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IRON MEN'S SPY SYSTEM SCORED Federal Expert Also Blames Workers for Violent Methods. OPEN SHOP CAUSED UNION ACTIVITIES Investigator Sees Peace in In? dustry Only Through Mutual Agreement. t'h 0. The United S Comm ? Industrial Re made public today the last of its re? ports The docu? ment troversy between the National Ki lation and ihe hit mat d Structural Iron \\ des were at fault, the govei ? Luke tirant, declared, and added that, in his SB shop was maintained the union would not es, although he doubted the of \ iolent !? ?? the campaign of dyna? miting conducted bj of the union. Mr. Gram declared that ploaioi int of "The ? ?" .in) not involve the International Bridgi and Structural Work. ? plosion was ?it who had been mad? other physical force," Mr. Uran; declared, "will neither Hah nor maint loyes. Fear ..' violence ?n I the destruction of property i ? mployer to make terms with a union against his will and bu gment, but he will break fron: -ne first op portui On tl ? lernen, when compelled to submit, performed their sullenly, biding the time when they could revolt, the investigator de? clare?!. Both siiies l ncompomislng. In the ironworl there was too much of an uncompromising at? titude ed. Tr.i ? ho?n by the after the sti i an, Com? pany offered to meel ly the demai rs. But then the ironwork? new demand, and the of!' thdrawn Later, when the union istake, Mr. Grant reported, and was ready to rom promise, the Ami ge Company . uncomproi " tude. The employers wanted the non-unioni shop, he declared ai a mattet of econo? my. Without hiring union labor they could -killed men to certain jobs ??? -lion demanded be per? form. ? igh wages. They also wanted to keep the organiza iting shops. The union ironworker wanted the union recognized i tei of protection, as m the busiest tunes he could employed only nine ? er, Mr. Grant f< ? e stated : "l- hat 'hat the employ ? in local union? at a time when they were ?ont racta with Saie?, unions. Thn' does not indicate that they had Bts in good fai'tl " did, why ??? i spies in the lo? cal union.-? Wl seek lections ir* t h?' unions ? Sps S\stem to Blame. "Th ? ? ystem bred suspicion among the member? of the unions and hatred employers is certain. 11 no' bent on troymg the influence the tune they openly why ? ?'T' by the em -ihle as was the ? the ?lesti ? rkers. al? though the' w and . tern on the union, ort to violet prop but it went a long a . ? em in "The cti'i ? prob ably I s rs are not 'he union. hey feel -heir tight. The ur.ioT. that view. With -rom ei cent of th? -inn on an open ghop ? ? that the iv ? rying to or, They iff', they l -event the ?pr< ,mlicy. "Und? lions there can? not be pi Fear of recur? rence ? but it will not move ? ? he law will ? twee: the union. Only tr-e recognition by each side of ) ?'. ! the rights of the other OBB accompli that, and both sides must ngree what those rights are ?ml define tin by mutual consent." HEAR MINORITY ORIEVAliC: Complaint? To He Presented al S? tomber Meeting of Ship Trust. l.oueks & Alexander, counsel f ?iaoiity stockholders ? f the Inters I tioaal Mercantile Manne Compai who ar? seeking to set aside the l ceiverahip ead thus avoid paying t as ? n.-ut of 12.60 a share propos by '.he b?>ndholders' reorgnniTa'i plan, announced yesterday thnt ih ha.i received word from H, ti. Phillii treasurer of the compafly, that t grievance? sf ths minority ?ill placed before the directors at a me? ing ?he second Thursday in Septembl The same objection? to the pli which were placed before the COmpai were nhn sent to Burltngham, Mor gomer) & Beecher, nttornevs for tl receiver, and the reply was sent th these matter? v. ere for the court decide. In the event that their pt result satisfactorily tl minority interests, it was said, will once proceed with their previously a nounced plan of bringing suil again the director? for damages to tl amount of 110.000.000. DROUTH AND RAIN HURT COTTON CR01 Government Report for Auru? Shows Drop in Condition from July Figures. Washington, Aug. SO, Drouth, fo lowed by excessive run..- m the cottc belt during August, caused dctcrion slight!) more than the Augui average to the growing cotton croi The Department of Agriculture ai nounced to-.lay the condition as 69 1er cent of normal, or 6.1 per cent b? low the July condil Unofficial calculations, based on go\ crnment averages for yield, conditio and acreage, place the crop at 11,817 235 equivalent .'.oil-pound bales, again; 16,134,960 bales last >car. "The condition of 69.2 estimated tc day, as compared with T5.3 on July 2i a month ago," Leon M. Kstabrook. chic of the Bureau of Crop Kstimates. sair "is a trifle more of a decline than ; normal. If the figures had been th same in to-day'? estimate as on July 2 there would be an actual incre;.-' There is always a decline between th Julv and August estimate?. "There is an estimated decrease ii acreage of 1,'. per cent, due to th? ' lapse of the market in the abnorma conditions respecting cotton during t h ? last year. The drop in condition per ; centage from 76 per cent in Julv to *! per cent in August is ?lue to the un favorable weather during the las month and the reduction of about 4( per cent ii 'he amount of fertilize! use,', m the cctton fields."' Condition of cotton bv states ii g.\cr Virginia, 85; North Cnro Tfi; S-iuth Carolina, Tl; Georgia '.': Flori . ibama, ft.r.; Missis r-ippi. I, ?'>?"; Texas. >;7; Arkansas, 72; Tennes.-cr. 82; Missouri -1; oklahon-.a. Tl; California, 93 AMERICArTsHIPPING SHOWS BIG INCREASE Record Growth Attributed tn New Registry Lau. in, Aug. 30. The Ameri? can flag now floats ov>r more .-hips in foreign trade than at any other time since 1863. The 1'nited Stirtes is r.g close on France and Norway naritime nation. .n- of the Department of Com? merce show a record inciense in Amer .-ai. shipping for the year ended June On 'Hat date there were regis? tered in the foreign trade 2.7?;* ships, totalling 1,813,776 gross tons, an in nips and 737,623 tons for tl e year. I? M call y all the || i ire due to tne new regii 'i v law. A. Secretary ? e l>-partment of Commerce said to-day: "This ?s about triple the increase in i registered tonnage for any previous yei.r in American history. Our reg I tonnag? is now much greater than at any time s,,,, ,. Ik,;;;, when we had 2,?2'"..11 i gross toa*- -m foreign 'fade. I- is many times more efficient, however, a- the steam tonnage now amounts to 1,273,067 gross tons, while m 18*;:, it amou..-(?,: t.. only 133,215 tons." RAINS KILT KANSAS WHEAT Yield Kstlmnted at ils.",90.000 ?.ushets, Ajrnlnst,700.000 Expected. eka, Aug. 30. J. C. Mohler, -ec retary -ate Hoard of Agricul? ture. ? ? u heat yield f? r thi year at 98,690,000 bushels, against an estimate of 115.700,000 hush ? Is in Julv and 188.700,000 in June. Continued rani' that made impossible the harvesting of tl.- Kansas wheat were held rexponsible tor the hi; ?r. the crop. Th? wheat yield is estimated at thir? teen bushels an acre, with ., |c . tuent;, per cent of the 9,449, 000 acre i plant* I last fall. The corn yield ted at 149,482,000 hush igainat 87,338,272 bushels m 1914. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS I P, irfau.) I . \ ,\n "i.i*;r n ? 4 KURT ?'a.I. 1. Mi'KKlswV It on ?I ll. a| lit Mil \ BltllM N in mrtMi i-. un;?.?. CORT I A\l> l'A I : ? I r a rsjB?a?i m ? .rr> w n ?vii mi Set? tied Ali .r; II T M ?MAN leu '- I -a?. ??rd. ft, V s"p( . ? ama. MOV? M Aiil;l\ ED 4 t Paul 1 I ' and K'.