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LAKE TORPEDO BOAT CO. 7 per cent First Preferred Participating Stock. Gwynne Bros. 25 BROAD ST., New York. Telephone Broad 3232 iRrimmidiiOe Municipal Bonds Circular "T-104" 33 Pine St. New York wms^msmmMm International Petroleum Will it Catch Up with the Other Standard Companies in Dividends and Market Prof*?? Complete detailed rt'l'ort_fr?* on request. Ask for 46 D. D. JONES & BAKER ? hick BnoKr.n> 50 Broad Street, New York ??>he,i>. I'.rcad ?Tl*-9. Chlrnso Phlladeliibts. Boat?.? iKir, : prtte.'? K"s I? ?u "KU-aarM. 'WTffiwmsmBUTSjxmi TRIANGLE FILM ny that. ent, ha? : ?? ? ?tiarket circular No. 84t; ns much in the Standard Oils St. Joseph Lead Cramp Shipbuilding; kennecott Copper tWiuS'ScaStV) Suhmariae Corp. Hall Switch ft >ignal m.d other Copy tent ur>on requeet , Harve> A. Willis & Co. , Raltabl -I'-l '!?''! 31 B'wst. N ? 'I'll.Mir? 11.7-S-8 Broad. Municipal Bonds 4" 4 Public Utility Bonds TO and Notes 7' . ? HBickmore 8c To. Ill BROADWAY NY. MH.KM \\ Il A 1 II \? . ( OM ? l M I I! \ I i>\t I i< ( OM. I I \ll *M I RITIK8 r \? II U ?. \* I I i I ( . ( OM. < I I II - -i i;v I? I ( '(M A II II Yi??\amsc?unbar&Cokm<m ? i", .?tprcialttf* ?0 W ill Bt. I'lion? f>9?.0 Hanover. N. T. I HAK I I lit I) 1*1*4. Union Trust Co. of NewYork SO BROADWAY Ft'!. W AttthBt F.fth Av. A 60th St Acts as Executor, Guardian Truste:, etc. All??*? Intot-ekt ?n l>ri>o?lia. ^neer E OF slut hs \Mi IlliMi?. II, \lllil \N II Ml I I IK * ROM, 1.1 ?IHM -I M -III IX ISIS, ? ? ? m1m. V . 41 ah? ?shing ? A \v?xhins> ' . I B ; a d I ? - I its ii i: 1st " ?? It Ii ' ? r ?,:... I 'ach ., of 'irrs: M? ' rn H It. 1st Mta; i? I ' . DIVIDEND NOTICES. S35.OOO.O0O REPUBLIC OF CUBA ?..,M of ISJM, of tli? ; ? . . . , . SPEYER & CO. ? ?Ml lilt \N III?.| | I l \MI1K (?? If?!' ? l?miwf I I '?i "i til a in; :. rreaaurtr. I MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Stocks in Good Supply? late Bear Pressure Weakens List RAILROADS HAVE A BRIFJ UPTURN Sterling Exchange Breaks Fur? ther, in Spite of Receipt of Gold Imports. Relief over the passing of the Arabic crisis, which had been responsible for so great recovery lust work, yesterday ceased to enrry the market or. to h if her levels. Trofit taking at prier? reached was hiav;-. Rrokers ?nid the market 44-a? full of ?rocks. Still, there was ?uffieient buying to prevent any wide break snd in the early trading there ?.vas tnen a brief advance. The short interest in the afternoon applied pr?s? ure and produced a setback that n some of the war group amounted to as much as S roints. Before the close there was some recovery, with the final movement uncertain. In The middle of the forenoon an attempt to turn speculation into more conservative channels through an up? turn iA the railroads did no! (ret far. Coming statement? of tarnings for July from important Eastern carriers, i understood to be particularly encourag? ing, were used to assiit the rise. New Haven closed with a gain of nearly 4 points and New York Central of 1. Elsewhere, among the railroads, im? provement maintained to the end was fractional and some were lower. En Ion Pacific was particularly firm for a I while, but most of its advance melted away. Copper warrants were lower in Lon ] don and in our market copper stocks fell back. Anaconda losing over a point. ! At the ?ipenirg a few issues of con j cems -..ipposrd to be hene?tting through i war orders had jrains of from a good I fraction to 1 or 1? poirts, and others of the group advanced during the ses? sion, fhess were mainly issues that i had been mcon-picuous last week. Fa | vorites of the recent rise for the most part had to absorb so much profit taking that they made few gains dur? ing th-.' day. Wesfinehouse and Bald w.n LeOComotiTe, however, with vague talk of new contracts, were strong around noon. Enited States Steel touched last week's highest of 77, but fell back to clos?