Newspaper Page Text
D. E. SEYBEL PROPERTY SOLD On Charming Port Chester Estate Owner Recently Killed Himself. HOMESTEAD BOUGHT BY JOHN W. K?SF.P Bayer Is Preridct*' of Phrrnix Horseshoe Company, of Chicago. The beautiful home at Port Chester. N. Y.. ef the late Painel F Sevhel. who killed himself or, May 4 last, has been ','hn W Riser, of St. Pans. Ohio. On the premises, which is one of the sb? n Westches ter ? Mr. Seybel was found dead by the caretaker, with a rcvol \ ?r Ij ing beside him. He was a member of the lasv firm of Fettretch, Silkman & Seybel ? few rr? i e ieath. when "he retire?!, throufh .'.res?. Friends said tha' he was deeply depressed and worried since the death of his wife, thr.c yeai - The property at Port Chester is knosvn r.*. Hillandale, on Ridge Street, and consists of about nineteen acres of cultivated land, a resilience of forty rooms, a lodge, garage and other outbuildings. The property has been | Mr ? ?" the Phoe? nix Hors?.-hoe ? of Chicago, besides being n director in ma" city he lives a' th? Hotel. Mr. Sey? bel was a m<">" i ' the League, "?Jew York Atl letlc, K and Tennis, Automobile of America., Sleepy Hoi Larchmont Yacht and Riding clubs, the New York Bar A and Other op? tions. Bryan L Kennelly whs the, broker m the transact Commercial Leases. The Pire Companies Building Cor j oration ? lar Bt. store in it. 27 Cedar st., to the newly organized American Eagle Fire Insurance Com? pany; ?l-o office sniice to H. V. ning & Son, R H Gr? ? If and J H. Robinson. Henry Brady leased 'n Phillip Koro sosky the second loft .it BOI West 28d st , and the store at '"1 W - ' 994 I I to the Berger Loft Co Pease & Elliman leased fer Mi? A T. Harbison to the Virgil Piano Con? s? rvatorv the five ?tors Aimcricnn b.ise ment ?twelling, 21 6x100, nt 11 West ?"8th st The Bre'I <"; Goodc Company leased for a term of years in I50-1M Lafa\?tte ?t. about 6,000 square feet on the sixth foor to th.- F( nberg Binder*/ t Mail ? .- ? ?: ? ? M A 1 H? -. Inc. have leaseil the ?hir.l loft iiii : ?sear Rosner, tl th left at ion fifth av. t,. Irving C Stem, pecs at 80 and 82 '...-'? |t tO Co!,heve * Co . and space at 1??!? Pearl st. to O'K?. fs & . Inc. Bas'.e | < ?? hive leaseil in 11-1 Fifth av. space to Edward Grano and Hirsh Koplowitji The Real Estate Mii-sgrment Com? pany base leased th? Broad? was t?. c Harootunian. Sales in Auction Rooms. A' 14 \ I?. Bel p. Ilrtdi ?J7TH ST -i ? || ?"la (.-??-' I'ark Wtit. Hint* In He* 'i ?? -..-' i - sic ?t ? m a-..-' ich. ??(. M .? Drt? r?! dut 121,111 111?? ??? . ??'.. i.lj.-U': <??! '? S'l*? ? LUOLOW ST. IT, ? ? !.-. 1 n r-jial ??. ??. i??- l-nn-t: .- I 111 Mlt-tltl ?*t tl II?.II? A St; P 1 .- ??'. '??? J7'.. ?,. ,? ?? ?? ? ? the f-talnUt for j A' ' - ?a?? 1'v H-.n P-?l? STEBBINS AV ' -' .' | | IM (. ISSlfe ?? **I . ml . Itr-lii?!?-. Kit??? III c Ce et tl; Millrr A lltm-niT a'l? I: )' M,ir??i. ret; lu- MS. ? ?>??.'( s' 10 tl.? p-'lntlff fr*r < STtHHiNS AV '..'- ?. e t IM -i leeik it. Hi ? R .:. I? r ?ft -?: . nl'i? ?ri rrf; ? to tht f for I BEAUMONT AV. ! IS, - ? 2 ? ISSd ?t. *~i~*ll. )t| ; ?. ?. ? BEAUMONT AV. i .?I ? ., tt ? l**d ?t, **lll um Ina; ?!??? I79TH S" Il Mil ? is. lOOll"; -....? K ., ? ...... ,.'. r - l .?. v ?? i ? um, tul. IBSTH ST i i*ir a. }0l ' ? It L 1 s ?4 1 : ? i N."w Building Plans. The Hront. ALBANY CRESCENT. w ro? H-?'-, ?s < ?<:??'- 1" .'?n Il . .v I . - J ) MINNEFORO AV. . - I it; for 1 14 I ' ? W 4 1 Ht. Il ??*-?? Alterations. Manhattan. I il ? i < I BROAPWAY S 1 II.-? Mr? r-l 4 . rrrj ' "*** ** - * un PUBLISHED TUESDAYS N \MI. \M> \I?I>RKSS. GLEN CAIRN (70 IU\ I.K-IIH. W I. . ? orn? r ii.h h ??t I SO. ROOM?? : Room?, Baths. h D Rooms, s until-. RIVIERA RIvereM* Urne, I Sei h In 1.171h -t. :. to 11 Ko.,m?. Three Hath*. BUCKINGHAM COURT Ki?.,,?.r' 3ln-:::i West :.'>tl> m. Adj.,, Riverside llri 11.000 in ??I..IMI. M.100 In s .-..-.lin. Mldtown ?alue? nt moderate rental. fl.SM til si ;;?in \?.IM I '., :. ? r, t AI " rtnrli. 4. .*., ?>. **, a Idioms mu? Two Itmliv ?. ; uriil s Ion, m?. I t,, :, Until? fi. 7 nn.l S'f-iint Large Kouni?. ROMAINE & LOYAL Riverside l>rl?<-. 'Hiilli le n.l.t ??t.. Iinil l .'.*. W?'?! lr.,ir|i M THE ROCKFALL N. te i PANER BRI) Vl?'\ \\ |MR ARDSL?YHALL >?il I KM I -I ? OR. ?2ND -I".. ? l \ l RAL V \KK ,? ? Kl CENTRAL PARK WEST 9 Rooms No. 261 9 o R-aa-La? Voll, < orner MUH, Kl. Ilrrproof ?-O E aillS THE PRINCETON :i.?_?-:;-s \\ ; ?? i ;,. l il ?? i l;l : i 1 m ., h i.'i.i n,. ,.i,iii.i... 534 to 550 W. 126 Between \in?li -riluin \vrmie mut Broadway. UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS i . latS AMIRI WS W 1... Bet. ?.*.? ?1 Burnshlr .ml r.'i.i -1 iie-t r..',,n\. MM tu I1.S?U Vrarl) ?i,seo tu $2,Jim. ? pn n . at M?rih?ttin lyving . . Inttu Lesslnl ? " . a , M T. . ll?nl?. or ta premises. It ' I'' | X, ? 'PIMM Ittl A>l,In ? - ? R'wsy. i Ham??, nt Manas? r. . ? PARTI4 I I 1RS. sound? proof Beautifully Incited over? ?o,,kin?; Hudson Hiver. ll-.?tory Sreproof building; -very ' up-to-dat* .ippllance: all outside Of Hudson; t0<r feet ? ' . . ?!< itor apartment room?; modern Im? prov? ? ?? V\ tier supervision emenl of ,?vnrr N. i\ buildings, overlooking H?ld? ?on and Palisades Special ar-, nents on I ase? pi lor 'o ? it New 10-story fireproof; perfectly appointed; superb entrances;! ? ? ? and 1 "nt? nted tenantry. h Large, l.?