Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Foreign Exchange Market at Sea Over Course of Sterling Rates. PROPOSAL FROM ALLIES AWAITED > Counting Up the Wabash Stock Assessments?How Market Figures War Orders. Ihe lack of demand for sterling bills became to apparent > > at for sperta wer.' completely at ?ca wh< ? : e askod to fore? cast ' sot for the 10 tt for de and 4.61 H for cables were rato? unheard ol ssemon of Str?? ' - \>oked for In the t:ea?r 'uturc when gold shipments <>f ?he ?ire that arriv.-d from Canada on Sur.dav hr.vf re 1he man? ager of ?ai mint of ? tion which is v o ? been a large buyer on the way down, when asked yesterday ' ratos \>.-uld go lower. Inatltution, accor ?hangs man? ager, may - '?l '^u> mar remedlal n taken ?? wide rt and impor- ' ''ie ar? rival of emissaries from Ei.?eland and Frane? veri ah interest, at II I? realised that they would not come to confer with New York barkers unless they had more ?a proposals to make than has yet been rep?' * Time l*p for Wabaah Stoch. The extended period for payment of the |80 a ?hex? assessment of the Wa ha?h Railroad expired yesterday. The holder? o? the Trust Com? pany ' wno 'ailed to wie ?han ceased to be t- s under the pin;?, When it bus been * II ?' ,ne $28>" 000,000 nei ration pur? poses hat- from the shareholder ? >';"fr- to the holders of ths nfst refunding and ex? tension mon ths amount of p.. In he half ? - atlon com? mittee it wa? - " that It would be - "?" defi? nite 1. I showing the ?proportion of the assessment paid by ?' n?ve to be trnn?' m and Lon? don eonei ts made abroad plan redi :< ?f the com pi ? ? annual it Humelv Still Gooe Hal ? es of the Rumely re? of the si rd, and less e< - ?k ac?> l?unr'. ? was r.ego par.1.? ' lirman mittee, ha? said that a tidera l the i - nee of J. H proaident and g i More than tanding ' the ? ?? ' ? ganii . Wat Order? Manifold Benefit. In ? ? mused himself y.- I . ut an exam; rh some of I the t ?i that ! ed was j I profit i ami- . would | intraet \ . i that the c :. [or a year. ! complete . il h bonus j the broker account $33. Imrr.Mise (.rain Crops in Sight. An idea of thi which this . In the annual crop n Continental and Cot? tional Bank. I- .':... r? ?, pi i rough the greater acreage devoted t duetie last year's high trie?.-.-. ? g grains, will ! r G00, 000.0. in spite of; bad harv ? - ths winter crop, is pul 1 ttshela, as |a ? year. The I ?? necessary our surplu Europe, but I with Canad same condi? tions that this coun- ! try's tremendous total and an excel? lent forsoast foi Au tralla, the large leturr; n teason cannot I e existed. Cotton's l^>ss In Month. The government's report of the con? dition of cotton on August 26 showed deterioration a trifle less than unoffi? cial eatlmatos had indicated. Th? eontega t:?.ure of e.'.? ?s 3.6 und? ten-year average, and a drop of 6.4 the figure reported the pr month. How greatly smaller use of fertilizer is responsil',_? foi the set? back and how much further d?pr?cia? tion of the crop will result from this cause remains to be tec. A bullish report had ironcrally 1 een looked for in trade circles and cotton sold 01T on 1 ?ofit taking. Brooklyn Reports. Shampan A Shampan hare prepared plans for an apartment house to be ?1 on the southwest corner of Avenue H aryl East 13th at, ?ruoklyn. on a p,ot of ?m-nuo. for the Lancaster Bbire Kealiy Co., as owners, to cost 185,000 Charles E Rick.-rson has rented 202 St Johns IMac- between Seventh and 1 Eighth avs.. a three storj and base? ment, brownstone dwelling, for a cl ent to Charles V. AWord for a term of year?; 121 Sixth av., between I'ark and Sterling i'lace, a thr?-,.. ?tory and baaement, ! ? 'or a client to Kenneth Skinner for a term of years. Ridgefield, Conn., Deal. Adams & Keeler have sold to Edward II. Kidder, of New Vori, for occupancy the Colonial house of George II. Smillie on Main st., a? Richssonif Conn, in? cluding ?even acre It adjoins Can? non lita.ll House, owned b) 1 Sublets Mrs. Thomas's Suite. Herbert A. Bhortnasj has sublet for Mr?. Ralph II Thomas her large fur? nished apartment at ihe Montana, Park or., b'Jd to 53d at?., to a client /or the winter 110X1) SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE Tr-iding In honda on the New York Stork Kirhnnv-e Mnnriny aninnntrd lo $3,*)5..