- with a net loss of nearly a point after heavy selling in j the last hour. In the uncertainty of such a market, the question as to what would be done , with the large amount of securities brought into this country from Europe with Sunday. t*oid shipment added to the uneasiness. No au '.oritative ex -?ion came and traders were In doubt whether they should consider that this meanl tying up of part of the European supply in collateral loans or an impending source of selling to be feared. J19.500.000 of gold that came acrosi the ocean did nothing to steady sterling rates. Buyers of exchange on ! London were few and selling, under? stood to be from large ???.aneial inter? ?s' . 4vas heavy. Weakness in rates be? came worse in the afternoon and the market ?vas well nigh demoralized. At the end of the day sterling checks sold at 4.60'. in the pound, more than 23 under the price that in normal , time? is commonly regarded as the im? p?t* point. Government figures of our foreign commerce for .lulv, with exports more than $100.000,000'above those of the t vo years preceding and over $124,000, 000 greater than Imports, brought the fa orable trade balance for the first seven months of the calendar year up to more than $900,000,000. Present in? dications are for a great increase of our shipments when jrrain and cotton begin to move out and the munitions ordered early in the year are ready. Europe's customary offsets against balance of good? have been reduced and even such great shipment! of gold as have recently been brought in seem rnificanl in comparison 4vith trade Tending the completion of ? arrangements they are o ',:- even proater di.?or ?!er in the foreign exchange market. Our purchase of storks and bonri from abroad seems absolutely needed to counteract the immense nrcponderance of our exports. Since European hold ? rs are comparatively slow to give us an opportunity to buy our own securi? ties it appears that the remedy must , be that sve brinj- theirs with our ac I cumulating preflti A* EatAGE OF THK TRIr?TNE> ____ OK MI I r.i:\ KAU ?v Aiifiiat 30, ?eaterrlrtt? close 107.133 AllSllat 2? 107.71*.?. One we??k a*n . If)"..003 One month as?. lOtVttS .luis SO. 1914.loi.its lliaili for .lui?.in.VSSO lots, for .lui?.mi.91* HlKh for June). I ..w fur .lime. IQ-JMS Hiijli fur Mat.II1.S33 I in fi.r May.|(i|. :,.o Hi-h f..r \|nil .I1SJM I ..v? fur April . I07.SS, High for March. KiK.lOK i .m i,i Mart?-.lot .,.,?. II ich fur leliruar?.IM..M I <>\? fi.r I rt.rujrs .101.19:* High fur January.IHH.'I.'.I I ..\4 f..r .l.i v .I0-.M. High, full .?ear. 1014 .Uli.101 loss. full srur. 1014 . lot t Hi AVER ?Ol Ol I Hi. I lilil? M 1 I l?.| Ol I \. I I '. 1 INOf-TKIAL_ -__-_1 Mi 4i'?tirilll4'? i loaf RK.??'.' \u_llst .'M . . ... M.3M1 One ?seek MR? . On,- in.mill ii*.. . M.ttt .1 wi?. M, 1014 . ..: i:; || |Ii ! r .Inly . M Ni I ,,44 fi.r Juts . ?.<> >t| Iliiili fi.r June. ?.-..ija-i i.,.? '..i Jaae . 7s m High fee Mu? .I-.OM i ?m tea Ma?. 74 ro M :i.M fur \|.rll . BS.1U 1 .us for April.7.V:|I4 Hick for March. ?S.IM I ..?4 In- Mnii Ii. Til n:i| ili-h for I . 7.'1 <:'l I i.4s lor li-l.rii.irs . . ri!i,">|; Ili-h fur Jaaaarj .7". out i m? to? Jaaaa?*] . 7o ',;t il ?s Ii. full rear, I .i? . lull 4 ear. 1914.OMfl MONEY AND EXCHANGE. 1 I HI KAI -i I - : ' ? .411 '.:?'. ' l ?;?? i j" TI Ml \|.\l 4 s I rale?. . ? i I ! ind gained ? ? irvr ra? i - i ? . . ? i NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, 30. loir.. Ti.tnl ?ale? of nli.rk? Mnntlav. 