|.e.i.,llv ?ell Arranged I.....1I1?. Ii,. I ?k ht ?110:11? und Hm li. Steulll .?1 Grand tiliolll?. r. .1. - si 000 tu $1,700. $2,000 and up $22 ?Super,1 ' & IL 101 Park Aie. AI-l-lA un PHI Ml-I ?? ' N Bupertnt. ndent un nlsesi . fitfully lltui '".king pi ttlesi part of Turk. Newly ivated Competent and cour ..-?.? ndantl In ail r? ??; ? '? an Ideal ?,.,nie. : .l'ion unexcelled; ' with everything fir?: clase I Su Im .iv and "I. " Unexcelled eervtc?. A?l r ' 1 ,-r, 11 , ? Indlapeneabie. I One and one-half block? to sub? way. OonTenlenl to cars, (julet section. ? I In ; Oestir.g B'ld'g <"o., re, on ? Send mpli ted Parquet floor?. Two '? door Broad? way 81 Hat et. to Unl .\\. Troll? y. 8 Centi 308-311)Wsst loth St. -""?' SS'i-SSS. ?A Co., ? ltd St. aprirtments. Deelrahle 1,, . THE WAHNITA in-, ? I -l "l H BTRl i I Hrti?..ri lir.Iwai and rolumbue Aie. "THE JAMES es w i-M eeih -i Ai'.lin em < ?-m. ,il Park The Chesterfield lid It It KK-IIU. IUtl*i B, < urner !?* Street. LOREM ?. w. ? <?k ?eeid *?xn i ?>\ ?TS. Him peon M. Subwaj, Ktatlon). WARRINGTON HALL ?n, PIXl IIIK-T \\ . I OR. IHI-I i Nriir IH I -I -t. Snl.?n? -* ,: ii.n I. : Beautiful 1?ri;- Kooms und llalli. $.10 H till ?.15. Samuel H. MurtIn. 1??74 11: oa?in ay, for. tilth Bt I, I mid I I itra l arge Light Rooms. Superintendent r s il Martin 1 I 71 1 ' I " Private house block Convenient to *'I.." subway and surfais earn, Newly dccoraied. All mod? ern Imin oi ? ? Private hou*e block Mosl vein, nt part of the ell ? anti are aasured of the very ? ?.? , last of service . ". and Rooms, I .in.i . llalli? 4 Rooms, f. Rooms, i, Rooms, ?; Rooms. 4 Itor,III-, r> Rooms, si,son i o ?.ion Yearl) I or leii?e beg'l October. Slid. s:,.*.. MS. >'.a*. MS. SAB. s?;.*.. ?VII Assocl FIREPROOF 10-STORT I : Properties TOR APARTMENT. EFFICIENT 334 .Ml Avenue. DAT AND NIOHT SERVICE, INCLUDING DOOR ami ?_'AK BCjUare. R1AOE ATTENDANTS, A. Aient Co . 1014 East l?;3rd St. reell A M< Muliop, It BI M A\ enue. Elevator and all Improvements. I All niiih: servi,.- Kveeptlonally lance, light, airy rooms. Modern elevator apartment? of the hest type All '"ti.enlenres. Room? if ' ? hroughout. THE VV?0DHULL ?*i-?>6 1'll.KKII'HM -1 III Minute? !,, Mall nt. THE GRAYDON ?K-;t MONTAG1 I ST. in Minute? to ? .ill -i. -BROOKLYN 4-.V? Booms. llalli?. 4-?l Kooiii? llnlli? Si;? ill to $I,1I>0. ?.fino III y.. - x M u.iermsn. kfOOtSflM SL ?let ? ? t parti, nil Klght story fireproof building E.ery known Impro. em eat Fipr? - tendent r , Prt?use? or ?? H W?rrr-f_. ..jr.? -' EleMtor Arsrtments. Eight story fireproof building. Every known Impro. sment I M I RMSHI I? U'AI'IMKViS TO LET ? i>i >ii>r. s-THE MAJESTIC M. M.holn? Av.. m, t.. lor. 117.ll) SI. 7&8 Rooms & Bath Rentals $720 to $1,000 Large, 11?. complete, elevatoi sud telephone service All modern conveniences ("lose i?? subwa) ami elevated lines. J.J^?virljmBRGSWf?b ? Madison Av. & 4ist. raj) Hill?1411 T1IK ni:\< I Broad?! .' I '.d tlx roon.? < ? team )ir?t, He.-tri? lldlng or t.. \\'M \ u HIT! ?v suns. ?\ ? J'jl?ll. I UNFURNISHED APARTMENTSTO LET H i-i *-n?i. REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 roomi, $660 - $720 6 roomi, $720 - $900 7 roomi, $900 ? $1200 I'rrfrrt "?rrtlre. U\\ ON MM HlMEaV i:.\-?t side. PARK AVENUE, 550 e^sXi, 7 ROOMS A BATH |l,IBS-Si 7M. fir.proof. All nig' t rlt.ttor 27-29 EAST 27TH ST. . bath; - ;., ,\\ , p? ? . ?., ,\\ ? ' I I ta-ullaituuik t uo> ,>?u> *. 141 liruaslwaj. H? ?LET KOR BUSINESS IM RPOSES. (newTtor?T { Broadway k 2161h St. J |liiil.|iiiK Saat Hein?- ( ??mplrlcd. LUNCH,'CIGARS, STATIONER. BARBER 1 from *?'jlis???s ?station. J MePOWl : I A McMAHON, .\?enti. ) 14;'!? St Nlcbolat Av? REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR To LEI IUlKOK.ll ?IF ltKOOKM.N. INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY. .MiSTItAM' VI! 1X1) I m -ll'l vr ST ?' B . ' . 1 SIIKI.|i?.I KM. . 'iNttTH < ?, ^marnt S strii?! Atrnu*. ll'k^^H t OVNI? Till T. LAUREL BEACH RESIDENTIAL PARK. BJ? ,1 PEYON II 1' RTATtf?N) Th? Suc-rt Sra Short R?"?r1 if Nf? Enflatd. Hr. ?? rrS ? C * - rit? l-?rk. l'|. r | Drt.-i' Will? I'm.- - nalka ? ?? ?? ..; LAUREL BEACH LAND CO 10! Fifth A?*.. La-'fl Brach. Milton) Ct I ?Il M III ll.lil'I.UO. Counto Horn? Information tr|? to pro.p?rti?? Lit ._..._.;?.... ?. W. ? S ti ?.<_ ?... tUA, i Shipping ?nlormalion and Marine News of the World \ ritsrls Arriving .it ami De? parting from Port of New York. MlMATi HI 41 MANA? . a. ? ? II 111??"' IIMill WATKIl S?' I, ll,?n|( ? llland III ? . ,'r ? i\ II It incomim; STEAMERS. T?> DAI i VeaaeL r,r- ? ' ' * I ?Ilrrn.M Dan B-n '-' ' : ?Miridtl . s? lu ?m -'i I'*?? l' ?Hinil Mtr't ? s || If I I ? ?> 1 riiiit.Irii'lilin II \ . 14 ...A tlAl I ?Uf 11 ?I t4tnti ? ?? m? H? . Au| K Its?. A,i| I .?Allion ?U| I? ' l/ir.| Vtm ihlrt lia?..'. An| 13 v.?. itriaani, Aui 71 so li? ... ntlmi. Am KO Si I ?, nUDAY, Aim sT 77. ?ll?r-*?i-.?f).->rrl . Krrfon. Am 17 irtr. Am ?A?li ?. Colo? lui II )? n R 11 '?. rltm. Auf 11 H " Am I. \'i| II . I -s ?> . Hull, AU| 1? i ? .UalTt-toa. Am :i ... 1? .-ATI RDAT, AI til BT H ! ?It.imt Htr?-?l?*,t, An? Id Fibre , Au.' 71 1'i-tmt ?K?l ?' P lull All| 75 (J'.lr .,?'. , ?.- Am 17. ? II?. - Bl ? . ???.? ' AIM 10 Cru? ? ?