(rOO, ?.gain?t S1.S71.000 Raturdav, $8,416.000 a werk ago and Stork Ex? change cloned a >?*_r af?. Total from January to d?te J.MT.s??.OOO, agalnat S4:4.66f"?,000 in 1914. GOVERNMENT AND MINKIPAL. Sties in ,' |1,000. Hi?-_.}L?)w. Close. IS1 Jap '~M ser 1>t? Tl ' 71 71 .NYC .?*_-.. M'v 1?= 10lS 16 do 4>.a V>5 r?|.t.l"l\? 101H 1"''** 2 do 4?.n 1960 . N i'"7? M 1 ?lo A? INI . M% '?''?? ??* 1 do 4s 1959 . '.M'a i'i'* '?'?'* STATE. 1 N Y State 4?4b,66.104?4 104-4 104?* RAILWAY AND MISCELLANEOUS. 14 Alb A Susq 8-_s. R2 82 S2 2 Am Ag < h cvt Si 100% 100% 100% 80 Am Bn A Re? 6s. 106 T. lt'67? 106 ?? 6 Am I & I col 4?. Hh 66 do cvt 4?_s.103 101% 101% 4 Armour r e 4%a. 91% Sl% H% 40A T & S F gii 4s. l?0 ?'s?'1* 10% ?5 de rvt 4a 196. .10S IM 102 18 do cvt 4s I960..109% 102 102% I de Trana Sb L ia M M S6 i 5Atl * Rinn 4s... 83 S3 88 4 ACL-L&X eol tria M SI BI 1 R & O pr li 3-.s. B8% 88H 8-H l do a-old -is. 85% 15% hfi% 84 do evt .; ?_s. SI 4 do4sPLE?WV di :? ? 78% 18% 1 do S%i S \V div B6 i. 86% 86% 7 Betl; Si rol f>s . .100% 100% 100% 3B R T co- Sa. . .101 101 101 81 do E pe rote* 'IX 89% i?'.'7* 6 Cs! . 84% !M:? 6 Cm I.rfttn g? ?1 Ccn Pju* lot 4a.. 84 1 do irtel 8%i. MS K.|\ 84% 2C R R of N J Sa. 112% 112% 112?*i 6 Ches ?_ O con 6s.H--1.. 102 10?1*. . 8 C H * Q Kn 4s. . RI ? 13 Cl Gi ? V. , evl Si R.:". \ 102% 102% 4 do grti 4Hs .... 97% 97% '.O* 18 do evl 4%i. 93 '. 93% 93% 6Chi & Nw pen'? lim | lCRI&TRv 1st,1? 102% 102% 6 do per. in . BI 81 81 B4 do re. 4s . 63 62% 62% 2CStP.V&0 deb Rs.100 100 100 92 Chile r..*per 7s.. 1144 118*. 118-. 8 Col Indna 6s. 73 78 73 1 Comstook Tun 4s. S R B 0 Con G_i cvt 6a..118% 116% 116*? 1 Cuba Am Put: 69.100% 100% 9 Pel & II re? 4a.. 90 90 00 ? 14 Diatll Sic (or 5a 66 66 66 4- DnPont Pow -l'.s.ioo 99% 100 4 Erie pr lien 4a.. 78% 78% 78% 6 do fon lien 4a.. 68% 66 6fl I 16 do cvt 4s ser A 61 61 61 6 do cvt 4i sir B. 68 ? 26 Gen Flee deb 5s.102 101% 102 1 iio 8%s . 76 76 76 1 Gen .Motors s f 6s.100 mo loo 6 <>'-anby 69 .104 103% 104 6 Great Nor 4%a.. Or,'?, 08 08% I 4 HocV 1st con 41.a 00 B0% i'O 6ITud i M Ina 5s.. 26% 25% 6 do rf> Sa. 70% ' ' lOIi; St db 4%s . . 87 2 Indiana St.el 5s. 1004 100% ll . : 89InaConCop 81 .9.147% 147 147% 86 do 192. .1 IT% 144% 144% ?erb R T ref Bi ! 11 Interh-Mef 4%'s. 74 ";* % 74 ? BI M co! 4%a. 68% 68 4 Sinter Xnv s f 6s. 624 62% 82% 18 lut St Pu 5s cf. 68% 63 63% wa Con re:' to. 4? 48 48 10 K 0 Tor 1?t 4< . 8",% 83% 83% 21 Lack Ste fii 1928. 95% t A M 7 .123 123 123 ? LARKIN BPsOS. CO. GETS REALTY TITLE $2,650.000 Mortga-res Placed on Printery Site. tbe block front on the Ei I th av. from 83d I :rreculnr, nnd to tbe ting houses en 83d nnd 34th sts 'vus ferred last Saturdi y by Ar h ..nd Percy Pyne, ownen of the block front, and Cornelius F. Shea han Margery S. Ruttman ? 461 Ei ompany, whl ? company formed by Larkln The 4\ork of razinp the buildings will .un at once, and n t\vei ? ret.roof building, which n :h<- home of the Allied Print' ig '1 rade 'ers. etc., v,il! be erected. Jo P. Day was the broker In tbis ??on. On this property the Metropolitan ''.surance Company advanced SI,? 0 on a mortgage Mnrch 6, at 8 per eent Archibald Rus? sell, seller of the lnnd, took a second .'. fi " c 175,01 0 and a third | 0, the latti ? ?n March, 1922, at 6 per cent ?ntl Franklin Pettil went back of the loans w;th one for $125,000, due November 1, por ont, making a total mortf'!.i.e Indebtedness ol $2,r?r>n,orii\ In connection with the 'onn made by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com the T.arkin interest-" have taken the Reard Building, at 120 and 122 Liberty s* .attending to Cedar st.. which the Tsurance company acquired in a foreclou.jre In March of this for $125.000. ? - Railroad Earnings. The following comparative railroad reports for July have been made pub? lic: Canarllan Pa-4f_> r,:. .? $? in- Stl : 11.100 403. (Vr/ruie lltl . ' n_| ?t:-r tax?? . 