74.1.?00. again?! ?Mil SnI unlay, ?97.20(1 a week agi?; ?hfwil>tt elsMste] ;i >?ar a?,, h rum .lanu?r\ 1 t<? date, 95.251.900, against Itfa.lftaS.lM ;i >ear an?). Quotation Kang? Ne? H :i-l-i Lot? Final, chit?'. 83% 37% ????i ? ? 105 DIt.I rut.' Ma Ita Gold M Ines. All?.-? i ha)mera . Allia Chalmers pr. 4 Am. Ag? < he?leal.... 6 Am. AgT. Cl.iiiin.-al nr. \ ni. Beet Suirar. Arria Can . 7 Am. ? .ii, pr. 2 Am. (it A Foundry. . 7 Am. < oui Products.... Am. Cotton (''I. ?\m. Hide & Leather. . . Am. Hide & Leather pr Am. 1er Securitif Km. i Insi ?.I . An I Insei,! pr. Am. Locomotive .... Am. Malt . I Am, Malt pr. ?I Am. Smelt'.i.aC . 7 Am. Smelting pr. .Am. Steel Foundry.. . 7 Am. Sagat? . 5 Am, Tel. * Cable. - km. Tel. A Tel. - \r:ic,in?ia . 2?. 100 6 Atchison . 2,10 Baldwin Locomotive... 2?.'."" .". Baltimore & Ohio. ...-"" 1 Hiiltimore * Ohio pr.. . Hethlchcm Steel. 6 Hrooklyn Rapid Transit 80 Batte ? Superior ('op.. Cal Petroleum. 4 l'a! F'et roleiiin pr. 4,700 in Canadian Pacific. 2.ion 151% 162% 150% 1604 3 Centra'. Leather. 7 Central Leather pr.... ?' ? .ntral & So. Am. Tel. ' :,esapeakc & Ohio. . ? . ? hi. Great Western pr. 4 Chi., Mil. & ?St. Paul... 7 Chi. & North Western. (hi.. R. I. & Pacific... 60 Chino Con. Copper. 3,100 Colo Fuel * Iron. Corn Product? pr. Crex Carpet Co. Crucible Steel. i i ucible Steel pr. Cuban-Am. Sugar. Delaware ,<-. Hudson. . Distilling Securities... Dome Mines. 1,600 F.rie . 14 F.rie 1st pi. Frie 2d pr. Federal M, * S. pr. General Chemical . (?encrai Electric . . General Motors . General Motors pr. Goodrich, B. F. . h. II. F., pr. Gt. Northern pr. 1,400 IM1* U? Gt North. Ore ?subs.... 6.1' Guggenheim F.xp!. B,2l Homestake . loo ii7 Central. i Int. Agricul.' 7"" 24 4 Int. Agricul. pr.' Inspiration Copper. 10.? Inter.-Con. 7,20 I 6 Inter.-Con. pr.i 2,600 It,ter.-Metropolitan ....' 6 Inter. Harr, of N. J_ Inter, Paper . 2 Inter. Paper pr. Kansas < ity Sou'hern.. 4 Kansas City South, pr.. 8 Kinrrs Co. ?. L. & P.... Lackawanna Steel*.. 7 Laricio Gas. ! 10 Lehigh Valley. 7 Lisf-ett & Myers pr.... 7 I.orillan!. P., pr. 6 Louisville & Nashville 7 Manhattan El. Maxwell Motor . 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr.. Maxwell Motor 2d pr. . Mexican Petroleum.... Mexican Petroleum pr. 60 Miami Con. Copper.... Mo.. Kan. & Texas. Missouri Pacific. 2 Montana Power.! 4,500 7 Montana Power pr.... 5 Nashville <?? Chatta... 7 National Riscuit pr... National Cloak & Suit National Ln. & Stp... 3 '?'ational Lead . 7 N'a* ional 1 ?--id pr. 30 Nevada Con. Copper... ? York Air Braks.. 5 New York Central. N. V., N. 11. {? 11. N. Y.. Ont, *? Western. f. Norfolk <v Western ... 5 ! No '? in. 230 I 46% 100 30 -:; in" 127 4,100 214 47 43 4 Comstock Tunnel. 86,700 .12 olidated Gas. 300 1274 Continental Can. loo 864 Continental Can pr. 100 103% 103% 103% 103% Corn Product*. 11,100 18% 19% 18% 18% ?".fin 88 88 20 40 40 14,500 73 j 774 ?i.i7* im 000 116 116 100 139% 27 21% 28V<J 43 4 86 41? 100 22 29% ?Ii7* 85 49 160 298% 298% 2?8% 298% 8,200 '.7.-, 176% 171 17; 1% . ' . 218% ion 110 110 110 8,100 63 '"'3 100 108 108 108 ?;.:7 21 74% 4.700 21 109 10 1,700 sa 1,400 'J'"' .,74 50 124 8,1100 ? 300 103 4 103% 1034 1034 13% 148% 142% 142% in- 118% 118% 100 115V* nr,4 22a 11?! 11?'. 128 43 4 ?1% 86% 87 - M 27 B% 4 4 50 128 won 43 4 1,100 900 11.700 100 2,100 in,1 4.700 91 85% ? 27 34 a ; 35% 21 ' s 75% 21% 11 38'-a % 36% '- 67% 124 44 7! % 103 % 142 1184 il*1? f 4 11? 11*5% 115% - 1 .16 16 - 14 115% 116% 12- 12S - 125 129 424 424 - 4 424 43 91 I - 86 - I 84% % 86 - 2 26% 4 - - . 4 4% 66 r 1% 91 86% I . ? M g 1 3:. 4' 86 . 82 100 106% 1064 106-4 1064 . -, loo 120 120 120 120 74 4 53 4 103 lia 83 . 4 14 54% 122 4 K,o 1204 12 120% 1% I204 123 825 s 6 90" 2-? 1,600 loo 112 1.200 is-* 1,800 149 5,100 904 6,20(1 64 400 26% 86 66 112 15% 1 19% 91 . 