* . imii?? I Hi),, Nr? dricin?. A m SI.... - ?i. .. milL OUT?.OIM, BTEAMEB8. T?) DAY. Mill? V'???l \ 'a ?? F?-r 1 .?,?? t?"l. I I'nltMl r"iv? r-hrtttlaniiad. s A 10 f"". ?m ?0" pra Indian Trimporl Aritntlm 2 SB in ? w ird D n.? in 11 00 ?m , j , . ... :. Il, Panama ... 11 M in Ulli i lla-nipt, .' . !- 1 ?'"' pin nuoAt \i <?i st -t ('v-nrlr. t.. -;? ..? M Bill s 1" tin l|:Mn i . v. ,i i I T.ivani?. I.u-.-ipool, C'inar.1 ..- "?' I'm HAT! Ill's' M LIST 71 ? ? ? n?i n 11? tu . ? L ?i pool. An ? 11 .vi :. 1 is? Ft. I'll Pat * '..' ?l.l . ? HtTint. Wai ,1 HO am Btl S ? A P R ? M) ?m !-' '"' m , in )l?ri7iiil?. Quebec '? n? mi II no ?m ' Pan II,?.,!!, :? M im 12 ?n ?? - ? m t F ?',, I ???? am ;. I* i - i s * i: i ?.,, m Ai ?I s. il..-. ii ... Ward Mi ter? M??! ,rr 1 (HI pm ?... i , ... I "ipi .: R| a n *...? i?r,r?. i. s?, pic . - l. ( of StTani a' Sifini ili, Bat . - * nr> i?m ' El Rio, Olli i't . .. - TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. il-va? N T | D-tttnitl-vn in?* itriner. * .10 p. ra. i Iltisilt. Jinn Corta, ('hint, Philippin?! id? .??n rraaXOTem), V-,i?uri I" '!" IU>.'. ?.1? s?,. tr?i,,|.?l Mum? To ?!?> Ilt-rall. Fiji Mi,I.. Hem ?"eiin??. Autirilla ,.|? \|. I, lia ' Mak.irt Auc .1 li. ?i lapan. ? ? '-?. i him rtiiiippiii?! , I , Btttt-jra Jliiu.Au? 30 Mlllll mV I rrr V, II , ,,?-,.? A.l? .'?. 1" J I Wtl*?-h??'?r A ? ? r.? ? l'i T. t m. \ , , ;,, ,| AM t, l? th? (>?-?tn ? ?!, one* liar i' |0 (0 i n? i? ,,.. ? ? i ?. 'h? Hi'l? ft Cm, ?l'i? guar it II V) a ? A?,?i"|. .? It) ?,''.. ill*- ? Mr. ?o ?ht Atltntle fit? Trans i gn.-r a? I 17 p m Mtthtl.ll iN'orl I'hllt.lrlphll Am 74. to (i???? Htllletet, Qair ?? . I i? ? Mm.? A-nst. plain iDul hi. tli'-rltm An? 14 ml i ???, ?.th IT !? Iht Holland Anriiri Lim?. valtl, mill? ?ni m.I?? Mir i? 4 l< ? m .Mirla- ,|| OfctrtVi I.Vor), T..n?ni ? ?i'<l Simi A"| te, to I ? ? ? ? ?. ?l'i? ffult. Hir it 10 p m III h I' Rorkfftllff, T?isr?i Au? lt. ?o I? T ?ni' ?Il l??r ?I 4 '0 ? m Ort i Ir-rtj- 4?ig .-.. m rUaXem, Mil? A ? I . ? i. n. ifr*. Rord-atM Am lo la ih? f-m ilenerilt T?an?atli tlqua H?r ti i i m ?utir.? Am 11. lo Tlmmtl ?la? I i i A s r, liar a? 7 i m ft, Barril |., siji ii m ?i,? rnm Otneriia TroniKlintlqua, ?I'll m,i?o. Hir ? t 1 KO a ni Kininr?-. iKn, tMtta l.lllr A ?'.? liar a? I a ,,, iir-i-iiltn, San",? Jul> 11. RI- it' J?nHr~ IT. B| , , , , |M || in, .. .. . ." ??. th? Amert ,.,,, mi 'am ?* , Msil iH ' Lomlon Aug S, t'i Slrnp?"n. Spoil?-? A Tounf lltl M I ?' p m .?t?a -air tt F.??r-tt u Portland ??r, :? s?.i rraantca Am 1 a?.| ..;,.?, I?, i w I: .... A ? 0, atttt "-? 1 ?? Hir II ' p m Kii.iwha (Hr?. Bordeiui V>? IS, "> Fu-nri?. ii A Co. In I'Jllnt Bll ?* '? P m , sk-, llaltliii-.r,. gua? al C ? ? P m SUM?'. ST-anvr? front? Htm " I ' ?'?rlelrhla. Sin M , Ilion Norfolk ind Dublin; Titanit llttll BaltlBtore; Mein ? ;?- IB* t-nndo,,, limu.?? ion (Irinia. IB?), CaKllff; (?rlfltmin? tllrl. ??lit. Mnttnn Tusfi'i. IT'ns .1er \?-.|-rl?ndrti (Dut?!?), Maturi IB?). I'.fh Aaamat. STEAMERS AT FORFK.N PORTS. AIIHIVF.I? IHr-elmi? Am 70 M-?? ??????l-lo'? 'Spin?. "Stw Tork. j s. Stiilr? Am .'?? M*.sha IB?), Hem fart M..r- Am II s??.;ri.i- iBr), Hem teem. . s ,e . m i,. [B?), *????> ran ?o? Klnganor? ?1.1 Man! . _ . , , ?.ill 71 Ar.l?r%f? iBfl Hem *. ork for ... Bl ?*>?*? Y??rk f..r , . K,i Mf:i..' i iXar), Kam York i ??a (Br). -??-** ?of?? ?ii St 1. tj v. Port Nittl. etc. Am 7? IN Cecilia iRrl. New Tnrk ?la .. _ . rtiiin. Am 7? Sethtraart IB?), ISaa Tnrk ?I? (ini','1. An? 17 Porta ,11 B?tant lltil). Htm Tork. BAtLED Colombo, An? :? S?n?l..n Hall lit,) (from fal si.'l New Tork. , n a,,? 1? iip-rosl?? ?I'll?. New Tork. , , | Paul ?.-? i "(k. ? iKlert Am 74 K,||tr II Vanea (from Vilptralto). \.w Y..rk St Mlrlurl?, An? !4-K"m? ? Kr) ifmm Btr?-?lona. ?" I? ?*??" Tor* ? _ , s?.-? Catarina, Am *? s?rk (Bor*. Ham Tork I,,n.|nn ?.n? 19 Indian Monarch IB?), Nos? Tork. Hari.ado? An? 7o Hellend |B?I IftoBI Now T-rki. I Ii ? PASSED TVrlm. An? "4 Lord CnaMC (Sri. New Tnrk for ?ut?. -<?-?? THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Kerords of (he Last Tst rnt>-four Hours. \\a?hl',?to?i. An? '77? Pilotai! hi? rl??n g?**ertllT ..... . : ,.a?, porn-?-? "f '?v ha - .?itli.'fst . ,:,. ii-i'i ?? ?cit ' ? - ii. raj Moantalni 11 hat fallan. .,;? lait? ta rtta PaciSc Coaal ?? - Imrli i ? ? -sin there ?.r?- ?!,???> .r? III Ih? Ink.- rtfloo, \? ?? )...?.?:..I ?ml tl.? Ml I Itlantl ? ?? n. in tin tjiilf ?M? in i?ln r? , re the weather wu talr. It a , temprrttnrr? ire |?i,?rali*f '<?!,.* Ih? Ml ? II t?.. .??t .?f it,- li-.k> Mountain? riem In Iha ????'. in.l Iiihi .? .???: ,rtr,l \\r ? . . ?ni of (lie It'? I?) . lamporatures r, ? ?i t,i?!, ?.rn.ra';i fair ?ft?h r ?rill pr??i!l Tliurnliy and : : Hire* ?I'll modal ? 1 Hull .-??.. lAara ?i,i -,?* total i . .:?.???? .-ra,.! ?ftllirr Krl.tav ..'?? for North Mlnnetota, Nonhriti North I??l". Mlchlstn and the r?'' -'.;"? Ml. If?: Wl Ii f,?r Thurtdai ? : r-' lar N'orth ? i,.-irr?t?. ?a.? i. i. rtii.i ?t. Mlddlt Atltntl ...??-. northoeit; South Atltntl? i? .1 (.1 ll..rlh rsr.;,l .??? ,,(T Florida r??i Dull ftntli ?:..! motti) north; w??t Gulf, m I rrali ? ?Itbeul upper iikr?. m^l. rttt n '|I?*>-?1L ?l'i? ftlr cool wttner, l^Arr iikrs, nn-Imte i.ortliwesl. ?.l'i, ;ir(i? eloud] u .1 ? ool ntatbar, Fartent for Special Lorilltlti. \S>?tem Prnns?l ranla, Katt-rn .N?? \".