4" 19? Cuba (la;:?.?.I Qroa? Mi-Oto, l_-?Ma? .' - ' 'vi, IncraaM II Railroad ?Irn?? }???'"' 1.? ln.-r-a-- ' after lam 11.(<.'.?. 74J. Iiirrc?-. ?' > net afta- ui?. ills. ?.?.7. li.rrv???- r w?.n ,-.?..< ? ? ., j ? t>"r?: i.f } '*? 14: n?: ?U? &4.V di-cr-a?? ?60.17 ?? .;? '. )(???. ' nr On u 14 ? .??. i;>?. n?? I14M.4I1. toe?*_? |soe.?.a Be? lln? ? Br? LIVESTOCK MARKET. Mrsa Tort. Au?u?t M, 1111 Wt-EKL. KICKII'TH \...i Y ??> 2.-1 4 41 ?ar??-? iTt 17.244 I'fntral ! all n QfOTATIONI* FOR NIC?;. I ll.??! to choir? nati?? ?l--r? .I? I'O romroon to fair n?tlie ?trr? ! mm and ?ta.a . 4 ? ; nun? i l f??? i r'nli? I ?'na ?tr-T? pi.? y??r ? 40910 04 BEEVES. ? ImlijM :. 430 ha?(l. ?'? i ?r? on ??> fit?"? opao-al ?low ' ut flrtn lo lOr M?tvr; cloa?. wrak. .? to ?h?.t- bUhai ? ? . ? per 1*0 lb I ..I? r i-??. I" ? ? [wr !. f T ' : DM lul'v? |a A O ? IS (IM? ?l?rr? ' !* 4. IS 1<?, ' I I ! I. I *V bai ' i-*r m, Jf ?: H Ml II I I orm?. 1001. I?. 11. ?is 14.?: II I ' ' 4 bulla ?< '???') 4 | ? * < ? 111. I \ a ' co?.. I?4. J' - ? !? . I | A Ca. ' IT W Va sttjtn. 1190 ??.-V 2 Im'il? '.'??-.* 5 I , Ml. II 3S- IT. Tit. 4 1 5 ??? ? . ?'? 14 j .?ftiml.r? i -'.. IT W Va ?1-rr?. L-M. ?9 '.5 SJ IvT- I I KrrTl CummlMloii <:.-i 20 V? ?[?? ? f. lilil?* ?' i .. ?*?? e' larlou? ? I < ?, ' ? ? , . ? 3 70?. J 15; I. IlJ. 14 ?a.,???? MuUm: S Wall?, m.'" l'a '5. 1? m, I ?' ?m? 'an < ?M ** i?; ' ? 8SJ7 I* M * ? I WJ-!lW':'' ?rlihl k Cn 5 Ml ;?n | 377 ?Ml, I en. 1*1? I*. 1?. I*:. ti 10, 4. ai. tl ?0. ' Sale? in Jl.OOO. High, Low. Clone. 16 LSd MS db 4s '31. 89 ? <V?7s luI.oiiK I rot 4s. .. B?t% 1 I, A N iron ?I? II: 1.. Ill 7 d '?.?'. 1 Mi.iihnt Ky con ?is t;i\ exetiiiit . 1 M K * T 1st 4s.. 76 7? i d? 2d 4?. 50*4 r.n% r.uMi ' Id Mo Pac eon fla... 04 :?! f. do cvt os. .11 30 31 I do 4s . .10 3H 3i' SN V Air H cvt ,',?.102% 102 IM NYCAHR dbd? fp.103% 108% lo.'l's 1 do rfg 4%s. s7 B7 H7 2 do M C col tr .Vfcs reg. C7 67 57 BNYNHAH cv6s'48.111% ,11% 11'.'? ,fN V Ry ?? :? :? 8 do adj ?s. 4ss4 '? ION Y Tel gen 44s BG lNorfAW r,.n 4s... B7% S7 B7% 103 Nor Pac pr h 4s. - | n do ni ... 62% 62% 62% ? Ore Shi L ref 4s. B8% B8% 88% 200re \V RRftN 4s. 80*4 ?? PRR eon 'l''.'" rcp.101% 101*4 101% IS do 97*4 97 !'7't l RyStSp lut (> 5a. 91% !M'-? 4 Reading gen 4a. 92 ;>2 I KM 1910. 94*4 94*4 94*4 ' ? 9 F ref 4s ?tpd . 60*4 60*4 60% 1 S F P .?. P "? 103*4 103% l":i1s ? 21 Sei I 60% 60 60 Bell T <<? T 5?. 97% 97% 20 So Pac rvt f.?_ 99*4 99 99*4 70 do cvt -I-. - 80% 9 do ref 4i . B4% 64*4 6 do S F Tor 4? . BO BO B0 9 So Ry eon Bs . . 91 H 2 d IARR 6? Bir d.101% KM '-. 101% ? 15 Third Av adj 76*4 1 Toi SttatftW 4a '50 I 1 Trl-Cy RyALl 4',-. 96 1- Un i' ?' .' Ist 4s. 98 '.'L'7-? 93 If? do cvt 1? . 80*4 B9 f.?% 3" United Ry Inv 1st .??s Pitt? i'Mie. . . 70 70 70 104 Un RRt of 9 F 4? 4P*, 18 48 2 y :? RedARe? fl?. 2?; 26 28 SU S Rafa 6 f ??s ,l?*4 102*4 .r.i U s st ?o] Bs, .. .1024 1 1 Virginian Ry B?. B 93 1 Wabash le? 5? ,10O*?? 100*4 I 2 do rf-ls CT ctf it 14% 1 I1? 14% 20 do rf 4s E<iTr ctf K.7? S? do stpd . 1 1", 14 11 11 WPT 1st 4a . 1*4 1 i lo 1st 4s CT ctf "'i 68 do for Cen Tr .. ; 16 do Is Col Tr ctf ' ? '_? % BWaah T.-nn 3%s. R0-\ 80*4 8 Western Md 4a.. I f, Wcstingh Kloctric a fd Bs .IOS1?. 105% 106% 40 doMfg etf of dep.H 810 do 61 full pd...ll- l ' ' I"','? E West Sh is. - GOVERNMENT BONDS. iturday. ? 2s rcvr '30. 97 '.'7 2s coup '30_ :-; 97 _ 3s res- 'Io.100 up 'IS_100 !? ,i 4r con- no ? 98 ? 1 ? I Il H 1.400. I 1 ' ? ? CAlVI - ? 4,1?: hei : Tra 1? ? ? i .. I I ' '? 4 I | HI! 20. 143. ? ? 4 ? I : .i si-. ; i 4 - ? l. ?18: 44. IS?. I ' I I I W Vt I SHEEP AND LAMBS. ? ' 1 out rar i.v lambs, SS lb ' '4. ? |9; 142. ti . t?; 23 1 t a ?hi ; I ? - J ? ' ' ? S I v. \ I ? . IS \V V? arftr.V". ? I s. ju a ' im ii ? ft III 14 Ml' ? JO; It ah-ev. 121 H SO I ? ? o !? nn, ' 64. I? 7 .1 ? II 'I - .'.? lam??.. 7?. If IS Writ I at fat 12 mat? laml?. It. ??to; }.i M). ? ar-rtt?. SI. I? SO; t j ?. ? . -.4 a > . -?? stats isa ? HOGS. Rcftlpl m?rVi?t ? . ?1 ?? ? ? : s: '". 