-44art, at SI ( ? ?I A l| 4 c ? Ml Kri'-a-g?. al Ifoiton; I ?o'rhi? ?I flatl, KV ??' ? ' -, ' ? Ran Fri itrr. al Cand?a : . tin. a! - . "??? lall i ?? ?? Port m-Prl ? in Pai Ii? ll M >. mini, at Ii. Ii '.at Cai., I'liarln n rfi Ik; Ralrlfh, at Ma I? : H HAU ?. . ? ... 4 . N' Hector. I "^'M-folk. l'ha?ia-.. a-a. A a A if .^ i?i . :a r rt n ??: s i ? ? ? | ,? nt? N II., foi Bath M* . i \| .! a ? N.; ? ..? .? i'a. ' S'?? mri D N?;< ri. K< N'ewpn Paducah. Kan .lu?n for Uli ' ? foi pra. Hi ?? ? . 4- . .. ind Tria-, II ' ? - ' I Par* ''?''??' I .. S. T. ?ai > J?- Un 4 ?? | Hin ? i ; - s| M MOND. , .i lt. \i;\\ vuKK i'i'i'N'rr. Micha? plaintiff I.UiI?? lljl ' ? a.laiit, act . ? ? Kummon? To ?i .,,.?,! defendant- T,.u ara aummon. i ? nplalnt In th- to ,?er\. a. . opy atiuiwe' aintiff? attorney ?ithin ih<? ??rvlc? or in? inn. mona, exclusiva ,'f tb. da} "f s,ri',a ?nrl In ci.?' ? .... . r you lo ,ie fauTt, fui th?. reliai demanded In ',.' ? plaint D ?'?!. City of n Jll.Ii - 11 ?HN i ? " i Addn-aa .\" ??O Broad ara) Boroucta of i'v ,,i N?w v,,ik. . tu.lak Th? f? ? lumsim i upon y.'u i > pu nun. pursuant t- af th, Hon and .lu it, tl.. ' ? ? ? n ,.f Ni ? Y'jrk C th? County Court Hou??, ?n t lia- H,,r?.uni, <>f Manhattan, i i\ ?t New Y,,ik. m tir. ?th da) ?? ?ugusi I)?t,-l. Ne? Y'.rh, ?th JULIUS HAHN. Attorney for Plaintiff, 3.'1 Hr..?.I??), Bor- i uuah of Minhatttn. City of N?w Tor?. I SI RROGATE'S NO ?H ES. rilVl'i:. WIIX?AM HENRI P IN PUR ilar. a Surrosata of th? Count?, of .\>w ? l . Henr? P. Phyfe. '?>'' "f "?" ' '??"!-'-' "' Ne?? York. ?i. lu prraonl th? mm.' ?nri nu v ?t h*r p a ? of tisnsarl : t. u at the ol j k G W r. rtifl No ISS Broadway, In the Clt) ' f N< m York, on or befiir m? lltb da) ' ' -' neat, lmi? il .Ni? York, the "Sth day of March, jjlS, EDITH H PHTFE, Admlnlatratrla. ri.KDRRirK s WOODRUFF*, Attorney foi Admlnlatratrla 1(1 Broadway, Hor ough of Manhattan. N<w York i ?N l'IKH i.Nt'E OT AN ORDER OF HON orabl? John H Coljalan, a Berrocal? of N ? fort hereby (Ivon to all peraona having c la Uni against j Kllaabeth Fullick. lal? of th? Cow \,-u ', - . ? Bl th? Ham? j m mi vom h< to tiie ?uha ? at II.. : " im? I i,....n. i ' Mai ? in xi,, Toi k ' "n or i-> f ?e the u.ili ... obei next dai ol M*y. 1?.1J ALEXANDER BROU .11. i DWARD Q MAI VSiti, i:?. stors WIlaLIAM OOLD8TICKB1I Ativ for Ex ?cutora. 1(0 Broadway. N?w Tcrk. ? I OKKU.OM. Ri: ?ALKS. SI PREMK . .U It T. , '.,! \'| y ,i|- \i;\v Tork Chai ?? Lanier, ..>. sole ...u. i. in? truste? of ihr nu- ...?tci o. .i bi th? Sixth Section ut the i??i win ?mi feet? meal ,,f ri in e? ?d< laid? I. ? ? r-n, <? ? <?<?- d f." i ,. i. nefii -f r?nnj t ? ? .n, Plalntin igalm i .?lolph B. Mr .111,1 other? Defendants it, ptu suanc? of , ladgmeat ??< foreclosur? an,i ?Hie. ilul\ mad? ?n,I entered In Ihr shove, entitled ?.ii,,n ..n.i bearing .l*ie I hi da) ,,f august, IS1I i .in undersigned. tl.. re I r.-r m ?olal |odgm< ni named, ? m ,? ih? Kx< han I? - oovn, N., ml, Vea? Street In ih? Borough ,f Manhattan, Clti of Nea T,.tk, .,i. Ih? II I .1 ? of Sepl ember, l '?! ',. si 12 o'clock n,,"ii ?>?! ?Iihi day, by Joarpti I' Im. tuet lone? i Ih. premise? .Hi ?-. i.'.i b) said Judgment t., ba sold, and therein de ?cribe?! u follows All thai certain I,,i |,|.-, ?? or I> ? lan.l, '.ith th?- building? n.i Improve? ments thereon erected, iltuat,* and In th. ?'it, .,f .\. > rork m ih? Count) .iii.i .-t?te ..f Sea fork, bounded described a? folio??; Beginning m a i>,.iiii ..n the south? rl) side nt .'?oth street dtstaal i?,, hundred feei wesUrl) from th? Cornet formed by the Interaeetton "f Ih? ?Id? of 60th Street arlth the v\ e- ?<-i u ?Id? <?f letti Avenue, ai*d running then?-. w I) ?ng Ih? lutherl) ?Id? ,,f r.nih stiert. ? tf ,., e ?outhei ;? . paral Ith 10th I venue, aad pan of th? through a part) wall, on? Il un dit feel il..- Inches lo ihr .rnire lin- ,,f i he block ; th? . ?Vont the ? Un? ?if the block, and parallel with 10th ?v-iKp feet an,i thence north irallel -.lili i ot h Avenue, on? nun ? - ... ?)?<? ? ild ?uth< ii> old? ,-f .'.'Uli Street, ut th- point oi ? ?f . ginning Bald premise? i.Mnr no.? known b) h? Su-.| Numher alS*Wesl '?!. Street in,,I lies in th? block which I? designated a? Block No 10. - l-i Be? Hon 4 on -h. i -, Map ,,f th>- CU > ..f Nea Tork N?.\\ Tork. August MANT?N M WYVKI.I. i;?r re? HOBERT \v CANDLBR. ?Home) for Plaintiff. 4^ ?'?11 Btreel Borough <.f Manhattan, New Tork ?'us The foil.>m Ini lagrai i< prop rrt\ t,. be ?old; It? ?treet number I* SIB - ? ? Ken Tork W ? ?I doth Street Th? approximate amount of th?' lien or I . liuri?r. !.. aatlst) which th> abor? ?,>? ?cribad property la to be sold, Is Ji" om II ?.?i": Interest thereon from ih? tin da.) of Auxu?t. Uli. togf-tlier with the costs ami gnc? ?mounting 'o $.'4'..'.:i. with In from August !lth, I?1S, together nlth llir r\;,i!,h,s .,f the fair Th? ap? proximate amount of the ta\e=, i ?nd water rates, ?t other llena, ara to 1'r allowed to thr pu: out of thr purefhsse money, ,,i pai.i by the Iteferee. Is $4^4 ?'.. ..nil inlet?..' Dated New Y.nk. August 10th, I9i? MANT?N M WYVKI.l. r.efrrer Mi; COl'RT, COUNTY OF NEW Tork i...m. i- Lawrance, Plain? \.? |ph * hi? ilngei ami ott i n ince of ? Judgmei.t ..f foreclosur? ?nd ?ale, dul) mad? md i m ihr ab n (?-?!!! i 11.-.; a- loi bearing date thr 2Sth day of August i ? - ir ,.? r ?Ign? , th? Referee In ?Id nient nam d. will si ???! tlon, at 1 Street, In the Borough ,.f Manhattan, City ol New Y,.rk. on th. 21st .iaa> of Heptem lit, a: 12 .. . :...k in.on on thai b) Joarph P Day, Auctioneer, 'hr prem-? r?l ted 1 '? S* '? miliil.eiit to hr (old i ?nd therein des? rib? All thai ,-ertalti lot, pie. e or pal land, ? ii h lh< bul ding? ?nil in., ment? thereon erect? situate, 1 > !t.c ami In the Borougl <?( Manh ?an, "f t) of Nea Tork In tl.r Count) an,I St.,!- of N?a York bounded and described a? for,,? ?- n ginnli .. al i poli on the Koutherl) side of 50th Street, distant t?oi hundred and twenty-flv? feel a-eoterly from 1 ih? corner forme?! b) ihr Intersection of the ?outherlj ?Hd? ,,f 50th PMre' with thr, westerly ?Irle of |0th \\,nue. an 1; Mi. m ?Westerly, ? ?uthei ent) -tr r irrl ?'? Itherl) . par., rl with I \ - . ??',1 a part ed feet I > th? them ? eaaterly, a ? ? r - entre lln? of th? block, ami parallel ,. th jOth Btreel twenty-rive feel ami thence northerly, parallel with lath Ave? llane? through s, I party w? d feel St ? In? he?, ? t,. Hid Bouth? - of ??h Stree., ?t i - . i '?? ? of beginning. - .,?n b> th? ' Street Number M4 h'.m 50 th Street, and . Ih? bloi k whl? h II ilealg lated a? ' n:.., k Nil 1071 n Bectlon?4 on the l.aml I Map of th? liatrrl, Ne\. Yi.rk. Autusl 20th, Itlf MANT?N M WYVKI.l.. Refer'-. JAY A CA.NDLKR, Aimni.vs f,,. Plain? tiff, 41 Wall Btreel Borough of Man hattan. N. ?a Y?>rk City. Thr following la a ?ii??rani of 'tr prop ,-.'?? in hr ?old; Us ?tren number i? 5141 '.'. ?i' 50th Btreet, New Tork -.14 wrro 10th Btreet Thr approximate am-tu ,.f th<- lien or charg?. lu *.,'. if) a i. ch tho aba ? prop? rty Is I ? Is til the I r..i:.. together a-ltn cost? and allow? ' ns io $.'73 1 ?. ? Ith In? terest fr,.n. August I?, IBIS, logethei ..ith the i-xpenaea of the fair Th. approxi? mate amount of th? '. ?ments and watei rates, or other ?:,-ns. which are t., ir all,,we,i to the purchaser ..u' ol th? purchase money, oi paid ) th? Referee, la .4'.i. 40 and Interest l<a'e<i Nea York. August ,10th. Manti.n M. WYVKi.i.. Referee SUPREME COURT, COUNTT OK NEW Y,,rk - -Thr Mutual Life Insuranc? Corn pan of N - York. PI iliai Iff At,nu T n,?: n snd other? Defend No I n pui ?uan ?? ,.f .. hi.lB niaiit ,>f for? ?: sale. ,!u!\ and eat- red In tl ntlt led act ?'