-k. Northern >'ew England. \s ? \ Irgli i? Pei nil Miirland, ihr int lrl.-( of ind Vlr?l:,it. fair t?? ?It? and lo? rn r?oa H'aatam Ktn Tork partir ?loud? to-di?. to fair. S?.u(h.-i, \?? England. Ki"t?m Nr.? Jorat] ind D litar?, fair and r?i?r to-dar; I fair. Licil ifficltl Record.?Tl,e following ofTI-la r. erd lr m th? WotAhar Ilureau th<mt th? rhtn??i i: Um Mflaftratan f'?r iii? laal la**atr-fMr hours. Ir, , ?irnijaris ,i, wlui tht r..rrt?|-i-,,lu.| ,l?ta> of |a.?t 1914. 1115 I 1914. 1?1V ?i ? m . SI 70 S p. m ., ? 7 7* I ?. in . .?SI ?o o p. m ? t ni S3 74 11 p m ?4 , s 17 m ... 71 ?0 12 p. m . 4 p. m. !" v" iiighesi tt-atptraturt ?-ritanlar, -?? ?irr.??*! (ai : 1 m ? . lour.- ,-, ?" ? ? ' ? ?.- Il | tiafiBi ?or cormpimdlng data ii>' ? ?r?. 71. Birem?trr Rridlni?. s a. m 2? 7d | p. m. ,..?.?-. 7? ?, p m J9 ?3 Hamldlty. S i. in . 84 1 p m.ISIS p m .7 Ftrtcitt for T?-dty.--Filr io-*t> tn.i M Bar? ro?, mu? mo-Jerit? ten..,?ra?an , Modarata oattk ',???'. -trirnL? POLICE DEPARTMENT. Appolntnrnti [Aui i v .,,.-. .rs , ,-, ;.*"???" - T ?i llih n, i* j. ' A '.?..:,.,... ? I? ? I.:: .. - | s |,,. ftrrl. J tx h .,?,... : v - , : mtt ,, ,, , i < il i Ha Hi . s- , m ,r,,|,, ? I. Bel, er. T. M M rlartj ? u ,. I -\ M ?i?!. U I. Pu . w , h McDon ' ' '?'" ?' A- J ? I I Ke.l.ili.g '"-? !'?? t Mont. J ihn liu.k!,?M, E J ? W II. (?i.i.rr T f Dtllliejr, Dtnlel tiilltgl rr[ l? Buckler. W ( Xchwaru, H. I. ?Llu ['? ?? '? ' II I ? ordoi. Jn.fph Kcrr H W. Lothmanu, Inniri O'i'onna? p j !>?? p . nuil? h- M?r : v, m . r. B I ?. f???--tU .1 T Do ... Pair). ? lin nj T j Kli,n 1. -I lennlngj H Rahhrtt. 1 I '?! '.Il a P. ? I .. I I II.-rr. - i I ?' M ?. i : Tnnifrr? and A.ilinmrnt. ? p m . Aut M '?*??""? 1MI -. ?'. Ilaiiptnian. B I s 1 th t,. .tl,; M - II?; C. A. B I?th t,, l'.th. Il II, M p|, ,- v' i 'i Kitinigh '?-.'"-' a.,'.. |l s ?I : -, ? It l'tiiiii. Il r Breton . 4..I la llri In W 11 MrrrlU Brlilg? lo T. I) . . )i 1- hing yj.l t., -4-h. F. J Hilt-hat fltl I Mulla?, 17tli I? 2TTth; J II lie.r. - < i Ml) I. D. ; 1. T.. Moni to 4M mjai . It dutj ? N'Icieei > i awlgned eltrlctl ?' F Kai... !.??!, |o 17: I a-?ls-,,,| M,-),I, ?I'.) I T. ? ;;:,!, attlgne.1 ?I'm , ?.' Prie i 17: Il 1.2.1 In I'Bth; J v. Mtrtlnia? . -'77ih to T l> M i A (?ihiiin ?'.il, I. D. lo :d; O. J ? I44? ' r lllrmlnghim, T ?5 i fn m I? it'ji t. 4:.! ? tlgi Ttmitrtry Ai?l|nment,. l'api \\ f. y ? Uni Kll I M e? i.'. ?? I l?tl I t, Il ? . ?. .?t.: i- ?-, i ,; ?i i and 11 J i: ?.? '. ? ii,. Itt, '.? 4 P. I A Ig !t; W j | In, n.i I .1 Webt?. Ztth, lo it- Bui -, da?t ? : Aug ! 7 P M'irp. '...t. i,, ],.? g II ? : s ?? .4 Patrick Lenaha William Omiteli . 4"" - . :0 ?it>?. s *. m Aug :4: J Vu, Vor. ?in m C ?? . dut? H?,-nu of I ' i p n An !! ?I r Chlquftta ?Id to D la. ni . Am ? ?;. -.-r [-.,.,-t. . ? p.. M dan ? r ? Aug .-ta U?i ti'.l I t' - ??? ??l'i,. to lttl, I I, |n ,|, s 1 P m Aug -? Il A . . I 1)4:. lut] Il pli . . I P ??? Ai? IS: C. E nid B. J Trrrr i , -I II' ?? * * !'- But .1 , . - i ? i.i . A'.?- ... II M I, ,?? : i- ? . i, ; ,!?!- ? t ni . Aug . ..' 1?.- : on An?, tl !. . , ?,Uf ?, D S Lttl K 1771. .1 ? 1? ??>, p. p. - - 4 ( Dl.I ' d?'? n. H An? .' I I Pu i?r??r. '.il r ' "Ii W II t II-?-'. .??- | t ?, Hill ?'tl,, f. Il T-rliur... 41"!., M M Met) < h n n ?v.uid s?) s s : dar?, s a s i .? | I P " n.*. .*? r \s Ora- ;. .? si i.,. ??? Purl ?i ?-???" ?- i.-- ? i v ? da, lai Without | ,|^, \i ?. W | liorgi 4 i ni S ?? I " ? '-1 v ' r D K. | .|j. lug. 2?: I o j ' - ? ? - ? ? i FIRE RECORD. A M " ' *' ?ast . irifling, ' " ?rifllr.? ? Frailer trt . -k. ?rlftln? ?, iv n: ? . ? ' i ' - ? il - Uli Spring -,-. . liudj A Lu. ana oui? UBl?O-tU, TXHiidsonT River at*ay -Ll-HG ri"_*'"'"?n'ifsamfm*-ZP(^-_r***^ **Ttt1 '?",**??'JJ-'-lBw^-^^^- ??J A fast boat to Albany every day but Sunday with direct rail connec? tions to all points North, East and West. The time to go is NOW All through rail ti.-kst? between New York and Albany serept?d Mrer. rsll eonneetlo,,? to all point.? In th? CaUklllS, .Saratoga, ?h* Adlronl.i'We. th? Ue?i and N' rth Mu?l,v Restaurant Lsevt Dssbrweas M. dally esosa* Sunday, i in a M; w??t 4M M . -. \ \t , \v?-i Ittttl St. ) !? A. Nt . Tonk?r?. M 48 A M. landing sf Went Point. N?wl.?irgh. Poughkeepsle, Kingston Point, f'atsklll, Hudson and Albany AI?o lle?bro??e? Ht.. 1:4)0; W 41d St.. 10* W ll*th St.. 1?1 1>1; Yonkers. 1?*. i? A H , for nesr Mountain. West Point, Cornwall, N?wburgh and Poughkeepsle One Day Outings to Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, West Point, or Bear Mountain Aff*?rnnon Rnat tnr r*>'lr Mountain. West Poln?, Newburgh. ?iicrnoon dobi Pnughkeepels, Kingston and way landing?, leaves lJeshr..s??s Ml, 1 4*, |' M . W. 42d St.. i P. M , W lltttl 8t , : 21 P ".f V,.nk?r? : It, P M lially ?gCMt Sunday I.leal outings to Hear Mountain and Went I'olnt. returning by S?r. "Robert Fulton.*' Dcsbrossci St. Pier Tel. 4141 Sprim New York B?RBO-ATg? NOTICES. __ CUTTER, AMELIA OBRTRUDR ? THI People of the State of NOW York, by th' of Ood free and Independent, t< Kate Lang. Ida Ludorlca Grout, .'liarle II Tutlitll Minnie It.