4 ?1.3H. 1 I ttat? I p HO '.b. ? Son: 74 .4: lb. , 1? 4" |l .1? IV a i ?tat? l,tga. 163 lb, 10 ? , ?rt?B. ! ' ! I I ? 1 I alter?. I . . ? l ? i ? S i- ? ' ITI L.B -tilth? ?:t SHI.I.1 I > H?MJ?I - I | - a ? . . ? 4 : , Rf . , ?' ir.rn? '.I <?<?? ' ' ? . S ? and '? - > bull? ? . i ">. ral.e?. li.ta-rr ; I ? . 4 ? I | 1'1 taVJ IT I ! ? M I l.l .- ? < ' ? ? !? - ? "?' ' iiii T. sfratO tn ti.- t--vuii? 1 l.onla? A ? : ?Ml! - B? 4 a - >. ? -. . ? . > ? ? > Ciad/ Il ttlOiif, I PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Breaks to New Low Records for Season ?Corn Irregular. _. (.ENEK.U. MAKKET KKI'OUT. MM T?k. Au?TU?t 3?. 1015. I ?MIM. WHEAT S? Ira? r-cr U fnr tha ?aaaon ?.?-? trade In Ilia wh?at in?rr-t. v lien prlra? broke fharpl-. after an e?rl? Ma, un let leu? ? ft?! ?rlllli? Til? early upt'ii . i , d.i. la ? !.. <m ?' ?I''" ? ?n.l t.> itr?n?il. I? Hi" can i..ark?t. hut prr'iure . ' | ? ...halt too? ba? lm? ?pi.aran?. a,-;.l m th? ? ,? than a l.rat? caali ?Ml upon demand ?* ??J r?|ililly ?nil r'?.?.? I with ., --. at it ? I I I A lui .;, i froiii l'ai " a wn-it fr?..|>. . i mlumi ?ere ' '. .- i a lar?? . ni- . I Rural i?..T!r,| from ('?na.I? a>:.1 than ..?a an unroii- i it at I' ?aa ciiternplit ! a 'in . r ?lllni proilili.n ,,( am tariff law.1 . ,???<> l* anadian ?alirat oo rii? -atklal Kimm -r.p report p';a?-.l th- jlelrl In tl at Hate ?! ? . ', wl.i.-h -..mpared alth ii,.. I tat ? ?i I "..? local i inark-t V,> '_? r..| wlrrtaf wh?al ! , Iff 4 ?- i ? Il N 4 4 . , i.. urin, Ra 1 Nnrtliei . , ?nd Nu 1 Northern Mti.l : ' 1 ORN I'rt -arr.'t ?.lTir.r?.? ?tar a renl a liii.ii- i| ?n.| ? ' . : ?' .1 ? . ? ?'( h?ht ? and l i. -. ? wheat . . tl.? rlrar i ?u?nl a au!. ii.?w.T?r. an.I ?I IlM i'i."' of Hi? I? In %e ? . rrop ...\ rs T ' ? . ? ? ? In .ii? ?*?_. and I i_h martel wa No :t .' : a- .. a : N . 4 \ Lite I le, NEW YORK PRICES. latrrrrta*. ?miBllll . ll 01?4 |1 OT CHICAQO PRICES. Batrit ?Vrnat Open. Hl?h I/iw rir_e. d?y. ?i I'.?1? IMS IMH l.ftsu |?;ia l-at-mbt-r ,., , . mm i ".:? i ? . . M? i "", Corn rVplrmher . -?. : ? ;?u -a-? | ?'S', ?-_ . . M\ .?4** ' \ 3?H Ma? . . .bus PROVISIONS. 'rrar.'i ?r eurlr will: i while p rk k?j lu??r. hut ? ' ? priai ? :,??? ' I' ?4 ?! ? ' I ? > I'?KK " ? ? .1 - ! ?1? ? .. ? rlte?d?; ? . TAL1/1W ?!? ?,>U> -e?j> ? I . 4 . ? ? J - CHICAGO PROVISIONS. . Uw. Cloa. : a.4i : ii in COFFEE. r ' itr?/:: -..?i ? ? ? ; ? I ' : to 11 point? - . " liera ?i ..." I ? ? .? . ! ' | ' , I . a I ?.-. a' . :??<! but ?Tradjr . ?? , ? - I I; '4 ? an I Noil I l.?g I ?? . ? -'0 'i(4l.. ? .<? (?altad sut*, nil. to were >t?r. a_o. H?:.?e of i OPM ITI.-h Low ' Serteml si 20 6.17 ? ?i ? 43 t. u e _? ? !>' ruani ? ? i s ei 6 fil ? ?. ? ' : .\:_y . CM f U I.M I J'liie . ? ? ' 8K.AR FUTURES. r it m er - on 'he . . . . ? ? Bator M I. I t i I 1.12 II! II ? - . ? ? ? ? - J ? ? :.:.:: - - j.j.., . -? : - - COTTONSEED OIL. ?-f* ?fur a ?tead? nper.ln?, ?raknea? and ?t t: ' ? is 1st : wai ? a ? .... - - ! ' ,. ? "i t ? j ,.r?l ?Via:!, n H?l:g? ? ' . fa'.lr Open Hl?h Low C!.??? -?y. _ - i ? ; 71 5 69 1.61-3'. tl I?' ? ' ' . i ' l ci till ?i I.? . (OINTRY PROIHTE MAKKETS. . .-?. ml i9i*> BUTTER. , , \m"* Treama- ef?ts SI ?. - , I ? hl_l,?r a ? ' ? ? lo fall ' ' . , . .i 1-1 ? :? nr itiil? EGCS. g ? ? ; ? ? ' - ? .4 ' FRESH FRUITS. I I Laaket ^-.ic. eiot UJ?t- U Corn??, bbl. U<g%i.M; -?'it . 1 .1? . rarfl.r Ueftl It! ? 1*1 I ?IBS I . a i. la. ? , i I **,VSc_a\ ctiami -? - . ' ? ? . . ... anlrr. I \' Kin III?KS ??oart ???<? li ?M1 ?tltai !. til ?un in i. ata ? ? Koni I li-ltttar' a;.I Ma.tlari.l a?f??t?. Juni'.. ?t \1'' l( I Mi I .,? ??RANI . i.HAI'K Mu i r : ' ?? I: I . , RliO. J,1"1 sl I.?,?,..; I ,'.n. |14t2 2?. KmnuUi (?trlin?, Flotilla, II I PiiTArotS ANO VCQETAOLF.S. POTATiir.H. Una Island. bM. ll.Utftl.St; Irr ?? id. '?I. II ". II Ml. 1 [,f. "' , II 10; hhl. ?. ? 1 1 I OXICIX8 , || ?,; Itats ail J,'ra->. ?n, ? ll.'ll SO; usual, will-1 . Ml ar ,1 Va. la?. 25 1 50c: Orant? I I'oiinljr. r.,1. b?f, 1' , >?ll'). Tfll.rt 4 BEAN l'i?t, la?. ; ?