?., ami bearing natr the 24th day >,f ? i '? ; '? I, ihr undersigned, ih Refere? In named, \>ili srii ... pul.II. suction, ..? ihr Exchange Salesroom, No? . e-, n Btre? t. in ihe Borough of Manhattan, i'lty "f Nea Tork, on th? ... of Beptember, 1*15. ..t 1 :- o on that day, t., Joseph P Day, Auctioneer. remises direct? .1 by ?-*,.! Uni?.: he ?old, ami therein de rll.ed ai t ah that ceitali pi? .it s ireel of situate ?n the City of Nr.. Tork ml bounded ami described as follow? B runt! ., : .. point In th? Northerly line ,.f On? hundred anil Ixth Straet ,ll??ant nn> d sn?l eight) f? ? ? Kasterl) from the Northi - r of fifth Avenu. ,? i I undl > I at,,I s:\th Stre-i . t nr r s theme Easterly, along th? Northei of ?Mie humlrr.l ?hem-. Northerly parallel with Klfih ren Im he? m ntre lln? ??( the block . then. ? Wesl - ? r!> parallel a-lth C>ne hundred ?n?l f.,n> feet; ami ihenci Boutherly ?.?.i'h I'.ft!, ?avenu? and hundred feel ' ? ? ' i beginn Datei!. Ne? Tork Un . M ?.NT? 'N' M WYVII.I.. R? ? FREDERICK la ALLEN ?tton i | for pial ? dai Btre? ? Nea Tor? 'l'Ile reilowl I -. tram of the prop its ?tiret number Is I Kast I0?th s" l?li IOtth st Th? ?? l? amount ,,f the which th? ?. rihe.i propel ly I : with int-rest thereon from .he |)th u..? ?t Am. . ? . nei ? Ith coi - t . i ' together ?ith I m WTON m u Yvi-.i i . Referee SlRROiiATK'S NOTICES. IN PURSUANCK of dn ordei of Honorable John r Cohalan, ? Surronat. of th? County "f Ne. Tork, notlc? l? nerrb) t,.rn t,, all persona ha?tug .-?aim.? ?,, nst Cath? erin? A. HllfcS. la l ' f jiem Y'.rk. daces sed. to pre?enl th? -ame r. th voui her? th re,,f to ih>- ?ubacrlbera at Ibeli f tr? < buslnea?. at ihr of?u? ,.f their attemrys, Everett, Clarke St Ben? ennt. No II Wall Btreel In Th? Bor.usn , ,,f Mai,hat:., t \ ,rk. on or t.ef'.rr the ?th day ..f October next 1'atf.l New Tork, 111? .th d?> of April. Itll ?'Al.'i ER P ?I.ISS. iil-;<?H?aK K. AUNEW, Kxreutora ETERETT ?I.ARKK a BENEDICT, At? torneys loi ?-?ruton. 37 Wall Street, Borough of Manhattan. ?S?a Tork City. KOTIGE OF SAIE. NOTH E OF SAIE. In Ihr Mutter uf the Bale ..f Tni.l l'r.|. erl? under Dee.l ..f Triial ni IHK I Ml Kl? M al I I ?M? lalfll I ? <?M r\Ni m THK i \ii.mkiiv l?>\\ \M> ! TattVBl MIMI'AM. IsstsSss, ?l?teil , April 1*1. 1911. rtvfi i -i __? piece i Si I* l*M M paj . ? Um priii. ii...' ? im lia ""' ? ? a' lai.ruin ->r P,, i . Ha', rai T ? ?.????a ??! Hi,- I .,li..| 4\.,-,, . .| IJflhl ' ' datad April IM I'M I m a???! hy 1ft I ai.i "..hipan? i>. Iba uiulinHaid Tri.aire. 'I?'r,l .'?rrll l.i ISH, II . Mi' li U faul lia?."? ? f. a paitad ...' ?ton lia. Mira? ISI P* IS? ?''f' ! tal : 11 . a IBM 4M Md i ->?al>'<- a? ai.-r.aJi'. ami afir, tl.o liai axel al ai 'I .ltf?ul:?il l p-'.in ?pal ?um? ?.t i .. M n ?nlii n?;?-? lia J , I: utili-d. and ? i a- .1 " ? ir i pal 1 ?un.? i?; in il,,- Mtra law* il and i ilal? ill < ? a .1 , ' r | . ? , , t du ail payaba? :. ?....nUn-e ?Mh ih? ? ? ' Mid t'rs.I .?' Trun, aid "'? ??I"1" ?amuii of ? i , '-... ' .. , im? I ??? i.ii * H hi r, , ,,, M || . am ?-ill" | I ?f ill pM "?? I'' ?nniuB a n a-.-- aaaoani bakts Is b?Ib?jH. i pa ?Ml ?ml .mil.-. .|. . th? .|-n,v,|. I ?*?i4\ TI!K KAUMl-CS" ( 1'<A\ ami mi -. roMI'AXT. a? Trii?T- under '?'I I.' Triad ind rnaiiai.t la Hit :erma ?'il . .; a< .i hating Lern Ibfunle 'lui? Va'Mttll 'I ?s r| , ,- >r. Hie 11 ld-1? . "'-' ?aid i "i'? g hrrelijr |lm i atle? 'h?t It 'fl I. . ? ,. ?I Seplrn-.h -. IIU ?1 t?o , ,, i of Ihit <lai. a-I! at ruMIr aaartlo-i la in, l.ishe?: an.I !.<?? Mild?-. lbro?S? A.III?:. II Mali? A Son. Atattion ?. i .. ?I U* ??? .ia:ii- Katewaea? \'?n II a; i II . ret -, Sir???, in \ ih? ?onaigfc of Manhattan, <?t> an.| Cauntj ?f Ne? - ' Se? Y?rk. a'- ai. I I I "Jr lb? fol j toarlas head? and . ,,.,-i? hfld )?? It aa Tni>r .. i I'?*-! Ol Tni' a?? a>l IIM e?'|Te rlfllt. : r ?- i ??,??:..i. rla . i h?n?Sl ai..i r radr-apUM, n' -aid i alttd B'alei * m?m loi? ? 1 ... i ? lu ami lu . !i? ?afar, tl/. Parcel I : I , -j ? ii IbdUM I Ml.* ' -'' .i ArkauiaM '.4 an r I map?ii ? f Util? || a Con%olld?t?d HlaM i Mort gag' Gold H" '? ? ??"" >?' - ?? da? i ii.ruarj i ISI?. $*.iii"i ib-teol taring b> ihrir In ? am! ISI.SSS lbcr??l '?'"? bund?. ?<i'h ? pom iharvoa Parcel J? Two hundl I IWfntj St? I.?nd ? . i ? 4 ia>4 4\a'. i <;..| Mort(a?( H ? ruai I, I9S0, UM """ !-??' b?hi| 'I ?M 0"u i unpaid coupon? lb r?..., Farrrl ? :.,...$??' Il tare ol The lllrmli i liam IVater 4\.n.? .?an? ??? r' ? "i ' Korty Year Gri , .1 . . I. . | I - . . I IM.", i ? i ? m aiih .;. inpal. raupan* I Par.el 4: Slaty-all Ihonmiil ? ???? .0' o i dollar? fa.r UBOUnl of It? ?III? 44a'er Kuppl? .i five par cant .Mor?-a|?- Gobi II : ill il?tr,| lun? |, 1 P?O dm June 1, li>V^ m '.i all unpal.i ? lupoiii th'rot.i.. P?rt?l 5: ??'in/four thoimnd IIM.SMI So ?'? prlnrlpil fin- ?mount of The Bu'lrr Hair- _M pn.v Ato pfr on.i (io'ul Mortf?*? n,ir..1- datad Bap. tfMbcr I, l!'ij>. ,|iif Srp'.m'. r I IMS, "Uli ?Il un- ] pi i ... %jm ? iri?-i ? Pareil Si Om Irad 'inn? "?m i!io'.i?? i ?l>;.0ii0i doliir?. principal fa.o ?nimmt af L'Iinton Warar 44r-k? Pompant ti,' rxr cen? ?iol i Morisaa? H nd?, datad Aufual 1 ISll, dM Anfi?' i. ISM. itl'ii ail unpal.i roupon? ihrrfon Parrtl 7: 'IV.. bandxid ilsbly-thnw , 1 ' i ili.llir? prl!..-lpal f?> ? a*aounl of City \4a'-- i F Chaltl -.!?; mit l'on? Yiar GoM Mortaaso Bouda 'lainl Mav 1. mil. dix Mav 1 t?St. ? it la an unpaid ??jupona Parnl t: R!i Ihooaai I (Si I amuii.t of !.? Connrllartll? W?'?r I nm- . ,?: t af i ? ; ?ylfauta. o?" i l '.. .Iai?t ii. -Li..-- In i I :- n ? | ? '. ?I'll all '. . . ? i h?ren P?rt#l ?:?:.?? I '. ft? t.i.i,.lr?-l ?."in d'.liin p- : ? ? i Itlle ? , . lio 1 M-.rtca.-? i 4 ISll. dot April 1. 1 - Ptrr'l IS: fit : ? i u ??. i ? , . . af I a?' i 41 'if.?- i; ' ' n?v r-r .?M I-. ?:?. il?tfil January ? ?< ? m ..- ?. 1014 ?"ii all uirpal i Mtoa P?rerl ll: On? hui Irtd l??tr? Irjoaaaand (SUS.? ?liara priiirlpal far? amount uf i r.? ??'?-r r lira af Eaal St. l/>tn atM Grardta Pit?, Ka?: i ? i. fin pa i rt? War (1*1 Mi rtfaa? B II ialad Januar? ind IP I?' ,?r :-I ?alth all unpat'l lOtipo'U th'rfon Parofl 12: f*n Ih? - ' ?al .an pr,: .-I Ml fa. - amount of Gn: It? < II M?dlv I ?nd r?l I-? 44a'a- Coaipanj of Granit? C'lly. I,.:r."l4 I I liny Yi-ir (?o|,l n.. Ii 'lair.I Man h I, IM1, ?? ? Msrch I, ISSI. ?I Ii all tinpalii . uupoi.t ilirri-on. i Pireal IS: 0 ? lhau?and iSiez. ? : ? ?a ' Th- Hur.lltu? ? ? w ??-. i . mpjii? In 1.1 ; . lair ! Mai l ' ' ?, du? Mu 1. lil?. witt, a! unpal 1 KjU|ion? II I Parral 14: MitMti lhauaand HlfiOuO. rlollara ?. ' f Jopltn W a??- 44 ork? lim : a of J p!ln Mira irl ??? pn - ? F ?? Vcai I dua April 1. IM?, ?i 1th ?'i. uni - ? Pareil 15: H ? ?. I [tJ41 ' doll,ri 1 p?;.. \Vj|.r Work? ? ?i .lop In, MlMouri, flu- ; -r raal (1 1 M Til??? Banda, datnl Ortobfi I, 11-0?. due 0 i ?i'i a. . pal : ii. : ? -lirrfc.i Parrtl 18: i ' * . IhaOM I 5 ar? ta.? ?Bounl of h-iloil. ??'t w..ra- l'umpany fi?- prr etm Gold M-i'saio ?ll . ?? -.- .' ? ' lu? Dr rrabci IS, - Parcal 17: s.ian:??n Ihmnand l$W.0?n) dnllara ! ? Ipal fn' amount of Kokofao Hrrr N4'orka ' '. Indiana, tito p*r i ? :,f Th!-'* \?ar Gold Miftcaaa p. . ... Sufuat 4,?:-. : IWJ, wl'l. a., unpaid ?ouprr-.a I ami Parral It; Mnely-?tsM Ua ?nd i|??.ooi) dai? fa ? ..i-io, : of Kot inn Uarar Work? I rompu . f Ko i ' . a fl?? ptr c- ? Mortaaf? Honda dated Ju | I. 1910, due July 1. i K-'.ri. mu?, all u;.pal ! o i.poi % ?an pr1n<-1pa: fa. i- ?anuiil of Mu-ltJa \Vata- \\or:-a t ?npaii) nf Mu - i . Br? par ctnt Gold i Mnr'tai-- Bond dat*d O i bit I Ites, du? i itllri all unp/ , lurai :. P?rcd 20: 0 I Its I ripai I???" afnnonl of CIV? W'?t? Cniapan? ,.r Mari? nait* lin: Montai? fi?? i- Ii dair-i Marrh l lvl" dua March f. 11*0. with a!. I . ?aretl 21 iwo tlmiiMiid if.: in?) 