-iym.r. fessl- M l'-'ei?. hina.rn. Harry Raynor, Anael Hnnnr Nathan Hmn-T Kmrtll Beebe, .lenrile Hin da Prank i< Tuihlll, Hasel M Lemcke Mamie i; Sli'ne. I'uretta Klngg. Wllllan !?; Oomm, Ida Byrne, Agnes Qornro, Emll] (ireene, i;e..rge Tuihlll. Fll/.a lieth ?'lomar Leonard Knhlaje h. Deborah Johnsoi Iknowa alSO a? l>ebor?h Johnsen). Henja mln Tuthlll, .Tan" Ann Schmidt (knn.w also ?? ,1-nnl? Bchmldt), Kl!s Murtagh Joseph T'i'hlll. William Moser (known al?. a? William MOSaer), Philip Ferris. M?rj Patten, Aaron William Hardman. Oeorgl \. I.-ii' John I."nt. Florence Evelyn Fer guaon, Rlliabeth Oertrude Bulkley, Waltei n .'utter, Mary Campbell, i.oreti? |fc Laug-lln, W. MMIriaiiT Mills. Ernst H Cook, Charles W Parson (kiionn al?o ai Charles W Parsons), Jame? H. .Mon?gr,rn ery, Oertrude Noyee, Kathryn Cooley Oeorge Ramssy, Prank M Tleheaor, Jaeoi Qreenfeltt, city of NewMnyport, Mar. V-inorder Parker, Hospital for Deformlflsi and Joint Disease?, i>r John Colrlll Brad ner, Th? Presbytsrlsn Hospital in thi Clt] Of New Tork, Mount V?rnon Hospital It th? City , f Mount Veraon, The Method.* Rplacopal Hospital. Amerlesn Po.-lety foi the Prevention of ?'ruelty to New York Sorreiy for t h? Prevention of Cruelt] to Children; Methodist F.piseopai .'hriri Home In th' City r,f N'u *t"rk. Charlott? Cutter, Henri W Frauenthai Meeemon Kendall. Josephine Walls .known also ai ? 'te Wall-- n.,I Josephine ,\r;i"ii : John Wall?. Harvey McM l-emcke, Irvln? i ? ? ' kin a rid h.'--^ at la-? O ' ,,|, rhl side of hei father. John Jacob, de ' M hoes narnea ar? unknown; lient o kin and heirs st law of Leander Lent, de . eased, whose nnm.'S are unknown; rvxt 01 kiri ar, I I al la? "f Alhert llufus Lent deceased, whose names are unknown; n-x of kin and loirs if lau of Jonathan Hard man, deceased, whose names are unknown snd any anil all other person or per?.r,r,r who may he heirs at !s-v or next of kin o Amelia Oertrude ?utter, deceased, an. nano or r.aniea ar.- unkno i in? husbands, wives, executors, mimlnls legsteea, devisees, next of kin heirs ..? ad othei ?ssors In inter ' ?? ' my and all deceased n?i' ,.f kin and l,?ir. at lau "f said Ameiu Uertrud? .'utr.r. deceased; the heirs ?u< ? '. kin ,f Amelia Uertruds Cutter, de, ms named a? executors tees, guardians, li . devisees and beneficiarle! In other ?,a?,?rr ro he w 111? of ?'l fl!,'c In th? Burrogates* office, ?en.| greeting Whereas ?!?,.rg? n Cutter. Anna Cuttei Welch . '? I- Lambert, all of whon resids at New ' irvport. In the ''ommon sealtb of Ma u fiusetta, have let'ly sp i piled to th? .??.irrr,?-ate?' Court of OUI County of New Tork lo have .. ,ertam m I ?trutnrnt In writing, date,'. March 1th IS02. r< ? both real ? n.l p property, du ?.? the last .'ill ami \ ? ' .? rtrude ?'utter. wh< sas ar the time of her death a resident ol the County of N,??,?. Y'.rk. deceased; Therefore >r,u and e... ii of you are cited ro show Cause, before the larrOffateO Coin of "ur County of New York, at '.ht ? Hall ?,f Record*, in the County of New York, on the 19th day of ?letober. on? land tune hundred and fifteen, al half-past ten n'rloek In the forenoon of that day, why the said will and testament . should not be admitted t'. probate as a will I of r-al ami personal property In testimony wher?<>f. w? have cxused th.- ?ea! of the Surrogates' Court Of the said County of New York lo be hereunto affl\. ,1 Witness, , II,.ii. John P. Cohalan. a Surro ISeal 1 gate of our said County of N?w? fork, at ?aid county, the 14th of August. In Hie year of our Lord on.- thousand nine bun dred and fifteen. DANTKL J DOWDNBY, i'lerk of the Surrogates' COUTt IN PI R8UANO 0? AN ORDER OP Honorable John P. lohalan. ?i Surrogate I of the County of N, m York, NOTICIO is r hereby given fo all persons ' svlng claims , against H'war.l Boocotk, late of the I'nunty of N?w York, de.eased. to present , the same, with vouchers thereof, to tho , subscriber, at Its place of transacting busl nes.a. No 3S? Fifth Avenue, !n The City of Sew Tork. 0? or before thu L'Oth day of Novemli. r next. I>it>d. New York, the 4th day of May. Uli ASTOR TRUST COMPANY, Exec* tisr. WHITE A CASE Attorneys for Ese utor, N'o 14 Wall Htre, t. Borough Of Manhattan. New Tork City , IX 1*1 US' ami: OF as ?.Hid.II Off BO.NORA? hie John I*. Cohalan, a Surrogat.' , f Um ? of \r? fork, notice ta herebj gh,-:. u all i*-r?"!,? , hartng c!?lni- ?gulrnt Carotins Blespet llirper. la'a ,f th? County .f Nr.? Y,,rk. Sartaati t,, prsssnt ? ?!,? ism? ?Uli tou.-iirr?, tiitrenf to lbs nibscrlbsrs. ?t i i i?,,- cf trai.saetlog buslnSM ?t tils rffl-e of ! tl.tlr ?" . Clerk. So. 14 Na.s-su Street. In Tlie I If, of Neu York, en or before III? ltt d?r vt Mir, f. ' . It Dated. Ne'* York, the 12th d?. of August. ISIS. Ill ORO*. I. I1IVKS III \IIY s llMtl'l R. ItAltl'I'll -II.I.IMAN I.I 'IS IAMI.? 1'IIKI.l*?*. Jl 111 N i CLARK, A' ." ? ' r I III?.,:?, r, ( \|?. I ?m s". i . : Mai asttsn, Hem \ LARGE PLOTS FOR APARTMENT SITES Buyers Plan Five Buildings in the Heights Section?Other Sales Reported. Samuel and Henry A. Blumenthal re i ??old through Jo.scph Silverson to Rob? ert Podcur a plot of live and ihree I quarter lot?. 143x95 feet, on the south I ride of 171at st.. located '2M feet west I o? Broadway. The buyer will immedi ! iitely break pround for the erection of I two five-story apartment houses, each to occupy a plot 71.6x96 feet. The Mose Goodman < orporation, of 'xvhirh An ru:, Goodman ?i president, hna purchased from Laurina A kempner the plot. 150x100 teet. on tho north Id? Of l'.'l.