66% -'.'2 27 68 112 ir, 117 90% ?'.I ? -; . 27 4 14 27 ?14'? 112 - 112 15 - 14% 147 1 146% 300 107 4 107% : I.41 " 7 Northern Pacific.' 1,600 108 1 ?ntario Silver. Pacific Mail. Pa? ?fie Tel. & Tel.. 6 Pennsylvania R R. 6 Philadelphia Co... P., C. C. <v St. L. .. Pittsburgh Coal. 200 200 3.400 35 3,300 1"-' - - ? , 71% 108% 1074 - 33% 33 914 66 26% 1074 714 107 36 - 1 - 3 ? 1 1".' 90' -- 13,910 86% 37 108% - . 72 334 84% 1 a 91% 7-! -a I07 , 32 4 36 108% 8a 70 31* S3 28 64% 1124 15% 117 91 ? 66% 108%," I 3: 4 *9 72 34% burgh Coal pr.! 2.200 104% 106 102% 1024 24 102% 103 Pressed Steel Car.' 2,400 61% 82 - Quicksilver .! 200 8% C ? IRailwav Steel Spring.. . 7"" 40 10 15 Rav Con. Copper.' 8,000 24 24 8 Reading .' 7,700 148%| 160 Rep Iron * Steel. 2300 13% 44' Rep. Iron * Steel pr. . 28 101% Rock Island pr.I 1,300 :i Rumely.! 1,600 7% Kumelv pr.I 3,000 - Seaboard Air Line.' 200 Seaboard Air Line pr. . ir? Roebuck .... Slosj Sheff. Steel & I.. fi Southern Pacific .I So way .I way pr... ' 3 Standard Milling, 11 1 11 101 3oo 155% 155% 155 4 60% 60% - 1 60% 61 34 3% % 34 : 14 - 39 ' 40 23% 23 4 >?? 23 4 23 4 148% 14f 148% 149 424 434 14 434 434 101 ?? 101" . 1014 102 - :,". 6% 14 6% ? , ' . - 10 10% 14% 14% ? 4 14 |4% 324 32 . - . 324 33 155 % 155 156% 8,30(1 7"" 300 100 90 a 914 K'7? Studebakcr .I 8,700 111 111 ? baker pr.' 104% 104% 12 1. nnessee ' opper. ' ' ? 0 , full paid 300 l 18 148% 10 Texas Companj 5,100 152^ 1 ? ; Ave, ?;?? i:. R... J 55% 6 Twin City R T . 4 L'ndeiwood Typewriter. 10 I ? 1 1 Bag & Paper. . .?. 4 Union I' I ?1 ir M fg. iO Is pr I'l ?ted Kv I:.'. ? it 10.;i m 9 ' 15 a 19% r 91 16% - 4 - - %l 1% 554 66% I 18 152% : 34 4 90% 49 109% ? 104 108 5t 91 - 30 66 Ii rl R> lnv< I, P. ,v F.. . : P. ? F. pr . ?alcohol. Ri i it !:? f. !:? f. pr. . . ? . ? . 91' ?J9 2,100 7 27% 28 ' ;2o s ? - 41 63% Jl1 79 ! C. S !'. S. y s. u s I . - ' 1 -' ? 7 U. S Steel pr , Va ' 41% ? Chemical pi 102 \ rjrinia Iron. C. A C. 10 W iba?h pi . u est? rn Maryland 1.800 29 , I Wosl Mfg Whe? ??? I. Y -'.i pr. : I 2 ? v 7 U llys-Overland pr 1! r: 102 37 7}', 11? - 1314 - 51 24 I ? . 1124 ? 102 4 92 - , 71 131 a I"'. 21% 41 67 4 50 11 -, 102 I ? 4 ' ? 2% ? % 1 ?a 4 - 140 154 53% 91% S0 74 27 131% ? 50 21 ? 72 50 112% 1.-,:, 157 64 94 Bl 74 27% 132 46 ? 41 ' r, 1% . 1124 68% - Ill r 107% ; . I ',024 37 ??. 2s 116', ! 2 180% 183 BANK STOCKS ON STOCK EXCHANGE amerce. l' " I! enge, R.d 10 r Ask. I I ? ? ? I ? ? 4. M >-. I I ' < .. i ' 1 I r mi '? i t I HH .GO STOCKS ? ? - ? ? ... i 4 4, l - '." M I of a merchant is enhanced through connection with a bank of undoubted strength. If you are considering opening a new account we invite you to consult us. Commercial accounts are our specialty. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK tO NAhSAI hTltr.KT Capital, Surplus and Profits $14,000,000 Deposit* $112,000,000 THE M I! SOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COM'ANY The Receiver ol the Missouri Pacific Railway having announced tint payment cannot be made of the interest due September I, 1915, upon the Trutt Fivi? Prr Cent. Bond* due January 1, 1017, the Forty Year Four Per Cent. Gold Luan Bonds tid the Five Per Cent. Fir?t ?nd Refunding Mortgage Fifty-Year Gold Bond?, ol The Missouri Pacific Railway Company, the re? spective Depositaries and Sub-Depositaries for such bonds under the Plan of Readjustment will, if de-sirfd t*\ depositing bondholders, advance to them upon their bonds, at the time of deposit thereof, or upon presentation of the r certificates of deposit heretofore issued, th.' amount Ol such interest. Ownership certificates in accordance with the Federal income tax law will be required in case of all advances. New York, August 10, I'M 5. KUHN LOEB __ CO., Readiustment Managers. Tii? Commlttc? reprcMntlng Five Per Cent. Firit and Refunding Mortgage Bonds, by ALEXANDER i HEMPHILL, ? Th' Can.mlttM r?