<! IlKETS, Inpt off |'AIIIU',>. i-.Tlir. ne? i ? l'HIV J.r.r., ?..-r ' M I irl.nUI-.Hs. IVnt.r.l N V. -r?ta ,.f I ,| . ? ?,1 i'ITIM III U.S. ?lit?, - Itland Sl 25; 1 'l 1"?. 5" htHlinuaat. ink, ' ' .tin ,; i-i? I .... ???t? to I leratj, ! unen !" a I ^r?'?. ? lABBAfltS nsarbt., p^r '. I ? 111; Ell ll'LANTSJ. J?;.. v. i.i.rri i i. ?tala, 2 i / riK ? rat-. : - , - Srt'BIIKOoMS l?k. tl rfj -' OKI! '? Ii rler. 11-12. b?k. |i V. btk i.r rt '- 0 trr-n. >.'|. r.0,f?V, ral |l 2.". ??? II -,'i ; Inri . ? IS. r? i ?1 .,.'. Il a .lull? . ' ? II 50; RAD18HKS, . KOM UM.. Isi, ,.r <-r?U. f iNAi'Il. ' -?'.,1 ?811. M , ? . Ti i:\ll'- ,. i|l; rni?l,?ga. I ? I ? i IVATKi? ->-'. I1'l TO REMAIN IN LONGACRE SQUARE Morris Meyer Leases Space in 48th Street. Nelson, Lee ? Green have leased the store in the Apatit) Building, at 216 West Forty-eighth Street, just off Broadway. This liutlding is part of the Strand Theatre property, ?.hid. has been recently rebuilt,and the Studios, form? rly of Thirty-eighth . sre occupying the entire l.uild- ( Ing with thi Itore. The les ?'e is Morns Meyer, the !.ew ? Tors ?!: ributor of I Ipring field Tire Company. Mr. Meyer has been located tor tan years in the build? ing 1608 Broadway, th?- southwest or Forty-nlnth Street, which build? ing i . about to le demolished and a structure containing store? und a res? tauran .. The lease to Mr. Meyer is for a lei I of five from Octol eh ?late the new mezzanine and other structure improvement? will be completed. The ;s noteworthy in the ;'act that,! c ntrary t., ?he ? mal loi move northward, Mr. .'. main-' ing in the immediate section of Times ?r.y I.o K..r-.' has leaned f,.r th>, h Id Realty ?!omi r,> '?" >"? sud \V. Naumbi rv 4 l , for a tei of , :.tire sixth ami ten ', floors, 1,0 ''? r-quat', | orner of S Thi.? - of the large and ? ??mi iti tho wholesale clothing bu.?i- ? . Street and L'niv? many j ? Kiliman have rent? Mrs. S. ?I. i'. Pell th? four tor> Amor ba lement dw. Hing at 118 Ka t ? 11 ? i i ist A Brown Company hm store 1679 Bro to Harry an, living Parker and Benju inin Bweig for a long term of i,.r tl - if. Mark Realty Cor h floor at to Huplex Ei npany, j lie renr of the sixth ling, to Jon.s Pneumstic Pire impany, In.'., for the Aeon Real y Company. Daniel B I Co., Inc., have ? the entire building 29 Leonard ? to Clarence Whitman I foi a term of years. i ? t Bon have leased for the Eighty-n tion Corporation ?tore at 2412 Broad way for ten yean ' Burger, 1er. S. II. Raphael ? ompai y hat lea-ed for Ami a '? It! sti,r ? ?? reel for ?o M une Mi Laughlin; siso lrn*-. d for I ' the three dwelling 68 West 126 h Street \\ atson PI.on for a term of years. Gets Control of Loft. The i:<0 to 134 West Seventeenth ? ompany was incorporated at Albany on Satui i r ths a plol 50a ier of rec Mas A. Singer, who has held it 1910. Ths n .v eompany is eapi 1 tallied at $2,000, with John M. Bell, .:. Bogert as the directors. -? New Home for Brycc. De Hoi-! ,*. '',d for Ed? ward Stephen Rawson hi? p!?.... on i . I., iting of ther with dwelling, ? and improvements, to General who is -xcupying the . place this tesson. Mr. Rawson is to purchase another place, and I having plans drawn for a house which he in | tends building next spring. $15.000 Improvement. Plai ' ed by Ja ? ?ton loft Street . 1; A M? , pr< lent It | will i" ' ?'? with s fronts 25 T feet and ft depth of \M 2 feet, with a fa?ade of brick and limestone. The cost has been cstirrate?! at S'.-i.nOO. ? Sales at Auction. At 14 v -?Dh P Day JtTH ST. UM ? ??' ,, Ce at al; ni. ?tTH ST ... ??:, a?. ? Ifl mm. A I ? '..npl to Stp IfinLrr ni ?j \f'.-.-air."-.?i n a ca. 47TM ST -. . i .10 ? 1 -, . -, ?'?,._!? ; N?Jrl t-. a llT 1' ? STANTOM ST ? ?-y I rlfht, I, i5ii Lrswn. ?. Bj U*r"T ''?'* CR0T0SA IV. ? i ? t- '? ?tt-ynt O 1 1159 4". Ne? lUiilding Plans. '(It ? IB? PARK AV. I tat? - ; ! Il: 1520 ST. 4 , , :ut ? ? ? 1 lit taratf - I 1. Ilr?' II I UITH SI ? . ? i , !?:??'. . 