-t St.. 1?MI teet east of St. N'icholaa av. Plann ??re non beini* drawn by Georn F. I'elham for the .mprovemrnt Of 'he site three six-story apartment houses, the entire ? operation to involve about 1225.000. In , the transaction the sellen were reore ; sented by r".i?nian, Levy. Com & I.ewine. a? attorneys, and the buying i company by Weschlor & Kohn. I29TH ST. Edward Polak has sold for I. Tenpler 304 West lL'Oth at., a ?or. ilit, on a lot 25x100 :.">t. mar Ki?hth a*?. Iht- purchasor ? :( ?ii? iure, who gave m part pav inent the thr.-e ttory dwelling, on a lot 16.8x100 t'.-et, at 616 Went 144th st.. near Amsterdam av. 4.'TH ST. Frank B. Taylor has gold for lira. Kthel ('. Remirrton 57 West 49th st.. a four story and basement house, with extension, 20x100.6 feet. ' olumbi i ' "111 i?'e leasehold, to a client enpanry. The same broker re? cently sold for the estate of .Mary B. Lane 26 \> ? .a similar parcel. to S,.rah E. ilhllinan 137TH ST. l?ame! H. Jack.-on has sold to a el ton I of Su??man. (?ibb.s & Karline 686 and . Iton li?t, on a plot 374x100 feet, abeui i.-> ist*, etj'. o? L?otst* av. _RESORTS._ I-ROM M-:W ENGLAND Olt TU ! S1IOIIK. <,<> TO Galen Nail in the Mountains WCRNCRSVIllf. PA. Autumn Season B^ins Sept. 101h' Modern High Haas Motel Every Rfinm Heute,| llry Tonic Air Wonderful Scen? ery Superior Tsble. Cool Aiitomottllng. N'.". il.irsge Mountain Walks aro! Tralla fin d'il* Horses rnusual Muslo. Resident I'hyslelan Curativa an* Tonic F?.'ha Skilled Attendants Diet Kitchen. Open All Year. Wow Hooklet. On ?'entrai R H of N J. ; 14 hours from New York; on Heading R. R; 1-* hours from Philadelphia N. Y. Office. ?MI Fifth Avenue. MiiWAfU" M. WlSa, Mgr. CM.EN MOI NTA1N CO. F L Young, <i?n#ral Manager T If E N F- W Whitefacelnn ON LAKE PLACID, .M Y OPKS t NTH. I.ATF. IM FA M.. I AMERICAN PLAN 111 tt'KKK ANO l'P AU .sitdnor amusements. <j"lf. tenr.l?. bathing. ! fishing. Imirtlng. vraitsri-?fg. ??A tvirsehaek riding ?1er f,>r??t and moni tilri trails, Crt?p rr.? : /? : gl rt<.iu lunsblne, ?lth follsge tundng from green . : Pin? reada fer viiomotiiies. J. 4. aWKENBY, Manager. The THOMPSON HOTEL I.AKK MAHOPAC. N. Y. Finest location. Select Excellent accom ? mo.latlons. 6uperlor Cuisine. Unsurpassed H.iting. Fishing, Golf, Tennis, etc Stato Load Booklet. Pmrrsoo Clark. 1'rop. GALEN IIOTKI. AMI SANATORIIM. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Always open. Always ready Always busy Cannot be excelled lor comfort or tsbls snd service. An Meal p'se? f,jr g long or short slay. Tonic and curativa baths with trained opurntora. K L YOUNO. Oeneral Manager. THE LEADING RtSORT ?10TC1 Of Tilt WORU fflarlborougb-Henbcim ATLANTIC CITY. Hi. ?I. owacnsHir ?tstofgiNT JOaiAH WHITE 4 SONS COMPANY THE IDEAL TOUR 1 oou talles t;imu?-ii Hem EnfUatPi n??,?? i.r Wonder? land. Ilviute bee) god nap M ?iipll ?tlou 1180 ll'?ay. N. Y., nr lintel bitoti. \*i ?tcrliiary. ?t. NEW SPRUCE CABIN INN. Koom? en suits, with bath. El?e. light?, steam heal, ' In reona Dancing, saddle horses, golf, tennis, bowling. ?,a.-ii?. nklt. Lark. IL R. to I re?cu Sta.^ fa, W. J. A M D. I'KU'K. Caxudrnsle. Pa. ,I-1T l'A' I. SMITHS IV rill ADI.KINHM KH In Brllll?iit BeptaaMwr. Rpeil?l lU'e? for Very Desirable A.-commudatloi-. Ilucmj ?lth St/sni Heat ?n,l Hath. l'Al L SMITHS HOTEL ?o Tsui Sml'h. N Y. EMPIRE AUTOMOBILE TOUR?. N. Y. STATE. ll.iklt' A M?|? Free F N ll\I\ Neu' r-, S \ The Autumn Resort?>AR A Ml -NN. On 1 ******** ?-.ii.non Lake?Adirondack?. FOKECLOiaUKE SALES. SUPREME COURT. COUNTT OF NBW YORK.?The German Savlnge Bank lo the city of New York, plaintiff, against William Hills .?t al., defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore? closure suit sale, duly made and entered In th? above entitled action, and bearing date , the 1! Id dsy of June, 1916. I, the under? signed, the referee In said Judgment name,i. will sell at public auction, at the Exchange Balesrooito, Noa 14-H %>?.->? Street, in th? Borough ,,f Manhattan, City ,,f Ne.? fork, on the 14th .lay of Beptem? her 1915, .it 12 o'clock noon on that dajr, r. j" sph P l)a>. auctioneer, the prem ! lues dir aid Judgiii. nt to be sold. ' und therein described a?, follows: AH that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvement! thereon erected, situate, lying and t'-'it-g In the Borough of Manhattan, i'ity, County ,i State of New York, bounded and ile i scribed as follows. Heglimini at a ii'iint on the northerly Sida ,rf iiiii. Hundred and Twenty-sixth Street distant one hundred and t ? enty-sl>; ' feet ten In, lies westerly from the corner I fotine.l by the Intersection of the westerly Kl.:.