-pr??r.niln?; Forty Year Four Per Cent. Gold Loan Bond?, t.y PRANK X l: CLOSE, Chalrmaa The Credit Standing CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Irregular Prices, with the War Issues Firmest Group?Oils Fairly Active. Prices moved irregularly In the curb trading ft tarda-. Intere-t converged largely in the war order stockj, which generally wcie the firmest part of the market. Submarine Boat was excep? tionally active, getting as high as 57, but reacted to 564 at the close, with a net gam of hall a point. Llectric Boat common touched MO, a new hi?n level, closing at 556, a net advance of 10 points, while the preferred improved i'i points. Drigfc-Seabury ami Cramp Ship Building '.ure weak. The petroleum liroup was fairly act? ive at mut?. A decline of 9 points wai made b> Prairie oil and Gas nr.ii 2 by Ohio Oil. Standard of I fornia and Indiana were slights," im? proved. There was a generally weak tone in the mining stocks. Delaware i Hudson convertible 5s declined a frac? tion. INDI -TRIALS. T .. ? High, l.iw laMfc ? | H 1". IOS 111 ?I'i 114 n \ '...- _. -t. t% 1 ? i ? n?at ..SU EM tt.OOQ .- , ?" ?". .??_ i'.''-i r.-. n m n 3T ?Hoi (. A Armi ?. . :.-i '?' ' . . s .1 ' . a "s ? a I . h .--. n i ;.'?> ? ? ; ? ? : ?:? ? ? , '- ' U. ,1'. i" ?'I.'''. 'I . ? .-'. Kath Bronx. . . K< II) Spi Tu- ist IM lit IM -? ; -; ?: n 17 ?' iK? lor H"?t. n 11 U 15 1.000 Mai mu Of Am ?\ I1? l', I1, i: i- 17 ' i% :.v, .. ? >,r;. <->* K .<? II Ii ?'. I .! Hi:... ly ? 1 .?? ? , -i . ' . , ? ? ? Motor. , :. . I' , M . ft HI . I1? I'? I'? l'a 3"? STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. . P !,... - 1"3 .-? i| on.. ; ? l? 1?7 3-; mino P I. Il? I? 40 Indiana P I- '.'?-' 100 insu ... ? .11 ?4 1 ,....? u_4 140 Pleri . "Il . -- :- i ' . . '? IM Prairie OH * O. - 11 ? ?M 4 ?? .. ? 1?. 171 171 '.II 141 ??m v 1? ?? -- ai ?u :ii . 4 I ? . 4 '. -' ,,1 O nf N J 4 41? 41? a: O Of N V.. - l'-l 113 i I :. Union Tank L , M M ;i RAILROADS. ?Wabaah ?s I... MU '.2 ::?? u\ T -i ? '., pi A. 41 \ 411? 41 41 .-' 'do pr B. :i\ S -i\ a MINING. ? ?Alack.? Juneau :.v-- 13S 13?? 13!* ? ?:.. M 4: 4:. 4: j , . lie 1*4 - ? \ m Ini'i'i. i"' 40c 4'.. 1 4 ? ? ? v-;.,,. ? - ' ? ? ? .-.NI.., ? . ? .h. ,V , ?? ? ni Arli mu. It . ', ? ?? s 3 1 ? M : ? I ? ? ' 1 IrV ? ? ? '''?:. 1 ? ? 1 1 ? ; BONDfl INACTIVE YESTERDAY. tl ALS. Ii ? MIMN'l ? ah Mil ; . K.rr :. : ' 1 n DAILl IMPORTS WH EXPORTS. ? iforli - ii ??: 73 1 \ - 11 A-fjat ?3. 5.. 7.374.51)1 COPPERS AND OILS WEAK IN LONDON Diamond Shares in Demand? Support for War Loan and a Few Gilt Edged Issues. London, Au?. 30. The stock market was quiet, oui generally lirra Diamond ?hare? were in ^ood demand, and the war loan and a few gilt-edged tecuri rere supported, but oil stocks were easy and copper Issues were weak on the decline in the price of the metal ,1s were unchanged at 66. American securities were uncertain. They failed to maintain the opening i, but c!o.;ed fairly r-tcudv. Most of thi was in United States Steel, Union Pacific and Southern Pa? cific. Money was m increased demand for month-end requirements ami m prep? aration for to-morrow's tall for about 1,000 on the war lorn. Discount ?.ver.' steadier. The Hank of Eng? land to-day bought 4193,000 and sold ?393,000 m'bar gol?! ami ?44,000 In for? eign com, the latter for shipment to America. Money loaned at 3% to 4 per cent; disc >unt rates for ihort snd three months wen- 4 4 / 5 per eut. Gold premium at Lisbon was 49. Paris, Aug. 30.