1 Alt?ra; on-. IITH AV ?I .. . I a'-frxl imsMeai B rt?n?t. :.: IM d lesMttei t, too-. YORKVILLE PLOT CHANGES HANDS Institution Said To r>e Buyer of East 79th Street Property. SALE OPPOSITE SCHWAB MANSION BInK & Bing Add to Their Holdings in Park Avenue Section. A croup of three story dwellings, 208 to 21. East ?Seventh-ninth Street, ha? been bought by a John Patterson who, according to a report, represent a large Institution which will erect a building: on the site for its own use. Dr. Hans Rabenstein, seller of the premises No. 214, haa bought the three story l'J6 East Kighty-second Street, on a lot 19.2x82 feet, as a homo for himself. Hanna ('. Romaine has acquired from Lo Kuy Coventry the three story dwell? ing nt 2.V5 West Seventy-fourth Street, on lot lxx*?"2 x irregular, located aixty nin<* feet e;t<?i of West End Avenue. Mrs. Bomaino la also tbe ownar af the two abutting hoosea, al 890 and 292 West End Avenue, occupying a front? il., i'iy-six feet. Her real estate holdings at thai point now form an "I," aroun End Avenue and SeVenty-fourth SI - i ; r-? ?? f i v' opposita the mansion of Charlea M. Schwab, which occupies the entire block bounded by H i ? End Avenue, Seventy-third and ty-fourth streets and Riverside Drive. Several groups of dwellings in the immediate vicinity have been acquired for apartment operation.; within the last few years. Leon S. Altmayer has resold for L. Simon the two three-story dwellings known as 109 and 111 Fast Ninety-first Struct, which are to be altered into ran basement dwellings. The pur? chasers are Messrs. BinK &. Hing, to whom Mr. Altmayer recently sold the SOUthweSt corner of Park Avenue an i Ninety-second Street, size llOxl?O feet,: on which a twelve story building is just being completed, to the rear of the two housei just sold. The Xinety-tirst Street dwellings nearly abut on, the apartment and were acquired by Sir. Simon a fe4v week ago through the same broker from Mrs. i Henrietta A. Rosenblatt and the estate of Samuel Rosenblatt. Frederick Brown resold the Holly Arms, at (02 to 410 Weal 148th Street, a lix s'ory apartment houso, occupy? ing a plot 100x100 on the south side of the street, 100 feet west of St. Nicholas Avenue. The new owner is a woman investor, n resident of Fast Orange, N. J. In part payment ?-.he gave seventeen one. t4vo, three and six-family houses at East Orange, They are situated in, < of the town, the being located or. Carnegie le, North Fifteenth and North Street C. A. Westenreit, iat Orange, negotiated the trans-1 action, and .1 iliu H. Zieser, as at-' torney, represented Mr. Brown. The lli-lly Arms was acquired three | . by Mr. Brown from the! ilty I ompany, controlled by ? toe Larkin family, which concern se- , time previously from ; the Sean in. Savings Bank. Daniel 11. Jackson has resold through G hbs & Karlin, as brokers, the two apartment houses ?",; ai Simpson st., which .he had recently Th.? houses are 76x108 are in the rear of the Hunt's apartments, the largest six story tor apartment house in The Bronx. The property was sold to an investor for all cash. The new buyer will leave the prop? erty in th.? man.ngemen' of Sussman, 1 & Karlin. "The quick resale of these two apart? ment houses is proof of the rapidly in ereaaing demand :"or high type it, apartment houses in the Hunt's Point in," saya a real estate broker. "This property, bu:lt by the Simbar Realty Company on land which it had bought from the Henry Mnrgenthau Company about three years ago. was a forerunner of that type of apartment house now predominant in th" section. "Tho ..?? ? I.? xirgtnn av. ?ahwav will iiave an expr?s? station near 163d ?t., to which these apartment houses are udjacent. Ry the time of the opening of the new subway those, houses, as well as other apartment houses recent? ly Ltaished in this section, will it is thought, be m?>re valuable and will h-tve i? larger rental e I i,,' Sterling Realty Company has bought, from Avjcilo M. Boatwiek L'l vTaat H9th ?t.. a four story dwelling, on a. lot 20x100.6, located betwrcn Central Park West and Columbu? :.". The buying company owns the ad? joining dwelling at 19, having pur? chased it in 1910. With the new pur? chase the company now controls a fro.ilage of 40 feet at that point. The restrictions In the block to private residence? only are ?aid to have ex? pired, and the Sterling site will be of? fered for resale to builders fof apart? ment improvement. I'-irosa Company has ?old 341 West 30th ?t., a live story tenement house, ? 