- of I'lfth Avenue and the northerly ? ,,f one Hundred and Twenty-sixth stie-t, running thence westerly, along the northerly side of One Hundred and Twen ty-slxth Street, sixteen feel four inches. thence northerly, parallel with said west? erly side of Fifth Avenue and part of the ! distan?a through a party well, ninety-nine , feel .leven Inches to the centre line of the , bio, k between (me Hundred and Twenty ! sixth and one Hundred and Twenty? I seventh Street?, then.? easterly, along the , sal,! centra line of the block, sixteen feet ind four Inches; then.e southerly, again parallel ?lth the westerly side 'rf Fifth Avenue and part of the distan, e through a i party wall, nlnety?nine feet eleven Inch s to the p..Int ,rr place "f I "ginning. Said premises being subject tr. s'a'e of f.i ta lhal "H accurate surve) ma?, show. : .?.. ? York, ?usual Kth, 1111 GERARD H TOWN8END, Refers? A HENRY MOSI.iv Attorne) for l'l ilntiff. , ufflce and Past 'ifflee sddress, id Hrosd Stree?. Ilorough of Manhattan, City of New York The following is a diagram of the prop? erty to be sol,i, its street number Is 7 ; West llltb Street 14 1 _ ? I !! ST The approi int of the lien or ? charge, to satisfy which the gbOVS de. : ?'rlbed proper!) i? 10 be sold. Is nine thou? sand tHe hundred twenty dollars (|l , with Interest thereon from the IM day r.f 1 in? 111 togtrthr With the COSU an<j allowance amoStlng to f,,ur hundred ssv? I enty-three and S7-|0n dollars ?li, 17), with Interest from June lid, IMS, together ! with Ihe expenses of th. sale Tlo ap proxlmale amount ,,f the in? - and w.iter ratea .>r other liens. , which ar- t,, t,e allowed to 'he purchaser out "f th,. pur, ha?- money, or pud by the r. f?-re. la ?li" hundred eighty-six snd II-191 d'i.lare ? II ?r, ?i: i snd Interest Datei Ne.? York. August !? GERARD B TOWNSEND, !_' M i Mifil K is heretiy glfen. pursuant ? ttul mrrtg?g? ,i?'?d Bud daj ,,f J Na"?.e Neamir ?lid Helm?. \.?l ?.?tri Dm follosrtna propert) ?dd he seid ?t Publie ? . ? .'?:?. f A'lg'iv 1*1! ai bi A M ?t . "? Dslsnee) Street \?w Ynrk. 1 print li.? tr?r?? i :???', | I i ?ue:. witli long I ??. > , , -,[?? ?nd flxturr? III 1MAN WEISfsTl IN DOMESTIC SIT1 '\TIONS WANTED Female. Hut sj uiiKKKR ? "riniiun 4m?rlran : ?I?of trill l.-.f. el tr ue rounln . ?i,-?ll_ii ref ?rsn.w, lafaiU'l i -isa.?. (I A. _-*.*l SI? -l'__s MU Hiffa, To Boston Fall River Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, daily, 5:"*0 P. M. Steamera Commonwealth and Primilla. Orchestra on each. Providence Line Leave Pier 14, North River, foot Fulton Street, daily except Sunday, 6:00 P. M. Steamen Providence and Plymouth. $ 1.00 and $2.00 Outside Staterooms. Inside Staterooms have Outside Ventilation and Are Always Cool and Comfortabl-, Other Long Island Sound Routes NKW nr.DKORi) ii*ir To Ves? H-,If, r,I and Snrmner retort? on Hurt ir.l? Bay, finr (nd and Mar thll? \ Hi' > ir,| .trial ' 'i. I?'-' ht?? MAINE and M*"*V 11 AMI'-HIRF. I ?. I'lee 40. V K.. font of HniMfon St., ?seek dits? ?ml). ?;??<) P. M. ItlUIX.U'OKT LINK I.e. Pier 28. Kaat Rlsre?, week .lar?. 8:0?) P. **l lease Pier 70, K R.. foot Knot 22?l HI., week ?las*, 8:1.1 p. M.. Mm.i?.?. 1:1* P. M. >tt. "fACOATUCK. Tl"-k??a. S'atorn^ma and Information a alto at N. T. Transfer COseem, T-iriit '? NF.W lOMKll I wr. To New London. Watrh Hill ,-1 niock l?land. I ?. Pr 4?) N R , f?^ Houston St. week <la>?. tstt P. V| . l'ier T?. E. R . foot fc, ""d St.. ?a? P. M. M?a. LOWKLIa and ?HAPIX. >EH lAVEM UK! To few Hasen. Hartfnr.l ??prln???' l.v. Pie? ?B, F.. R.. near (atharlDt ?t .seek da>?. t:4S P M. "inda?t. ?) *? .%. M. I? Pier :??. K. R.. fo',1 F*.t Jfc* St., week day?. 8:fM? P M Sunda??. VlDXl A. M. Ht?. RHHsltl? I'M K t 171 Mr .ad- ay. ? Strait - tn?l at I'--? The New England Steamship Co. Searchlight Route -NEW YORK?ALBANY?TROY and the NORTH I in il? including Sunday. Capital < Ity Mne?Pier 32. N. H . foot ol Canal S? . I 30 V IC, West UM St . 1 *?* Y M. Leave Try " SO P. M . Albany * 00 P M. Fare, tl 00 one way. $1.7-0 round trip New Night Kxpre-*?-Pier J*, N R.. 9.00 P, IC. Weat 13 M St . 10 00 P. M. I,?av Troy f?x'-?pt Sunday) ' il P St., All.any daily. Including Sunday, 11:00 P. at Fur? 12 on? '.v?y, S3 50 round trip Paa-Bla*B Urna?Pier 32, N. R., mo p M, We?' I32d St., * JO P M Ia?ave Albany 1:94 P. M Far?. 13 00 one ?vay. |3 ?" round trip Sunday mornln-ts boat for Nesvburgh. Pnijuhke.'ptle, Klntrtton Point and Albany L-eavea lier 37, X. R.. ?.3?i A at., W?it 132?1 St. 10 00 A M. L?avea Albany 10 00 A M Tourltt Automobil? Ratea,, H and 110 nm ??. a\ . ?7 ,',?i an'l 11 i r ?und trip I ,ir,i service ?oiithl.oui d Labor Day night. M. Berk?hlre. Adironilii.-k, Trojan. Urn.?...In.t and Frank .lone?. Northbound Labor Dai night, *?- ?.reenport at '? 80 P. M un.I I. ?. Morse u? S p. M. No night eipre?? -i a-?? i, i a- r ?hl? dus- from New York. Tel. Spring IMOii. Hudson Navigation Co. Eastern Steamship Lines Ml-the-W as-hy-?-later BOSTON ":::",?.'? ' M IktJSAI Hi >ktts and binkfr hill Pier IS, tt H. tool Murray St.. ev.T- day '? T' M !":?? Ft .tton about ? AT. M Sum? Barvtce r<-turnlng; t'n Burpaaaed tacllltlea for ?tpeditioua handling of Automobile?. Horsea and Kremht--Kxpreaa Servi.-?. D Ar 41 ??an H M """ V*'*""?'*,||P *-**?' rUlllallU Stamihlpt NORTH LAM) and NORTH STAR. Pier IS, N It. Tu?a., Thura. und S.U.?.. S P. M ; alt? Mona. 10:10 A M. Tkt? .i!,<l Information at Piers. a:"0 at all Tourist A N Y TranifT ?a OUI <?? S.S. "MANDALAY" Moonlight Sail Up-the Hudson Leaiii.g Battery Tip ?? Waal i3itt Bl ? It P fa r?TV\< 1NO PBEK. llirlera Botrd of (.??ruin r?*o. Thuri , Aug. it To ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Route to .Jersey ( oa?t Retort?. I.?? w l)|g| St I 30 A- M. Batten Pitt la ' a m. Atlaj.tic lllghia.'.il? J I' at i.s? II II \1 Rttum to lUttery only. 7 P.M. CVTDS TDID ?i?tdrains Afternoon? CAir./i inir ?