'iollar^ p-in I dpa] fa? ' r Ml vrrnon R'atw \\r,rki ? \l> Ver non, Indian?, tire r ? - - ' : Stpte? I h?r J. r.i'i. do? .- pfm:.. r .. Ml, ??ih all unpaid ? Parttl 22: Tlitrlt thrt? tl, ,..) ,|r,?. ? lara pn ml of Th? Mi Vert? tri Ushi ? . !? ? ? r Corapani ?Ho ; ? .? . I Miirlf?(a Unndi .lai?1 Beptcrauei i. l?02. due Sep ?:.?..!. Parrel 21. Tarnt) four Ibouaaad IfM.M ?r? | fa -i- araounl of i. ? i i-, < .w,f t aotie 4' ' . i ? ' ? ? i ? ? riranta Port? Y-ar Gold fit? per rani b.?:..!,. dated I ?? reasher : 1901, du? l> ember :. 1141, ?m, a?i U'i ; j! I , Ihm? I. P?rerl 24: one hundred ?lity foiir !liou??nd '? fa. o ani' uni of r.i? C?o o: Na? laatl? Walrr Cnmpaio m I ..T'i V?-r.r Gold ?iMa??? Boude, .laiaj Juna 1 ;??;.. dua Juna i. IS: .un, all unpaid . - Pareil 2i: On? hundred laenij fi?? M ? ' loHan i'i- Ipal fa.? a'n.i. ? of I' mi, Berk le) i 1 Suffolk Water i "Oipai > of I'ortamnutti Virginia B" per ? | Pnrtr-Year Gobi Mortfas? Bonda, dan l S'oeembei I, ISO?, .p,- \-0 ? :. In44. ?I'll i Parrel 2t>: MltaM IbowaJ i II1S.SMI (!o::?ri priiirlpal fa? ataounl of Portiroouth Suhurbin Ua'rr l'ompan] o,' l'urtamouth, Mrgini?. rira per tj Y'ar Gold Mortsasa Rond?, diie.i .No tamier I I 4 i- ???.,, ? \ . I .?( ?m, ?|[ ui I . i up..: ? thereon. Parral 27: Ml i?., I i J 'no) dol? ?a-- prl pal lac? amount of P rtan \\ |irr i mpi 4 irgb i?. flte per mt Manias? M ' ?? eih?f 1 I ?? 11 ,,,- n rei *i I. ISSI. ?Uli all unpaid ? ? - Pareil 2?- PMIj ? In? IbaVAl 1 1 . .-. ill la ? amoimi of Tl, ? .?'!.-. t^p.rt \V?icr I mpaii) f .S|ire?e?K)ft. la.ulilana |,a pe. . M -?.-.,?- i ' . -? i '? I. altb all uupa i Pircil 29: I.n't? ISS.SSSl dallan prill' pa ia ? .n. U ' ?..- Shrrtrp rl 44aier \4 ?!. I'oroPlii) of Mir?trpo-t I 'ul-'ai.K Be? r-r | ?? ,.;. Bond? I altb all . Pareil :.(!. Nu.*-? - i | )?l f Th? Salnl Ji \4 ?let i < n pi' < in ?ta ?.t ? ' I I -1 ? - i Apr., i ISSI da? April l. INI alts a:: ai paid n ?i?.-.n ; P?re?l II: Two bund red flftj- inn Ui . ? M lollar? prl pa fa, ? mm of Tli? ?ph Water I . ?? . (?a per rani Gold Mi ? .??? I :? j.. | iKiobei 1. f?eS, da? >? ia p.fii rhfreon. Parrtl 32: Tm?nt) tliri?? th' .?a- ?! |] on?) ,|o|. ?am pill ripal I - \\,, Mia 4". aitr , ??.. ' 44 1 : 'a K. ?a, fit- ?a i |au ! roi i ^'?^ H Id 4! rtpaaa It dua N t.-nil'tr .. IS4J, ?u;, ail u . , paid raapi B? iherro;; ' P?rcel IS: Oi ?? bu Iril r , i j principal fiel , \4?i?: ? pa ' par? i ml l..rt< ,t.xr Gold lanuarj s, |?|J lue Janu I an 1. ISM. a ? ? ?? Parttl 14-1 :. ?? rha '.I ri' \4a-r iv.mp_,r ?re pel I ... I ? datad Jub l : ;e Jul-. 1 194? ?nil a!: unpaid , ? Partal 3S: Two hu'iir-l ?,.? lb uand iSSeS.SSSI '? I!- i -ir. ! \\ ,tar a',,i I.:? ? - Mav 1 ..fl: due Ma) J. lift:, ?un ai: n; . ? The ?aid ?al- ?rill ne made in the faite?las ? ner and u>ni the fol.-n: .f lorn? a . , All ei laid aocurttlt? to to be ?..Id ?in fir,, b, ? ?- ? lot and aa ? ? . . i ibm < ? ?: ?bo ha? r,'Ja.:a?| In the ?ai nr- . bIi aftai i ? ? ??,? ?_j . -i all ie otTcraiJ nparatarj la par,el? aa ' ? > bldd. r wfio ,|,,|| i.ate made a bid Wthrr foi ?.. of -aid a. a? ?n ei.iire't ? .- f. r Iftf par" u ar lirai. al,?|l ..- 4 ?a ." . Mdi eaSth aball | . ?*, ,, . raaala at i?le ? | I ?ball !?? re. tiled tr.m an? Mdder lor > ? . - ? ' - M '.he nn:e ?; ?ala aa a i. a- . . ?>t if lia ?? .eiaanoa. an irr fite per rent of Iba pri: oipai far? atnounl of Ih? borda ln-:udfd In lit l psicol dQai la .?ah r, n a check eer'lfiad b) a iiiUnnal o? ?ut? bank or I mat coopacj al'uaia la Iba Borough of Muhtt- ' NOTICE OK -WbUs. tan. lui .f \?,, r?rt and ?a Md **eU "? "" . el?..l f..,in am Mil.lef l,,r the ?.??r, l'' SSSUl ?hn ? ',?11 i,.,t lu.. ,|rr?n!ie.| .,,il, IhS ?sal ??llile.1 prt'" '.. Ike tn?. llie.l f..r ?,il, aalr a? ? BSSBSI 'hat li? i .,111 ni.i. ?aad , . i. .1 m stak I" <'??' "' "* "" ?-estolas) ihr -?ir. .' ?irrtiti fj?r tho.iaan-l IttS.SSe? ? III,er h .tal. .,r In ? ihStS , ertlflel a? . r?i,,|,.-i. ... |, ?,..!? I Sa* hi'l<r ,1p ?tin? IS? .m. ol .n laaasslM .?ISS.SSSI ?aSBaa. ?ai I Basil !.?? ei.tlik.l n> t.l.l ?n any parrel "t ? ..ii <.f |.ar. el? ?n>l""" ?i'1 "'?' ?" lb# ae. Saitlst u an entirety Any .|,|?.r -, ? rl?. -I ton. an? unaueretafii! M<1 ,f-r vail' lia ,,,.i,:..| , l.'in when thr prper'r ? Basil '?? aim.. <,ff ,. a .|..?,. e ? ?' a.,\ IM IB? aWaWaWalSi t'M'l" I ?'a'l f., hall? l?l In'" ?', agreement In arllli.? ?Ilk the ,i. In appropriate l?im. wherel,r ??? ?I,?II Mad liliueelf ?'? !?? IB* halan'-? "' Ms att St tt SU.WSSPJIlt. S? -- Wllll?? RU?at, Sr? \,rl. ?iiy. ?Uhu. laen'y (?0) da>? ; ?fiel i, ,,r .n.i, ?,|,||M,,p?I lime aa ii.? iiiiilrr?l"jne,i. apea rssjsaat, ma) "> writing ?II'" ? A ?...., b:,1,1er upon pa,ment In full ?f | B? seiikSII Stlst In Hie maiirr ?ml wllhln Ih? , .erh.l ?ttretl liiiil'eal. ?BSlI i ? ?Watase" 'o reeelt? kilter. ?I lb? ?,-, ..rllla? ?1,1, Ii II? aSastl h?" ?? | ; ,.,;i?.e.| ai.,i an !n? rumrnt ?f . nine)??'"' thereof m a,,?r,|a. ?Oh ItM |r,,tteloia af ?ll?l T'"?1 liee.l. la vtlibli referem? I? hereby m?fle. hi rasa ?a? ?tannfal kWdw shall f?u promp"? ?mi f? ' ika ? M i " ?I U m,i|,r n, ,,- USlfsasast I I MSB. 'he Mua deputlted bs ?ark Mdtkr ?i.,".,-r p?i.1 I? ?BIM?.??! b) . Ix.k. shall fcrtb-dlb h* - and ... :,,? pourrir sf rb? Tent ? I ..?. snd Trost (...?ipar,), aa Traati lb? aa',| Deed 4,f TlUSt, ii,,I a? a SI ? iip.Ni ?,. ii tii.Mer, bul aa llguMBtsd ?a?Bag?? sat r. r, ?! ? ?act l'n.4,?e, u brine ctpreMlv a?o-e,l Bf t '??ii ?r.d ?Ven i : ' kr ' In SSCB ??aal lk? >Um ] ? ~l I-, ?i, h Trust?? would tr? ?iiut'ai ".al hut I- ipsbla sf n,.-? M ni' ' the | Biet ?Ml r I'm iia?er? absll Ss en' tttra ht "?? ?' I Ippty, In mallnf psySBIOl of lb? ssirrksm - ...... ii.-m Milden ?saw ?, i. - , ? a? actes aad sn) -I a.I f.f Tout an.I al lb? j IISM ?( ?Ski ?alo rua'.irril anil unpal.l. pa I . m suturad seas I ? '? pnrp, ??? ?' I -. ?ajual i? snd i, ? limiting n>at arkfcS sksh ? IM p???'.;, mil ?f lb? '?' BtMcetd* of ?mil ?ale b i- liahl?t >,. ii.i'i? of ?ii'h ii'iir? sad saastii i?r iieir jus: ?hare ni that, cherartet ..f ?.r,H-,e,|, ,.i tola under Une ap|?,rr|,,i,ineni of and ?. .log .train? ?s h sel sjwssda sfts? v<> ? la'..?, ?bill , , ?? :...,.:?? for the payment In ! I i, , a ?ski sad lk? i ??? ?I la a i i latioa "' l b* TruM?? Tl..' r.f.ii'. !? reserved -n ??? .- ptTIJ of . r.-. - .. ? . .!.. ilef? ut In v^ ? - Hi? hi.,let tglied mi deiernilii? i? ?uffl, li-iit. ?r ?Uh . , that in) purchaser .hail fail . - | and tui.j n. prrfuri;, ?la) at lb? in ll.r ?grrrraent ?O , mm ?i ar ,rej?u. a) inm required , '.. i? eerfoiBwd The ,,n.i,-.?:?:,?,! re?er?e? the r.fht te sdj ?.". . . ti .? a ? ?!.?. .. la a 1 ?alai t,.?..i ? ::y or ?a lo : ? e| or |?rrelr rlieronf ?pri'i-He'l in liil? no- ; i.e. sud h. a. , usan luek aJJou,nel d.n. upon au n m lie? ?t It noir li, it? dl?i-retloi. 4lr?m ?uftt- | l The Mid UM will b? ma,I- SB-bJset Is ?H 'he 'ermj ar. : - SBISll ? I notice. l'a'". I? Mb, ItlS Till. lAHMI.I..- 1..IAN AM? TRI ST COMPlNT, A? Truste? uadei l>ee,l r.f Tru?' ,.t I : he.', Water ; at i.i(i,: Ctaapsny, dalrl April lit, 1911. II, 1. S MAUSTUN'. l'r-,,.le?it. | GEIaLEB. SOIaSTON A IKiHAS. Aimrn?)? for ??1.1 1 Tru?'re. M K?. I.ante Piar?. New York. N. I. NOTICE OF SALE. In (he Matter ei II.e >ale of I ru?t Prop erl> Inder Die.' of 1 ru?t of THE I MUD ?AII.K AMI I.K.IIT COM? 1-.