25x100 feet, for William R. Mtton, to an investor. othor sales reported yesterday were at ?oll?ws: SIMPSON ST. Joseph A. Blackner las sold for Joseph Zeller the eight family flathouse 1160 Simpson ?t. on a lot 20x100. located just south of Home " ANTHONY AV- Joseph A. Blsckner has sold for Max Millet 'he two familr brick dwellinir 17?7 Anthony av., on a lot 26x75. located just north of 174th ?t. Agents Appointed. ? Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd hare been appointed agents for the eight story loft building northeajit. corner of Lafayette and Walker sts.; also 30 and 32 Moore st., and laVM Coentiea Slip J. Edgar Leaycraft ? Co. have been appointed agents for the following properties: 405 East llith at. 32" 3274 East 122d St. 1S04-? Am?*, av., 104-6 East lflth st. ?nd 2"? West 47th st. I NKI KNTSHE!)APARTMENTSTOI.ET I NFl RNISHEDAPARTMENTSTii IT f DOROt-U OK Till: BRONX. BOBOCGB OF THr BRONX. Fordham Heights EXTENDING FROM MT. HOPE SECTION (TREMONT) TO MOSHOLU PARKWAY (BEDFORD PARK) West Bronx Most Healthful and Beautiful Residential Section in New York City. New and Up-to-Date Apartments Now Ready to Lease. SUITES OF 3 TO 7 ROOMS On 188th St., Valentine, Crest?n, Briggs, Morris, Tiebout Aves, and the 200-ft. wide Grand Boulevard and Concourse. High and Public Schools. Universities, Churches and Parks of the magnificent order. TRANSIT FACILITIES?6th & 9th Ave. El. Roadi to tSSth St., ! then Jerome Ave. trolley to Fordham Road and walle east to Con- ] course; or 3rd Ave. El. to Fordham Road, walk west to Concoursa?, or Broadway Subway to 207th St. am' Crosstown Car to tha Con? course. Also bv way of the N. Y. C. R. R. (Harlem Division), Tre mont or Forctliair. Station, only 20 min. ride from Grand Central. The new Elevated on Jerome Ave., now being completed, will make direct cunnections with ?th 6. lnh Ave. Express Trains. THE FORDHAM HEIGHTS PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. HK>T hlliE. REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 5 rooms, $660 - $720 6 rooms, $720 - $900 7 room?, $900-$1200 Perfect ?I'tvlre. O Wat Eat OS I'KKMISW. EAST SIDE. 27-29 EAST 27TH ST. Dtvstrable as ' I ? ' I ' '""'l bath; ' I I V.l.NT HOS ANY TIME Irir-re stu ! loor with north lieht, rent ? Crnlkshavnk Company, ill iir.iii.lnay. PARK AVENUE, 550, *?&?? ; BOOMS * ? ?m, $i.iin-si,:-?i. I ?reproof- all iilarlit rlrvator. KEAL ESTATE VOR SALE OK TO LET C?NNE4 i M I I LAUREL BEACH RLL-IDENTIAL PARK. ,i'.i'. , T . r>K\ .).-. P.. It, STATIii". , Th? Superb Sta Sncra Kasort ?I Nf* England. . ?a'.- I I' i ' ida a..i ?. ,1?. LAUREL BEACH LANO CO.. in; Filth A? .. Laurel Orach. Miltortl. Ct HllltOl Ml ?IK P.KOOHLVN INVESTORS' OPPORTUNITY. \'T r.T HT"B. *?J I ?taut pruixrt? . . I r ?HEI.IiOl-RNE CONS 'it <~o ?j: ?? \ wrsT -.inr? ?THE MAJESTIC St. NI. hola? Av.. 8. 1. Cor. 143th St. 7 &8 Rooms & Bath Rentals $720 to $1,000 Large, light rooms, complete, elevator and telephone service. All modern conveniences. C\o*t to subway and elevated lines ?J.1?_M0N-ta7t<y Cor. Madison Av. ?_ 4 I St. Hill?14*1. : ntlna A-Tit on Prem.'?? 2i5 W. -lit St. ?n? 2:4 W. 32d St. " Slit ??trs?< to ? I Str.??t aa d hr>?.'.???? 1 1 ? btti.-?.. Ktectrlc U?__. _|jart_>-,'a <-f S-4-S-8 Rr ta? and llaih. J720 to 11.204 par annum. TO LET FOR Hl'SINKSS PURPOSES NEW STOREIi Broadway A 216th St. I'.i> ' 1.111.k .liiat Bring l ??npl.terl. LUNCH, CIGARS, STAT?uKEP."b?RBER 1 Block fr..m ?.ulula? -tatiun. MA Hi IN, A_.mt_, i ? m Ave. -? -.1 _ET. IllTJl?? -10 4th 1??.. In ??lono REAL ESTATE r'OR SALE OK TO LET I ?U STBl I'Uiil'KlilV. Count??/ Horn? lotarmatlon fraa ta protsj-rtlv? ?ay era L'-t coc?n fle..l 4 ?U, -rl?? V a?. ll. :..? Mantee S3 W. :il?t ?t. Tel Mil Ma.! PUBLISHED TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SUNDAYS. ? W. i. INI) MH.I.l - RIVIERA RIveeeM ? nrive, I .'