\?. Batt-T- i p. m I ruin?, A Trolley? to all ( orttt Retortt. 'I- ? Piar. Morn. 433:?. nt?,..d 1 I - Dai Highland Pall?. Stt*. U 25 Cts. UP THE BEAUTIFUL HUDSON" Str. "HIGHLANDER" ^.S?S?-*. WcUilrt?, - -.un,ins? Uva Batter* I 15 SU.MARY POWELL Str.' NEWBURGH W't-ek-tajra only 9-jaat'ja? Holld's? Lit W Itnd St 10 70. IV KSth St. 10 4) AM. H.iun.l Trip, Dall*?. BOc. Children. "Co. Sun,luv? .1 Holiday!, ?Sr Children. 60c Mr VI.LIHTER ?lll'T ( O. Tel Broad 95J A Mar. Powell >t'l?'t < o. Tel Spring 4141 KEANSBubc? L? Dattttj i>i?ly "3i. 9 ?0 10 30 am. 1 2. 4 30. *> 13 ? 15, :? ?<?> |, m .?ii... all 9 Ulli m. 10 30 Bin, ?no 4 30 p.a *- ' frollt?? lo all Jerte? pu, CONEY ISLAND ROCKAWAY BEACH STUH K'si.l'Al.l. ? ? IMPRIA t" 'I \\v*,t 170 ... ... , \\,~.: Battery, 10 I , ? ! ? . I?. ekaway. :? Kirur?! i * itrio i\ t v * ' " ?"??' ' ?ni tiKit^ ' ?I *?KS I'll?** . ? ? OLTIN?i> i OLD DOMINION UNE ta 111 V : t- I . : .0 Writ t.rtl Week Dit ?t 3 s m I'ltr Ii* M K- TtL 3900 rrankl?,. MntK-Jikaxabo3lxh ^???aAN "TAURUS" Iislly st a A. M. from Pier I N R. only* CONEY ISLAND LBATE MK-T 129TH -TKF.FT ? W. i I". II ?. II AM.. ; is, j 2 4V I '10. 4 15, 5 15. ? 10 ' I?, ? it) p u ^ I KWE PIER 1. SOUTH HIVER 1:45. II II. 11 U A. mi.: 11 19 . .v I ??* j?. 3 10, 4 15 5 M 1 M, I 4?. M! ? .*. ? j- p u' UK. STEEPLE? HASE. (?INKY ISLAM? 10 .56 A, M.. 12 25. I IS. 3 .' I 1\ t in. MO, 1 5??. ? ??? ? -? i) P K * Trip marked ? does not go t., It?th 11. ROCKAWAY BEACH *,. "GRAND REPUBLIC1 Us Taafewa I ' ?*? M Iff. IM*. St.. igj, M . ?1 15 P. M ; Pier I, N. P . \ *>l . I *J P. M Rscksway Bes i ?Traasffr t? Str. "Grand Republl?.'* Pull Tims Tsble? sr? H INSIDE / hxct ???j of Te -.'? - !''" --?ries_ T?i ?e**m t;. . ?m lin?! an i irouev. >.?-! wereestsr. H.M: PlS?ft<s i <<l'?-t II 14. Stateroom?. |1, <1 Vi A 11. Dally. Including tiuaday, 5 .10 p. ai Itou? Lier 1? 1? Ft feetaai. ( l?r TIelet otic?. :ft V.r ?..:.?,. X. 1 rpltiwt Ticket offrt |t ?s, s. 1 :U Hl Write fer i lustral? : ? -? A Grand Vacation Cruise No Heat, No Hay Fev?r tymsimmm ^j^_f?,i. H-? t .-..-i ? - ?-_!____?_ eqcal In interest, novelty and h, ?-?.fulssss * t Kuropesn cruUe Visiting HAUFAX S<r?e Sert*, the land of EvangeUne. and ST. JOHNS, Strnfteat land, the Norway of Amer a. I i I ? Red Cross Line New tourist steamships. KEPI A.S0 ?- 1 rt/WZB, fitted ?rith e?ery to,...... r- .. ,?., safety detus. tjm of trip Includes erery eieenisl 7 dap st na and 5 in port. Stiiemi I llsins - ?-?-? ?nsseni Ship is your no'el for tne satire tr y. Wrta toiisj f?r lllustra?d booklet H BO WRING ?L COMPAN Y. I 7 Battery BUM. American Line AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N.Y.?Liverpool?Pier 62, NR., Noes I'hliadeliihin, Aug. M M. I'snl, Sep?. I White Star Line N. Y.?Liverpool?Pier 60. N.R., Noes ?< ymrlc \ug 17 Adrinti. Sepl. I ti.'.itdn _ 2rd i ??.is.? | ? - i? caly. Azores?Gibraltar?Naples?Geno? Cretlc ?ept. 9. | I?. M CfMipIg ?ept. M OI'Mff*., a II? \\, V 5 Tel. WOO Rertef. C UN ARD , EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *Tuscania.Frl., Aug. 27. 5 P.M. BAXOXIA.Wed. '.p' I 10 A X. ORDUNA . iat. .-?-pt :,, 10 A. It 1 ?TrscA.MA.Fri. ot i. IPX. BAXONIA.Iat., ?>??. ? 1? A. M. ORDUKA. I - U A. _ ?F.n RoUtS ? . HOLM? THE U OKI.II mil*. *. In ugl it okli g? ?,, a..; jr ?'. :? -? -? of lbs esrlt ' COMPANY'S OFFICE, - 11 ?14 STATIILJI ". FRENCH LINE l iiii;aigiile Ceai-rale TransitlaidH*?*1 POSTAL SEBTKI Sailings for BORDEAUX ?ESPAGNE,.Sept. 4,3 P.M. 1 ROCHAMBEAU, ? ? Sept. 11, 3P.M. CHICAGO,.Sept. 18,3 P.M. LA TOURAINE, - ? Sept. 25, 3 P-M. KOK l.NFOKMATION Al'PLY COMPANY'S OFFICE, \\"???St& RED "3" LIME CA?A?A. " \ MARA? Ail." ?>,,. > i":*- xi rr a ???? raj Managen __??ta ?BBBBB.NRt'TBAL ?Ml **'-1 r . ...c I NATIONAL GRKEK LINE I ijr-'-e ? a ! i I Inni.C.UHe,,,,??, SI BRAZIL ? >?????? "c. ' ?i y eta I LLOYD BRAZILEIRO 17 Still ?.. ?* ! i?. NOKTii .i.K-.i:VN(<yV|*i>'-',^ EXCURSION!? EXCURSIONS. AFTERNOON SAIL Str. "Albany" tod?- Roun?* WEST POINT " t* ?ixxxtrl Boar Mountnin I., n.... Deabet-tei *-? i ? '?'? ? 7 t . I' M Retui K..??"? I.ilton'' ? ? ??.?-? ? > i' M. Serslce dally ex. ?i Muiic Reitaurant Ideal Trip for Saturday Afternoon Hudson River Day Line D*ab?o-,-.e? ?st. Pie?. Tel. till -?pring. New ?o?k. BUSINESS CARDS. i. . I (iKAMNf. ? f? Claaaa r>7 . .1 ,,r ? i, Saat i?,st rtrotdwt) 471 Kitt Isth ?t nil. * likAMj E. Ml I.THHtAI'11 -nil^lUTTKV I.KTTKRM I 1 MS, ll.T! I ' UEO K. WUiTHEBTORD. 17" Hroa.l'?i? iK-juitabl? Uldg ). I ,1<1 It-.t.-ir ? 4 KKW ?"Uli-. (Altri T . I.rAMMI WdliKS. <)lie?t. I.?rir?t. Mal M l**rn. TINT. Rl'?..** WiNK.N KlULM ?>u> rAitrrr-?. Pi ,. Hr.sion ' il? Hend fo? Ctmjltr. I.. ?. ?? ... Krrant 43T-43I? Weit 4",tn Bt WORK WANTKIL Mala?. ?HAI'KrrrR -Ftr?? riait: ,*(*m(?--*nt m?rhin?e: .? ? ? run in? <ar; ..??.* r.i pa-r.onil rtf-fs-neat. Ilrs.rt li|MrT?\iA.S Eiparl. etd :i leiiin g and ?u??i ?? ?. ? ?.au -. <..U?UU?.'UOU wiarg. b.. il Trili- i uoa <jn?e. 1 A L>?\t S> PLtA?UI-*. EXCURSI?N HARD COAL-NC SMOt- CO-IFOOT enlP Lake Hopatcong, SlOO . also evoe? -??"*" NEXT SUNDAY de, snd Moiidst* Lv Of. 2WSt ..* ;i. LiSerty St.. <>????? Lv. Jicliicn An- . J'tiryC*?.*)-l'a.? lv. Bicd Ik, N???ik.S JO? a Mauch Chunk $1.50 NEXT SUNDAY tv. v; . : 1 .serty St.. 8..???*?? , Lv. Jacks, n A?' , ' > U*t***> L- b: ..-.:. Ni ? ? ?. * it ' ?*? vi? New Jersey Central