\N\ lo llll. I UtMI.KV LOAN AMI IIIIM COMPANY, Tniolee, dated April let, lain. Dsfsall t,??!r? lasas pa" ?a April la?. IBIS, m , - prisa ssl ?nn.? ?! ,e snd iiayable 111 'I ihr t'olla'frai Trjai Uold \ e, ,,' ike Lnlt?d B'SIM ?ml UgtM ?orupan>. laud a. ? l>t,-l sf Truat oaf Mid ? .-mi a | ??. ?'.' ?i..!.-.?tci.r.l Truali? dalej ; and ..?.n .lefiuit bsriag reatlDued f,,r a |*n.-l ..f mor?, Hun tiir.? lil raoniUa after ,.?il |-li.lp? a'liiu ..sam* ,1'ir a: i paiati? n? af r.-a. 1 snd -' of ?all ilefaulie.1 ... sims .., ?, me "' Mid ii.i'ca nal aaan ,1 ? sjanded. sad till rajrillnulttg, and 'he prin.-lpal ? ail of tl ? ueU? i??n-i tad eauttnalbit lM IrSSd ,'.' Tr i-r. na?u:t s?en lirrriofnr? ? a | saysbt? III a U,a jir,,? l'-"l il Tru?' ??. , Hie ?bole am i.lit . . - f ?aba1 ? a ? i.otoi. lahH '.hereof, tnf.ih'r with li.i.-rrat tbtit a' ilia rate of all per .eut per ai : ,|Di la a ?- r> large am,,nut. belt,? In Jrfatilt, patahle and II .all a,'t?,i|l-. pajinr-,1 or Um ?am* ha? ?san - SOW, .in. I aii.mkus' l.i.AS A I. llilsr L'uMPANT. u TlaWM? m .1er ! a . a la:.' U, i lie renu ?' I . i ..- larrea?*, a...i hating o,-e:i taaraanta nu:> i '.., ?rtUn? i) ih? i.oi,It? of more th?n 1MC4I la aniou:,i .,r ?II aavJ.l :,.,te? la-'.n-U snd sutslsndlN herei ' ti?,? aettea thai It . M .'-.-?; Iflt, at 13 e'eka-t sosa >f thai u?). MU *i pabllc tat-Uoa m the hit tad l?ajt SMder, llir,,ii|li Anrlai, II M?ller as Bon. A .. in . ? .-. a. in, Ki l.mge .Sale, r, oui, .No? 1' an 1 lo Wir| rStreet. In lit? llnrouth ol Mariliauan. <'.') ?nd Cotant) vt New lork. Siaui of .New ?erk, ?,' ami i-ll CUlar 'he f, linwluf SSBalt ? , I ty It M Truatee u?, 1er ?aid l>ee,l . anrl all tlae e?'aie. rtth'. Ilile ajnl lnter eat. ? i?Jm. .1, inn.d, tnd t.enefl?. an.l etjutir of re U.-nipil, n. ,, ?a.U I i.i'.cd Waler an J Light ? . . ? .--<.'? a.i,l aaaigii?. cf. la and lo Ih? aainr. Its: Pareil II I te l,m. 1 re<i ai.d one ihoiiaai.el [Sjei,. . :?? lpt1 :?, c am ?...i nt Arkaaisaa ? , ttuapan) ?Is i^r e*a? Uold M-irtgage hoi ia 1?', 1 Juna .. I?l?, ?ue ? e, ruary I, lS.u. I ? ? '" Parcel t: Sll liuuUrrl tad i.lneij nine thouaanl ,l,..iar? (?aJM.OO?) principal fa.? aioount ot T|-.-> bnuii .gliam Water lt,ra? Ciupaii) H?e> per ,ei.i ^or'.) feu '. : M, rigage U :? ,/>! rebru?r> | all, lvOta. due Kebruaury 1. lf?4J. with all unpani Pareil 3: llltj-four i$r,4.??)0) MMUIIt "f iieiieinie Waier Suppl) Company ??. p< r ,,-:,! M,.rtg?ge Uold I4a,t, i?. doted .In.? 1, lulu. Une June 1. is.'.O. with an unpaaU , cuaipaaai I - Parcel 4: Eight) liner the US snd dol?an (Itsf. 4 1 :,,. Butler Water ??? - Uortgaf? Uoode. ,l?:e.l P mUei l, ly?o, altb a.1 Parc?l 5: Two hui.Ured tad iwfiiiy-ntn? tho.j. ' land lt. Isis ptin. ipai ia .? ?mou-.t of ? r> AaurCoaapoti) of CnattaUaoog?. Teuuta? ?a? ,- I 'i' Year Gold Mwigaga Uouds. dated .M?' 1. I'll, duv lia) a, 1H..I. vai'l, tal aiipai.l : cetisana Uaaraoti Parcel Si DM bsj Ire.i ar,i i,?e?,'v :ho>iaai.,l | II dollar? ptlnctpti ia e tamanl ,.f cirj ??In L'taapsii) ". >-? > Ui'ilr. ?tin liraiitie i u, l.aal St la.Ula. llllliliia. Sil lar ...t ,,, Ij?iJ M ... -laled January 2nd, l'jo:,. dus Jtauai) -i.'i. IStt?, ?Itk sil unpaa.l ceupoiu I Parcel 7; Tt-.lrieen tliouiand i|,?i| dolUia fa aoauuat of Taa Uuotlugu? Vtaur , i ,.. , h,- la-r .n;t ?;,,1J ?Inrigaf Hai.,,1?. Jate.l Ma. :. Isas, lue Ma> 1. Iji... aim ,,, u,,p41j Parrel ?: .Mitten laWakMnd illii.oOol dol?an principal (a, e auioun! or j.-pnn WsiM l\urk? ? oin ? Joplll Mlatourl. n?e pa-r .ei.t la lal. ,1 April 1. U'0". une Aprl, . , ? : . , ,',mi,i.. Parcel 9: Kigl.'y SUM thoiuand (115 n?i) dollar? I prtl Ipal I?, a?,.I .' Hie J..p!u. \\a'.-r V\.,-k, tolBIHUi) M JopUn, MUsOUai. B?e per rent Uolu ; Il .-< ? IM???! I. ISM, nue IK-to Us, ? i, a i u-, ?i.I coupon? i Pareil I0: aVeat) .. 1.4 ?00) dol but p'li i? '? ? ' hekoiau Water Work? ?'? Bipanj ' K a :.- , Tlilri. \.j: .,? .i Uurlgai?? Bond?, Jai.?l Asguai i "?r,, am Aug.,ai l.? Is ? .. ibereoa! Parcel II: Thi ? : lt),<M| dallara aain* rlpsl la?? an...,n.i .f I...I n,-i ' ati-r Uora? i ,,ra ? . Indian?. s?i o,-r ? e.,t, tir, gat?? U- Ud ?? ? I J.... I l 111 Lie J II) . . Parcel I?. Taltl) tlte llalAISaV I (| , prlna-lpol i?. ?? ?m.?! .i ?? Muucia \\a-.- u ,?. ,. > ol M', i I?, Indiana. n>? p, r cent ??g?j Mr,rt S?|e II . ? lu? i,,[o|?-f I I ,. ?II >,, Pa I . ?"I"'1 l>: tl . :.. e,i, ihouaai ,1 ?II ? ? !?'? IPOl !.- ar, , I ol lit, u?t,r ' .. f Mam nt? a?- pri .. M- ?-?- - ?'. i i du ? ? I . < Ulel . Parcel 14: I I auj . ItlSlsetl dollar? ? I ? Ml. , V\aler n r..a ? ? top? ,'t Ht. ,. rl,t u,. oaal Thl ? I -- U . M r-gage lt.?. 1, j4t,., s, I ' I. ?I'll ail un? paid - ??r-?,... Parcel IS: ;.-,.-. ;,t , | j - n?o) ,i0| .?r? peinripal ice I ? tVsiti w.,rk, . . i Merrill, u-. ??.,,.,.. St? per ?eat Thtrtt. 1" Hold H?a ?.- T?tel Match 1. ISSl. due Mann 1. l?.i. attk ? mpaU ,;- . . ibere. . , P?rc?l I?: n... hui.,lr->i anu lite ihouaan.l illo^ . . ? '? ? an.,.ii?l ..{ |-,,r., Herk., ? i H H ? u? t L'erapany, of i", . tirftnia, ?te pet real K.-nj >e?r ... i \\ iki, i: i.. . '? : ?? ?r,./. - i. r?H dut ^?. <? ? Ul .-a ?arci. 17; U ijl".',.??'" ? ?. . VlrgaUl* H>- ,?r .!.? !?- ; .,., ,,. ;., M ,.,.. I i.'ll. alta a,: unpaid Pareil II: Thtrt??l -. ?: O'io, .|,.ii?rl ' ? . ? -??'.?? ,i, ? ? M ? aa?- . laetass | Parcel 19: ?>-e botadrad anU SBcen ih<,u?a-,l IlllS.totl ptiua-ipol rae? asaeuni r; -n'i? ? Watet l,r., i,,ri,pan) ?f Hhretepon ? ? l tl .- ' ml l't . ,a'..l K,,rtt i,,! ., i Mertg?g? U :? d?t?d June 1. ISS3, JU? Juna l, IStS. wi'n *.l iinpai. ...up.. a ?:. Paretl J0; 0 II a i .., Prll,r. pa. ta,- .... '1 -? . . pb Wa.rr (?m. l'ort) Year ij,,!,! a? per rao, bond? lated Ar,ni 1. I90i. j;j, i Ijii. itnii ?:i asstautl , vopoi.a Uarrtsa P?/e?l ?If I - | . , pal fsee . , , ? Saint J.->epti ??aiet t . - J.aeph Mil M '<???' H ,, ,t?'r,i ' I i ?-'11' al'., a - Pareil .2 | ... , ! j<1/r ? - ??? : Th? Ui, Uta '? . K?i.-a?. nte per , ,nt |i,,i??, ? ? at ?ietts , ??Uli all u . . . ? 'herion P?/t?l Jl Sattj ?,,? tnouaariil (?t; OaM)) ,l?||.ra ???'"?? - A h:'? W'atM (.'oui . ? ?te . ? I ? .r .. ' M 'gag- | dstsd J?:.uary .-r. 1, IBIS, du? January 1. Ir,. . al. unpaid tsSBjaaaj iherenn P?r?el 24: Tamiy-tao tbeuaajid i|2.',H?i jol lart principal fa.? ataoust of Th? ?imo Watat ' NOTICE OF _A____ ,.?.,.,, a.? par .;..k. *t^**fJ,P^JSS? luii I I'M? due Jtii? 1. I???- '",,h *" ****** . aepa ? herr.ii Tl,- ?aid ul^atill he nude I" Hi? folbe'lng m?o rwr and upon the foil- v.lrg "-rrr? ?'"I .llllon? All of .?Id ?..-irllli? ?o In bS BaM ?III *** ?'" ..rT-r~l In ..n? lot add a? an en'lrtty ard H,er? ?fter. ?Imul.l ?ny bidder wh" baa i|u??n>'l In I? m?nntr lierrln.rier pr? Mad ?" MS??M, 'he ??.d ar, urillet .lull I* ..rTcrrd aep?r?l-lr In panel. a? gbata ItaatMl Ther??fi?r ?nr bidder fha *?? htm mul? a M I ?llhee M ?II af SSld v-uriMf? a. an enilre't M f. r ?ny pirtbnlar par. rl ?l.a I tut? ii.. rial.' i" htaraaaa lha ?nimmt ??< "_ ?ft and Hi- u.d.rllin.d WV\ ptl I P' Ih? ?Hh?* ' ' ' bid? ?1,1. Ii ?hall pn?l|o? Hie lerg?-?l ? pr, ..?..l? nf 111? BS bid ?hall h? reoelted from nnr Wilder for in? ?fragt? par.el who ?hall i" I lute depnalled wllh the iiinl?i?l?iie?l la Ih? tlm? ??"I '"' "''' **** ** ? pledge Hi?! he ?III rr?!.e feet hi? Md kt ' ??* ?J ha ?ere;'an. a ?'i anioinl ..|U?I '" ?t. tet .eut of th. principal laca ?imm:.! nf 'he l...i,d? incl'i'i' 1 I" ?aid petcel, either In rash or In a .lie. It .trifle.? by a national or H*t? bink or tritt r>,inpa..y ?llu a'e In lha Borough of Manhattan, CM} ?f >>w York, and no bid ?hall ha re. cited from any I ldd?f for ha rnlli- pr.ip?riv aha ib?ll not h?te dcpmltcl ?Ilh Iba iii'1'rtlgne.l pn- r M th? tlm? Bud '"' .n i, ..,:. a? ? pledge he will make |aod SB l.'d "r MdS, In rSM ..r It? ?.