- Prices were firm on the Bourse to-day. Th-ee per cent rentes closed unchanged at 68 francs hi centime? Kxchange on London, 27 francs 71 centimes. LONDON (LOSING PRICES. km N. .. . ..? a Aug. 30. \us. .' Cfcn?,s ?? ?-,? . :?? ? ? ? + la I - l4 - ' ' a . ?? i T S l.'l'l - '? II ? 4.) It - il <*>tt. .. I- IIV r.'-a - \ - H ; Denver ? - ? Erl? . 3'1? ?'-. .? - ? Brl 1st 1 : ? ?I 41 - ? Central... ItT?-sj Ii 14 103 ? H i. ... a v i '-? 113 - ? i Mo Kan .v !'..-\... I .'?. 14 -f Vt X V ?Vntra: .. Ml) :-i\ 9'V-, -t- l? ,?.- West.. ::>. -. ? 4 . ''.anla .... ? -, ' - ; - '? * . t:-1? 1504 14?-? ?'.-a 164 '. . a - S ? ', 131'? 1114 '? ?Es dl ON THE CONSOLIDATED. After tome early display of strength narket on the Consolidated Ex? change weakened. Union Pacific did not tret above 132H in its early im? provement. United States Steel failed to <;et above 76%. STOCKS, ?aits ". Hlft i ?> Last tliil Oia!m?rs 9 1% ? ? ?'? ?--, I Am l>.' Suia: .... a in1? a '" -' An ?' ' u OH , . * ?m Hi It A T. . ..'t Hi ? 9 1rs In Sae. ... 1 .. .i j. 11. Am I.- motln . ','?'. . I . ? a .-,?,?, ?ntt ?. . . ;. s It Top ?V 8 I . i:, ..I I a ? 4 ?-'?? ?; -. ? -. Brook B I . ? - ? I !? ? l?4 --'4 ?-1? ' I ?? US ?. ? 444 i 1. II : . a ? ? . I . ,\ -' 1' -.-4 t ?2*4 I i. i .s l'a .1 . ? tita) 140 ' <?'.?. 4 ; i ? : 4 ? . ? 4 l'rOlllKtl a at I a 4 f? 1 H . 4 4? 14 ? ?14 I - '? 4. ? I , 100 .. .. i , i . 4i ' . . . ; , i ' ? I'" ' . 24 214 214 ? ' ? : :i ?i II u ? .: H 'i 4 4,41?, IS 1 '? ? X II afc H i,.? in? 1 ' M a . . , ? ? I ?I a Hprlnp 10 t ? ? <?? l . : ? - 'a ' 4 ? II' , I - I 4 II 4.4 a ' . "T a i ? ' - ? - i 1314 1 ? .? T54 ;??, ' a ? ?. ?. 104 . . a U?4 1 BONOS. M 4 44', 144 MININO ? ? .10 |? ,:o ir - , ' ,17 i : i ; ? * i ?? ? 17 i i i ? ? . ? l". 4 - I : . M.W YIM?K \ ITY KOMIS. Ar-k . , . I.M 17. ?4'?aV 34 . 4 ? . . " . ' . . ' . ? . ' ?IM. ? ? . . i* . 1 , I . . M?A i ? 3 M ?aalt?tj ut couina?. tla>?i> . . WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC & MANUFACTURING COMPAN. To Holdere of Certificates of Deposit for Convertible Sinking Fund Fir? p, Cent. Gold Bonds deposited under the Plan and Afreement of Ma 12, 1915: The'offer to stockholders to subscribe to the new Convertible Boml <tf the CompM) has resulted in the purchase by said stockholders of all net bonds offered, with the exception of #4 5 7,000 thereof. In accordance wit the provisions of the above Plan, said new Bonds not subscribed for bv th stockholders will be distributed pro rata among the depositing boidhoidtri who will receive cash for the balance of their deposited bonds at the rjrl provided for by the Plan, viz.: 105 and accrued interest. OB and after September 10, lOt?, as of which date interest on the d? positea bonds will cease, depositing bondholders, upon surrender of thei certificate? of deposit at the office of the Depositary, will be entitled t receive for each deposited bond Cash (#967.1_ bonds at 105^ and interest).... #1,03 Fractional Certificate exchangeable for new Con? vertible Sinking bund Five Per Cent. Gold Bonds, when issued. 12 M Fractional certiticates issued to represent the new Cor, .ertible Boni will not bear Interest but will be exchangeable for permanent i bonds, bearing interest from Julv 1. 191$, when prepared and ready fo, delivers, on surrender of such certificates at the office of the Deposits.?