfl MO ??rsi.'iy - Ira. tr? . ?J!? 10 HelfeUa . IS, Is,? Ilr.ya!? . J04 100 72" Mass Cea .10 15 M .hawk . . 72 120 Se* a- liar, 10? . 4 i. ?, ilnlon ::', v _t ? - .v II ,? B .10 .? . 1.2S0 Taniarvk SO Trf II] LOW l' ? -?me', tOS 1 tar. Apes 11" t - DO Vlr-'.or.a . . If H "rrr. BAir.n',*.D?? 10 Ft '?' ? t * ' H 2? ' I MM ' st 44 xx ?S I ? -, '?. ' ri v. Low ??? a" I .?5 ? ? & ft H ?: IM, Me ?t ?:. M4 S?? ? lv I ii" ?: m -??? I??, J#*i IT? 4'. 4 ? ^ -i 1: . 1 3 3 ._ **% ? !?i 40* il B i-, r B a'?.'. 10 Beotoi A Main? 100 Ma 20 .; ' ;r ; ? S tl ' ? ' A M ..? I West 1 M :?'?> ?*jr* M L >ih ias * 34 114 SI MISi'EUaANE'it S .' 1 P tea .?>a.r pf IS ?? 4 \ 1. S ?a I -, ' .4 lad. I Edil ; ?.i Kv t Dee ,... <i?. . ? \1 ! ?.? ilu pref SO N 2M Bwlfl A , s? I rute* Fruit . ?84 . ? n .1 112 ft i*.? :* 10 : 11! II li S u I : - ?s ?? r, m ll< HI. \ I Em it M4 a*i Land $1 MO ?A?.! TAT'? , BOSTON CL*U . L0 flu! Ask? *.f?-i Ue-?., .4 V? . I" .tu Me t*t lie lie Calatera? 1?, 14 Vtrl? El .A '*? Ms'e.'l.- Me 62^ ?I.SO 1 < 1 111 17 47? MS IM PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. II ,". IaO?r. 11.000 8.1 ?00 4.000 Am Rail?ay? B . - ' a \ It V 1 ' ? ? V ? K T ,-fi 1 r Itad i;_ imp BONDS. Am <-,a* A E ^a H ?, I nil K> Irr 5s M Welsbaa-h 5s ?14 144 44*. I . at ??? ? 4 . -44 - . 3,4 S3 If? ?8 81? 14? ?44 'a ? ; ? ?? ?i^ CHICAGO STOCKS. Open. Hl(_ { flffiji Fish ? ?'hl.-aajn Pr. Tr??l 77 I'orom Ells>n 155 Mavh W liar: - A M . M ni .'. a '. : -' . ?? yuak'r U ft I ? ? ' '.- a BOM.** II . ? ? M ' .. ? . ? *i '? , K.4 N *?? '. 40 h : M ?:--s r.44 8S 87? H BALTIMORE STOCKS. Sa >? . . osd-i. BUM?-4 i ?; i"0 Central 11? ei 5? lo:4 104 la 4 ft la Mr. V-W I D it 4 .'. \ 4. '. !? ) : .4 ? ? '. Ia?t 10? 14. 4' ?44 4! 1<? .; ?i ?S M1. Is *?? 4 M *." Kt M im w u? 141 ?J rs li ?: i** Ua ?i 111*. 1?4 I?. Si PITTSBURGH STOCKS. Bo \ \v i . ? ??'? II . '. A ? 4 : lo ?1j fief ISIIfnUI * . 1. ?? . ' i ? i pttta llr??? 44 I ? - |] H I -.1, i. X*l ??as 1 il BOND*. || ^ . . i,?.? A E '? 71 ? . . : . M 304 I . 4 . s *?. :\ : . i . ,<*, ??, is M 1 11 111 1 SHORT TERM Name an '. Am T ?- - Am O \ Bait _ Ohio 14?. Jui Halt .4 Ohio 4'... J in?. 1*11 Hkl>n Kan T ???. July, I?II. Cries? A ?-hi" : ?? ,?. H . l is. J ii ? En? Ral'.rot.' Sa, - Krle haiii.,.1 : Oen : i Int ..?. Ker - I ??'. N. m Kr,?' N? - '?' ? Ni S T N II - I rvini l: I ? ' , run to. Mai ? Foreifn Governrnent lsoet* Argem-ne II ? ?"?Jj ArKemlne to > ij? Aj-geatlne ta, I . ?t* ? * Argentine ?s Ma. Canadian ?vt S?. A t. 'anadian ??.t '? v ? ? ? - (ierman .a. JaBuai - ma srltserland ta. Ma; ewltaerland ?a. Ma: Noms? '??- O t t?er Ifs IIM.. Norway ?i*, tictotser IS, 11T-. ? ????B to I?t?.??mli_. 1*11. NOTES. ... TI**, ?i ?I 10? M ? ? IMA A* I'jOt. ? . ? ? ?a > i?* ?JoA L* ? i? -I ? ** .< r. I I 1*7 ?