-. eplinc-, lb? ? im nf . A?.- Ibowand ? ?"- tinier In ,.vh or 11 ? ?tied eartlSad ?? baialnbarsf? pro t ici A.,''r dipnalllae 'ii? -"to '?' '??"'r fite iboMand itn.seei dallais ?? aftfsisld ?hall be rolltl?d la I. I .n ?i?>? par..! or louildi.a'iei. of ! -pal a' : on all fh? ????uri'l?? ?? ?" ei.'lrc, A ; dapaall ratalt?d fr?m ?ny iin?uc, e?afiil hldd?r ?111 he raf**rn?d to blai ?ben Hia property ?h?:i b? ?tiucfe off On a. .p:.v;re r.f ant b.d. '.i" ????Hful hid le ?hall fr. . ... Mel !" ?riling ?Ith the i:iil-i)i|v<: !.. appropii?!? form, ?hereby h.. ihalj Mnd Ma ? " la pay lb? balan?a of lila bid ? t th? offl.e of UM undertlgiie?!. No :': Wn.lam Si.',,-t. .New \ork CBy, within twenty "t-0' da?. ?fter ?mil ?ooeputiee. or MCh addlUoaal 'Im? ?? Hie Until Hl|IIHl. upon r"?|iie?t. m?y In ?riling ?How. Ant llllliaaflll bidder iiiio-i pnym'iii In fell "f the purchase price- In the ni period herein HStited. thai! b? ?titled lu re-?lte ? s ablcb Ii- shall ha?a ?o i ia | gn Inati ? van.-? therai f lu a.c.ii.Uiice ?Ith Hie protrtalona of ?a^ Trust Died, n? ?bleb wftiaoc? I? bereb] nude. In raae any (urrrgifa! Mild, r -hall f?d p.-orr.p'lt i ... ,,' 'he ,ihllg?llon? proflded i by him Hie im de ', I Id 1er. ?bother p?ld In '?a* or ?tall fnrthwi'ii ba and ih? proStttj of Th? i-'armeri' Leas ?nd Tiini Company, a? Trusi.e under tha iild I?od rf Tri?:, not aa a p<na;'* . I ? BUI lg .:<inl.t?'e,l ilianen ?uffered by met Tr :?'??. :? l.-'nii ?gri'.d I'V c?. Ii and i?erv bidder ?nat In ?m h ?ten 'he ll?iaap?? ? l p au, 1. ? - would b' ?ubataatlal bet Ineapabla of me?? Tlii? purchaser ..r purehasert ?hall he ?nlltlad to turn In. u?e ?nd ?pply. In making ptiment nf th? ? MM) In or from Mm or tl.em blddni . h aal?, ir.) of the m.'ei ?nd any of Hi?' .jup.,11? ieeure.1 by ??Id Ih-cl .f Trust and at th? Hin? af s?td ??le.matured god in paid, reckoning ?aa ue matured ..nipona for ?uch purposn a' a ?um equal to and not eiieedliig that, ?hlch ?full be p.\>?!<le out of Hie net proceed? of such tala to lha bald?? or boh|?fS of an h no'? ?ud coupon? for bra or their juat ?hare In Hiat .-haracter af ?uch ner pr,???<l- of ?a'c under due ?pportlon m-iu of ami a. counting concerning auch net pr" canta, ?fier prortolOC ?hall h?te 1... n made . r th? In riab .'f he ripeu?rs o. ?uch sale and :!ie ??-???liable conipri-iatiou uf the Trustee. Th? ngli' I? reaerti-l ro r>sell ?ie proper')' or ?ny p. rtlon Ihftcof u to which defiilt In pitm-i ? 'herefor ?hail I? mide upon ?uch setiet a? th? under.lgrie.1 in?y determine I? MlfSdaot. or ?rltbottl Botler, In Hie ctent Hill ?i.y purchase.' iliail f.i.. M omit pr'mpt:. and full) to rvrfnrm ?ny af Hi? ob igiiloiis In thi? notice, or In th? agreem" - .'?id bf t.lni ai afortaald. by him reijui.-ed to be performed. Th? " ler?:gr.e-i reserte^ rha right to irtjoun ? i, h Ml? elth?r a? to ?II ??Id properte or a? fo ?' ? parcel nr pareil tliere.Y ?peilfled In tliit "?atle? ? ml to tell span Men ?.IJourned day. upon inch noll.e I.? l| inn i- Hg dlserttlen .?till lufe le: ' Th? tal.I la'.e will be made iiibject tu all th? (?nos and , oi:? ii-icn-.a aaotahiarl in ih'a nolle?. Dali t Inly on, i'i-, TIIK PARMKI'.S' I.HAS AM) Till ST COMPANT, As Tnistaa under |(.-e| of Trust n' i- ?..; n, - S. Light fompiny. dated April l?t. 1*1? lu E S MARSTON, Prealdnit. (,. i.i.KR. ROUrrflN A hiiKAn Attarntya foriaJd Tnn'e?. :j Ciebang? Placa. New York. N. T. NOTICE OF SALE. In the Mailer of the .-?ale of Trtlal Prop? erty under Deed of Tru?t of TIIK t MTKI? H.ITKK AM) l.ItiHT IflM PANV lo TIIK I AKMKKH AMI I HI M t (IMI'AM, Truatee, dated Oc? lober lat, 100H. Iiefa 11 bardos t?k?n placa ae Ociaba? 1st ISll In Ih? payment of the principal aumi due and pajabl? on that dai i .?rtiln of th? l'ollateral Truat <: I Notas of 'he [idled Wiser ?..I Llgbt Company, laud Oetoaci l?'. ISSS, ??c'ir?.f hy the Iiee.1 of Trui! of tall I'.-mpany to the undtr aign*. Tru?tea dated October lit. 1WH, and ?uh default h?tlng eootlnnad foe a period i f m-rc than I] Month? and ?till continuing, and 'h? rThnJpal ?un?a of ?11 of the note? lsaue.1 and out ItgndlAg under ?aid l?ied af Trust hating been he.-"-.,fore .iu:t declare t dut ?cd piyahle in ac rltl ? r tlsloni of iild Deed of Trun, an 1 it.? ?h.:e ?nimmt of the piin.lpil of Had outatandlne idea, to wi! Klght luindred ?nd forty th.-uaand (IS40.000) dollar? f?c? ttlue thereof, to geDi?r with Intereit thrrenn ?t th? rat? of ?Ig per cent per annum In a tery larg- jm.iu.'.i. Being In default, payable and unpaid, altlnugl. paimeni of ill? ?tin? has been duly .lerna',ded. \i|\4', TIIK rAKMCRS' LOAN AM.? TKl .s'l COMPANT, aa Truataa u; 1er ?*ld Deed of Trust and pursuant lo the I. rim and pp.lisions thereof, and hating hee.n thereunto duly rexjuri'ed In writing !,y the bolder) of more th?n ninety per cent (?0%) In graottat of all the said notes ttaucd and outa'andirg. hereby glte? notice ih?t It ?Tail, N the ?A-MOth day of September, 191'., tt ten e'etaCS In th? forenoon of that lay. sell at public aoetloo to the hlghtat ?nd brat bidder. Illlungtl Adrlin II .Mu.Vr _ Son. An. Uo.ieer?. ?t th? Kirhinge MUriPKim. Nea 14 ?nd ' . Ve??y S'.-cet. I:, the Borough of Manhattan, rity and t ?ajnty of New York, s.j'e ,?? See York! all and Ungular the rollowlni bonda and ..n;o ? held b] it a? 'iVusfe.. under said Heel cf fruit, and all the cent?, right. Htle and t:,t?reai. cUlm. .?eniai.,!. and benefit and tqulti of radeaH ?ni l ni'.-?1 Wafer ?i.d Mgiii Company. Ita Ulf ?ad *--a'it:a. nf, in ?i.i ?,, th( ??me. ,U : Parcel I: lUght thou,?n.I ss.ouoi doUaa prtn ? Ipal faca aSMUU of Arkanmv Water I orapany ?Ii per < ? '. IM r-gage Bonda, du? February 1. ISSS, with all unpaid coupon? Uwraon. Pareil 2. la huodrrd ?nd tblrty-nlno th.'u??nd il.'.. O'lO i I'.-,,ar? principal face amount of Tha Blinilniliani s.ater Work? Company Forty, ?.??r Gold Mortaas? rlie per rent bond?, du? Kehruiry 1 1941 ?I'h all unpaid coupon? lb - Pareil 3: Kit? thousand 113,?WI liollar? prin? cipal f?,e aatoont .: Tha Butler \4ai?r i umpiny t\,K per cent Oold Mortgag? Bonda, due "-piem? ber 1. 13**. ?ith all unpaid coupm.? thereon Pirnl 4: Klght lb . J- lioliir? prlu cipau fa e an. uni ' Clinton Water 44 ,rk.j Com? pany of Clinton, loua, Kir.- ?i ??<,;- i, ,;<i fife ' ,( ; '?? ?Uftia? i. 1' j, with _l .r n. thanos Parcel J: On? tboHtSBd Itl.SMI lio'.lara prtn .tpa: ia.a ?mount of Tha Connellarille Watet Peat p?ny. of Counellatlll?. P*tiuiyltinla, Forty-Y?ae Oold KI.? p?r '- .-,..-.;., ?Uli all ucpa: 1 coupon? '..?reon. Pircil S: ?.ciru'i .ii IbotMl | ? j) ^r!. lira pr' lp? '?a.?. v\wr,r lomoaiit of Eaal HI LtWJll an . . K?i| s, ,,,,?;' lillnot?. rorty-Yrtr Gold Mortgag? Kit? per c?ui Bo da, ine Jaauaty .. 1*4A, -rt, a. anpakl cou . ? - Pireil 7: llfeen He '.?aid ij|.-,.f)00) Dollar? principal fa.? ?meunl ol Hi? Huntington 4\?ter I'ompali) Gold M, r'gar? lue p,.r ..-,.[ i,.? |, ]ue Ma? : ;.'V . ?lib a.i in paid ?. upon thereon P?r;el ?: aVenty-tan Ibouaand it.'j.i, , |,,,' Ian principal fa. c amount Jopll 44a'.-r 44, rki Corapa U ?. I ,?. \ ear Gold Kite !.. due April _i,.l. .'j?u. ?m, ?,| WjpaJ 1 "i.lMina lliereoi. p?reei ?: Beraetaaa thmiaand ltlT,SM) dollar? prl' , ipal face 1DOUI ' . f Tha I ; In 44.?. Company, ?i Joplli 4!n. i.-i <;. | M .r:it|r K,?? lu, ouober I. lt,4s. ?ah ?!i unpaid c.nipi ? ll ? Pareil I?: TMrty-oln? Ibouaand .fTtooni aal. lira prl..-ipa: fate ?atnunt of K mo \\ .er Work? .,f K.ikom In.iian?. Thirty-Tear i;., ,j Mortgag? Kit? p?r renl '.on'.a. due Augun . aiUi . unpaid eoupon? 'herenn. P?r.,' . : T' re? Iboaaand '|:i.fio0i dotlars prln ? !pal .'