/ in amounts of not less than #1,000 or any multiple thereof; and : the date of delivery of the permanent engraved bonds, said fraction] certiticates may be exchanged for lull Paid #1,000 Receipts for such Bonds (in any such exchange any fractional amount of such certificate* i ver Jl.ooc or anv multiple thereof will be redeemed by the Company it \ : - ?J interest, or, at the option of the holder, a new fractional certifica' Issued therefor. ., lull Paid 51.000 Receipts, exchangeable for new bonds when prepared will be issued direct to depositing bondholders entitled to frac* ontl receipt! aggregating not less than #1,000 or any multiple thereof, a fractional cer? tificate being issued for any fractional amount In excess ot #1 multiple thereof. # THE AMOUNT OF FRACTIONAL CERTIFICATES TO BE DISTRIBUTED BEING SO SMALL, THE COMPANY HAS DETERMINED FOR THE CON. VENIENCE OF THE DEPOSITING BONDHOLDERS TO MAKE AN ALTER. NATIVE OFFER TO PAY CASH AT 112 AND INTEREST FOR THE FRAC. TIONAL CERTIFICATES DISTRIBUTABLE AS ABOVE RECITED SUCH CERTIFICATES WILL BE PURCHASED AT SAID PRICE IF TENDERED AT THE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER OF THE COMPANY, NO. 165 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK CITY, ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 10, 1915, AFTER WHICH DATE NO CERTIFICATES WILL BE SO PURCHASED. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC A MANUFACTURING COMPANY. By OUY E. TRIPP. Chairman. \pproved: KUHN, LOEB & CO., .Managers. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Depositary. STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. ROSTON STOCKS. MININ'; sal?? Opeo nuil. Lew Leet. : l Ar|\?nturs . .' ! -' -' AhmtKtk .103 K3 10? Its .'. iKomah . ''? l*s ? ? .:.'../.. 4 -a .rtsona ' 'om ... 'j 9 y,i ?> Butt? & Bal.... 4 4'? I 4'a ? dlulllft ???; ArlZ *5'a I ?. ?' I - ? ?a l?4 )'.-'-? 1.137 ? 'opi.4-r Range., H 57 ???? ? ? I.OTO Kaat Hutte . 13:a 134 13 13 I ranklin . ". i.ranl.v . vi it . U U 1" 0 JO In.lUna . ?* ??'?<? Ian i Crsek * '? . M . I Isla Royale .... 2? 9 ti -'?'? .1) K?'*CfIl?W . -' - I ?Tai I lu I ?k? . 1? 1- 14 ll'l La Hall? . * I naol ... 104 1" - 4" Ma) Sowar ... '"? 4 : ?'. Mi. hlxan .'-? . .. 74'? i An odian . lo*? ?. l.lrla . * -'a 74 : 10;, 7-'-. ? 4 3 3" 1*? 4 ' I''. ? 444 4 ISV4 1% 144 n 17 ? 3 H a is 4 4' ? . i ' I ?? 244 S7 334 104 ? 3'i 1% M S3 17 '. a - :3 4 I ' ? ?I '?7 34 . North Huit? .. - 31T? 31", ?4 No. in Lake .... 1% 14 3.'. ?U.| Dominion... 544 M4 :' a 3v". Pond ''reek .... 171, 1*4 lOQull ... S? 10 .rita Fe . I 3 ?i . 7 r} ;?? - ittuck . !?4 ***? LaVkC 14 m Mary's Uind Il t Super!, r 13.', Tamarack . 544 3" Trinity . 4'? tina : do or . 4*4 Utii I tali A['?-s . 4 30 t'tah Consol ... 114 100 vVinona . 34 35 Wolverine . U% RaULKOADfl 15 Boston EU? tit Boston & Main* _.". 21 .? Maine Central... 57 I, ? ' - K?lte pr.... ? End st Hi ' j M SCELLANEOl S - ^rr . H II tit A'l Q AW! 2,1M ,io rr.,... -? Edison .:33 74' Mass ?'??? . ?14 r do pr . 17 3" McElwaln pr ... 97 . ? '? .. Ena '.>;? ?.- tee bui i,. ?? ? ??? | ..131 :'. i. i rlngton . 3.'4 l. !'n ted lYuit : n.t shoe .\u '?-, 19 I to Dr 31? v. ntura ? >ii .... 114 Land 14 BONDS. i ?- ni a i v- i i - Man Lias 4'j ?I l ,-?? i ond Creek 6? ? '"'.? ? if) & Co .*??.. Si"? BOSTON CURB ? U '.-IN'.. Bid. Ask Bid I Ha'. Bt <?** I*? He Mes Metals.. "4 30c Ni : outla* * t 0 ' I'i'Cr . II ttc , I'nltsd ver?e ?? ? ?? l?l . i. .33 IM v. 12t 324 4'.' 714 'O'a '?: 114 124 -"'a ? . ISO It . 4 114 71'* :??; H,???'.or? Chi?! .'ont.. %' , Majetti.j .... 51c PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. I <\ ?il H | 194 734 8a 'es 109 Am Ryt 100 Biil? & UuiHI . 1 ta Brill Cal VV? i :i5 < *ami ris stti i ?? i le .-? . Bal (en A.?i'iiait or. tl I? Ina lis 1 m" Laue S iperlor... 104 .: !.? Ich Na-. eh val Trat. 4-1 PI U? , 44 . ' - .4 IM i r.i'u Tr? ? 129 Unit "Ja* Inn $1.000 Am '.,-., - . ,k? - i; .:, ? -? : Phil? Co . on ? - ? '. 174 31 . a .I1 ? M M* ? ? ' a ' a 4C. ' . -I S3 4 :? ll>3;3 .4', 3'< . ? 4 73V > I ? M I 7 PI. ?BURGH STOCKS - SI ' Am S? ' I Kl .?? . : ? ?. Kl II1? i ' ? ' . I . ? lai ,\ HI I Nat Pin LOIS ?[ pr ?., Pu?l 'III... ' ikla Mal O? ?il . 17'a i - - it r. su- A Manallo? : Il .