.Ht fa t., 157th St. ]_ NO. BOOM-4. | 8 I? '.. atooasa. I Three I!... ? bucki.noham court Kt,:?:r Its KM ?Teal esta Stj, Two \,IJ i-iing l.iiersl.le !irl?e. I Bath? THE ROCKFALL 6?.::;'* K. F.. ( OBSTES. BBO .DIVA Y aVMO 2 lo 3 min m Bath?, RENT. M i ?It own Vrtl'ir? nt moderate rental. SI.100 to SI. 300. ?1,200 to S-?.?00, agent. A ' OtttU roulent m*r.. mi iirm , or M , i. i'!? ; LaBSSloa Hi ?'liur.'b Ml ? , ? 14? Catare* KL T?L ???90 Btrolaj? '* ?'h.irl- ? i: H ?- ?a. Morn 413? PARTI! il IBS 12-?tory flr'-priiof building; ?v?rr late appliance; all outat.l* lew of. Huihmn; ?00 fast to subway ?tntion Hlab-clasa el?v?tor apartment. iaaiB-e. light room?; modern Im -nts. t'r.der supervision and manag. : i*n?r. Nsw IS-tVlaWy flr?proof; perfectly appointed; auperb mtrinctt: ?elect and contented tenantry ARD LEY HALL ,,,.; SOlTHWKriT COB. MND !?T.. CEN 1KU I \;.k ? I.J.T. Elegant I h re? ROODIB. SI .000 t,, ?1.700. Fuper o:i pren. ' ? H 191 Park Ave. fully situ?t??! overlooking ? p?rl of Park. Newly ut and cour? teous alten.Unta, lo all reapscta ?.n Ideal horns. UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS 1B0..-IS">9 HVDBEWS .WE.. llet. Ue?t Hnrn-lilr IDll I7'?tli M.. Meal liront. S Orand R.i.ini?. Pul.. S3t to |3?. Oestlng FVld'g Cat. Owners, un Pren. I?e?. B?nd f Booklet Ju?t completed Parquet floor?. Tw > families on f.o - ?? St. to fnl- . verelty A?t Trolley, g ?anta LOREM f \S i UK MM AMI I ?l\ ?I .Near Wla?paea f?t. Balvwaj Btatlaa). 4 Room?, 5 lt.. m?. 0 Kan.m?, 1 Basasses. WAKRIN?jTO.N hall 4 Rooms, ^^^^^_^^^^_^^^__ I 6 It,,,,ni-, lio PIM 111 K>I IV, COR, ISIst ? Rooms. i>rar iHlst Ht. ?iit.wi?} ^iiiili.n). ' < Room?. THE PRINCETON Mt-StS M l's ! .Ill ?-I BEST, 1 lll?. ?i fr,on Kr, id? .t ?30. SS.",. $4i. S.V.. Sit. V.J. A- Arerit To.. 1?14 Cut KJlr.l St. EUvator and all Improvement?. AU nigh- ?er ,'icvnally larg?, light, airy room?. S large Especially Well Arrange?! l.o'.mv CENTRAL PARK WEST 9 Rooms" No. 261 ? e. n .1 N..rth Corner Killh St, Fireproof. *?'"?-' OBin? ROMAINE & LOYAL Biters..!* l)rl?e. IWHh to l?l?t St, sod "i..". M *?! I'.o'l' S1 4, 5. ?. I, S Rooms si,,I Two lUtb?. WINSLOW COURT, 8-9 ?, H\MII TON I" U W Lnrm-r \> e-l Itlst, Rooms s 1.000. $2,000" and up Ml ' to Sl.SiO , trly._ $930 annum KeOowell A Modern ?levator ?partmer.t? of hon. the b*??t typ? All ? 1423 ?"' ??? lioom? unusually Uri;? an I b??u< A\>- r finished throughout Superintendent on Premise? or Niaughtln a Co.. Adjacent lo Suhway and "L." L'netr-elled ?ervlc* A-l refeianc?? lr,dl?pe im APPI Y PKI Ml-I-4 'Qu?:'ty.snd Location tineicelled; , comfortable an 1 B?i are horns, ? -... t-.?irj?t..i.g or?t elaaa Et.-.ung A|er,t on ar?m. ?Pl.OM MSI ? boa ?t rrte.i .an Coa. Co.. 1*9 ?'VU Apply N?w but'.,lings, overlooking Hjd Bon a. ? . . . '.si ar ? a ?is prior to '.11 KB. AU rociTas I i'-ai.te Sunlit and apactou? a.-a a raise . t ? i ? A., ? ottV. ,.ii liittlsd. The Havemeyer, gg&m tts and I p. 33.? WKCT nth ST 88th St., 47 East ->i Kttr?, l h i' |..,..MI. SS5. Puperlnt?r.,!ent on Preir'. I Breadway. 302 Broatdwavy. ?h M. Hvprtatematl?? on pmsiaea. Best vsjlues on the Wut Side. Newly renovated AH Improv? l.ecorated to suit. Within one block pr?UI?at part of Ctatral Park; privat? house netghhorhood; convenient to all transit lines. THE ANTWERP IwSs Ka> \t S'.ih si ?n.l MISS Brnatlway. Woodstock S Locksley SOT-Jll It eat 130th Street. Estra rrisnged BaatM Three-four K-x,m* and II.Mi HENRY LONDON, I Exceptionally fin? neighborhood; MJ ^ ! eonvaala., to Mub.ay and -L SSO. OU ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ am Unes, beat valu? W. & HK-. I .N. ??0 to t-'i. iw .?i pf'.l ?t?tion. all ?urfac? and bus N-w high-class apartments: near T?iephon?. - o light. UOth St., 235 West; *'?? I-arge. light Boom?. S3S to SSat. HENKV I.HNDON Hroadway. Te.rpa.on? ?North M. lla-p: an at!?? ou pre Ualtss. Plneat leara'ion in H?rt?m; ?th and Sth Ave . - :.iee ata tlon wlthia 110 f??t.