..?a am.-'li.' of h"Koir?, 44 aler 44. r ? ?any ,n Kokomo, Indian. 4|or'ga?? Kite p.r -.11 all unpaid , u , Pareil 12: Tuirly tl. u-an : 8te h i .p.liar? prtn Ipal fa.' ?moutlt of ifunet? M'glci ? ?I Muiuie, Indiana. Gold j|..rt i.g. 'r- per rent rjonda, due u.tober 1. I ?a g -, '?i n ? rri.n. Parcel II: I i-and >S14 0?.Mian principal f?. e an,, ui.' 'f itly Wat. r Wi.rk? Com? pany, of Mcrri H n?ii, rhlnj i . . , !-r renl Botad?, du. Mar, h 1. ISSI, ?un m unpiid .. Pircil 14 l.:i . . -$s oooi dollar. ..r t ? ipal t? I ? . ' H.- I |i> ,.| N.-.. I a..?. VA.?r i ..rap? ,? ot >>??> Caatta, Penntylraala, Port? -,.. Oold It I it ?kI IS41. wnn ai. ... || il !-re..n. Pareil 15: tVealy -n tboaaand itS>.S?Si dallan p?! fa e autoui h- -aiey 4 Suffolk Water ion,pal,t. of Portsiaotjlh YlrglBla Mi .?age Kite p??r cenl bootl?, lu? - I, : in ?im. ail unpaid coupen, tbereoa p?rc?l I?. Um ibauund (|l,?SSi dollaci prie. rlpal fa.? aaoonl "f Tl,^ Bh**e*p->rt Wat? Work? ?? Umtaliua, K:rvt .Moriga?? Gold rl?. c .-?i,irrul?-r 1. liyj ?nh ail '. , iheraoa Parcel 17. One btuvlred and tfij rite ihou.?n.| pal fa a .r timi Watel I ? ? . a. . - ,.e,e.T..r. . . Catiaoltdaled Kor'y-Yrar Gold M"rtgagu ratal iKin.ia. due June I, I?41. ?iti, ?u uponi Iheteoa Parcel II: Statt] la ..and (SSLSSSl dollars prtnrlpal face am..iiiit .1 li.e ?am: Joaeph Water . Mlaaotvrt, Faru Yr?r Gold Ktt? :?-r '.c.t Bonda due April I. ISll .... ?apaM tharaaa P?rcil H: >n" !? Ihoaaaad i|?il..4orji .mi,an 4\i-hii? 44?1er 4 pany. of 44., .Pa lyan.a- Tinny-Year ?leid ritt |M 4|j ;. i... i ?in, i|| un. , plld coui"Sll? 'her?. . Pare?! 2?: Thre? Iheusuil (|3 OOSi dollir? prtn- , dptl f?. ? ?m?unt ef Tb? Wichit? \??t?r Company. NOTICE Of HALE. |"' Wlrhlt. Kan??? .ll.iate.l Portl V^ar ??old Morlgaa* ??? pet et,l i..,. ?a ...,e V.temcan I. IS43. ?hl. all iinpal I coupons tiirrmi. I Psrc-I III Ten thou.?ml ?110.ooni dollar? prln ripai fa.? SBM m,' 4 The \VI, hin W??er ? ompai.y/ , fort) rate ?old M ,r?t?ge n?e p?r real usa??, 'h? 1 January I ItBB win, all ui.pahl .fiupon? tt.eraa.ri Parec? 11: Twrn?> rite l.m-j ar, I lltt'.ettl dollar? prlnrlpal fa. e an,,,,ii,' ,.f The VVa/ren IVa'er t.eaB ' i'?ny ?loi,I Mont?t? ?te |rr .en? bond?. d>i" July I I'?4?. will, all iliipal.l '?..upon? tl.?re',l. P?rc?l 21: T?., hundred tnd imeeAi ?tu 'hou ?mI ?tr hundred lltll.Mei <l?>il?? prln,!? '? - BSSOUM ?if The I'nli. I Wstet an,I Ml ' ' pal , . ,"r?l Morgagr ?'?listerai Tru?t <i? I ti? per ', d.j. May 1. IStf. ?It h ?II unpaid ? ...j|h,i,, til,renn I TkS ttl.l aal? will hr mad? hi tht fnllrattng m?n i i.rr an.I upon Hie following lerm? and > ' million? j All et laid ?e. url'le? ao t.. he ??Id will flrtt <? !..fT,re| in ...? M ?ni a? an entirely, ami thereafter. ?I.null any hl.l.ler oka Saal qualifie] In I ner hereinafter pr.third m f.pi, -I. tin BSM ?? ? urtllr? ?hall la ?fTi ml aeparalely In l< almm Bated. Thereafter any bidder ?Im ?l.a.l hat? ma,I? a MS ?Baa* f.-r ?II tl SsM ??? urille? a- au. tataret] ? fas sai satttWatsf panel, ahall h?e? tlio rl?ht In In n ?ae u.e amount of in? bhl ami th? underalgni-d till a,>ept tlie hlglie?' Md W I'll* wlih-h ?l.all ptarkMt He? large?! aggrrga ? I ?f ?al? V'< 1,11 ?Ball '?? re,oi?e.I from any '??M.r foi ?ny ? alngle par el .tl,., ?Ball not hat? -. - th? un,1er.It:,?I prior in ?h? ?Im? Bs?d for ?u.h aa." M a pie,If! that ha will malo ?jaM hi? Std In ra?ai r,f p. a,, ,|!?n,-e. I? aSBaSSM euual M f?t? I S?? i eut Bf the pr,n, 'pa, fa? ?SSStBM M Ha? bond? Included lu ?al., par. il. either In . a?li or In a . he, k i-trttBsd by a ne':,mal or ?tale hank or tru?t 'oiu pany ahuate In tl.?? I!,,much of Manhattan. < :', ,.' New York, ami no bid ?hall be re el" any bhl kr |, r UM entire property who .. ? I hato deposited ..1th IBS undertlgned prior to the . ".me died fur auch ?al? a? a pledge that tat will make g. ? ! , .1 r i ., ? ?? ' M ??????.' ame. Hi? ?uni sf Tweuty-rlte tkcussial (Szt.eet inllar?. either In task ..r In a , he k ,'rifle,, a? lierrlu!,tfore pr'Htded Any hldder .?epoaltlng the ?urn sf Twenty flte thnuaan I [SSS.SSSl I'llar? ?? afnreaal 1 ?hall b? entliled to Mil on tny p?r.-?l 'or <',,rot,iiiari<,ri of par.el? iriiiiiinj and on all ! the set-tirt'las a.? an entirety. ( Any flep.,?lt rer?l?ed from any iir?>|r,reai?ful Wi? de: alii bl r-turned 'a? hliu alitu Hi? prupery I ?hill I? lUajek off. ?in ?atteptsnrs sf any bid. th? ?ucr?strul bidder , ahall fi.rtbwlth enter Into an afrrenjent lu writing with the undersigned lo appropria'? f,,riu, whateby In- shall Mu! hlintelf lo pay the balaiu? M hl? Id a 'tie itTlatt M UM uiiderjl|n'.|. .Vu. 21 Will Ism ?lie?!. New Yr.rk Cliy. ?Iihlii Iwenty [Wi ?layi after surli a,,.-prance, r psdi add'.?l?nal tun? ?.. ih? undertlgned. upon r.'i'irjt. may lu wrl'lng ?,tV,w. Any |?SjCt?aafaVl bidder upon parment In full if Hi? purchiae prto? In Iks manner and el'hln the , period herein limited ?hail be entitle, la steals? ; dolltery of th? aerurllte? whl.rh he ?hall hate au , purchased, ?nd an li.airuicent of eontcyaiir? ' lu ?, ,'urd?m-e trttk tl.,,- protlalont of laid Truel i Deed, le which reference la hereby mad?. ! In toss any BUI ? ?safal bidder ?hall fall promptly , and fully to perform any of th? obltgatt, r.a pr ? tided In Hila Botica to be performed by htm. the ?uni dtpoalttd by lUek bidder, whether paid In ? aali or repretented h>- check, ?hall forthwith - ? ; hreome Sosolutsl) th? proporfy of The Farmen' ; Loan and Tru?t I'oruptny. aj> Trustee under th? ?al. I I ?red of Truat. not a? t per. n'y Impo.rd up- n ?u.'li bidder, hut tl ll'iuldtted damages ?.ufTcreu I ?u, li Trusts?; It h-i: g eiprraaly agreed by each and ?|erv bidder that In auch eter.t th? damage? ?ufTered by au.-h Trunee wouid be ?ubtitntlal bat li , apable uf uiea?ur?me!it. The pur. huer or purchaser* ?Ball b? entltltd to turn In. use and apply, In making payment of , the pur, haae money by or from h,m rr ..'.em Maiden up. .. au h ?ale. any of th? note? and any of 're , coupon? secured t-y tald iJeed "f Trust and tt th? Urn? Of >?ld Mit ma'ure.1 anil unptld. reckoning such iiutes ,,r ma.ureil ..oupona foe auch pur;o?e? ?t ? lum rajuai H and hot excrodlng that ?i.i t, ; ahall be payable out of the net procr?ala of ?uch ?h.- holder nr holder? of aurh or,!?? ai.d a fur hi? ir their put share in that chai a.a>- of au, h net pr,?e?,ils of alle under due nment of and a, ,-,,u ?'lng cji.cernlng auch uel pr, ,-e?d.a, aft^ protialon ?hall hate beer, made f, r the i?.ment In c?th of expentt* .if auch aalt I and reaanntble compenaatltu cf the Truatee Tlie right Is retened to rnell 'he prorerty or any ponnn tl.e-euf m to wlihh rjsfcull In payme:.'. : ilierefur aha!, I* made upon m . BOtlet u th? UOalenlgntd may iletennln- la ?uffklent. or without .?out that any putchatei snail fail nr Malt promptly tn.i funy to perfnrru tnt ,f the uhllgatl.nt In notice or In the ?gree'iun,'. ' ?o to he signed by Ulm it ?fureiaid. by aim -? quired lo he performial. 1 he iiridersigned rraerte? the right 'o adjour.i auch sa:e crier at to all said property or ta to parcel r par, n? tksisef aper,;>d in thl? ?IM t., tell upon au,-h tdjournr.1 d?t, up :. ?'i,li nolle aa 1! may In Its dlscre'.loo deem aufTkleut. I'll? ??Id ?tie ?III be made tublert to all tht term? and f. n i'.-i ?? , or/tlned In thlt noUc?. Ilateal. July ttk. 1915. TJ1K KAIIMKH.S- UlA.N AM) TBUBI CQHTAXt. As Tnia'e? i. .d?r D-r,| of jrxitt of United Wa-er A Uihi lompary. dtt?d Ostsbw lit, 100?. By K S MataUTON, rrealdent GaUXEB ltdlaflTOV <% ?ORAN. AnoaltafS for tald Tniare. K (??.Karg? Cace. New A -a. N. Y NOTICE OK SALE In Hi? Mutter of the? Sale of Trunt Prop? erty I ndrr Dard of Tru?t of A.MKRHAN WATKK 1VOKKS AMI (?I \KANTKi; IIIMI'VM to THt; KAR.Ml.ltS- LOAN AM) TBl'afX COMPAMY, TRl nTKi-;, Dated October 1. 