-. . Il - QL II 13 BOU - S ? Ind l.i-fwin.. I-' :44 :i . '. a a 3 ?* 7 K4 11! 3 ' a ?' I 17'. 13" lO'1, 13 M . ? 414 17', It'? ll HALTIMOKE STOCKS. a?; ''? .,-? I. et.U( Kusl .. I? ,T 4", - : Bit R) r,,tl I I?. .NI i:-. City Bis H W 1. ? . . - i-' X ?'Urn -' ' r i: ,?? ?: isi i- ? . i ij'.-n 11 (h, I "?? Lata* M - -V, loi'? M.4 im 33 .,74 ?4 1014 M4 a 11" 33 - ? t ?74 II). Syndicate Rumor Denied. Ti;it a syndicats ha- been formed to lin neo the purchase by China of one ' h drei submarines from the Subma ine B,.at Corporation was denied em phatically by ? director ??? the corpora? tion who is a member of one of the banking firm? *a:d to have been mem bora of the syndicate. "A uuni'oor of men are over here." said ho ye. te lay "They arc polite enough to I like our boats, but they haw not numed j n contract. The rumor la entirely f?Ue, | a? fal.-o as that of the syndicate. How . ca there be a syndicate when they have nothing concrete to work on?* FINANCIAL MEETINGS. To The ??to? -holder- ?ml l>ol>entur? M-at ?n?*e Humlliold-T? uf THF. WAB.WI K sll KO \l> I UMI'AXY. ? :? bef-by ? It th? r?f_!?r N*l ar.4 I ?-> ?i.'ur^ Mi rtRaa,-" ? ' -.-.? \\'..t, i ah [tal I roa - h?'4 ofllc? ..f Bmltb i- Backwlth (Un ijT.?ral Attorney? of tha <'..rnp?ny f?r . ? of Ohio), In '!?'? *?? '-.'I National I!a:.K Butldlna. in th? ohlo, on T - tw?ina ? . "?- ?. __ purpo?M of ?i?ci ng - ? ..r ? b? for ta? ??*? auf Th*. tr ? ? ? ' ir .; .: ? . . .; 44.111 b? r?*?>p? n?.! on Wtdntada) u tobtr II, Uli, ? > . ;o.-k A _D\V ARD F K EARN ET, Pri?!d?_u J C OTTESON Sa ' York. Auu I INACTIVE STOCKS. The following- table gives the ciotinf bid _nd asked prices "'or stocks whieb ar?1 i.-ted but which wer?? not dealt ia on th^ Stock Exchange Monday: B. i s _n ?5 1*0 pi H s IM 107 177 ? . A ' ?. A:. ' Pi .s UN m. pf ?- ?j 4 ' pf. :h 4 a Baal . 4 5. 103 104 ?? M ..' 11 - ? . -' i:? m k a All _._.l ? 1.? 14 i_ s 13 1? ?I ? | 11 ... . Mr A Kim 1 '.', 1? .*.?t _ a ? i* ii \ ui; m * I ' a lit ?' k_ II - It a I' ' I ? .ern. M ' pf ?t s AtOli. 10 ' I ? M'??t. !'. '? no n i I 4| V I I M'M-O _ . . A - ' i a - . ? . ., 4 S : 4 I itit (i 44 llolnio I ?. II? II E Ii I. I I ? 11.' . Lit Hi" i. ' ... ? loaa I >ll 0 ' " ?' . ios' I Kl |i Jl pf ' I.IK-" * v d :i pf r L a ? . ? . pf - A I ? ? I SI, pf ? ? ?a 1? 1:'?H ui'i r?Hib< ? M ? "" 1?' ;' ?'. ! :. I' I 44 a . ?i 11 It? M ?I - I . pf 14 : I L 1 I I H it i ? ? ? , -i\ . a pf m ~ t r-. P U -.? * 113 . i ' M . M s i. Il? *? . . - . . a- . 101 i l> I.! Tr " l S I. A 44 . k l u: [l*_dar'd Tvp?. ' ? I : A pf l< ?t pf 104 .-r its __r 1?4 :? 1!? ? i I 11? II Li? li .' ? LU _______________ _ |V4,.,i M?ry pf 4? ' ' I ;??' .j_li* 111 1*4 N ?. IM 1*1 ?? ,1 ? vs .?o? 1 ALE i '1 RAILROAD EQUIPMENT RONDS. 1 A*. ,_ t* I e_ a I Rat r . ,.; ?at ,.M 4.1 ? ??_ 1.1 ?W ' ? ?J 4W ?st 4* i. ?_ m ? !.. .4? ?_ ______-. ' .. T .m? ?_. ' : - 44,-1. 'oa?t I.ln? ? i ? -, 4 l-'3 ? ' ' I, ,v Se? ' ? I?Ul?V|llf a n v ourl, K..r. a r .?_-__?_?_? N Y rentrai :. v \\ aairrn N Y N II A Hartf. M :'?'.'. '?? ?.???? '- .? ?IA 4?? Mr Mm ? . , - Kall-av ' ? * Vlrginl -_?-?? SHORT TERM NOTA Narr , rot '- vrr. Am Cot mi 4'?h. Nov. I . ,?. Junf. "kl4i? lia t'hr?;i ?V Ohl ? Dal _ Hud Brl? I!.: ? 4 l:rio Rkllroa i lionl ? il ? Int liar... lai? I a M I N.? em n?4 s? m i> N Y i >nt 5? nctot? r. N T X II ? 11 Pi mi It it ..t 1 .? "? t. ? Southen ii.itfl Irul: Ha M - . Foreign Govern rent i.aoea. Ar-fir. A r.omine ta Al t-*ntl*M ?_ Ar?oii' . . .in a?t ? t?nd? ? larman p.. 1?. ^^ I Mar ' i?. Aua 4 I 4 ?r. I.l* Jaim-r ? ? S l*t ??A '. 10t ' s ?^ i-a lan.I la. Mai Hwttaei i !-4s:i/..: . ? llarrh, I?? N'..r4s?,- - Nor?? _s ?'?. ' ? i Ik-i S\4 0.,iii a DIVIDF.NDS DK( I.ARED. ?'. ap.? Packard Mn|"r pr ._ I ?a \sew4 1? Oloba-Wfrnlck? . w .'. ??74.1*