1BI0. DafSWlll hating been ma.ia '-- ? ? rr.-,r!?age j dated ?ii'tober 1. IH1U. nade Py T!,a ?'allfornla 11*1', CoaUMny t,, The r'arm-r?' I/e?n and Trust l'aaatpao) ai.,; Ibbms D hn-i, a. trusti the principal of ?aid bond? luting leen duly de? ar- ' due p'.rjuanl to the potters '?und u the Trust?e? Is ?aid mortgage, an 1 jal 1 martgsge Imtlpg he--., fSCItlOSld Si?, de- re.- : . ; ill, ?f the IiNtrl.t Court et ' ?? I : ::a-.l s??-e> lot th? North. em lMMrkt M ?'ail.'' ri.ia. dated SI I .?:.', red ik iiii. r 10, 1914. ?nd the proper'? -,r.-e,| by ?aid I mortgage hating been ?old purtuar.t to ..a: 1 ,1. ,-ree at public au'lion on March 11 l?U, f ,- :,.? ?urn of K.njr hundred tl.ou>and ISteO.OSSI uollin. tearing a ,arge : " It 1 tht amount du? on .aid Loud- for irlmlpai and LrUereat, and the Truatcr? under aald mortgage hating exhausted Lie ?ei'iirif. pledged thereby for the ; a n ?n? cf th? .p. . ?teursd Iben ,. : VMKKI .as WATER WUBJCS A Ol'ABANTK ?<iM HANI hatlrg, ?fter drmtnd. faUtd '? pay th? amount ?till due and owing upon - .. ipont. paimrnt of the s?me bating been gu?r? ante,- 1 l y IV SOW, THK FAKMFHS- l.dAN AMi TBt'ST inMl'AVA ?? Trii.fK' snder .? I and of iruil | dated October 1. l'.'lO. made I . tall tsuilian \V?ter n'orka A ?juarantre Company and , ; to ti-.e term? and pr? i and baring bean thereunto duly rr,|ii, .led h. writing by the holier? of more than eight, per - .1 amount of all Mid bond? Uaucd a:. 1 o.ratandti.t. herein gltc? notice, thai tt ?111 mi Iba ?aeenth day 'f September. 19Ij, at four ?'clock In the ?fter laoon ,'f that dat. sell at publt auction to the highest and beat bidder, through Adrian II Mttlatf A son Aintlonivrv at the tlchanga .-iale- R . Nn, M and 1? Veeey Stpaot, l I i B? ? . Ma- htUSB, Ctti, Couniy ?i. : - > singular the following ?ha/. > b) it a> Tru-iee under -?I 1 tbt ettate. right, title and Inlere,! . I?im. dcstl I and i^netlt and equity of rckuiciiio:. of said Amer |,-an Wasatt Wi rks ? 1 ?iu?r?ntee ClvaBai I It? .uc i?ana? and aetlgii?. In and to ih? a? P?rcel Ha, l: On? stUUsn tl?? ! l$l.JOO.0>)0) l)ol!?rs par ?alu? cf Ih? ClaBi ? if liirniii.tnam Water K'orkt Company. Parcel Nt. Il r'. ur Bailla? M par tai'k ,f tbt cipitel at,aK of ?lt> V*?'cr Com- I pan> of ? IS ai 1 UrSI "" Ptrrel N*. ? 0 II ?UBalrtd thou tanj ill -?u.i.ihjOi dol.ara par rtlut I tbt Ml mon capital ttock o! I SB B'StS? torn ' ptny. Ptrcal Nt. 4: li>? hundred laWUtsnd iliOO.000) , dollar? par ?alue .,f Hie capital ?to ? of I'orta- 1 DttlUtb, MTU? ar. 1 S,ilT,, li ??'er " i.p?l.y P?rcel N?. J: ?fS? ?Mill?? ltt.tae.eSS) dollar? ,,4r ti' ,11":, .iPllli ?'"'? of W est i>i. Pr? ptrcal Nt I " ? r* ' ' ??ten thou ?and tlte bUil ."I - ! ? ;? in? ,?plt?l ?to.-? of Tab I? ? "?mo Land A ?Vati r Cot Parcel Na. 7; 1 > ? ! '?' Utd fifty flte ? ? 00) dollar? par ta ne of tl r T ,U. l'ai.? t?almou Bl! - l?: I ? '? n?ttl ?om .. Ptrcal Nt. I: Keten liundr.d .111. Ste Ihoutin < , j:. . :.. Ian p?r ??lui d M. .. f >,r-.' Si. ,,l.,,,..? a 1 Tarn l,-an5 tl ?1er Cower C umutny. P?r??l N?. t: fem ? ?nd rSJi-to.OOOi I . . ^?r ta.ii? of the ?apital ?tock of Tht It? ' pan)'. Parcel N?. 10. Kit. hundred rl ,,u?and lliOOOOOi dullart par talu? of the capital MaxS uf Arkatiaaw W ater ? , n.,a. > Parcel N?. II. Kl ptl talu? ot Uk) . apital Iteck of Hunting , u ? ttatci < ruapany. i Ti? ??Id tale ?111 be male in the fuhoamg man ?he following t?rlna and .un : ^ ? .. . -, ?o to be - : i sill i ? at . a , r a ei ?S > hereinafter p.-.t, led Mkl aarcurltl. - ?:, ., Ill p?r..'.t at SbOt e,i Tf...--: r a i? dde. ?no ?hall hate n,. e a bid ' ? ? or ; ,r ? ir l?e tbt right iu tta lbs ?iitouol i Is ?hi, , -?.an pr.du.c Hi? l?r|ra! ag?l ?ale ;r . No 1,1,1 ?hall !'' I'".?"I <'? i' ? ? bM l-r lei . .bell 'lot hate .;, ptatti i under?'?!,.',! PU"? I' a? a p.edte ?hat bt ?Id aBol a . a !.!?? re, ?a ? ... - k?r .?'.ne ,,i lb? -1 ares ,,t at . k l... ' sold P?r,.l. In ? .? I i , , a . '..?? I b) a uati "iiavi ?? StSlS '? - "' laTltSt , t..e Uorotlgb of Msabsttan, ? n> (j _?,,? 111 kg |e,e|,e.| ? entire pioprty ?ho ?hall not I,ate . \lltl, 111? undesigned prior to the Cm? ?., ?ueh -.ale fc a p.. ige that he will make a ? ?.?emt nt. a rertlSed a. hereinbefore l*o i third a r bid i i'e .nui of ? rite ihssatnd ' ir? ?a ?farcaaM - . elllltle.. - , a 'Omhllntl,,,, . | arpara I ? " ???'., aa ?a. entirety An) thpsSW melted trooj any u ? 1er ?III bt relume 1 In l.f.. . -..'., t... ir, i?rij w.,i: b? ?tru. k off ? ,-paa. BS et sat ' i ' Iks a,.? . t r". i '' -..Hi. lb? ;ii,.l,r- I t he ?stall llsnce ?4 in? tn.i ' 4, ,|,e * .'.leraltned N MreeU K?a A,irk, ill. ?linn. 1.,-. . t , after tuck a.-epiane?. or au, b add?t.a.a! littv? ?a ! tlie undertlgne.l, upon reajuett. may In writing ?U??. j alny tuceasatul bidder upon paynvaut In full of ' NOTICE or ?ALE th? pur. b?*e pr|., n p?rl<-l !H-re|i, iimlied. atiall le- entukt,] ?'- *** i d?llt?ty ..f H,- cwrttSeaia? I f _2 ?hi. h I* a,,.:, ??. ?, ??.,?? ? pr ?erial? ? .. . -? 1 . - ?""'???I Uh r? ? n-preaaftti roOM ?haoluta ' ?nd Tl. ||??<I i.f Trust. ? j. . ;. 'I'll ?al... ,. ? '?'' , * bidder ' - m- as'iremeni " ? ?a? Tt.? r?ir. h???r ar pel ? turn In, uae . d a,pi, ?h? purchase n - . lateral . . !? . ? ? sail a-aran see? lu The Fai Tn!_ 1 m** r-??rk_ dal? n . coupes . ' - . which ?ball la. p?>abk ?std? d ? "I' far th? pa ?"d lha leaaen? Til? rigid 1? l-unn\ I? . . ? tatst t)ier?f'.r ?ball V r.i.'la upr, ? ;? w< ,?'<:???' maj a fully to | a i?j si?n?i i,4 hlra ?. afore?? ? ' 'iled. Th? undent? ? s k? to ill ?aid pi , 'o aei; j ; U It may In lu dis. rrfl*. : Tli? laid sal? *UI lie ? > , , t?rrrs ?' H?'. ! | ,| ' THK KAUM Ht.*' I.uAV AM" Tl: as Tnntee m ?let ! >? " ?? ? A Gu?rante? ,-_ ? By : ! Mas ' GUJ.Krt ROLSTfiN S HO BAN A",-.... f? ,_j SI MMON8. EME i iill'.T ?KW ?/Ol . \TT -dime: I? Wohlfel K?'n?t Shepherd Ki Executor ai . ?? PP 3rd, S?r..i. II I- Knapp I "muhl, i George A ,-, ? ] DeFor-Bt. as Brtaeatoi ?f and .. .?-e? un j dor ;ho Laat will and Taetamenl r n?o I Jannn I >?1 , ?,??! . Margiret I l Knapp. Individually and k? Ex? -r.r. of II ? l.aal Will SBd ' :??rd s -:n?pp, -nd. a:.,I Itos.. !? Thcn.AB P Knapp, flereraret a K,.?pp^ Edward 8 Knapp. tri. Moa? ? <i Kn .pp. Harry K Kna| :n? b. bta ?:f.. .-.r.?pp j Hht-ph'-rd Kn.pp Del* ?? odstgrd - if the I..e Helen DoForaat linffln or I DeFot ' i\napp De Forest, Mingle it i ? l-M-.v Tru?' - - under th? Last Will a '? ST. I UrlfT: Helen Del I ? ..a Knapp Theodora I ' ?? 11 > - I... ' 1 Knapp. ,:? i-eaaed; Fannle J a Knapp I. ira : ? ' f th. i - : Kip! ?- 4 ; ? Beatrice Roi I herd K M . ne"' K Sammla ? - i t ? Loan v Trti ? ? I hn E. D. Oofl ?rthui : Hop i Off?. - ? ? of John ' r'lp- I. 'lis \\ ? ?'::<?? .1? ? ' John M. Knapp, i ? l?ra , ma-'.e Society, doing te of New ; T..rk N?v. P ? litan St-. - I ? ' - lie ihi>\<- ? ill p. ? to itereet In ?r ? tl : -? of the o ? ?1 - ? I ; - ? .p..n or title ? ? Iowa a era. if pert ? tereat I :?*l prop? - ? A | ? V tha a ? j . ..?n of '... ti ii.?wer Plaintiff? / of tin? oum ? i - I ? ? T > lha D< ? - ? ' 7 5? ? ? ih? ?Iv??. ? - I ... . . par? .?.il p or un>r tti m . Tha fore? ?ll?. Hup V'.rU and II le. I ??. , III 'I ? ' ? ??ii i IN? I Hate.i K? .... ? for Pia PROPOSALS .Bfc ;uZ ? t'omp ?? tl '?? 41 uh ? ? UCTIO.S 8ALBL _ JA' id A ', d?\ ? -m . ? ' 4 ... ?lagHiae 4 S JACOS UKNl-I.KR AI ITION I T I ' _ _J I. i ruidb t ?? ? :> . "__ Squavr? Auta' UB -?If? ?' a 'a ?a v?? ? Mta Tiu?. H Icf S I